#Environmental Resistance
bfpnola · 7 months
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nnctales · 1 year
Understanding the Key Differences between High Performance and High Strength Concrete
Concrete, one of the most widely used construction materials, has undergone significant advancements over the years. Among these innovations are high performance concrete (HPC) and high strength concrete (HSC). While they may sound similar, these two types of concrete serve distinct purposes and exhibit contrasting properties. In this article, we will delve into the differences between high…
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🌿An Earth Day fusion repost from @theimeu and @muchachafanzine.
🌿In honor of Earth Day, please visit @zaytoun_cic, @handmadepalestine, or @plant.eenolijfboom to plant an olive tree in Palestine. 🕊
🌿From @theimeu:
This Earth Day, we mourn the 34,000+ Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza and Israel’s continued degradation of Gaza’s land, water, and other natural resources that make life possible for Palestinians.
In the past 6 months alone, Israel has destroyed farmland and greenhouses, contaminated natural resources with hazardous materials, bombed key water purifying infrastructure and wells, and created conditions for epidemics caused by an extreme excess of sewage, waste, and pollution.
Israel’s systematic destruction of Gaza’s environment is part of its goal of making life for Palestinians in Gaza unlivable.
Link in bio to contact your reps and urge an immediate, permanent ceasefire and the immediate suspension of all arms and funds to Israel.
Sources: The Guardian, Scientific American
🌿From @muchachafanzine:
Reminder this #EarthDay that from Turtle Island to Pa1estine, your environmentalism doesn’t mean sh!t if you don’t support giving the #LandBack to Indigenous people. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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Re-enchanting Humanity
Beyond any shadow of doubt, we direly need an ecological sensibility — one that is marked by a sense of wonder for natural evolution and the splendor of the biosphere in its many varied forms. But nature is not a scenic window that overlooks the Pacific coastal mountains or the New England marshlands. Nature is above all a process — a wondrous process that can admired on its own terms, not by invoking deities that are simply crude anthropomorphic projections of ourselves — male or female — in a mystified, often irrational, and sometimes a highly hierarchical form — a procedure that has served hierarchical interests for many millenia by lulling the oppressed into a paralyzing quietism and sense of resignation.
A remarkable product of natural evolution are the human beings who people the planet — beings that are no less products of nature than grizzly bears and whales. And like bears and whales, the human species — for it is no less a species when seen from a biological standpoint than it is social from the standpoint of social ecology — has acquired a remarkable capacity called conceptual thought. In this respect, natural evolution has endowed this species with powers that are unmatched by other species: powers to form highly institutionalized communities called societies that, unlike the genetically programmed “social insects,” are capable of an evolutionary development of their own, however rooted they may be in nature.
The crucial question we face today — not only for ourselves as human beings but for the entire biosphere — is how social evolution will proceed and in what direction it will go. To deal with this question primarily as a matter of spiritual renewal, desirable as that may be. is not only evasive but socially disarming. Social evolution took a wrong turn ages ago when it shifted from egalitarian institutions and relations to hierarchical ones. It took an even worse turn a few centuries ago when it shifted from a relatively cooperative society to a highly competitive one. If we are to bring society and nature into accord with each other, we must develop a movement that fulfills the evolutionary potential of humanity and society, that is to say, turn the human world into a self-conscious agent of the natural world and enhance the evolutionary process — natural and social. All the eco-babble of Devall, Sessions, Naess, and their acolytes aside, if we do not intervene to act creatively on nature (indeed, to rescue it from itself at times), we will betray everything of a positive character that natural evolution itself endowed us with — our potentially unprecedented richness of mind, sympathy, and conscious capacity to care for nonhuman species. Given an ecological society, our technology can be placed as much in the service of natural evolution as it can be placed in the service of a rational social evolution.
To call for a “return to the Pleistocene,” as “Earth First!” has done, to degrade humanity as so many misanthropic “antihumanists” and “biocentrists” have done is not only atavistic but crudely reactionary. A degraded humanity will only yield a degraded nature as our capitalistic society and our hierarchical history have amply demonstrated. We are direly in need not only of “re-enchanting the world” and “nature” but also or re-enchanting humanity — of giving itself a sense of wonder over its own capacity as natural beings and a caring product of natural evolution. A Supernature, peopled by “earth-based” deities, must be replaced by a healthy naturalism in which, as a movement, we will re-establish our severed ties with nature by naturalistic means and heal our terribly wounded society by social means. For Greens, in particular, this means that we must formulate a new, independent, revolutionary politics, using this word in its broadest possible sense, not recycle old, shopworn, sedating deities — be they Eastern or Western, pagan or Christian, “earth-bound” or “heaven-bound”. We must learn to look reality directly in the face, not obscure it with irrational thinking and a fog of dense, obscurantist myths.
