#Ezio list
elfven-blog · 5 months
All work for Ezio Auditore
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Make me a Daddy [Breeding] NSFW Milking Session [Blowjob HybridBull!Ezio] NSFW
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marf244 · 4 months
Do you think Ezio’s father and brothers would be proud of the Assassin he became?
Absolutely! I dare say there isn't even room for arguing.
Ezio was thrust into the Brotherhood young, unprepared, and grieving after his father and brother's death. He lost so much and he could have easily blamed the Brotherhood for doing so, but he didn't! Despite it starting out as a revenge quest, he took an active role in the Brotherhood after killing Uberto and Vieri, and even managed to work his way up to mentor. As mentor, he used his personal growth and experience to teach countless new recruits and led the liberation of Rome from Templar control. He also went out of his way to help the Ottoman Brotherhood and find Altair's long forgotten library too. He did SO MUCH for the Brotherhood, going above and beyond what almost everybody expected of him. Assassins that came after him touted him for good reason, if his father and brothers could have seen him and the effect he had on the Brotherhood as a whole they would have been more than proud!
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abagofmagictrix · 9 days
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I will defend AC Odyssey until my dying breath
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djzazzles · 11 months
Top 10 Games (updated)
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Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition
Knights of the Old Republic 2
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Bioshock Infinite
Portal 2
Quantum Break
Alan Wake
Asassin's Creed 2
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teecupangel · 1 year
AC Dragon Riders AU
So @saberamane was interested in the Dragon Rider AU I had after playing Century: Age of Ashes for a bit so here we go.
Let’s set up the stage for now. (and we are playing hella loose with Century: Age of Ashes lore in this one. No, seriously, I might be keeping the names of the dragons but I’m playing loose with their ‘personalities’ and the colors are purely cosmetic unless there’s something more noted about it)
In this AU, humanity learned to ride dragons and developed their traditions and way of living with their existence in mind. Society is composed of ‘clans’ of varying sizes with their own alliances and grievances. And all these clans are forever locked in a spiral of peace and war among themselves. It is inevitable that this perpetual cycle of war will continue until the last dragon rider’s ashes fell from the sky.
Dragon riders are usually composed of four people as any larger would make it easier for others to see them approach. There have been cases of smaller number of dragon rider groups in history but they are uncommon and most happened because of tragedy and are not done by choice.
Dragons themselves have different species with each having their own variety depending on their parents and where they have been raised. Some dragon riders bear the banner of researchers, aiming to categorize and observe new varieties, with their ultimate goal being to be able to find an undiscovered species.
For now, the known dragon species are as followed:
Nightsnagger - mostly known for their lithe build and their ability to shroud themselves and their rider in a ball of light that reflects everything around them, making them invisible for a short period of time, what they lack in brute strength, they make up for their speed and stealth. Other than spewing fireballs, they can shoot out mines that can stick to walls and other dragons and will explode from the slight change of air. This mine can be changed to explode after a certain amount of time (blast) or to explode in a line that pierces everything in its path.
Ironwing - the easiest dragon to tame for they are known to be compassionate to humans who treat them well and care for other dragons regardless of whether they are the same species or not, they are sturdy and able to heal faster than other species as well as the ability to ‘know’ if one of their dragon comrades is in trouble even if they are far away.
Bloodchasers - The most aggressive dragon species known right now. Their bulky frame makes them powerful enough to destroy fortified walls by just slamming into them and they have an insatiable desire to take down their prey, making them a formidable opponent in the sky. Their feathers can be used as projectiles that freeze as it travels at high speed.
Stonesnout - The preferred dragons of riders born and raised up north in the cold with an affinity to lightning and a large body that can take a beating if necessary.
Vinedrake - A dragon species seemingly more seen in the deepest parts of the forest, what they lack in brute strength, they make up for what appears to be some kind of secretion that can momentarily boost their capabilities or weaken other dragons.
The Hidden Ones:
A large clan composed of smaller sects that have different skills and missions. Supposedly, they were the descendants of the first dragon tamers, the Medjays, and their clan leader only goes by the title ‘Mentor’.
