#Donna is that emotional support animal
davidtennan-t · 9 months
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I love how fourteen just slips into immediate panic at the very prospect of being separated from Donna - not because of the dangerous situation but because he’s just like that
no Donna = immediate panic
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nat-20s · 9 months
I think it takes like. Half of one shift before Fourteen just starts going to work with Donna. Kate is like ???????! WHATS GOING ON??? and The Doctor is like yeah no I'm not on the clock 💖. I'm here to make sure nothing bad happens to Donna or I'm going back in time and wiping this organization from existence 💖. Also we both get sad if we haven't held hands for too long so really I'm helping with productivity.
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compact-turtle · 1 year
I love you're farmer!! Can we get a bit more info on them?
(Can I be 🪷 anon?)
TW: Child abuse, child neglect Of course you can be the 🪷!!
Here’s a little about him, 
-Even if he’s a bit harsh to the dogs sometimes , he cares and loves them very much. They supported him when there was nobody there for him. 
-His favorite meal is an omelet. 
-Thinks flying creatures (birds, butterflies, etc) are so pretty. He used to have a journal dedicated to his discoveries about them before his parents burned it. Would sneak off the farm as a kid and go bird watching. Could list off a bunch of facts and talk about the creatures for hours. 
“The Danaus Plexippus, more commonly known as the Monarch butterfly is notorious for being poisonous due to their diet of milkweed. Also…” 
-When people make eye contact with him, it gives him anxiety. He doesn’t like looking at people in the eyes when talking. 
-He tries watching TV to learn how to emulate people’s speech and communicate better.  Honestly, doesn’t help too much since his delivery is always off. Sometimes his voice is monotone when it should be joyful or laughs at things that aren’t funny in an attempt to blend in.
-He wants to do an elaborate proposal with a heartfelt speech like he saw on TV but is afraid to mess up in front of you. He doesn’t want you to think you got stuck with some stupid backwards farmer. 
-Deathly afraid you’ll leave him for some smart city boy who’s charming and eloquent at speaking. 
-He’s intelligent in terms of hands on problems and quick thinking. Important skills when dealing with machines and rowdy animals. Book smart and academic wise…. uhhh not so much.
-Used to live with his parents before they died in an “accidental” drowning incident while fishing on the lake. 
-His trauma and insecurity around intelligence plus speaking stems from his parents that would lock him in closets as a kid since he “wouldn’t talk or had the smarts like a proper boy.”
-Loves when you tell him he’s done a good job, if he’s handsome.. honestly any praises in general. It makes him feel special and that you love him.
-He’s very awkward when it comes to expressing emotions to you directly. He’ll show it through actions instead. 
-for example, if you’re having a bad day. He’ll make your favorite meal and give you a massage. 
-the only person in town who likes him is Donna. An old woman who sells flowers and enjoyes gossiping about everyone. Some hooligans tried to rob her until Atticus beat them bloody. Went and told everyone about the fine young man who saved her life. 
-bad news: this man has poor hygiene. 
-good news: uh- he loves you? 
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morgan1413 · 1 year
Donna Beneviento x Gender Neutral Reader Headcanons - Pets and Grief
TW// Death of a beloved animal, grief, sadness
Donna is very in tune with nature, thus has a vested interest in keeping all wildlife safe, whether that be plants or animals, and indeed pets. She ensures that all of the local wildlife is protected from harm, by feeding and aiding the sick and warding off any unwanted predators and has often taken in small animals to take care of them, particularly if they’re sick or malnourished. From this perspective, she understands the emotional attachment that one can form with their pet animal and respects the connection you have with your pet with utmost respect.
Her relationship with animals, similar to how she is with other people, is very passive. She isn’t one to fuss an animal about, or really play with them more than is necessary. Rather, she allows for them to have their own space in the house where they feel safe and secluded, a reflection of how she wants to be treated as a person herself. Mostly for this reason alone, Donna prefers the company of cats, and has taken in many cats as well as other animals over the years whom she has found in the neighbouring woods, who love and appreciate the shelter she gives for them. Miranda isn’t the loving and caring kind, and so would never answer Donna’s pleas for pets or anything besides the basics, as Donna is deemed by her to be not mentally aware or capable of looking after someone else, especially after what happened to Claudia, so this is her only way of acquiring any form of pet animal.
As a member of the village, and indeed with you being her lover, she delights in the fact that you’ve bought the pet to her residence and does whatever she can to accommodate for your pet’s needs. This includes providing shelter, appropriate food, and learning the behaviour of the animal if she is currently unaware of the breed or species. She isn’t fussy when it comes to the type of animal and doesn’t restrict herself to only caring for mammals such as cats or dogs, and other typical wildlife such as birds or mice. If your pet so happens to be a type of reptile, or even a fish, she will find this fascinating and would do everything she could to care for it to the best of her ability. She sees her caring of the pet as being an extension of her relationship with you, and so will oftentimes perform acts of kindness towards the pet as an indirect means of showing affection towards you. This isn’t to say that she’s incapable of showing you love, but more so that she finds the nature of animals to be far more predictable and indeed manageable than those of humans. If she finds herself particularly overwhelmed or it feels to her as though you are currently unapproachable, your pet is her first port of call towards getting through to you, and she’ll make sure it’s well fed and cared for as an extension of her undying love towards you.
Once she hears that your pet has fallen fatally ill, it comes as a shock to her that rips the breath right out of her chest. She cannot comprehend how upsetting it will be both for her and especially you once your pet finally passes, and so hides her emotions away and keeps quiet, because she can’t seem to be able to process her thoughts into a word or action that would keep you calm. You may interpret this as her not caring or being distant, but over time you would realise that, like most other things in life, Donna struggles very hard with her emotions, and so tends to bottle things up. Over time however, the cracks start to show, and you’d need to support her in being able to vent her emotions in a safe and healthy manner. At the current moment, she tends to hide away and cry to herself, or push you away violently leaving you feeling unwanted at some points. This has only been exacerbated recently as her connection to both you and your pet feels frayed due to your pet’s illness, and the fear of losing either, or both of you, has her spiralling towards a depression she finds it difficult to climb out of. Eventually though, she finds it within herself to take upmost care of your pet during the time it has left on this earth, making sure to never leave its side as it deals with the ailments it has encountered, either through injury, disease, or old age. She finds a new kind of light through caring for an animal towards their demise, rather than towards health, something for which she is entirely unfamiliar with but now sees positivity within through her relationship with you. Whereas before she saw the death of animal as a failure, she now realises it’s inevitability, and how she needs to ensure that your pet passes away with the highest level of comfort and dignity possible.
