#Danny asks him on a second date and they talk about the book over coffee
deadsetobsessions · 9 months
Danny no longer has a haunt. So… he decides to find another one. And while he technically has a whole world (other dimensions aren’t an option because he’s going to stay near where Jazz’s grave is, damn it) there’s only a couple of other places with enough ambient ectoplasm to sustain him. Nanda Parbat, Tokyo, and Gotham.
Nanda Parbat had a weird old musty immortal that kept trying to summon him and exchange power for the ability to “take a worthy body and rain as much destruction” as he’d like. As if Danny would need a body to bring the world to its knees.
Tokyo… it’s too far from Jazz’s grave. He could ask Wulf or even open his own portal but when Danny tried it out, Tokyo was too peaceful. Obviously there’s crime, but nothing… nothing big like Danny’s used to.
Danny ends up picking Gotham, even if the sewer zombies and the weird group of rich fruit loops with an adoption problem creeps him out. So, he destroys the portal, packs up his parents’ house and sells it, and hauls ass to the cesspool calling his name. His family’s stuff is stored respectfully in a vault located on the deepest parts of his personal haunt in the Infinite Realms.
And honestly, he’s doing better. Sure, he’s got a shitty apartment near another revenant’s almost-haunt and he feels like he’s drowning all of the time, but Danny isn’t in danger of turning into Dan, he’s catching up on royal paperwork, and he’s got like a job as a barista. In his own coffee shop that paid for using his parent’s money (who, despite their hazardous everything, made a crap ton of money off of their more normal inventions).
Gotham’s got some pretty interesting local gangs, most of which respected the sanctity of Danny’s cafe. Sure, they tried blowing it up and tried extorting money from him in the form of “protection costs” but after three months of failure, they gave up.
(Really, the local gangs gave up when they saw him take three shotgun shells to the chest and continued to work.) (They didn’t know it never hit him. Intangibility is extremely useful.)
The Rogues, on the other hand, just gave Danny flashbacks. Their gimmicks are different, sure, but after years of Box Ghost, Skuller, Lunch Lady, etc., Danny’s more than done with costumed villains. They don’t bother him either. Some of the reason is probably due to Harley and Ivy, who had walked into the cafe and (because they were bruised and scratched up from a fight) triggered Danny’s mother hen tendencies. They were promptly fed and watered and caffeinated and their hyenas were also similarly taken care of. They declared the cafe under their protection and that was that.
Red Hood stops by, and begins to interrogate him. But when Danny met his… helmet eyes? The crime lord paused, paid for his coffee, and sat in a corner table of the cafe for the rest of the day.
And he kept coming back?
But Danny figures it’s because Hood was a revenant and people who had come close to death tends to feel more comfortable around him.
(Considering this is Gotham where people almost die every other day? Yeah, he’s pretty much friends with everyone. Or at least, less likely to get shot.)
(Hood does stay because of the King’s presence and the Pit calming itself, but also Danny’s hot and he’s got a sleeper build and Hood definitely did not imagine himself in the place of the heavy box he saw Danny lift effortlessly onto a table. No.)
But of course, the peace couldn’t last forever. But by then, Danny was so antsy, he welcomed the trouble with open arms.
It starts with a clown. Danny knows who he is. He knows who Danny is.
So, Danny has no idea why the clown thought it would be a good idea to aggravate the owner of Gotham’s official neutral grounds. See, Clovkwork? Danny’s learned how to gauge his own political importance!
Danny comes out and grabs a chair, and with a flat expression, says, “you’re not funny and I hate clowns.”
And then he swings and slams the chair into the Joker’s face. Over and over again until Danny’s sure the clown won’t get back up. The thing about Gotham’s outdoor chairs is that they’re mad out of steel and are bolted down to the ground to prevent undedicated thieves (dedicated thieves can and will steal the bolted down steel chairs). The Joker’s hired muscle just watched this scrawny twenty-something year old yank the steel chair and take some of the fucking ground and the bolts with it and beat the fuck out of their boss who is the literal Joker.
They surrender on the spot and is taken to jail. Danny just smiles at the officers who come by and since he’s got pretty privilege and they don’t want to mess with the guy who, again, owns one of Gotham’s official neutral ground and also beat up Joker without breaking a sweat, the officers just lets him go with a warning.
And then the bats comes, and wow, Danny’s playing mentor to a formally dead person again!
But before that, the Red Hood asks for an autograph on the Gotham Gazette article with a picture of a tired Danny standing over Joker’s prone body. Then Hood stammers through asking Danny out (which Danny said yes to because he’s tired, not blind, and Hood is built like a brick house and HOT).
Batman interrogates him. Danny, who can tell that this man needs therapy and is Sad TM, tells Bats that Danny’s died before and that’s why he’s like this. He also calls Batman a furry, but like in a nice way. And then he kicks Batman out with a coffee and a file on Nanda Parbat.
Now, Danny’s got a date to prepare for and he realizes that maybe this is what Jazz wanted for him- to be happy and mostly safe and happy. (Or, happier, he thinks. It’s been a long time since he’s been truly happy, but this might be a good start)
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
Hi! I really like your fics! Especially 'The Conference'. I have a fic request: Ethan x MC revealed to only the gang - not the whole hospital. It's totally fine if you don't do it! Thanks for considering my request! 💞
Sorry for taking a million years to get to this. Also sorry that it’s trash ♥
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Telling Friends
Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Rating: T+ Summary: It’s sometime after the toxin incident and Becca tells her roommates about her budding relationship. Though one of them has some issues with it... Trope: Fluff, People Find Out About Them; Platonic Gang 
Becca walked carefully into her apartment, immediately greeted by the sweet aroma of chocolate chip muffins and the sight of two of her roommates on their hideous, thrifted yellow couch that makes this place a home.
“Oh, good. You’re all here,” She sighed with a contented smile as she kicked off her shoes.
“Think we should be more shocked you’re here,” Jackie retorted, barely looking up from her phone.
Normally Becca would roll her eyes or respond with something snarky, but not today. Today the roommates had something to talk about; all of which revolved around why she’s barely been home lately.  
“Where’ve you been?” Elijah added, the whites of his teeth sparkling in the midday sunshine peering through the window.
“And in yesterday’s clothes,” Jackie followed up. 
“That’s what I wanted to talk about.” 
Becca dropped her bag and coat by the door before bounding across the room to take her place on the sofa between her two friends. 
“There’s something you guys should know. And I need you to keep it secret.” She glared pointedly at Jackie. 
“Did you pull a heist without us?”  
Elijah added, “Yeah because if so, no, I will never forgive you.” 
“No. I would never. It’s just…” Becca trailed, moving to settle further into the cushions. She took a deep readying breath. Exhaled. And continued; “Really sensitive and important, and I don’t want to do anything to screw it up. But I also don’t want to keep sneaking around…” 
“Are you back with Raf?” Jackie questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Since he kind of imploded his life for you?” 
After the incident, Rafael Aviero broke things off with his childhood sweetheart because of the lingering feelings he still harbored for her. Now he wasn’t moving away, he didn’t have Sora, and he didn’t have... 
“Um… no,” Becca responded, looking down at the cushion. 
Before her guilt could set in fully, the room erupted in a high-pitched, delighted squeal. 
“Oh my god!” Sienna rounded the kitchen island quickly, her battered hands clasping around the wooden spoon, “Really!?” 
“What?” Jackie asked at the same time Elijah questioned, “What’re we missing?” 
The two girls locked eyes and Becca made the slightest of confirming motions. 
Becca took a deep inhale, eyes never leaving Sienna’s. The absolute delight in her best friend’s dark eyes were giving her all the courage she needed. “I’ve been spending a lot of time at Ethan’s. We’ve been dating for a while.” 
“Since when?” 
“The memorial, basically.” 
“Shit,” Jackie lamented. “I’m happy for you, Bec. But damn” - a coy smirk appeared on her lips - “No wonder that guy’s been friendlier than usual.” 
“Finally!” Elijah exclaimed in a rush of air, like it was a breath he’s been holding in for far too long. All three pairs of eyes were on him. “Sienna and I caught Dr. Ramsey leaving the morning after her hearing.” 
Jackie’s jaw dropped past the floor and into the basement. 
The rest of the gang brought her up to speed on how that ended up happening and how no one knew Ramsey slept over, and of course the unfortunate ending to that tale.  
“How’s that going to work?” 
“Strictly professional at the hospital.” Becca affirmed the sentiment with a flippant wave of her hands and the smallest of smiles. “Nothing’s going to change.” 
“Except for how soft he is around you.” 
“He’s not soft on me. If anything he’s harsher with me because of our relationship.” 
The roommates talked more about the logistics of her relationship and how often Ethan will be staying over. Jackie set some ground rules for that, to which Becca rolled her eyes and agreed they would never ever have sex anywhere other than her bedroom when in the apartment. 
When the conversation waned Becca asked; 
“I was thinking about inviting him to Thanksgiving. Unless that’d be weird?” 
Elijah chuckled, “It’ll definitely be weird.”
Sienna waved him off and grabbed her friend’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’d be happy to have him, Becca.” 
The two girls shared a moment. It wasn’t a question that Sienna was overjoyed at Becca’s happiness - this was everything they’ve been dreaming about happening since early intern year. Though there was something quite bittersweet - Becca got a second chance with Ethan, while Sienna will never know what could have been. In their tightened grip neither could forget Danny. 
Becca’s lips parted, about to whisper condolences and affirmations that things are going to get better. But Elijah spoke first;  
“Getting to know Dr. Ramsey will be a real treat. Think he’d be down to watch the MCU in succession?”
As she turned towards him a broad smile took over Becca’s features. “As long as there’s scotch I’m sure he’ll be fine.” 
“I can’t believe you’ve been sneaking around with him.” Jackie lamented once more.  
“What’s Dr. Ramsey even like outside the hospital? He doesn’t seem like fun.” 
“Ethan’s a lot -” 
Aurora emerged, cutting Becca off with a disbelieving, “You’re dating Dr. Ramsey?”  
Something in her new friend’s tone threw Becca off kilter. So much so she threw up walls as quick and high as could be, ready to defend defend defend. She was afraid of her friends not taking to the news and Aurora’s tone really confirmed Becca’s worst fears. 
“Uh, yeah,” was all she could respond. 
“Gross. I’m happy for you but... gross. Are we forgetting he dated my aunt for years?” 
“Oh shit. Yeah,” Elijah muttered from the sidelines.  
Quickly Becca added, “They were never serious.” 
She was going to say ‘in love’ but thought better of it. She loves him dearly and knows he feels the same way, but they haven’t said it yet. The first time she uses that word next to his name it should be to him and him alone.  
The retort was swift and icy, “Are you?” 
Aurora didn’t anticipate the answer, she knew her friend and thought this was just another one of her impulses. Becca had a tendency to bounce from interest to interest, heart to heart; and after everything that’s happened recently maybe she’s just finding comfort in the man who kept her alive. 
Both sets of deep coffee-colored eyes met, both Aurora and Becca’s features schooled so stoic and unwavering in their position. A simple “Yes” dancing off Becca’s tongue. The word accompanied by the splendid thought that Ethan Ramsey was hers. 
Aurora Emery didn’t miss the tug of a smile tugging at the corners of Becca’s mouth.  
“Fine,” she conceded. “I’ll support you, but this is weird as fuck.”
Later that evening Aurora was in her room, sitting on her bed with a textbook in her lap. A knock sounded from her ajar door, and not a few seconds later Becca’s head peeked through the crack.  
“Hey, can we talk?” 
Aurora shut the book. “I think we need to.” 
She shifted on the bed to make room at the foot among all her papers. 
Once settled, sitting cross-legged, Becca broke the small flits of tension. “I’m sorry this is weird for you.” 
“Thanks.” Aurora forced a small, reassuring smile. “I’m sorry about the outburst. I don’t know enough about your relationship to comment.” 
“I don’t know enough about their relationship,” Becca admitted shyly. She fiddled with her hands in her lap. “Ethan doesn’t really talk about it. Just that he appreciates and respects the fuck out of Dr. Emery.” 
“Aunt Harper didn’t talk about it either. All I know is what I’ve overheard and saw. They go way back - I remember them together before I got into med school.” 
They let that sink in for a moment. Becca chewed on her lip as she mindfully ran through the semi-apparent timeline. “So this is weird,” she stated. 
“Really weird,” Aurora agreed with a chortle.   
Some more time passed by on a pause. The two amicably working through this oddity in their lives. Both their thoughts taking them in many directions. Though Becca’s moving further and further into territory she knew Ethan never wanted to wander back through. 
“Was he around a lot?” she finally asked in the smallest of voices. 
If Aurora picked up on her friend’s insecurity she didn’t make it apparent.  
“Sometimes,” she began. “He’d spend some holidays and milestones with the family. I don’t think he ever enjoyed it. A bunch of doctors eating and drinking all the time, everyone knows how much he hates spending time with colleagues.” Aurora tried to brush the last remark off as a joke to lighten the mood. 
She could see the ghost of a smile hanging on Becca’s lips.  
“He went for her.” It wasn’t a question  
Aurora simply nodded. 
“He’s a good guy,” Becca sighed. She looked up at Aurora with the most lovestruck look the young Emery has ever encountered. Right then and there she knew that this certainly was not one of her friend’s whims. It was, and had, the power of a whole new universe. 
“What the two of you see in him I’ll never know,” Aurora scoffed in feigned mockery. 
Becca was just about to comment - to say just how much of a different man Ethan was to Dr. Ramsey - when Aurora added; 
“But you shouldn’t worry about me, you should probably talk to Bryce.” 
Becca’s eyes went wide and her jaw stiffened. 
If anyone was going to address the other blatantly obvious elephant in the friend group, Aurora realized, it had to be her. Might as well kill two birds with one stone whilst they buried the hatchet. 
“We all know you’ve been hooking up for a while.” 
If words could kill Aurora was certain she just decapitated Becca. The poor girl went stark and ghostly. It was as if she hadn’t even considered telling her booty call she’s seeing someone else. 
Aurora trailed, “I don’t know exactly what went down but...” 
Neither wanted her to break Bryce Lahela’s heart.   
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
First off, I love ur blog like. A probably unhealthy amount lol. Second, this virus got me feelin hella anxious so can u rec some cute/happy fics???
Thank you so much!!! I can most definitely rec some happy fics!!
HNWFS - Hot Neighbor Who Fixes Stuff by AsagiStilinski | 6.6K
"Hot Neighbor is coming over!? Why!?"
"To fix our air conditioning! Isn't that great!?"
And thus began the great saga of Stiles, the hot neighbor who's name he kept forgetting to ask for, Scott's never-ending quest to find something else to call Hot Neighbor- because apparently he has a DIFFERENT Hot Neighbor- and the crappy house of crappy appliances that keep threatening to drain Stiles and Scott's bank accounts.
Give Me All the Peace and Joy in Your Mind by secondstar | 6.3K | Explicit
Derek didn't care for the company of people. He'd rather be surrounded by his dogs, alone. Well, until he keeps seeing a guy around town. Everything comes to a head when Derek walks into a bakery to find the same guy, covered in flour, grinning at him.
That Time Derek and Stiles Had to Get Gay Werewolf Faerie Married, and Lived to Tell About it (not that they will) by lupinus,uraneia | 4.8K
To build an alliance with the fae, Derek has to prove he's willing to make a commitment. And that he's capable of satisfying the party he commits to.
Fae marriages don't always take the same way other marriages do anyway, so it's totally fine. Derek can get this over with and then pretend it never happened.
Except the faeries want him to marry Stiles.
One for the memories by DropsOfAddiction | 16.4K | Explicit
“You know? Do I look alright?” Stiles says, gesturing to himself and he turns around, giving Derek the full picture. He might wiggle his ass a little for extra effect.
“It’s an old country pub. I’m sure you’ll be the best dressed there,” Derek shrugs casually, but it sounds a little choked.
“Would it kill you to give me an actual compliment on my birthday?” Stiles jokes, not really expecting an answer.
Derek shifts from foot to foot, clearing his throat.
The Epic Love Story of Wolf and Twister by KeriArentikai | 11.6K | Explicit
Stiles has a tiny adorable hyper puppy. Derek has an awesome huge Malamute mix. They both go to the dog park a lot.
Coaches Cupcake Coffee House by ChildOfTheRevolution | 4.8K 
Danny looked at him as if he were crazy, ‘It means he wants to ride the dick Stiles.’ He said slowly, as if talking to the mentally insane.
‘Ride the dick, my dick?’ Stiles asked weakly.
‘Figuratively speaking of course, Derek looks more like a topper to me. And you, my friend, are a twink of the most twinkiest standards, but I’m not one to judge.’
boys will be boys by HalfFizzbin | 1.3K 
Schedule a parent-teacher conference with the Hales at your own risk.
A Story of A Selkie & An Unintentional Proposal by ajeepandleather | 4.8K
For the prompt of Person A accidentally proposing to Person B (who is a selkie) by returning their pelt
the distraction by bleepobleep | 3K
Derek stares flatly at the huge bin of condoms in the health center they had set up in the Olympic Village. Their shiny foil packets glisten, as if they’re mocking him.
A almost has-been, a young hopeful, and too much protection.
everybody loves good neighbors by stilinskisparkles | 7.6K | Mature
What about an "everything run-down and suddenly a guy falls through the ceiling; now there's a hole in the ceiling of my bedroom"-AU thing?
Dinner and a Movie | 2.3K
“So,” Stiles says, slumping down in the chair across the cafeteria table from Derek. “You and me. Friday. Dinner and a movie.”
Derek chokes on his lima beans and drops his book.
“Two weeks of epic dating and then the biggest, loudest, most public breakup this school has ever seen,” Stiles barrel on. “It’s perfect.”
How Derek Got His Groove Back by WhoNatural | 4.3K | Explicit
Cora kicks him under the table. “Do you have the hots for the baby lawyer?” she hisses urgently, and Derek blinks at her, feeling his face heat.
“Don’t be ridiculous. He’s young enough to be my--”
“Younger brother,” she cuts in, and shakes her head. “Age difference excuses do not fly with me. Are you gonna ask him out? Derek, you need to do something about that.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Déjà Vu (Or are we losing our minds?) -Modern!Shirbert
A/N: That’s right! I’m starting a new (old if you ask the fellas in Ao3 lmao) AWAE series!! I was waiting to have enough chapters and now that day is finally here! I hope you like it -Danny
Words: 3,961
Next Chapter
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Chapter One: Make Your Own Decision.
'Two souls don't find each other
                                      by simple accident.'
Gilbert wasn't a morning person.
Medical school was a pain in the ass, he didn't need to say that to anyone– He didn't like to complain at all if he was honest, after all, it was thanks to school that he was going to become a doctor. Still, he missed the lazy mornings on his bed, no worries in the world apart from what his father would make for breakfast.
That was years ago, though. Now he was an adult (or the closest thing to it, anyway) and he had bills to pay, he didn't have to pay rent and that was certainly a good thing, Bash and Mary were a gift sent from heaven after his dad had died, but he still helped around their house, along with the schoolwork he worked on relentlessly while trying to ignore the uncertain future knocking on his door almost every day.
After all the sleepless nights pacing around the kitchen, lights on and coffee maker ready to go, memorizing things and finishing research papers, he's pretty sure this isn't exactly healthy, but if he's bound to have similar routines for the rest of his life, he might as well get used to it.
He tries not to think a lot about that, his future, that is. All around him friends start to settle down, move out to their own places, find love, travel, having adventures while he spends all his weekends locked in his room learning about a new subject that is just as thrilling as any date he could possibly have.
That's a lie, of course. He longs for a break, an excuse to run wild and free just one night.
Luckily for him, that opportunity comes this Friday.
Anne's in love with the early sunlight, that warm, clear light that slips through her window every morning to announce a new day with no mistakes in it yet was about to start.
She loves the quiet, how time slows down for her while she pours a second cup of tea for her morning readings before heading to school. She loves the muffled noises Diana and Cole make while getting up, letting her know she has to hurry if she wants to start her routine on time.
She's a simple young woman (a very new one at that, if she was honest) and the little things still manage to give her a thrill that parties or any kind of social interaction simply can't.
That's half a truth, of course. She misses the weekly reunions with her Highschool friends, the bike rides with Jerry, her old neighbor, whenever they needed someone to rant about stupid things and none of their friends was around to do so.
Despite all this, she is fine. Anne follows the path to her dream: to become a successful writer for all kinds of people, to tell the stories that people need most at the moments when all hope seems lost and love is scarce.
However, when her Highschool friends text her and Diana about a much-needed reunion, she didn't have to think twice before replying with 'Oh god, YES.'
The Orchard was fairly known for its homely 'aesthetic' as some would call it, which attracted the younger people that needed a break from their crazy student lives. The diner had originally belonged to Gilbert's dad, but when he passed away, it fell onto Gilbert's hands and him, not wanting to close the place that had so many memories of his childhood, decided to add Bash's name into the papers.
Their dads had been good friends most of their lives, and although Gilbert and Bash aren't the same age, he thinks of him as some kind of older brother who always helped him get through the hard times, especially right after his father was gone. It was only natural that Bash owned half of the diner, after all, he loved the place as much as Gilbert, for his father had worked there in the bar while Mr. Blythe served the costumers.
The two lousy boys had dedicated most of their free, youthful time, to run around the place like they owned it. Now that they did, it was pretty much the same, only that this time they run around placing food on the tables and scribbling people's orders.
After a few months of hectic confusion, Bash's mother practically forced them to hire more staff, since they had their hands full and Gilbert was breaking under the pressure that it was to keep the business going the same as his career.
They hired one of Gilbert's old friends and a few students that lived near the diner. Moody Spurgeon, Prissy Andrews, Charlie Sloane, and the Pauls (They weren't related, they just happened to be named Paul).
That Friday was the last before their winter break, so it was packed with tons of eager students wanting to eat their money away now that most of them were returning home for the holidays. This meant two wonderful things to Gilbert:
One, the diner was going great.
Two, he was getting the well-deserved sleep he'd been lacking for months.
Excluding that night, because that night he was going to get utterly shitfaced with Moody and company after their evening shift.
"I've never heard of that place before," Anne replied distractedly as she kept grabbing things from the table and putting them inside her bag.
"Students love that place, Ruby says they serve the best food and she's always there, but Jane says she's actually crushing on one of the waiters, though Ruby refuses to either confirm or deny..."
"Ruby's always crushing on someone, though," Cole replied. "If she's still going after all this time, the food must be worth it as much as any cute boy."
"I honestly don't care as long as there's enough room to sit and have a long, long chat with all of you," Anne smiled dreamily. "I've missed them so much! Even Josie– And you know how often she tends to get on my nerves!"
"You wouldn't be missing them so much if you could put the books down every once in a while to hang with us," Diana rolled her eyes. "Honestly Anne, it's a miracle you're not blind or wear glasses at all after all the hours you stay with your face glued to the pages."
"I'd look awful with glasses!" Anne grimaced. "I hope my eyesight stays the same for the rest of my life."
"Well then, take care of your eyes and take a break from those books. Leave your bag here, you won't need it," Cole grinned.
Anne's eyes landed on the bag laying on top of their table. That bag was used for one thing only: To carry as many books as possible in case she got bored, so she could read at any time, any place. Also to carry her keys and pads, but those weren't as important.
