#energetic herbalism
sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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"The plants will always change your heart frequency - even from a walk in the park." - Rocio Alarcon
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elminx · 2 years
Spell Energetics: How to Apply the concept of Herbal Energetics to your spell work
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Note: I'm drawing here from my knowledge of herbal energetics as they are recognized in multiple herbalism systems, my knowledge of astrology, and the concepts of sympathetic magic - if this isn't your thing, please just move along.
The four elements and the concepts of Energetics run consistently through the framework of much of the Western magic systems but it's something that is often overlooked. Suppose rather than relegating the elements to something that we call upon ritualistically to join us in our magic works (or, that must be represented on an altar), we instead stop and consider what they are, and what they do. In that case, we can gain a deeper understanding of how magic works on a human being.
The idea of the four elements and their associated qualities (dry, warm, cool, and moist - now known as herbal energetics) comes from the Athenian philosopher Aristotle. The fire element is warm, the earth element is cool, the air element is dry, and the water element is wet. This shows a remarkable difference from the modern astrological association of earth being opposed to water, and air to fire as it is shown on the astrological wheel; here, hot is opposed to cold (fire to earth) and dry to wet (air to water). It is worth noting that this can be somewhat proven through action - earth puts out fire, for instance. Today, we understand that there is more to healthfulness than balancing energetics (thank you antibiotics, vaccines, and insert your favorite modern medical miracle here) but there are still a number of views on wellness that encourage considering them. Maybe someday I will write more of this and how it relates to synastry, but let's focus on how this can be used in magic.
From here, we need to take a dive into modern herbalism. Why are we doing this? Because most people use all sorts of herbal components as ingredients in our spells and many of our correspondences have their roots in how that plant matter interacts with the human body. One of the major considerations when choosing an herb is what its Action is on the human body. These actions include Heating (Warm/Fire), Cooling (Cool/Water), Drying (Dry/Air), and Wetting (Moist/Water).
We use these actions all of the time without even knowing that we are doing them. Most cocktail people know that you want to drink a Mint Julip in the summer to cool you down (mint is a Cooling herb). On the other hand, if you need a pick me up, Chai tea which is full of warming herbs - even noncaffeinated versions like Bengal Spice - does the trick. The marshmallow (a Moist herb) does the coating of the throat in "Throat Coat" tea. The conditions of warm/cool/dry/moist are so normal to use as human beings that we tend to overlook them and adjust for them automatically.
With this in mind, I want to bring up a few ways in which this can be applied in witchcraft.
Warm is nice and pleasant. A lot of the warming herbs are used in money and sex magic - they make us feel good. But, like any good thing, they might need to be consumed in moderation. Candles carry the innate action of warmth and just think about how important fire safety is. Some herbs that warm cannot always be handled with bare hands (spicy peppers cause capsaicin burns) and these have long-documented uses in baneful magics of all kinds.
Cool magic can be used to calm and control. It can be used to put a particular situation on ice so that you don't have to deal with it. It can bring down fevers. It can soothe bad tempers and hot-headedness. It can preserve. It can also protect and insulate.
Dry magic can also be used to preserve. It can dry up emotions and stifle passion. It can draw out something or draw something away from a situation. It can create space.
Moist magic can be overflowing and generous. It can also be stagnant and suffocating. Moisture can revive life. It can also drown it.
It is worth noting that all aspects of these factors are always present in our lives. And they don't exist in a vacuum - everything is a combination of the two Aristotlean categories: you have Warm Moist or Warm Dry, and Cool Moist or Cool Dry.
We use these principles in magic all of the time. Anytime that you are using a liquid in a jar spell, you are applying the concept of Moist. If you are applying salt or rice to drain an object, you are using the concept of Dry. A freezer spell is an obvious example of Cool and any time that you are burning something you are using the concept of Warm.
But let's go a step further. If you are trying to do a warming spell, wouldn't it make sense to use specifically only warming herbs - or, at least - herbs that don't counteract Warmth (aka abstain from using cooling herbs?). Remember, these herbs have a natural and calculable effect on the human body so one would assume that, when used as part of a spell directed at a human body, they will have a similar effect. Even if you're a total candle head (I get it - I LOVE candle magic), consider not adding a candle to a spell meant to freeze somebody out.
When casting a hex, it is worth considering whether you want to burn them out with fire or take the slower more calculated path of ice. (Stop me from quoting Robert Frost here...) If you need to separate a couple who thrives on relationship conflict, drying them out could be a good option - more specifically, I'd probably use cool/dry.
Really we are getting into the basics of all sympathetic magic: using a thing that has an obvious effect to transfer that effect, through our spell, to the spell's intended target. This is why I have been very specific in saying that this applies to magic cast on a human being - here we are using the principles of Energetics and how they affect humans. For a spell on an animal or your house, entirely different sympathetic principles would apply.
The next time that you are choosing between two herbs that are said to have the same associations, consider whether one might be better than the other based on the Energetic nature of that plant. You might find a whole new level of casting open up to you.
