#FL is a new favorite but I love how the game feels and was the reason I got a Switch
starlytenight · 2 years
What are your favorite Kirby games?
Oh hi! Thanks for asking this one!
My faves are:
-Kirby Air Ride
-Kirby Superstar Ultra
-Kirby and the Forgotten Land
-Kirby Nightmare in Dream Land
I also quite enjoy Epic Yarn!
...Man I kinda wanna replay one of those but I'm saving my energy for the RtDL remake.
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withlovemark · 3 months
all of the moments that led me to you. (ii)
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warning(s): steve's black eye (again), mentions of: gun, car crash, death.
pairing: steve x reader
words: 6.3k+
summary: a continuation of moments with steve harrington. takes place in season three.
an: first, thank u so so much for over 1k hearts on aotm pt 1 and to be loved. it’s unbelievable to me that that many people have read my writing. i’ve been writing and posting my stories on here a long time and this helps me feel like i’ve been growing, even just a little 🥹
second, i'm so sorry this took so long. i have no other excuse except the devil himself - mr. writer's block. thank whoever the hell is controlling my sim that they got rid of him (at least for now) and now i'm finally here to share this with you
hope you like it <3
yr. 1984
yr. 1985
i. robin’s game of you rule/you suck, intercepting russians and suzie 
quickly walking into scoops ahoy, you finally catch up to the curly headed kid, just in time to witness your favorite boys reunite through a silly greeting. 
you let them have their moment before finally making your presence known, “hey there sailor,” you greet steve with a quick hug, his frame enveloping you. 
he whines at the nickname, knowing how much you enjoy the little blue sailor outfit on him, mind wandering back to when you first saw him in the get up. 
“oh. my. god,” you gasp, a hand to your mouth, trying to hold your laughter in as he makes his way back into his room, after finally successfully putting on his “uniform.” 
“don’t say a word,” he warned, hands on his hips. 
“steve harrington. you are sooo…” he raises his eyebrows, lips morphing into a thin line, daring you to finish your sentence. 
“…pretty,” you giggle, closing the distance to adjust the sailor tie around his neck. he could’ve sworn his heart skipped a beat, maybe two. 
“it's not TOO bad, girls LOVE a man in uniform,” you tease, sitting back down on the edge of his bed. 
a playful smirk on your lips as his sailor hat comes in contact with your face in a matter of seconds causing a bubble of laughter to ring in his ear. 
a sound that has grew to be his favorite.
“sorry we came unannounced,” your voice brings him back to the ice cream parlor.
“he got home from summer camp today,” you explain, motioning to dustin who was now seated calmly in a booth,  “and immediately asked me to drive him here so he could see you,” you grin, steve returning the expression. 
“i think you’re his favorite,” a pout grows on your lips, eliciting laughter from the boy who you now call your best friend. the two of you being glued to the hip since that night in 1984.
days with steve harrington included sneaking into movies, butter popcorn in hand; road trips to nowhere and everywhere all at the same time; late night conversations that lasted into the a.m., a judgment free zone.
“well, yeah, i think we’ve known that a while ago,” he teases, earning a playful shove from you. 
“it’s ok though, i missed that little bugger too and there’s a new ice cream flavor i want you to try,” steve molds his hand into yours as he hurriedly leads you in front of the counter. the warmth of his hand disappearing as he made his way behind it.
you greet robin a quick hello and she acknowledges your presence by playfully saluting, making you smile. 
“here, try it,” steve snaps your attention back to him, placing what seemed to be a cup of just plain old vanilla ice cream in front of you. upon further inspection you notice it has chunks of something in it. 
“i don’t think ice cream should have that?,” you comment, eyeing it suspiciously. 
“just try it!,” he says, nudging the ice cream closer to your face. 
“alright, alright!,” you giggle, finally bringing the spoon between your lips. steve awaits your verdict, slightly bouncing up and down in excitement, eyebrows dancing.
“oh…wow,” your eyes widened, sparkling. tastebuds exploding at their new discovery. 
he knew you’d like it. 
“are those cookies?” you wonder aloud.
“mhmm, brand new flavor, cookies and cream, who would’ve thought huh?,” playfully raising his eyebrows as he stole the spoon from you, taking a bite out of your ice cream. 
“how are things with laura?,” you bring up nonchalantly, stealing the spoon back from him. 
“ugh, don’t even bring her up,” he rolls his eyes, grabbing another spoon from behind the counter while the two of you mildly attack the sweet cup. 
“another bad date?,” you concluded, eyes focused on scooping up a spoonful of your newfound favorite ice cream flavor. 
“we had absolutely nothing to talk about! i swear we just sat there and ate in silence the whole time,” he dramatically testified, shrugging his shoulders. 
“was the sex good at least?,” you asked, his face cringing. 
“didn’t have sex with her,” he shrugged,  “i just went home after and crashed, i think i really am losing my game,” he jokes. 
you know him well enough to know that he hasn’t been feeling as confident as he used to be. you think back to the night when steve confessed to you that he wasn’t able to get into the only college he applied to. on top of that,  his dad cut half off his allowance and he’s now, as he would describe it, “stuck working at a job that pays $3 per hour.”
all in all, steve felt like he had hit rock bottom. 
“how about you? how are things with isaac?,” steve smirked, changing the topic before you got to ask him if he was ok. 
“eh,” you replied. 
“ehhh?.” he mimics, urging you to go on. 
“not gonna go anywhere, very cocky, talks too much…and he’s a lot better when he doesn’t speak,” you cringed, remembering the way the boy spoke about basketball and cars the whole time, not at all caring about any of your interests. 
“maybe we should’ve switched dates?,” steve teases, head tilted.
you tuck away his golden locks that had fallen out of place and he finds himself holding a breath, eyes focused on your movements.
an action that was so familiar to him yet, lately, has been bringing up a weird feeling that he chooses to ignore.
“maybe we should have,” you playfully agreed, slowly retracting your hand, snapping steve back to reality. 
“anyways, thank you for my new favorite ice cream flavor,” you approved of the cookies and cream. 
“now, i have a favor to ask,” you grinned sheepishly. 
“hm?” he hums, grabbing a napkin and wiping away the bits of ice cream that have stained your lips. 
“can you watch dustin for the rest of the week? i have a bunch of cheerleading practices,” you explain, giving him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster, voice going a tad bit higher than usual. 
“yeah, yeah, you don’t have to do that,” he shakes his head, smile on his lips, “i got it all handled here, go ahead and just leave me with the lil monster,” he teases dramatically, making you roll your eyes playfully before beaming at him. 
“thank you, you’re the best!” you praised, lips planting a soft kiss upon his crimson cheeks, expressing your gratitude. 
he ignores the way time slowed down for a second, that fleeting surge of electricity that danced within him, igniting a spark that he quickly brushes off.
“i know,” he winks as you swiftly turn around, grabbing your bag and making your way out of the ice cream parlor. 
“stay safe!,” he shouts at your retreating figure.
“yes, dad!,” you tease, his face morphing into disgust. your laughter rings in his ears as you exit scoops ahoy right after lovingly messing up dustin’s pretty curls, an annoyed groan coming from the younger boy. 
“i can’t believe it, harrington,” the sound of robin’s voice captures steve’s full attention, taking his eyes off of your retreating figure. 
giving his coworker a pointed look, steve cluelessly wonders what she’s about to say when she pulled out her whiteboard and finally drew one tally mark under ‘you rule’
he rolls his eyes at robin, like he couldn’t believe what she just did, “hate to break it to you but i wasn’t flirting with her,” he defended himself.  
“huh, you sure about that, loverboy?,” robin snickered, clearly not convinced with the golden boy’s answer. 
“yes buckley, i’m sure,” steve deadpanned, “she’s my best friend alright so just…just erase that,” he mumbled, not entirely sure he believes his own words. 
it’s not like he hasn’t thought about it before…he has.
but falling for someone is never a good idea. he has firsthand experience that investing in love can be dangerous and if his worst fears happen, if the love unravels and crumbles down, he knows all too well that you will never get that same person back. 
and falling for his best friend? it’s not a risk he’s willing to take. 
he repeats to himself, ‘he must not have feelings for you. he simply doesn’t.’ these words continue to echo, living in his mind, until he believes them as truth. 
“well i think she could be your suzie,” dustin pipes in, quickly introducing himself to robin. 
“m-my what?,” steve inquired, the famous hand on his hip stance appearing. 
“your. suzie.” dustin pronounced slowly like that was going to help steve understand what he was talking about, “like how i have my suzie,” he adds. 
“and what the hell is a suzie?,” the older boy scoffed. 
“my girlfriend,” steve’s eyes widened at the boy’s proclamation, refusing to believe what he just heard. there’s no way dustin henderson has it all figured out before him, especially in the ladies department.
“it’s not important right now,” dustin says, shaking his head,  “i need to talk to you,” he says urgently. 
“we’re talking right now,” steve points out the obvious. 
“no,” dustin glares, “just you,” he continues, eyes glancing towards robin who just shrugged, not caring, as the two boy’s made their way back to dustin’s booth. 
“i intercepted a secret russian communication,” he confessed to the older boy.
believe it or not, those words were music to steve’s ears.
‘finally, he’ll be of use again,’ he thinks to himself as they start decoding the russian’s riddles. 
3 days later
the boys have vanished without a trace.
normally, steve would swing by after work, or when he was off – which you knew he was supposed to be, considering he gave you a copy of his schedule, – he would pick you up from cheerleading practices. 
dustin was also nowhere to be seen and the uncertainty of their whereabouts fills you with growing concern. 
there were no knocks at your window at midnight. no sound of an engine revving or the horn honking to greet you in the morning. not even the static sound from dustin’s talkie had made its appearance.
the last you heard from them was at the ice cream parlor. so after today’s practice, you were on a mission.  
you rush to the mall, hoping to see both of them devouring ice cream, ready to hear their half-ass apologies on why they went radio silent only to be face to face with two unfamiliar employees behind the counter, robin also absent from the scene.
quickly, you drove to steve’s house, the maroon vehicle nowhere to be seen causing you to reroute your drive to dustin’s house - still nothing.
this puts an end to your speculations – the boys are in trouble.
and they left you here with nothing but silence and the fear that’s rising in the pit of your stomach. 
you think back to where the kids usually were this summer and found yourself running down the wheelers’ basement, after mr. wheeler kindly let you in, only to reveal everyone else was already there…except for your two main culprits. 
seven heads turn towards you, your entrance hushing their conversations, “have any of you seen steve and dustin?,” you ask as they all shake their head no.
“well,” max spoke up, hope glimmering in your eyes, “el and i saw him at the mall,” she revealed.
“when was that?,” you inquire.
“like, 2 days ago,” she quickly replies, making you groan in exasperation. 
“hey,” nancy snaps you out of your despair, “they’ll be okay, it’s steve and dustin, they’re just probably out doing something ridiculous,” offering a smile, failing to comfort you. 
bless her but the only thing you could think about was how the last time those two did something “ridiculous,” they almost died, making you sink deeper into concern. 
“yeah, steve’s probably just helping him talk to his imaginary girlfriend,” mike chimes in as you remember the girl dustin briefly told you about when you drove him to starcourt mall. 
‘that was plausible,’ you convince yourself, finally nodding and accepting their assumptions. 
“we have bigger things to worry about,” jonathan said, directing the group’s attention back to their previous topic as they fill you in on the mind flayer — a mrs. driscoll, a tom and bruce, and a billy hargrove acting as its host. 
you just hoped to god that steve and dustin really are just looking for suzie because if they were in any kind of danger, you might kill them yourself. 
for now, you’d just have to play on this team. 
ii. starcourt mall and the TODFTHR 
starcourt mall in its after hours has a tauntingly beautiful presence, its hallways bathed in the soft glow of neon lights that crackle with static, creating an ambiance that breathes an almost palpable energy, as if the very essence of the mall comes alive in the quietude of the night. 
dustin finally radioed in a while ago with another code red, making goosebumps rise throughout your body. “code red” was definitely the last thing you wanted to hear. 
all the group could make out from him were the words, “open the gate,” and you knew this was all connected to everything you’ve seen in the past couple of hours. 
“where the hell is he?,” mike whispers as max shushes him and you silently thank her in your head. 
the group is extra attentive, everyone looking around in hopes they’ll find something out of place. 
finally, a faint click reaches your ears, followed by hushed footsteps. you think you’ve imagined it until nancy voices your suspicions, “what was that?,” she whispers. you feel the blood draining from your face, heart racing, afraid of the events that could transpire. 
following the sound, the group ends up at the second floor — right above the food court.
you spot the four men first, each one of them with their arms raised, gun aiming at a food stall. 
eleven immediately steps in making the car alarm go off then proceeding to throw it at the armed men. she leaves you stunned and amazed, like she's been doing the whole day, and you can’t help but send her a smile of gratitude. 
after a second or two, the two familiar heads finally emerged, eyes finding the golden ones you’ve grown accustomed to, all beaten up and bruised. 
rushing towards them, you pull dustin into a tight hug first, exclaiming “where the hell have you been?….i’ve been looking everywhere for you!” 
