#Depending if I’m at mums or dads
zaddyazula · 11 months
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 month
Just found out today that my dad predicted my adult height and managed to get within 1 centimetre of what it would actually be 🥹
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ferrstappen · 10 months
let me take care of it l LN4
a/n: this was inspired by the gorgeous gorgeous scene of K-mag and his daughter 💘 also, this is ALL OVER THE PLACE bc I wrote it on my phone in like 15 min but still hope you like it💘 I’ll also update dad max tomorrow 💘
summary: when papa isn’t feeling his best, baby Norris knows what she has to do.
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Lando wasn’t feeling his best and everyone could see it; it didn’t matter what anyone said, whether it was his dad, mum, sisters, Zak, Oscar, even you… he couldn’t stop being so harsh on himself that every person on the paddock wanted to lay his back and tell him to catch a break, he still is one of the best.
Your arrival to Abu Dhabi has been one worthy of the last race of the season, the private flight full of the Norris family, from the little ones to the in laws, with your parents chatting and laughing with Lando’s mum as they took turns to hold Amalia.
Everything was going great, really, but as the weekend started rolling and after quali, his smile faltered, face hardened, bringing himself down for some mistake.
So you made sure the hotel room had everything he needed, left Amalia sleeping on the crib while you picked his race day boxers, McLaren tshirt and joggers, so he could just throw his body to the bed and fall asleep.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked him as he settled his body in front of yours, not even asking to be the little spoon.
“No, but I just want tomorrow to be over so we can go home and be alone, you know?” His voice came out muffled by the pillow and your arm. “The only thing I want is to get home and start decorating for Christmas, Amy’s first Christmas… that’s all I want,”
“Okay then, let’s focus on that,” kissing his shoulder, you noticed his breathing slowing down.
Amalia Norris was a known face around the paddock, even if she couldn’t speak or even walk, she greeted everyone with a quick movement of her hand and happy squeal, depending on who it was.
Now, she had big things to protect her ears from all the sounds, Lando’s helmet and gloves in front of her and just as she was about to reach for the gloves and get scolded by you, Lando appeared with his usual smile, chest buffing at the sight of his two girls cheering him on, both wearing papaya.
“Do you want to help me get ready for the car, bubba?” Lando asked his daughter and she clapped her hands, giggling, almost as if she was trying to say something but couldn’t. “Okay, gloves please,”
Lando supposed it was going to be a show but no, his daughter had a concentrated look on her face as her small hands grabbed the glove and put it on Lando’s hand, repeating the action.
Before putting on the helmet, Lando picked her up, giving her a tight hug and loudly kissing her cheek just to fill his ears with her melodic laugh, the only fuel he needed. He closed his eyes while her hands grabbed both of his cheeks to get him closer and leave a kiss on his forehead, and in that moment Lando thought he was capable to give up the last race of the season just for this moment to never end.
“I think you need the helmet, huh?” You reminded the pair, taking Amalia from your boyfriend’s arms.
Lando gave you a quick peck on the lips before putting on the helmet, adjusting it until it was perfect, but there was one last detail.
“Visor, baby,” Lando pointed at it and Amalia carefully closed it, now he was ready.
“Good luck, daddy!” You told him as you noticed people were looking for him.
“Daddy? I thought in public it was papa,” he cheekily added, making you blush.
“Shut up, go get second place!” You joked before blowing him a kiss.
“I’m only thinking about our Christmas tree, baby. I love you both.”
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valuunit · 3 months
best dad ever
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summary: it’s dad’s day and harry and his family celabrate it in the most chaotic way
here in mexico today’s celebrated father’s day, so yeah, i wrote this.
Content: She/her pronouns. children lol, a itty bitty of smut, i wanted to write something but i couldn’t, im with my family 💀, food, pregnancy. oh, mommy is used a couple of times sexually, but nothing crazy. that’s it ig :)
Disclaimer: English is not my first lenguaje so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, please let me know so i can correct it :D
“c’mon guys, dad should be getting up by now.” y/n walked across the hall, standing next to the master bedroom’s door.
“we’re going mum” alisha said behind her baby brother, dereck, who was barely walking with a ballon in his little hand he was holding like his life depended on it.
she sweetly laughed and kissed her two children. “good job, wait here a minute, when i open the door we’re going to say ‘happy day, daddy styles’, alright?”
dereck laughed, showing his father’s dimples on his face, god, he was his dad in all of its splendor.
“yes mummy!”
“perfect.” she entered the room quietly, her bare feet touching the rug she and harry bought when they were moving in together to their first apartment. “harry…!” she whispered.
“hmm.” he mumbled.
“happy day, sleepyhead.” she started crawling into the bed, careful to avoid his limbs and wake him up with pain.
“oh, yeah, dad’s day. i completely forgot about it, like the rest of the world.” his green eyes were barely visible, but charming as always. his view went to his stunning wife, his words, hovering over his body.
“well, i guess i’m an e.t.” she replied closing the space between their faces.
“i guess so, your out of this world.” his hands went to her hips, sitting them in his thighs.
she laughed and kissed his cheek, then cleaning a saliva stain off of it. “you’re still a flirt, aren’t you?”
“just with you, my love” he dragged his hands up, going under her new lace pj top, passing through her spine, shoulders and back down to her ass. he smirked, giving away his intentions, but y/n didn’t.
“wai-” before she could complain a knock on the door separated them.
“well, later then.” he giggled.
“shut up!, your kid prepared something really cute for you.”
“oh, my babies.” he smiled, when someone mentions his kids his eyes light up in such warm light it’s almost heavenly.
“yes, so, act surprised.”
“mummy! a minute has passed!”
“going, baby!” y/n appeared scared of her only daughter while harry laughed so loudly dereck also did.
she quickly turned to the door, now not caring if she kicked harry’s legs or anything, which she did, right on the balls. “oof, baby!”
“sorry!” she squealed and opened the door.
“‘appy ‘ay, da’y styds!” dereck screamed.
“oh my god, good job love, but.” she laughed at the chaoticness of the situation. alisha was also laughing. “now.” she grabbed alisha by the shoulders gently and let them inside the room.
“happy day daddy!”
“‘addy haffy!” dereck jumped, jumped and landed on the bed. where harry was now seated laughing, his hands in this private area.
“my beautiful children, come here!” he opened his arms letting his daughter run towards him.
“careful!” y/n screamed when she saw alisha landing near his legs.
“come here mummy!!”
“yeah mummy, come ‘ere” harry smirked putting dereck and alisha around one arm, having space for his wife.
