#Fili knowing what he was walking into when he told Kili to go the other way
brainrotbabe24 · 1 month
Can you write something about Reader x Fili when Readers human friend braids their hair in a platonic way but the dwarves, due to their traditions, assume its romantic and Fili is like really sad cause he wanted to ask reader to court?? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi! Thank you for your request! Fili is one of my favorites, so I had a lot of fun writing this one. 💖🎉
The Misread Braid: Part 1
Rating:fluff/angst/ sfw
Relationship: filixreader
Author note: For some reason, I keep getting errors when I try to post the whole thing, so I will have to split it into two posts
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It had been a year since Erebor was reclaimed. The dwarves were slowly returning, the city was being rebuilt, and everyone's spirits were high—especially Fili's. He had fallen head over heels for you. The flirting, the lingering glances, and the late-night strolls made it clear to everyone that a royal wedding might be on the horizon. The feelings between you two were undeniable, and everyone, including you, could see it.
You even wrote to your friend from home, inviting them to visit for a month. You had a feeling Fili might soon ask to court you, and you wanted your friend's help to look your best. Erebor didn't have the amenities you were used to, so you asked your friend to bring as much as possible. You even asked them to bring a lovespoon, a courting tradition for your hometown. You weren't familiar with Dwarven courting rituals but were excited to see what Fili would do.
One day, Fili was out handling his daily duties when he spotted you standing on the ramparts overlooking Dale.
"Y/N?" he called out, a smile spreading across his face.
You turned and saw him. "Fili!" you exclaimed, running over to hug him.
You stayed in each other's embrace for a while. "What are you doing out here?" he asked, his arms lingering on yours. "It's freezing."
"I was just too excited," you replied. "My friend is coming to visit."
"That's right, they're coming today, aren't they?" he asked 
"Yes!" you squealed with excitement. "Oh, I'm so excited for you to meet them!
Fili chuckled. "I'm excited to meet them, too! I have a meeting with Thorin today, but find me later, and we can all have dinner together."
"Sounds perfect!" you agreed.
Fili smiled and waved goodbye, his heart light and his smile wide. He was planning to court you later that week and was on his way to talk to Thorin about it. Everything was going to be perfect! 
Later that evening, everyone gathered to meet your friend at the tavern. The air was filled with laughter and lively conversation as Fili walked in, eager to make a good impression.
"Fili, over here!" you called, waving him over.
Fili walked over and hugged you. "This is my friend," you said, introducing them.
"Nice to meet you," Fili said, shaking their hand. 
"So this is Fili," your friend said, elbowing you playfully. "What a dream boat, Y/N?"
"Stop it!" you giggled, playfully hitting their arm.
Fili was confused. "Dreamboat?" he thought.
"Come on, let's get some beer," you said, leaning on Fili's arm. You walked to the table, where everyone was still bombarding your friend with questions.
"Tell me," Dwalin asked, "how was the journey? Long?"
"Not too long, about four months—it would've been sooner, but it started to snow," your friend replied.
"Snow!" Bilbo exclaimed.
"Where are you staying?" Kili asked.
"With Y/N," your friend responded.
Fili started feeling a twinge of jealousy and confusion. He didn't know your friend was staying with you? He tried to dismiss his growing discomfort. "Calm down, Fili," he told himself. “It's just Y/N being nice to a friend, nothing more." He took a swig of his beer and forced a smile.
But as the evening went on, there were more moments when Fili could not shake the jealous feeling. Your friend bought you beer, touched your arm, and you even danced with them. Fili was all mixed up and even agreed to take you two to the Dale the next day! “How did that happen?” He thought. Maybe he was overreacting. There was no reason to be worked up; he just met them. But FIli's thoughts were interrupted.
"That dress really commands attention," your friend said. They leaned into you and touched your tunic. You wrapped your arms around them and laughed, blushing a little. 
Fili choked on his drink.  He didn't think the night could get worse. He felt horrible and wanted to just leave. Getting up, he went to the bar to close his tab. Kili and Bilbo were there getting more drinks for the table. 
"Leaving so soon?" Bilbo asked
"Yeah," Fili said shortly
"Why?" Kili asked. "It's not even that late."
Fili shrugged.
"Come on, stay a little longer. I bet y/n would want you to walk them home." Kili said.
"They have their friend, remember" Fili scoffed. 
"They're just friends; I wouldn't worry about it. Plus, Y/N told me they invited them for a special reason." Kili laughed
"Maybe y/n thinks something is going to happen… a royal courtship perhaps" Bilbo winked
Fili looked back at the table. Maybe he could stay. Fili had a feeling you knew he was going to ask. He smiled and shook his head. He was being silly. He was about to say something when he saw your friend lean down, whispering in your ear. You nodded, a blush rising to your cheeks.
"Why did Y/N nod?" Fili muttered, a mix of confusion and jealousy creeping in.
"Are you sure it was a nod?" Kili asked.
"Maybe they are agreeing to something…like another dance," Bilbo suggested, adding to Fili's anxiety.
Your friend then stood up and moved behind you, lazily undoing your bun and letting your hair fall down your back. They picked up a strand and started to braid it.
Bilbo and Kili glanced at Fili, whose face had turned a deep crimson red. Throwing down some money, Fili stammered, "I-I can't watch this anymore," and made a beeline for the door.
"Oh shit," Kili muttered under his breath, realizing the situation.
Still trying to stay positive, Bilbo leaned in and whispered, "It might not have been a braid, right? Maybe it's just a... fancy knot?"
Consumed with the company of your friends, you stayed out until the wee hours of the morning, laughing and sharing stories. It wasn't until you woke up the next day that you remembered not seeing Fili after he abruptly left the table.
Concerned, you quickly got dressed and decided to go looking for him. Making your way through the busy halls of Erebor, your eyes scanned the faces, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.
You checked the usual spots—the training grounds, the forge, even the quiet corner of the library—but there was no sign of Fili. Growing more anxious, you asked a few dwarves if they had seen him, but they only shook their heads.
Finally, after what felt like hours of searching, you headed toward the ramparts, hoping to find him there. As you approached, you spotted a familiar figure standing alone, his back turned to you, shoulders tense. It was Fili.
"Fili," you said with a sigh of relief, "I've been looking for you everywhere."
Fili didn't look at you. 
"You left last night without saying goodbye. What was that about?"
He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't find the words—his heart ached as he noticed you still had the braid in.
"Fili," you said, concerned.
"Sorry, Y/N, I'm super busy. I can't talk right now," he said, clearing his throat.
"But we're supposed to go to Dale today."
"Plans changed," he said quickly 
"What does that mean?"
He looked up at you, his eyes red and puffy.
"Are you—?" you trailed off, unsure.
"I gotta go, Y/N," he said, brushing past you, wiping a tear from his face.
Part 2:
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
The hobbit reader insert
Thoses who are simping on the reader- fili, kili, Bofur and ori
Reader is bilbo daughter
The company all gathers in the the home of bilbo, when told what he was needed for he started listening off why he can’t go, one of thoses reasons is his daughter.
Everyone is a bit taken a aback by this, even Gandalf, for he to didn’t know of the young girl.
So when asked about who she is bilbo starts talking about her, saying how she is his little girl, how beautiful she is, she as delicate as a flower, etc etc. after hearing this they all assume she’s a young child, imagine the surprise and shock of everyone (and yes that includes Gandalf) when the reader walks through the door, it’s not a small hobbit lass, nope.
Bilbo little girl is a almost 6 foot tall girl with a sword on her back, a bow and quite a bit of blood.
Bilbos daughter is a hunter for the shire and ends up joining just to keep her father from worrying. All while bilbo treats her like a little girl, and she doesn’t mind.
This sounds so cute and hilarious!! And proud dad Bilbo sounds adorable!!
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You were his pride and joy, and the one he always swore to protect. But you grew up and became skilled with a bow and knife as any human was
Fili and Kili
It’s a duel between brothers! Both constantly vie for your attention and teasingly sabotage the other in their constant attempts. You think it’s oddly adorable of them.
The master thief’s daughter is the surprise addition to this party, but he’s admired how well you are with a bow and arrow for hunting game
Loudly boasted to the Elves that you were a better archer!
Bless his little! He swears he’s died and gone to the heavens upon meeting you. Cue the awkward flirtations and fleeting glances whenever you’re nearby. He thinks all your stories are great!
BONUS: Thranduil and Bard saw you take down some Orcs and were like “oh damn, wow 👀”
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Semi-Finals, Poll 2
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One Last Adventure v. Heart of the Mountain
One Last Adventure: (Post-Canon Adventure)
Honestly, Bilbo was only half listening to that part. He was much more interested in Thorin. He could hear the cadence of his voice though in Gimli’s story. It was enough to bring an ache to his heart. Just imagining those blue eyes again, those rough palms gripping Bilbo’s shoulder, his laugh that had been few and far between but worth more than any treasure. 
“And so he told us we would need a burglar, and he knew where the best one would be. That’s when he placed the acorn in my hand telling me it would be what would convince you.”
Bilbo’s hand tightened around the acorn in his pocket. Yes, that was certainly damning evidence. 
“So what happened then? Why didn’t he…why isn’t he going on this quest?” Bilbo asked softly.
Gimli shrugged. “He walked back down the other end of the tunnel and I went to chase after him, but he was gone.”
Bilbo’s brows furrowed. What did that mean?
“So then Gimli found us!” Gulrik jumped in. “And of course, we didn’t believe him. Thought he was dreaming the whole thing up. But we snuck down into the crypt and he’s gone!”
“Gone.” Bilbo repeated.
“The tomb was open and there was no body inside.” Brombrar explained.
Bilbo felt like his heart was leaving his chest. What more did he need than that to know that Thorin was alive? How? He still didn’t know. But if this was the only way for him to see him again and find out for himself…
“Alright, if I do this, we need to set some ground rules.” Bilbo demanded trying to ignore the way the three dwarves lit up. “First off, you are writing your father.” Bilbo stated pointing at Gimli. “And your parents if they are still around.” He told the other two.
Bilbo endured their whining and groaning at being ‘full grown adults’ but Bilbo was not about to budge in his decision. He’s already had to watch two very dear young dwarves die far before their prime. He would not go through that again with these three. Something ugly seized in his chest as he realized there was a chance this miracle didn’t extend to Fili and Kili, and he hadn’t once asked about them. He tried to tell himself that he couldn’t bear to know that there could be a world with Thorin Oakenshield but not his nephews. He knew the truth though. And it was a truth he would rather not speak of, lest he paint himself the selfish, miserable codger that he is. 
“Next, we are going to get help. If I’m remembering my map correctly, we will have to go right past Gundabad, and I doubt the orcs are any less active just because a few hundred thousand of them died in front of Erebor. In fact, I would think they would be more inclined to revenge, and that’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”
“I’m not worried about any orcs, Master Baggins.” Brombrar declared, arms crossed against his chest proudly.
It was on the tip of his tongue to tell him that he should be, but honestly, Bilbo knew there was no point in arguing with an overhyped tween. He could already feel himself getting a headache. This was going to be a long trip. Just what was Thorin thinking? Why did he ask children to complete this task and not the company he knows and trusts? 
A rather alarmed thought passed through Bilbo’s mind at that point. What if Thorin was still goldsick? It would explain why he wouldn’t go to the company, and perhaps he disappeared to the treasury and that’s why they couldn’t find him? But it didn’t explain why he told them to find Bilbo. He would think if Thorin was still sick, the last person he would want involved was the Arkenstone thief. Bilbo just could not make any good sense out of this mess.
“Ered Luin is in the opposite direction, and Erebor won’t exactly be on our way so what do you suggest, Master Baggins?” Gulrik asked.
Bilbo blinked, having forgotten for a moment what they were talking about. Ah yes, help. A thought crossed through his head that he knew the dwarves would object to, but he did know someone nearby who might be willing to join them. 
“Leave that to me, lads.” Bilbo declared. “We definitely are going to be making a couple of stops though. How are you on supplies?” 
“We refilled while we were in Bree just a few days ago.” Gimli assured.
“Good. Then let’s finish up our luncheon and be on our way.”
Bilbo didn’t interrupt the cheerful and excited chatter from the three dwarves as they compared their quest to others before them. Namely, Thorin’s quest for Erebor. Bilbo had finished up quickly, and decided it wouldn’t be a bad idea to grab a smoke while he had the chance. He was actually doing this. He was going back on another journey. Wiser, more world-weary, and definitely remembered his handkerchief. He smirked around the stem of his pipe. Bofur would be so proud.
“Master Baggins, would you tell us about the quest you went on?” Gimli pleaded.
Bilbo took a last lungful before stamping his pipe out on a rock.
“Haven’t you already heard the stories?”
“But we want to hear it from you!” Gulrik stated. “What was it like facing down Smaug?!”
“How did you get the company out of the Mirkwood prison?” Brombrar asked.
