#Daily Wisdom
lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.
- Zen Shin
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usefulquotes7 · 2 months
A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms. - Zen Shin
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theoreocat · 6 months
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"Always remember that thoughts may become words, which may become a large bowl of spaghetti, which may become spaghetti sauce in your fur." ~ Oreo 🍝
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dmsr-art · 6 months
What wisdom does our saint of smut have for us today?
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tamomalley · 7 months
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Credit: @findingpoeta
For inspirational art gifts and little books all about Mythological Animals, come visit my link (below!)
#wiseadvice #spirituality #thoughtfortheday #weekendwisdom #love #lovelife #motivation #inspiration #inspiratiobalquotes #wordsofwisdom #daily wisdom #soul #soulwisdom #wisdom #life #quotes #peace #spiritual #believe #faith #truth #god #knowledge #mindfulness #selflove #soul #happiness #hope #healing #spiritualawakening #quoteoftheday
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studiozenmind · 2 months
Subscribe for daily quotes and meditation music :)
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vincentstoriesstuff · 2 months
They say that an artist suffering is the greatest pain there is, but I don‘t think flowers of internalised pain bloom from our sea of tears.
People need to understand that I‘m not ripping myself apart, because I‘m an artist, but because you refused to listen to the child that begged you for help. Now this artist screams at you in letters of ink, drawings of paint and words from a soul that shattered long before he became drawn to art.
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soulinkpoetry · 3 months
This observation makes so much sense. The way we communicate with each other determines where the relationship will end up. Do you shout or whisper?
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smashpages · 2 years
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The long-running Dinosaur Comics by Ryan North is coming to a new platform — texts! You can have the comic strip texted to you every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for $2.99 a month. You can learn how to subscribe here. 
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ashundivine · 11 months
It’s embedded in you ✨
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Loving yourself the way you should takes time and patience. No amount of money will make you whole. Wholeness comes from within. Your confidence doesn’t come from materials. It’s embedded in you. Just have to remember who you are ✨
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I feel like I’m if god wanted to make an autistic person but just forgot to give them autism last minute so instead I’m just boring and a loser
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
Some doors only open from the inside.
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geekwriter · 1 year
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"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." ~ Confucius
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theoreocat · 6 months
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"Knowledge is learning something every day. Today I learned that whether it's hot or cold, pasta still tastes delicious." ~ Oreo 🍝
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chaitanyavijnanam · 9 months
DAILY WISDOM - 188 : 6. The War between the Subject and the Object / నిత్య ప్రజ్ఞా సందేశములు - 188 : 6. విషయం మరియు వస్తువు మధ్య యుద్ధం
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🌹. నిత్య ప్రజ్ఞా సందేశములు - 188 / DAILY WISDOM - 188 🌹 🍀 📖 మహాభారతం మరియు భగవద్గీత యొక్క ఆధ్యాత్మిక అంశాలు 🍀 ✍️. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🌻 6. విషయం మరియు వస్తువు మధ్య యుద్ధం 🌻
బాహ్య శక్తులు, విషయ వస్తువులు మీపై పెట్టే వొత్తిడి కౌరవులుగా చెప్పవచ్చు. ఆత్మాశ్రయమైన శక్తులను పాండవులతో పోల్చవచ్చు. కాబట్టి మహాభారతం అనేది విషయం మరియు వస్తువు మధ్య జరిగే యుద్ధం. ఇప్పుడు, ఈ వస్తువు ఏమిటో వివరించడం కూడా చాలా కష్టం. ఇది పెన్సిల్ కావచ్చు; అది చేతి గడియారం కావచ్చు; ఈ ప్రపంచంలో ఉన్న ఏదైనా ఒక వస్తువు కావచ్చు. ఆ వస్తువు ఒక మానవుడు కావచ్చు. ఇది మొత్తం కుటుంబం కావచ్చు, అది మొత్తం సమాజం కావచ్చు మరియు అది మొత్తం మానవజాతి కావచ్చు, లేదా మొత్తం భౌతిక విశ్వం కావచ్చు-ఇది మన ముందు ఉన్న వస్తువు.
చైతన్యం యొక్క స్వయానికి, బాహ్యానికి మధ్య జరిగే యుద్ధమే మహాభారతం. శ్రీ రామకృష్ణ పరమహంస చాలా మంచి ఉదాహరణ చెప్పేవారు. అగ్ని నెయ్యిని కాల్చగలదని అందరికీ తెలుసు. నిప్పు మీద నెయ్యి పోస్తే నెయ్యి ఉండదు. ఇది కాలిపోయింది; అది ఆవిరి అవుతుంది. అవును నిజమే, నెయ్యిని కాల్చి పూర్తిగా నాశనం చేసే శక్తి అగ్నికి ఉంది. కానీ, శ్రీ రామకృష్ణుడు అంటాడు, మనం ఒక్క చిన్న రవ్వంత నిప్పు మీద ఒక క్వింటాల్ నెయ్యి పోస్తే, ఆ మంట ఏమవుతుంది? నిప్పు నెయ్యిని కాల్చగలదని సూత్రప్రాయంగా నిజమే అయినప్పటికీ, మనం పోసిన క్వింటాల్ నెయ్యి ద్వారా ఆ రవ్వంత అగ్ని ఆరిపోతుంది.
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🌹 DAILY WISDOM - 188 🌹 🍀 📖 The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita 🍀 📝 Swami Krishnananda 📚. Prasad Bharadwaj 🌻 6. The War between the Subject and the Object 🌻
The external forces, the objective forces, are the Kauravas. The forces that are subjective may be likened to the Pandavas. So the Mahabharata is a war between the subject and the object. Now, what this object is, is also very difficult to explain. It may be a pencil; it may be a wristwatch; it may be one single item in this world that we may call an object. It may be one human being who may be in the position of an object. It may be a whole family, it may be an entire community, and it may be the whole human setup, the entire mankind or the whole physical universe—it is an object in front of us.
The irreconcilability between the subjective attitude of consciousness with its objective structure is the preparation for the Mahabharata battle. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to give a very homely example. Fire can burn ghee, as everyone knows. If we pour ghee over fire, the ghee will be no more. It is simply burned to nothing; it simply becomes vaporised. Yes, it is true, fire has the power to burn ghee and destroy it completely. But, says Sri Ramakrishna, if we pour one quintal of ghee over one spark of fire, what will happen to that fire? Though it is true, in principle, that fire can burn ghee, that one spark of the fire will be extinguished by the quintal of ghee that we poured.
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fttitv · 1 year
men suck at courtship and lack emotional maturity so they resort to dogshitry.
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