"But... what if the girls arrive late?"
"You can talk to us, or are we too boring for you now, Miss Literate?" Diana teased.
"You know that's not it," She rolled her eyes. "Okay, if you want I'll leave the books."
"Perfect," Cole clapped once and got up excitedly. "Let's go!"
"Gilbert, come back to earth and take this to table three, will you?" Charlie hissed, putting the plate in front of his nose and waking the boy abruptly.
"Sorry!" He jumped, walking hurriedly to said table.
When he got back, Charlie was still there, examining his face.
"Are you sure you want to go out, man? I can tell you're worn out, maybe you should take a–"
"No!" Gilbert growled. He cleared his throat and continued on a much lighter voice after noticing this. "I- Uh, I'll be fine. I'll sleep all I want tomorrow, but today I really want to go out, before you and the boys go back to your homes for Christmas."
Charlie nodded with uncertainty.
"Maybe you should change places with Bash? The kitchen might keep you alert instead of sitting here and wait for people to call you over."
"I'll get him," His friend decided, walking back to the kitchen.
Gilbert heard the entrance's bell ring and turned to see Ruby Gillis and a few other girls enter.
Ruby was a good and constant client. He was glad about Bash taking his place because he believed that Ruby had a crush on Moody, and the waiter always took her orders no matter the table she was in, he didn't have enough energy to watch them ogle at each other.
"You okay, Blythe?" Bash patted his back once he and Charlie reappeared behind him. "You're sure you want to go out? With that look, you're likely to scare all the ladies away instead of getting a date for our Christmas party."
"Very funny," Gilbert scoffed. "I'm fine, I just need to stay active."
Before either Bash or Charlie could reply, he rushed into the kitchen, missing the exact moment when three new costumers arrived at the place.
"I see why people love it here," Anne said. "I feel cozy just by looking at it!"
"Yeah," Cole agreed, frowning slightly. "We are going to a bar after this, aren't we?"
"Cole!" They replied.
"I'm just asking!" He exclaimed. "It's lovely and all, but I'm not spending my last weekend away from my maniac siblings eating a freaking burger."
"It's likely," Diana retorted. When she noticed Anne's eyes widening, she quickly added. "No one will force you to get drunk, I know you hate how... uhm– Well, how crazy you get."
"I love drunk Anne!" Cole laughed. "Last time I saw her we were playing truth or dare and she was dared to kiss one of my friends, but then I convinced Josie to change the dare and after that Anne grabbed me by the collar and whispered very loudly. 'Thank you Cole. I actually want to kiss you now' and when I reminded her I was gay, she retorted 'Oh, sorry Gay, I thought you were Cole' "
Diana and Cole chortled, Anne shook her head in horror.
"Drunk me is terrible!"
"No! Only her puns are."
"Can we just get a table, please?"
"Oh!" Diana grabbed her arm, pulling her to a distant corner. "They're here already!"
The next few hours passed way too fast. Anne, finally reunited with her best friends, felt as if she was finally coming back to life.
As Diana had predicted, they decided to go to a bar a few streets down the road from The Orchard. A place their waiter, a young man named Moody and who Anne suspected was the waiter Ruby had feelings for, had recommended to them, casually letting them know that he was going to be there after work with a few of his friends. Ruby practically dragged them to the bar as soon as they paid the bill.
"Bet Ruby ends up declaring her love to that waiter in less than an hour, and ends up spending the rest of the Holidays mourning because she scared him away," Josie whispered audibly to Jane and Anne. The former sniggered and nudged Josie's arm. Anne frowned worryingly towards her friend, really hoping that wasn't the case.
"Who's ready to lose all memories from whatever happens tonight?" Paul asked loudly over the music, placing a bunch of drinks in front of the group.
The boys answered by chugging down drink after drink, getting clumsier as time went by.
Gilbert was having a blast, most of his days he wishes he could go back to being a teenager, slightly more different than the one he was. One that wasn't all that quiet and reserved and bitter about his dad's fate.
He longed for his lost youth, where he would attend parties and go to prom looking sharp, accompanied by a pretty girl beside him. All those teams and clubs he had to leave to stay home and spend the last days of his father's life next to his bed, all those gatherings he missed with people from other places because he had to get the best grades so one day he could be a doctor, so he could save the people he loved... so he didn't have to live through the uncertainty and the uselessness again.
Tonight he was finally getting that, he could pretend he was still just a boy, a stupid boy who didn't know how to drink and most certainly would end up throwing up half his stomach out of his body, but a happy boy at least.
"You know," He yelled to no one in particular. "Did you know, that you guys are my best friends?"
The boys replied with words of appreciation, patting his back harshly. Charlie even hugged him.
"I mean it!" He continued. "These last few months have been shit. There, I said it. Shit."
"What you need," One of the Pauls said, he wasn't as drunk as Gilbert, but he was definitely almost there. "What you need is to get laid."
The boys erupted into mayhem, agreeing with Paul. All of them except for Gilbert.
He frowned, not understanding what they meant.
"I said I'm not tired," Gilbert shook his head, his whole body losing stability and crashing against Moody, who held him in place as if it was normal to lose your ground while sitting on a chair. "I don't need to lay in bed just yet."
"I meant sex," Paul retorted, chugging down half of what he had in his glass.
"Oh," Gilbert sat back, eyebrows raising as if he'd never thought about it before. "Well, that's different."
"You need a break," Charlie slurred. "Or is the good doctor too much of a saint to touch a strange girl?"
"I'm not," Gilbert huffed, drinking what was left of his drink. "I can have sex. I like sex!"
"But Gilbert, you've never had–" Moody started, but was soon cut off by Gilbert's sudden movement.
The young man stood up, leaning on the table and losing all the color on his face. The rest of the group moved away as Moody grabbed Gilbert by the shoulders and straightened him up.
"Gilbert?" He asked, slightly coming back to his senses.
"Bathroom," He said quietly.
"Alright," Moody gulped. "Be right back, guys. Gilbert needs a moment."
Anne spent the majority of the night talking with everyone, and the problem with that is that she gets thirsty when that happens. Which is a dangerous thing to be at a bar.
Still, Cole -what a great friend he was- made sure to always keep her glass full so she could take sip after sip without having to wait.
She knew she was far from sober when she found herself in the middle of an argument with Josie and Tillie about zodiac signs. Anne was talkative on the daily, but after a few drinks she was simply unstoppable- There was no soul on earth or heaven that could follow her train of thoughts, and right now she wasn't even sure she was following them herself.
"I have to pee," She said, interrupting her own story and sliding out of their booth to stand up.
"I'll go with you," Ruby said, impatient to have an excuse to stand up and look around for Moody, she'd barely touched her drink all night.
"Okay, but it's not like I need help or anything," Anne rolled her eyes, accidentally stepping on Tillie's foot. "Woops! Sorry, Tillie!"
Cole watched her along with Diana, both raising their glasses and making a silent toast for their friend. Anne was finally having fun after such a dull term and it was simply amusing watching her act so recklessly during her drunken state.
"Don't stay for too long Anne," Ruby warned her. "Last time you fell asleep inside the stall and Diana had to crawl underneath to get you out!"
"It wasn't my fault!" She replied loudly. "I hadn't slept at all that week, and the alcohol makes wonders to my insomnia."
"I think you've had enough for tonight as well," Ruby grinned. "I'll get you a cold glass of water once where back in our table, okay?"
Anne nodded, silently making her way into the girl's toilet. Since it was just one bathroom, Ruby had to stand outside, leaning on the sink and examining her reflection on the mirror. Two men, one dragging the other, walk past her in a rush and opened the boy's bathroom harshly, the one who'd been dragged quickly fell to his knees and started vomiting his guts out.
"Oh my god!" Ruby gasped, covering her mouth in horror. "Is he okay?"
"He's fine," The guy said without turning to see her. "He doesn't drink this much often, that's all."
The young man stood up once he made sure Gilbert was doing fine on his own, not choking or anything, and turn to meet the blonde's eyes.
"Oh," His cheeks reddened. "Hi!"
"Moody!" She exclaimed happily. "You weren't lying, you came here after all!"
"Yeah," He smiled. "We wanted to give our buddy Gilbert a good night before we return home. Now I'm not so sure about it..." He grimaced at hearing his friend's grunts and gags.
"I'm with my friends as well, but I..." Ruby blushed lightly, even that she managed to make enchanting. "If you have time, we could seat together for a moment? Just the two of us?"
"Right now?" Moody asked in surprise.
"Well, no," Ruby peered over his shoulder at the boy's bathroom. "Not if you can't, I see your friend is feeling terrible..."
"He'll recover," Moody brushed it off. "He's studying to become a doctor, you know? I bet he'll see his way out now that the alcohol's out of his system"
"You're sure?" The girl inquired.
"Are you able right now?" Moody looked behind her to see the girl's door. "Were you waiting in line or is one of your friends there?"
"A friend, she's also wasted," Ruby said, pondering her options. "But... I guess if she managed to walk all the way here on her own... she can walk back just fine?"
Moody's smile widened.
"We better go get those drinks, then?"
"Sure!" Ruby exclaimed, holding Moody's wrist and dragging him back to the bar.
A minute after her friend had left, Anne walked out of the toilet, mid-conversation with a Ruby she didn't know was no longer there.
"... and the toilets here are so comfortable, I almost felt tempted to have a nap right there, but a promise is a promise– See, Ruby? I didn't stay for too long!" She looked up to find the spot empty, her confidence falling. "Or perhaps I did..?"
Lightly stumbling her way over to the sink, she focused on washing her hands before going back. Her reflection looked back at her and smiled happily, putting some strands of loose hair behind her ear and failing to notice the boy's door opening.
There was a small slate on her right with the words 'Wash your hands before you leave! :)' written with purple chalk that she found adorable. She picked it up to examine it further when a body clumsily crashed against her side.
"Woops!" The man said, not looking up. "Sorry."
Anne raised her brow for a second before turning her attention back to the slate.
Gilbert washed his face and hands, the world less blurry than before but still awfully intoxicated. Paul's comment came back to him and feeling the girl's presence behind his back he decided it was rather convenient.
"Excuse me," He asked, looking up and facing the girl's reflection. "Can I ask you something?"
It took her a moment to realize he was talking to her, the man kept staring at the mirror instead of turning to face her, but she could sort of see his face under the dim lights looking back at her though, and since she was feeling rather chatty, she obliged.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Do I look like I need sex?"
Anne laughed.
"Dunno, why're you asking?"
"My life sucks," Gilbert shook his head casually. "And I'm about to have the worst hangover ever."
"That makes two of us, dude."
Gilbert tilted his head, turning to see her now, taking in her appearance.
"You would have sex with me?"
"Excuse me," Anne frowned. "I barely know you!"
"Yeah, but am I attractive?"
"It doesn't matter, I wouldn't have sex with a stranger."
"Very well, then imagine that I'm not a stranger," Gilbert rolled his eyes, having to hold on to the corner of the sink so as not to lose his balance. "Would you do it?"
Anne started to imagine, she imagined a great deal so she could give a precise answer.
"Well, I'd have to know your medical records cause I don't wanna get any diseases, and then I'd have to find you likable because looks aren't everything– and if I'm having sex with you I probably want something that lasts–"
"Nevermind," Gilbert snorted. "I think we're both better if we don't have anything at all."
"Why's that?" Anne asked irritatedly, this guy was making no sense to her.
"You overthink a lot and I already do that way too much for my own good," Gilbert explained.
"Oh, so you'd rather take advantage of a dumb girl, is that what you're saying?"
"That's what you're saying," He scoffed. "I only asked if you'd have sex with me in a hypothetical scenario but you rambled on with the rest, Carrots."
"I was giving an honest reply," She stated. "And don't call me, Carrots. You sound like a child."
Gilbert laughed loudly at that.
"Better a child than a grumpy librarian," He walked up to her, grabbed a strand of her hair and pulled lightly, with a taunting voice, he added. "Carrots."
Anne's fingers gripped the slate harder than ever as she flung it to the man's head. It was small and thin, so it didn't cause severe damage, but the slate broke in half with a nasty 'crack' that pleased her a bit too much.
"How dare you!" She yelled in drunk anger. "I don't know who the hell you are, but I'm certain no one would have sex with a jerk!"
She stormed off, giving Gilbert no opportunity to apologize. Although he didn't seem to mind that much at the moment, the things around him spun once more and he had to return to the toilet to vomit what was left of his evening drinks, dreading the following morning.
Anne, Cole, and Diana returned home with rosy cheeks and loud laughter surrounding them. The trio intoxicated in happiness and many, many margaritas and shots.
"Best night ever!" Anne yelled as she let herself fall on the couch, kicking off her shoes.
"Told you it was going to be fun!" Diana grinned, laying beside her.
"My favorite part was to find Ruby making out with the waiter when I went to ask for the check," Cole cackled. "No wonder why she abandoned you in the bathroom!"
"Don't even tell me about it, I had the most unpleasant encounter–"
"Oh my god!" Diana sat up, looking at her phone with wide eyes. "It's four in the morning! We have to be back in Avonlea in less than eight hours!"
Cole and Anne groaned.
"Can't we have a nap first? We packed all of our things already!" Anne whined.
"Please?" Cole fell on the couch opposite to them. "I'm exhausted!"
"Fine..." Diana sighed. "But I'm certain my mom's gonna kill me for arriving late."
"What can she do? Forbid you to go to their Christmas dinner?" Cole chuckled. "Just sleep, Diana."
"Goodnight, guys."
"Sweet dreams," Anne mumbled, half-asleep.
Next Chapter –––––––––––>
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bbykpoper · 4 years
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𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓪𝔀𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 🍓
Inspired by this post 🌼
Pairing: professor!jongho x student!reader
Index: Hongjoong // Seonghwa // San // Yunho // Wooyoung // Mingi // Yeosang
The early morning sun hit the windows of your small room just as the alarm on your phone buzzed underneath your pilow. A soft groan left your lips as you snaked an arm underneath it to turn of the annoying buzz.
“Wake up sleepy head.” The soft whisper reached your ears, making you stir under the covers. “You’ll be late to class.”
“I don’t wanna.” You mumbled out. 
“But you have to, otherwise I’ll throw you out of my lecture Miss y/l/n.” The soft voice chuckled and it was then that your eyes shot open and widened at the face in front of you.
“Welcome back to the world of the morning people Miss y/l/n.” The softest smile reached your eyes and you groaned into your arms as you looked over to your friends for help. “Come to my office after class.”
“Yes sir...” You huffed as he went on to continue his lecture.
“Why didn’t any of you kick me when I fell asleep?” Your soft whisper reached your seatmate.
“Sorry y/n, but you were sleeping so soundly I didn’t have the heart to.” She answered.
Lucy was the cute clueless blonde that ended up being friends with you after freshman orientation when she managed to trip over your foot on accident. She, just like you was a biology major and you guys were inseperable ever since. 
“I just really wanted to see you get embarrassed so I did nothing.” Your other seatmate snorted through her quiet laugh.
Phoebe was a girl who first befriended Lucy, also through an accident in the student cafeteria along the second semester of your first year. She was such a laid back brunette that you two naturally got along and stuck together in most of your classes.
“Wow, you just really like to watch me suffer don’t you?” You mumbled her way and breathed a sigh of relief as the lecture continued without another incident.
“I just find it amusing how you have this large ass crush on our ecology professor.” Phoebe commented, booping your nose as she picked up her books.
“Hey, Professor Choi is an attractive man. If I was straight I’d go after him too y/n!” Lucy added as comfort to you.
“Gee, thanks?” You laughed at these exchange. “I’m gonna go off now to get a lecture on my behavior and maybe later we can grab a coffee or something?” 
“Yeah, we’ll meet you at Sugarberry’s.” 
You made your way towards Professor Choi’s office, tightening the pony tail on your head and mentally preparing yourself to zone out on his speech and just admire the man’s beauty. Just as you were about to knock on the door, it suddenly opened and a young man smiled at you, excusing himself and leaving. You shamelessly stared after the tall blond man, releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding as the shape of his backside came into full view when he readjusted his shirt.
“Miss y/l/n.” The stern voice of your professor drew your eyes to him only to notice how he was now standing right in front of you. “Please take a seat.”
He moved and you shuffled inside taking a seat in front of his desk. 
“How have you been Miss y/l/n?” He asked.
“Good.” You said. 
“Have you been getting enough sleep?” He chuckled when you blushed intensly.
“Sorry about that sir, I had a project due yesterday and haven’t exactly had time to sleep.” You admited with a really strong blush on your cheeks.
“Well Miss y/l/n, I would’ve liked it better if you listened to my lectures instead of sleeping in the middle of it.” He said looking over at his window. 
You being the curious little thing that you are peeked over to see the array of plants which were situated in his window, especially the one he was looking at.
“Are you growing a fennel in your office?” You giggled out loud when you noticed how his eyes widened in embarrassement.
“You know your way around plants?” 
“Yes, I am planning on working in the greenhouses when I get my degree. I really do like plants and growing them.” Your eyes lit up with love as you spoke about your dream. “Even back in my appartement, I basically grow anything and everything I can and get on my roommates nerves because some of the devil ivy reached the bathroom.”
You stopped yourself when you saw how the man in front of you watched you with so much softness and awe in his eyes that the blush which reached your cheeks, spread out to your ears, burning them in the process.
“Would you be interested to join me on a little excursion this Saturday?” He suddenly asked you. 
“An... excursion...?” You tilted your head and you suddenly spoke out. “As in a date?!”
“Oh God no!” He was really quick to deny that and it hurt you a little bit seeing him so quick to say no. “You are one of my best students, and I would like for you to join a small group of my top proteges this Saturday. We’ll be visiting the National Greenhouse and I think it would be a wonderful chance for you all.”
“Oh, I see.” You said, feeling the humiliation crawling up your neck. “Silly me.”
“Would you like to join?”
“Yeah, sure.” You slumped your shoulders. 
“Perfect.” He clapped his hands together in joy. “If you don’t mind I’d like to get your number so that I can add you to our whatsapp group.”
“Yeah, neat.” You took his phone and begrugdingly typed your number. “Is there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?”
“No, that would be all.” He smiled, looking at his phone. “See you on Saturday.”
“So what, now you’re going to this outing or whatever it is with like five other students and him?” Phoebe asked clearly pissed off. 
“Yep.” Is all that you could muster.
“But at least you have his number.” Lucy tried to lift your mood.
“But what does that even mean? Nothing.” Phoebe groaned. “She likes him for almost two years, is obvious around him as if she’s carrying a transparent that says ‘marry me’ and the only thing he does is allude to a date but end it as a social gathering for his proteges?” Her eye-roll didn’t go unnoticed. “A bunch of bull if you ask me.”
“Or maybe he is in a position in which he can’t openly ask you out.” A sudden intrusion of another voice made the girls look up and see the waitress come over with their order. “Men are dumb creatures and sometimes they simply need a push when it comes to feelings. My advice to you is to just simply tell him that you’ve liked him for so long and just see where it goes from there.”
“But what if he doesn’t like me back? What if this strains any type of relationship I have with him?” You asked the waitress in the cute and fluffy pink apron. 
“Then at least you’ll know what you’re dealing with and will finally get the chance to move on.” She shrugged her shoulders and thanked them for the money they left her for the drinks, walking back to the inside of the shop.
“You know, that girl actually gives good advice.” Lucy commented.
“Must be nice being in a healthy relationship.” Phoebe muttered out watching the girl inside the shop as she smiled politely to some other customers.
Saturday had come by faster than you had liked and you dreaded to leave the appartment. The greenhouse group had decided to meet up at the bus station 12 p.m. sharp and from there professor Choi will drive you guys down to the greenhouse and the tour will begin. 
And right now, it was 11.30 a.m. Your friends were over and had forced you to wear one of your many long dresses to fit in with the flowers you would see in the greenhouse. It was a soft green dress with a pattern of leaves spread out across it. You sighed for the umptenth time as Lucy had braided your hair in a loose fish braid and looked over at Phoebe who was admiring your roommates ability to ignore all the plants inside here.
“It will never stop to amaze me how you put up with all these plants Mina.” She said.
“It’s not that bad.” She smiled. “I have actually grown fond of them. And y/n takes real good care of them so I don’t mind them.” She laughed. “Plus they are a really good background for photos.”
Mina was a photography major who you shared your dorm with in your second year. You two bonded quickly and when you managed to finish the second year, decided that it’d be great to have your own appartment together. And here you were one year later. 
“How are you feeling?” Lucy asked you.
“Nervous. Meh. Disappointed.” You stated turning towards her. “I’ve decided to listen to the advice the waitress at Sugarberry’s had told me. I mean honestly, what could go wrong?”
“The rest of the semester will be pretty awkward if you ask me.” Phoebe nodded her head.
“Like it isn’t now?” You snorted. “I’m just getting tired of having dreamy eyes for my damned professor and being treated like a project for him.”
“A project?” Both Mina and Lucy asked.
“Well this is that isn’t it? His empowering our future or what not. I appreciate the fact that this will help me get my dream job but I literally can’t take this anymore.” You slumped down into the couch.
“Well you better because you have less than ten minutes to get downstairs and to the station.” Mina pointed on the clock and you groaned grabbing your bag and stomping outside of the front door.
“Oh dear, I hope it all goes well.” Lucy commented looking at the other two girls.
Honda Hitomi, Danny Wellbridge, Jackson Wang, Joana Clark. The rest of your outing group was already gathered at the bus station located in front of your appartment complex. You had joined them all just a few minutes before professor Choi pulled up with his car. Joana was the first to call shotgun and sat next to him, while the rest of you evenly pilled in the back. Danny and Jackson in the far back, you and Hitomi in the middle.
“Oh gosh I’m so excited to see all the insects there!” Hitomi squealed in joy. 
“I know what you mean.” Danny added from the back.
“I’m just happy about the plants. I heard they’ve updated their western exhibition and added some new types.” Jackson said.
“Really?” You turned to face him. You’ve seen Jackson around campus a few times before. He was the definition of a social butterfly and sometimes even hanged with Phoebe. But you never got the chance to personally get to know him before this trip. “Do you think there would be some rare types of flowers there too?”
“I don’t know. But it would be awesome.” Jackson said matching your enthusiasm. “Hey, you maybe wanna go together to look around?”
The conversation you two were having was caught by professor Choi and he observed you through the rear view mirror, a prominent scowl on his face.
“Hell yeah!” You nodded with a bright smile.
It wasn’t long before you all made it to the National Greenhouse and were at the entrance waiting for your guide. You evaded talking to professor Choi, directing your full attention to what Jackson was talking about, fearing that if you did speak with him now you’ll loose all your courage to confess later on.
“Students, this is Jeong Yunho. He’s an old college buddy that’s in charge of the Japanese garden in the back and he’ll be our guide today.” Professor Choi spoke up cathing all of yours attention.
“Please call me Yunho.” The man with the pale blue hair smiled at you all and waved. “I’ll give you the main tour and then I’ll let you wonder about on your own. I feel that that way you all will go where your interests pull you.”
The tour was wonderful and you and Jackson managed to bond over every neat little plant you could find. Hitomi and Danny gushed so much when you guys ran accross a caterpillar and you then commented on something stupid drawing Hitomi in and befriending her quickly. The tour had come to an end when you reached the center of the greenhouse area and Yunho turned to them all.
