#Event Activation
politijohn · 5 months
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hametsukaishi · 7 months
Aaron Bushnell it's trending. His name is trending. His screams of Free Palestine weren't in vain. Because Tumblr can try and censore palestinian blogs, and keep palestine from trending, but we will always find a way to bring revolution to the world.
Fucking Free Palestine
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chaithetics · 2 months
EDIT: I've now made a post that you can read here with more information about the ICJ rulings, their powers and what we can do with this ruling here. I had to this morning and will continue to delete, report, and block all comments/asks that are anti-Arab, zionist, Islamophobic, racist, and/or antisemitic.
We already knew this but the ICJ has now ruled that Israel's continued occupation of Palestine is illegal and needs to end ASAP.
They found that Israel's occupation does not give it the right of sovereignty over the West Bank and Gaza and that it is not a temporary occupation but is an illegal, permanent and discriminatory annexation. The ICJ also found violence against Palestinians, Israeli exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, transfer of civilian population (settlers and companies/organisations), extension of Israeli laws to replace local Palestinian laws, forced displacement of Palestinians, confiscation of Palestinian land, annexation. That Israel's 'security concerns' are not valid justifications for any of these measures.
The ICJ has ordered Israel to end its presence in the West Bank and Gaza immediately and to cease all new settlement activity, return all lands and assets to Palestinians that they've ceased since 1967 and that includes archives and items of cultural significance, evacuate all of their settlers from the settlements, pay compensation, and repeal all laws that maintain this occupation and discrimination. The ICJ is not legally-binding but does carry significant political weight and this ruling is important for continuing to advocate for Palestine and to put pressure on our government's to do the right thing and for them to put pressure on Israel. Keep contacting your representatives!
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alex-just-vibing · 8 months
Are you a student who is unable to donate to Palestine, but still want ways to show your support?
Me too! Unfortunately, searching up ways for students who can't drive, spend money, or drop school for a week to show solidarity for Palestine just comes up with "centrist" (if not blatantly pro-israel) articles for teachers telling them how to stay neutral during discussions with students. So! Here are some ways that I've thought of to bring pro palestine sentiment into your school and community! You are more than encouraged to add on any ideas of your own!
Wear shirts, pins, or anything outwardly pro palestine. If you can't find something, make it.
Email your representatives. Email Congress. Email the White House, or whatever your country's equivalent would be. Let the people in charge know you want a ceasefire
Talk to your local library about holding an educational night about the genocide, and/or about Palestinian culture.
Talk to your peers. Find people who share your views. Create a fuss together.
Talk to your teachers about it. Having an authority figure on your side could make things so much easier for you.
Make stickers, posters, pamphlets, etc to put up around your school, town/city, anywhere you can.
Educate yourself on anti-palestine talking points and how to refute them in a calm and logical manner. (Palestinian Toolkit is a great website for that)
Speak up! It's fucking scary, but if you can, don't let people's bigotry go unchecked. (You can use knowledge from the last point to make it easier to talk)
But also, know when to give up. It sucks, but not everyone is worth wasting your time debating. Some people won't change their mind no matter what.
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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Israeli embassy in Romania firebombed
Romanian officers arrested a 34-year-old man, believed to be of Syrian origin, who is accused of throwing a firebomb towards the Israeli embassy earlier today.
Source: Mintpress
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sugas6thtooth · 7 months
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May Aaron rest in peace. His values and the legacy he leaves behind is one of humanity. Society has failed, to the point where we must go up in flames to request a natural obligation such as freedom.
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anaie-russie · 5 months
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she WILL NOT change her mind
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acepumpkinpatrick · 7 months
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His last words were "Free Palestine"
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cloudabserk · 3 days
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all he ever did was kill a bunch of innocent people. and they hate him for it
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politijohn · 1 month
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This is pretty cool
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
@/kittiearie on tiktok wrote this caption on her video: "When the sundown sisters' feminism is being upset Margot Robbie wasn't nominated for an Oscar but silent on how women and girls in Palestine don't have access to pads, tampons, contraceptive pills and other hygeine products while mothers are having their children without anesthetics."
some of white western feminist advocacy boils down to viewing issues (problematically so) as one-dimensional. their praxis never includes reflexivity, accountability, and intersectionality; while they ensure that their OWN reproductive health rights are never threatened, they vastly ignore so many people suffering in the world just because it doesn't directly impact them -looking at their priorities is just always so shameless and despicable.
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workersolidarity · 5 months
🇩🇪🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚨
📹 Jewish German peace activist, Udi Raz, based in Berlin, accuses the German government of suppressing peace protests against the Israeli occupation's genocide in Gaza.
According to Raz, the German authorities continue to suppress the Palestine solidarity movement, accusing the German authorities of doing all it can to silence protesters.
The activist slams the Israeli occupation, which publicly accuses the pro-Palestine peace movement of antisemitism, while at the same time, the Zionist occupation declares its ability to speak for all Jews around the world.
"Israel cannot speak in the name of Jews," Raz tells Anadolu News Agency. "Whoever claims otherwise, to my understanding, this is an antisemitic claim."
"Jews are diverse. Jews live in diverse and different geopolitical contexts and national contexts," the Jewish peace activist continues.
"We Jews who live here in Germany, of course, we care about other Jews who live elsewhere, but it does not mean that we are ambassadors of a racist state called the state of Israel," Raz added.
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electoons · 6 months
I love the college of winterhold. everyone there is casually deranged and there's like an alarming number of students and staff who threaten you immediately when they meet you. it's always one of the first questlines I do. which makes it even funnier when you get made the arch-mage of the college. I'm level 12 and got through this questline knowing exactly 3 spells. what do you mean you want me to lead the college. this school CANNOT be an accredited institution
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snovyda · 7 months
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This is what a lot of the loudest "activists" who claim to support a certain cause do these days. I say claim, because they do nothing good for the cause (and sometimes only harm it) while also harming other people who are already suffering.
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catshinji · 10 months
If you are an Australian resident:
There is currently a petition open on the Australian Parliament's government website, calling for a ceasefire and an end to Israel's occupation of Palestine.
After four weeks of collecting signatures, the petition will be directly submitted to the House of Representatives, where a minister will be requested to respond.
As far as petitions go, this one is probably our best option. It is the only way that we, as individuals, are able to directly make requests from the House.
If you are a resident or citizen of Australia, please sign the petition below:
>> Petition: Call for a Ceasefire and an End to Israeli Occupation
After signing, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your signature. You will need to confirm, otherwise your signature will not be counted.
Almost all major cities are marching tomorrow (Sun, Nov 19). For more information, as well as other upcoming events and rallies in Australia, please visit APAN here.
Edit - reblogs are now off, as the petition closed on December 13th. It's now awaiting presentation to the House of Representatives.
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
Pro-Palestine music as protest has been a thing for ages but nothing prepared me for "Hind's Hall" by Macklemore, which has both some great lyrics, some great commentary on protests at Columbia, and for which ALL PROCEEDS GO TO UNRWA.
You don't gotta like his music, but damn. Gotta admit Macklemore has been putting his money where his mouth is for months on this issue.
You can donate directly to UNRWA on their website.
It's not yet on streaming platforms but I heard a snippet in Democracy Now, and he posted part of it to Twitter/X.
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I will disclaim that I disagree with the "not voting for Biden" thing, due to the fact that I personally believe that the American political system forces a Lesser Evil approach. I understand the intent, but I do disagree on a personal and political level.
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