#Damn. Having my own sense of identity for the first time in a long while and it's hard to manage tbh.
bitepire · 6 months
Dammit. Remembered I had vague plans today of being goth. But that Rat Bastard used the body all day to be a punk faggot. Now it's 9:30 and probably too late to do anything. Ugh.
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gremlin-bot · 2 years
One (1) New Reply
I finally wrote my prompt I sent to @stealingyourbones back in November! well part of it. This is just chapter 1, so this gets a summary @dpxdcshipweek
Edit: forgot to say that I got help with the usernames from the wonderful @tourettesdog and @half-dead-ham! (If I'm wrong it's bc I'm not at home rn to look at my notes)
Ao3 link: Here Master List: Here
Summary: Danny has always had more internet access than a child really should have had. He tended to spend that time on game forums and different websites dedicated to space. Everyone once in a while he'd venture onto one about heroes and villains. That's how he met Tim Drake-Wayne or BatShadow as was his username back then.
Chapter 1: Blorbo Supplier
Danny just wanted to see uncommon pictures of Superman. It really shouldn't have been this hard. He's an alien, there should be a lot of pictures of him. Frustrated with his lack of results he resorts to looking for the pictures through unpopular social media websites that should have new pictures. His first look didn't meet his goal, and before he could even think of trying again he was distracted by a post. It was a picture of a figure swinging between skyscrapers, backlit by neon light all against a smog filled sky. It was stunning and made all the more captivating by the identity of the subject in the photo. A picture of Batman, The Batman, taken in a way that you couldn't deny it was him. That was impressive on its own, but the quality is what made it shine. Danny had to see if the account had more pictures of Batman, or even other heroes. Looking at the blog, hoping it wasn't a deactivated user, he finds the posts of BatShadow. 
The blog is a gold mine of pictures of Batman and Robin with some villains the duo we're fighting. All with stunning quality, with each subject undeniable as who they were but still giving a sense of privacy. Sadly, Danny couldn't find any other heroes pictured, but Danny could live with that. Batman was his third favorite hero, he blames Sam and all her knowledge on the edgy and obscure. She would be ecstatic about these photos, too bad he wasn't going to tell her. He was being petty. Sam should have known better than to say he couldn't keep a secret, so this is his secret now! Pettiness aside, Danny was going to message BatShadow to see if they had pictures of other heroes they hadn't posted.
Messages begins with BatShadow
Hey, sorry to bother ya
I just saw your posts and was wondering if you have any pics of superman
I don't know. I would have to look. I don't usually go to an area with him in it much, so no promises.
Thanks!! And that's fine really, it's just that your pics are amazing
Thanks! Sorry, I have nothing for Supes.
It's fine 
I wasn't really expecting much
I'm just surprised at the quality and quantity ya got there
It's super hard to get them without being caught but so worth it!
Danny continued talking to BatShadow about pictures and superheroes. Eventually switching to personal interest. Danny learns that BatShadow skateboards and in turn he tells them all about the stars. By the end of their conversation it was well into the night, Jazz wasn't going to be pleased. It was worth it though.
Danny ended up messaging again the next day, and the day after that. The other user was interesting and he was just so broad. Especially during these long summer days where Sam was off at some gala trip and Tucker was on vacation with his family. His parents being busy in the Lab at all hours and Jazz working a summer job didn't help. Even with Jazz trying to get him out of the house but it never really was worth it. Not with Dash and his gaggle out. Not without his friends there.
It's not like anyone besides Jazz would care about what he was doing online. Their parents were too caught up in drawing out plans and blueprints for a ghost portal or something. He doesn't care, it's more of the same for him. Don't get him wrong, he loved his parents and they loved him. They just pay more attention to their inventions, and this one happens to be one Danny can't help out with.
He's getting distracted. Danny was supposed to be cleaning the lab, not thinking of long gone days. It was taking way longer than he thought it would. His parents really aren't as careful with their samples as they really should be. After cleaning spilled ectoplasm from the vent grates he will finally be done, then he can get on the computer and add BatShadow on Steam. They were going to play Portal 2 together later.
Tim didn't think he would still be talking to ConstellationCruiser. It was unexpected, but not unwelcome. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, (if there was anyone to talk to in the first place), but he was lonely. So, sue him if he got attached to the other kid with too much free time on their hands. They may not have told each other their ages but it wasn't hard to figure out, they talked too similar.
It was nice to really connect with someone his age. ConstellationCruiser was smart like him, just in different areas. He had learned more about the stars and space travel in the last handful of months than he ever had in his 12 years of life. He knows he wasn't any better, going on about hacking and maybe the new murder mystery that came out. It was fun, learning about the other's interests and different things than what's normal for them. 
ConstellationCruiser's parents seem to have some type of lab in the basement of their house, which was cool in concept but concerning in practice. There have been times where they had to stop in the middle of a game they were playing together to check on an explosion they heard. It happened more than Tim was comfortable with but there's nothing he can really do about it. It's not like he was anyone better about certain aspects of his life either. He avoided the topic of food as much as possible, though it seems ConstellationCruiser is doing the same thing with the topic.
Tim just hopes the other won't worry over him not responding the next couple of days. He probably should warn them but this is time sensitive. Batman needs a Robin. The man is running himself into the ground. His new found grief choking him and by extension Gotham. He has to convince Nightwing to come back, no matter what it takes.
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icarustypicalfall · 7 months
Commander's Last Love
chapter 2 ★ fem reader★ masterlist ★ ao3
fic masterlist
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summary Each tidbit fuels his curiosity, pushing him to unravel the enigma that has taken hold of his heart.
warnings:push to wall, fight, small one, phil is in denial
note: got first one deleted yey hope you enjoy<3
“Honey, when you kill the lights and kiss my eyes. I feel like a person for a moment of my life.”
Mission [A2626]
Location: [CLASSIFIED]
Time: 04:19:00 - 10/10/2022
He couldn't close an eye. The urge was too strong. Phillip couldn't contain his fascination with you. There was an air of mystery surrounding your character, and he was not one to appreciate riddles. He despised those games from his childhood, when people would challenge him and mock his abilities for their own amusement. He detested it.
Your enigmatic nature felt like a challenge to him, awakening a long-lost sense of excitement. For the first time in a while, he desired to uncover your true identity. Every little detail seemed to hold significance, though he chose to ignore the reasons behind his curiosity. At least this time, he would use his powers to gather information without any immediate plans for harm.
He yearned to unravel the enigma that seemed to overshadow his perception of reality. No one had ever treated him with such disregard, leaving him behind with just a cold stare.
Those eyes, those damned eyes, had power over him. He needed to know more.
Plan A: Act like a fool.
That's what he had been doing for the past two hours. Phillip couldn't sleep, consumed by the scent of someone's boots and his restless tossing. He decided to put his plan into action. To discover more, he had to access the files. He could have easily obtained your file from Colonel Farah, pretending it was for an "abilities check" - a flimsy excuse, but he lived for the thrill of danger. It made him feel like a young man again, sneaking a smoke behind the fence or stealing a sip of alcohol at his parents' party.
The base was quiet, with only a few scattered soldiers. He managed to make his way to the heavily secured archive. The room was pitch dark, but he pressed on, carefully sifting through the piles of papers, searching for your file.
To his dismay, he couldn't find a trace of it. It was as if it had vanished into thin air. Phillip sighed in disappointment, gazing down at the scattered papers on the floor.
Phillip yearned for a deeper connection with someone he can't help but be drawn to. Consumed by his longing, he embarked on this quest to uncover your mystery. Only to be left with nothing.
He couldn't understand his behavior and chose to not to.
A steady noise could be heard, he stopped in his tracks.
A low voice, filled with both sarcasm and curiosity, broke the deafening silence.
"Looking for this, commander?"
Startled, Phillip panicked, attempting to hide the mess he had made. It was futile. Your eyes were fixed on him with a curious gaze, your face concealed behind a mask. He couldn't help but recall the lieutenant he had encountered before, whose face bore both beauty and scars. He wondered if yours was the same.
Plan B: Continue acting like a fool.
"No, doll, I was just looking for .. past mission documents... you know, to reminisce," he stammered.
You held a document in your hand, and he gulped nervously, looking at you in desbilef. "Looking for this? You could have asked," you said, with a hint of mockery in your voice.
As he stared at the prize, a sense of anger welled up within him. It felt as if you were once again mocking him. He couldn't resist taunting you in return, "No, maybe I was looking for the respect you never show me, doll."
Tension filled the air, your hands curling into fists. You uttered coldly, "You don't deserve it."
He had to strike back, hit where it hurt, to test the limits. He needed to know how far he could push. "Someone like you can't climb up the ranks without being an obedient little cat, can you?" he taunted.
Oh, a faux pas. A very wrong move for the audacious Phillip.
You pushed him against the wall, a mix of fire and anger in your eyes, tightening your grip around the collar of his shirt. You spoke through gritted teeth, "Say that again, and I swear on my life, and you'll be headless before you can blink."
Phillip smirked, utterly unfazed by your display. He could feel the coldness of your touch as you held onto the fabric of his shirt. He whispered, "Oh, the cat has claws."
You released your grip, stepping back and slamming the file onto a nearby table. Then, just like that, you were gone.
Phillip held the file in his hands, his excitement turning to disappointment as he realized it was empty.