“going daddy harry” she went, they were happy in the bed, the ballon, which was harry’s face, floating above them, dereck still gripping it.
“what’s that honey?” with all the fuzz, harry didn’t saw that masterpiece. so he looked up, watching a not so attractive picture of him in a medium size ballon. “wow! i love it bud, thanks!” he said faking enthusiasm.
“he loves it bubba!” y/n smiled towards her son, hi smiled even more.
“i also got u something dad!” alisha went to the door, where were a plate with pancakes, that had “best dad ever!” written with nutella and berries.
“thanks honey!, it’s so pretty and sweet”
“any time, dad” alisha replied, harry laughed.
“i taught her that!” y/n said raising her hand and smiling.
“where were we?”
that’s what y/n heard as soon as she got into the bedroom after taking dereck to bed. it’s been a long day of celebrating, so it was relatively easy.
“hm?” she pretended not to have heard, turning around and quietly locking the door.
“i said…” he kissed her shoulder. “where. were. we.” kiss after kiss he was progressively getting closer to her soft spot at the back of her left ear.
“ahm” even with his kissed it was hard to think for her, “i don’t recall… anything.”
“i could make you remember, or maybe you’ll prefer me to left your pretty little mind in blank.”
she turned to face his beautiful, handsome husband. looking at her with as much love and desire as he looks at authentic tiramisu.
“i like the second one better, but first i should tell you something.” she took his cheek and kissed him passionately, slowly and lovingly.
“whatever you need” he said after a couple of minutes. they joined their foreheads, looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m pregnant, three weeks.”
she smiled so sweetly in response to his reaction. his whole face fell in utter shock, his hands, shaking, took her face and his eyes searched for every bit of honesty his wife had to offer.
“my love, a-are you kidding?” she shook her head no, a couple of tears going down her face into her wide smile.
“that’s, that’s amazing, thank you, thank you, for everything.” he hugged her, lifted her, spun her, loved her.
“yeah, yeah, you’re welcome. now, where were we?” she smirked, her hands in his face.
“no, love, what about the… you know, thingy…” he replied looking at her stomach.
she laughed, hard. “c’mon, you promised leaving me watching stars, now you do it. it will be fine, it’s smaller than a pinhead.”
“you’re so hot, love. before we do anything else can i thank you again?”
“of course. with an orgasm.”
“your wish is my command, mommy.”
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pinkiemachine · 4 months
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Diana Prince and Steve Trevor
Okay, okay—yes—I am taking a lot of influence from the 2017 live action film, but I thought they did a pretty good job (minus the moustache. If you know, you know.) Anyway, I did make some changes. First off, Steve is British. There was a very distinct difference between the mindsets of the soldiers depending on which country they were from, and I’d prefer to explore WW1 through the eyes of a British soldier rather than American. I’m also still deciding whether or not to keep him a spy or to make him a pilot because, while at first glance at the movie, the idea of him being a spy sounds all cool, it really only serves one purpose and it’s at the beginning of the film and then him being a spy almost loses all meaning (except for that one scene at the party). I then thought that making him a pilot would be a better option because, hey, he crashes onto Themyscira in a plane, doesn’t he? And come on, you do need to be taught how to fly those things. Anyway, that aside, Steve’s personality: He’s a relatively stand-up bloke who just wants to go home and take care of his mum. It’s 1917, which means it’s been roughly three years since the War’s started. His dad’s already died in the service of his country. His older brother too. He can’t risk dying now, someone’s gotta come home to his mother and take care of her.
When his brother and father enlisted, they were all for serving. Everyone was. They were promised an easy war. A noble war. An opportunity to stand up to tyranny and let righteousness prevail. What they found instead was Hell. WW1 was unlike anything the world had yet seen—some of the things—the weapons—invented and used in this war are downright creative in their ruthlessness and twistedness. Steve’s done. He wants out. He’s not coming back.
Diana, on the other hand, still has not seen active combat. She’s battle ready and gung-ho to jump into the middle of this war… but Steve rebukes her. Their story is one about maturity and the nature of right and wrong. Is it right to fight? What’s the right way to fight? Is WW1 really justified when you look at how many men had to die? Just the nature of war, in general. A big topic, I know. But if you’re gonna write a WW1 story, write a WW1 story. And you know something, after reading about it all, the Wonder Woman movie seems downright PG by comparison.
Diana proves to Steve that there is still good in the world, while Steve teaches Diana to be wary of those who are not so good. Diana helps to bring a little joy back into Steve’s life after everything he’s been through, and Steve teaches Diana about some harsh realities of the 20th century. They balance each other out nicely.
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bullet-prooflove · 19 days
Bad Boy: Chef Luca x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @djlnkaled @10ava01 @freckledhorse @wabi-sabi1090
Companion piece to:
Something Special - Luca knows you're something special from the very moment you meet.
Sfogliatella - Luca spends months perfecting your fav dessert leading to a surprise proposal.
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Luca used to be a little wild, he tells you that when you’re sitting on the deck of the boat that he lives in, sharing an expensive bottle of wine. Your gaze is fixed on the lights from the city as they glitter across the canal as he hands you the glass before taking up residence alongside of you on the cushioned bench.
“Used to be?” You ask carefully. “Or still are?”
“Used to be.” He reassures you because he knows your history.
You’d had a thing for bad boys in your early twenties. You’d fallen in love with a man you were translating for, one who rode motorcycles and was possessive over his woman. He was fun, adventurous and secretive.
You can’t say when you started to lose the pieces of yourself, only that one day Armand didn’t like the way you dressed, he preferred you to wear darker scents instead of floral. A tracking app appeared on your phone so he could make sure you were ‘safe’. You wanted to leave but by that point yourself confidence had been eroded so much that you just couldn’t bring yourself to walk out the door so you stayed.
You’d stayed until you were woken up at three in the morning to the police bursting into his home and raiding the place for drugs. They had found nothing on the premises but you were both swept up for questioning. They’d detained you for five hours before they ascertained you had no knowledge of the operation. Armand had been charged and sentenced to twenty five years in prison for his role in cross state heroin operation.
It had taken such a long time to put yourself back together again after that, to reclaim who you were. You’d taken a job at the UN to get out of the city, bounced around a few countries before you found a home in Copenhagen.
It’s Luca’s words that bring you back to the present. He hasn’t told you how he ended up in Denmark, what led him to become a chef.
