#Disney tries to save Marvel.
Marvel is Allegedly Doing A "Creative Retooling" of The MCU After It's Recent Decline
Marvel has not been doing all that well lately. The once golden goose now seems to lay more rotten eggs than golden ones. Both their films and shows are in decline. Now it seems that Kevin Feige and other Marvel executives are trying to claw back some solid ground to push forward. In the past year, only one film, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” made money, while “Ant-Man and the Wasp…
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fictionaltrvlr · 8 months
Roman Empire this, Roman Empire that. I don’t really think I have a Roman Empire-
The Overwhelming Hatred of Rachel Zegler
This rising star of a 22 year old woman is being torn apart by men and women alike and I’m so tired of it.
I’m disgusted by the amount of hate she’s getting and you best believe I’m gonna lay it out. I’ve tried to organize this but I’m really tired so bear with me.
Main Controversy
Her saying that it’s no longer 1937 and Snow White doesn’t need to be saved by the prince is not her saying that women can’t want to have a husband or a family. Simply that they don’t need a man to give them value.
And to be clear, yes, okay? Yes. Women should be allowed to soft, they can want families, they don’t need to be badass to be happy. They can fit “traditional” roles. Women can want different things. Meg March, the icon that she is, “just because my dreams are different than yours doesn’t mean they’re unimportant.” 100% yes. But Rachel wasn’t saying otherwise.
She said the prince was a bit of a stalker so they’re not doing that this time… and yes? The prince was weird. I thought we agreed on that. Snow White was 14 in the original and got kissed while she was unconscious by an adult man… but sure, ✨iconic✨.
And it’s fine if you don’t like the *apparent* girlbossification of Snow White, but people are acting like Rachel wrote the movie?? Did it ever occur to people that maybe Disney wants the “girlboss independent woman who doesn’t need a man” picture presented?
She’s doing press for the movie, is she maybe taking the direction Disney gave her?? Also… we. haven’t. seen. the. movie. The teaser only just came out!
Strike Comments
Her comments being popularized during the strike is already suspicious enough. Is it not in the studio’s interests to portray the strike and those taking part in it as unreasonable?
Her saying she deserves to be paid fairly for the hours she spends in a dress playing an iconic Disney character is completely valid. She wasn’t saying she’s the most amazing actress ever or that she plays the hardest roles or does the most complicated stunts. Just that she deserves fair pay… like every other striking actor and writer??
Childhood Relationship With The Character
Her saying that Snow White scared her as a child and she didn’t revisit it until she got cast. Why does that matter so much?? There were scary things in that movie! The witch, the poison apple, the forest coming to life and trying to grab her.
Tastes change as we grow and Rachel has shared her excitement about getting to play the character now.
She was a child. *screaming*
The Extremely Different Treatment Men Receive in The Same Situations
May I present, Robert Pattinson?? Mr I hate these books and felt like I shouldn’t be reading them?? Mr Edward is creepy?
He mocked and joked about the Twilight series every chance he got and people ate it up. They loved it and still do. He’s funny, he’s confident, he’s so real for that.
Harrison Ford wanted his character to die off and said it had run its course. He was praised for his humour and honesty.
Oh but Rachel is ungrateful. She’s rude, she’s cringe, she’s mean, she’s annoying. She’s irredeemable, she’s overbearing, she’s smug, off putting. There’s just something about her that we don’t like…
She’s pitted against other successful women, like Halle Bailey. She’s pitted against Kristen Stewart. Against Elle Fanning, Jenna Ortega. Ignoring, may I point out, how hated so many of these women have been at the different points in their careers?
This is how Brie Larson is being treated and now she wants to leave Marvel too.
Women can be sarcastic. They can joke and speak their minds. They don’t have to package every thought with a pretty little bow so it’s palatable to you.
Rachel’s statements are being misinterpreted and twisted. But on top of that, even if she was what people are saying, have we forgotten about Tom Cruise? Leonardo DeCaprio?
These men are insufferable and problematic and yet some of the biggest names in the industry and, again, confident. Boss. In charge. Charismatic. Not annoying, not petty, not “oh you should be grateful you have anything!!”
Let me pull out Taylor Swift for a hot second because she does a wonderful job of describing the different ways we talk about men and women.
A man does something and it’s strategic. A woman does the same thing and it’s calculated. A man is allowed to react, a woman can only overreact. […] A man shares his experience in writing and he’s brave. A woman does the same thing and she’s over sharing, she’s over emotional, watch out!
America Ferrera when she said that the only difference between being bossy and being a boss is that one is a woman.
People need to listen to “All American Bitch” again -
I know my place, I know my place, and this is it! I don't get angry when I'm pissed I'm the eternal optimist I scream inside to deal with it All the time I'm grateful all the time I'm sexy, and I'm kind I'm pretty when I cry Oh, all the time I'm grateful all the time
And not that women need to be grateful because they don’t, but just to be clear, she is grateful.
She has expressed how lucky she was to get Shazam and how much she enjoyed it and made amazing friends. She was excited to play her version of Snow White. She shared pictures of herself as a child dressed as Snow White. She’s thrown herself into it.
Hate trains fun, I get it. But let’s not pile on young women when they’ve not even done anything wrong. Question why all of a sudden everyone hates this person, what are the facts, what else is going on, what confirmation bias do we have?
There is something so much worse to me about seeing other women tear her down. Like yeah, men will be pigs, but what are you doing? It’s so sad.
And women like hunting witches too, doing your dirtiest work for you, it’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together… (Mad Woman, Taylor Swift)
Rachel seems like such a joyful person and people are out here bullying her like she kicks puppies on the weekends.
Claiming to be a feminist because you want a wide variety of princesses (ie, ones that get saved by their prince), and then sending death threats to another woman for possibly appearing as though she holds a different opinion about one princess - is not only a contradiction, it’s just baffling.
Anyway stan Rachel Zegler
That’s my speech, please do contribute collaboratively if you want :).
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lokiondisneyplus · 7 months
Warning: This story contains spoilers for the Loki season 2 finale, "Glorious Purpose."
Loki ends with its titular god claiming his throne — just not the one he expected.