The Successors
4 dragon riders that are considered to be one of the best teams of the Hidden Ones. All of their dragons are Nightsnaggers and they are known for taking down other dragons unaware by shrouding themselves in the Nightsnaggers’ shroud. Their name comes from the rumor that they are the top candidates to be the next mentor of the Hidden Ones. They are also called the ‘White Death” for their dragons are all of lighter shade.
Altaïr: Born and raised by a sect of the Hidden Ones that raise soldiers from a very young age, he’s quite arrogant and can be quite rude, mostly reined in by his team. It’s not common knowledge but he actually has a scholarly mind and would spend his free time reading books. He left his sect due to a disagreement with the current sect leader, although the reason for their disagreement is a mystery. It is only by the grace of the mentor that he is not hunted down by his old sect.
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Tafaha: A white Nightsnagger born and bred by Altaïr’s sect to be faster than any other Nightsnagger. She was given to Altaïr as an egg when he was a child and he raised her himself, supposedly one of her sires was the dragon of Altaïr’s father who perished together with Altaïr’s father when he had been 11. She’s obedient and quiet and she likes to curl around her rider whenever he’s reading. She also curls to make herself smaller whenever she’s sleeping.
Ezio: The second son of a prominent family known for being both capable dragon riders and leaders. With his older brother being trained to be their father’s successor, Ezio decided to be a dragon rider to impress a woman he had fallen in love with. Tragedy struck their family and his father and brother were thrown in jail while he barely escaped thanks to his dragon flying him and his mother, sister, and younger brother away as they were chased by dragon riders under the control of a rival family from the same sect. His father and brother were rescued by the Hidden Ones and he joined them to be a better dragon rider. He’s the de-facto leader and spokesperson of their group.
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Belladonna: A dragon bred to be a 'soldier' dragon and sturdier than normal Nightsnagger because of it. Quite a spoiled dragon even though Ezio tried to raise her properly, she got a lot of pets and treats from Ezio’s younger siblings growing up. She’ll do what needs to be done when in the air but, during downtime, she demands to be petted and be told she did a good job. Ezio is weak to her demands and he likes to call her his ‘little princess’. Her wings are tattered in some places, a reminder of the pain she suffered while flying away from dragon riders pursuing them all the while carrying more load than she should.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: He was not born into the Hidden Ones but he had sought them out with his dragon when he was a teenager, asking to be trained by them so he may protect his village. By the time his training was complete, he returned to an empty clearing and all he knows is that his entire village had left. He agreed to join the team to find his village and find out what happened. He had grown close to the three and usually had to be the one physically stopping Altaïr and Ezio before things got too heated and spiteful words could be said.
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Karòn:ia: The oldest of the four dragons and supposedly older than Ratonhnhaké:ton himself. Sometimes, he calls her ‘my second mother’ and they believe she was actually his mother’s dragon. She tends to be the one to keep the other dragons from being too rowdy (mostly Belladonna and Minnie).
Desmond: No one really knows where he comes from. He was definitely born as a Hidden One, that’s for sure, but they’re not sure which sect he came from. He actually started as more like a tagalong to take care of the dragons until the egg he had (which he kept a secret from everyone for some reason) hatched. He’s the most inexperienced of the three but not really. It’s like he was trained to be a dragon rider but he’s a bit rusty for some reason. Altaïr seems to have an idea of who he is which Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton believe means that Desmond is from one of the old sects of the Hidden Ones but not the same sect as Altaïr. Usually called ‘our little fledgling’ by Ezio and sometimes called ‘young lord’ by Altaïr when he gets annoyed. He’s pretty much the peacekeeper of the group and tends to have the final say, mostly because the other three can’t say no to him.
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Minnie: A dragon raised by Desmond and the others. He’s the youngest and very, very excitable. He's a male dragon but he's apparently named after Desmond’s mother… or Desmond was joking, they’re not really sure. He’s still growing and has a problem focusing at times but he and Desmond are so attuned to one another that he knows what Desmond wants even without Desmond saying anything. Loves, absolutely LOVES, to leave mines all over whenever they’re skirmishing with other dragons. Good news is that the other dragons have learned how much he loves mines and is able to evade them easily… Or use them to cause a chain explosion to their advantage.
