brewed-pangolin · 2 months
Early morning workout Johnny who makes it a habit to run by your house every day at the stroke of 9.
He's got your routine down to a science. He's not a creep, he just likes a schedule. As do you.
He knows you'll be out on your porch by 8:45 with your cup of coffee. Just in time to watch him stride down through your cul-de-sac like some muscle wrapped machine.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy it. Giving him a courteous wave, to which he politely returns with his own and million dollar smile. Sipping your warm brew, his sunlit silhouette disappearing in the distance to turn down the next street.
Except it all changes one fateful morning.
You weren't on your balcony. No coffee mug on the table. Not a single shred of evidence you had been home at all, other than the car in the driveway.
He makes one circle. Then another.
And another.
After the fourth, he's running low on fumes and you're still nowhere in sight. And amidst the fog of a draining runners high, he miscalculates his steps and smashes chest first into your mailbox.
Hurdling down with a thud, a few choice explatives that alert the neighbors and jolt you from the sleep you had been so deep within on your couch.
"Holy shit! Are you okay?" You call out, swinging the front door open. Hair a messy mop. Shirt warn and wrinkled and a thick crease running along the circumference of your cheek.
Soap is nothing more than an apologetic mess. Battling with a mud ladened 2x4 and peppered with an array of junk mail and enveloped bills.
"M'good, lass. M'good."
"You sure? That mailbox is basically destroyed. You must have hit it pretty damn hard."
You reach down, giving him a hand up to which you are given the strongest grip you have ever felt. Playing off a wince with a smile, letting your eyes take him in while he brushes off a layer of dirt and grass.
"Aye. Bulldozed straight into it. Sorry bout tha'."
You have off his apology, taking a gander at the damage and mentally beginning to plan out the finances to fix it.
"I can get ya a new one. If ya let me."
His deep brogue interrupts your thoughts. Raising a brow and a hand to block the bright morning sun.
"No, don't worry about it. It's an easy fix."
"Nah. Please. It's the least I can do, lass. Besides. I am the one at fault ya know."
You hesitate only for a moment. The blue of his eyes mirrored by the sunlit sky behind him. Feeling a certain pull towards him, as though those morning waves had cemented a bond that was only beginning to solidify in the morning sun.
"Aye? I'll be back after yer shift. 530 right?"
You push aside the fact that he knows your work schedule as he reaches out for a friendly handshake. His grip less firm, more cordial. Gentle, even.
After an unremarkable shift that you wish to push deep into your memories, you sit out on your balcony with a refreshing drink in hand. Taking in the hard determination of your mailbox destroying neighbor as he singlehandedly hammers it into the ground.
You had offered to help, to which he emphatically responded with a solid 'no'.
"You've got good taste."
Your seal of approval is all he needs. Taking a welcome cold beer from your hands with that million dollar smile and a final hammering to cement the pillar into the soil.
"Thought it'd fit the style a yer home. Glad ya like it."
You begin to realize this runner is a man who misses nothing. His choice of mailbox color not too dissimilar to the one of your preferred coffee mug. The shade matching almost perfectly, only shifting in hue by the extravagant sunset.
"You hungry?"
Your politeness thankfully overshadows the sudden flush erupting within your chest. You'd blame it on the alcohol if he asked, but you know he'd see right through it.
Dinner starting innocently at the table, shifting seamlessly towards the living room and finishing the main course in your bedroom. Coming to a close in a cacophony of growls, moans, and the aroma of sex.
The pièce de résistance being the loud creak of the bed, falling to the floor in a heap of laughs and entangled bodies as he broke your walls and nestled himself into the chasm of your soul.
Under the Blue Moonlight Masterlist
Drabbles Masterlist
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bluecollarmcandtf · 9 months
Revenge Body
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The day he dumped my sister...
This is a photo of Eric the day he dumped my sister. According to him, she wasn't good enough to be with a hotshot architect like him! Eric thinks highly of his career and appearance, and he loves himself more than he could love any woman.
My sister had to find that out the hard way.
What Eric doesn't know is that his ex-girlfriend comes from a family of witches. In fact, her speciality is contacting the dead, and that's exactly what she did...
My sister summoned me, her dear-old brother, from beyond the grave and spilled the tea on her ex-boyfriend. Even though I was dead, I was furious with the man, so I agreed to help with my sister's revenge scheme. It might've been petty and unethical, but I was in! Eric needed to lose what he loved most...
2 months later...
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"He's fattening right up!" I sent a selfie to my sister, cradling the bloated gut that hung from my chest.
That's right. I jumped into Eric's body and possessed his ass! In only a short time, I'd completely transformed the jerk's entire existence. I was dragging his perfect body and career down the drain!
After performing Eric's dramatic emotional breakdown at his architectural firm, I got fired and kicked out of the building. I strutted his body back to his place, and quickly sold everything he owned. I got rid of his fancy clothes, his shiny sports car, and his luxury apartment. All the money went directly to my sister. I used what was left to rent out the crappiest little apartment I could find.
It was in that seedy rat-infested motel that I gleefully began to destroy Eric's carefully maintained body. I packed his tight stomach full of beer and fast food, shaved his perfect head of hair, and donned an unwashed outfit I thrifted from a GoodWill.
Now that he was unemployed, I got him a job with a construction company. I made sure to get started with the same crew that Eric used to supervise as the architect. Needless to say, there were a lot of angry tradesmen who weren't happy to see him...
6 Months Later...
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Apparently, construction workers really don't like architects, so they were all constantly badmouthing Eric behind my back. I didn't really stop them, but I also didn't really keep them from doing it to my face either. With me in control, Eric was just a pathetic, submissive loser, and all his new coworkers knew they could push him around.
I didn't wash Eric once while wearing him. My nose eventually became numb to his ripe body odor, but I noticed the disgusted looks on everyone's face when they were near. His skin was constantly itchy with dry sweat and dirt too, but I didn't bother buying him anything else to wear. As far as I was concerned, Eric would get up, work, and sleep in the same repurposed clothes I bought for a few bucks.
By this point, the lean muscles he'd been so proud of were long gone. A heavy layer of blubber hung off his whole body, and he was practically unrecognizable with his shaved head and unkept beard. Giving his heavy beergut a jolly shake, I chuckled and knew it was finally time to move to the final phase...
Present Day...
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It was mid-afternoon when I jumped ship. I abandoned his body after a long morning of heavy lifting, leaving Eric exhausted, sweaty, and caked in mud.
Eric regained control of his senses for the first time after 6 months of being possessed by me. He stood there for a moment, all 280 lbs of him, simply staring at his surroundings in disbelief and confusion.
He didn't start yelling until he looked down and saw the state of his precious body. I doubt he had ever felt so slimy and gross before. As I said, I made sure to leave his body as disgusting as possible for him.
Don't feel bad for him though. My sister and I just made Eric as disgusting on the outside as he was on the inside...
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willowser · 1 year
you don't know how much comfort your dragon king bkg drabble has given me ever since you posted it!! i keep reading it i love it sm 🥹
as it turns out, the man bakugou is — a bit harder to handle.
he sleeps like a heathen; you once thought the dragon bakugou to be a bit lazy, with how often he tended to curl up in the fields of grass, warm under the sun, but now — it would seem his little human form needs significantly less rest.
almost up all hours of the day, and when he does finally lay down, he's everywhere. a mess of limbs: one thrown carelessly out to the side and the other bent at an angle you can't believe doesn't hurt his joints. his head stays tucked into you somehow, either buried in your neck or pressed against your ribs — or you'll wake to find him nose-to-nose with you. he still snores like a dragon, however.
you're also beginning to wonder if there is a bottom to the pit of his stomach. he ate much before, whole fields of things, but you expected that appetite to dwindle, at least a little, now that his stomach has decreased considerably in size. and in number ? you're not even sure how many stomachs a dragon has; that's not something that was mentioned in the fairytales.
it burns through him quickly, gives him more energy than he needs, and it doesn't ever seem to affect his weight much. already, he's huge and thick with muscle and eating as much as he does never dulls the severity of his cut abdomen. not that you're looking all that much.
— not that you have a choice not to, as he seems to have little-to-no understanding of —
the door to the bathhouse kicks open, with enough force that you already know who it is without ever turning to look. you try not to shriek when you see him, because he seems to like that in some evil, impish way.
you've been alone to wash so far, thankfully, as the inn you'd managed to find was small and far enough out from the nearest kingdom that the occupancy was low — enough for you and your little brute.
the man bakugou comes to stand in front of the bath, blinking and huffing against the steam. finding clothes for him was — nearly impossible, and so the trousers you'd found hanging on someone's line outside fit above his ankles, a bit too tight around his waist. instead of a shirt, you've wrapped him in a scratchy linen, swaddled him up like a baby to cover the small smattering of scales that decorate his body, almost like freckles from the sun, though they gleam just as bright and red as they ever have. no matter his form.
a horn has started to sprout, on the right side of his forehead, and you've done your best to cover that, too.
you have no idea how long this man thing will last. if it's permanent or if he even has control over it. the last thing you need is for him to switch back, somehow, while you're in the middle of feeding him, absolutely demolishing whatever tavern you're in and calling all of king todoroki's guards to attention.
bakugou grunts, almost sleepy, and tosses a fat, weighty sack onto the edge of the bath. it jingles a certain jingle that makes your heart stop.
"oh, allfather—" you move for the edge, awkwardly keeping one arm against your chest despite the fact that he's seen it all by now. when you peek inside and confirm your fears, you lob it back to him furiously, as if it were a steaming potato. "where do you keep getting this stuff?"
things have started to turn up, miraculously. shiny things — like coins and rings and gems. things he could not have simply found rolling around in the dirt.
"go put it back!" you hiss at him, and the tone of your voice makes his frown deepen. you never realized how pouty he was, when he was still a dragon.
you think he understands you, and you're pretty certain he just chooses not to listen; instead of doing what you've told him in the slightest, he simply dumps the coin-purse to the floor, and then lets his linen and stolen trousers cover it as he unceremoniously undresses.
the biggest issue that you would say the man bakugou poses is — his complete lack of understanding of personal space.
"bakugou!" your voice wavers, shocked again by his nakedness. as if you haven't seen it all by now. "no, you — get out!"
but he does the exact opposite, which is hop into the steaming water, ignoring the arm you hold out to keep him away as he saddles up beside you. skin against scales, pressing a nose into your hair to huff out his annoyance, to make it something you can feel.
if anyone were to walk in right now, they would — probably think the lie you'd told the innkeeper was true. that you are a simple traveler and this is your mute, over-sized husband.
regardless, you think this behavior isn't polite. especially in a public bathhouse.
"bakugou," you try again, turning your face away as you speak to the wood-paneled wall. "i'm taking a bath, you have to wait your turn."
all you receive in response is another huff against your ear and a low rumble of disagreement from his chest.
he has yet to speak back, and has only used inhuman sounds as his points of conversation. the only word you've ever heard him utter is oi, which he does when he really thinks he needs your attention. you're starting to wonder if he's named you that in his head. oi.
curiously, you turn back to him and the movement has him pulling his face from your hair, just enough that he can look down at you, too. watch you, with the red-rippled sea in his eyes.
they're — amazing, you will admit. just as bright and detailed as they always have been. fit for a fairytale told by the fire, veiled by the soft-ash of his lashes. he watches you through them, half-lidded, and you wonder if it's something other than fatigue that has them so heavy.