The Marvel Disney+ show concluded its second season this week, seemingly saying goodbye to Tom Hiddleston's Loki. In an effort to stop the universe from collapsing in on itself, Loki learns to control his "time-slipping," using it to go back further and further in time. With help from Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino), Mobius (Owen Wilson), and O.B. (Ke Huy Quan), he tries again and again to fix the TVA's temporal loom and prevent a meltdown. But every time he goes back, he fails, and he spends literal centuries reliving the same events over and over.
Eventually, Loki admits defeat and chooses to sacrifice himself to save every universe. Walking toward the temporal loom, he grabs the very fabric of space-time and uses it to build a throne of his own, weaving the threads together to create a tree. (It's a nod to the legendary world tree Yggdrasil from Norse mythology.) With that, Loki essentially crowns himself master of the multiverse, watching over every timeline as a lonely god. It's the ultimate selfless act from one of Marvel's most notorious villains — a villain who once sicced an alien invasion on New York to get his dad's attention.
Here, executive producer Kevin Wright breaks down the series' emotional finale — from the throwback line that Hiddleston improvised to whether this is really the end for Loki.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When did you decide this was how you wanted Loki's story to end?
KEVIN WRIGHT: I think we knew in season 1. Once we were going to do a season 2, we knew that Loki would end up on the throne. That was always the easy thing. The question was: How do you want that to feel for the audience? There's a version that's triumphant and super heroic. There's a version where it's an evil turn. But it was always about the emotional journey we wanted people to go on. It was about building that journey to be as cathartic as possible and to feel like a payoff for six movies and 12 episodes over 12 years with this guy. It was always about building that arc to be as fulfilling as possible.
Most of the episode is dedicated to this sort of time loop, where we see Loki trying over and over again to get things right and fix the loom, almost in a Groundhog Day kind of situation. What was fun about getting to do that endless loop?
Even in season 1, we always wanted to do a Run Lola Run thing, but there was never space for it. So once we started going into loops this season in the writing process, we thought, "Oh, let's finally do it." So much of that is total credit to Paul Zucker, the editor of the episode. That montage wasn't scripted per se. We knew Loki was going to be rerunning things, but it wasn't written exactly the way that it played.
A really fun thing, though, was that our cast — outside of Tom — had no idea what we were doing. They understood that he was rerunning time, but we shot a very different ending to episode 4 that was not the real ending. All the cast thought something very different would happen. We would send them away on lunch breaks, and Tom would take his lunch later, and he would just keep shooting with [directors Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead] with a skeleton crew. There were very few people that fully understood what we were building in that finale. So, for that core team, I think there was a lot of satisfaction when everybody was able to sit down and see how it came together. It just felt like this little secret.
What do you remember most about watching Tom film those final scenes?
Two moments really jump to mind. The first is a little bit of a longer story. There's the scene with He Who Remains, and that was scripted one way. We had this fear, like, "Is this going to feel like we're retreading the same ground as season 1?" Would it be fulfilling? We started shooting one day, and anybody in any creative field will understand this: There are days where the words are right, they way you're doing it is right, but it's just not adding up. Something was missing. We knew we weren't nailing it, and I had to make the call. That is really scary, when your first AD just wants to keep moving, and I said we were going to stop shooting.
Tom went and sat down with our script supervisor and basically did this insane crash course in 30 minutes of every line that had been said on the whole series. Then, he went for a run around the lot at Pinewood [Studios], and when he came back, he was like, "I know what this needs to be now." Then, he and Jonathan worked out what it was going to be, and they sat down with Justin and Aaron and me and Katie Blair, our production writer. They just quickly rewrote this new scene and shot it. It was just the pinnacle of what Tom does. He has such a finger on the pulse of this entire series and how that scene had to go. In a moment, he was able to reconfigure it with all of our collaborators.
The other thing is that final line before he steps out toward the loom, which is the Thor line, which was not scripted. Right before we were going to shoot that, Tom came and pitched it to me, like, "Should we do this?" We were like, "God, why did we not write that?" It was perfect, and it was 100 percent Tom.
I wanted to ask about that line, where Loki turns to Sylvie and Mobius and says he has to do this "for you, for all of us." It's a direct throwback to one of his lines in the original 2011 Thor. So that was a Tom Hiddleston improvisation?
It was 100 percent Tom. We had already done a few takes of the first part of that line, which was, "I know what kind of god I need to be." And on the final take, Tom said, "Hey, can I try this?" As soon as he said it, all of us were like, "This is going to be the take." It almost gave me Truman Show vibes, that final sign-off, looking straight down the camera. But that story gets to the heart of how Tom is always trying to make things better. We just had to build a series that could give him the framework to have those creative pivots. Everyone would just kind of throw their hands up and say, "Geez, this is why this guy is fantastic."
With Loki in charge of the multiverse, this could affect how (and if) we might see Jonathan Majors' Kang the Conqueror in future Marvel projects. For you, where does this finale leave Kang and his future in the MCU?
I'm going to tread probably infuriatingly lightly, but for me — and I know all the filmmakers agree — we think everything is there on screen. I think all the details are there, and there is a lot that people haven't picked up on, or haven't fully understood what is being said. The key to the future is in that conversation with Sylvie, and this doesn't necessarily undo any of those threats. In my mind, it's what Sylvie said: "At least give us a chance. Let us fight that battle for ourselves and define our own destiny."
I also wanted to ask about that final shot of Mobius in Ohio, where he's standing there silently, watching time pass. Why was that the right ending for Mobius?
In the big picture of the show, we wanted this to feel like a real ending. We wanted to give closure on a number of things, and we didn't want to do anything that felt like it was just teeing up a new story. But you could plant new seeds that could become new stories. My feeling with that scene in Ohio is that it's Mobius overcoming a personal obstacle. He just had to go and look. The show is not telling you whether he's going to stay there, or whether he's going to go back to the TVA. I think both are possibilities. But the important thing was the character growth of him going to do the thing he has been avoiding. I think it took what Loki did to cause Mobius to go, "I have this opportunity. This opportunity was given to me by Loki. The least I can do is go."
So that being said, is this the end for Loki? Is this a season finale, or is it a series finale?
I'm thinking of it kind of like a comic run, and this is the end of that comic run. I know [head writer Eric Martin] has said this a lot: These two seasons were two chapters of the same book, and we wanted to close the book. That was a challenge from Owen in between seasons: He was like, "Nobody has the courage to close the book! Let's close the book!"