“How many orcs did you kill?” Gimli tacked on.
Bilbo shook his head. He could only imagine the wild stories his friends were telling about him in Erebor. He felt a pang of longing hit him square in the chest. He shouldn’t have waited so long to write. 
“Here now. We have a long journey. There is plenty of time to talk along the way, but the best stories start at the beginning.”
Heart of the Mountain: (Evil Arkenstone AU)
He would extend the generosity of the mountain to Dale and rebuild the men’s city as well. Renew their trading partners and allyships. He saw it all so clearly in his head. But now…Now he didn’t know what to do.
It was late afternoon by the time Fili, Kili, Bofur, and Oin made it to the mountain. To be honest, Fili didn’t know what to expect. He wanted to believe that their company was safe and sound, but going up against a dragon couldn’t have been easy. After all, they barely escaped with their lives as it was. If it hadn’t been for Kili’s elf…well, a lot would be different. So when they stepped through the gaping doorway, it was a bit unnerving to be met with silence. 
“It’s a big mountain. They could be anywhere.” Bofur marveled.
Fili had a hunch where they could be, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it just yet. They passed through a massive hall with a river of gold straight down its center which led them through the forges which led through to another passage, eventually finding the treasury. The golden light played on the green walls making them all gasp when they saw the treasure hold of Thror for the first time. There was enough gold to rebuild Erebor ten times over! And still have enough remaining to do trade. He couldn’t believe such a vast amount of riches could exist and yet there it was. And amongst it’s coins, looking like ants amongst the giant hills, was the remainder of their company. Fili felt a tightness in his chest ease as he counted to make sure all nine still stood.
“Hail! Thorin, son of Thrain, King Under the Mountain!” He called out.
The rest of the dwarves looked up, cheering at seeing them whole and hale. Bombur, Bifur, and Gloin all came running, but none nearly as fast as Thorin himself. He bounded up the stairs, immediately pulling Fili and Kili into his arms as soon as he got to them.
“My sister-sons! It is good to see you safe.” Thorin sighed.
Fili found himself relaxing in the hold. He didn’t know what he would be coming back to after the way they left things in Laketown. That, and his mother’s words for when they reached the mountain.
“Keep an eye on your uncle. I don’t trust the gold not to steal another family member of mine.”
“Are we still searching for the Arkenstone?” Kili asked.
“We found it.” Thorin frowned as he slowly revealed the glowing stone from his pocket.
Kili reached out for it, and Thorin pulled it back fast. Fast enough that it gave Fili pause. Kili merely pouted at not being able to touch the gem.
“I don’t want…” Thorin began before leaning into to speak to them. “Tell me, do you remember Bilbo?”
Who on Arda was Bilbo? Any relief Fili might have felt, immediately stiffened back up under the odd behavior of Thorin. Was this what he was supposed to look for? And what did he do if this was it?
“Bilbo…who?” Kili asked.
Rather than answer him, Thorin merely sighed and shook his head, looking off into the distance as if he were listening to someone before turning back to them. 
“How do you two recall the troll incident then?”
THE TROLL INCIDENT? Why was Thorin asking after that?! Fili was so out of his depth. He had no idea what Thorin was on about and it was starting to scare him.
“Well, Fili and I were in charge of watching the ponies.” Kili recounted. “Then we realized it was trolls and followed them to their camp. Then we went back to get the rest of you and…I charged in ahead for…some reason.”
Thorin’s eyes widened as he latched onto the hesitation. “What was the reason?” He demanded.
Kili shook his head. “I can���t remember. Must have been to save the ponies though, right?”
Thorin took a deep breath and released, disappointment clear in his eyes. 
“Right.” He mumbled.
“Anyways…” Fili decided to change the subject, still a bit perplexed. “If you have the Arkenstone, what is everyone looking for?”
Thorin shifted on his feet. “Something that…fits the Arkenstone.”
“Like a box?” Kili laughed. “We’ll leave it in your pocket for now. It can’t be that important, can it?”
“It’s more than just a box.” Thorin snapped, taking Fili and Kili both by surprise. “It’s like a…lock. And I have to have it.”
“Why is that, Uncle?” Fili asked softly.
Thorin gave him an exasperated look, his eyes swimming with frustration that Fili couldn’t understand. They had the mountain. Smaug was dead, and the Arkenstone in his possession. What could Thorin possibly have to be frustrated about? 
“You won’t understand until after we find it!” He declared before sweeping back towards the treasury.
Fili gave Kili a raised eyebrow with his brother merely shrugging in response. Thorin wasn’t making any sense. Fili didn’t know what it meant just yet, but he did know that the situation definitely deserved careful scrutiny. He watched Balin gaze after Thorin with a haunted expression. Yes, the sooner they could get Thorin out of this treasury, the better. 
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catyo90 · 2 years
25. Trying to seduce one another
Could you do this with kili x female reader where kili keeps trying to seduce reader but she finds his attempts absolutely hilarious and he is hopeless at it and he eventually gives up and she's like what we're you even trying to do and he's like seduce you if that wasn't obvious cue more laughing from reader but then she admits that his attempts were unnecessary because she's already in love him ?
Kili x F!Reader: The Art of Seduction...
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  (Hope this meets your idea. This was a sweet idea to mess with though this is new to me in a sense. LOL)
 Kili still remembered the first time you met. He'd been having an argument of some sorts with his brother when he caught sight of you from across the training area causing him to become enthralled by your beauty.  He remembered how Fili once he caught sight of you with a small groups of other girls walked over with him and pushed him forward causing him to blush. 
Your initial impression was that he was possibly an idiot.  A cute idiot. However, as time passed, you found yourself taking quite a liking to him.  He was actually very thoughtful, brave, and dedicated to his duties, though he wouldn't openly admit it.
What you don't remember is when you finally realized you were in love with him. It seemed that one day you had simply woken up, gotten breakfast, and were waiting, when you found yourself desperately hoping that he'd drop by and visit you before he left with his brother to hunt.  Then, you sort of had an epiphany and realized that you'd been feeling that way for weeks on end. Wasn’t any wonder why?  The man was absolutely charming, amusing, skilled with a blade and even more with a bow.
Too bad he never thought that was how you felt. He always seemed to be on edge around you or at least nervous but you never thought much about it until that day.
    He'd been getting ready in his room, putting on his armor with the skill that he’d been building up for years, when he'd heard what sounded like someone knocking on the door but no words were said. Confused, he'd finished dressing and poked his head out, Startled, you'd backed up, when you watched him raise an arm to the doorway with a smile looking down at you and said hello in a deep voice. Instead though it came out a bit broken and awkward, You couldn’t help but giggle and told him he should hurry to get some breakfast before going off for the hunt with his brother.
“So...that was you big idea brother? Just to pose and say hey?”
“Well it works when Uncle Thorin does it...I thought maybe it would work on her.”
“That trick only works for Uncle because of his voice. Your hopeless little brother. I don’t see why you can’t just tell her how you feel.”
“Because I don’t wanna mess it up Fili...If I were to tell her I would want it to be perfect. Besides she deserves to be wooed.”
Fili sighed as he focused preparing for the hunt. Kili though couldn’t help but wonder what to try next when they returned but his mind was drawing a complete blank. Maybe he would do better by just asking you if you would be his. On the way to the gate Kili looked up to see you waiting. A sight he truly was always happy to see, a sight you could look at all his days. Both of them walked over to you seeing you read to join them and smiled as Fili noticed you with a pair of warm ale
“You both needed something to warm you up before we head off for the afternoon.”
“Well, don’t give this one too much he could never handle his drink.” Fili said smacking Kili on the back with a smile. Kili chuckled it off and looked at you.
“You know Y/n there are more ways to stay warm...” He said taking a gulp of the ale and looked down offering the goblet back to you.
“You could always keep me warm.” He said with a wink but you couldn’t help but smile as Fili started laughing. Kili looked so confused as he watched you bring a hand to his mouth wiping off the foam mustache he gained from drinking the ale so fast. He was about to speak.
    "Kili," someone said on the path out into the woods, looking ahead to see his uncle and Dwalin with their bows at their side with a doe flung on Dwalins back. Thorin seemed a bit puzzled and a bit irritated as he looked at both him and Fili.  
"Fili," he said, sounding as though he were gently scolding them pair as if they were children, 
"I thought I'd sent word for you two to scout out the wilds an hour ago.  What are you still doing here?  Surely not bothering y/n and distracting her from her own duties?"      They both shook their heads quickly, eyes flitting down and then back up to their uncle  
"N-no!  Us?  Of course not!  We were just . . . leaving and we were wishing each other good luck  out there, you know?” Fili said quickly trying to hide the goblet of ale behind his back. 
“It's been awfully dangerous with all sorts of nasty goblins and orcs and what not.  A little boost in morale never did anyone harm." Kili said smiling rubbing the back of his head.     Thorin and Dwalin both watched the two to of them for a second in silence.  "Right . . ." Thorin said, slowly drawing out the word, showing his clear skepticism.  
"Well, I'm sure she appreciates it very much.  Now, go do as I've told you, and let her finish getting ready."  He then directed his attention to you. 
"Y/n, head into the wilds to find any signs of survivors from past missions, undamaged supplies, and any more useful ingredients for the healers. Alright?"
"Yes, your highness" you said, nodding your head respectfully.     Thorin nodded in return brining a gentle hand to your shoulder in respect, looking satisfied that at least one of his recruits was serious about their work.  
"Good.  Then I'll leave you to it."  With that, he turned around, pausing to look at Kili and Fili in silence once more and seemed to get the hint and cleared his throat.
"R-right!  I'll just be going on along now."  But Kili turned to you, leaning in slightly close, and he found it difficult not to let a blush overtake him as he caught scent of your sweet fragrance. He wondered if you’d been using something new to wash with, it smelled of honey and ginger making him smile to himself.
 “Y/n” he whispered urgently.  " Maybe you can meet me when you return later this evening behind the tumbled pillar up the stairs next to where the gardens are. Don't tell anyone we're meeting there.  Just say that you're tired and are feeling unwell and are going to return home,-”     "Kili!" Thorin exclaimed, causing him to flinch.     "Alright!  I'm going!  You don't have to sick anyone on me, look!  I'm walking away from the nice lady!" he said, putting up his hands as he backed away before turning and booking it as Fili sighed and smirked toward you at his brothers antics, leaving you to stare off after him in confusion and wonder.
- You had rounded a bend on the trail, around a thick copse of swamp trees and boulders, leaving you to hang back and survey the path behind you again for any signs of being followed.  You were still looking when you heard a snap of some branches ahead of you. When suddenly you heard a familiar voice from above.  "Hey there, Y/n  Nice weather we're having tonight, don't you think?"
"Oh yes, it's incredible.  You should get a load of it from down here."
You couldn’t help but smile as he jumped down from the few boulders and joined next to you. He simply smiled as you as brought your bow over your shoulder as you looked around.
“Where’s Fili?”
“He scouted a few deer nearby, seemed to be alright with me checking up on you.”
“Well luckily no worries on my end. Perhaps we should head back.”     On the walk back, Kili had taken up walking close beside you, and matched your pace.  He was silent now, and you found that surprising.  Normally he was a regular chatter box, but now he was quiet.  Glancing over at him you found his expression to be...nervous?  
While you were distracted by your thoughts, you failed to notice him hesitantly reached out and put a hand on your upper arm.  You looked to him, snapping out of your reverie, and blinked, perking up.  "Hmm?"    "Uh, Y/n?  I...I need to tell you something," he sighed.    "Oh?"  You looked a bit nervously at him, brows furrowing.  Was something wrong?     "Yes," he murmured, and slowed, you too slowed your walk and tilted your head a bit.     "Okay, well, what is it then?"     He took a deep breath.  "Right.  What is it, indeed.  Um, hh-"  He took in a breath, a hand moving to the back of his head.  "How...how do you say these things?" he wondered aloud.  "Y/n" he said after a moment, shyly looking to you.  You nodded, showing him that you were listening still.  He blinked a few more times and took another breath.  "Um, today...I...uh, actually, for awhile now, I . . . I've wanted to tell you . . . something.  Something important." He said as he took one of your hands in his and gently squeezed it. "Yeah?" "Yeah.  You see, I...”
Suddenly the ground began to shake as you both saw that a large herd of deer charged past the two of you and caused you both to hide behind one of the bigger oak trees causing both of you to catch your breath. You both saw and heard Fili running past both of you yelling out to both of you shooting after one of the deer's.
“Sorry about that guys...Didn’t mean to interrupt.”
You looked up at him once the herd had passed by and looked up at him to see that he had covered you with his body in a protective stance.
“Y/n...Are you alright.”
You nodded as you noticed all the loose leaves on him had gotten stuck in his hair. He looked down at you and saw you smiling for a moment before laughing hard at the sight and sighed as he brought a hand up to hair in slight annoyance.
