chaos64sprinkles · 3 months
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Dehydrate facing the challenge of drinking 1L Milk!
(who in the gif reveals that he is bisexual and a Bayern Munich fan )
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addisonstars · 1 year
“sweet and sour”
written for day 14 of august for @wolfstarmicrofic with the prompt “dehydrate”
655 words :)
He had learned that fighting it only made things worse for him. Putting up a fight or saying crude things back only made the situation worse. And yet every time, Sirius couldn’t seem to not try his hardest to get away, to deflect. And still, it ends up the same.
He is locked in his room over the holiday break, and he can’t even try and get out window to sneak out or send an owl for help, as his lovely mother had put a curse over it.
He’s been stuck in here for almost a week now- he’s been keeping track through the window, she didn’t board it up this time- and he suspects he will be in here for another week until the train comes to pick them up for Hogwarts.
And if being stuck in his own room isn’t bad enough, his grade-A parents have decided to starve Sirius and leave him without any water as well. He’s used to the no-food, but giving him only a couple of ounces of water a day is cruel. But what does he expect?
He’s lying on his end, curled in the fetal position on his bed, reading and rereading school textbooks to pass the time. His stomach hurts and his mouth feels dry, from the dehydration.
Only another week, Sirius thinks. I can do it.
Remus notices something is wrong with Sirius before they even say ‘hello’ to each other. He looks sickly pale, his skin sunken and sallow, the normal light in his eyes missing. Remus knows about his boyfriend's home situation, but he’s never seen Sirius in this bad of a condition before.
They get on the train, and Sirius immediately comes to hug Remus, softening and sinking into him. Remus hugs him back, enveloping the boy, knowing both of them need it. It doesn’t escape his notice that he is thin, thinner than usual.
“Hey,” Sirius greets, the sound muffled by his face being shoved against Remus’s shirt.
“Hullo dear.” Remus says, deciding against adding something about Sirius’s condition Sirius doesn’t move away from Remus the whole train ride, and the four of them- James and Peter, with Sirius and Remus- make small talk the way there.
They get back into their dorms, get situated, and Sirius opts to stay in his room for the night instead of going out. Remus joins him, shooing the other boys too, wanting to just talk to his Pads.
Remus spoons Sirius, letting the other boy collect his thoughts and relax for a bit. Remus feels Sirius’s body start to shake softly, and it’s as if he’s crying.
Wait, he is crying, Remus realizes.
“Hey, hey, why are you crying? There’s no need.” Remus says, running his fingers through his hair, trying to sooth the shaking boy. “I got you, it’s all right. I’m here. Not them. Me. Remus. Your boyfriend is here, for you.”
“I just-“ Sirius breaks off. “I wish…”
“There’s no need to say anything. You can tell me when you’re ready ok?” Remus whispers, coming to wrap around Sirius even closer, grounding him.
He hears Sirius take deep breaths, and then he stars to speak. He tells Remus about what happened over the break, all the horrible things that his parents do to him. Remus soothes him when he sputters, rubs his head when he gets quiet afterward.
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry,” Remus says, trying to keep his irritation in check. He knows there’s nothing he can do to stop his parents, but he wishes there was. He doesn’t understand how one's parents could be so cruel to their own child.
Sirius sniffs, shifting further back into Remus, pressing them back to chest.
“I love you. So much.” Remus said, smiling softly as he said it even though Sirius probably couldn’t hear him. “I love you Siri.”
He did, and Sirius hummed happily in response. “I love you too, Moons.”
hydrate or diedrate as i like to say! anyways not me posting this literally right before i go to bed lmaoo. this prompt was HARD and like i didn’t want to be boring and so a simple dehydration post, and i couldn’t think of anything all day long, but this came to me right now and i wrote it so oops sorry. i took the prompt wayyy out of context and the title, i was listening to “cherry flavored” by the nbhd and this kinda works?!? anyways, writers block is also hitting very hard jeez, but hey i can do it. have a lovely night (or day) and remember to hydrate or diestraight baha.
that was a very long end note ok im done now by goodnight.