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stonedcoast · 5 months
420 All Month: Superboof, and That's a Wrap on 420 All Month
420 All Month! Today is Superboof, and That's a Wrap on 420 All Month!
HybridModerately High THC (22% – 26%)Flower Here we are, the last day – day 30 – of this month-long marathon of reviews. I do hope you’ve all enjoyed reading these, and I hope you’ve enjoyed my other reviews and posts over the last year. I’m feeling both exhausted and re-invigorated after all of this. After the medical hiatus only a few months into this ongoing project, I had the want to get…
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jahntang · 2 years
Calendula Officinalis Full Monograph
Calendula Officinalis Full Monograph
This is a calendula flower I managed to grow in my office (despite it being a western herb never found in Singapore) How do you feel when you look at this flower? To me it’s as if the sun’s rays have entered my soul  Calendula officinalis is classified under herbs that clear toxic heat and reduce infection. Its main action is as a DETOXICANT and a DECONGESTANT. As a DETOXICANT, it is…
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ashdreams2023 · 9 months
Hi! I hope you are well :) I was wondering if I could request a fluffy either oneshot or headcannon style I don’t mind but like the reader lives with the avengers and she’s always had sleeping problems until Loki came along and when they started dating especially she would sleep for hours during the night and randomly fall asleep on Lokis lap at random times? I know it sounds weird but it’s cute to me 😭
Not random at all!
Loki x reader with sleeping problems
You’ve tried it all, name it you’ve tried it at least once
Sleeping bills, every type of herbal tea, even hitting your head unconscious, you are desperate!
Even the team was concerned for your well being
Natasha still recalls finding you up at 4am eating chocolate chip cookies and reading comics
The dark circles underneath your eyes are a sight to behold
Then Loki came, it started with him staying up with you because he doesn’t like the other’s company
He comments about your dark circles and compares them to when he was under mind control
Dark humor or whatever you may call it
Everyone thought oh well at least you got someone to keep you company
Well until you two became more than just two sleep deprived individuals and things got serious
Then you started taking naps…in normal hours of the day!
Loki would be reading in the main sitting area and you’ll be curled up on the sofa beside him with a warm blanket on top of you and snoring softly
Tony had taken a few pictures just to make himself believe this was his mind playing tricks on him
Natasha stopped seeing you up At unholy hours
You slept in bed cuddling Loki or just having him lay beside you
Even during meetings you would doze off and lay your head on his shoulder
Loki would draw circles on your back if you nap on top of him
You turned into a healthier looking person with the good amount of sleep you’ve taken in
"I don’t look like a panda bear anymore" you would joke
Loki hadn’t realized what he’s done pre say but he does like seeing you more energetic and relaxed
And on the occasions you two would go out and on the way home, you would fall asleep in his arms and he would carry you to bed
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magickkate · 3 months
Hello, witchlings! Today we're diving into the topic of bath magic and how to incorporate this into a beginner's practice!
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🧼 What is Bath Magic?: Bath magic, also known as ritual bathing, is a sacred practice that harnesses the cleansing, healing, and rejuvenating properties of water to enhance our magical workings. By infusing our baths with intention, herbs, crystals, and other magical ingredients, we create a sacred space for self-care, spiritual exploration, and manifestation. You can do bath rituals in line with the timing of the moon. Full moon baths are very common, but they can be done at any point!
🌿 Rituals for Bath Magic:
Cleansing Ritual: Begin by cleansing your physical body with a regular bath or shower to wash away any negativity or energetic debris. As you bathe, visualize the water purifying and cleansing your energy field, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed.
Setting Intentions: Before stepping into the bath, take a moment to set your intentions for the ritual. What do you hope to achieve or manifest? Focus your thoughts and energy on your desired outcome, infusing it with clarity and purpose.
Herbal Infusions: Add herbs, flowers, and botanicals to your bath water to enhance its magical properties. Lavender promotes relaxation and tranquility, rose petals symbolize love and self-care, and chamomile soothes the spirit and calms the mind. Choose herbs that resonate with your intentions and sprinkle them into the water or create a sachet to hang from the faucet.
Crystals: Incorporate crystals into your bath ritual to amplify its energy and support your intentions. Place crystals such as clear quartz for clarity, rose quartz for self-love, or amethyst for spiritual connection in the water or around the edge of the tub. Allow their energy to infuse the water, enveloping you in a cocoon of healing and protection.
Visualization and Meditation: As you soak in the bath, close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by a radiant sphere of light. Envision your intentions manifesting as if they were already a reality, feeling gratitude and joy for their fulfillment. You can also practice meditation, deep breathing, or visualization techniques to deepen your connection to the divine and align with your higher self.
