lifeinpoetry · 11 months
Free Palestine Reading List
Haymarket Books: Free Ebooks for a Free Palestine!
Verso Books: Solidarity with Palestine: Free Resources and Further Reading
City Lights Books: Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear by Mosab Abu Toha
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quinthetoucan · 1 year
y'all please check out my friend alex's book!! its a free online resource for learning māori, the endangered indigenous language of new zealand, and we hope that it can help spread this beautiful language to even more people!
(plus this book is a blast hehe)
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profeminist · 4 months
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National Organization for Women: "Shoutout to the Brooklyn Public Library who is offering every teen in America access to ebooks +audiobooks from wherever they live to help combat censorship."
Recognizing Two Years of Books Unbanned
In April 2022, Brooklyn Public Library joined those fighting for the rights of teens nationwide to read what they like, discover themselves, and form their own opinions. Inspired by the American Library Association's Freedom to Read Statement, Books Unbanned is a response to an increasingly coordinated and effective effort to remove books from library shelves. 
The following libraries have joined Books Unbanned as crucial partners in defending and expanding the freedom to read.
Boston Public Library
LA County Library
San Diego Public Library
Seattle Public Library
Apply for a Teen eCard
We invite individuals ages 13-21 to apply for a free BPL eCard, providing access to our full eBook/audiobook collection as well as our learning databases. To apply, email [email protected].
BPL’s eCard is always free to teenagers in New York State. Apply here.
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rjalker · 2 months
Flatland: An Adventure in Many Dimensions, a 2024 translation into casual English, is done!
You can read and download it completely 100% for free on the Internet Archive!
When it's done loading, you will be able to read it directly online, and the Internet Archive will automatically generate audiobook versions with text to speech.
You can also download and torrent various versions as PDFs, epubs, and editable documents so you can change the font, paragraph styles, and do anything else you want with it, like give everyone neopronouns or turn them into unicorns!
I will also be making my own audiobook version at some point. but that's gonna take a while since this is around 38,000 words long. You can make your own too! And you can translate this into other languages!
Edit: The "lazy" (unedited) audiobook is now available on youtube! It is in two videos, since my computer wouldn't let me combine them lol.
Did I mention this is public domain? Because I hate capitalism and I'm poor and I want other people to also be able to enjoy books for free.
Buy the cheapest possible print version for $7.45 (I get $2).
This version is a paperback with no illustrations, no prefaces, a greyscale cover to make it as cheap to print as possible, so that more people can afford to buy it.
Buy the regular print version for $22.17 (I get $5).
This version is a hardpack with illustrations, the preface from the original author, and one from me.
You can also download all the HD illustrations included in this story here on the Internet Archive.
If you enjoy reading it, you can also donate directly to "TinyelFlatland" on paypal!
And if I haven't made it clear yet, this is Public Domain. You are 1million% encouraged to download it, print it, share it, do literally anything you want with it. I am 100% serious.
Now you can all join me in laughing at the narrator :)
Edit: oh wait lol. I realize I wrote this post assuming only people who already know what Flatland is will see it.
Uh so people who have no clue what Flatland is, here's a quick summary:
The narrator, who hides his identity using the alias "A. Square", is a resident of a world called Flatland, a world that only exists in two dimensions, where every person is a flat geometric shape. A. Square tells us the history and culture of his world, which is rife with bigotry that he buys into without question. Until New Year's Eve, before the first day of the year 2000, when a mysterious stranger claiming to come from the third dimension appears in his living room, and starts saying things that sound absurd, and performing what seem like magic tricks.
The original Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, was published in 1884 by Edwin Abbot Abbot. It is both a scathing political satire criticizing the systems of bigotry in Victorian England, and an entertaining introduction to the concept of more than three dimensions.
Edit: Now there's an itch.io page too!
Edit again: And you can read it here on tumblr now! @flatland-a-2024-translation and on Pillowfort!
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insomniac-arrest · 3 months
HAPPY PRIDE!! check out some free sci-fi and fantasy LGBTQ+ reads
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leebrontide · 3 months
Apparently we're doing these again, so
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Names in Their Blood is fully for sale as of TODAY!
After a spring they barely survived, the superhero team the Sentinels, and their family, head to rural Minnesota for long awaited reunions and a chance to finally start to heal. But when they realize that genetically altered people have been going missing from the small town that houses the US's only full service hospital for genetically altered people they have to decide who they can trust- and fast, our thousands of people could die.
Buy on Amazon paperack or ebook now! (audiobook to come)
Buy ebook NOT on Amazon here or here.
Also available for special order from your local independent book store!
The first book in the series is FREE right HERE or HERE (or in paper form from Amazon or from your fav independent bookstore)
Also I made a Uquiz that I think is a lot of fun, here.
Reblogs welcome! I'm deeply proud of this book and I'm so so excited to finally share it with you all!