Your pet finally passing away is a moment of intense sadness and tragedy for both you and her, causing heightened emotions in all manner of ways. For starters, she openly cries in front of you, as a reflection of how you and she must be feeling and feels more inclined to do so than in previous instances due to the shared pain you both feel for the loss of such a respected animal. At first, she sees this as being at detriment to your relationship with her, and so tries to escape by hiding in another room. She is therefore surprised when she hears a small knock on the door and sees you entering. She tries to apologise for her behaviour, but before she can you interrupt her and remind her that actually she’s been a net positive in this situation. You remind her that, although the loss of your pet was a moment of profound sadness, you respect and admire how strong she was when dealing with such an existential crisis, especially in those final few days when she stayed by your pet’s side ensuring that it did not feel alone during those final moments, something which you love her deeply for and admire her for greatly. You spend what feels like moments, but what is in fact hours, cuddled up next to each other, soothing each other from the shared pain you are experiencing from the grief you are currently feeling. Once you both feel calm and ready to share the news, a funeral is held in memory of your pet, attended by Alcina and her daughters, Karl, and Moreau, but not Miranda. This commemoration of your pet’s life is hard on the two of you, especially when recounting the many memories you share with the beloved animal, but through this process you find absolution from the pain and an unburdening of the sorrow you feel towards losing your pet. Together, you console each other through the anguish, and in time learn to deal with life without your beloved pet, and in time come to a point where a new pet feels like a sensible idea, one that both you and Donna revel in greatly.
Thank you for reading this far. This was a very reflexive piece to write given the situation I am currently going through, so I hope that shows within the detail I have tried to convey in my writing above. Please do let me know if you have any questions or things to add to this headcanon via my asks, or anything else to do with headcanons with regards to RE8 characters of any kind that you may like to see me write about in the future. I’m trying to start conveying my internal thoughts using this process, so anything I could use to get my creative juices flowing would be greatly appreciated. Thank you once again 💖
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ashtxeman · 9 months
Punch-Out!! Pet Headcanons :]
I thought it'd be nice to get more info out there from the massive 12,000 word document I have for Punch-Out stuff. So, here's what the boys pets are (excluding Don and Hippo who, as of now, don't have any)! Silly disclaimer that some of this information has been put on some individual headcanon posts, so if you think you've seen it before, you probably have! Still nice to compile it all together. Now enough yapping..
Joe would love a cat, but he's allergic so he can't get one. He might cave eventually and just power through it. He does consider Kaiser's pet to be his own, but he's allergic to them so isn't a fan of handing out belly scratches or pats.
Kaiser has a schnauzer called Stahl who rocks a mustache just like him! They get along incredibly well, matching from the military force in their steps when they go on walks, or the muddy green colour decorating their overalls and leashes respectively. An inseperable pair.
Disco has a budgie called Bingo and a parrot called Donna (an odd name, but he insisted on naming it after Donna Summer). He's always been a fan of birds and loves teaching them to talk so he can someday create his own bird choir (where he is the main vocalist).. so far, results are less than desireable. But he still lives his birdy babies.
Hondo has an absolutely ferocious Scottish fold called Tofu, who Hugger named. She will bite, claw, scratch, and hiss at anything that moves, and often times she's been compared to Aran in nature which Hondo sadly agrees with. Deep down she truly does love Hondo, she just has a very violent love language.
Hugger, as anybody would think, has an ungodly amount of animals in his house. A maine coon called Bobby, Murphy the squirrel (who Hondo named), Maple the bear, two horses called Dusty and Valley, a flock of birds that constantly hang around in his garden, a fox called Muse that stops by occasionally, a landseer dog called Beethoven (he couldn't get his hands on a St. Bernard, so he improvised), and a terrier called Husk. 
Tiger has his white tiger, Gahana. She's a gorgeous creature and has the exact same smug nature as her owner. Often time she's kept in India since owning a tiger isn't very common in the states, but whenever Tiger fancies a visit he can easily go over to her or bring her to him.
Aran has a surprising amount of pets. Two weasels called Tom and Jerry (reference intended), a cat called Lucky, and a few lizards named Burren, Porter, Druid and Mulligan (all names of Irish pubs that Aran has definitely been to). His house smells like animal pee and he does not care how much you complain about it.
Soda has two huskies, Sila and Vlast, alongside a miniature pinscher called Sergey who he rescued from the streets. Sila and Vlast are powerful, boastful dogs who love to show off a little, whilst Sergey is more humble but does enjoy playing copycat with his siblings.
Bull doesn't have any personal pets, but has plenty of farm animals (and several bulls) back in Turkey that he gets along well with. Suppose they bring him comfort.
Macho has his three dobermanns, Duke, Cooper and Ace. They are spoilt to death and whenever he has the opportunity he WILL bring them up, so chances are if you know Macho you know the doberbros just as well.
Sandman isn't a big animal fan, but has a guinea pig called Drowsy who loves to cuddle (and sleep). She often loves to snuggle in bed and keep the big man calm when he needs it. She's a suberb emotional support animal.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
*sees people remove Angie from Donna* Excuse you, that's her emotional support gremlin
No because literally
That's LITERALLY her emotional support doll like.... Girl could not function without Angie to help her communicate. Angie's effectivly a service animal. A demented, feral service animal
If ya can't deal with Angie then you don't get Donna imo
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artists-ally · 1 year
{Flatline} Harvey x OFC {Pt.3 Teaser}
tehehheehehe this part is gonna be such an emotional rollercoaster I hope y'all are ready. Enjoy this little tease (also big italic chunks indicate a flashback
Tagging: @rosedpetal @maxdamax @ashcosmo (I love you guys so much btw thank you for the incredible support through this little series)
“When did you start becoming so protective of her? I’ve never seen you like this with anyone other than Mike, Louis, Jessica and myself. You must… really really care about her.”
“I think it was during the mock trial. She was always off to the side, always attentive, but never spoke up. I couldn’t stop myself from glancing over at her every once and a while to see if she wanted to be included. But she never did.”