This was getting long so I’ll just write the teams and their dragon species. If you guys want to know about them in this AU, let me know and I’ll make a separate post or something:
Other Hidden One Teams:
The Rooks:
Arno (leader): Ironwing
Evie: Nightsnagger
Jacob: Bloodchaser
Jayadeep: Ironwing
The Messengers (of the Mentors):
Bayek: Nightsnagger
Amunet: Nightsnagger
Hepzefa: Ironwing
Khemu: Bloodchaser (used to be his father’s)
Unnamed Teams (I haven’t thought of a name)
Team 1:
Aguilar: Nightsnagger
Shao Jun: Nightsnagger
Nikolai: Bloodchaser
Arbaaz: Bloodchaser
Team 2:
Roshan: Nightsnagger
Fuladh: Nightsnagger
Hytham: Nightsnagger
Altaïr’s Previous Team:
Malik: Nightsnagger
Kadar (Altaïr’s current replacement): Nightsnagger
Adha: Ironwing
Abbas: Bloodchaser
Other Clans:
The Raven Clan (clan leader is Sigurd):
Eivor: Stonesnout
Randvi: Stonesnout
Petra: Bloodchaser
Valka: Stonesnout
Mercenary Group:
Kassandra: Vinedrake (Adestria)
Alexios: Vinedrake
Brasidas: Bloodchaser
Layla: Ironwing
Dragon Pirates:
Edward: Bloodchaser
Adéwale: Ironwing
Mary: Nightsnagger
Anne: Ironwing
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foxstens · 2 years
kinda wanna try ac3
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assassinschaoticcreed · 5 months
[the boys, having a game night]
Connor: name something that is the most exciting in life-
Altaïr: [presses the button, and answers without hesitation]
Altaïr: ending someone else's.
Jacob: [is smiling and nodding]
Edward: [stops drinking, and stares at Altaïr]
Connor: thats...that's not on the list-
Altaïr: it's a fucking good answer though.
Desmond: I think we need to have a serious talk-
Arno: I think we need to play a different game.
Edward: I think I need another drink.
Jacob: I think that was a great answer!
Ezio: no, no it was not. there were so many good options, and he chose death.
Connor: [sighs tiredly]
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w0nd3rplay · 3 months
time period — teaser + taglist
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commission art by @ramshackledtrickster
SUMMARY — silly 14 year old Yoomi Moonstar would always wake up in another world, it's one of her magic's major drawbacks, she'll always find a way to either go back home or stay for a bit then go. But the catch is that: it wasn't her magic at play, it was cancelled out and she time travelled to the mid 1770s. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING???
In celebration of my 17th birthday coming up this Sunday (and to celebrate Ezio's too!) here's a dramatic yet lowkey time travel crackfic featuring my oc Yoomi entering one of her creator's recently joined fandom (as early as January to March 2024). Featuring: giving two of my fav assassins the fire god liu kang treatment, everyone that died in their respective games? Yeah they're still around! they also got love interests that don't die for the plot! maybe yoomi provides commentary on templar ideology??? Where's Haytham??? Where's Connor's dad??? Who knows. Stay tuned as the first chapter is released on June 23, 2024 12:00 p.m. PST (Philippines Standard Time)
This is not the same Yoomi from the MKverse, and not even an assassin's creed version of her. This is the original Yoomi presented in this bio whom I'm planning to revise her backstory.
TAGLIST (reblog to join or pm @orbitinytheworld if not interested so I can remove you from the list)
@scentedcandleibex @lunar-cherries @laismoura-art @urara04 @theblueshark @ramshackledtrickster @valyrra @iwaslostbeforeijustwantcoolart @doodlers-journal
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I think everyone is here! Forgive me if I missed someone!! If I did... Probably you're not handsome enough (?) or you are!
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Nolan Chance: The one and only! Ladies, please, contain your orga$ms, I'm here and I have something for everyone!! OH BOY! OH YEAH BABY I'M COMING (To change your life, lady!)