“i’m okay, i’m okay! i promise! im sorry,” he apologizes as you quickly look him up and down, your protective side kicking in, checking for any signs of injury until he finally slipped from your hold, reuniting with his friends. forcing you to look up at the beaten up, beautiful boy in front of you. 
“steve-,” you whisper, before running up to him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck, pulling him as close to you as possible. the beating of his heart against your ears, and in that moment, you feel like you can breathe again. 
he holds you just as tight, visibly relieved that you’re unharmed. as he exhales a sigh of relief, you pull away slightly, inspecting the mark around his eye. soft hands ghosting over the bruise that was already starting to turn purple.
“didn’t i tell you to stop getting into fights?,” voice laced with concern as you fought to hold back tears, overwhelmed by the rush of comfort having him by your side brings.
“i know it doesn’t look like it, but i actually won,” he smiled, tenderly brushing away the tears in the corner of your eye before they could spill. 
“what happened?,” you asked. 
a light cough from behind him breaks you out of your embrace, slightly pushing the boy away from you and finally taking in robin’s presence.
their matching appearance doesn’t go unnoticed.
“we found a secret lair, got drugged by russians and then they beat up pretty boy over here for some answers,” they share a smile. 
for a second, you feel your heart twinge. you’re not too sure whether it’s because the information robin shared painted a disturbing image in your mind or if it was because she was there and you weren’t. 
you can’t allow yourself to dwell on it as the group finally reunites, connecting all the pieces together and figuring out the next step. 
“oh screw tod, steve’s her daddy now,” steve says excitedly, as he got into the driver seat of the TODFTHER. 
robin and erica comment on his use of referencing himself in the third person and the word “daddy,” causing you to laugh as you sat in the passenger seat. robin, erica and dustin squeezing in the back.
driving off with the scoops troops, you make your way to dustin’s tower. 
“suzie must be pretty special, huh? for you to make this tower just for her,” you finally get a chance to interrogate the young boy, earning an excited nod from him and a groan from everyone else, making you feel like an outsider in their very obvious inside joke. 
“he described her as scientifically perfect and has yet to shut up about her,” robin fills you in, obviously tired of the topic at hand.
“i mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect but suzie’s about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be,” dustin added, causing more annoyed groans to slip from everyone’s lips except yours.
“she sounds made up to me. she sound made up to you?,” erica sassed back, resulting in an eye roll from the young boy. 
“steve, y/n, you believe me right?,” he says, sitting forward, glancing between you and steve. 
“of course,” you quickly assured him while steve remained silent, before finally nodding his head along with you. 
“you hesitated,” dustin points out, a pout on his lip, “why did you hesitate, steve?”
“i didn’t hesitate!” he defends himself, his voice reaching a higher pitch. 
the older boy turned towards you, asking for your help but all you could offer him was a shrug, a smile playing on your lips.
dustin impatiently repeats his question, finally getting his answer, “i don’t know man, no one is hotter than phoebe cates!,” steve bursts, earning a look of confusion from you and a whine from the younger boy, giggles bursting from the two girls sitting in the back. 
you definitely missed out on a lot. and you realize how much you hate it. 
“left. turn left.” dustin said suddenly, prying you away from your thoughts.
“there’s not a road here,” steve points out the obvious. 
“turn left! now!” the younger boy yells urgently.
“jesus! hang on!” steve yelled before finally making a harsh left, your hands immediately going up your face, acting as a shield against the tree branches coming in contact with the vehicle. 
“oh my god, where the hell are we going!?.” you shout through all the ruckus. 
“just keep going!,” dustin continues with his unreasonable directions. 
“we’re not gonna make it!,” robin yells from the back and you see determination flash in steve’s face.
“yes we are!, come on baby!” he urges TODFTHER to go on until it finally hit its’ limit, leaving the group stuck in the middle of the woods.
“guess, we’ll have to walk the rest of the way,” dustin says. 
“how far is this thing?” erica says, voicing everyone’s annoyance. 
iii. dustin’s tower and an epiphany
it wasn't long until the group finally made it to dustin’s radio tower, finally being able to instruct murray’s next steps.
you were seated on the field with the rest – the calmness before the storm. 
“hey, guys?” steve’s voice causes the group to get up and follow his line of vision. 
starcourt mall’s rapid flickering lights causing panic to rise in the air, dustin immediately runs back to his talkie, trying to radio the others but all that was received was a loud, screeching, monster noise. the younger boy repeatedly tries to get a response but all that was left was static. 
steve makes up his mind, immediately getting up on his feet, ready to run towards the direction of the mall, but before he could get any further, your voice makes its way to his ears, halting his movements.
“where the hell are you going?,” you shot, panic evident in your voice. 
“to get them the hell outta there!,” he exclaimed, adrenaline running through him. you knew you weren’t going to be able to persuade him to stay here with you. but after the past couple of days of thinking you’ve lost him, there’s no way, in hell, he’s leaving you here. 
“i’m going with you,” you announced, already walking towards him. 
“no,” he says sternly, meeting you in the middle, “just stay here, watch the kids,” his eyes pleading with you to obey. 
“robin can watch them,” you countered quickly, reaching out for his hand, fingers fitting in yours perfectly.
“y/n-,” he whispers desperately. hoping you could hear how much he wants you to stay here, where it's safe. 
he can’t keep putting you in dangerous situations just because he wants to play hero. 
“you’re not going without me! i won’t let you!” standing your ground, your hand tightening around his.
steve can’t help but think back to earlier that night, sitting in the tiled bathroom of starcourt mall, robin opposite of him. 
“i just don’t get it,” robin says groggily, slowly coming down from the high and voicing her opinions. 
“what?,” steve looks at her, eyes droopy, mouth slightly agape. 
“you…going on all of these dates,” robin pointed out, “how you don’t realize you have the perfect girl in front of you,” she wonders aloud  he knows she wasn’t talking about herself, especially after she trusted him with her little secret. 
“you don’t think i know that?,” steve says, eyes closing, head slowly coming in contact with the wall behind him, defeated.
“why don’t you do anything about it then?”
“because….because- she’s y/n! and i’m…” he pauses for a second, trying to find a better way to explain it to robin but all he could manage to say was “i’m just steve.”
“well ‘just steve,’ i think you’re pretty cool,” robin compliments him, allowing him to fully strip away the walls, his hidden feelings coming to surface. 
“she has dreams and goals and i know damn well, she’s going to make every single one of those things happen, meanwhile, look at what i’m wearing! look at where i am! sitting on a bathroom floor, drugged!,-”
“hey, what does that say about me,” robin interjects. 
“please, i practically dragged you in here with me,” he continues, “all i do is drag people into chaos….i dragged y/n in this mess too, i can’t continue holding her back,” an exasperated sigh escaping his lips. 
“hm, you don’t have to hold her back, y’know?” robin countered,  have you ever considered being the one to hold her hand and support her through all her ‘dreams and goals’?,” she asks, hopefully giving steve a new perspective. 
“she doesn’t want that,” he says defeatedly.
“have you asked her?” robin questions. steve lets out a sigh before shaking his head no. 
“you’ll never know if you never try, but if you need a little push, if i were her, after everything i’ve seen today, i would’ve left a long time ago,” she says like a prophet. 
those words echo in his ears now and he sees it all clearly. 
you stayed.
you could have left, could have stopped talking to him and walked away forever. yet here you are, gazing at him with pleading eyes, hands in his, hoping he won’t let go.
that fact is evident to him now as he feels your hand tightening around his. 
steve found himself nodding slowly, a blast of realization striking him. you mirrored his gesture, sealing an unspoken agreement – minds and bodies communicating before any words were uttered. 
within the next second, the two of you made your way back to TODFTHER, headed to the mall - together. 
iv. the car crash and neverending story
“holy shit, hoLY SHIT! STEVE-,” you shout, the boy’s foot not leaving the gas as the car continues to accelerate.
steve takes a quick glance at you, “PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON!,” he yells and you quickly obey his order knowing he has no intention of stepping on the brake. 
as soon as he heard the little click, with both hands on the wheel, steve immediately stepped on the gas, the car accelerating at a speed you couldn’t even imagine. you can’t help but hold your breath, scared for the impact you know is about to come. 
in a matter of seconds, TODFTHER crashes into the black car driven by billy hargrove — bursting it into flames. nothing can be heard but the ringing in your ear as you try to refocus. this wouldn’t be the first time the two of you had matching concussions because of billy. 
“are you okay?,” steve immediately inspects you, unbuckling your seatbelt, warm hands gently cupping your cheeks, eyes finding yours. your chest heaving, trying to make sense of how the two of you were still alive. 
as you catch your breath, you look up into his golden eyes, rapid breaths syncing. then, in one swift moment, his lips are on yours, in a quick, passionate kiss. 
well, this is definitely not how steve imagined his first kiss with you.
he pulls away as soon as he registers his actions and you’re left breathless, not at all sure with what happened.
“sorry, i got caught in the moment,” he panics. 
“it’s okay,” you nod still trying to catch your breath. 
you don’t catch the way his eyes lose a little glimmer of hope. he’s about to take back what he said until the mindflayer makes an appearance on top of the building and you both very much snap out of the trance, being reminded that you were still in the middle of the battle. 
nancy directs your attention to her, yelling for your safety. steve immediately jumps out of the car, his warm hands instinctively grabbing yours, making sure you enter the car first. 
silence envelops the vehicle, everyone too afraid to say anything as the haunting size of the creature continues to taunt the group.
it wasn’t until dustin’s voice rang into the air followed by a young girl that everyone finally released the breath they were holding. 
you look at steve with recognition, “suzie,” you say in harmony and he can’t help but be in awe. 
“you’re going to have to say sorry for doubting him,” you tease, making steve chuckle.
he liked that. the fact that you guys can immediately joke around like he didn’t just kiss you after he crashed the car that could’ve caused your deaths. 
suzie-poo and dusty-bun keeps the group entertained, especially when they start singing a duet to never ending story. 
steve looks at you like this is the craziest thing he’s ever heard, the rest of group looking disgusted. 
you can’t help but giggle, quietly singing along to dustin, for only steve to hear, making him shake his head in disbelief. 
“i cant believe she’s real,” steve says after the musical that is probably in the top three most life changing moments in his life and the two of you break out in quiet giggles. 
v. ambulances and “friends?”
the battle was bloody and not everyone came back unscathed. some didn’t come back at all. hopper made a huge sacrifice. billy was dead. 
now everyone was seated in their own ambulances, near star court mall, waiting for clearance. 
you’ve spent the last hour trying to comfort max in her grief. losing billy like that, right in front of her eyes, left her in her thoughts, refusing to talk to anyone. 
the only reason she let you in was because you knew her brother in a different light, unlike the others who has always viewed him as the villain. 
“is it bad that part of me is relieved?,” max quietly whispers like she didn’t even want you to hear it, almost like the guilt of saying it out loud was going to kill her. 
you shake her head no, “grief can present itself in different ways, you don’t have to feel a certain way,” you reassure the younger girl, “just feel what you’re feeling now and take it day by day” you try to comfort her, hoping your words can somehow reach her. 
meanwhile steve was with dustin and robin, sitting in a different ambulance. 
“i kissed her,” steve confessed to the duo.
“you kissed her?” robin and dustin says at the same time. one with pride, the other, shocked. 
“i. kissed. her.” steve repeats, more to affirm himself that it actually happened and it wasn’t just  the drugs that had completely worn off at the time nor was it the concussion he surely had. 
he really kissed you. he knows its true because if he closes his eyes and think about it hard enough, he can still feel the softness of your lips on his. 
“well are you gonna go talk to her about it?,” robin breaks him out of his daydream and the question immediately causes bubbles to rise through his stomach. 
he feels like he's going to throw up. 
“what if i dont?,” he panted, “i did tell her it was just a spur of a moment thing,” he reveals. 
“now, why would you tell her that?” dustin says like a father disappointed in his kid.
“i don’t want to ruin our friendship!” he defends himself, arms flailing in the wind. 
“you already kissed her dumbass, thats like #1 on things not to do to ruin a friendship,” robin points out and he knows there’s no way he was going to win this two to one battle. 
he was going to have to talk to you.
“hey,” steve's hushed voice breaks you out of your own thoughts. 
max has left you on your own a while ago, saying she just wanted to be alone. when she was gone, you had a bit of time to process everything as much as you can at the moment. 
“you okay?” steve asks softly. 
giving him a small smile, you pat the empty space beside you, inviting him in your ambulance, “could be better, but yeah…i'm okay, are you?”
he nods, answering your question. “are you sure?... billy is gone,” he mentions cautiously, afraid of how you would react but prepared to offer comfort. 
“well... i do feel sorry for max, she’s the one that lost her brother tonight,” he nods, understanding what you meant. 
billy was long gone for you. surely, not like this — never would you have wanted it to be like this. but he no longer occupies any part of your mind and definitely not your heart. 