Sigils: Sigils enhance bath magic by imbuing intentions with energy. Create a sigil, charge it with intention, and incorporate it into the bath ritual. I normally do this by drawing the sigil in soap or lotion on myself or in the bath, drawing it on myself with a pen, or drawing it with my finger. Visualize its energy merging with the bathwater, allowing its power to amplify the magic. Release the sigil's energy into the universe, trusting in its ability to manifest desires. I do this by washing the soap or lotion, washing off the pen, or washing over where I marked the sigil with my finger. Bath rituals become more potent and transformative with sigils.
Affirmations: Repeat affirmations that resonate with your intentions as you bathe, allowing their positive vibrations to permeate your consciousness and uplift your spirit. You can create your own affirmations or choose ones that resonate with your goals and desires.
Closing the Ritual: When you feel ready, slowly emerge from the bath and pat yourself dry with a clean towel. Take a moment to express gratitude for the experience and release any lingering thoughts or emotions that no longer serve you.
Whether bathing for relaxation, purification, or spiritual growth, bath magic offers a simple yet powerful way to connect with the elements and manifest your intentions. So draw yourself a magical bath, sink into the soothing waters, and let the magic of bath magic wash over you!
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Asteroid Circe
Now, moving on with our normal program of astrology and asteroid content. Here we have asteroid Circe and how I would interpret here in a natal chart. <;3
Asteroid number 34, Circe in a natal chart usually represents our inner which, our magical gifts and also can show where you feel isolated (this type of isolation can be from the outer world or self-imposed), also where do you fall in love to quickly. If conjunct the Asc, you can be quite intimidating. If conjunct the MC you can be seen very enchanting and be attracted to the occult.  If conjunct the Moon you may prefer being a night owl and prefer the company of animals.
Asteroid Circe
Circe in Aries/1st house: If you are into witchcrafts, you most probably work with fire and red candles. You may attract people because of your leadership skills, your energetic aura and fun-loving attitude.  Otherwise with this placement you may notice that others are intimidated maybe even scared by you.
Circe in Taurus/2nd house: If you are into witchcraft, you most probably are a garden which. You have a cosy like aura and people feel very comfortable in your presence. Usually, you may cook consciously or unconsciously with intention. You may like to collect crystal or river rock and be a pretty good manifesto for abundance.
Circe in Gemini/3th house: You may be very good at story-telling and have a really charming voice. Usually, you’ll be attracted in learning tarot and lucid dreaming. People are attracted to you because of your knowledge and intelligence. This placement might also indicate feeling isolated from your relatives or impose a self-isolation from them.
Circe in Cancer/4th: People are drawn to you because of your sweet nature and the sense of familiarity that they have when meeting you. Usually if in the 4th or conjunct the IC is an indicator of witchy lineage and you probably work a lot with the Moon energy. Otherwise, you are a healer and can help others heal their mother wound.
Circe in Leo/5th house: You may be attracted to meditation, energy healing and may practice specific manifestations technics. People usually are attracted to you without knowing exactly why. They feel you warm and shiny aura, they just want to revolve around you.  You may also like to collect occult objects.
Circe in Virgo/6th house: You may be interested in homeopathic medicine and alternative healing. You may have a specific everyday routine regarding manifestation or working with crystal or herbalism (ex: You drink a specific tea every day or put cinnamon in your coffee). Circe here can also make you feel isolated in your work life and with your colleagues or you may isolate yourself. Animals are really attracted to you or you may like to have pets.
Circe in Libra/ 7th house: You have a light hearted aura and people are drawn to you. You may be very good at identifying good romantic matches between people or you may work with tarot, astrology etc in order to help others navigate their relationships. If conjunct the DSC, people will have the tendency to be obsessed with you. As a witch you may want to be part of a coven. Also, you may tend to fall in love pretty fast.
Circe in Scorpio/8th house: You may be into really dark occult art and work with divination/entities etc. People are attracted to you because of your loyalty and determination. You can be an energy healer or a shaman due to your transmutation power. Sometimes people may exclude you or you can exclude people because of your practice.
Circe in Sagittarius/9th: You can be a living human lie detector and have a very good intuition. You attract people due to your optimistic aura. Astra-projection may come easy to you and you may astral project from a young age, try to ground yourself very good before going to sleep. You can be a great mentor or a teach for those that are willing to learn under your guidance.  
Circe in Capricorn/10th: With this placement you may be prone to be highly influential and very keen to success. As a witch you probably make great spell-jar for money or you manifest money without trying to. Sometime this placement can indicate feeling lonely in a room full of people. If conjunct the MC you’ll be recognized in the occult world very easily.
Circe in Aquarius/11th: This placement can indicate a passion for astrology or working into astral world. You attract people due to your intelligence and creativity. Sometime you may isolate yourself from your close friends. This placement can indicate an interested in being on social media platform talking about the 1000 ideas you have in your head.
Circe in Pisces/12th: This is a very spiritual place for Circe. Here she is highly empathetic, dreamy and highly intuitive. You know immediately if someone changed their energy towards you. You may have lucid dreams and have a great connection with the spirit realm. You tend to escape a bit to much in the astral world and also isolate yourself. You may dream of your partner before meeting him.