“My home life, it was messed up. Most of the time we were this close-” he says indicating a tiny gap with his fingers. “- from being taken into care. I was stealing all the time, trying to make ends meet, bunking off school, lashing out...”
Noone in Copenhagen knows this story, they just know him as the guy who used to with for David Fields. Someone dependable, someone capable, someone stable. They don’t know that there were nights he used his hide his sister in the closet and sing her to sleep because their mother was on another bender.
“Cheffing saved me from all of that, it gave me the structure I needed at the time, the discipline and the cash to provide for my family until my sister was old enough for university.”
“What happened to your parents?” You ask him and he gives you a sad smile.
“Dad was never really in the picture. The last time I saw him I think I was seven and he took me to an Arsenal game, after that radio silence.” He says shaking his head. “And mum… well the drugs took her.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” You tell him and he shrugs his shoulders.
“We expected it to happen a lot sooner if I’m honest.” He tells you. “I know it sounds cold but when you live like that…”
“I kinda get it.” You say softly. “When I was with my ex, he would have these moods…”
You trail off and he understands the subtext. He’s not the only one that’s seen violence, that’s managed to escape it and make something of himself. His fingers entwine with yours, a show of solidarity because if there’s anyone that understands what you endured, it’s Luca.
“I was relieved when the police arrested him, I didn’t have the strength to leave him before that but after…” Your eyes flicker up to meet his and truly they are the most beautiful shade he’s ever seen. “I got to be me again, the real me, not the one he’d tried to shape me into.”
“I’m glad that you escaped that life.” He says, reaching out to brush a strand of hair back behind your ear. “That we both managed to find our way to each other.”
You clasp his hand to your cheek, your lips brushing over his pulse point as you whisper.
“Yea. I am too.”
Love Luca? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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reysdriver · 1 year
Meteor Shower | R.B.
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Your family goes out to watch the Perseids meteor shower — dad!regulus x mom!reader fluff
warnings: none :)
words: 0.7k
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Every year you could, you and Regulus tried to get the family to see the Perseids meteor shower. It was always fun. You laid out a picnic blanket in the backyard, brought some snacks, and just watched the night sky. The kids would always try to count the meteors, leaving you and Regulus to just relax and cuddle; a rarity with three kids. 
Right now, Regulus was in the backyard laying out the blanket and charming the area so the bugs wouldn’t bother you, while you were inside prepping the kids. 
Ascella had her hands lifted in the air so you could slide the nightgown over her body. Once it was on her and her arms were in the sleeves, you tickled her side, causing her to giggle wildly. You loved the sound of her laughter; you would listen to it all day if you could. 
But you stopped tickling your daughter when you saw Aurora and Perseus standing in the doorway, both dressed in their pyjamas too. They both wore matching grins that didn’t fade, even when they spoke. 
“We’re ready, Mum!” Perseus, your oldest, announced for the both of them. 
You put on an exaggerated face and tone for their entertainment as you spoke. “You are! And you all look so cute in those jammies of yours!” Propping little Ascella on your hip, you stood up and gestured towards the stairs. “Now, let’s go get some snacks ready for tonight and then we can show your dad just how adorable you all are!”
You walked your three kids down the stairs and to your kitchen, where the two oldest immediately started looking through cupboards and suggesting their favourite foods. 
“Can we have chocolate frogs?” Perseus asked.
You shook your head. “Not outside, they’ll all jump away, honey.”
“Mummy, what about jelly slugs?” Aurora asked, holding up the bag as if you wouldn’t recognize the sweets by name alone. 
“Put them on the table. Maybe bring two bags because I know we all like those.”
She did an excited little dance before grabbing a second bag and placing it on your kitchen table. Both kids kept going, taking turns asking about bringing their favourite foods outside. Still answering to their suggestions, you sat your toddler up on the counter so you could cut up fruit for everyone. 
Quickly after, the sound of the back door opening and everyone’s head turned to see your husband coming in.
Perseus and Aurora ran to Regulus like he had been gone for days even though he had just been outside for as long as it took the kids to get ready for bed. 
“Can we go outside and look at the sky now, Dad?” Perseus asked him excitedly. 
He picked up Ascella and gave her nose a boop. “Well, we all want to go out together, right? So, it depends if your mum is done cutting up all this fruit for you.” He took a step closer to you and kissed your hair. “Do you want any help, mon ange?”
You shook your head and fed him an apple slice, then gave one to the little girl in his arms as well. “I’m all done here. Shall we go?”
He nodded, then handed some food to each child to take outside to the picnic blanket he’d set up earlier. You all sat down and you encouraged the kids to lie down so they could see the sky better. 
Aurora and Perseus got into a competition to see who could count more meteors almost immediately after going outside, and you and Regulus smiled at each other the moment they started pointing at the sky and counting how they always did. 
“You know, your name comes from the same place as these meteors get their name from.” Regulus said to your son. 
Perseus looked as if he wanted to roll his eyes. “I know, Dad, you tell me every year.” He was right. You’ve told him seven years in a row, and you’d keep telling him for as long as this family tradition continues.  
“Just making sure you remembered.” Your husband chuckled, putting Ascella on the ground and cuddling with you. 
“And we’ll make sure you remember next year too.” You added, eliciting a groan from Perseus but a laugh from the rest of the family.
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hunter216 · 2 months
Been seeing alot of these around recently and i'm kinda bored so I figured I'd do one.
5 notes = i'll clean my room (guess i'm doing this in the morning before school)
10 notes = I'll look after myself more (mentally and physically)(including trying to remember to drink water more often) (ok, i'll start trying to be a bit better at this)
20 notes = i'll come out to my brother as aroace (ok well… I was not expecting to get this that quickly but I’ll try and do this sometime this week)
50 notes = i'll come out to my brother as trans (for safety reasons, I may not do this depending on how he reacts to me being aroace) (Ok so… I’ve already told him I’m not cis, and he seems ok with it… but i haven’t like properly told him “hey, so I’m a boy now” so ig that’s what I’m doing now. And halfway there to telling my mum… fucking hell… well then… that happened faster than I expected)
100 notes = I'll come out to my mom as trans (already have plans on how and kinda when I want to do it, but I need a bit of motivation to actually do it)
200 notes = I'll come out to my dad as trans (may end up getting my mum to tell him, again for saftey reasons)
300 notes = I'll come out to my parents as aroace
500 notes = I'll tell one of my friends that I have platonic feelings for them (really scared about this one and kinda don't want to do it, but its up to you now.)