“This case may seem simple, but the husband is a grade A asshole. He has done everything to cover his tracks and is gonna come at us with everything he’s got. Find me some evidence and make it good.”
They all branched off, heading this way and that. Claudia went to the only logical place, right to me.
“Hi, Mr. Specter. I have one question about-about the case,” she said quickly.
“Of course, what do you want to know?”
“Was Mr. Saros the one who paid off that investment banker? Did the money come from his account directly or a different one?”
God she was so good. “It came from him and his wife’s joint account.”
Claudia had a slight grin to her lips, and she nodded before striding away. She was going to crack this wide open. I just knew it. 
I went back to my office to wait it out, to see if any one could come up with an idea before Claudia. Before I knew it, it was three o'clock and I had a meeting to go to for another case Mike and I were working on. When we got in the car, Mike was looking at me with a knowing smile. 
He shook his head, “Nothing, just wondering how long you’re going to pretend you’re not in love with Claudia Martin.”
“The first year associate?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know who she is. I see you watch her like a starving animal every time she comes into the office. And every time she leaves. And every time she asks Donna something.”
Uh oh.
“Oh please, I have far better things to do than get involved with a first year.”
“You didn’t deny that you were in love with her.”
“Do you want to get smacked? Or I could kick you out of this car at sixty miles per hour, see how you like the taste of asphalt.” Mike did not know when to stop pushing my buttons. 
“I think you just proved my theory.”
“What theory?”
“That you are in love and you are incredibly protective of Claudia. I heard about what you said to Griffin when he offered his help because Claudia was ‘too busy’. You know he pawned that work off to her, right?”
My eyes narrowed, my jaw clenched, as well as my fists. I fixed my gaze out the window and took some deep breaths. Jesus… he had a point. A huge point. God dammit I’m in trouble.
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freyanistics · 2 years
Look I know she has Angie BUT
I think Donna would be cute with an emotional support animal
Maybe a dog or cat?
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pink-bird-30 · 2 years
Titans 4x03
(Might be pointless at this point since most people have already watched 4x03)
Sorry this is a little late, I've been busy with Grad school work and my job lately.
Let's dive in!
-I'm glad we picked up where we left off in episode 4x02. 4x02 left us on a big cliffhanger of Raven losing her powers. Her hair turning white and her gem breaking is a huge deal. The more episodes we get into the more I see the parallel between Titans and Teen Titans season 4.
-This is more of a personal comment, but we've been here for 4 seasons and they can't get a more realistic wig for Raven? Gar's wig has a nice part that looks natural, and so does Kori's wigs. But for some reason Raven's still lacks for me. Don't get me wrong, it's perfect for Raven, but it needs to look a little more natural.
-Jay is finally getting his training!!! I'm really excited to see how he develops into his own hero and become Red Robin. I know some people are bothered by him (idk why, he's great) but I want to see him come into himself and how he will contribute to the team. He had a great impact last season with helping Donna to come back and reunite Hank with his brother. I can feel he will do great things and we have much more to see.
-Dick's development these three episodes is such a 180 from the man we've seen the last 3 season. It still irks me that it has only been about 2 weeks since they left Gotham, and he's already made such big changes and his developing feelings for Kori. To me, it seems rushed on some part, but the other part of me has to realize this has been building for 3 seasons. But I can't ignore that Dick from a month ago went off to face Jason without back-up. That is why I was glad Dick told Kori she was coming with him to meet up with Jinx. He wanted her there to help him and I think that is a big change for Dick.
"We're a team, we take this on together."
I feel like a proud mom.
-I love that Krypto is pretty much a ESA(Emotional Support Animal) for Connor cuz that kids really does need some emotional support. Between Kom last season and Lex literally being murdered in front of him...kid needs a big fat hug.
-I love that last season we had Gizmo and now we have Jinx. Are we entering a HIVE era?!?!?!?
-Jinx has always been an interesting character for me. The most I know of her comes from Teen Titans, and I won't lie, she's a pretty cool anti-hero/villain. I aways liked her powers and the badass person she is. But what I did not like about her on Titans is they made her another one of Dick's flings. I just don't understand the purpose of this. Why can't she just be a woman from Dick's past that he tried to help but she turned on him? Why bring up that they used to hook up at some point and she betrayed him? I think the only relevant part of their past that should be brought up is Jinx is deceiving and will betray you. That is enough to get the point across without whipping out Dick's long list of lovers.
Moving on before I rant too hard...
-Dick's reaction to Kori turning into stone was too precious. Immediately this man was ready to fight for this woman. He was overly concerned and adamant that Jinx turn her back to normal. But when she didn't Dick was ready to do anything to get her back to normal.
-It's a big deal that Raven lost her demonic powers, a huge deal if the Cult wanted her powers for the crystal. But Raven is so happy not to be an empath anymore. Like this poor little girl is calm and free of demons for the first time in her life. And I hate that she will experience this freedom, a brief taste of it, and then eventually she'll have her demonic gem back and she'll have these dark powers again. I'm unsure if they will have her experience her mother's magic and discover it or just keep her powerless until the red moon.
(Also, Raven taking a swing of maple syrup was fantastic.)
-I've been saying it since 4x01 but with Gar's visions from the "skin walkers" and them warning him of the Red Moon and the troubles they will face in the near future, MAJOR. THE. END. VIBES. Like there is no doubt in my mind that Trigon will be resurrected as well as Slade as his servant, because if I recall correctly from the promo, Slade was in it. In Teen Titans, Slade did Trigon's bidding and went after Raven, but it seems like Mother Mayhem is also part of this servitude as well. Now it makes me wonder what Sebastian has to do with all of this. Mother Mayhem speaks of him like he is her lost child, but who is he?
-I really liked the moment between Gar and Rachel. I like knowing that they have each other's backs when weird shit starts to happen.
-Random, but I need to say it. Why the hell was that dude barreling around 40 gallons of blood?! Is that even sanitary? Is that FDA approved?! I also feel for the guy, he was about to propose and he gets killed by a blood spider, a fucking blood spider. I already have arachnophobia but that increased my fear by tenfold.
-I love Dick having a long list of things he hates: Ninjas, and now Magic.
Okay, the big scene of the episode (in my opinion): Kori's vision.