“do you know what actually scared me?” you whisper, your breath coming in contact with the cold air. his silence urges you to go on. 
“when i couldn’t find you,” you admit to him and to yourself. 
steve sees everything that he needs to see in your eyes – love, fear, a hint of sadness. 
he has the urge to pull you into him, to feel your lips like he did earlier that night. but before he does, he knows he has to come clean. he has to do it right this time. 
“i have to tell you something,” he says urgently. 
“if something like tonight ever happens again, god i hope it doesn’t, but if it did and i never got to say this, i would hate myself forever,” he rambles, trying to buy time. he knows that after he says what he’s about to say then things with you will take a turn. 
“you're scaring me steve…what is it?” you ask, softly placing your hand on top of his shaking leg, hoping to somehow help him calm down. he takes a second to gather his composure.
to make sure he says the words the way you deserve to hear them – honest, sweet, gentle. 
“y/n, i am in love with you,” he confesses into the night air, soft brown eyes locked on yours.
you stare at him, eyes slightly widening, registering his words. 
for steve, time seemed to stretch endlessly, it could've been three seconds or three minutes but but it was unquestionably the longest silence he had ever endured. 
when you still haven’t said anything, he realizes he has made a mistake and knows he has to fix it, immediately.  
“a-and you don't have to say it back!, i'm not asking for anything!, i mean it would be nice but i'm totally okay with just being fr-” he fumbles over his words, hoping that dustin could find some sort of way to teleport back in time to prevent this confession from happening. but then he feels it — soft lips pressing against his own, shutting him up ever so sweetly.
his body responds instinctively, returning the gentle kiss, eyes fluttering close. this was how it was supposed to go. 
“please don’t say you're okay with us just being friends,” you tease, finally easing his racing thoughts. 
he chuckles softly, “i am… i am not okay with us just being friends,.” he admits, mirroring your expression. 
that one word was all it took for all of steve's worries to fade, happily pulling you closer until there are no spaces left to fill. 
bonus: pretty privilege (3 months later)
walking into family video, you gently drop steve’s hand, immediately missing the warmth it provided and causing a tiny frown to appear on your boyfriend’s face. 
“hey keith,” you greeted the boy behind the counter sweetly. 
“h-hi y/n, what can i do for you?,” he was grinning from ear to ear and you knew this was going to be easy. 
“do you think,” you start, voice going an octave higher, an innocent glow in your eyes, “you maybe have two job positions open, right now?,” you finish, a hand placed softly, and very calculatedly on his arm. you were completely taking advantage of his “secret” crush on you. 
steve glances between the two of you in disbelief. 
meanwhile, the boy behind the counter was a blushing mess, mumbling a “god, y-you’re so pretty,” and steve has to physically hold himself back from kicking the air. 
keith leans over the counter, “yeah, i’m-” he starts to say, but before he could end his sentence, steve’s hands wrapped protectively around yours, dragging you out of sight and in between one of the aisles. 
“what are you doing?,” he quietly blurted once the two of you were out of sight. his arms crossing against his chest, biceps protruding, eyebrows going up. 
“trying to get you and robin a job,” you reminded him of the reason why the three of you were even in this store in the first place. 
“yeah but what’s with the cute voice and the eyes!,” he points out, “oh keith! do you have a job opening right now?,” he bats his eyelashes, mimicking you, completely appalled by the way you used your cute voice that was only supposed to be reserved for him. 
“okay first of all, i do not sound like that. second, it’s pretty privilege steve and you have to know when to use it,” he rolls his eyes at your answer. 
“yes, you do sound like that!” he whines like a five year old child, “...omygosh keith you’re so manly!, you have a job, you-,” he continues mocking. 
“steve harrington,” you cut him off, “are you jealous?,” you accuse, holding back your smile. 
“i don’t get jealous,” he scoffs, an absurd expression on his face like he couldn’t believe you even suggested that. 
“really? because you’re looking pretty green right now,” you tease, a small smile playing on your lips. 
“y/n it’s physically impossible for people to turn green,” he rolls his eyes. you ignore the use of your name.
“it’s a metaphor,” you tease. 
“you're a metaphor,” he mocks and you can’t stand it anymore, he’s acting too cute. 
“you're cute when you’re jealous,” 
“you really shouldn't be though,” you continue.
“yeah i know...its just keith,”
“no, its because i’m all yours, steve harrington.” 
in an instant, all annoyance melts away from him and you know you won. your hands instinctively thread behind his neck, grabbing a hold of his curls, a routine you’re now all too familiar with but could never get enough of. 
the taste of strawberry chapstick mingles with spearmint. steve senses your smile against his lips, pulling you closer as his hands encircle your waist, deepening the kiss. soft moans escape your lips, audible only to him. 
he craves more of you, currently wishing you were alone in the comfort of his room, his car, or anywhere but here, in the middle of all these vhs tapes. 
“ehem,” robin’s cough breaks the two of you apart, making you jump.
quickly wiping your lips, you push steve away, taking notice of the lipstick that was now painted on him before sending robin an apologetic smile.
it’s all too easy to get lost in the boy beside you. 
“are you lovebirds done or should i go watch a movie first?,” she says sarcastically. she was honestly over all the lip locking. it was cute at first but the honeymoon phase is now starting to tire the rest of the group. 
“well, you could-” steve starts. 
you quickly jab him in the stomach, shutting him up. “sorry,” you smile sheepishly at robin, “yes, we’re done.”
robin chuckles, “whatever, i got us the job” she states, ready to get out of there. 
“how?,” steve asks, head tilting to the side. 
“told him that steve’s a real chick magnet and he’ll attract a lot of customers...especially hot babes,” she shrugs like it didn’t take any work. 
“ahh,” you nod slowly, agreeing, then redirecting your focus back to steve.
“see. pretty privilege.” you point out, making steve chuckle, his fingers naturally wrapping around yours as the three of you finally walk out of the store. 
and no, you don’t miss the way he looks back at keith with a smirk.
an: i will not promise a next year this time because in all honesty, i got nothing but moment titles. if i do write one, it will just be randomly posted one day lol.
thank you for reading! and if you were here when i first posted part one (exactly a year ago), extra love to you<3
please feel free to drop your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc, in my inbox <3 (anons are welcomed!)
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Cat behavior FL? Cat behavior FL.
You know those cats that keep a death grip on food with their teeth and start growling when you try to take it away? I feel like Legacy would do that with blankets.
Even if he took your fave out of the nest and you need it for a nap, expect a rumbly Abyss monster to play tug of war with it and perhaps cause a few rips in it.
aahhhh i love the recent influx of cat behavior Foul Legacy asks i've been getting ehehehehehe
see, growling and hanging onto the blanket has two benefits- one, Legacy often gets to keep the blanket; and two, if he manages to tug you down as well, you usually end up taking a nap next to him. there's nothing quite like having you literally fall into his arms, met with happy, growling purrs and gentle licks on your cheeks. so when you meander over to the blanket nest and attempt to pick up your favorite quilt, he immediately sinks his teeth into it and growls, thinking it's part of this fun little game you've been playing together. in your tired stupor you tug back, just wanting to rest for a few hours and not worry about anything, not realizing how hard both of you are pulling
your eyes fly open when you hear something tear and you immediately release your grip on the blanket with a sharp gasp
the quilt has a few new rips, where Legacy's teeth would have been as you pulled. a whine of dismay slips from his mouth when he lets go, hunching his shoulders and hiding his face away to try and seem smaller, less threatening and more apologetic, but you simply sigh and sit down beside him. it's alright, you shrug as you peer at the damage. cloth can and will be repaired- it's not like you've never torn anything before. still, Legacy whimpers and buries his face in the crook of your neck, silently remorseful, and your fingers tangle in his hair and fluff as you scritch under his chin, eyes beginning to droop shut. holding you like porcelain, Legacy carefully pulls the torn blanket over you, tucking in the ends so you're perfectly bundled before he curls himself around you- yet somehow you always end up with his head snuggled against your stomach when you wake up <33
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 3 Match 3
The Yoshi Clan - Yoshi's New Island
Mansion Basement - Resident Evil Director's Cut
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
The Yoshi Clan:
"the ass band will play a song of farts to celebrate your failure"
"#yoshi sounds like suck"
"#YOOOOOOOOSHI CLAAAAN!!!!!!!! #ok im gonna complete my santa review before getting to my ten page essay on why i love yoshi clan. yea that shit bad #i accidentally started it playing in two tabs at different points of the video which was honestly really fun. i recommend tryin that esp wi #bad songs really adds smthn to the exprience. it was awesoeme #it also just sounds the exact type of awful that that video image implies which is cool. its so perfect. it sounds ass #but. what it can not beat. is my favorite of all time. my darling love. it is time to begin my sermon #ok so yoshi clan is just so beautifully terrible. and truly the whole soundtrack is an orchestra of bad design. and its so fun to look at #that really nice professional looking art for the game and get BLASTED with kazoo #and like. i understand the thought process. kazoo does seem silly goofy yoshi. and it also sounds like a chorus of pain #now this song specifically has some really great awkward pauses. at 0:16 theres like a full 3 seconds of silence. which is SO cool #then the hot cross bun bit that ends at 0:27 gets so sad and deflated at the end of it. like it starts off in time but then clearly the #soloist got kinda embarrassed alone and so rushed and got really quiet. and its just so sad and lonely. its so cool #also some of these pauses have a couple lone far away kazoo squeaks for no reason before the 'melody' comes back in? awesome #but what i really really love about this. what really draws my eye. is the ending. because we go through this entire rigamarole with the #worst secondhand embarrassment of my life. then. 0:43. the kazoos move out. and in. the most genuinely awesome groovy drum beat in the worl #like its SO good. and those last few seconds are like you're in a different world. like you just survived horrors and you are brought to an #angelic chorus. and it lasts what 5 seconds? 5 seconds of beauty after a full 40 seconds of purgatory. in what world do horrors live foreve #while an angel can last for only a flash #its cruelty. its injustice. its completely ingenious. incredible music making. i am in such awe. #anyways thats my manifesto. please feel free to put any of this in the propaganda section op. im passioante"
Mansion Basement:
"this song fucking sucks. i love it."
"[Mansion Basement] is literally what letting my cat walk over my keyboard set on some particularly bad trumpet sample feels like. Spectacular"
"#This is so funny #Who made mansion basement?? #It's so sad!! #And pathetic!!"
"#whaat the fuuuck is up with [Mansion Basement]"
"#like NOTHING can compare to mansion basement #what the FUCK"
"#the mansion basement made me cry #ithink i know who the winner here is #🎺🔥🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥🎺🔥"
"#resident evil is a joke song for clowns"
"#I'M NOT LISTENING TO THE OTHER ONE I KNOW FOR A FACT IT'S MANSION BASEMENT #THE STORY BEHIND IT IS WILD TOO SO THAT'S AN AUTOMATIC WIN BABBBEEEYYY" (pollrunner's note if anyone knows what the story is please tell me i am dying to hear about it)
"#i saw the title of this post and literally IMMEDIATELY thought of mansion basement #felt emotionally validated when i saw it was an option #i love that song #in the worst way #like a drunk zombie looking for its keys in an orchestra"
"#im fucking obsessed with mansion basement. sweep"
"#what the hell that is not a real resident evil song #did they really just make that and put it in the game #what"
"#I ACTUALLY LIKE THE BASEMENT SONG because it perfectly captions how like- #the sneaky suspicion of getting diharrea feels"
"#fart basement ofc"
"#Mansion basement is objectively the funniest song ever"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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atomicwinnerdreamland · 9 months
Heyyyyyy I saw you were taking requests :)
Can we please have some NY and Louisiana hc’s?
Hii! Yes of course :D
New York:
-He likes to paint and read. His favorite things to paint are sunsets/sunrises, architecture (CA's Golden Gate, FL's Disney World, his own buildings, etc), and plants. His favorite types of books to read are psychological thriller, fantasy, and coming of age classics (occasionally romance as well, though he'd never admit it)
-He and California have little arguments where they talk about how similar they are to each other. "I have the Brooklyn Bridge!" "Well I have the Golden Gate!" "I have the New York Times, you copycat!" "No you're the copycat, I have the Los Angeles Times!" They're not really arguments though since these conversations usually end in laughter.
-Speaking of the NYT, he likes to journal. Whenever he can't resort to violence to let out emotions, he writes his feelings out on the nearest piece of paper he can find. Sometimes he burns them, other times he keeps them in a special drawer to read for later. He also likes to write little moments that occur in his life that he finds interesting; like eating good food, making a snowman, discovering a new song he knows he'll hyperfixate on for months, etc. He also likes to write books, though most of the time they're just little picture books you could read to kids because that's all he has time for
-I've mentioned this before, but New York plays board games with California. He wins against Cal in Monopoly but loses against him in Uno. New York also plays games (board games and party games) against his northeastern besties and he's very competitive when doing so.