“Oh for Mahals sake I give up.” Shaking off the leaves from his hair. As he groaned to himself crossing his arms.
“Wait...wait Kili. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to laugh. What were you trying to do?”
“Seduce you Y/n. I’ve been trying for days now but you never seem to catch on...I mean all I wanted to do was to show how much I love you.”
You were completely speechless.  You almost couldn't process anything that you just heard--it was all too good to be true!  This man, this wonderful, amazing, god of a man actually felt for you the way you felt for him. Kili seemed to be put off by your silent awe, and winced a little.  
"I... said something wrong, didn't I?"  He sighed, looking cross with himself.  "I am so stupid.  What right have I to honestly believe that someone like you would actually feel anything for someone like me?"     He started to turn away when, before you could think about what you were doing, you grabbed his arm and pulled him toward you.  His eyes went wide and he was about to ask what you were doing, when you surprised the both of you by kissing him on the lips.  He went rigid, turning brighter red than before, now matching your own blazing blush, and slowly let his eyes close.  Tilting his head, he put a hand behind your neck, keeping you close to him as you both shared a delightful moment of blissful affection.     When you both broke the kiss for air, you found him gazing into your eyes softly, smiling gently.  
"Y/n.  How long have you been wanting to do that?"
You laughed breathlessly.  "Probably as long as you."
He chuckled back, You glanced up at him again, and found him gazing back at you, eyes half-lidded.  
"Y/n/ I suppose I'm right to assume that you . . . "    "That I feel the same?  Yes. You are."  You grinned, voice lowered.  "I love you, Kili. I always have.
He smiled as he brought his forehead to yours taking a deep breath as you looked up at him and asked.
“I guess none of the failed seductions were really required huh? “ You said with a smirk
    "Yes," he admitted, embarrassed.  "And only now have I realized how stupid that was of me.”
    You were overtaken by another fit of laughter and shook your head. You started to walk away from him and turned around and smiled
 "You adorable, handsome fool." you said winking to him as you walked ahead.     "Hey." he called from behind you.  "You're leaving out ruggedly good-looking and luckier than every other dwarf alive to be loved by you!" he said running after you as you laughed as he followed after you into the sunset. Into another day together. 
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marvelandhobbit · 3 months
Heart of Middle Earth Chapter 2 - “Two Fateful Encounters: The Meetings that Changed Everything (Or Did They?)”
You and Gandalf approach the hobbit hole that you’ve seen in the movies. You notice that Bilbo is sitting outside smoking his pipe. When he notices both of you he says good morning.
“What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on? Hm?” 
“All of them at once, I suppose,” Bilbo seemed confused but then again so were you even after seeing this scene many times.
“Can I help you?”
Gandalf looks at Bilbo intently before replying, “That remains to be seen. I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure.”
“An adventure? No, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner. Heh, heh. Mm. Huh. Hmm. Oh. Ah. Good morning.”
“To think that I should have lived to be "good morninged" by Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door.”
“Beg your pardon?”
“You've changed, and not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins.”
“I'm sorry, do I know you?”
“Well, you know my name, although you don't remember I belong to it. I'm Gandalf. And Gandalf means... …me."
“Gandalf? Not Gandalf the wandering Wizard... ...who made such excellent fireworks? Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. Heh, heh. Ahem. No idea you were still in business.”
“And where else should I be?”
“Where else...? Ahem.”
“Well, I'm pleased to find you remember something about me... ...even if it's only my fireworks. Yes. Well, that's decided. It'll be very good for you.”
Bilbo looks at Gandalf confused.
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“And most amusing for me. I shall inform the others.”
“Inform the who? What? No. No. No... Wait. We do not want any adventures here, thank you. Not today. Not... I suggest you try Over the Hill or Across the Water. Good morning.”
Bilbo slammed his door shut, leaving you and Gandalf near his gate wondering what just happened.
Gandalf looked down at you,“He’ll come around to the idea eventually. I’m sure of it.”
Timeskip -
After meeting Bilbo Baggins, you and Gandalf walked over to the western side of the shire to await the arrival of the dwarves. Once you get there, you see two dwarves walking over a hill, one with dark brown hair and one with hair as golden as the sun.
“Ah, here they come,” Gandalf notes.
When the two dwarves reach you, they bow to both of you and introduce themselves.
“At your service,” they added simultaneously.
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“Gandalf, at yours.”
“And what your name?” Fili asks, looking at you intently.
“Y/n Y/l/n.”
“Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady.”
Your cheeks go red, “Thank you,” is all you can manage to squeak out.
“You two keep going to the meeting place, Ms. Y/ln and I will wait here until the others arrive,” Gandalf told the two dwarves.
“Very well. I’ll hope to see you later tonight Ms. Y/n.”
Feeling a sudden sense of courage, you manage to respond, “I hope to see you as well.”
When the other dwarves finally come over the hill and introduce themselves to you, you all start heading back to the hobbit hole. When you all arrive and knock on the door, Bilbo opens it very quickly and the dwarves who had their ears against the door listening fell down upon his threshold.
“Get off, you big lump!”
Gandalf pokes his head through the door.
“Gandalf,” Bilbo sighs.
After finally getting through the door, you realize how much of a mess the other four dwarves have made and you start wondering how much more mess these other dwarves will make. You sit down near the big dining table that Bilbo has in his house and notice poor Bilbo running back and forth, trying to keep his house neat and tidy.
“Those are my… Excuse me, not my wine! Put that back. Put that back! Not the jam, please. Excuse me. Ex…Excuse me. A tad excessive, isn’t it? Have you got a cheese knife?”
“A cheese knife? He eats it by the block,” Bofur remarks.
“No no, that’s Grandpa Mungo’s chair, no…uh, so is that. Take it back, please. Take it back, this is antique, not for sitting on. Thank you. That is a book, not a coaster. Uh…put that map down.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Gandalf,” Dori asks.
“May I tempt you with a cup of chamomile?”
“Ooh, no thank you, Dori. A little red wine, for me I think.”
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Dori pours Gandalf’s red wine into a cup that seems normal size to you, but to Gandalf it is miniature.
“Would you care for any Ms. Y/n?”
“I would love some chamomile please!”
As you drink your tea, Gandalf counts the dwarves to see if everyone has arrived, though you know there is still one missing.
“Uh..Fili, Kili. Uh…Oin, Gloin. Dwalin, Balin. Bifur, Bofur, Bombur. Dori, Nori.”
“No, no. Not my prize winners, thank you.”
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“Yes, you are quite right, Bifur. We appear to be one dwarf short,” Gandalf remarks.
“He is late, is all. He traveled north to a meeting of our kin, he will come,” Dwalin responds.
Gandalf finally grabs ahold of the frantic Bilbo.
“My dear Bilbo, what on earth is the matter?”
“What’s the matter? I am surrounded by dwarves. What they’re doing here?”
“Oh, they’re quite a merry gathering, once you get used to them.”
“I don’t want to get used to them. Look at the state of my kitchen! There’s mud trod in the carpet, they…they’ve pillaged the pantry! I’m not even gonna tell you what they’ve done in the bathroom, they’ve all but destroyed the plumbing! I don’t understand what they’re doing in my house!”
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt. But what should do with my plate?” Ori asks.
Fili appears by your right shoulder and whispers to you, “Watch this!”
You realize what’s about to happen next.
“Here you go, Ori, give it to me,” Fili says.
That's what Bilbo Baggins Hates!
At some point during their merry song, Fili grabs your arm and swings you around. You may have stepped on his toes once or twice but he doesn't seem to mind at all.
When the dwarves finish their song, there is a loud knock on the door.
"He is here."
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know if you have any suggestions! I'm hoping to open requests soon for one-shots or future series.
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obsidiancreates · 10 months
Recounting A Long-Expected, Never To Pass party
Part of the There and Back Again (Starting From The End) series
They're not even a day out from Erebor when, after a bit of somber silence at the knowledge of the quest ahead of them, Kili speaks up.
"So, Bilbo," he says. "Uncle tells us you knew two Hobbits who reminded you of us."
Bilbo chuckles merrily, puffing a pipe scrounged from the ruins even as he walks- they're not making much haste yet, still recovering from their journey to the mountain itself- they'd all been terribly pained to leave, but it couldn't be helped. Bilbo isn't sure if he can resist The Ring as Frodo did, and Gandalf agrees it's best to travel with a large band in case they are still yet hunted. Even with Azog gone, dangers roam the wildlands.
Even so, Bilbo drinks in this time with his long-ago companions, family, like a sapling tasting of rain for the first time in many long years among a desolate patch of land. "Going around telling all of my business, Thorin?" he teases.
"They'd asked about what you'd shared with me," Thorin says, a small quick of his lips showing he knew Bilbo's comment was in jest.
"Yes, I did know two hobbits quite like you boys," Bilbo says to Kili, and he hears Kili and Fili murmur to each other in excitement. "Steady now! You won't meet them for some time yet. But I have plenty of stories to share, if you like."
"I think we'd all enjoy a merry tale or two," Balin says, grimmer than the young princes. "We're not likely to see much merry ourselves on this journey."
"Exactly my thinking, Balin. Let's see, where to start... well, one of their grandest muck-abouts was at my own birthday, my hundred-eleventh near sixty years after returning home. Gandalf rode in for the party of course- we always kept a close friendship after the journey- and brought with him his magnificent fireworks."
"You make fireworks?" Bofur said in surprise, looking up at Gandalf.
"Indeed I do. They were the only thing Bilbo recalled about me when I came to his door."
"Yes, well, you brought many for my party, of course. I'd invited half the shire, and the other half had turned up anyway!" He let out a laugh. "And Merry and Pippin- nicknames spoken more often their their full names- they of course got themselves into a spot of trouble. They went and rifled through your cart, so I was told, and pulled out a firework in the visage of a dragon! I imagine you'd intended it as the party-ender show, and a treat for the children who adored my stories."
"You told hobbit children about this quest?" Dwalin looks at Bilbo skeptically.
"Oh, put away that look, Dwalin. I told them uh... approximations, of our journey. Close enough to inspire wonder and teach some valuable lessons, but changed a bit to add some fun. I made up a wonderful song for the incident with the spiders- ha! If only I'd thought of it in the moment and not years later." Bilbo smiles fondly as he talks, his pipe resting in the corner of his mouth and occasionally drawn and puffed from.
"You, singin' a song?" Nori snorts. "Can't imagine it."
"Hobbit sing often! I've come up with a good few myself, even along our quest. I just didn't find it entirely appropriate to sing them. But you're getting me off track! Merry and Pippin stole the dragon firework and lit it- inside one of the tents, Frodo told me they'd later discovered. Burnt and flung into the water by the flight. The dragon swooped down upon us all, and I remember- yes, I remember Frodo grabbing me and telling me there was a dragon, and I told him 'Nonsense! There hadn't been a dragon in these parts in a thousand years!' He pushed me to the ground as it flew overhead, and the whole of Hobbiton watched with baited breath as it flew away before bursting into showers of light! Quite a good show, we all thought, and I later saw the dirty faces of Merry and Pippin washing up the dishes as Gandalf smoked and watched."
Gandalf laughs now. "Perhaps this time around you'll get them to be better behaved."
"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," Bilbo ways with a glint in his eye. "I was just as bad by then."
"Got stuck with the sticky fingers, eh?" Nori grins approvingly.
"Not quite, Nori. But at the same party, oh I made it a night to truly remember. The memory is a bit soured now, knowing the nature of The Ring, but even so it's a good one."
"How did The Ring play into a party?" Ori is throughly confused between his two older brothers.
"Oh, I used it to get into all sorts of mischief over the years. In particular, I was prompted to go and give a speech as the party was reaching a natural high- and of course I'd planned to give one anyway. I got up on one of the ale barrels, and I remember exactly what I said, as I'd planned it for many weeks."
Bilbo clears his throat, and tries to adjust his voice to match his older tones more- a strange sensation to be sure.
"My dear Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks! Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers! Bracegirdles! And Proudfoots!"
He interrupts his own recreation to shakes his head. "Got that name wrong, but it drew a laugh from the crowd when he corrected me so it hardly ruined the event."
"That's a strange lot of names, laddie," Dwalin says.
"I could say the same about yours. All entirely respectable Hobbit families- well, depending upon who you ask. Now what came next... ah, yes."
"Today is my one-hundreth and eleventith birthday! But alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable hobbits. I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
It draws some surprised barks of laughter from the company, including Gandalf, and Bilbo thinks it might bite the end right off of the pipe if he smiles any harder hearing the laughs of his dear friends- Thorin, Fili, and Kili most of all.
"The looks on their faces! They didn't grasp onto it very well, and the ones who did didn't appreciate it! But I knew it'd bring amusement somewhere, in some day."
"I'm going to use that whenever we have to start sitting in on Court Meetings," Kili snickers.
"You will do no such thing," Thorin warns.
