#Excuse the quality of this post lmfao
gazspookiebear · 4 months
Soap is a chronic lap sitter!!! No, you cannot convince me otherwise
Ghost: "The fuck are you doing?"
Soap: "Sitting"
Ghost: "On my lap?"
Soap: "..."
Ghost: "Johnny."
Soap: "Simon :D"
Ghost: "..."
Soap: kisses him though the mask
Gaz: "Mate, why are you sitting on my lap?"
Soap: "There were nae good seats left"
Gaz: "This is the only seat here that's taken. Literally every other seat is available"
Soap: "I said there were nae good* seats left"
Gaz: "..."
Soap: sitting in Price's lap and blocking his view
Price: "For the love of God, I'm trying to watch the game!"
Soap: "Me too, now be quiet"
Price, under his breath: "Some muppet is about to be on cleaning duty for the next week"
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lambjock · 1 year
ngl as someone who's stalked yellowjackets way before i finally binged most of it this week, i gotta say i'm sooooo disappointed in the new ep. like, it's beyond sad to watch what should've been a devastating descent get rushed for the sake of ... idk, thrills? the appeal of pit girl ( to me anyway ) was the fact it was completely and utterly consensual, in a way. we know this is their second and last winter when they hunt her, and she's very deliberately dressed — there's no signs of a struggle on her outfit, so it's safe to say she willingly wore it, which all leads to this disturbing truth : the girls are completely lost in their delusion, their religion, and their love for each other at this point. they are safe and comfortable doing this ritual, choosing the girl, and submitting to the dance of slaughter and suicide. they have reached such a mental state, where they've come to terms with being willing to feed the girls with their body and feasting on their friends if they get picked instead. and their actions are brutal and relentless because that's a human being that they're treating like an animal, but it's also natural, it's their way of life, and this doesn't mean they don't love their pit girls. they do! these are people they've relied on for months, a year and more, this is their family! but they're a hive mind now, they love each other so much they're willing to die so others may live, they're willing to lose loved ones to save more loved ones. jackie's necklace is a sign of respect, of blessing ... pit girl is a wonderful thing to be! and that's such a gruesome, fucked up thing to grasp as a viewer. that they could treat people they love like mere meat, like any other animal. it's the descent i've been dying to see! yet they completely rushed it for ?? no reason ?? almost none of these girls are at this state yet ; we've spent the last couple of episodes watching people's faith in lottie waver ( van was having a whole crisis about this !! ) and them mourning the baby, so this sudden feral state is such a tonal shift, a jarring not-good one.
shauna was having nightmares about cannibalism and genuinely believed the girls ate her baby and now she's just a-okay with eating javi or nat?? tai couldn't even be conscious when they ate jackie! and when they did eat her, she'd already been cooked and dead for two months, she had been their captain, and her best friend was telling them that jackie would want them to ; they're still excusing it, not really addressing it, and so ?? them just jumping straight to pit girl is fucking weird to put it mildly. hungry or not they had other options! the placenta, the rest of jackie, finding crystal to eat, also what about coach ben?? you know, the useless grown adult man that none of them are really close to and could feed them way longer than some teenage girl or kid could? we know the girls can be ruthless, but the fact they were so ready to turn that ruthlessness onto each other ( despite CLEARLY not wanting to ) is stupid when they had other options. i agree they should've killed someone, as it's the natural progress to get to pit girl eventually, but that person should've been injured, or completely and utterly willing ... none of them are at the point where they can just kill their friends, and if they really are, then that hasn't been shown enough.
also, not gonna lie, them all just deciding that they couldn't possibly eat lottie is weird too. i'm not saying any of them would kill her, but once she told misty not to waste her body if she dies, we should've seen some inner conflict. because it'd be so easy to eat lottie, it'd be simple, she's their leader and she's giving them permission and they wouldn't even have to kill her for this. but she's also their friend! they don't want to eat lottie, but if that's what happened then ... like idk them acting like this was a bizarre notion when they literally listened to lottie last episode and let shauna beat her practically to death is strange. why does her word suddenly not matter now? again i get the conflict, but they all just unanimously agreed they couldn't ever eat lottie which is. whatever. they could've waited around for her to maybe die to eat, saw this wouldn't happen and be a mix of relieved & disappointed, and figure something else out.
anyway i just have some gripes with this episode and season overall. i still loved watching it in the moment, since the actors are so damn good, although the aftermath was not pleasant considering i was just. hit with bad writing decisions and weird pacing lol
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cozymochi · 1 year
Is there any saved something you have which needs context, and that you definitely could write a whole post essay about, and maybe even wanted to, if someone had only asked or only the opportunity had arisen?
And if so, would you like to use this ask as a perfect excuse to do so~? ;)
One time I conceptualized a 1st year sleepover at Ramshackle event type thingy. They’ve had them before but what can i say— im a sucker. It’s was more so catered specifically towards things involving my MC and their specific issues, but, for brevities sake— it involved trying to cheer up the Prefect, then in trying to come up with something cool to do, one guy has a brilliant plan and it suddenly becomes an unwanted escape room/home-invasion horror movie thanks to a magic skeleton key that fucked with Ramshackle. I never ironed out the details. But here are 5 out of 6 hypothetical “cards” I drew for it.
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These are all hella old, and the only thing that bugs (aside from never finishing Ace’s rip, sorry😭 ) is that I drew them on a canvas that was too small and I didn’t notice until it was too late!! Then i had the grand idea to make them bigger, but that made them more jank. So the quality has been compromised across the board. There’s a lot I’d change design wise nowadays. BUT I’M STILL a fan of Deuce and Ortho’s appearances specifically (even if there are minor things i’d adjust, like maybe Ortho’s pose since i wasnt comfy drawing him and his machinery aesthetic yet.)
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Hypothetical “SSR” belongs to Sebek because at the time he didn’t have an event specific one. This era was a throw a bone W. Nowadays I just want the guy to always have Ws.
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It’s a little janky presentation wise across the board imo, so if I ever come back to this one day with more refinement, everyone is getting redone. And maybe Ace can be an “SSR” too to make up for never finishing his image (not showing the old wip). No promises though, even dropping this much in the states they’re in is enough to shoot my nerves tbh. I like the base idea fine, but it could do with a lot more refinement everywhere. AND NEXT TIME I’D REMEMBER THE RESOLUTION SIZE. BUT YEAH THATS IT REALLY the end. This wasn’t an essay this was venting lmfao rip
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ad-hawkeye · 2 months
wanted to know if you ever got to read artem’s pool/8 ball card i thought the event story was cute but i was a wee bit curious on your thoughts on the card
I JUST FINISHED IT!!!!!!!!! AS WE SPEAK!!! i have a whole list of my thoughts HAHA SORRY FOR THE RAMBLING IN ADVANCE
"artem had to join a pool club for work" is one of the better excuses to give him a new hobby, ill begrudgingly give them that
im glad artem still has the alcohol tolerance of a squirrel. do NOT let this man go off by himself he will accidentally take a sip of alcohol and then need a time out in the corner.
"is it that obvious?" yes, artem.
mc making sure artem eats a fucking meal is rly cute LMFAO
mc ordering artem a non-alcoholic drink is also sweet. i remember i wrote a fic (all the way back in like 2021 after reading atmospherics) where i wrote abt artem going out of his way to drink mocktails after all of that. genuinely really happy to see that's canon.
i've noticed newer ssrs are just. shorter? first year ssrs tended to be like, over an hour long when put on auto. but newer ones are only 40 mins on auto. laaaame. but then again with the overall writing quality, maybe they're just putting us out of our misery.
ah yes. artem getting surprised by mc kissing his cheek in public. what a sly sex chad. did they get the only good artem writer left at hoyoverse on this card or something
artem being exhausted from socializing is a mood. girl same.
the way these two talk about alcohol sends me. dear god artem we can let you have a sip oh god. OH JESUS CHRIST ARTEM NO --
this story is cute enough to make me sad. godddd. it's really nice to see artem more casual and open, esp since this story is more in character.
mutuals meet me in the secret passage of the pool place
sneaking out by running is giving the same energy as his revisiting youth ssr where they decided to sneak to the school's roof and hide from the security guards lmfao. ah. the nostalgia.