-He's a fashion icon. The other states ask him for fashion advice and he delivers since fashion is a passion for him 💅 He's been told he could be a model, but he never actively pursued a modeling career bc of his statehouse responsibilities
-I feel like he'd be a huge fan of Taylor Swift, especially 1989 TV. Evermore's another one of her albums that he vibes with since a song called coney island's on it and bc it's a calming album for him :)
-He's friendly to Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. All three states are kind and don't annoy him, and New York appreciates that. They also all play in the snow at times. He also has a soft spot for Indiana, Wyoming, and Alaska.
-This one's a popular one, but my baby over here has insomnia. The only way he can get a true night's rest is if somebody's there to cuddle him ane calm his mind down, like *coughs* California. This fic by @alaskashigh is a great example of this if you want to read one :)
-Him and Illinois get along well. They buy each other coats for the winter and argue a lot about pizza and sports teams. Through this, New York managed to get along with Indiana and Minnesota, and now all three of them like to grocery shop together lol
-When that whole fiasco of the skies turning orange occured in the Northeast, the first person New York turned to was California, and rightfully so. California helped patch New York up and gave him advice on how to deal with stuff like that. New York told the rest of the NE what Cal told him so that they also know what to do.
-He shows he cares through gifts and actions. He doesn't say "I love you" very often, but he'd hurt anyone who hurts his loved ones, give you his coat when you're cold, make you some food, or plants specific flowers when he finds out what flowers you like. New Jersey usually helps New York with the planting part, and that's one of the rare times those 2 get along.
-Louisiana hangs out in the woods with Florida and Texas just to get away from the Statehouse and to gossip.
-One of his favorite songs ever is House of the Rising Sun, and he never misses an opportunity to sing it. You can hear him sing it while he cooks, cleans, or when he does really anything. The states aren't annoyed about it though because his voice is captivating.
-He's a very comforting person. The states go to him whenever they need somebody to talk to because Loui can do it all: he can listen, cook, and make jokes.. whatever you need to feel better.
-He enjoys learning about old folk tales, urban legends, and superstitions in the US and around the world. The states often catch him watching paranormal true crime documentaries with a grin on his face, and the only state that's not unsettled by this is Florida.
-Speaking of Florida, he and Florida go on dates by doing the most dangerous stuff. Skydiving without parachutes, doing hit and runs, armed robbery in important government buildings just to make Gov mad, whatever crazy things these goons can think of. But on other times where they're feeling relaxed, their dates are just them cuddling or eating. They enjoy both bc they have each other :)
-(TW: suicide, death) If he was a normal person, he'd be dead a long time ago. He's been stabbed, shot at, beat up, hanged, basically killed, but since he's a personification he just sustained the injuries and went on about his day. When he found out he was a personification, he killed himself just to see what'd happen. Would he clearly see the paranormal stuff he likes so much? Would he see an afterlife? Imagine his surprise when nothing happened to him.
-He can read, but he just doesn't want to. He just likes to read his Mama's recipes and children's books. When New York makes a new children's book, Loui usually asks him if he can read it, and New York lets him.
-He was a nice kid in high school. Respectful to his Mama, probably indulged in some sports, escaped to the woods once in a while, and had a decent group of friends that were just as wild as him. He's the type of guy to not make any enemies, and he was one of those rare ones who were good looking in high school (I wish that were me lmao)
-He and Texas are buddies and cook together a lot. When Louisiana needs help with anything, especially natural disasters, Texas is the first one to make sure he's okay and vice versa. When Florida's off doing... something that definitely is a threat to his life and/or someone else's (aka being himself), Loui and Texas go to parties together. Loui gets drunk and usually almost blacks out whereas Texas only takes a couple drinks to make sure he and Loui get back home safe. They got each other's backs, basically.
-He and South Dakota get along most of the time, and the only time they don't is when SD talks about Pierre and pronounces it "peer". Loui doesn't take it too seriously, but they like to jokingly argue about it.
-He has a big heart and it's obvious. He likes to show love through his words and his actions. Like New York, he wouldn't hesitate to throw a punch to someone who has hurt you, but he also would stop whatever he's doing to make sure you feel loved and taken care of. He's almost burned the statehouse down once because he was comforting his buddy Arkansas, but California was around to stop this potential fire. He also likes to say he cares about you, you can occasionally hear him say je t'aime mon amour/mon ami(e) & tu es magnifique. (I love you, my love/my friend & you are beautiful).
That's all I have for now, thank you for the ask :D
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softmick · 11 months
two weeks of weekly tag game wednesday but it’s actually thursday (i filled out last week’s on time but never posted the draft 🤷)
🔤Name: meagan
🗺️Where in the world are you? right now i’m on a train from nikko to tokyo, japan! 🇯🇵
🛀do you have a favorite towel? nope, just one that’s big enough to cover everything.
🪨can you skip rocks? not really!
🤔tell me about a weird slang term from your area: i am totally blanking.
🍞favorite toast topping? salted butter.
🍮thoughts on bread pudding? i love it so much. not a fan of when people add stuff tho like white chocolate sauce or raisins or something.
🌆City or country living? i want both, which is a struggle. being outside and surrounded by nature does great things for my head and heart but i hate not having options for food, concerts, things to do, etc. where i lived in atlanta was a great mix. where i live now in fl is beautiful but too rural.
😸How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? cozy clothes, blankets, ordering in, chocolate, tea, snuggles.
🌗Are you a pessimist or an optimist? i am generally a “we’ll figure it out” kind of person. but a pessimist when it comes to personal achievement stuff.
🏷️can i tag you in random stuff? yup.
🔤 Name: sometimes meg. my parents call me boo.
🎶 Last song you listened to: kyoto by phoebe bridgers because i’m in kyoto!
🎵 Artist on Spotify giving you the feels right now: not an artist but this playlist my sibling made. i can’t listen to it super often or it makes me sad but every once in a while i’ll revisit it and it makes me miss her but also makes me happy.
👯‍♂️ fave blorbo moment: when ian says “i wanna be where you are, mickey” and for mickey the “sorry i’m late” scene
🍟 Your guilty pleasure snack: i don’t feel guilty about food but maybe taco bell?
🌮 What food are you craving today: pizza.
📖 Last fanfic tab you opened: running into you by @juliakayyy gonna read it when i get home.
🖌️ Favorite fic project you've created: umm, it hasn’t been written yet.
👩🏼‍🎤 Next tattoo you want (or would consider if you're not a tattoo person): there are a lot i want. hopefully the next one i get will be a full back piece by savannah colleen. i would also like to get my head tattooed but i’m not sure if i’m ready to cut all my hair off again just yet.
🧐🆓 What's living in your head rent free this week: my partner has been starving for what feels like our whole trip and i can’t stop thinking about mickey saying “don’t worry we’ll get a dick in ya as soon as we can”. i want to respond to every “i’m hungry” with it. also cam as spike.
thank you 😊 to Kat @mybrainismelted Ling @lingy910y Julissa @heymrspatel Jess @jrooc Dyno @dynamic-power Ajax @transmickey River @milkovichrules Sky @skylerwinchester and Julia @juliakayyy for tagging me! 🫶
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paigenoelchas-blog · 1 year
Tumblr media
Feels Like Home 23: Two weeks gone
Mahri's POV:
It has been a couple of weeks since Dan apologized. During that time, Jessy and Dan continued to grow in their relationship, and where it had once been awkward, they were now in perfect sync. Dan has never seemed happier and Jessy is so cared for by him. Jake and Dan have been working very hard at building a friendship and it is good to see. Betty and Phil continue in their passionate affair, and while their feelings are getting deep, no one can deny the sexual tension that fills the air when they are around each other. It is incredible that such a terrible night at a bar led to such a wonderful relationship.
Jake and I are wildly in love, though we haven't been able to spend any time together since the amazing evening and morning we shared. Jake left after the movie. He had work the next day and knew there wouldn't be much rest if he didn't go home. Once I was able to share my truths with him and he accepted me for who I am, who I was, it was as though a curtain was thrown open shedding light onto all of the dark spaces. There is nothing left to hide from him. No places are to be kept in secrets and fear. I am ready to face and embrace everything that has been holding me back. I realize that I have nothing to lose by being in a relationship with Jake. I can only gain someone to share my life with just as Jessy tried to tell me so many weeks ago.
I am no longer afraid of losing myself in him, but between Christmas events, having friends that we want to spend time with, and work obligations, we haven't been able to share any sort of quality time together. It isn't that I haven't wanted to. That actually can't be farther from the truth. I want desperately to be in his arms and by his side. Right now, however, our lives are moving fast. Jake has his new job and he is trying to prove himself to his employers. He is also trying to earn a few extra days off after Christmas. I don't object, partially because it will do no good and partially because those days off will be spent with me, in his cabin cuddling and smooching, laughing and dancing, playing games, and hopefully more cuddling and smooching.
I also have plans for Christmas and I can't wait to give Jake his present. I've been waiting since he told me about his favorite memory with his mother.
Lately, if I have a free night, he has obligated himself to help Dan or Betty. If I have a night off, Jessy and the girls want to hang out. Now that Betty and Jessy are close I can't say no. I love those girls and how can I refuse a budding friendship between Dan and Jake? If that means that I have to sacrifice a few nights of...passion, it is worth it in the end. They are our family and we can't live without family. I think for a minute about what we have all been through and I am proud of all of us. We have overcome many things and become stronger people with more affection for each other.
I just wish Jake would talk to his sisters. Maybe I can ask him to make it a New Year's resolution? It isn't worth bringing up now, but we won't be complete until all of us are together. I would love that and they need that.
Tonight we may get the chance to be alone, something I have been waiting for. I haven't been able to stop thinking about how his hands feel when they roam my body or how his kisses sit hot and soft against my skin. I can't stop thinking of the way his fingers feel when he takes ownership of my body. Whatever part he touches belongs to him and I am a willing sacrifice.
He sends me a coffee on the mornings that he can't drop by early enough to use the machine he bought me. His morning visits have become an excuse for a very quick morning interlude allowing us to discuss our day and get in a few kisses. Sweet and caffeinated kisses including roaming hands and partial states of undress, until we realize that the day has started and our obligations outside of this house have as well.
He still spoils me by sending me letters and flowers and sweet texts, more than I ever expected from him, more than I have received from anyone. He reminds me that I should have been receiving this kind of treatment from anyone who dated me or met me. He reminds me that I am worth it. I know that he is. I know that I love him, but every day, I learn a new facet, a new thing about him that makes me love him more.
Tonight, we are picking out a tree for the cabin. In my mind, it is no longer Jake's place, but it is mine as well. I have taken to dreaming that his house is mine and that we share it, but it is a secret. I don't want to pressure him or force this relationship too fast. In fact, I have only stopped by the place a couple of times since the beautiful time we first met. That is why I love it so much. It is there that I ran to my dream and there when he held me in his arms and all of my future happiness became clear.
It is odd that I can admit to these feelings now when they were terrifying for me not too long ago, but with all of the secrets shared, I have no fear and no worries. I just have love and lust and dreams for a future. I asked him to move slowly, and now that my brain has moved past the fear and I just want him, to be with him in all of the ways that I can. I will wait for him to know that this is right.
I just hope that tonight we can take a big step into our relationship. We are picking out a tree with the group and then going to our own places to set it up. It should be a late night at the cabin. I hope that he asks me to stay as I have been waiting to be in his arms once again.
My phone vibrates. It is him. I can tell without looking. I can always tell without looking. My face lights up. I can, in fact, feel the dimples forming on my cheeks.
Jake: Hello, my love. How has your day been?
Mahri: Great! I just finished my assignments and my chores.
Mahri: I seem to be available for the rest of the evening. I wonder what shall I do?
Mahri: I guess I will just sit around and wait for some devilishly good-looking man to come and sweep me off of my feet.
Jake: What a coincidence.
Jake: I just finished all of my assignments and chores.
Jake: I don't know about the good-looking part or what the devil has to do with any of this and I don't have a lot of practice at sweeping gorgeous women off of their feet, but I can come over and try.
Mahri: Sir, you have been sweeping me off of my feet since the day you told me your name.
Jake: :)
Mahri: Baby, please come over. I have been dying to tell you something.
Jake: I am walking out the door right now, but I wanted to ask you to pack an overnight bag, in case it gets too late tonight.
Jake: Unless, of course, that is too forward. I just can't imagine sending you home when neither of us has to work in the morning.
YES YES YES! I scream out loud doing a little victory dance, in my apartment, to no one. I am glad he is not here.
Though I pause and can tell that he is nervous, which gives me hope for a great night.
Jake: I have a spare room if that is your desire, or you and I can share the couch or my bed, but I will leave that up to you. I have no desire to pressure you or make you uncomfortable
Jake, my desire is to be as close to you as possible as long as you allow it.
Mahri: I will pack a bag. See you in five. Make it three and I will meet you at the door with a kiss.
Jake: What happens if I show up in two?
Mahri: Try. See what happens.
Jake: Open the door.
Mahri: Cheater!