"Let the boys have a bit of fun, Thorin," Bilbo chides. "Life is too short to not, even when it's longer than an age. Otherwise you may end up like Thranduil did- took many years of tense teatimes to soften him up, I tell you. Don't give me that look you lot, there's few others to talk with in those lands and by the time I awake back here I'd spoken to just about every elf many lifetimes over. Now, I went to say- I feigned a bit of nervousness here to sell it, and don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise, purely for show did I stumble on my words and I include them now to give the most accurate impression of the event-"
"I uh, I ha-have things to do. And here I reached into my pocket, and pulled out The Ring so that no-one saw it, and put my hands behind my back. And I went on to mutter a bit to myself- nasty habit I picked up on this very quest- and put my attention on Frodo."
"I regret, to announce, this, is the end. I'm going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye."
The company are all leaning in, enraptured- including Gandalf, though there's a worry to his expression not unlike when he'd heard the speech the first time around.
"And in front of the whole of Hobbiton, I vanished! There one moment, completely gone in the next! The crowd went into an uproar, of course, or as much of one as a party of well-drunk and fed hobbits can be. I raced back up to Bag End and didn't take The Ring off until I got back inside and shut my door."
Bilbo near giggles at the memory. "Oh, the looks on their faces! I got quite a scolding from Gandalf afterwards, as you can imagine. Magic rings are not to be taken lightly, and of course in the moment I couldn't imagine why that was. And then, ah..."
"Well, then it turned to a moment more befitting of the evil The Ring holds. But even then, the memory of that final great prank kept me smiling and laughing for many years!"
"... Well... if it wasn't such an evil ring, I'd ask you to borrow it and do something similar," Kili admits, smiling. "Can you imagine, Fili?"
"And you'd rally us all up into a search party," the eldest brother says with a small smile. "Imagine Nori with an ability like that. None of us would be able to find anything ever again."
"Perhaps," Balin interrupts, "We shouldn't speak so lightly of the powers it gives. Temptation is easily felt, and not so easily dismissed."
Fili and Kili share a look, and then nod.
"We didn't mean anything by it," Fili says.
"Purely admiring our own Bilbo Baggins becoming a mischief maker," Kili adds.
"And I've got plenty more mischief left, once this whole nasty business is done," Bilbo says, head held high and smile bright with amusement.
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tinytiger · 5 months
The Hobbit - A Kili x F!Reader Fanfic
The Truth
The dwarves are unhappy with a meatless meal, and tensions rise when Y/n, with elven heritage, is treated as royalty by Elrond. Y/n asserts her independence and playfully challenges royal norms. A food fight breaks out during dinner, and later, Y/n encounters the dwarves frolicking in a fountain, resulting in a soaked dress. Despite mishaps, playful banter ensues between Y/n and Kili, hinting at a budding relationship. The evening ends with Y/n surprising Kili with a cheeky kiss, leaving him dazed, and Thorin observing their connection.
Tw- None
The dwarves were not happy.
There was no meat at all on the plates that were put in front of them, just green things that tasted horrible. Thorin had refused to sit at the table and eat food given to him by the species he hated the most. As he looked out of the large hole he stood in front of, his mind was trying to process what had just happened.
Elrond has called Y/n ‘Your Majesty’. She is related to that pampered asshole that is King Thranduil.
Anger flooded through his veins, how come Y/n hadn’t told them.
The chatter behind him stopped. Thorin turned around because the dwarves being quiet during a meal is nothing normal.
As he turned, Y/n walked into the light of the hall. The dress was pooling at her feet, the sleeves were way too long for her. Her hair was pulled back and had been put into a plat, the tiara was weaved into her.
She looked gorgeous, but you could tell she was uncomfortable. As she moved to sit next to Kili, Erland grabbed her hand to make her sit next to him.
“Y/n, you have to sit here!” he exclaimed as Y/n stood up. That is when she exploded.
“Oh, do I, I thought I could sit where I want, and I want to sit with my friends. Not some posh elf boy with an ego that is the size of Smaug’s love for gold. Now stop telling me what to do!” Y/n commanded.
Ever since she had walked into this place, that she used to miss, the people were bowing and telling her where to go and what to do. Surely a princess should have her freedom. She spun on her heel and walked over to where all the dwarves were sat, with astonished looks on their faces. Thorin went to brood out of the window, with a smirk on his face.
At least the sass was passed down.
The chatter returned as she sat down and dug into the salad that was in front of her. After 5 minutes, she looked up at Kili and said,
“I am so sorry about my past. I thought you would treat me differnerly if you would know that i wasn’t a normal half elf.”
Kili smiled and put his large hand on her small, now less muddy, hand.
“I get it, we wouldn’t treat you any different from how we do now. I mean, I’m a prince, and Bofur threw a rock at me the other day.” Kili laughed as the look of shock crossed Y/n’s face.
Then a lettuce leaf smacked her in the back of the head.
“All right, which one of you was that!” she swirled around and picked up a parsnip. All of the dwarves pointed at Fili.
She swung her arm back and threw the vegetable at Fili. But it was way off target and hit Thorin in the back of the head; everyone went quiet.
“Oh Skirth!” she swore as Thorin slowly spun around. She was dead. Then another lettuce leaf hit him in the forehead. Kili and Fili jumped out of their seats and began to throw vegetables at whoever was in reach. Twice Kili got a tomato in the face; Y/n seemed to be the main target for three of the dwarves.
Kili ran towards her and threw her over his shoulder.
“Kili Durin! Put me down now!” She screamed, slamming her fists into his shoulder.
“Ow! No, stop wriggling, will you. Ow,” he argued back but eventually put her on the floor.
“Watch this,” Kili whispered into her pointed ears.
He picked up a potato and threw it in Erland’s direction. He moved out of the way just in time, and it hit the statue behind him. The two burst out laughing. The evening was very enjoyable.
Y/n was walking around Rivendale. She kept thinking of her mother; would the guards of Rivendale tell her father she was here? They had to go near Mirkwood, so would she run into her brother or her father?
As she walked past the fountain, shouts caught her attention. They seemed happy. As she turned the corner, her eyes caught a sight she wouldn’t forget for a while.
All of the dwarves were in the fountain, naked. She squeaked, and that caught the attention of them all. She spun around as Kili got out of the fountain.
“You alright, Lass?” He asked, walking behind her, not being able to see her face. She was glad about that, as she was bright red.
“Yes, Kili, I’m fine. Could you just get back in the water or put a towel on… please,” she muttered as he got closer.
“Come on, Kili,” Fili shouted in his direction. Kili laughed and walked back to the fountain.
Y/n turned around as she heard a massive splash. All of the dwarves had jumped in, causing a massive splash to get her soaked.
Her dress was ruined, which she didn’t care about, but it was starting to stick to her body. Making her curves stick out a bit.
“Guys!” she moaned.
She walked back to her room, dripping water all over the place. She was freezing.
“Y/n!” Her name was shouted as she turned to see Kili, this time in a green shirt with brown trousers on.
“Kili, I’m not mad at you.” His face lit up. “But please don’t do that again.”
“Well, it wasn’t my idea it was—“
“Let me guess, Fili.”
“Yes,” Kili said, looking at the floor.
“Actually, I was surprised that you landed in the fountain. Where did you aim when we needed to shoot the warg earlier?” The e/c-eyed girl looked at Kili with a smirk. She had pushed a couple of buttons.
“Hey, at least I don’t trip over my own feet.”
Leaning in, Y/n glared and stuck her tongue out at him. The two burst into a fit of giggles.
Kili gazed into her eyes as she looked at him.
“At least I can argue with a troll.”
“At least, I don’t get caught by a troll.”
“I was saving Bilbo!” Y/n cried, putting her hands on her hips.
“I saved you twice!” Kili gave her a sideways glance.
“Once, and you told them to drop me; if they did, I would have landed on my head.”
“And we wouldn’t want your pretty ears to get squished, would we?”
Y/n punched Kili in the shoulder.
“Ow! Stop being so rough,” Kili cried out as he held onto his arm.
“I thought you liked it rough,” Y/n cheekily said, raising an eyebrow.
Kili’s face went into a dark shade of red. His head suddenly was filled with situations that made his legs twang a bit.
He came to a halt at her side. Kili wanted to say something. Anything, he wanted to make her feel like this. As she reached her door, she looked at Kili and spoke.
“Thanks for walking me back.” She turned to open the door to her room.
“You’re welcome; oh, and Thorin wants us to leave at midnight. We need to get to Dale before Durin’s Day,” Kili told her, gazing at her.
“Oh, thank you, Kili,” Y/n replied, her thigh holster was beginning to rub; she mentally swore.
“Goodnight, Princess,” Kili said as he walked back to the place where the dwarves slept.
Y/n stopped, her heart beating at 100 miles per hour. An idea popped into her head. She spun around and kissed Kili on his cheek. When she lowered herself to the ground, she smirked at him.
“Goodnight, Prince.”
Y/n disappeared into her room, leaving Kili in the corridor on his own.
Kili had never been so still. He was really tempted to open that door and kiss her back. Walking over to the door, he put his hand on the doorknob.
His face shot up, and he saw Thorin. How much had he seen? The whole thing. He smiled at the young dwarf and put his arm around his shoulder and walked the dazed boy back to the room he was staying in.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 months
IATCOD Chap. 28; Plan in motion
*Author's note*
This was a chapter long in the making due to life getting in the way but I finally got around a week ago to finally get this chapter done. Not a lot of action in this, just some plot settings to get ready for the main action that'll happen the next few chapters. But I hope you all enjoy this chapter no matter what. And yes I had to use the death whistle from Puss in boots the Last wish so credit goes to Dreamworks for that. 
After Cain had returned back to Hela's chambers and told everyone what Druig had suggested, there was silence in the room. Everyone pondering in concern, fear, and denial.
"And you're sure there is no other way?" asked Gandalf.
"It has worked one other time. With Fili and Kili sons of Dis, nephews of Thorin Oakenshield. Hela gave to them the very gauntlets she wears that holds our kins celestial stones. When Sauron took full control over her body, the stones used both their bodies as a host to banish Sauron's spirit from her very body before releasing them."
"Bofur and my uncle Oin did tell me that tale when I was still a lad. Never before had they been both in awe and struck with terror at the sight of what happened that night."
"I too was there when it happened. Never would I have thought that two Dwarves could hold the power of nine Celestial gems and live." Said Legolas recalling that night at Bard's house.
"But Merry still needs time to heal. He's not ready." Proclaimed Pippin worriedly.
"And the raw power of a Celestial's stone is nothing to be trifled with. I have seen what gripping a celestial stone can do." Aragorn said with a distant yet horrified look in his eye as he remembered one incident with some wild men in the North when they came to take out the remaining members of the Dúnedain.
The chief of the wild men had foolishly thought he could take Thena's stone for himself to enhance his weapon's strength and durability. But when he went to take the stone from Hela's gauntlet after ripping it from her arm, his body began to crack and burn like firewood.
His screams sounding like something both unholy and holy at the same time. His eyes became soulless white and gold until his body exploded into a pure light before Hela managed to contain Thena's stone once again.
"How do we not know that the same could happen to Merry if he takes hold of Druig's stone?" continued Aragorn.
"He wouldn't have suggested Merry if he didn't feel some sort of connection to him. Trust me Aragorn, I don't like this either but we are running out of options and out of time." Cain said as thunder rumbled once again and the red lightning began to flash in the sky once more. Cain and Aragorn turned to Merry and Aragorn said to him.
"The choice is yours Merry." Everyone turned to the hobbit who still looked exhausted from his Black breath recovery. Merry slowly stood up, Pippin tried to help but he held his hand out to refuse help. He slowly walked to the center of the room and said to everyone present.
"Since starting this quest back in the borders of the Shire, Pip and I had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. But even then I didn't care, all I wanted was to see Frodo away from the danger. Only to find out that he must bravely face the danger himself to destroy the biggest threat to our home. And Sam, loyal hearted that he is, he willingly without a second thought vowed to go alongside Frodo even if it costs him his own life. Boromir died to save Pippin and I. Without a second thought, he kept bravely fighting until his last breath took hold. I have lost—many of my friends, and thousands-nay millions more all over Middle Earth will suffer if Hela is not awakened. If there is a chance to free her from her curse, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to play my part in saving Middle Earth."
Everyone took to heart of what Merry had to say. He walked back over to Druig's stone and called for him once again. The black onyx stone glew bright until a golden light shot out once again and appearing before him once again was Druig.
"You have made your decision." He spoke down to the young hobbit.
"I have." Replied Merry.
"Then what say you, Meriadoc Brandybuck?" Merry took a deep breath before exhaling through his nose and he said.
"How do we save Hela from herself?" A slight grin came across Druig's face then he told Merry.
"Take my stone within your hand, once you feel the full strength of my power coursing through your body, press the stone to the crown of your head. And we shall become One mind, One body, One soul."
