"The change always comes about mid-August, and it always catches me by surprise. I mean the day when I know that summer is fraying at the edges, that September isn't far off and fall is just over the hill or up the valley." -- Naturalist Hal Borland
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soniadiez · 2 years
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timallenphoto · 1 year
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Planned Burn by Tim Allen
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battleangel · 9 months
Humanity Is Stupid & Contagious
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I wish humanity could just admit that we dont work as a species on this planet.
We dont work as a species period.
We dont.
As a species, we are social creatures.
Therefore, as macro as it gets, we are engineered in the Upside Down (our current "reality" aka "life") to social climb, to be competitive, to be political, to try to get ahead, to use force might and violence to win, to want to accumulate wealth social capital land resources assets, to want to be the best, to acquire power.
I want to be the only 7 star general other than Lord Washington.
I want to be Trump, The Art of the Deal.
I want to be Napoleon, Bezos, Cook & Elon.
I want to be Ford.
I want to be Bill Gates.
I want to be President.
I want to be Commander In Chief.
Everything bigger faster stronger.
The smartest.
Clout privilege wealth social capital.
Sucking dick for clout.
This is all embedded in the very fabric of the Upside Down but in the dreamscape we are naturally one and harmonious.
Everything is flipped upside down here in the Upside Down.
Our differences in the dreamscape -- and the dreamscape is made up of untold trillions of separate dreamscapes that make up a kaleidoscopic explosion of thoughts dream imagination love knowledge philosophy esotericism energy meditation -- are what created and creates unfolding ever evolving ever mutating (the real X-Men) DNA hybrid dualism but down here in the Upside Down, the differences are used to falsely create division, tear us apart, make us afraid, make us prejudge, make us hate, make us ostracize, haze, bully, assault, kill, rape, murder, beat, torture, ethnically cleanse, arrest, jail, mass graves, death camps, death squads, rape rooms, mass incarcerations, hangings, lynchings, beheadings, burnings at the stake, capital punishments, executions, make an example of, mass hysteria, scapegoats, fall guys, columbine shooters, false gods, false heros, false kings, false crowns, false idols, world religions aka cults, brainwashing, conditioning centers, reprogramming, human experimentation, cloning, DNA splicing, genetic mutations, lab experimentations, synthetic chemicals and toxins, lethal injections, the electric chair, drawn and quartered, dragged by horses, decapitations, slavery.
Its like, it just doesnt work.
Human nature is rewarded in the Upside Down for being cheap, dirty, low, cutting corners, being the fastest, quickest, least expensive, best technology, most scientifically advanced, most destructive weapons, most deadly chemical warfare, more black label projects, more government secrets, more undercover agents, more guns, Gatling, AK-47, multiple rounds, multiple clips, multiple magazines, rat a tat tat, more badges, more stripes, more chevrons, more ranks, more insignias, more titles, more letters before and after your name on LinkedIn, more zeros in your bank account, more friends on Facebook, more followers on Instagram, more views on TikTok, more retweets on Twitter, more subs on Youtube & Twitch.
More Napoleon Bonapartes, more let them eat cake, more off with their heads, more they dont want to work, more welfare queens, more get a job, more Funquishas and Watermelondras.
More campaigns, more slogans, more supermans.
We never learn from our collective atrocities.
Why would any time ever be different much less the next time?
What war did WWI stop?
Korean War?
Vietnam War?
US Mexico War?
Hundred Years War?
Cold War?
Gulf War?
Operation Iraqi Freedom?
Cultural Revolution?
Khmer Rouge?
Rape of Nanking?
Trail of Tears?
Idi Amin?
Gaza Strip?
18k killed in Chile in 1 day?
9/11 inside job?
Nerve gas
Hiroshima & Nagasaki?
Atomic bomb?
10k dead Americans in Normandy?
666k dead in Civil War?
Weve never collectively as a species learned from any past war, atrocity, crime against humanity, war crime, genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Its been hundreds of thousands of years.
Why would anything ever change if it hasnt already?
The track record is abysmal and speaks for itself.
Why, as a species, do we blindly and ignorantly choose to continue to procreate, replicate and propagate our human race when the end result has always been untold human suffering?