Again, I speak for myself and not Marvel, but I am certainly pitching ideas of where I could see certain stories going. I think there are a lot of stories you can tell at the TVA, and we are just scratching the surface on that. I would love to see more stories with Loki, and I think Tom would continue to play this character until he is Richard E. Grant's Classic Loki [laughs]. But I don't think that means you need to have this story every year or every two years. It's about doing it when we have a good story to tell. I would love to keep working with these filmmakers.
We built a really awesome team, and if Loki is Breaking Bad, maybe there's a way for this team to keep telling stories with our version of Better Call Saul — whether that's with Sylvie, with the TVA, or with a new Loki. But we only want to do that if we have the right story and it can be just as fulfilling as this one. After all, you can't be the God of Stories if you're not going to tell more stories.
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Hi, again. 👋
I found the post you were talking about. The stan's account was deactivated, but yeesh. 😬 Nice replies to them, btw.
The stan that bashed on me said I was being misogynistic, even though I'm a black woman who just wanted to see another black character get their chance to shine.
Hell, it's not just the shows and movies (I think this all started with Endgame). It's also the Steve Rogers musical too. I don't know if you know about it, but Disney made the musical real, and it really did Sam and Bucky dirty.
Sam isn't even in it. Maybe he was mentioned once, but the musical showed an image of Sam as Captain America. As for Bucky, his scene from CA:TFA, where he saved pre-serum Steve, was given to Peggy instead. Bucky was mentioned once, and the musical tried to justify Steve's ending from Endgame. All for this ship.
And, frankly, I don't hate Peggy, I'm just more annoyed that other characters get shoved aside as well as this great dynamic that Steve and Bucky had, while she and her ship with Steve has been getting propped up more and more. But, seeing some of your and the others' posts, I get why you guys don't like her.
Girl, don’t get me started on the abomination that was Rogers the musical. It could have been glorious, it had so much potential, but once again Bucky’s role in Steve’s story was given to Peggy, and Sam wasn’t even there!
I feel like Marvel feels the need to tone down Stucky or their friendship overall because it was just too powerful. We all remember the hashtag that begged Marvel to make Stucky Canon, #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend. They just couldn’t let it happen, not to a main and important character like Steve, god forbid. And so ever since civil war Stucky has always had little to no scenes together no matter how well established it was in previous projects. All their scenes and dynamic were given to Peggy, their friendship was toned down, Steve’s whole ending happened. It just feels like Stucky is so menacing to Marvel that the only way to stop us is by destroying Steve, Bucky and their relationship.
I mean, Steve is given no justice in his ending and in all the other projects he appeared in. Bucky went from a victim and prisoner of war to someone who must make amends for things that were beyond his control. And the depth of their friendship was toned down and reduced every time Peggy was involved. And then they wonder why many people in the fandom dislike Peggy or why the whole Rogers the musical initiative flopped the second it went beyond Hawkeye.
Like, even if you don’t ship Stucky you can tell that they care for each other, and you can tell there was a shift after people actually wanted Marvel to take action and do something about this dynamic. Steve can’t get even one episode as his own character because Peggy must be there. Bucky had more luck, but still… and let’s not even talk about Sam, his only appearance was as a zombie!
In another post of mine I ranted about how bothered I was that Peggy was inserted in the 1602 storyline, and i haven’t changed my mind. It would have been so nice to give Steve one episode about himself, about his dynamic with his best friend and about the relationship with himself and his fellow avengers. But no, Peggy must be there too, and for no good reason as well.
I feel like Marvel trying to erase pre-existing relationships to have Peggy shine only results in fans turning their back on Marvel and hiding in fanfiction or whatever piece of media that can actually bring justice to the characters. Once someone on Tumblr said “you gave us the characters, but once you mess them up they’re not yours anymore. You don’t understand and respect them, therefore you don’t deserve them.” and I couldn’t agree more, which is why I am currently reading and writing fanfiction rather than buying into everything marvel gives us.
Peggy was the love interest with more screen time even before what if and all that jazz, she had her own show! And I fear that the day Marvel will realize that pushing a reimagined Nazi turned Mary Sue into every single what if episode where she can fit instead of enhancing the characters that are actually relevant in-universe it will be too late.
Sorry about the rant, I get carried away when it’s about my boys lol
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lokiinmediasideblog · 3 months
The more I work on the Thor + Balder = Marvel!Thor post that tries to maximize similarities, the more I examine the TR behavior (regarding violence because it's a huge part of who myth!Thor is), and I get more annoyed by the conception that MCU!Thor is a himbo sunshine cinnamonroll that never laid a hand on Loki and was the absolute best brother. And oddly enough, I had not thought much of the incident I'll describe, and kinda shrugged off a lot of stuff with "they've survived worse" and aren't as "squishy" as us (probably because i hadn't watched T:TDW in years and Loki posing as Odin was funny and distracted me).
The moment Thor finds out his presumed dead brother he (supposedly) mourned is still alive he threatens to kill him with his magical super-weapon Mjolnir that only he can use (and it's implied he's done it before with "You're really gonna make me do it"). And this might be understandable if Loki had kept attacking realms and shown no improvement, but he got character development and helped save Jane and Asgard in the previous movie. He nearly died for Thor! And Asgard is still in one piece.
And like I know some don't like TR and don't consider it cannon, so they can get away with doing this. But those that like TR and insist Thor has no darkness to him, you sure?
And if anyone tells me "Akshually, Thor was right to try to kill Loki because Loki's reduced military interventionism in other realms IS WRONG AND LAZY AND EVIL in the movie that shows that Asgard is an empire built on the blood of other realms." I'll tell you to ask yourself why Disney would claim that. IDGAF what Feige said in interviews!
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disneytva · 3 months
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Disney Networks April 2024 Programming Highlights
Friday, April 5
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Pup Princess/Trash Truck Pups” (1-21) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Pup Princess” – The Pups are worried the castle they built isn’t fit for a princess until they realize this princess actually loves to play.
“Trash Truck Pups” – The Pupstruction crew becomes trash collectors for the day. TV-Y
Original Series – Season Two Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Jumbo Rat/New Friend Fiasco” (2-01) (2:00-2:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Jumbo Rat” – Bitsy’s small size saves the day when a giant Lab Rat steals all the jelly in the city.