"You both shall become one? But will Merry still be there? Your soul won't overwhelm his?" asked Pippin.
"He has accepted the terms young Peregrin Took." Druig said turning towards the other hobbit. "Time is of the dire most essence now, and we must bring her back now before it is too late." Druig's spirit then shot back into his stone and the glow of the stone faded.
"He's right Pip. If we're going to do this, it has to be now. If Hela is truly dying from this spell, Druig and I need to act now. And we've already lost a day already." Merry and Pippin looked at each other then after a moment of staring at each other, Pippin gave him a nod.
"Pippin, come join us." Cain said as he took out his knife and he slide the blade across his palm. Pippin walked over towards the others who were now starting to huddle on the other side of the room.
Using his blood, Cain drew along the floor a Celestial rune circle to protect everyone within the tower from any Celestial power outbursts. Everyone stood within the circle while Merry stood over the table where Druig's stone rested.
He turned to the others as Cain now began to wrap his wounded palm and he gave the young hobbit a strong nod. Merry nodded to him and took a deep breath as he reached out and took the stone within his bare hand.
As he grasp the stone into his palm, Merry's arm began to slowly crackle open like lava seeping through Mount Doom itself, he fell to his knees in agony as the power of the Mind celestial began coursing through his veins. But he kept a firm grip on the stone as well as holding his enclosed fist with his free hand.
The group watched in despair as Merry was forced to endure this pain alone. Pippin softly whimpered and said.
"We have to make him let it go! He's hurting can't you see he's in such agony!"
"No Pippin, we cannot interfere at this point." Gandalf warned him as he held him back.
"Merry?" cried out Aragorn. Merry continued to grunt and cry in agony.
"Merry talk to us." Cain ordered. As Merry continued to groan and pant in agony he finally spoke up.
"I'm fine. I'm alright." Slowly he raised his enclosed hand as he felt the full power of the Mind Celestial coursing through his entire body. But even with such power coursing through him, it was causing the gem to feel so heavy, he could barely lift his own arm.
However Merry knew he had to do what Druig had told him. Using his free hand, he guided his enclosed fist towards his head and with a cry, he open his palm and pressed the stone into his very head before a flash of light and wave of red energy shot out hitting the barrier but knocking down all the furniture in place. Then Merry fell onto his back with a thud and Druig's gem embedded into his very skin.
"MERRY!" cried Pippin as he ran through the barrier. Everyone crowded over him but Cain warned them.
"Don't move him!" Gimli held Pippin back as both Gandalf and Cain knelt over the unconscious Merry. Cain used his enhanced senses and could hear Merry's heart beating normally. "His heartrate and breathing is normal." Gandalf waved a hand over Merry's face.
"And his spirit is still in-tact." Suddenly Merry's eyes shot open but they glowed the same golden light that Druig produces whenever he used his mind controlling abilities. Cain and Gandalf backed away as did everyone else as Merry now stood up but there was a difference to the way he stood. He looked down at his hands and he said.
"I almost forgotten what it's like to have an actual body."
"Is that you Druig?" asked Cain.
"No, it's Sauron. Of course it's me." He turned over to Pippin and said, "And don't worry Pippin, Merry's still here. I just need to take control when performing the spell. However I do need to request something of you all. Performing this spell, requires my full concentration and power. Both Merry's body and Hela's will be completely defenseless, so someone needs to stand guard over us in case time runs out." They all turned to one another before Haldir spoke up.
"I'll do it." Everyone turned to him and Haldir said as he looked to Cain, "It's what Hela would've done for me." Cain nodded.
"I admire your heart and loyalty to my sweet Hela, but you'll need a better weapon than your own. Take Aeglos and place the tip of the blade to Thena's gemstone. It was once the host of her powers, and should any Deviants come to the tower seeking her or my power, you'll need the power of the Celestial of War to aid you." Druig told him. Haldir nodded then Merry walked over towards Hela.
He stood over the head of the bed and placed his hands on each side of Hela's temples. Golden light emanated from his palms and bounced between his palms and Hela's temples which also began to glow. Soon the small glow from Merry's eyes grew bigger until his whole eyes were nothing but a pure golden light.
"It's happening. Now it's up to him and Merry. The rest of us will continue to get the people down below and prepare for the Deviants as well as the Celestials of Sauron's attack." Said Cain. As the others began to leave the tower leaving Haldir alone, Cain said to him, "Haldir," the march warden turned to him. "Take it from someone who has tasted vengeance for over 2 Ages. When Nergal shows himself, do not engage him alone. You will wait for us to aid you in taking him down, understood?" Haldir turned his head with a narrowed, hateful look in his eyes. "Understood?" Cain asked in a firmer tone.
"Go help the others in getting the people to the lower levels of the city. They've suffered enough at the hands of a leader who could care less about them." Haldir said as he went over and took Aeglos from Hela's side.
Cain turned but had a suspicious look on his face as he left to join the others to help evacuate and prepare Gondor for the oncoming Deviants.
Within Hela's mind, both Druig and Merry walked through a dark chasm with the only light coming from the very floor they walked upon. However the floor itself was a sea of souls glowing a pure blue light.
"Is this really what's inside Hela's mind?"
"We're only at the gate. Everyone has their own unique gateway into their subconscious." explained Druig.
"So what is it that we're looking for?"
"A tree. A very large tree."
"A tree?" asked Merry unsurely.
"Being the Mind Celestial I've come to see that in everyone's mind, no matter the race or species, the gates of their minds hold a very special tree to which I've called them the Tree of Life. Each branch representing a person's memory or thought. It's what makes them the person or creature that they are. And if my hunch is correct, Hela's tree may not look like it once was." As they treaded through the ankle-deep water, Merry began to grow weary of the souls that were moaning and weeping.
"Who are all these people?"
"The souls that had been lost but could not move on. Remember Hela is the bridge between the Seen and the Unseen world. Souls pass through her in order to move onto Mandos' halls, even under this spell they continue to come to her. But they're trapped here until she gives them her blessing."
'You are correct.' A voice spoke up. The boys stopped and Druig stood in front of Merry protectively as a spirit soon raised itself up from the water before taking the shape of King Theoden.
"Theoden King?" Merry gawked.
"Hello Meriadoc." He then turned to Druig and said, "And you must be her twin brother Lord Druig. Hela told me many stories of you and your sister Makkari the Speedster when I was a lad." Druig nodded and Merry said.
"Theoden King, we're looking for Hela's Tree of Life, can you take us to it?"
"I can but I must warn you. The spell that has imprisoned not only us but Hela herself has grown too strong. If you dive too deep into her mind, you too may also suffer the same fate as she."
"That's a risk we have to take. I won't leave here without knowing my sister will be okay." Answered Druig firmly. Theoden's spirit looked at both of them as Merry gave him a strong nod.
"Very well." He faded back into a spirit ball and began the light to guide them through the darkness and towards where they needed to go. Eventually they came upon a grand willow tree that stood nearly as tall as Treebeard himself, but just as Druig had thought, the lush green vines had been dried up and were starting to crumbling.
Within the vines were small thought bubbles that would normally be as bright as bubbles should be, but they were now dimmed and grey with faded memories hazed over.
"This is Hela's Tree of Life?" asked Merry.
"Yes. But it's worse than I imagined it would be." They walked up to the tree as Theoden's voice spoke to them.
'Remember, dive too deep and you too may suffer the same fate as she. Though I do hope you are successful in returning our Hela home. Good luck.' His spirit then dove back into the sea of souls. Merry walked up to the tree and touched the main trunk. He could feel just how malnourished the tree was.
"Any ideas on how we can fix it?"
"It's not up to us, it's up to Hela. Only she can mend her own Tree."
"But how are we going to find her?" Druig walked around Hela's tree until he had found what he'd expect to find. Glowing in a haunting green and black aura of magic was a large mushroom that was attached to one of the roots of Hela's tree. The light pulsating and almost sounding like a heartbeat but what had Druig in awe was the mushroom was showing a vision much like Hela's thought bubbles on the vines of her trees had.
"I think I might have found her." Merry came around and knelt down beside him. The two of them stared at the mirrored image of what looked like a large green pasture (much like the Shire) and Hela was out folding laundry. "You ready for this?"
"Let's do it." Answered Merry. Druig took his hand and together with their free hands, they reach out and touched the mushroom all while their eyes glowed a pure gold. The second they touched the mushroom, the black and green aura shot out like lighting trying to fend off Druig's and Merry's touch. Both the Celestial and the Hobbit groaned and cried out in pain but they kept a firm hold on the mushroom. Until they were encompassed by the green light.
"Merry? Merry! Wake up!" Merry's eyes shot open and he saw Druig kneeling over him. "Easy there halfling." Merry held his head in pain as he let out a small groan.
"What happened?"
"We got absorbed by the curse and sent into this false world. I must say I'm impressed by your mental stamina, any normal person would've crumbled by now. Think there might be a future for you being a Mind Celestial." Druig held his hand and helped Merry onto his feet.
"Hela once said I would make a clever one."
"And for myself I can see why she said that." Merry gave a slight smile before asking.
"Now that we're here, how do we find Hela? This place is nearly as big as the Shire."
"We just start walking. Hopefully we'll come across her. And we may just find out just what exactly this curse is doing to her." The two then proceeded to walk once again onward this time through the peaceful green pastures.
Back in the real world, Cain was standing along the very edge of the city where Denethor had leapt to his death. He could sense the very change in the air from the darkened clouds, the difference in the lightning and the very air seemed denser as if a dark spell had once again been placed over all of Middle Earth.
"We've gotten the last of the civilians gathered in the lower caves. And Faramir and Gandalf finally managed to work out the protection spell Hela had made for the city. It should be up later tonight." Aragorn said behind him.
"With all that Denethor allowed to happen, this city doesn't need to suffer twice at the hands of a bigger threat than orcs, trolls and wargs." Said Cain. Aragorn stood beside him and said.
"They'll find a way to bring her back."
"It's not bringing Hela back that I'm worried about." One look on Cain's somber face and Aragorn knew what he meant.
"You fear for Haldir's mental state at losing Hela."
"Grief—is a powerful feeling. Especially if it's fueled by rage. I may not be able to physically see his eyes but I can sense his heartbeat. His deep, sharp breaths through his nose, and the anxious ticks he's now been having at the tips of his hands, especially since he took hold of Aeglos."
"You fear he might turn into what you became." Cain solemnly let out a deep sigh. Aragorn placed a hand to Cain's shoulder and he told him, "He may not know it now, but he'll need your guidance before the end. Who better to understand what he's going through, if you can find the way, he will too before the end."
"I hope so Aragorn, I really hope so." Aragorn turned and headed back inside the palace leaving Cain to stand alone once again. However Cain felt a dark presence behind him and he withdrew his axe and his blade soon met with another and a voice said to him.
"You can even sense Death coming for you. Impressive."
"Deimos." The two of them uncrossed their crossed their weapons. "Why are you here?" Cain sneered lowly in the tone he's always used for those who were impure of heart.
"Apologizes for interrupting your little brotherly love session with Isildur's heir, but I had to come see for myself what wasteful plan you all have tried to come up with to save yourselves." Deimos chuckled sinisterly.
"You underestimate them. Even in their darkest hours, until there is no hope remaining, the Fellowship and the people of Gondor will continue to fight till their last breath."
"It's a waste. You cannot save them from the inevitable. Without Hela's power, the Deviants will take each race of Middle Earth, one by one until all is nothing but shadow and stone."
"And what do you three get out of all this in the end? If all is meant to be shadow and stone, what will you and your brothers do?"
"What Perses and Nergal want is up to them. I, however, have a different score to settle." Cain heard as Deimos unsheathed his second sickle. "As I'm sure you're aware, each Celestial while cut from the same cloth based on one's powers, there are the Celestials gifted with sub-level powers. A power solely focused to one main power."
"Yes. Like those celestials who could only control one element, or be able to see into the future."
"Hela had her time to be the high Celestial of Death, but she missed the whole point of her existence entirely."
"How so? By teaching that death shouldn't be feared? That it is another path to the next life."
"That! That right there!" Deimos snarled in distain. "You actually believe that death is a merciful, that it's something to be fully embraced and accepted like how you view Life. No, no, no. Death should be feared, uncertain, and permanent." He emphasized on the word permanent as Cain could feel his red eyes cutting right through him.
"You've come for me." Cain realized.
"Now you're catching on." Deimos then began to circle around Cain like a predator, eyeing him as he continued, "When you were brought back by the desperation of your brother Ikaris, you didn't value what he had given you. And while I find the very idea of resurrections and reincarnations absurd, what I loathe more than anything in this world are those who think they can cheat Death."
"As you said, it wasn't my choice to be brought back to life."
"You don't think I don't know how throughout the first 100 years of your banishment you tried to end your own life? And yet with each time, you survived."
Cain's heartbeat escalated, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, a cold chill ran up his entire body. He could hear the blades of Deimos' sickles cut across the cobbled stone beneath them.