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dkniade · 2 months
I tried translating the description for the Tartaglia perfume in the Genshin Fragrances series (the perfume collab with Primaniacs), but I’m not fluent in Japanese so there might be grammar mistakes and nuances may be lost with word choice. So y’know, please take this with a grain of salt, and feel free to correct me!
This definitely follows the Japanese version’s characterization, haha
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Character: Tartaglia
Note: NSFW/suggestive, tone is slightly dark. Translation notes have a few violent example phrases
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But first, the layers of notes described on the website (in English):
Top Notes: Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Green Apple
Middle Notes: Jasmine, Orange Flower, Patchouly, Cumin
Last Notes: Floral Ozone, Nutmeg, Tonka Beans, Agarwood
(Would that smell nice? Does that match the vibe in the description? I’m not a perfume person, so…)
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Product Description
A dangerous light that gives rise to a sunny smile
A heart-piercing light fougère note
A citrus herbal that drifts aloofly, matching the liveliness of a glistening orange flower.
Though the chilly darkness of patchouli lurks in the background, the warmth of tonka beans dwells in that profile which looks back and shows a gentle expression.
It’s a strange contrast between comfort and a disturbing presence.
Giving off darkness and light while caught in a flash of zeal, a fragrance that puts you at his mercy completely.
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If you enjoyed this, would you also like to check out how his Story Quest’s structure parallels his Character Story, how the Snezhnayan nursery rhyme is like in Chinese, and how he’s characterized in Chinese here?
DO PEOPLE REALLY DESCRIBE PERFUMES LIKE THIS. I understand describing the actual ingredients (?) but the rest of it is very flowery. (Update: Primaniacs seems to specialize in interpreting manga/anime/video game characters as perfumes. I read through some descriptions for their other character perfumes; this is the style they use for all of them it seems.) The first two lines sound like a shounen anime opening… but the rest is like a reader insert imagine… And what’s with that last line??
(My initial translation for the last line “暗と明が放つ軽快な熱に浮かされ、どこまでも翻弄されるフレグランス” was “A fragrance that floats between a light heat emitting darkness and light, and toys with you endlessly” but after looking the words up in Weblio I think I messed up the definitions a lot.)
We really need to look up definitions for some words here… (using definitions and examples from weblio)
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朗らか (ほがらか):cheerful, bright, merry.
E.g. 朗らか微笑 (a bright smile), 朗らかに笑う (to laugh merrily)
射貫く(いぬく):to shoot through (a wall, the heart, etc.); to go through; to pierce; to hit (e.g. the bull's-eye)
躍動感(やくどうかん):energetic feeling; sense of liveliness; vigor
潜む(ひそむ):lurk (in, behind, under). E.g. 物陰に潜む (lurk in the shadows)
振り返る(ふりかえる):look/turn around; (physically) look back (at)
柔らか(やわらか):velvety (e.g. voice), tender, (physically) soft, mellow
—velvety?? 柔らかな表情… 表情 means expression, so, “tender expression”? “Gentle expression”? (Looks back at item description.) I feel like I’m reading a M-rated reader insert vignette.
心地よい(ここちよい)(adj.):comfortable; pleasant
不穏な(ふおんな):disquieting, unpeaceful
e.g. 不穏な犯罪 (a disturbing amount of crime), 形勢不穏なり (The outlook is grave.)
And now, the last sentence:
放つ(はなつ): (of a light or fragrance) give out/off; send out; put forth; emit
芳香を放つ (send forth fragrance; smell sweet)
軽快な(けいかいな)(adj.):lightweight, light
e.g. 軽快な手(a facile hand), 軽快な挙動(agile/nimble movements)
熱(ねつ):heat, temperature; fever; enthusiasm
Oh, it could also mean enthusiasm?
浮かす(うかす): to float, to get up (?), to save (money), to be on the mind (??)
e.g. 熱に浮かされる(to be delirious)
Note: this is the same wording used in the perfume description
So “軽快な熱に浮かされ” isn’t “floats between a light heat” but rather something like “caught in a flash of zeal”…?
どこまでも: anywhere; in every point, thoroughly; persistently
e.g. 彼はどこからどこまでも武士だ (He is every inch a samurai)
e.g. あなたにどこまでもついて行く。 (I will go with you anywhere.)
e.g. どこまでも目的を変えるな. (Keep to your purpose.)
翻弄される(ほんろうされる): (for people) be made a fool of (by)
e.g. 『源氏物語』に登場する玉鬘も数奇な運命と自らの美しさが引き起こす騒動に翻弄され続けた女性である。(Tamakazura in "The Tale of Genji" is also at the mercy of her fate due to the incidents triggered by her hapless fate and beauty.)
風波に翻弄される: to be toss about by wind and waves
e.g. 船は狂瀾怒濤に翻弄された (The ship was tossed about by the ranging waters)
e.g. 船は翻弄されていた。(The ship was at the mercy of the waves.)