AND this ssr acknowledges artem's love of movies?? YES
"this should be filmed in slow motion" LMFAO
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i sincerely think a full on artem smile is all i ever wanted back in the day i cant believe i fucking got it in the POOL CARD OF ALL CARDS
"was something set up incorrectly?" "[artem pout] probably."
mc taking a pic of his stupid distracted expression is amazing and him getting blushy about it is even funnier
"was it too sour?" "yeah...."
thank god pathetic artem is back
nevermind he is licking her arm like a dog. tot's fascination with licking will never fail to amuse me. this is like when my dog licks my leg in the middle of the night
if one sip of alcohol fucks him up this bad i'd hate to see what happens when he's a few shots in. mr wing breaking it down sloppy style on the floor (not clickbait)
i think artem should trip a few more times it's funny
this is the closest we've gotten to artem fessing up about atmospherics i can fucking taste it
i can forgive this bc the running joke of them missing scenes in a movie is back
all in all as far as post second anniversary cards go, this one wasn't bad at all and had a lot of cute moments. a few weird ones (which is to be expected at this point ig), but mostly cute!! it made me miss my fav artem cards but in a good way. siiigh ;_;;;
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gaiaxygang · 6 months
A Small Perth & Chimon Timeline
Since I like procrastinating post about Perth and Chimon excessively, I decided to put together a small timeline of them and some of their works! I'm definitely missing a few things because I've been a fan for under 6 months but I wanted to share (under the cut ↓)
Excuse my poor formatting again, I'm more used to word vomiting www
Before I talk about PerthChimon(TM),
I would like to bring up some of Chimon's previous projects. Chimon has been acting as a full time career since 2016, due to financial problems his family faced. His first named role was Nack from Sweet Boy (I won't be posting it because I don't. like the movie lmfao). Later that year he joined GMMTV as a supporting character in Senior Secret Love: My Lil Boy 2.
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(this is also where he met Nanon! They've know eachother for almost 8 years now)
In 2017, he was cast in My Dear Loser: Edge of 17 as Sun, in a side pairing alongside Pluem Purim. The two of them would star as In-Sun again in My Dear Loser: Happy Ever After (2017) and Our Skyy (2018)'s My Dear Loser episode. This is when (I suspect) Chimon became more well known in English fandom spaces, playing one half of a BL side pairing.
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(the in-sun cut doesn't do them justice i should make my own someday)
So... what about Perth?
Sometime after My Dear Loser, in 2017, Chimon was cast as the lead in Please... Siang RIak Winyan, or Please... Soul Call (I will be calling it 'Please' from here on).
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(i like the opening theme song its very good)
Perth was cast as a supporting character by its director New Siwaj, who had met Perth when he was auditioning for various advertisements. Perth and Chimon met for the first time during Please's workshops, but didn't talk much, if at all as their characters didn't share any scenes and Perth was (and still is) naturally very quiet, keeping to himself.
Please is 6 episodes long, and the first 4 episodes were subtitled by lovelyperthmarks on Youtube. I personally don't think the show is anything extraodinary, but definitely fun to watch if you want to see how much Perth and Chimon have grown!
And after that,
After Please, Perth and Chimon proceeded with their own projects. Perth was later cast in Love By Chance (2018) by, again, New Siwaj where his popularity kind of.... exploded...... you could say (lol). Around the same time, Chimon starred in several GMMTV series, including The Gifted (2018), one of the more well known non-BL GMMTV series.
Perth worked on a few shows, including The Stranded (2019), one of the earliest Netflix shows produced by Thai companies starring Thai actors. He was also in TEMPT, a boy band featuring multiple Love By Chance cast members that disbanded later in 2020. Perth eventually went freelance some time in 2020, starring in a few projects like his first movie Tell The World I Love You (2022), and My Coach (2022).
Similarly, Chimon worked on several GMMTV series such as He's Coming To Me (2019), The Gifted Graduation (2020), and The Player (2021). He also worked on a few non-GMMTV shows, such as Put Your Head On My Shoulder (2019) and was a main host of TV show School Rangers from 2018 to 2023 (HE'S GRADUATING!!!!!). He also vlogs on his Youtube channel occasionally, something that he says he wants to go back to if he has the time.
In 2020, they did a photoshoot together at Fantopia for... no apparent reason? I really can't think of a reason Perth would be put with them lolol. I don't have the high quality version of this but I'm sure its out there somewhere!!!
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(Chimon, his old BL partner, his close friend that he's been in several shows with, and his future BL partner)
At some point, Perth and Chimon became casual friends through their mutual friends Ohm and Nanon. I'm not super sure when this happened but they talk about this a bit in this interview! This clip also has a few other interesting things like how Chimon declined taking BL roles after Pluem went to do other projects, but P'Aof managed to convince him because he would be paired with Perth. Which leads me into...
Perth in GMMTV
In April 2022, Perth was announced as a new GMMTV artist. He made a guest appearance in Vice Versa (2022), but had no announced projects until GMMTV2023.
In July 2022, Perth and Chimon attended the KAZZ Awards 2022 as a duo. Perth and Chimon were also both part of Safe House Season 4: Vote (2022) where they grew to be close friends. I assume this is also when Perth was added to NLMG's cast and ChopperBen was written in. It's also possible Dangerous Romance was in early planning stages but I cannot confirm this.
At this point, Never Let Me Go had already been announced as part of the GMMTV2022 lineup. It featured Chimon as Ben, Nuengdiao's (eventual) ex boyfriend and someone else (SORRY I CAN NOT REMEMBER WHO.......) as Chopper, Nuengdiao's cousin. There was no ChopperBen romantic storyline even hinted at in the pilot trailer.
Phuwin Makes An Oopsie
On 17th September 2022, Phuwin posted this image on Twitter.
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See anyone familiar in the corner? That is indeed Perth Tanapon himself! At this point there was no information about NLMG and any cast change, and Pond, Phuwin and Perth decided to post this (well. Phuwin posted it but the other 2 didn't stop him) because surely no one would know. They were told to take it down but the same day, people started speculating about Perth's role in NLMG.
People had started wondering if they would be paired together in a series from KAZZ Awards and Safe House S4, and Phuwin posting Perth on the workshop of a series Chimon was already in (we will get to this later) confirmed it for everyone. Before we got NLMG's official trailer in November, however, we got...
Dangerous Romance
At GMMTV2023, which was held in November 2022 (days before NLMG's official trailer was released), the pilot trailer for Dangerous Romance was revealed and PerthChimon were confirmed as an official pairing. Perth was immediately cast as Kanghan and Chimon as Sailom soon after, since they could match eachother's acting ability well and were a good fit for the roles (I can't find the source for this it got lost in my 82374983 PC bookmarks. Here's who I think is P'Aof talking about why PC were paired though!)
Throughout this time, Perth and Chimon were in several events together, including GMMTV FanDay in Osaka and too many promotional events for me to keep track of. I might make a separate post for them someday. My personal favourite is Bookfluencer x PerthChimon, where they promoted the release of Dangerous Romance's novel.
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In April 2023, Dangerous Romance's workshops started. It lasted for 4 days
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Later in May 2023, KanghanSailom fitting pics were also released!
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(other cast member fitting pics weren't released until the official trailer aired. the fitting seems to have been in mid May!)
And soon, at the start of June 2023, Dangerous Romance officially began filming. The filming lasted until August 2023, including the music video filming (and recording!), though there was a day they had to go back to reshoot a few scenes (you can see this in the series, they have noticably different hair).
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(beautiful location for the end of a beautiful series!!! the whole process was tracked meticulously by thisblackyellow on twitter, you can read their thread here but please be aware of spoilers!!!!!!)
Ever since then, PerthChimon have been doing promotional events and fanmeetings. They filmed 3 episodes of vlogs, were in GMMTV Fanday 6 in Seoul as well as GMMTV Fanday 7 in Cambodia, GMMTV Fanfest 2023 in Japan, and have already been confirmed as part of LOL Fanfest 2024! And of course, the Dangerous Romance Final Ep Fanmeet taking place (checks notes) TOMORROW?!?!?!?!
So this ended up longer than I thought. Happy almost Dangerous Romance EP 12 day!!! Let's keep supporting Perth and Chimon next year too.
(and thank you to @kessthenorthface for asking me to do this <3_<3 it was really fun to put together!!!)
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icanseethefuture333 · 8 months
Hi! I recently got pretty into SKZ and Bang Chan is my current bias 👀 haha
I read your previous reading about the possible ethnicity of their Fs…
If its okay, can I ask for a reading about the qualities and such of Chan’s FS? Thanks! ✨
I didn't say what the ethnicities of their future spouses were, I only stated their nationalities, but I can do a reading about what his future spouse is like :)
Bang Chan's future spouse 🐺:
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For Bang Chan's future spouse, they are someone who is artistic, selfless, caring, and insightful. They could have strong clairvoyant powers or are able to foretell the future. Intuitive and helpful. They could be someone who prays to the angels or works with archangels (earth angel too maybe?). Their mind is very creative and filled with many ideas.
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This is random as hell but I channeled the song Watch Me Whip (Nae Nae) by Silentó 😭? They're goofy as hell sometimes. I know this is a outdated term (at least I think it is?), but they could have a 4D personality. They can be serious at times and all of a sudden act quirky and hyper. Their behavior or mannerisms can be really cute 🥹. If they do something by accident or get in trouble, it's like you can't stay mad at them lol. Acts oddly extroverted at first around people then suddenly turns into a introvert and vice versa. Their mood fluctuates 💀. Possibly neurodivergent (ADHD, BPD, Autistic, etc). When they are overwhelmed, they want to go home or they withdraw from the conversation. "I like the atmosphere/I don't like the atmosphere". Very honest with what their feeling. Passionate about speaking up for others or on what's wrong. Doesn't tolerate excuses on people's age, culture, etc, as a reason to be a jerk (period!).