Everything was classified or nonexistent. From your name to your health check, there was nothing. No picture. This file was as useless as his brother Luke. He sighed, tucking the papers into his pocket and meticulously returning each file to its proper place.
As he finished, he noticed something peculiar. Something peeking out from under a large shelf. He picked it up, suspecting it might have slipped from one of the archives.
It was a picture, taken in the early 2000s, he assumed. Nine people dressed in military uniforms, all smiling. The hand of the camera man, holding a huge scar on the front, formed a silly peace sign.
He tucked the strange picture with your file, deciding it was time to leave. It was almost 6 am, and he needed to eat and attend to his duties.
The incident had only intensified his longing to uncover more about you. He had to know.
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invinciblerodent · 10 months
There are a lot of conversations on my dash today about why Astarion might have been chosen as such a cornerstone to the Ritual, why he got so much "special attention" (because he used to be a magistrate/noble-adjacent and Cazador liked to degrade him because of it, because he resisted the hardest and was hardest to break, because Cazador saw himself in him, etc.), and it had me thinking, so without littering all over someone else's post, I'd like to add my personal little theory:
I don't think there was a real reason to it at all.
Like, for starters... I don't think Cazador really thought of his spawn as people. Maybe in the beginning, when he turned his first, there was something almost special to it, a connection, but after already having turned thousands, someone having been at one point a magistrate, or a doctor like Dalyria, or something would, imo, be of little importance to him. The person is already his spawn, his slave, and to care at all about their past life as a person would imply that he is not fully thinking of them as just playthings at best (and cattle at worst), as implements to be used, which I kinda... don't think he's about? He doesn't seem to care beyond who or what is useful and/or entertaining to him, not even for his own niece: even her, he seemed only to care about breaking, but afterwards... didn't really seem to pay much actual attention to her, or favor her much at all. Amanita could just stay in the attic for all he cared.
By thinking of them in terms of who they once were, he'd be temporarily giving them back their personhood, even just in his head, and that to me would imply that Cazador doesn't believe his control to be unshakable and absolute, which... the dialogue to me says that he probably does. Like there's dialogue if you go to him without Astarion in the party, when he says something like "[when you don't return from this place] he will come here, because he knows nothing else"- not a shred of doubt in his mind that Astarion is still under his control, even in absentia, and will come back if only there isn't another influence (the player) to keep him from it. Because Astarion's identity to Cazador is that of a spawn, and not a person. (Really uncomfortable to think about how Cazador probably sees more of himself in the player than he did in any of the spawn, just from the way he talks to you.)
This kind of plays into the whole "morality of immortal beings" thing I've already talked about before with Mystra, that Cazador, believing himself immortal (especially as vampire ascendant, I fully buy that he thinks himself a god then), also thinks himself and his will inevitable. He doesn't conceptualize his own mortality, he's content torturing the others and staying in veritable stasis for as long as it takes, and while it annoys him that Astarion is taking a long time and would prefer it if things sped up, he's certain that he will eventually get what he is "due". The suffering of others in the meantime be damned.
I think that there was honestly no real, thought-out reason for why Astarion specifically was "chosen" to be in such a precarious position of being the "favorite-but-not-favored" of Cazador. I don't think there was a true reason for why any of the seven were chosen over the other seven thousand to be the "family"- maybe they were the most, shall we say, aesthetically pleasing ones, or the ones with talents Cazador thought would make their "hunting" easier... or just the ones to whom he, for some reason, took a shine, like one would prefer one pair of socks over another. Maybe he just picked the nicest-looking pieces out of a pile of pebbles for no reason other than amusement.
I think many of us want to try to think of reasons why something so horrible could have happened to someone (especially someone that we care about, even if they're fictional), and try to find logic in abuse, if only so it can make some twisted sort of sense in our heads: He was prideful, he was hardest to break, he reminded the abuser of himself, etc., but... abuse is kinda inherently illogical. More often than not, it's less about conscious choices, and more about opportunity.
I genuinely think it was on a whim that Astarion was the focus. Forcing him to ask to be made into a spawn, a slave, and having him claw his way out of his own grave was probably enough of a "putting the magistrate in his place" thing, and maybe the true reasons were literally only as frivolous as he says, that his screams "sounded sweetest", and Cazador just... liked seeing a pretty face ground into the dirt.
Sometimes it... really is that simple.
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xiumya · 2 months
Midnight Snacks | KTH
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Title: Midnight Snacks (Teaser)
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Word count: around 1500
Warnings: Minors DNI! While this teaser is mild, my writing is NOT appropriate for minors. Will block any users without age in bio, no exceptions. Please be honest.
Tags: Angst, smut(not in teaser), Sneaky Links, Hidden identity
Summary: You thought you were past your childish insecurities. You thought you steeled yourself against the idea of romance and relationships. You didnt want it, you didn't need it, nor did you seek it out. But Tae? You never expected him to be the one to shake you to core core...
AN: This is just a teaser of a WIP i was inspired to write from one of Tae's lives before he enlisted. This is my first time posting my work at least not since my Amino days. I'm not sure how long the completed work will be, but I hope it becomes something you all look forward to reading🥰. This is just one of my babies and there is more to come in the future... Let me know what you think!
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You tossed and turned in a bad attempt at trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. It's like the bed had suddenly turned into the most uncomfortable piece of furniture you owned. But it wasn’t, and you knew that. The problem was him. You never expected to become a fiend. In fact, you never expected anything from him. Not his gaze. Not his interest. Not him dicking you down so good your body is now restless.
You sigh and pull a pillow over your face, kicking your feet while using the pillow to muffle the sound as you loudly groan in frustration. “Fuck you Kim Taehyung....” you whisper into the darkness of the room. That’s the problem though. You want to fuck him, and he has been M.I.A. You know a lot is going on for him, but damn not even phone sex? Oh well, maybe that toy you bought could... who are you kidding, it could never. You kicked the blankets back and got out of bed, grabbing and draping a light robe over your short set as you made your way to the kitchen. You tossed your phone on the counter, deciding to have a late-night snack before forcing yourself to sleep. You did your best to ignore the conclusion your heart and mind had come to. The conclusion that made sense of why you were really so restless. The conclusion that honestly scared you shitless.
It didn’t make sense in your world. He didn't make sense in your world. But is that really a bad thing?
Your phone vibrated, lighting up with a notification. “Hmm? Tae is live?..... Asshole” you said tapping on it. you smiled at the screen, seeing that the chaos he caused yesterday with a single pic of cut hair was just a prank against his fans. You bit your lip, taking in how good he looks with his new haircut.
“Let’s play with fire, hmmm....”
You grabbed a bowl of cherries, sitting at the island on the nearest bar stool. You were determined to get a rise out of him and set out on your mission. It was likely he wouldn’t even see your messages, so no matter what, it's all for giggles on your part. He played music and sang along and for a moment you found yourself mesmerized; swaying to the melody of his voice and allowing it to reach every fiber of your being. You found yourself pressing your thighs together, the feeling that had formed between them a stark reminder of your initial task.
LayOverMeTae: I see we’re working fuckboi hours, huh?
LayOverMeTae: have you eaten today? How about a midnight snack?
You saw his eyes scanning the screen as he read the comments. It was slight, but something he read caused his mouth to quirk up into a smirk. With that, you could only assume he read your comment but, more than likely it was a reaction to the multitude of users asking the same questions. He reached over grabbing his phone, scrolling before finding what he was looking for. He tapped away on the screen for a moment before placing the device off screen again. He leaned closer to the camera, a smug grin on his face.
“I just ordered something to eat everyone. Let's see how long it takes to get here.”
A text message popped up on your screen no sooner than he said that. You smirked, a giddiness building in your stomach as you tapped on his name.
The Sneakiest Link: I'm ravenous. You should come feed me....
You didn't waste any time getting ready to leave the house. You replaced your robe with a hoodie instead, not bothering to change the short set you were wearing. You pulled on a pair of Ugg’s and left the house. You kept the live playing on your phone, smiling as he played some Keyshia Cole. “What you know about Keyshia, Tae” you said to yourself. You stopped at a red light; Tae’s live still playing on your phone as you hummed along to the songs.
“What did I order? Hmmmm?” you hear him read a comment, amusement in his voice.
“Guess! If you guess right, I’ll tell you and eat it while on this live. If not........I'll still eat it, just not with you all watching”.
You heard the teasing tone in his voice; pure mischief and chaos. While Army took it as an innocent game with their idol, you knew better. You knew the devilish games he liked to play, and you knew it was why you felt a knot twist in the pit of your stomach. Excitement. You were almost at his place when a thought struck you. This is Tae, there’s a VERY HIGH chance he just wanted you to bring him food. “Fuck..aren’t we a little too ready?” you ask aloud, addressing the organ between your legs. You turned the car around and headed back to the food stall you saw not too long ago. “His ass better be grateful. I know he would use that damn Tata mic face against me....” you groan as you walk up to the food stall. You got back into the car, an order of everything the sweet lady had available in hand. One thing you came to know about Tae, his appetite was just as big as his sex drive.