“New Friend Fiasco” – Cat Burglar devises a plan to take every sparkly collar in Kittydale. TV-Y
Original Series – Season Two Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work “A Monstrous Homecoming” (2-01) (8:00-8:30 p.m. EDT) It’s homecoming weekend at Monsters University, and Tylor Tuskmon is being celebrated as a former Scream King. TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work “The C.R.E.E.P. Show” (2-02) (8:30-9:00 p.m. EDT) The MIFTers join Mike and Sulley in representing Monsters, Inc., at the C.R.E.E.P. Show, an energy convection where they hope to promote laugh power to industry professionals. TV-G
Saturday, April 6 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Big City Greens “Internetted/Guiding Gregly” (4-06) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT) “Internetted” – Tilly goes down an internet rabbit hole to figure out what happened to her favorite ice cream treat.
“Guiding Gregly” – Cricket tries to teach Gregly how to make friends. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Saw-shank Redemption/No More Mr. Rice Guy” (1-24) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT) “The Saw-shank Redemption” – Hailey and Scott get thrown into detention.
“No More Mr. Rice Guy” – After Hailey accidentally inspires her dad to go on strike, she struggles to make his famous fried rice for a school event. TV-Y7
Friday, April 12 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Saving Major Green!/Minnie Safari” (3-09) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Saving Major Green!” – The gang helps save Funhouse Forest’s oldest tree on Arbor Day.
“Minnie Safari” – Minnie becomes frustrated when she can’t find the elusive Cat-O-Spots on a safari. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Picture Perfect Pandemonium/Catch That Panther Pod” (3-11) (1:30-2:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:30-1:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Picture Perfect Pandemonium” – Team Spidey must save the art show when Zola steals artwork from the museum.
“Catch That Panther Pod” – Spidey and Black Panther must catch runaway new tech lost in the city before Doc Ock finds it. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Dancing Piggy/Super Helpers” (2-02) (2:00-2:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:30-9:55 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Dancing Piggy” – The SuperKitties must rescue Wiggles, their new dancing robo-piggy, from Zsa-Zsa before the Kittydale dance party.
“Super Helpers” – Bitsy cheers on Pickles as he learns something new. TV-Y
Saturday, April 13 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Big City Greens “Family Tree/Unguarded” (4-07) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT) “Family Tree” – Bill just wants Tilly to come down from a tree.
“Unguarded” – When Remy tells Vasquez he no longer needs his protection, Vasquez speaks with a therapist. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work “Setting the Table” (2-03) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT) Tylor is invited to a fancy dinner with Johnny Worthington, but it’s on the same night — and at the same restaurant — as a party for Fritz! TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work “Opening Doors” (2-04) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT) Johnny takes Tylor on a tour of FearCo. When Tylor is late returning from his visit, Val must cover for him. TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “When Squeeples Attack/Cool Intentions” (1-25) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT) “When Squeeples Attack” – Hailey causes an infestation of a wild, futuristic critter.
“Cool Intentions” – Hailey and Scott work at A.C.’s family shop while A.C. shoots a commercial. TV-Y7
Friday, April 19 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Museum Mayhem/Big Dig” (2-03) (2:00-2:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:30-9:55 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Museum Mayhem” – Lab Rat and Ginny learn what makes their art special.
“Big Dig” – Sparks learns to share his upset feelings. TV-Y
Saturday, April 20 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Big City Greens “Concrete Jungle/Starter Pack” (4-08) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT) “Concrete Jungle” – A nature documentary portrays Big City as a wild ecosystem.
“Starter Pack” – Avid collector Remy struggles to cope after Cricket finds the rarest of all trading cards. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work “It’s Coming From Inside the House” (2-05) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT) The Tuskmon family is having a stoop sale, but Tylor struggles to part with his childhood scaring memorabilia. TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work “Field of Screams” (2-06) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT) At the annual Monsters, Inc., vs. FearCo softball game, Val tries to tell Tylor about a job offer from Mike and Sulley. TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Out of Body Experience/Get Wale Soon” (1-26) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT) “When Squeeples Attack” – A hypnotized Scott inadvertently provokes Rowdy Ronnie, who forces Scott to wrestle him.
“Cool Intentions” – Hailey’s attempts to save a whale are interrupted by her talkative next-door neighbors. TV-Y7
Friday, April 26 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Fun-A-Palooza!/Missing Buttons and Bows!” (3-07) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Fun-A-Palooza!” – Minnie is worried her xylophone skills aren’t good enough to play at the Fun-A-Palooza concert.
“Missing Buttons and Bows!” – When Minnie’s items go missing, she thinks her friends are taking them. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Iron Zola/Aunt May’s Birthday Blowout” (3-12) (1:30-2:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:30-1:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Iron Zola” – Team Spidey helps the city when Zola becomes a superhero like Iron Man.
“Aunt May’s Birthday Blowout” – Aunt May’s birthday balloon ride strands her, Spidey and Gobby on an island. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Copy Hats/Telescope Trouble” (2-04) (2:00-2:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:30-9:55 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Copy Hats” – The SuperKitties stop Cat Burglar from stealing the trendy new hats in Kittydale.
“Telescope Trouble” – Buddy doesn’t give up on learning how to use a telescope. TV-Y
Saturday, April 27 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Big City Greens “Dollar Sense/True Cawing” (4-09) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT) “Dollar Sense” – To prove to his parents that he is money-wise, Remy starts his own business.
“True Cawing” – Feeling neglected by his family, Bill befriends a murder of crows. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work “Monsters in the Dark” (2-07) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT) Mike and Sulley lead a morale-boosting company retreat in the spooky sub-basement of Monsters, Inc. TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work “Lights! Camera! Chaos!” (2-08) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT) When news anchors Jack and Jill visit Monsters, Inc., for an interview, Mike and Sulley hope to show off laugh power to all of Monstropolis. TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “How Kristine Goat Her Groove Back/Oceanside’s 11” (1-27) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT) “How Kristine Goat Her Groove Back” – Kristine and Hailey go to a local spa where Kristine has a goat-induced revelation.