I open the door and Jake is there, looking the part of a lumberjack. He has been trying out flannel shirts lately. Betty told him to. One day, she walked into Jake's place and said that if he was living in a cabin, he should try to look the part and threw him a bag with a bunch of new clothes inside. The flannels were something she thought he should try out. I wasn't sure at first, but the jeans that she added make his ass look like a work of art. I can't complain, he is handsome in flannel, in a T-shirt, in nothing at all. He never has facial hair though and for that I am grateful. He had covered his face with a mask for long enough. I thought he was attractive before, but man, this outfit is something else. Added to his look was the most gorgeous smile that spread across his face.
I attempt to grab him for a kiss, but instead, he grabs me by the waist and swoops me up in his arms, carrying me to the couch. He lands on top of me, his lips pressed hard and firm against mine. His kisses are hot and full of desire, it has been too long since we have been together.
He twists around on the couch until he is underneath me, his arms holding me close. I have to pull away to catch my breath.
"Hello there," I say in a stutter. His body is flexed and tight. His eyes are intense as he runs his hands through my hair. He twists some strands in his fingers and his eyes lock on mine. Drawing his face up towards me slowly this time, he places his lips on mine once again. These kisses are soft and sweet, yet demand my respect in return. We stay this way for quite a while, enjoying the soft touches and kisses and moans when we found a spot that feels especially electrifying. His mouth moves from my lips to my collarbone, to the place where my shirt begins, and back up again. Pulling me into his lap, I can feel his excitement building.
His voice is low, it is both a growl and a whisper, "Hello, my love." He runs his hand through my hair and they settle on my cheek. "How I have missed this beautiful face and the feeling of you in my arms."
"That is quite the greeting," I say, backing away a little. If I don't stop this, we will never get a tree. Part of me wants to skip the tree and stay here with him all night, but we have been looking forward to this for so long. Besides we have waited this long, we can hang out with friends and decorate the tree and then find the time to be together in all of the ways that we want to be. I have no doubt that his feelings mimic mine on this subject.
"I did promise to sweep you off of your feet," he chuckles.
"I didn't mean literally, but that was incredible." I let him know what his kisses do to me.
"Yes, indeed it was." His hand is still playing with my hair. His eyes still locked on mine, his other hand playing near the hem of my shirt, daring his fingers to climb farther north. "I fulfilled my promise, now, what do I get for arriving early?" His growl goes deeper and he pulls my face closer to his once again. How could he keep doing this to me? It was getting harder and harder to resist him.
I managed to pull away despite the protests of some of the body parts, "Well, you cheated and I don't abide by cheaters, so..."
He interrupted me with a quick kiss, "She is a fickle mistress, indeed." He smiles.
I laugh and remove myself from the couch. " I would love to do this all night, But we have to pick out a tree and I have been instructed to pack a bag. Wanna help me?"
"Depends, do I get a sneak peek?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Depends, can you keep your hands to yourself?" I ask.
He raises an eyebrow. "Probably not," he answers.
"Good," I respond as I grab his hand and pull him into the bedroom. He catches up with me wrapping his arms around me from behind, reminding me fully of what I have been missing these last two weeks.
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avaliveradio · 2 years
illryt 'Trippin' it back' Steps Outside the Box with Brilliant Experimental HipHop
illryt 'Trippin' it back' is an interesting and exciting track that steps outside the box
Artistically illryt 'Trippin' it back' is alive with passion and life. The track steps outside the box on what we usually hear in this genre and pushes you to think how differently music can be put together to offer an artists unique perspective.  illryt has a flair for artistic expression and to me this is fearless. He’s not afraid to mix sounds together that we don’t hear every day. This combination is so filled with life and vibrant culture that it could be set in an art exhibit with flashes of art blooming around the room. I can see so many applications for this kind of music in todays art scene.
I love the lyrics, the story telling and the way the artist express expresses his thoughts. In this way it does strike a chord in that vein of Kendrick Lamar or Childish Gambino. 
I love the start and as the vocals come in it's dramatic and moody yet inspiring.. by 2 minutes in, there are layers that shift the vibe slightly adding to the mood and bringing even more visual elements to the track.
The message at 2:30 is my favourite of the song, it’s a self examination of the artist, showing vulnerable honesty that resonates well.
This is brilliant work. I love it. Keep being fearless. 
Music Review by Jacqueline Jax 
Shared on the Curators Picks Playlist
(listen on spotify)
illryt - trippin' it back
Music Genre: Indie/Electronic/Experimental Vibe: Positive flowing, speaking of past life and relating it to present and how to do the things we once did in our younger days that helped us get through tough times; which we may have forgotten about. Located in: Coral Springs, FL
'trippin' it back', an entirely organic and original song created in the moment; no samples, all instruments and editing done by Ryan Adam Olmedo. The music in this song was created a few weeks before the lyrics were written. Knowing the song needed lyrics, not knowing what to write at the time apart from having the chorus, "trippin' it back to go forward now..."; and between work and caring for two kids, the time to really sit down and focus on writing was not always available.
This song wasn't meant for a freestyle; it had a purpose. Feeling the moment and the overall concept to be directed towards taking a part of your life from the present and going back into re-visiting the past looking into what we use to do in our younger days in order to get through different stressful moments in life and maybe forgetting about these things in adulthood.
‘trippin' it back' really put forth the memories of things that allowed for manipulating sad moments into happy moments by not only going back to doing these younger day activities, simply thinking about the memories themselves and going back from a meditative state.
Born Ryan Adam Olmedo (12/12/1989) in Manhattan, NY; moved to Coral Springs, FL when I was a young lad. I've always had a strong passion for music; I love playing video games & every sport known to man as well as skateboarding. I love to create and problem solve.
Growing up as the youngest of four, I was handed down quite a lot of opportunity. Self-taught in music and music production and following my dream as a live entertainer. From busking on the streets of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Cocoa Beach, Rockledge FL, Atlanta GA, San Juan PR, and more; to miles upon miles of traveling by foot along the East coast of FL.
And now, raising my two beautiful and wonderful kids and working on developing my music label (illryt records) in order to grow my music and support/promote and encourage the growth of fellow musicians. Interested in producing beats for other artists; search "illryt" on your favorite music streaming platform to listen in and follow/subscribe and hit the notification bell on YouTube so you can be informed the moment I drop new mixes!
Social Links & Website: https://twitter.com/illryt
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jcmarchi · 8 months
WWE 2K24 Cover Star Cody Rhodes Shares Zelda Opinions And His Most Anticipated Games Of 2024
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/wwe-2k24-cover-star-cody-rhodes-shares-zelda-opinions-and-his-most-anticipated-games-of-2024/
WWE 2K24 Cover Star Cody Rhodes Shares Zelda Opinions And His Most Anticipated Games Of 2024
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This past weekend, I traveled to Tampa/St. Peterburg, FL, to attend WWE’s Royal Rumble and to play WWE 2K24 at a special preview event. You can look for my hands-on impressions and video footage of my gameplay on Thursday, February 1. But while I was there, I had the chance to chat with one of 2K24’s cover stars and the winner of the 2024 Men’s Royal Rumble match, Cody Rhodes.
The “American Nightmare” is a lifelong gamer and professed Zelda fanatic (fun fact: during his early WWE run in ‘07-’08, his wrestling boots sported the Triforce logo). So I decided to forgo any wrestling questions and spent the few precious minutes I had with Cody getting his take on Tears of the Kingdom, how Majora’s Mask stacks up compared to his favorite Zelda game, Ocarina of Time and asked what game he’s most looking forward to playing in 2024. 
Game Informer: I know you’re a big Zelda fan, so I gotta ask: did you play Tears of the Kingdom, and if so, what do you think? 
Cody Rhodes: Yeah, I went right through it. So I feel like Breath of the Wild and Tears of Kingdom are one game because they’re so huge. Like, you don’t ever need to play another Zelda ever again if you’re playing Tears of the Kingdom. I mean, just with the Depths, hunting all the damn Lynels down, and the Lynels just get harder as I get older, which makes me feel like I’m out of touch with gaming itself. But I really liked the story. We wanted more story with Breath of the Wild, we got some of that story with Ganondorf. But they did the right thing in terms of [realizing] “they still want more. Still want more.” And I just think we’re in a kind of golden age of the games that I grew up loving. Metal Gear Solid and Zelda, you’re seeing remakes, you’re seeing remasters, potentially an animated or a live-action movie. To me, I can’t ask for a better thing because we gave all this energy as fans to it, and it can still continue on, you know?
GI: Yeah, for sure. I’m playing Majora’s Mask for the first time for a video feature for my website. Is that a favorite of yours? I know you’re a big Ocarina of Time fan, but where do you land a Majora’s Mask?
Rhodes: So Majora’s Mask is a masterpiece. I get mad at it because people try to say it’s better than Ocarina of Time. I feel like they’re also one game, but Majora’s Mask for what it did with the cycle, the three-day cycle, and things changing with the night and day, there’s still some games in this era who aren’t getting that right. Like, it had a Red Dead-level nuance to it for a Nintendo 64 game. Love Majora’s Mask.
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Myself and Cody (rocking a trademark expensive suit) hang at the WWE 2K24 event. Side note: his loafers were incredible.
GI: I don’t know how much time you have to play games now, but do you have a game that you’re looking forward to coming out this year or anything that you haven’t gotten to in your backlog?
Rhodes: I’ll jump forward and say 2K24 for sure because I’ve only gotten a little bit of a taste of it and have been amazed. But the big one for me is [Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater]. And then, hopefully, I wonder if we’ll get a Metal Gear Collection Volume 2 because I know a lot of people want to see Metal Gear Solid 4 playable on modern consoles. So here’s hoping.
WWE 2K24 launches on March 8 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. 
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realm4m3 · 1 year
My name is Tavion Brown. A little known fact about me is that I love video games, drawing, and basketball.
Ai Weiwei Kippe
Fun Facts:
He spent his youth in desert exile in 1958, this is when he was one year old. This is where he learned much of his craftsmanship.
Ai Weiwei loves cats
There was a play about him, "The Arrest of Ai Weiwei", the story of how Ai got arrested in 2011 and imprison for 81 days.
Ai returned to China in 1995 because his father was sick, there was one last thing that his father told him that kept him in his native land, "Without Fear or Favour".
Ai is one of the worst barbers in the world, he often post pictures of very unorthodox haircuts. When a blogger named Anthony Tao asked him a question about haircuts, Ai respond with a kind that will make you want to cry.
3) When I first looked at the Tieli wood work from Ai, I was wondering why I was looking at a piece of rock with more rock inside it. But the more I look at it, the more details I saw. Each layer has it's own unique patterns, all of it is not the same.  His art symbolizes freedom of expression against great odds. I would say that after his final moments with his dad, "Without Fear or Favour", it was meant to comfort him about his home and that to spend the time in China as he saw fit, rather than in fear or apprehension. Do you see anything different in the art now? Yeah, within the first few seconds of looking at the art, I automatically question on what it is and miss the vitally details of its design. After taking the time to do research on his background and looking at his art more closely, this allows me to see more stuff within his work then I did when I first look at it.
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This art is called Goku Black, his original name is call Zamasu from Universe 10. After losing to a mortal name Goku, he stole the saiyan body from Universe 7. He use the super dragon balls which allows the user to make any wish, he switch because his own body was weak compare to his. His goal is to exterminate every mortal since he watch them for centuries and they never change, always in sin and causing war against each other, this gave Zamasu a bias view on mortal kinds. He want's to cleanse Earth to its original beauty and would do anything to achieve that. I use the internet and videos to get more in-dept of how he looks. I feel very accomplish that I get to draw my favorite character on my own without anyone else drawing it. I do thinks it's beautiful, because I drew it, I spend my time perfecting it with my own hands.
Fulfillment when I look at art or my own, the details, how it stands out, the colors. I'm 19 years old. I'm a male. I'm from Bradenton, FL. I'm black. I like to play video games, basketball and draw. I'm not a member of any organized group. I work at Walmart. My personality, my responds, my clothes, the way I think about things and life.
The gift of a new day and new opportunitys.
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scummy-writes · 3 years
A Helping Hand
Rating: Explicit
Words: 1753
Pairing: Arthur/Mc
Tags: Fingerfucking, Vagina Fingering, Flirting
Full fic under the cut!
Admittedly, it took you a moment to take in what he meant, and his chuckle at how quickly you blushed only further flustered you as the heated puffs against the shell of your ear sent a jolt of arousal through you.
“My, someone is thinking dirty thoughts.”
“That’s not- you started it!”
“I don’t mind finishing it,” his tone dipped lower, his hand tracing your side until the pads of his fingers rubbed against the fabric of your skirt, "if you'll let me."
Cleaning the study usually didn’t bring forth any issues. The residents often left you alone as they preoccupied themselves, neither of you paying much attention to the other. Usually the only one to give you any sort of trouble was the resident flirt, Arthur, who took any chance he could to make heat rise to your cheeks.