"do you know what i'm saying?" you ask quietly, voice lacking the firm heat you want it to. instead it's heavy, too, weighted by something soft and unfamiliar and frightening. "can you even understand me?"
bakugou doesn't respond, not with a huff or a rumble or ever a purr, like the one he let out on the night he lay over you by the lake. you've only heard it sparingly since then, oftentimes in his sleep when his face is pressed into you.
you try not to frown at his silence, try not to let it disappoint you because it shouldn't; he's a dragon afterall, and you're not sure what it matters. the little horn protruding from his forehead catches your eye and you reach up to touch it gently, watching him blink away the water that drips from your wrist — and then he's turning into you again, too close.
beneath the water, you feel his hands skate up your bare thighs, wrap around your waist until your chest is pulled flush against his. you feel his huff, again, against the damp skin of your neck but it's slower, lighter. not laced with his frustration. some unknown thing you feel guilty for liking.
you drop your hand to his hair, rushing full force into all the damned things you've thought about doing but have been too afraid to. he's soft between your fingers, and you trace your nails lightly against his scalp until he groans quietly; a new noise, one you don't know how to translate.
your fingers stop when they brush upon little spines that have grown at the base of his skull, that have started to trail down the center of his back.
suddenly, tangled up in the bath with him, you wonder how much time you have left.
bakugou huffs again into your skin, a little fiercer this time, and it's because of his light jostling that you realize how rigid you've gone. you try to relax so that he will, too, though you must not do a convincing job, because a sharp nip comes to your earlobe.
"ow!" you squeal, but he doesn't let you go far, not even as you try to jerk away from him. in fact, the harder you try the more his teeth show: into your cheek and the point of your jaw and then dangerously low on your neck.
it's not until you finally freeze that he stops, huffing again, with a warmth that burns more than the steaming water.
and then, very quietly, he grumbles, "shitty wife," into your collarbone, just before biting you again.
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ask-adamsapple66 · 19 days
Fight With Lucifer
Behind the scenes, Adam, Hazbin Hotel @ 7:45pm.
Adam sat there on the floor of his shared room at the hotel with Lucifer. Lucifer had just left in an angry blaze of fire, they had just had their worst fight ever since getting together.
Adam covered his mouth to muffle a sob, his eyes watered with tears. He fucked up, he really fucked up and he knew it. Why didn't he pick up on the fact that Lucifer was actually getting pissed off and not playfully pissed off?
How can you possibly be this useless? It's no wonder no one would ever willingly want you. Lilith's voice echoed in his mind.
Adam: What the fuck is wrong with me?
You're a stupid useless piece of shit that's what.
Adam got up off the floor and went to the bathroom, he looked himself in the mirror and hated what he saw. What did Lucifer even see in him?
Temporary insanity probably.
Adam: Shut up.
Don't be surprised when he asks you for his ring back, you clearly don't deserve it.
Adam: SHUT UP!!
Adam hauled off and punched the bathroom mirror as hard as he could shattering it into many broken pieces. A physical representation of his heart right now.
His hand was bleeding but he didn't care. He wrapped it in a little gaze and walked out. Adam looked at the bed.
Their bed.
He couldn't sleep there, it would be too cold and lonely.
Adam walked out of their room and into his old room, he wouldn't sleep there either he just wanted to grab his angelic steel blade if he was going to go out.
He grabbed his blade and made his way to the hotel, he couldn't let himself feel sad around others so he placed the comfortable mask of anger on. Adam was angry at that fucking fat jester Christmas tree, pissed at that douchbag Michael for saying whatever it was he said, and more than anything Adam was furious at himself for being so fucking stupid.
But that's nothing new is it?
When Adam passed Alastor in the hallway the radio demon sneered at him.
Alastor: What's the matter, trouble in paradise?
Adam: Fuck off asshole.
He wasn't in the mood to deal with him.
Alastor: What, your short little-
Adam saw red, he turned and stabbed Alastors hand to the wall with the blade, the radio demon actually yelped in pain.
Adam: Do not fucking talk about him like that. Next time it will be your heart, if you even have one.
Adam removed the blade and stalked away and left the hotel. No one in the city bothered him as he walked around at night, people may not mind getting beaten and dying but they didn't want to permanently die. Seeing the angelic blade on his hip kept people away.
Adam went into the Heaven Embassy, he may not be able to go down to Greed and fuck up that fat prick, but he can call down the other one.
There was a phone on the desk in the Embassy, Adam picked it up and he got ahold of Peter.
Peter: Hello, Heavens Gate this is Peter.
Adam groaned: Yeah, it's me get Michael down here.
Peter: Adam?
Adam: No it's Santa Claus.
Peter: Yeah it's you Adam..... Look I can't just get Michael to-
Peter: ...... One moment.
Adam didn't have to wait long before he was told to go to the nearest room where Michael looked pissed to see him.
Michael: What do you want?
Adam: The fuck did you say to him?
Michael: Who?
Adam growled and glared at him: WHO DO YOU THINK!?
Michael: Oh, him? Please, what's the matter did he get his little feelings, I know how short he can be with people, is he-
Adam had heard enough and punched Michael in the eye so hard it already started to bruise.
Adam: That's for whatever you said to him and what you just said now asshole!
Michael: You are going to regret that! Extermination Day is coming, maybe someone will finally finish the job so you can return to the filthy dirt where you belong.
Oh, maybe you should just stand outside and let someone do you in.
Adam: Lay the fuck off of him, or I'll be sure this finds it's way through your fucking eye.
Adam held up the blade.
Michael: That a threat?
Adam: More like a promise.
Adam turned to leave as Michael called out to him one last time.
Michael: What does he see in you?
Adams heart clenched in his chest, he wondered the same thing.
Adam: Fuck off.
Adam left, he didn't know if he just made things worse but Michael deserved a good punch in the fucking face for more than just today.
He didn't know how long he was walking around for, but the night was very dark the only light coming from the moon in the sky. Adam, found himself at the park.
Adam walked over to where their tree was and he felt his anger melt away and sadness creep back in.
A + L inside a heart carved into the tree. Adam remembered the day Lucifer did that.
Adam was leaning against the tree, the day was actually cool for once.
Adam: What are you doing?
Lucifer: Scoot over for a second.
Adam didn't question it and did as he was told, Lucifer sat down on his knees and used his claw to carve into the tree. Sure it was a little cheesy, but Adam was touched that Lucifer wanted to do something like that.
Lucifer: So we can always find our spot.
Adam: Our spot?
Lucifer cupped one of his cheeks: Yeah, our spot where we can come and just be together.
Adam: I love that Luci.
Lucifer smiled: Good.
He leaned in and kissed Adam under their tree.
That was one of the first times they came here for a date. Adams eyes welled up with tears as he gently touched the carving.
Fuck, he was so stupid......
Well you come by is honestly.
Adam walked away from the tree, it hurt too much to look at it. He sat down in front of the pond, there were a few ducks there swimming around. Hell ducks were like the ones on earth only they had horns for some reason.
One came over and Adam picked it up, it quacked at him and he smiled sadly, lip quivering. He'd never be able to look at one again without thinking of Lucifer.....
He placed the little duck in the water and it swam away. His eyes landed on his engagement ring again.
Adam wouldn't blame Lucifer if he wanted his ring back. Lu deserved someone better than Adam.
Some soulmate he turned out to be.....
Like you ever deserved him.
That one wasn't Lilith, it was him. He didn't deserve everything Lucifer did for him, he didn't deserve his kindness, and he sure as shit didn't deserve his love.
So if he wanted his ring back........ Which he probably did, Adam had never seen him that mad, Adam wouldn't put up a fight.
Adam pulled his knees to his chest as tears fell from his eyes.
Lucifer deserved to be happy, even if it wasn't with him.
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
King&Prince 5
Steve's sleep at this point was mostly restless. It was hard to get comfortable down here, being a dungeon and all. And he was already a light sleeper by nature. Still, it took him longer than he liked to realize he was being watched. He'd awakened, feeling slightly colder than normal. He didn't hear footsteps or breathing, nor had any of the torches lit. Yet he could feel eyes on him. Someone was here. And it was something inhuman.
He could imagine a drooling maw opening wide and then snatching shut. Or a clawed hand reaching out to gouge. Slowly, Steve reached out for one of the stray bricks in his cell.
He turned and shot up quick, brandishing the rock only to find nothing. It was still completely dark, but he didn't feel the presence anymore. He dropped the rock and sat back down, still feeling tired but now completely awake. He stayed up, watching the bars of his cell until someone came to light the torches and deliver his breakfast.
"He looks pathetic", Eddie said, feet propped up onto the table.
"He's been sleeping in his own filth this whole time, of course he does", Nancy said, arms crossed.
"Are you sure his father isn't coming to save him?", Jeff asked.
Eddie had sent the ransom letter on a demobat. He was able to connect to any of the creatures in his domain and he'd kept this one tethered just to see and hear what King Alric would say once he'd received the message. The demobat had heard it loud and clear and relayed to Eddie the fact that his letter had been burned.
"No one from that kingdom is coming for him. He's been abandoned", Eddie said. Not too long ago, he would have said that with glee, maybe even dancing. But after seeing the state that Steve was in last night...
"So what's the next move?", Nancy asked. "You're not just thinking of letting him go, are you?"
Jeff stood up. "Why not? He's no use to us if he's a worthless prince. We might as well send him back."
"Send him back to what?", Eddie shot up. "His own father threw him away like trash." He went over to the window, gazing at the view of his kingdom at sunset. "I can't return him to that."
"Are you suggesting that you keep him as a pet?", Nancy raised a brow.
Eddie snorted. "Not me. Robin can have him. She's been wanting some help corralling the kids for their music lessons and to rearrange the storage for instruments."
"You're going to make a prince be Robin's lap dog?", Jeff snickered.
"She'll love it", Eddie grinned.
"I don't want him", Robin said as they went down to the dungeons.
"Too bad, he's yours", Eddie said.
"Do I at least get a leash?"
Eddie stopped when they got to Steve's cell. "I think he's already broken."
A brick thrown at the bars said otherwise.
"I think he's still got some fight in him", Robin snarked.
Eddie looked the prince up and down. He looked more like a street urchin than a member of a royal family. Covered in dirt and grime and probably other things. Eddie took a key from his pocket and started to unlock the cell.
"Time for my execution?"
"More like it's time for you to earn your keep around here", Eddie said as he slid the bars open. "You've been getting free meals and your own room to boot. I bet it's barely a change from back home."
Steve stood up suddenly and jabbed a sharpened piece of brick at the monster before him. His wrist was caught easily though and he ended up pinned against a wall. He didn't let up though, trying to land a hit until the king had both of his wrists held above his head and his lower half was being pressed by his hips, keeping him from kicking out. It didn't help that all this time being trapped and fed scraps had made his body weak.
"A rather valiant effort. You almost got close to laying a hand on me."
"Fuck you", Steve bit out. "I'm not working for you or for anyone here."
"You don't have much of a choice. I'm not in the business of letting people rot away useless. So you will be of use to my household in whatever way I see fit."
Steve thought of the horror stories he'd been told as a child. This beast could shift into anything and rip him apart. Why was it that right now, he was holding back? He had just tried to murder him Was he that little of a threat? Or maybe he was trying to keep from damaging the goods, lest his father go back on any deals to get him back.
"You can go ahead and execute me then. I'd rather die than be of use to you." Steve was surprised when he was released. It was so quick that he couldn't help but stumble.
"You would rather die than be a hostage for ransom? A little late for that, isn't it? And if you die, there goes negotiations."
"I don't know what my father has promised you for my return, but I don't fucking care anymore."
Steve hadn't even raised his voice, but the silence that followed was deafening. How long had he felt this way? His home wasn't a home anymore. His parents had already been shipping him off in the hopes of bettering him and meeting their standards. The difference between this cold dungeon and their frigid stares were very minimal.