"But here's how we can rectify all of this. When the time's right, I will come for you, and you and I shall face off in a duel to the death. See who truly has the blessing of the Valor on their side. You do that, and I swear to not harm a single hair on anyone else's heads."
"You really think I'll trust you to do that? After the way you beat Haldir and Hela nearly to death."
"A mere demonstration for what I have in stored for you. They were just so I could get to you. You agree to fight me, and death will only come for you." Deimos then let out a soft yet haunting whistle and when Cain turned around, he could sense that Deimos was gone, only hearing the brief whistle before it too was silenced.
Almost as if he had been strung up on strings, he collapsed to his knees, his heart still racing in such fear that he only felt when he came before the Nine Nazgul.
In Hela's mind, Merry and Druig continued walking along the grassy over hills until they came to a quaint little cabin. To Merry it almost resembled Frodo and Bilbo's home of Bag-end with a similar green circular door but it was a big-people sized home.
It had a small front deck with a porch swing, and the front yard was covered with wild flowers. A gazebo that looked exactly like the one in Lothlorien stood at the side of the cabin.
"Is this what Hela dreams about?" asked Merry.
"She was never one for riches or grand castles. When we were children, she always said she'd get herself a cabin and plant wild flowers as far as the eye could see." Said Druig. "But even so, this is still a prison so don't get swept by whatever you see. Remember Theoden's warning." Merry nodded as the two of them soon heard the sound of arrows being twanged from an bow around back. They heard the arrow hit a target so they came around to see someone who looked like Haldir doing some target practice.
Instead of the normal Marchwarden uniform or even armor, he donned on a simple dark green tunic and grey trousers. Haldir notched another arrow into his bow and released it and it split the arrow that was already in the target.
"Can he see us?" Merry quietly asked.
"No. This is an illusion, they usually can't see nor hear us."
"Even if this were an illusion, we Elves can hear the flutter of a humming bird's wings 10 leagues away." Haldir actually responded to them. He turned towards them and greeted with a warm smile and a bow of his head, "Welcome Merry, and back already Druig? It's not even been 20 minutes since you left." Merry looked up at Druig worriedly. While Druig's eyes expressed shock, he turned to Merry and told him telepathically.
'Just follow my lead.' Druig cleared his throat and said, "Well you know how it is. Big brothers and all, can't leave you two alone for one second."
"Even after all this time we've been married, you still can't trust us alone. Though I can understand, being an older brother myself. What can I do you both for?"
"We're actually here for Hela. Is she in the cabin?" Merry asked the Haldir illusion.
"Unfortunately you won't find her in the cabin. At this time of the day she's down at the farm just over that hill. What do you want with her?" there was a hint of suspicion to this fake Haldir's tone but Druig plainly said.
"Just received a message from Keoghan about the Midsummer's ball tonight. Apparently Kingo once again burned the cake and they need Hela's help since she is the best baker out of all our kinsman."
"Very well. But I must warn you, one of the cows just recently gave birth. She'll be on the fight if you anywhere near her pen."
"Thanks for the heads up Haldir. Good day." The two of them bowed to Haldir the Mind Celestial bow before heading over the hill where Haldir said the farm was at. "Tell me you caught the way he got suspicious on why we needed Hela."
"I did. There was also something in his eyes that gleamed the same color as the spell that shot out around us when we touched that mushroom on her Tree."
"You are indeed a clever hobbit Master Merry." They soon came up and looked down at a large farm. With large shire horses running freely around the wooded area in the back, large mountain dogs helping log around eggs, crates of apples and corn, and ducks and chickens waddling about the farm grounds.
As they walked through the farm grounds, they heard soft humming coming from the stables. They slowly walked in and soon found Hela brushing a white stallion's mane humming softly.
"Hela?" Merry called out to her. She jumped and smiled.
"Merry, this is a surprise. I wasn't expecting you till next month for Pippin's birthday. And Druig, back so soon. Let me guess, you thought Haldir and I were having another sweet rendezvous at the gazebo that you walked in on just shortly after we began courting." At that openly suggestive statement, Druig's cheeks went red as he said.
"No but thank you for that unholy image that is now seared into my brain." Hela giggled and said as she stroked the stallion's nose. "So what brings you both here?"
Merry turned to Druig wondering if they should break it to her now since looking at her, it seemed like they had found the real Hela. Druig was torn because the last time he had seen his sister this happy was when they were children. After Sauron came fully into power by the time the three of them came of age, Hela always held such a burden on her shoulders. Like the weight of the world fell on top of her weighing her down and taking her innocence away bit by bit until all that was left was a hollowed shell.
Here she seemed—happy, relieved even. No wonder why she's refused to awaken from such a dream. But he knew she had to, but they had to approach it delicately at first.
"Keoghan reached out to me halfway on my journey telling me that Kingo burnt the cake for the midsummer's ball again." Hela let out a sigh and shook her head.
"That Kingo, he can put on a show with Sprite but when it comes to drawing or cooking, he's hopeless. And I thought Apollo had banished him from the kitchen?"
"He did, and that banishment is still in affect but you know how Kingo is."
"He always finds a way." Both he and Hela said together. "Sorry Snowmane, afraid this grooming session's gonna have to be cut short." Snowmane huffed and let out a shocked whinny. "Don't blame me, if I don't go stop Kingo, he could blow the whole castle up." she got out of Snowmane's stable and walked pass Druig and Merry. "C'mon, we better get a move on. I'll have to tell Haldir first of where I'll be heading."
"Actually we just told him that before we came to find you." Merry said.
"Oh well okay then. That's one less thing to worry about." As they stepped out, Hela raised up her fingers and let out a sharp, loud whistle that almost resembled an eagle's scream. They waited for a bit until finally a real eagle's cry was heard and swooping down was Hela's great eagle Icarus. "Hey Icarus, think you can carry Merry to the palace?" he let out a soft trill before lowering himself down for Merry to climb on.
Druig nudged the hobbit forward and Merry raced up and with Hela's help, mounted on top of the great eagle.
"But what about you?" asked Druig.
"Why would I need Icarus to fly?" Hela's normal dress soon morphed into the Starlight Celestial armor. "Being born a Starlight Celestial, I never need aid in flying again." As Hela shot up onto the air like a shooting star, Merry and Druig looked at each other worriedly before Icarus soon took off following behind his mother and Druig used his levitating powers to fly right beside Merry and Icarus.
Another night was passing even through the dark, thunderous clouds that covered all of Middle Earth. Gandalf, Aragorn and Cain all stood along the balcony near the throne room as Cain said.
"One more day to go, and the Deviants will return to Middle Earth."
"Any word of Merry and Druig's progress?" asked Aragorn.
"I had just met with Haldir, no changes." Gandalf replied solemnly. "I know Merry is strong and Druig is powerful but I fear they may not bring our Celestial of Death back in time."
"We still have time." Aragorn stated. "All we can do now is give Merry and Druig the aid they need. We've coded the protection spell, the second we see those demons appear, we activate the spell."
"It won't just be the Deviants we'll need to worry about. Nergal, Perses and Deimos will also need to be stopped. I fear their goals are more than just what Sauron had intended for them. And if they try to stop Merry and Druig from helping Hela, Varda help us all." Cain said as thunder once again rumbled in the sky and red lightning flashed in the sky.
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The Way It Comes To Be- Chapter 7
Chapter Summary: The alliance between the Elves, Men, and Dwarves is finally forged and official.
Link on Ao3
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Thorin x Bilbo, Kili x Tauriel
Notes: Hi, I know I have not been publishing any content on this story lately, but it has been due to me getting very sick these past few weeks and university kicking my ass. I will do my best to update this story as much as possible, and will try to post 1-2 chapters per week.
Love y'all, and enjoy!
Chapter 7: A Fresh Start
Two days later…
Kili was waiting outside the gates of Dale for the arrival of the elves from Mirkwood. He had been waiting impatiently since dawn, for Tauriel has promised him they would arrive any time in the morning. However, the time was closer to midday, and Kili was wondering worriedly why the elves were taking so long to get to the city. What if something happened to them?
“Kili,” It was Fili, who was behind his little brother. “You’ve been standing here since dawn. Please come inside.”
“I can’t leave without seeing Tauriel first,” Kili replied.
“Fine,” Fili replied. “Just come back to the palace after you see her.”
Kili nodded and stood looking at the horizon beyond him. He admired the mountain ranges and the forest ahead of him, where he knew Tauriel would be coming from. 
Around an hour later, Kili saw various figures coming from the distance, and realized it was the woodland elves. His excitement rocketed to the skies since he was going to see his gorgeous and dearest elf. When the elves were heading to the gates, Kili excitedly walked through the large crowd of elves and looked for Tauriel. She was walking almost at the end of the Elvish crowd, and was getting more beautiful by the day, which made Kili drawn to her even more. 
“Âzyungel!,” (1) Kili exclaimed, running towards Tauriel happily. The redheaded elf beamed when she saw the dwarf, pulled him away from the large crowd, and gave him a passionate yet sweet kiss, “I am so glad you are finally here!”
“Nin mel!” (2) Tauriel replied, embracing Kili tightly, “I missed you so much! Thranduil had us so busy these last few days with improving Mirkwood’s security. He’s been driving us crazy!”
“I bet,” Kili replied, “Thorin is also giving us many tasks and well, and it’s exhausting. I am just so glad you are here!”
“I am too,” replied Tauriel dearly. “I will be staying here with Thranduil and the others a lot longer since the planting and your uncle’s coronation is going to be soon. We need to catch up on the events that happened the time I was gone. What’s happened in the kingdom so far?” 
Kili told Tauriel about all of the events that had happened in Erebor the time she was gone. He told her about his mother’s arrival, about the coronation, about the other dwarves, etc., and Tauriel listened attentively as Kili spoke. 
“I am so glad your mother is going to be coming back to Erebor!” Tauriel spoke up, “I bet you are ecstatic to see her again.”
“Well, yes,” Kili admitted, “I haven’t seen her since I left the Blue Mountains to travel with my uncle, which was over two years ago. I think you are going to really like her!”
Tauriel smiled hesitantly, and said: “Are you sure, Kili? I mean… elves and dwarves are not exactly fond of each other, and well, maybe your mother will be shocked knowing that her son is courting an elf.”
“Tauriel, I will make sure she does not place her anger over anything else. Trust me,” Kili reassured, kissing Tauriel’s cheek, making her giggle. 
Tauriel felt a bit more reassured with Kili’s words, but was still worried about meeting her partner’s mother. “I do not want to make a bad impression in front of your mother, Kili. I want her to know that I actually care for you and have nothing against the dwarves.” 
“I am sure she will be completely fine with you,” Kili reassured Tauriel, squeezing her long fingers tightly. “Now, I want you to tell me everything that happened in the time you were in Mirkwood.”
Tauriel began speaking about the recent events in Mirkwood. She talked about how Thranduil left Legolas in charge of Mirkwood just for a few weeks before he left for the coronation. 
“Legolas was quite surprised, but he took to the responsibility with a sense of duty,” Tauriel said. “It’s been an interesting transition. He’s trying to prove himself as a leader while managing the expectations of the people. I think it’s a fair challenge for him.”
Kili nodded, impressed. “I’m sure he’s handling it well. Legolas is a resourceful and dedicated elf.”
“Yes, but it hasn’t been without its difficulties,” Tauriel continued. “There were some tensions between him and the council at first. Many of them are still wary of the changes that come with this new alliance.”
“That sounds challenging,” Kili said, “But I am sure he will get to a resolution.”
Tauriel nodded. “He’s working tirelessly, and there are signs of progress. The council is slowly warming up to his leadership. They’re beginning to see the benefits of working with other races. It’s going to be a long road, but it’s worth it.”
She then switched the topic to the elves’ sentiments about the jew alliance. “The elves were initially hesitant about the new alliance with the dwarves and men. There was a lot of distrust and skepticism. The idea of working closely with dwarves, in particular, was something tough to process for many elves.”
“That’s understandable,” said Kili, “Working with the elves hasn’t been something the rest of the dwarves from the company still want, but it’s the only way to maintain peace in the North, and I am sure it will all work out in the end.” 
Tauriel smiled at Kili lovingly and gave him a final kiss before departing to report herself to Thranduil. Kili also left and went to the palace to report himself. 
When Kili got to the palace, the dwarves were still eating in the grand hall. Kili slipped silently and began eating.
“Where were you, young lad?” Bilbo asked him a bit ironically.  “You scared me to death!” Kili whispered, “I… I was with Tauriel. She just arrived with Thranduil and the elves for the planting and the coronation.” 
“Oh, that’s wonderful news,” Bilbo said with a warm smile. “Kili, I’m really glad to hear that Tauriel has arrived safely, but, if I may offer a word of caution—given that she’s an elf and the alliance is still new, it might be wise to be mindful of how your relationship is perceived.”