The ship examples sound way more sexual than the other example sentences on the page involving (heterosexual) humans huh
There’s no doubt a sexual undertone with this last sentence. “Messed with”… “endlessly”/“thoroughly”… “at the mercy of”…
“A fragrance that toys with you endlessly”…?
“A fragrance that puts you completely at (his) mercy”?
“A fragrance that makes you completely submerged in him”?
using “submerged” to evoke the image of waves and water
But, that’s probably not the intention of the product description, and I’m just having fun here
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“A fragrance that gives off darkness and light, caught in a flash of zeal”…
…“and puts you at his mercy completely”…?
“Giving off darkness and light while caught in a flash of zeal, a fragrance that puts you at his mercy completely.”
(Putting this together is.. oh my, lmao. That is about the most erotic perfume description I’ve ever read, and for Tartaglia of all characters🤣 I’d like to imagine this as a battle, but that doesn’t work for him either—in the Chinese version.)
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Blue Lotus: Flower of Intuitive Ascension
Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is a beautiful, water-dwelling flower with mild psychoactive properties. Sacred to the Ancient Egyptians, depictions of Blue Lotus flower are ubiquitous in Egyptian art. Though alluring to our modern imaginations and worth further investigation, Blue Lotus is rarely used in Western herbalism as it is not currently a well-understood plant, nor is it native to or abundant in North America.
Etymology & Botany Blue Lotus is a tropical, aquatic plant in the Water Lily family that features day-blooming, light blue flowers which sit on the water’s surface. Long petioles connect the visible leaves with the deep, underwater rhizomes. The star-shaped flowers typically bloom for 3-5 days, moving with the sun and closing at night; Ancient Egyptians noticed this solar attunement and believed the flower’s golden center to be where the sun god, Ra, emerged from. All parts of the Blue Lotus plant (flowers, leaves, rhizomes, petioles) can be used medicinally.
Traditional Uses Once naturally abundant and extensively cultivated in temple lakes and along the Nile River, Blue Lotus was a highly revered and sought after crop. It was exported throughout the Mediterranean, Greece, the Middle East, Tibet, and as far as the Alexandrian empire extended.
Origin While it’s rare to find this flower growing along the Nile now, it is native to northern and central Africa. Ancient Egytian temples and monuments are a testament to how well loved this emblematic flower was to their culture; Blue Lotus can be seen embossed on everything from thrones to calcite drinking chalices to papyrus. The herb was used ceremonially but was also made into cosmetics and perfumes; imbibed as a tea or elixir; and simply inhaled for its relaxing, intoxicating fragrance. The flowers and buds were often used recreationally as well, for their narcotic and aphrodisiac effects.
Spiritual History In addition to being the birthplace of the sun god, Ra, this herb came to be associated with the afterlife and rebirth in Egyptian culture, specifically the Osiris myth. Brought back to life by the assistance of his sister and wife, Isis, Osiris became a symbol of life after death and rebirth through the legacy of Egyptian royalty. Thus, this herb was also considered to be the symbol of royalty and rulers, and indeed many royal accoutrement featured depictions of the flower; King Tutankhamun’s mummy was found covered with dried Blue Lotus flowers when exhumed hundreds of years later.
Herbal Indications for Blue Lotus Blue Lotus is bitter, aromatic, and warm energetically. In modern, Western herbalism, it is considered a sedative, febrifuge, aphrodisiac, antidepressant, antioxidant, anti-convulsant, and anti-inflammatory herb. It has been successfully used to purify the blood, treat tuberculosis, expel worms and parasites, relieve edema, enhance libido and treat erectile dysfunction, improve lactation, alleviate anxiety and depression, staunch internal bleeding, and balance blood sugar levels. Blue Lotus has a particular affinity for the kidneys, heart, and nervous system.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
@mosskiss said: I’m thinking about studying herbal medicine do you have any accessible books you recommend?
Ah sure. Herbalism is both a science and an art. No two herbalists practice in just the same way because the thinking processes & healing philosophies differ from person to person. So, I can recommend a few beginner-friendly books (though some are dense) which I personally found very useful in my own journey.
(Normally, I am primarily a book learner. But, as guided by my herbal coursework, I was encouraged to also learn about the herbs through direct experience and studying a variety of traditions & other herbalists. Herbalism is not properly studied when you just experience it on paper, I realized. So, I would recommend a similar thing for beginners: learn botany, plant identification, forgaging, gardening, medicine making, safety precautions, how to research herbs properly, and different traditional medicine systems [such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Unani-Tibb, Caribbean Bush Medicine, Western Herbalism, etc. It's especially best to understand how a certain herb was used on the land which it's native to]. Podcasts and articles can be good resources too. Most of all, deeply testing and experiencing herbs one-by-one is crucial in my view).