TIER 2: DILFS (if i were a girl)
White haired guy: Just because reminds me of me in my tactical suit. Otherwise he'd be after BL.
Montague: God he's HOT. I want him to speak french to me while he stuffs me little ol' pockets with diamonds!
King Midas/Midas: A tie. A respectful tie. You guys are good looking, I admire you King Midas, Regular Midas (but not as regular as us human beings)
Dirty Jones: Stinky, I wish i had your stubble... between my le—
Lorenzo: Very handsome young boy! Man, you and I are someone's twink dream team
TIER 3: Handsome guys please dont break my bones
Doctor: I think I'd like to hug him, I think he could fix me
Persephone: Persephone (love your eyes)
Drift: Man, give me your arms routine! You're ripped!
Wrecker: Move your butt and wreck this d—
Ezio: Man, show your face a bit more! Love your beard
Rust: He's gonna hit me if i put him lower
Raz: My man needs therapy but keep doing what you're doing with that hair!
Raptor: Just he right amount of face shown!
Lord Hades: Lord Hades I love you and I adore you and I respect you but... you scare me a LOT
Chuggus: Healty! I'm not into you, but I'd like you to be into ME (as shield potion of course)
BL: Yeah boy I sure love BL!
TIER 4: Ehhhh confusing
Oscar: Scary cat, fancy pet. I wish I could take him pictures with outfits to upload it to my social network accounts
Motorcycle guy: Scary guy
Cerberus: Scary underworld dog
????: What is that thing?
Pink Guy: Your balloon face creeps me out a bit but keep spreading love! This island is missing SO MUCH LOVE!
Banana beard man: ?????? But I think Banana beard man is a Banana beard They. if so, sorry for that, they fellow!
Wasteland Dummy: I liked you better when you were regular dummy
Pea bois: The third one looks like he wants to kiss me. Sorry boys, you need two more bodies to qualify as hot. Keep up the good work with cars tho!
TIER 5: I wanna puke
Bucket man: Old man, ew
Robot: Cold, I don'tlike cold
Fire skull: Way too hot to handle
Skull Trooper: Fucj that guy, score a goal and we'll see if you get higher
Mega London: Your 7 foot long thing is not enough to make you equal a fraction of my rizz
Pd: Nolan Chance is not gay, I just think we males and theymales should be allowed to say to each other "hey, nice muscles bro" in the same way girls compliment each other. Let's go bros! Yeah, football!
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isa-belle1367 · 5 months
More desmond headcanons bc my blorb is scurrying around my head and won't leave.
Desmond develops chronic migraines from the animus like the really bad kind. The ones where you pass out and wake up in Pain™️
Desmond is weirdly good at singing, but he never tells anyone, and most of the time, when he sings around others, he does it ironically, so one day he is just humming a song and everyone is like "WTF YOU CAN SING?"
Des starts picking up odd habits from his ancestors, such as refusing to step into a room with his left foot (edward) or running his tongue along his scar.
He 100% blames himself for not getting clay out of the animus
Is creepily flexible, like to a concerning degree.
He strikes me as a language nerd he def has duolingo, and even before the animus, he knew like 15 different languages
He climbs walls (yes, I was a wall climber as a kid, yes I am projecting rn)
He once got a 70 year old bottle of whiskey from a "friend" from the bar, and he absolutely shows it off every chance he gets.
He has connections to gangs and has gone on bike rides with them.
He can't do basic math to save his life if someone puts a multiplication problem in front of him, he short circuits.
He starts getting really bad nose bleeds from the animus, scares the crap out of everyone.
Definitely knows how to flirt like FLIRT can turn the straightest of men gay for a night if need be. It just gets worse after going through ezios' memories.
Has a list of really weird talents but can't do basic tasks like, yeah, you can dislocate your shoulder and pop it back into place, but can you cook eggs without burning them🤨
Terrible at cooking (95% sure his food is banned under the Geneva Conventions)
Can't walk in a straight line he is the friend who bumps into 1000 times a minute while walking down the side walk.