You knew it was a game of some sorts- how could it not be? Since the night you arrived, the two of you had been dancing around the flirting teases you were both guilty of. Foolishly, you wanted to defend yourself when it was brought up, making flimsy excuses to yourself that it was just playful banter that Arthur had started. But as the weeks turned into months, it was harder to dismiss the other ways he managed to make you blush. Or the way you found yourself jealous of the women he played with so often, or the way managing to make him smile outside of flirting made your stomach flutter…
But today, as Arthur toyed with your hair and almost closed the space between your bodies, you couldn’t dismiss the fluttering feeling as your heartbeat drummed in your ears.
“Are you using a new perfume? Why, it smells just like the one I suggested to you the other day.”
You blushed, feeling the back of the couch press against you as you attempted to step back, “i-is it? I didn’t realize…”
“Come now, you don’t have to pretend, you know? In fact, I’d be pleased to know you bought it because of me- my only complaint is that I wished you’d let me buy it.”
“I don’t need any pointless gifts, though.”
“Would a thank you gift for all your hard work be pointless?” Arthur let your hair drop from his nimble fingers, instead tipping your chin up to meet his gaze. An attempt to make you answer, or fluster you further… You weren’t sure which was the real reason.
“Well, at the time you didn’t say it was for a reason like that!”
“I’m aware. In fact I remember it quite clearly. You looked positively radiant that day and I saw it fit to-”
Embarrassed, you pulled his hand away so you could look away from that smug grin of his; but he wasn’t deterred, instead he continued, “I saw it fit to attempt spoiling our lovely housekeeper on her first day out of the dusty old mansion for the first time in weeks.”
“I go out more than that,” you huffed.
“Grocery shopping and chasing after us for forgetting a brolly doesn’t count, luv.”
You crossed your arms, thankful it gave a bit of space between the two of you, as the smell of his cologne was beginning to make you lose your reason.
“You are so delightfully stubborn,” he murmured before perking up again, “there’s always other ways I could show my appreciation though- ways that don’t involve money.”
Admittedly, it took you a moment to take in what he meant, and his chuckle at how quickly you blushed only further flustered you as the heated puffs against the shell of your ear sent a jolt of arousal through you.
“My, someone is thinking dirty thoughts.”
“That’s not- you started it!”
“I don’t mind finishing it,” his tone dipped lower, his hand tracing your side until the pads of his fingers rubbed against the fabric of your skirt, "if you'll let me."
Suppressing any further noise was difficult, as a quiet and aroused gasp tumbled out of your lips before you rushed to cover your mouth. Because it wasn't as if you didn't want to feel Arthur like this, it was just the embarrassment of being so needy with such a flirt felt as though it'd eat you alive before any vampire could. But Arthur caught the slip of pleasure, testing a brief kiss to your cheek.
"Mm, I do so love those sounds of yours," his hand rucked up your skirt, fingers dancing along your inner thigh, "say, let's draw out more, shall we?"
Arthur had you pinned to the back of the couch, but he still didn't push further once you cautiously grasped at his clothes- one hand still grazed your sensitive skin, while the other rested on the couch. The pause let you gather your thoughts, let you think a bit more clearly, yet the first words out of your mouth quickly gave yourself the answer you sought.
"W-what if someone else comes in?"
Arthur didn't miss a beat, pulling back to give you a smirk, "I do spend a fair amount of time in here, dove, I'm certain no one will stumble upon us-"
"But if they do, you can blame me for anything that comes from it. Besides, I don’t intend to go too far."
You blushed, grip on his vest tightening.
"Then… what do you intend?"
That drew out another low laugh, his head ducking to press slow kisses along your jawline, "to let my favorite bird have a moment to relax, after all your hard work about the place."
"Th-thats it?"
"I'm always willing to provide more if you'd like?"
Mouth opening and closing for a moment, you finally spoke once your thoughts returned, "T-this is fine, f-for now."
Arthur waggled his eyebrows, "for now?"
You turned your head aside, embarrassment overtaking you. But he gently kissed your cheek, sliding the hand between your thighs up.
"I'm just teasing, luv. Now, let yourself relax, and tell me if you want me to stop."
With your permission shakily given, your shame ebbed away as he began to trail kisses along your neck, as if each brush of his lips against your skin was a reassurance. At the same time, Arthur stroked your slit through your underwear, letting out a small groan when he found the fabric damp. Your hands instinctively tugged him closer by his vest, resisting the urge to clamp your knees shut. This time he didn't tease you with that silver tongue of his, but you could feel his smile on each kiss.
You weren't sure what exactly he was getting out of this, but you tried to dispel those thoughts. Instead your face buried against his shoulder as his fingers dipped into your panties, quickly sliding over your clit and giving a few gentle swirls.
"My~, look at how wet you are…"
"H-hush…" The scold came out weakly, a groan shuddering out when his fingers began to stroke your sensitive nub in earnest.
He didn’t seem deterred by your retort, instead shifting to tease your entrance briefly before slipping his fingers inside. Eyes fluttering shut, you let this pleasure slowly build up in your abdomen, mentally thanking whatever Gods were out there for giving you the courage to accept Arthur’s offer.
“That’s it… Just like that,” his knee slotted between yours, a shiver running through him when your thigh brushed against his crotch. Momentarily, you could feel just how much this was working him up, but Arthur pushed your focus elsewhere again, nipping at your ear as he continued, “let me hear all of those little gasps, hm?”
The palm of his hand rubbed against your clit as he pumped his middle and ring fingers inside, focusing on the right spot that made you tremble and tighten your grip on his clothes. And thankfully, much of Arthur’s teases didn’t go too far. He just murmured soft praises and encouragements, many of which drowned themselves out as you kept trying to keep ahold of yourself for as long as possible.
It was… Embarrassing, to a certain extent- to get this close to the edge so quickly. But really, how long had it been for you since someone else had pleasured you?
Somewhere along the process you managed to nuzzle into his neck; hiding both your blush and muffling the few louder cries that spilled out as he thrusted harder. In this unplanned position, it was easy to feel the rumble of his chuckle through his chest. You just wished it didn’t send another wave of excitement through you.
“A-Arthur-!” You twisted your fingers in the fabric of his clothes, your body betraying you and rocking against his hand impatiently. In response, he carefully forced you to look up at him, and in the deep blue of his eyes you could see how easily your face betrayed your emotions. His lips quirked into a small smile, then he ran his thumb over your chin.
“I know a much better way of doing that,” Arthur spoke softly against your lips before taking them in his own, luxuriating on your taste once your tongues met. He kept the kisses slow in contrast to how hard his fingers were working your sweet spots, and you felt your legs tremble against your will as the wash of your orgasm overcame your senses.
Arthur quickly used his free hand to keep your head in place, greedily stealing any kisses he could as you gasped between them, still pumping inside of you until your eyes watered. It wasn’t until you blinked a few tears that he finally slowed his hand, kissing the stray salty droplets away. When you struggled as he stepped back to pull his hand out from under your skirts, he eased you to rest fully against him as you caught your breath.
There was some shuffling as Arthur brought out his handkerchief to wipe his hand clean, pouting a little when you denied his offer to help tidy you up, but otherwise he let you linger as much as you wanted. He combed his fingers through your hair as he waited, breaking the silence only after it was clear you were calm.
“While I’m confident not many come into the study, I’m sure if Sebas starts to notice your absence, he might start to search…”
Ah.. Feeling a little dejected, you pulled away. Catching sight of Arthur’s sympathetic gaze earned you a quick peck to the cheek.
“I did rather enjoy myself,” he admitted, helping you resituate your clothes, “I hope you did as well, dove.”
You smiled, indeed feeling a bit bolder knowing that his flirting wasn’t for nothing, “I did… And perhaps it’s giving me a few ideas for a return ‘thank you’ gift as well…”
"Then next time I wouldn't mind slipping under there myself," he gave your skirts a gentle tug, grinning when your cheeks bloomed red and you swatted his shoulder, "have a care, luv! Only if you'd let me!"
Arthur may say this is just for her, but I think we all know he's going to remember this fondly on lonely nights.
This has been in my drafts for some time now... I finally sat down today and just powered through and finished it... Second old draft I've done within a month! I hope I can keep this streak going... Thank you all for always being so patient with me qq
Masterlist | Ikevamp Server (18+)
Tag list (Please DM/Send an ask if you’d like to be added/removed): @aeoncryptic @anianakin @atrax-phoneutria​ @shookspearewrites @stehkotori @niintendoqs @otomefoxystar @blu-tigerr @jazzellen @cinnatwisted @buswilligan @tacogawa @kim-stitches @passionatebooklover @rinringo23 @aurora-morning @kimmy-banana
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maddgicalgirl · 3 years
Paracosm Resources <3
Need help bringing your paracosm to life? Try these free resources!
⚠️ Updates always pending! Suggestions always welcome! Feel free to message me any tips or questions <3 ⚠️
(Cont. below cut, or with real time updates on this google doc!)
Art Programs
FireAlpaca - 2D Art Program, Animation. Where I make most of my digital art, and paint the frames for my animations :) It is free to use, and easy to learn and use! It can make basic animations as well, such as gifs. It requires download.
Krita - 2D Art Program. Professional, free digital paint software :) I have not used it before, though I have heard good things.
GIMP - 2D Art Program, Photo Manipulation. It's free to use, but I do not like it/recommend it highly. But! If FireAlpaca and Krita don't float your stoat, try Gimp! For 2D art, but also able to emulate Photoshop to a degree ^^
Inkscape - 2D Art Program. Free to use digital illustration software. Makes 2D art :)
Of course, who can forget classics like good old MS Paint, and the new and exciting 3D MS Paint, which can both be used to create some really neat things! Classic MS Paint is available here in browser form! If you need that. I just think it's neat!
Art AI
Petalica Paint - Coloring Software. An in browser, watercolor manga style coloring software, which can (almost) effortlessly color in any of your line art pieces! I've played around with it for my Thorn illustration style piece, and enjoyed it! It is free to use, and can take user input to make the colorations more precise.
ArtBreeder - 3D Realism Software. Using Artbreeder, you can create lifelike images of your paras, planets, or potentially even fursona, using the intricate AI they let you work with for free! A premium version exists, but most functions are fully usable without - though I recommend donating ^^ You can randomly generate, or prune and shape what you make until its perfect! Slow to use and get the hang of, but very worth it! Artbreeder is also pioneering an intriguing animation software to go alongside their product! Browser based.
3D Software
Blender - 3D Modeling, Animation. The best (in my opinion) free 3D modelling software.
MagicaVoxel - 3D Pixel Art. Free to use! Could be interesting :)
MikuMikuDance - 3D Rigging. Anime style rigging and animation software, free to use, and certified internet artefact! Has stood the test of time, and is still used and loved today. Can support ports of many kinds of assets, including, I believe, those from Blender, and of course those that are downloaded. DA has a bunch of old MMD communities you can raid for assets!
Animaze - Face Rigger. Use 3D models and a webcam to watch your paras talk! Models can be made in Blender, downloaded online, or even from CHARAT V, CHARAT GENESIS sister app!
Character Creators
CHARAT GENESIS - 2D Character Creator. Browser based anime style character creator, with multiple crops and poses, and infinitely customizable options. It is legitimately insane. Has a 3D function called CHARAT V which can apparently convert characters made in CHARAT GENESIS into 3D models compatible with Face Rig and Animaze!
V-Katsu - 3D Character Creator. Free on steam! Anime style, intensive character creator, by the same people who made Koikatsu, and Koikatsu Party, two amazingly detailed 3D hentai makers. While V-Katsu is a SFW VTuber maker, if you're looking for NSFW anime content, you could always spend roughly $70 on the full NSFW versions. V-Katsu requires a translation mod (free online as well) which you have to install, or the ability to read Kanji <3 Works with VR tech.
V-Roid Studios - 3D Character Creator. Free on steam! Anime style, fairly in depth character creator, that allows for some degree of digital 3D hand sculpting, particularly with their amazing hair engine, to get your paras looks perfect!
And, of course, Picrew has thousands of character creators of various styles and quality uploaded by the artists who made them! Also, honestly I think we as a society should embrace making dinky chibis in Gacha Life. IDK why everyone is mean to the gacha kids, like we weren't all cringe at some point,
World Design
HomeStyler - 3D and 2D Room Designer. Make a model of an interior for a home or building, using real 1:1 furniture of IRL brands! Apparently this is free to use, though there is a premium version, and  it offers 3D and 2D models.
Map to World - 3D Planet Maker. Turn your fantasy world into a 3D model of the planet. Put maps directly on, or design the surface and textures of your world. Takes a lot of getting used to, but it is AMAZING. Free to use, and browser based!
PlanetMaker - 3D Planet Maker. Make a customized 3D planet! Free to use browser site! I have never used this, but I would love to mess around with it sometime! Allows you to add orbital rings, change textures, and more at the click of a mouse.
