abluehappyface · 2 years
Starting the Yuyuko works today even though Yuyuko day is tomorrow because I know there's a lot to get done. This is yet another strings cover, except for one shakuhachi that is doing *wonders* by adding to the ghostly feel. I LOVE how putting this song in G key makes the little bits of Phantom Ensemble stand out more! This is so good I love it!!! It's so dramatic, yet it's not ominous to me.
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rubyleaf · 1 year
I see a lot of characters who isolate themselves because they've been abandoned and don't want to go through the pain again, but what I don't see enough are characters who isolate themselves for the opposite reasons. Characters who've been smothered and helicoptered and had their boundaries stomped. Characters who act tough and hyper-independent because they were treated as fragile and helpless. Characters who act like they don't need anyone because they were told they can't do anything on their own. Characters who lash out at people trying to express worry or offer help, because worry was weaponized to control them and help was pushed on them against their will. Characters who struggle with vulnerability because past weakness was used as "proof" that they couldn't handle themselves and a tool to take away their autonomy. Who sometimes snap even at loved ones because their brain auto-registers love and affection as being backed into a corner.
"I work alone" not because they've always done that, but because they've never had the chance.
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thecoolerliauditore · 2 months
just. leaving this here
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soli-nepenthe · 3 months
If the Stellaron Hunter Sunday aesthetic looks anything like the supposed design "leaks", I will gladly use my gems on Blade/Kafka rerun....
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titaniumions · 4 months
looking back at the time where i was super into sapphic period dramas ... still am tbh but i haven't watched one in a good amount of time, in general it's been a rare occasion for me to be able to sit down and just pour some of my time into ... watching stuff. in total i've gotten to watch 6 such period dramas and i have elaborate thoughts on every one of them. i definitely need to find more to get into
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iceskatingmobsters · 1 year
been working on my own headcanon timeline of owv's early years, so have a little bit about hornfels:
hornfels is just as adventurous and mischievous as slate and feldspar are when they're hatchlings, but is much less bombastic about it. despite their insatiable curiosity (or perhaps because of it) they're a pretty quiet kid. consequently, they're warned to stay well away from Danger Trio's wilder schemes and spends most of their time around the older hatchlings and the adults as a result. you know the quiet kid who was labelled as "mature for their age" but was kinda socially inept? that's hornfels. they don't have anything against the other members of their cohort, though; slate scares the shit out of them but they think slate is stupid smart, gossan seems funny and cool, and they are enthralled by feldspar's reckless curiosty. but they don't wanna get in trouble, because they're responsible or whatever. don't worry about the burns on their hands, they definitely got too close to a campfire and they definitely weren't messing around near the ghost matter patch again. for sure learned the first time not to be anywhere near the ghost matter patch.
they join in for as many shenanigans as they secretly can, anyways. those three are onto something, even if none of them -- including hornfels -- know exactly what, yet.
the old archivist/museum curator, gravel, sees a bit of themself in hornfels and takes them under their wing. gravel is of the firm belief that remembering the past and holding to tradition is what keeps the hearthians and their culture alive -- every archaic item from their past, every story has a lesson to be learned and is worthwhile to keep and remember. that isn't to say that they refuse to move on with the times, that would be a different sort of stupid, but to ignore the lessons of the past is, at best, idiocy, and at worst, deadly. needless to say they kinda hate the "space program" because the whole village knows what happens to people who stray too close to the geysers.
hornfels kinda loves the space program, which is a fucking problem. they start out as an occasional consultant -- they're easy to find most clear nights with a telescope, anyways, so they're Danger Trio's best source for questions about potential space travel who will actually give them the time of day, as long as it's out of gravel's earshot. and then it became hornfels seeking the others out, asking about their progress, offering their own ideas and advice and theories and and and...