“You are free to go off now, but I’d like it if you went in pairs as to not getting lost. These place is large and it’s quite easy to turn the wrong corner.” He said nodding to professor Choi. “The greenhouse closes at 7 p.m. Have fun. I need to get back to work.”
“Thank you.” You all said in union.
“So, where do you want to go first?” Jackson asked as Danny and Hitomi scurried off towards the insect exhibition. 
“How about visiting the South European-” 
“Mister Wang you should go with Miss Clarck. Your interests seem to be the same and it would be best that way.” Professor Choi cut you off.
“But me and y/n agreed to go together...” Jackson stated.
“Yes, but this is a better suited pair.” He said with a cold smile which made Jackson look at you for help. “Shall we Miss y/l/n?”
This was your chance!
“Sure.” You nodded and looked at Jackson. “I’ll make this up to another day.” You added apologetically and went off after professor Choi.
“So where are we headed?” You asked him.
“A surprise.” He winked at you and it made you blush.
On the way to this ‘surprise’ you have left the greenhouse and moved on to more of a garden scape further back and it just made your heart stop at the beauty of it.
“The interesting fact about the National Greenhouse is that the Botanical Gardens are just a bit behind them, and this is in fact where Yunho works.” Professor Choi stopped and placed a hand on your shoulder pointing in one direction. “See, he’s right over there working on a bonsai tree.”
All the blood rushed up to your ears at the close proximity between you two. The whisper of words made your stomach churn and your legs weak. You needed to get this crush off of your chest soon, otherwise you’ll be stuck fawning over him forever. 
As he guided you towards a small garden a flower caught your eye and you stopped getting a closer look.
“A youtan poluo.” You breathed out in a whisper. “And jade vines.”
“That’s right.” He smiled at your shinning eyes. “Welcome to the rare flower exhibit.” He chuckled. “Surprise.”
You looked around and noticed many more which you’ve only seen in books and on the internet. It was a magnificent sight to see and just the aromas which surrounded you had your head doing summersaults.
“I overheard you and Jackson talking in the back while getting here and I remembered Yunho telling me how they’ve updated their rare flower collection, so I thought you’d be happy if I brought you here.” You looked over at this man and his shy sunshine smile. And you’ve decided. It was now or never. “I was right wasn’t I?”
“I like you.” You stated, looking right at his eyes. Professor Choi looked dumbfounded an at a loss for words. The fast blinks were matching his rapid heartbeat but he was unable to form any words. “I’ve liked you for well over two years now professor. All those times you showed sympathy to me and ignored the fact I fell asleep in your class, or those times you would shyly smile when you noticed I was staring at you regardless of where we were. I know you figured this out already. But I just had to tell you.”
“I like you professor Choi Jongho.”
You looked at him with hope in your eyes as he stood there processing this information you had thrown at him. It felt like the minutes were going by in an eternal stupor of movements, his facial expressions changing as he came in terms with what just happened. You were scared, shaking and nervous. You really didn’t know what to expect. But surely you were not ready to get rejected.
It was clear by the tone with which he said your name and the tears welled up in your eyes. Gosh, you were dumb weren’t you.
“Yeah, I figured.” You stated with a sad smile on your face. “It’s okay. I don’t expect anything from you. I was dumb to even say these things to you.” You sighed and gripped your dress for support. “I think it’s better if I go home now. Thank you for bringing me here today and showing me these flowers.” The tears were now feely falling from your eyes, you unable to control them. “It really did make me happy.”
You ran off without stopping. Not when he called after you. Not when you viciously passed by a worried Jackson. Not even stopping to look at the bus number that had just stopped and getting on it. You cried in the back, not caring about all the stares you were getting from the old ladies. 
It hurt. Your heart really hurt.
By some dumb luck you had actually gotten on the right bus and made it back to your appartment complex, you made your way to your appartment and to your room, ignoring the worried roommate who was more than ready to throw hands with a grown ass man. You crawled into your bed, disregarded your plants and just wallowed in your self pitty for the rest of the week.
It’s been a whole week and you haven’t left your room except to shower ever since. Jackson and Hitomi had been blowing up your phone, worried after you had just ran out without a word. But you turned off your phone after the fifth call request from Jongho. He had tried calling you that night but you had fallen asleep and the next day when he did call you you cried more getting an earful from Phoebe. 
Hell, you dreaded leaving your room just because you knew Phoebe would make you attend all your classes and yell at you for being M.I.A. for a whole week. 
“She still hasn’t come out of her room?” Lucy asked Phoebe as they both collected their things to leave class. 
“No. Mina leaves food out the door and y/n eats once a day just so she doesn’t die.” Phoebe sighed. “She even neglects her plants Lucy! She never does that. Not even when her grandma died.”
The two were just about to walk out of class when somebody approached them. Lucy’s eyes went wide while Phoebe took on the stance of a dog with rabies. It was apparent he wasn’t welcome.
“Hello girls.” Professor Choi spoke up. 
“No offense, but we don’t want to talk to you sir.” Phoebe grumbled out.
“I know, but please hear me out.” He sighed in defeat. The two looked between each other and Lucy urged Phoebe to let the man talk. “I didn’t get the chance to answer y/n properly and she hasn’t been to my class this week. I’d like for you two to help me so I could talk to her and clear up this missunderstanding.”
“What missunderstanding? Her feelings aren’t a missunderstanding. They’re valid and came from the heart!” Lucy was quick to say.
“I know. But my answer was a missunderstanding.” He said sincerely.
Phoebe caught on pretty quickly by what he meant and narrowed her eyes while she got up in his face. She pointed her insex finger in his chest and harshly jabbed at it.
“I got my eye on you buckeroo.” She stated threateningly. “I know how to hide a dead body.”
Jongho gulpped as he, for the first time, took notice of those fierce eyes this girl had. He nodded furiously, almost cracking his neck. Phoebe pulled back and headed for the door, followed by a confused Lucy. Even Jongho looked defeated as he assumed they were leaving.
“Well? Do you want to talk to her or not?” 
Mina stared at the plate full of food which she had left this morning. It was late afternoon now and she had just come back from her lectures but the plate was untouched. You haven’t left your room at all. 
“y/n.” She whispered out as she knocked on your door. “You need to eat. I don’t want you getting sick...”
No answer. Just like before. She sighed and cast down her eyes as she picked up the tray. A sudden knock on the front door drew her attention and she went to open it, revealing Phoebe and Lucy with an unexpected addition.
“Her room is the one in the corner of the living room.” Phoebe said as Jongho took of his shoes. “He needs to talk with her and I thought you might want to hang with us while he does.”
Mina looked up at the man and nodded, understanding the need for privacy.
“If you manage to get in can you make her eat? She barely had a proper meal this week...” She handed him the tray of food.
“I’ll make sure.”
They left and Jongho went over to your door, noticing how it hand a small potted plant hanging off it. It was cute, something which really suited you. He knocked a few times but there was no answer. With a brave heart and hope that you hadn’t locked you door he tried the knob, happy when it opened. 
The inside of your room was covered in darkness, streetlights seeping in through the large windows. Potted plants were in the window and Jongho noticed how they seemed to be lacking water. He took it upon himself to relive the plants of their thirst, leaving the tray of food on your desk. 
“Go away Mina. I don’t want to eat.” The bundle of sheets spoke and caught his attention. 
It seemed you had made yourself into a taco, some hair sticking out to indicate where your head was. He sat down next to you and placed his large hand on your head.
“Your roommate left a while ago.” He spoke up, catching you off guard. “Before you yell at anybody, I asked your friends to bring me over so that I can talk to you. And I’d like it if you listened to me first before throwing me out.”
Your body stiffened but you kept quiet. You were yet again on the verge of crying but were trying really hard to control yourself.
“I was surprised back at the botanical garden when you confessed your feelings for me. A lot of emotions went through my head and I was dumbfounded for any type of answer at first. I thought how it was wrong for one of my students to fall in love with me, how I should have stopped this crush you had the minute I caught on it... but I just couldn’t do that. I noticed you the first day you had walked into my class, the way your hair swayed with every small movement of your head, how you would soak up every bit of information I gave you like a sponge, even the way you’d chew your nails when stressed.” He sighed when he noticed you calming down and peeked out the covers. “I have liked you since day one y/n. But I though it was wrong and I couldn’t bring you in a situation where you would be involved with your professor.” He chuckled. “To be honest, I would have confessed when you graduated.”
“Really?” You crawled out from underneath the sheets.
“Really.” He nodded with a smile.
“But what does this mean for us now?” You asked, sitting up and letting the covers reveal you whole.
It was only then that Jongho noticed how your hair covered your bare shoulder. The tanktop you were weating hugged your body closely and the booty shorts did not help his eyes to not wander down your bare legs. 
“We can try to make this work. You only have one more year ahead of you. As long as we don’t make it obvious I’m sure we’ll survive.” He stated a deep blush covering his cheeks.
“Are you sure?” You asked with a furrowed brow not understanding why he was suddenly so flustered. But then you noticed how his eyes wandered down your body and suddenly you got self concious. “Are you sure that it won’t be-” You pinned him down onto your bed, stradling his waist. “-troublesome for you?”
Jongho gulped and you brought your face closer. It was too cute not to tease him seeing how he got so flustered he began fumbling with his words.
“It may be troublesome if another man come up to you but I think I can handle him.” He said, his face suddenly turning serious. With as much as little effort he flipped you over, so now the positions were reversed. “Just as I can handle you.”
You held your gazes steadily as he lowered his face, mere inches from your lips. But nothing lasts forever. Especially when you don’t eat properly for a week.
Your stomach grumbled loudly and you blushed at the sound. You were hungry, and he knew it. He laughed and pulled you up, bringing over the plate of food Mina had left him.
“I think that it’s best you eat first. And then we’ll figure something out.” 
You nodded shyly as you ate slowly, enjoying the comfort he gave you with his caring nature.
The early morning sun hit the windows of your small room just as the alarm on your phone buzzed underneath your pilow. A soft groan left your lips as you snaked an arm underneath it to turn of the annoying buzz.
“Wake up sleepy head.” The soft whisper reached your ears, making you stir under the covers. “You’ll be late to class.”
“I don’t wanna.” You mumbled out.
Jongho chuckled as he climbed into bed with you, messing up the sheets even more. He peppered your face with kisses as giggles left your mouth and you finally cracked open one eye to look at him. 
“Did you water the plants?” You asked him, noticing how he had some dirt on his cheek.
“Yeah. Mina asked me to model for her for her graduation project just as I was doing it.” He said, wiggling under the covers so he could hug you. “She wants to portray love.”
“Yeah, she told me last night that she was inspired by us while we were planting strawberries on the balcony.” You reached out to kiss him. “I told her I’d do it, but that she should ask you too.”
“Well good because I answered yes.” He smirked kissing you back. “I’m glad you confessed when you did. Because otherwise I couldn’t be apart of something so wholesome.” He smiled wide. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You answered matching his smile. “I’m just glad I listened to that waitress’ advice. Because you really wouldn’t have been a part of something so wholesome!”
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chayacat · 4 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (9)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
The rain... both beautiful and sad to look at. A real inspiration for some, a moment of relaxation for others. But for you it's mostly the day when people will flock to your café to protect themselves, sipping a good hot chocolate, tea or a good coffee.  
Today you only open in the morning, the weekend is approaching and you want to take a little more time for yourself. There were not many people at the moment, Melina, Jed's colleague and friend, was among the first clients. Decidedly you will attract all the Roseville gazette to your café... You were sitting with her at the table right next to the counter, both with a coffee in her hand, Melina having taken a share of Neptune's cake with her coffee.
Melina Catalina Da silva was born in Las cruces, New Mexico, to a Spanish father and a Mexican mother. They moved to Missouri when she was 4 years old, to live the "American Dream" and, although the early days were difficult, her parents gave her access to education. If her physique and her voice opened the doors of cinema and music, it was to journalism that Melina turned. However, do not rely on appearances, she knows very well to fight and some ended up in the hospital.
“I can't believe, he really told you that?” you said laughing.
“Hell yeah! He thought I was going to shut up after that, instead I blew him a few teeth! You had to see his head with less teeth. Frankly leave me like that... for a bimbo with three tons of paint as make-up, because I was not the easy girl he wanted.” Melina responds proudly.
“Ah Boys... They always want sexy girlfriends who have three neurons. And then we are surprised that some complexes on their bodies. When you love, the body doesn't matter. Only inner beauty matters.”
“Few boys have the same thought. The only ones I've met are Mattew... And Jed.”
“Tell me, you and Jed... Are you already...?”
“Me and Jed?” Starts Melina before laughing. “Hahahaha! You’re so cute! No, we never dated, I consider him as the little brother I never had. That's why I call him Jeddy. And sometimes I'll kick his ass, so he can focus more on his personal life than his professional life.”  
“Oh... Could you tell me more about him? I admit I don't know him as well as you do.” you ask shyly.  
“Well, Jed is... He's a real nerd. He thinks about work all the time and even on days off, he works at home. But... He's a lovely boy when you know him. And when you know what he went through with his parents... sometimes I think that, if I had been in his shoes, I would have killed myself. But he... He got up and fought. He has learned to fend for himself, and he has an almost frightening patience.” Said Melina.
“That's what he told me. And I think I would have ended my life too.” you said looking down to your coffee.
“And yet he didn't tell you everything about his childhood. His parents beat him and treated him like a dog, often leading him to the hospital. And of course, they said it was accidents, like falling off stairs and everything that goes with it. As he must have told you, he was an unwanted kid. But the worst part is that the whole family knew, and no one, absolutely no one helped him. So, he cut ties with his family, all he keeps from them is his last name. He deserved better than that. And when I see what he is today... if I didn't know all this, I'd say he's a lovely boy who was raised like any boys should be. Kind and respectful, but not to be annoyed.” Replied Melina before looking at you, a big smile on her face. “Why do you want to know all this? Do you love him?”
“W-What??? N-no! It's only... curiosity. Just curiosity...” you respond blushing like a tomato.
“Hey. There is no marked "dumb" on my forehead. I saw the little looks you were giving him. And then your face when he gave you his number, I saw it too.”  replied Melina with a smirk.  
“It's embarrassing.” you answer by looking elsewhere.
“Why??? I think it's so cute coming from you! In addition to what you told me about you, I don't understand why no one wanted to go out with a face as adorable as yours! You know, my grandmother used to tell me that sooner or later we'd find her soul mate. That when we born, the bonds were already woven to guide us to him or her. And nothing could stop it. Maybe you and Jed have that bond that brought you together. Now it's up to you to see what you're going to do.” Said Melina before eating her slice of Neptune’s pie.  
“If you say so...”
“My grandma never gets it wrong about this kind of thing. She has... a gift for this mystical stuff. She knew from an early age that she would meet my grandpa. And she knows that my mother will be my father's first and only wife. She even knew that Mattew would go out with Chris.”
“She’s really amazing. But I don't want to force things. I will let things come on their own and I will act on them. I’ll see what happens.”
Melina nod, then you go back to the counter to take care of the customers for the rest of the morning. For once, Jed didn't come and you're a little worried about that. Considering what happened to him yesterday, you can imagine the worst. What if Mike had gone after him again?
You and Melina were the last to leave the café at closing, and even though she assured you that Mike didn't know his address, your concern for Jed didn't go away. You go home with some unsold cakes, give some to Mrs. Lawson before heading to your apartment.  
Your gaze rested for a few seconds on Jed's door and, biting your lips, you decide to check by yourself if everything was okay. You knock on his door. No noise. There's no answer. This is not a good sign. You knock a second time, praying that he's answering.
“One minute, I'm on my way!” he said from the other side of the door, which made you sigh with relief. Thank god he’s alive... “Yes? Oh! It's you.” he said with his angelic smile.
“Hi. I... I was just here to hear from you. With what happened... I confess that I imagined the worst.” you said shyly.  
“Oh... That's very kind of you, thank you. Don't worry Mike doesn't know where I live. It does not risk ... to come and finish the job. I was focused for tomorrow night. We have a scandal to uncover. And a few more researches don't hurt.”
“You're reassuring me. I mean half, I hope you didn't sleepless for this research! I brought you some cakes, at least what Mrs. Lawson left. I thought it would do you good.”
“All the cakes you give me will always be a real sweet moment for me. Do you want to come in? I'm offering coffee for once.” He replied with a wink.  
You nod and he let you in. His apartment was neat and had all the comfort Jed needed. Despite the coat rack at the entrance, Jed had the tendency to put his jackets and coats on chairs or sofa. The kitchen was tidy and clean, some small green plants hanging around the corners.
A few films were on the tv cabinet, a reminder of the days when streaming didn't yet exist, as well as some CDs. Paintings decorated the walls of the living room and hallway, and a library full of books, next to the window. A real journalist's apartment, in short.
“Surprisingly, I expected to see this style of decoration. Simple but comfortable. And... Do you work in your living room?” you ask with a smile.
“Ha ha no, I have an office right next to my bedroom. Locked, in order to keep my job... Safe. I hope... You understand that.”
“Of course. So... Ready for tomorrow night? I must admit that this is the first time I go to this kind of event, and especially to play spies. I feel a little uncomfortable.”  
“As long as you stay with me, you'll be peaceful. But once we have what we are looking for, we will have to leave the place without raising suspicions. And I think I have an idea of what to look for.” He said before getting up and fetching something from his office, locking the door. “I think that... Hoggins will try to double his profits by sinking the last trade he just signed. I made some research about him and discovered that he had signed 4 more partnerships with former competitors, and that these 4 partnerships all flowed because of Mckellan.”
“You think, Hoggins is planning all this with McKellan, with the goal of eliminating his competitors all over the country, and thus being the only one on the market?” you ask looking at the papers.
“I'm sure. By removing his competitors, he recovers the shares that are due to him, if it’s not the whole. And so, he becomes more influential. The goal is to be, with McKellan, the only big fortunes, in the American market. We need to find proof of all this. An e-mail, a written record, between Hoggins and McKellan. And the only place you can find all of this is in his office. And if we succeed, one of the biggest scandals of this decade will come to light.”
“It looks risky. But I'm up for it! if we can put that bastard in jail, I'm ready for anything!” you said determined which made Jed smiles and Danny smiles bigger.  
You chat with him for a long time, laughing heartily and, in the early evening, you leave his apartment with a big smile on your face. It's really nice to talk to a boy as nice as him. Maybe Melina was right, maybe you and Jed were destined to meet? It is said that things never happen through chance, but there is no question of forcing fate either. If something has to happen between you, it will come naturally.
You open the door to your fridge to see what you're going to devour tonight. Homemade nems will be perfect! plus you have everything you need so no need to go out. You want to prepare everything while singing, you love to sing whether in the kitchen or in the shower, washing dishes or cleaning. You have a voice worthy of a bird song. You could have been a singer! But if it was to end up alcolic or drugged ... it wasn't worth it.
Tonight, a horror movie goes on TV, it will change you from those rotten action movies you've seen recently, with a budget as big as the best movies made so far. All with a homemade peach iced tea. Even the drinks, you make them yourself. You don't like industrial products too much, too much fat, too many conservators, too many sugars. Just horrible.  
Once your nems are ready, you prepare your meal tray, and you'll land in front of your TV, right in time for the start of the movie. it was a classic slasher, but it was always having its effect ... especially with a chainsaw. In the middle of the film, you get up to clean your plate and glass before wiping and storing them.  You start yawning while stretching, but you don't want to sleep. You turn off the living room lights and sit back on your couch to see the rest of the movie.
As sleep made you feel carried away, a noise startled you. You get up, slightly trembling and start heading towards the source of the noise. Steps were heard and you rushed to the kitchen to take something to defend yourself.
“I don't recommend it; you could hurt yourself with that little knife.” said a man voice who caught your arm and turned you in front of him, blocking your arms. And the only thing visible in the dark was this mask... “Glad to see you again...My sweet little star.” He said with a soft voice.
“It's not reciprocal.” you respond coldly.
“Ouch, you hurt me so hard. You should be kinder to me. After all, I let you live because my curiosity, about you, took over my desire to bleed that pretty neck.” He replied caressing your neck with his fingertips.
“How did you get in? And if you're not here to kill me, what do you want?”
“It’s a secret. I wanted to see you... face to face. And also, to speak like good friends. You seem to get along well with the little nerd... to play little spies. All this to bring down men I could kill... If you ask me.” he said, chuckling a little.
“Certainly not! I will never kill anyone with my own hands, Even less ask someone to do it!” you respond trying to get you out a little bit, in vain.
“Oh come on. Don't tell me you're a little naive girl who thinks solve all her problems legally. Sometimes you have to use radical means to overcome certain problems... Thorny. Deep down, you want to. You'd like me to shove that knife deep down his throat, to mutilate him for threatening you like this. I know everything he's trying to do to you... absolutely everything.” he replied, gently passing his knife along your face, without hurting you.
“Stop it! Let me go!” you said wiggling before he takes off his hands laughing and backing up. “You’re just a f***ing psycho!”  
“ouch you hurt me again. But I get used to it. Anyway... This guy will die sooner or later by my hands. We can talk about what you owe me at that point. But until we meet again... Pay attention to yourself and your sweet angel face, my sweet little star. You sing divinely well by the way.”  
He stroked your cheek before leaving through the window. You catch your breath, trying to relax your muscles. You close all the shutters and windows of your apartment before turning off the TV and going to bed.  
You look at the roof, thinking back to his words. Deep down, he was right. Solving all problems peacefully is not always the solution, but killing someone is worse. You have always been raised so as to use diplomacy more often than force. And that's not going to change. Even if McKellan deserves to be slaughtered for everything he's done? You sigh and turn off the lamp before covering up.
Tomorrow night will be the big night. And you won't have the right to make mistakes.
(Done! It was hard but I've made it! in fact I'm so excited to start the next chapter because I’ve got a lot of ideas in my mind! I'll hope you'll enjoyed it like the others! and don't forget if you have questions or you want to talk or if you have pages to recommend me just do!  See ya!)  
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ofstormsandwolves · 4 years
christmas secrets
Zoey x Joan
Zoey, Joan, Simon, Mo, Leif, Tobin, Ava
Christmas parties, secret relationship, emotional hurt/comfort
The SPRQ Point Christmas party raises some dilemmas for Joan and Zoey as they try to keep their relationship a secret...
Read on AO3
“I was thinking of throwing a Christmas party.”
That sentence was perhaps the last thing Zoey Clarke expected to come out of her partner’s mouth, and the surprise must have shown on her face.
“I mean, for everyone at SPRQ Point,” Joan clarified. “We’ve done well this year; we’ve got the SPRQ Watch out there, we’ve made really good progress on the Chirp, the third floor have done really well with that SPRQ your imagination scheme in schools-”
“I still can’t believe you let them go with that name,” Zoey interrupted with a smirk.
The brunette rolled her eyes. “Ugh, the board lapped it up. It’s all cutesy and adorable, according to them, and they figured it’d appeal to kids. So I let them stick with it.”
The pair of them lapsed into silence then, picking at the remains of the takeout they’d ordered.
“So, uh, a Christmas party,” Zoey said after a few moments. “Sounds fun.”
Joan gave her a look. “See, your mouth says ‘fun’, but your face says ‘not fun’. Which one am I meant to believe?”