You sat in your car, a sudden feeling that maybe you were too eager to see him, gripping you. A feeling that maybe you were, once again, reading too much into the situation between the two of you. Maybe he just wanted a feast of the body and not this domestically sweet gesture of you bringing him food. You stared at your phone, still in its mount and playing the live, suddenly feeling like a fool for giving into your base desires. You knew when you started seeing him, that it had to be no strings attached; no expectations of anything more than what it was, is what you told yourself. So why now do you feel anything towards the idea of it being more? You glance at the bag of food, then to the back seat where you keep an overnight bag just in case, the weight of what the two represents for you feeling entirely too heavy. In a moment when you really shouldn’t be thinking about any of this, you find your self-doubt and slight insecurities taking hold of you. You had essentially given up on relationships and dating, the weight of having your expectations shattered became too much, and you essentially gave up on it by pouring yourself into your work at a neck-break pace. Moments like this rarely surfaced’ at least not until you met Tae.
You shake your head clear of the thoughts “Get it together Y/N, it's just fucking food…” grabbing the bag and your phone, exiting the car. You made your way up to his condo, turning the live off as you approached his front door. “Here we go...” you said, taking a breath and pressing the doorbell.
You tucked your phone in your hoodie pocket and held the bag of food up in front of the camera. You knew it would take him a moment, to answer since he was still doing his live. Not too long passed before you heard the locks turning on his door
Tae’s POV
It had been quite a while since he last saw you. He found that thought to be bothersome to him for some reason. The two of you were hot and heavy for a while, but now it seems like you may have lost interest. Between both of your schedules being hectic and with everything that has been happening, neither of you has really had the time to hook up. At least that’s what he tells himself to keep from thinking about the worst-case scenario; from thinking about how uncanny coincidences turned into a series of hook ups; from thinking about how he may want even more than just late nights and stolen moments. To keep from thinking that maybe that’s all you really want from him. But it was whatever. Between work and his pending military enlistment, would it even be worth it to keep something going?
“Taehyung? Are you even listening?” his manager’s voice pulled him from the riddle of his thoughts. “Don’t go out anywhere tonight. After your little haircut stunt, I’m pretty sure if you are spotted Army will cause a scene”. Ah right.... the picture. A grin pulls across his features, a tell that he found what he did hilarious. Army would be upset, but it would help soften the blow for when he finally does cut it all off. His manager leaves him, reminding him to not go out anywhere, not even the convenience store. Well fuck, there goes his plan for a midnight stroll.
He scrolled TikTok for a while before deciding to go live on Weverse. At the very least he could alleviate his boredom with Army. Plus, if you weren’t already asleep, you would tune in. Right? He grabbed a hoodie and headed to his computer room. He scrolled through his playlists, before selecting one to match his mood. He listened and scrolled for a bit before turning his camera on and starting his live.
“Annyeong...” he greeted his viewers as he saw comments flooding in. He smiled at the camera, a look of mischief shining through as he read comments about his hair. He knew well that Army were going through various mourning stages thinking he had cut all his hair off. The panic they had that he was already the trademark egghead for military enlistment kind of amused him. “You’re all surprised huh? I didn't really cut it off, just a trim” he explained. He read comments and listened to songs for a bit, enjoying this time. He had to admit that it was nice, but he was growing a bit bored.
He watched as multiple comments, asking had he had eaten dinner, began to flood the screen. He hadn’t eaten anything except a piece of fruit earlier in the night, but Army didn’t really need to know that, right? He watched the screen as he sang along, a particular comment catching his attention.
LayOverMeTae? The name was unique, he had to give them that. He couldn’t be sure, since you never told him your username, but the comment reeked of you. “A midnight snack huh?” he thought to himself. A smirk appeared on his face as he grabbed his phone to text you, scrolling past the barrage of unread messages to find yours
Might be Satan?: I'm ravenous. You should come feed me....
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melanodis · 8 months
What's the garden au tell me about it I'm intrigued
@valkyrkinnie feel free to add onto this because I'm braindead atm
just pasting the entire document here to be real
Garden of Afton au or just, "the garden", is just an excuse for every diverging continuity we make up.
The reasoning behind every continuity is that Michael is in a time loop, beginning from the moment Ennard decides to leave its flesh suit and he wakes up on that warm sidewalk.
To get out of this time loop, he's got to fix all the mess his father made by destroying every animatronic related to the incident.
If he dies, he starts over, left with only an incredible sense of unease and deja vu if he goes towards the wrong path once again.
But no matter the continuity, there's always one thing that's always there; the garden.
Before everything, the Aftons had a prize winning garden that Mrs. Afton kept up with mostly.
It's also where she and Elizabeth are buried, with Ballora burying her own corpse and the latter by William.
The garden has always existed, and will always exist no matter its dilapidation.
Commonly, Ballora will be drawn to it and will realize her identity as the late Mrs. Afton.
This all acts as an alternative to Pizzeria Sim; it never happens.
Here's where we get nightmare gas leaky. The time loop? it's fabricated.
At the end of the final, completed loop, Michael wakes up from a medically induced coma he was placed under by Henry. By Michael destroying everyone in this hyperrealistic dream, he frees them from the real world also. They agreed that this would be the end of it.
All Michael remembers is the very last loop that in his mind lasted years, when in reality it lasted about 2 months. Needless to say, he regrets ever signing those papers.
However, there were some loops where Henry seriously considered killing Michael so that he never would've known that this was just a dream.
Loops where he was finally happy. where he brought them together and made them whole. Because at least then, the end goal was still achieved; they could never hurt anyone in the real world again.
And Michael himself would finally have peace.
Michael waking up can ALSO segway into him brutally attacking Henry for this sort of torturous 2 and a half month long nightmare, with Henry agreeing to put him back under for good and they both pass on.
Which THEN segways to Michael accidentally possessing Glamrock Freddy years later while he's in the parts and services protective dome. And Gregory is playing Simon Says on his FACE.
The universe hates Michael so he exists only as a foil to his father. To clean up his mess and ultimately live in his shadow.
So if Michael is here now after dying 6 years ago... so is he.
But Henry could've never even anticipated William returning in the form of Glitchtrap.
The whole time traveling part requires Henry to die here, because then his soul is freed to literally fuck around and find out. Retaining information he's gained from different timelines and continuities, bringing them to others, trying to find *some way* to patch things up. Something typically always goes wrong, yknow butterfly effect and chaos theory bullshit. But he can dream, at least.
It all boils down to "what if he could save them all?" He can't, and he realizes this. but DAMN he will try.
The first thing he does is stop Michael from ever signing those documents. He doesn't need him anymore. There's no point in putting Michael through all that torture again.
He doesn't DESERVE any of that.
Whatever time to quantum suicide to the gay reality.
My favorite is when Henry shows up to Fazbear's closing in 1993 to stop William from having a workplace accident (eviscerating himself inside Springbonnie).
William being completely shell shocked because HIS Henry completely denounced ever wanting to see his face again and here he is just, nonchalantly walking up to him. Takes a drag of a cigarette and goes "yeah don't do that".
1st - The actual fear gas experimenting time loop shit. The "canon" timeline.
2nd - Michael getting trapped in The Good Timeline after Henry kills him (Michael refurbishes all the animatronics of his family himself, runs fazbears, etc)
3rd - Henry dies and his soul is freed to fuck around and find out.
Hell, all of this is more just a prologue to everything considering I mostly fuck around with 3rd continuity Henry anyway.
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radroller · 5 months
At long last, here are my thoughts on the many looks and identities of Marvel’s own Hank Pym!!! Being a fan of this guy is a real rollercoaster, but his costumes are always so great and interesting, ive wanted to talk about them for ages!!! As some of his looks kinda blend together Ive tried to stick with the bare essentials (barring ones i especially like) but you can generally assume that i rate most of the suits of a given identity the same unless i specifically state otherwise. So here we go!!!!!
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Ant-Man 10/10
What can i say? You can’t make an ant themed character much cooler than this. The irresistible 60s scifi charm of his big chrome helmet, the red, black, and blue color scheme with patterns that say “i am a super scientist” but gloves that say “im attemptint to look visually interesting.” Naturally Hank forgets he’s wearing some of the coolest headgear in comics. Ant-Man has had some good looks and updates but the charm of this one is pretty undeniable.
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Giant Man 8/10
I think we can all agree that Giant Man kinda sucks, but damn if he didnt look cool! I guess he kept the antennae to keep some Ant-Man functionality, but you rarely see him using it. That’s fine though, it gives him a cool and distinct silhouette. It’s strange, if this were a new look for him as Ant Man, id call it a more considerable downgrade, yet Hank becoming Giant Man is a downgrade in just about every sense of the word. And even so, i LOVE Giant Man! It’s a conundrum!
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Giant Man Redux: 6/10
I think they were trying to recapture the scifi tech charm of Ant-Man with this one, and it does kinda work! I think my main issue with this one is that it doesnt stick around long enough to really win me over. There are far more minor and insignificant variations of Hank’s suits that stick around way longer than this one. And id say this suit’s pretty damn significant, he left the Avengers for the the first time wearing this shit! I wish they’d played around with it some more.
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Goliath: 8/10
Goliath is extremely solid. I have to wonder if Marvel was conscious of Giant Man being a loser that they felt the need to rebrand him like this, there’s little significant changeover from his previous identity other than color scheme and name besides him being stuck at 10 ft tall for a bit. I LOVE the addition of the goggles btw, one of my earliest exposures to that design trope i love so much.
The weird thing with Goliath is that they make him look more and more like Giant Man while refusing to change his name. Like again i know the guy got his ass best plenty of times but when you add antennae and red to his costume….that’s just Giant Man! But whatever the case, i give Goliath and all of his iterations a solid thumbs up.