here's the thing. hornfels likes archival work and history work, they do. they took gravel's stance that every moment deserves to be remembered and learned from to heart. but space calls to them in a language they can't ignore -- the call of endless discovery, of new technology and flora and fauna, and not just studying the stars on clear nights but being out there, with them, and maybe even finding other people out there in the great expanse if they're lucky. hornfels thinks they will be. there's a couple odd skeletons in those ruins in the mountains and with the expansiveness tektite described, there's no way those were the only ones of their kind out there.
hornfels stakes their claim on a spot as a member of ventures, proper, after feldspar blows themself up the first time (unfair of them to think that way, on second thought, that accident wasn't really anyone's fault) under the condition of utmost secrecy. which is fine! they'd snuck out to cause trouble with the others when they were really young, and the other three have been working in relative secrecy ever since the first barrel they threw into a geyser and got really serious about the whole thing. they're a lot more flippant about it than hornfels, is, though, because getting caught just means less resources and tighter works schedules, for them. for hornfels, not so much -- despite their disagreements on risk-taking and the price of progress, hornfels deeply respects and cares for gravel, and going behind their back like this is necessary and painful. they'll lose a lot more than a week in the hatchling cabin if they're well and truly caught. they want to tell gravel! they're going to, eventually. they're just gonna wait until they've got something physical and successful to show for all of ventures' hard work to bolster their case.
they don't get the chance. gravel dies a few short months before ventures is ready for their first launch, when things are getting really hard to hide. it's a silver lining, to not have to scramble so hard to hide their involvement in gravel's least favorite project in the village, but hornfels is crushed under the weight of what was left unsaid.
they find themself preoccupied with a new project, too. gravel left behind a veritable mountain of unsorted donations of old hearthian paraphernalia that they never got around to putting on display -- truth is, most of the stuff they kept isn't really worthy of display. it's too busted up, usually, or not particularly noteworthy. hornfels had offered to help sort it all, time and time again, but gravel had always refused them, saying it was their responsibility and they shouldn't have put it off for so long. they aren't here to refuse hornfels, anymore, and the pile seems insurmountable. gravel believed that every object given to them had a story and a lesson, and hornfels believes it, but they don't believe everything has to be kept pristine and behind glass to take what you need from it. it feels wrong, to throw away gravel's collected bits and bobs, but hornfels doesn't have much of a choice.
they step away from ventures for a week and a half, to sort through the old donation pile, and their guilt and grief along with it. when they come back, museum more organized than it's ever been, the grief isn't easier, but it's quiet enough they can focus on other things.
feldspar launches a month after that and comes back with a singed rocking chair. hornfels had cleared a space out for an entire ship, outside the museum, but a rocking chair is just fine, because it came back with gossan's ideas for new safety protocols, slate's plans for the next ship, and feldspar's wonder at what they saw, out there in the cosmos. hornfels learns what they need to, preserves what they can, and gets ready for what's next.
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I was on the phone with Tobin, talkin' bout how my great uncle died and how at his (Tobin’s) funeral, BEFORE, he's goin to tell EVERYBODY that I'm GOIN to say “Well, there goes a real sack of crap!” AT the funeral and to NOT get mad when I do say that
His words, “Mel’s threatened to say ‘there goes a real sack of crap!’ at the funeral, so DON'T get mad when they do!”
Followed by, “Can you IMAGINE how mad everybody would get after you said that?”
