#Emma is just Standing There but also knows Exactly what she’s doing
emmagail-brainrot · 1 year
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Emma: *just standing there*
Abigail: holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit-
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mulletmitsuya · 7 months
Tokyo Revengers Groupchat (Final Timeline)
Warnings: suggestive (i might have to change this warning to "mentions of sexual content" bcs it's too tame of a warning for the stuff that's actually in here), swearing, the word "pedophile" is mentioned, mentions of substance abuse
Desc: Everyone finds out Takemitchy and Mikey are time leapers, which leads to some...interesting questions
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Mitsuya: so let me get this straight
Mitsuya: you're a time traveler, and you've lived dozens of timelines to prevent Hina from dying but she kept dying anyway but then when you got to one where she didn't die, Mikey was some deranged criminal lord and was miserable and depressed and tried to kill himself so you had to go back in time again to make sure everything was fixed but ended up dying while fighting Mikey but then somehow you both went back in time and rewrote all of our entire lives??
Takemitchy: yeah...
Baji: cap
Mikey: it's not
Mitsuya: so Mikey's a time traveler too?
Mikey: yeah it's crazy i know
Draken: do you guys have any way to prove this?
Chifuyu: this explains why i keep getting random visions of me in alternate universes. holy shit
Haruchiyo: weird ass prank
Takemitchy: i think it happened since you're close to me and we basically did everything together. i'm not sure
Inupi: we're just gonna believe this?
Koko: wait, i kind of do
Kisaki: this...defies all logic of anything ever.
Mikey: shut up Kisaki
Mikey: i'm sorry it's just that in ever other timeline you've ruined my life so it's difficult to be nice to you sometimes
Kisaki: so you don't like me because of something i did in another universe?
Takemitchy: *timeline
Mikey: yeah. my bad
Baji: i'm gonna entertain this cause i'm bored but what was i like in other timelines
Mikey: dead
Baji: ...all of em?
Mikey: yeah, it kinda drove me to insanity
Baji: damn
Baji: why?
Mikey: you killed yourself to save Kazutora
Baji: what was the context
Mikey: long story
Baji: there wasn't any other way?
Mikey: you're kinda pissing me off cause that's what i was wondering, actually
Baji: damn
Kazutora: thanks man. appreciate it🙏
Kazutora: i'll slobber on your meat later, as a proper thank you
Baji: i'd appreciate that. thanks homie🙌
Koko: what about me?
Baji: you wanna slobber on my meat? i mean i won't stop you. as long as i can call you kitten.
Koko: ...i was talking about me in alternate universe's😐
Takemitchy: i don't think we should go there guys. there's too many timelines, and not everything was exactly the same. and also in general it was a really traumatizing experience for me and i kind of want to end my life every time i think about it
Hanma: womp womp. what about me???
Mikey: murderer
Hanma: YESSSSS 😭😭😭😭😭
Hanma: are me and Tetta-san together in every universe
Mikey: surprisingly, yes
Hanma: and he denies we're soulmates😔
Kisaki: i will not hesitate to get another restraining order
Hanma: a piece of paper won't stand in my way. let's get married
Kisaki: i will call the police
Draken: guys are we really entertaining this?
Mikey: you went to jail in one of the timelines and you were bald LMAO
Draken: sure
Baji: why'd he go to jail?
Mikey: these guys killed Emma and Ken-chin took revenge
Baji: respectable
Mikey: he was given a death sentence
Baji: that's tough fr
Ran: i'm kinda curious
Ran: humour me, what was i like?? was i famous?
Mikey: you were a criminal. killed people
Ran: sounds about right if i'm being honest
Ran: and Haruchiyo and Rindou?
Haruchiyo: leave me out of Takemitchy's psychotic episodes
Haruchiyo: i think you have a hallucination/delusion disorder or something
Mikey: but don't you believe me?
Haruchiyo: ...
Haruchiyo: Mikey, you're also pretty mentally ill
Mikey: says you???
Haruchiyo: i just have substance abuse problems and i'm getting clean so...
Draken: when was the last time you slept?
Mikey: ☹️
Baji: guys just play pretend.
Rindou: what about me?
Mikey: same as your brother just uh, less gay and slutty?
Rindou: story of my life
Inupi: you didn't do Koko
Mikey: criminal
Koko: the whole time?
Mikey: yeah
Mikey: Inupi got normal at some point because he and Ken-chin got close and they fixed bikes together and had sex
Inupi: Draken????
Draken: you're really starting to piss me off.
Mikey: Akane died in the fire though like she was BURNT
Takemitchy: uh Mikey-kun...
Mikey: she was a crisp i'm telling you
Mikey: Inupi you had an ugly red scar on your face and no one wanted you
Mikey: Izana i know you're reading this, you were fucking insane dude like you killed Emma for some fucking reason then Kisaki shot you 3 times in the chest and you died while having a really bad mental breakdown. it was a major L on your part
Chifuyu: Mikey why are you leaving out the fact that the common denominator in every single timeline was that you killed every single one of your friends in the most brutal ways possible🤨?
Mikey: no comment
Smiley: how'd he kill me?
Chifuyu: uhhh
Chifuyu: Takemitchy help me out here
Takemitchy: i don't want to talk about it😐
Chifuyu: backshot
Smiley: ...
Smiley: he killed me by giving me backshots..?
Smiley: i would NEVER take it from behind
Smiley: especially from MIKEY
Smiley: small dick having ass
Smiley: my bootyhole is not to be messed with
Smiley: i'm so pissed off right now holy shit
Smiley: how did i even die???? dick so good it killed me?
Smiley: i'm so angry
Angry: and i'm Smiley😂
Baji: 3/10 joke 👎, poor delivery, fell flat
Smiley: i hope you kill yourself, Mikey
Mikey: trust me, i've tried
Chifuyu: ???
Chifuyu: he shot you in the back with a gun?
Chifuyu: what's wrong with you
Smiley: oh my bad i though you meant like, he was taking me doggy style
Smiley: i'm no bottom
Ran: what is happening
Chifuyu: i'm moving on😐
Chifuyu: Hakkai was tied to a chair and burnt to death
Hakkai: wha-
Hakkai: WHAT DID I DO??
Hakkai: jesus 😟
Chifuyu: why am i getting all these memories, i'm freaking out
Hakkai: Mikey please tell me what i did to deserve that ☹️
Mikey: idk Hakkai i was going through a lot
Draken: have you been diagnosed with anything?
Mikey: i don't need a diagnosis bcs i'm fine now, you're all alive and i don't have any murderous intent!!! yippee🤗
Mikey: isn't this great Takemitchy??
Takemitchy: well, yeah no ones dead so that's great
Izana: this is obviously completely fabricated
Izana: are you guys that bored?
Senju: man for all that time traveling you sure are a shit boyfriend😭
Takemitchy: how????
Takemitchy: did Hina say that☹️??
Senju: it's an observation
Senju: you've had way too many coincidental close calls with other woman💀
Draken: yeah you pissed me off when you thought i was gifting you a prostitute. you had a whole ass girlfriend. shame on you
Senju: and you also almost slept with Emma and you "don't remember"
Smiley: Mitchy's low-key funny as hell because what do you mean you stripped yourself and another girl down to your underwear by accident
Baji: wouldn't Takemitchy be a pedophile then?? Emma was 13 dawg🤨
Mikey: he was 14 though😭
Baji: you're gonna ride Takemitchy's dick to defend him from trying to sleep with your 13 year old sister??? crazy
Baji: wasn't be mentally 26🤨?
Baji: bro i'm gonna beat your ass actually
Mikey: hmm
Mikey: you know what Mitchy, why did you do that 🤨?
Smiley: LMFAOO
Mitsuya: why did i come back to Takemitchy facing pedophile allegations, like what's going on right now
Kazutora: is it not enough that he changed the space and time continuum just to be with his girl?
Kazutora: cheating this cheating that, my boy deserves all the pussy he wants
Kazutora: he's been beaten, shot, stabbed AND killed
Kazutora: i personally believe he's the goat
Baji: ?
Chifuyu: goat is an acronym for "greatest of all time", Baji-san
Baji: what's an acronym
Chifuyu: i'll dm
Kazutora: bro you're so fucking stupid😭
Draken: i don't care if he was skinned alive by an orangutan, there's no excuse to cheat on someone
Rindou: i think being skinned alive by an orangutang warrants having more than one girl. idk that's just me tho
Ran: not the point that's being made rn
Rindou: what exactly is the point that's being made
Rindou: is this real. are we being serious.
Rindou: i don't think i get the joke
Haruchiyo: i think we should all stop talking now
Mikey: Mitchy we need to talk a bit
Takemitchy: i told you this was a bad idea
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ponyosmom35 · 10 months
fighting with price and ghost
Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Liability series chapter six!
summary: reader gets herself into yet another mess, Price has had enough.
warnings: cursing, angry price, blood, angry ghost, Johnny is a sweetheart
Liability masterlist:
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Two days after her concerning dream things had been quiet. 141 had been on a mission and for a measly 48 hours she wasn’t being tortured with Ghost’s presence. Emma had been correct, there were rumors spreading amongst the other soldiers that she was sleeping with Ghost, which was why she never got in trouble for her behavior. They also speculated that Ghost was the reason she was on the base to begin with. She was fortunrate enough to overhear a couple people discussing her in the bathroom. She knew she should keep her mouth shut, but of course, she didn’t.
“Exactly why the fuck is my name in your mouth?” she asks emerging from the stall, watching as their faces contort in shock. “What did I ever do to you?”
“You seem to have a fucking halo on your head, you get away with everything! You’ve got Price, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost somehow wrapped around your finger!”
“Jesus what is with you people! In case you didn’t know, Ghost hates me! He’s been pushing to get me off of the base since I got here! Soap and Gaz are friends” she defends 
“And Price?” the girl asks 
“It must be his dick that she’s sucking” another sneers 
“Fuck you!” she says as she pushes her back
“No fuck you bitch” the brunette responds, shoving her to the ground “unlike you, we’ve had to earn our place here!” 
“Soldiers what is the meaning of this?!” a loud voice roars, they all turn their faces falling at the sight of Price standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. “Thought I heard trouble” 
The two soldiers stand up stragight and she scrambles to her feet, staring at him, waiting for his words. He was livid, angrier than she’d ever seen. “Ladies I want you to give me ten laps, once you’re finished come to my office. You, come with me now” 
The girls hurry out of the bathroom and jog outside, not without sparing her with death glares. Price nods his head to her and leads her into his office, he shuts the door behind them and pulls out the chair for her to sit in. 
“Captain-” she starts 
“Stop” he responds, holding his hand up. “Why is it that you are the center of every fucking mess on my base?”
“I don’t know sir”
“Listen kid, I’ve given you a pass, that’s more than most. I know this has been an adjustment for you, but I will not tolerate that behavior from here on out, you wil be treated and punished just as anyone else”
“I understand sir”
“I like you kid, you’re good at your job and you’re a valuable asset to us, but I can’t understand why you continuously start issues?” 
“Do you want me to be honest?” she asks crossing her arms 
“I do”
“People think that I’m here because I’m sleeping with Ghost, they all talk behind my back”
“Fucking hell, of course they’re gonna talk about you! You walk around this base like you own it, like your shit doesn’t stink and you think that you’re gonna be miss popular? This is the fucking army! You are here to do your job not make freinds! I could give a damn if every person on this base hates you! This petty bullshit has no place here. I won’t tolerate it, this is your last warning. One more incident and I’m calling Laswell, do you understand me?” Price asks, staring at her intensely. 
“Yes Sir”
“Fucking hell” he shakes his head “Ghost was injured on our mission, get out of my office and patch him up” he snaps 
“Right away sir” 
She scrambles out of his office with tears stinging in her eyes. She knew he was right, she needed to stop entertaining the bullshit. Despite his harsh words, she knew that he meant well. Maybe it was just what she’d been needing to here this whole time. It was true, she’d someone survived two instances with Ghost without punishment. All of it was catching up to her now as she tried to mentally prepare herself to deal with Ghost. If Price was in such a sour mood, she couldn’t imagine he’d be much happier. Phoebe sighs and grabs her kit from the med bay, walking over to Ghosts office. She knocks on his door gently waiting for a response. 
“What?” he snaps 
“Medical, can I come in”
“You’re not needed!” he growls through the door. She takes a deep breath and twists the knob, peaking her head in. 
“Captain Price sent me -”
“I don’t give a fuck who sent you”
She frowns at his harsh words, feeling the lump in her throat return. She swallows and moves over to his desk, setting her things on it. “Did you not hear me the first time? You are not needed!” 
“I can see that” she responds sarcastically, staring at his bleeding arm, which he was clearly in the middle of working on. “Let me help you” she says softly 
“I don’t need medical, even if I did I sure as fuck wouldn’t let you touch me!” he yells as he throws her kit on the ground, all of the contents splattering to the floor. She flinches at the sound and stares at him as she processes the situation. She was scared to move, worried that it might make it worse. 
“Fucking get out of my office” he growls 
She bends down and begins picking up her supplies, her hands shaking and making it hard for her to put her things back. She slopily throws it back inside her case, feeling the intense burn of his eyes on her, examining her every move. She stands to her feet and hurries out of the room, shutting the door behind her. She stumbles and drops her things once more. She curses herself as she bends down and picks her tools up once more. Her eyes blurring as tears fall down her face. 
“You alright lass?” 
She looks up to see Johnny walking towards her with a large wound on his face. He bends down and helps her pick up the fallen tools and offers his hand to help her stand. “Johnny what happened?”
“LT and I got cornered, no biggie” he responds nonchalantly, he places his hand on her shoulder looking at her in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Obviosuly it ain’t nothin if you’re cryin” he says before pulling her into his arms. He pats her back gently as she hugs his middle. Neither of them aware of the lieutenant’s gaze on them. Ghost clenches his hand and punches the wall. He knew he shouldn’t have treated her like that, he felt awul. She’d managed to catch him at the worst time, nothing he hated more than looking vulnerable. Now Johnny was the one to pick up the pieces. He didn’t know why it bothered him so much to watch her cling onto his sergeant. The sight made his stomach twist. Ghost stomps over to the window and shuts the curtains aggressively. He yanks his mask off and throws it against the wall, gritting his teeth as his arm throbs. 
Johnny pulls away at the loud bang and keeps an arm wrapped around her shoulder, he leads her away from the office, carrying her kit. She wipes her tears, and pulls herself together in an instant. 
“Lets get you to medical, don’t want that to get infected” she responds as she leads him to an empty bed. 
“I’ll take it that the mission didn’t go well” she comments as she washes her hands and puts gloves on. Johnny nods, impressed that she was abel to snap out of it so easily, never would he have been able to tell she was just crying if it wasn’t for her red eyes. 
