#Dick the golden retriever
mayakrish08 · 7 months
How I imagine 6'2 280 lb Jason and 5'8 180 lb Dick cuddling in your fics
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(Dick can barely breathe but he loves his LittleWing too much to push him away)
AHHHHHH SUWHOQIJQOIJQOIJQOIQH THIS IS SO ACCURATE WHAAAAA! See, usually, Jay is the black cat and Dick is the Golden Retriever. Actually, actually, even here, Dick is the Golden Retriever, because despite being having cat’s size (and flexibility), I feel like Dick usually suffocates the hell outta his family members.
BUT. BUT, I agree with yours words, because in MY fics, Jay is the one cuddling Dick to because in my fics, Dick is usually in need of comfort, rather than giving it. I feel like that poor idiot needs some love thrown his way, too. Sooo, point being, in my fics, Dick is totally the cat who has no idea of throwing his not so little Little Wing off of him :) ❤️
P.S: I feel like this is a “Steph-Made” meme that was put in the official BatFam chat group 😂
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hollifo · 8 months
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Guess who's back on their Phoenix Wright kick?
Have some angsty, love triangle implied sketches. God that hair is an absolute NIGHTMARE to draw!
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tsukiyo-7 · 4 months
Something I absolutely adore about the Captive Prince fandom is the Nikandros x Jord pairing that is based almost purely on the fact that they're both Tired™ and Deserve Better™ and they're second in command/best friend to a couple of insufferable dumbass kings.
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mylifeingotham · 6 months
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Quarter Finals: Vash the Stampede vs. Dick Gumshoe
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Vash the Stampede - Trigun | Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney
reblog if u have a moment! love u <3
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coffeecatcraze · 8 months
Will never get over Charlie's absolutely feral growl, this woman was ready to lunge across the courtroom and tear Adam to shreds and I am HERE for it
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aeide-thea · 10 months
thinking abt like. if you introduce someone to something you're into and they're like, wow, that's so awesome, you're probably tickled that they dig it and are seemingly a kindred spirit at least that far; if you then introduce them to another thing you're into and they're again like, wow, that's so awesome, you're probably still pleased but also perhaps guiltily wondering whether they know any other adjectives; and if you introduce them to a third thing and yet again they're like, wow, that's so awesome, you're probably asking yourself, was any of that affirmation actually real or is this person just so reflexively accommodating that they've been turning off whatever independent critical faculties they possess in order to play a better yes-man???
(for values of 'you' that primarily mean 'me' obviously)
#just thinking a lot this week abt like. on the one hand i SO deeply need people to be kind and exhibit a readiness to be pleased#and i'm so relieved and grateful when i encounter that energy#but like. on the other hand i need to feel like i actually meet your standards‚ not like you don't HAVE any?#like. if a golden retriever wants to be pals it means nothing. if a cat wants to be pals it means everything#and like. if we're being honest i'm very very very picky abt. everything. i was going to specify areas but. it's all of them.#i just try not to actively be a dick abt it to anyone's face bc i think that's really important#(and like. i did a slightly less good job of hiding that in certain ways this week than i probably endorse so i'm thinking abt that)#(like i think the problem is that it always feels v important to be clear abt my tastes/Who I Am bc i want to be Understood)#(but like. sometimes ppl just aren't the sort of people who are going to Understand me and i need to get better abt cutting bait)#(and prioritizing courtesy abt their tastes over clarity abt mine in those cases)#idk. have very extremely not resolved the tension between my various values here#basically like goldilocks i need everything to be juuuuuust right which like. perfect IS the enemy of good and i know it!!#but at the same time like. it IS better to be alone than to be with people who chafe you raw.#but maybe eventually if you let them sand you into a new shape it'll be good? but. feels bad to be sanded.#anyway. strongly suspect this is not actually a coherent post i'm very sleepytired#this week was really really challenging and left me with a lot of food for thought. also some pie
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writeyourdarlings · 6 months
no cause the difference between tumblr stans loving the 115 nightwing cover and twt stans shaming and bullying richard for looking like a sad, sopping wet cat in it
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scare-ard--sleigh · 8 months
bad news; slept like Absolute Shit last night
good news; took a nap & feel great
even better news; marketing article extension GRANTEDDDDDDDDD 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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starlooove · 11 months
I hate that I hate WFA bc it could be so much fun. Slice of life batfam is such a funny concept to me but. Alas.