If on sale, I also recommend snagging a copy of the Sims, particularly 3 or 4, for character creation and world design. Maybe not the best gameplay without mods, but it's also a load of fun, and very easy to add custom content to! Minecraft also. But you just need Minecraft, in general. Beyond its ability to fairly faithfully recreate structures from your paracosms, it's just Good.
Game Creators
Maybe you wanna turn your paracosm into a cool game idk, just thought I'd put these here!
Construct 3 - 2D Game Creator. Beginner level game making :) Drag-and-drop if/then style programming.
GameSalad - Codeless 2D Game Creator. Drag and drop style/no coding, beginner friendly. Free version available!
Solpeo - 2D Game Creator. HTML5 based game engine for 2D and isometric game development. Some programming knowledge needed. Platforms supported: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9+. Free version available.
Stencyl - Codeless 2D Game Creator. Drag and drop style building/no coding skills needed. Has editable templates!
Scratch - 2D Game Creator. Very easy to use and totally free, though relatively basic!
Unity - 3D, 2D, and VR Game Creator. Make games with 3D software. Import your own assets (Blender compatible) or download free options, or buy the rights to models. Works for 3D and 2D games. Free version available, and now works with VR tech!
Unreal Engine - 3D Game Creator. Extremely advanced 3D game developer. Highly customizable. Free to use!
Twine - Text-based Game Creator. Use a map to make a branching paths text-based story game. Free to use.
Squiffy - Text-based Game Creator. have used Squiffy and it can make some really, truly incredible things. Can take a while to pick up, and learn how to use to its full potential. Free to use! Has an online and offline library of player creations you can get inspiration from!
Quest - Text-based Game Creator. I've never used this, but it seems cool! Use it to make interactive text-based DND game adventures in browser.
Ren'Py - Visual Novel Creator. Visual novel engine, that is well acclaimed, and of course, free to use!
Companion AI
Replika - 3D Companion.
Kajiwoto - Chatbot Companion. Customizable, learning AI you can shape into a personality. Communicates via Discord like chat box.
Toyhou.se - Character Gallery. A customizable library where you can upload all of your paras and characters for the public to view! Free to use, but requires a premium member to invite you!
Refsheet - Character Gallery. I haven't used it before, but I've heard good things, and that it's a suitable alternative to toyhou.se if you can't get an invite!
Notebook.AI - Character Gallery. I haven't used it before, but I've heard good things, and that it's a suitable alternative to toyhou.se if you can't get an invite!
World Anvil - World Building Toolset. Like character galleries, but for worlds and their lore :)
Scabard - World Building Toolset. Aimed at DnD campaigners, but I reckon it'll be useful for many!
YARPS - World Building Toolset. More focused around story and lore than Scabard or World Anvil, and looks beautiful! Still in its prototype stage, however.
Pinterest - Photo Organizer. Look at, collect, and sort images into boards. Personalizes your feed based on that, and is free to use and join! However, unlike their myriad of wonderful recipes, DIY tutorials, and the likes - a lot of the images are uploaded by second parties and not credited, so be careful reuploading anything you find! Also great for finding outfits and art inspo for your paras!
Fantasy Name Generator - Name Generators. Does what it says on the tin! Generates fantasy names. Is a lovely website, run by a purportedly lovely woman.
Fantasy Map Generator - Map Generator. Randomly generates a fictional map, which you can view in 2D or 3D.
Donjon RPG Generator - Multiple Generators. Can make maps, weapons, items, etc.
Seventh Sanctum - Multiple Generators. One of my favorites from high school! Does all kinds of things - the standard items, spells, and names - but also prompts, backstories, characters, and even comedy generators!
ShindanMaker - Multiple Generators. User created and uploaded, any kind of generator you can imagine, of varying complexity. And when I say any generator? I mean ANY generator.
Audacity - Record and Edit Audio. What can't Audacity do? I love Audacity to death. At surface level, it records audio. I've used it to record voices for my paras, and get audio for animations and games I've worked on. I cannot recommend it enough. Comprehensive editing, and with some investigation, it can do so, so much more than just record simple dialogue.
FL Studios - Compose. Compose music with an unlimited free trial. Upgrades available for purchase!
Indie Game Music - Royalty Free Music Library. Free to use Indie Game Music. What it says on the box!
AudioJungle - Royalty Free Music and Audio Library. Thousands of free to use audio clips!
Online Piano - Someone could use this, for recording, or just messing around. I've seen plenty of paras who play piano, this could just be used for fun!
Online Guitar - Same reasons as above, but this site looks kinda sketchy. Use at your own risk or reward! Audio
For real, if you ever need music, sound effects, or really any MP3 clips that can be used without infringing on copyright laws, just search 'royalty free' (music/audio/insert thing here) same applies for photos! Make sure the source is reputable, however.
W3Schools - Coding. Learn the basics of coding, for free, online!
Debut Video Capture - Screen Recorder. Record game footage and let's plays for free! Professional and home versions. I see a few of our community members have paras who run YouTube channels, and I thought these might help! It could be a nice way to connect your parames. YouTube quality <3
Pixton - Comic Maker. Comic making website. I have no experience with this at all, but some may find it useful!
Picfont - Image Editor. Puts customizable text on an image. I used these for @paraesthetics paracosm header edits <3 It has a premium version (???) but the free version has all functions, but it crashes regularly (honestly seems timed :/) but once you get it down, it's a very quick process, and you won't have to worry about that at all.
Itch.io - Publishing. You can publish your self made games here :)
Korsakow - ??? Described as, "The Future of Storytelling" and is apparently a way to create interactive films. I *just* found out about this, but thought I should include it for someone who may know how to use and appreciate it! Free? Unknown, at the moment.
Tips and Tricks
Animation Done Easy
Our forefather's of internet animation used MS Paint, Windows Movie Maker, and Audacity. All of these, or their equivalents, are free on standard computers. I, personally, use FireAlpaca - which works just as well, if not better, than MS Paint for animation - but takes longer, and definitely lacks that retro feeling. I also use my trackpad to draw and animate everything, so its doable, but probably not totally comfortable, to animate like this for most people :)
⚠️ Updates always pending! Suggestions always welcome! Feel free to message me any tips or questions <3 ⚠️
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hotboygucciglockboy · 2 years
Tag how many mutuals you want to ask these 33 questions to
tagged by @kyameron 🤝
1).Name and nickname: Andre. My true friends say Andre The Giant, but few and far in between.
2).meaning of your tumblr username: black kray lyrics. 98 flameboy
3).What is one dream you have yet to accomplish?: travel, but before that i want to own a home.
4).What accomplishment are you most proud of?: moving out to texas on my own.
5).What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?: at rolling loud 2015 a group of friends and i left the venue and got back in line with a duplicated vip email and got back in successfully.
6).What type of music are you into?: mostly rap/ hip hop but there’s an appreciation for a bit of everything.
7).What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: i’m suppressing all of that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8).What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?: that i’m off and can’t explain why.
9).If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?: i want my health intact. a steady stream of income and the ability to protect those i love most.
10).If you had superpowers, which one would you have and why?: i would either be a stand user or have baki’s strength and fighting ability.
11).What is the strongest animal you could win against with just your bare hands and feet?: i would destroy a crab fr.
12).What is your strongest qualities?: i think patience is my strongest quality. i’m working on empathy as well.
13).What's the best advice a family member gave you growing up?: my mom told me “there’s nothing worth taking your life.” i think about that often.
14).if you could have an one night stand with anybody who would it be?..it could even be an mutual if you like or celebrity: 🤐🤐🤐
15).Ethnicity & Nationality and do you take pride in it?: Alexa; play Black & Proud by Robb Bank$
16).hobbies or talents: i like to play video games mostly. no standout talents :/
17).what is your fashion style: i’m on the fringes of street wear. haven’t had any new shit since 2019 fr.
18).What do most people overestimate or underestimate about you?: i couldn’t tell you honestly.
19)..are you an lover or fighter: it could go either way.
20).If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?: Earl or The Dude.
21).What problem are you currently grappling with?: self image and things that deeply affected me in the past.
22).What's your favorite physical attribute about yourself?: my hair and shape. wish i were a bit more muscular tho.
23).What hobby/talent have you always wanted to develop?: i want to produce music, or get better at gloving. but FL studio is $200 away!
24).What’s the certain product you couldn’t live without?: chewing gum, a life saver if you get heartburn…
25).what is one thing you would change about yourself: i wish i had thicker skin.
26).What personality traits did you get from your parents?: i’m quiet and soft spoken, i think i get that from my mom.
27).Which one do you prefer: being controlled or be in control?: shit seems easier when you “go with the flow” but that can land you in some shit if you aren’t careful. but being in control is another form of pressure. let’s meet in the middle.
28).What are your phobias?: heights, car accidents. bodily harm in general.
29).What qualities do you want in a partner who will be with you for the rest of your life?: i just wanna feel like i can be myself. even if i don’t show that right away. as yams said (R.I.P) you gotta get to know me to truly see my swag blossom.
30).Who is your role model in life?: as of late.. Joe Budden. (work harder)
31).What are the things that drive you crazy?: it’s usually a buncha tiny shit that builds over time, no specifics.
32).Do you plan to have kids?: i have a beautiful son, and have plans for 2 more then i’m out the game.
33).Would you rather visit your ancestors in the past or meet your descendants in the future?: why not both? knowledge from the past to bless the future.
alright gang, if you see this or are tagged just lmk. also copied the questions if y’all want me to send it (if the messages will even let you copy text)
@bluegriptape @q00chie @vuzi @gytbro @slumperella @idcdontfwm @occvltswim @doublecupleen @slurpdemon @mwadvillain
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girllovesromance · 4 years
Hey!! My tumblr has been "dead" lately, I will try to be more active, post story once in a while (I'm working on my storty, let's hope new chapter will be available this weekend), but I won't be as active as before. University has started, and the reading list is dreadful😥.
RULES: List five things that you, WITHOUT FAIL, weave into or explore in your stories, whether it be specific themes or tropes, character archetypes, allusions to other literary works, what have you! It really can be anything that you consistently include in your narratives for whatever reason. Then invite others to share theirs by tagging them!
I was tagged by amazing @kihua @lunanelfeah @honeyviesims @sophi-x-sims
1) Isekai
I've read bunch of manhwa, and my favorite trope is always otome isekai. The trope is usually about a person who was 1)reincarnated as their past self to fix their past mistakes, usually to avoid early death and 2) (my TROPE) someone was reincarnated and was forced to live someone else's life.
Isekai is always so appealing, because the process of getting used to the other's life is really exciting.
Announcement (I'm hiding it here😭): I broke one of my new year goal already. Lizzy's Issue will be discontinued and revamped, again. I'm not satisfied with lack of plot idea, lack of story direction. I'm not sure where the story is going, so I'll remake it. @cherries-jubiles I'm so sorry😭, but Darcy is the only character I'll keep when I remake this story.
The story won't be about Lizzy anymore, I've decided that the nature of Lizzy power can be passed from one individual to other, only one person in the entire universe can own this superpower (you won't meet another person possessing this power and living in the same time period, the power can be passed to another once the previous user dies). The story will follow Lizzy's predecessor, how her soul and mind affects Lizzy's current mental state. And it's otome isekai, AGAIN, this story will follow all otome isekai tropes: 1) prior knowledge of the story 2) FL being side character in the original story 3)Villain (lol), if you read the genre you'll know 4) Original Female Lead isn't all that pure and innocent, she's sly and cunning 5)Noblemen, checked.
But let me wait a little bit, because I don't wanna drop this story again because I've changed my mind about the plot😣
2) Female Lead with questionable moral, antihero female lead
They're terrible people, but they're the protagonist. I've always been impressed by Michael Corleone, so all characters will somewhat follow his trope.
3) Mutant type superpower
Apparently, I love Mutant type superpowers more than witch magic (?). So I consistently put them in my story (Lizzy's Issue replacement will follow the same trope)
4)Several Male Leads
Several male leads compete for Female lead love, love triangle trope in other word. Otome isekai stories are usually like that (Abandoned Empress, Who made me a princess, It Looks Like I've Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game, Bakarina) though
5) Politics 
Another otome isekai trope, yay. I should list this list as anything that happens in otome isekai.
But politics won't be a side story in my story, it'll play a central role, it shapes character's personality and relationships. I didn't like Lizzy's Issue because it didn't have enough politics in that🤭
I'll tag @dynastiasimss @laazygnome @silverspringsimmer @treason-and-plot @medleymisty @poetic-falls @cyansimblr @natolesims @cherries-jubiles @lunasimmer @madeofcc (forgive me if you've already done that, feel free to ignore)
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tranderas · 4 years
My email to Failbetter Games
I rarely see a reason to hide my motivations or actions. I don’t have a lot of regrets in life, because as I got older- I’m 34 now- I came to understand that it’s pointless. Try to learn, grieve things like lost friendships and loved ones as best you can, and be the best person your emotional and physical state allows you to be.