There is no amount of joy that can cancel out the amount of suffering that has been needlessly caused and experienced in the Upside Down.
Its time to end the human experiment and we have not had a good run.
Millions upon millions killed, raped, starved, gassed, beaten, tortured, hazed, humiliated, mocked, imprisoned, jailed, assaulted, exterminated, exploited, traumatized, gaslit, intimidated, ethnically cleansed, used.
Abused, overworked, harrassed, trafficked, groomed, conditioned, brainwashed, broken, violated, fetishized, objectified, commodified, consumed, dehumanized, retconned, manipulated, overmedicalized, pathologized, drugged, indoctrinated, molested, institutionalized.
There is no amount of good, joy, happiness or anything else that can even come close to equaling out these endless and ongoing atrocities, forget cancelling them out.
Humanity is a virus that has been allowed to endlessly replicate itself and it has to stop.
We are causing catastrophic human suffering to our own species because we wont stop reproducing ourselves for no fucking reason at all.
Once you add in the ecocide, ecological and environmental destruction, hundreds of thousands of animal species that have been made extinct, climate change, climate crisis, climate emergency, deforestation, the destruction of rainforests, landfills, nuclear waste, oceanic pollution, overfishing, factory farming, industrial waste, toxins, pollutants, synthetic and lab made chemicals, GMOs, pesticides, overextraction of earths resources, raping & pillaging mother earth, sewage, food waste, fast fashion, big box retail, air pollution, air toxicity, non biodegradable waste taking tens of thousands of years to break down in landfills, oil spills, drilling for oil, coal, endless construction, endless Amazon warehouses, endless delivery drones, methane emissions from factory farming, greenhouse gas emissions, millions of cars clogging the highways...
The answer is we need to subtract the human race from the equation.
If all 7.8 billion of us currently alive on the planet made the conscious decision not to procreate, we could end all this suffering in this generation.
Weigh the reasons to procreate: continue bloodline and current family lineage, have a little mini-me, fullfill narcisstic fantasies of having a living breathing extension of your own ego, looking for something to give you your identity and a reason to live, looking for purpose, the social rewards that come with being a parent, the social pressures to procreate, making your mom & dad happy, keeping up with your friends that are popping out babies, an unexamined need and desire to fit in, unquestioningly accepting society's pronatalist stance and adopting it as your own without examining it, desire to create heirs, egotistical fantasy of living forever and trying to accomplish this by having children, wanting miniaturized versions of yourself who will endlessly kiss your ass stroke your ego and hero worship you, to build your own myth aura and mystique, narcisstic desire to be a matriarch/patriarch, societal insistence that feminity equates to motherhood, believing the lie that motherhood is a womans highest calling, believing the lie that not having children is selfish, succumbing without thinking to the non-stop societal programming, conditioning and brainwashing to procreate and create bodies for the capitalist machine, spouse is pressuring or demanding or coercing you to have kids, wanting to play dress up with your doll aka daughter, wanting to be an adult and parenthood is tied with adulthood in our society, unexamined fear of old age and dying alone and becoming old sick and infirm without children, believing the lie that you are incomplete and somehow defective as a woman until you shit a fetus out of your cervix, wanting to prove your worth and adopting parenthood as part of an ultracompetitive persona that can do and be and crush everything crossfit marathons pilates keto school grades corporate promotions salaries the house the car the spouse and now kids further bolsters your superman/superwoman persona, falling for the societally peddled lie that holidays are incomplete without little kids running around, incorrectly and inadequately trying to address childhood and generational trauma experienced in family while growing up by having your own kids vs doing the necessary self reflection, introspection, shadow & somatic work, reiki & therapy, wanting a daughter who is your BFF, wanting a child for nothing but fantasy & wish fulfillment, obsessive martydom complex leads to desire to martyr oneself by sublimating your identity, body, sexuality, career, income, social life and freedom for the all-consuming and obliterative identity of motherhood, desire for people to take you seriously, to compete with or keep up with siblings or best friends who already have kids, believing the carefully crafted and packaged lies that overly romanticize parenthood and wanting the Hallmark fantasy, slavishly following cultish and pathetic religious dictates and never questioning the religious indoctrination and brainwashing of your youth which commanded you to be fruitful and multiply, a desire to be respected through becoming a parent, a fear of appearing like an outsider if you are in a long term relationship or marriage for decades and never have kids, an irrational fear of missing out where you believe the propaganda that nothing is worse than reaching old age realizing you actually wanted kids and not being able to have them when in reality absolutely nothing is worse than having kids realizing you absolutely despise being a parent, regretting having them, being stuck with them for 18+ years and never being able to publicly voice your opinions although while quite commonplace are societally taboo especially from mothers who must always be docile, happy, pleasant, energetic, cheerful, full of vigor and most importantly never tired or complaining at all times.