#like if slice of life batfam kept them even remotely in character?#like obviously I think having the tropes is fun and all but like#if tim had more personality than snarky coffee addict#if dick had more than golden retriever which in my mind he never was#not as nightwing anyways#I’m a NTT truther tho so whatever#and they weren’t so fucking racist towards Duke and Damian like fuck#tbh they can even be outta character ID take the bare minimum of them not being treated like animals#like Duke being the straight man to the cast is fucking crazy#and Damian being treated like he’s 3 seconds away from biting someone?#fuck you#damn im too mad to keep talking#…#y’all know better than to believe that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣#anyways#the problem besides this is that they’re tryna WFA-ify the main story too#keep it tragic and mean bro#WFA is fun in comparison bc the main story is so fucked#which is what I dislike about ppl saying to make them some happy go lucky family in main#Like bro Bruce was brutal to Jason in GW but I’m not like. surprised#the only way you’d be surprised is if you read WFA and nothing else like damn#but also it’s like. I have severely lost the plot omg. my train of thought…#RIGHT can we stop tryna make the main story happy family arc where they fight over stupid shit make up and then fight crime#like nothing ever lasts long bro#I need lasting consequences#and lemme be fair this isn’t a recent thing or because of WFA and even if u go way back the same shit happens#but like now it feels like fans WANT happy communicative quirky batfam#but also that could be Twitter influence#anyways lemme stay on track WFA would be fun if it was accurate and actually different from the story#main comics being written like WFA but with gore? I’d kms aorry
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
What about Thena was the one visiting Gil in the gym and then she saw him having a sparring with someone, maybe the sparring got a little personal and then she started worrying about him.
Gil shook his head, blinking after yet another hit.
"Why so distracted, Gil?" Ikaris asked with a frown, shaking out his own gloves as they circled each other. "I'm startin' to think you're letting me get these in for free."
Gil rolled his eyes. Ikaris was only this chatty when he was trying to blow off some steam. He guessed that was why he'd dropped by in the first place. "Y'know, some of us have day jobs. I've been at this all day, ass hole."
"Come on," Ikaris scoffed as Gil finally pulled his gloves up again. He immediately got his fists up, giving him a few taps, glove to glove. "The Gil I remember could go all day in the ring."
"The Gil you remember was twenty-something," Gil growled back. Ikaris was on break from the pro circuit, and obviously feeling restless about it, looking for a fight to exercise some of his excess energy. "He could go all day 'cause he had nothing better to do."
Ikaris threw a haymaker, followed by a swift uppercut. Gil blocked both easily. As much as his technique and reactions weren't what they used to be when he was still pro, he was still as strong as ever. "Oh, so you do now, is what you're saying."
"Shut up," Gil grumbled, throwing a few punches of his own, as much as his heart wasn't really in it.
"What's got the ol' grizzly bear finally on somethin' else?" Ikaris chortled, having entirely too much fun roughing Gil up for his own amusement.
"You come here to spar or did you just want a therapy session?"
Ikaris threw a suckerpunch straight down the centre, nailing Gil in the teeth.
Gil swiped his tongue around his mouth and walked over to his corner, spitting the blood into his empty water bottle. "That's what I thought."
"Y'know, I was talkin' to one of those gals from across the hall on my way in." Gil felt his blood run cold. "Real cutie--maybe you should chat up the other one some time."
Gil's mind flashed to the idea of Ikaris, leaning against the wall, chatting up Thena--his lovely Thena. Ikaris was always a real heartthrob of the league, always had fans, always had admirers. Gil felt his blood rushing in his ears.
"I think she liked m-" Ikaris stumbled back as Gil laid into him. That was the guy who was the strongest in their weight class by far--maybe the strongest in their league at the time. He held his gloves up. "Shit, Gil!"
Gil only saw red, focused entirely on the thought of Ikaris flirting with his girlfriend mere minutes before coming in here and challenging him to a 'friendly match'. He gripped Ikaris' hair, pulling his head up. "You leave Thena out of this."
Ikaris grunted. "Who the fuck's Thena?"
Ikaris pried one of his eyes open, sure to swell terribly by the time they were done. "Name's Sersi."
Oh. He...he had been talking to Sersi. Which made sense, since Thena was probably still in the studio practising, while Sersi was the one who usually left on time with the rest of the class.