“Oceanside’s 11” – Hailey hides proof of her crush on Scott in a book that the school gossip manages to find. TV-Y7
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Marvel vs Miraculous: How to Do a Final Battle
I finally put my finger on the heart of the issue with Miraculous Season Five's final. To explain this, I'm going to talk about another superhero franchise that actually did the final fight well: Avengers Endgame. While that movie has a lot of issues, the final fight wasn't one of them and I'm picking it for one reason: the big, climactic moment does not go to the whole team. It goes to one character, but I've never seen a fan complain that the other characters were left out.
The trick is that Endgame has the excitement and the tension build and build as the final fight goes on. It starts with a massive hype moment (portals opening) and goes through lots of narratively satisfying moments like Captain Marvel punching out a spaceship or Thor and Captain America trading Mjölnir back and forth. Every major, living character gets an "Oh shit!" moment to drive their fans wild.
Miraculous tried to do the same thing and completely failed.
Because Gabriel still had all of the miraculous, no one had powers, so there was no one to show up and make the audience get excited other than characters from the specials and team Luka, which was literally introduced during the final!
None of these characters feel like a big payoff for five seasons worth of buildup because they weren't part of the seasons! Some viewers might not even know who Fei and the Americans were! They're from specials that you have to specifically know about and search out. If I pull up Miraculous on Disney+, they're not included in the episode list. They're separate entries.
These characters also don't actually help Marinette. They just save the resistance, who really aren't important to the story. You can ignore all of those fight scenes and the big fight between Marinette and Gabriel wouldn't change in the slightest because there's nothing Marinette needs from them. The closest we get is Plagg getting the ring to Marinette, but that's Plagg's solo mission that no one else helps with. He just lucks into the knowledge of where Marinette is.
You may be starting to see where I'm going with this.
Here's my thought: Luka knows Adrien's identity. Why not let that have a payoff? While we're at it, why not have all these random characters work together so that randos are useful to the characters we know and love?
Here's the rewrite with no major changes to the payoff and no changes to the rest of canon:
Adrien breaks out of his prison in London and gets the ring to Paris, but he's been plagued by nightmares the entire way. He's barely holding it together and he knows that he's in no shape to help his Lady. But wait! Luka's in Paris. He sees Chat Noir flying in and meets him while the others hold off the bots. Adrien detransforms and hands the ring off. Luka promises to take it from there.
Luka rejoins his team (who didn't see Adrien) and starts fighting through the streets of Paris, knowing that they have to find Ladybug, but they've got no idea where she is.
Enter: the resistance!
Nino, Alya, and team are also fighting their way through Paris and they run into Team Luka, who tells them that Chat Noir is down and needs them to get the ring to Ladybug, but no one knows where she is. They get bogged down by goons. Luka and co are trying to protect the resistance, but it's not working. They're going to lose.
Enter: Dragon Fei!
Only she's not here for a solo mission. She can't take the ring and fight after all. Someone needs to become a dragon rider. Luka is torn about leaving his sister behind, so Alya tells him to stay and she'll be the ring bearer!
Dragon Fei and Alya take to the skies and the moment Plagg saw repeats, letting them know where Ladybug is. But how do they get inside and find her?
Oh look, it's the Americans with magic door man! Fei lands and joins the Americans in fighting while Alya talks to door dude. He opens a portal, but the place is full of enemies and they can't fight their way through, so Plagg takes the ring from here and flies off to find Ladybug. He finds her, we get Bugnoir, and the final proceeds as originally planned.
We still get the disappointing ending with Gabriel winning, but at least the lead up was epic, no identities were revealed, and Adrien got to do something meaningful.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
The fam reaction after watching Multiverse of Madness?
Aight I can do this now that it's on Disney+
Dick: plays the slide whistle when Mr. Fantastic gets spaghettied
Jason: tells everyone he had a cameo and no one knows what he means until zombie Dr. Strange shows up
Tim: "Oh to be a bisexual dimension-hopping orphan with a traumatic memory of losing my two moms and being wildly insecure about my powers until a salt-and-pepper Benedict Cumberbatch unofficially adopts me into his mystical temple and not only saves my life but shows me that I'm more than what my fears dictate"
Damian: genuinely believes he could've defended Kamar-Taj by himself
Duke: "Congrats to Marvel for their first horror movie"
Cullen: "Thank God we're not in New York"
Stephanie: when zombie Dr. Strange turns the souls of the damned into a cloak, shouts "IT'S MORBIN' TIME"
Cassandra: crawls at everyone like Wanda climbing out of the gong
Barbara: is more hyped about the Thor: Love and Thunder trailer that played before
Harper: starts devising a way to make a star portal
Carrie: begs Alfred for pizza balls
Kate: loudly said "What is this hetero bullshit" at the wedding scene
Alfred: actually considers how he can make pizza balls
Selina: puts a third googly eye on the cat
Bruce: tries to figure out if multiversal adoption is possible
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tinderbox210 · 7 months
Also have to thank The Marvels for giving me the perfect Spocklaan AU / Subspace Rhapsody sequel idea with the Enterprise visiting musical planet Aladna where communication is only possible with songs. So the crew has to sing again and La'an ends up accidentally betrothed to the prince of Aladna after she saved him and has to wear a Princess Thalia like dress. The crew tries to figure out how to end the engagement without breaking diplomacy and Spock storms the wedding dressed in his fancy Vulcan robes, looking like a damn Disney prince, pretending to be jealous and declaring his undying love for La'an in a power ballad, maybe even challenging the prince in a duel with lirpas, which makes the prince end the engagement.
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flower1622 · 4 months
I may be a girl, but I don't agree 100% with feminism. Nothing against it. The ideia of equality is good. But how people use it...that it's not. Instead of putting Women and Men on the same level...I only see men being putting down and women ordering them. This is not cool or healthy. We are all humans here. We should be equals because no one is better than anyone else. This just made me hate some things, like:
. Captain Marvel:
(She gives me the vibe that she doesn't like men very much. Nothing against it, but to almost all of them? I think who watched her movies can answer it better. I only watched one and the best parts were from a man and a cat)
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. Barbie
(The movie and maybe some female characters. They destroyed Ken's personality. Barbie being called fascist and many other things. Only the women getting the power in the end. The only good parts from the movie were from Ken)
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. Annabeth Chase
(She orders and Percy obeys. Not only that, but she even makes fun of his intelligence to other people, even though he is the one to save her most of the times. She tries to sound like she is superior to him and many other things)
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. She Hulk
(What have they done to Hulk? Where is the anger? Where is that monster guy? I didn't want to watch the series...because based on some spoilers, I think I wouldn't like it)
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. Peter Pan
(The new movie from Peter Pan. I didn't want to watch because I knew Disney would make something terrible to the movie. I'm really grateful that I didn't do it. Wendy more powerful than Peter Pan? Girls in the island? Wendy being the hero? Peter without powers? Wendy punching Peter? What story is this? The only good thing was the story between Captain Hook and Peter. Many people must know now that Peter was always the villain...I guess)
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blazehedgehog · 5 months
Interested in that new Suicide Squad game?