“You could say that” 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” she asks as she begins to clean out his wound 
“Nothing major, just got cornered. Didn’t think we were gonna make it out but Ghost saved us, even with a bullet wound to the shoulder. Probably wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him” Johnny explains. 
“I’m glad everyone made it out”
“Yeah… listen I don’t know what Ghost said in there, but don’t take it to heart. He ain’t a bad guy, just under a lot of pressure, him and Price”
“I don’t blame him, often times the person whose trying to help is the one who takes the brunt of the anger. Something I’ve gotten used to working with soldiers” 
“We’re not all so bad” he smiles cheekily 
“We’ll see how you feel when I put this spray on your cut” she responds, earning a chuckle from him. Thankful for the man who always seemed to be able to put a smile on her face, just when she needed it. 
chapter 7:
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stormgrl19 · 2 months
𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 | 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑛 - Part two
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Credits: All credits go to the authors / the producers / etc. of the show / the book / the movie. I own my OCs and their plot and any differences from the original plot.
Request: @alastorsbride
Summary: Peter and you meet again, but this time you get interrupted.
A/n:  Someone asked for a part two and I have Disney+ right now… so why not?
Warnings: use of y/n, not proofread /edited/ …
Wc: 1,059
Part one
After your last encounter with Peter you stopped going on your nightly strolls for exactly two nights until the curiosity killed you and you began to sneak off into the jungle again, making sure no one followed you. Now, Peter Pan would argue, that he is in fact not no one, keeping you on purpose blissfully unaware that he watched over you. You had sparked his interest long before he introduced himself to you and it only grew, after you didn’t tell your companions that you had meet him. It was now irrevocable that you two would meet again.
You had only slept for a few hours when you were awoken by a sound you couldn’t quite name. Luckily the sun was starting to rise, so you could actually look around and see if the others were also awoken by the sound, but only Emma seamed to stir in her sleep. Again, you were a really curios person, so you did what any curios person would do and got up to find the source of this sound. You grabbed a dagger, that was given to you by Emma’s dad, Charming, when you came to Neverland and made your way silently into the jungle where you thought the sound came from.
Neverlands jungle was different when the sun was out. To the peaceful feeling the nature gave you came a different feeling of slight uneasiness. The magic of the night was lost to the sun. You didn’t have to walk long to find the source of the sound.
“Of course, you heard it!” His voice sounded as smug as ever.
“Peter.” You turned around and saw him already looking at you with his arrogant… and proud smile?
“I thought you would be more excited to see me,” he said with a fake pout. His pan flute still in his hand, he walked to you - his eyes staring directly into yours - only stopping one step before you.
Trying not to get lost in his eyes and failing miserably, you looked down to his hand holding the flute.
“You made that sound, why?”
“I just wanted to see something,” he answered lightly and stepped around you, so that he stood behind you. He leaned forward, so that his lips were right beside your left ear and said with a low voice: “I wanted to see if I was right.” He leaned back, bringing the flute to his mouth and letting a few notes of the melody sound again.
Your breath was stuck in your throat. Your knees felt weak and you could still feel his breath near your ear, even so he had leaned back right after, watching your reaction with amusement. You felt like you were dying. You hated that he made you feel this way (lie, you didn’t hate it). He was the villain, who ordered Henrys kidnapping (truth) and now he was playing mind games with you for his amusement (truth, or?). It made you angry, hating it to be just a piece he thought he could toy with, you clenched your clothes in your fist, feeling the cold metal of your dagger. Spinning around you held your dagger to Peters throat, while pressing his body into the tree behind you.
“Stop, playing your stupid mind games with me!” Anger was written all over your face and for a slight second you thought seeing surprise flash in his eyes, before they turned back to arrogance.
“You have gotten fierier since last time,” he teased “I like it.”
Again, you got lost in his eyes. No!
“Stop it! And stop that!” You pleated.
“What?” he asked innocently.
“You know wha- Emma?“ You were interrupted by Emma standing a couple steps beside you, holding her sword.
“What is going on here? Who is that, Y/n?”
“He is Peter Pan.”
“I am Pan,” You both spoke at the same time.
Emmas face turned blank and in under a second, she stood right beside you.
“Where is Henry?”
Pan laughed, “He is alive, so don’t worry”
“Why did you take him?”
“Well, he is a special boy…” He looked at you, still holding the dagger.
“That doesn’t answer my question!”
“Hmm, doesn’t it?”
“What. Do. You. Want. With him?” You asked this time, getting tired of him dodging Emmas questions.
He looked at you, glancing down on the dagger.
“I maybe am going to tell you, if you put your dagger down.”
You glanced to Emma, waiting for her to decide.
“Okay,” she sighted.
As you stepped away from him, dagger still in your hand, you realised just how close you were to him the whole time. Your cheeks heating up, Peter watched again with amusement the reaction he got out of you.
“Now tell us,” Emma demanded.
“Yeah- no.”
Emma stepped closer to him, her sword held high.
“But I am going to give you this,” He took a piece of paper out of his pockets.
“What is this?”
“It’s a map that will you lead you directly to your son.”
“If this is some kind of trick-“
“I may not be the well-behaved boy on Neverland, but I always keep my promises.”
He winked at you.
“Why are you giving this to me?” She asked, while taking the map out of Peters hand.
“Because it is about how you find him and you’re the only one who can.”
Emma unfolded the paper and looked at the blank page, “It is blank.”
“You can only read the map when you stop denying who you really are.”
Emma looked down again.
“I have to go now. See you soon!”
Before leaving he looked at you and mouthed “I promise.”
Emma looked up, seeing Peter gone.
“What happened before I got here? And don’t lie to me!”
“I- uh, I heard a sound and wanted to know where it was coming from and then there he was. Shortly after you came.” You didn’t know why you didn’t tell her or them the whole truth. Maybe you were scared that they would be mad at you or maybe it was because of your curiosity, wanting to find out why he hadn’t done something to you yet and what he really wanted from you.
“Okay,” Emma didn’t look convinced, but also didn’t question you any further.
“Let’s go and get back to the others.”
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queenshelby · 1 year
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Smut, Age Gap
As mentioned before, I have decided to rewrite this story which is a story I have become invested in. I made some changes to the background, location and interactions between my characters so that I can follow a story outline and whilst the reader in this fic has a very specific racial and social economic background, I decided to use reference to “you” and “Y/N”. I hope no one is put off by this.
The fic plays in 2022 and, in midst of going through separation, Cillian has decided to take six months off from acting in order to volunteer at the Gaiety Theatre’s School of Acting, located in the heart of Dublin.
The following characters are relevant to this story:
Cillian (46)
In this fictional piece, Cillian is 46.  Just six weeks ago, he moved out of his material home following yet another argument with his wife Danielle who, just like him, works in the industry. She is an actress.
He now rents an apartment in Dublin while going through the initial stages of divorce and, whilst he is struggling to adapt to his new life, he knows that it had been coming. Their marriage had been in distress for the past two years, ever since Danielle cheated on him with another actor while on set.
Danielle (42)
Danielle is Cillian’s soon to be ex-wife. She, too, is struggling to adapt to the new living arrangements but has already gone on a few dates in order to get her mind of the separation.
Danielle will play an important part later in this fic.
Dermont (50)
Just like in real life, Dermont is Cillian’s friend who has been trying hard to get Cillian to go out and let his hair down.
Dermont too is married, with children, and will play an important part throughout this fic.
Nina (13)
Nina is Cillian’s daughter who he sees occasionally now that his wife makes it difficult for him to gain access to his children. Nina, however, has her own mind and does what she wants, causing some trouble for both of her parents.
Nina’s biggest passion is dancing and she attends an elite program at the Dublin Academy of Dance. The lessons take place twice per week, after school.
Nina also has a close relationship with Cillian’s mother, aka Grandma Murphy.
Max (16)
Max is Cillian’s son and spends a little more time with his father than his mother would like. At 16, he too does his own thing and, just like his father, he enjoys acting.
Kit (32)
Kit is Cillian’s personal assistant and will play a bigger part in this fic later on.
James (24)
James is your on and off boyfriend throughout this fic and attends acting classes with you.
Lorraine (23)
Lorraine is one of your friends. Lorraine also attends acting class with you.
Emma (23)
Emma is your best friend. You share a small studio apartment with her which, essentially, is all you can afford. Emma moved to Ireland with you in 2019 after you both received an international scholarship through an UNESCO project. Both of you migrated to America as children, without parents, and went through the so-called foster system there. You never found a real home back in the US and Emma was always the one who kept you in check and, whilst you were dedicated to your work, you did some things in your teens of which you were not exactly proud of.
You (22)
After having been in and out of foster care in the US, in 2019, you moved to Ireland through a scholarship program.
You are interested in literature, theatre, acting, music and, in particular, dancing.
You are an incredible dancer and teach ballet and contemporary dance to students at the Dublin Dance Academy after spending most of your days at the Gaiety Theatre’s School of Acting, learning how to act on stage.
You are in your final year of studies and your dream is to act, on stage, in front of a large audience. Unfortunatly for you though, you are rather self-conscious about your past and sometimes struggle with confidence.
What you do not know however is that your life is about too change following a night out in Temple Bar with your best friend. You will leave your past behind and become more confident with the help of someone who you never thought you could connect with.
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‘Common Cill! You need to get out of the house and have some fun. Let’s go for a pint. Or two…’ Dermont said to his friend as they were sitting on the couch, talking about how Cillian’s wife had caused some problems again with the children’s school. Cillian was frustrated and the exhaustion was written on his face.
He felt depressed and upset that it had come to this as, for years, he tried hard to stay with Danielle for his children’s sake. Eventually though, he gave up and this meant that he could see his children less often now, only three out of seven days per week, unless, of course, Danielle changed her plans.
After twenty years, the love was gone and so was the passion. Danielle was no longer loyal to him and Cillian had to revaluate his life at the age of 46. The two of them fought a lot and this affected the children who, just last week, said to Cillian’s mother that they were glad for the fact that their parents had finally called it quits.
Ever since their separation though, Cillian acted like hermit and stayed at home. He watched TV or listened to music, not feeling the need to go out until, eventually, his best friend had enough of it.
“I don’t know pal. I am not in the mood” was what Cillian said while Dermont barged into his friend bedroom and opened up the cabinet, looking for something for Cillian to wear.
“Too bad. We are going out. I am not taking no for an answer” Dermont responded before telling his mate to go and shower which, eventually, he did.
It was Thursday evening, around 6 o’clock when you sat in the university library and packed up your books and laptop before making your way to Temple Bar. As usual, you were late and your friend Emma was probably already waiting for you.
Ten minutes later, she indeed greeted you at the door of the overcrowded pub, telling you that you were being impolite for keeping her waiting.
“I am sorry. I got caught up reading. Drama School is back next week and I need to be prepared” you said, apologising to your friend before giving her a tight hug.
“Nah, don’t apologise. I was just teasing you. I couldn’t possibly be angry at you” she smiled in response and, the truth was that, instead of being angry, she felt truly sorry for you.
You had recently broken up with James again and the break up itself was a difficult one. You were on and off, breaking up continuously, but this time you were certain not to go back to him. He had cheated on you after you had been with him for three years and the fact that he could do something so cruel broke you.
In the end, however, you stopped drowning yourself in self-pity and when Emma called you up, suggesting a girls’ night out, you agreed to join in.
Unfortunatly for you, however, your other friends, Nora and Lorraine did not come. They both attended Drama School with you and decided to see a play at the Gaiety, which was something you couldn’t afford to do. Thus, it was just you and Emma and Emma was certainly the odd one out between the four of you.
She was not in the same class with you and the others but, instead, studied fashion design worked as a bartender in Chelsea. She had dropped out of Drama School last year and was funky, outgoing and somewhat weird.
“So, are you ready to get tanked?” Emma asked as you simply stood there when you walked in, still pondering about your failed relationship.
“I rarely ever drink Emma” you reminded her and, the truth was, that you didn’t like to go out to bars and pubs either. You much rather sat at home with a good book in your hand while listening to some music.
“Well, too bad! Go and find a seat for us. We are going to get drunk and bitch about everything we hate about men, and believe me, I have a long list" Emma joked before disappearing into the crowd in order to fetch you a drink.
Just as Emma walked off, you looked around to see if you could find a table inside the crowded room but, to your disappointment, most of them were already taken.
It was a long weekend so the fact that most people were out drinking did not really surprise you and, when Emma returned with drinks in her hand, you could not help but laugh. She had purchased the most ridiculous looking cocktails, featuring both, a lot of cream on top and a Hawaiian style umbrella sticking out to the side. They were sickening to say the least but, unbeknownst to you, each of them had at least three shots of tequila.
“What is this? It looks and tastes awful” you then told her after you took a first sip from the large glass before, suddenly, you felt a slight nudge on your back which, ultimately, caused you to tumble forward and slosh your drink all over your friend’s shirt.
"Fuck” you spat as the man behind you who clearly ignored you even after running into you, so you turned around and scowled him.  
‘An apology would have been nice’ you said with frustration as Emma was drying off her shirt.
‘An apology?’ he asked with a thick Irish accent before telling you that it was you who stepped back and pushed into him and his friend.
“I did not!” you said before you swallowed nervously. “You ran into me” you then pointed out again as your eyes were drawn to the stranger’s eyes. They were several shades of blue, just like the deep of the ocean. You had a thing for men with big and beautiful eyes and despite your annoyance with this stranger, you had to admit that he was rather attractive.
He was Irish for sure. His accent was strong and his skin was pale, featuring many tiny little freckles. He had slightly greying hair which were not too short and not too long either. They looked a little messy but this style was exactly what suited him.
He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and a pair of jeans that looked a little worn around the knee area. His boots, too, were worn but probably expensive, made from brown leather and, around his right wrist, he wore a basic watch and on the other, he featured a leather band.
"Well, okay. I am sorry, alright? I don’t need an argument right now” the stranger said while you assessed him and it was obvious to both of your friend that you had caught each other’s attention. This handsome stranger was looking at you just as you were looking at him and his friend decided to take the lead.  
“Yes, my friend here can be a little clumsy at times” he said to you before shaking your hand and introducing himself.
“I am Dermont by the way and I am less clumsy than my friend here who, as an apology, will buy you a drink” he joked, causing the blue-eyed stranger to furrow his eyebrows.
“I will?” he asked Dermont who gave him a quick a but reassuring nod.  
“A drink would be nice. I am Y/N and this Emma” you said before shaking both of men’s hands and then asking for the other man’s name.
“And you? What’s your name?” you wanted to know.
“Cillian” the stranger responded and, after you told him that it was nice to meet him, Dermont prompted you both to follow them to the bar, which was when Cillian pulled his friend aside, asking him in a whisper about what he was doing.