He met the king's eyes but his expression was unreadable. Someone cleared their throat and Steve looked to the woman who had come with him. There was a trio of guards surrounding her now. Why a creature of chaos and darkness needed guards, Steve didn't know. Honestly, he was surprised to see as many humans as he had so far.
"Get him cleaned up", King Edward ordered. "Then take him to Robin's study."
The woman's eyes narrowed. "You can't be serious. I told you I don't want him!"
He walked out of the cell and the guards entered, taking a hold of Steve easily despite his struggling. He was taken out of the dungeons for the first time since he arrived. The castle's architecture and decor looked...homey. It was still grand, as most castles were, but Steve could hear people talking. Just talking. Some of them laughing. It was quite the change from his own castle's silent walls, but Steve wasn't able to take it in much before he was thrust into a room with a steaming bath.
He wanted to cry but then he immediately got into a defensive mode, expecting the guards to forcibly undress him and toss him in. Instead, once they released him, they left the room. He was surprised but not too surprised to see that they had locked the door behind themselves. Resigned, Steve took off his rags and stepped into the tub.
He couldn't help the soft moan that left his lips as he submerged. Instantly, his mood lifted. He soaked for a while, and then began to wash in earnest before the water could cool. He knew he'd been filthy but seeing the color of the water when he got out made him shiver. Steve dried off and looked around for something to wear. On the sink, a folded bundle got his attention.
While the prince was washing up, Robin was working in her study, trying to figure out what the prince could even do.
"You could always keep him busy with some heavy lifting", Eddie offered, being very helpful by sitting off to the side and tossing nuts into his mouth.
"You're really not going to tell him, are you? About his father's refusal to come?"
"...I think part of him already knows." Eddie had seen that look many times before. When Nancy had shown up at his doorway, tiny Mike in tow. When he'd found El causing a ruckus in one of his towns. Even the vision of Max popped up in his head. They had all been leaving something behind. But that something turned out to be absolutely nothing to them.
Prince Steven, coming from a long line of Harringtons, born in the lap of luxury with a legacy secured as long as he stayed in line...he didn't want any of it.
Eddie wanted to know why.
Part 7
And he's out of the cell!
Tag Team
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent @snakeorsquid @ignoremyworld @theclichefortunecookie @goodolefashionedloverboi @just-a-tiny-void @0body0disphoria0 @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @samsoble @sugartin @jamieweasley13 @y4r3luv @xtkxkrzrizir @un-knownperson @greekgeek24 @justdrugsformethanks @potato-of-the-lord
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aetherdoesthings · 9 months
Hey hey, am back again (the one who requested the movie headcanons)
I do have another request but I just got to say your impressive as hell. I had put in the other request just a day before it was made. Which is just crazy and the fact the headcanons were so accurate and good. Thank you for doing the last request once again.
Ok now I will get to my request now, just had to give that recognition 😅
I was wondering if you can please do, what it’s like to spread a morning with luffy, sanji, nami, and robin. How it would be like to wake up with them and get ready for the day with them. Stuff like that.
Thank you if you take this request, I hope you have a good morning 🫶🏾
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hey hey! welcome back! thanks for the compliment, i'm glad you enjoyed it and found it accurate!
forethoughts: i can't believe i hit 100+ notes one of my post 🥹. thank you all so much for reading my stuff even though it occasionally breaks your hearts! ahhhh. also gonna use this space to have an fyi for people who request(ed) me. i just finished eneis lobby!!! if you request something that's way after eneis lobby, i'm either gonna have to wing it (aka poorly write bc i lack context and i don't wanna google bc google = spoiler), or you have to wait patiently for me to reach that arc. sorry for any inconvenience! anyways back to the matter at hand.
notes: all gn!reader
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Luffy always sleeps whenever his body tells him to, so it’s not odd for him to suddenly disappear next to you while you two slept together. But ever since you two had gotten together, he would always make sure that he was by your side whenever you woke up. The moment your eyes open and consciousness rolls in, you feel a heavy weight on your body. Luffy’s fast asleep on you, his head bruised-no doubt from Sanji trying to steal food. You smile softly at him, petting his hair as you roll him over to his side of the bed, placing a kiss on his bruise as you look at him, admiring his peaceful sleeping form. Whenever you’re asleep, he’s awake. Whenever you’re awake, he’s asleep. You found this annoying, but seeing his sleepy baby face always washed your annoyance away. You would proceed with your morning routine as it is, and usually by the time you’re done, Luffy would’ve awoken, and smother you with kisses and whine about Sanji. Additionally, because now that you were with him and sleep with him (every now and then) at night, his hygiene significantly improved, so now he wasn’t always sweaty and covered in dirt!
Sanji is a gentleman, so of course he lets you steal the blanket at night, letting you snuggle up against him. Sometimes when you wake up, he’s not by your side, as he has to start preparing food for everyone, but you would always find a handwritten note and your favorite breakfast right next to you, as well as a rose in a vase on your nightstand. This was life with Sanji; he always had to be up at 5am, ready to cook every meal, while you always slept in. He’ll always make it up to you by giving you the best night, as he can never really give you the best morning, even though he tries his best. 
Nami loves to either big spoon or little spoon you. Either way, she craves the physical intimacy she can generate with you. She expects to either be treated like a princess one day, or absolutely spoil you with kisses the moment you wake up, and help you shower, get changed, etc. You cannot change my mind about the fact that Nami is a pillow princess, and will steal the blanket if she’s cold. You don’t mind it; in fact you're already used to this behavior, but you love it anyway, and she loves you for indulging her. Once she wakes up, she’ll kiss you on your lips, whispering a good morning as she snuggles with you. Once you’re awake too, the two of you get ready for the day. Nami spends majority of her time on makeup and clothing, while you simply shower and pick something nice to wear. Ever since you started dating Nami, you found yourself sitting down on a stool, Nami’s hand deep into your scalp trying to ‘fix your hair’, while making you look the most attractive person in the world (to her you already were).
Similar to Nami, both you and Robin will always wake up at around the same time, to say good morning to each other and be the first thing you see once you wake up. In the beginning of your relationship, she isn’t too keen on snuggling/cuddling due to her trauma and the hardship of opening up to others, but after a while of being with you, she’ll let you cuddle her and she grows to love it too. She always smells like fresh paper or flowers, a scent you’ve grown to love. Robin usually wakes up before you, and loves seeing your sleepy face buried in her chest. She’ll plant a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering ‘good morning’ to you. Soon enough, you’ll wake up, and whisper a ‘good morning’ to you. The two of you stay in bed slowly waking up, talking about your dreams and your sleep, then about what you were going to do/plan to do for the day. Robin loved talking to you and helping you achieve your goals, as nothing makes her more happy than to see you succeed. Everyday, she’d check in on you to see if you had completed your task you said you would in the morning, and always reward you with a special night. Ending your discussion with a kiss, the two of you get out of bed, ready to accomplish what both of you set out to do today.
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nyerus · 1 year
Hi! I would love to hear your thoughts about classism in TGCF, but specifically regarding XL. It surprised me to see people hating on XL for not knowing or doing better during his teenage years of luxury as the crown prince and making XL a complete villain because he didn't take down classism and restructure society despite still being a kid himself. It struck me as odd that the fandom is well aware of his 800 years in poverty but also not really addressing the fact that XL, too, is a victim of classism albeit a little different from someone like MQ.
Hi there! So sorry it's taken me this long to get to this ask, I've just been in sort of a funk for a few days haha.
But yeah, this is definitely a topic that comes up from time to time, with lots of discussion about. It surprises me that despite that, there are still people (maybe just newer fans? idk) who still hate on Xie Lian for his naive views as a 17yo. Especially since, despite being a naive 17yo, he still really wanted to help people less fortunate than himself. He didn't quite understand how to do this in the most effective ways (because he was a teenager), so it came off as somewhat patronizing as he was a person in a position of power compared to everyone else. Yet his desire to help people was genuine, and he didn't personally think of "common folk" as being any lesser than "royalty" -- even though in this case, there kind of literally was a difference. (E.g. when Lang Ying goes from being a commoner to a king, he gets a "kingly aura" that protects him!) So it's honestly kind of incredible that Xie Lian is willing to say things like "I think people are equal, even gods and humans, and if the Heavens disagree with me, then it's the Heavens that are wrong" with his entire heart.
I imagine a large part of the hate Xie Lian gets from certain fans is jealousy or resentment, due to the fact that Xie Lian was "born privileged." But on it's own, "privilege" is not "the great enemy" -- it's what said privilege means in the context of society, and what someone does/doesn't do with it that merits judgement. Xie Lian doesn't fully understand the privilege he had until he loses it (again: because he was 17!), but he still understood it enough to use it to protect and help people. That's more than many other characters can say. Him starting out as a prince doesn't automatically disqualify him from class struggles or the horrors of poverty. It's nonsensical to think so, when this is a character who literally spent almost 800 years busking for scraps, while sleeping in dirt outside and eating garbage….
On the flip side, as you mentioned Mu Qing -- yes, he was a victim of classism. But he's a very strange figure to use as the poster boy for that, though he often is by people who are critical of Xie Lian. This may be a controversial take, despite it being something I think that makes the character of Mu Qing really interesting: but he's a very "typical" guy within the concept of classism. He's someone who started off with a bad lot, but then ended up ascending to the highest point you pretty much can in that world/society. Which is great! He did that through hard work, and it paid off! But now, since he got his "happy ending," that's kind of it for him. He doesn't do anything to materially improve the lives of those less fortunate, especially those he has no personal connection with. This doesn't make him a bad person -- it's not really his job to that, even as a god. He's a martial god, so he's there to subdue threats and all that. Yet you can clearly see, that's exactly the type of person society values because such "rags to riches" stories give legitimacy to the whole system, and because they don't rock the boat once they're on top.
So then it's odd to be angry at Xie Lian but not Mu Qing (or others) for the lack of some "grand revolution" that some readers seem to want.
Ironically, Xie Lian used what power he had to try and help people -- and he was worse off for it. If he had done nothing, he would have been able to live a happy and carefree life. He would have lived and died as a rich prince/king with no troubles. Like, that's the point! The societies we live in punish those who want to broadly help others or make meaningful change, while rewarding those who quietly play the game for themselves -- because it helps keep the wheels turning. It doesn't matter at "what end" of the spectrum you start out on, the rules apply the same way. If you go against the establishment, there's a price to be paid.
Throughout Xie Lian's long journey, he learns this lesson the hard way. And the fact that in order to change it, he would somehow have to change the hearts and minds of pretty much everyone -- which is an impossible ask. How is he even supposed to that, or restructure society as a whole, without vast amounts of collateral damage? In the end, Xie Lian discovers that he was not wrong in his desire to help people, even if he cannot help everyone. He can still help people he meets in whatever ways he can, and that is still important. To show kindness, mercy, and empathy towards your fellow man is worth it. Helping your neighbors or complete strangers you meet once and then never again -- all that is still worth it.
I wish I had the time to sit down and really talk about this in a more organized way, but these disjointed thoughts are all I can manage at the moment! I hope it was still valuable to you in some way, and thank you for sending in the ask!
(Also, I recently reblogged a post that talked about something similar if you wanna check it out, Anon. It's right under the manhua highlights I think!)
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nikkisheep · 2 years
What Happened to the Sunshine?
Daryl Dixon x reader
Warnings: Major character death, ANGST, twd elements, walkers, mentions of death like a lot, italic is the memories, mentions of sex, mentions of pregnacy, kinda long, fighting
Summary: Daryl lost you and now he has to live with the pain.
Guys, I nearly cried writing this.