-It was nice to know Kori wasn't completely unresponsive while in the state she was in. But her having visions again is interesting. In 4x01, Dick is listing off Kori's destinies and that is a big foreshadow for what is to come. So far her destines were: Kill Rachel, Save Tamaran, Kill a bunch of people, & Save Gotham (as per Dick Grayson). But during her vision Zadira, her old trainer from Tamaran, tells her there is so much more to come. And that her destiny is still evolving.
Dick is a huge part of that destiny and I want to know right now. We already have an idea of what Kori's destiny with Dick will be since Dick saw part of that destiny in the form of an adorable little Mar'i Grayson, but I need it now. I am deprived!!
But I also want to point out hat Kori will have a big part in the Red Moon. Will she be the reason is comes to be? Will she be the one to resolve the issues associated with the Red Moon? What will be her purpose and how will it lead to her destiny with Dick???
Let's bring it back.
-When the bullshit with Jinx is over, Dick straight up is done with her antics. I'm glad he extended an invitation for her to help them since they are so out of their element with magic (even if it was a bribe to get out of some debt). But it was a smart move to make, but I have a feeling it will backfire at some point with Jinx history of betrayal.
Now for that scene: "To lift the magic you have to kiss her."
-When I say my jaw dropped, it dropped. Dick seems to pause for awhile and I'm glad he didn't just straight up do it because A) that would be their first kiss outside of their relationship from season 1. B)Hellllooooo consent is key people!!! C) Part of him definitely did not believe Jinx, which I'm glad for the hesitation.
(I also want to point out that Brenton played Prince Phillip in Maleficent and you know the story of sleeping beauty. I thought it was a cute nod to his previous character, especially since he had to give up the role in the second movie to stay playing Dick Grayson for us.)
Once Kori is woken up from the spell, I love the fire and rage she has towards Jinx.
"I will fuck you up."
I got so hyped up after that.
Last mentions:
-I will mention the scenes with Sebastian-I'm curious to see what Mother Mayhem has in store for him. They really keep fucking with him and now that he's with the Titans, I'm expecting a big fight scene next week. Or maybe even a rematch between Mother Mayhem and Super Boy. That would be pretty cool to see.
"When the blood moon is full, the world will fall to evil."
The chills I experienced after that line.
We are really in it this season and I'm beyond excited.
Until next time! Hope you like my break down of the episode!
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koriandrismywife · 2 years
It Don't Have To Be Lonely (Being Alone) - CHAPTER 1
(Dick Grayson struggles with fathering a cat as he manages to also digest the behavior of his unsufferable neighbor. Or, when elementary school teacher Kory Anders moves next door to a complete and total prick.)
RATED: M WEBSITE: A03  NOTES:  Hi everyone! It’s been such a long, long time since I last posted a fanfiction… Please, bear with me as I readjust my schedule. I want to start posting again and here is a little treat. Thank you my dearest readers, all of you, for the continued support. I apologize beforehand for any mistakes, as I do not have a beta and English is not my first language—I would appreciate if anyone would agree with being a beta for my upcoming works and chapters. I hope you enjoy this small introduction to the work! I want to post more on tumblr as time goes by... a shame that the show is ending soon and I didn’t show them love when I had more time :(
“This is ridiculous,” Dick grumbles. “Donna, I don’t need a cat.”
Donna snatches a cookie from the jar and sinks into the sofa across the room. “Because you are very aware of your needs,” she mutters.
“I can hear you.”
“Good.” Donna shrugs as the black kitten scratches the apartment’s brand-new window blinds. Dick observes humorlessly as the cat draws back at the sight of him.
"He's not a fan of me," Dick remarks wryly.
"That's okay," Donna says in response. "He'll get used to you eventually. I just got him from the shelter a few days ago,” she says, staring at the little furry animal as if he were the most precious being she has ever laid eyes on. “Well, I also have his sister at my house, too. I figured two would be too much for you to handle.”
“Before you say anything about not wanting cats…”
“I don’t. I don’t need more inconveniences, let alone a pet—much less a CAT! Why on earth would I need a cat, Donna? Whose idea was this?”
Donna suppresses a giggle as he stands up from the sofa to the kitchen, opening the freezer. “You need something to cuddle with at night. You need a friend, a companion. And it was Roy’s.”
“… Offer declined. Thanks. I will kill that bastard.”
The cat stared at him and he waved. Not you, buddy.  
“C’mon, Dick. Last month you messaged me after a terrible date, ranting about not feeling prepared to start a life with someone else. I understand that it hurts that you and Dawn didn’t work but it’s been… what, four years?”
“Three and a half,” he corrected.
“Three and a half! That’s a lifetime—for someone with a life, anyway. You are not getting any younger, Dick Grayson. You’re 33 and struggling with small talk.”
“I hate small talk.”
“That’s why you’re still single.”
“Oh, so this is what we are now? This is what you call ‘the emotional support friend to-do list’? Humilliation?”
She tries her best not to laugh at his face. “The thing is: Dawn moved on, you should too.”
“Can we please talk about something else?”
“So what? You’re going to sit there and mope, rant about how much you despise this situation while not attempting to live your own life?”
He shrugs. “Perhaps. Besides that—"
“I hate you.”
He disregards her statement and proceeds to the window, picking up the cat and equilibrating a beer with the other hand, “…Besides, pets are not permitted in this building.”
“Oh, don’t worry! I figured you’d say that, so I spoke to the landlord.”
“You… Wait, what?”
“Well, I told him cats are low-maintenance pets that can provide companionship and emotional support. Plus, cats can help reduce stress levels and provide a sense of comfort and security, which is precisely what you need.”
“So, you threatened him?”
“If that’s what you want to hear,” she closes the cookie jar and stands up. “Just… don’t worry, ok? As long as you don’t let him SEE the cat, it’s all good.”
“And what if he does?”
Donna inhales sharply. “ We’ll see. Maybe I’ll take him back.”
“I’m totally letting him see the cat, then.”
She shakes her head.
“I was thinking of the name Milo, you know. Since I named his sister Kida. God, I used to love that film as a teenager,” Donna remarked with a smile.
Donna Troy was, with no doubts, the person who was the closest to Dick’s heart after his parents—simply put, he adored her. They were childhood best friends and inseparable since. Weekly, she visited him.
“But seriously now, I have no time for this. I work full-time. You have to take him back.”