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Physical traits:
I channeled the song Every Girl by Young Money and the lyrics I heard was "I like a long-haired, thick redbone" (I'm ctfu 😭). So Chan's future spouse could look like that. They have a darker complexion. I'm seeing that their skin color is brown skin with red undertones. Very long, black hair. They could like to wear their hair straight or in braids but their natural hair texture is wavy to curly. They dress like a tomboy or like to be covered up. I heard "Feetsies :3 XD" ew 😭💀! Lmfao Chan's future spouse likes for their feet to be out when they're not working. They could typically be seen wearing sneakers or sandals. They could wear their work clothes a lot or they usually wear their hair up in a ponytail, bun, etc. "I hate having to do my hair". On special occasions they like to wear sundresses and let their hair down. Their body could be on the heavier side in terms of weight, but they have strong muscles.
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They are currently a student or attending school. University perhaps? (studying for PhD or receiving a degree for their master's or bachelor's). If not they go to a technical school (cosmetology for example). Something about the military is significant to them. They are a writer. Possibly an author or a journalist. Their job is related to the media. Public relations, social media manager, or news editor. This could also mean they work a government job like handling/signing to approve legal documents or delivering mail (working for the post office).
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jrueships · 1 year
what are the best wire ships?
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YALL SHOULD NOT HAVE ASKED ME THIS LMAO 😭😭 i am so not serious to be the header on the wire fandom resurrection front but here we go 😭 i guess 😭! I HOPE URE READY CUS IM NOT LMFAO
FYI this post might contain some spoilers to the show but if u want a nonspoilerly version, just asked! it's pretty old so if yall haven't seen it i 10/10 recommend!!!
im painfully trying a rewatch of the show, i say painfully because my attention span watching a show vs a movie is KAPOOT! i can't stream 30 hours of a show but i can sit thru a 3 hr movie (if i haven't seen it before. Ill still have to get up and stretch sometime in the middle of it but ill be attentive nonetheless). LIKE... sitting thru a long movie holds more accountability to my mind i think. If i can't binge thru multiple episodes and end on a comfy, even number like episode 10, i can't bring myself to sit thru one without checking my phone 😭 BUT IT IS A GOOD SHOW! i just suck at watching shows in general, especially past the 1st season.. idek why.. it's like i get thru the 1st season in a happy binge breeze then BOOM! no more motivation... BUT WHAT I MEANT WITH THIS IS!!!!
This 1st post will mainly just kinda lightly touch on general knowledge from season 1 then expand in detail the more seasons i rewatch (with more ships too probably). This is mainly my fav ships i noticed now or back then
TO BE NOTED THO!! the wire isn't a really shippy show tbh, it's mainly about dynamics thru relationships contributing to story/effect on the story rather than romantic relationships. Every plot point has to have an eventual purpose for the story, every interaction, etc. It has like one will they won't they mainly for angst, and it's for Detective McNulty who has a general 'will he won't he' beat the Irish drinking gene or whatever lmao. If u wanna ship, u gotta really take the few nuggets the show might give u and REALLY turn them to gold. Cus they are gold in general, but it's up to you to make them really profit! IN CONCLUSION.. u gotta be. A little delusional. Hence our first 'ship' introduction..
🩵 stinkum & bird 🩵
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... i told you we had to be a little unwell to really indulge. Sorry.
this is a totally biased list so please excuse me. Stinkum n Bird are two of Avon's muscle in the game and they both get outta it pretty quick. Involuntarily, of course, because they're the typa freaks that love it. With these two, you need context clues n connections. Almost EVERY scene Stinkum is in, he's GOT TO bring up his boy Bird. Hell, it might just be every. This is mainly due to the writers knowing the actor of bird is a big shot cameo, so it'd be too expensive to have Bird in a lot of scenes, especially in a TV show budget. And they also knew Stinkum wasn't made to last long so why not just use him as a substitute introduction to Bird's character so we don't have to pay that much for personal appearance in prologue? Bird's supposed to be the 'unhinged' one in the crew, the Crazy Guy. Crude, rude, cruel, & ruthless. Don't have the budget to show it, cheaper to tell it instead. Stinkum's just the hype man to Bird, essentially. Also he has another thing going on that leads to his early demise, but besides that, that's pretty much it. Goes to show how the show wants every dime spent for a strategical reason. Good TV shows need Causation, not 'and then's, but 'therefore' 'so' ETC.
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... doesn't mean we can't have fun with it ourselves though. See, The Wire brings you quality entertainment, & it's up to us what we make of that quality to be entertained. Up to our love of the show to keep coming back to it and exploring the prime time possibilities it presented/hinted/hid. Which is a lot since practically every part of it is practical. The beauty of Stinkum n Bird to me is Stinkum being some wide-eyed doe eyed obsessed little freak who woobifies n glorifies n babygirlifies Brutal As Fuck bird because? He's insane. I guess? They both are! This is evidenced in the show, on purpose for plot! But this purpose can be made even better if we make something accidental out of it. Take the gold and spread its profits through smaller amounts, cut the product for bigger prices! LISTEN LIKE.. they made stinkum's character constantly bringing up Bird's name for plot... but him always yammering on about Bird can mean other things...... dare i say... gay things 😈. WHY does he always talk about Bird? For cheap character intro to get us ready when Bird makes his short appearance eventually yea but WHAT ELSE? they're giving us an ELSE without rlly GIVING us an else! Stinkum, who's a bit of a dopey lil goon guy, might have been unknown to a certain shooting danger one night when BLAM! He turns around, not filled with lead, but with awe for the guy he just saw skin a man alive... save HIS skin by dealing with his unforeseen assailant. Stinkum sees a softer side to the craziest, cruelest guy in their group, and has his respect eternally earned. Does Bird ever return it?? We don't know.... Bird never mentions Stink. Which creates more fun for us cus we get bounce off that with whatever the hell we want. It always goes back to the source! IF YOU WANT.. i recommend looking up 'the wire stinkum' / 'the wire bird' and ull find their scenes that show more of their character. I can elaborate on a single ship in more detail if u want, just ask ! trust me, id be MORE than happy to lmao!
🩵 Bird n Omar 🩵
Apparently, thanks to Stinkum, we know Bird n Omar jailed with each other. And STINKUM heard from BIRD that Omar was gay?? Which is like.. ok. Thanks stinkum/bird??? That's a bit.. what do u mean by that... have you, Bird, man whose little scenes he's shown is spewing same sex sexuality slander 99% of the time, Experienced that info Firsthand? Are you. Perhaps. Were you... One of Omar's whole stable of boys he had while locked up at Jess Up 🤨? ...the public needs to know 😈. Is all this talk you have against the lgbt.. perhaps... coming from a bit of internalized Rage 🤨? hm 😼? AND THIS ISNT JUST MY SPECULATION EITHER!! Other wire fans thought this!! They were sus on stinkum n Bird's relationship too!!! hell i GOT that idea from one of the wire's youtube COMMENTS!! yall we see it.. we do. Also Omar is 5'10... Bird is 5'3 at worst (says he's 5'5 but trust me. That is a definite lie.) .. Bird's also Omar's type too (which i find hilarious).. lightskinned. some may say, even, a little bratty BUT HEY! HEY!! im just usin my context clues given to me from THE SHOW ok! dont shoot the messenger bird... Omar looked like he was enjoying Bird getting his comeuppance a little Too well in that police interrogation scene.. i wouldn't be surprised if there was a deleted scene of him saying 'oh what a mouth'... BUT FROM THE SCENE GIVEN TO US THO.. what do you Mean 'bird really knows how to bring it out of people', Omar 🤨? What do you. What do you Mean by That 🤔? something.... explicit 🫣?
ANYWAYYYSS... smthin Bigger.
🩵Avon & Stringer 🩵
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u rlly do have to see the show for all of these to rlly land with u tbh, the bigger ones especially bcs when the show has two characters they keep close for long... u know they're gonna be in pain. And u are too. I love avon and stringer man they make me so 😭😭!! One bleeds red the other bleeds green... ones all for family, the other for profession but DAMN IT! He thought he was family too, isn't it? Aren't i... Avon ? If the other ship types were doofy tongue out loyal to the bone tail wagging dumbly following dog Stinkum x asshole cat with claws who Maybeeee has a Slight soft spot for the dog where only HE can scratch it sometimes Bird, or elegant silk n clever streetcat with a semi bitten ear who steals fish with class Omar x rowdy rabid orange tabby cat who jumps at windows trying to eat other cats Bird..... this one is . Opposites attract. Unlikely friends to the end. Unlikely betrayal in bonds. Unlikely.. Unlikely. I don't wanna speak on it too much incase u haven't seen the show. It's just so good, it needs a justification thru watch. Avon and stringer together.. u can just feel the connection. Like these two Were childhood friends and now all this shit is happening to them.. this rift. It sucks!! It makes u wish the old days with them!! It makes u feel like an old head! Makes u feel what they're probably feeling but can't express cus they don't have the power or the pride rn!! I love them. They make me miserable. Avon and stringer were THE powercouple on the wire. They were THE girlboss malewife powercouple takeover. THE adhd bf Autistic bf romance. OKAY??? I just have to tell u the terms, it's up to u to see the show explain it. Watching stringer infodump about whatever smthing new he learned in his community college econ's is so cute. His finance bro business bro interests 😭 Avon acknowledging it and helping him indulge in it!! Making it a giant part of his organization!!! Avon the hardworking son from a long line of feared bad blood incorporating his businesstime consigliere godfather type shit ! Seeing avon get all excited at the bball game, jumping up n stomping the ground when he's winning or losing Lmao. Stringer roasting the competition, joining in on the pettiness. I love them. They're my petty powercouple and I GET TO SAY THEY DESERVED TO KISS EACH OTHER!! And GET MARRIED and LOVE EACH OTHER!!! okay!!! In another life avon is the prideful n stubborn basketball coach for their cc's poor basketball team and stringer is the sexy rich new econ professor who got demoted for being too harsh on his past private college students. D'angelo the spoiled nephew hates going to Stringer's class and hates Stringer even more when he becomes his strict new stepdad thanks to googly eyes at Avon. The coparenting comes with its troubles..