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You were the sunshine to the rain for Daryl. You made every day in the miserable world good. You made every day worth living. He loved you and you had loved him. Sometimes, however, the rain would swallow the sunshine and leave nothing but ruin in its wake.
Walkers flooded the streets, keeping the group locked in a shack. Daryl was restless. He needed to get out of the small room. He needed to just be back at home and stay in his basement. He wanted to be alone.
Well, not really, no. He wanted to have you. He wanted to hug you again and listen to you tell him about the day you had. He wanted to look at your warm smile and have one on his face as well. He just wanted you to be with him. But you weren't anymore. You never would be again.
"Daryl Dixon, who gave you the right to look so handsome?'' You asked, teasing lased in your voice.
''I woul' have ta believe tha' would be my lov' for ya,'' He had said, smiling before kissing your soft lips.
You were wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt, even though Daryl had told you that the planting that you wanted to do was only going to mess it up. You had laughed and slapped his shoulder. God, he could listen to your laugh all day.
"It better be that, honey.''
He had smiles at you. Leading you up to the bedroom for some sweet loving. He had held you like he could lose you.
If only he knew.
Stabbing the walker in the head, he groaned at the throb in his chest from the running. He was sweaty, dirty, and purely tired. He needed a shower, but he was not going to take one. Why? Because you weren't here to force him to take one.
"I swear if you don't get in that shower right now, you will sleep outside." You had said with a serious look.
"Honey, 've slept outside before."
"Well, I ain't sleeping beside no nasty man," You had laughed.
"Oh so I'm nasty?"
Daryl had ran to you, tackling you to the floor and started to rub his sweat, dirt, and mud all over you. He tickled you as he did so and you were screaming in laughter at his actions.
"Ewwww, you're getting Daryl on me," You whined, faking a pout.
"Fine, then woman. I will sleep outside."
You pull him in with a, "Come here my dirty man." and pulled in into a kiss. It lead to sex right there on the floor of the house but it was so passionate. He in fact had not slept outside.
The sun shined early in the morning, Daryl rolled over to your side of the bed, patting in search for you. He opens his eyes when he does not feel you and notices that your side had been cold. It had been for a while. He looks at your bedside table, the same as you had left it that morning, and smiles at your picture of the two of you. He remembered you begged him for the picture. Tears welled up in his blue eyes as he thought back to that day.
"Please, just one picture and then I will never ask again." You begged.
"But Daryl, I want a picture of you."
"In case anything happens, I will always remember your face."
"Ain't nothing gonna happen to us."
"You can't promise it," You pouted before getting into position beside him.
"I know nothin' will but let's get the pictur' done."
Maggie held the camera, capturing the pure look of love between the two of you. Daryl was looking at you with a love struck grin and you, you were looking at him with the biggest smile someone could give in the middle of the end of the world. Your eyes shined with love when you looked at Daryl and Maggie had felt like she was imposing on a moment.
"I love you Daryl, thank you."
"Love ya too, sunshine." He said, kissing your forehead.
He sniffled at bit before going on about his day. He tried to not think about you, the memories were to painful. He didn't know what was more heart breaking, the fact that he couldn't have you or the fact that you weren't here anymore. The sky had lost its sun. He had lost the light and the love of his life.
Daryl was working on his bike when he overheard some people talking about you. They were the worst kind of people in Alexandria and you had always hated them. Daryl had gotten into fights with them a lot over you.
The guys were laughing about how you were stupid to trust Daryl and that it was even crazier that you had settled for a man like him. He couldn't even protect you. Daryl sighed in defeat before going outside and started swinging.
You were running from a large herd, stumbling against the raised tree roots. The sun was going down and you were trying to make it home before dark.
"Daryl!" You had called when you were grabbed by a walker who was stuck under the root.
He turned to you but by the time he made it to you, the walker had attracted more which they started to bite into your flesh. Killing all of the dead bastards around you, he started running. Daryl yelled for Rick and everyone else and he sprinted to your body.
His fists collided with one of the guys face. He started beating the shit out of him. His ears ringing, blood covering his face.
"You're gonna be oka'." Daryl whispered to you.
"Rick!" He called again, agony slipping into his voice.
"Rick!" He sobbed.
"Daryl," You muttered. Blood was seeping through your clothes. The walkers had done a number on your shoulders and your legs. He was crying while looking into your eyes, they were struggling to hold on.
"I'm here, sunshine. Just hold on, you're gonn' make it."
Sobs rained from his lips, your body laying in his lap. Rick ran over, shouting to the group to follow. He knelt down to Daryl and your body, placing a hand on Daryl's shoulder.
"Daryl, I'm fine. I'm going to be o-okay," You said, smiling widely.
"No, no, no. Please," Daryl begged as his body shook when your beautiful eyes started to droop.
"Daryl, rem-remember to live." Your breathing became more slow, barely able to be heard.
"No, don't you die on me!" He started to shake you, hoping to keep you away.
The man below him was out cold and the others had ran away, not wanting to be next. But Daryl found them. He chased them down and started beating the shit out of them. He heard Rick's footsteps thudding against the road.
Rick watched his brother break down over your now lifeless body, his heart breaking at the sight. You were going to get married when you made it back today. You were going to start a family. You and Daryl were going to be parents. You were a few weeks pregnant and Rick had begged you to talk to Daryl but you were going to wait until after the run. You wanted it to be when everyone was gathered together for dinner.
"Please, wake up. Open your eyes, sunshine. Please," Daryl begged. He shook you once again, a white piece of paper fell out of your jacket pocket. You had brought it in case the moment was right.
Daryl looked at Rick and Rick grabbed the paper. He started to read it to Daryl as he cried over your bloody body.
"Daryl and I have been together for a very long time. We are going to get married someday and I wanted to tell him something. He is the most loving man, beautiful man, I have ever met in my life and to be honest, if the world had to end just so I could meet him, I say let it happen. I would choose this life every time if it means that I get to have the love of my life forever. Now, I wanted to tell you all that I have a surprise and now that we are safe, I wanted to say that I am pregnant. We are having a baby. We are going to be a family."
Rick helped Daryl place your body on the neatly stacked wood. Maggie and Glenn started to cover the wood with gasoline, soaking the wood until it was covered. Daryl said his last goodbyes to you and the unborn child that he will never get to meet. He watched as your body went up in flames at the toss of a match. He watched the love of his life, his almost wife, go up in smoke.
Rick grabbed Daryl and pulled him off the poor man who was completely knocked out.
"Daryl, take it easy." Rick showed him that it was just him and Daryl dropped to the ground on his knees.
"Daryl?" Rick got down on the ground with his brother. Daryl leaned into Rick's arms as he broke down to the thought of you. Glenn ran up to the scene and saw that Rick was holding a bloody Daryl with two men beaten to a pulp.
"Daryl, it's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. You can make it through this," Rick encouraged his brother by choice. It broke him knowing that Daryl was hurting. Your death had only happened a few months ago and Daryl was still breaking at the seams. This was the first time that Rick had seen Daryl show any emotion after you.
It's like the community said, you were his sunshine to his rain and without you, it was nothing but rain and thunder.
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Gavi Fluff Alphabet
The long awaited and highly requested. I can't bring myself to write smut rn tbh. Like my head is pounding and I'm about to vom. So sexy. Please keep expectations in the dirt so I can exceed them with my sleepy writing.
a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
I don't think Pablo is the type to show much affection in public
He's still quite young and shy, not eager to be teased in person or online about PDA
I think affection in public would be limited to hand-holding, maybe a side hug
Even the gentlemen stuff would escape him in an effort not to come across too sappy.
Like he'll hold your bags, but you're getting your own doors
In private though? Man is a teddy bear
Attached to you
Always wants to be touching you in some way - sitting too close, laying on your lap, anything
Will actually pout if he's not given kisses and affection hourly
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
Scary dog privileges but as a person
Would always be FaceTiming you just to have your presence there in the background
Sends you at least 20 tiktoks a day because they remind him of you
Always pays when y'all are out
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
Absolutely necessary
Actually so touch starved that he might die without some quality time from you
Started out with you wrapping yourself around his shoulders to get his attention (since he's confirmed always on his phone)
Now you'll be minding your business and feel him wrap his arms around you
Like to be the baby, laying on top of you, getting his hair played with
Prefers when neither of you have a proper shirt on so the two of you can share body heat
Must be a separate activity from sleeping - Gavi get's too hot and restless in his sleep to cuddle
Age regression - literally a little puppy when he’s in your arms, responding in nods and whimpers
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they around the house?)
Pablo cannot imagine settling down right now
He loves his youth and his job and his freedom
But looking at you in his house, laying on his couch or waking up next to him, he thinks he could get used to this
Quite lazy around the house tbh
Regular teenage boy; does the bare minimum to not be living in filth
Very good about one thing: dishes.
Fun fact: gavi seems like the type to be afraid of cockroaches and other critters, so he’s amazing at doing everything to prevent them from entering his house
Baby steps towards domesticity: letting you stay over, then buying you a toothbrush, then a drawer, then a key to the front door
e = ending (if they had to break up with their s/o, how would they do it?)
Pablo is not good at feelings or confrontation
So if he ever needed to break up with a girl, he would do it indirectly
Probably over text or through a phone call, because he doesn’t know how to handle heartbreak
If it was in person, he would do it in public, buying you a meal or coffee before breaking the news
He would always repeat how it’s a problem with him, how he needed to figure himself out, and how there was no blame on you
Getaway car waiting outside
f = fiancé (how would they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
Rather terrifying prospect for pablito
Wants to have his own accomplishments in his career before he looks to lock you down
Type to give you a promise ring on a necklace
“Princesa, im going to be the best someday, and you deserve nothing but the best. So wait for me until I get there?”
Not the type to do long engagements - as long as it takes to plan the wedding and that’s all
Once he proposes, he wants you to be his as soon as possible - Mrs. Gavira can’t come soon enough
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically? Not so gentle
Forgets that he’s gone through a bulk period and he now has a lot of muscle
Still play fights like he’s a scrawny 14 year old, occasionally being too harsh
Everything is a little too intense but that’s what makes it Gavi
His hugs are a little tight on your ribs, his grip restricting the blood flow to your hand slightly
But you love it all the same because it’s him
Emotionally tho? My man is a marshmallow over an open flame
Still young and rather volatile - emotions are right on the surface
His happiness is immediate and overflowing, radiating even
But when he’s sad or anxious? His whole being changes
Sad eyes, dropped shoulders, crossed arms - be was a different person
Tries to be as gentle as possible with your feelings because he didn’t want to lose you or compromise what y’all have
Also wants to establish a dynamic where you two are gentle with each other
Because otherwise he’ll break down and close off from you entirely
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
Any Gavi girl knows what I’m about to say
Man loves hugs
Adores them
Occur every time he sees you
What type of hug?? Girl
You know the one
One arm around the waist, securing you to his chest
The other around your head, bringing you in gently to rest beneath his chin
And of course it’s couple with that little smooth on the side of the head
For hello, good bye, good luck, and I L*** Y**, this was his delivery message of choice
Sometimes Pablo will pull you in for long hugs where he can just breathe you in, enjoying the feeling of you in his arms
Always ended with a sweet kiss on the top of your forehead, eyes meeting yours to describe what you should call your situation
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
Okay so someone please educate me - is saying I love you like a big moment in other cultures?
Like I’m Arab, and saying بحبك for the first time is not a huge thing
So I think that would influence when he says it out loud
But I think Pablo would take a while to realize that he’s in love
He’s young and doesn’t really understand the feeling of being in love with someone else
I think it would take a good 6-8 months before he would be able to look at you and think “wow. So this is what being in love feels like.”