Okay. Now, go reread this post and look at all the reasons not to procreate.
Like, its not close.
Humanity is stupid and contagious but you dont have to be.
End the endless cycle of human suffering.
Choose to not procreate.
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Garden is overrun with pioneering volunteer species and the soil is mostly clay, but I picked these (wild radish) for some backyard salad foraging.
Image description. A lightly tanned left hand in a white linen sleeve holds a metal colander one third full of white and pastel purple four petaled flowers and bright green seed pods. It is golden hour, and tall plants of the the flowers, wild radish, take up the majority of the frame around the colander. The top fifth of frame has cloudless blue sky.
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gvawood · 1 month
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Discover the elegance and durability of 100% solid wood furniture, crafted from high-grade raw materials with no veneer, no artificial board, and no formaldehyde. Our furniture is designed to elevate your home with the warmth and beauty of natural wood, ensuring a healthier living environment for you and your family.
Solid wood furniture stands the test of time, offering unmatched durability and a timeless aesthetic that enhances any home decor. Unlike veneer or particle board furniture, solid wood pieces are built to last, resisting wear and tear while maintaining their structural integrity.
Our furniture is crafted using traditional mortise and tenon joinery, a technique that has been perfected over centuries. This method not only ensures strength and stability but also showcases the beauty of fine woodworking. Each piece is a testament to the skill and dedication of our craftsmen, who take pride in creating furniture that is both functional and beautiful.
Explore our collection of solid wood furniture, designed to bring elegance, comfort, and sustainability to your living space. Whether you're looking for a new dining table, bed, or storage solution, our pieces are crafted to meet your needs with style and durability.
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remadebyremus · 2 months
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A variety of paper I’ve been making! Plain, brown, confetti too! Can’t wait to show off some close ups of the different colors and textures… stay tuned :)
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biographiness · 5 months
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On April 22, discovering New Horizons: A historic voyage, a land rush sprint, and the birth of environmental awareness—all in one captivating moment!🚢🏁🌱
Follow👉 @biographiness
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cleanearthfunfacts · 1 year
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Title: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating an Eco-Friendly Home 💡🌱🌍 Entertaining Guide on Environmental Awareness, Sustainable Living, and Renewable Energy Solutions | Clean Earth Fun Facts
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your go-to source for fun and entertaining facts about our planet and how to keep it clean and green. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies and tips for creating an eco-friendly home. By incorporating energy-efficient appliances, sustainable building materials, and water conservation strategies, you can reduce your environmental footprint and contribute to a sustainable future. Let's dive in!