He is weirdly silent, like even before the animus thing, he is always weirdly quiet like silent footsteps can't hear his breathing etc. He dosent mean to it just happens
The only training that really stuck from the farm was the stealth training it was also his favorite subject to work on he probably hated hand to hand combat.
He has never filed taxes a day in his life, but the IRS could never track him down. He honestly doesn't even know he supposed to be paying them. The IRS has a meltdown over this.
Ok, I think this was enough to satisfy the itch in my brain. I'm gonna go to bed, know I might post a one-shot about the IRS one tomorrow. Idk
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
Master List 10
Tieflings 💕
Types of hugs
Dragon Age - a fainting Hawke //
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones - aemond + touch/massage prompt //
Delicious in Dungeon 🍱/Dungeon Meshi 🥘 - soft Laios headcanons //
Fallout - ghoul meme // i REALLY like him //
Ultraman rising - kenji sato fluff //
Dune - nsfw & romance // incorrect quotes //
Monkey Man - “Whispered Corners” fic //
The Arcana ✨- waking up with the main 6 // pirate Julian - heartbreak // massage headcanons // julian birthday headcanons //
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss - taking care of you // Lucifer SFW Alphabet // valentines 💘 with Lucifer // Lucifer + s/o with depression // massage headcanons //
Spiderman 2099/Miguel O’Hara - massage headcanons
Critical Role 🎲
Vox Machina - special rock // poison?! // Vax 💔 oneshot // feeble mind spell // Percy rescues kidnapped reader // time ⏰ traveler reader // sit in my lap?// Vax + pregnant!reader //
Music 🎶 - Lunch ft the girls //
Dark Au - Orin!reader
Mighty Nein - Beau + sibling!reader // Mollymauk w/ reader // Caleb song angst // fjord song oneshot //
Crown Keepers -
Bell’s Hells - the “I love you” prompt //
Castlevania 🌙- massage headcanons // surprise kiss Dracula // do’s and dont’s - Alucard, Isaac //
Castlevania Nocturne 🌙 🦇 - massage headcanons // richter + pregnant!reader // shy kisses // “from bottom of your heart” + bg3
Assassin’s Creed - being Aveline’s sibling // shay for valentines 💘 // stealing Haytham’s coat // love languages // Basim + reader // Ezio + artist!reader // Haytham and Shay + former!Assassin // friends to lovers w/ Ezio // massage headcanons // shay + reader // Basim angst // Basim + fluff // Hytham in love // protective of pregnant!reader // Ezio modern au // basim angst oneshot // Connor with Latina!reader // Ezio birthday 🎂 headcanons // local hawk population //
Codexmonthly - February “ship” —> Shay story // Edward 🏴‍☠️ story // Altair & Maria //
March “artefact”
April “vault”
May “modern”
Mermay 🌊🧜‍♂️ - mermaid!Desmond //
“Shadows” prompt
June “mentor”
Baldur’s Gate - astarion + drunk!tav/reader // Halsin and letters // smile from your heart // sick 🤒 TLC headcanons // massage headcanons // interlink pinkies // astarion & his opposite // deep kisses // forehead kiss // secret 🤫 dating Astarion // how lucky to be with you //
Bat 🦇 Astarion Week - day 1 // day 2 // day3 // day 4 // day 5 //
Blood of Zeus ⚡️ - massage headcanons // musical mortal // Ares and handsy lover // Dad Apollo ☀️// Hermes being a dad //
Genshin Impact - neuvillette massage //
Star ⭐️ Wars 💫 - sequel quad + saving sibling // sibling with depression // nightmare headcanons // coming out non-binary //
The Bad Batch - crosshair headcanon //
Hazbin Hotel - Lucifer alphabet //
Challengers - art + patrick nsfw headcanons //
Critical 🎲 Role - service top + mighty 9 //
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saberamane · 4 months
Can someone please tell me who the artist is for this piece of ezio? Or if you know them, let them know someone is selling this pic as a file on etsy?