Here's my list:
Common Herbs for Natural Health by Juliette de Baïrcli Levy
Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide
Making Plant Medicine by Richie Cech
The Herbal Medicine Maker's Handbook: A Home Manual by James Green
The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence in the Direct Perception of Nature by Stephen Harrod Buhner
Renegade Beauty by Nadine Artemis
Medicinal Herbalism by David Hoffman
Natural Therapy for Your Liver by Christopher Hobbs
Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief by David Winston & Steven Maimes
Herbal Healing for Women by Rosemary Gladstar
The Practice of Traditional Western Herbalism by Matthew Wood
Evolutionary Herbalism by Sajah Popham
The Earthwise Herbal Repertory: The Definitive Practitioner's Guide by Matthew Wood
The Mucusless Diet Healing System by Professor Arnold Ehret (Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira)
Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity by Queen Afua
The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Dr. Robert Morse
Botany Illustrated: Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering Plant Families by Janice Glimn-Lacy and Peter B. Kaufman
You won't regret gaining knowledge about the plants 🌼🌱✨ I do wish you great things
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elminx · 2 years
Sometimes, there's no arguing with somebody. Either you believe in the inherent constituency of plants (aka - bitters be bitter, etc), or you don't.
It's sorta weird to argue against that but okay - I hope that works out for you. (Not being sarcastic - you should do the magic that makes sense to you ) I still stand by my point that all plants that share a certain type of energetics (here in my example: bitter) are going to have somewhat of a similar signature in a spell.
Even if for some reason, you don't have good taste buds and can't taste bitter.
Bitter is.
It is beyond us. That goes for things that make things dry versus things that make things wet. Or stimulants even if you have "unusual" brain chemistry that makes you not react to stimulants in the traditional way - stimulants still stimulate.
That's different from "lavender gives me a headache" or "I hate the taste of licorice because it makes me think of my grandpa who was horrid." We can have personal tastes and personal associations but that doesn't override the native energy of the plant. It is additive, not subtractive.
You shouldn't use lavender in a sleep spell if it gives you a headache or makes you nauseous, surely. But that doesn't mean that you should replace that with coffee (a stimulant and the energetic opposite of lavender) because "coffee makes YOU sleep". I do not recommend it. Can you do it? Obviously yes, you can put anything that you fucking want in a spell.
But is it likely to create your desired effect? I think not. I strongly suspect that it would lead to nervousness and long-term possibly insomnia - always waking up feeling unrested.
It's not just about what a plant (or other material) does, it is also about how it does it.
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childofthewolvess · 5 months
A crash course introduction post on me and my practice!
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Hi friends! My name is Audra (she/her or he/him), I'm here to share my stories and meet other practitioners! I'd love to make new friends. I write a lot of longer content in storytelling musings as a form of worship and practice (link to my masterpost of all digital grimoire content).
21 year old professional author of YA fantasy, naturalist, and poet. I teach about nature for a living for all ages as a tour guide and environmental educator!
I am autistic and disabled. That, however, does not stop me from yapping 100% of the time. Though I'm extraordinarily talkative and love making friends, please be patient with me and use tone tags when you can. I'm really bad at responding to people, I promise I didn't intentionally ghost you, I just have no concept of when a conversation ends. You'll hear me talk once in awhile about my service dog or PTSD awareness!
Eclectic witch, omnist, and Norse/Hellenic polytheist—I've been a devotee to Loki for over two years now, and new devotee to Aphrodite! I worship these two for the most part, but just began deity work with Apollo and Ares. I believe that all spiritualities and religions have truth to various individuals, and that deities are energetic extensions of the Universe. So, basically, The Universe > Earth/Mother Nature > Deities > Spirit Guides/Familiars > Entities > Ghosts.
I also have two wolf familiars I work with gifted to me by my ancestors, they are my spiritual companions. The wolves have been with me since I was a kid! I've devoted my entire life to the wolf. The best term I've found for this is calling myself a wolf spirit worker, as I not only work with my two familiars, but have had contact with numerous wolf spirits over the years. I'm currently working on my animal communication and psychic skills with the wolf. The wolf is also my special interest.
Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Pisces Rising—I was born during a solar eclipse in Scorpio.
I have been a practicing witch for 7+ years, taking a break last year to focus on my mental health and recovery from trauma. I have ADVANCED EXPERIENCE (6+ years) with: tarot, divination, spellwork, sigils, spirit work (only with familiar/animal spirits, but over 10+ years of experience in this realm), and writing rituals; INTERMEDIATE EXPERIENCE with: astrology, cosmic/moon magic, deity work, and energy work; BEGINNER EXPERIENCE with: herbalism (learning), shadow work (learning), potions/tinctures (developing skill), dream work/astral travel (developing skill), shapeshifting (researching), and heathenry (researching).
We are BABY WITCH FRIENDLY up in this house!!! 💅💅
I talk a lot about spiritual psychosis and spread awareness about its signs and dangers in spiritual and religious communities. I am a survivor of spiritual psychosis and a witch with OCD. If this is a trigger, please be very wary of following me, as I post frequent content about spiritual psychosis prevention.