“Nice try, but now it’s too late, I can’t take him back,” she announces, heading to the exit.
He followed.
“Oi! You’re not leaving this cat here,” he insists, crowding her in the door frame. “You brought him, you keep him.”
“Um… I am actually,” Donna stops abruptly as if something else has caught her attention… or, alternatively, someone. He scowled at the vision.
In the opposite doorframe, a woman with dark skin and red hair smiles as she hugs a tall, muscular man. When she opens her eyes, her fulgurous smile dissipates.
Deep green eyes, like a dense forest.
Cheekbones sharp and strong.
She wore a striped blue and yellow overall, unusual to her conventional floral dresses, her hair was pulled back on a ponytail with thick, long red waves bouncing.
She separates her body from the man’s and proceeds to stare at him with admiration, muttering something Dick can’t quite understand.
“Oh my... Who is she?” Donna inquires, low-toned.
Dick swallows and clears his throat. “I believe her name is… Corey? Coraline? Maybe Caroline. She seems sweet, but don’t buy it. She is as sharp as a blade.”
As if she can hear him, the woman gives him a firm look tinged with a scorn Donna apparently can’t see.
“She’s so hot, though”, Donna continued and Dick couldn’t help but make a face. What was it about this woman that nobody seemed to resist?
Not that he was any different, but he would never admit it.
When he first saw her at the corridors of the building, she was carrying a few moving boxes with the landlord, Mr. King, a 60-something man that couldn’t stop laughing about whatever story she was telling him. With a wide-open smile, she flashed her perfect white teeth and auburn-tinted, glossy and luscious lips. Awestruck, Dick collapsed face-first into the depths of her eyes… and the floor.
“Oh, no!” He heard her say, while swerving cardboard boxes, and he was surprised to see the motive of her concerns. She placed her warm palms in his shoulders, helping him off the boxes, while also saying a little prayer for whatever was damaged in the cardboard containers. Prayers that, seconds later, were proved unsuccessful.
She huffed. “It’s broken. My beautiful dessert china…”
Before lifting her gaze, the woman attempted to piece together the broken pieces of high-quality porcelain like a puzzle. “I’m sorry… where are my manners, huh?” she said with remorse. “Do you need any help?”
“I don’t think so,” Mr. King interrupted, approaching the scene and touching the woman’s arm. “He’s a big guy, aren’t you, Grayson?”
“Yeah. Be more careful with your fragile items next time,” he said as he lifted off the ground and dismissed her gaze before dusting off his pants and walking away.
He did not know how to react, while he was ashamed of shamelessly staring at a stranger, he also did not know to react to her speaking directly to him. Suddenly, he felt like a teenager.
After that, he considered apologizing, because he couldn’t fade the vision of her face out of his mind—or the sound of her laughter out of his head… her gibbous green lenses staring at him with a mix of half-hearted concern and confusion.
Until he saw her yell at a poor old lady one day.
Open eyed and furious.
Sweet mouth spilling out pure venom.
Sweet mouth…
“Dick!” When Donna Calls, he realizes he hasn’t responded to her previous question. “What happened? Why were you staring at the poor girl like that? She seemed horrified with your attitude.”
He rolled his eyes. “You should get going. And please, take you little friend.”
Troy stepped down the doorway, raising her brows and crossing her arms.
“I am leaving this cat outside that door the minute you step—” his statement was met with the loud bang of the door in his face.
Before he could interfere, she was already inside the elevator.
                                      .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
A hungry kitty and several protesting meows later, a milk bowl appeared in front of the unnamed cat. It stared for a few seconds before slurping it down. Dick watched with amusement as it nearly drowned in the process.
He opened the refrigerator that night, not sure of what to expect—Dick had no time to go grocery shopping in the previous weeks, which left him with two bottles of expired milk, tons of beers, tomato sauce and one dried sausage deplorably awaiting decomposition; luckily the convenience store was still open.
In the hallway back home, there was no sight of his mysterious, unpolite neighbor or the man who embraced her in his strong arms. His insides tightened at the thought.
Her manicured hands combed through the man’s short hair and her smile widened before she turned and shut the door.
He wondered if that was her boyfriend.
Why was he leaving? What were they doing?
Not that it was any of his concern, but the doubt still clung to his chest.
Dick decided to brush it off and went straight to the bedroom, locking the door behind him and leaving the cat to wonder about the new territory.
Before drifting to sleep, he texted Donna:
DG: [Donna, come get this cat, I am NOT joking!]
                                      .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Kory turned slowly by the door and looked at the girl, surprised, a smile attempting to cross her lips.
Rachel never calls her mom.
Not in a night without nightmares, anyway.
“Yes, honey?”
“When is uncle Conner visiting us again?” The seven year old drew herself into the purple blankets, covering part of her face.
“He just left,” Kory said, smiling. “…But soon, I hope. He’s a very busy man, you know?”
“But he said he’d always come on weekends. He promised to get me a unicorn!”
“That was three hours ago, Rachel,” she said softly, trying her best not to make the little girl sound unreasonable. “And I am sure he will bring you the most colorful unicorn.”
“With all the colors?”
“All of them. But you need a few more sleeps before that.”
“Fine.” The girl huffed and puffed before turning away, and when Kory assumed she had succumbed to weariness, she asked:
“Can we have a cat?”
“No, darling, we can’t. I told you the last time that cats are not allowed here.”
“But I saw one!”
Rachel exclaimed and sat up straight, turning the lights on. “I saw one. Today.”
Kory shook her head and knelt, smoothing her hands down the agitated girl’s arms. “Rach…”
“I saw one! Behind the grumpy man!”
Rachel rolled her eyes and pointed to the left wall, indicating Dick’s apartment.
Kory suspired. Of course it was him.
“Mommy will see it in the morning, ok? I promise.”
The little girl nodded and hugged her guardian, kissing her in the cheek before slipping below the covers again.
“Nighty night!”
Kory smiled. “Nighty night, baby.”
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This is CHOPPY like its not finished by ANY means but I really wanted to share it so
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Smoke without Mirrors
Merlin’s family is a secret he’s desperate to keep. So, when the next town over needs help, Merlin sends a letter ahead to Hunith to pretend she’s his mother. She’s a dear family friend and he won’t leave her to suffer.