Another big crime dealing (literally) powercouple on the newer side..
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this one is mainly dynamic, there are some works for marlo/chris, but it's mainly dynamic exploration or relationship hinting if u squint but kept kinda dim under the surface. What's interesting abt these two is that.. They're just so interesting. It's like.. how Did they meet? WHY is chris so loyal to marlo? Also it's on misinterpretations too cus people might look at chris and think he's the ruthless killer who takes joy in his killings since he's big muscle for marlo's group... but actually he's a very chill (unless ur crime is Bad.) kinda kind n polite guy with a butler-like professional nature in his affable behavior sometimes . VS everyone thinking marlo is some emotionless, bug-eyed freak who just watches from the dark. And he is LMAO. Just like how chris CAN be ruthless, marlo CAN be hauntingly apathetic. But he can ALSO be very petty. I mean, half his Google images are of him looking disgusted LMAO. He's almost always vaguely annoyed, impeded upon, or intrigued. And chris n him Both know the other should not be messed with when pissed. If avon and stringer are the more kind of 'front and center' powercouple at the party, Marlo and chris are the two lonely assholes sitting in the dark corner (uninvited btw) of the party, vaping and judging people. Marlo doesn't drink, so he's just sipping ice water out of a red solo cup telling chris to kill whomever marlo finds insignificant (so everyone) while chris stares at the weather app on his phone, not knowing what to do. I love them in the goofy sense. They're just so awkward. Bruh girl 4 bruh girl. When two mfers with social skills where u can tell it's ok Except there's just smthin kinda Off about them, keeping them from being normL, find each other... the world burns. And it Did. They both have insane trauma and i think they should kiss. Ill def reblog with more abt them when i get to the later seasons rewatch..
🩵 Omar's og crew with him, Brandon, n bailey 🩵
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i loved Omar's og little Robin hood crew so much 😭 it's a shame the wire back then didn't know how successful it'd be, so they introduced n had the other members live so short for story. They shouldve had more screen time fr! Doing shenanigans!! i just love the dynamic of Omar n Brandon being best bfs... Omar simping for Brandon n letting his mistakes slide bcs hes down bad for the lightskin.. and then there's lone wolf John bailey who just has to third wheel with them. Bailey is known to just go wherever the money goes, do whatever to get whatever, mix with whatever for whatever, so gotdammit if he has to spend time stealing money n drugs with gay people, he'll spend time stealing money n drugs with gay people!! i guess 😭. he definitely will be using that time to side eye them tho 😭😭. The funny gay couple and the straight man (literally) doing stealing shenanigans.. smh. We were robbed 😭 from their robbing!!!!!!!! i wish we saw more of them (dont get it twisted from all the praise the wire gets, it does have its faults, every show does!).. got to explore them more! We barely get to see Brandon before he dies n we don't even get to see John bailey's end result! Just hear it passing by! SMH!!! they were a cute lil ragtag group and i wanted to see them successful!!! also.. just saying John but... if u stayed n had a threesome instead of going to see ur 'mom', you wouldve lived longer...... probably not that long when you've got avon n his muscle minions after u... but still. You missed out big time bro. It's time to consider switching sexuality sides, methinks !
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🩵 gay ppl.. everywhere
🩵 The Baltimore fuzz can also be poly excluding kima as platonic <3. Herc n Carver have too many sus conversations to be just bros at this point ... but ill talk more abt them later probably! They're rlly cute tho! And bunk n McNulty have their buddycop banter that's very domestic and assholic because they are domestic assholes. Bunk made lester bow-legged. Bunk ALSO outside of police stuff, has some childhood lore with Omar, of all people. Perhaps Omar had a schoolgirl crush on THE JOCK bunkster, feared star of his... school's game with the stick or whatever lol it sounds cute though! I'll talk more abt the fuzzy side of the show if u want, but they're pretty big so ull see more of that for urself with less explanation needed if u watch it !
🩵 avon's barksdale crew could be a poly powercouple gang takeover !! As could marlo's! With obvious platonic pieces as snoop probably has her own gf n such. Wee-bey is just so beautiful he needs to be a bf!! he needs someone to listen to his fish facts!! Him and stringer probably trade fish facts n finance facts! Avon and his gang kiss <3
🩵 bodie/Wallace have some fans! The stubborn kid playing tough guy to survive trying to steel his heart and the smart kid who's a little too soft and a little too supportive.. it's sweet and sad :( .
🩵 Bodie n poot are cute too. The second coming of girlboss malewife. Lil Kevin had to be in a poly with them or smthin cus there's no other reason why they should keep him along 😭 he was so shit at being muscle. It's not even funny LOL. Poot was also kinda shitty at being muscle too. Lil spoon headass, desperately debilitatingly declining hairline headass. Fuckin poot 😭.. bodie rlly spent his whole life carrying the team tbh. No wonder he's always such a crabby Lil guy! Yall make him do too much! By the time he was 26, he felt 86 probably !!
🩵 there's also cutty n slim charles, n other people that show in the later seasons that i can address later in a reblog, but yea! So far those are my favs mentioned n can be elaborated later! thank u SO much 4 asking, this was SUPER fun n appreciated 🩵🩵🩵 i doubt many ppl will read this n i don't blame yall but TRY if u can.. to watch The Wire if ure ever bored n have some freetime!! it's so good 😭
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ziltoidcoffee · 2 years
Jealous Terry is indeed a concept, but! How about jealous Daniel? He'd probably feel insecure sometimes about not coming from money like Terry does, maybe worries that Terry will get bored with him. Every time he sees some debutante try to flirt with Terry at a party, he sees red just a little bit and has to remind everyone there that Terry belongs to him as much as he belongs to Terry.
(Anon, I love jealous Daniel too. It’s essentially canon! Remember when Ali said he was jealous? LMFAO Her loss! I love this idea and came up with something below. Imagined this a few years after KK3. Hope you enjoy it!)
Daniel hates these corporate parties.
From the extravagant decor to the top-quality horderves and champagne, everything is generally tolerable, sometimes even enjoyable. Or it would be if it weren’t for Terry’s determination to entertain and satisfy every single guest. 
Daniel knows he shouldn’t protest. As CEO of Dynatox, Terry is the face of his company. They’re only able to live a life of luxury due to his years of hard work. But Daniel wouldn’t care if Terry went bankrupt tomorrow. He’s not with the older man for his money. Terry has many charming qualities, and Daniel didn’t even know Terry was rich until he was already in love with him. So it shouldn’t be surprising that Daniel isn’t the only one enamored by him.
But it doesn’t make watching every woman at the party practically throw themselves at Terry all night any easier. They’re all hoping for a chance to become Mrs. Silver, and since Daniel’s only attending as Terry's close friend and student, these women have no idea that post is already taken. Daniel understands Terry’s hesitancy to tell anyone. Even though it’s the ‘80s, certain people are still uncomfortable with the idea of two men dating. Plus, Daniel doesn’t really want that attention. Though he would love throwing his drink in their faces instead of watching them across the hall while he works on his second glass of the night. 
Daniel can only take this for so long. He reaches for another drink when his gaze catches on Terry speaking with a female employee he recognizes as the receptionist. She laughs at something he says and runs her fingers down his arm, fluttering her eyes at him. Terry smiles back at her and doesn’t remove her hand. That’s all Daniel can handle tonight.
His feet are moving almost of their own accord, striding across the banquet hall to approach the woman from behind. Terry meets his eyes briefly before Daniel taps her shoulder, and she spins around instantly to gape at him. “Excuse me,” Daniel says through gritted teeth, and he can see Terry smirking in his peripheral vision. “I don’t mean to interrupt. But I need to speak with Terry.”
She pushes her hair off her shoulder and scoffs. “We’re in the middle of—”
“It’s fine, Elizabeth,” Terry interrupts, gripping her shoulder, and he’s smiling when she looks back at him. “It must be important.”
“It is,” Daniel growls, his hands clenching at his sides. 
Elizabeth nods at them. “Well, don’t be too long, Mr. Silver,” she says then takes a swig of her champagne.