“Helping you out with the ladies, mate. The one wearing the dress has caught your attention and there is no reason for you not to pursue her now that you are single again” Dermont whispered back while Cillian quickly shook his head.
“There is! She is in her mid-twenties at the most which is too fucking young” Cillian pointed out but Dermont was determined to make it happen anyway.
“Yeah, and? You don’t have to marry her. Just have some fun. Let loose. Take her home. I don’t know” Dermont said before making an interesting observation. “Despite, she clearly has no idea who you are so this is a huge bonus” Dermont told him before turning to you again and asking you what you wanted to drink.
“Gin and tonic would be nice” you said shyly before thanking him for the gesture.
“And your friend? What will she have?” he then asked for politeness sake but Emma was still not impressed by what happened.
“Nothing. I think I am leaving. I am all sticky and wet” Emma said angrily to the man who was looking at her somewhat dumbfounded now, which is when you spoke up and smiled.
‘Listen. She has had a bad day so, would you give us a minute please?’ you asked, not wanting the men to leave just yet.
You had your eyes on the clumsy blue-eyed stranger and, albeit the fact that he was clearly at least twice your age, he was cute, handsome and intriguing.  
“I got to go home Y/N. I smell of Tequila now. It is gross. I am sorry, but you are coming with me, right? I cannot leave you here by yourself” Emma told you quietly but you shook your head.
“Would you mind if I stayed? These guys look harmless and the clumsy one is kind of cute” you asked before glancing over to the stranger again, causing Emma to furrow her eyebrows.
“He is twice your age” she pointed out.
“And your point is?” you chuckled before you gave her a cheeky smile.
“Okay. He is attractive. I give you that. But you need to be careful, alright? He might be married or weird. Or possibly both” Emma lectured you and you raised a very important question, which clearly outlined your intentions to her.
“He doesn’t wear a wedding ring so I doubt that he is married” you pointed out before looking over towards the blue eyed stranger again and, immediately, your eyes met his. “So let’s say that he isn’t married or weird, would it be wrong if I was to hook up with him just for one night? I never had a one night stand before but he’s really hot and I really need to get over James. This could really help, you know…” you said, causing Emma to laugh.
‘It’s not wrong to have a one night stand silly. You are young and should let your hair down once in a while. James has been holding you back so I would say, go for it…” she told you, giving you the reassurance you needed.
“Now go and get him tiger. And text me if you are not coming home so that I know that you are safe” Emma then said and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her.
“Yes mum” you joked before giving her a hug and disappearing into the crowd again to follow the stranger.
After a minute or so, you approached Cillian again. He was holding a gin and tonic in one hand and a pint of Guinness in the other. His somewhat random friend had disappeared and, without questioning him about it, you took your drink from his hand and walked over towards a quieter area with him.
“I am sorry about your friend” Cillian then said carefully while you smiled at him and leaned back against the wall.
“It’s fine, really” you told him almost shyly as he glanced at you with those sparkling blue eyes. They were large and magical and blended in nicely with his pale freckled skin.
“Where did your friend go?” you then asked while secretly hoping that he too had taken off.
“His wife called. He had to leave and told me to apologise to you for not saying goodbye” Cillian explained and you quickly realised that this was a set up.
“Really? His wife called, huh?” you thus teased, causing Cillian to laugh.
“Yes. That’s what he said. Although, to tell you the truth, I think that he was trying to set us up so, if you prefer, we can just leave it at that and go our separate ways” Cillian then said with great honesty and your jaw dropped.
“I knew it” you then laughed in response while trying hard to look surprised.  
“How so?” Cillian asked.
“You aren’t a good actor. I didn’t believe you for a second when you said that his wife called. He told you to say that, didn’t he?” you chuckled causing the handsome stranger to furrow his eyebrows.
“I am not a good actor?” he asked. He was surprised by your statement but now knew for sure that you really had no idea who he was.
“No” you said, earning you a chuckle.
“Well, I suppose I wasn’t trying to put on an act” Cillian pointed out with laughter.
“Okay. Fair enough” you responded.  “So, are you married?” you then asked, wanting to make sure.
“Why would my friend be trying to set me up with you if I was married?” Cillian asked surprised, chuckling again.
“I don’t know, but these things happen, so I want to be cautious. It just doesn’t make sense for someone like you to be single, you know…” you stammered before realising that you must have sounded like an idiot right now.
“Someone like me?” Cillian chuckled before answering your question. “I separated from wife six weeks ago, so I am single but, to be clear, I am also not interested in dating right now” he then pointed out with more seriousness and you smiled.
“Good. Because neither am I” you explained and, after a while, you got talking about more entertaining topics like books, music and even art.
Just like you, he was obsessed with literature and theatrics. He loved music and music was what you talked about the most. You learned that he had children and you told him about having migrated to Ireland from the US.
Talking with Cillian was fun. He seemed educated and very smart. He was funny too and, after about three drinks and endless conversations, you ended up asking about his age. You were curious and learned that he was in his mid-forties but, when he asked you about your age, you lied.
“I am 29” you said, making yourself a whooping six years older than you actually were.
“Really? 29?” he asked over yet another drink and you nodded shyly.
“Yes. Why?” you asked and he smiled.
“You look much younger” he admitted and you bit your tongue. You knew that lying was wrong but you also knew that, if you had told him your real age, the night may have ended right then and there. There was no way he would have been interested in you if he knew that you were half his age.
In the end, he believed you and, within the next half an hour or so, you were both up to your fourth drink and this is when Cillian glanced into your eyes and saw some uncertainty laced with a heavy dosing of lust.
But lust, you saw in his eyes as well and it did not take him long to close the last inch of air in between you and felt you jump at the contact.
“Do you want to go somewhere else? Maybe somewhere a little quieter?” he then asked after almost two hours of talking and drinking, which, really, turned out to be exactly what you were waiting for. He had never done this before but also knew that he had nothing to lose. He wanted to take his chances with you and knew that it would, possibly, lead to more.
“Yes. Sure. Where do you want to go?” you then stammered as his eyes just dropped to your mouth again before, slowly, he leaned in, his lips just millimetres from yours now without touching them yet.
“Where do you live?” he then asked carefully, almost whispering the words into your ear and thereby testing the waters, but you knew that you could not have taken him home with you as you were living with your friend in a tiny studio apartment.
“Darndale, but my place is being renovated at the moment” you lied again. “How about you?” you then asked and he smiled.
“Not far from here” he told you with a hint of reluctance as well and, when you suggested for him to show you his place, he nodded carefully.
“Okay. Yes. Let’s get a taxi?” he asked and, once again you smiled and gave him a reluctant nod.
After you got into the taxi and Cillian gave the taxi-driver his address, it did not take you both very long before you finally started to make out.
The sexual tension that had built up between you was unreal and, just as you sat there, next to this stranger, like a shy little girl, his hand came to caress your leg as if this was the most normal thing to do.
He had a certainty about him which both intrigued and aroused you and, just as his fingers traced over your skin, he could feel you trembling.
As your tainted breath became shaky, Cillian leaned towards you, this time to taste the remnants of the liquor from your lips, and you let him.
His actions caught you by surprise but you gave into the kiss nonetheless. It felt good, incredible, and passionate.
After kissing your lips for a few minutes in the back of the taxi, Cillian then leaned down further and helped himself to the delicate skin along your neck. He kissed and licked and sucked at the sensitive skin until you were writhing and making impatient little sounds from your throat. He then buried one hand into your hair and attacked your mouth again, capturing those rosy red lips with his ow.
His tongue soon demanded entrance and you were in no position to refuse. Your hands grasped at Cillian’s body as you gave into the onslaught of his tongue, darting in and out, teasing and caressing until both of you were breathless. Cillian’s mouth tasted sweet and yet bitter, the liquor still lingering on his lips. It tasted so good and you wanted more.
You were moaning freely against his mouth, your hands taking on a life of their own to roam across his back which is when Cillian broke the kiss and flirting time was over.
The taxi pulled up in front of his apartment building and you stepped out together and walked through the lobby.
The building itself was much fancier than what you were used to and, after less than a minute, you arrived at the elevator and Cillian pushed the button. Your heart was beating fast in your chest now and, just as you waited, you turned towards Cillian and pressed your lips against his again.
Without reluctance, he deepened the kiss and began to gently probe your mouth with his tongue. His hands roamed your body, caressing and kneading and you pulled yourself up against him feeling the length of him against your leg.
It was almost like the beast within you both had been unleashed at the same time and, when the elevator's bell chimed and the doors opened wide, you both stumbled into his penthouse.
His hands were on you in an instant again and the erotic sensation of this man’s touch alone sent a quiver through your body. He was so much older than you and, yet, you kissed and caressed each other like two teenagers in heat.
“I never…you know” you stammered nervously as Cillian’s hands were everywhere as you somehow managed to find your way in to his bedroom within mere seconds.  
“You never had a one-night stand?” he asked just as you found yourself being pinned against the wall in the heat of the moment.
“No. Never” you responded, knowing very well that this was all this was going to be. A one-night stand. Nothing more and nothing less. That was what you both wanted and he made sure for you to know that before he took you upstairs.
“Do you want to stop?” he thus asked gently but you shook your head. You did not want him to stop. He made you feel good. Too good.
‘No’ you whispered eventually as you moaned with lust when his lips connected with yours again and you swung your arms around his neck, tugging on his curls.
You kissed and then caressed each other while you began to grind yourself against him, feeling the length of his hard cock through the denim of the jeans.
“Fuck. You are something else. Simply stunning” Cillian then whispered into your ear after nibbling on it gently, eliciting another loud moan from you.
“Are you sure you haven’t done this kind of thing before?” he then teased and you shyly shook your head.
‘No, but I want to. I want you to fuck me. Right now” you whispered, running your hand over his crotch and it was becoming way too difficult for Cillian to control himself now. He wanted you as much as you wanted him.
‘Good. Because I am unable to hold back much longer’ he then said before spinning you around, which is when, finally, you got a good look at where you would be experiencing your first time with anyone but James.
To your surprise, Cillian’s bed looked like something out of a magazine with a white comforter and an abundance of pillows resting against a large wooden headboard that arched backward toward the wall. Lamps on either side of the bed cast a warm yellow light around the room, making the entire space feel soft.
Just as you looked at it, the blue-eyed stranger came up behind you, kissing your neck and whispering into your ear again “let me take this off for you”
The man’s hands then went to the back of your dress where he released the zipper and, just as he did, you pushed the fabric to the floor and stepped out of it before kicking off your shoes. You were now undressed, wearing nothing more than a pair of black lace panties, and then, when you turned around to face this much older man again, his eyes went straight to your naked breasts.
‘Fuck, they are perfect’ he said almost inadvertently as he caressed your firm flesh before, finally, pulling each of your nipples slightly.
‘They aren’t too bad’ you giggled as his hands massaged your firm numbs before they wandered deeper and deeper until he made contact with your lace covered core.
“Lay down for me” he then ordered as your breathing increased with the sudden flash of heat radiating from both of your bodies. You could feel his eyes on your breasts still as you complied with his request and climbed on the bed.
“As you wish” you stammered nervously, hoping that he wouldn’t realise how inexperienced you truly were. You had only had sex with one man before and you most certainly were not in your late twenties, which is what you had told him earlier that night.
As you laid there though, you watched as the handsome stranger began to undress himself as well and, when his shirt finally came off, you could see his pale freckled skin which aroused you. His chest was covered with a patch of hair, some brown and some grey, matching the grey streaks of hair on his head. Then, there was also some hair which traced downwards from his belly button and you could not wait to see more.
‘You are fucking perfect’ the stranger told you as you looked at him with lust and hunger and, just as you thought you couldn’t get any more excited, he pushed down his briefs and revealed his raging erection to you which was glistening with precum already.
It stood up proudly and you realised that, unlike you, he was comfortable with being completely naked like this. He was bigger than James which, too, aroused you but also made you blush and panic a little.
You starred, and starred and still starred at his cock when he finally joined you on bed with a sleek smile on his face.
As soon as he landed on bed with you, his lips connected with yours again but, this time around, there was some more force and urgency to his kisses. He demanded you to part your lips and you complied, allowing him to slide his tongue into your mouth just far enough to touch yours.
He flicked it up and down quickly while pulling himself further into your core which, ultimately, pushed you onto the back of the bed.
Despite the heat and passion, the stranger remained rather calm and you loved that and hated it at the same time. You could not help but want to speed him up as you could already feel your heart pounding rapidly and vibrating through your chest. But he clearly had experience and knew not to rush it even despite the fact that you were both slightly drunk.
“Your lips are perfect. So soft and sweet. I could kiss you all night” the man then marvelled and you smiled as no one had ever kissed you like this, not even your boyfriend.
“You should. You are incredibly good at this” you stammered and then you shivered again as you felt his fingertips squeeze your hips.
“At what?” he asked just after you sucked his bottom lip between yours and grazed your teeth as deep as they would naturally go. You felt his jaw clench. In fact, you felt every muscle in his body tensing and then tensing more.
“At kissing me. In fact, I don’t think anyone else has ever kissed me like this before” you said shyly as your ankles were now locked behind the stranger’s knees and you didn’t remember consciously placing them there but, then again, you didn’t remember consciously doing anything since the moment you kissed him.
“That’s good. Then, perhaps I should kiss more than just your lips, shouldn’t I?” he then teased and, immediately, your hand pulled him by the nape of his neck further, right back against your mouth.
“You should kiss every part of my body” you confirmed and the stranger groaned against your lips with pleasure before moving his hands from your hips down your thigh tusking as much pressure as he could manage before he spread his fingers out as he journeyed just as ferociously back up.
“Every part you say?” he then teased as you tilted your head back, closing your eyes and using your sense of touch to the full while inhaling his scent.
“Yes, every part” you moaned and he looked up, seeing your soft closed eyes and plump lips in ecstasy and his view trailed down your neck and between your breasts.
“Very well then” he said as his hands slid around your back and he gripped the small of your back with his powerful fingertips.
The stranger soon felt you shiver and let his tongue slid up from the centre of your collar bone to the centre of your throat where he felt you suddenly gulp.
He sure was good at this, good at teasing you and he knew it too as he had a slight chuckle at your reaction to his touch and kisses.
You moaned loudly as he kissed you everywhere, which was something that sent shivers down his spine and yours. At same time, in between his assault on your tender skin, you smiled against his, trailing kisses over his throat and to his ear.
Lips and hands were everywhere now and his hands pressed firmly against your skin as he explored your body. He started at your thighs and pressed into your tight belly. He completely encased your rib cage with his large hands before lightening his touch as he began to caress your breasts.
‘Please don’t stop’ you moaned as, finally, the stranger hoovered over you and you were laying under him.