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
Controversial opinion: I don’t think Gavi would be the type to get jealous quickly
I know I know but before you get the pitchforks lemme explain
Everyone talks about how Gavi doesn’t get nervous or really doubt himself
He knows he’s hot shit okay?
Both on the field and off, he’s confident in what he brings to the table
So when he gets a girl, he’s gonna be confident in that as well, knowing that he was able to pull her
He gets a kick watching guys flirt with you, because he knows that you’ll never give them the time of day
The only time he might get jealous is when you fawn over another man in front of him
Especially if it’s another footballer
He’s the type to pout and get quiet, scowling at the thought of you all giddy about someone else
Would pull you onto his lap and ask you in a soft voice
“You’re happy with me right?”
Just needs a little bit of reassurance that he’s doing everything in his power to be the best for you
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss their partner? where do they like to be kissed?)
Not to be predictable, but I think he would love kissing you on the neck and the forehead
Like he seems like the type to give you affectionate kisses on the cheek and stuff rather than kissing on the lips all the time
The type to kiss the back of your hand, the top of your head, your bare shoulder
Just a thousand little pecks everywhere
Will grab your face with both hands and give you a fat kiss when he’s feeling excited
otherwise, he’s quite gentle in the way he kisses you
Soft lips moving against yours slowly, takes a while to warm up to intense making out (in the session not overall - hes 18 )
Likes to be kissed on cheek and on the neck
Loves when you sit on his lap and kiss him deeply
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
You’d think he’d not be great with kids because he’s young and kind of aggressive
But you and me both have seen the videos of him in the hospital
So sweet and gentle with the young ones
Loves to pick them up and put them on his shoulders
Very patient with little kid nonsense
Can’t help but think about having his own kids one day
Tells you off handedly that’s he’s excited to be a father one day
“You think our kids will be good at football?”
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
Very energetic in the morning on account of having training so early
Always practically jumping out of bed ready to go
Wakes you up by squeezing you tightly and kissing all over your face
Makes sure you eat in the morning no matter how much you object
n = nights (how are nights spent with them?)
On weekdays, Pablo is fucking tired
Comes home ready to pass the fuck out from training
Lots of eating dinner on the couch and lazy nights
Ready to go to bed by like 10pm
Gets very childish and cranky when he’s tired - lots of pouting and whining to go to sleep
On weekends, he’s a little more enthused
Ready to go out to a restaurant or club with you and have fun
Still keeps things within limits - no blacking out or throwing up
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?)
A while y’all
Pablo is a great listener - loves to hear about you and your interests
But about himself? He’s not a fan
Gets too shy and nervous - thinks he’s boring or bothering you with details about his life
Stuff will slip here and there when he’s stressed, and he starts blushing immediately upon realizing he’s over shared
Starts warming up to you 3-4 months in, just with little tid bits about his family and early life
More likely to speak to you when you were cuddled up, playing with his hair, running your fingers up and down his arm
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
Be for real y’all
My man has little to no patience
Very short fuse
Was a major point of tension early in the relationship
Quick to anger, but also quick to calm down
Doesn’t dwell on things and it’s always ready to move on
Learning to be more calm and patient with you
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about their partner?)
Takes learning about you very seriously
Always super interested when you speak, completely taken by you
Makes notes in his phone about everything: your favorite flowers, dream vacation spots, and more
Interestingly enough, forgets super simple things about you, like your favorite color
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
There were so many little domestic moments that Gavi loved experiencing with you
But the one moment he treasured the most with you was the first time you went to Sevilla with him
Your laughter, your energy, just lit up his hometown
He loved watching your interactions with his family and friends
You both were laying in bed in his parents’ house, just laying with you and being silly when you talked about how much you missed the beach
“The beach is only like an hour away. We can go tomorrow morning if you want.”
You looked at him with wide eyes, smiling from ear to ear
The following morning, you woke up to Gavi running around
He already had everything packed in the car
His newly licensed ass drove you to the beach, and you just played around like kids
You sat on the sand, laying on Pablo’s shoulder
“Pablo, this is the best day ever.”
He pushed your hair behind your ear and kissed you deeply
His heart physically swelled whenever he thought about that moment
s = security (how protective are they? would they like to be protected?)
Super protective of you when he feels like you could be hurt
Whenever you two were out at somewhere rowdy, he always had a hand on you
Ready to fight anybody that touched you
Honestly felt a little emasculated whenever you tried to protect him
Got irritated whenever you fussed over him and his injuries
Started to warm up to it after he got a cut on his face, liking you babying him and being so close to his face
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Initially, he wasn’t trying very hard
Just being a teenager really - simple dates and texting a lot
“Pablo, when are we going to go on a real date?”
The question threw him off immensely, causing him to consult his teammates about what classifies as a date
He realized he had been severely lacking in the effort department
Started trying harder - restaurants, cute picnics, thoughtful gifts
You had started thinking he had done something wrong and was trying to compensate
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Homie is a S L O B
Like does not pick up after himself at all
Not a problem until you start staying over at his place
He has to remove piles of clothes from the bed just for you two to sleep
He’s also always on his phone
Can’t put it down
Can get really annoying when you’re trying to talk to him and he’s staring at his screen
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
In the face, Gavi is not supper confident in his looks
He’s a little insecure that he still looks so young
Wants to look more mature
His body tho????
Yeah, homie knows he’s fine
He’s worked hard on his physique, and so he’s confident in the fruits of his efforts
Loves sitting shirtless around the house
You catch him staring at himself in reflective surfaces
Would never say it out loud, but knows he’s got a body to drool over, and uses it to his advantage
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
I don’t think so
Gavi needs to play football to be complete
That’s the only thing I think he could lose that would make it feel like a piece of his soul was missing
You didn’t complete his world - you were a different world entirely
When you weren’t around, it just felt like he was stuck in a routine
x - xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
Pablo loves seeing you in Barça merch
He just thinks it’s the culmination of all his life coming together when he sees you in the blaugrana
You have a pair of Barça sweats that be especially loves
Literally so careless with all your clothes except your merch
Washes it per label instructions, never rips it off you - the whole nine
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Hates people who are stuck up
Needs a girl to be down to earth - he’s not making that much money
Can’t deal with anyone uptight either - needs someone willing to just go with the flow
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
As mentioned previously, gets very hot in his sleep
Can’t cuddle or be too close because man will sweat and stay up all night
Has had a habit of kicking the blankets off since he was a kid
Had to adjust when you started staying over because you would be freezing and curled into a ball in the morning
Has the room super cold and sleeps basically naked when you’re there so he doesn’t get the urge to kick the sheets to the floor
Guys I’m so sleeeeeepyyyyyyyyyy so hope your expectations were low. Also just realized that people schedule things to be posted. Like not everyone posts their fics the second they finish at crackhead hours like me. Oh well.
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miasmaghoul · 10 months
honestly something i’d absolutely love to see in your style of writing would be mountain and one of the other ghouls having a relaxing day potting plants in the greenhouse :) maybe they’re talking about something deep, maybe they’re exchanging gossip, maybe they’re working in comfortable silence, but whatever it is, they’re having fun, they’re soft and chaste, and they’re so so in love <3
yes uh huh yep absolutely lets go
soft boys below the cut
Dew sways in place, humming a tune to complement the raindrops pattering against the glass walls surrounding him. A springtime sunshower that makes him feel refreshed, makes his skin buzz and his gills flutter. He's tempted to sneak away, just long enough to get his fins damp and his hair frizzy, but it's a fleeting thought.
Dew's tail swishes aimlessly on the ground, stirs up fallen leaves and withered petals. The result of one of Mountain's seasonal repotting days, of hours spent pruning and stripping and checking for root rot. Of lugging around countless pots and sacks of dirt and the putrid fertilizer Mountain swears by. It's lousy work, really. Delicate but backbreaking, especially for a ghoul of smaller stature. Exhausting.
Dew's been here since just after sunup, and there's nowhere else he'd rather be.
It's been hours now, the sun hanging high where it peeks through the rainclouds. He has at least six different kinds of soil caked under his nails and streaked across his face, muddy smears covering both his apron and the garbage pair of jeans he'd yanked on this morning. They're more stain than denim at this point, and Dew wears them exactly four times a year. The little ghoul stretches his arms over his head and relishes the way his spine pops.
He's sore all over, truth be told, but it's a kind of good sore. The kind that comes from manual labor, from hard work and dedication. Dew catalogs the places he'll need to ask Aether to rub later, a little quintessence analgesic that he'll definitely have earned; his shoulders for sure, they're starting to crunch when he rolls them. His fingers too, Dew knows his knuckles will be all swollen up otherwise. Probably his legs and feet as well, but that would be better saved for -
"I'm back."
Dew's ears perk up when a deep voice calls from across the greenhouse, accompanied by the telltale squeal of the heavy glass door. Booted footsteps follow, wet soles squeaking against dirty concrete, and Dew hops off the stool he's been perched on just in time for Mountain to round a nearby pallet of exotic ferns.
"Don't get up on my accout," he chuckles, smoothing wind-mussed hair back between his antlers. Dew can just barely see misty droplets clinging to those auburn strands. "Besides," Mountain adds, holding up a paper bag, "I brought you lunch, and you don't want to eat standing up."
Dew's stomach growls mightily the moment he says it, loud enough that they both look down at it.
"Good timing," he says, poking at his belly. Dew hops back up onto his seat and scoots it closer to the filthy bench he's been working on. "Any longer and I might have started consuming things with no regard for signage."
Mountain laughs, but it's true. Dew hasn't eaten anything since he and Mountain found each other in the kitchen this morning. Even that wasn't much, a couple pieces of toast and a container of some weird coconut yogurt he'd found on the bottom shelf of the fridge.
Dew has these four days memorized at this point - three days before a solstice or three days after an equinox - but Mountain still always seems surprised to see him stroll into the common room in his work boots and crusty jeans. Dew supposes that has something to do with the fact that he usually sleeps until at least noon, but that's neither here nor there.
"Wouldn't recommend that," Mountain rumbles, setting the bag on the table for Dew to pounce on. "Last time Ifrit did that I couldn't keep him off me for a week."
"Woe is you, " Dew laments, collecting his prize. "I'm sure you suffered, what with his huge dick and endless stamina."
"It was a struggle like no other," Mountain deadpans, slipping his apron back over his head. He'd hosed it off before Terzo had called him for an unexpected meeting, and Dew had taken the liberty of pulling the moisture from it while he was gone. Left it in dark stains on the floor below instead. "I smelled like him for two weeks."
Dew snickers, opening up the bag. Pulling out a hefty container that's still warm to the touch and a real fork. There's a drink in there too, a bottle of coffee in Dew’s preferred mocha, and a paper-wrapped fruit pie the size of his hand. He looks up at Mountain with a quirked brow.
"What's all this?" Mountain tips his head while he secures his apron, makes a questioning sound. "You said lunch, I figured I'd have a sandwich or something. This is like," Dew gestures vaguely, "this is a whole thing."
Mountain shrugs, rolls up his sleeves. Dew definitely doesn't stare at his forearms for the second or two it takes to open the container. For the smell of it to hit him - roasted salmon with creamy polenta, along with a small pile of green beans flecked with garlic and lemon zest. His mouth waters immediately, and his stomach gives another loud complaint. Dew grabs his fork and gathers up an oversized bite, and it's halfway to his mouth when Mountain answers.
"I stopped by the mess after my meeting," he explains with a casual shrug. "Got there at the right time, I guess."
Dew freezes mid-bite, looks over at Mountain with his mouth still hanging open. He's in the middle of hauling pots onto his own bench, a cart of miniature rose bushes in the process of being repotted sitting beside it.