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It’ll be alright
Rosekiller Microfic
1.5k words
"Dora, get the door," Evan moaned, sprawled over the couch in his living room.
"Evan, I just got home. You get it, you twat," she retorted. He groaned and reluctantly made his way to the door, opening it.
"Hello—" Evan gasped. Standing in front of him was Barty Crouch Jr. His right eye was bruised, and his black hair dripping, despite there only being a drizzle outside. He had scorch marks on his clothes, and tears were streaming down his face, which broke Evan's heart.
"Barty?!" Evan yelled, pulling him out of the rain and into the house.
Barty hugged Evan tightly and collapsed. Evan caught him, lowering them both to the entryway floor. He clung to him, sobbing into his shoulder. Evan cupped Barty's head with one hand, his fingers digging into his wet hair, and squeezed the boy's thin waist with his other arm.
"Hey, it'll be alright. You're gonna be okay. I'm here, Barty. I'm here." Under any other circumstance, holding Barty this close, having the boy's face in his neck, would have made Evan start thinking very unholy thoughts. But all Evan could feel while holding Barty as tightly as he could while he cried was rage. rage at whoever had done this to his best friend.
Eventually, Pandora stood over them, holding a cup of tea. "Hi, Barty," she said, calmly and joined them on the floor.
Barty disentangled himself from Evan's embrace, though Evan kept his arm firmly wrapped around his shoulder. He knew maybe it was weird and he felt a little guilt for using a tragedy as an excuse to touch him, but it’s not like Barry was fighting his arm off.
"Hi," Barty sniffed, taking the tea from Pandora. "Thanks," he managed to say, and she nodded in acknowledgment.
"Barty, what happened?" Evan asked after Barty had taken a few sips of his tea. Barty kept staring into his cup.
"My dad," he muttered. "We got into a fight. My mum's sick again, and can't leave her bed. Usually, she would stop it, but—" His voice choked. "He was so angry. All I did was accidentally knock over one of her healing potion bottles. It was an accident, I swear. She said it was fine. She cleaned it up with magic, but then my dad hit me and started casting spells, and they burned, and—" His voice caught, unable to continue.
Evan wrapped him in a comforting hug again, kissing the top of his head lightly enough he hoped he couldn’t feel it. Evan was gonna kill Barty’s dad. He truly was. He heard that the only way to use unforgivable curses was to use raw emotion and truly mean it. Right now Evan was sure he could Avada Kadabra Mr. Crouch in a heartbeat. How could anyone ever hurt Barty, his Barty like this?
He looked up at Pandora, but she had already gone to fetch a potion upon seeing Barty's burns.
"Barty," Evan began in a whisper.
"He told me to leave. I couldn’t have grabbed Shrue from her cage before, or I would've sent you a letter."
"It's okay. Stay here. You're safe here." Evan just kept running his fingers through Barty’s rain-soaked hair, allowing Barty to cling to him like his life depended on it.
"I honestly wasn't even sure I could make it. I walked around my town in circles for a few hours until I remembered the Knight Bus. All I said was your name, and they knew where to go." He sniffed into Evan's chest.
"I'm glad you did. You'll be alright," Evan reassured him. He was trying to be calm and just hold barty, instead of thinking of how he would hide mr. Crouch’s body. Maybe he’s transfigure it into a bone and bury it.
Pandora returned and handed Evan the bottle. She stood over them for while. Until Evan nodded that she should go.
"Barty, come to my room. We'll clean you up, okay?" Evan helped him stand, but after just a few steps toward the stairs, he handed him the bottle and scooped him up. Barty was only a few inches shorter than him, but had a far thinner build and was easy to pick up. He let out a small laugh.
"God Rosie, would you stop flirting? I’m injured here." He choked out.
"Shut up," Evan smirked, he knew Barty was joking but it still stung just a little. Hearing him fake flirt when Evan would kill hundreds of people for this boy at one word. He carefully took him to his room and gently set him on the bed.
"This might sting a little," Evan warned, sitting next to Barty and taking the potion from his hands. Barty had burned slashes on his trousers and a large gash on his hip. Evan winced as he got a closer look.
"This might be easier if you, um, took them off," Evan said delicately. Yes, he did want Barty’s pants off on his bed, but he swore it was purely for medical reasons this time.
"Wow," Barty smirked, propping himself up with his arms. "I come to you injured, and all you can think about is getting my pants off? You horny bastard."
"Shut up, you git," Evan muttered, lightly pushing Barty. Barty started unbuttoning his pants and slowly peeled them off. They clung to his legs due to the dry blood from his burns. Evan helped, and by the time they were off, Barty was out of breath and Evan was really hoping he wouldn’t notice how red he’d gotten, or the fact that Evan’s own pants were getting very tight in a particular place.
God, he wanted to collect all of Barty’s blood and use it to somehow make a potion to kill Mr. Crouch. He might even keep some blood for himself. just as a keepsake. Maybe if he could wash Barty’s trousers himself, or even ask Pandora. he knew his sick sister would know how to collect blood from clothes.
Evan started delicately putting drops of potion on his burns. this is not how he’d imagined Barty being pants-less on his bed for the first time, but he hardly cared. His heart was beating out of his chest and he didn’t know if it was because of how mad he was at Barty’s father for doing this to him, or because a flushed, soaked, blood covered Barty Crouch Jr. was laying on his bed in boxer shorts panting at what Evan was doing. Evan felt himself twitch in his jeans.
"Thanks for—ouch—healing me." He choked out. he knew he was just putting on potion but the thought that Barty was making those whimpering and little moaning noises because of HIM was one that would keep Evan going for months to come.
"Last one, okay?" He told Barty. He nodded. Evan carefully pulled down Barty's boxers, just below his tattooed hip bone, and dropped the potion onto the wound. He felt his dark gaze on him as he applied the last drop.
"Thank God I'm in pain; otherwise, I might be getting hard," Barty said with a pained grin. Evan shook his head. He’s just joking. he did know Barty wasn’t exactly not hard though. The boxers left little to the imagination. But Evan WAS getting hard. he already was hard. he was already thinking that if he couldn’t kill Mr. Crouch maybe fucking his son senseless on his bed would do the trick. Piss him off. Making his only son and carrier of his legacy turn into a mess of moans and whimpers under another man.
"Do you want anything? I can get you some dinner or..."
"No, I should get going. Your dad wouldn't want me being here," Barty tried to sit up, but Evan gently pushed him back down.
"You're not leaving. Stay. My dad won't care, and he won't even be back from work until much later."
