#DID Positivity
Calling alters "alters, parts, headmates, peices": 🚫🚫🚫🚫
Calling alters: "those bitchass motherfuckers" ✅️✅️✅️
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positivitycombopack · 11 months
Shout out to systems whose abusers tried their best, but failed.
It can be so, so hard to have the good with the bad. You’ll remember the good times — the things they did right, the stuff you remember fondly — and think “it couldn’t have been that bad, if I still have these good memories.”
It can be. Two things can be true at the same time. Your abusers could have loved you so, so much, and done so much right — and still fucked up.
Shout out to all those with a complicated relationship with their abusers. Shout out to those whose abusers did their best to love you, but never could the way you needed. Shout out to those who weren’t purposefully abused, but still suffered.
Your suffering is seen here, and it is just as valid as anyone else’s.
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system-positivity · 3 months
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Shoutout to systems who have their stuff hyper aestheticifed.
You aren't faking for having a system journal be prettified to the max.
You aren't faking for having your systems simply plural incredibly in depth, with unique aesthetics.
You aren't faking for having pluralkit be decked out with custom emotes and more.
That's sick as FUCK!! kudos for having the energy to do that, you're no less a system than those who don't do that.
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I’m gonna un-fakeclaim y’all real quick.
You’re a real system. You’re the realest system. Look at all your symptoms. You’re clearly a system. Think about your alters. Yep, everything about your alters, you’re def a system. Your system is full of variety? Yep, you’re real. Your system has little/no variety? You’re real. Omg, there’s no way you think you’re faking. You’re so real.
No no, imma stop you right there, because I know what you’re gonna say. “Oh but this and this and this-!” That doesn’t matter. You’re real. You’re a real and valid system.
Anyways imma head to bed now, goodnight all you very real systems!
- 🧿 (Luc)
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lefluoritesys · 1 year
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No, you're not.
(Made by me)
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a-systems-positivity · 11 months
if you've ever purposefully tried to deny your system/"turn it off" and it still keeps happening, your system can't be fake.
you can't subconsciously fake something while fighting against it.
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osdd-1bitch · 1 month
plurality can often intersect symptoms of other conditions. Remember to be kind and patient. It can also make it difficult to feel ‘valid’ when symptoms fluctuate due to switching, splitting, and other functions. Remember that brains aren’t divided into neat boxes with no overlap!
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museofdeity · 1 year
being a system is going through years and years of abuse and torment. being a system is sitting in the shower sobbing because you don’t know who or where you are. being a system is losing year-long friends because they refuse to believe you. being a system is looking the worst parts of you in the face and going “i think we can change”. being a system is holding a child version of yourself and repeating “i love you” over and over again.
being a system is hugging yourself and saying, “hey, we’re gonna be okay.”
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If you need help with discovering who you are or you have a new alter you’re trying to figure out we made a short quiz you can use to categorize some basic things like gender, hair color and personality traits :) We found it helpful and we hope you do too!
FYI this will not ask for your email. You can complete it completely anonymously. To see a summary of responses you can submit then on the next page re-review your responses in full!
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positivitycombopack · 3 months
Shoutout to systems who hoard food.
Shoutout to the ones who keep food as close as possible, leaving it where you can grab it easily in times of need. I hope you can reach a point where food isn’t something you need to collect and keep and savor; I hope it can be a neutral thing one day.
And also, shoutout to ones who are ashamed for this behavior. It’s nothing to be ashamed for. You’ve experienced things that lead to this, and it’s okay to struggle with it. No shame is needed for this and you are sincerely not alone in this.
(And, as a side note… maybe check your food hoard to make sure no mice got into it. It might be time to do a good clean through.)
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system-positivity · 3 months
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Reminder that your trauma WAS and IS enough.
There isn't a scale dictating who had it worse and who has it the best.
If you're experiencing trauma responses, it was, in fact. Bad Enough. It was, in fact. Traumatizing Enough. You aren't faking. It is not all in your head. What happened to you was real, and you're allowed to feel however you want about that.