Terry says nothing, and Daniel wants to punch them both in the face. But instead, he grabs his boyfriend by the wrist in a bruising grip and ushers him into the hallway, ignoring the staring party goers. When they reach the end of the hall near the coat room, he does a double-take to make sure no one is around and turns back to push Terry against the wall. 
Despite his superior strength, Terry lets him and grins while Daniel frowns. “What’s wrong, Danny?” he asks in faux innocence.
Daniel crowds him against the wall, shoulders tense in frustration. “That girl—she kept touching you,” he hisses, poking him in the chest. “And you just let her! You've been letting them all night!”
His boyfriend’s smile goes wider. “Oh, Danny,” he drawls in the back of his throat. “They're nothing to me. You know that.” His hand lifts to grab him by the jaw, and Daniel jerks his face away, still angry with him. 
“I can’t stand it,” he whispers, refusing to meet his eyes. His own are burning at the corners, vision starting to go hazy. "I hate watching them all over you and not being able to do anything about it."
“Daniel,” Terry snaps, taking Daniel’s chin between his fingers. He squeezes and turns his head to force their eyes to meet. Unlike his earlier amused expression, his lips are turned down in a serious frown. “Do you want me to tell them?” he asks.
At first, Daniel says nothing, trying to decide what Terry means. Then the weight of his question hits him, and he has to swallow while he fights his way towards coherence. When he drags his voice free from his chest, his words are raw and raspy. “Yes,” he says. “I want them to know you’re mine.”
Terry’s eyebrows go up. “Are you certain, sweetheart?” he asks, and his fingers release his jaw to brace the back of Daniel’s head. “That may come with some unwanted attention.”
Daniel's hand comes up to clutch at the front of Terry’s tux, pulling at the fabric to bring him closer until they’re only inches apart. “I don’t care,” he declares. “They should know you belong to me."
Then he tilts his head up and cants forward to crush their mouths together. 
Terry doesn’t even flinch and smiles into the kiss. When they return to the banquet hall after a long makeout session, Daniel enters holding his hand, and Terry introduces him to a group of girls, asking, “Have you met my boyfriend Daniel yet?”
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cauldronoflove · 2 years
tagged by my dear casey @aberfaeth to post the last lines of my wips (i am 👀👀 at yours) i went with ones i actually would like to finish one day bc otherwise we'd be here a while lmfao
Wayne shakes his head slightly, puffing on a laugh like a cigarette. “You’ll have to tell me about it. Get yourself some rest first, though. You look like shit.”
“Hey, I can see the family resemblance.”
“At your ten," calls Jen, and in an impressive display of cat-like sensory awareness and the slight precognizance hidden underneath all that hair, Patsy executes a well-timed vault from the Toyota up onto the streetlight. She swings around with the scope of a gymnast, if not the forethought, and releases at just the last second to slam directly into the body of a robust bot.
Out loud, Josh calls it Leo’s office for two weeks after move in. In his head it’ll always be that way, but he gets tired of derailing his train of thought to correct himself, so he says ‘my office’ and tries not to twitch. He doesn’t spend much time in there, if he can help it. Things to do and people to strong arm and all that.
Because she held the perverse belief that all of this was fun. That was probably Josh’s fault. Most things were Josh’s fault right now, except the one thing she really wished she had someone to blame for other than herself. Of her many winning qualities, she was having the most trouble with instinct.
“Yeah. I gotta—” He chucks his thumb over his shoulder, but doesn’t make to move yet. They both know he doesn’t exactly have an excuse here.
She smiles, close-lipped and cheerful, and leans forward to tug the stack of loose leaf papers out of his hands. “Go write my show, McCall.”
Combs nods, making to follow Mulder to the door. His pants are creased exceptionally crisply in front, hanging to slick, handsome leather shoes. Definitely not standard issue. “I’ll make some calls, but Jeannie out front should be able to get you started.
"A word of advice before you go and start talking to the people around here, Agent Mulder? You might want to try something a little more comfortable,” he says, picking at the sleeve of his own shirt by way of explanation.
tagging @grasslandgirl @kellyabbott @zanesgarrett @strangetorpedos :^)
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Your explanation of how RWDE came to be reminds me a bit of a different fandom I'm in. It's a multi-pov rp with a big cast who often get into conflict one another. There's this one character who's widely regarded as a villain (and he is a villain, abused some people and did a bunch of horrible stuff) but he's treated like a one dimensional morally black villain.
Anyone who tries to point out that maybe he's more complex than a disney villain or that he might - god forbid - have good qualities or not be at fault for everything gets labelled as an apologist for that character.
Eventually people gave up and said "okay fine we're that character's apologists". Then the fandom used that to claim that anyone who call themselves an apologist for that character obviously excuses or justifies all the bad things he did.
It's not exactly the same but the parallels jumped out to me.
To continue the association train, THIS reminds me of some fans' reactions to Izzy from OFMD. Exact same song and dance. A lot of viewers enjoy him, understand 100% that he's the antagonist, he's done a whole lot of shit, but point out that he's not irredeemable (especially given other characters' actions + the genre of the show)/he's more complex than a Disney villain/being responsible for some awfulness doesn't make him responsible for every bad thing in the canon. Lo and behold, people came out of the tumblr woodwork to scream about how we're all Izzy apologists and after a while we went, "Okay fine lol. We're Izzy apologists. What are you gonna do about it?" which set off a whole new wave of, "Do you SEE how AWFUL they are?"
Interestingly, one of the major differences that I've seen with OFMD is that fans with even the slightest association with Izzy get targeted. I mean, it's no surprise that I get angry anons about RWBY. I write a bunch of RWBY meta, answer RWBY-related asks, and frequently post my opinions about this kind of fandom drama. I am 100% aware of what I'm getting myself into. Same with OFMD. I posted some metas and others have found me through my fic, so of course I'd attract anyone with a vendetta against fans enjoying this character when I analyze him and frequently make him a focus of my stories. The "I enjoy Ironwood-Izzy" dramas kinda go hand-in-hand, despite stemming from different fandoms. But other stories I've heard are wild. Fans saying that they reblogged just a single, neutral post about Izzy, or mentioned something vaguely positive in one tag, or actually DON'T like him, yet are for some unfathomable reason being targeted anyway. Idk if that's happened in your rp fandom at all, but it was a new experience for me. OFMD leveled up the discourse in an unfortunate way lmfao.
But yeah, all of it sucks. I've been in fandoms where I think the majority of participants are ignoring/reworking the horrific things a character has done and yeah, it can be really frustrating. That's why I make my own posts so I can purge myself of my opinions on the matter lol. But these people going into others' inboxes to yell about them being "apologists"??? Absolutely wild. Please chill out and let people enjoy fictional characters. Because, you know, that's why they exist... to enjoy them... 🤷‍♀️
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
Not gonna lie, though, I kinda love how Loki with a crush is like - he's so obvious about it? He didn't even try to hide it (except when Mobius called him out, which doesn't count); from showing off his magic (fireworks in the palm of his hand, come on) to coming up with an excuse to cuddle under a blanket (he looks so enormously pleased with things asdhjdksa) to generally sticking to her like glue, he just ... he met Sylvie and decided I like that one and it is now everyone's problem.
It just strikes me so much because I never would have expected Loki to behave that way. Like, in my fic, he denied he had a thing for Valkyrie for quite awhile and then, once he did realize it, he tried to ignore it and make it go away, which he would have kept on doing forever if she hadn't let him know she returned his feelings, and like - idk, I just always felt like Loki, as a generally intensely private person, would keep those types of feelings hidden. (Not to mention the inherent self-loathing which would contribute to his desire to keep it hidden, bc there's no possible way they would ever feel the same way about me, I am worthless, better to not make a fool of myself with these inconvenient, unrequited feelings.)
(This dynamic doesn't necessarily play out with Thor, in my many Thorki headcanons that often conflict with one another, but yknow, that's different.)
So, to me, Loki being about as subtle as something that is the opposite of subtle felt very unexpected and surprising but at the same time I think that's why I liked it? Because it's so endearing to me. Like, it's kinda cringe but who isn't cringe when it comes to a crush? And just, the way he looks at her, and hangs onto her words, and really just puts himself out there? Fucking adorable. Soft. It reveals a kind of innocence that he likely doesn't possess in literally any other way; there's still this hopeful innocence inherent in his pleased little smiles and his "she needs me" proclamations and just.
It makes me, honestly, want to write some crack-taken-seriously fic that's literally just about the cringey things I now imagine Loki-with-a-crush might do, given the opportunity:
- writing her 50 poems and agonizing over them until he selects one (1) that isn't too embarrassing and that's the one he gives to her
- laying around plucking fucking petals off of a flower (she loves me, she loves me not);
- blushing a lot
- wondering if their children will look more like him or her or some evenly balanced combination
That last one may be a bit much but I don't actually know what people typically do when they have a crush lmfao. I just imagine it all culminating in a scene where Sylvie is like, "Aw, you had a crush on me when we met? That's so embarrassing" and Loki being like "Sylvie we are married" lmao.
This has been a quality post.
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a-aexotic · 2 years
❛ new person, same old mistakes — eren yeager.