The Left Network of the Vermont Greens has already taken the all-important step of trying to formulate a truly radical program — “Toward a New Politics” — that sketches out the basic concepts of a Left Green ecological movement. It openly describes itself as an “ecological humanism” (to use this term in its best sense, not the perverted meaning given to the word “humanism” by “deep ecology.’” And it advances the basic principles of social ecology as they apply to American political life. Either ecology movements and the Greens will free themselves of subtly hierarchical “centricities” — “bio” or “anthropo” — and develop a clearly defined and coherent body of social principles based on ecological concepts or they will become a marginalized collection of privileged encounter groups — one that may learn to “think like a mountain,” as Devall recommends but one that will be justly ignored as another fad, a target of derision at worst or healthy ridicule at best.
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too-many-blorbos · 2 months
Clarifications below*
-Haunted Castle vs. Haunted Manor
Haunted Castle: medieval castle theme. Scares include vampires, werewolves, and torture dungeons
Haunted Manor: "run-down abandoned mansion" theme. Scares include ghosts, creepy Victorian people, and a vague sense of unease about a domestic setting turned sinister.
-Monster/beast-infested terrain: This includes swamps, icy mountains, dark forests,, underground tunnels, and other inhospitable settings where the main danger is from the local fauna. Scares include fictional monsters (yetis, Swamp Thing, mole-men) and real/exaggerated animals (spiders, alligators, sharks)
-Human sacrifice cult: includes both "small town with a sinister secret" cults and "eldritch horror" cults. Anything that involves human sacrifice to appease/worship a dark force
-Fairy Tales but Scary: children's stories and nursery rhymes twisted/interpreted in a gruesome way. The bears kill Goldilocks; Miss Muffet gets eaten by spiders; Rapunzel hangs herself by her hair. Something innocent has now been tainted by horror and violence.
-Local cryptid/legend/curse: Themed around a specific cryptid or folk tale. Chupacabras, Moth Man, Sleepy Hollow, Wendigos--the entire ride is focused on this one specific thing. "Mummy's curse" themes probably fit here.
-Licensed horror film: basically a recreation of an existing horror film, featuring scenes and dialogue from that film. If you pick this one, put in the tags which film you'd choose.
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marine-bi-ology · 6 months
I realize I have a lot of followers on this here blog so just a reminder to y'all
From the river to the sea...
E-sims for Gazans
Daily clicks
Unrwa donation
Help Palestinian children
Donation to mobilize support
Educate yourself (free book links, download a tor browser)
For anybody that thinks this blog has nothing to do with Palestine, Israel has produced an appalling amount of carbon emissions (with Gaza being right next to the ocean) and has attacked the occupied country from "the air, from land, and from the sea" Israel also burns and uproots olive trees and I don't think I need to explain how bad that is in relation to the environment, but you should be aware that olive trees hold significance in Palestinian culture. Also just. Ignoring it is inhumane, but you should know that by now.
Palestine will be free.
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October 29, 2022 - Thousands of environmental activists clashed with riot police and private security as they charged a site to sabotage an industrial mega-basin that would privatize groundwater in Sainte-Soline, France. [video]/[video]
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mossball-cockatoo · 6 months
As much as I would LOVE to see a resistance against the Rebellion Man himself, I think it would be very funny for the only government official to never be rebelled against to be Grian.
Like. the man to start/assist a resistance every time there’s a government official, the man famous for starting wars, is the only government official to not have a resistance against him.
Either that or he just resists the resistance and the rebellion doesnt work.
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sugarmarbles21 · 4 months
Proof that Zionists are trying to make the Middle East into Europe.
The only good thing that I can think of is that we don’t have to look far to get building materials for all the houses that the Palestinians need to build. I know that the people in the past didn’t really understand how habitats work, but why did they think that a pine forest, which needs lots of water and a colder climate, would ever faired well in a climate that’s much warmer and rain less than Europe? One match stick and then the whole forest would burn, including anything in it like the illegal Israeli settlements. I can’t say that I’m surprised that they rather let their people live in a death trap than plant local flora that could actually survive the climate. Colonists have always thought that their greed and pride is more important than human lives.
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cavorta · 1 year
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July 29, 2023 Have a good weekend and a blessed Lammas/Lughnasadh if you celebrate it.
I have created a Sigil for Climate and Environmental Protection and it is free to use (not commercially). Here you can read what went into it and download printable files: https://cavorta.substack.com/p/sigil-for-climate-and-environmental
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gumy-shark · 11 months
just realized my situation in college is so funny rn. heres why in a greentext format
>be gumy's parents >you are Good Christian Parents who want your daughter to Walk In The Ways Of The Lord >when she wanted to go to a secular college you were Very Worried that your Impressionable Daughter would get Radicalized By The Godless Atheist College People (this one is actually somewhat justified- i AM very impressionable and got radicalized in junior high in a way that was very very hard on my mental health and my relationships with my family) > be relieved when she chooses to go to a Good Christian College instead (it was my own free choice and i had my reasons). > surely, with her environmental science classes being taught from a God-Fearing Perspective, and with no Godless Atheist College People there, she won't get radicalized! > she gets radicalized anyways
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angstemperor · 3 months
Agricultural Activism
Disclaimer: this post is intended to inform, not convince/persuade
Was reading a post from @wobblydev and saw this specific panel.