He then made it priority to grab your face with both hands and hold you in the longest, hottest kiss he knew you would ever have. He kissed down your neck and you used your strength in your arms and legs to press yourself up into his mouth until, finally, he let his tongue flick over one of your nipples.
‘God yes’ you moaned.  It was too much for you to try and keep your hands from his body and you fought to keep your hands from trembling at the least as you streamed your fingers through his hair and made a request by tugging him further into your breast. He complied willingly, for a moment but was soon lost over your long flat stomach that he could feel quiver under his tongue. It was unlike anything else you had ever felt before and he hasn’t even gotten to your sex yet.
"What are you going to do to me?” you moaned and this stranger well and truly adored how nervous you were and how much you wanted him at the same time. You were a quivering mess and his lips and fingers did not relent.
‘Well, hopefully, I am going to make you cum” he mused, making you realise that, indeed, he knew very well what he was doing to you and your body, playing it like an instrument and tuning it to his will.
‘With, uhm…what…?” you huffed out as you could barely focus your eyes as you looked down at him just as his hands melted into your panties and lifted you up by the ass in order to take them off.
“I want to taste you and make you cum with my mouth” he clarified as his face was so close to your aching core and you gave up trying to watch him when your vision blurred from the throbbing heat wave through your body.
When this handsome stranger finally pulled down your lace panties, you heard a high pitched squeal that, a moment later, you realised came from your clenched teeth.
‘Fuck, you are perfect everywhere, aren’t you?’ he then said with a low and dark voice while glancing at your aching pussy before, with the width of his shoulders, he pushed your knees apart, opening you wide for him as he kissed you just above your core, causing you to moan.  
‘You are so wet already. I can see it’ he then said and you shuddered at his hot breath against your pussy and soon felt his fingers join in, running gently over your soaking mound.  
“Oh god. Please” you then, finally, shouted, a gasp and yell all wrapped up together, as his wet tongue lapped at you, long steady strokes over your entire wetness while he held your lips open with two of his fingers.
‘That feels so good’ you moaned as his tongue circled around your clit, flicking at it, then returned lower to slide inside you as far as he could go, then back up again to your clit.
Your hips involuntarily started pushing up against him and it wasn’t long until the feeling of him pleasing you like this became too much for you to bear. Trying to hold back, you shifted and squirmed beneath him and an involuntary scream escaped you.
‘It’s too much” you moaned as he used his hands to spread you open even wider while circling your clit. No one had ever pleasured you like this before and you bucked, writhing against him as his tongue ran over it.
“I can’t, you need to stop, oh my god please” you fought with yourself, denying yourself what you craved the most. You could cum right then and there, explode against Cillian’s lips with desire, but it felt too heavenly and too intense. You did not know if you could withstand it, feeling overstimulated already.
“You can” the stranger whispered while pressing two of his fingers inside of you, pushing them right up against your g-spot as he watched you arch your back and cling on to the sheets.
“Please. I can’t…” you screamed out, moaning, your legs quivering.
“Yes, you can” he repeated with a sly smile before continuing his onslaught on your sex.
‘Fuck, oh god” you screamed again, still trying to fight your own release which felt too intense and too surreal.
“Give in to it and let me give you what you need" the stranger then told you and, with that, you knew that he wouldn’t stop until you came. So, you decided to let go for him even if that meant that you may make a fool of yourself.
As his mouth returned to your mound and his tongue kept on at you, you felt yourself climbing and climbing and climbing towards the unfamiliar feeling. And, when he finally sucked your clit into his mouth again, you were sent over the edge.
‘Fuck! Oh god! Cillian’ you moaned as your orgasm washed over you and your legs began to quiver. Your body shook uncontrollably and your hands came flying down, getting caught in the stranger’s hair, pressing him against your sex before pulling him away again.
“Enough! Please” you choked as he wouldn’t relent and continued to suck and lick until you slowly calmed down.
‘See, I told you, you could do it’ the man then chuckled and you could not help but laugh and cry all at the same time.
‘Fuck’ you gasped. ‘I didn’t expect to cum like this” you stammered nervously, causing the stranger to smile and look at you with both, admiration and confusion.
‘Then what did you expect?’ he teased before he moved up and kissed your lips hard, making you taste yourself on his lips.
‘Not sure, actually. I just never had an orgasm from oral sex before’ you stammered nervously after he pulled away from you and used his palms to spread your lips.
‘Really?’ he asked, adoring your shyness and you nodded before moving your hand to his cock.
“Really” you said while stroking his cock, eliciting soft moans from him. “But I still need you inside of me. I want to feel you” you then told him while he positioned himself between your legs.
“Do you have condoms?” Cillian then asked, seeing that he was entirely unprepared for this.
‘No, but I am on the pill” you said nervously, knowing that things were about to become real. He was going to slide into you and you were nervous about it for some reason.
‘Good’ he responded. ‘I can’t wait to feel you’ Cillian then said as he ran his hands up the inside of your thighs, sliding them toward your pussy before using his fingers to spread your labia slowly and gently, dipping his index finger inside to cover it in your slippery juices again.
‘Please. Stop teasing” you moaned as Cillian moved the tip of his finger upward to find your clit, which had grown under the excitement and was now protruding from the protection of its hood. The sweet smell of sex filled his nostrils as he made small, slow circles with his finger.
‘So impatient aren’t we’ Cillian teased while angling his length downward to touch its head against the lips of your pussy. It was like a drug to watch himself rubbing against you, coating the head of his penis in a sheen of your slippery wetness.
‘Yes, please. I want your cock inside of me’ you begged again as you thrust with your hips forward, wanting him to penetrate you and, after a little more teasing, so he did.
“Like this?” Cillian teased as, slowly, but surely, he entered you and you moaned at the sensation.
“Oh god yes, fuck” you cried as he stretched you and began thrusting in and out of you almost right away after you pushed yourself against him.
‘God you are so tight’ Cillian groaned as he watched himself slide into and back out of your pussy. His cock was shiny, coated with your natural lubrication as he began to fuck you and, soon, his thrusts became harder and faster.
‘I feel so full…This feels so good…’ you moaned as ecstasy came in quick hot waves as the stranger pumped into you and you began to moan louder than before. You experienced an uncontrollable urge to howl that you could barely hold back and the stranger then suddenly gripped you as tightly as he could manage.
You both used every muscle in your bodies to create one living, writhing creature rather than two. Eventually, you cried out too loudly though and the man took you with the deepest most passionate kiss he ever possessed as you spiralled into a lazy heap.
‘You are taking my cock so well…’ the stranger groaned after a while and then he lifted upward, prompting you to raise your knees off the bed.
‘Fuck’ he continued on as he pressed into you again and you lifted your legs completely in to the air. He grabbed your ankles and held them in the air above his shoulders, continuing to thrust with the same speed and energy as before. Bringing your feet closer together increased the tightness for both of them. Spreading your legs apart gave him the entire view of his cock sliding in and out of your pussy and provided more stimulation for your clit which is when, without warning, you came hard.
‘Oh my fucking god’ you screamed and, as the muscles in your pussy tightened around his cock, the handsome stranger slowed his thrusts leaving himself almost all the way inside you. You let out a long, loud moan again and then bent your knees and pressed them tightly together, with your whole-body quivering.
He kept his swollen cock deep inside your as he felt the muscles inside your pussy squeeze him tight. He could feel several distinct strong squeezes amidst the overall tightness. Then you gradually softened before going completely loose. He rubbed your upper arms finding that they had exploded in goosebumps. He pressed his body forward as you relaxed your knees, sliding to lay himself on top of you. He kissed you first on the mouth and then on the sides of your neck, just under your ears.
‘You look so sexy when you cum’ he then said as, over the next few minutes, he mapped out a field of kisses across your neck and collar bone. He placed his kisses like stepping-stones in a slow, connected, but wandering path. Passionate. Loving. His erection was holding strong inside your warm pussy, but he hadn't moved his hips at all and you began to kiss him back, first slowly, then more rapidly. He felt your knees lift off the bed as you slid your hands down his back, grabbing his butt. Even though he was still completely inserted, you pulled him tight against you. You were ready for more.
“Can you cum again for me?” he then asked but you weren’t sure. You never came more than once, so you doubted your ability to cum a third time.
‘I don’t know’ you admitted, but the stranger smiled.
‘Well, we will see, won’t we?’ he teased before pulling out of you after all
"I want to fuck you from behind. Common” he then said as he sat up on his knees and you rolled over and positioned yourself on all fours.
His cock had softened slightly while you had stopped fucking, but it was now back to being fully erect. He watched the tip bounce slightly as it pulsed in time with his heartbeat. It looked and felt thicker than usual.
‘Fuck, look at this pussy of yours. You are soaking’ he groaned as he put his cock in his hand and positioned himself behind you. He angled himself downward to meet your inviting pussy and then he pushed in, with one single thrust.
He felt as though he was able to penetrate you more deeply in this position and, with each consequent thrust forward, you shrieked as the tip of his cock hit your cervix.
Your bones seemed to ache from the feeling of his stomach muscles clenching hard against your back as he rutted into you. You pushed your ass back against him, and you found your rhythm, bodies slapping, panting and grunting in the dim light of his bedroom.
The pleasure was overwhelming and, every time you were about to cum, he teased you and slowed his movements.
You had both hit a plateau where everything seemed sensational but you could not last much longer.
"Fuck me hard. I want to cum again” you gasped and so he did. You requesting him to fuck your harder had provided that extra bit of stimulation that was ultimately too much. In an instant, he shifted from feeling like he could last forever and was now into impending orgasm countdown. He wanted to hold off long enough for you to cum together, and he was suddenly very close. But so were you. Again.
“Fuck, you feel so good” he groaned as he spread his knees a bit wider so he would be lower, and his angle of penetration would rub closer to your clit.
“I am so close again” you then moaned as he also shortened his thrusts so the head of his cock would come completely out of your pussy and then only go about half-way back in. He let go of your hips and bent over to cup your breasts while kissing your back.
‘Then let go for me’ he groaned as he, too, was about to explode and raised his torso back up and pulled himself completely out of your pussy.
The air of the room felt cold against his cock compared to the heat from inside you. He used his hand to rub the swollen head of his cock up and down against your pussy lips teasing you, but you pushed backwards and engulfed him again.  
"Fuck me hard," you repeated, almost yelling.
"What's that? You want me to fuck you hard?" he asked, pulling out again.
"Yes," You answered with a moaning voice. "Please."
"With this?" he asked, tapping the head of his cock against your pussy.
"Yes. Fuck me with your cock. Hard and fast” you gasped and, with that, he roughly pushed back into your wetness, spearing you on as your mind bubbling orgasm overwhelmed you.
You suddenly screamed, shivered and convulsed in orgasmic bliss and it was when you fully gave into him, that Cillian reached his high as well, filling you with his warm seed.
‘Fuck, that’s it’ he groaned as he thrusted back in. His shaft began to throb and he felt himself spurt once as he thrust in, then again as he pulled back. He continued to feel pulses of his orgasm come faster than he could fuck you now but you were past it. You were at your peak and the sensations of your pussy changed again, prolonging your orgasm, as he pushed through his own load inside of you. It was a fantastically satisfying feeling. As the pulsing continued, he wondered how much cum he was leaving inside you. It felt like a lot.
‘Jesus. God. Stop please’ you moaned as it became too much and he slowed down. His cum had leaked down his shaft and was covering the entirety of his cock, your pussy and its lips, pushing out on the sides of your tight hole as he finally withdrew from you.
After he pulled out, some streaks of your combined juices poured out of your slit and onto the sheets which, for some reason, felt incredibly satisfying.
‘Now this was not how I had expected tonight to turn out’ Cillian then said as he looked down on you with even more lust after you collapsed onto the bed, still panting and with your legs spread. Seeing his achievement aroused him all over again and he took his fingers to spread the lips of your pussy apart to get a better look.
‘Me neither’ you confirmed just as Cillian pushed two fingers into you and, you couldn’t help but shriek for which he appeared delighted.
When he pulled them out, they were covered in cum and you looked at him and yourself before reaching for his hand and guiding it to your mouth.
‘Jesus, really?’ he asked surprised as you stuck out your tongue and licked his fingers clean.
‘Really. I wanted to see what you taste like’ you winked and, just as you had sucked your combined juices from his fingers, he kissed you again passionately, tasting you and himself on your lips.
‘You are in for a long night’ he then warned you and you could see that he was already hardening again which certainly surprised you for a man in his mid-forties. He was clearly eager to make the most of this one-night stand and so were you.
With that, you both rolled out of bed and made your way into the shower for round two and then returned to the bed for round three.
Round four and five then took place in the morning and, after hours of passionate sex, a lack of sleep and Cillian cooking you some breakfast, it was time for you to leave.
‘Will I see you again?’ you asked as you were about to head out of the door. You hoped that he would be giving you his number after the amazing night you had shared but, unfortunately for you, he was true to his word.
This was nothing more than a one-night stand for him. He was not interested in dating again, nor was he ready to date anyone just yet. He told you this and that, in his opinion, you were far too young for him, though he did not even know your real age yet.
You accepted his position and kissed him once more before leaving his apartment, somewhat saddened by the fact that he did not want another date with you.
All you knew about him was his first name and the fact that he was incredible in bed. You knew that you would never see him again and, with this in mind, you soon returned to your old habits.
Over the next week, while pondering on about the handsome stranger you’ve met and shared a night with, you got back together with James. Much to the dislike of your friends, you were stuck in a cycle again and could not break it. James, once again, had a hold on you and after yet another argument with him, you made your way to Drama School on Monday with some bad temper and anger.
You enrolled into a new class and rocked up late and somewhat unprepared while your two friends were already waiting for you, in the hall next to the lecture room which is where you had to sign in.
‘Guess what?’ one of them said but you were too tired and depressed to take guesses. You were up all night again, in tears, as James was keeping taps on you and this was something you did not like.
‘I am not in the mood’ you thus said while looking through your schedule.
‘We have a new teacher for our practical work and he is fucking hot’ Lorraine said, while your other friend rolled her eyes.
‘He’s not that hot’ she said, sighing while looking at you. Clearly, you were not listening.
‘God, did you even watch Peaky Blinders?’ Lorraine then asked you both without getting an answer for you.
‘No, should I have watched it?’ your other friend then asked.
‘Yes. It is a brilliant show. He is brilliant. Hot and single’ Lorraine said like an eager little schoolgirl.
‘And old’ your other friend pointed out.
‘Y/N hooked up with a mid-forty-year-old guy a week ago and she said she had the best sex ever, so don’t knock it before you have tried it, isn’t that right Y/N?’ Lorraine teased but you did not respond. You had other things on your mind until, suddenly, you saw a familiar face in the distance, talking to the principal of the drama school.
‘Y/N?’ your friend then said, nudging your shoulder but all this did was make you drop your books. Your mouth stood open, gaping, as your eyes followed the principal and her companion.