"You went to the mess?"
It's a well known fact that Mountain can't stand the parts of the abbey that attract swaths of humanity - it takes real effort to even get him to attend mass - and Dew can't imagine him braving the mess hall on his own. Again, Mountain shrugs.
"It was on the way back from Terzo's office," he offers, collecting a bush from the cart. Setting it on his worktable and brushing a few stray leaves to the ground. "You've been working hard, you deserve real food."
Dew's face goes unbearably warm, but he doesn't argue.
"Thank you," he murmurs instead, soft but genuine.
Mountain's tail sways up to pat at his arm in response, the tufted end ticklish against his exposed forearm. Dew finally pops that forkful of food into his mouth, and the taste of it is exquisite. He groans, his eyes fall shut, his shoulders curl, the whole shebang. Surely an overreaction, but in fairness he's really hungry.
"Fuckin' hells, that's good," Dew sighs, popping a green bean into his mouth. "Say what you will about Sister Agata, but that old broad makes damn good food."
Mountain scoffs, shoots him a dramatic, offended look.
"Better than mine?"
Dew snorts, shoveling another mouthful of polenta. He makes a wavy gesture with his hand, a silent ehhh, maybe that Mountain responds to with a shocked gasp. Dew rolls his eyes, flicks his tail at Mountain's calf.
"'Course not," Dew assures him, spearing a bean on each tine of his fork. He gives the other ghoul a wink. "No one burns popcorn like you, Mount."
The end of Mountain’s tail whacks the back of his head, right above the knot he's tied his hair into. Dew waves it off, but makes a happy little sound when that tail settles on his thigh instead.
They fall into comfortable silence, Dew watching Mountain unearth a bush from its home and set it on his table. Munching away while he follows the way Mountain starts gentling its roots apart, spreading them out to better suit the large pot at his feet. No matter how often Dew does this, he can never get enough of seeing the way Mountain gets lost in his element.
If Mountain were anyone else, Dew would've asked where his lunch was, why he was eating alone. But there would be no point; Mountain has a certain philosophy when it comes to food, something that must have come ingrained in his vessel. He believes in only eating what he grows or catches himself - be it fish from the lake and streams, animals from the forest or even the odd, wandering sibling. He wouldn't eat mess hall food if it were the last thing Above.
Plus Dew's pretty sure he can photosynthesize, so there's that too.
Dew polishes off his meal quickly, while he watches flowering vines curl their way up Mountain's antlers. Speckled with tiny pale blue blossoms that Dew knows match his eyes. He's quiet, but his lips are moving like he's speaking to the plant in his hands. Dew imagines him encouraging it, coaxing life back into any fading roots. He's tossing back the last of his coffee by the time Mountain's hoisting the new pot onto the workbench, already lined with rich, black soil that will keep that little rosebush happy for months to come.
"What color will that one be?"
Full and re-energized, Dew slides from his seat and sidles up beside Mountain, observing the way he meticulously shake the old dirt from that mess of roots.
"Pink, supposedly," he mutters, brow gently furrowed. "That's what the label said, at least. Hard to know with these, though. Ivy did a lot of crossbreeding in her younger years. These could be black for all I know."
Mountain settles the little bush into its new home, carefully aerating the new earth with nimble fingers. Dew reaches forward out of habit, helps to redistribute that soft dirt and get those roots covered up nice and snug.
"I hope they're white," Dew chimes in, focused only on the task at hand. "The white ones are my favorite."
"And Zephyr's," Mountain hums, tapping the back of Dew's hand when he's happy with the plant job. Dew pulls back obediently, gives Mountain the space to fluff up its leaves. "Guess we'll just have to wait and see."
"Guess so," Dew sighs, leaning his elbows on the table while Mountain adds a layer of topsoil to the pot. "My turn now?"
"If you'd like," Mountain offers, standing back. "Unless you want to wait until they're all potted first."
"Nah," Dew straightens, cracks his knuckles, "I already walked all the way over here, might as well."
Mountain laughs, a brief but rich sound that Dew treasures every time he hears it. Dew extends his hand, takes a deep breath through his nose and exhales between his fangs. The tips of his fingers tingle, cool in the temperate heat of the greenhouse.
"Soil or leaves?"
"Both," Mountain replies, and with a nod Dew twists his wrist.
This is his favorite part, of course. When it comes time for the watering, for Dew to make himself useful and earn a pat between the horns for his efforts. He holds a flat palm towards the bush and manipulates the moisture hanging around them - in the air, consensed on the glass walls, even the few droplets still clinging Mountain's hair. Channels it all into a fine mist that he's sure to apply to every last leaf and burgeoning bud. Dew hums to himself while he works, cupping his hands once he's happy with his coverage and letting the water fill his palms instead.
"There," he says, pleased, pouring a few modest handfuls into thirtsty soil. "Good enough?"
Dew steps back so Mountain can check his work. He wipes both hands on his apron, smears around the caked on dirt that'll take a chisel to remove by the time the day is done. Mountain rumbles his approval after a moment, and Dew preens from the sound alone.
"Very well done," he lilts, and Dew rolls up onto the balls of his feet just in time to meet Mountain's hand. It rests perfectly between his mother-of-pearl horns, ruffling the loose hairs that have escaped their ties. Dew purrs, Mountain chuckles, and they part once more.
"One down," Dew says, peeking around Mountain at the remaining plants on the cart. "How many to go?"
"Eight," Mountain replies easily, already hoisting the next bush up to work on. "Of these, at least. I think the new guy is almost done racking the orchids, so those will be next."
Mountain looks at him from the corner of his eye, like he's waiting for Dew to complain. To whine about this taking too long, or that it's too boring. The look he gives him every time Dew volunteers to help him with this. Dew gives him a fang-filled smile instead.
"Sounds good," he says easily, striding back to his own work station. "I'm here as long as you want me, big guy."
Mountain chuffs, eyes sparkling. Dew can't believe how much more obvious the gold flecks in his emerald irises stand out on these days. He looks so...whole. Mountain's fingers dance over what will one day be a rose, now just a green bud, and Dew doesn't miss the way his ear flicks.
"Hey, Dew?" His voice carries something deep, something real.
There's a long beat of silence, and all Dew can hear are fading raindrops. The sun's getting brighter now, fewer clouds to hide behind. He can see Mountain’s freckles in the warm light, and the streak of copper in his hair. Then,
"I'm...really glad you're here."
Everything around them seems to soften. Dew smiles, unabashed and open, his tail drifting over to tangle with Mountain's just because he can. He huffs our a deeply amused laugh, staring down at his tabletop to hide the way his cheeks flush. Force of habit.
"Nowhere else I'd rather be," he replies, easy as anything, and he really hopes Mountain believes it. "Now gimme something to pot, my fingers are gettin' itchy."
Mountain snorts, shakes his head, but doesn't hesitate to grab another bush and a pot, depositing them on Dew's table. Dew busies himself scooping fresh dirt into the terracotta vessel while Mountain checks the plant for anything that requires pruning.
"This one's even supposed to be white," he says, not missing the way Dew perks up at the words. "Take good care of it, yeah?"
He will, of course. And in a few months, when these plants are hale and hearty and flush with springtime blooms, a bouquet of them will appear in Dew's room. Perfectly trimmed and never wilting, wrapped in silky green ribbon that Dew will save in a secret place behind his sock drawer.
For now, Mountain returns to his own table, and together they work. The silence doesn't last nearly as long this time, broken by Mountain humming a folksy tune that Dew has heard enough times to harmonize with. So he does, the sound bouncing around them and accompanied by the gentle rustle of leaves swaying in a nonexistent breeze. The plants singing with them, Dew thinks. Peaceful.
Soon enough, one of them will speak again. Will break up the monotony with talk of music or recent happenings, or maybe even indulge in a little gossip regarding Terzo's newest summon. He's a hybrid, Dew heard, fire and earth and supposedly just enough quintessence to make him a Problem. Dew wonders if that's what Mountain's meeting was about, but he doesn't ask. Not yet.
For now, all he needs is this.
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thebearme · 9 months
Imma just gonna start with Cam first, and let me just tell you Cameron I projected the most on because even after my "ihatehim no ilovehim" phase so idk maybe some of this could be out of character srry.
I imagine Cameron is south African, particularly Zimbabwean.
His a walking nerd emoji.
The only pass time Cam had was to draw bugs. So he's REALLY GOOD at drawing bugs. Only bugs. Everything else looks like it's from the diary of a wimpy kid.
Cam not that keen of physical touch but slowly getting used to it cuz of Mike. Mike also trying to remember that everyone is open on surprise hugs.
Idk why but with Zoey and Cam's relationship I just think of Carly and Freddie but without the crush.
Gwen and Cam would have art trades together.
Cam got the dryess hands in existence because of the amount of hand sanitizer he uses. OCD GAND RISE UP!
Im saying this now but Cam and B would TOTALLY VIBE TOGETHER!! i just don't know their intentions are yet so dont ask..
Lightning and Cam would have hangout if not for the cheating thing.
Duncan once asked Cam if he can draw a mural of his pet spider Scruffy.
Sam would take it as his personal duty to teach Cam in the way of being a gamer. By teaching him the Zelda timeline and the lore of FNAF. May god rest Cam soul after that.
Cam doesn't not do well with the more active people in Mike's system like Svetlana and Manitoba. They try to be gentle with him but they just don't know their strengths and Manitoba canonically eats dirt so there's only so much they can hangout.
Vito doesn't vibe with nerds but he does occasional try to back him up if he's getting bullied. ONLY if Vito himself isn't bullying Cam.
Cameron actually has the best relationship with Chester. He loves hearing history and old facts and Chester loves the excuse to chat someone's ears off.
Mal and Cam have more of a neutral relationship with each other but I can definitely see Mal thinking his just some weakling nerd until Cam shows him he knows how to make the Demon core.
Cam and Mike started a hate Scott club. Although Cam feels alil bad about, he tends to be reminded of why they started this club every time they go back to their cabin.
Cam once witnessed Scott use the bathroom without washing his hands. And never liked him since.
There was one time between season, Mike, Cam and Zoey were going on a little road trip. Z & M both ask what song should they play next? Cam said he doesn't know any songs so maybe just play the Ice cream truck theme. And that's when they find out HOW sheltered this boy is.
I would get into the nitty gritty but Cam's mom is NOT a good mom. Zoey and Mike have beef with her (Zoey trys to have the benefit of the doubt and said she just too over protective while Mike legit DONT like her.)
They both make sure that Cam gets as much outside time as possible and learn to have a life outside of his house.
When Cam goes to college is going aboard as an entomologist.
When Cameron first came on TD he didn't know what to wear because obviously he's never been outside so it a mixture of hot and cold clothes. Bro don't know fashion but it's his outfit changes in All Stars.
He's wearing a puffer jacket because it reminds him of a sleeping bag and makes him cozy + it has a cooling system inside thanks to B.
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ted-answers · 3 months
Hey Ted, were you ever like… bullied as a kid? If so, what for?
(ooc; long post and sorry for typos, I cannot be bothered to reread this for a 7th time)
Oh. Oh yes. It was for what you'd expect honestly, my family was dirt poor. Growing up I had, at most, maybe four outfits? None of them ever stayed clean long enough to be decent, as I wore them not only to school but also while doing farm work. My hair was never clean, I was always being sent around places to work on machines- I had a knack for them and if there's one thing me and my parents had in common, it was knowing when something was profitable- I wasn't ever getting homework done or sleeping because of how much work I'd be doing. I passed out in class often. My hair always had oil or grease in it. I had burns, cuts, and bruises nearly constantly, and my already filthy clothes started getting oil stains.