That drew a sigh from Zoey. “It’s nothing. I’m sure the party will be great, and I think it’s a really good idea. It’s just... How exactly are we going to go to a party and spend several hours with virtually everyone who works at SPRQ Point and keep our relationship secret? I mean, I know we have to, I know we agreed not to go public, but...”
Music swelled up then, echoing around the room, and Zoey knew it wasn’t coming from the television. Then, of its own accord, her mouth began moving as lyrics tumbled out.
“When you hold me in the street,
And you kiss me on the dance floor,
I wish that it could be like that.
Why can’t it be like that?
‘Cause I’m yours.
We keep behind closed doors.
Every time I see you, I die a little more.
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls.
It’ll never be enough.”
Joan was gaping a little, clearly uncomfortable, and Zoey tried to clamp her mouth shut but the words were forcing themselves out of her throat. A part of her was mortified, that she’d completely lost control of her body, and that she was forcing Joan into such an awkward situation. A bigger part of her was terrified of what would happen once she stopped singing, however. It wasn’t like they could just ignore what had just happened, no matter how much either woman wanted to. Of course Joan knew about Zoey’s powers, had known about them for months, but she’d only witnessed them on one occasion; the day Zoey had glitched and ended up singing Pressure to Danny Michael Davis. That had been awkward, this was even worse.
“It’s obvious you’re meant for me,
Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly,
Every second, every thought, I’m in so deep.
But I’ll never show it on my face.
But we know this
We got a love that is homeless.”
“Z-Zoey,” Joan managed to get out then. “Zoey, stop.”
But she couldn’t. She wanted to, but she couldn’t. She didn’t know how, she must be glitching again. And that meant having to actually have a conversation about what was happening. They’d been having such a nice night, too. Why did her powers have to go and ruin everything?
“Why can’t you hold me in the street?
Why can’t I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that.
Why can’t we be like that?
‘Cause I’m yours.”
Suddenly, Joan was setting her takeout on the coffee table, leaning towards her and grasping her hands in her own. “Zoey, it’s alright.”
Zoey couldn’t stop singing if she wanted to, but the soft, concerned look in Joan’s eyes nearly made her falter anyway. Was it possible Joan wasn’t mad? Sure, she knew that this wasn’t Zoey’s fault, that she couldn’t exactly turn her powers on and off when it was convenient, but still she’d expected her partner to at least be a bit embarrassed by the whole thing.
“Why can’t I say that I’m in love?
I wanna shout it from the rooftop.
I wish that it could be like that.
Why can’t we be like that?
‘Cause I’m yours.”
Finally, thankfully, the song came to an end and Zoey bit her lip. The pair sat in silence for a good few moments before it was broken.
“So.” Joan managed a small, slightly awkward smile. “You wanna talk about that?”
 Ten minutes later, Zoey was tucked into Joan’s body, the older woman gently running her fingers through red hair.
“I’m so, so sorry,” Zoey said for the fifth time.
“I know,” Joan assured quietly. “I know you can’t help it.” She sighed. “But we do have to talk about this. I mean, why didn’t you tell me how you were feeling? I thought we were on the same page, that we both knew why we had to keep this relationship quiet?”
“I do know,” Zoey promised. “But I don’t... I don’t like it. I don’t like having to sneak around at work when I’ve met you for lunch or you’re picking me up after work to go out for dinner. I hate having to be evasive about weekend plans, and I really don’t like the idea of going to this Christmas party and not being able to dance with you.” She pulled away then, to meet the older woman’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve put you in an awkward position.”
“I think I preferred the awkward position from last Friday,” Joan countered, a small smirk on her lips as she reminded her partner of the previous weekend, where they’d not even made it out of the bedroom.
Zoey’s cheeks flushed a nice pink, but the uncertainty in her eyes didn’t fade.
Joan took her hand again, squeezing it. “Believe me, Zoey, I hate this as much as you do. If I could announce it to the world tomorrow, I would. But I’m only acting CEO. Sooner or later, Danny Michael Davis will come back and I’ll be back on the fourth floor. Do you really want the whole team knowing that we’re dating? Not to mention the HR issues it will throw up.”
It was Zoey’s turn to sigh, then. “No. No, I get it. I’m sorry, I guess I’m just feeling a little fragile, and a little sad. It would have been nice to go to the party together, you know? Have a dance, have a drink. Maybe kiss under some mistletoe.”
“Yeah,” Joan smiled a little sadly. “That would be nice.”
Zoey moved to lean back into her partner then, snuggling up close. “Sorry for saying ‘sorry’ a lot, too.”
“You just said it again.” The smirk was evident in the older woman’s voice.
The redhead thought on that a moment. “Damn.”
 As it was, Joan went ahead and organised the party, and by the time the invites had been sent out two weeks before Christmas, the fourth floor was buzzing with the news.
“Hey, Zoey, did you get the e-vite about the Christmas party?” Tobin asked as she sat down at her desk Friday morning.
“Uh, yeah,” she said, shrugging off her coat and hoping nobody would pick up on the fact she’d already known about the party long before the invitations.
“It’s gonna be dope,” Tobin grinned. “I can’t believe Joan’s renting out the entirety of the Paragon! That place is booked up weeks in advance; I couldn’t even sneak my way in. And believe me, I tried.”
Zoey managed to muster a small smile at Tobin’s enthusiasm, and quickly turned her attention to her computer. “Yeah, well. I’m sure Joan just wanted to make sure everyone has a good time.”
“Do you think Joan will be there?” Leif piped up from his own desk, a slightly hopeful tone to his voice that made Zoey frown.
Feeling a little bit of jealousy bubble up in her chest, she tried to school her expression. “Maybe, why?”
Leif’s cheeks flushed then, his gaze skittering away from Zoey. “No reason.”
Her eyes narrowed, watching the man carefully as he busied himself with work. Joan had made it clear to him that their relationship- if it could even have been called that- was over, but Zoey couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. She knew that Joan didn’t want a relationship with Leif, that had been obvious even before she’d asked Zoey out, but was it possible that Leif himself wasn’t aware? Did he think he still had a chance?
Clenching her jaw and forcing her attention back to her computer, Zoey began angrily punching out code for the Chirp.
 When the morning of the party rolled around a week and a half later, Zoey didn’t feel any better about having to hide hers and Joan’s relationship at the party, nor did she feel any better about Leif’s potential feelings for her partner.
“What do you mean we’re going together?”
Admittedly, Zoey had only been half listening to what Joan was saying, poking and prodding at her takeout and lost in her own thoughts.
“Well,” Joan scoffed, looking a little irritated, “it’s silly for us to take two cars.”
“B-But that means arriving together,” Zoey said, brow furrowing and mind racing. “And leaving together. Don’t you think that will raise questions?”
The older woman rolled her eyes. “Zoey, it’s a work party. I’m sure we won’t be the only people splitting a car ride. It’ll be fine.”
Zoey found herself nodding at that, though she wasn’t wholly convinced. It seemed a little too much like tempting fate, particularly with Leif potentially sniffing around. Maybe that was the point. Maybe Joan didn’t want to announce their relationship but figured that people working it out on their own wouldn’t be as bad? That being said, HR would still be a problem, so maybe that wasn’t it. Honestly, Zoey didn’t know what was going on.
“We don’t have to go together, you know,” Joan said then, sounding a little disappointed but trying to hide it. “I just thought it would be nice. And you could come back here afterwards, spend the night. If you wanted, of course.”
Almost as though it was planned, Hermés chose that moment to appear at Zoey’s feet, staring expectantly up at the woman as she poked at her breakfast.
“That sounds nice,” Zoey admitted slowly. “I mean, if you’re sure you don’t mind having me here two nights in a row.”
A smirk spread across Joan’s face. “Why would I mind?” she asked, surveying the younger woman over her coffee mug. “That’s two nights in a row I get you all to myself.”
“You get me all to yourself whenever you want, Joan,” Zoey pointed out then, though she couldn’t stop her lips quirking in a slight smirk of her own. Then, she sighed. “Fine. If you think it won’t raise too many questions, and we can swing it, then sure. Let’s go together.”
“You sure? I don’t want you doing anything you’re not comfortable with.”
Zoey smiled again, this time a more relaxed smile. “Yeah. I’m sure.”
 That night, the pair of them arrived at Paragon in a sleek black Mercedes that Joan had rented for the night. The driver even held the door open for the pair of them as they slid out in their dresses and heels. Zoey’s fingers itched to reach out and entwine themselves with Joan’s, so she instead busied herself with smoothing her dress out instead.
“Ready?” Joan asked, sparing her partner a glance before looking towards the club.
Zoey followed her partner’s gaze. Paragon had only been open a few months, but it was already a hot place to be in San Francisco, and she could see why. It was situated at the top of a skyscraper, boasting views out across the Golden Gate Bridge, and probably cost Joan a pretty penny to book out for SPRQ Point. Hopefully the location of the party would distract the guests from Joan’s and Zoey’s arrival.
They made their way up to the club via the elevator, an uneasy silence between the two women.
“So, uh, I guess this is it.” Zoey said after a few moments. “I mean, we’re gonna have to mingle with the other guests, maybe dance, have some food. You’ll have to circulate, of course.”
“Of course,” Joan said, sounding a little disappointed.
“How do we do this, then? Do I come find you when it’s time to leave? Or, well, I guess you should come find me. After all, you’re the boss-”
Zoey was cut off abruptly by Joan’s lips on hers. The kiss was soft but insistent, and she practically melted into the touch. But it only lasted a few seconds, before Joan pulled away.
“I, uh, needed something to sustain me,” the brunette said then, looking a little embarrassed as she instead checked her makeup in the mirrored walls of the elevator.
“Uh huh,” Zoey managed, feeling a little dazed.
The elevator doors opened then, and already Joan was hurrying out before Zoey could fully process what had happened. With a sigh, she could only watch as her girlfriend disappeared into the throng, greeting people as she went. Shoulder slumped, Zoey looked around at the impressively decorated club for a moment before making a beeline for the bar. She needed a drink.
 An hour into the party, Zoey was feeling more than a little sorry for herself. She’d spent most of the time at the bar, sipping drinks and occasionally making small-talk with people who came by. Tobin had greeted her with a grin before hurrying off to grab more food, and several people from the sixth floor had also had brief conversations with her.
Now, she was stood at the edge of the dance floor, yet another drink in hand as she watched people dance and have fun. It wasn’t fair. It was Christmas, the party was to celebrate a great year, and everyone was having a good time but her. Occasionally, she caught sight of Joan talking to one of her employees, often with a forced smile and a fake look of interest on her face. Zoey wanted nothing more than to be able to sweep in and tug Joan away from those boring conversations to go make out in a dark corner, but she knew she couldn’t. For a start, it would tip off to the entirety of SPRQ Point that she was in a relationship with the boss, and secondly Joan would be furious. But then she remembered the kiss in the elevator, and she couldn’t tell if her knees went weak from the memory or the alcohol, but all it did was make Zoey long for Joan even more.
Shaking her head to clear it, she instead made her way towards the DJ booth. She’d persuaded Joan to hire Mo for the event, even though Paragon had offered their own DJ. With Max no longer around, and things being really quite awkward between herself and Simon due to her having to turn him down once she and Joan got together, Zoey needed a friendly face at the party.
“Howdy,” Zoey greeted as she reached her friend.
Mo, for his part, fixed her with a look and a slight smirk. “And how many of those lovely martinis have you already had tonight?”
Zoey shrugged at the question. “I don’t know. Five? Six? Who’s counting? I’m not!”
At her answer, it seemed that Mo didn’t quite know whether to be amused or concerned, and he studied her for a long moment. “Now, Zo-loft, how have you been? I’ve noticed you haven’t been at your apartment as much lately. Staying with your mysterious lover?”
In her drunken state, Zoey could do nothing to stop the grin from spreading across her face. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Rolling his eyes good-naturedly, Mo returned his attention to his records briefly to change tracks, before turning back to his friend. “Well, that would be why I asked the question. You’ve been flitting in and out, disappearing for entire nights at a time and showing back up with a ridiculous grin on your face and still you refuse to tell me who the lucky man is.”
Snorting, Zoey waved a hand dismissively. “Please,” she said, laughing slightly. “I’m over men. They’re nothing but drama. I mean, the whole thing with Simon, and Max, and the singing and the dancing and the kissing...”
Mo arched an eyebrow at that, and he surveyed her again, as though seeing her through new eyes. “Well,” he said after a moment, “I guess that serves me right for assuming.” He tilted his head to one side, considering, before staring out across the dance floor.
Zoey watched as her friend stared, silently holding her breath and hoping Mo couldn’t read her too well.
After several long moments, Mo looked back to her. “Does she make you happy?”
“Very.” Zoey waggled her eyebrows, and Mo shook his head.
“Ugh. Go away please. You are nauseatingly loved up right now. And drunk. And I don’t want you throwing up on my records.” He made a shooing motion with his hands.
Rolling her eyes, Zoey spun on her heel and headed away, taking a large gulp of martini as she did so. Just as she was lowering her glass, however, she walked straight into someone and nearly toppled to the ground. A hand shot out, grabbing her around the waist to steady her. Zoey blinked, and looked up into bright blue, concerned eyes.
The small redhead was beaming up at Joan as though she hung the stars in the night sky, and the thought made the older woman glance around in concern.
“You ok there? You ploughed straight into me.” Joan surveyed her carefully, a small frown furrowing her brow. She seemed sort of unsteady on her feet, and now she thought about it, she was pretty certain Zoey had spent a great deal of time propping up the bar. Not that she’d been keeping tabs on her partner, or anything.
“I’m great,” Zoey grinned. “Have you tried the martinis here? They’re amazing!”
“Uh, yeah, they’re something alright. I mean, they should be at $9 a go.” Joan’s frown deepened. “Zoey, are you alright?”
When Zoey only grinned back drunkenly, Joan let out a sigh. Sure, Joan herself had also had a few drinks, but something told her that the younger woman had several drinks on her, and she also knew that it took less time for her to get drunk. After all, Zoey was small and hadn’t had twenty years of being married to Charlie to harden her to the effects of liquor. While Joan was merely buzzed, Zoey was flat out drunk. And if they weren’t careful, they’d end up causing a scene.
“Ok,” she said, moving to steer her partner towards some seating, “how about we have a sit down? The last thing we want is you falling flat on your face.”
It was only halfway towards the plush seating that Joan realised she still had one arm firmly around Zoey’s waist. Swallowing thickly and hoping nobody had noticed, she quickly guided Zoey to sit herself down before crouching in front of her.
“I’m, uh, gonna go grab some water. See if we can sober you up.”
Zoey scrunched her nose up at the suggestion. “Why? It’s a party, Joan. Come on, have a drink with me!”
Part of Joan really, really wanted to give in to that. She wanted nothing more than to have a drink with her partner, and to maybe get drunk enough to make an ass of herself on the dance floor, and then make out with Zoey in the car on the way home. Everything Charlie had always hated. But the logical part of her was reminding her that nobody could know about their relationship, and with Zoey already drunk she needed to stay sober enough to deal with the situation. Forcing a tight smile onto her face, she repeated herself.
“I’m gonna grab some water.” She stood then, before pausing. “Uh. Just stay here, ok?”
Joan set off towards the bar then, giving polite smiles to various subordinates she barely recognised as she passed them. Within a minute, she was returning to Zoey’s booth with a large glass of water, hoping it would be enough. But when she returned, she saw Simon seated opposite Zoey, leaning forward with his forearms on the table.
“Well, I’m just saying,” Simon said with a laugh as Joan drew nearer, “you seem a little drunk. Maybe you should call it a night?”
“Pfft,” Zoey snorted. “I’m not drunk! Besides, I can’t leave until Joan leaves.”
Joan felt her heart stop in her chest at that, and she held her breath as she waited for a response.
“Ah,” Simon nodded knowingly, “you want to stay until the boss calls it quits. I get that. But maybe you should lay off the martinis? I think you’ve had enough.”
Squaring her shoulders, Joan crossed the rest of the floor to reach Zoey’s side. She flashed Simon a slightly cruel smile and set the glass of water on the table in front of the redhead.
“Here we are; one glass of water. We really don’t need you throwing up all over the dance floor.”
As the words left her mouth, however, Joan caught sight of Simon’s slight frown. Huh. Perhaps she’d played it a little too cool. Forcing a tight smile onto her lips, she turned her attention back to her partner and pushed the glass towards her.
Thankfully, Zoey did as she was told, downing the water with almost impressive speed. Simon shifted to stand then, sparing a confused look at Joan before flashing a smile at Zoey.
“Well, uh, I’ll leave you ladies to it. Zoey, if you’re not too drunk, how about a dance later?”
Zoey went wide-eyed at that, and for the second time in as many minutes Joan’s heart was in her mouth. But thankfully, the younger woman instead just nodded slowly.
“Uh, yeah. Maybe.”
Simon left then, and Joan watched him go for a few moments before sliding into his recently vacated seat opposite Zoey. She fixed her partner with an unimpressed look. Zoey, for her part, held her ground. Perhaps she was getting better to standing up against her girlfriend. Perhaps she was just too drunk to be nervous.
“Joan, I’m fine. I’m not even that drunk.” The redhead rolled her eyes for good measure.
“Uh huh. Sure. But let’s not add to that drunkenness.” Joan sighed then. “Zoey, I’m sorry. I wish we didn’t have to hide our relationship. I wish we could be together, spend time together here instead of sneaking around.”
It was Zoey’s turn to sigh, and her gaze skittered away, her previous alcohol-fuelled joy evaporating quickly. She surveyed the dance floor for a long moment, watching colleagues dancing and laughing and drinking, before slowly looking back to Joan.
“You want to maybe make out in the bathroom a bit?”
Despite herself, a slow grin spread across Joan’s face. Before she could form a response, Zoey had taken her by the hand and was tugging her in the direction of the toilets.
 Making out in the women’s restroom of Paragon wasn’t exactly how either Joan or Zoey had thought the evening would go, but they weren’t about to complain about it. It didn’t take long for hands to roam and dresses to get bunched up as previously coiffed hair was wrapped around fingers and makeup was smudged.
Zoey was busy sucking at Joan’s pulse point when the door to the bathroom opened. The pair sprung apart as though electrocuted, and quickly busied themselves with smoothing out clothing and fiddling with hair in an attempt to look more presentable.
“- until at least the middle of next year. Oh.” Ava Price blinked, frowning a little at Joan’s and Zoey’s slightly dishevelled appearances. “Hello, Joan. Zoey.”
Ava and the two women who had come into the bathroom with her surveyed Zoey and Joan with a look of confusion, and the redhead quickly forced a nervous grin.
“Watch out for those hand dryers,” she said with an awkward laugh. “They’re really strong. Practically destroyed my hair.”
“Uh, yeah. Really strong,” Joan echoed, plastering her own fake smile on her face.
Ava looked between the pair of them for a long moment, clearly unimpressed by their excuse, before simply rolling her eyes and stepping into the nearest cubicle. The two other women ducked into cubicles too, and Joan and Zoey shared a wide-eyed, embarrassed glance, before quickly moving for the door.
“Ugh,” Joan said once they were out of the bathroom. “Well that was fun.”
“I know,” Zoey sighed. “I’m sorry. I should never have suggested-”
But Joan shook her head. “Zoey, it’s fine. I went along with it, I didn’t say no.” She surveyed her partner for a few moments. “And you’re still really drunk, aren’t you?”
The younger woman shrugged. “Well, that water did help. But... Kinda?”
Letting out a sigh, Joan took a moment to just breathe. She’d had a few drinks as well, of course, and she could only blame the alcohol in her system for hers and Zoey’s make out session. In no other circumstance would she have even considered making out at a word function, Christmas party or not. She had rules, rules that she had set herself so that her employees and colleagues could never call her unprofessional, could never insist that she was too emotional or that she was proof women shouldn’t be in the tech industry. And now they’d potentially been seen by Ava, and even if Ava had no hard proof they’d certainly been far too careless.
A hand was on her arm then, and she looked round to see Zoey watching her in concern. She forced a smile.
“We should get back to the party.”
Zoey smiled sadly. “Yeah.”
Zoey looked up to see Leif staring at her, a tight smile on his face and a mannerism that seemed a little... Odd.
“Leif,” she greeted, frowning a little before returning her attention to the food. Maybe if she ate some more she’d sober up more.
“So, uh, I see you and Joan went to the bathroom together,” he said. “Girl talk?”
That made her frown deepen. “That’s none of your business, Leif.”
Leif shifted at that, and glanced across the room for a moment before returning his gaze to Zoey. “I know you sabotaged me and Joan. She told me that you told her about my feelings. And I saw how you left together that night at the bar. I mean, I had a pretty good view from the stage, and the pair of you seemed very... Intimate.”
Swallowing thickly, Zoey concentrated harder on the food in front of her. She and Joan hadn’t been together at that point, and honestly, it was Leif’s singing that had mostly scared them away. But she couldn’t say that, and she didn’t trust herself not to let anything slip. So instead, she fixed him with a tight smile.
“Well, this has been a great talk, Leif, but I have to go.”
If Leif had a response to that, Zoey didn’t wait around to hear it.
 Zoey sought safety hanging out with Mo at the DJ decks again.
“Please tell me you’ve been staying away from the bar,” he said in way of greeting as Zoey appeared at his side.
“I have. Joan made me drink some water,” Zoey said without thinking.
At the comment, Mo arched an eyebrow. “You know, you’ve certainly been spending a lot of time with the lovely Joan the last few months. Anything I should know about?”
Something in his tone seemed that little bit too smug, and Zoey was reminded of their earlier conversation and how he had asked if she was happy. Did he already know? Honestly, she didn’t have Mo pegged as a subtle person, but maybe...
“No.” Zoey stuffed a pig in a blanket into her mouth quickly.
“Mmm,” Mo hummed, an amused expression on his face. “You know, Zoey Clarke, you are a terrible liar. Besides, a little Christmas robin told me that you two ducked into the bathroom earlier and came out looking rather dishevelled. And the pair of you clearly have feelings for one another.” He gave her a pointed look at that.
Zoey said nothing, but flushed a dull red. She wasn’t supposed to be telling anyone. Not even her mom or David knew about her and Joan. Besides, she couldn’t tell Mo in the middle of a SPRQ Point party, not after the near run-in with Ava.
Mo turned his attention back to the music, then, and for a moment it didn’t register in Zoey’s head as a familiar strain of music started up. But it was only as everything else seemed to distort as though in slow motion that she realised what was happening.
Joan was across the dance floor, talking with someone Zoey vaguely recognised from PR. Leif, meanwhile, was several feet away, a drink in hand and a pained expression on his face.
“Oh, no,” Zoey murmured. “No, no, no...”
And suddenly, Leif was singing.
“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart,
But the very next day you gave it away.
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special...”
He began moving then, setting his drink down on a table before moving towards an oblivious Joan. Everything was soft and slow-motion, except for Leif who stood out in glorious technicolour.
“Once bitten and twice shy,
I keep my distance,
But you still catch my eye.
Tell me baby,
Do you recognise me?
Well, it’s been a year,
It doesn’t surprise me...”
Zoey felt like she couldn’t move. Like she was stuck to the floor. Part of her brain knew she wouldn’t be able to intervene anyway, but a bigger part of her was stuck on the fact she’d been right to be concerned about Leif. He clearly still had feelings for Joan, and after the confrontation at the buffet...