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Yellowjacket: 10/10
The PINNACLE as far as im concerned. What if you took Ant-Man and refined his charming but clunky scifi elements into something sleek, aerodynamic, and downright badass, while still having bright colors? You get Yellowjacket! I can’t stress how much i loved this suit as a kid. Do you know how rare it is to have a primarily yellow superhero who looks cool? It’s mostly just Wolverine, and he didn’t even exist at this point! I also like how it sorta resembles Wasp’s original outfit, though you probably wouldn’t get a chance to compare given Jan’s ever shifting wardrobe. It’s really a shame how maligned the Yellowjacket identity is because id love to see this design again, but its lasting association with the worst shit ever done with Hank pretty much made sure that’ll never happen.
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West Coast Avengers: -/10
It’s funny that what is arguably the height of Hank’s superhero career comes from when he’s vehemently not a superhero anymore. Thus, in terms of costumes…well this isnt a costume! But for what it is, it’s great. A nice practical super science getup. But i have trouble rating it on the same scale as the rest. Just know that I love it!
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90s Hank: 5/10
I was ready to rip this thing a new one, but tbh it isnt bad. The only thing that keeps it from being truly good is the stupid pouches, but i cant outright call it bad when it’s basically a worse version of Atlas from Thunderbolts’ costume without them. It’s passable.
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Giant Man???: 10/10
Yeah, I know. Confusing, isnt it? Well listen, regardless of names and costumes and what have you, this is by far my favorite variation on the original Goliath look. The red goggles just do it for me! I love primary color schemes and i prefer a touch of red to a touch of yellow, yknow?
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Goliath??????: 8/10
So NOW he can be Goliath. That makes perfect sense. Yeesh. This suit is cool though i like it. It’s based on a Goliath suit Jan designed for Hank, but by then he’d had become Yellowjacket, so Hawkeye became Goliath for a while instead. It’s a nice callback, and while I don’t actually care for that Goliath look, there’s no way a redesign by George Perez at the height of his career and abilities is gonna be anything less than great.
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Wasp: 7/10
Was Mighty Avengers good? I read a couple of issues and remembered enjoying it, but that was when i hated every other Avengers book do idk if that means it was actually good, yknow? Anyway while losing Jan as the Wasp and gaining Hank is about as big a net loss as i can think of, this is NOT a bad look. There are only a few gripes i feel: I get what they were going for with the design on his chest but it makes him look like he’s The Stickbug and not The Wasp. Secondly, i think the goggles are kinda lame compared to some of his other eye/headwear he’s sported throughout the years. That’s about it! Not bad for the worst Wasp in the main continuity!
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psychewritesbs · 11 months
Any thoughts on the current Takaba vs Kenjaku face-off?
Hola anon! Yesssss I have thoughts. So many thoughts because, while not necessarily amongst my top 5 chapters in jjk, chapters 240 and 241 are sooooooo damn good in their exploration of both Takaba's and Kenny's sense of self.
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Thing is... I already liked Takaba, but after this set of chapters, it's not necessarily that I love him more, but rather I appreciate how relatable he is.
In a nutshell, my reaction to this chapter this week was:
fucking Gege 😭👌
I taco'bout it under the cut!
Let's start with 240 though...
Chapter 240: Foolish Survivor, Live On—Battle of Equals
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I think it's very relevant that Gege just gave us Gojo and Kashimo's death served on a cold platter of "I wanted to feel I belonged in a world where I felt no one could understand me" because I am totally loving Takaba's sense of self revolving around the same need and desire.
So I love that he found in Kenny someone who understood him so well, to the point that his jokes were rendered ineffective because Kenny could see right through the joke's weakness.
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Similarly, I am loving what Takaba is doing for Kenny.
In chapter 239 Kenny mockingly asks Hanezoki to be friends...
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... and specifically says that to be his friend, such a person must never bore him and must be his equal. This is also interesting in the sense that Kenny calls Granny Tengen his friend, so I'm curious to see Gege expand on this.
Now, this is relevant because Kenny is basically a 1,000 year old brain. When you've lived that long and you've seen everything there is to be seen in terms of human drama, I imagine life can get pretty boring. So what is it that drives someone who's seen it all to get up every morning and face yet another day in the world?
What is their raison d'être? Their reason for living and existing...
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So I love Kenny's state of mind "being written all over his face" because it goes right back to the intellectual curiosity that drives his actions and Takaba is the one who is reigniting that intellectual curiosity that drives Kenny.
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Kenny is smart and wants to laugh. The fact he knows so much about comedy shows he's found in comedy something worth exploring. I mean... imagine Kenny as Kaori, Yuji's mom, pregnant af, watching comedy shows to pass the time because it feeds her intellectual curiosity.
Similarly, think of how Kashimo asked Sukuna about what brings him enough satisfaction to turn himself into a cursed object to cross the ages, to which Sukuna's simple response is "the ephemeral taste of human flesh is enough to pass the time until death".
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This is interesting in and of itself given the recent ask about which element each of the three big clans represents (mind/body/soul). It kind of feels like Sukuna represents body and Kenny represents mind. But I digress....
Chapter 240 then ends with Takaba having an identity crisis--that is, he's come face to face with the very source of his own woes the way it happened for Gojo.
If he is to go on living, Takaba needs to re-assess his sense of self.
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Chapter 240: Foolish Survivor, Win and Remain—Bridging opposites
The chapter opens showing us a Takaba we hadn't seen up until now--harsh and critical, he takes things too seriously. Little did we know, this is part of his sense of self.
And I just loved this juxtaposition of these two conflicting parts of Takaba's personality (someone who takes things too seriously but who is also capable of being one hell of a goofy mf) because it showed that
a) two seemingly contradictory elements can coexist as one and the same, and
b) when we get out of balance (i.e. choosing to prioritize one of these contradictions over the other like Takaba being so focused on doing comedy right that he's forgotten that the spirit of comedy is being lighthearted), we lose sight of what's truly important.
So Takaba's trying to get back at why he became an entertainer in the first place...
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... and the lengths he was willing to go through to be accepted and feel like he was understood by his peers... idk. It's so fucking real...
This is also the antithesis of everything Sukuna stands for.
But what I personally think is neat about Takaba is that, while he did act goofy so that others found him relatable, I really do think he's one hell of a genuinely goofy mf for a couple of reasons. First, an overly serious personality type has to be balanced out by an unserious personality (in Jungian psych it's all about wholeness by bridging opposites). Second, he seems to genuinely be interested in comedy and the craft of comedy.
Takaba's problem was then that his overly serious persona would kill all the fun out of comedy, while on the other hand, the part of him that wanted to be accepted did not want to take things seriously because it meant getting rejected.
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It's almost like Takaba never got these two parts of himself to work together and so they worked against each other.
And can I just say that I absolutely loved this interaction between Takaba's current self and his child self? Representing Takaba in his younger years felt like Gege was writing about how this was the formative period when Takaba's conflict between his two personalities started. Gege already did something similar with Gojo in his teen years and this is just so masterful and beautiful because I don't even know how to put into words that Gege is writing about a process of healing through dialogue with the inner child.
I'm screaming in depth psychology nerd.
Above all, I love how this chapter in particular gets at the conflict we've seen repeated in other characters in jjk--i.e. Gojo felt isolated but did not realize that was partly because he built barriers around himself.
It's like Gege is showing us how we see ourselves (our sense of self) is the very source of our own tragedies because we're largely blind to anything that is outside of conscious awareness because we push it into the shadow.
It's just... *chef's kiss*
fucking Gege 😭👌
So I LOVED seeing Takaba own his need to be known and understood because that's so fucking human.
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But even better was how he brought together that goofy mf he tapped into due to his need to be understood with his earnest and serious nature.
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Also, his level of self-awareness...
And to bring it all back full circle...
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Will Kenny laugh? Looks like Kenny is excited to see what Takaba has in store, so that's already a good sign.
idk, again, this isn't my favorite chapter ever and at the same time... man... what a fantastic character exploration.
There's something here about how Takaba may be the only one who gets this whole sense of self thing right.
The other thing I'll say is that Gege has a tendency to make his characters relatable in their last moments. There's something here that I can't quite put my finger on quite just yet that goes back to the idea that "how we live is how we die" and jjk characters have a tendency to go out in such a way that reflects how they lived their lives.
Whatever the case, I'm on #Team Takaba and am rooting for him from the sidelines.
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Thanks for stopping by anon!
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spider-mar2004 · 4 months
🕸❤𝕎𝕖𝕓𝕓𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤💙🕸
The Meeting
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Pairing: Kaine Parker x Marlette Saravia [Canon x OC]
Characters: Kaine, Marlette [OC], Ben Reilly & Miguel O'Hara
Summary: Kaine lately was behaving in a bad mood, seems he didn't do a mission for a while and he's bored, stressed about it. Until, maybe do it with someone can help him, and not a someone known...
Warnings: Swearing, Kinda Impulsive violent behavior, Mistrusting feelings & A little of Slowburn.
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Well, all stories starts in a place right? Or maybe in many places once? Oh wait that should start many stories then, anyways. Since the multiverse is infinite, let's just start in a direct point and is...
Spider-Society, in the universe exactly named Earth-927. A futuristic world, in a city known as Nueva York, basically the spanish "worded" version of New York. But it doesn't matter now, the place would be in a huge building where many but many variants of the hero Spider-Man are in from other infinite universes, or better called "Earths" let's say.