‘Y/N! What’s wrong with you? Did you see a ghost?’ Lorraine laughed and you sure did.
‘Something like that’ you said while pointing to the principal and the handsome stranger by her side.
‘That’s Cillian Murphy. He is our new prac teacher’ Lorraine giggled and then you dropped your coffee too.
‘Fuck’ you said.
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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jaydizzel2844 · 11 months
Marie x Jordan Drabble
No. 6
Hanging out with Jordan is always fun, which ever form they take. André never got peoples hang up over the gender thing was, Jordan was cool either way.
But he’ll admit that they’re easier to carry back to campus drunk off their ass when they’re a girl.
Him and Luke were easily able to hold up Jordan between them and with Cate to open doors and shit getting Jordan back to their dorm room was easy.
There was one small hiccup.
“Noooo, I wanna say good night to my beautiful amazing girlfriend with the best ass ever first .” Jordan whined.
“Buddy it’s 3am, she’s asleep you can talk to her in the morning.” Luke tried to reason with them as they got to the courtyard outside side of the dorms.
“Also your obsession with her ass is a little concerning.” Andre added.
The four of them had gone clubbing. It was a last minute plan and it wasn’t meant to be an original four night out but the other three were busy. Sam had an important assignment for his puppeteering class and Marie and Emma already had plans for a roommates movie night.
Andre probably should have realised that that meant Jordan would be fourth wheeling him, Luke and Cate leading to the shapeshifter spending most of the time out at the bar doing shots with the new friends they’d made while the 3 of them were being throuple-y.
But they all had a good night regardless and hopefully Jordan won’t have too bad of a hangover tomorrow.
“No it’s not. And she might not be asleep,” Jordan slurred out. “She was having a movie night, those can go pretty late.”
The look in Jordan’s eyes was too hopeful Andre couldn’t help it.
“Alright I’ll text her.”
“Thank you, thank you thank you. I just want to say good night and that I love her.”
“Whoa what? Is the first time you’re saying the L word?” Cate exclaimed, stopping the 4 of them from going any further.
“Lesbians?” Jordan asked, confused.
“No, love.” Luke explained “fuck you are way too drunk.”
“Oh sorry, yes I love her but I haven’t told her yet. I’m going to do it tonight.” Jordan looked so proud of themselves.
“No you are not,” Cate told them firmly. “Not when you’re too drunk to stand up on your own.”
“She’s right dude,” Andre interrupted. “You got to make shit like that romantic, like recreate your first date or something.”
“I should recreate getting shitfaced at Dusty’s?”
“No,” Luke said with a laugh. “The dinner you two went out for the week after that. At the Korean place off campus. Or do something else romantic. Basically do tell her but not tonight.”
“Ok, can I still tell her good night?” Jordan’s big brown eyes were impossible to say no to.
“If she’s up.” Andre said pulling out his phone.
To Marie🩸
U up?
Jordan wants to say good night
From Marie🩸
Yeah ?
Are they ok?
To Marie🩸
Yep just drunk
We’ll swing by your room in 5
From Marie🩸
Actually I’ll met you at their room
Don’t want to wake Emma
“When did you know you loved her?” Cate asked as they entered the dorm building and headed for the elevator. Getting Jordan to their room was going a lot quicker now that they knew Marie was waiting for them there.
“Um, she was giving me a blowjob..”
“How romantic.” Cate interrupted.
“Fuck off, anyway I switched during it by accident. I thought I majorly fucked up, like totally freaked her out but I didn’t. She just kept going. And I just knew then and there that she wanted all of me, exactly as I am and she makes me feel so happy and good about myself and I’ve never been in love before but I’m pretty sure that this is it.”
“Ok that’s a bit romantic.” Cate admits at they got out of the elevator on Jordan’s floor.
“Thank you.”
Marie was waiting for them at Jordan’s doom in slippers and a hoodie that Cate is pretty sure belongs to Jordan over her pyjamas.
Once Jordan saw her they slipped out of Luke and Andre’s arms and staggered into Marie’s.
“You got it from here or do you need help getting them into bed?” Luke asked.
“No I got it, thanks.” Marie said as she opened the dorm room door while Jordan nuzzled into her neck. “Goodnight”
Drunk Jordan was compliant if a bit cuddly so getting them into their pyjamas and into bed wasn’t too difficult.
“Sorry I didn’t come out tonight, it looks like you had a lot of fun.” Marie said as she helped Jordan sit on the bed so she could untie their shoes.
“Nah, it’s cool. You have fun with Emma?”
“Yep, we watched mean girls and a few other classics that’s she was horrified that I hadn’t seen yet. You?”
“Yep, it was so fun. So many shots, maybe too many.” Jordan got up and wrapped their arms around Marie, one hand sliding down to her ass before stopping. “Do you mind that I do that?”
“What?” Pulling out of Jordan’s arms so she could take their shirt off and replace it with a pyjama top.
“Me putting my hands on your ass, like you’ve joked about it a few times and Andre says I’m obsessed but does it bother you?” Jordan looked so concerned as Marie was undoing their belt.
She smiled to herself. “I don’t mind it, kind of like it to be honest.”
“Really?” They asked with so much relief and hope on their face that Marie couldn’t help but kiss them before getting back to taking their jeans off.
“Yeah, I’m been pretty unwanted all my life but I’m never insecure about you wanting me because you make it so obvious that you do, through ass grabbing.” Marie said with a laugh “you also make it clear that you enjoy spending time with me and are an all round amazing partner. Plus I know I have a great ass, I’d be offended if you didn’t appreciate it.”
Once Jordan was in their bed Marie pulled off her hoodie and slippers and joined them.
“It was really cool to hang out with they guys, even if I was fourth wheeling.” Jordan said cuddling into her side. “They give good advice.”
“Like what?” Marie asked as she started to doze off.
“They said not to tell you that I love you when I’m drunk. I’m gonna do it over dinner, make it romantic.”
Marie was suddenly wide awake while Jordan was out like a light. She just about managed to stop her self from jumping for joy or something equally as embarrassing and likely to wake up her partner.
‘Jordan loves me,’ she thought to herself self as she closed her eyes to go to sleep. ‘And I love them too.’
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lakesbian · 1 year
alright this one is getting its own post instead of a reblog on a post that is Entirely Not About That. presenting the 'what if we put amy and alec in a room together' manifesto because the thing is that it is interesting but not in the way amy/alec shippers think
Amy shook her head, talking over her, “She’s always been emotional, passionate, unrestrained, and she’s channeling all this new emotion into hate, because it’s the closest equivalent.” “New emotion?” Regent asked.  “You mean you mindraped her.” Amy looked like she’d been slapped across the face.  I wasn’t surprised, but hearing it said out loud was unsettling.
“Nice,” Regent said.  “She could be a human-spider hybrid.  Add some insult to injury with the mindrape thing.” I could see Amy tense.
it is relevant to his character that he's the first person to cut through amy's euphemisms (and everyone else's avoidance of saying the unsettling part out loud) and outright say "you mindraped her." he calls the euphemistic language out and then intentionally repeats it a second time for no other reason than to bug her about it. it's vaguely reminiscent of something he says to sophia during his interlude:
“You and I are more alike than you’d suspect, I think,” he said. “We’re both arrogant assholes, yeah?  Difference is, I admit it, I don’t dress it up and tell myself that I’m a bitch and that that’s a good thing.”  He burned Emma’s face out of another photo.
he has a repeated habit of making people uncomfortable by calling something out for exactly what it is, whether it be "yeah sure cape groupies, my dad's girls, people i used my power on towards the end" or "you mean you mindraped her." he's desensitized enough to really all forms of violence to be unbothered by committing or witnessing them, but he seems to harbor a genuine pet peeve for people who obscure or unreasonably justify what they're actually doing. as uncomfortable as he can make taylor, it's often not that he's doing things worse than the other undersiders, but that he's the person most willing to openly admit what he's doing--or to pettily call out what someone else is doing.
i think it more or less boils down to the fact that he's never gotten to be the person on the peripherals of violence making up neat and tidy ways to talk about it: he spent his entire childhood being hurt in every way imaginable & being coerced into doing the same to others. i think it left him with a sort of genuine distaste for being expected to talk in circles around the viscerally awful things he had done to him or did to others, and subsequently, for people who have done similar things but can't fucking fess up to the reality of it. it's like he's been walking around his entire life just absolutely drenched in blood, witnessing so much else get covered in it, and he's starting to get legitimately bothered over people standing around twiddling their thumbs and pretending it's red paint. he knows it's blood. he's been tasting it since he was 6. he would really like if everyone else could also grow up and admit it's fucking blood.
it's always funny to me that amy/alec shipping is, like, a Thing--a niche thing, but a Thing, because i could not think of a rapist more hand-crafted to piss amy dallon off than alec vasil. he cannot go Three seconds in her presence without going "oh you raped her? you mean you raped her? with your mind? like she doesn't just have new feelings you specifically mean you mindraped her?"
she, on some level, views herself as someone who did harm because she's irrevocably, ontologically evil, and is sort of desperately obsessed with minimalizing or half-justifying her actions to herself so that she can avoid recognizing that she feels like she can't be better. she's clinging to the idea that she can be "redeemed" if she does something of equal measure in the opposite direction (e.g 'spending the rest of her life healing people' as she mentions), but because she can't even directly acknowledge how bad her actions actually were without crumbling under the weight of the idea that she's doomed to be that bad, she's fundamentally incapable of looking directly at what she did at this point in the story.
alec, on the other hand, is really fucking upfront and fairly objective about his actions--he never ties them into some Inarguable Truth About His Soul, and he's pretty honest about whether or not he thinks they're justifiable. in 14.1, he has this dialogue with cherie:
“When daddy had you practicing your powers, you ‘hijacked’ a few people at a time, used their bodies to get high with no consequences for you, you threw orgies for yourself…” “Again.  I was a kid.”
but despite the fact that sophia is, on some level, justified in his mind by his "eye for an eye, this is a favor for taylor" rhetoric--he's fine with admitting that he's also just doing it because, yeah, he's an arrogant asshole and he feels like it. some of it was because he was a kid being groomed, and some of it was because He Felt Like It.*
*sure, he only Felt Like It because he has a comically large cocktail of unpacked psychological issues--but he doesn't know that, he just knows he felt like it.
in other words, he doesn't subscribe to the idea that any of his actions are, like, Ontologically Predetermined By His Inner Being or even necessarily all related. he's like the fuckin' "might do it again, prolly not" dude from the sex offender shuffle. okay, sorry for saying that in my seriouspost. but his philosophies would clash hilariously badly with amy--he insists on accepting his own & others actions for exactly what they are, he's generally very invested in not being his father (being asked if he intends to turn out like his dad is one of the only times something briefly upsets him), and he's actually doing pretty okay at that. he's like...shockingly well-adjusted given the circumstances. his entire arc is more or less a slow upward climb.
i think having to be around someone who both believes and would outright admit "yeah i raped people, no i dunno if i feel that bad, no i'm not raking myself over the coals for it, yeah some of it was because i was a kid, yeah some of the other stuff wasn't, no i'm not Predestined To Suck," would like. clash with her beliefs abt 'ontologically evil' being a real thing, abt punishment as justice, etc. in a way that would really bother her. she spends a lot of her time in her head trying to twist things around until they feel salvageable to her, but alec is 0 amount concerned with rationalizing to make him feel alright--he just does things, some bad, most shitty attempts to be better.
it's, funnily enough, far more functional for improving than what amy has going on--he operates on material actions as opposed to her Self-Flagellating Thought Labyrinths, and the fact that he's busier moving on from things he can't materially change than he is kicking himself in the face means he can actually achieve some form of progress towards more functional approaches wrt human interaction. i think if amy had an extended conversation w/ him about the subject, she'd both be disgusted with him for not thinking thoughtcrime is real and deeply resentful that this fellow ontologically evil villain is doing better at moving forwards as a person than her despite not 24/7 flagellating himself + yearning for "redemption" like she is. it'd throw a disturbingly large wrench in her worldview, and she would not be happy about it.
oh, and alec would think she's weird and mopey and dumb and annoying and "why do it if you can't even admit it." and he would probably tell her as much. which is the point where i unlock the door to the room so alec can sprint out to escape amy's attempt to put tastebuds on his asshole.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
Something that always frustrates me with people who bring up Fiona raising the kids is they ignore how the kids also had to help pay for everything in the house and take care of their siblings. Like all of them were expected to contribute. You straight up see that Debbie was running her own day care while Fiona slept upstairs. And when Fiona had to pay their property tax she gambled that money away on a club party and Lip had to work overtime getting the money together.
I’m not saying she didn’t try her best with them but Fiona Stans have this way of forgetting all of the problems of the other kids
exactly, anon!
i remember in an interview, emma kenney referred to the gallagher house as kind of a “every man for himself” type thing, and while i don’t necessarily agree with that because they did all support each other, it wasn’t the way a lot of people paint it to be. it wasn’t fiona doing it all as she claims to, they all did it- fiona did the most, but not everything. lip tutored, ian worked at the kash and grab, debbie ran her daycare, carl helped at said daycare- they all worked.
fiona was not good with money. that’s something i believe and i know others may not agree, but i stand by it. she didn’t have school smarts, and while she had street smarts, she still wasn’t great with money. she gambled with it a lot and also just made a lot of poor choices in general. that’s why i kind of cringed when i saw her buying the laundromat and apartment complex. and to an extent i understand, i feel like a lot of people who grew up poor don’t really know what to do when they receive money (myself included), but still. she definitely tried her best but when you’re raising five kids and money’s so extremely tight you cannot gamble with money like that- especially if you aren’t the only one earning it.
that kind of makes me think about why i agreed with fiona’s decision to make debbie have the house in her name. i actually talked to @lovekenney about this once, but debbie was the best option because lip was busy enough with tami, fred, and trying to manage his sobriety, ian was incarcerated, and carl and liam were too young. debbie actually was good with money (for the most part). like you said, she ran that daycare and also she managed to pull of so many scams successfully. she may be a drop out and may make shitty decisions, but she’s extremely smart.
fiona did a lot, and it should be discussed and she does deserve credit and praise for it, but i wish people would discuss what the other siblings did because they did a lot (especially lip, ian, and debbie).
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allwormdiet · 25 days
Gestation 1.2
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There's such a specific pain that comes from the person you trust the most stabbing you in the back, I don't know if it's the worst pain in the world but there's really nothing else with that... I dunno, that feeling that the ground's gone out from underneath you. And knowing about Annette's death, and that I think Emma becomes this way as a kind of idolization of Sophia... it's just a bad situation that gets worse with context and over time. Utterly miserable.