"Rosie, I don't want to get you in trouble..." Rosie. he loved when he called him that, even if he rolled his eyes and pretended he didn’t.
"You're staying here. You can hardly stand. Come on." Evan lay next to the smaller boy. He kept about 3 feet between them, laying on the very edge of the bed about to fall to the floor.
Barty started to cry. Evan hesitated for only a second before pulling him into his arms. It may mean something more to Evan than it did Barty, but Barty fell into his embrace, instinctively rested his head on Evan's chest.
"I don't want you to..."
"Shhhhh. B, you're exhausted. Just stay here tonight. We'll figure it out in the morning." Barty nuzzled his head into Evan's neck in response, before letting out a choked sob. Evan calmly stroked his black hair. he was memorizing this moment. how Barty felt resting on his chest, how his hair felt in evan’s hands. his he smelt like rain and blood. he wished the circumstances were happier. That the breath on his neck wasn’t shaky and that Barty wasn’t in pain as his burns healed.
He started reaching for his wand to turn off the lights but reconsidered.
"Um, do you want me to sleep on the couch and give you the bed, or..."
"Don't you dare leave my side, Rosier," Barty mumbled. Evan grinned.
He turned out the lights and threw a blanket over them, and could hear the boy snoring within minutes. He must've been exhausted.
A while later, Pandora knocked and entered the room. She looked at how the boys were tangled up together and raised an eyebrow at Evan. He fanned her away and she left closing the door behind her.
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dimicul · 6 months
how i think the cod men would treat and show ppl they have a wife/gf (you 😜)
i’m just deranged and lonely
Price - old man price. just old fashioned, which i know is sooo repetitive but i believe he’s a mix of either being downright cheeky or extremely formal and gentlemanly. sends you flowers wrapped in ribbons, attaching notes to the beautiful bow (has his own flower girl in the town you live in.) his night out with you is either tucking into a good hearty meal with an action or romcom playing in front, the soft light spilling onto both of you, wine glasses on the table, or fancy dinners out. i can just IMAGINE him playfully smacking your ass as you pile the plates into the sink, chuckling with a cigar hanging from his lips. your family LOOOOVE him and he makes innuendos at the table that only YOU notice, his hand on your thigh.
As for introducing you to the task force, i think it’s clear to say he would show you off. whenever the chance is given. he’s not boastful, maybe just a bit cocky if the boys are complaining about being single or something, would just cross his arms behind his head and sink into his chair smirking, knowing damn well he has the loveliest girl he could ask for. takes you out for dinners, teaches you how to shoot a gun- it’s ENDLESS but i do think he can get overstimulated easily and get into a grumpy mood. ALSO he deffo has that dad side of him where he knows you like a certain food and will just keep buying it until you become sick of it. <3
Gaz - gaz is so overlooked it’s ridiculous. he is 100% the type of guy to only give princess treatment, period. pays for your nails. helps you take pictures for your social media. sends your cooking videos to the groupchat so his mates will send likes and comment under it. i feel like at first he’s tentative, a little cautious, because why would a cute thing like you be attracted to some rugged soldier? but when he does realise you like him for him, it’s date night everyday. sushi dates. going on picnics, spending the night at his family’s place. just a genuine golden retriever, does the whole lara jean thing where his large hand will tuck into your back pocket firmly. when he introduces you to the task force, Price is the one to notice he seems almost to eager to grab his phone when it rings, a slow smirk on his face. he’s almost a little too quiet, but not in a bad way - he looks content. glowing. i do think that gaz would upload his profile pic to be you and him and the lads would catch on. again he’s not showing off, because he knows a part of him is either too possessive or a little scared seeing as the job is dangerous. wouldn’t want to risk anything.
soap - geniunely struggled writing this one because i was confused as to whether he would be EXTREMELY loud and boastful about you, or sly and secretive. i think with soap it depends. he would make a comment on a mission with simon and the skull faced man would get the hint that there’s a special someone behind Soap that’s making his eyes twinkle a little more. wears bracelets you give him, will proudly crane his neck purposely during training so people can take a look at his hickies. but i do feel like he would keep your name a secret, one of those things where it’s private but not secret. as for dates, it’s either Scotland or something fun and engaging. hiking, bike rides, fun fairs, or sunbathing in Scotland in the countryside, laughing alongside his mum. he loves family and i ADORE that headcanon where it’s like he has 5 sisters. he’s jus that sassy yk? would propose to you within the year. he’s impulsive like that but it’s not a bad thing - when he likes something, he likes it, simple as. this is a random note but i picture him with a mercurial, big eyed and wiry girl that’s either loud and proud or demure and quiet. black cat and golden retriever vibes yk? same with Price actually, feel like they’d love to have partners they can tease
simon - girl put this man in therapy first. he would be, obviously, quite reserved and unaffectionate to begin with, but seeing as you’re his girl, his special person, his touches are more sincere. less fleeting. stares at you, cranes his neck lower so you can speak to him - he just understands you. understands and respects you, even if he doesn’t show it at first. his first date would not be extravagant at all, but he would put effort in. drives you in his car, fumbling with the cd player, explaining to you gruffly what his favourite one is. values your opinion, i think, definitely picks up on your favourite food, favourite type of music, what colour you look good in. sarcastic and dry, but sometimes finds himself speechless near you. slowly and slowly you peel him down to his core and you trust him, take care of him, and he does his best for you too. starts to bring you around to his apartment, acts annoyed when things like your makeup brushes and wipes and lashes are being scattered in his bathroom, but grows to love it. becomes almost worried when you don’t leave a piece of yourself wherever you are. he’s a gentle giant when in love, i hate this idea that he’s sex-fuelled and calloused and would man handle you, the poor guy has been through that shit himself, and he’s confident enough to know what a woman wants and needs. lets you dress him, maybe even teased the idea of matching outfits. COOKING FOR HIM would be the key to his heart, but even if you pass him a pot noodle, he would mumble a ‘cheers lovie’ and moves closer to you. security and trust, that’s all he needs.
i do think the team would have no idea you existed. read a fic here where it was like the task force find out simon has a whole wife and kids when helping him move and it’s so true honestly, but can you blame him? bro had his whole family exposed and hunted, no wonder he’s so so so protective over you. (i could rant about si for days.) i have this feeling that introducing him to your family almost panics him internally, so he distances himself for a couple of days. not to upset or offend you, just to collect himself, because maybe for once, he could have his family back. on your first year mark, he takes you Joseph’s grave and breaks down. i think that’s when you realise this man is in love with you and there’s no way you couldn’t love him back.