──new person, old same mistakes. eren yeager x gn!reader.
a/n: this is 100% self indulgent lmfao, also ik f-boy eren 🥶😎 is a common trope but today im rly feeling it. idk if this fic is any good lmao BUT ENJOY IT IG?? warnings: angst, toxic relationship, cheating, breaking up, drinking. also unedited and written in like an hour so probs not the best quality 😟
before y/n had gotten in a serious relationship, she didn't understand what the phrase 'honeymoon phase' meant. they never fully understood it until they had gotten into a relationship.
eren was in her sociology class - he caught her attention with his good looks and charm. after they had met eren, they were quickly realized who eren was.
he was known for being the playboy; it was a cliche, yes, but that doesn't make any less real. y/n had decided that maybe they shouldn't associate with him.
well, that plan out the window once they started texting back and forth. at first, it was about their sociology homework. then, about their interests. then, they were texting back and forth all day, every day.
it was perfect, everything that y/n had wanted. they started dating quicker than they both anticipated. y/n always knew, in the back of their head, it wouldn't work. and maybe that's why it didn't; self sabotage, or maybe the subconscious mind; or maybe it was just destined not to work from the moment they started dating.
first, it was perfect - the honeymoon phase. lots of pda, tagging each other in instagram posts, falling asleep on the phone and study dates everyday.
after the first three months, things started to change. their first fight was in public; the worst of fights. it was about an ex, it always is. eren insisted it was just a text, it meant nothing. y/n tried to believe him; but it was hard when everything just didn't add up.
after, he apologized and blocked the ex after y/n had persisted he had to, if he wanted this relationship to work. they both knew that this fight was this was the end of the 'honeymoon phase.' this was the mark of their first of many fights.
eren wanted to be different; for them. he had never felt this way about anyone ever; he liked the feeling of being with someone who cares about him for him. y/n loved all his parts, good and bad. but, old habits always seem to come back to him and he doesn't understand why.
after a few months, their fights became more and more common. they both tried to fix it, they really did. it was fight after fight, and y/n was getting tired of it.
the first "serious" fight was about a girl at a party. him and the girl were both drunk and got a little too close; right as they were about to kiss, y/n came and dragged eren out. another public fight.
there was no excuse, really. why would he kiss a girl, with no shame, in the same house as his partner? it didn't make any sense. eren got heated, and so did y/n. y/n was driving eren home because he was blackout drunk, so they really couldn't' just leave, and trust me, they wanted to.
when they got to his dorm, eren had sobered up at that point and y/n realized the severity of the situation. as they were about to break up with eren, he apologized again and again; begging them not leave.
and they didn't; that was the first of many mistakes they would both make in this relationship.
eren had gotten too comfortable, he will admit. he did take advantage of how utterly in love y/n was in love with him. to be fair, he would do the same for them. at least that's what he tries to convince himself.
it was a cycle; fight, leave, come back, make up. a cycle both of them couldn't stop. they both wronged each other; they both lied; they both cheated; but they also both stayed. that was the biggest mistake.
their longest break was two months. eren usually comes back, apologizes and y/n believes it; they don't really believe eren can change, but they had to stay.
after two years, y/n decided that maybe it wasn't love; it was the idea of love that infatuated them, that made them stay. and they wanted real love, not this fake superficial y/n and eren had.
so they left eren, and this time, they weren't coming back.
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader
felix x reader | part six of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff
↬ warnings; pregnancy, slight relation to sex, birth
↬ notes; this took so long lmfao i just had it sitting but i’m finishing up seungmin rnnn 🤓 i’ve been doing requests whew i just have EVERYTHING coming at once
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u guys r really surprised 
u two had been in a relationship for four years now so this was inevitable as u two were putting off the pressure of marriage for awhile now
“woah, i’m gonna be a dad!! does this mean u have to call me daddy now?”
u r s e n s i t i v e
felix first notices this when he gives u a kiss in the morning n ur crying like two seconds after
“why are you crying??!”
“you just leave so early and i miss you!!”
felix skips the day, not rly caring he just wants to cuddle u 🥺
speaking of cuddling u two r so cuddly together now
u guys just cant get enough of each other
ur at practice less often just bc of media and he thinks the house is safer for u
so the boys come over a ton more to the dorm just bc they wanna see u and spend time with u
he is so cute, whenever he sees you he’ll instantly be on his knees to kiss your baby bump and leave u with a light kiss on ur lips
u guys go to ur scan at the beginning of the second trimester
its hush hush and ofc felix has u with the best doctor hes heard of 
his hands are clammy asf, hes smiling and so dazed while he stares at the ultrasound
“look at that!! baby a and baby b!!”
felix is like, 
“oh im gonna pass out”
now he gets these corny ass JOKES like
“wow lix has really GOOD swimmers!!!”
“felix knows his way around the bedroom!!!!!!!!”
poor baby jeongin :( they are POLLUTING HIS MIND
he doesnt but this boy is scared shitless now, two babies?? thats a lot to handle
he likes to shop, a lot. 
for some reason everything is dog themed, puppies on everything and he’ll come home with bags of baby stuff everyday
lix is just so in love with your body
sweaters, t-shirts, hoodies, anything he owns, he 100% wants you to wear it
he might be a little excited at the thought of u in his clothes, it was usual but now u pregnant, he was a little MORE excited
abnormally this guy worships your body 100% 
he loves how easily you can just unravel, to the point of tears and have u begging for him to stop
ok lemme not ill start writing shit type smut anyways chile yes lix loves u A LOT in and out of the bedroom
mmm he’ll always be brainstorming names
aeygo for the babies 🥺
tons of kisses he has plenty to go around
he acquires a new skill called cooking 😣
ur his new favorite taste tester
he’ll read books for them both
tons of research on expecting twins and what to do
“hey, okay.. so i bought a pregnancy pillow, and like, i wanna use it?”
felix has this smirk, holding the huge pillow that is supposed to be a maternity one, but he much prefers himself using it as a regular pillow
he actually goes public with this, knowing that the fans adored u after being his girlfriend for so long nd u soon became a favorite for them
some shit like ‘stays meet your new members’ 😣
this guy has a knack for painting, his newest canvas is your large baby bump, doodling little flowers n hearts or animals on it, sometimes painting characters on it or whatever it may be
u two have this rly cute vlive together which consists of him painting ur baby bump, plenty of fun while he asked stays to tell him what to draw on ur bump :v
“ooh!! a ladybug!!”
he posts the finished project in nice high quality on their official instagram, showing off the many things he had painted
the dreaded bed rest comes into play
u are now nearing seven months, which meant that u should be experiencing labor or maybe labor pains soon
he takes his paternal leave, now indulging in ice-cream and gummy bears with u, rather than working out and drinking nasty smoothies
guess who has that sympathy weight 
(jk he just uses it as an excuse so he can just give up on his diet)
sleep all day
sleep all night
u two are honestly so tired for WHATEVER reason
lix is there to be a cuddle bug, pulling ur back close to his body, ur legs entwined and his hand on top of ur own that was on ur bump
its rly cute just try and picture it for a moment
u guys r trying everything to hurry and get to the end of this seemingly forever pregnancy
he’ll def buy two yoga balls instead of just one for u and he’ll bounce on them with u
who cares ab trying to hurry up y’all are having so much fun regardless of the fact u have to pee every ten minutes
u both forget the thought of it and just go with the flow
making a deal to go with the names for whomever u claimed aka baby a or baby b
i see ur guys timing to be during the summer so its miserable in ur house
its hot n stuffy
u two r just lounging n u both have popsicles, then ur just like
“oh! oh.”
it was a steady gush of fluid between ur legs and that was when the nervousness set in
u two just look at each-other in shock
“oh! we’re having a baby- um.. wow!”
he is abnormally good at keeping calm, helping u keep ur breathing steady and getting everything together 
felix is a pro.
u guys r kinda chilling in the parking lot just quiet and sort of nervous that the next time ur walking out of there you both will have not one, but two babies
“i don’t know if i’m ready yet.”
felix groans, grabbing ur hand
“ur right, ur more than ready. look at us!! parents of two in at least the next twenty-four hours!!” 
his hands r around u in a second to help u up and there to help u walk in
u two honestly decide to play games on ur phone to kill time
felix crawls into ur bed, seeing as how u looked extremely lonely, letting his arms and legs wrap around u n he’s just playing with ur hair
its honestly adorable
u two are really tired for whatever reason, falling asleep like this before u would be consumed in the late nights of being parents
these nurses wake u both up and are just like
“let’s see if we’re ready to meet ur babies!!”
felix is kinda scared but nonetheless he’ll grab ur hand and hold onto it with a smile
10cm woo!
if he wasn’t hyping u up before he is hyping u up right now
ur somewhat laughing and crying while in pain
yall r so weird
felix is there to wipe ur face with the wet cloth, or to give u a sip of water, rly whatever u need he is on it
poor baby just wants to be of help
“here’s baby a! it’s a girl!”
u two have at least a moment with her, taking in her small appearance, felix holding her out for u to see
abruptly cut off by baby b needing to make an appearance
“i don’t wanna do this again.”