Kili raised an eyebrow, a touch of concern in his expression. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” Bilbo continued, choosing his words carefully without sounding offensive, “The alliance between the dwarves and the elves is still quite fragile. There are some who might not take kindly to the idea of a dwarf and an elf being so close. It’s important to handle the situation delicately to avoid any misunderstandings that could jeopardize the treaty.”
Kili nodded thoughtfully, understanding the weight of Bilbo’s words. “I appreciate the advice, Bilbo. I’ll be careful. Tauriel and I both want to support the alliance and not do anything to harm it.”
Bilbo’s expression softened with relief. “I’m sure both of you will navigate this wisely. Just remember, it’s all about fostering goodwill and understanding. The last thing we need is any discord affecting the fragile peace we’re trying to build.”
Kili smiled appreciatively. “Thanks, Bilbo. Your concern means a lot.” They kept eating and were talking to the other dwarves at the table. Once the meal concluded completely, everyone went to do their respective tasks in the palace. 
A few hours later, Thranduil, Gandalf, and Bard went into the Ereborian palace to find Thorin and arrange the last details of the planting, which would be happening the next day. They were received by Balin and led into the Throne Room, where Thorin was seated and had Bilbo by his side. 
“Thranduil,” greeted Thorin, “It is good to have you back in the kingdom.”
“Thank you for the welcome,” said Thranduil cordially, “We need to discuss the last few details of tomorrow’s planting so we can all stay on equal terms.”
“Agreed,” said Bard, “Tomorrow is a crucial day for our people. We must get everything organized and prepared.”
The three leaders, plus Gandalf, Balin, and Bilbo, started to prepare the details for the ceremony of the planting. A pledge was written for all three leaders to swear upon, but the problem was that no one could decide what type of tree could be planted. 
“I think we should plant one of our grand  from Mirkwood,” suggested  Thranduil, “These are resilient to all kinds of weather, and grow rapidly.”
“I think it would be wiser to choose a tree that represents all of the cultures in this area,” Bard suggested.
“What do you suggest, Bard?” asked Thorin with a small bit of sarcasm. 
“Well,” Bard began, scratching his head, “I must admit, I don’t have a specific tree in mind. My knowledge of botany is limited, especially considering that Laketown barely has any significant tree growth
Thorin sighed heavily, glancing around at the others. “There aren’t many trees growing in the area right now. Smaug’s terror and the recent battle has damaged much of the flora around here. The pines are barely being planted again, and it will take some years before Dale and Erebor’s ecosystems comes to normal.”
“I have a better idea,” said Gandalf, retrieving a small sapling from the back door of the throne. “This is the sapling of the Hollin Trees. This species of tree can grow anywhere, from dense forests to harsh deserts. Its leaves never fall off, and only change color with the different seasons. These trees grow in the Elvish region of Eregion, a small kingdom near Moria ruled by the Ñoldor Elves. These elves and the dwarves of Moria have a collaborative trade alliance.” 
All five men gathered around Gandalf to look at the seed. It looked small and fragile, but when they held it in their hands, it was heavy like a precious stone.”
“It’s beautiful,” admired Bilbo, cradling the tree delicately. He could feel some sort of ethereal energy from it, which drew him more to the sapling. “There’s something special about this seed. It feels as though it carries a piece of the world’s magic with it.”
Thranduil, always keenly perceptive, nodded slowly. “Indeed, the Hollin Trees have a timeless quality. They could serve as a symbol of renewal and strength for our peoples, and they have the resilience to thrive in all conditions.”
Balin, who had been quiet until now, added, “Gandalf, are you certain that this tree can adapt to our local conditions? The forests here are quite different from those in Eregion.”
Gandalf smiled reassuringly. “I am confident. The Hollin Trees are known for their versatility. With a bit of care, they should flourish here and become a lasting symbol of unity and recovery.”
A sense of consensus began to form among the leaders as they exchanged glances. The seed of the Hollin Trees offered not just a practical solution but also a meaningful symbol of their collaborative efforts.
Thorin looked at the seed once more. “Let’s choose this tree,” he suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement, and the meeting proceeded with fluidity for many hours. A pledge was written by Balin that contained a large sum of ideas from each member in the room. It was going to be short, but would contain meaning and resolution for the people of Dale, Mirkwood, and Erebor. 
When the meeting was finally over, and the arrangements for the ceremony concluded, everyone left the Throne Room, except for Thorin, who was still thinking about tomorrow’s ceremony. 
As Thorin stood lost in thought, Balin re-entered the room quietly, noticing the deep contemplation on Thorin's face. "Thorin," Balin called gently, not wanting to startle him.
Thorin turned, a faint smile appearing as he saw his old friend. "Balin, I thought you had left with the others."
"I couldn't leave without speaking to you first," Balin replied, his eyes full of concern. "I know you have a lot on your mind, especially with the ceremony tomorrow. How are you holding up?"
Thorin sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's overwhelming, Balin. The ceremony, the alliances, the expectations... It feels like a heavy burden on my shoulders."
Balin nodded understandingly. "It's natural to feel that way. But remember, you're not alone in this. You have your people, your friends, and your family standing with you."
Thorin's expression softened, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Balin. I just... I want to do right by everyone."
"And you will," Balin reassured him. "You've already done so much for Erebor. Tomorrow is just another step in solidifying our future."
Thorin nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "You're right. It's just... there are moments when the enormity of it all feels daunting."
Balin placed a comforting hand on Thorin's shoulder. "One step at a time, Thorin. You've faced greater challenges and come out victorious. This, too, will be a triumph."
Thorin smiled more genuinely, feeling a bit lighter. "Thank you for your support, Balin."
Balin smiled back, giving Thorin's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Anytime. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day, and you'll need your strength."
As Balin left the Throne Room, Thorin stood there for a moment longer, feeling a renewed sense of determination. He knew he had the support of those who mattered most, and that gave him the strength to face whatever lay ahead, even if it still felt daunting and intimidating.
The next day, Thorin woke up earlier than the rest of the Company and quickly got ready. Although the ceremony was going to be held in the afternoon, his anxiety was keeping him on his feet, yet Thorin tried to conceal it. 
“I see that you are up early,” called Gandalf from the gates of the Throne Room, where Thorin was heading. The dwarf king got startled by Gandalf’s sudden appearance, but did not say anything, for Gandalf always had the tendency of startling people whenever he could by appearing out of thin air. 
“Gandalf,” Thorin greeted, “I didn’t know you were around here.”
“I can sense your uneasiness from even a mile away,” said Gandald. “And I came here to remind you to not let the fear sweep you off your feet.”
“I’m not scared, Gandalf,” Thorin responded. “I’m ready to face all of this: being king, ruling Erebor, planting the tree…”
Gandalf simply nodded, knowing that Thorin’s uncertainty for the future and unease was bigger than he wanted to admit. “Well, I am glad to hear that your doubts are lessening. I am certain that you can do this, I have faith in you, Thorin Oakenshield, more than you know.”
Thorin gave him a smile as Gandalf walked around the halls, leaving Thorin alone near the gates of the Throne Room. He went inside the vast room to think about the ceremony, to get lost in thought about the future, until it was time to eat breakfast. 
A few hours before the Company set off to the outskirts of Erebor and the border between Dale and Mirkwood, everyone got the necessary supplies, which were not many, and organized themselves to depart. The only things that would literally be needed, besides weapons, was water (for themselves and for the plant), and that’s it. It wasn’t going to be a long journey, just a short trek to the location where the tree would be planted. 
“Is everyone ready?” Balin asked. Everyone nodded and headed out of the palace. They walked to the outskirts of Dale, the cool morning air filled their lungs, invigorating them for the day’s task. Bard awaited them, standing tall and resolute with his main advisors: a woman named Alana, her twin brother, Arnis, and Bard’s three children. After they left Dale, they met with Thranduil and a few of his advisors, along with Tauriel. 
"Thranduil,” Bard greeted. “It’s good to see you here.”
“Likewise, Bard,” Thranduil greeted, his voice smooth and regal as he dipped his head in acknowledgment. His gaze then shifted to Thorin, his expression unreadable. “It’s good to see you as well, Thorin.”
“The same goes to both of you,” Thorin replied, his tone courteous yet firm. The past enmity between them was not easily forgotten, but today was about unity. Today, they would plant a symbol of their newfound alliance. He glanced at Gandalf, who was holding the sapling in his hand, feeling the weight of its significance. “So… is everyone ready?” 
“Yes, we all are,” Thranduil said. a slight smile touching his lips as he looked at the large group that had gathered for this important occasion. “Let us proceed to the border now.”
As they began their trek towards the border, the air buzzed with an unspoken understanding among them. The landscape around them was a mixture of dunes, grassy fields, and the distant silhouettes of mountains, the perfect place to mark the beginning of a new era. 
Once they found the spot, everyone made a circle around Gandalf, who had Thranduil, Thorin, and Bard by his sides. 
“We’re all gathered here for the start of this new alliance,” Gandalf began. “An alliance that will transcend all of time. History has been made today, for the people of Middle Earth have been reborn from the ashes and rose back, but this time, they rise in peace and unity. The lands of Dale and Erebor have been successfully reclaimed and established, with the help of a new ally: the Elves of Mirkwood, descendants of Ilúvatar. 
“These lands, however, have not been reclaimed easily. Blood was spilled on them, the blood of brave men, elves, and dwarfs who sacrificed their lives in battle. Their lives were not in vain, and we deeply mourn their departure. Let us have a moment of silence in memory of them.”
A dense and mournful silence fell upon the large crowd, and they felt a sorrowful energy surround them. It almost seemed as if the spirits of the dead soldiers were among them, gazing at the crowd with longing. 
“May they rest with their fathers and mothers,” Gandalf finally spoke. “And let us keep them in our memory.”
“For millenia, the elves and the dwarfs were almost like mortal enemies. As it is known, the Elves were created by Ilúvatar himself, and the dwarves by Aulë, so that he could have a group of people that valued craftsmanship as much as himself. Due to this however, a rivalry developed between these two species, for the Elves felt superior since they were created by Eru himself, and the dwarves were created by one of the Valar, which they perceived inferior to Ilúvatar, and although the Valar are creation of the Almighty…” (3)
Gandalf kept speaking about the long and rooted rivalry of the Elves and the Dwarves, something that many in the crowd were not fully aware of, or at least did not fully know its origins. This was the case with a few Elves accompanying Thranduil,  the humans, and most of Thorin’s company. Many surprised looks kept popping up with every new piece of information Gandalf spoke about. Bilbo, due to his extensive reading, knew many things about Middle Earth mythology, but was definitely caught by surprise by many of the facts Gandalf mentioned, and even found discrepancies in the books he read and Gandalf’s speech. 
“The tree that will be planted today is the Hollin Tree,” Gandalf changed the subject, holding the little sapling in his large palms. “The Hollin Trees are a species that originates from the Elvish region of Eregion, a kingdom ruled by the Ñoldor Elves. This kingdom is near the region of Moria, a land inhabited by the dwarves, who’ve had a trading alliance with the Ñoldor Elves for years. This species of tree can grow in any possible ecosystem, from dense forests to harsh deserts. Its leaves never fall off, and only change color with the different seasons. Like the Elves, it has longevity and wisdom, like the dwarves, it is steadfast and stable, and like men, it is resillient and versatile.”
Everyone was in awe when they saw the tree. Even if it was still small and had leaves that were barely the size of a hobbit’s fingers, it had a strong, ethereal energy that could draw anyone to it. (4)
“Without further hesitation, let us plant this tree, a symbol of hope, endurance, peace, and unity,” Gandalf concluded, taking a step back and placing the little sapling on the floor. Thranduil, Thorin, and Bard stood next to each other and placed their right hands on their chests, preparing to take the pledge that was written the day before. Balin handed Gandalf a piece of parchment, which had all the words of the pledge written in it.
“You will repeat these words after me,” Gandalf said, unrolling the parchment. 
“ I swear upon my honor
That I will keep these lands at peace,
And will not cause further disruption,
For these lands have been reclaimed after
Years and years of suffering and darkness,
And moments of bloodshed and death. 
It is finally time to bury all disputes
And millenia of conflict and rivalry
For today, all species of Middle Earth 
Shall rise from the ashes in unity
We, leaders of the kingdoms
Of Erebor, Dale, and Mirkwood
Will ensure the unison of our people
And the coexistence of our cultures
Today, is the beginning of a brand new era, 
An era that will bring peace and stability.
With this tree, we will forge our new alliance
And swear on our lives to not break it
Until the very end of time.”
Once all the leaders finished the pledge, Thorin knelt on the floor and began digging a hole with a small shovel big enough for the Hollin sapling could fit in. Once the hole was done, Gandalf took it out of its pot and gave it to Bard, who placed in on the hole and covered it with the dirt that had just been digged. Finally, Thranduil knelt to the floor, smoothed out the dirt on the tree, and poured water over it.