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I don't know if many of my current friends know, but something my f*ther and I used to passionately be a part of was Anonymous For The Voiceless. Though now, I'm too disabled to be out on the streets with the Cube of Truth and I'm too aware of psychology to agree with the in-your-face approach to their activism, that doesn't mean there aren't important things I've learned from being a part of it.
Mass farming of anything is bad and there are empathic, health-based, and environmental reasons that factory farming is awful, and so many more. These are just a few points I'd like to share to get things started.
I'm gonna break this up into multiple posts because there's just so much information
Hyperlinks to posts
Bonus post about emissions and population statistics
Environmental Impact
Relationship between Humans and Agriculture
Healthcare and Sanitation
Ethics/The Morality Argument (aka the reason why most everyone hates vegan activists cause they never stop preaching this [Trust me, I'm tired of it too. There are so many other ways to have this conversation].)
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nnctales · 1 year
Wearable Technology in the Construction Industry: Enhancing Safety and Efficiency
Introduction The construction industry is known for its physically demanding and high-risk nature. However, with the advancements in technology, new tools are emerging to address safety concerns and enhance efficiency. One such innovation is wearable technology, which has gained traction in recent years due to its potential to revolutionize the construction sector. This article explores the…
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kazimirkharza · 9 months
Do you reccomend the book Deep Green resistance as a starting place? What books would you reccomend?
Nope. I think Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How by Theodore John Kaczynski is much better. Both books have a nearly identical end goal and share many grand-strategic ideas, but DGR is inconsistent in many places, and does analysis poorly. Though it's not against civilization like the former two books, The Solutions are Already Here by Peter Gelderloos also has valuable analysis and lessons for the anti-civ/anti-tech movement. These are the two books I most recommend as a starting place to anti-civilization strategic thinking.
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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Social ecology argues that the idea of dominating nature resulted from the domination of human by human, rather than the reverse. That is, the causes of the ecological crisis are ultimately and fundamentally social in nature. The historical emergence of hierarchies, classes, states, and finally the market economy and capitalism itself are the social forces that have, both ideologically and materially, produced the present despoliation of the biosphere.
Deep ecology, by contrast, locates the origin of the ecological crisis in belief-systems, be they religions or philosophies. Most particularly, deep ecologists identify ancient near eastern religions, including those of Mesopotamia and Judea; Christianity; and the scientific worldview as fostering a mindset that seeks to “dominate nature.” It is by “asking deeper questions,” as Arne Naess puts it, that these origins are identified, so that the social causes of the ecological crisis are somehow relegated to the category “shallow.”
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market-insider · 10 months
Unraveling the Growth Potential of the Geofoams Market: Global Outlook
The global geofoams market size is expected to reach USD 972.6 million by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 2.7%, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Factors such as availability of geofoams at low cost coupled with its superior strength and durability are projected to fuel the market growth. Expansion of the construction industry across the globe coupled with the infrastructural developments in economies such as India, China, Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and others is expected to propel the demand for geofoams over the forecast period. In addition, maintenance of the existing infrastructure in developed nations is likely to drive the growth of the market.
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Geofoams Market Report Highlights
The expanded polystyrene geofoams segment accounted for USD 508.2 million in 2019 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 3.1% from 2020 to 2027. The compatibility of the product has resulted in its increasing adoption for applications including roads and highway construction, building and infrastructure, and others
The road and highway construction application segment accounted for 38.07% of the total market and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 3.4% from 2020 to 2027 on account of the rising infrastructural growth across the developing economies including China, India, Brazil, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and others
Asia-Pacific accounted for USD 278.5 million in 2019 and is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 3.2% from 2020 to 2027 owing to the rising demand for road pavement, which is anticipated to further benefit the growth
China accounted for the highest market share in Asia Pacific on account of the rapidly expanding construction industry in the country
Europe market is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 2.8% owing to the rising number of construction and infrastructural activities in economies including Spain, Italy, and others
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Geofoams Market Report
Geofoams are increasingly used in the construction industry as it helps in suppressing the noise and vibrations. In addition, it is easy to handle and does not require any special equipment for installation. The product is increasingly used in the railway track systems, below the refrigerated storage buildings, storage tanks, and others to avoid ground freezing.
The geofoams undergo chemical changes when it comes in contact with petroleum solvents. It turns into a glue-type substance, thereby losing its strength. This factor is projected to limit the use of geofoams in the construction industry which is projected to restrict the industry growth over the forecast period.
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