Inside the building, every Spider-men, Spider-women, etc. Would be having a normal and nice day, or well at least many of them, because some aren't not in a good mood just exactly like...
That noise, it was heard like someone pulled out a knife. But actually no, for now there wasn't a spider using knifes, unless stings can count as them too.
Yes, we talk about the first clone of the famous Peter Parker from the Earth-616, Kaine Parker, made by The Jackal, and considered as a failed clone expermient unfortunately. Anyways enough describing a lot. Kaine Parker would be in a corner, his expression serious under the dark mask with red lenses, displaying and staring at his own stings from his wrists, they were sharp and scary so nobody would likely love being stabbed by them after all.
He seemed to be apart of serious, he was also annoyed, maybe because he didn't have anything else to do? Not just that actually, it was also sometimes his mind was trapped by the memories of rough, painful and yet violent moments.
". . . Being in this bullshit doesn't do anything, or at least "help" me."
Kaine said in an almost whispering tone for speak with himself, unlike other many spiders. He seemed to be a not really social one, aswell as territorial. When he took a sigh for catch a small breath, he cutted and quickly looked as a sound from a landing person appeared. It was Ben Reilly, the second clone of the same mentioned Peter, just this time was more into a success. I know, sounds painful comparing like that but sadly it was the truth.
"Damn these idiots won't even let me express myself there-"
Ben said with a small snort, until he noticed Kaine and his sting, he rolled his eyes under the mask and then walked closer to him.
"Again annoyed? Urgh... I know what you feel or think, or whatever but man just try forget it already, slowly at least-"
He was interrumped as his spider-sense activated before and now dodged a small attack from his "clone sibling" Kaine from his stings.
"Whoa! Chill dude i try to say the pure truth!"
"Do i need hear your stupid mouth throw up of those words? Is my bussiness, my problems, not yours, because the fact that you fucking suffer "Identity clone crisis" is not an excuse about me, being the first clone."
Kaine as he took off his own mask in a slight violent way he growled, yes, he seemed even more annoyed. He was also revealing his strange scarred face with a brown long hair, including a small bun on it, while Ben stepped back and also took off his mask, revealing his face with his golden hair, his expression was a little bit surprised as he saw how his clone brother mentioned that and still didn't get over it.
"But I AM trying MY BEST to get over it! Then don't use the "first clone" excuse! I know what you passed! But please at least try control those impulsive thoughts!"
Kaine snorted angrily, hot air coming out from his nostrils and rolled his brown eyes and baring his teeth. Ben frowned in a worried way, he wanted to try help him but that sturbborn and angry behavior very surely won't let him. Until he thought for a few seconds and got an idea.
"I know that you want be better and anything but... Maybe you can go distract yourself...? Seriously don't let that dark past trap you easily again because you... You'll suffer, you'll be in a eternal pain between the dark claws of it and-"
"So are you telling me go outside like a dog, hooow greaaat. And stop sounding like that because you are not a poet or some shit."
Kaine snapped with those not friendly words, Ben blinked just a few times, staying now in silence, maybe his presence was mostly annoying him? He wasn't sure but, although he was a little dramatic, he wanted still to help.
". . ."
The scarred spider-man sighed silently for try to calm down and looked at Ben with that "okay fine" expressing eyes. So as Kaine accepted about the do the mission, which can at least keep him distracted. They both went to the control center of the Society, where the boss there Miguel O'hara who was managing some stuff from his bright orange screens, like always. Since he didn't have a spider-sense, he wouldn't notice the two men behind him until the AI asistant Lyla popped on Miguel's shoulder and poked his unmasked face.
"Ey ey eyyy Mr. Taco-man, guess the clone Earth-616 brothers needs you."
Lyla said, pointing at the clones with a silly goofy smile, Miguel inhaled a lil grumpy, seems he was just too busy and concentrated, but if is about Kaine, guess it makes already his day bad, because they never got along but well is just for a minute so what could happen.
"A ver que quieren..." [Okay what do ya'll want]
"Uhh... Dad- I mean Boss- I mean Miguel! Lately again Kaine is not being friendly still and seems this doesn't help him... Which we are just asking you if is that fine we can send him do a mission, i can go with him if is that okay..."
Ben somehow became a bit more docile or vulnerable towards the tall mexican spider-man, which by that Kaine made an annoyed face thinking how Ben is acting like a sort of golden retriever puppy. But mostly he was even more stressed when he looked at Miguel with those eyes of pure dislike or... Hate possibly.
"Ah, yeah you. Thought you went some Margaritas then-"
"I didn't even have the time for that, Tequila-Ass."
Miguel's sarcastic phrase was quickly cut by that rude phrase from Kaine, Ben gulped a bit and just looked at both, staying silent for a bit.
"Huh, Okay."
O'hara crossed his both shoulders, he wasn't feeling intimidated or anything. So he looked away at an already portal which he was planning go to a mission but since Reilly suggested that...
"Well, i think you are lucky with it, i was planning do a mission but, seems you can be ideal for it."
"If is ideal for me die there already, would a be a pleasure then."
Kaine replied sarcastic and putting his both hands on his own waist, Ben made an even worried face as he was listening.
"Whatever you say. Just, listen here. All you need do is go to the Earth-1610, an-"
"An anomaly going around there, i know that already and if y'all excuse me, i leave for do that shit and go back to my world because i am tired."
God Kaine kept interrupting the leader's words which he reacted even more stressed, it was reasonable we guess.
"Then i'll don't waste my time on you if is that you really want, or better i should. But just, listen. You won't be alone because the anomaly is not a really easy one."
"Oh! Then i can go-"
"Ben, no. We don't need you, for now."
Ben Reilly made a sad expression and looked down for a bit but also he was confused, just aswell like Kaine who before go to the portal he turned to see Miguel.
"I have someone who you can be a great team, and kinda reminds me of you so."
That made the brothers be even more confused, specially Kaine, why he would need help if he can do it all by himself? Well at least not with Ben because although he was slowly getting better, still his crisis can appear in any time. But well, Ben's spider-sense again turned on as then he looked up, at the dark ceilings, a dark camuflaged figure was there, with glowing blue things like eight eyes, stripes and more was staring down at them and those eyes didn't look friendly, so Kaine did a defensive pose aswell Ben.
The figure jumped and then landed in the same dark distance, then the it began to get close as it walked, slowly, revealing someone...
A tall 6'7 Spider-woman with a muscular, intimidating-looking but also yet a little kinda attractive body would approach, the shoulder-spiked suit was tones of blacks and glowing light blue mentioned eye lenses, stripes, logo and spike-tips. She was just scary, there wasn't a big female spider that literally could take the same level of intimidating look as Miguel.
The siblings widened their eyes, Ben was surprised and stepped back, oh god he could even feel already his skull being crushed by her easily. While Kaine stared at her, he saw she was slightly taller than him because he was 6'4 of height. But he wasn't scared or intimidated, he was still displaying that grumpy serious face.
"So, is that the guy i go with?"
The lady named Marlette Saravia said with a low tone that showed the definition of coldness, staring at them as the mask disappeared fading away which yes, her suit was also holografic just like Miguel's by the reason of belonging a universe which was futuristic aswell but different comparing this Earth-928.
Kaine just stared at her face, his expression was still not so happy, like always. And of course a strong feeling of mistrust began already to work in his mind. Marlette raised an eyebrow slightly, angry spiders is not new to her because she was also one which could be difficult how the connection of these can work, but Kaine probably can give an oportunity of himself? Who knows.
"Just let's go already."
Kaine simply said, entering to the portal but imstead just leave her, he just waited a bit anf turned slightly to see her while putting on his mask, Marlette would activate her mask, shrugged and just followed him. While Ben watched them leave with that classic frown.
"Why didn't you let me go with him...-"
"You will always bring an useless drama during any mission, so is enough for that you know? You would indeed have a bit of time for "treat that" if you know what i mean."
Miguel explained as then he came back to his work, while Ben just looked down and left walking feeling slightly sad, and worried.
Wondering if these two can get along...
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Here is how they met i'll do another chapter of them in process of the mission they will going to do for add more slowburn. Apologies really if the Characters are OOC anf if it was veery long, but i tried my best but at least had some fun writting, hope you enjoy. :) 💙🕷
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airplanned · 8 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday
Zoro and Sanji are both dumbasses, just in different ways.
Zoro's in the kitchen being underfoot, and just because he's in the damn way and he knows Zoro will hate it (haha!), Sanji smacks a kiss to his cheek.  Loud and popping and as annoying as he can possibly make it.  He's expecting Zoro to flail out an arm, to snarl at him and shout at him, and Sanji would laugh and laugh and laugh.  
He's not expecting Zoro to whip around in one smooth movement and slap his ass. Loud and popping and as annoying as he can possibly make it.
Sanji's soul jerks out of his body, leaving him stiff, wide-eyed, and frozen for a beat too long before he explodes with, "You fucking shitty lump of mold!"  
But Zoro's already out the door.  He shoots Sanji a grin over his shoulder that for a moment makes him look his age, and even as Sanji's skin and bones vibrate with indignation, the rest of his insides melt at the sight.  He should go after that idiot and drag him into a storage room.
He should go after him and punt him into the ocean.
It's impossible to decide which one is the more appealing option.
Fucking asshole.
He sighs and turns back to his meal prep.  But maybe his sigh was a bit too wistful, because Nami clears her throat.  He looks up to where Nami and Usopp have been sitting at the kitchen island.  
