#Dream Analysis
meanslackofart · 3 months
other people get romcom type dreams while my dreams are of horror, mystery and thriller genres and blues too
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witherbee · 3 months
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i’ve been having a lot of off putting, upsetting dreams recently that are clearly my brain trying to process this friend breakup i’ve been going through. this is a distillation of those dreams. the visual chaos of each page’s layout is meant to represent the emotional chaos of my dreams.
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mongayakai · 2 years
I have a lot of dreams about zombies and twins.
And about being a father to a family that hates me.
I dunno, I just felt that was something odd I should point out.
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Shadow Work Astro Observations | Time To 🦋 Break 🦋 BIG 🦋 Blockages ☆
On this day the full moon moves into sagittarius and venus moves into gemini. It's a great time to do shadow work considering the emotional aspects of the moon become aplified in sagittarius and it translates into AMAZING emotional drive for the next few days and the ability to break through emotional blockages.
However these observations do work all the time and for all signs ☆
I also personally believe that shadow work is harder now than at ANY other point in history because of the infinite distractions we have. Some of these observations come from ways of thinking about astro that have helped me work through BIG blockages. So hoping maybe they can have a similar effect on others.
🌚 Those who identify more strongly with their ascendant may find shadow work harder. Those who identify most strongly with their moon sign may find shadow work easier than average
🌚 Pluto, uranus, neptune, and moon in first, fourth, fifth, ninth, or tenth houses may find shadow work easier than most
🌚 INxJ types in the MBTI may find shadow work relatively easy
🌚 Capricorn is surprisingly good at shadow work
🌚 If you encounter emotional blockages, check what's transiting your 8th house (sounds really weird but it relates to the death tarot card). This house is all about new energy, destruction, and creation. So it can relate to clearing blockages.
🌚 Moon transiting any natal planets will influence the quality of your shadow work
🌚 9th house placements can make you reluctant to confront your shadow and liable to use distractions, especially venus, jupiter, and saturn
🌚 If the moon comes up in a tarot reading - especially if you are a water or earth sign - you are on the verge of a huge emotional breakthrough
🌚 If the moon comes up for water signs, check your 4th house transits for ideas on clearing blockages
🌚 If the moon comes up and you have ANY significant pluto aspects in your chart WHATSOEVER, check what's transiting them ;)
🌚If fire signs have emotional blackages with shadow work, now is a great full moon to break them ;)
🌚 Virgo and libra may find shadow work especially hard. Check the 10th house and your ascendant placement transits to see if there are any helpful aspects
🌚 Cancer is especially sensitive to the environment in which they shadow work and may benefit from lighting a candle or taking a long bath beforehand
🌚 If the moon and death come up together in a tarot reading KEEP TRACK OF YOUR DREAMS and any weird dreams. Seriously this one works ☆
🌚 If you dream on this night your dream will likely contain a clue for any emotional blockages you want to clear. Watch out for unusual and out of place objects and animals in dreams
🌚 You may find you make more progress in shadow work with the following signs at the moment: aquarius, pisces, scorpio
🌚 You can induce dreams and try lucid dreaming more easily on this night
🌚 You can find shadow work VERY hard if you have difficult placements in your 12th house. However, you can wait for positive venus, moon, and mars transits to this to try shadow work
🦂 Scorpio might find shadow work easier on the new moon as opposed to the full moon
If you break blockages as a result of ANY observations on this list, check your aquarius placements. I have both neptune and uranus in aquarius, these are very good placements for breaking blockages in a creative manner and I genuinely hope this energy can spread and maybe help others
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aashiquidreams · 1 month
Last night, I found myself in a dream where my bedroom was not quite my own, but somehow it felt intimately familiar. In this bedroom were two beds: one, the bed I know in waking life, and another, a beautiful bed in a different style, dressed in white sheets and pillows that seemed to whisper of past warmth. This bed was mine too, and I carefully moved it around the room, searching for the perfect place for it. But no matter where I placed it, it was clear that it belonged where it had originally stood, its beauty fully revealed, standing out in a way that felt right.