Chapter 1: Energy-Efficient Appliances
Understanding Energy Efficiency Ratings
Look for appliances with ENERGY STAR certification
Consider energy-efficient models for refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and more
Lighting Solutions
Switch to LED or CFL bulbs
Utilize natural light through skylights and windows
Install motion sensor or timer switches to save energy
Smart Home Technology
Invest in smart thermostats and programmable HVAC systems
Control lighting and appliances remotely to avoid unnecessary energy consumption
Use power strips to eliminate standby power
Chapter 2: Sustainable Building Materials
Choose Renewable Materials
Opt for sustainably harvested wood and bamboo
Explore alternatives like reclaimed wood or recycled materials
Consider cork or linoleum flooring instead of vinyl or carpet
Energy-Efficient Insulation
Install insulation with high R-value to reduce heat loss
Consider eco-friendly options like cellulose or wool insulation
Seal air leaks to improve overall energy efficiency
Green Roofing Options
Explore cool roofs that reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption
Consider metal roofing, recycled shingles, or living roofs (vegetation)
Chapter 3: Water Conservation Strategies
Efficient Plumbing Fixtures
Install low-flow toilets and showerheads
Use faucet aerators to reduce water flow
Repair leaks promptly
Rainwater Harvesting
Set up rain barrels or cisterns to collect rainwater for gardening or flushing toilets
Direct downspouts to water plants and trees
Landscape Design for Water Efficiency
Choose native, drought-resistant plants
Group plants with similar water needs
Mulch garden beds to retain moisture
Congratulations on taking the first step towards creating an eco-friendly home! By implementing the strategies and tips discussed in this guide, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable future. Remember, small changes can make a big difference. Join us at Clean Earth Fun Facts in spreading awareness and inspiring others to embrace sustainable living. Together, we can make our planet cleaner, greener, and healthier!
Don't forget to follow us on social media:
YouTube: youtube.com/@CleanEarthFunFacts
Instagram: Instagram.com/CleanEarthFunFacts/
Facebook: Facebook.com/@CleanEarthFunFacts
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your ultimate source for entertaining and educational content about the environment, sustainable living, and renewable energy solutions. Join us as we explore fascinating facts, tips, and celebrations related to a clean and green planet.
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💚 Eco-Friendly Facts: Uncover interesting and surprising facts about the environment, from unique ecosystems and endangered species to innovative eco-friendly technologies and initiatives.
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☀️ Renewable Energy Solutions: Explore the exciting world of renewable energy and sustainable technologies. Learn about solar power, wind energy, and other innovative solutions that can help us transition to a greener future.
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🌍 Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, where we bring you the most fun and entertaining facts about our planet and how to keep it clean and green! 🌱 Our goal is to spread awareness about environmental issues and inspire people to take action towards a sustainable future. 🌍 Join us on this journey to learn, laugh and make a difference! 🌍
I am an environmental enthusiast. I have a passion for creating a cleaner and greener environment, and I believe that we can make a significant impact with your help. As an advocate for a more sustainable future, I have created the "Go Green Clean Environment Initiative" to support our community's transition to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
With your support, we can make a positive impact on the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. Our goal is to make our community a model of sustainability for others to follow.
I have created a Clean Earth Fun Facts Website https://michaelanthonyhoga6.wixsite.com/youtubecomcleanearth where I share my knowledge and experiences with others, helping them understand the importance of a sustainable future. I also have a LinkedIn Profile linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=michael-hogan-597090166
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Together, we can make a difference and create a cleaner and greener future for our community and the world. Thank you for your support!
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your ultimate destination for all things green, sustainable, and eco-friendly! Join us as we explore environmental awareness, conservation, renewable energy, and more. Our channel promotes green living, sustainable practices, and the importance of biodiversity. Dive into a world of eco-consciousness and discover green initiatives, reduce your carbon footprint, and become an eco-warrior. Learn about sustainable fashion, wildlife conservation, and the latest green technologies. Let's make a positive environmental impact through education and advocacy. Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future for our planet. Subscribe now and join the Clean Earth Fun Facts community!
🌍 Thank you for your interaction and support! I'm thrilled to have you here in the Clean Earth Fun Facts community. Together, we're making a positive impact on our planet with every step we take towards a greener future. 🌿✨
If you're looking for captivating videos on environmental awareness, sustainable living tips, and entertaining facts about the environment, you've come to the right place! 🎥🌱 Join me on https://michaelanthonyhoga6.wixsite.com/youtubecomcleanearth for an engaging journey towards a cleaner, greener planet.
Let's spread the word about the importance of conservation, climate change awareness, and the wonders of renewable energy solutions. Together, we can make Earth Day celebrations a year-round event!
Remember, every small action counts. Share the knowledge, embrace eco-friendly practices, and let's create a brighter future for generations to come. 🌎💚
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Stay tuned for entertaining facts about the environment, Earth Day celebrations, renewable energy solutions, and more!