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Two hundred pages of notes on your own powers and training as a superhero is like. So fucking much. I don't think I'd manage that one, I don't know how many people could match that one. Is this a side effect of Wild "7000 page novel" bow being the author here? Is this what he considers normal?
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Bless Taylor for making even a token effort at trying to look at the bright side of a shitty situation, I don't know how long that's gonna last but even now she's still trying.
Also, okay, the dismissal of Taylor's power isn't just textual, it's coming from inside the house. Kid, your power is great, that's the self-loathing talking, you're gonna change the world with that shit.
Also lmao @ Taylor's lack of killer instinct, how long does that last I wonder.
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Is a little interesting that Taylor doesn't even necessarily get the full factual information of a bug under her control, but I guess that's not really necessary for her power to do its thing.
Also interesting to note that Taylor still has nerves about her bugs, considering how much art I've seen of her absolutely crawling with the things. Guess that attitude doesn't last super long.
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Okay so I think there's actually a lot to unpack in this section so I'm gonna get into it
There's an immediate and sharp divide between independent capes like Taylor and the big dogs who have people to take care of things like costumes for them, and that divide is only going to become more stark over time. I don't even know what the solution for such a thing would be, you can't exactly do small loans to anonymous capes for this kind of thing and any kind of neutral third party that could do this would be an immediate target for stealing customer information. It's a logistical concern, and a thorny one at that.
The cleverness with the spider silk and the subsequent roadblock of realizing that it's hard as fuck to make a costume out of spider silk are both great. Awesome idea that's immediately undercut by a complicated execution, I wonder if that's gonna come back up at any p
I'm a little curious about the exact decision making on Brockton Bay's location. Not to say that it's a bad call off the bat to put it where it is, more that Wildbow seems to have immediately made a call, realized it was going to complicate some things, and then made a workaround. I dunno how different the story would be if it took place further south, if at all, but it stands out to me at least.
(It is also a little funny to imagine that Brockton Bay is more popular with capes because it's easier to wear silly costumes in the local climate, I don't think it's true but not-trueities are fun)
Taylor's resourcefulness is an immediate standout trait in this chapter, I think this is the first time I learned that the armor plating was literally made from reinforced exoskeletons but wow what a cool and slightly gross detail.
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I'm sure this will be the only time that Taylor feels a bridge has been burned beyond the point where it's worth mending and move to take decisive action in whatever direction doesn't involve that bridge, yessir. This will definitely not be a recurring behavior in this character.
Immediate Thoughts
More time spent getting to know Taylor. The plot isn't so much moving forward as getting into position at the starting line, which gives us time to get used to her perspective and her thought patterns. What I wanna know is how she thinks being an independent superhero is gonna, like, work? The likely answer is that she hasn't thought that far ahead and is just gonna like, wander around looking for random encounters. She's still too square (and broke) to get a police scanner or something like that, that's for sure. Wait to see what happens, I guess.
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darling2411 · 1 year
I guess we’re best friends?
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images are from Pinterest, I do not own them.
Mick Schumacher x reader
Word count: 745
Summary: They’re best friends now?
Warnings: none
ⓘ It’s been a while, let’s see how this goes and if I am going to ever finish this series :0
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“Mick!!!” You exclaimed “where are you?!”
“I'm right here.” He responds from behind you and you spin around with a grin on your face. “Hi”
“Hi [y/n]” you look up at him. Gosh he’s really beautiful, he looks like an angel, your angel. “In your text you asked me to come meet you. "What's up?”
“I wanted to ask you if you would like to go to dinner this evening with me and Emma ? We wanted to celebrate the beginning of the new season, she thinks it may bring luck.”
Emma? He wanted to have dinner with you and Emma? As in his girlfriend Emma ? You frown “Well as much as I’d like that I don’t want to intrude, also Meave and l have plans for girls night tonight, so no, but thank you for inviting me Mickey.” You stand up on your tippy toes and plant a kiss on his cheek before you leave the Haas motorhome. Your mind is racing, she wants to celebrate because it will bring luck? He doesn’t need luck and celebrating before something happens most likely won’t bring good luck, it will probably only attract negativity!
Gosh you didn’t even really know her and you already didn’t like her. And why do you feel like you could throw up when you’re thinking about him having a nice romantic dinner with his girlfriend? ‘I probably just ate something bad this morning…’ you say to yourself.
Mick watches you walk away.
And like always with every step you make you take his heart with you.
It’s wrong that he feels like this, you're his best friend, nothing more, and he’s in a relationship with a woman he really likes just not loves.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Maeve?!" You shout as you walk through the door into your apartment that you share with your best friend “open the wine, we will need it!”
“Oh shit” you could hear her swear as she scrambled from the couch and slithered into the kitchen to open the red wine you keep restocked for exactly these kinds of moments.” What did he do?” She asks you. Sometimes you think she’s able to read your mind.
You sigh” let’s sit down.”
She nods and both of you grab your wine glass. When you’re settled on the couch she looks at you expectantly but before you can even begin to tell her how horrible your life is right now you bring your glass to your lips and take a big gulp.
“Alright, I just wanna start by saying that I don’t know why this feels so wrong and I have no idea what it means but heinvitedmetodinnerwithhisgirlfriendandihatedtheideasomuchiwantedtopuke.”
Meave stares at you blankly and then starts to laugh. “Excuse me, what did you say? The beginning I understood but then you started speaking so fast not even Spencer Reid could’ve kept up with you.” She sent you a meaningful look “tell me again, nice and slow alright?”
“Mimimi it wasn’t that bad” you huff.
“Not that bad?!" Babe you talked faster than Usain Bolt runs!”
She laughs” come one now, tell me”
“What I said is that Mick invited me to dinner with his girlfriend and I hated the idea so much I wanted to puke. Like I said before I’ve got no idea why I disliked this so much, I mean she seems pretty nice…”
“Pretty nice?!" She stole your sweet angel Mick!”
You sigh sadly “How could she steal something that was never mine to begin with?” You take another sip of wine and Meave copies you before answering.
“Never yours? Girl are you blind? He looks at you like you yourself created the sun and painted the sky. He is so one hundred percent in love with you, you both are, you’re just too afraid to admit it.”
“Well he has a girlfriend now, I can’t just steal him away. I mean it was different once, two years ago I could’ve easily made a move but now? Now he’s an important part of my life. If I tell him and he leaves me I could never come back from it. “
“Oh sweets, I’m so sorry, but I still believe that he likes you and that everything will turn out like it’s supposed to.” She hugs you tight, your empty glasses long forgotten on the living room floor.
“Well then I guess we’re best friends?”
“For now” Meave whispers.
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duchess-of-oldtown · 3 months
House of the Dragon Season 2, Episode 1 Thoughts
Just clarifying, these are my own thoughts, you don't like them, don't bother telling me so. Also, I'm not a book purist, I like adaptions taking putting their own spin on things - if it makes sense to do so. So, here were my thoughts. Obvs, this post is dark and full of spoilers.
I loved the opening, the whole callback to the White Walkers which cements the true arc of ASOIAF (and feels a fuck you to s8)
Rhaenys ate, she fucking ate, that's it girl you remind Daemon of your daughter and his place (you know that Daemon loved that shit)
And Daemon? The whole mother vs the Queen speech? What do you think YOUR mother would have done? Alyssa Targaryen would have done exactly the same if it were you torn apart and you goddamn know it.
Yes, Corlys mourning Luke. Everyone mourning Luke 😭😭😭
Alyn of Hull, slay.
Am I the only one who kinda thinks that the Hightower Sigil looks a little clip-arty? It's just not it 😬
I really wish they made the scorpions look better. I just always thought that the weapons would be more advanced because they actually know dragons.
Aegon and Helaena, you can sort of see that Aegon does care about her but he just doesn't know what to do with her.
Also Criston? Giving head? Yeah, I'd think the sharks are real before I believed that.
Where was the build up to... That?
I actually fucking shuddered. SHUDDERED.
Tyland don't fucking annoy that little boy.
Terms? You killed her little boy and you sent terms?
Yes, Aegon you humiliate that Lannister bitch.
Why is Jaehaerys so sweet? 😭😭😭😭
Dalton Greyjoy mention!!
Mine are Bigger - Actual Aegon II energy
Why is Aemond sitting there like 🥺🥺🥺? You fucked up my guy.
Emma is heartbreaking.
Syrax never grew? Why she so tiny?
Arrax was so beautiful.
The actual stab of grief I got watching Rhaenyra on the beach. That was her baby. That was her little boy.
Aegon the Magnamious?
Aegon being nice on the throne? Being kind to the shepherd?
Your goats? No, sheep even better. 🙂 Aegon, I am meant to hate you.
Otto get fucked, Aegon was doing his best.
Hugh? Hugh Hammer? Girl,get the fuck out of here, asking for money and shit.
I can see a lot of ppl going to whine about them humanising Aegon but it's necessary? Complex characters and our relationships with them is GRRM's greatest skill.
Larys get away from that boy.
This is a green heavy episode. I know why but still, give us some Joffrey maybe? Some House Baratheon shitting themselves? The Great Houses getting the news and going oh fuck?
Daemon is lowkey right, Mysaria did help place Aegon on the throne but she is also right, he's only that angry with her because nobody else around.
Matt's acting is top tier because you can really see the grief, the anger and the insecurity when he's snarking.
Rhaenyra's return. Her silence, it's fucking gold.
Jace and Rhaenyra 😭😭😭😭 His lil voice. 😭😭😭
Where was Jeyne Arryn? Why no Jeyne??
The funeral 😭 lil Joffrey is too lil. Jace holding him *raptor screams*
Alicent, the fit ate but what good are prayers? Go smack that son of yours.
Somebody hug Rhaenyra. Right now. Rhaenys? Elinda? Baela? Rhaena? Hold that woman.
The CRIME HOODIE is back.
I still hate the gold cloaks' cloaks. They look like piss rags. Does nobody on the staff know what gold is? Look at Sunfyre.
The actual book quotes 🙂🙂🙂🙂
The War of Quills and Ravens, yes, yes
Aemond don't sit with Ser Incelot, he hast done thy mother
Y'know what, Aemond is a lil right, he's getting the blame for starting the war but Alicent and Otto literally laid the foundations?
Why is Criston standing for Otto? He's not a member of the royal family.
Aemond, sitting in that chair is very Daemon of you
Otto, showing off his slutty lil wrist, your pour yourself a lil drinky girl
Blood and Cheese have a lil dog with them. Please don't let anything happen to the dog.
There's something always so eerie about all those tunnels under the Red Keep. It absolutely terrifies me.
Aegon and his buddies sitting on the throne gives off fuck boi vibes and the Strong joke was actually pretty funny.
That Viserys statue is not it.
Why is Blood so fucking massive?
Cheese, did you just fucking kick that dog? I will kill what you love you absolutely bastard.
Oh, those locks. The world building, oh the worldBuilding
The atmosphere is very well captured. The music is on point.
I love the detailing of the interiors of the Red Keep, it's so much better than the OG series.
Oh Helaena.
Helaena, my love. Why Helaena, why her.
Why didn't they just check themselves?
How the fuck did the writers make Blood and Cheese that lack lustre? How the actual fuck do you fumble that?
Alicent, my fucking eyes, MY FUCKING EYES
I'm giving this a 7.5/10. Everyone else was great but HOW DO YOU FUCK UP BLOOD AND CHEESE? HOW? HOW? I DEMAND A TRIAL BY COMBAT
Also I must say, the Biblically accurate Hand of the King chain in the trailer is very good.
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dark-frosted-heart · 9 months
Signing a Contract - Clavis Lelouch (main route)
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Clavis and Emma are on vacation in Benitoite.It’s their first vacation in so long and they’re greeted with beautiful weather. As she looks at Clavis, Emma thinks back to a conversation they had a few days ago. Emma had noticed that Clavis had been busy recently, but he replies that he hasn’t. Why? Does she want to do something about it? Emma asks how he knew and he’s about to say that she doesn’t need to be so tsundere but pauses when he registers what she had just asked. Yep. Emma does want to help relieve some of his busyness. Well it’s just her luck that Clavis has some time off, so how about they go on a vacation somewhere? But first, he has something he wants her to sign. A contract that’ll make their vacation more enjoyable.
Party A (Clavis Lelouch) and Party B (Emma) shall ensure that the following items are mutually fulfilled during this vacation
Whisper “I love you” at least 10 times to each other
Always hold hands while walking together
Feed each other whenever eating
Kiss on the cheek when given the signal
Do not hold back on what you want to say
Do not talk about the opposite sex besides each other
Emma just stares at the contract dumbfounded. Is he really expecting her to follow all of this? It’s too much work, not to mention embarrassing. Clavis says he’s just listing out things that couples do. Emma can’t do PDA though, which Clavis then tells her that she should take traveling to a new place as a chance to be bolder. Well…Emma did plan to use this vacation to relieve some of Clavis’ stress and she’s not exactly opposed to doing embarrassing things… Emma agrees to sign the contract so now Clavis wants to take this time to train Emma to be less embarrassed by displays of affection.
Oh there’s more to the contract
At every place visited, leave something as proof that you were there
A will pick out B’s outfits and B will show it off to A
The more Clavis reads out, the redder Emma becomes. All for the sake of refreshing him, Emma reminds herself.
Anyway, back to the present, Clavis informs Emma that if she doesn’t keep her end of the contract, she’ll be punished. Well that’s news for Emma. Clavis pulls out the contract and Emma looks it over.
Should any of the items above fail to be fulfilled, A has the right to punish B.
Come to think of it, Emma only read the first page herself. The rest of the pages were read by Clavis to her. And then she didn’t look over it again when she signed it. When Emma asks Clavis what he means by “punishment”, he tells her that she’ll find out once she breaks the contract. She can go ahead and do that now if she wants. Nope, she’s good. Emma takes this time to review the contract again before they head off.
The couple stops by a town near the harbor that sells some interesting and unique items. As Emma admires some crafts that caught her attention, Clavis comes back from another shop with a small box in his hand. In the box is a delicate lace ribbon…It’s a garter band. Emma can either go change in private or Clavis can put it on her right where they’re standing. She doesn’t like either option, but has to wear it per their contract unless she wants to be punished. Driven to a corner, Emma wraps her arms around Clavis’ neck, pulls him close, and whispers that she’ll put the lovely present on when they get back to the inn. She wants him to see it in a place free of distractions. Emma’s closeness makes Clavis freeze for a second before he grants her special permission.
They continue exploring when they suddenly run into Silvio, who asks the two what they’re doing here. Clavis replies that he’s on a lovey-dovey vacation with his beloved fiancée. Silvio just stares at their clasped hands speechless. Clavis asks the prince if he knows of any notable places two people in love can visit, but Silvio’s like “why me?” There’s nothing in it for him. Clavis threatens to make out with Emma in front of him forever. (Silvio: Fuck you!) Clavis also offers to help with a trade contract.(Silvio: Should’ve said that from the start, ya bastard) Silvio sighs and tells him of a place.