All of that was the perfect recipe for pre-teens with better living situations to tear me to pieces. Didn't help that while growing up I was skinny, tall, and pretty malnourished. I couldn't fight anyone off if I tried. I was a bookworm for fucks sake, I was practically a walking target. I think one of the reasons my parents pulled me out of school in my early teens, before I could even become a freshman in high school, was likely so they could avoid the responsibility of what was essentially neglect. Plus, with no homework, I could get so much more work done. yay.
Despite it all, and despite the fact I think I hated my parents, for loads of good reasons. I miss them. I can't even remember their faces. I don't remember our family name. I barely remember the farm. I can't even recall my siblings. Not to sound like a child, but I miss them, so, so much. I would give everything, anything, to say sorry for leaving them. For never giving them any of the riches I acquired. For changing both my names and pretending I had been an orphan all my life. I want my mom. I want my dad.
I haven't thought this in years, decades even, but
I want to go home.
(ooc; hot take but Ted genuinely has one of the saddest backstories because he is such a victim of circumstance. I see people going "omg he used rich women for their money" and what they don't realize is that his only other option was slaving away on a farm in South Carolina for the rest of his life. Something that had already consumed his entire childhood. He didn't even have a high school diploma. Tell me what the hell he's supposed to do for career paths without one of those. Yes, he was a genius, he was entirely self-educated from the age of 13 onwards. He dove into books to ignore his outward circumstances. He can't really get a decent job with that. Hell- He was on an entirely different continent by the time he finally had freedom. His literal only option was to be a fucking playboy. Scamming was the only constant stream of cash. I'll admit that can be mildly comedic in some scenarios but it's also sad. Justice for Ted I love him.)
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Kɪʟʟ Fᴏʀ Yᴏᴜ (Fʀᴀɴᴋɪᴇ Mᴏʀᴀʟᴇs)
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Frankie Morales × Male/GN Reader.
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 2,5 k.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: It was a night like any other, except for the fact that it was pretty late and your husband wasn't home yet. When he finally arrived, he didn't do it like you expected.
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: established relationship, mentions of blood, mentions of death, slight angst, reader taking care of frankie bc hes a sweetheart, teeth rotting fluff, no physical descriptions of reader, no use of Y/N. (lmk if i missed any).
𝔸/ℕ: hey yall, this is the first thing that im writing for this blog, which im gonna dedicate to pedro pascal fully. i wanted to start with frankie bc i love him sm, he has a special place in my heart and it just felt like the right thing. enjoy <3
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The wind howled inside the room by the open window on the side of your bedroom. It was one of those nights where you weren't able to sleep, concerned about your husband not coming home yet. You woldn't usually be so worried, but it was already a couple of hours past midnight, and he never took that much time coming back home. You had spent all that time trying to convince yourself that he was okay, that he was probably just having one of his boy nights or days out with his friends. But then again, if that was the case, he would have given you a heads up —texted you—, but he didn't. Now that you think about it, he didn't even say where he was going when he said goodbye to you that morning.
Now you were even more concerned. Where the hell was he? Why hadn't he said anything to you? Why wasn't he home? All those questions were running side to side in your head, and they wouldn't let you sleep.
At least not until you heard the door opening and closing, followed by the clanking of the keys on a table.
You got up from the bed as fast as you could, running to the door with a glimpse of hope and relief blooming inside your chest. All the concern and fear you had just a minute ago had all gone away, knowing that Frankie was home safe.
"Frankie?", you whispered into the darkness of the corridor. In response, your husband gave you a soft gasp. "Frankie, baby, are you okay?", you moved closer to him, still not able to see anything in the lack of light.
"Hey, honey", he finally spoke. You could feel how his voice was unsteady. As your concern started to rise again, you moved in closer with your arm extended out to grab him. "No, don't come near me, babe. I'm...", he stopped talking.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?", you asked, stepping away like he told you to.
"Just don't get close right now, 'kay? I'm not clean".
"What do you mean you're not clean?"
"I mean... I'm... I've got...".
Since he didn't seem willing to tell you what was going on, you just interrupted him and turned the corridor lights on. It was then that you saw him covered in red and brown. Blood and dirt were spread all over his clothes, barely letting the denim jacket and the gray t-shirt underneath be seen. The anger that was flowing through your veins just seconds ago moved away to make way for fear to come back. You watched in horror how the man in front of you looked at you with eyes full of sorrow and regret. His hands were trembling, blood dried up on the tip of his fingers, where it had dripped. The hair under his cap —which was also covered in dirt and blood— was drenched in what looked like a mix of blood and sweat, as well as disheveled, more than it usually was.
Your own hands got up to touch his face. His eyes fluttered close when you graced your fingers over his cheekbones, stroking his skin lightly. Frankie let out a shaky sigh, your touch making his heart rate calm down a little bit. One of his hands went up to grab yours and he entwined the fingers of both of you.
"Tell me this is not your blood", you said slowly. Frankie was only able to shake his head no. "Oh, thank God", you moved your hand away from his face and got closer to him, wraping your arms around his torso in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're okay, honey", you pressed your cheek flush against his chest. He responded hugging you just as tight, his chin resting on your head.
"I'm sorry", he whispered. His hands squeezed you as forcefull as his fingers permitted. Something liquid fell on your hair from his chin, followed by a soft whimper out of Frankie's mouth. You held him tighter, too. "I should've told you", he cried.
"Told me what, Frankie?", you caressed his back in a reassuring motion.
"That I was goin' out again", another sob came from his lips. "That I was goin' on another mission".
You suddenly understood the situation. That is why Frankie hadn't come home earlier. That is why he didn't tell you anything about where was he going. Because he was going out on a mission once again, and he didn't want you to worry. Maybe he thought you would argue with him about it, not let him go, and he didn't want you to be mad at him, nor wanted to be mad at you. Whatever it was why he didn't want you to know, though, didn't matter anymore.
"It's okay, love. I got you now, you're here with me, you're safe".
You held him as he cried, talked him through it, told him he was going to be fine. He just nodded every time you reminded him that nothing bad was going to happen to him, or to you, and that you would stay with him no matter what.
As the night went by, Frankie's sobs calmed down until getting to a halt. His breath became steady, just as his heartbeats. The tears pouring out of his eyes down onto your head stopped soaking your hair, and the ones that had fallen over it had already dried up. You then moved away from the hug, grabbing your husband's hand.
"How does a shower sound, hm?", you looked up at him. "You must be exhausted, and you're gonna need to get out of those clothes and all that dirt if you wanna get into bed without leaving an ugly stain", you chuckled, trying to cheer him up. He could see what you wanted to do, and gave you a smile followed by a soft breathed-out giggle.
"Yeah... Yeah, I should shower", he squeezed your hand.
"Good. I'll help you. You did leave a stain on me after that hug", you looked down at yourself, your pajamas now dirty with red and brown, just like Frankie's clothes. He smiled again, mumbling an apology before you led him to the bathroom.
You took your clothes off first, then helped Frankie out of his. As you slowly removed his denim jacket, you uncovered some cuts on his forearms. The t-shirt was also broken in the back because of more scratches that went up his shoulders as well. His legs were less hurt though, which gave you some relief. Still, when his feet were left unclothed, you saw some blisters on the heels, and his nails were broken and bloodied. Frankie took your hand when he saw your face full of concern. He helped you stand up so you could look at him and gave you the sweetest smile he could pull up. You smiled back, trying to focus on making him feel better and forget about whatever happened at that mission he had gone out on.
You stepped into the shower right after him. You turned on the faucet and waited for the water to be warm enough. Then, you turned to look at Frankie, telling him to get in front of you. He turned around so you were facing his back. You watched as the water doplets ran along his curls, his torso and down his legs. Once he was completely wet, you turned the faucet off and started rubbing the soap all over his body. You massaged the points you found more tense and stroked his wounds gently. He would let out a pained whimper when one of them hurt, and you immediatly whispered a quick apology and moved onto the next cut.
When you finally reached his hair, you buried your fingers on the soft, chocolate curls of your husband and massaged his scalp softly. His lips parted as he let a pleased and relaxed sigh escape from between them. His hands had stopped trembling and now laid by the sides of his body. You kept scrubing the shampoo at his scalp until it was covered in bubbles, and then moved down to grab his hands. He turned around to look at you as you rubbed the blood away from his fingers, staring into his deep brown eyes. His lips showed you a small, brief smile when your fingers entwined with his. He left you facing his back once more and turned the faucet on again. You helped him get rid of all the soap.
"Thank you", he said, so low that you barely heard him.
"Of course, pretty boy", you hugged him from behind, leaving small pecks at the back of his neck. He brought one of your hands to his lips and kissed it multiple times. Your smile came back to your lips at his gesture. "You might want to eat something before we go to bed", you turned off the faucet.
"Yeah, maybe I should. I'm kinda starvin' ", he chuckled. You were happy to see him less scared and traumatized than he was when he first arrived home. 
You both got out of the shower and helped each other dry up. You put all your dirty clothes in the washing machine, setting a mental reminder to put it to work next morning. You followed Frankie into your shared bedroom as he picked clean clothes from the wardrobe for the both of you. Once you were dressed, you walked to the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out a plate of leftovers from your own dinner so Frankie could have some. He just sat down on the kitchen table as he watched you do it all. He thought back to everything that had happened that day. He had murdered people again, something that he had promised himself not to do again and that he wasn't proud of doing, but something that had to be done and would save millions of lives, including yours.
He'd give anything to have you taking care of him like this again, he thought that morning he went on that mission. Even if it meant killing, torturing and hurting people, like it all had. And so, there you were, taking care of the poor, traumatized Frankie that had gone back home to you just to have you like this again. He thought that, after all, if he had protected you and saved your life, he didn't care of what he had done that day. He let all the bad thoughts drift away as the thought of you being safe and in his arms that night was all that got to occupy his mind.
He got up from his chair and hugged you from behind as you were setting his dinner on a plate. You giggled, stopping for a moment to place your hands over his. Frankie kissed the side of your head once you got back to his plate. When you were done, he grabbed it mumbling a little "thank you" and placed it on the kitchen table, where you two sat at.
You watched silently as your husband ate the food as fast as his movements allowed him, without a single break to breathe. You heard him moan every time he put a piece of a different meal into his mouth, enjoying the flavor of each one of them after not having eaten for the entire day. After a couple of short minutes, there was no food left on his plate. He looked at you and realised the way you were observing him. He put on an innocent look on his eyes and gave you a little smile as an apology.
"You were starving", you placed the plate in the sink, then grab Frankie's hand. "We should go to sleep now".
He let you lead him into the bedroom. You helped him inside the sheets when you saw his legs trembling at the sting of his wounds. You sat next to him once he was laying down under the sheets. He looked at you with hooded eyes, still feeling sorry for how useless he had been that night. You just held his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, as if to remind him that he wasn't useless, and that you liked to take care of him.
"I'm sorry", he said once again.
"Stop it, Frankie. Don't be sorry", you laid next to him, facing him and staring into his eyes. "Look, I don't know where you went today, or what you did. But what I do know is that, whatever it was, it was for good, even if you don't feel good about it. And I also do know that you're okay, here, with me tonight, and no one can hurt you as long as I'm with you", you cupped his face with both of your hands. "And no one will hurt me as long as you stay with me, got it?", he nodded. "Then I'll take it you'll stay with me, right?". He grabbed your face in a gentle, yet firm grasp. His brown orbs stared deep into your soul.
"I'm gonna stay with you. Forever. I'm gonna protect you with everythin' I have, even if it means I gotta kill every single human bein' on this Earth. No one is ever gonna hurt you as long as I'm here", he promised.
