#Daily Prophet
hpseeker99 · 4 months
The Daily Prophet: Three people have reportedly broken into the Gringotts. McGonagall, scoffing: What idiots *Front cover on the daily prophet, showing Harry, Ron, and Hermione riding a dragon out of the building* McGonagall: Wait, those are my idiots
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caturnmoon · 2 months
My first ever Astrology Observation ✨
(so please be kind! 🫶🏼🧿)
🎟️ I realize it is now officially Leo season (happy birthday Leo babies!!🦁) and I’d like to point out that Leo risings (and moons to a lesser extent) tend to exude more of that regal energy more naturally than Leo suns honestly. Like their presences alone attract attention, and not the other way around.
🎟️ honorary mention for astrological positions that naturally attract attention and notoriety are heavy Capricorn placements. ♑️ Cap also rules the 10th house in zodiac which is literally the house of career, legacy and who we aim to become in the material world in this lifetime. So anyone with any of these placements in their chart are no stranger to attention…whether good or bad depends on other aspects in your chart. (I.e. Queen Elizabeth II)
🎟️Gemini energy at its absolute evolved is HIGHLY spiritual and cosmically connected! Look for Gemini degrees in your chart that can highlight this also! (example: my Scorpio sun is at the 15th degree and I’m a medium that can commune with spirits. Gemini rules communication thanks to Mercury!)
🎟️following on qualities celebrated by the sun, those with an Aries Sun are exalted by the sun as Aries thrives there. My little brother is an Aries Sun and was exalted as the favorite by my mother. Lololol they can naturally thrive in the spotlight and thus be accustomed to being the center of attention. Aries are the infants of the zodiac so they naturally require a lot of attention! Especially the Aries suns.
🎟️I know the 6th house highlights the work place and health/routines etc. but if positively aspected with planets like the sun and Jupiter can point to massive success and wealth.
🎟️multiple 4th house placements are also a low key fame indicator! And ancestral inheritance (spiritual or material).
🎟️a lot of royalty have heavy Scorpio influence in their chart or 12th house placements; I guess this points to them being “hidden” from the rest of the world and in their own world. Scorpio also represents power and concealed power at that.
🎟️in sidereal astrology folks with revati moons tend to have rocky childhoods but are DIVINELY guided and protected. This guidance only gets stronger with time and are known for their spiritual wealth and boon. Can also indicate massive wealth later in life. They’ll always be nourished by the universe. 💫
🎟️Gemini risings are literally the social butterflies of the zodiac and you can’t convince me otherwise. They literally have never meet a stranger and can navigate almost any social situation with ease!
🎟️I’ve noticed that both placidus AND whole sign systems are equally effective in chart analysis. Especially if you have placements on the cusp of another house! For example, I’m a 12th house stellium in placidus but a 1st house stellium in whole sign and I resonate with both! This is why it’s important to take both systems into consideration!
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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Beginning of July 1981……
Insta: @/antareslovesdrama TikTok: @/starboy_is_an_artist
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potterwatchsblog · 2 months
44 years ago on 31st July, 1980:- The Boy Who Lived, The Chosen One, Harry Potter, was born.
Happy Birthday Harry James Potter 🎂
33 years ago on 31st July, 1991:- Hagrid showed up at the Hut-on-the-Rock with Harry's Hogwarts letter and told him "You're a wizard, Harry".
33 years ago on 31st July, 1991:- Hagrid took Harry on his first visit to Diagon Alley and gifted Harry an Snowy owl and Harry named her "Hedwig".
32 years ago on 31st July, 1992:- Harry met Dobby for the first time in his bedroom.
31 years ago on 31st July, 1993:- Aunt Marge arrives at the Dursleys Number 4 Privet Drive.
27 years ago on 31st July, 1997:- Harry Potter turns 17 years old, and his Ministry trace is removed as a result of him coming of age in the wizarding world. Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour interrupts Harry's birthday celebration to discuss Albus Dumbledore's Will with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Most importantly 59 years ago on 31st July, 1965:- J. K. Rowling's was born.
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fizzing-whizzbees · 17 days
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lumosposts · 8 months
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mastermindmiko · 1 month
heyy there, absolutely adore your blog! I was wondering what do you think Ginny would be like in her middle-aged years? ✨
Hello, thank you sm!! I love requests like these! spoiler alert, it's very Quidditch heavy. Canonically, she would be married to Harry, but I always thought that Ginny was definitely would end up with Luna.