(or: what if Encanto were instead an English village named Fortune where Merlin grew up as family)
S1 E10 is Ealdor Attacked
•Pedro -> Peter (animation)
•Alma -> Aldiva (memory)
•Julieta -> Juliana “Julie” (healing)
•Bruno -> Cuno (fire/light)
•Pepa -> Percipia “Pepa” (emotional aura)
•Augustìn -> August
•Guinevere “Gwen”
•Fèlix -> Fèlix (animation)
•Isabela -> Elizabeth (plantlife)
•Delores -> Donna (heightened senses)
•Queniva “Quinn”
•Mariano -> Marcrad (animation)
•Luisa -> Louis -> Laura (protection)
•Merlanna -> Merlin (levitation)
•Camilo -> Cyril (identity)
•Mirabel -> Mira (weaving)*
•Antonio -> Onofrio “Frio” (animals)
•Every member of the family has a specialty in magicks by 16 usually
•Grandmother traveled from Colombia to escape war and took husband’s name to fit in once there
•As expected, they kept some of their culture but assimilated with the surrounding English, too
•Family traditions include celebrations at 5 and 16 which are the age they can begin learning magic and when they’re allowed go outside the village
•Cuno has a bad name due to his specialty despite being defended by the family and logic
•Merlin and Mira are also looked down upon with their father being Cuno, Merlin’s change, and their specialties in magic
•His one cousin is like him, one courting another woman, and his aunt courted her husband so their magic isn’t the only thing that is unusual
•Hunith and Balinor have a son, they know each other, but Hunith feels it’s safer outside of the town
•After Ealdor begins getting raided is when she realizes Balinor was right to ask her to move
•Hunith sending a letter to Balinor seeking advice on her brother Gaius since he’s older now and the constant threat of death is a toll whether he’ll admit it or not
•Both of Cuno’s children are headstrong like their mother and so when they want to do something he can’t stop them, really
•The family all tried to convince him not to go since it’s Camelot and he grew up never hiding his magic but it’s fruitless
•They send him off with support and plenty of common and innocuous magic gifts to be safe plus Frio has a bird willing to be their messenger
•He’s the first to be out of the town for longer than a few days and not just as protection for a hunter or nearby merchant
•When Mira finally comes into her magic Merlin is bouncing with happiness for the entire day after finding out
•They were thick as thieves when younger children so she’s the one to write him most besides his parents
•He tells his mother about how her food is so much better and Mira how much chaos he’s seen sinced arriving
•Rarely does Merlin share with his family all the danger he gets into though he thinks Gaius may be the start of a gossip chain to Fortune
•Without knowing the trouble it could cause he tells his new friend Gwen that she shares the name with his mother
•Merlin is annoyed at first when he becomes a servant but then realizes that if he can somehow convince Arthur that Magic isn’t evil maybe lives could be saved
•He also doesn’t know mentioning facts about his mother to Morgana or Arthur will mean trouble in the coming future
•When Hunith tells Gaius about the raids to Ealdor of course Merlin believes he should help and thus his friends do, too
•When they arrive things appear normal before slowly the tales Merlin told catch up to him
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shiyorin · 1 year
Prima Donna Anon here!
You essentially are a popular opera singer for the elite/middle class (if that is such a thing). You are neutral in the mob wars, and often are contracted to sing anti Haunter operas. However due to your fear, you extort them and will sing the part completely blindfolded
However it changed.. one day, you are coming back to your home. You are more weary than usual. You feel something is off. Still, Nostromo always had that vibe. You are kind to the armed guards and pay them well.
Little did you know, the Haunter had "crashed" the event and dispatched the whole audience, silently.
The next day, you awake to complete darkness. You get up. The pressuring darkness is making you feel terror.
Just a brief prompt.
Konrad honestly will keep you in a golden cage. Honestly, you cannot see him, and he uses that to his advantage and sends middle men to ask you requests. Plus, he would use his Imperial given name when addressing you though middle men.
As you are stuck, (Nostromo or Night Fall) you are essentially treated like a useful slave. Curze honestly, depending on his moods.. may use you as an emotional support animal/mother figure. (Like, trying to soothe him, him grabbing onto you..etc.)
Other times, you are to sing some opera.. some twisted reminder of home. Unfortunately, You have to sing over the screams.
Good job anon
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
The Lords react to a S/O that is kind of emotionally distant? Not purposely, of course they love their respective partner. They just have a hard time opening up fully. Who tries to pry their way in? Who gets so fed up they just like, snap? And who's like "nah fuck you I'm gonna love you TWICE as hard"?
*Researches details of emotionally distant relationships*
*Considers therapy*
But seriously friend, this one was fun, thanks for the ask!
Warnings: swearing
Alcina Dimitrescu
Friend. Buddy. Pal.
As socially adept as she is Alcina is also a little... Impatient with this type of partner?
She wants to spoil you. She wants to make you swoon. She wants you to look at her with stars in your eyes because she treats you so well.
Most importantly, she wants you to trust her like she trusts you.
Her love for you has always tinged on the possessive side, but when you look at her and she can see you shut down or hold yourself back... It brings forward some darker, more manipulative tactics.
IT'S Not MALICIOUS, I want to make that super clear, but she will involve you in situations that will force you to rely on her.
She's low-key trying to train you into opening up to her. She'll have maids be "unavailable to help you" so she can do it instead, put you in a unwanted social situation that she helps you escape from, asks your opinions on important business ventures and takes your advice to heart, that sort of thing.
(...If that doesn't work she's petty enough to put things on the top shelf of the cabinet so you have to ask her for help.)
One day, you do the closest thing to "venting" that you've ever done-- a small complaint about work, school, life in general at all to her, and Alcina jumps at the opportunity to prove herself once again by solving the problem for you.
It also serves as the opening she needs to talk to you about your distance. She loves you, and she knows you love her, but love and trust are two different things, and the last thing she wants is for you to be hurting in secret.
She not only pries her way in, but loves you twice as hard.
Donna Beneviento
For as sweet as Donna can be, she's still very much an ambush predator.
House Beneviento's symbolic animal is a spider for a reason-- Donna was raised to be not just observant, but very, very patient.
Donna has also lost so much, so quickly. She is desperately alone, you can recognize that much. Other than Angie and the rest of her dolls, all she has is you, and that's a scary thought for her.
You make her feel selfish, for the first time in a long time... and Donna wants to make sure you know you can be selfish back.