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The Cory Doctorow Humble Bundle
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then San Francisco (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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It's been 21 years and 29 days since Tor Books published my first novel, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. In the years since, Tor has published every one of my novels, sending me around the USA and Canada to talk about them. Now, they've teamed up with Humble Bundle to sell 18 of my ebooks on a name-your-price basis, with part of the proceeds going to benefit EFF:
I've been associated with EFF even longer than I've been published by Tor! My first novel came out while I was working EFF's first-ever booth at CES. I split my time between the booth and my motel room, where I paid $0.25/call to dial up to Earthlink's local number and manage the launch-day publicity. Over the years, I've benefited immensely from Tor's editorial and publicity departments, working with brilliant publishing people like Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Patty Garcia, Dot Lin, Laura Etzkorn, Elena Stokes, Sarah Reidy, Lucille Rettino, and of course, Tor founder Tom Doherty.
But I like to think that it was a two-way street. Tor and I have come a long way together on ebooks: most visibly, they allowed me to publish several novels under Creative Commons licenses (my first book was the first ever CC book, coming out just weeks after the licenses themselves launched). As my editor Patrick Nielsen Hayden said at the time, "Ebooks have the worst hours-in-meeting-to-dollars-in-revenue ratio of anything in my publishing career. Why not?"
Just as important – but less visible – was Tor's willingness to let me insist that all my books be published without DRM, meaning that anything you buy on say, Amazon, can be moved to any reader program if you decide to start getting your ebooks elsewhere. This worked so well that in 2012, Tor became the first major publisher in the world to ban DRM on all its ebooks, flying me, John Scalzi and Charlie Stross to New York City to announce it this at a big, splashy event at Book Expo America:
Tor's unique status as the sole major DRM-free publisher in the world was well timed! That same year, I curated the very first Humble Ebook Bundle, which was very top-heavy with Tor titles, and raised more than $1,000,000 for the writers, publishers and charities associated with it:
That opened the floodgates to a series of Humble Bundles, tempting other major publishers to dabble with DRM-free, including Simon and Schuster:
And Harpercollins:
Now, 12 years after that inaugural Humble Ebook Bundle, I find myself honored by being the subject of a bundle of my own (it helps that I've written a hell of a lot of books in the intervening years). Included in the bundle are (nearly) all of my Tor novels and novellas: The Lost Cause; "The Canadian Miracle" (a Lost Cause story); Red Team Blues; Radicalized; Walkaway; "Party Discipline" (a Walkaway story); Pirate Cinema; Rapture of the Nerds (with Charlie Stross); For The Win; Makers; Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town; Eastern Standard Tribe, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Little Brother, Homeland, Attack Surface, and "Lawful Interception" (a Little Brother story).
(The sole exclusion is The Bezzle, which came out two weeks ago and is already a USA Today national bestseller!)
Also included in the bundle is Poesy the Monster Slayer, my 2020 picture book for the littlies:
All these books are delivered as DRM-free epub files. The Bundle runs for the next three weeks, and the minimum buy-in is $18 – that's just $1/book (full retail value is $187). Of course, you can name a higher price, and, as with all Humble Bundles, you can adjust the final split to share out the money between me, EFF, and the Humble folks.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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otaku-tactician · 9 months
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dalestromberg · 4 months
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High fantasy fans, I need your eyeballs.
My standalone fantasy novel MAEJ is to be published in October by tRaum Books, and the publisher and I seek folks willing to read a free advance review copy and leave an honest rating/review.
You can request a free copy of the book here: MAEJ Advance Review Copy Sign-Up
MAEJ is a unique, complex high fantasy novel featuring:
☞ gryphons
☞ berserker rages
☞ fate-worship
☞ algorithmic magic spells
☞ secret agent anthropologists
☞ hallucinogenic flower wine
☞ poetry battles
☞ Da Vincian flying contraptions
☞ a matriarchal society colliding with a patriarchal one
☞ an underground city
☞ a gaolbreak
☞ an awful politician getting assassinated while using the toilet
With “an elaborate and surprising plot [...] filled with political intrigue, action, twists, tragedy, and even a touch of romance”, MAEJ is a novel “unapologetic in its intelligence and dedication to doing strange, creative things with language” even as it offers “meaty commentary on the social construction of sex, sexuality, and gender” (in the words of one early reviewer).
If you want an ARC, here is that link again: MAEJ Advance Review Copy Sign-Up
You need not be a professional reviewer or somehow associated with the publishing trade. We welcome anybody who would like to read and review the novel.
You also have the option of waiting until 21 October, when you will be able to pay money for a book you could have gotten for free.
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lifeinpoetry · 5 months
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If only the warfare that nearly wiped out humanity had actually finished the job. Then Dev and the other remaining genetically Altered supersoldiers wouldn't be facing what could be their final days scraping by. They went from science experiments to vermin and today is the last straw. Their plan to finally end the fighting backfires, and now they face an even more frightening reality. The new human leader, Alessandra, doesn't want them dead. She needs their help. Dev isn't sure if his decision to help her will save them... or get them all killed.