Not even a little, no. It's got the stink of a live service game all over it, it's been delayed to hell and back, none of the previews I saw sounded even a little bit positive...
It's as bad or possibly even worse than that Marvel's Avengers game, where it's the world's most bland game jam packed full of free-to-play mobile game junk. Except now they're asking $70 for it.
I'm getting really tired of every game having a loot system, or RPG mechanics where they don't belong, or whatever. All these little things to puff up play time, to fake the appearance of depth, and make it easier for them to sell you gacha packs.
It's like every game is Pokemon now: gotta collect everything, gotta raise everything up to max level, gotta grind against a million different numbers, because oh man, you think Harley Quinn's Mythic Clown Warhammer is good now? Wait until it's level 99.
And then next year, when they raise the level cap? Holy crap, dude.
Think of all the time you spent doing that stuff. Chasing stats. Pretending that grinding is automatically a substitute for depth. People love number go up. And I'm not even immune to that! In a good game I like to play, having an excuse to keep playing it is nice!
But more and more and more games are putting the cart before the horse. It's like they build a shopping mall and then fill it full of vendors that only sell old onions and manure. "It'll pay for itself," they say. "A lot of people need onions and manure." Not taking into account they're right next door to more useful stores people already go to.
And every game is a job now. I play Fortnite for about 90 minutes every night, something I've been doing for the last four or five years. The thought of playing any other live service game on top of Fortnite makes my bones creak like an old man.
Like, a specific friend is the one who enabled me to play Fortnite. He bought me a Founder's Pass for Save the World back in 2019, which means I get free v-bucks currency as long as I complete at least one mission per day. Depending on how luck falls, there have been days where I get upwards of 200vb per day, for free. Over the course of a month, that adds up pretty significantly.
We've both joked that the only reason we're still playing Fortnite after all this time is we always have currency for the shop because we get it for free. A Fortnite estimator website once said my account is worth multiple thousands of dollars, but I've actually spent maybe $100 total in real money over the last five years on it (about $20 per year).
Anyway, that same friend recently tried to drag me into playing Disney Speedstorm, because he loves that game. In the three or four months since he's been trying to lure me over, I have booted the game up maybe five times total. It is fun, but it's also a "this game is your job now" live service product. And my bones creak.
The stench of that coming off of Suicide Squad is too pungent to ignore.
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randomshyperson · 7 months
hey mary, do you like Loki? Did you watch the finale?
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(this ask has spoilers)
Before the show, no. I didn't like Loki at all. This is funny because MCU Loki was the only version of the character I couldn't stand, while in Assassins Creed, Loki easily became one of my favorite video-game characters. Of course, that's on Disney and the way they poorly wrote the characters as this sociopath genocide who envies his brother and never tried to reconnect with his original race or anything. Even after Ragnarok, with Loki stealing the Stone, he was just off for me. And then the first season came, and he was still showing dictator behaviors, acting like he had the right to control everybody else, and I was like "Ugh white man" - Yes, MCU Loki is a white cisgender dude, and this is from a critical point of view. Disney never worked with the possibility of him being genderfluid, and a fucking 1-inch note on the side of the screen during the credits doesn't change the way Tom Hiddleston has portrayed the character as a cisgender man. And don't get me started on how problematic the whole Sylvie Female Loki is okay- Do you wanna see a true genderfluid Loki? Go watch the Netflix "Ragnarok" Show. That said, I obv pretend Disney never wrote shit and Loki has always been explicitly genderfluid, and try to write him like that as well.
Anyway, I really liked the finale, especially if you compare the overall quality of this season with the first one; The show got better. Really better. it's way funnier, the rhythm is finer, and the dynamics between the characters work well. Even the photography is prettier. Of course, nothing is perfect. They got rid of the self-incest part (thank god) but somehow brought misogyny back on. Where did Sylvie's development go? Renslayer's? B-15's? Every female character is either evil or unimportant. Sylvie was literally the main in the first season but we barely got to see her now, only for her to be left with no ending. And the fact that even Kang's new variant got more screen time than Renslayer is a crime. At least we got a lot of Mobius, he's such a sweetheart.
But yes, I do like Loki. I didn't adore the finale, but I liked it a lot. Excluding the issues I mentioned before, Loki finally got his well-deserved development and GLORIOUS PURPOSE. I was so happy I got the reference and then I got so sad. He's alone, that poor soul. And I was left speechless, for a good moment I literally had to pause the show, when we got the "centuries later" logo. His willpower and determination to do the right thing after so long? Amazing. Two words to show the most unique and incredible growth a character ever had in the MCU before. Loki really became the master of time to save his friends, only in the end for his purpose to be alone without them. I AM NOT OKAY
btw, I would love to know what you guys thought about the ending, the whole god of stories being a thing now; did you guys like the show, I think it had one of the best endings for Marvel, just behind Wandavision (both shared the same problems, open holes in the narrative for future projects probably).
Good news for anyone who actually read to the end, this means I finally get to write my TVA!Reader x Wanda series, the most slow burn, enemies to lovers, ride-or-die couple ever wrote it; yay!
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phykios · 5 months
Review: We Find Out The Truth, Sort Of
As the season winds down, amidst all the discourse, I realized something: Percy might not be the main character of his own show. In fact, depending on how the finale goes down, I think I can make a pretty solid argument for Sally being the main character. 
I recognize this may be contentious but I absolutely love TV Sally. I love how raw she still is, how the struggle of single parenting weighs her down, how much she adores her son and tries and sometimes fails to fight her feelings of anger and loneliness to be the best mother she can be. I think Krull is killing it and I might be a stan for life. 
Here’s the issue, though–I’m thirty years old. 