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Listing is here:
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howlingday · 8 months
Mentor au) ya know when you look at it the entire cast is way stronger and better off than cannon but the two who won out the most are jaune and yang. Jaune gets adaptive learning from his dragon warrior training which allows him to infinitely grow his skills. Meanwhile yang learns absolute violence from the orkz fightiness letting her infinitely ramp up in her ability to inflict violence in new or more effective ways. Wonder how initiation goes now?
The air on the cliffside of the Emerald Forest was particularly cold this morning. Last night at Beacon was unsurprisingly eventful, when considering all of the new initiates showing up. Staring down at the metal plates under their feet, all of which was surrounded by a thick ring of salt, some couldn't help but be reminded of last night's bland "easy-meal" made in preparation for the vast collection of students arriving.
"Ugh..." Groaned the slightly bigger than average student at Beacon. "I could really go for some good food right now."
"Hey, think of it like this," Po said, rubbing Jaune's shoulders, "when we get done, we can have as much food as we want!" The thought made Jaune drool a bit from his goofy, smiling face.
"Ugh, how vulgar." Weiss sneered.
"Ignore him, Weiss." Alucard said, not looking anywhere beyond the horizon. "Your task lies ahead. Focus upon it and nothing else." Weiss did as she was instructed and focused on the horizon as well, running through her list of spells.
"This is gonna be so much fun, huh, Rein? Ren? Zaki?" Nora asked, practically bouncing on her feet.
"Patience, kleine." Reinhardt shushed, patting her armored backside. "There will be enough time for excitement later!"
"Mm." Ren nodded, hand on his longblade. Still, there was something off about Nora and Reinhardt right now.
"Something stinks." Zaraki growled from behind Ren. "And it's something to do with that salt, I bet."
"Are you nervous?" Kratos asked Pyrrha, who was breathing deeply.
"Should I not be?" She asked, opening her eyes to the forest ahead. She cut off her teacher before he could continue. "But I won't let it distract me." He nodded in reply.
"Oh, yeah~!" Yang smashed her huge gauntlets together with an even huger grin. "Time to get down there and show 'em what we're made of~!"
"You won't get the chance." Blake said, pulling her hood further over her head.
"Huh?" Ghazghkull rumbled. "Wass thah 'umie talkin' 'bout?"
"Don't expose yourself too soon, Blake." Ezio warned.
"Um, Professor, Headmaster, sir?" Ruby raised her hand. "What exactly is this initiation?" And though she didn't voice it, she was also concerned by the lack of her mentor standing beside her.
"We will be testing your survival skills in the Emerald Forest." Professor Ozpin answered. "Within this forest lies not only Grimm, but also a set of relics in the temple. You are to retrieve the relics and bring them to the rendezvous point as soon as possible. The exam ends once the sun has set. The purpose of this exam is also to determine who your partners will be until your graduation from Beacon. That is, if you survive."
"You cannot hear me, Little Rose," Death said, standing beside Ozpin, "But know that I wish you the best of luck."
"So, uh, will there be food on the flight there?" Jaune asked, instinctively rubbing his belly.
"There will be no flight." Metal suddenly ground as a student was sent into the air. "Not by bullhead, that is."
"Okay," Jaune gulped, "And, uh, is there some kind of device that will catch us before we fall?"
"No. You will be falling." More students shouted as more catapults launched.
"Uh-huh," Jaune felt a cold sweat run down his back, "and, uh, w-where exactly are our parachutes?"
"There are no parachutes. You will be coming up with your own landing strategy." All the catapults had launched except for Jaune's.
"There's a landing strategy?!" Po shouted in dismay. "What's a landing strategy?!"
"Uh, okay, okay. So, uh, sir, what exactly is a landing strate GEEEEEEEEE!"
"Best of luck to you," Ozpin smiled, "my new students."