Ikaris blinked his good eye at him. "Gil, man, I don't know what you're on about. But I haven't even met the other one. If you're-"
Gil dropped Ikaris, unceremoniously at that. He sighed, running a hand through his hair and pulling his gloves off. That was more than enough for today.
Ikaris grumbled as Gil helped him off the floor of the ring. "I didn't come here expressly to piss you off, believe it or not."
"Sorry, sorry," Gil murmured, helping Ikaris through the ropes and joining him on the bench. "Got a little...in my head."
Ikaris spat a little more blood into his own water bottle and raised a brow at Gil. "I saw the other one in the studio--blonde little thing? You and her...?"
Gil blushed, pulling out fresh water bottles for the both of them. "Something like that."
"I certainly hope it's more than 'something like that', Gilgamesh."
"Thena!" he blinked, looking up as she walked in with her usual lovely smile on her face. He stood, rushing over to her. "When did you come in?"
"I saw little of your fight, actually," she confessed to him. "I just peeked in to see what you were doing, and then I was worried about distracting you."
Gil fidgeted, guiding her by the shoulders further away from Ikaris' curious gaze. "That's okay. I'm sorry you had to see us going at it like idiots, though."
Thena smiled though, "I have seen plenty of fights backstage myself. I am no stranger to conflict."
Gil nodded. He didn't want to imagine what kind of damage ballerinas could do, if they all had the muscle strength and stamina that Thena had.
"Are you okay?" she whispered, raising a hand ever so delicately to the scuffs around where his headgear had been.
Gil chuckled, letting her take a feel for herself with her silky soft hands, actually glad for how cold they felt for once. "I'll be fine. Ikaris is an old friend from my pro days."
Thena glanced over Gil's shoulder briefly, nodding her head to the bloodied gentleman on the bench. She raised a brow at Gil, "that was what constitutes a friendly match?"
"Well," Gil shrugged, but left it at that, with no desire to admit that he'd completely lost it in a fit of jealousy. He took her hands in his. "You done for the day?"
She smiled up at him, nodding and letting him hold her hands, his warmth taking over the cold that she always seemed to have. "What about you?"
Ikaris stood from the bench, reaching for his bag and walking - more or less - in the direction of the changing rooms. "Don't let me keep you. Gil, I'll take y'out for a pint after my next match, aye?"
"Sure, man," Gil waved, actually grateful for Ikaris' miraculous moment of social awareness enough to excuse himself. He winced as Ikaris bumped into the wall next to the door a little, though.
Thena squeezed Gil's hand. "Perhaps I should tell Sersi your friend may be in need of a ride back to his hotel."
Gil chuckled. So, she had witnessed Ikaris chatting up Sersi, and perhaps the feeling was mutual between them. He felt as relieved as he did silly for worrying. "I think that's just what he needs. But what about us?"
"Us?" Thena gave him a coy smile. "Well, I thought we had plans for dinner at mine."
Gil leaned forward, pressing his face into her soft shoulder, inhaling her perfume. "That sounds perfect."
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bkgbian · 1 year
yk i kinda hate wfa. cause i saw someone use one panel to prove their point in canon but it was so ???? like you know they ain't like that right. like hate how they simplify their characters and erase core parts of their personality. and i Know it's an au and etc but aaaaaa
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caroldantops · 1 year
Getting shy and flustered around Kate, because she’s so sweet and such a dork, like you weren’t choking on her strap ten minutes ago
everyones like omg she's such a golden retriever gf!! meanwhile she just finished seeing how deep she could get her strap in ur throat for funsies
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Semi Final: Dick Gumshoe vs. Samwise Gamgee
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Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney | Samwise Gamgee - Lord of the Rings
reblog if u have a moment! love u <3
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While I’d never want to live without my partner
It is a very nice idea to think that if he goes before me, that he will be the last man I’m ever with
And I’ll be very happy to date as an old lady with other ladies who are in the same boat since we all realized we liked women after getting into a monogamous straight presenting relationship.
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gothgamergaara · 2 years
I think Buck would have a fursona but the origin would be like he had a friend in hs/college that was a furry and he was like that’s so cool! I wish I had one of those! And the friend was like omg u can!!! Here if u could, what animal parts would u have or do u think are the coolest?? And from then on he’s like an honorary furry and like maybe he doesn’t 100% get it but he’s just so excited abt it !!! And he likes to be called puppy.
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