“I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying, ‘I love you’, I meant it.
Now, I know what a fool I’ve been,
But if you kissed me now
I know you’d fool me again.
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart,
But the very next day you gave it away.
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special...”
He was dancing around Joan then, and annoyance bubbled up in Zoey’s chest. Even from where she was stood she could see the look on Leif’s face. Part longing, part disappointment, part something she couldn’t put her finger on.
“A crowded room, friends with tired eyes,
I’m hiding from you, and your soul of ice.
My God, I thought you were someone to rely on.
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on...
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart,
But the very next day you gave it away.
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special...”
The song faded out then as everything returned to normal. Joan left her conversation, Leif was back where he started sipping a drink, and Zoey was wholly confused.
“And what is going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
Mo’s voice startled Zoey from her thoughts, and she turned to look to her friend.
“Hey, uh, Mo, what does it mean if someone sings Last Christmas?”
Mo tilted his head to one side, considering that for a long moment. “Well, that depends. It’s a song about unrequited love and heartbreak, but it’s also about moving on, finding someone else. I’d say if someone’s singing that, they want to move on.”
Zoey bit her lip. “But they still have feelings for that person, right? I mean, with the whole ‘fool me again’ thing?”
“Sure, but the song is all about not wanting to make the same mistake, about moving past that and not putting yourself through that pain again. No matter what your feelings are for someone, sometimes you just have to walk away.” Mo studied her carefully then. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the lovely Joan, would it?”
“Leif just sang it to Joan.” Zoey pouted for a moment, before catching herself and trying to school her expression.
“Uh huh, and you don’t like it because you’d rather have Joan all to yourself.” That earned Mo a scowl, but he simply smirked. “Child, please. You two are so loved up a blind person could see it from the North Pole.”
“Oh.” Zoey frowned. “Are we that obvious? I mean, how long have you known?”
Mo’s amused expression quickly turned to one of reassurance then as Zoey panicked. “Zoey, calm down. I only figured it out tonight.” He thought for a moment. “Honestly, I’m kind of ashamed it took me so long. I am not on my A-game.” He waved a hand dismissively. “Anyway. You said earlier, you’re not with men anymore. And you’ve definitely been seeing someone. Plus you and Joan have grown awfully close since her divorce.” Mo shrugged. “It just makes sense.”
Shoulders slumping in relief, Zoey surveyed her partner across the dance floor. “You know, tonight’s really sucked. We had to have a whole fake story about how we were sharing a ride here because it was easier, to hide our relationship. We haven’t been able to have a single dance, we nearly got caught by Ava making out in the bathroom, I spent an hour drowning my sorrows at the bar while Joan’s had to make small talk with everyone...” She trailed off with a frustrated sigh.
Mo frowned at that. “Oh, please, Zoey, half the people here are halfway to being comatose what with all the fancy over-priced drinks they’ve been drinking. Nobody is going to care if you and Joan dance.”
“But it will raise questions-”
“No, it won’t. Now go.” He took Zoey’s half-finished plate of food from her and pointedly pushed her towards the dance floor. “Go get your woman. I have the perfect song for you.”
 Zoey appearing at Joan’s elbow in the middle of a very dull conversation with three people from- marketing? Sales? Honestly, Joan couldn’t remember.
“Zoey! Hi. Uh, can I help you?”
The younger woman had a slightly nervous smile on her face that made Joan worry just a little. “Yeah, actually, if you’re not too busy. I just figured, you know, we’ve been here a while and I couldn’t help but notice you haven’t had a single dance. I mean, I’m not the best of dancers, but...”
Joan let out an awkward laugh at that, and was somewhat surprised to see the people she’d been talking to simply flash her a grin and make their goodbyes. Taking the opportunity to seize Zoey by the arm, she led her partner away from the dance floor.
“What are you doing?” she hissed. “We agreed to keep a low profile! I mean, we already risked it in the bathroom earlier!”
“I know.” Zoey held her hands up in a placating gesture. “But Mo said that nobody will care-”
“Mo knows? Oh god!”
“-because everyone’s mostly drunk anyway, and I really wanna dance with you, Joan. It doesn’t have to be some romantic slow dance. Actually, it’s best it’s not. But just... One dance, Joan? Please?”
Joan let out a sigh then, trying to ignore Zoey’s wide, imploring eyes. But it seemed impossible, and she made a good point about people being drunk. Lots of people were dancing together. Tobin had danced with almost everybody. Would people really think anything bad if Zoey and Joan spent some time on the dance floor?
“Keep your hands to yourself,” she said, before turning and walking to the dance floor.
Zoey followed with a grin, and when they got there, Mo spotted them and gave a big grin before switching to a new track. As the music began to play, Joan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“You’re kidding me,” she said, shaking her head as laughter threatened to bubble up.
“Hey,” Zoey grinned, “Mo’s got good taste.”
“I don’t want a lot for Christmas,
There is just one thing I need...”
As more people joined the dancing around them, Joan allowed herself to move that little bit closer to Zoey.
“You don’t have to,” Zoey murmured as Joan took her hand in her own.
Joan gave a soft smile in response. “I want to.”
She pulled her partner into a loose embrace, something that wouldn’t raise too many eyebrows if people took notice, but allowed her that little bit of closeness she’d been craving all night. Hopefully to unsuspecting eyes it would simply look like two friends enjoying themselves on the dance floor.
The pair of them danced and laughed through the first two verses and chorus, grins on their faces as they enjoyed themselves. Instead of a gentle or respectable swaying, they moved that little bit too much, that little too wildly, in a parody of a romantic slow dance complete with the occasional silly face at one another. They were spurred on by laughter and alcohol, and Joan couldn’t deny just how right it felt to dance with Zoey in that way. But she wanted more. On a whim, she tugged Zoey closer, and leaned down to quietly sing along to the song.
“I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know. Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you...”
She spun Zoey then, eliciting a laugh from the younger woman as she fell into Joan’s embrace. Perhaps they’d both had a tiny bit too much to drink to contemplate any more spinning, but as Zoey instead tucked her still-giggling form into Joan’s chest, she couldn’t quite bring herself to care. After too short a time, the song came to a close.
Joan took a breath, a soft smile on her lips, and then she quietly moved to whisper in Zoey’s ear. “So. You wanna get out of here?”
Zoey’s grin was more than enough of a response.
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llamamicrowave · 4 years
My Big Family on AO3
Jojo sibling AU Stands still exits. Jonathan has a slightly stronger version of hermit purple. And to compensate for such a weak stand he and Joseph learned Hamon. Johnny and Gappy are their cousins who live in America. Ships in tags
Pure cringe. Beware..
Chapter 1
School Sux PT.1Chapter Text
Ships (Minor but exist)
-JonaErina (The only important one)
-Joseph x Suzi Q x Ceaser (Leave me alone)
-Very minor GioTrish
-Jolyne x Ermes
Jonathan POV
Hi! My name is Jonathan Joestar! A little about my self? Well, I'm 26, I have 4 younger siblings that I take care of since my father is always working. But it's fine I love taking care of them! I have a girlfriend, her name is Erina Pendleton and I'm planning to propose to her soon! Please don't tell her that, or any of my bothers, I don't want them to roast me for being a softy again.
Even though I am the oldest I can't be there some times, so when I'm not there my brother Joseph is in charge. But Joseph sometimes can be... How can I say this without sounding rude? Stupid? Immature? Idiotic? Well, yes to all of those.
Since Joseph can be a bit dumb at times, dad gives responsibly to Jotaro. He's pretty chill but sometimes can come off as rude. It's all a fake though, he loves marine life (especially dolphins lol) and when he was ten he told me he wanted to be a Marine Biologist! So in short, he's a dork.
Then there's Josuke and Jolyne the twins. There the youngest in the family. Josuke is the oldest by a few minutes. He's a goofball but can be serious if needed. Like if someone insults his hair he could go as some might say, Apeshit.
Jolyne, our only sister. Her personality is much like Jotaro. She just says whatever she wants, whenever she wants. I can't really say much about her since I'm being blackmailed by her and Jotaro. They're so alike it's scary.
I know I said I only had 4 siblings but there's another I didn't mention. 3 years before Joseph was born my father adopted a "friend" of his's son, Dio Brando. Dio was, excuse my language, a dick ever since we were kids. He ran over my dog Danny with one of his "friends" cars. As soon as Dio turned 18 he moved to Italy to become a lawyer. But that wasn't the last time I saw him.
While in Italy Dio, had a child with a woman he didn't even know. That woman neglected her son and allowed her husband to abuse him.
"She would leave days at a time and leave little food for him." I looked at the toddler sleeping in his arms, he had black hair and a cute bowl cut. "He's only a kid, he can't survive like that," Dio said to me.
"I can't let him have the same childhood as me." he looked dead into my eyes. I finally understood where he was coming from torturing me all these years.
"..." I stayed quiet.
"But I'm not taking care of this kid."
And now he lives with us! His name is Giorno Giovanna-Brando-Joestar. He is only a year younger then Josuke and Jolnye. And that's my family!
And remember when I said my dad works a lot, that was a lie...
He died on Jotaro's 11th birthday. He and my stepmother were hit by a drunk driver. Jotaro blames himself for the crash. It's not his fault though, he had no control over it. He was only a kid. I'm sorry to drop this on you now but with my father's death made me like a father figure to them. Dad would be proud.
Jonathan- 26
Johnny- 22
Joseph- 20
Jo2uke- 19
Jotaro- 17
Josuke- 16
Jolyne- 16
Giorno- 15
Narrator POV
Jonathan woke up first as normal and recapped his schedule,
Ok, so I have to make breakfast, Make sure they're ready for school, go to work, and meet up with Erina, and? What else do I have to do? ...Oh yeah! Take away Joseph's phone for getting arrested yesterday! Next time he should, you know, not try and run over his WHEELCHAIR BOND COUSIN! Goodness, I got angry again, sorry about that.
Jonathan arose from his bed and began his morning routine. He showered, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and got ready for the day.
He then started to make breakfast for his big family.
Joseph likes bacon with coffee.
Jotaro likes toast with coffee.
Josuke likes eggs with juice.
Jolyne likes yogurt with coffee.
And Giorno likes vegan pancakes with tea.
Oh yeah, Johnny, and Gappy and/or Jo2uke are staying with us! I wonder what they want? I'll just make them eggs.
A door opens from upstairs. Giorno walks out from his room to the bathroom to get ready for school. He liked waking up before the rest of his family.
When Giorno was done getting ready he walked down the stairs, and greeted Jonathan as he sat down.
"Good Morning, Jonathan."
"Good Morning! Did you sleep well?" Jonathan asked.
"Yeah, I think s-" He was cut off by a door slamming shut. Very loudly.
"Must be Jotaro. Jolyne must have gotten in the bathroom first." Giorno commented.
Jonathan laughed. "I guess so."
"Good Morning, retards!" Jolyne came prancing down the stairs.
"Jolyne, that isn't nice," Jonathan said sternly.
"You're right, Joseph isn't here right now." she sat down. Jonathan sighed. saying nothing back to her, defeated.
"Where is Joseph anyway?" Giorno asks.
Jonathan scoffs, "I told him to be awake at 6:00 sharp."
"Why 6:00?" Jolyne asked
"That's his punishment for trying to run over Johnny yesterday."
"Ohh yeah! I remember now!"
"Your next line will be, 'The things he'll do for 20 bucks,'!" a voice from inside the pantry spoke.
"The things he'll do for 20 bucks- JOSEPH!" Jolyne yelled.
Joseph popped out of the pantry fully dressed and looking proud.
"I've been up since 4 am!" he said proudly.
"Did you have another nightmare?" Jotaro said sarcastically walking down the stairs.
"Yes actually, Ocean Man!"
"What did you say?" Jotaro asked sternly. Even though Joseph was 3 years older than him they were about the same size.
"He called you, OCEAN. MAN! O-C-E-A-N M-A-N!" Josuke called from the upstairs bathroom.
"Fuck off." Jotaro sat down. "Langage, Jotaro!" Jonathan told him.
"Joot, you seem more pissy than usual, are you on your period?" Jolyne asked smugly.
"Jolyne, I'm not in a good mood and I want you to know I will not hesitate to choke you out and then feed it to your simp."
"Anasui is not a simp!" Jolyne defended.
"Funny, how you knew who I was talking about without saying his name."
"Have fun at school!" Jonathan yelled at his younger siblings.
"Yeah, fun and school don't mix well," Jolyne yelled back.
Joseph usually carpools with Ceasar and Smokey. Jotaro drives him and his friends to school with Jonathan's car. (Jonathan drives there dads car to work). Jolyne caught a ride with her girlfriend Ermes. Josuke walked with his friends Okuyasu and Koichi. And Giorno either walked by himself or ride with his older friend Bruno, today he was alone with his thoughts.
Joseph POV
"Ugh, collage sucks!" I groaned. "Suck it up buttercup It's only the beginning of the year," Ceasar said, reading a book.
We were in the library supposed to be studying but I got a bit distracted. See Suzi Q was also in the library, by herself. Nobody around her, the perfect opportunity to ask her out, but this blonde bubble-blowing bitc-
"Stop staring at Suzi, it's starting to get creeping now," Ceasar said still looking at the book.
"And why should I?"
"1. We should be studying, and 2. Your so small no girl wants to date you." that asshole wrote something in his notebook.
I. Was. Annoyed to say the least. I mean it's true, BUT YOU DON'T SAY IT! So I did the only rational thing, put him in a headlock.
Good thing the library was empty except for a couple of people who were used to our bullshit by now.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BUFFOON!?" Ceasar said, or at least tried too.
Ha, get rekt, bitch.
Jotaro POV
"Ugh, I hate school."
"Can you stop being edgy for 5 seconds?" Polnareff asked.
"Can you guys stop arguing and actually help!" Avdol said while he was doing the science assignment, I don't know why. Fucken dork.
"Kakyoin is literally sleeping!" Polnareff wined.
"Kakyoin has had a long day."
"Yeah... what are we talking about?"
"So, sleeping beauty is finally up," I say.
"I know you meant that as an insult but I'm taking it as a compliment, Aurora was fabulous!" Kak laughed like the maniacal little gay shit he is.
"Aww, you guys are so cute!"
"Polnareff focus on the experiment!-" the test tube cut him off, by exploding.
"Finally something exciting," I said because it was fucking epic.
"I mean this would not have happened Joot and Kak weren't flirting with each other."
Josuke POV
"Math is hardddddd."
"It's not that hard, Oku."
"Okuyasu, you should probably pay attention to my lesson instead of complaining." our math and gym/Hamon teacher Lisa-Lisa said to my friend Okuyasu, and trust me no one wants to get on her bad side, the last person to do that was Joseph, he still has nightmares, and he graduated.
"Yes, Josuke?"
"Is this going to be on the test?" I ask so I could know what to remember.
"Most of it will. But if you're asking me if you should listen in class or not, the answer is yes." it felt like she stared into my soul at that list part.
The bell rang
Lunch finally! Freedom at last!
"Your homework is to study for the quiz I'm giving you on an undisclosed date!"
Giorno POV
I walk over to bleachers outside of school where my friends (And Abbacchio) usually eat.
"Hey, guys." I quietly say. Right now there is only, Bruno, Abbacchio, Mista, and... Trish. Anyways as soon as Fugo and Narancia get here the peace will be ruined. Right now Bruno was talking to Mista and Trish about some party this Friday, and Abbacchio was on his phone with headphones on.
"Hello Giorno, how was your morning," Bruno asked.
"Eh, it was fine. Jolyne almost got ORAed."
"What else is new," Trish said drinking her mineral water. Wow shes really pretty, what?
"SUP BITCHES!" Narancia ran up to the bleachers with Fugo following behind him, sighing. Well, that was fun while it lasted.
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mattygraygubler · 5 years
our campus: chapter 4 (tom holland fanfic)
summary: frat!tom and reader go to the same college and y/n is tasked with being his tutor, they don’t really get along at first (because i love reader and tom hating each other trope)
warnings: none ?????
word count: 2.1k
a/n: so many texts and so much dialogue fuckin kill me also texts are bold
for a list of characters click here
to be added to the tag list send me an ask !
“I don’t know what you did to get her to give you a second chance, but I need to warn you.” Ally said. Tom turned to look at her, they had only ever spoken when necessary for theater stuff. 
“Warn me?” He asked. 
“Y/N can make your life either very, very good or very, very bad. She has most of the professors in this school wrapped around her pinky. And she doesn’t make it obvious, but she’s the smartest person I’ve ever met. She can really help you if you let her.”
“Well, thanks.” He said awkwardly and turned back to his stuff. 
“One more thing.” Ally said. Tom turned again and raised his eyebrows. “Don’t you dare catch feelings.” “Seriously? No need to worry about that.” Ally scoffed. 
“I’m serious, Tom. Don’t. She doesn’t need that right now.” 
“Yeah, fine, I get it.” He said. 
“Alright guys let’s get started.” Gigi said, signaling rehearsal was about to start. 
* * * 
It was finally Friday, and your phone was blowing up as you walked to the library. Class had gotten out late, so you were walking as fast as possible so you wouldn’t be late to your meeting with Tom. 
if Y/N is ok with it its fine with me
i still dont know how i feel about this
pretty pretty please guys i really like this guy and he really wants me to go
what are we talking about i was in class
harrison invited em and all of us to the delt party tonight
and i said we shouldnt go bc of what happened
plus isnt tom a delt? wouldnt that be a bit awk?
honestly i couldnt care less. after the week ive had im gonna too blacked to even realize where we are
lets take it to a vote
im abstaining
the ayes have it! delt BABEEEYYYY
ill have harrison put us all on the list
glad we got that sorted ill see u guys at mine at 8
You walked into the library, checking your watch and seeing it was 4:02. You bit your lip. Hopefully he didn’t give you any crap for being late. 
You walked quickly into hlab, and you knew you looked like a crazy person. Your bag was falling off your shoulder, you had a coffee in your hand and your water bottle tucked under your arm, and your phone in your other hand. 
You scanned the room and saw Tom sitting across from Max, both of them had books out. 
“Hi,” you said breathlessly. Max slid over a seat so you could sit across from Tom. “So sorry I’m late, crazy day.” 
“No worries dar-” You heard him start to say darling, but stopped himself. “No worries. It’s only 2 minutes after.” 
“How long have you been waiting?” You asked.
“Max and I have been hanging out for a while, not a big deal.” 
“Speaking of, I’m on alc duty for tonight so I better go.” Max said, did his stupid handshake with Tom, and walked out. 
Hlab was almost empty except for some freshman. Most people don’t like studying on a Friday, who could blame them?
“So I got a copy of your lectures from this week. What do you want to start with?”
“I don’t care.” 
“Ok, what is currently confusing you the most?” He thought for a second before saying “Astronomy.” You nodded. 
“Great, grab your notes and your textbook.” He pulled out a notebook and his laptop, opening the online textbook. You pulled out your laptop and a pen and highlighter. 
“May I?” You asked and pulled his notebook to your side. You went through his notes, circling certain things with the pen and highlighting others. 
“These are really good, Tom. I like how you put question marks next to things that confused you.” He laughed. 
“Do I get a gold star?” He joked. You rolled your eyes. 
“So phases of the moon.” You started. 
“Wait a second,” he said after you had been talking for a while. “You’re telling me that the moon doesn’t actually, like, change?” 
“It’s all shadows.” You replied. He nodded and seemed to finally be getting it. 
“The phases will most definitely be on your next lab, which isn’t open note, so make sure you memorize them.” You said. “Let’s move onto stats.” He groaned. “What?” You asked. 
“Statistics is so stupid. Letters and numbers shouldn’t go together.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Stats is easy, I promise you. This is the first unit, all we’re doing is descriptive statistics and graphing. Let’s start with some vocab.” You said, highlighting certain words in his notes. 
Once you could see his brain was about to explode, you moved onto writing. 
“There’s not much to talk about, just email me your most recent paper so I can go through it and look for themes we need to discuss.” 
‘“Themes?” He asked. 
“You know, on going issues that need to be addressed.” He nodded and emailed you his paper, which you would read tomorrow. You heard your phone buzz and took a quick glance. 
al dont be upset
then dont give me a reason to get upset
what is it
……….. It’s themed
are you kidding? were not freshmen, i dont wanna go to a stupid themed frat party
its blackout !!!! itll be fun i promise
You turned your phone back down and didn’t realize you had an upset look on your face. 
“Everything ok?” He asked. 
“Just arguing in the group chat.” 
“Do you need to go?” He asked. 
“No, no, just arguing about tonight.” 
“What’s tonight?” 
“Tonight is not related to political conflict, which is what we should be talking about.” He laughed. 
“Do you ever have fun?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“I’m serious, do you ever have fun, or do you just go to sleep surrounded by planners and textbooks.” 
“That’s not funny. There’s a lot more about me that you don’t know.” 
“So we’re starting off with socioeconomic issues over time and the class strugle. Did you read the Marx chapters?” 
“Yup. Didn’t understand a word of it.” 
“Ok, let’s get into it.” You said and began rambling about the bourgeoisie and the communist manifesto. Politics was your favorite subject, you could talk about it for hours. 
You were having a really good discussion with Tom. It was global political conflict, and he was able to connect the themes to both America and England, which made you really pleased. 
You were pulled out of your discussion when your phone vibrated. 
pickin up panera anyone want anything 
“Jeez it’s already past 6:30, I gotta go.” You said. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He said. 
“No it’s not your fault, I get so into politics I lose track of time.” “I can tell.” He said as you both packed up your stuff. 
“Wanna grab some food?” He asked. 
“Sorry, can’t,” you said. 
“Why, got a hot date?” He joked. 
“Maybe,” you said. 
“At least let me walk you to wherever you’re going.” 
“You don’t have to do that.” 
“Well where are you going?” 
“Congression Hall?” You replied. 
“Wait, you live there?” 
“Uhm, yes? Me along with practically every other junior.” 
“What floor?” 
“8.” You said. 
“Should’ve guessed.” He replied as you started walking across the quad. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Honors 8. I forgot you were in hc.” He was referring to the eighth and top floor of Congression Hall, which was reserved for the honors college juniors. 
“Yeah.” You said simply. 
“I’m on six, by the way.” He said. “That’s why I was curious. I’ve never seen you around there.” 
“I’m not usually, I only really use it for sleep.” 
“Of course,” he replied. 
“I assumed you lived in a frat house.” You commented. 
“Nah, next year.” He said with a wink. “Speaking of frat houses, there’s kind of this party going on at Delt tonight-” 
“I’m aware.” You said, cutting him off. 
“Ah, well, if you want I can get you on the list.” You smiled to yourself. 
“No need, I’m already on the list.” You said. 
“Oh?” He said, clearly embarrassed. “Because of delta nu?” 
“Nope.” You said, not offering any other information. 
“Well maybe I’ll see you there then.” 
“Even if you do see me there, I will be pretending I don’t know you.” 
“Why?” He asked, clearly offended. “I run that house.” He joked, trying to play off the embarrassment. 
“No offense, but your reputation would not be good for mine.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Well I have a certain reputation in the greek community, and if people see me with you they’ll get the wrong idea.” 