As the dream unfolded, I found myself sharing this bed with a man who has lingered in my thoughts for far longer than I expected. He appeared and reappeared, sometimes alone, waiting for me in bed, and at other moments, we were together, the energy between us, charged with unexpressed emotions and meaningful looks. He held me in his arms, his beautiful green eyes staring into mine as he kissed me and smiled. In those fragments of the dream, we were so happy—wrapped in intimacy and warmth, our smiles reflecting a deep connection.
This man, who once made my heart race and my thoughts tangle, recently reached out to me after eight months of silence, a gap created by the natural course of our lives. His return stirred emotions I thought had faded away. Yes, he had been on my mind a month ago, and I had even written about him. But hearing his voice when he contacted me reignited feelings I thought I had moved on from, leaving me both thrilled and intrigued.
Given that the dream dominated my thoughts today, I decided to analyze it to make sense of this connection. From the day I met him, he has appeared in my dreams from time to time, always with such an intense presence that when I wake up, it feels as though we have truly been together, even during the eight months we haven’t seen or spoken to each other.
The two beds in my dream seem to represent different layers of my existence—one grounded in the present, the life I live now, and the other a symbol of a deeper, perhaps unfulfilled longing. The extra bed, with its inviting comfort and beauty, reflects the emotional space that still belongs to him—a space I hadn’t realized I was holding onto deep inside.
Psychologically, this dream speaks to the unresolved feelings that lie beneath the surface, emotions that have remained dormant but are now resurfacing. The act of moving the bed around, only to place it back where it was, mirrors my inner struggle to find where these feelings fit into my life. Do I keep them as a beautiful memory, or do they still have a place in my present and future?
Spiritually, this dream hints at a connection that goes beyond time and space. It feels like a dance between the past and the present, a reminder of the soul connections that shape us and the lessons they bring. His return, seemingly out of nowhere, feels like the universe nudging me to pay attention, to recognize that some connections are meant to reappear—perhaps to guide us further along our paths or to rekindle something that never truly faded.
The attraction between us, the magnetic pull I feel in his presence, is undeniable. His beautiful green eyes, intense gazes, and captivating smile linger in my mind, echoing the warmth of our shared laughter. Each memory of him feels like a gentle whisper, stirring feelings that are as vibrant today as they were in those cherished moments we shared. There’s a part of me that wonders if this is fate’s way of bringing us back together or simply a reminder of a chapter that’s not yet closed.
The dream leaves me with an intense longing, a desire deepened by how much I ache for his presence in waking life—the warmth of his body close to mine, the sound of his voice, and the way he awakened something deep inside me. It also evokes the feeling that there’s more to this story than I’ve allowed myself to explore. It invites reflection, not just on the connection we shared but on the possibilities that might still lie ahead. Now, as the night stretches way past midnight, the emotions from last night’s dream still linger, as they always do whenever he appears. Sometimes, these feelings take days to fade. I can’t help but wonder if there’s something deeper at play—perhaps astral traveling or even telepathy, connecting us in ways I don’t fully understand. It’s an idea that intrigues me, something I plan to explore more closely. Whether this dream hints at something more or is simply a beautiful memory meant to stay with me, only time will tell…
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orionsangel86 · 6 months
Do you think Morpheus is a type of character who could be/learn to be content to be single? Or would he always seek out a relationship (if he had to endure eternity and dying wasn't an option)?
The problem with Morpheus is that for him to learn anything he has to actively want to learn it, which he rarely does (cue eyebrows raising all over when Netflix!Morpheus told Lucienne he was learning "or at least trying to"). His not so secret desire for a relationship is basically a primary character trait in the comics. But like with all things in Sandman, its a bit more complicated than it would appear at first glance.
One of the things that is constantly pointed out in the comics regarding Morpheus is that he is lonely. He never actually states this himself, but its been mentioned enough times. The entire point of the Men of Good Fortune story on Morpheus's side is that he needs a friend. Hob points this out directly and Morpheus's reaction to that is heavily tied into his pride and his inability to accept that he is lonely, when loneliness is such a huge part of his story arc. That he comes around and accepts Hob's friendship is a massive step forward and signifier of his change.