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sylv1as0ven · 5 months
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I love these
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
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Our emotions are not here to frustrate us. OUR STRUGGLES REVEAL TO US EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE ABLE TO GROW 💕 The healing journey isn't too lonely with an herbal ally.
Which herb seems like your perfect ally? (Find out from the full post) Share in the tags. I'll share mine on Patreon tomorrow & how I use it 😊
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sustainablecore · 9 months
Building a Sustainable City | Paving the Way for a Greener Future
What is sustainable city?
A sustainable city is an urban area that prioritizes environmentally-friendly practices, social inclusivity, and economic prosperity. It focuses on reducing carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy, efficient resource management, and creating a high quality of life for residents. Sustainable cities aim to balance development with environmental preservation, social equity, and long-term sustainability.
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battleangel · 10 months
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fun facts with Sahar, because no-one told me!
I line dry my family’s clothes as much as possible to save money (less electricity and less wear on the clothes), to sunbleach stains (two toddlers), and for the environment (less manufactured energy more wind and solar passive energy). In summer it also helps cool my home like a swamp cooler.
I installed a new laundry line with a fancy pulley system so I can hang while standing in one spot. The usual cotton rope I buy wasn’t available at the store, so I bought sisal rope - apparently more sun resistant, and it’s not plastic. I hung it on an overcast day. A week later, I had to tie a slip knot in it and pin it because it was too slack.
The next day, it rained.
Sisal swells in moisture.
The hook I used to hang my pulley was unhooked by the sheer tension and the whole thing collapsed in freshly forked dirt. Even untying the slip knot was not enough to rehook it. I installed a new hook and used some chained up carabiners to rectify.
So here is the proper way to install a laundry line, particularly for sisal:
Ensure the drill is drilling in (not out), and using a ladder or otherwise boosted drill a pilot hole with a screw shorter than your hook into a solid support. I used a fence post and a shed roof on a post.
Screw a heavy duty hook in to the support. Repeat between 20 and 100ft away with another pilot hole and hook.
Hook the pulley assembly onto the hook, then run the rope around it. Gently pull it to the other hook and repeat with a second pulley. Tie into a big loop using a square knot, so the tension on the knot pulls it tighter instead of loosening once you have weight on it.
Using split rings made into a chain, or a length of chain that can fit over the hook, attach a chain to the hole in the pulley assembly with a carabiner. I recommend about 18 inches of chain. This should be at the spot you intend to stand while hanging laundry. ALWAYS STORE ON THE LOOSEST CHAIN LINK.
On a particularly dry day, go out and loop the carabiner to the hook. Retie your laundry line to its tightest. Rehook at end of chain so there is lots of slack in case of high humidity.
When hanging laundry, unhook chain and rehook at appropriate chain link or carabiner for the day’s humidity to be taut but not overtight. Every item or three you hang on the line, attach a carabiner to the lines. This helps keep the two lines of the loop together instead of tightening the empty top and slackening the loaded bottom.
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Empty line, ready to hang laundry.
Image description: a closeup of a plastic laundry pulley on a sunny day, parallel to a fence with scraggly bushes. Another house and blue sky is visible in the background. The pulley is looped with sisal rope tied in three square knots with a curled 8 inch tail. Close to the pulley are black, brown then red to purple carabiners in rainbow order. The pulley is attached to a silver carabiner, which is in turn looped onto a white plastic covered hook screwed in to a 4x4 wooden post. A chain of 18 metal split rings dangles from the carabiner. The line has a slight parabola but is clearly taut.
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Empty laundry line, ready to hang.
Image description. The same laundry line, taught with a slight parabola, at a different angle. The viewer is looking at a simple square blue grey shed that has the other end of the laundry line hooked to the far left roof corner. From right to left in background are visible a bush blooming with dark purple flowers, five tall skinny cypress trees, the shed, a mass of overgrown wild radish and a yellow blooming succulent, oak trees in full dark foliage, and some empty garden beds. The sky is bright blue and cloudless.
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The line at rest, ready for storage.
Image description. The same laundry line at the same angle looking at the shed. The chain is visibly hooked at the furthest end from the pulley so the line has a deep slack in it.
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soniadiez · 2 years
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