Am I the target audience for PJO TV? What even is the target audience? What I thought at first was a more deliberate, mature pacing and tone might have melted into the general, family-friendly slop that plagues all recent Disney productions… or it might actually be the deliberate, mature pacing and tone that I thought. I really can’t tell, which is part of the problem. 
What’s strangest (not necessarily in a bad way) to me is that, thinking over the last seven episodes, the overwhelming theme has been… how hard parenting is. Again, it’s a weirdly adult theme for a TV show based on a middle-grade novel. Not that the theme wasn’t present in the books, it was just obviously more of a background coloring, rather than being something Percy actively and consistently thought about. 
Certainly, the colorlessness of the show isn’t helping matters. Beyond just night lighting being bad, the actual color editing is so gray and lifeless that even well-constructed cinematography isn’t able to save it, and its absence just confuses the tone even further. Again, this is a problem across a significant percentage of Disney live action products, from Marvel to Star Wars and the shit awful remakes. I could go on about Disney ruining film lighting and color-grading, but the deeper issue here is that the creative team behind PJO is just not taking advantage of the medium of visual live action. Which is a shame. Again, I point to The Lightning Thief musical’s overwhelming earnestness and sincerity, fully leaning into itself as a piece of musical theater, which has different strengths, weaknesses, and requirements than literature or film. “D.O.A.,” for all its silliness, takes advantage of its limitations and celebrates its uniqueness, and it’s disappointing to see that the same initiative isn’t present here for PJO TV. 
I was kind of joking last time, but Charlie Bushnell, I need you to be so good next episode. You might actually be my last hope. 
Stray thoughts: 
Swapping the zoo truck heart to heart for Procrustes was still a bad idea, and I’m glad they basically zoomed right past it. Also, who was it who said that they should have used the stretching to cover up for Walker’s growth spurt, because LMAO
Regarding Annabeth’s regret, I firmly believe it’s about her father. This also fits with her book storyline, where she decides to give her dad another chance.
“Is this…?” “No.” “I mean it looks like–” “IT ABSOLUTELY IS NOT” I love Aryan’s delivery so much here
I like to imagine that TV Hades is just grown up Nico. 
I predicted that this episode would end on a pre-fight cliffhanger weeks ago, and I was right! You can ask Darkmagyk, she was there. I know how television works!
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stonyauniverse · 11 months
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June 30th - July 20th
Things have been hectic here in the Stony AUniverse with the bingo round beginning, monthly mayhem gearing up on our Discord, and the announcement of Stony AUgust!
We will begin a bi-monthly Round Up in August: August 10th and 24th will be the next two round up dates, and so on.
If you want to be included in the Round Up, you must fill out the Fill Submission form.
Thanks as always to our lovely fanart mod, @suchmadnesss, for the fanart in our banner!
Without further ado, come peruse our bingo-goers wonderful creations!
I Need You By My Side by @nikayna
Rating: G
Tags: Mood Board, au music, Stonyauniverse Bingo, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Guitar Player Steve Rogers, Singer Tony Stark, Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll, Touring, Concerts, Groupies
Summary: A mood board to fulfill the square AU: Music in @stonyauniverse's Bingo Event! Steve plays guitar, Tony sings. Life gets lonely on the road - but at least they have each other.
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Fairness of Lego Distribution by @every-marveler-ever
Rating: T
Tags: Mob Boss AU, Tony Stark can be mean, Sam Wilson doesn't care, Peter Parker is adorable, "LANGUAGE!"
Summary: Nobody knows why there is a shipment coming from Washington DC or what it includes. They just know Tony didn't make it, and Tony doesn't love when people do things without telling him.
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A castaway where no one hears you on a barren isle in a lonely sea by Wolfsheart
Rating: T
Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Single Parent Tony Stark, Divorced Tony Stark, Parent Tony Stark, Tony Stark Feels, Disney Employee Steve Rogers, Artist Steve Rogers, Tony and Steve went to school together, Unrequited Crush, Mutual Pining, Alcoholic Tony Stark, Loneliness, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Cute Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Kissing, Implied/Referenced Sex, Gossiping about their friends, Mention of Bucky Barnes/Loki, Not Peggy Carter Friendly
Summary: A year and a half (give or take a month) after the divorce, Tony is still fighting the residual depression left behind from the way the divorce went down. Having been granted primary custody of their daughter, he's brought Morgan back to live full-time with him in Malibu, and he decided to surprise her with a trip to Disneyland. He lost his 'magic' back when Pepper left, so he doesn't know how magical Disneyland will feel to him, but it'll make Morgan happy, and that's what matters. However, will running into long-time unrequited crush Steve Rogers change all of that?
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One Step Closer by @scottxlogan
Rating: E
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Forbidden Love, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not Peggy Carter Friendly, Past Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Past Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Minor Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Canon-Typical Violence, Drug Use, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Artist Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe - Popstar, rock star Tony Stark, Rancher Steve Rogers, Second Chances, Sexual Content, Divorced Steve Rogers, Divorced Tony Stark, Rehabilitation, References to Depression, Angst and Romance, Not Howard Stark Friendly, Drug Addiction, Swearing
Summary: Tony Stark was pushed into popstar fame by his ambitious father early on, but over the span of more than two decades Tony has seen the highs and lows of stardom hitting rock bottom in more ways than one. Through it all there was always one person that Tony felt was his saving grace. Steve Rogers was always the one that got away and no matter how many times they tried to cross that line into love they couldn't quite get there. As Tony's once close friend and brief roommate, Steve turned Tony's world around in all the right ways until fate intervened and they were pulled in separate directions. Now fresh out of rehab on his 45th birthday and looking to keep from making the same mistakes, Tony reflects on his past and follows his heart to new beginnings hoping that it's not too late to find his way back to Steve in his hopes for a second chance.
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The Fallen Angel Becomes a Malignant Devil by @nikayna
Rating: T
Tags: Mood Board Bingo, Mad Scientists, Alternate Universe, Scientist Tony Stark, Experiment Steve Rogers, Sneaky Fantastic Four Cameo, Stony BingoAUniverse - Freeform, Evil Tony Stark, Dark Steve Rogers
Summary: SHIELD thought it was a lost cause. Tony wouldn't rest until he'd finally perfected the captain. Steve wouldn't rest until he'd burnt everything to the ground.