He's 53 and STILL ‘members the time I told him when he was in his 30s that I WAS GOIN TO SAY THAT WHEN HE DIES AT HIS FUNERAL
Like holy shit, this is one of the moments you KNOW that we're related
#that's a reference from The Simpsons that we would say ALL the time cause we had no wifi and would watch DVDs of whatever we had#and we had A LOT of The Simpsons DVDs (not the newer ones or the first two seasons cause we didn't really like those early episodes)#it was also cause Marge was SO annoyin in the first two seasons and would ONLY do that grumble noise SO annoyingly for NO damn reason#but yea#this is still a thing that I WILL fuckin do 😂#just WAIT till my twin gets up there after I say that#THAT'S when it'll be hilarious#we're so mean to each other in a funny way#but I also still have mixed feelings for him and that's why I'm literally goin to say that even if it does cause shit in the remainin family#he thinks that his older (by 12 YEARS) brother is goin to be there (somehow alive) when he dies and I'm just questionin if he's goin to die#early or somehow before his brother dies when his brother is 65 right now and if Tobin plans to die at the age of 70 when he's 82 then-#that's fuckin nuts and hilarious that he doesn't understand maths like that#cause I don't think my uncle (his brother) wants to live till he's 82 or even in his 80s#but he's got a good 15 years to go (cause he's also REALLY healthy and not in Bad shape at all like Tobin is cause of his poor choices)#and I don't think Tobin wants to live another 15 years to only croak at 68 cause THAT'S young to die at#so this whole ramble in the tags of maths in shit is just a conclusion that his brother is definitely not goin to be at his funeral to hear-#me say that and I won't get in trouble by HIM but MAYBE my aunt who's 6 years YOUNGER than Tobin#BUT I DO WHAT I WANT AUNT FITTY AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME FROM SAYIN THAT WHEN THE TIME COMES#sorry for the long ramble#ramble in the tags#I need to shut up#Shut up G#not DC#not DC related#personal#personal post
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kindacreepy-kindaugly · 4 months
I guess I'm kinda scared that he's my only shot at ever bein happy
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unluckystarboy · 3 months
I have a little headcannon that Bruce has gotten so used to people asking about his kids that he just starts sayin shit and genuinely believes what he's saying
Just like
Random Gala attendee: "So Bruce, tell me about your sons! They seem like wonderful young men."
Bruce: "Oh yes, my sweet sweet boys. Seems like yesterday my beautiful baby boy Jason came into this world. All fourteen pounds and seven ounces of him.'
Random Gala attendee: "But didn't you-"
Bruce: "God, it took five hours to push him out. But it was worth it."
Random Gala attendee: "but...didn't you...I thought you..youre not even..how.."
Reporter: "So Bruce! Tell us about your son Tim! Is it true that he dropped out of highschool and is now a shareholder of your company?"
Bruce: "Oh my sweet sweet baby Tim..it feels like it was just yesterday when I held him for the first time..he was so small.."
Reporter: "But..isn't he..weren't you?.."
Bruce: *wipes tear* "My babies are growing up so fast..do you think I'm getting old?"
Clark: "So anyways Jon's birthday is tomorrow and I wanted to know if you and the kids wanted to come? He'll be turning twelve so-"
Bruce: "I remember Cassandra's twelfth birthday. They grow up so fast don't you think?"
*Clark who's used to him doing this*: "Yup they sure do bud. So about the party?"
The bat kids think it's soooooooo funny until they witness Bruce looking at pictures reminiscently after patrol
They still kinda think it's funny tho
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reinabeestudio · 8 months
I've found myself back at Time thoughts it seems
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tiny-little-hobbit · 10 months
There's a Mardi Gras themed night at event I'm going to in February... *after* Ash Wednesday. Like... y'all.
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natalieironside · 10 months
So I used to be a pizza deliver driver, and that was pretty great for me; it made me feel like a video game character doing Quests. And when you started your shift as a driver, you got a wad of 15 singles for making change which was deducted from your tips at the end of the night. And this was back in the very early 20teens so $15 American just so happened to also be the price of half a tank of gas and a pack of Marlboro reds, so it was often also a sort of interest-free loan.
Now, a trope in pornography which was once so common that I myself have never actually seen a genuine portrayal of it but only seen it parodied runs thusly: A brave hero is delivering a pizza to some beautiful person who, upon receipt of the pizza, says, "Unfortunately I don't have any money; could I perhaps cover the cost of the pizza with sexual favors?" And always the hero agrees to this Faustian bargain which I'm sure must seem quite reasonable to you uninitiated civilians.