Sitting and watching.  
Usopp gives him a look like he's trying to do long division in his head and also has to sneeze.  Nami just looks exhausted.
"Please tell him not to do that in front of Luffy.  We don't need him getting ideas."
"Forget Luffy," Usopp says.  "Y'all shouldn't do that in front of me.  My eyes are delicate!"
Sanji laughs.  "No argument from me."  Except now that Sanji's had a moment, he's actually not against whatever that was happening again.  And, yeah, without other people around.  Yes.  Good.
"You did start it," Nami says.
"And Zoro finished it," Usopp adds.  They give him weirdly identical pitying looks.  Clearly, they've been hanging out together too much.
Sanji shakes his head.  "Look, he may have won that battle, but he won't win the war."
Nami blinks at him.  "The...war?"
"There's a winner?" Usopp asks.
Sanji nods. "That's what he says."
For a moment they both stare at him, but he's in agreement with them that it is an absurd game and Zoro makes no sense at all. While they're working through it in their heads, he chops more onions.
Nami's eyes are narrowed in thought as she slowly asks, "So...how does one win the war?"
"Oh!" Usopp jumps in. "Okay, so they're gonna get worse and worse until one day Sanji dares Zoro to marry him. Not just dare him, but double dog dare him.  That means you have to do it.  And then Zoro will say--" in what he must think is an impression of Zoro, Usopp frowns and glares off into the distance and says , "I never back down.  And then they'll get married!"
This explanation (although amusing) does not answer any questions and does not clear up anything for Nami.  "...That sounds like they both lose. No offense."
"None taken," Sanji says.  As if he'd dare Zoro to marry him.  We would never.
Well...actually... he could see picture it if he was in an extremely competitive mood, and he could see it if their fights escalated without Zoro backing down until they got to that point.  
But it's not like that would happen any time soon or anything.
"No no," Usopp explains. "You see, they'll both write their own vows, and whoever cries first when they read them loses."
"So...Sanji," Nami says.
"Oh yeah.  No doubt."
They both turn to give him pitying looks.  Identical pitying looks. 
"You're going to lose eventually," Nami says.  "No way around it."
"Yeah. Sorry, man."
"Just give up now and save us all from...that."  She waves a hand over her shoulder.
Sanji's not quite sure where to start with this.  They're making a big deal over nothing, and he has everything under control.  "Nami, it pains me to disagree with you--"
She throws her head back and groans.
"--But I will not be bested by sentient moss.  Don't worry.  I'll win before it escalates that far."
Now both of them are trying to do division and need to sneeze.  They turn to look at each other, holding some telepathic conversation.  (Way too much time together.)
"Okay, I'm out," Usopp announces, and Nami agrees with a, "Yep."
They both vanish from the kitchen without a decent goodbye.
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pascaloverx · 7 months
Summary: You are a retired spy trying to live a normal life. Some time ago, a hired assassin named Tangerine tried to kill you. In response, you sought the help of an old acquaintance who could fake any death, August Walker. However, now your false identity is in jeopardy, along with your life.
Warnings: For now, the fanfic will not contain explicit content, but it will be flagged if it does in the future. However, there will be the use of strong language and moderate violence. Readers are advised. The characters August Walker and Tangerine do not belong to me but to their respective creators. Some other characters that belong to both Mission: Impossible (2018) and Bullet Train (2022) may appear in this fanfic. Other characters who are not part of these movies will be of my own creation. I hope you enjoy the reading
chapter two chapter four
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"You used to be more creative when I met you. Binding a poor defenseless woman to a chair with handcuffs seems silly." You say trying unsuccessfully to free yourself from the damn handcuffs. It turns out that Tangerine managed to hit you with the butt of his gun, and when you woke up, you were handcuffed to a chair facing Walker, who was also restrained in a chair with handcuffs. It seems this time he couldn't break the handcuffs.
"Believe me angel, you don't know the plans I have for both of us but in front of the loser here it's better to keep up appearances." Tangerine blinks at you, smiling mischievously while Walker appears to be confused but remains silent.
"Do you really want to talk about this?" You ask as you look at Tangerine furiously.
"Didn't you tell the handsome mustachioed guy about our past together?" Tangerine has now got Walk's undivided attention. You close your eyes, getting mad at Tangerine. This is not the time to talk about this subject.
“What is he talking about, Y/N?” It's the first time August Walker has spoken directly to you since the two of you became Tangerine's hostages.
"Remember in Budapest a few years ago when you ended our partnership?" You say it, a bit resentful of admitting something you had been denying to yourself for a long time.
"I remember it being a mutual decision. We both knew that once we break off the professional partnership and have a romantic relationship it's best to give up the partnership." Walker says looking angry. Tangerine however is looking at the two of you while holding a gun in his hand and he seems to be enjoying watching you and Walker argue.
"That would only make sense if you had engaged in a romantic relationship with me afterwards. But that's not what happened." You say trying not to bring that hurt back. It took you a while to get over this whole situation.
"What does this idiot Tangerine have to do with this?" Walker asks impatiently. You get tense but decide to open the game.
"He was in Budapest too. He had to take someone to a big boss in the city. He and Lemon were there. And I let myself be carried away by resentment." You say, still not admitting everything but at least giving the context.
"Lemon is my brother who does the dirty work in the name of money. He's not here now but then he was." Tangerine speaks while smiling devilishly, You know he's very happy that you're exposing your past.
"To summarize. I joined the two brothers or twins as they are known and as a result, I ended up having a romantic relationship with Tangerine. It was casual but romantic." You speak, finally releasing the truth and Walker seems to be processing this.
"Are you telling me you left me for him?" August Walker speaks, almost getting up from the chair where he is handcuffed. Tangerine took the gun in his hands and pointed it right at Walker's head however.
"There was nothing to be left, Walker. I never had you. We were just partners on missions, and you made that very clear." You reply, feeling uncomfortable having this discussion in front of Tangerine.
"The truth, Walker, is that you gave me quite the partner with your stupidity. She's as good in action as she is in bed. In case you didn't know, but I bet you already do." Tangerine says, trying to provoke August. It seems to have worked.
"But after all, what do you want with us?" You try to change the subject as Walker appears furious. Tangerine then approaches you and touches your face lightly.
"Help from you. Someone has imprisoned my brother, which is pretty bad. This person wants both of you in exchange for him. My idea is this: you help me, and I won't turn you in. Otherwise, you can imagine what will happen. What do you think?" Tangerine speaks while caressing your cheek and looks directly at Walker. You observe Walker, who stares angrily at Tangerine.
"We accept." Walker says in a rude tone, surprising both you and Tangerine.
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grimlins-chaos · 9 months
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Lo'gosh/Vari revamps! full body w/ comparisons to the og designs + alt looks + my mad rambling under the cut!
Do keep in mind these are my takes on the character and this is for my fic that's in the works where i'm doing some MASSIVE retconning of story and world building to 1, feed my brainworms because this *is* a warcraft x ffxiv crossover and 2, keep my fucking sanity because blizz retcons their own shit so much and the way they handle characters so inconsistently it makes me violently angry i fucking hate the books with every fiber of my being
I'm more than happy to give clarifications on some of my ideas just be aware that i might sound unhinged as i explain the ideas i've cultivated in my brain case for literal years like a conspiracy theorist so without further ado LET'S GO!
First things first let's get into Lo'gosh!
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He starts off with his OG look as functionally it works and it's an iconic look in a ring where your gladiators are being pitted against guys who are damn near naked you don't want to disadvantage them with too much armor
the only few changes i made was switching out the sash for some more straps and the armored pieces are not nearly as bulky (i did straight up forget his spikes but i'll add them another time when i have a bit more time so just imagine they are there lmao)
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But as iconic as the look is his clothes do deteriorate especially as my version of lo'gosh gets tossed around on the regular (think of captain america's "i can do this all day" while bloodied and beat the fuck up) on top of because it being such an iconic look Lo'gosh would need a change of clothes to replace the torn ones he was given as well as make him blend in a little more with your common adventurers, so when he meets up with allies in the eastern kingdoms he gets some new drip
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he does hold onto the old armor pieces as to hold on to the lo'gosh identity for as long as he can before he has to return to being Varian Wrynn (to build more upon his feelings of "i don't know this varian, is that really the life i want?" in issue 7 of the comics because it was such a missed opportunity for internal conflict, we love a man who's struggling emotionally)
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Storywise i felt that rather than have him be the strong willed half of Varian while the other half is more "weak willed" instead Lo'gosh and Vari represent two different sides of his ideals, attitude, and how he expresses love (yes we are going FULL fuckin' cheese mode here) Lo'gosh would represent the rebellious side of Varian, the one who would try so desperately to escape because he just wants to be free. Pre-split this would present most in his younger self who would regularly sneak out to have fun and support his people, away from the pressures of his duties that would later on take away any minuscule amount of freedom he had in his life. Lo'gosh also represents Varian's strong sense of justice, never afraid and not even hesitating to throw himself on the line to defend complete strangers because (unknowingly to Lo'gosh for most of the story) his past with a young abused girl that he once called best friend along with Arthas very much ingrained it into his head that he would never leave anyone who takes advantage of others and hurts them like how he had failed that girl
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Lo'gosh is the side of Varian that's a force of nature that will act on the spot to protect others, unwilling to back down and has absolutely zero fucking idea on when to just give up (granted giving up seems more like a made-up concept to him)
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When it comes to Vari (the nickname i gave to the more charming/gentle dad side of Varian just for the sake of making it less confusing) I do have a lot more to say so buckle the fuck up XD;;
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In terms of design i fuckin' hate his pajama suit, i tried to redeem it, i very much did, but it wasn't workin' out for me XD It makes sense in that when it comes to Vari i very much see him as being extremely insecure, and so while katrana bumps up his charm to obnoxious levels the actual charisma he displays is a mask to try and hide his struggle. So it makes sense for him to make himself seem less regal and wear as simple as clothing as he can outside of obvious formal affairs and Katrana would very much prey on this especially as corrupt black dragons lean on self-importance and ego and so she'd make herself wear purples and reds while Vari blends more in with the crowd, she makes it so your eyes go to her rather than the fuckin king because she has manipulated her way to the top and holds all the power over him
But the whole body suit deal? uglier than sin, this ain't your wish medieval batman costume so for my redesign i gave Vari this
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it was a combination of norse inspired renfaire tunics and as well as the outfits in one of my favorite movies; Quest for camelot (as King Arthur was a minor inspiration for my version of Varian)
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And as for armor it does still have close resemblance to the og look in the comics but gave it a bit more bulk and baggyness in some areas as i imagine Vari representing the protection spec while Lo'gosh is of course fury, so to take a bit more of a beating he's got more protection
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Vari being the half of Varian that retained his memories, he carries the brunt of the trauma and guilt brought on by all the trials and horrific events he's experienced but to cover his pain not only to try and hide from it but also in an attempt to protect his son and be there for his people (the mask of "everything's just fine" while the wearer of that mask is actively drowning). But Vari also carries the fatherly attitude of Varian, this is the half that presents Varian's love of his son the absolute most and for him he's willing to literally jump off a cliff just to save him. Vari will defend those he loves with his life.