His loneliness and need for companionship was even pointed out all the way back during the time of Endless Nights before humans even existed. Desire states it plainly:
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and it was clearly a topic of concern for the family since Destruction also states how much they all hoped he would find someone:
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which considering we don't see any of the other Endless ever take lovers (other than Destruction once) its clearly a big deal. Even his siblings think he needs a companion, and already thought this about him millions of years ago!
So loneliness is something Dream struggles with, whether he denies it or not. But notice how of all the Endless, he is the only one of them who regularly surrounds himself with other beings? Think about the realms of the other Endless. Destiny has his gardens, and there are his strange ghostly servants who don't appear to be the chatty type. Desire remains alone in the Threshold, Despair has her rats - which aren't likely to be great conversationalists, and Deliriums realm is chaos incarnate. We don't ever see the realms of Death or Destruction but neither of them seem to spend any time there anyway.
So Dream is different here because his realm is a thriving kingdom like something out of a fairytale. He has servants of all kinds, people he can interact with and talk to, who respect him and consider him their Lord. In the comics none of them would probably consider him their "friend" but in the netflix show we can certainly argue that Lucienne is the closest thing he has to a full time companion (which is in itself is a change to the comics to make Lucienne closer to him than Lucien in the comics ever is). He also has his ravens, who were all once mortals who died in their sleep. His ravens can also talk and are close to him. Matthew becomes so close to him that by the time we get to TKO Matthews loyalty to him, refusal to leave his side, and then eventual hurt and anger and grief at his death has me in floods of tears everytime I think about it.
But the point here is that even with all of that, which is far more companionship than any of his siblings seem to have, he is STILL lonely and longs for a lover.
I think one of the reasons he butts heads with Desire so much is because he desires so much and tries so hard to resist those desires (which Desire then takes as a personal insult). The companionship of Lucienne and Matthew, the friendship of Hob Gadling, none of it is enough. He still wants more, hence the lovers. Hence how it is hinted at throughout the comic that Dream takes lovers fairly regularly. How Neil Gaiman has previously said that the former lovers we know about from the comics only scratch the surface. Morpheus is affectionately, a bit of a manwhore. A Casanova if you will, only his weakness is love rather than sex.
So my honest answer to the question of whether he will ever be content to be single is a resounding no.
It's far too ingrained in him throughout the comics and at the end of the day, what is he if not a Dream? He is nothing but romantic notions and idle fantasies and love has such a huge place in such things, even if the comics make clear that love is actually the domain of Desire - and Desire is always cruel.
Hence Dream's many many problems stem from it.
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we-are-the-memers-mr · 8 months
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fishnapple · 2 months
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I added DREAM ANALYSIS to my personal reading services.
Dreams are the catalyst for transformation and the manifestation in the waking life, the messenger of the depth, the whisper of your creative energy. Understanding your dreams better will help gaining more clarity about yourself, your current situation, your future and your past. This reading will assist you in that journey.
Length of the reading : will vary depends on the content of your dream. At least 1 A4 page will be provided.
Method of the reading : I will use crystal divination, tarot and my understanding of dreams to interpret.
You will need to provide the details of your dreams, your current life situation, concerns to gain a clear context for the dreams. This reading will probably need a lot of 1:1 personal exchanges through messages, emails between you and me, like a long talk between friends. So only book this reading if you trust me and are ready to share that information with me.
About me | Masterpost
Book a reading with me - KO-FI (read this post → personal reading)
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ozoiudraws · 2 months
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I had a dream I was someone named Anne, she was running from a fairy that kept her from hurting herself. She found a lake and jumped in, the fairy followed right after and tried pulling her to the surface but Anne kept fighting back; trying to push herself down further and then stretched out her over shirt. She opened her mouth and her lungs filled with water, right as she lost consciousness I woke up and I don’t know why but I immediately said “your free now Anne” with tears in my eyes.