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[I'd eat that till I fall asleep. GERTY: (To Bloom) When you saw all the secrets of my bottom drawer -Yeah. -and you get the rice, that's had a chance to kind of like dehydrate.]
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Today's Haiku with Picture 220
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no rain
the moss is dull
Moss naturally likes moisture, but it will not die even if it dries out. In winter, it rather dehydrates the body to avoid cell destruction due to freezing.
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thattripleabattery · 2 months
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basshole-astard · 1 year
PSA: i keep seeing posts about staying cool in extreme heat that include advice like "gatorade is bad actually!" and "don't drink fruit juice it'll just dehydrate you!" and neither of these are true!
regarding fruit juice: there's apparently a misconception that Any Sugar At All will dehydrate you, and that's simply not true. yes, sugar will make you pee more when consumed in large amounts, but 1) the natural sugar in fruits won't do this to you 2) great news! a lot of fruit juices exist without any added sugar in them! 3) honestly even having a glass of the fruit juice with added sugar won't completely dehydrate you as long as you're also drinking water throughout the day. if its hot you deserve a cold treat of a drink!!! can't go wrong with fruit juice!!!
regarding gatorade: maybe this isn't an every day drink, but guess what: if it's 110F/40C or hotter outside, and you don't have AC, or you're moving around a lot outside of the AC, and you're sweating buckets: that's when you drink a gatorade.
gatorade exists to replenish all the electrolytes (salt) and glucose (sugar) that you sweat out. YES it is meant for athletes to drink during intensive work outs and not necessarily for people who aren't doing that kind of exercise. BUT GUESS WHAT! when you're sweating buckets because you had to walk to the bus in extreme heat, that's intensive exercise. please feel free to drink a gatorade after that! that's its intended use case!!!!
no: neither of these drinks should be a total replacement for water. but drinking a lot of water and then treating yourself to a fruit juice with lunch is a good idea!!! drinking a gatorade becuase you just had to walk for 20 minutes in the heat is a good idea!!!
Please Stop Spreading Misinformation About Drinks!!! It's fine if you drink things that aren't water!!!! Yes you should probably always be drinking water but drinking something else As Well isn't going to hurt you!!!! okay!!!! its fine!!!!!!
honestly so long as you are consistently getting Any (non-alcoholic) fluids in you, you're doing great!!!!!! okay!!!! i love you stay safe <3
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insectling · 3 months
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a girl and her watermelon piece
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prinnay · 4 months
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~don't forget to drink water~
❤ or suffer the consequences ❤
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sick of this anti-aging obsession. let's go in the opposite direction. i want more characters who are hardened & grizzled & have a face lined with the harrowing tribulations of time--and then halfway through the narrative u find out they're 27
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miiagurin-art · 1 year
How To Dehydrate Bell Peppers
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chaos64sprinkles · 11 days
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Friday the 13th
Day to Day with Mixu and Dehydrate!
Sprinkles: Bark! (For the one wearing a mask back there, it's Dehydrate who's going to play a prank on Mixu outside the security cameras, you can't see it's dark in that hallway that Dehydrate turned off!)
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mycochaotix · 1 year
r/ContamFam user question related to active, wispy, gray mycelium on dried mushroom fruits post dehydration: If the mycelium is not a dried mycelium but a concurrent fungus that is still active do you think that the whole batch must be tossed or do you thing that I can still save it, like cutting the affected parts and use the rest, or drying again the whole batch?
MCX answer:
You are welcome mycopal :)
Intro: So, this is where it kind of becomes ... a little more unclear to me.... and you are now have invoked my ranting nature... XD <3 ---I try to always be upfront and clear with what I know, and don't. But, if I think aloud: if it is indeed a co-occurring fungus (which I am moderately convinced it is so, simply based on experiential observation combined with studied knowledge).