DEFINITELY spoils tf out of you, helps takes your heels off, kisses you affectionately, like he pours his soul into it. new nails, new clothes, new everything, how could he NOT spoil his love?
alejandro - i wanted to add him because recently i’ve just been obsessed. yeah you guys deffo met at a bar and had a one night stand, and you’re the cynical book reader with no filter and he grows to fckin love it. the whole team knows about you before you know about them 😭 gives you a lift home in the jeep, wearing the same dress from the night before, mascara smudged, on edge because some wide mf with a skull mask is glaring at you and this scotsman is making your hangover worse. GOD he’s whipped from the first night, has your number written on a napkin, messages you after a couple of days. when you slowly let your guard down, you realise his flair and his attitude is sexy as hell, and he then takes you out on a proper date, at a family based restaurant with good asf food. tells you about his life, his friends, his missions. definitely likes buying you lingerie, dimples popping out whenever he opens his phone and sees a pic of you clad in a dusty pink set. probably the more petty one 😭 he’s not really a date guy imo, you can quite literally have the best time of your life sat in the car with him, laughing and admiring the way his hand holds your thigh. prideful but not egotistical, makes sure your family likes him, definitely has a soft spot for your niece or younger sister. I NEED THJS MAN
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iheartgirlzn · 4 months
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🐡 notes: get to know me as a child of poseidon at camp half-blood! inspired by @sunnitheapollokid , @child-of-apollo & @pinkdiorluvr (ik i wasn’t tagged BUT THIS IDEA IS SOOO COOL!)
depending on when i arrive at camp, i don’t know when i’d be claimed. like if it’s before percy shows up maybe a month? but if it’s after him a week at most.
but i do know i’d be claimed before i become a teen, like 11 or 12 at oldest !!
i also don’t think i’d be a year rounder, but i’d 100% go during the holidays if i’m not busy
ANYWAYSS it’d probably happened when i was alone - maybe swimming or sunbathing and BOOM! there’s a trident above my head
i’m not sure if it would’ve been a surprise to some people, but i think some campers would be like ‘yeah makes sense.’
i the other options were ‘they’re a hermes kid’ or ‘that’s probably hypnos’ child.’ (ignore the fact those two gods couldn’t be more different)
until percy shows up it’d be just me.. so obvi i’m the head counsellor 🫡 the cabin would be SO clean with me running the place.
campfire sing alongs are defo my favourite part of the day (if i didn’t have anxiety i’d be a theatre kid just saying </3)
and i don’t play any instruments anymore, but if i could i’d totally play the guitar around the fire 🤸
either way i WILL sing any musical that comes to mind with no shame whatsoever (mamma mia.. hamilton.. epic.. encanto..)
i like to think that i’d be close with percy and tyson!
me and perce wld clash sometimes but we’re related so ig we’d HAVE to get along /j (coming from someone with 2 younger siblings 😣😣)
↑ SPEAKING OF MY OTHER FAMILY i’m also close with all my other cousins and nieces?? nephews??
i’m closest with the og trio (grover, annabeth, and percy), children of apollo, aphrodite and hephaestus!!
(↑ me and leo would be bffs.)
and maybe the hypnos cabin cuz i love sleeping and i will be visiting them often 👀
but also speaking of sleeping i cannot fall asleep without a bit of light. like EVEN NOW I CANNOT THE PITCH DARK SCARES ME SO BADD
my relationship with my mum would be fine, she’d just miss me a lot and be overprotective !
my powers are breathing underwater and controlling it and whatever else percy has.. and maybe a tail — JUST LET ME LIVE MY MERMAID DREAM
my weapon of choice would be two celestial bronze daggers or like a giant golden trident /hj
i’d defo train with piper or annabeth bc of this
i couldn’t care less if that meant getting beaten up by two gorgeous women — #bipanic 🤭
my favourite chb activities would be the sword fighting lessons/archery/or capture the flag!! (i love archery irl too sooo)
i LOVE HUGS!! so i’m always hanging off of someone if they don’t mind :P
I ALSO LOVE SWIMMING!!!! lowkey duh tho cuz my dad’s the god of the sea.. BUT I LOVE SWIMMING
wears glasses. i hate wearing glasses but i hate contact lenses even more.
closest friends with rachel dare, annabeth chase, leo valdez (ik i said this but we a chaotic duo frfr), the stolls, piper mclean, etc!
speaking of me and leo being a chaotic duo WE WOULD TOTALLY HANG OUT LOADSS
and if i’m not with him then i’m by the lake or in the strawberry field eating them all 🗣️
obsessed with the art ‘n crafts cabin — will be in there painting or doodling away OR with rachel in her cave and drawing while she does oracle stuff
anyways i like to think of myself as a cool older sibling to the younger campers bc i’d let them do whatever they want (within reason) but also wld protect them w my life !!
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papaya-twinks · 4 months
hello… I saw smth abt requests being open…. Maybe it’s old idk, I’ve never requested smth. But um, I rlly like ur work and I’m maybe if you want to write smth like dis: Brasilian reader x Oscar. Where it’s the Brasilian GP and after meeting y/n family they have a lil fun in the evening in the stables of y/n s family farm. If ur comfy with that :) the smut part can be up to u lol. Or it could just be fluff whatever I want <3 again love ur work <3
Warnings: None!
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Brasilian!fem!reader
A/N - I’m sorry I didn’t see this as a smut request :(
“And welcome to the Brazilian Grand Prix!” a voice shouted over the radio as you grinned, walking into the pit lane, you’d finally saved enough to afford tickets to such a prestigious place and you were excited. “Hi,” you smiled to once of the engineers as she waved. You were standing at one of the seats, with your friend beside you, when someone tapped you on the shoulder. “Hello,” a voice said, who you only could recognise as Oscar. 
“Hello,” you said, your Brazilian accent evident in his voice. “You a local?” he asked, hearing your voice as you smiled and nodded. “Brazil is beautiful,” Oscar said, eoinding almost…nervous. “It is quite, no?” you agreed with him. “I doing you have seen the true beauty of my country yet though,” you smiled to him as he raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? You plan on showing me?” 
You hummed, thinking for a second, “Depends when you’re off your little schedule,” you shrugged. “After practise,” he smiled, nodding to you as an engineer beckoned him over. So it was settled, he’d meet you where you’d spoken and tours take him to your home, where your parents were. Your friend raised a few eyebrows when you told her but decided she’d go too. 