She was so pretty, and I wanted to sketch her to the best of my ability
And I for the life of me can’t remember how the fairy looked
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mayheminmagic · 5 months
Hey witchblr if anyone has an opinion or information on where to find out more about this I'd love to know
I haven't even gotten out of bed yet because I don't want to lose this. Last night I went to bed and had 4 separate dreams, like wake up afterwards really confused and go back to sleep again, dreams involving
1) racing down a long stone hall to be the first the touch a chain hanging out of the wall at the end, I think to earn my freedom
2) eating a meal of noodles at a park bench in a meadow with a massive tree, and being certain to keep the chain in my hand at all times, no clue what it was connected to but it was important
3) keeping a chain around my wrist, like a bracelet, except it wasn't jewelry it was just a kind of thick chain of metal
4) sweeping a chain back and forth along the ground to either lure or keep something away, what is was I don't know
Each time I'd wake up and reach for the chain, and be really confused about why before I tried to fall back asleep. I'm not certain it's magic or deity related or something but I don't normally have separate dreams with a vivid through line so I thought I'd ask
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freckliedan · 8 months
please i literally had the most vivid dream last week where dan was pregnant and they were announcing it and i havnt stopped thinking about it since…
not to do dream analysis on you but oh my god that's so..... what is he cooking what are they cooking. there's literally some kind of project going on and we can know that because of your dream like.... something they created on their terms and are happy and excited for that's going to be announced soon. this is the opposite of when i dreamed about dan announcing having stomach cancer a few years back in the months before he came out.
dan and phil for real share a subconscious with the phannies sometimes i truly believe this.....
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mongayakai · 2 years
I'm visiting my mum rn. I dreamt I was back home holding and petting my cat Gizmo. Was real bummed went I woke up empty handed
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🌕 Lunar Placements and Shadow Work • MBTI • Enneagram • Big 5 ★
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🌕 moon in a cardinal sign - may have a group of friends or spiritual circle with whom they do shadow work with. also tend to need to drink the most water. often hard on themselves, approach their shadow quickly and can overestimate the amount of energy needed to integrate it. reapons to cooling or calming crystals in shades of green, blue, and white. often have unconscious emergences of emotions during shadow work that may take the form of vivid dreams. | tend to be assertive types in the MBTI and E (extrovert) types. Favours enneatypes 3, 8, and 6. ENFP type likely to be able to take on multiple parts of their shadow at once.
• N types may tend to be inbalanced and rely heavily on their stronger fuctions
• often great at doing shadow work for other people but not for themselves
🌕 moon in a fixed sign - the most likely lunar placements to try and avlid shadow work but also the most likely to follow through with it, keep promises to themselves, and fully break through emotional and spiritual blockages. Will often keep a journal, possibly even a dream journal. | tend to be judging types in the MBTI. Can be T (turbulent) types. enneatypes 1, 9, 2, and 6. INFJ types find the tendency to avoid shadow work is balanced by their strong intuition which can lead them to anticipate the emotions and blackages they may discover.
• N types may be very balanced and use the whole of their function stack
• NFJ types and especially INFJ may be perfectionists
🌕 moon in a mutable sign - can find it hard to commit to shadow work, but often some of the least likely placements to have spiritual and emotional blockages. very fine tuned to their emotions. most likely to spot blockages before they appear and often quick to notice small details about themselves and others. a strong point and something they encounter often is things from their past coming back and the need to look at these in a fresh light | tend to be perceiving types and intuitives. Very often ENFP or INFP. enneatypes 4, and 7.
• quite likely to be an enneagram 6 (counterphobic 6)
• NXP types tend to be even flightier than usual. may have a gemini sun sign regardless of lunar placement
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Thank you and hope you enjoy ! I do MBTI and Enneagram informed tarot and astrology, so if you're interested, DM me (first one free!) 🦋
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posthumanwanderings · 4 months
just had one of those kinda dreams where I wake up and say ‘I really like that kind of stuff, don’t I?’ afterwards. no shame, no guilt, just pure acceptance for my subconscious desires to better understand myself. now if only it could be real...
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funtimegarfield · 6 months
I had a dream that Doflamingo was tormenting me endlessly, annoying ass pestering shit. Feathers everywhere. I tripped over a couch and he laid on top of it and made fun of me.
At this point I need the gods to start giving me full one piece episodes in my sleep lol
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kelticangel · 6 months
There appears to be some level of my unconscious self that knows a little German? I have some German heritage, but never picked up more than a few phrases
In my dream last night, I was joking around with Iskall and Joel and we were speaking German and teasing Etho and calling him all sorts of silly German compound names like "beard-head" and "box-head"
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