Clavis and Emma arrive at a beach marked by a huge rock. There’s various seashells hung up on the rock as well as various wishes carved onto the back of the shell. Reading the sign nearby, Clavis wonders if his wish will come true if he leaves a shell. He goes to pick up a sharp rock and shell, and notes that this coincidentally fulfills a condition in their contract. Emma agrees, and visiting this place will be a memorable experience. Clavis hands Emma a shell and the two carve their wishes together. When they’re done, Emma glances at Clavis’ shell as he hangs it up, It reads “for Emma to continue loving me in the years to come.” Emma doesn’t think it’s something he needs to wish for; she loves him so, so much. Emma’s shell says “for us to be happy.” Afterward, the two visit various places around Benitoite.
On the way back to the inn, a beautifully bound book on display at a shop catches Emma’s eye. It’s a rare foreign book that’s not even in Chevalier’s library. She tells Clavis that she wants to get the book as it’ll be a nice souvenir. Clavis asks who the souvenir’s for.
Premium End
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What Emma Would Do
Ignore me. This is just me working through my own thoughts and feelings on this. Also I'm an idiot.
***BIG EDIT: I misread and misinterpreted. Azel was nearly drugged and SA'd, so his reaction, however cruel, makes complete sense to me. If he was real I couldn't apologize to him enough.
Moving @/caffedrine's billion-dollar comments up here.
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My original, misguided post is below the cut if you're interested.
I have to ask myself what Emma would do. Within reason. And only within the scope of this fictional game, because I'm not about to touch this topic as it exists in the real world. That's for people much smarter than me.
But for the game, my dismissing of Azel as a cruel misogynist without seeing his circumstances and worldview shuts down the conversation the same way it does when Azel dismisses a woman as a slut without seeing her circumstances and worldview.
(Did he actually use the word 'slut' or did google just translate 痴女 like that for me... I should double-check... edit: oh my bad, he calls her a "female molester", which... I can't say he's wrong considering she tried to give him an aphrodisiac...? The word also means "stupid woman", so he could very well have meant it that way too, especially for some reasons I get into later in the post.)
Soooo, he didn't actually call her a slut. I'm an idiot 😌 I'm sorry, Azel. Dunno if any of my points below mean anything, but I'll leave it here anyway:
The running theme in Ikepri is to look beyond the beast and see the human inside. To meet them halfway. To see their heart. And that heart is always so very terribly scarred. All these guys have gone through their own traumas and come out the other end behaving in ways designed to be armor, to protect themselves from any further pain.
I can only speculate about Azel this early in his story arc, but being showered with the same adoration and reverence that people only show a god, day in and day out, probably fucks with your mentality a bit if you are still only human at the end of the day. Having women try to seduce you only because you're The Living God, well, we saw what that kind of shallow treatment did to Silvio. Women see you as an object and so women become objects to you. You want to be loved, but you don't want to be hurt.
That might only be scratching the surface with Azel, though. He's also clearly jaded from listening to the same old interpersonal problems people have when in relationships. Love is actual trash to him, not even worth a single penny. It's trash because the very people who follow him prove it to him on a daily basis, I imagine.
Yet that's still not the full picture. I mean, we obviously won't have the full picture until his main route drops, but there's another key factor to consider with Azel.
He quotes Pascal in Licht's sequel. "Man is only a reed, the weakest thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed." The full quote goes onto say:
"All our dignity consists, then, in thought. This is the basis on which we must raise ourselves, and not space and time, which we would not know how to fill. Let us make it our task, then, to think well: here is the principle of morality.”
(Did I read the entire context of the quote? HA! What do you take me for? A scholar or something?)
Free will and independent thought is arguably the most important thing to Azel. He has no respect for the sheep who flock to him for direction (though he'll happily take their money and tributes). Even with the dancer who tried to seduce him in the prologue, when he tells her to lick up the food she dropped after he tripped her, he presents it as a choice. Nevermind that the staggeringly unequal power dynamics at play made it so this was nothing short of coercion in the end; there was no way the dancer was in a position to stand up for herself and say no, even if that's exactly what Azel wanted. But from his perspective, defiance would have been welcome. That's why he phrased it as a choice. That she started licking up the food only solidified in Azel's mind that this woman is an unthinking reed without dignity. If you're going to act like trash, he'll treat you like trash... maybe that was part of his thinking.
On a slightly different note, I think another reason he hates the idea of love so much is because love makes people lose their ability to reason, to think. I believe he outright says as much, iirc.
In the end, I don't know from where exactly Azel's fury and cruelty comes from. It could be all of these things, it might be something else entirely. All I can think is, you can't be 'God' everyday and not be scarred by humans.
In conclusion, I can't excuse Azel's behavior. I don't excuse it. But I think Emma would try to understand the why of it, like she does in any other route. The other running theme in Ikepri is that, as a certain someone would put it, the essence of all people is love. It's their environment that twists them. Somewhere in Azel is the purest kind of love. A kind that would make any god look away in shame. That's what I want to believe in, anyhow.
Also, I need stress that I was SO wrong about whether he actually called the dancer a slut or not. Google fucked me over by translating it that way! Ah, Azel, I'm so sorry!
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year
Ignorance is Bliss
One Shot | Once Upon a Time Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Regina Mills x Gn!Reader
Genre: Angst no comfort
Words: 1.3k+
Summary: You remember the wee little lass from season 1 who gets his heart crushed? Yes, Graham. He doesn’t actually exist in this, but you do... After a brief kiss with Emma it seems the truth has come to light and now you have to make a decision as to whether you want to confront it, or run away from it.
A/n: Don't worry, I hate myself for this one too </3
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In the crescent moon’s light, faces seem distorted, shrouded in sullen tones. Dark figures cast their jaded shadows upon concrete roads and littered sidewalks as they stalked toward their destinations. Houses, apartments, or perhaps even a small diner treasured amongst the townsfolk. For you, your destination remained hidden, a secret, feet carrying you through the dimly lit streets to a familiar patch of land.
The wind whispered the lost tales of those who had their names etched on stone. Some old, some young, and some unable to talk over the endless possibilities they’d never been acquainted with, taken straight from the world before they were able to see the light, and dark, held within it. 
Stood in the distance was the mausoleum. Ivy crept along its sidewalls, the red door just bright enough to stand out in the dark and guide you in the direction you needed to go. 
Going off your rough estimations you had around ten minutes to find what you needed before Regina would discover you. Thankfully, without the use of magic, she’d have to drive over to the vault, giving you enough time to try and locate either a memory potion or the ingredients needed for one, though the latter required the fine skills of your long-term memory, which you were still trying to grasp. 
The vault was fairly organised, it was Regina after all, making it somewhat easy to locate the collection of neatly labeled potions. There had to be at least ten boxes, which meant dilly-dallying wasn’t an option. Immediately you sorted through the boxes, willing your eyes to read faster than they’d ever done so before. 
Six boxes down and five minutes in, door hinges creaked and bounced off the walls until they traveled down to the vault. She was early. There was only one exit, and that was the one Regina was coming through, which made the possibility of escaping this upcoming encounter impossible. 
All that was left to do was watch as Regina slowly became visible from the stairs of the crypt. Feet, legs, torso, then there she was. Her sculpted eyebrows knit together, curiosity becoming clearer and clearer with each step toward you, “What are you doing here?”
Looking her dead in the eyes, you made sure not to cower away from the truth, or from the powerful aura she exuded in anything and everything she did, “I remember. I remember everything. Us.” 
“How?” Behind her stony eyes you caught the flicker of panic, whether it was because she feared the curse over the town had been broken or whether she’d have to face the ramifications of withholding the truth from you, you didn’t know. 
“That doesn’t explain how you remember.” She frustratingly pointed out. 
There was undoubtedly some truth to her statement. The single name of her nemesis didn’t exactly provide a detailed outlook on the events that led up to you regaining your memories. Then again, you didn’t want her to know the truth. You also didn’t want to lie. Staying silent it was. 
Her nostrils flared, jaw clenched and eyes scorched. With one step forward and her targets set on you, she pushed for more information she deemed rightfully hers, “How?”
It was on command, with the tone she’d used you were right back in the enchanted Forest, heeding any and every one of her wishes, “Emma kissed me.” You blurted out.
“What?” Her eyes widened. 
“Don’t make me repeat it.” You sighed, dropping to sit on a closed trunk. 
“That means...” Regina whispered, “She’s your…”
“She’s the savior, that’s all it means.” You snapped. Regret set in the second you saw Regina flinch at your harsh tone, despite it being warranted. In truth, you already wanted out of this situation, but answers wouldn’t be found in running away, they’d only be located in the trenches of one woman’s mind. What was fairly annoying was the woman in question tended to keep such answers hidden behind a makeshift wall of lies and barbed wire, “I answered your question, now answer mine. Why did you take them, my memories?” 
“Judging by the fact you want them gone again, do I need to answer that?” 
Avoiding the question. Not a surprise. 
“I never had a choice in the first place. Do you know what it’s like realising your whole life is a fucking lie? Because I do and I can’t say shit to anyone without risking getting thrown into the psych ward. You took them from me, Regina. I should be given the option to keep them or get rid of them. So yes, I want to know what led you to believe you had any right to take what was rightfully mine.”
Quiet. The vault echoed the sounds of your heavy breathing as Regina began to search her mind for answers to questions she never thought she’d have to face. Her facade began to crumble before your very eyes, shoulders slumped, her face softened and her tear-filled eyes helplessly sought out comfort in yours. Humility was fighting to be seen once more, much like it had in the past, in moments where she felt everyone only saw the bad, the evil, in actions that were simply enacted to protect herself. 
“I was scared.” Her voice was small, barely a whisper. 
“Of what?” 
A single tear fell from her eye, working its way down her cheek and salting her plump lips, “That you wouldn’t pick me.” 
There, at that moment, she had shown vulnerability, something so raw and rare for a damaged soul prone to heartache and loss. Exposing herself to the tyranny of lies uncovered, to the pain that accompanies the idea that love may be unrequited, and to the reality that she had in fact stolen the essence of what could have been, meant opening herself up to the possibility she had truly lost you. 
And she had. 
“You took that option away from me when you decided to take my memories.”
If it was possible to hear a heart break, feel the sting of broken fragments shatter beneath your touch, you’d have heard and felt it. A rugged exterior did nothing to lessen the pain befalling every inch of your soul. You’d done it, looking into her tear-stained sullen eyes, you saw, you’d broken her dark heart.
Needing to look anywhere but at Regina, you let your eyes roam around the vault. Glinting in the candlelight was a small bottle, the words on it barely readable, but you saw them well enough to plan your next move. 
Standing up, you moved towards the vials you had previously been sifting through, “I have to forget you. I have to forget who I was, and what I did.” you muttered, back now facing Regina. 
“Feel everything you need to feel, regret, anger, sadness, everything. But not alone, feel it with me,” Regina reached out, wrapping her fingers around your wrist, “I just got you back. I can’t lose you again.” 
As you turned around, you clung tightly to the bottle in your hand. You didn’t stop yourself, nor Regina when her lips found yours. Instead, you let yourself remember, only for mere seconds, what it felt like to have her tongue trace along your bottom lip, how her body felt pressed against your own, what it was to give yourself over wholly and exclusively to one person. 
Yet, it still wasn’t enough. It never would be. Not when you’d known a guilt-free life, not when you’d gone days, months, and years living without the weight of your past mistakes heavy on your conscience. 
“I was never yours to lose,” you whispered against her lips, delivering the final punch.
The bottle cork dropped to the ground. With one step back you brought the vial to your lips, swallowing its contents whole and watching a familiar face - a person you believed to be the embodiment of home - fade once again into nothing more than an acquaintance.
Ignorance truly is bliss.
Tags: @babygirlscout @7thavenger @five-bi-five-mind @mentally-unstable-gay | click here to be added to my tag list
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A bonding trip, Part 1 (Mason Mount x Reader)
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*I wrote this little enemies to lovers story for a friend who’s a big Mason fan and she has allowed me to share it with all of you now. I hope you like it as much as she did ❤️*
Part 2
Word count: 2956
“We don’t want to let you go, but we have to. There isn’t that much money invested in the women’s team and this transfer will fund half a season. I’m so sorry”.
Hearing my coach's words, I feel like crying. Why is this happening to me? I don’t want to leave Arsenal. I love this team and always have. And I certainly don’t want to go to play for Chelsea.
But I also understand the team has to sell me. I just wish a miracle could happen to prevent this transfer.
“It’s ok. Thank you for everything. I’ll miss you all”, I tell him, genuinely meaning it.
“Well, we are still in the same city. Don’t be a stranger”.
“Turn to the left…perfect. Now one smiling”.
I have been doing press stuff for Chelsea for the last hour and I’m so done with it. But I still need to do more interviews and videos for social media. 
“Oh, look who it is!”, I hear someone say so I turn to see them. “The new superstar!”
Of course, it’s Mason Mount. God, I hate him. 
“Well, the team clearly needed one. It’s not as if you could fit in that category”.
“Always a pleasure to see you”, he says, flicking my nose and making me move back.
“What are you doing here? I’m busy”.
I then notice everyone has stopped working to look at our interaction. 
“You have to do a photoshoot together”, says one of the media people.
“Why? It’s my presentation”.
Why does he have to be part of everything I do?
Mason and I have been “enemies” for a while. Both of us have always been the poster boy/girl for our clubs and national teams, which means we’ve had to spend a lot of time together in events for brands and whatnot. 
And it was on our very first event together that I realized what a douche he was. He spent the whole time ignoring me and making the whole thing about himself. And to think I had a crush on him before that…my taste needed to improve and it thankfully did.
“It’s not for your presentation, silly”, he says, laughing at me. “It’s for a few campaigns and interviews that’ll come out in a couple of weeks”.
“Amazing”, I say, making the sarcasm very clear.
A few minutes later, I’m standing next to Mason posing for more photos. 
“Blue looks good on you”, he whispers, making me frown.
“Shut up!”
And he does, shaking his head.
“So, is it nice to come to a team where you already have friends? It must be hard leaving Arsenal after so many years”, asks the journalist.
If only you knew how hard it is.
“Yes, absolutely. Some of the girls have played with me for the national team and were making sure I felt welcomed from the minute I stepped foot in Cobham. It’s really nice of them. But it will take a while to get used to picking the blue shirt instead of the red one”, I try to joke. 
“And you have Mason too”, she says.
I look at Mason, who is staring at me with a big smile on his face. He’s loving this.
“Actually, he’s really annoying but thankfully I don’t play with him so I’ll be alright”.
The journalist thinks I’m joking and starts laughing. She’s joined by Mason, but I can tell how fake his laugh is. 