“Hey, you,” you felt someone’s hand on your shoulder, seeing Oscar. “Did well with FP2,” you nodded at the results board. The unmistakable sign of a blush coated the man’s cheeks as he smiled, thanking you politely. “You ready to go?” you asked, turning to walk out the garage. He followed, half stumbling to stand beside you as your friend watched behind, bewildered and bemused. 
“Right then…” she mumbled, shaking her head. “So, where have you been?” you asked, deciding to start a conversation as you led him to your car. “Just exploring São Paulo to be honest,” he shrugged, “few shops and some sight seeing,”. You nodding starting up your car, your friend mildly disgruntled from being thrown in the back seat. 
“Wow,” Oscar muttered as you arrived at a small countryside house, situated in the middle of a grape vine field. “My parents are farmers,” you smiled, the driver beside you raising his eyebrows, supposedly impressed. “Sweet,” he followed you out the car. “Olá uva (hello grape),” your mum smiled, seeing you step out the car. She raised her eyebrow at Oscar beside you, clicking her tongue softly. 
“Who’s this?” your dad spoke in English, seeing the McLaren driver. “Mamã, Papá,” you said, “remember the race I went to? This is one of the drivers,”. Your mother frowned as you daf spoke with a small smirk, “You managed to bring one home? Well done, daughter,”. You groaned at his words, flushing as Oscar shuffled, embarrassed. 
“Ele foi passear na cidade chique, pretendo mostrar a ele lugares melhores (He went sight seeing in the posh city, I intend to show him better places),” you scrunched your nose slightly, your mother shaking her head. “Show him the field, then, I’ll make dinner,” she shrugged. Oscar thanked your parents, following you out into the fields. “Wow,” he muttered, leaning down to look at the small bundles of grapes. 
“Makes great wine,” you winked, your friend deciding to stay inside and help with dinner. You and Oscar ended up talking a lot, discussing the races, random topics and more, until your mother called you inside. She’d made your favoriete dish, Feijoada, a mixture of means and black beans. “Tell me you’ve had this,” you turned to Oscar, seeing his sheepish decline. “I haven’t,”. 
You groaned - this was going to be an experience and a half for him. 
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Part Three: Ghosts
Part One: Here. Part Two: Here. Part Three: You are here. Part Four: Here
Author's note: Inspired by the 1950s short story "The Man Who Came Early" by Poul Anderson. Red Sail Hall is what I decided to call Arthur's house. The referring to Alfred as 'Yan' comes from @oumaheroes! It's one of the only remaining parts of the Cumbrian Celtic language. And we're leaning hard into fantasy now. TW for gothic imagery, I guess?
Red Sail Hall
21st Century
“Oi, what tea am I supposed to make?" Rhys asked and listened, waiting for Arthur bustling about through the doorway to answer. The pantry with the extra board that dropped down as a counter from the cabinet currently held more than a dozen new tins, boxes and sets. Honestly, the man had a problem. “There’s another dozen in here since I last stopped by!"
He lifted a foot, felt a gentle pressure on his calf and glanced down to see the massive house tiger Arthur and Matthew insisted on calling a library cat. It was rubbing against his leg affectionately. It was just as well. There’d be no getting hair off his trousers anyway.
“Go get that blighter of yours,” He said, gently prodding the cat towards where Arthur would be.
Then the cat squealed; there was a crash. Flicking the kettle off, he shot through the doorway. Arthur was in the pose of a mariner on rough seas, ready to spring into movement in any direction depending on the chop of the vessel. Two broken bowls were on the floor, and the soup was slopped everywhere. He looked like he’d been in his grave for a week, all colour lost, bloodless lips moving silently, eyes fixed. There was no wound, no blood. Finally, he glanced up. A moment later, he collapsed against his brother, suddenly sympathetic.
There before them, semi-opaque right through the kitchen table heaped with spring seedlings and mail like a marble pillar, was their mother. Her red hair braided away from her face, her golden brooches clasping her blue and fur mantel over the greens and browns of her clothes. The empty scabbard of the sword he held in trust dangling from the belt at her hip. As they had buried her, she appeared at the altar at the mouth of her burial barrow and now here, in the kitchen.
“Mam?” he asked.
“My sons.” Her translucent green eyes danced in the slant of sunlight, and she looked so happy. Arthur had lost millennia in moments, his eyes rounder in his face than they’d been in centuries as he took unsteady steps forward.
“Mother?” His voice was so uncertain.
“Hello, little one.”
On the rare occasion where Arthur accompanied them to the barrows on Samhain, he’d had weeks to prepare himself and usually had one of his children in his arms. This was a shield against his guilt, against the boy he’d once been. Her mouth opened, and her words were as wind.
“Yan has passed between worlds he should not have."
And then she was gone, and all was as it had been, save the broken bowls on the floor.
“Mum?” Arthur was still transfixed.
Arthur's phone suddenly rang, breaking the spell that had enveloped them. Arthur remained transfixed momentarily, his gaze fixed on where their mother had floated, before slowly reaching for his phone.
“Did that–” Rhys could barely hear him over the ringing.
“I’ll put the kettle on.”
“I’m putting the bloody kettle on.”
“Fine.” He glared, slid his thumb to take the call and collapsed in a chair, putting his phone on speaker.
"Something's wrong," Matthew's voice echoed, tinny and hysterical. “Something’s wrong.”
He dumped water into the kettle, hands trembling, guts suddenly water as he heard the distress. Arthur dragged a hand down his face.
“What’s happened to your brother?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know. But I can’t feel him. I just woke up and I can’t sense him. He’s supposed to be up on the ISS, but I can still sense him when he's up there, but I can’t... Dad, I can’t feel him.”
Rhys glanced at the clock. Ah, it’d be the very early morning there.
“Matthew, breathe.” Arthur said like he wasn’t this close to hyperventilating.
“I’m breathing!” Matthew snapped. “I’m breathing, I’m about to puke, and then I’m getting the first flight to D.C. and finding my fucking brother. You'd better meet me, or Arlington is going to need a fucking expansion.”
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aztro-lux · 4 months
Do you have a favourite constellation? And what’s the story behind it?