But, see, I'm making minimum wage. I have no savings. And I already spent my bank on half a tank of gas and a pack of Marlboro reds. So I'm $15 in the hole, and do you know what happens when you don't cash out at the end of the night? The manager calls the cops, and the cops come to your house. Mr. Domino is gonna get his $15 back by hook or by crook. I seen it happen. So if I accept the beautiful person's modest proposal, I'm mortgaging future tips against the $15 *and* the price of the pizza--which can get up there, depending on the order--and if I don't fix those books by the end of my shift, that could get to be a real pain in my ass.
Just doesn't make sense, y'know, from like a business perspective. Maybe it'd be worth a gamble. Maybe if it was like a beautiful woman who was a service top and also a werewolf, maybe you roll the dice and hope for the hard 6. But you gotta be risk-aware, is all I'm sayin.
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
unpopular opinion but dr shvetsky can like get it
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dan-crimes · 1 year
It's so funny trying to look back @ what my core knowledge of Sonic the Hedgehog games are and like I'm fairly sure I knew about the orca level, I knew abt the Chaos Emeralds and Sonic (obviously) as well as Amy having a crush on Sonic and Tails being like a little kid and I knew abt Eggman and that he wanted the Chaos Emeralds to power his machines and that he was in this egg shaped ship thing
Not sure about anything else tho like if I had any other knowledge of the characters (before joining the Internet) the only reason I remember that I knew that prior to anyone else telling me stuff besides my main irl source is bcuz I would imagine stuff abt Sonic and Friends based on certain songs and I know those were like the base components while imagining that stuff :P
#I only ever did it with Sonic? and it was like only a few songs it wasn't even like I was doing it with tons of songs#I guess I've always been particular about that kinda stuff the vibes gotta fit#anywayyy I might be bending my own rules a bit about the whole Sonic stuff#I'm watching like hours of people talking about Sonic but still not technically watching thru gameplay sooo#still technically don't know stuff... technically#I'm very much a come to my own conclusions type so I would actively have to see the gameplay for myself to have my own opinions#otherwise I'm just kinda adding information to my head bank#but not really forming an emotional attachment for it#since I'd gotta see it personally first hand#I trust people to tell me info but I don't trust people's opinions cuz watch 3 different videos with the same topic and they all have#different opinions about the same game lmao#plus in general I am easy to please so I might like more stuff that others don't and also in terms of characterization#everyone has their own way of viewing that shit too so the stuff I could see people sayin abt these characters could be just totally wrong#or right in their own sense! but maybe not MY sense :P#and maybe we'll never know 👻👻👻 cuz I'm trying to stay away from that still lmao#I will say finding out like super random shit that I've never seen ppl talk abt and prolly no one cares or thinks abt#and becoming really interesting in that to the point of wanting to draw it is very funny to me bcuz very typical of me huh#if you know the human Sonic comic just know that I do NOT like it but I do in the sense of like I could fix you#purely style wise but also they for sure could have told a better story there was some potential there I#I'm sure I swear Tumblr stop cutting me off ANYWAY maybe I'm not the best to rewrite it obviously but like I could still see ways#for it to be improved from a general standpoint lmao
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bitchimasnake-sss · 2 months
Hear me out:
How monster trio, law, killer, and eustass would react to their partner saying they're too big. I love these men too much
IM HEARING YOU BUT i'm gonna be so real that i CANNOT write law, killer, and eustass good. i am a incompetent fool when it comes to these fine men but i suggest @fanaticsnail for her killer/kid fics they're so good!!! that being said, i can totally write for the monster trio hehe. they're my loves <3
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𐙚thinkin' about: the monster trio! when you say "'s too big."