By the time we are done with the interview, I’m desperate to just leave. Today has been way too long. 
“Hey, wait”, I hear Mason say when I’m about to leave to get changed.
“That, exactly that”.
“You make zero sense once again, Mount”.
“Why do you always have to be like this with me?”, he asks, as if he didn’t know. “You’re so nice to everyone but so rude to me. Even during an interview”.
“You were rude to me first”.
“Are you 5?”, he says, rolling his eyes.
Instead of answering, I just leave. It’s impossible to reason with someone like him.
“We are leaving on Monday at 8 am. Please be on time. The boys will hopefully be there by then so we can leave”, tells us Emma, after explaining the trip we’ll be doing alongside the men’s team.
“Why do we have to be on time but for them it’s hoping they are on time?”, I say. I don’t like double standards.
“Oh, they’ve actually been told we leave at 7. That’s why we’re hopeful they’ll be there by the real leaving time”.
Literal children. And…a bonding trip? Why do we behave like it’s summer camp? I just want to train.
“Stop frowning”, says Fran.
“Tell me you also find this trip ridiculous. And if it’s bonding we need to do, why are the men there?”
“I don’t know. It’s always done like this”, she shrugs. “Just don’t make it too obvious how much you hate Mount so you two aren’t paired together for literally every activity”.
The look she gives me says it all. Of course, they’ve all noticed.
8.20 am on Monday and we’re all waiting for Mount and Havertz. What a surprise!
Well, actually Havertz being late is surprising. Aren’t Germans supposed to be very punctual? I guess it’s Mason’s bad influence.
“There they are”, I hear someone say and we all lift our eyes to see the car approaching. 
I just shake my head and roll my eyes. They are still taking their time leaving the car and approaching our bus.
“Hurry up, Mount!”, I tell him when he finally makes it to the bus.
“Good morning to you too, beautiful”.
“It’d be good if I didn’t have to spend it with you”.
The coaches are coming closer to us and I see Mason smiling at me as if he has just listened to the little demon on his shoulder.
“You want to sit with me on the plane? I don’t know. I usually sit with Kai but since we’re supposed to be bonding…”.
“What are you talking…”.
“Oh, that sounds brilliant”, says Potter. Should I tell him I’m a Slytherin?
“No, he’s joking”, I say with a fake laugh. “You know our Mounty. He’s a comedian. But he wants to sit with his bestie, of course. I’ll sit with one of the girls”.
“No no no”, says Mason, putting his arm around my shoulder and making me feel very uncomfortable. “I’ll do anything to make the new star of the team feel at home”.
Will they send me back to Arsenal if I punch him?
“You are going to spend the whole camp fighting, aren’t you?”, asks Pernille when we’re on the bus. But she doesn’t look annoyed. She looks amused.
“I’ll ignore him and hope he ignores me too”.
“I think he likes you”, she says.
“Well, even if he did”, which he doesn’t, “...not interested”.
Thankfully, the conversation is interrupted by others players asking if we want to play Uno to kill some time. And so that’s what we do.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Mason sitting next to Kai and looking at something on their iPad. They keep on laughing every couple of seconds. God knows what childish thing they are watching.
“Emma, honestly. I rather sit with the girls”.
I’m trying really hard to avoid sitting with Mason for two whole hours, but nothing I say is convincing her.
“It’s a bonding trip. If someone needs to bond, it’s you two”.
I guess they all have really noticed what’s going on. Great.
“Hello, travel buddy”.
I close my eyes and sigh when I hear his voice.
“I want a coffee”, I say.
“No one is stopping you from having one”, answers Mason, confused.
“Get me a coffee. If you want to sit next to me, get me a coffee. And a toastie. And a muffin. And maybe a smoothie. Check if they have any with blueberries”.
“You’re serious”.
“I don’t joke when muffins are involved, Mount”, I say, giving him a 20-pound note. “Get yourself some sweeties too”.
I can see him staring at the money in his hand and then he just leaves and walks to the nearest Starbucks. I actually can’t believe he’s going to buy me food. I was just trying to make him uncomfortable so he would leave me alone.
“We’re going to board now. You coming?”
But I don’t know whether I should wait for Mason or not. I can’t believe I feel bad about leaving him behind. 
“Here you go, bestie”, he says, passing me the cup of coffee and putting a bag on the floor next to me.
And because I don’t really know how I’m feeling right now but I do know he’s making me uncomfortable again, I just take the bag and start eating. Even though I’m not really hungry.
After taking a couple of bites of my toastie, I hear a weird noise. What was that?
And then I hear it again.
“Mount? Is that your stomach?”
“Eh…yeah. I didn’t have breakfast today”.
“Why didn’t you get something for you when you were at the coffee place?”
“I don’t know”, he shrugs.
“Here”, I tell him, cutting the toastie in half and giving him the bit I didn’t bite on.
“You don’t have to. It’s your breakfast”.
“I’m not even that hungry”.
“Then why did you make me buy all of that for you?”, he asks.
“I don’t know”, I say, shrugging and copying his expression from before, which makes him smile.
He takes the toastie and devours it in no time. He really was hungry.
So when I take the muffin, I do the same.
"You don't…".
"Just take it", I say, eating my half of the muffin quickly so I can get my Kindle out and do some reading.
Mason eats the muffin just as fast as he ate the toastie and starts to look at what I'm doing.
"What kind of iPad is that?", he asks, moving closer so he can read what's on my screen.
"It's not an iPad, it's a Kindle. You know? To read books".
"I don't read".
"I'm not surprised by that fact", I say under my breath.
"Maybe you can read to me so I fall asleep. You have such a soothing voice".
That makes me choke on the coffee I'm trying to finish.
"I have a what?"
My voice can be described by many adjectives but I don't think soothing is one most people will use.
"Yes", he says, feigning seriousness. "I love it. But I'm still wondering when it's that I like it better. When you call me an asshole or when you order me around?"
I have to turn around so he doesn't see my smile.
"I never called you an asshole", I say.
"You said it with your eyes".
"Oh yeah? Were my eyes soothing too?"
"No, they are just beautiful".
This…I don't know how to do this. Whatever this is.
"Well, I'll use them to read now".
And the conversation is over.
By the time we are about to land in Scotland, I've managed to make a lot of progress with my book. I love a good thriller.
And Mason…well, he did fall asleep. But didn't need me to read to him in order to do that. 
Every time I turned to look to the left, I saw his head getting closer to my shoulder. Until it found its destination. 
I couldn't help but look at him. He was definitely prettier when he was asleep. The less he talks, the better. 
"Sir, we are going to land", tells him a flight attendant and that finally wakes him up.
"Oh, yes. Sorry".
It's then he notices me.
"It's ok. At least you didn't drool".
He laughs and keeps staring at me. I'm not usually a fan of people doing that. And it's especially weirder when Mason does it. The way he looks at people is so…intense.
"You need to fasten your seatbelt", I say and turn to busy myself putting everything back in my bag.
When we reach the place we'll be staying at, I'm lost for words. It really is a camp.
"Is this a joke?", I ask, not being able to stop my shock.
"What? It's fun!", says Azpilicueta.
"I'm actually shocked that you primadonnas can stay in this type of place without throwing a tantrum. I love camping".
“You aren’t worried about Jason coming out of the woods to murder us all?”, laughs Fran.
“No, she’s got enough dealing with Mason. No need for a Jason”, jokes Kai, making everyone laugh.
Everyone but me. I just leave them there and go find my cabin. I’m tired and I want to get changed.
“Ignore them. They just love to always take the piss out of each other”, tells me Emma while she walks towards the cabin with me.
“Oh, I don’t care. I’ll just stay with the girls most of the time anyways, since Connor isn’t here”.
“Are you friends with him? I didn’t know”.
“I am. We actually met years ago and became quite close”.
I was actually hoping to be able to do a bit of catching up with him, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
“He’ll be here in a couple of days”.
“Really?”, I say, happy to know that. “I thought he was missing the whole camp because of his injury”.
“No, he’ll join you soon”.
Once we leave our cabins, I feel the need to explore right away. But the team is allowing some free time for everyone to settle here and no one wants to come with me. So I go by myself.
I don’t dare go inside the woods, since I’m not familiar with this place yet but I go around it, enjoying the stunning views. Wifi doesn’t seem to work well here, or at all, but the camera doesn’t need any Internet to take photos. So that’s what I do. The place is truly breathtaking.
While I’m focusing on getting the right angle for a photo, I notice something moving. Was that an animal? They didn’t tell us about dangerous animals being around but one can never be too sure.
But then the animal gets closer and I see it’s a very dangerous one. One called Mason Mount.
“Are you following me?”, I ask.
“You think too highly of yourself. Why would I follow you?”
“To murder me?”
“It’s should be me who worries”, he says, sitting next to me. “I don’t hate you. You hate me”.
“I don’t…hate you”.
“You do a pretty good hating me impersonation then”.
I sigh and shake my head. He just doesn’t get it.
“Mason. I just don’t like people like you. When we first met you were so arrogant. Every question we both got was answered by you. You ignored me completely”.
“I did?”, and when he turns to look at him, he seems genuinely confused.
“You don’t remember that day?”
“No, I do remember that day. But I didn’t ignore you. I was…intimidated by you”.
“I was intimidated by you”, I say, annoyed at the misunderstanding that took place.
“Then we are both stupid”.
“Yes, but you are more stupid than me”.
I get up to look at one of the trees in front of us. The leaves are so beautiful.
“Do you want me to take a picture of you?”, asks Mason.
“With the tree. I can take pretty good photos you know”.
I give him my phone and go back to the tree.
“Smile”, he says, and I do. “Look at you smiling at me. Miracles in Scotland!”
When we are walking back to the camp, I feel…strange. It’s nice to sort of have fixed things with Mason but it also confuses me. I’ve always felt conflicted by the mixed feelings I have whenever he is around. 
And even though our attitude has definitely changed, we still are paired together for every single activity, which doesn’t help.
We are taught how to shoot an arrow and I end up pretending I don’t already know how to do it. Mason, of course, thinks he already knows how to because he is Mason Mount and he knows how to do everything. But instead of being snarky, I let him think that. And I let him “teach” me because I guess it’s quite nice to have him so close to me.
When it rains, we are taken inside to do a painting class. And we have to paint a portrait of our partner. My one is actually pretty decent but Mason’s is…it’s a portrait. Of me? I’m not sure. The face he did doesn’t look particularly human but maybe he’s an abstract artist.
What I do know is that by the time I go back to my cabin, I have smudges of paint all over my chin from the times he touched it to move my face and get a better look at it. Judging by the final result, it wasn’t very helpful. But I also let him do it because I guess it was quite nice to feel his fingers caressing my face.
On day 2, we are finally going to the woods. I cannot wait!
Mason is my partner, again. And the girls won’t stop joking during breakfast about how friendly we looked yesterday. 
“Didn’t you want us to get on well? Well, I’m trying”.
“Yes”, says Fran, “you seem to be suffering a lot with the effort made”.
But I just ignore them and get ready for the day, making sure I have my camera with me. Today is going to be such a great day.
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witchlingcirce · 6 months
Oh… MY…. GOD. This is literally all I could have asked for this is one of the best things I’ve seen in so long I’m so HYPED!!
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This shot… I’m literally heart broken this 💔. This is obviously at Lucerys funeral and honestly it’s just…. TO MUCH. The tears in Jaces eyes, them burning Luke’s clothing because there wasn’t a body, baby Joffrey. This scene looks absolutely stunning but also so gut wrenching. I FEEL LIKE ILL DEFINITELY CRY 😭.
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Everyone knows that I manifested this, HARD. Whoever gave them a new, better wig bless you. To the person who actually put them into nice clothing, BLESS YOU TOO.
Baela is literally Laenas twin like… SHE LOOKS SO GOOD.
I’m so happy there finally getting more scenes and lines, I was praying for this. DRAGON TWINSSSS I LOVE YOUUUU
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She looks almost exactly like what I imagine a young Vhagar would look like. VHAGER IS HER MUMMY CONFIRMED!!!
It’s hard to see in this particular shot but I do like that they kept her a paler green colouring!!!! I don’t think you guys understand how much I love moondancer. She like two moments in the book and I decided I would Stan forever.
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BAELA TARGARYENNNNNNNN GETTING her own moment is something I am actually so hyped about, THATS MY WARRIOR PRINCESS.
You know I have a feeling that maybe after Rooks Rest and seeing what happens to a certain someone she mayyyyy cut her hair, like book Baela. Kind of like the thing, hair holds memories yk?
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I understand that the north storyline this season will probably only last three episodes max (damn you eight episodes)! NONETHELESS, I am beyond excited.
Can we talk about how Jacaerys is free from the ugly wig??? THANK THE HEAVENS!! There doing my boy right. Seeing him a decent amount in the trailer made me so hyped, I always thought he deserved to be seen more in the first season since YK, he’s the Heir’s heir (hahah) but I’m so glad there stepping up there game this season!!!
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RHAENYRA RHAENYRA THE WOMAN YOU ARE! Whoever made her costumes and hair this season BLESS YOUR HEART.
I think it’s obvious she’s most likely wearing a Visenya braid and she is STANDING ON BUSINESS!
Before when I was talking about the posters I was discussing how it seemed that they gave her back her cunningness and determination from the books and I am SO HAPPY THEY DID. Because THAT is a queen of he seven kingdoms THATTTTTT is MY WOMANNNNN!!!!
Also this is a side note: but I like how she refers to Aegon as Alicent Hightower’s son, not her brother or half brother but as ALICENTS SON!!!! I feel like it probably has to do with them not being close, but it also it makes it feel like Rhaenyra doesn’t consider him a true son of Viserys. Very interesting, can’t wait for there beef to get more intense.
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Rhaenyra… Rhaenyraaaas EMMA D’ARCY YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS PERSON. I’m in shock, whoever made there outfits this season did they GOOOOOODDDDDD
LOTS of theories on who’s she’s looking 🙉
1. Alicent Hightower
There was a bunch of leaks going around that there would be a final meeting between the two. I think this is an outfit that she wears in the earlier episodes so idkkk buttt If it Rhaenyra why are you looking at her like that… TOXIC YURI CONTINUES.
2. Mysaria
I feel it being Mysaria would be very interesting. Maybe it’s her pleading ‘loyalty’ towards Rhaenyra. And then later on (if there keeping it like how it is in the books) helping Daemon blah B&C.
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This is Corlys definitely telling Rhaenys not to get involved and Rhaenys telling him she has to do what’s right for her house and what’s right for Baela and Rhaena 💔💔💔
Anyways guys I’m so excited, I’m so happy that there finally giving team blacks kids moments to shine and also letting Rhaenyra be book Rhaenyra… JUNE 16th can’t come sooner!
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