Bound to Ashes (originally released in 2014) is a fast-paced, character-driven post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel (~90k words) about learning to trust and doing what's right even though no right has ever been done to you.
Status: OPEN for Beta Reading and FREE. (Link goes to the Google Doc folder.) Check out the additional document for feedback guidelines.
Reviews and more under the cut.
Content warning for language and violence.
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I love post-apocalyptic settings. The idea of humanity as it is now getting a "reset" is compelling. But I was disappointed by the vast majority of post-apoc media rife with misogyny, alpha male kitsch, and grimdark nihilism. I wanted characters that felt the hopelessness of the world but still chose to be better. I wrote BtA to be the change.
BtA was my first serious writing project when I was 21, back in '12. Since then it has gone through 10 drafts, a few serious beta readers, a self-publishing, an un-self-publishing, and a last polish this year (2024) to finalize series-wide changes.
Here's what readers have said about Bound to Ashes:
"Bound to Ashes is everything I wish Maze Runner was."
"It took me three sentences to fall in love with this book, and it kept me hooked until the very end. Amazing read that I will be passing along to my friends."
"The mental images projected were vibrant and intense, and had me in tears in a bath."
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overgrown-ruins · 11 months
Solidarity with Palestine: Free Resources and Further Reading
Verso Books has now made 6 ebooks freely available for download
These free ebooks, plus our longer Free Palestine reading list and recent publishing on the Verso Blog, challenge zionist ideology concerning the origins and identity of the contemporary state of Israel, and offer a clear history of the occupation, Israel's military industrial complex, and this latest explosion of violence in Gaza.
Blaming the Victims
The Case for Sanctions Against Israel
The Palestine Laboratory
Palestine Speaks
The Punishment of Gaza
Ten Myths About Israel
Free Palestine: A Verso Reading List
A reading list on the ongoing struggle for Palestinian liberation. Featuring Ilan Pappe, Ghada Karmi, Shlomo Sand, and Norman Finkelstein.
Verso Blog Highlights
The War on Gaza and Israel’s Fascism Debate | Alberto Toscano
The Equanimity of Lunatics | Richard Seymour
Israel Can’t Imprison Two Million Gazans Without Paying a Cruel Price | Gideon Levy
For the last time: Rejecting the conversation ‘between the sword and the neck’ | Shadi Chalesh
Palestine Was Not Empty | Ilan Pappe
Verso Podcast
In this episode, recorded on October 6th, Ghada Karmi and Antony Loewenstein discuss the Israeli state’s military-industrial complex, its relationship with the global far right, and why a one-state solution is the closest approximation to a just conclusion for seventy-five years of occupation. 
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Looking for some fabulous free ebooks to load up on this winter? Go check out the catalog at Global Grey Ebooks, a huge archive of public domain texts. Search by subject, author, title, or keyword, or browse one of the pre-existing categories such as Fiction, Folklore and Mythology, History, or Poetry. I know my fellow witches will want to check out the Esotericism and the Occult section!
You can pick and choose as many titles as you want or purchase a pre-curated selection that covers a particular topic. (The zipped ebook collections make great gifts for bookworm friends from far away!) All proceeds go to supporting the continued existence of the archive, which is maintained by a single tireless worker bee. If you like what you see, please consider donating.
(Keep in mind while browsing that this is an ARCHIVE and these are OLD books. Some texts may contain material that we now know to be objectionable. I would encourage everyone to read critically and to view them as a window into the past and a marker for how far we've come.)
I've been using Global Grey Ebooks for several years now to locate and read hard-to-find ebooks on history and occultism. This is a fabulous resource for anyone with an interest in history, folklore, classical fiction, or classical literature in general.
Check out Global Grey Ebooks and start adding to your personal library today!
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loviestudio · 23 days
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100 high-resolution wallpapers compatible with Kindle devices.
Like and/or reblog to help a creator.
Don’t repost, re-upload or put it on packs and/or google drive. Don’t claim my resources as your own, and don‘t share them without my consent! Don’t use my resources as a base or copy them.
My resources are free for personal or non-commercial use only. For commercial use, you must pay for the download. If you paid for the download, you are authorized to use it commercially. Reach out to me for more information or if you have questions about my resources licenses.
Follow me for more resources! ♡
This is a free resource, but you can buy it with points on DeviantArt to help out a creator or download it for free on Ko-Fi. Thank you!
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I signed up to get free ebook deals send to my email and guess what book was under the LGBTQ category today?
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10/10 very pleasant surprise
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leebrontide · 3 months
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Well, Amazon made the ebook of my new book live 12 days early so... happy Pride! Have a cast of superhero-adjacent queer teen disasters doing their best!
Please, take the quiz to find out which Second Sentinels character you are!
And if you'd like, you can check out Secondhand Origin Stories, which is is still free on Gumroad or Itch.io, or available in paperback or audiobook from the usual suspects.
And Names in Their Blood is over here, or from your local fav bookshop!
And please, reblog. I've been writing this book for YEARS and I'm incredibly excited to finally share this story and these characters with you all.
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