Oooo!! good question!!!!!
i think a lot of peoples would be one of the 12 (or 13 it really depends on who you ask) zodiacs!! which that’s fair they are all so pretty and interesting to study i’m a capricorn (constellation name being capricornus) so personally i think that one is the best i mean a sea goat???? i mean how cool is that?? a lot of people think its JUST a goat but nope! its a sea goat they also represent the earth which is awesome? butttttt the zodiacs aren’t my favourite i just wanted to talk about them though..
my favourite is actually technically two!
boötes and canes venatici!! canes venatici contains of two bright stars and represents two hunting dogs and and and!! something really cool my mum and dad named the dogs! like you will open a book on constellations and you’ll see their names!! Asterion and chara canes venatici is found rrroughly between boötes and ursa major and minor
for boötes it is said to be one of the most ancient stars in the sky!! sadly there is no myth really tied to boötes but it’s compared to humans due to its kite like structure looking like a torso and a ‘arm’ reaching out towards canes venatici and you find both of these constellations in the northern hemisphere
and they do have a story when my parents were alive it was out favourite one to spot and it was also the first ever constellations i learnt about so it always puts a smile on my face when i see it :)
i didn’t mean to ramble so much but there you have it!!
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thairishslag · 6 months
Octonauts human au part:4
Peso:he is 29 and is a doctor/medic (I looked it up There can be a difference but it depends on the context)He is in a relationship with Kwazii and he is from chile (chilean Antarctica )(I looked it up people live there in small towns)(apparently) (although I’m not the biggest fan of the us dub i do love chilean peso) He has a good relationship with all his siblings and is very protective of his little brother pinto and fells responsible for him as there dad left when pinto was a baby which led there mother to fall into a depression (also a wee bit of postpartum), pesos older siblings we’re both away at university so peso had to help his mum a lot with pinto .Peso loves his extended family but only really gets to see them all at once at weddings and funerals as there is so many of them (The struggle is real i can relate) peso studied medicine outside his home town but still in chile and never really traveled outside of chile at all until he joined the Octonauts when he was 28. He met Kwazii at a bar on a bar crawl with friends from uni to celebrate them passing their exams when he was 27,Kwazii offered him a position on the octopod and a date. peso agreed to go out with him but didn’t agree to join the Octonauts until the following year.Peso is a talented pianist and often used to play in bars and restaurants for some extra money when he was a student and still plays for the Octonauts entertainment occasionally.Peso doesn’t talk to his dad that often because he saw firsthand the effect him leaving did to him and the rest of his family and he still doesn’t fully forgive him for it but he has good communication with his mum and the rest of his family.Peso is very close with pretty much everyone on the octopod there a pretty tight net  group.He injoys jigsaw puzzles and often does big jigsaws with Shellington who also loves them he uses he/him pronouns and is gay.
Big thanks to @jibanyans-chocobar who unintentionally helped me a lot with we’re peso is from by their post I really hadn’t a notion before im remarkable shit at geography and i would have definitely fucked it up otherwise
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avida-heidia-5 · 22 days
Wheeeeeeeeee thanks for the tag @magdacimy!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Who is your favourite driver?
Cute. Sexy. Mischievous. Clever. Kind-hearted. Generous. Selfless. Babygirliest of all babygirls. He’s the loveliest human being on the planet, really.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, thee one and only…
*drum roll*
Karun Chandhok!
Wait, no. Hang on. That can’t be right. Where have all my notes gone?
Ah, here they are! *ahem*
Ladies and gentlemen, my favourite F1 driver of all time isssssss…
*drum roll*
✨ Sebastian Vettel! ✨
Wooo, big surprise! Who could’ve seen that coming? I’m so predictable! 😂
Do you have other favourite drivers?
Why, yes I do! In no order in particular, I love Kimi Räikkönen, Charles Leclerc, Fernando Alonso, Jenson Button, Mark Webber, Mika Häkkinen, Lando Norris, Alex Albon, Ollie Bearman, Daniel Ricciardo, Oscar Piastri, Giancarlo Fisichella, Esteban Gutiérrez, and Carlos Sainz Jr..
I haven’t watched any races from the classic era yet (By that, I mean the 50’s all the way up to the mid-90’s), so I can’t list any classic F1 drivers. There will be one out very soon though when I get around to it. 😉
Who is your least favourite driver?
Max V, Checo Pérez, Pierre Gasly, Felipe Massa, and Nelson Piquet are ones that spring to mind. Put simply, they’re all horrid people. Except Gasly (as far as I know), who I ultimately don’t care that much about.
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
My heart will always go towards the drivers I love or drivers I want to see do well, no matter which team they drive for.
If you like teams which teams do you pull for?
We’re primarily a McLaren household, but we’re happy to support any team that happens to be at the top of the standings. The odd Ferrari. The odd Aston Martin. You know how it is.
How long have you been into F1?
Oooooh since around 2004-2005, I think. I don’t know the exact moment when it all started, but I vividly remember my interest in the sport reaching its peak when I watched the 2005 season live on the telly, specifically the Japanese GP when my boy Kimi Räikkönen started from dead last on the grid to overtaking Giancarlo Fisichella on the final lap to take 1st place. What a race that was! 😍😍😍 To this day, my love for F1 has never waned, even when there were some bad or tedious races here and there.
What got you into F1?
My parents! They introduced it to me when I was 4 or 5 years old.
Do you enjoy fic/rpf?
*rapidly closes numerous AO3 tabs*
Noooooooo don’t be silly! As if I would ever read that stuff. Mm mmm. Not me. Heh heh.
How do you view new fans?
I’m a bit mixed. I’m torn between excitement and annoyance depending on where their interest in the sport stems from.
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
I’d steal the Williams spreadsheet and make that team great again like it’s the 1990’s! I feel really bad for James Vowles and some of the drivers.
Are your friends and family into F1?
My parents, obviously! My sister has recently started watching it too. (She’s a huge Lando Norris fan and a McLaren supporter!) My grandparents on my dad’s side don’t watch it as much but they are known to watch it from time to time when nothing’s on. My grandpa on my mum’s side watches it on occasion but he would rather watch the rugby instead. 😂
My friends in real life don’t watch F1 sadly, so I can’t have any conversations about it. 😢 However, I have some lovely friends on Discord who watch and ramble on about F1. I love being around those people as I can talk freely and comfortably about things related to it with hardly any problems. I would really love to meet those people in real life too. 🥰🥰🥰
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
HELL YEAH, I AM!!!! I’m always looking forward to making some friends with F1 fans.
Tagging @racingliners, @vroomjohnwatson, @kaossbells, @lottie1824, @zoomguanyu, @pumpkinnning, @wanderingblindly, @miss-malheur, @msmirrorball21, and whoever sees this that hasn’t been tagged but wants to do this. Feel free to ignore this post if you’ve done this already, that’s completely fine. 💙
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