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The Shield and the Iron Brawler by @nikayna
Rating: M
Tags: Mood Board, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, stonyauniverse, Stony Bingo, Knight Steve Rogers, Brawler Tony Stark, Dragon Loki (Marvel), Blood and Violence
Summary: The dragon known as Loki had been terrorizing the town for far too long. Sir Steve Rogers would have fought the beast alone if he had too. Fortunately, he had Anthony the Iron-Willed by his side.
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Words Are Very Unnecessary by @nikayna
Rated: E
Tags: Blow Jobs, Makeup Sex, Cock Worship, Coming In Pants, Coming Untouched, Face-Fucking, Drabble, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Summary: Tony doesn't need to use words to apologize.
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Chronic by @purpleicedteas
Rating: M
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Chronically Ill Steve Rogers, Sub Steve Rogers, Gentle Dom Tony Stark, Light Dom/sub, Massage, Back Pain, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Non-Sexual Submission, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Subspace
Summary: Steve's had a long day, and his back pain is excruciating. Thankfully, his boyfriend loves to give massages.
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ineedtoventchrissy · 3 months
To continue with my ventting.
I can't remember which blog said this, but they said something along the lines that it will take time for Chris to rebuild his career once this shitshow is over. They were talking about how this shitshow has gone on for so long and how bad the situation has gotten that it is now even starting to affect the general public's opinion of him.
This shitshow has gone on for far too long and is so bad that personally, I don't know if the fandom will ever recover, but it will definitely not ever be the same. The fandom was divided into many factions because of this mess that Chris created. Chris willingly chose to allow his fandom to be used, to be gaslighted, and to be labeled as crazy by his team. He allowed his POS, lazy ass leech of a brother to call his fans crazy. Chris has used his fans for many years, but this time, he went too far. I honestly don't know if he will have as large and as devoted fandom ever again. The fan base that supported him through thick and thin, that went to bat for him when the leaked dick pic was accidentally released and pretty much saved him, I believe that is gone for good. Chris will never have that support from the fandom ever again, in my opinion. There has been too much hurt, too much disrespect, and too much division for there to be the level of loyalty that once existed when that dick pic surfaced. I blame Chris and his team for that.
I'm waiting for this crap of a PR stunt shitshow to end. After that, who knows. I will say this it will take a long time for Chris to build his career and his fan base. He may successfully rebuild his career, but I highly doubt he will have the fan support he once had. And that is on him. He has no one else to blame but himself.
I hope that when this is over and done with, Chris will seek out a highly qualified and reputable therapist and has done the help he needs. I also hope he fires his entire team, CAA, Meghan, and especially Ilaria. I hope he finds a really good, decent agency to represent him and an agent with a strong moral compass who won't let this shitshow happen again. I hope he gets rid of all of his friends who are leeches, starting with Tara,Jamie Chung, and Mark Kassman. I hope he sets boundaries with those friends he chooses to keep in his life. I hope he financially cuts off his brother Scott. He's done way too much for that POS. At the very least, I hope he has it out with Scott and sets a timeline with Scott, telling Scott to move his ass to NYC, go to auditions on Broadway, and has 2 years to make it on Broadway and then he will cut him off. I really hope Chris does the hard work to better himself as a person and as an actor. Chris has no excuse not to get therapy. He comes from a financially affluent family. He is a millionaire several times over, thanks to his days with Marvel, so he has the means to get therapy. He has dealt with his issues by drinking too much, smoking tobacco cigarettes, smoking weed, and has been rumored to have tried cocaine or used cocaine. These aren't healthy, helpful, or productive ways to deal with his anxiety or other issues he may have. He needs to get help. More importantly, he has to want to get better. I really hope he chooses to get better and gets help. I also hope that one day, he publicly admits what he has done and sincerely apologizes to his fans.
As for me, when this shitshow ends, I will be relieved to finally see the end. After that, I don't know. I do know that for now and for a long time to come, I won't be spending any of my hard earned money on any of his work, nothing. As of right now, the last film of his I watched was The Gray Man. I have never been to a CC, and I doubt I will go to one he's involved in. I don't know if I will ever watch or support any of his future works.
I always side eyed Chris. I never truly bought into the image that Disney and his team created, especially when he got involved with his married Gifted Co star. I refuse to say her name because she is a POS. if you know the history of their relationship and what her SM media was like before the cleanup, you'll know why I don't like her.
I understand that Chris is a loyal person to his friends and family, but at some point, you have cut off toxic people. I have had to do this with many of my aunts and uncles, first cousins, and other family members. I'm the process of distancing myself from my sister because I've had enough of her disrespectful attitude towards me. So, I understand how hard it can be to set boundaries with family and friends and to cut ties with toxic people, but he is going to have to do that if he is going to lead a healthy life.
I am a fan of Sebastian Stan. He is #1 for me. Chris has always been second place. Sebastian, in my opinion, has always been the superior actor of the two. He has also, in my opinion, been the better human being of the two. I am so happy that all of Sebastian Stan's hard work and dedication to his craft is finally getting him the recognition he so richly deserves.
Thank you for creating this safe space to vent. It is very much appreciated.
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binkywinky · 2 years
I really just love the relationship between Kamala and Kareem in the Ms. Marvel Disney+ show.
I love that their first meeting was them trying to damn near kill each other, but as the fight progressed, it went from aggressive to almost playful intrigue.
I love how their lives coincided. Kamala learning about her family history put her in direct opposition with Kareem, who works for an organization that tries to stop the people she descended from. And that collision ended up making them friends and a badass fighting duo.
I love their banter. I think it’s important for Kamala to have someone who can keep up with her wit and teasing (aside from Nakia).
I love that their relationship is protective without coddling. They’ll snipe at each other or be sarcastic just as soon as they’d put their neck on the line to save each other.
I love how seamlessly they work together. They can each hold their own but will step in to assist without hesitation (and without needing to say much but still checking in with each other constantly). 
I love the respect they have for each other. They’re both teenagers trying to do good to the best of their ability. Their methods are different, but their goals are the same, and they get that about each other. They’re not perfect at it, but they’re trying to do good, and that mutual understanding has really cemented a bond between them.
I love their shared culture. It’s not a must to have a good relationship with someone, but I know from experience there are definite benefits (and relief) in not having to explain everything about yourself to the people in your lives.
I just have a lot of Kamala/Kareem feelings.
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