cw: pussydrunk!luffy, mean!zoro, soft!sanji. praise and rough smex. m.list
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monkey d. luffy:
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❤️let me be honest with you. he doesn't even hear you. do you think monkey d. luffy could hear you while being balls deep into your fucking perfect cunt? do you think he'd be able to hear anything over the smack of his skin against yours, his debauched noises and your soft moans? ❤️he's a man possessed by only one intention: to fuck you till either he loses his mind or you do. and from the way you're drooling and digging your heels against his lower back, he's assuming you're gonna be the one losing your sanity. but don't worry, he's not far behind. ❤️your voice is so breathless, so incoherent as he enters you that how can you blame him for not listening? your back arched, your nails clawing down his back muscles and your tits pressing against his scared chest. how could he hear your soft "luff, 's too big, won't fit." over all that? ❤️but when you repeat and he hears it, he loses all sanity. a reckless smile plastered to his lips and he fucks into you again and again and again. his hips finding some kind of solace in the way your thighs pressed against him, the soft skin bruising as he just kept fucking into you. smack, smack, smack. won't fit? how not. he'd make it. ❤️ when monkey d. luffy can finally speak, he nudges his head into your crook, licks all over your sweaty skin and grins, "what were you sayin'? won't fit?"
roronoa zoro:
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💚oh, you think man is cocky before? just wait till he listens those words that just tumbled past your lips. 💚"wh-what? what did you say?" he asks again, his large hand stilling over your warm, soft thighs, "repeat." "it jus' won't fit, z-zoro." you hide your gaze from him, and he thinks it's so cute that you think that you can run away from him while his large palms are pushing your thighs to your chest and his mushroom tip is kissing your needy hole. you really think you can run from him? cute. 💚"it won't fit?" he asks slowly, tilting his head to peer you down, "really, baby?" but you turn your face away from him again, trying to hide the blush across your pretty face. how dare you? you were so fucking pretty, and all his and even then you were trying to run away from him? this won't do. 💚 "why won't it?" he coos, softly bringing a hand to pull your chin and make your eyes meet his, "come on, watch as i make it fit." and he'd make you watch as he slowly sinks into your pretty cunt. a rough thumb on your pulsating clit, rubbing down numbers and various iterations of his own name as he starts sinking down and down into you. 💚as he fucks you into your third orgasm of the night, he can only ask one wretched question: "what did'ya say?" and you babble incoherently, eyes growing glossy at how harsh he's fucking into you, "won't fit."
vinsmoke sanji:
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💙 oh, what have you done?! do you want to kill him? 💙sanji had come to the conclusion that one day he will die as you moan out him name and clench around his dick, you were that heavenly. quite literally. but he didn't think that day would come so soon. 💙your pretty lips parted so prettily, wet core rutting against him so nicely, and wide eyes looking at him with such utter devotion. your lips quivered, hands on his shoulder, "s-sanji, it won't fit." "it won't fit?" he asked you earnestly, lips coming to kiss away your face and jaw and neck as he mumbled against your soft skin, "it'll, my love. you can do it." 💙he's the kind of guy to bask you with compliments, gentle nudges as you take in more of his pretty dick inch by inch. his large palms roam up and down your body, soothing you, and his hot pants into your lips as he bottoms out inside of you. "see?" he coos, lapping away any tears, "it fit, baby. now take it." 💙though sanji is so sweet, so careful with you, he cannot help but be a little mean as he thrust into your plushy cunt. faster and harder and ready to split you open all while his words were cashmere against your reddened lips. he grinned against you, wet words against your swollen lips, "you're doing so well. see? it fit."
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a/n: omg haven't written headcanons for these pretty mfs in such a long time. missed doing this sm!! thankyou @steadybouquetkitten for the ask, it was sm funnn. i'm out of ideas, so, do send in reqs if you feel like it <3 credits: @eirirnnn on twitter for luffy fanart; can't find the artist for zoro's and sanji's. please let me know! @rookthornesartistry for the dividers! tagging: @bokutosbiceps resident luffy lover :) m.list
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