“it’s alright, shh. we’re going to have two babies, two perfect ones. we have one little girl, let’s get ready for the next one, yeah? our two babies, you’re doing so good.”
they take away ur little girl while felix does what he already did beforehand
“here’s your second one!! we have a pair of sisters!”
u and felix are so overjoyed at this news, literally sobbing, u two r a mess
both r brought over to u, felix taking in the fact he’s a father of two girls, such small girls
ur both smiley while u kiss them n cuddle them, getting the nurse to take a picture of u two
ur obviously tired, felix emotionally worn out but having the brightest smiles on ur faces while u hold onto ur pair of newborn girls
he’s so proud, he’s the definition of a proud father
lix is holding onto one and he comes over to you, the other one cooing
“that’s it, my three girls.”
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
(star emoji) for Grifting With The Enemy :D
Pumpkin!! 🧡🧡🧡 Hello, my dear friend, thank you so much for your endless interest & support!! 😍😍 And for giving me a reason to re-read GWTE, which I haven't done for a loooong time!! 😂😬 (But, the good news is, it low-key got me inspired to hurry up & finish it!! 😏) BUT - in the meantime - here's some BTS info from my re-read under the cut, which is a lot - fair warning - since it's a 4 chapter fic & counting!! ❤️
LOL I forgot how stressful it is coming up with names for random extra people in fics, I hate doing that LOL But I did think it was important to open with Red NOT being a merciless crime lord who kills anyone who displeases him, cause - while he does have that side to him when necessary - that's not who Red is or wants to be.
I liked including that little moment with Red & Dembe about the parallel parking. I love those father/son & brotp moments for them, they're just the best. I tried to sprinkle those in wherever I could in Red's POV in this fic.
I loved the mental picture of Liz - with glasses & beanie a la The Harem - just leaning casually against a bookshelf the first time Red sees her... & he's immediately captivated, just like in canon. Especially with her eyes, I can't NOT write any version of Red that is not completely blown away by Liz's eyes, I mean, come on I also thought it was important that he thinks she's much younger than she is (intentionally part of her persona) & I'm looking forward to writing the reveal of her true age in a later chapter.
I loved writing a Liz that instantly challenges Red, already having heard about him (& more than that, as revealed in chapter 2) & point blank telling him she may refuse the job bc she has a say too. I liked keeping - & even amplifying a little - that dynamic from canon!Liz of always surprising Red & keeping him on his toes, all while he's trying so desperately to stay ahead of her & impress her.
I LOVED writing the brush pass scene - that moment where Red realizes he has officially underestimated her - & LOL I completely forgot I wrote that part about the condom LMFAO wow past!Coda, mighty daring of you 😂😂😂
Plus, I couldn't help the bonus bit about her stealing his phone & tossing it to him to end the chapter, that was just so fun to throw in there!!
I liked opening chapter 2 with Red still thinking about Liz, just to show how she captured his attention, even before he finds out she's been stealing from him. And I liked writing that revelation without any anger on his part, with him understanding it wasn't a full-scale attack on his empire, she's just a thief taking well paying jobs where she can get them, & instead it just shows him how talented she is. I thought that was an important thing to clarify before moving forward.
I LOVED writing Red & Dembe surprising Liz in her apartment, especially the part with Red's snooping & being confused & surprised by what he sees there. I loved kind of creating/designing Liz's apartment to showcase her true self, not her "young thief" persona that Red falls for at first. I wanted it to be clear that Red is fascinated by her seeming duality from the start (canon LOL) as well as just straight-up attracted to her (also canon LMAO).
Also I gave Liz a loft apartment cause I've always loved those!!
And I LOVEDDD writing Red super confident about surprising her & looking forward to taking her off guard by settling in on the couch & all that macho man stuff, only to be rendered fucking dumbstruck when she comes downstairs with no pants on lmfao & I included that little detail of her usually wearing a knife on her leg to show she's not to be underestimated 😏 & I couldn't help but throw in there Dembe kicking the back of the couch, that made me cackle lmfao
I think the truce was important to establish asap bc I didn't want any secrets or lingering animosity between them. That's for canon 😒 Only flirting & sexual tension here, thank you very much.
I had to include Red being a gentleman & asking if she wanted to get dressed, but I also couldn't resist Liz being confident & careless about it, while still hiding tactfully behind the counter. I thought that was a cute exchange.
lmfao of course, I included their coffee preferences being noticed by the other, I think that's an obligatory thing in any Lizzington fic ever, I'm so guilty of that lmfao
I loved the idea of Red being ready to start on a classic Red's Blacklister Presentation but Liz once again stops him in his tracks (while still secretly being impressed by his presence, of course, & I even accidentally switched POVs for no reason to include that?? nice Coda lmfao) as well as trading barbs & quips with him while Red feels awful & guilty at any accidental slights bc he can't bear to insult her.
AM&R vs. AR&M whoops typo lol
I liked the little snippet of dark!Red we see in their conversation of consequences for his enemies, that way Liz sees a little bit of what he's capable of & Red sees how she's not phased by it.
And that last little flirtation & wink to finish the chapter - lol can't resist
Ooooh, I loved switching to Liz's POV (fully ha) for chapter 3, I enjoyed describing how head over heels she is for Red already, that was fun. I liked writing about her lil movie day & chores she's completed, as well as fleshing out her AU past a little with Sam & her young grifting experiences. And her burning her popcorn while daydreaming about Red cause... same 😏
Ooooh, phone conversations are always so fun to write between them, I love trying to get that perfect mix of joking & sincerity & flirting & pining & pressing the phone close to their ear.
I thought it was important to keep (or rather re-invent, since TPTB seemed to drop it like a hot potato 😒😒😒) Liz's intense interest & respect for psychology, especially as a reason for being attracted to Red, since it kind of mirrors one facet of his interest in her. Not to mention Red thinks at first that it's just a useless, do nothing degree for her LOL
Ohhh, I loved establishing that mutual respect & friendliness between Liz & Dembe early on, that's such a fave of mine, I've always loved their friendship & thought it had a lot of potential. Liz loves & respects Dembe for keeping Red safe & Dembe loves & respects Liz for being so dear to Red.
Ugh, I LOVED writing Liz so completely disarmed by Red's relative state of undress at his safe house (paralleling her pants-less parade in chapter 2, of course) bc sameeeeeeee girl.
I also had fun writing Red blabbing on about some story as he often does, meanwhile Liz has already picked the lock on the safe, once again impressing & surprising him while she admires his different passport pics. That was so fun.