This blog is safe for minors to follow, as long as it is kept in mind that I am an adult and I will only interact with other adults. I do not post any NSFW or adult content, so I don't mind if minors follow me considering the above. This is mostly an educational blog of my practice and religion. All of my content and reposts are safe for all audiences, and appropriate trigger warnings are listed. I will answer asks from minors if it's advice or questions to do with my practice or craft! :) However, I do politely ask that MINORS DO NOT DM ME. I also will NOT follow back if I see "minor/under 18" anywhere on your profile, this is my own personal preference.
I now offer familiar spirit readings! Check out my Ko-Fi if you're curious in getting a familiar spirit reading, communication, confirmation, or any other service to do with familiar spirits!
Please don't be afraid to say hi! I'd love to speak to other witches and share experiences and stories! My asks and DMs (adults only for DM) are always open <33 Cheers!
(header is a photo of my familiars by this artist that I commissioned!
UPDATED: 06/17/2024
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stonedcoast · 6 months
420 All Month: Super Lemon Haze
420 All Month! Today is Super Lemon Haze.
SativaModerate THC (18% – 22%)Flower Super Lemon Haze is an old (relatively speaking) favorite, one of the first strains I fell in love with when I started working in the cannabis industry. Just as I was starting my budtending job, a friend had introduced me to a different lemon strain (a story for another time), which was the first time I connected flavors with effects, even before we were…
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bonhaven · 4 months
What is Astro-herbalism ?
A practice that combines the principles of herbalism with astrology. It involves using astrological insights to determine which herbs are most beneficial for individuals based on their astrological chart or specific astrological influences.
For example, certain herbs might be recommended to balance or enhance the qualities associated with a person's sun sign, moon sign, or other astrological placements.
The idea is to use herbs not just for their physical properties, but also for their energetic or metaphysical qualities that align with astrological principles.
Using Earthly Remedies Is Ya Birthright!
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thespectralcottage · 21 days
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✨ Spell Oils 101 ✨
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Spell oils are probably one of my most used tools & most popular items in the shop i own. I wanted to do a quick dive for folks who are new to them and how to use them in your practice. 🖤
What are they..? Spell oils are tools for spellwork. In simple terms they’re ritually made herbal infusions in a carrier oils (sometimes with fragrance added) with a specific intended energy behind them. Every practitioner who makes them has their own process for how exactly they’re done. You can then use the oil in your day-to-day as well as rituals as energetic boosts. Theyre used to make your spells more “potent” by adding in another layer that matches your intention. Just like you would add crystals, candles, herbs or other magical items into a spell. They’re an additional layer to your magic.
How do I use them..? The best thing about oils is there are endless possibilities. As far as your creativity lets you roam. Most commonly they are used to anoint candles, added to spell jars & ritual baths, mixed with herbs, used to enchant items, put directly on the skin, added to your hair/lotions, used on your hands or objects before a working, given as offerings, etc. I know witches who use them on their vails and clothing, or add it to their hair dye. Others will enchant items to be used in rituals or carried in their day-to-day. Unfortunately Instagram won’t let me post a massive list of all the ways to use them, but hopefully this gives you some insight.
Some practitioners make oils with incredibly specific intentions, but even within that energy you can use them for many kinds of workings. A specialized domination oil can sometimes be perfect in a money working for a new job. Mixing different kinds of oils is always a beautiful way to layer the energy needed for your working too! You’re a witch- go crazy with what feels right. ✨
Hopefully this gives you guys some ideas for how to use your oils. If you’re interested in try out ours, we currently have 18 different options on our website linked here. 👻
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
What is Cleansing? The how-to's and methods
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The act of removing unwanted energies from a person/place/object.
Cleansing is generally a gentle form of removal, whether it be spiritual or mundane (can also be a very in-depth and harsh process).
Instead of forcefully removing an influence or spirit, you simply brush the energies out of your space.
This process is useful for ensuring that you, or the things near you are clear of energies that could negatively impact you.
It’s useful for creating a blank slate in your environment or preparing tools for spell work and keeping your energy stable and healthy. Negative energies and clutter can impact your spiritual, physical and mental health.
Regular spiritual and physical upkeep is important to keep you balanced and healthy. Spiritual hygiene is a generally important practice for all practitioners. I'm going to share a few ways to do so from my own practice.
Try your best to cleanse every room, not just a single room. Ever had a space so clean but the rest of your house feels gross? It'll be off-balanced that way and it'll be the same way spiritually. However, if you can't you can't. Do what you can, that's what's important.
Remember mundane cleaning is just as good as spiritual. You can smoke cleanse that room all you want but if you still have things all over your floor and molding dishes in your sink, that's still going to bring in both negativity and health consequences. Cleanse responsibly.
Sound - Using a singing bowl, bells, music, chimes, drums, clapping, singing, chanting. A trusty old sound bowl cleansing video on YouTube being openly played in whatever space does the trick just fine.