You're allowed to be angry.
You're allowed to be sad.
You're allowed to wish for things to be different.
You're allowed to be bitter about what happened - and in general, really.
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prettieplural · 13 days
Systems! Stop scrolling!
You should take a deep breath, relax and I want to give you some reminders.
If you ever feel like you're in over your head remember that that's okay, so many of us constantly feel that way. You're not alone.
If you don't remember your trauma, or the parts you do remember don't feel bad enough, don't fret. It was bad enough to you and that's all that matters.
If you ever get fakeclaimed I know it's so incredibly tough but it's so important you remember that those people don't know you, they don't know your symptoms, they aren't your therapist. Their words mean nothing.
If you don't know your headcount, you're constantly blurry, constantly splitting, that's okay! these things are normal when you're a system.
Never feel embarrassed of your alters, fictional or otherwise, your brain created them because it subconsciously thinks it'll help you. Trust your brain.
I know discourse can get you really frustrated, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with blocking someone when you feel like it's getting too much for you. Put yourself first.
I wish all systems, from big to large, fictive heavy, introject heavy, commorbid disordered, and every other system a wonderful day or night and I hope the world treats you with generosity and kindness ���
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lefluoritesys · 1 year
A list of ways hosts can be hosts because a lot of systems stress about it a lot, including us:
Somebody who stays at front the most, AKA the general definition. You got somebody here who you see most often despite there being many people in the body.
Somebody who stays in the body as default. Nobody wants to front? We have a person right here.
Somebody who does school/daily tasks. Everybody else is there for backup and to fool around, and while they help out as much as they can, the host will be the person to do all the daily stuff needed to function.
Somebody who takes care of the physical body. While you have soothers and caretakers, a host can be somebody who is also a physical protector. There are systems in which alters literally cannot eat, bathe, or sometimes even walk on their own, which is when the host helps out.
Somebody who is best equipped to deal with that specific period of time. Whether the host will change when that period ends or not, there are hosts who become hosts temporarily, doesn't matter for how long. The amount of time can vary from a few days to a few years.
Somebody who manages the outside world. And no, that might not be the same as doing daily tasks and school. Whatever managing the outside world means is different for every system, and is always valid.
Somebody who's been stuck at front for an incredibly long time. Whether they are still stuck or unstuck, they can still be called hosts if they want to.
Somebody who stays being the host for sentimental reasons. Whether it be they spent a long time at front beforehand or something else, there are hosts who can stay being hosts for pure sentimentality.
Somebody who is best equipped to deal with the outside world. And again, no, that does not always mean the statements stated previously. Somebody who is best equipped to deal with the outside world may be anybody, depending ont he system's needs.
Somebody who chills at front and lets others take care of everything. Whether it be because the host is resting or not.
Somebody who wakes up in the body no matter who fell asleep in the same body before them. They might be the default, they might not be, but brain makes sure to make them switch in their sleep.
Somebody who the system decided is host, and who feels like a host. It doesn't matter how often they front, because hosts being more often than others in the body is outdated information, and a label not all systems have in the first place.
Continue the chain if you so desire.
(Note: This is not about the desire to be host or who they are as people. Hosts are still hosts if they want to be or don't want to be, whatever sexuality or race or nationality or personality, yes, however, this is all about functionality.)
-physical persecutor
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Hey you, the system reading this. Yeah, you. I wanted to tell you something important, so feel free to settle for a second and listen.
You are loved and appreciated. Whether you're a large system, small system, a system with multiple hosts, or a system with no hosts at all. Whether you have high empathy, low empathy, or something in between. Whether your have one or two other disorders, or a larger amount of other disorders. Whether you're npd, bpd, or any other cluster b disorder. Whether you're introject heavy, or have little to no introjects at all. Whether you're diagnosed with a dissociative disorder or not. No matter what trauma you have, no matter what horrible things you've been through, you are loved. There are people who love and care about you, even in times that it doesn't feel like it.
To you, the system reading this.
We love you <3
-- Yuji 🗝
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