“The wrong idea?” He asked as you walked in the lobby of your building. 
“Well, see, the thing is,” you said, stepping into the elevator. He pressed the button for six and eight. “I have certain standards. If people see me with you, they’ll think I’ve…” 
“Wow, you are really uptight, aren’t you?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Certain standards? Jesus christ, you’re not the queen, Y/N. And I don’t have a bad reputation. But god forbid I don’t live up to your ‘standards.’” He said, storming off the elevator without another word, clearly upset. You sighed. Good job, Y/N. 
Tom got to his room and threw his stuff on the floor, collapsing on his bed. His head hurt from all the tutoring, and trying to focus on not staring at your lips. 
delt juniors
aight important question guys
whats up tommy
do you guys know a girl called Y/N Y/L/N? shes a delta nu
dan knows her ;)
fuck, Y/N? what are you doing with her? 
shes tutoring me stop buggin 
i know her which u know shes in hc with me 
oh danny DEFINITLY knows her 
who doesnt know Y/N? shes a hot commodity
what do you mean? 
shes like the perfect girl next door, totally hot and so smart which just makes her hotter
doesnt help that shes a huge fuckin flirt AND can hold her alc
dan is being suspiciously quiet……..
shut up joe
care to share with tommy your story with Y/N, daniel? 
i hate u all 
i was like in love with her freshman year
and i thought she was into me too
and we made out a couple of times but nothing else
the second she found out i was in delt she stopped talking to me
like complete radio silence 
wtf? Why? 
she doesnt fuck with delts
thats like common greek knowledge
maybe its because shes gonna be dchi sweetheart? 
nah theres gotta be something else
well i just put her on the list for tonite
wait YOU put her on the list?! 
yeah i invited her friend Emily Gold and she doesnt go anywhere without Y/N and these two other girls
Ally Park and Isabelle Miller
yeah howd u know? 
theyre like those cool girls from high school everyones obsessed with that are just out of everyones league
wow american high schools are so weird
tom if u wanna get with her i wont be pissed
nah like you said she hates delts, and after three tutoring sessions with me i guarentee i am her least favorite delt ever
theres no fuckin way she shows up tonight
she wouldnt be caught dead at a delt party
wait you said Y/N Y/L/N may come tonight????
noah u seriously show up just to call dibs?
yeah bro have u seen her? if she comes tonight and any of you try to cockblock me i stg ill deck you
pretty sure tommy has rightful dibs to this one
nah fam she hates me so fuckin much
let noah try his luck
i doubt she’ll even show
she’ll show. 
what makes u say that? 
max does know her best
she and ally and emily and isabelle are ride or die. they circulate who picks what party they go to and if its emilys turn and harrison somehow conviced her to go, Y/N wont miss it
she hasnt set foot in a delt house since freshman year, you seriously think she’ll show? 
five bucks says she does
youre on 
i just wanna make it clear
that if she does show
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writers-hes · 5 years
five years.
hello! here is the first part of a five part series called “five years”. it’s inspired by an article i read in the new york times. i really recommend/suggest you read it here. 
five years -- year 0. 
in which harry and you meet for the first time.
WARNING: unedited. 
contains: fluff !   
Tumblr media
“Danny!” Harry yelled as he saw one of his mates from his English classes. Harry was currently a psychology student, set to graduate in a few months. He was well known around the campus for being loud and kind to everyone. He was a part of humanitarian orgs and liked coffee a lot. He was usually hanging out at The Bean, a small coffee shop near uni. To him, The Bean was his second home. In fact, Angela, the pretty barista already knew his usual order. Harry tried to ask her out on a date and they went out for one date only to realise that it was weird, seeing as they treated each other like how siblings do. 
“Hey, Harry! Nice to see you,” Danny greeted back. Danny was Harry’s classmate in a couple of his Psychology classes. He was tall and lanky. He had shiny black hair that he dyes every other month. He wore thick-rimmed glasses because of his bad vision. He was also Harry’s best friend in uni. He and Harry liked to study together because Danny always had the complete notes and Harry always had something else to say that would make the subject easier to understand fro Danny. 
“I already ordered myself some coffee, by the way.” Harry said as he motioned to his glass tumbler. “You can go ahead and order something that you like I’ll wait out here,” he added. Danny nodded and walked towards Angela. He ordered two cups of coffee—one caramel latte and one homemade milk tea. He paid and waited for his orders and went back to his table with Harry. 
“Uh, is someone else coming?” Harry asked as soon as he saw two reusable glasses of caffeine. 
“Oh, yeah. I’m sorry I forgot to tell you, H. My friend is coming over. She’s a Lit major and she’s picking up some of the books she lent Zo,” Danny said. He laid the milk tea down and took out three books from his backpack, all collections of poetry from Charles Bukowksi, Oscar Wilde, and Ocean Vuong.  
“So you buy her a drink, huh?” Harry teased, taking a sip of his coffee. 
“Nah, not really. It was Zo who told me to buy her a drink,” Danny rolled his eyes. “He didn’t even give me some money for it,” he grumbled.
“Don’t worry, Dan. I’m sure you’ll get something else later!” Harry joked and laughed. Zo was Danny’s boyfriend for two years. He was also taking up Lit and met Danny through one of their English classes.
“Shut up, Harry!” 
“Say, what time is Zo’s friend coming over?” Harry asked. It’s been forty-seven minutes since Danny arrived. The ice from the tea Danny got her condensed. Harry stared at the layer of water separated from the layer of milk and tea.
“Uh, not sure,” Danny said, looking up from his notes. “I told her that I’ll be here for the whole day and she said that she’ll be here after she’s done with her classes.” Harry nodded and went back to reading his notes. He wondered who could it be. Zo and Danny never really mentioned that friend…perhaps they were new? It’s not like Harry loved to be nosey—it’s because the milk tea was starting to deteriorate and it’s so damn annoying. 
“So, are you letting her drink that?” he said, pointing at perfectly good drink forty five minutes ago. 
“Don’t know. Might drink it myself. You can have it if you like, I’ll get her a new drink.” Just then, Danny’s phone let out a ‘ping’. “Ah, she’s outside. I’ll just text her to come in here,” Danny said, typing for a few seconds on his phone. The door opened seconds later and there was you. 
You jogged on to where Danny was sat. “I’m sorry I made you wait, Dan! I had to stop by one of my professors to submit my classmates’ papers,” you breathed.
“It’s alright, misery,” Danny chuckled. “Oh, by the way! This is Harry,” he said, motioning Harry who was already looking at you. You smiled uncomfortably. “Harry, this is y/n, but Zo calls her ‘misery’,” 
“Why did you submit your classmates’ papers?” Harry asked.
“Oh, I’m the beadle for my creative writing class,” you replied. 
“Where are you going to next?” Danny asked. 
“Oh, I’m going to Kismet to study,” you tell him. 
“Kismet is closed, didn’t you hear? They’ve been doing some renovations. You should study here instead,” Harry interjected. “Besides, Danny got you a drink from Zo,” 
“Oh, uh—is that okay?” 
“Yeah. Don’t worry about him,” Danny replied. You take a seat beside Danny and in front of Harry. 
“Thanks for the drink, by the way. I’m sorry I’m late,” you whispered to Danny while leaning on his shoulder. You took the cold glass of tea and mixed the water with what Danny really paid for. You took a sip and finished it in seconds, to avoid the tea getting more watery.
You loved to wear sweaters even on summers. You loved to have your hair tied up so your hair wouldn’t get in the way of your clear-rimmed glasses. You had poor eyesight and a bad back. You liked tea and coffee but loved hot cocoa the best. You’re the sweet day on a hot summer. You were welcoming and warm.
“By the way, it was nice meeting you, y/n.” Harry said from across the table. 
Harry never really saw you after your encounter even though you saw him all the time. You just knew when he was near. He never left your mind ever since you met him at The Bean more than a week ago. You were always watching out for him and the possibility of him bumping into you and saying “hi” made you more alive than caffeine. What was with that curly haired boy? 
“So, I heard Kismet is finally open…” Zo said. You just finished one of your classes together and had a four hour vacant. 
“Ah, can we go there please? I miss my rose latte,” you pouted. 
“It’s not even that good. You just order it because it makes you feel like a Tumblr girl,” Zo chuckled. 
“Hey! Not true. I really like the taste! It’s not that sweet and not that strong either,” you retorted while bumping your sides with him. 
“You know who would like it? Harry. You met him, yeah?” 
“Yeah. I still feel a guilty for making him and Danny wait. Please tell them I’m sorry,” you pouted. Zo smiled at your sincerity. He knew that Harry and Danny didn’t mind—they were literally the most patient people he ever met. Well, not so much for Harry but he’s good enough. 
Meanwhile, on the other side of the campus, Harry was rushing to get to one of his majors. He had his textbooks and iPad in hand while speed walking to the designated room. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he mumbled repeatedly. He couldn’t believe he didn’t notice the time. He was too busy catching up with some of his friends from high school who visited. He was zooming past the corridor when he heard a loud ‘hey’. He turned around and saw you with one of his dear friends, Zo, behind him. He lost balance and fell on his butt, his iPad and books lading on the floor. 
“Harry!” Zo gasped as he jogged to Harry. “What happened?” 
“Was rushing to my psych class and lost balance,” he huffed. You jogged towards the scene and started picking up what fell down. 
“Here you go,” you smiled as you waited for Harry to get back up on his feet. He took his stuff from you. He was so red and you couldn’t help but chuckle a little. 
“What are you laughing at?” he asked. 
“You’re so red! Are you sure you’re alright?” you asked. 
“Yeah…happens to me all the time,” he mutters. He looks at his wrist watch and sighed. “gotta go! Say hi to Danny for me, Zo! And it was nice seeing you again, y/n!” he said as he shuffled and power-walked to his next room.
Harry couldn’t believe it. Before he could even ask for your number, you saw him falling down like a wuss. How will you think he’s cool now? It’s not like he fell in a cool way. He groaned and slowly treaded in front of the class room. He entered and thanked the universe because the professor wasn’t there yet. He sat in his usual seat and opened his iPad and got his Pencil when he received a text from one of his mates, Louis. 
Louis Tomlindaughter: oi! u wanna go down to niall’s for the viewing party?????
harry: Can’t. I have to study for a major exam tomorrow. 
Louis Tomlindaughter: nerd! next time if you say no im gonna go there my fuckin self and drag u smh !
harry: Sorry. Maybe next time. 
Louis Tomlindaughter: alright then but if u dont get a good grade in ur exam im gonna tell y/n how dumb u are ! hehehe 🤭 
Louis knew that Harry had a crush on you. Right after he met you, he met up with Louis and Zayn for some burgers. He couldn’t stop gushing about how warm and nice you were. He didn’t stop talking about how you offered him half of your chocolate chip cookie. He also didn’t stop talking about how pretty you looked that time in your baggy sweater and clear-rimmed glasses. Louis never really knew you or bothered to. Zayn and you knew each other because you would aways see each other at Kismet. It seemed like you and Harry ran in the same social circle but you just never really met. He didn’t even wanna go to class anymore. He just wanted to go to you so you can finally talk to him without the interruption of academics. When you were at The Bean, you barely looked at each other, too busy studying and highlighting notes. He sighed. 
Danny: hey are you going 2 niall’s viewing party l8r??? 
hairstyles: No. I have a major exam tomorrow. 
Danny: u can study w zo! im leaving him alone tonight and u know how he is. he loves study dates because it makes him focus 
hairstyles: Oh? Alright. I’ll text him. 
cimmamom roll harry: Hey, Zo. I heard you’re studying tonight. Can I come? 
cimmamom roll harry: Cool. What time and where? 
cimmamom roll harry: Okay. See you then! x
Harry really wanted to go to Niall’s viewing party. It was the premier of Stranger Things 3 and he wanted nothing more that to watch it with his friends. However, time didn’t permit him because he had to study. He was so tired, only functioning when there’s caffeine around. The Bean was basically his second home and although he never tried it at Kismet because he was too afraid to try something new, he was looking forward to it. 
7 p.m. came quickly and he was outside Kismet, a brown and white coffee place. The decorations were mostly made up of different wood and burlap. The accents were black and the paint was white. There were also little succulents and cactuses littering the shop from the windowsills to the high tables. He opened the door and heard the bells chime. He looked for Zo only to find you sitting at a brown solo couch. Harry decided to go to you first. 
“Hey, y/n, right?” 
You looked up from your textbook to find the curly haired boy that never seemed to leave your mind. 
“Yeah. Hi, Harry,” you smile at him. It seemed like butterflies erupted in Harry’s stomach when you said his name. Your accent made his name sound better.
“Uh, are you going to study with Zo?” he asked. You noticed how slow he talked. He mumbled his words and his accent was thick.
“Well, I was supposed to. But he said he wouldn’t be able to go in the last minute,” you tell him. 
“Is it alright if I study with you, then? Was supposed to study with Zo too but I suppose that’s not gonna happen tonight,” He was really hoping that you would say yes. 
“Sure! No problem. Just lay your stuff on the table and I’ll watch you stuff while you order,” you tell him, motioning on the empty chair in front of you. Harry nodded and did what you told him too. he said thanks before leaving to get his order. 
Zo: thnx me l8er harry ;) 
Meanwhile, Harry was freaking out when he saw Zo’s text. He didn’t know he would be alone with you. Sure, Zo and Danny was doing him a favour and all that but—wait. How did Zo and Danny knew he was crushing on you? 
“Hello! What may I get for you today?” a blue-haired girl asked Harry once he was in front of the cashier. 
“Hi,” he looked at the girl’s name tag, “Rue. What are your crowd favourites here?” 
“Well, we got a lot! We have rose latte, apricot tea with aloe vera, grape cheezo tea, brown sugar milk, condensed milk coffee, and ca phe sua. I personally like the brown sugar milk and rose latte. The rose latte is our signature drink,” Rue informed. 
“I’ll have that, yeah. Large. I’ll also get two herb and and tomato linguine, please. With buttered bread and extra cheese, yeah?” 
“That will be…5.50 for the latte and then…25 flat for the pasta.” Rue said. Harry handed his credit card to Rue and told her to take something for a tip. Rue declined, telling him that it was fine—he was also a student and he didn’t have to. He opted for some loose cash from his pockets instead and put it into the tip jar. Rue thanked him repeatedly before he left the station to go back to where you sat and wait for his orders. 
“I hope you haven’t had dinner yet,” he said as soon as he settled himself on the comfy couch. 
“Oh, no. Not yet, why?” you asked. 
“Because I got you some pasta. It would be foolish of me to get two pastas of the same kind, yeah?”
“Well, maybe you really like the pasta. Who am I to judge?” you teased. 
“Not really a pasta man. More of a steak man myself,” he mentioned. 
“Ugh. I would kill for a steak right after the exams,” you told him. The past week, you have’t been eating full meals because of how busy you were. Caffeine and instant ramen was your go-to. if you were lucky, you would be able to make a quick stop to McDonald’s and get some nuggets. 
Harry’s orders arrived soon after and you thanked him as he handed the red sauced pasta to you. 
“So, what are you studying?” he asked you. 
“Not really studying but our final project is to compare two complete different poets together,” you told him. 
“Oh? Who did you pick?”
“Bukowski and Wilde. I really love Bukowski and he was my major influence in all of my poems,” you told him. 
“I don’t really know him that much but I stumbled upon one of his works before. I think it was Into the Arms of Another? It had those words but I remembered liking it a lot,” 
“Out of the Arm of One Love, you mean?” you corrected. “It’s actually one of his more famous works if I’m not mistaken but yeah, I love that poem too,” 
“Who’s your favourite poet?” he asked you. 
“I really love Virginia Wolfe, Maya Angelou, Ocean Vuong…but for me, Bukowski would always take the cake. The way he writes his poetry is so direct and sad. The emotions are very violent and I just really love him,” you gushed. 
He smiled at you. What was with you that pulled him? Is it your intellect? Or is it because you were so damn beautiful? 
“If it’s okay with you…can you show me more of his works?” he asked you. Harry surprised himself. He never really liked reading but he was suddenly so interested in what you were interested in. For you, the stranger he met two weeks ago, he was willing to read some poetry so he wouldn’t look like such a dummy. He never really liked changing for other people but what was with you?
“Yeah, of course! You can have my number. We can talk to each other there,” you told him. You wrote your number on a scrap paper and gave it to Harry. You surprised yourself. You never did this to other guys so what was with this lanky boy with good fashion taste? He took the paper from your hands and the soft touch of your skin to his was a shot of electricity between the both of you. You both immediately pulled away, shocked. 
“Erm, yeah, thanks,” he muttered. you immediately go back to the books you were reading and he opening his psychology textbook. He fished for his pencil case inside his bag. He took his pink highlighter and started to highlight terms. You sat in awkward silence for a little bit but it soon turned into a peaceful silence. You may have talked less but you were enjoying each others’ company. 
The cafe soon announced its last call. It was nearing midnight so you both packed up your things. You walked outside the cafe with him in silence. 
“Hey, y/n?”
“Where do you live? I’ll take you,” he told you. 
“Oh, it’s fine. You don’t need to do anything,” you told him. 
“I insist.” 
You informed him your address and just like in the cafe, you walked in peaceful silence until you reach your building.
“Here I am,” you announced. “Thanks for the pasta, bye the way.” 
“It’s nothing. Hey, you said you would kill for a steak after finals, right? Why don’t I take you out then?” he asked. You smiled at him and nodded. You hugged him and ran to your flat. What was with that curly haired boy with perfect posture?
Harry arrived at his soon after, wondering what the hell was with the girl with bad posture? You wore a pink sweater on your ‘study date’ so Harry painted his nails pink.
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tcm · 5 years
Remembering Albert Finney by Susan King
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Albert Finney, who died in February 2019 at the age of 82, may have been an acclaimed Hollywood star, but he never played the Hollywood game.
When I had the great and good fortune to interview him 20 years ago for the Los Angeles Times, the charming Finney explained why he didn’t leave England behind and move to La La Land when 1963’s Oscar-winning TOM JONES made him an international star.
“I felt after TOM and TWO FOR THE ROAD (’67), I didn’t want to go shackle myself with any sense or idea that I was a movie star,” he noted. “I wanted to go any way that I wanted to go, and I wanted the freedom to do it.”
And he always stuck by his guns.
Finney earned five Oscar nominations—TOM JONES, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (’74), THE DRESSER (’83), UNDER THE VOLCANO (’84) and ERIN BROCKOVICH (2000)—but he never attended an Oscar ceremony.
After enduring a long screen test for David Lean’s Oscar-winning 1962 epic LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, Finney turned down the title role because he didn’t want to be tied to a five-year contract with the film’s veteran producer Sam Spiegel. According to Finney’s biographer, Quentin Falk in his 1992 book Albert Finney In Character, the actor told Spiegel, “I don’t know where I want to be in five years’ time – or tomorrow for that matter.”
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He even turned down a chance in 2000 to be knighted because he said such honors were a way of “perpetuating snobbery.”
Falk noted that Finney was barely 20 when theater critics hailed him as the new Laurence Olivier: “Yet instead of pursuing either mantle, he became a millionaire.” Finney took profit points on TOM JONES “and made love to beautiful women on several continents.”
Adding, “To some he is still the leading actor of his generation; to others, though, he has suffered an ambition bypass. To even severer critics, he appears to have remained cheerfully indolent, an almost willing failing to fulfill the remarkable early promise.”
I beg to differ. He may not have made a plethora of movies and those he did weren’t always gems, but he was always fascinating to watch.
Finney was one of several acclaimed performers known as the “angry young men,” including Alan Bates, Michael Caine, Tom Courtenay and Terence Stamp, who came to fame in theater and movies in the 1950s and early ‘60s in the British “kitchen sink” dramas made famous in 1956 with John Osborne’s play Look Back in Anger, directed by Tony Richardson for film in 1959.
Finney earned a BAFTA for best actor for his first starring role in the dour, gritty 1960 drama SATURDAY NIGHT AND SUNDAY MORNING, directed by Karel Reisz and produced by Richardson.
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Though some contemporary critics believe the film may be dated, there’s no denying Finney’s star-making performance as Arthur Seaton, a young man working in a bike factory in Nottingham who spends his off-hours drinking in the pubs while carrying on an affair with a married woman (Rachel Roberts) as he also romances a young woman (Shirley Anne Field).
Then came TOM JONES, a rollicking, sexy romp directed by Richardson and penned by Osborne from Henry Fielding’s classic novel in which Finney played the sexiest of rogues. Finney earned his first Oscar nomination for his flawlessly funny and, well, hot performance and the film went on to receive four Oscars including Best Film, Director and Screenplay.
But instead of cashing in on the success of TOM JONES, Finney traveled for nearly a year and then resurfaced in the rarely seen 1964 thriller NIGHT MUST FALL, based on Emlyn Williams hit play. Directed by Reisz, Finney is fine as Danny, a charming young man who is actually an axe murderer who keeps a head in a hat box. But the film just didn’t come together, and it was axed by critics and audiences.
My favorite Finney film is 1967’s TWO FOR THE ROAD, an exceptional romantic comedy drama that explores a decade in the life of a married couple (Finney and Audrey Hepburn). Penned by Frederic Raphael, directed by Stanley Donen and featuring a haunting score by Henry Mancini, TWO FOR THE ROAD is seductive, romantic and sophisticated. Finney and Hepburn have chemistry to spare and for good reason; the two fell in love while making the film.
Finney seemed to have a lot of fun as Dickens’ Ebenezer Scrooge in the hit 1970 musical SCROOGE, and he then earned his second Oscar nomination for his deliciously eccentric turn as Agatha Christie’s rotund Belgian sleuth in Hercule Poirot in Sidney Lumet’s stylish 1974 MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS.
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But for most of the 1970s, he concentrated on theater. From 1972-75, he directed plays at the Royal Court Theatre where he was an artistic director, and from 1975 he appeared in several plays at the National Theatre.
The only time I ever saw Finney on a TV chat show was during this time in 1977, when he recorded an album for Motown of all labels, Albert Finney’s Album, for which he wrote the songs. The disc was soon relegated to the bargain bins.
Finney returned to films full force in the 1980s, most notably playing Daddy Warbucks in John Huston’s lavish and laborious 1982 musical ANNIE, as well as in Peter Yates’ THE DRESSER, for which he received his third Oscar nomination, as an aging, hammy stage actor whose dresser (Tom Courtenay) tries to keep the actor’s life and career from falling into disarray.
My favorite Finney performance is in Huston’s UNDER THE VOLCANO (’84), based on Malcolm Lowry’s semi-autobiographical novel. He earned his fourth lead actor nomination for his naked, heart-wrenching performance as an alcoholic former British consul in a small Mexican town on the Day of the Dead in 1938. It’s a performance that will be seared in your memory for a long time.
Finney began the 21st century on a high note with his Oscar-nominated turn as the caring lawyer boss of ERIN BROCKOVICH (Julia Roberts) in Steven Soderbergh’s smart 2000 drama. Two years later, he picked up a BAFTA and Emmy for his full-blooded turn as Winston Churchill in the HBO film THE GATHERING STORM. Of course, he didn’t attend the Emmy ceremony.
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He disappeared from view in 2007, returning five years later in THE BOURNE LEGACY and the James Bond blockbuster SKYFALL. He took time away from acting due to his battle of kidney cancer. SKYFALL ended up being his last film and he stole every scene from under the nose of 007 himself, Daniel Craig.