Smoke - Burning incense with corresponding herbs or herbal bundle. Remember to open a window for negative energy to escape and for safety. Smoke inhalation is generally not a good practice for your lungs. Also, be careful with pets as they have sensitive respiratory systems.
Spray - Infused distilled water with corresponding herbs, oils or salts sprayed around the room to both cleanse and bring in the desired energy. Again be cautious around pets.
Candle - Charging a white candle with intent, dressing it with oils and burning it down to clear your space. Keep away from pets and small children, burn in a fire-safe dish or on tile.
Sunlight/moonlight - Opening your blinds to let solar energy and moonlight to cleanse a space. Only really suitable for that singular space with a window.
Simmer pot - A boiling pot of water over a stovetop filled with intention filled corresponding herbal components that lets off a fragrance to clear the air of negative energy. You can use blessed water for an extra punch if you wish.
Crystal grid - Setting up a crystal grid of crystals for cleansing that room or your house of negative energy. You can either intuitively make your own grid or find one online. Selenite towers as well are lovely for purifying spaces along with being self cleansing. You can use any piece of cleansing corresponding crystal to cleanse but remember you will generally have to cleanse the crystal afterwards to get out any energetic gunk from it.
Salt - Putting out a bowl of salt in what room you’d like to cleanse. Personally I like putting little shot glasses of black salt in high traffic rooms such as shared spaces as I find it packs a punch due to its associations. However do please be careful with salt with pets. Pets have been known to get into things like salt lamps or salt in general and have had very bad health consequences. So please be cautious.
Energy - Your own spiritual energy. You can use energy work to create bubbles of energy around yourself to push out into your space, to burn up and cleanse the energy around the space. This is more of a hard-hitting cleansing method and can be described as banishing. It can also be energetically taxing for fellow spoonie witches or those with small energy reservoirs. Drink plenty of water, have a snack and rest after.
Vacuum or sweep - Sprinkle sea salt and corresponding herbs on the floor to soak up negative energy. Vacuum or sweep up and dispose of for removal. Historically speaking you move from the back of your house to the front so you can push everything out of your house.
Washing - Physically washing down doorframes and windows with sacred water (holy water, spring water, moon water) and corresponding herbs. You’d go from the back of your house to the front.
Floor wash - Try out a floor wash charged with the intent to wash your floors to fill your space with a spiritual purpose. Get that grime off your floor while reaping both mundane and magical benefits. You’d go from the back of your house the front.
Opening a window - Open that window. Not only will your space be less stuffy but it lets in needed fresh air. If you're in the city near fumes it's a bit harder. Try to get an air purifier if you can, it's very helpful and health-changing.
Shampoo’s and Soaps - For physical cleansing’s try finding herbal based soaps or shampoo with corresponding herbal components for self based cleansing and purifying. For instance I use shampoo with Tea Tree, Lemon and Sage. It’s purifying and I pair it with a Rosemary conditioner for protection. Get creative!
Cleaning products - Cleaning products with lemon for example have been used historically for cleansing and purification. Let the citrus scent leave your space feeling clean and purified with intent. Can either be naturally made with vinegar or store-bought. Either is perfectly fine. Sometimes natural and handmade is good but if you are someone who needs a bacterial spray, it's best to just buy storebought.
All-Purpose Cleaner
What you'll need:
One part white vinegar
One part water
Dried Lemon rind - cleansing, purifying
Dried Rosemary sprigs - protective, healing
Combine the above ingredients together, pour into a spray bottle, shake, and then let infuse for a week before using. Strain out the lemon and rosemary. This is great for bringing in purifying energy into your house along with protective properties.
Caution: Do not use acidic cleaners on granite, as they will etch the stone and proceed cautiously on stainless steel. Some manufacturers recommend against using vinegar on their appliance surfaces. Know what's suitable and what's not.
Glass cleaner
What you'll need:
2 cups water
1/2 cup white vinigar
1/4 cup rubbing alcohol 70% concentration
Dried Orange peel - smells good and brings prosperity
Combine the above ingredients together, pour into a spray bottle, shake, and then let infuse for a week before using. Strain out the orange.
Cautions: Avoid cleaning windows on a hot, sunny day or in direct sunlight, because the solution will dry too quickly and leave lots of streaks.
Home Blessings Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner - Not for wood floors
1 cup distilled water
1/4 cup Castille soap
Dried Lavender buds - peace, relaxing
Dried Orange peel
Dried Rosemary sprigs
In a smaller pot boil together distilled water with the herbal components then strain.
Mix the ingredients and infused water with 2 gallons of hot water to incorporate in a bucket to mop away dirt and grime on tile, vinyl, or linoleum floors.
Remember, store-bought is fine. Look at the ingredients of what you'd like and use your intention. Sometimes making yourself takes up a lot of time and spoons. It's your craft, your rules.
Looking for all of my posts in one place? Check out the Masterpost
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