And I loved the quick shift to just a little animosity between them with Red insulting her lockpicks & Liz flaunting her thefts from him. I think those little spats give a little electricity & tension to the relationship, even if they blown over quickly, which they always do. And the fact that Red apologizes & they shake hands & make up is very refreshing to me (since they never fucking do it in canon lol fml) & also it's an excuse to write a little teasing physical contact & sexual tension 😁😁😁
And damn, I forgot how fun it is to throw a little teasing jab in there at the end of a chapter, just for fun - probably bc I'm allergic to multi-chapter fics & never write them lmfao wow
Ahhhhhhhh. I remember how much fun I had writing this whole restaurant scene, partly bc it was a difficult & long process (trying not to make all the flirting & physical movements repetitive while fitting in all the necessary dialogue in a semi-non-boring way lol) but also bc it was so fun writing their back-and-forth while seated at a table alone with nowhere else to go & nothing to distract them. I also wanted to take the opportunity to show Red's genuine interest in her as a person & let them spend some quality time together for the first time. I loved the idea of them losing track of time & Dembe having to come interrupt them with a knowing smirk. Also I def referred to the Olive Garden website for the food they ate cause I'm lame lmfaooo
I thought it was cute to throw in that Liz almost couldn't find Red when she arrived but for the fedora marker he placed out for her & then when she's leaving, she can feel his gaze on her the whole way out. Little parallels like that are my guilty pleasure 😁
Omggg I forgot about the end of this chapter, I remember I wanted Red to surprise Liz yet again & I thought the dessert snuck into her bag was a cute touch. Plus, tiramisu is a favorite of mine 😋 I also tried to make the vibe of this phone call a little softer & more tentative, not so much on tender hooks with lots of tension as the previous ones have been, showing how they're getting used to each other & falling in love at a break neck pace lol
Welp, that's all 4 chapters that are posted buttttttttt a sneaky look at my document that I haven't opened for an embarrassingly long timeeeeeee shows my sketch for the rest of the fic which revealssssss....... a detailed 10 chapter map with an epilogue!! Wow, I forgot I sketched everything out in such detail, this isn't too bad, maybe I should actually write this 😂😂😂 And I promise I will, hopefully sooner rather than later!! ❤️❤️❤️
Well, there you go, Pumpkin, I hope that didn't take you too long to slog through & there was something enjoyable in there for you!! 😂 Thank you so much for your interest again, my lovely friend, & getting me excited about this fic again!! 🥰 Much love to you, always, Pumpkin!! 🧡
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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Survey #459
“i wanted you to know that i love the way you laugh  /  i wanna hold you high and steal your pain away”
Does the person you like have any flaws? He's never seemed very expressive of what he feels. Has anyone ever given you a ring? Why? Yes. Because it was our anniversary and he wanted to, ig. If you ruled your own country, what type of government would it have? I'm not educated enough to answer this. Creation theory, Evolution or the Big Bang theory? I really don't know what I believe about the origins of the universe, but I do believe in evolution. Describe one of your most emotional farewells. The last time I saw Jason and we talked for a long time, and I finally got my closure. It was all so heavy. It started so stiffly, but it ended with us just chatting and smiling and, to my absolute shock, a hug from him. I'm getting emotional so NEXT QUESTION. What was your last serious conversation about? I was reassuring and comforting Sara about some stuff. Is there a city that you have a particular fondness for? If so, what city is it and why? No. Are there any gnomes in your yard? No. When was the last time you were stung by a bee? What kind was it? Years ago. A bumblebee. Are you gonna buy lottery tickets when you’re old enough? I am old enough, and no. The odds are way, way too small, and I don't really dabble in addictive behavior. Have you ever been into a real cave? No. :( That's a life goal, though. Have you ever posted mean comments on YouTube? I know I did once as a kid. It was regarding Meerkat Manor and I thought it was really disrespectful to Flower just because of the music chosen lmao. The drama. What color is your digital camera, if you have one? Black. If you had to spend one day in any movie storyline, which one would it be? Alice in Wonderland, I suppose? Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): Oh man, I've played waaaaay too many video games. I suppose Silent Hill with how confused it left me at first. Its concept is definitely wild. Parasite Eve is high on the list, too. In your opinion, what is the saddest movie you’ve ever seen? Boy in the Striped Pajamas destroys me. What is the best song to make out to? I could answer this but I'm not gonna lmfao Is there anyone right now that you are simply/overly infatuated with? story of my life ayyyyeeeee Who was the last person to play with your hair? Are they cute? Not a clue. Who was the last person close to you that died? Did you cry? Jason's mom. I sobbed on-and-off for days. Do you consider yourself a healthy person? Physically and mentally? No, in either way. Do you know anyone who owns a boat? My dad does. I'm sure others, too, with how popular fishing out on a boat is here. Do you know anyone who uses medical marijuana? I don't know. Even for medicinal purposes, it's not legal here. Do you know anyone who’s died in childbirth? No. What did you do for your 21st birthday? I was in the psych hospital, so... lmao. Therapy, reading, and coloring. Lots of reading and coloring. Because they did NOT fill your schedule enough there. We only had two group therapy sessions a day, and the rest was just... blankness. If dinosaurs could be tamed, would you want one as a pet? I know I'd be one of the dumb ones that absolutely wanted a tiny raptor, lol. Do you own more than one copy or edition of a book? No. If you could see any musical on Broadway right now, what would it be? Not interested. Do you eat soup when you’re sick? I don't like soup. If you read, which book or series did you enjoy most as a child? My first real series that I read religiously was Hank the Cowdog. Then it was Warriors. Do you buy Halloween candy when it’s on sale after the holiday? No. I really don't need candy available to me. Do you agree with the “they’re just being kids” excuse? It depends on what they're doing. In a lot of cases, no. Do you ever watch talk shows? No. Do you have a/any hero(s)? Mark Fischbach, Steve Irwin, my mom... Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen? No. Though Mom has playfully once told me that she knows a lot of things I don't think she does, and that's terrifying lmao. You’re getting married. Who’s your maid of honor and best man? M.o.H.: Mom or Sara. Best man isn't my choice. Would you rather get highlights or dye your whole head? DYE IT ALLLLLLL. Are you wearing anything of any sentimental value? Describe? My friendship ring w/ Sara. It has a heart carved on the outside and "bitch" engraved inside so no one can see when you have it on, lol. She has one that says "jerk." It's a Supernatural reference. Who challenges you the most? In what way? My therapist and psychiatrist. They just help ensure I pursue my goals and give me little nudges forward to reassure me. Who seems to hold you back? In what way? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT ME. I listen to my anxiety WAY too much. What was the last opportunity that you passed up, and why? Going up to Lake Gaston w/ Mom to visit Ash and her fam. They go there all the time, and it's a real nice place. I just didn't want to go because of the heat. Should there be an application process for having children? Hunny, that would not stop people from fuckin lmfao Name one thing that you think defines you as a person? m e e r k a t s What is a fear you have about living on your own? That depression would get the better of me and I'd neglect taking good care of my house. One of the many reasons I'll never live alone. Not at all saying I'd leave the responsibilities to my partner, but they'd be motivation for me to get stuff done. What’s the worst name your mom has ever called you? I don't know. Nothing that bad. What’s your stance on spooning? It helps me feel safe and loved and alsdkfjalwe I just love cuddling in all sorts lmao What’s your most recent obsession? Violet Orlandi & Melodicka Bros' cover of "Somebody That I Used to Know." Have you ever been scammed? Ha ha, yes. I once wanted to get Jason a Joker and Harley Quinn pillow from deviantART; talked to the artist, paid 'em, never got it. :^) Have you ever fostered an animal? No. I would get WAY too attached to foster. I wouldn't be able to give them up without breaking down, probs. Do you know anyone who acts way younger than what they are? I'm sure I do, but no one is coming to mind atm. Would you say you’re a pretty independent person? God no. Does the last song you listened to, remind you of someone? JASON. Do you currently want a new computer? Yes, actually. I want a desktop PC for better gaming quality, honestly. Also, the "escape" key doesn't work on this laptop, one key is missing so I have to hit the sensor JUST right, and it restarts randomly sometimes. I want a PC mainly because I want to get out of the habit of being on my laptop in bed all damn day. How would your parents react if you got a tattoo? I already have like six or seven, so they wouldn't be surprised. Is there anyone you can picture yourself being with forever right now? Maybe. Who is your truest friend? Sara. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen outside of your house? THIS house? Idk. Nothing that I'd consider odd. What bug frightens you most? STAG BEETLES lkadjslkfja;lwekjawl;kejrlawer Who is your oldest friend? That would be Sam, and he's in his mid-30s. How long have you known them? Many years. We met via WoW, which I've been playing since '14. I don't really remember how far into it we met, though. Where are they right now? lol I wouldn't know, he's all the way in Jersey. Plus we haven't talked in a while. Have you ever dated a friend of one of your siblings? God no, that would be so weird. What is the best gift someone can give you? An ear to listen without it feeling like a chore to them. Have you ever dated someone who had a child? No. I don't think I could do it. What is the last movie that made you cry? The The Lion King remake made me tear up. Have you ever played in a waterfall? No. Ugh, that sounds like a blast. In your life who has meant the most to you? Let's not get into this. What has been your biggest failure in life? Letting depression and my other conditions take away my identity, becoming my new identity. Do you trust yourself? No. I second-guess EVERYTHING and never know what I should listen to: my heart, my head, my gut... or which voice is what. Would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances? Yes. What was the last bug you killed? Some kind in the bathroom. Idk what it was. Just a little thing that sort of resembled an earwig, but not completely. Do you prefer profile pictures by yourself of with someone else? By myself, since it's my page. Do you know anyone who has written a book? I don't think so? Do you drink milk/juice from the carton if no one is around? Ew, no. I live with another person, and even if I didn't, what if I had guests? Has anyone ever told you they liked you in a realllly sweet way? Maybe? Has a member of the opposite sex ever given you jewlery? Jason has. Do you find sleeping in cars easy? NOOOOOOOOOO. I'm too scared to let my eyes close and not see what's going on on the road. Has a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents ever gotten mad at you? Why? I don't believe so, no. What is the funniest thing a child has ever said to you. Definitely something my niece has said, but idr what it was. What’s been on your mind lately? Y'all know, lol. Do you feel like you need to get something off your chest? No. Sara was recently there for that. ♥ How would you react if someone told you they had feelings for you? Be very very excited if it was from a certain person.
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kithtaehyung · 3 years
✨hey hey soulmate i saw u post this yesterday and im curious, only if u want to 👉👈
DUH of course i'll take any opportunity to gush about your creations, sopemate. now excuse me while it takes me literally forever to choose :')))
1) OKAY HOLD ON.. this set? from xylitol? damn, the quality you got in these gifs is kinda unfair lmfao. beautiful coloring, love.
2) LMAOOOO i never saw this set (your 25/25 legendary betrayal series!!) pass my dash but i'm reblogging it ASAP. what a good ass set and the bonus gif at the end actually has me laughing right now. i hate them all LOL
3) i.. i am in love with this set about jin talking about them having similar cooking skills. the fact that you found all of those scenes and have that consistent coloring is *chef's kiss* that is not easy and you do it effortlessly. can't believe we're friends tbh
4) ngl your joon set from ptd is one of the prettiest coloring. you brought out all of his features wonderfully.
5) ahahah the jikook out of context set was so good. again with the scene hunting and the coloring work, not to mention the subtitling that you always do so well.
ugh, in conclusion: i could literally say anything about any of your creations because they're consistent and amazing. you've grown so much (kinda scarily?) in a short time and i am just along for the ride.
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