Lo'gosh: Offensive Vari: Defensive
Together they are the two halves of one ballsy motherfucker you really do not wanna piss off
Anywho if you've made it this far i personally applaud you for subjecting yourself to my madness, i hope it was at least entertaining and a fun read!
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genderfluid noel gruber hcs
authors note: yeah this might be bias, because I am also in fact genderfluid. this is lightly nischa-coded. if you don’t like it scroll past.
- definitely figured out in their later teen years, didn’t get exposed to most identities before because of their lack of exposure to it. his mom took her time to get used to it, but she generally just wanted her kid to be happy.
- I’m a ‘Noel’s mom is amazing’ truther. I think she’s mostly worried about Noel fitting in because she grew up there, and is afraid of him getting bullied. Noel didn’t start talking to her about it, until she found the identity that fit her the best.
- the rest of the group is.. strange about it. But again, it revolves around lack of exposure. Ocean probably had the more obnoxious reaction out of the group. But when does she not? - she takes her time to come around to it, but eventually will verbally correct someone if they mess up pronoun wise. 
- surprisingly Mischa was not the first that found out, because when Noel initially found out they weren’t AS close. The more observant of the group, who just happens to be Ricky, asked them about it not far into Noel finding out. It started as subtle things, press on nails and bits of makeup from more fem days,  - very “hey, are you trans?” one day, and noel was surprised as all hell, but eventually just confirmed his suspicions.  my queer and potentially trans ricky agenda is growing 
- mischa found out, after finding himself at the gruber’s house, avoiding his adopted parents. noel’s mother had surprised her with a flag, and not long after mischa came in, his eyes wondered to it.  “erm.. what’s this one mean?”  - after a very long conversation about what it meant, specifically for his friend, he’s hell bent on understanding.  - even after they get together, mischa would be damned if he let anyone run their mouth about his partner.  scary dog privileges. he’s always lurking  - constance starts to help noel find their real style, and after a bit of watching in horror, ocean steps in to help.  ocean has a strange sense of fashion herself, but it simply means she has a little bit of everything.  - what would now be considered dark academia and traditional gothic start to catch noel’s eye, in a way monique is definitely reflected in her fashion sense a lot. she’s a way noel could project their feelings onto a character, and write without immediately having to out themself as having those feelings personally.  - lots of mall run’s outside of town. whether it be extending noel’s style while masc or just getting them their first real fem presenting clothes.  - penny isn’t very.. aware of any of this stuff's meaning. but she will do her best to support regardless. they are her friends after all.  - nonbinary penny, that’s all I will say.  - things are tough, seeing as they do go to a religious high-school, but the choir itself is fairly isolated from the rest of the school.  - any dances, are usually also heavily monitored, so the group doesn’t hesitate to make their own.  - mischa always checking on his partner to make sure however he brags about them that day is comfortable for them  - the best dysphoria comfort is watching Lola, or old romances.
speaking of which, fem gender euphoria for them looks a lot like big curly hair and old timey makeup with torn tights, and masc euphoria can definitely include tucked in sweaters and fancy ties.
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eirian · 1 year
i think a lot about how much ive grown and changed as a person, not the least of which being how i went from a super heavy kinnie to someone who hardly kins at all
my journey with kinning was like...idk. it started with learning about what otherkin was, and i realized that damn i have a super strong connection with demons for some reason, and i genuinely wished i was an actual demon. this was in 2013 ish. that was my first time calling myself a kinnie
then my first experience with fictionkin specifically was with...unfortunately, prussia from hetalia lol. that was my first fictionkin. then shit got out of control from there bc then i proceeded to keep tacking on fictional characters onto my identity until they BECAME my identity.
i became a kinnie at a very interesting and formative part of my life--the mid-teen years. and honestly? i dont think it was the healthiest thing for my growth. b/c my identity sort of became...nonexistent for a while? i based my whole self around fictional characters. i didnt want to be myself because i didnt know who "myself" was. and unfortunately this lasted into my...well, mid-20s. im 26 now and it took me until i was ABOUT 24 to actually find my real core identity outside of fictional characters to the point of where i was proud and happy to know myself and call myself just...dan. thats me! im not dan plus fu, kidou, raditz, etc....im just dan. and thats enough!
so for me, being a kinnie was a result of not knowing who i was and using fictional characters to sort of fill in that hole in my identity. i wanted to be them b/c i didnt know who myself was, or maybe i didnt like who i was either and wanted to replace myself with them. i loved fu and lots of other ppl did, so i wanted to be him so i could be loved like that. i wanted to be funny like him. i wanted to be strong like raditz. i wanted to be smart and athletic like kidou. i wanted to be cool like dan phantom. i wanted to be anything but the real me and that hampered my growth as a person for a very, very long time
it took me a long while to reach the point im at right now--where im confident in my identity and dont need to use fictional characters as a crutch. and im not necessarily saying being fictionkin is inherently bad--it can be fun or even used to cope with situations such as trauma, i understand that--but when it came to me and my own situation, i excused it as being a "spiritual" thing and sort of clung to the idea that i was "soul-connected" to fictional characters who existed in another universe at the same time as me...which in retrospect was kind of a reach lol. but like. idk. it ended up not being spiritual at all even though i convinced myself it was. it was due to identity issues and, to an extent, actual real delusions--i genuinely thought that i HAD to uncover and piece together my "canon" lives to the point of obsession. it was super unhealthy for me and brought me so much unnecessary stress, everyone around me could see it too.
so uh. what am i tryna conclude here. i guess like. be careful? if youre a fictionkinnie, especially a young one, please take the time to do some introspection. is it just for fun? is it a lighthearted thing? or are you so intensely deep into it that its a huge part of your identity to the point of where you lost your actual self? to the point of having breakdowns over doubles? can you function in life without the kin part?
for the record, i still consider myself generally otherkin--i do still heavily identify with demons and have dreams of being a demon and all that good kin stuff. but its not who i am. i have a list of fictional characters i kin still--hidden and not advertised anymore--but its at the back of my mind now and is more of a casual "oh yeah im raditz haha" kind of thing if that makes sense? its not affecting my life as much as it did anymore and im happy about that
i hope nobody takes this personally lol. im just basically airing my thoughts about my own kin journey out and sharing my experience and thoughts abt the thing as a whole. end text post
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(I'll try to explain this in the best way I can, but english isn't my first language so I apologize for mistakes in advance). The reader escaped home to avoid arranged marriage, disguised themselves as a man and started working as a butler for some random noble lady (the lady is aware of their identity and is helping them not to be discovered). They meet Grell while they are also in 'butler form' and they quicky became friends (not aware of each others identity atm) and Grell quickly develops a crush on them. But then the parents find 'her' (they are still using fem pronouns) and insist their 'daughter' must "stop this nonesense and start acting like a proper lady" and try to force them to come home. Grell shows up in their/her reaper form to rescue the reader and confess to them! (Boy, this was long! Hopefully it made sense?!) [I also couldn't decide between 'she/her' and 'they/them' pronouns for Grell, so I'm letting you choose].
I think your English is just fine! English is my native language and I don't see any mistakes or anything here c:
I did some headcanons, I hope that's okay! and I went with they/them for Grell for this one
haven't written butler!Grell in a very long time... butler!Grell my love...................
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They really only attend these boring meetings for Anne’s sake. This role allows them to shirk their own Reaper duties, which are easily twice as unpleasant. Plus they do like bonding with Anne and getting a peek at high society; it’s somewhere they don’t belong. Of course, it’s irritating when they get shooed to another corner of the room like some kind of butler playpen while the grownups talk. Ugh. Insulting. Of course… they did meet you whilst being banished to the other side of the room. So, they suppose it isn’t all bad.