She would be captain of the Holyhead Harpies after so many years of being on the team, and I think she'd have cut her hair short. I believe that it would get in the way while flying so she would've cut it to her shoulders or maybe even to her chin. I can imagine that she'd look so beautiful in that haircut.
She'd go on adventures with Luna every once in a while once Luna becomes a magi zoologist because we know that Ginny can't stay away from adventure . I think that is what would lead her to her next job after she stops being a Holyhead Harpie. She would write a story about her adventurers with Luna that would end up being her first article in the daily prophet, and then she ends up being the senior Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet.
She would sponsor more female quidditch teams with only female players because there simply just isn't many professional female Quidditch players, maybe even start her own, because to my knowledge, the Holyhead harpies is the only all girls team, and for sure Ginny would not have that.
She wouldn't gotten married to Harry by now (or Luna), but I feel as though Ginny wouldn't want to get married young while Harry would. She doesn't end up marrying him till her early thirties at least. I have this vision of Harry proposing to her when she's at her celebration party for becoming captain of her Quidditch team.
Despite her wanting to get married a little, she would for sure want to have kids as soon as they do get married. Her and Harry would end up making all their kids try Quidditch. A sort of, buying them a broom for their ninth birthday sort of situation.
I can also see her teaching some muggle self defense courses. I also think she would adore kickboxing and would look so sexy in the work out clothes.
I can see her helping out Ron, George AND Fred (no, Fred does not die) in the joke shop on the weekends. Maybe helping the out starting a more feminine line of products for sure. I can see a lazer lipstick for sure.
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savetheundoneyears · 9 months
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Prologue: The Press Conference
26th August 1914, Daily Prophet
In yesterday’s press conference, Minister Evermonde, Head of the British Ministry of Magic, introduced strict legislation against the involvement of wizardkind in the ongoing Muggle war. Any kind of magic use is strictly prohibited in matters of war and will result in severe punishment; the ground of justification is the International Statute of Secrecy.
Full article on page 3.
Since July 14th, the Wizarding World has been put into a state of unease. Following the assassination of Muggle Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the declaration of war by Austria-Hungary, many wizards fear of the war spreading and the Wizarding World getting caught in the crossfire. 
Addressing the precarious situation, the British Ministry of Magic gave an official statement on the 25th of August, 1914, in which Minister Evermonde made clear, that any sort of wizard involvement in Muggle warfare, threatens the International Statute of Secrecy and would not be tolerated unless authorised by Ministry Officials. Upon further questioning, whether the muggles do not deserve help and protection, he explained that ‘the Ministry simply doesn't have the resources to entertain and aid the muggle war as of now’.
‘The Ministry’s focus is to ensure our kind's safety. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we divide our resources wisely. Not only is there a war raging but the Wizarding World is facing issues that, too, need tending. Protecting the Wizarding society is our top priority and we refuse to put it at risk. I can assure you, however, that the Ministry has the situation under control and acts on the matter as much as needed. […] I know this war is a very emotionally charged topic but I must ask that civilians may refrain from joining the fight and do not enlist on their own accord. It might undermine Ministry measures and therefore, any offence against the issued legislations will be punished.’
– Archer Evermonde, Minister of Magic, Press Conference regarding the Muggle war at the British Ministry of Magic, 25th August 1914
Despite Minister Evermonde ensuring that the situation is under control and that the Ministry is in constant exchange with parties of the International Confederation of Wizards, it needs to be clarified which measures exactly will be taken to aid the situation. So far it is only known that Head Auror, Willard Hartford, is planning to launch new operations to undermine and prevent attempts to harm the Wizarding World, primarily in response to the war and the latest Dark wizard activities – regarding the rumoured Azkaban break nothing was mentioned. 
Ministries Unified
‘In these dark times, it is most important that we lay down our conflict and move forward as a union.’
– Archer Evermonde, Minister of Magic, Press Conference regarding the Muggle war at the British Ministry of Magic, 25th August 1914
Regardless of the war raging between the muggles, Evermonde emphasised the importance of international cooperation. He confirmed that all Ministries of Magic are currently working together and flying at full speed to find solutions to keep the distress for the Wizarding world at a minimum. According to Evermonde, there is no bad blood between the magical parties, and the conflict has not stifled constructive exchange between the Ministries.