To that end, I thought I’d air out my grievances to FBG in a rather long email. It was a long time coming as I wasn’t convinced emails would do anything. Elias on the Failbetter Community discord server suggested I at least try, and I spent a week of proofreading to make sure I was as courteous as I could manage to be despite my feelings. I’m angry, angry because this game was so dear for me for so long and it feels like the current team has taken it in a direction so much in the opposite of what I find fun.
That anger is unhealthy, of course. Art evolves. Bands change their sound because they get bored or they want to make money tapping into a new audience. Painters refine and improve their style. Writers improve the range of their vocabulary and change tone. Everything shifts in this world. The healthiest thing to keep in mind is the fact that the thing you loved was there for that point in time and nothing can take that away from you, from your favorite game as a child to your favorite bands in your teenage years, you’ll always have those moments of joy.
I want to hold onto this moment of joy that I experience with Fallen London as long as possible, so I wrote this email in the hope of convincing them to alter their direction so I can enjoy it a little bit longer. Except for the signature that contained my real name at the end- not that it’s hard to find if you care, as my facebook url is /tranderas- the text is unmodified. Hopefully this shines light on what I want. 
What I don’t want is discussion about my needs. This is my place to explain, to vent, to point people to instead of typing everything out every time someone asks. But enough stalling.
Hello, I was encouraged in a Twitter interaction to write in and expand on my thoughts on the game so I figured I would do so now. Since I started writing this email before reading the December balance announcement, I'll address that at the bottom. The sparknotes version of what I'd like is as such: More content in London itself (especially socials), more Zee destinations, a profession uptuning, a fundamental rework of the deck that goes beyond favors, and a non-docks favor buff. From most to least important, the things I'd like to see addressed are:
1. The lack of endgame content within London itself is concerning to me for two reasons:
a. I play FL because it is a social electronic game, and I want to stay in zones in which I can continue to do social interactions. This is the reason I stay in London rather than going to Iron Republic and Port Carnelian, my first and second favorite zones respectively. If I wanted a story rich solo game I'd play Sunless Sea; if I wanted an analogue experience I'd play Blades in the Dark or read one of the books that influenced FL's style.
b. I simply don't like the mechanics of lab or parabola or how they gatekeep content. Because of this I haven't had any free content to pursue since the release of the new heists, and for a much longer length of time before that.
2. I'd love to see the remaining tier 3 professions given something they can do at lodgings. In general I prefer buffs instead of nerfs, especially in story games, and think it would be silly to nerf midnighter/correspondent/crooked-cross downward. Instead, give the others roles, perhaps in special options in the 4/5 card lodgings.
3. With the changes to Paramount Presence and the BDR power creep Notability has been significantly de-emphasized. I'd like that changed. To me the notability grind had the best balance of difficulty to cost-benefit analysis to end reward in the game, and while overcapping removed that, I would like something to use it again to make going above 10 worthwhile more often. Recent BDR items should make going even beyond 15 possible for very lategame players.
4. In addition to more endgame content within London, I'd like more midgame content at Zee. Sunless Sea got me especially interested in Frostfound and Irem, and a roleplay point for my OC is that she'd like to quite literally punch Mt. Nomad to death. Please don't feed us to spiders, though. The ones in London cause enough sorrow.
5. I would enjoy more free spouses that are not seasonal, and more ways to interact with player spouses. Again, it's a social game, and it makes sense to reward a desire to be social with the community. On the other hand, the NPC spouses in the game are limiting in their roleplay potential to the point that I've created a character around the Esoteric Accomplice for one of my OCs to get involved with between one roleplay relationship and another. Now allow me to take a deep breath while I discuss the proposed balance pass. The short version here is that I think it's wrong to release a deck refresh nerf without a fundamental change to what cards appear in the deck, and that the nerf to docks favors and yet another nerf to revs favors is misguided.
Here's the long version: I actually support a removal of the deck refresh mechanic. I got in trouble for calling flash lay resets an exploit on a private Fallen London fan server, and refused to use it until the lab convinced me it was a mechanic intended for use by FBG.
The widespread use of deck resets isn't a problem in its own right; rather, it's a symptom of how fundamentally broken the deck is in its current state. You have cards that are so bad that the narrative acknowledges they're awful and the mechanics give you a way to get rid of them at the cost of objectively worse lodgings. You have story signpost cards that clog up space held by desired cards. It can be nearly impossible to get Portly Sommelier (before deck refreshes i was getting one a month playing 60 actions a day) and dream qualities (my PoSI-ready SMEN alt has DbW3 playing every dream card that comes around). And most lodgings have cards that are objectively bad in a way that no new player can know without reading the wiki or asking someone- the exact problem you claim a desire to address in your announcement.
It's telling that players will do SMEN- a quest chain ostensibly about how much you're willing to sacrifice to some faceless maybe-god- in order to get rid of bad lodgings. I personally only bought back salon (Notability grind), rooftop shack (3 epa wine option), and bazaar premises (5-card potential plus good certifiable scraps/money option) after Trand got St. Beau's Candle, and JanieS only ever got the bazaar premises, her Remote Lodging, and the Orphanage. Even the other 4-card lodgings are only good under specific circumstances, and the rest of the 3s have worse cards with no endgame benefit.
Tranderas and JanieS both use remote lodgings. Trand is stuck with the Advertisements of a New Venture and Devices and Desires cards in his hand. Advertisements is an Abundant-rarity card. Since I have no intention of doing railroad due to disliking its mechanics the card simply sits in my hand. If I discard it, its rarity means it pops back up quickly. I think a way to opt out of story signpost cards such as aunt and railroad would be good progress toward solving the deck problem. There could be a large action or monetary cost involved with both removing it and reactivating it to balance, but without a way to get rid of these story hooks I need to keep refreshing to draw other cards around them.
As for the favors, I consider that part of the change mostly good. However, the docks favors -> Silk expedition doesn't really compete that well with other endgame grinds at the moment. Further, the Revolutionaries favor turn-in was already reduced dramatically this year, and I don't think it needs further tweaking. Rather than tuning docks and revs down, I would prefer to see the other factions tuned upwards, and the cost of earning favors eliminated from their cards (no 10 rostygold donation to the Church, for example). I'd still like to see the faction cards remain in the deck after they're given storylet sources, but made more rare, with the conflict options getting a boost to remain attractive in line with my proposed buff to payouts as they are good for London from a flavor/narrative perspective. In closing, it feels like the current FBG's team has a vision for the game that doesn't mesh well with how I see it and want to play it. Content has consistently moved away from what I want to do, leaving me with only SMEN and cider as goals to pursue (and as mentioned, I've run two characters- Samia R and Tranderas- through the quest chain to its completion). I obviously care about the game enough to want more things I like or else I wouldn't bother writing and proofreading this post or discussing and debating changes on the community discord, so I hope you'll take these opinions and suggestions into consideration moving forward. Regards,
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queenharumiura · 3 years
B, E, L, P, H, A, G, O, R
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((I see what you did there and it’s beautiful. A++ ))
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
In regards to KHR, it’s hard to find any ship that I didn’t consider, because there was a time when I went crazy thinking of all sorts of ships (boy/boy, boy/girl, girl/girl. Don't test me). Still, there is an answer because this ship started it all. Hibari x Haru lol. At the time they were my favorite female and male character in KHR. My friend joked and said, “If you love them both so much, just ship them together.” History was made that day. Coincidentally I’ve cosplayed both. I will never show them off because they aren’t good lol. That started my descent down: This is fun, let’s ship almost anything I can find. Ships didn't necessarily have to be romantic either. I love exploring friendships and also just sibling dynamics as well. Haru adopting people? Yes please. 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I feel like I’m a troll in general, so I have added something cracky to any fandom that I’m in. Two things I can think of atop my head are ‘you reblogged a dare meme and you dare think I won’t ask Mukuro/Hibari/Alaude/Daemon to wear cat ears? HA!!!! YOU THOUGHT!!’. Another would be that I like puns, so if I see my chance to pun in a meme, I will. I always ask first before I send, however. It usually results in silliness, as you could imagine and Haru running away in fear.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I guess I’m neutral about Dr.Shamal so he should count? Mn...despite the way he is with women and the way he refuses to treat male patients, he’s a smart guy and talented at what he does. He was also utilized well in putting Gokudera’s character into perspective more. Additionally, he is a good example of, ‘Haru will punch you out if you cross the boundaries,’ and I appreciate him for that. His sacrifice wasn’t in vain. Never forget how he is the reason why Mukuro was able to use Sakura blossoms against Hibari in the first place. This man--- the damage he has caused.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I’m assuming this is asking for me to create an AU for Haru as she’s placed in a different fandom. If that’s correct, I am going to casually pretend that I don’t know the difference between a fandom and a genre by going: “I’ve been reading way too many isekai recently and I think it would be funny to consider Haru getting sent to an otome or something and her being a super sassy and head strong FL. Watch her instantly try to change her identity or run away from bad male leads with all her might. I would live for this, thank you. Haru is also smart and adapts well, so she’d be able to adapt to whatever world setting she’s put in and she doesn’t hate studying, so she’d be able to pick up on the intricacies of her new world. Mainly, I just want a FL who will actually smack the life out of a ML if he’s being a POS. I NEED THIS. It’s emotional healing.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I really like sourcing things in novels or manga/manhwa/manhua a lot. Animated sources are good too, but it’s much quicker for me to go through something that’s written, so I tend to prefer those now days. Anything that’s easier for me to binge is A+.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m answering strictly based off this blog in it’s current state, else you’ll be here forever. If I talk about ships in KHR in general, you’ll actually be here forever. No @ tags bc I’m feeling shy today. I personally love the dynamic between Gokudera and Haru (platonic or romantic). I’ve historically liked BelHaru, and it looks like it may become a thing in RPC as well. Haru is warily staring from a comfortable distance atm. Haru has a friendly relationship with a Byakuran at the moment. They’re baking a cake! She is generally very friendly with any Tsuna I encounter.
Ravein/Pino… yeah, I self-thread sometimes. Haru has a sibling kinda dynamic with Ravein which is really just a friendship dynamic. It’s the same with Pino. Mizumachi and Haru are both energetic, hyper buddies. Hibari—I aim for just a casual lowkey friendship kinda dynamic. Shame in self-threading? Never heard of her.
The best way to describe her relationship with Zelman in a ‘Black Blood Brothers’ au is ‘hey I just moved into the territory you lord. Hello!’ I think this would go down a friendship route and I’m so for it. Kajika from ‘Hanasakeru Seishonen’ has a friendship with Haru and they just get along swimmingly well. I think the mun for Rentaro ‘Black Bullet’ returned, so I think he can count. Haru has a friendship with him and they’re cooking buddies! They joined a cooking association together!
Haru also has friendships with Emi (KHR oc), and Luca (KHR oc), both of which are in the Varia!au setting that I have for Haru. Emi in particular, Haru has decided to adopt her as a little sis and will pummel anyone who bullies her. Luca--- sometimes in conjunction with Ravein (my OC) drive Haru insane. It’s a trio of dumb, dumbest, and ‘hey I’m the dumbest!’.
The ‘ships’ that I have with Haru are usually always friendship and ‘hey I’m arbitrarily adopting you’ and I love it.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Eh--- in RPC, my very first one... I believe, was GokuHaru. I currently have a GokuHaru (A different blog) in an AU for a TYL setting. I think I got very close to HibaHaru before, which is, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. Haru is treading into BelHaru territory right now in RPC and that is also, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. In the distant past there was also a TsuHaru (I know, I know, shocking) which was a reincarnated lovers Yakuza AU. That was a fun one. Also in the distant past, there was an AU for a MukuHaru as well. Le kek. I am a multi-ship blog and all ships have existed in different worlds/universes, therefore they all quality as an OTP in their own specific verse. I cheated, yes.
Pro-tip: I may warily stare from afar if shipping is a topic, but the moment you suggest an AU SHIP? I’m down. To further explain, these AU ships have always taken place in a very different timeline/world than what we know in KHR. So therefore I can feel all the freedom to do as I please and figure out characterizations based off what I need.  
PS. in regard to KHR in general, my first OTP was GokuHaru and GokuYama. Le kek.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I took my library of songs and randomized. I got: ‘Get Off My Back’ by Bryan Adams and Eliot Kennedy. So, by the vibe of the music, the first things that come to mind are either GokuHaru or BelHaru, I’m not going to lie. Now… who is saying these words, I’ll leave it to the imagination. I really like this song, but I really like the cover by Jonathan Young.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oh—that’s hard. Friendship dynamics are so fun! I really like Ryohei and Hibari’s dynamic together which could be depicted as friendship. The friendship between a lot of the guardians is just //chef kiss. However, the TRUE SHOW STOPPER in my heart is the friendship between the girls. I really love how all the girls build each other up and always support each other. I love it so much. Especially when the girls are there for Chrome, I CRY. When they support Yuni, I CRY. When I think about how big sis Bianchi looks after the girls and teaches them things- I CRY. I just cry. I love all the friendships in KHR, but the ones the girls share with each other wins in my book. I don’t take criticisms.
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