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teecupangel · 9 months
What about a kitsune Desmond, a white fox appears shortly after Altaïr's birth white as snow with one black leg and golden eyes it follows Altaïr for his entire life seemingly never aging and smarter than any animal should be. Years after Altaïr's death Des feels a pull and shows up at the birth of Ezio and gains a second tail, the same trend continues with the Frye twins, the Kenways and the other two post Altaïr protagonists whose names escape me right now which if my math is correct leaves him able to get his ninth tail as he steals his infant self from the farm
I'd imagine he'd get more powers from each tail he grows maybe foxfire with his second (fire that burns as bright as the sun) and gaining a human form around 4 or 5
I’m going to be honest with you, nonny, I know a bit about kitsunes, specifically fox spirits, because one of my favorite characters during my childhood is Daji (specifically Dakki from the og Houshin Engi anime) and I never stopped loving her in all her malicious tyrannical glory.
While fox spirits/kitsunes can be benevolent or malicious, a lot of fox spirits are shown to be trickster.
… and seducers.
Like, being able to shapeshift into beautiful women and men who ‘bewitches’ or seduces humans are signs of how old a fox spirit is XD
But I kinda like the idea that Desmond remains as a fox the entire time, never changing in size or weight.
His tails can easily be ‘disguised’ into one tail by making sure they all move as one so it just looks like he has one big bushy tail (which is strange but not ‘mythical’ strange).
Now, we want Desmond to have 9 tails so the list of people would be:
his initial tail
The ninth tail would be his own infant self.
My suggestion for his powers are, depending on how many tails he has, he unlocks:
Immortality and eternal youth (default)
Foxfire (kitsunebi) – the number he can summons grows with the number of tails he has
Dream sharing with his current connection (Ezio, Ratonhnhaké:ton, etc) – he always appears as Desmond Miles in their dreams
Shapeshifts to Desmond Miles
Shapeshifts to any human he is familiar with (having genetic connections with them makes it faster to shift to their form)
Shapeshifts to anything that is not human
Possession (having a genetic connection with Desmond Miles makes it easier to possess that person)
Ability to cast illusions that are almost impossible to distinguish from reality
Omniscience due to a direct connection with the Calculations
(These are all powers that are more or less seen in kitsune stories. If you think there’s too many shapeshifting powers, kitsunes are also known for being able to turn invisible, can fly, bend time and space or make people crazy)
Oh and making Desmond a white kitsune is *chef’s kiss*. In folklore, a white kitsune has reaches the top of its powers and is called celestial/heavenly which is a good foreshadowing on how powerful Desmond could become.
If I may suggest, whenever Desmond uses his foxfire, his tails is engulfed in white flames like this (but white and gold and without the ‘seal’:
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dark-elf-writes · 7 months
So we’ve come to accept the reality that I can’t like something without thinking about an in depth crossover where Harry gets raised by people who actually care about him right?
So anyway Shower Thought
Desmond who lives through the solar flare and refuses to fall in line with whatever William has planned but also can’t go back to a civilian life without feeling like he is betraying everything his ancestors built so he gets shipped off to England to chase the other people of their bloodline so they couldn’t be used in more Abstergo nonsense and also to build up the brotherhood after the heavy losses they’ve faced.
The first person on his list to look into? Lily Evan’s who is a distant cousin of some sort that disappeared into the system after an attack on the base she was born at and all but disappeared completely when she turned eleven.
He doesn’t find her, but he does find her child locked in a cupboard while the woman’s adopted sister tries to lie to him about the line having died out.
(The glowing lines of Isu tech now embedded in his arm ache with his rage. He can almost hear Altair’s growling voice in his ear demanding justice. Can almost see Ezio prowling behind the woman and her hateful husband as if he’s going to take them out himself. Can almost feel the lock picking tools in Connor’s hands as he glares at the cupboard with glowing gold eyes. Hell maybe he does see them. Most of the time he can’t tell how much is his fractured mind producing ghosts of the only people he has felt safe with and what is Isu bullshit punching through time itself so they are actually there.)
Which is how Desmond ends up semi kidnapping a child (is it really kidnapping if his guardians shoved Harry in his arms and told him to never come back?) and trying to figure out how much grief he is going to get by bringing the kid home on a motorcycle
The image that really set all of this off is imagining Harry getting inducted into the brotherhood literally in the middle of the battle of Hogwarts a la will and Elizabeth’s wedding in pirates of the Caribbean through both Desmond and the ancestors via the resurrection stone.
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