Beginning of rant: This is the thing to me: since it seems you did not dry the fruits 'sufficiently' (I hope I don't offend with my word choice) then you could reasonably expect some kind of potential flesh-focused parasitic fungus to make an attempt to consume the mushroom tissue that was not dehydrated to that sufficient point. This calls into question the location of the germination of said contaminant fungus. Is it something germinated within the mushroom tissue or did it germinate superficially (like landing on the outside of the cap as a free floating spore).
Humidity is the big variable in this that I think you MUST control for and identify as the primary variable that you can control and should focus on controlling for future dehydration efforts :)
When I think of parasitic surface/flesh fungi, I think of advanced Cobweb or Rhizopus or Mucor, and the way that the parasitic mycelium presents itself on the surface and spreads naturally, eventually overcoming any fruits with range via germinating spores from the mature parasite fungus (and/or the exploratory mycelium hyphae of that fungal colony that are not focused on forming sporocarp/spore structures will often "lead the advance" and overtake the fruits so that when the contam takes over fully it has mature, and invasive mycelial hyphae on fruits, as well as spores that have settled and assuredly germinated, which means that the spores germinated THANKS TO the presence of the fruiting flesh (nutrient and spore compatibility determine germination occurrence).
Conversely, if those same spores landed on the edge-wall of a plastic tub (something non-nutritious to the contam spores) they would simply attached and lie, inertly and ride wind drafts, any vibratory shocks, or whatever vector moves the spore to HOPEFULLY a surface that is nutrient-positive (and in the case of contaminant fungi that have spores that require pair-mating with another spore: an unmated, compatible spore of the same species).
Dehydration: I do 120F for 24 hours in a air fryer that has dehydrate mode, with my fruits in general, and then will take the largest fruit after the 24 hours and snap it in half to visually assess the level of flesh dehydration. I think of it as, you should be able to run your thumb across the cross-section of the stipe flesh and all parts of the stipe external-to-internal should flake off and be coarse and very dry. I do this because, the cap is the first part of the fruit body to dry over time, and the stipe (and its inner-core) are the last to dry.
As to your remedy for this issue... I think you could take a fresh paper towel, spray some H202 on it and wipe off the sus-mycelium, just off the fruit. Then put the fruit back into dehydrator (or however you are drying them) for another 12 hours... lol. Once that happens, you can visually assess the fruits like I suggested above. If they are cracker-dry as noted above, put em in a air-tight container with a dessicant packet and leave it for a few days. see if the sus-mycelium comes back. if not, id say you're probably good :)
At that point, you can apply my general rule of thumb for sus fruit consumption: General rule of thumb with fruits harvested from contaminated tub (or sus-fruits in general) is that the fruit flesh exterior should not be rotted or covered with notably contamination, and the fruit cap and stipe should not be rotted, or goopy, or vinegar smelling and the inner stipe (you should split the stipe and inspect visually imo, as long as the inner stipe isnt showing rot or goopy, then you should be okay to dehydrate to cracker dry and store in air tight container with dessicant packet in it.
Outro: Let me know your thoughts and I hope to have been helpful and accurate!
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fieriframes · 9 months
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[-Yeah. -and you get the rice, that's had a chance to kind of like dehydrate. -Really? Oh, well, thank you. -This is really done well.]
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wobubling · 14 days
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Fake cover from the fab five era of teen titans! This was so incredibly fun to make. This is Wally’s 57th consecutive head injury btw
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shishuri · 1 year
This is attention to details man
Ganon holds a bow straight while Link holds it at an angle.
Ganon also draws the bow like a samurai, (since this Ganon is more samurai like) he positions/aim the bow then draws.
(Not shown here) Even if Link uses a long bow like Ganon he will still aim at an angle since he is a soldier. He positions/aim the bow and draws at the same time.
The bow Ganon uses will recoil meaning this is a heavy bow. (They didnt need to add that detail in, but they did man)
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shiloku · 1 year
How To Dehydrate Bell Peppers
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