Oh, they had feelings for you right from the start. Regardless of what your gender is, they think your appearance is quite handsome, so, why shouldn’t they have a little crush on you? Ugh, you’re lovely. Where did (Lady) find you?? More importantly, where has she been hiding you? They have to play up the part of being shy and troubled while in their own disguise, so that nobody gets suspicious, but… any chance they ever get to be close to you, they take it. They go so far as ‘accidentally’ tripping over some bump in the carpet so that you’ll catch them and they get to be in your arms for a moment. Certainly they are one smitten kitten. It’s just… circumstances won’t allow them to be as upfront about it as they’d like. If it weren’t for this damned butler role, they’d have had their hands all over you already!
They do so love getting to spend time with you even while in their disguise. It’s to the point that they’ve given Anne a very convincing pouty face with big puppy-dog eyes and asked her to find some excuse to meet with (Lady) so that they can see you. The best part is that they get to pretend to fumble with things so that you’ll help them. It means they might even have a chance to have their hands tangled up with yours as you help them to, say, make tea or arrange plates! As much as they wouldn’t want to change their personality… they must admit, there are perks to acting all weepy, timid, and easily flustered.
― Exhibit A, the times when you gently take their hands and say things like, “Grell, it’s alright. You’re not a failure because you made a mistake with this. Everyone makes mistakes! You don’t need to be sorry, and please don’t say such terrible things about yourself. I think the world is a lovely place with you in it, and I won’t hear of you making it less lovely. Come here, let me show you how to do this again.” You make them feel so safe and cared for! Even though this persona is an act, a mask they’re putting on, it’s… an exaggerated part of small bits of things they’ve felt. It’s quite comforting to know that if they were this horribly skittish, shy, extremely suicidal person, you’d be kind to them. That person exists inside of them, if only in a tiny capacity, and you’re very, very sweet in making them feel like everything is okay. Your kindness is almost healing to the person they were as a human.
They are absolutely not above going full Ye Olde London Chainsaw Massacre where your parents are concerned. Well… only if it’s what you want. If you don’t want Grell to kill your parents, they won’t; however, they’re going to frighten the living daylights out of these people. Their Death Scythe does a very good job in scaring humans ( and sometimes other Reapers) and making it clear that Grell Sutcliff is not fucking around. They rev that thing up, holding it incredibly close to your parents’ necks while asking, “Do you still think your behavior is acceptable? Leave (Name) alone before I cut you to pieces and bake them into a bloody pie!!” Your parents probably aren’t going to stick around after that one even if Grell doesn’t make good on their threat.
… With all that settled, they turn to you, and violently hope that you recognize them… as well as hoping that their brutality hasn’t scared you off. The fact that they’re a bit too prone to gore has wrecked more than one relationship. But they treat you just as gently as you’ve treated them. They ask if you remember them, they chuckle and say, “You’re not either a man or a woman, are you? Which is just as well, I’m somehow both and neither and one or the other at different times.” If you don’t realize who they are, they make it rather apparent by briefly putting on their butler persona, only to laugh and deride themself for playing that role when they promised themself a long time ago they’d never act like that again.
They set their scythe down before taking your hands in their own. They smile at you and inquire as to whether or not you’ve noticed their feelings. That’s something they’ve had to hide for the sake of not blowing their cover and exposing Anne. Now, though… they can’t stand it another moment if you don’t know how head over heels they are for you. For some reason you’ve come to mean so much to them, and you’re more beautiful to them now than ever because you’re finally able to be your authentic self. What you do now, how to respond to them, it’s up to you ― they won’t try to convince you one way or another. They just… hope you’ll give them a chance, now that the two of you can be yourselves with each other.
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ridingthechaos · 9 months
Sanity Isn’t The Void.
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“Empathy, the least you could do is have empathy.”
That sentence resonated with Silence as he went through life. It was the first sentence Price had said to him when he first joined 141. He remembers distinctly the night he was rescued from his father’s grasp, Vladimir Makarov is a horrible father. Silence looks almost identical to him, except he doesn’t he doesn’t have the horrible hairline. As he adjusted his mask he realized just how lucky he was not to be in his father’s grasp.
“Silence, you in here?” It was Soap, was he coming check on Silence since he was taking so damn long? A sigh came from the masked male, “I am, yes, come in.” His Russian accent was thick today. Soap slowly walked into the room coming to find Silence glaring at his face in the mirror.
Soap let out a disappointed sigh, rubbing his mohawk with one hand, “Lad, you aren’t your father. There isn’t a need to glare at your reflection.” He walked behind Silence and tentatively placed his hands on the male’s shoulders. The shorter male flinched under the other’s touch, “I know, but It feels like I am.” Silence murmured, turning to face Soap. Soap huffed, “You’re coming with me to see Price.”
Before Silence could protest he was picked up by Soap, “What?! No! Johnny put me down!” His protests went unheard as his mask slipped onto his face and he was hauled to Price’s office. Silence stopped fighting against Soap halfway there, only to get a satisfied huff from the Scottish male. Price had been expecting these two, but he hadn’t been expecting to see Silence just casually dangling from Soap’s arms.
“Well ain’t that a sight to behold.” Price chuckled, taking Silence from Soap. The Russian male scoffed as he was passed around like a cup of coffee when the squad can only make one cup. Soap saluted to Price and then walked off, probably to go harass Simon.
Price sighed as he sat down across from Silence, “Son, how many times do I have to tell you that you aren’t jack anything like your father?” Silence slid down slightly in the chair he was sitting in, “Maybe until the day I die by his hands.” A shocked sound came from Price. ‘Killed by his hands?’ What does Silence mean by that? Does the younger male know something that Price doesn’t? If so, what is it? So many questions are being raised and there aren’t enough answers.
“What do you mean by that?” Price asked, leaning forward onto his desk with a concerned glance. Silence chuckled dryly, he stared up at his superior’s face with a look that said ‘you already know’. John gasped, gaping at Chris. The boy was telling the truth? Makarov was planning on killing him? His own son? Dang, father of the year right here. All the while he hadn’t taken his mask off.
The mission had been running smoothly, no casualties had happened and everything was going well. Until Silence heard a familiar voice of Russian and broken English, he froze, nearly dropping his rifle. Silence could hear Price on his earpiece, but he couldn’t focus on what he was saying.
The voice was sickeningly sweet and made Silence’s chest squeeze with a sense of nostalgia. Why must he be here? Why? Slowly, Silence turned towards the man he knew as his father. He visibly swallowed when he saw the scarred and feared male, “Makarov.” He said with a shaky voice. Price’s voice was warning him to get out of there, to not engage with Vladimir Makarov. But every inch of Chris’s body was disagreeing and was positively tempted to engage.
“Daww.. Don’t be like that to your father, I raised you, you ungrateful brat.” The terrorist of a man hissed towards the soldier. How odd how these two were related when they acted nothing alike, “No. You aren’t my father. You will never be my father.” Silence backed up, he was starting to tremble. Makarov opened his arms towards Chris, “Come on, my boy, come give your father a hug.” He approached the masked male, a thin lipped grin on his face. The yells to not engage from Price were growing louder, more distinct. But he still didn’t listen.
Makarov was approaching so close to Silence, the shorter male was close to having a panic attack from this. He didn’t want to be hugged by this man, knowing full well how it would end. Then it was intercepted by Ghost, god bless Simon. One of Simon’s daggers was pointed dead at Makarov’s face, he was the placement between the two. Vladimir growled, “Let me see my son.” A dark chuckle was ripped from Ghost’s throat. He put himself more between Makarov and Silence, “No, he is not your son.” Silence was breathing slightly easier, thankfully.
Silence was having a relatively hard time breathing, but he still pushed through. Vladimir growled and walked away, odd, he wasn’t putting up a fight. Ghost turned to Silence as sighed, it wasn’t everyday that the only Russian soldier on the British unit got face to face with his father. Simon crouched down to Chris’s height, “You alright, mate?” Silence nodded, he was still terrified though. Ghost stood back up to his full height, “Come on, let’s get you back to the team.”
As they walked back to the team, Price was finally heard by Silence, “You alright, kid? Back with us?” A shaky ‘yes’ left Chris’s lips, he was still on edge. Simon chuckled beside Silence, still guiding him back to the team. They had an eventful day, it was a day they were glad to be over with. The other three were grateful to see Chris, “Hey buddy.” Gaz greeted, ruffling Silence’s hair.
“Alright, Kyle, give the boy some space.” Price chuckled pushing past Gaz and Soap, “Are you sure you’re alright? You don’t have to be, we all have our issues, but it’s like a big family.” Chris’s eyes twitched under that mask of his. He hadn’t been expecting to hear that from Price of all people. But he nodded, “I’m not okay,” he let out shakily, getting a lot of concerned stares from the other four men, “I saw the years I spent with.. Him, before Simon placed himself between us.” Ghost chuckled, now ruffling Silence’s hair himself.
He let out a surprised squeak, not really expecting probably the toughest person in 141 to ruffle his chaos of hair. Soap then hauled Chris over his head like a loaf of bread, “Let’s go celebrate the success of this mission, aye?” Silence blinked slowly as Johnny spoke, absolutely confused how this twig of a Scottish man could lift him over his head.
At least everything was okay.. For now.
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