I still remember him sitting at a small table on the patio at the posh Santa Monica hotel Shutters, talking to me in the late afternoon over a cup of coffee. There were no airs with Finney. He was still a working-class guy who just happened to be one of the greatest actors around.
I asked him what it was like to work in films and TV in England in the 1960s.
“It was [a creative time],” he replied. “At that time, we thought, that’s how it is. You don’t realize in the time that it was a very special time. In the 1950s, suddenly novelists started to write about ordinary people in a way that hadn’t been written about before. Then dramatists did, and then there were performers who played those people, and then there were the Beatles. Things became possible for people that hadn’t seemed possible before.”
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Ok, this scene bothers me slightly, because it's like when the wrote it they didn't really care to double check themselves on it. We never see any pre-Sydney on the show except for when she was a kid and a quick bit of her recruitment during Q&A (1x17); all, to my recollection, silent scenes. In this episode (All The Time In The World; 5X17), they're going back (with non-silent scenes) and showing some of Sydney's life before SD-6.
In this particular scene ... well, let me break it down.
- Put on your dancing shoes. We are going out tonight. - I can't tonight. - "Can't" is not an option. Charlie got us passes for that new club in Silver Lake. - That job fair's tonight. I want to go. - Job fair? Syd! You've four years to figure out what kind of job you want. - My advisor yelled at me 'cause I still haven't picked a major. - Education. Done. Be a teacher like your mom. You always talk about how happy she was. - I thought about that. But I think of teaching as my safety net. - Teaching's no safety net. You know how dangerous it is to be a teacher? Kids bring knives to school these days. - I hate that I could make a decision now that would affect the rest of my life. - Well, I say go with education. Oh, Charlie is bringing a friend tonight - Danny something. We'll pick you up at eight. - I'll see you later. - Sydney Bristow? I was hoping I might have a moment of your time.
First, we have the location. That ''new club in Silver Lake'' is supposed to be ''a new coffee shop that has live jazz in the afternoons'' in ''Westwood''. The time, then, is also off: it should be ''afternoon'' instead of ''tonight''.
Second, Sydney doesn't go to a job fair. Earlier, before this scene in the book (Recruited), she's perusing the paper for a job - doesn't find one. Francie gets her on at the restaurant she works at, Les Amis Cafe. The end of her waitressing days also happened before this scene. The excuse for not going with Francie and Baxter is that she's swamped with homework - which, isn't untrue.
Thirdly, ''I still haven't picked a major'' is wrong, too. In the book, it reads: ''Only one thing was wrong with her mental picture. It wasn't happening for her. Not good for an education major.'' Francie also says to Sydney, ''So you're serious about this master teacher plan, huh?'' So, yeah, I'd say Sydney's planned on the teacher thing for a while.
Fourth, and my main problem with this, is that Charlie and Danny are never mentioned in the books. Francie is dating a guy named Baxter and (earlier in the book) she encourages Sydney to ask out her crush (Dean Carothers) to a party - it doesn't go well. No Charlie, no Danny. Now, this could all be solved by saying that not everyone read the books and the writers wanted to use characters that people would remember from season 1. Ok ... but, we knew about Noah Hicks (Sydney's first real boyfriend) in season 1. So, what, she met Danny and was just friends with him, got recruited, had a relationship with Noah, and then after Noah left she went to Danny? The problem with that is, again, Danny was never mentioned in the books. Too, I'm sure just using the names in the books cost money; which may be why they chose not to use Danny or Charlie - or Will or Marshall for that matter. (They have a Graham Flinkman and it's my personal belief that he is Marshall's older brother; that Graham either retired out - or worse - and then SD-6 recruited his just-as-brilliant younger brother to replace him. That seems like something right up Sloane's alley, anyway.)
My point is, the season 5 scene happened after the books were written and it was an exact scene; the same scene portrayed in two different ways. If they were going to shoot a scene for the show that they'd already written in the books, why weren't they consistent?
Unless they wanted someone to notice. I vaguely remember reading something about The Box part 1&2 (1x12-13 - the one with Quentin Tarantino in it) that they made mistakes in the episode on purpose to see if anyone could find them. As much as I re-watched the series, I could point out a lot of them; now, the only one I remember right off is in one scene, the woman has zip-ties on her belt, the camera focuses on someone else and when it comes back to her she no longer has the zip-ties.
I'm being picky aren't I? Oh, well, I've already started - might as well do the other memories.
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Now this 'memory' I don't have a problem with - because it's a deleted scene. First, yes, Sydney did have to take a lot of tests and, yes, she did better than anyone. She was a little out of character, though. What's wrong with it is that Sydney doesn't meet Dixon until Noah Hicks introduces her to him (very briefly) in the third book (Disappeared). So all the tests she took, she took them before she met Dixon. She did bump into him on the way to Sloane's office in the first book (Recruited), which was actually shown in 1x17 (Q&A), but we don't really know it's him because no name was used, just a description. ''...bumping shoulders with a tall, dignified-looking black man.'' Again, it's a deleted scene, so maybe the reason it got cut was that they realized it didn't work with what they already had out there. Which begs the question: why didn't they do that with the Francie and Sydney scene?
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Speaking of the 1x17 scene, she did start out at a desk job on the twentieth-floor. A difference is that the book says she had to sign ''about two dozen nondisclosure agreements'' and the episode has that number at ''about five-hundred'' - big difference if you ask me, but she might have had to sign more over time that totaled to ''about five-hundred''. Another thing, is that Wilson (her handler and recruiter into SD-6) didn't take Sydney from the hallway to Sloane's office; she was in Wilson's office and he took her to Sloane's office from there, and that was when the shoulder bump happened with Dixon. The hallway scene is actually more reminiscent of when Wilson took Sydney (to his office) to meet Pilar and Yoav, her weapons and hand-to-hand combat instructors, respectively. Other than that, it was pretty accurate.
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This could have happened, plain and simple. There's nothing (to my current knowledge) that says whether or not it did or didn't.
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In the book it says Jack was in car with Laura/Irena, and in the scene ... well, it doesn't say he wasn't, he was just telling Sydney her mom died. So, yes, this could have happened and it fits both the book and show, but wasn't this something that they actually varied with on the show? Like, it was a bridge then it was a road, he was in the car then he wasn't. That part I can't remember.
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Also could have happened. It doesn't go against the other scene they had of her putting the puzzle together when she was under hypnosis. What's intriguing is how Jack is acting. He's a little colder in the hypnosis scene than he is in this scene, but that actually fits with his relationship with Sydney becoming as strained as it was. In the memory when Sydney first learned of the puzzle, and at her birthday party (which may or may not be an entirely accurate memory), Jack was warm and kind to her, and by the time Sydney has gone through the project and is able to build a gun he's starting to become cold and detached. Project Christmas itself is most likely the reason why. After all, taking your young child to Build-a-Gun workshop and then erasing her memory is bound to have an effect on anyone.
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Now, this memory could have happened because there's no mention of her telling him she works in a bank in the books; so she must have told him at some point because he seemed to already know when he (finally) made a book appearance. ''She had barely even heard from her father since she'd started college.'' Although, we don't get to read how there first dinner went (in Father Figure) since it has her meeting him right as the chapter ends. After that he's trying to get her to focus on school - like he did in the episode but he was trying to be more stealthy in the book. Granted, everything that happened between them in the book would have been too long to show, so this memory kinda sums it all up. However, there is the small issue of where the scene happened. In the memory, it shows Sydney coming through the door and saying ''Dad? Are you home?'' The books, on the other hand, say ''His home base was still L.A., but he didn't even keep an apartment anymore, choosing instead to live in hotels on the rare occasion he was actually in town.'' Now, we don't see the outside of where 'home' is, so it could be a hotel. Although, with as much as he travels and how little she sees/hears from him, I doubt she'd have a key to get in - and what kind of spy leaves the door unlocked. Also, it doesn't really look like a hotel from the inside, and I don't recall ever having been in a hotel room that had a hallway in it; not to say that they don't, but if Jack just got a room for himself then I'm imagining him going for something basic. So books say hotel, memory indicates a house.
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Could have happened. It didn't happen in the books, but doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Ok, I'm done now. I know I'm being too picky. I just love this series so much. They were the first ''adult books'' that I read and I guess it kinda just stuck with me. Which, technically, they're classified as ''teen fiction'', but there was crushing and kissing and kick butt-age and, of course, spy-drama, so at the time I was reading them they felt very adult.
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reject-princess97 · 5 years
James McVey Imagine
I gabbed my bag and keys before making my way out of my flat and then out of the building into the streets on the cold British night. I pulled my coat tighter around me as I made my way to the train station. Although it was cold It was a nice, clear, stars shining bright kind of night. It was only 8pm and my train doesn't leave until 9:30 so I had plenty of time so I took a nice, peaceful walk to the train station which was only a ten minute walk from where I lived.
I set off, my suitcase trailing behind me, my handbag hung by over my shoulder and my sneaker treading along the floor. I hummed along a song I had stuck in my head, 5 colours in her hair by Mcfly.
I was about fine minutes away from the station when I heard someone call my name. I turned around only to find nobody there so I carried on walking.
It was a few seconds later when I heard my name again. I turned around and this time I saw my Ex boyfriend Danny. I turned away and tried to ignore him but he grabbed a hold of my wrist.
"Where you going Y/N?" He asked. I blanked him and tried to pull away only for him to pull back and his hand was suddenly across my cheek.
I felt tears fill my eyes as the sting on my cheek worsened as he forced my too look at him.
"I asked you a question bitch!" He growled as he pushed me down.
I stumbled to get back up but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close. He grabbed my bag and hit me again.
I stood up and, make a grab for my bag but he only laughed as I fell forward. He grabbed me and threw my bag at his friend as he pulled me close and kissed, hard. I lifted my knee to make contact with his "area" and I ran, not worrying about my bags as I legged it.
I ran into a near by car park that was filled with buses and I ran over to that first bus I was and began banging at the door, calling for help until the doors opened. I fell to the floor, sick and panicked over what happened, when I heard someone speak. I turned to see James McVey of The Vamps
"Hey, are you OK?" He asked I nodded and looked around me, fear taking over.
"I..I..I was attacked by my Ex and his friends and I..." I broke down and he quickly moving to help me stand.
"Okay, come on in." He offered and I nodded, following him in and sitting at the table, James explained to the boys what was going on and they ll nodded understanding.
"OK, well, Brad will make you some tea, Con, go find Joe and Tris..."
"I'll call the police." Tristan interrupted grabbing his phone and walking out of the bus.
"I'll sit here with you if that's OK?" James smiled sitting across from me. I nodded and smiled at him.
"Sure, I don't mind" I smiled sadly.
"Here, you can borrow my jacket, you look freezing." He said as he pulled his hoodie off of himself and wrapped it around me.
"Thanks." I smiled again. I heard the door of the bus open and I walked another man, I was assuming he was Joe and my assumptions was confirmed when he introduced himself.
"Hi, I'm Joe, do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked as he sat down next to me.
"Sure, well, I was on my way yo the train station to get the train to my parents house in Blackpool, I'm taking my little sister to a concert Friday night, your concert actually. Anyway I was on my way to the station when I was jumped by my EX and his friends. They took my bag and case that has everything in it, my keys, my phone, my money and ticket for the train." I told them
"The police are on the way." Conor told us entering the room again.
Here, your tea." Brad smiled softly at me as he handed me to cup. I let out a sigh as I took a sip, trying to keep calm. Then I remembered something.
"OH, Crap...my sisters gonna kill me" I blurted out.
"What's up?" James asked concerned.
"The tickets to the show, they were in the bag...she's gonna hate me."
Y/N, you'll be fine." James tried to reassure me.
"No, you don't understand, Danny, my EX used to be really controlling. I missed Christmas because of him and it broke mt sisters heart that I wasn't there. I got her the tickets as a way to say sorry and I promised her the best Christmas present I could find, there was at least £300 in that bag for band merch and stuff oh god, I'm gonna have to disappoint her again. Oh God, I'm the worst sister ever." I cried.
"Hey, it's OK, listen, We can sort out the tickets the show and we can give your sister a bag of merch." Joe smiled at me. "In fact, I'll get the boys to sign a birthday card for her." He offered.
"You don't have to do that, I can handle her." I smiled at him.
"No it's fine and I'll tell you what. After you've spoken to the police, you can hitch a ride with us. Like you said, we've got a show in Blackpool anyways so we'll get you to Blackpool safe." James offered.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Absolutely, we don't leave until tomorrow though." Brad added.
"It's OK, ill call my sister and...oh right, no phone." I sighed.
"You could go back to your place after the police have been, call your mum and grab some clothes then you can come back to the bus." Tristan told me.
"OK, sure." I nodded,
"Great, I'll sort you out a car for you to go home and back."
"Can someone come with me, I don't wanna go alone?" I asked,
"I'll go with her!" James spoke us and Joe nodded
"OK, fine, but you'll have an hour, OK?" He informed us and James and I nodded.
I jumped a little when I heard a knock,
"Guys there are some policemen here." A voice shouted from outside the bus. Joe stood and opened the doors and the boys all followed
"We'll leave you here to speak to the police alone and we'll be back as soon as they leave." James told me and I nodded.
An hour later the police had left and James and I were at my home, I packed some clothes in a bag and then grabbed my landline and dialled my mums number.
"Hi, mum it's me."
"Y/N what's wrong, why are you calling me on you're landline? Wheres your phone." my mum asked.
"Something happened with Danny..." I began but was cut off by my mother,
"I know it, you're not coming, you do this every time." She yelled at me.
"Mum, I'm still coming, Danny and his friends...."
"I don't want to hear it!" She snapped at me, cutting me off. "This is exactly like Christmas and..."
"Mum, on Christmas day I was laid in a hospital, barely able to open my eyes." I yelled at her
"Yes, well, you dated that woman beater, you should face the....."
"We had broken up by then, you know what I'm not doing this again, I have to go. see you tomorrow." I sighed as I hung up. I spotted James leaning against the door frame.
"Sorry 'bout that, my mum seems to think everything is my fault." I smiled apologetically.
"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault though, he's a bad person." He smiled softly.
"I know." I nodded.
"Come on, let's go, I urm, need to stop at a shop, I gotta get my sister another Birthday card." I smiled grabbing my bag.
"Come then."
We headed back to the car and stopped at a shop where I picked up a birthday card, James picked one up and told me it was for the boys to sigh then we headed back to the Bus.
"So what's your sisters name?" James asked as we sat in the car.
"Amy." I told him.
"Cool, Amy is lucky to have a sister like you." He smiled.
"Yeah, I guess." I laughed back.
"OK, well, you can take my bunk tonight, I'll sleep on the couch." He offered.
"Thanks but I doubt I'll sleep much tonight anyway."
"Well, I'll stay with you until you do." James smiled as we pulled up at the bus.
"Thanks." I grinned.
*The next morning*
The bus left the car park the next morning while I was sleeping so when I woke up I saw the a motor way flash by the window as I sat up from the couch and looked outside. I jumped when I heard a voice call my name and I smiled when I saw Joe stood by the door.
"We'll be arriving in a hour and I need your address, the boys are wanting to drop you off at home and will not take no as an answer." He laughed, handing be a cup filled with coffee. I thanked him and gave him my address. He nodded and walked off, the boys walking in soon after.
"Hey, how are you guys?" I asked sitting up taking a sip of my coffee.
"We should be asking you that." Brad smiled sitting by me, James on my other side handing be a plate with a bacon sandwich on it.
"Yeah, you had a hell of a night, how are you?" James smiled.
"Oh, I'm fine. honestly, it's not the first time its happened, if fact I've been through worse." I sighed, I looked at the boys and they all smiled a sad smile before Connor turned the TV on, Harry Potter filling the room. My attention was taken away from the boys as I turned my attention to the TV. I love Harry Potter, the movies and the books.
"You're a fan of Harry Potter then?" James whispered in my ear, I nodded and smiled up at him.
"Seen all the film, read all the books and for my 16th my mum and dad took my sister and I to Harry Potter world, she bought me a load of stuff from there and she told me that I was crazy when I refused to wear a gryffindor hoodie because I wanted Hufflepuff instead." I told him, smiling at my memory before my smile fell. "A year later I met Danny and he set it on fire a year or so after we met. burned all my Harry Potter stuff because he said it was kids stuff." I told him, not being able to stop confessing about my past.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll tell you what, your next birthday you're 21 right?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, for your 21st, I'll take you to Universal studios where they have a bigger, more exciting Harry Potter world and I'll make sure you get every Hufflepuff product there is." He smiled and I nodded, not believing him,
"Yeah, sure!" I laughed, "Then we can spend the week at Disney land too." I muttered sarcastically but he just smiled and nodded.
"Now you're talking." He said a bit louder, coursing all the boys to look are way.
"What are you too whispering about?" Con asked smirking at James who throw a pillow at him.
"Y/N and I are planning a trip to Disney and Universal for her birthday." James smiled slinging his arm over my shoulder. "You boys in?" He asked and each of the boys all laughed and nodded.
Before I had a chance to speak up the bus came to a stop and I looked to see I was outside of my house. I laughed as I saw my mum and sister walk out of the house, looking at the bus confused. I stood up and ran to the doors, the boys following.
"Hey!" I called as the doors opened and I came face to face with my little sister.
"Y/N?" My mum asked confused as I climbed of the bus. I smiled and hugged my sister but she let out a scream making me jump a mile high moving back. I looked to see she was staring at the bus and when I turned James and Joe where stood behind me, Con, Brad and Tris walking off the bus one by one.
"Amy, these are my friends, Tris, Con, Brad and James." I smiled introducing them as they waved. James stepped forward and handed her an envelope and she just smiled in awe. She opened it an screamed as she held up two back stage passes.
"Holy crap, These are back stage passes, and a card from the vamps how did...when did...." She stuttered looking at me and I explained about the tickets and what happened with Danny and how the boys helped me out.
"Well, thank you boys for your help with Y/N, but this is not necessary, she does this all the time, she uses Danny as an excuse and..." My mum started but was interrupted by Joe's phone. He mumbled a few words and hung up, turning to me and smiling.
"The police have Danny, he had your bag on him when they picked him up, everything was still inside except you're phone and the money" He told me, I nodded and shrugged having already guessed he would find the money and phone.
"Well, it's a good job we picked this up then huh?" James pipe up handing me a box, I opened the box to see a new Samsung inside. "We sent Dean to grab it this morning before we set off, while you were asleep I set it up best I could." I looked up at them wide eyed and shook my head passing it back.
"Nope, I can't accept this, you guys have done enough." I told him but he smiled and shook his head.
"Y/N, you need a phone, besides, how are we going to plan our trip if you don't have a phone?" He smiled winking, I still shook my head and held it out to him.
"I'm not taking it back, you'll have to catch me first." He yelled running off down the street, leaving the boys and I laughing at his childishness.
"I don't run!" I yell back smiling as I picked up the phone from the box and pressed the home button, laughing at the lock screen wallpaper.
"wow, how attractive!" I laughed looking at the screen, A selfie of James, pulling a funny face.
"One of my best don't you think?" He asked running up behind me, resting his head on my shoulder.
"What the hell is going on?" My mum asked looking at James and I being so close and I looked up at her.
"They bought me a phone, were you not paying attention?" I asked rolling my eyes at her.
My mother and I never got along, my little sister was her obvious favourite, she hated when I moved away because her little cleaning slave had left the house and she had to do it all herself. I never hated my sister, in fact I felt bad for her, she wants to live a life with adventure and fun, but instead my mother shoves her in every dance class she can find.
"Enough of the sass young lady, you're not coming in my house with an attitude like that." she told me, I laughed and turned to her.
"Oh mother, I'm not coming in that house. I have a hotel booked, Amy is coming with me tonight and on Saturday I will be leaving back home." I told. she let out a huff and turned and walked off, leaving my sister and I laughing. I turned back to the boys who chuckled at my and I grinned a wide grin.
"OK, Y/N we gotta go, but I'll text you later OK?" James smiled pulling me into a hug and placing a small kiss on the top of my head.
"See you later Y/N" Con smiled hugging me next, then came Brad and Tris who both lifted me of my feet making me squeal a little.
"See you at the show." Joe laughed as I hugged him and waved at the boys as they climbed on  the bus.
"Thank you for everything boys. I owe you my life." I smiled and the boys all laughed.
"We'll just settle for your friendship." Brad called back "Well Tris, Con and I will, James might want a little more!"he finished, James smacked his head laughing, sending a wink my way and I laughed back as the doors closed and the bus drove off, the boys all stood waving at the back window.
"Well, that was....AWESOME!" My sister yelled jumping up and down holding her birthday card to her chest smiling bright.
"Yeah, they were great." I smiled, my gaze following the bus until it disappeared. "I sense the beginning of a great friendship." I smiled throwing my arm over Amy's shoulder.
"I sense the beginning of a beautiful marriage." She smirked nudging me side laughing.
"Right shut up and go get your crap. I need to check into our room." I told her pushing her towards the door. That was when my phone buzzed in my pocket.
James: How about we go out for Pizza after the show, me and you, get to know each other.
I smiled at the text and text him back a quick: I'd like that.
Before I called for a cab so when Amy came out so we could head to the hotel.
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amara-scott · 6 years
Don’t hide me.
Movie: Thor/ The Avengers (non specific) Characters: Loki x Reader Categories: Fluff, Angsty if you squint
Request: Hello! I was wondering if you can make an imagine about loki acting all sweet if its just the two of you but acts completely different (like douche-y) when theres others? kinda like Danny in Grease? 😂
For: @crappyimagines​
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His raven hair falls around my face as he kisses me again, his arms on each side of my head. His lips move over mine and wander across my cheek until landing on my throat. I lean my head further into the pillow underneath me, trying to give him as much space as he needs.
Outside the room we both hear voices, several pairs of footsteps coming closer. That's when he's gone, sitting up on the couch and glancing down at a book that appeared in his hand. His face unreadable. I furrow mine, ready to ask what that was.
"-he had no clue! I just wiped him off the- oh, hey guys! I didn't know you were here." Tony says, making his way over and sits down between Loki and I. Obviously seeing the confusion on my face.
"Hey reindeer games, what happend to miss grumpy pants?" He holds a hand to the side of his mouth, whispering to Loki. I roll my eyes and stand up, making my way into the kitchen.
"I don't know." He mutters, eyes not leaving his book. I huff and get out a glass and fill it with water. I gulp it all down and decide to get some air.
"Anyone want a coffee? I'm taking a walk." I point over my shoulder at the door. Most shake their heads, Natasha stands up though and walks over with a smile.
"I'll come with you. I can't stand being alone with the boys for too long without wanting to strangle at least one of them. Especially Tony." She glances over with a smirk, Stark raises a hand at himself, mouth open.
"Me? What did I ever do to you?" He asks and Natasha pulls me out the room.
"So, what's really going on?" She asks as we enter the elevator. Her eyes on the metal doors as I stare at the side of her face. I draw my eyebrows together, laughing and pull a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Nothing." I reply and look away, my arms crossed in front of my chest. The doors open and we walk outside.