He then pulled you in for the most tender, loving, sweetest kiss he had ever given you. It was a kiss where he showed you all the things he felt for you, where he told you how much he loved you without needing words. It made you realise how much his promise meant and how serious he was about it. Of course you knew he would kill for you, that was his job after all. You just hoped he didn't have to put himself in danger again, and that he would just stay with you for as long as life allowed you to be together.
"Can I be the little spoon tonight?", he asked, taking you out of your thoughts. You looked at him with eyes full of love as he smiled shyly.
"Get over here, baby".
And so, you held him tight until the both of you fell asleep. Frankie had no nightmares that night, the complete opposite of what he thought would happen. He expected to not be able to close his eyes for the entire night, but that didn't happen. He just focused on listening to your breathing and feeling your heartbeat on his back. That all was enough for you to help him have his very hoped dreamless night. He rested just like he needed, and he slept right through the night. After all, he now knew that he was in your arms, and you were right there with him, so nothing bad would happen to any of you.
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cocoatonedcurls · 2 months
curly hair 101
hii :))
since "curls" is literally in my username, its only natural that I post about something for the curly girls :D
so why not start with a beginner's guide to curly hair :)
in this guide
hair types/ curl patterns
wash day routine + products
regular hair care
hair styles + cuts
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hair types
soo first of all i think its helpful if you get a gist of what hair type you have, e.g 2c, 3b, 4b etc...
its not mandatory and doesn't really mean anything but like it definitely aids when you're looking for haircair & inspo with hairstyles and haircuts and all that jazz 🤗 [ <- jazz hands :) ]
here's a chart to help you
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obviously do some of your own research if you're unsure- this isn't very in-depth and doesn't use irl examples
also keep in mind that you can have multiple, and a wide range of types on one head LOLL like mine ranges from 2C -> 3C 🫣
(PS: this guide will be tailored to type 2 -> 3 hair just because that's what I have experience with and don't want to potentially ruin anyone's type 4 hair 😭 but if aspects of this apply then feel free to apply them 😇)
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wash day routine + products
alrighty so i see some overcomplication/people being scared of curly hair washing- like looking at porosity and whatnot but IMO its really not that difficult
the only thing you really need to worry about for the washing aspect is getting moisturising (curly recommended) shampoo & conditioner, just cause if you don't it could dry out your hair and have a pretty dodgy finished product 😬 (I use Umberto Giannini for this)
washing is pretty standard:
wet your hair thoroughly, so that no part is dry
shampoo round 1, make sure to scrub thoroughly to get rid of any dirt and grime 🙈
shampoo round 2, this should turn your hair into its own bubble bath 🫧
condition, rake through your hair and make sure it is everywhere
let sit for a little bit, ~2 mins maybe
and thats it :))
don't use a regular towel, use a microfiber towel if you're using one at all so that all the moisture isn't drained from your hair before the rest of the products
now for the curly hair routine:
start with leave-in conditioner and run it through the entirety of your hair - I use Garnier leave-in, like the big tub
then run some curl cream through your hair and scrunch it in, make sure there is an even application throughout all the hair - I use the Shea Moisture curl cream
~ this next bit is optional because its a gel cast + styling but honestly id totally recommend going the extra mile for it cause it holds your curls for longer and makes ur hair softer ~
apply curly gel to your hair and scrunch it in, I use Aussie curl gel
for styling, I take the middle -> top sections of my hair, take some extra gel and finger coil the curls
let your hair air dry or diffuse
once completely dry, take some hair oil and scrunch it through your hair and separate any coils, I use argan oil
then you're done :))
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regular hair care
there isnt really much to say here tbh
only that
if you need to refresh your curls, you should be able to do it just by finger-coiling with water
DON'T brush your hair while dry, it causes breakage
if you sweat, your hair will most likely get frizzy
to tie your hair use a scrunchie
sleeping with a bonnet helps reduce frizz but icl I don't 🫣
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hair styles + cuts
okay let me preface this section by saying PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE do some research about curly stylists in your area, I promise it will be worth it because curly hair cutting requires special training (despite the fact we've probably all cut our hair ourselves at some point 🙈)
now here are some things I usually ask for in a haircut:
a trim off the edges to keep my hair healthy (I have hair down past my shoulders)
2 or 3 layers to keep volume around my head so it doesn't look like a flat landslide...
some long bangs at the front to frame my face
obviously thats just me so do some extra research and see what you'd like
not much, but here are some hairstyles i usually do for everyday wear:
hair down (obviously 🤗)
high ponytail/bun with a few curls at the front
half up half down with a few curls at the front
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thats basically all the basics 🙃
i know its hard to start on a curly hair journey especially if you don't know what you're doing, so if you are (or aren't) i hope this was able to help you in some shape or form 🫶🤗
- li 🌘
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poetthewriter · 10 months
I was meant to re-send my oneshot request a few days ago but I forgot...
Could I request some esmpS2!Jimmy x gn!reader angst to fluff :3
Like, Jimmy getting bullied by the other empires and the reader finds him in a secluded area sobbing so they comfort him as much as they can
Jimmy ends up sleeping on the reader's lap and it's just adorable :DD (maybe even add someone finding them and just taking a picture, the next day they show it to the reader and tease them about it)
I deeply apologize if this doesn't make any sense TT
Don't overwork yourself and don't forget to take care of yourself aswell! <3
-🌘 anon
The Ruler Of The Taiga
hello again moony! <3 (fun fact I was originally going to make the reader a tropical biome ruler if you would like to see something like that tell me!)
jimmy!E2 x Gn!Reader (Reader is a fox or wolf hybrid but could also read as a dear reader)
𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔= 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔&𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔🥮🍡🍯
The ruler of the taiga, a biome filled with beauty of all sorts, foxes prance around, sweet berries grow along the paths and enchant structures and statues litter the flora grounds. the sound of grainy foot steps march across the lands as you walk with peace, your delicate crown lays atop your hair and the wailing wind makes your cape fly behind you.
a basket rests in you hands and swings as you continue on your way, your biomes berries, fruits, vegetation, and herbs all pile in you basket as the sun starts to fall, as the sky darkens the temperature drops as if the ghosts have come out to play.
because of your empire being well known as the lands of the folk the air is always quiet, the ground you stand on and rule is known for its stories over thousand's of years this place has been known for its magical and haunting aura.
your ears perk up at the sound of the wolfs and coyotes that help you protect your empire howls, hearing the call of the sharp creatures you head back to elk village. paces quicken wanting to reach your home, all the views of the forest pass you as you scower but a flash of color makes you stop in your tracks.
on the soft plush soft fern filled ground the sheriff of the mesa lies, his hands run through his gold hair and his body is tensed. "Jimmy?" you speak up you voice quiet and soft but very welcoming, looking up jimmy sees you staring down at his stressed figure and looks away a little embarrassed putting his hands over his face.
It only takes a few swift moments and you are now sitting beside him you can already see that he is stressed, his posture is weak, his eyes are tired and his hairs is all ruffled. "hey, are you ok?" you voice is gentle making sure he feels at least a little more comfortable.
soon after you talk he dimly responds in a strained voice "I'm fine". its quite obvious he was ether yelling, crying or tired. his body slowly fades in and out of conciseness "I'm sorry for being here Y/n I just needed to get away from things for a bit" he continues speaking voice breaking every few words.
"Hey don't be sorry, I can tell your not fine so you wanna tell me what's wrong?" you hum.
"im just tired of everyone ..."
" i know how hard it can be to deal with everyone, and i know that you know that your alot more then what they say you are"
Your head lays on the dirt of the hill behind you two and you rest an arm over you friend, "its hard when everyone is on you tail but why let the jokes and remarks decide how you feel, am i right?"
"thank you" jimmy looks up again as you lay back in the grass, small berries and wormwood spread out across the glade and jimmy slowly lays back with you, soaking in your presents.
a smaller male bard walks through the dim taiga in hopes to find you but instead he finds a new sight Infront of him, Oli usually comes by for the wonderful trades you present him but I guess today he's out of luck cause right in front of the jester like man, you and the sheriff himself lay sleeping in peace as the sunrises over the horizon.
Oli snaps a photo of the two of you and laughs quietly with a smirky face.
"photo for a trade" he whispers thinking of the deals he could make with this new found piece of blackmail, as the sun almost reaches above the trees Oli skips away giddily.
A/n I’m sorry this took so long I’ve been working and some stuff has been going on but enough with the exudes I hope to finish the reast of my requests<3
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egginfroggin · 5 months
To the Anon who sent me an ask requesting more little Emmet content: I am so sorry, I started to answer and then Tumblr ate it when I tried to save it to my drafts.
That being said, here is the requested content:
After Emmet gets shrunk from Rift energy, Arceus quickly sees the issue with this situation and tampers with its mark on him -- rather than a subtle mark that designates their connection, visible only to the Nobles and Legendaries, Arceus adjusts it so that most pokemon are able to see that Emmet is Arceus's Chosen, and will leave him alone accordingly. This doesn't always work, but it helps make sure that the Staravias don't try to peck his eyes out, at least. Its effect is flaky when it comes to Paras.
As a continuation of the above point, this makes it slightly worse in some cases, as the frenzied Nobles can see his designation plain as day. Due to Giratina's wrath being the source of their frenzy, this makes them pursue him with single-minded intent. Additionally, some alphas choose to ignore Emmet's mark and all it entails.
Typhlosion mothers Emmet already, but she truly leans into her broodiness in this variant. Do Not Touch. Emotional support fire weasel will bite.
Akari and Rei are well aware of the fact that Emmet is possibly not supposed to look like this, but they frequently forget about this during the process of Sibling Adoption.
The Ride Pokemon (which are considered Nobles in most, if not all, of my works) are very, very protective of this little bean chosen by Arceus. He is tiny! He must be protected!
Jubilife generally treats Emmet more warmly than they do in the original fic. Most people don't know about the theory that Emmet is, in fact, a grown adult who somehow got shrunk. Those who do know about that theory nevertheless treat him more gently because he is still physically, and to some extent mentally, still a child in a very unfortunate situation.
This does not stop a sort of banishment from occurring during the red sky, but rather than chucking the boy out on his ear, Kamado outright orders Akari and Rei to go with him.
(They would go anyway; even if they were to be ostracized, by this point Emmet is their tiny brother, and they would be willing to deal with it)
Palina is not happy with the fact that the Galaxy Team is okay with this tiny child running around fixing problems.
Emmet and Vessa get along great, frankly, once they get past Vessa staring him dead in the eyes and telling him that he is a mess and his soul is blinding and wrong. After that, hijinks ensue.
Emmet is not above using his cute little face and big, shiny eyes to manipulate Akari and Rei into giving him sweets.
Akari and Rei hate distortions with a passion because they're dangerous, but also because whenever they show up, Emmet just up and freaking runs into them and then they have to go drag him back. It's exhausting.
Emmet is very good at escaping whatever measures are instated to keep him contained.
Due to Emmet's tininess, things like stun spore and sleep powder affect him more severely. He will catch a whiff of sleep powder, sneeze, and get verrrry sleepy verrrrry fast.
Akari and Rei learn sign language very fast because it is the only way to tell what the heck Emmet is saying without writing utensils, and in the field, writeable dirt is not common, nor is sand, and they don't usually carry around much spare paper.
On the plus side, Emmet can get tuckered out pretty quickly due to the aforementioned tininess, and he's not very good and pushing on after that point.
On the down side, Emmet can get tuckered out pretty quickly due to the aforementioned tininess, and he's not very good at pushing on after that point.
So, that's all for the moment! I hope this answered your question if you're seeing this, Anon, and that you have a good day. ^^
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