#Deathly Pale
k3llyyyyyy · 1 year
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phospadparadscha · 10 months
I think it’s so so interesting how Kim wanted so badly to be a pilot and even now dresses the part but he has a crippling fear of the Pale. The aerostatics are designed for interisolary traversal through the Pale and I think it’s so interesting that there’s this kind of hypocrisy in his character in so many ways and how he doesn’t even consider the implication
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lesbian-cowpoke · 6 months
Dc is more consistent with Damian's veganism than they are his skin tone
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firestorm09890 · 6 months
On Wuthering Heights and Canto VI (part 1)
if I don’t ramble I’ll die (spoilers, obviously)
so far this is probably the closest canto to its source material. we've got so many of the same things- Hindley being an asshole and treating Heathcliff poorly when running the Heights, Heathcliff only running away after hearing what Catherine said, Catherine getting married to Edgar (Linton, I guess? now that's interesting) and then dying, Hindley drinking his life away, even details down to Hindley asking his father for a violin on his trip where he picked up Heathcliff are the same.
The scene with Cathy talking about the feathers in the pillow was especially interesting to see, because that was such a small thing with a different context in the book and it's here in a different form.
What changed the most is that on his trip away from Wuthering Heights, instead of doing whatever the fuck he did in the book, Heathcliff ended up getting friends, AND got to see Ishmael go and destroy herself in the name of revenge firsthand, so he now has the character development to not perpetuate the cycle of abuse. I like that kind of canon divergence. we'll see if he gets worse from here, though!
I really appreciate them leaning into the gothic horror potential of a ghost in a house (though, of course, given how project moon stories go, it probably isn't just a ghost in a house, but like, that's what it gives the image of right now)
so, Linton. Linton Edgar, from the Edgar family. That's.... weird. Especially since Wuthering Heights already has a character with the given name Linton, and especially since Linton Edgar (LCB) and Linton Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights) are both very sickly (and, ngl, Linton Edgar is just as whiny as Linton Heathcliff....). But Linton Edgar seems to be filling the role of Edgar Linton. Linton Edgar also has an older brother who "left" and that's how he ended up with most of the family fortune, and neither Linton Heathcliff nor Edgar Linton had an older brother. it's definitely a standout when compared to all the stuff from above that's one-to-one with the source material. since they're already setting up some weird mirror world shit, I'm inclined to believe this is also related to that, but what the hell are they cooking
Nelly seems way too cool and cute, which makes me think she'll either betray us spectacularly, or die horribly.
Josephine, on the other hand, is hilarious and I hope she survives no matter what. I wasn't expecting Joseph at all and they went and genderbent him (gotta meet that old hag quota). Her personality is mostly the same, though the dedication to god seems to have been replaced by a dedication to the establishment, which makes sense in this setting.
thrilled to see how things get more fucked up
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The way I love this 🥹
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Drew my own non-whitewashed version of the Japanese HtN cover, feat. more bones
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moonlight-stalker · 1 year
# 93 Dcu x Dp
Nightingale industry is a big name like Wayne Enterprises, they are known to make clean energy and make all kinds of electronics that had a sci-fi look to them. All of it is run by a man named Daniels Nightingale from what the bats can find was that the Nightingale industry had started as a company known as Vladco that was combined with a small company known as Fenton Works. From what the bats can find Vladco mostly created weapons and Fenton works built all kinds of things that use some unknown power source but they also build the same kind of weapons that Vladco made. The problem was that the bats can not find what type of weapons they used to make, but they did find blueprints of a portal in both companies and a newer one that seem to belong to Nightingale.
They want to figure out what Daniel Nightingale is planning the problem is that Nightingale is known to never accepted an invitation to any gathering or event, and he has never been known to do business deals face to face.
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elikha · 9 months
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Got some acrylic markers!
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fallowfrog · 2 years
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rukkhadevata and her children 🌱
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museofthepyre · 9 months
your art really fits your appearance... are you the real life sydney sargent? i'd be freaking out if you were sydney sargent ahh
Well, yes.
I could explain my multi-year spanning selfhood/ ID situation in depth… buuuut we would be here for hours. Short answer for all intents and purposes is: yes.
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beforeitrains · 1 year
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Teenage Sou and Kai
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virsancte · 1 year
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experimenting with the preset i'm using............ when does a splash of orange become too much orange? i am willing to push the limits
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neproxrezi · 7 months
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random screenshot time: i yoinked Vyke's sliders a bit ago and then removed the burn mark and the ashen hair and the clouding from the eyes (he has brown eyes under the light blue clouding from being burnt up) (he also has a little bit of eyeliner and the longest eyelashes. i didn't do that. fromsoft did) and he's a handsome boye... i get it, lansseax
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pjharvey-moved · 1 year
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this is my new tattoo btw i don’t rlly want to post my face on here anymore lolz but heres my arm
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suuho · 6 months
sick and tired of all these polished idols who are nothing but mere visuals, where are the singers and performers. remember back in the day when these men would be sweating so hard their hair had to be practically glued to their head so the bangs wouldn’t fall apart? i need that sort of involvement again. mcountdown used to be a matter of life or death and not an extended influencer advertisement with designer brand endorsement.
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edraculation · 5 months
my parents are tormenting me by making me stay up until the absolute sick and twisted hour of 8pm
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