Whether the Muggle war will be confined to the few countries already involved or what scale it will take can not be said, but the feeling on this point in high official circles is optimistic. Despite this optimism, the Wizarding communities across Europe prepare for war.
Edited by Odessa Avery
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dillpicklewrites · 11 months
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Graphics for my Tomione, Calypso (Chapter 5) 🥳🥳🥳
Went a little overboard, but at least I had fun (insert graphic design is my passion meme here...)
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blissfulwoes · 4 months
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Ron grinned. “You cheeky little–” He planted both palms firmly on the ground, then moved forward to close the gap between them. 
In an instant, he had pressed his lips to hers.
Pansy tasted like sweetness and cigarettes. As soon as their lips touched, all rational thought ceased. This was so much better than their kiss during the silly party game last year, or their stolen kiss in the broom closet. This was real. It was a new beginning.
Pansy’s whole body reacted, closing any remaining space between them by boldly pressing her chest into his. When she wrapped her arms around his neck, Ron thought he might die of happiness right then.
Never had he experienced a more perfect moment. Ron’s movements were tentative, at first; he moved his fingers gently through her soft raven hair while his tongue darted into her mouth, her full lips caressing his. The feel of her supple lips parting under his was enough to make his knees go weak. Ron groaned; he felt his cock harden when Pansy opened her mouth wider to welcome him, her tongue reaching out to meet his own.
She let out a soft sigh as he pulled her closer, his hands trailing down her body to lay his palms on her gorgeous bum; he squeezed her arse through her skirt, and she groaned into their kiss, wiggling her hips into him. 
Gods, her arse is perfect.
Ron gazed down in awe as his hands roamed over her soft skin, hardly believing that such a beauty could want him. 
Too fast, Ron thought, Does she want…?
He broke the kiss and shifted so that Pansy was sitting on his lap. When he looked down into her wide green eyes, he found himself searching them for any sign of regret. Ron saw a cocktail of emotions in her face - fear, desire, uncertainty - and suddenly he couldn’t speak. They stared at each other in silence, breathless and panting from the intensity of their kiss.
Pansy’s whole body was on fire; she could feel Ron’s erection through his robes, and she’d never felt more warm and safe than she did in the present moment, wrapped in his embrace. She could see his nervousness written all over his face, and felt a slight tremble in his hands. His beautiful, clear blue eyes searched hers, the question he was too afraid to voice so clear to her.
Do you want me?
In that moment, nothing else mattered. Pansy didn’t think about what her friends would say, or her hellish engagement, or even the years of bad history that she shared with the strong, handsome redhead who held her so tenderly. 
Fuck it, thought Pansy, feeling reckless. If this is the closest I can get to happiness, I’ll fucking take it.
The answer is yes.
Pansy placed her palms on either side of Ron’s face and pulled his head in towards her for a passionate kiss. 
When Ron’s tongue gently pressed its way into her mouth, she let out a small sigh, her soft thighs tensing in his lap. Ron held her, gentle but firm in his grasp. He didn’t want to let her go. He spoke everything he felt for her into his kiss, everything he couldn’t say out loud: how beautiful he thought she was, how smart and sexy. That he would give her anything she wanted. That he would give up everything he had to make her his.
Excerpt from Chapter 13 of Matched by Caughtinthefireagain on Ao3
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hellodanny-hphm · 2 years
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me reacting to the adult version of merula:
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I'm still trying to understand what happened to that hair
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anxious-m3ss · 2 months
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Read Rita Skeeter's latest scathing report of Healer Granger's fumble at St Mungo's (or: my entry to @dramionewriterssociety latest N.E.W.T.S) : https://archiveofourown.org/works/57381214
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lumosposts · 12 days
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a3enaluvgood · 2 years
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Family portrait, inside art by @avendell
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ladderofyears · 2 years
Saviour Spied Holding Hands with Malfoy Heir was the Prophet headline and when Harry read it aloud, his smile was triumphant. 
Prompt: triumph.
If you would like to send me an ask with a prompt word, I'd love to write a sentence for you ♡
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