She does her best and makes you feel needed-- because she needs you. And it's very hard to be distant when your lovely girlfriend grabs the front of your shirt with tears in her eyes and asks you to stay cuddled up with her for just five more minutes.
She also takes her time to look at you from all angles and pick out your weak spots. And once she has correctly identified them, she tries to support you through them.
She pinpoints your insecurities, watches your face for even the smallest micro-expression, and makes herself available and indespensable to the point it's hard for you to remember life without her in it.
Donna has a cup of tea when you need it, plants a kiss on your cheek when you frown, and curls herself so close to you it's hard to remember what it feels like to be alone.
Donna wants to be your partner. She wants you to trust her, to be your equal, to understand that despite whatever your reservations might be, she is here when you need her.
While having a different, more emotional approach, Donna pries her way in by keeping you close, and getting you to open up as a means of supporting her.
Salvatore Moreau
Fish man is a little...lost?
You are very affectionate-- you don't shy away at all from telling him how much you love him, cuddling him, holding his hand, but despite all that your relationship can feel very surface level.
Because you're not open with him. And that scares him more than anything else.
There are even times, late at night alone in his shack, where doubts start to fester in the back of his skull. Maybe you're pretending. Maybe it's a trick. Maybe his love for you is one-sided.
But you love Salvatore. You love Salvatore so much. Relationships are just...hard for you. And faced with a romantic like Salvatore, it's a lot. A lot of pressure, a lot of expectation, a lot of trying to get yourself to a point where you feel like even able to be a partner, much less a good partner.
Here's the thing though: this makes him DOUBLE DOWN
If you don't know how much he loves you, he's going to make you understand. Moreau brings you breakfast in bed, he gets you flowers every morning, sets up romantic dinners, gets movies you like for your cuddle dates, Salvatore does it all. It's honestly a little excessive, but you can't make him stop.
Moreau adores you, and he wants you to feel safe enough to be yourself with him--because to him, the idea that you might feel unwanted or unworthy is blasphemous.
And frankly, watching him bend over backwards to keep you happy and make you feel loved makes it hard to stay distant for long.
He totally cries the first time you're equally vulnerable with him, like a full on, snotty cry. It's very emotional and A Little Gross.
... You're lucky to have him. ❤️
Karl Heisenberg
This motherfucker straight up SNAPS.
Why won't you talk to him when you're upset about shit??? He knows you're upset, it's super fucking obvious, but you don't tell him for some reason??? What the hell???
Heisenberg might not be the world's most... socially adjusted man, but he can read YOU like a book.
Your smiles are strained, your attention drifts, and you do your best to change the subject when something gets too "real" or "emotionally deep" and it drives Heisenberg insane. Seriously, he can pinpoint every little signal you put out, and when you pretend everything is A-OK???? Bitch, he's seething.
Heisenberg is not good at feelings at all, so he's actually a little confused by why this even bothers him so much. He's very solution oriented when it comes to emotions: he doesn't like to dwell when he can just solve the problem that made the negative feelings pop up.
...But he does feel like you're his other half, so clearly you're supposed to be asking him for help, right? You need to be able to trust him! THIS IS BULLSHIT! The longer this goes on the more frustrated he gets.
He's trying to be patient. He is. But when you keep avoiding serious conversations about your feelings it really starts to piss him off.
(This is a major case of the pot calling the kettle black, by the way. Even when he feels safe in a relationship, Karl isn't exactly the world's most Mature Partner(tm), and avoids conversations that might make you see him as anything less other than how he wants to portray himself. It takes a lot for you to pry out his real thoughts and feelings on some of his more traumatic experiences, and there are times when he fully retreats into his workshop for a few days at a time because he just doesn't want to deal with life, including you.)
Just talk to him. Please. He won't stop throwing tantrums until you do.
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skullvis · 3 years
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More drawings of Healed!AU Four Lords+ some notes
Click for higher resolution!
This is my AU and I get to give the characters I like emotional support, freedom, and redemption even when they've done terrible shit. This AU is very self-indulgent and def OOC but I do not care because I killed cringe with my bare hands.
Notes about all of them:
-The reason they're not dead is cause they decided not to kill Rose. Ethan teamed up with them to kill Miranda.
-Since they helped him, Ethan managed to bargain with Chris to not kill the Lords if the Lords agreed to give up their powers and work for BSAA/Chris (like Rosemary does when she grows up--but in research and stuff dealing with the mold)
-They've all had their Cadous removed and lost their powers/transformation/regenerative abilities as a result.
-They're all in therapy/have psychologists.
Lady D
-Probably had the easiest transition
-Really only lost her nails and regeneration powers.
-Still 9 feet tall.
-doesnt have to eat people anymore! :D
-is adjusting to regular food again and learning to cook.
-is into fashion--she's been reading all about fashion outside the village from the 20th and 21st century
-her daughters are okay and back at the castle--she's trying to find a way for them to be stabilized outside regardless of weather and not just be bugs I guess.
Donna and Angie
-Angie is no longer "animate" but Donna uses her as a comfort object
-She has a scar left over from the mold being removed from her face.
-Her Cadou removal means she can't make people hallucinate anymore, but she still has an affinity for plants and has taken up therapeutic gardening.
-has a bunch of stuffed animals
-Is slowly getting over Mother Miranda with therapy
-is also in physical therapy.
-had to have 4 Cadous removed D: but luckily is no longer in chronic pain or vomiting all the time.
-still very good at swimming
-still really loves movies and is excited about getting to see new ones
-Is initially very very self-conscience about his scars, but is accepting after therapy.
-has taken up drawing and art :)
-Having the hardest time adjusting to outside life since he was taken by Mother Miranda as a kid.
-Is very frustrated with his loss of powers
-still argues with everyone
-has started repairing old cars
-the most resistant to start and attend therapy.
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kiseiakhun · 3 years
Ask Meme: GARTH
First impression - I encountered him first in the rb Titans book so I thought he was the muscle of the team 💀 Like he was one of those STRONG BURLY MEN ready to FIGHT EVERYTHING. But I also fell in love with his design and paid a disproportionate amount of attention to him; he was the most visually interesting character in the book for me.