"Didn't seem like it. Did he say something?" She continues and I sigh, trying my best not to snap at her. I just wanted to go for a walk to get exactly that guy off my mind for at least a few minutes.
"Natasha, no offence- but I don't want to talk about it. It doesn't matter." I say, a breath leaving my lips. We decide to sit down at the café to drink our steaming drinks. Both of us quiet the whole time. She's testing me.
"You know what- fine. He's always acting different when he's around me. And as soon as someone enters the room- he is all quiet and keeps to himself." I try to explain without mentioning what happens between Loki and I. Not that it's serious. But I don't want anyone to know.
"That pretty much sounds like him. Why does it bother you?" She presses and glances up from her mug as she takes a sip.
"Because he's- Natasha, I really don't want to talk about it." I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to lose some of the tension that builds up in me every time something like this happens.
"You need to sort that out, we're a team. We need to trust each other with our lives. At least let him know what he's doing to you." She says, a soft smile on her lips, I nod at her. I glance down at my coffee. This has to stop.
The next few days it doesn't change. Pretty much because I never find the right time to talk to him, alone.
We just came back from a mission, everyone in the big living room in the Stark tower. I pour myself some coffee and walk over to the island, taking a seat.
"Hey, kitten. Is that chair taken?" I glance up, luckily not choking on the hot coffee. I raise an eyebrow. He smiles at me, tilting his head to the side.
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"Are you talking to me?" I ask and straighten in my position.
"Who else would I talk to?" I shrug my shoulders, glancing around the room.
"Anyone- but me, basically." I reply and slowly stand up, walking out the balcony, not in the mood for more teasing.
"Why are you running from me?" I roll my eyes as they close and hold myself up on the reiling. I sigh deeply. He steps beside me.
"Running from you? I have a better question- why are you a cocky ass all the time? I thought a prince has manners- Thor has at least." I let out and look back over the skyline in front of us. My grip on the metal tight.
"I've never been called that before- may I ask why you think that suits me?" He furrows his brows at me, my mouth hanging open as I shake my head- not believing his words.
"You don't know? That's funny because you deserve that name more than anyone. Do you think it's fun to be kissed and to feel loved and in the next second you're being pushed away? Like you're nothing?" My cheeks feel warm and wet, the wind blowing my hair out of place. But right now I couldn't care less.
He huffs a laugh, stepping closer. "I thought you want this to be a secret, kitten." I bite my lip, balling my hands into fists.
"You're joking, right? You can't be serious- did you ever date a woman? Asgardian or not- did you?" I fold my arms in front of me- his eyes narrowing at me.
"Careful, you know what I'm capable of-"
"-I know. But what surprises me- you're scared for once." I try to make sense of his behaviour. And Loki, a God from another Planet, is scared of falling in love. That must be it, right?
"I dare you to say another word, useless midgardian-" He steps even closer, eyes burning with anger.
"Just admit it." I whisper, when he's close enough to understand me without having to scream.
"What would I be scared of, you?" He chuckles, crossing his arms.
"Yes. That's exactly what I think. Scared of me sharing your feelings. What do you feel for me?" I ask, my voice calm. At this point I am just desperate to hear it from his lips.
"I feel hatred, disgust, anger-" with every word he steps closer but I stay in my spot. Not breaking the intensifying eye contact we build up. I decide to stop his pathetic excuses. I pull his face, pressing my lips against his.
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He doesn't object, instead he cups my head with his hand, deepening the kiss. I pull at his uniform. His scent always makes me nauseous, I have to hold myself up on his shoulders- so I don't fall.
After a few minutes- what felt like hours- we part a few inches. Not ready to let go just yet.
His lower lip bruhses mine ever so lightly, giving me goosebumps all over my arms and neck.
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"Don't hide me." I whisper, my hands drawing up his neck and into his hair. His hands leave me. I open my eyes, expecting him to go. And he does. He steps back slowly, his eyes boring into mine. He turns around and walks back inside, leaving the door open- leaving me.
I let out a wavy breath, hugging myself when I feel the cold breeze around me. Of course this would happen. He could never love- me.
This evening the Avengers decided to stay in the living room. The whole time. So I escape into my own room, locking the door. I can't bear watching Loki act as if nothing happened.
My phone rings, I pick it up to see Natasha's name across the screen. Why is she calling me- she could literally walk down the hallway.
"What's up Nat?"
"Why are you not here?" It's not Nat. It's Loki. Is he trying to kill me slowly, painfully? My emotional side first- then the rest.
"You're joking again? Newsflash- it's not funny." I am ready to hang up.
"Wait!-" My finger hovers above the button. One last chance. "-come, please. Join us." His gentle voice nearly has me fooled. Maybe it has me fooled already. My legs walk towards the door. Hand on handle. I hang up.
I push it open and prepare myself to yell at him. To kick and scream, like a little kid. I deserve to let it all out for once.
"Lady (Y/N), we are happy that you join us!" Thor brings a small smile to my face, he is so different from Loki. Speaking of- he is nowhere to be seen. Until he enters from the balcony. Our eyes meet briefly but I break the eye contact, ready to sit next to anyone. But Loki's hand stops me.
I feel the eyes of the rest of the team on us. But mine are on him, only him.
"I don't need words-" He kisses me, pulling me towards him. I hesitate but ignore the snickers and mocking gasps. This kiss was short and sweet.
"I told you- you were scared." He shakes his head. A smirk forms on his lips as he kisses my forehead, his lips lingering at my skin.
"I am never scared, love."
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save-the-cronch · 7 years
Flowers and Tattoos
Merry Christmas to @trans-space-prince !! I really hope you enjoy this!
This is for the DEH Secret Santa from @dearevanhansensecretsanta
Evan wiped his brow with his sleeve, as soon as he had placed the final load of flowers for a wedding in the buyer’s truck. It had taken all day yesterday to find all the needed flowers and sort them in the order that the bride and groom had asked for. It had only taken half an hour to load the truck.
Once the truck had driven away, Evan walked back inside his mother’s shop and went to the counter to sit on the stool behind the cash register. He didn’t have any orders he needed to work on, so he pulled out his phone and waited for anyone to walk through the doors with any last minute arrangement.
About ten minutes later, Evan looked up at the sound of the bell on top of the door ringing. In walked a tall, lanky boy, around the same age as Evan, twenty-three. He has long brown hair and wore ripped, black, skinny jeans, and a black hoodie with the sleeves rolled up, revealing a few tattoos littering the boy’s arms.
“Hi! W-welcome to Hansen’s Flowers, how, um, how can I he-help you?” Evan asked, placing his phone into his apron pocket.
“Oh, I was just wondering if I could look at your flowers for references? I work at the tattoo shop two shops down, and I realized that I didn’t have any flowers in my reference book.”
“O-oh! Yes! That’s to-totally fine!” Evan said, beaming at the man in front of him.
“Thanks, Evan. I’m Connor by the way.”
Evan nods at Connor, as the tattooed man makes his way over to the flowers placed on display at the window.
Connor stays in Evan’s shop for half an hour, before he stands up, gives Evan a small wave, and exits the shop. The whole time that Connor was drawing, Evan couldn’t take his eyes off of the long-haired boy. Evan liked how Connor pulled his hair back into a messy bun right before opening his sketchbook. He thought that the tattoos on Connor’s body were beautiful. He admired how Connor was able to concentrate so intensely on his drawing. To Evan, Connor seemed to be that kind of person that had a lot of secrets, and he just needed someone to share those secrets with. For some reason, Evan wanted to be that person.
Two days later Connor showed up in the shop just as Evan was walking out of the back room.
“Hey, Evan, what’s the best way to say ‘congrats on your engagement, I’m sorry for being a bitch when we were in high school, you and Alana totally deserve each other.”
Evan blinks, not completely sure where that came from. “Uh, ye-yeah, one second.” Evan heads off, in search of the perfect flowers for Connor. Five minutes, he returns with plenty of different flowers in his hands. “Okay, so we have red carnations for love and pride, a bunch of daffodils for joy and happiness, yellow roses for a new beginning, and goldenrod for good fortune.”
“Thanks, Evan, these look fantastic.”
Evan smiles at that and goes to wrap the flowers up. “I-if you don’t, um, don’t mind. Who are the-they for?”
“My sister, her wedding is tomorrow, and the rehearsal dinner is tonight, she’s marrying her college roommate, super cheesy, but they are good for each other.”
“That’s ni-nice,” Evan finishes tying a bow around the flowers and then hands them to Connor, “Ten fifty please.”
Connor hands over the money, gives Evan another smile and then leaves with the bouquet in hand.
For the next two months, Connor continuously comes into Evan’s shop. They’ve developed a sort of routine, Evan brings them both drinks in the morning, coffee for Connor and tea for Evan, then during lunch, Connor comes into Evan’s shop to eat with him in the break room, sometimes they go out though. Their shops close at the same time, so occasionally they will grab dinner together, on Wednesdays, Connor comes up to Evan’s apartment, which is just above the shop and where his mother lived before she moved in with her boyfriend, well fiancé now, Kyle Heere. They watch the episode of Survivor that airs, while eating a bunch of stove popped popcorn.
On Saturdays, Evan goes with Connor to his apartment to do a movie night. They order out, and share a pint of ice cream, while watching whatever movie they had randomly selected that night. Usually, Wednesday nights end up with Connor’s head in Evan’s lap, while Evan mindlessly rakes his fingers through Connor’s long hair. On Saturdays, Evan is usually asleep before the movie is even over, his head resting in Connor’s lap, or on his shoulder. Connor always wakes him about ten minutes after the movie ends, prolonging the feeling of Evan sleeping on him.
Both boys wished that this could happen every night. Both boys wish that their friendship was more than that. Both boys wished they could have the courage to tell the other this. Both boys knew it would be awhile before they did.
Six months after they had first met, Connor was sitting on the counter, next to the cash register in the flower shop, when a guy, most likely around his and Evan’s age, walked in the door. He was shorter than Connor, defiantly taller than Evan. He wore glasses, and his hair was a dark brown.
“Yo, Evan!” The guy shouts, completely ignoring Connor, as Connor openly stared at him.
Evan hurried out of the back room, wiping the dirt on his hand, onto his jeans. “Jared, you’re early.”
“I got bored, my class was canceled because the professor is sick. So, I decided to come here early! Obviously, I’m better than just sitting here alone.”
“Jar-Jared, I’m not alone, remember whe-when I mentioned Con-Connor?”
“Yeah? So?”
“That’s Connor.” Evan points to Connor, who was still sitting next to the cash register.
“Oh, hey man,” Jared greets, giving a small wave. “Evan has told me a lot about you, is your hair really as soft as Evan says it is?”
At that comment Evan sends a glare to Jared, as Connor laughs, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
“I believe it is, my sister gave me dove shampoo as a joke one year for Christmas, and I liked how it made my hair feel, so I kept buying the stuff.” Connor shrugs his shoulders as he hops off the counter. “Anyway, I should be getting home, Zoe and Alana are coming over for dinner, and since Zoe is pregnant now, she has really weird cravings. I’ve gotta get prepared for that.”
“Al-alright! I’ll see you tomorrow morning, right?” Evan asks, twisting his hands in the hem of his shirt.
“Course Ev.” Connor pulls Evan into a hug, waves at Jared, then leaves the store.
One minute of silence later, Jared turns to the nervous blond haired boy. “Dude, he is so into you. When are you planning on turning those movie nights of yours into date nights?”
“Shut, shut up Jared. He isn’t in-into me.”
“I dunno what planet you’re living on, but Connor is totally in love with you. The way he looked at you is the way my Dad looks at my mom when she’s babbling on about whatever story she’s currently writing.” At Jared’s words, Evan’s face gets as red as a rose. “Look, man, all I’m saying is, if you don’t ask him out soon. You might miss your chance.”
“But How am I su-suppose to do that!” Evan cries out. He’s never asked anyone out, and has only gone on a grand total of three dates. He doesn’t know how he should ask Connor out, much less how to proceed with the date if he even says yes.
“Relax dude, I know exactly how to handle this. Connor seems to be exactly like my sister’s boyfriend, and she asked him out so, we’ll base it off of what she did.”
“Bu-but Jenny is a lot mo-more comfortable around people!”
“And you’re comfortable around Connor. Please Evan, just trust me.”
Evan thinks for a moment. Honestly, he really does want to ask Connor out, and since he has no idea how to do that, Jared could help. He just hopes this doesn’t ruin what he already has with the tattooed-covered boy.
Two days later, as Connor walks into the flower shop, he notices that Evan is in the back room. Connor, deciding that he should sneak up on his friend, quietly walks around the counter, and goes to push open the half-cracked door when he hears Evan on the phone. Initially, he wasn’t going to listen in, but that was before he heard Evan mention his name.
“-Okay, but I’m still nervous. I always am! What if Connor doesn’t like me as more than a friend, and he thinks I’m really creepy, and never wants to talk to me again!”
Connor is a surprised at hearing that Evan likes him, but his happiness soon takes over that surprise, as he shoves the door open, and runs towards a shocked Evan.
“Trust me Ev, if I thought you liking me was creepy, I’d be a huge hypocrite.” Connor pulls back from the hug, smiling down at Evan.
“I, uh, you heard that?”
“Yeah, sorry about that, I didn’t mean to listen in, but I’m glad I did. What do you say we go out to dinner tonight? It’ll be like normal, except this time we call it a date, yeah?”
“Yeah, that sounds perfect.”
“Perfect,” Connor repeats, as he places a soft kiss on Evan’s cheek.
“And that is how I met your papa.” Connor finishes, placing a soft kiss on Evan’s head, hugging him from behind.”
“Damn dad, why didn’t you wait to see how papa was going to ask you out?” Their daughter, Vivian, asks.
“Well, Viv, I was just too overjoyed by the fact that someone as amazing as your papa liked me, that I just couldn’t wait. Plus, who knows if Ev would have actually followed through with it.”
Vivian and Danny laugh, knowing all too well how nervous their papa can get.
“Hey, I would have asked you out! Eventually, probably with Jared doing most of the work, but it would have happened.” Evan counter reacts, swatting at his husband’s hands that were still placed around his waist. “Now come on, your first day of finals are tomorrow, you need to rest up. Junior year is important.
The teens grumble as they walk down the hall to their respective rooms.
“We did good with them, didn’t we.”
“Yeah, we did.”
Connor turns Evan around in his arms, and leans down to give Evan a slow and soft kiss. Even after being together for twenty years, Evan still feels like a teenager, in lover for the first time, when kissing Connor. He never wants this feeling to go away.
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
Listen - Doctor Who blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Something I’ve been crying out for as we’ve been going through these episodes is something new. Something different. Something that isn’t just the bog standard, monster of the week format that has become boringly commonplace in New Who. Listen provides just that.
Compared to previous episodes, Listen is much more slower paced, atmospheric and contemplative, which makes a nice change of pace. I also like that the Doctor isn’t just randomly landing somewhere and happening upon an evil plot to take over the world this time. Instead we get to explore the more methodical and science-y side to the Doctor’s thought process. He’s developed a theory about creatures that have evolved to be perfect at hiding, and is travelling to different times and places to test that theory. There are really so many different kinds of stories you could tell in a setting as flexible as Doctor Who’s, and Listen proves that in spades.
It seems Moffat is going back to basics with this episode. No complicated plots or wibbly wobbly, timey wimey bollocks. Just a nice, simple story like Blink that draws tension and fear from everyday things. Blink had statues. Listen has the unknown. It plays on the childlike fear of a monster under the bed or hiding from view waiting to get you, and on a first viewing it’s really effective. By far the best scene in the episode is in the children’s home with Rupert Pink and the ‘monster’ on the bed hiding under the blanket. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been properly scared by Doctor Who, but this absolutely terrified me. When I first watched it in 2014, I was cowering behind a cushion, and I think the reason it works is because of the subtlety that’s involved. It’s not in your face like other Who monsters have been. Its fear factor comes from what you imagine is going to happen rather than what is actually happening. The scene at the end of the universe is very effective too because of this reason. Using nothing but some creaking pipes, Moffat is able to create something intensely frightening by letting our imaginations do the rest. Who are these creatures? What do they want? What do they even look like?
And a big, shiny gold star has to go to Peter Capaldi, who after the disaster that was Robot Of Sherwood has been given darker material to work with again, and he knocks it out of the park. I loved his scene with Rupert and his speech about how fear is like a superpower, and what I find very interesting is how this Doctor isn’t very reassuring. We’ve had moments where Matt Smith and Christopher Eccleston’s Doctors were very blunt about the level of danger, but Capaldi is not only blunt about it, he actually adds to the tension and makes these scenes even scarier. He’s not there to protect you anymore and that’s something I’m really not used to seeing, but I like it.
Listen is a very different episode. One that’s refreshingly subtle and smaller in scope and scale, thus giving it a greater impact. But different doesn’t necessarily equal good, and sadly Listen doesn’t work on a number of levels.
Like I said, the episode is really scary on a first viewing. In fact I’d go as far to say it’s just as scary as Blink. But the thing is Blink still holds up on multiple viewings and the Weeping Angels are still just as scary the first time around (obviously we’re not including the sequels here where Moffat started to bastardise his own creations). In Listen on the other hand, once you’ve seen all the twists and turns and had a peek behind the curtain as it were, it loses its fear factor dramatically. And it’s much easier to spot all the numerous flaws in the narrative when you’re not having the living shit frightened out of you.
Was there ever a monster under the bed? The episode kind of leaves it open to interpretation, but I think it’s safe to say the answer is a definitive no. There’s a rational explanation for everything that happens (the thing under the blanket could be another kid playing a prank. The creaking pipes could just be creaking pipes. The Doctor could legitimately have forgotten he wrote something down, etc.). In fact the episode foreshadows this with the disappearing coffee cup that turns out to have been stolen by the Doctor. Also there’s the Where’s Wally joke:
The Doctor: “Where’s Wally? He’s not in this book.”
Rupert: “It’s not a Where’s Wally one.”
The Doctor: “How do you know? You may not have found him yet.”
Rupert: “He’s not in every book.”
It all builds up to the final twist, which is that there is no twist. Fair enough, i guess. Moffat asks some questions and provides some adequate answers. But it’s not exactly satisfying, is it? And it has an adverse affect on future rewatches. When you watch Listen again a second time, you’re no longer wondering what’s under the blanket or fearful at the prospect of what’s behind the locked door. You’re just watching a lump on a bed and listening to some creaky pipes.
There are other things I’m not fond of neither. The whole subplot with Clara and Danny just bored me senseless. Like in Into The Dalek, it’s just the same cliched romcom shit you’ve seen dozens of times before. And Moffat clearly expects you to be invested in their romance despite the fact this first date clearly demonstrates the two have no chemistry whatsoever. No, really! Look at them! Clara is callous and bossy, Danny is overly sensitive and a bit gormless, they’re constantly arguing over every little thing and they don’t really have anything in common outside of being teachers. What possible reason do I have to want to see them together when they’re clearly not suited for each other at all?
Also Moffat seems more concerned with developing the mystery surrounding Danny Pink rather than actually exploring his character. You know? Because big, convoluted mysteries dragged out over the course of an entire series is pretty much the only way Moffat knows how to get us interested in his characters. So who is Orson Pink? Is he related to Clara? I don’t know and I don’t care. The astronaut at the end of the universe could have been anyone really, and it wouldn’t have made a difference.
But the thing that pisses me off most about Listen is Clara. More specifically, how Moffat uses Clara in this episode. I’ve always hated Clara (I may have mentioned it one or several times over the course of these blogs) and Listen really highlights the flaws in her characterisation. Moffat has always had a predilection for female characters that fall into either the mother or dominatrix roles. Clara ends up playing both this time around. She mothers Rupert and then at the end of the episode she takes care of Doctor Jr (oh we’ll get to that. Don’t you worry). Like I’ve said in the past, Clara has no character. She exists solely to prop up the Doctor or whatever male character is important at the time. Hell, in The Name Of The Doctor, she outright says she was born to save the Doctor. That’s her sole purpose in life. Realising the distinct lack of character and independence she possesses, Moffat tries to compensate by throwing all this dominatrix type stuff in in an attempt to make her seem confident and authoritative. She slaps the Doctor again, she tells him to shut up and bosses him around. Except that doesn’t make her a compelling or unique character because all of Moffat’s women behave like this. River Song. Amy Pond. Irene Adler in Sherlock. Their dialogue is pretty much interchangeable. Forcing all of his female characters into these mother/dominatrix roles is not only sexist as shit, it also displays a sheer lack of imagination on Moffat’s part. It’s just boring by this point.
And it only gets worse when you factor Moffat’s humungous ego into the equation. He wants to put his own stamp on the franchise, and fair enough. Except that’s not what he wants to do, is it? He wants to carve his bloody name into the thing and leave a permanent mark on it. That’s why his characters often seem to out-Doctor the Doctor and are the most important people in the fucking universe. That’s why River Song went from being just a future companion that the Doctor hadn’t met yet to being his bloody wife that the Doctor’s entire life revolves around. That’s why Clara was born to save the Doctor and why she seems to have taken charge of the whole show. Not only is she not travelling in the TARDIS on a permanent basis, thus forcing the Doctor to come and pick her up because she’s that special and important she has to have the Doctor permanently on a leash and at her beck and call 24/7, she’s also now able to drive the damn thing. And the Doctor is constantly asking her for validation. For advice and consultation. Let’s not forget Moffat has in the past gone as far as to imply that the Doctor is completely ineffectual without Clara. He’s just thrown the entire dymamic out of whack just so his precious Mary Sue can be the star. And look, I’m all in favour of proactive companions, but at the end of day, it’s not her name in the fucking title. And if the only way you can make your companion interesting is by diminishing the Doctor’s character, you’ve fucked up.
But then Moffat takes it one more, borderline unforgivable step further. Yes, we’re talking about that scene.
Moffat isn’t the first to want to explore the Doctor’s history and add to the mythology. Other writers have done it in the past. From Robert Holmes and the 12 regeneration limit to Andrew Cartmel and the Cartmel masterplan. But one thing you must never do is mess the basics, and one of those basics is the Doctor’s mystery. It’s interesting wondering where the Doctor came from, which is precisely why we shouldn’t know. Finding out the origins of the Doctor wouldn’t make him more interesting. It would diminish him as a character. Which is why I HATE the ending to Listen with a fucking vengeance. Not only should we not be in that barn with Doctor Jr, end of (and on a side note, how the fuck did the TARDIS land on Gallifrey when the planet is supposed to be lost and still in a time lock because of the Time War?), the way Moffat does it is just beyond insulting. The Doctor is motivated by fear?
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And the only reason he was able to turn it around and draw from it was because of Clara?
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I’m sorry Moffat, but you can fuck right off with that idea. In fact you can take that idea and shove it firmly back up your arse from whence it came.
What’s worse is that it’s his fear the episode revolves around, forcing the Doctor to behave out of character and allowing Clara to step up and take his role in the first place.
Listen is different. I’ll give Moffat that. And it’s bloody terrifying on a first viewing. But it’s also a very shallow and paper thin story that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny and it demonstrates that Moffat’s ego is so massive and so uncontrollable that he’s prepared to piss around with the most vital components of the show he claims to be a fan of in order to leave his mark. Well congratulations Moffat. You have indeed left your mark. And now it’s going to take a very skilled mechanic to repair the damage you’ve done.
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