Impression now - I want Garth to [censored] me and [censored] and then [censored] and
All joking aside, Garth is such an interesting character to me. He has such an air of mystery about him probably because he never appears in any books and there's just. So much potential in his character? Like, if you go down a list and tick off his traits... he's one of the more tragic characters in the dcu and he has such a complicated relationship with his mentor. He's strong enough to stand next to the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman. It's been stated on-page that Garth is one of the most competent magic users in the DCU. He should be a powerhouse. He should be in every major event, standing next to the headliners, and it's so tragic that he suffered from the Aquafam irreverency syndrome that struck everyone close to Arthur. Garth feels like a character in limbo; Arthur himself is just stepping back into the spotlight, and now that we have Jackson he can't really fill the role of Aqualad. It's clear that the writers don't really know what to do with him and that's so sad :/
I looove him. I love the concept of his character. When he's written right (re: the way I prefer), he works as such a great counter-balance to the more hotheaded personalities he's usually stuck with. He gives breathing space on a team full of aggressively emotional people. He's like a rock to rest on among a stormy sea. There's so much to explore when it comes to just him, too - I mean, Garth is the LOST PRINCE of an UNDERWATER KINGDOM born with STRONG INNATE MAGIC POWERS who was ABANDONED BY HIS PARENTS FROM BIRTH in order to SAVE HIM. He has purple eyes!! He has cool tattoos! HE HAS SEXY EYE SCARS. He's the subject of an ancient prophecy! His relationship with Arthur jumps all over the place from love to hate to love to hate. He has SO MANY PARENTAL ISSUES you can fill up a whole book with them. He has SO MANY ISSUES. Garth is literally an anime pretty boy. I can't believe more people don't love him, except I can believe it because he rarely ever shows up ;_; Wasted potential, thy name is Garth
Favorite moment
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Remember when he had to rehydrate himself every two hours? That sure was a choice.
In all seriousness though, probably the time he led the mission to save Lilith (Omen). Let him be smart and competent... let his friends see and acknowledge it...
Idea for a story - ONE DAY I'm going to write that Roygarth fantasy epic where they have to journey through Treacherous Lands to save someone (Wally). Currently I have just vibes. But once I find a plot it's over for you hoes.
Unpopular opinion - Imagine if Garth was popular enough for people to have opinions. Umm. I like his rebirth look better 😔 that's the version I was introduced to and unfortunately I imprinted.
Favorite relationship - I looove his relationship with the Titans, to the surprise of absolutely no one. I do wish his and Wally's friendship would get explored more - he and Roy have this vitriolic thing going on, and he occasionally pops up in Nightwing books to give Dick supportive words of advice, and he and Donna have similarish personalities (at least outwardly, Donna seems a lot less chill on the inside than the image she tries to project) so they have this tendency to just snark about the others from the side and it's great lmao. In comparison, his and Wally's relationship seems less prominent which is a shame imo. They're friends too!
Favorite headcanon - After Koryak died Garth plundered his clothes and stole his fashion sense. I realized a couple days ago that Rebirth Garth resembles Koryak far more than he does pre-Flashpoint Garth and I'm still recovering from it.
Also he's so chill because he smokes a metric fuckton of weed. (Garth ran out of weed at the start of rebirth and that's why he was Like That)
[ask meme]
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pandoraimperatrix · 3 years
I have been feeling quite insecure about WW, because I'm the kind of fanfic writer that hardly ever write fics that aren't canon compliant. Canon Divergence brings a lot of freedom, but it can be tricky not knowing where to thread. I've decided to do some writing exercises. And since I think this is fanfiction, it's not anything serious, there is no reason to hide stuff and play mysterious, you get to see the whole thing.
Obviously, there will be spoilers.
The character sheet I picked is short, and I like it because it's sectioned in the day before, the day of the crises, the day after, which helps me to organize my very diachronic mind around this very anachronic plot it came with somehow.
The Day Before
Name the character. Richard John Grayson
Where are they? Squatting in some old hideout Bruce set up before he was even adopted, from his early days as Batman. It suits Dick now because it's stock of expired canned food and low tech security. It used to have it's on electricity generator, but broke 3 months into Dick's stay.
List 5 possessions around them. 1- Gun 2- Swords 3- Knife 3- Backpack 4- Cannister 5- Kory's ring
What time do they wake up? He's usually sleep starved, every little noise wakes him up because it can mean something lethal creeping in. He manages 3 hours of sleep in a row when he's lucky.
Who are they with? His regrets lmao.
How do they dress? Warm and practical. Cargo pants he'd never be caught wearing back before the apocalypse. Tshirt, flannel, hoodie and a trench overcoat. Fingerless gloves, lace up heavy boots.
What do they eat? Canned foods mostly, sometimes he can still find stuff inside vending machines. The thought of killing stray animals and wildlife has crossed his mind one or twice, but he remembers Gar and just can't.
What do they think about? His pasts mistakes, what is Rachel doing, where will she be, where is Gar, is he still alive? Kory. His next meal.
What work do they do? Surviving, homesteading, detective work.
The Day Before
Name the character. Your Highness Crown Princess Lady Koryand'r
Where are they? Galaxies away from home, running from her duties, falling in love with an emotionally stunted man.
List 5 possessions around them + 1 1- Phone 2- Candy 3- Multiple throw pillows with sequin covers 4- A piece of her burnt starship 5- That old picture of Rachel +1 - Sketch Gar made of her that he tried to hide thining she'd be mad, but she loves it and told him it's really good even if her hair wasn't that big (it was).
What time do they wake up? With the sun. She lays naked on the rooftop of the Tower to recharge every morning.
Who are they with? The Titans.
How do they dress? Show-y, fun, lots of purple and bling. Loves over the knee boots too.
What do they eat? In Tamaran food is more of a necessity, they eat mostly animal protein since they evolved from cat-like creatures. When she got to Earth, eating was just that but slowly, and most thanks to Donna, she learnt it could be a way of bonding, and pleasure too. She likes sugary Earthen foods, pasties, and she keeps a bag of candy next to her bed, hidden away from Dick, when the kids need a break, then hang out in her room with her and they eat gummy worms and shit talk Dick's disgusting food.
What do they think about? Her children's wellbeing, how Kom is doing in Tamaran, how she lost Donna in such a stupid way, pushing Dick against a wall and having her way with him.
What work do they do? Children raising, team training, emotional support, bird boy keeping.
gonna update this later
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