“Here, we have it,” Gandalf spoke up. “The Alliance of the Tree of Peace, a unison of the Elves, Men, and Dwarves that will last for ages to come. Let us all ensure that it brings stability, growth, and unity.”
The three leaders stood up and the crowd cheered loudly. Their celebrations coud probably be heard all the way to Dale since they were loud and vibrant. It was finally going to be the start of a new era, a brand new beginning, a chance so that everyone could start all over again.
“Balin, let’s make sure a fence is built around the sapling, we don’t want anything happening to it,” Thorin whispered to the dwarf. 
“I’ll see to it immediately,” Balin replied, his voice carrying the assurance. He glanced at the sapling, its young leaves shimmering in the sunlight. “Rest assured, it will be protected.”
As Balin turned to coordinate with the other dwarves, he noticed Bilbo standing quietly beside Thorin, his expression a blend of contentment and anticipation. There was something almost palpable in the air between them, a silent communication that spoke of their shared journey and deepening bond.
“We’ll go ahead with the others,” Balin said with a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with understanding. “And make sure the fence is built. Take your time, Thorin. This moment is yours.”
As the noise of the celebration continued into the distance, Thorin turned to Bilbo, his gaze softening. 
“This all feels like a dream,” said Bilbo. “Everything that happened…but, you’ve done it, Thorin, and I couldn’t be prouder of you.”
“We’ve done it,” Thorin corrected, holding Bilbo’s hand gently. “You played a crucial role in getting us all the way here, Bilbo, and I can’t thank you enough for it.”
“Oh, come on!” Bilbo laughed, blushing. “I… I didn’t do that much, just what the contract said: retreive the Arkenstone! It wasn’t much, honestly.”
“Well, to me, you did more than that,” Thorin said, getting closer to Bilbo. “You did more than was asked from you, you risked your life, you gave up your home in the Shire… you sacrificed more than you admit.”
“That’s because I care about you lot,” Bilbo said, gazing into Thorin’s cyan eyes. “I care about you, Thorin, more than you comprehend, and I want you to know it.”
Thorin’s breath hitched slightly, and he closed the remaining distance between them, his hand now gently cradling Bilbo’s cheek. “And I care about you, Bilbo, more than words can express. You’ve become someone I can’t imagine my life without.”
Bilbo gazed into the dwarf's oceanic eyes, wanting to close the distance between them. He looked at his lips, and gosh, he wanted to kiss them badly, right here. Thorin stared at the hobbit's hazel eyes, which seemed to be twinkling with the rays of the golden hour. They were filled with longing, with desire, and something more Thorin couldn't exactly place. 
“Excuse me?” Gandalf said, clearing his throat, surprising the two men. “Sorry to interrupt this intimate moment, but I'm afraid we must head back to the kingdom before the sun fully sets.” (3)
“Right,” Bilbo said, feeling bummed by Gandalf’s interruption. “Let's… go.”
Thorin grabbed Bilbo's hand and walked alongside Gandalf towards the kingdom. There was a thick silence throughout most of the trail to Erebor, filled with so many unspoken emotions and feelings. Even if Thorin and Bilbo did not know how to express it, they didn't want to let go of each other… at all.
1. Azyungel: Love of loves in Khuzdul 2. Nin mel- My love in Sindarin 3. Information retrieved from The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien 4. The tree is very similar to the one in Wall-E (2008) in the sense that it represents something really big and important. 5. Reference to the wall scene in Good Omens, Season 1 Episode 2. Episode
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i-am-still-bb · 10 months
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No. 20
“People don’t change people, time does.” | Blanket | Found Family | “You will regret touching them.”
Pairing: Fili/Kili Rating: T Universe: Fast Car (formerly Dead Batteries) Words: 2030
A/N: This followed the original work (Dead Batteries)
Fili drove straight back to the clubhouse after he left Kili on the side of the highway waiting for a tow truck. A tow truck that would take Kili to his parent’s house. He stopped himself. It was Kili’s house. 
Kili’s house. 
He could not just go home after learning that information. If he went home he might download social media apps and search for Kili to see what he had been up to all these years. Something that Fili had consciously stopped himself several times over the years. It had been harder when he was younger and social media was new and everyone was on there posting photos of their shoes, their car, their lunch, their snack, their pet, any unhinged thing that occurred to them. And they attached actual thoughts or stories to those pictures, not just inspiration quotes that were taken straight from Pinterest or copied from a listicle. Things became less personal, and it was less enjoyable and informative and satisfying to stalk people online because there was content, but it told you less than nothing about the person in most cases. 
He thought about seeing who was on the after hours tow truck rotation. What he would do with that information he did not know. Take their place? Grill them for information? 
“Fili!” Nori called out when Fili walked into the great room of the club house. It was Friday so the room was decently full with members and their significant others. The room was different than it had been when Fili and Kili had been teenagers. There was no more cigarette smoke, the music was less loud, and it had been redecorated with Dis’ assistance fairly recently meaning that not everything was black leather, glass, and chrome. 
Fili grabbed a beer from the fridge and made his way over to join the cluster around Nori who was regaling his audience with a story about his previous weekend which seemed to have involved a lot of alcohol, a not insignificant amount of weed, and had ended with Nori passed out in his back lawn without any pants or underwear. Fili listened, but his thoughts kept wandering back to Kili. 
“What?” Fili asked, snapping back to the moment to find most of the little circle looking at him.
“I heard the call out come in.”
Fili raised his eyebrows, playing ignorant, “What call?”
“Oh?” Fili raised the beer to his lips.
“You’re not cute,” Nori replied.
“Debatable,” Fili grinned.
“I know you know what I’m talking about.”
“He said you already diagnosed his car’s problem.”
“It’s the alternator.”
Nori gave Fili a pointed look. 
Fili took that as his indication to leave. “I should get home, busy day tomorrow.”
Nori snorted. “Yeah, getting under the hood of a certain brunette.”
“It’s been over a decade,” Fili replied hotly. “We’ve both moved on. His car needs fixed. I’m on the schedule for tomorrow morning. You can go look for yourself. You can even come supervise me if you think I can’t be professional.”
Nori snorted. “That’s not something I need to see.”
“Fuck you.” Fili turned on his heel and left before anything else that he might come to regret came out of his mouth. Maybe home would have been a better choice.
He crammed his helmet on and then sat in the parking lot astride his big black bike connecting his phone to the bluetooth function in his helmet and then scrolling through music trying to find the right mood. He listened to a song for a few seconds and then skipped it. He sat there, focusing on that, calming down and not thinking about Kili,  until a text came in. 
Isa: Are you busy?
Fili: Maybe. Why?
Isa: The plans I had fell through.
Fili: Tinder boy a no show?
Isa: More like Tinder boy was a walking red flag. Isa: Literally
Fili: What were you thinking?
Isa: Drinks at the Green Dragon?
Fili: You buying?
Isa: Uh. What happened?
Fili: You’re not the only one who had something unexpected happen.
Isa: Color me interested.
Fili: Easier in person
Isa: I’m going to change and then I’ll be on my way.
Fili: Already on my bike
The Green Dragon was Bilbo’s pet project. Thorin had bought it for him as a birthday gift a few years ago. They still teased Bilbo that Thorin had given him a job to get him out of the house more often. But many of the club’s members frequented the pub. It filled a gap that many towns had. Bilbo called it “a third space” during the morning and afternoons people would meet there for book clubs, knitting groups, or just to grab a cup of coffee and people watch. Coffee, tea, pastries, some basic sandwiches, and salads were the main fare until after 5pm, when it turned more into a traditional bar space with a short and sweet entree menu, a rotating beer menu all from local breweries, and a daily desert. There was a small room, that used to be a coat closet, that Bilbo had turned into a Little Free Library / used book store.
The parking lot was already decently full when Fili pulled up.
Half of the space had been cleared of tables to create a make-shift dance floor (standard for Friday and Saturday nights) and there was something upbeat about rather being famous than dead pounding over the speakers. Bilbo had invested in a digital jukebox to help boost business post-COVID. Fili did not always love the music that the younger patrons picked, but if he really needed something a little more late-2000s, more punk, less pop, he could pay an extra fee and have his song bumped to the front of the list. 
Fili claimed a corner booth and ordered whatever was dark on tap for himself and an IPA for Isa. 
He drank is beer, ordered another along with some waters, and wait for Isa to arrive. He knew from experience that it could be a while. She said she was going to change and it really depended on how long it took her to pick a new outfit. 
Fili: I got a table. Corner near the door.
The college kid checked to see if Fili needed anything else and Fili waved him off saying that he was waiting for a friend. 
“I always forget how busy this palace gets on Fridays,” Isa said, sliding into the booth opposite Fili. “Don’t get me wrong. It’s a good thing, but… I’m just always surprised.”
Fili shrugged. “Makes it easy to talk without getting overheard.”
“That’s right,” she leaned closer, her bobbed dark curls falling forward, “You said something happened.”
Fili nodded and took a long drink, steeling himself to talk about this. He had learned to tease out the things that caused him any sort of distress rather than pretending that they did not exist and hoping that they would go away with time. 
“He’s back.”
“Who?” Isa asked, licking a bit of foam from her upper lip.
Her dark brown eyes went wide enough that white surrounded her irises. “What?!”
“That was pretty much my reaction.” Fili drained the rest of his second beer. “On the inside.”
“I bet. Did he say why he’s back?”
“His dad died a few months back. He says he’s here to sort through his things.”
“And you don’t believe him?” 
“He hasn’t been back in over a decade, Isa.”
“Yeah. I see your point.”
“Plus he’s not just here for a long weekend or a week or two. He’s taken a job at the hospital.”
“So he’s probably sticking around for a while?”
Fili ordered another beer when the waiter came around again. “That’s what I figured.”
Isa pulled a face. “How do you know he’s back?”
Fili snorted. “He ended up stranded on the side of the highway heading in to town. I stopped to help before I realized it was him.”
“Would that have stopped you?”
“No. Probably not,” Fili sighed. “It’s just,” he exhaled heavily through his nose. “It’s been a decade, you know? I figured that I’d done pretty much all I needed to do, everything I could do, to move on. And then there he was, standing in front of me, and I got those butterflies all over again like we were sixteen again for God’s sake.”
Isa reached out to rest her hand on his. “I’m sorry that this has upset you. Is there anything I can do to help? Other than listen, of course.”
Fili rolled his eyes, “I can hear the therapist talking.”
“Sorry,” Isa forced a scowl. “You should show him that you’re over him by…” she stopped and looked around the Green Dragon for the most attractive person, “taking that girl home,” she pointed.
“That’s Rosie Cotton,” Fili said with an amused smile. “She’s seventeen.”
“Maybe not her then,” Isa casts around for another candidate. 
“I see what you’re doing,” Fili said. “And, no, I’m going to do the well-adjusted healthy thing and go home by myself.”
“Besides, if you’re trying to pick the hottest person here, then you’d have to suggest yourself.”
Fili grinned.
“That’s good that you’re not even tempted.”
“I didn’t say that. I said I was going to be a grown up and not do the unhealthy thing. I make no promises about whether or not I look at porn when I get home.”
“Okay!” Isa exclaimed. “Too much information!”
“We’ve traded website recommendations.”
“I like to forget about that,” Isa sniffed.
“Yours were good. I still use them,” Fili teased.
“Moving on…” Isa nudged him. “So are you going to do anything about him being back?”
Fili pulled a face. “I don’t know. His car got towed to the shop and I’m working tomorrow morning, so I’ll probably see him when he picks it up, but he doesn’t have a way to get there so I might end up dropping it off at his place. Or… I don’t know, Isa.”
“I hear you.”
“Things ended so badly. We were both stupid. We both said things that probably hurt each other. I don’t remember things I said, but I remember things that he said. And I’m sure he remembers that last phone call. And everything that came before that.”
Isa frowned in confusion.
“I… I was not kind. And I hung up on him,” Fili stared down into the beer that had newly been refilled. “That was the night I got the DUI.”
“Speaking of that,” Isa said, “Just so this doesn’t have to come up later. Are you having another after that one? If so, I’m going to need your keys.”
Fili shook his head. “No. I shouldn’t even have this one, but I figured we’d be here for a while. I still have to hear about the Tinder boy.”
“In a bit,” Isa waved her hand.
“Like… how do we move forward from that? Do I apologize? Do I wait for him to apologize? Do we just pretend that none of it happened?”
“I think that depends on what you think your relationship with him will be moving forward.”
“Did I mention the butterflies?”
“I wouldn’t act like none of that happened then.”
“You’re right,” Fili sighed. He was silent for a minute. “So an apology. Then what?”
“I’d say just see where it goes. Time is what changes people. You’re not the same kid I met in State. I’m not the same girl. And I’m sure Kili isn’t the same either.”
“That could be a bad thing.”
“Or it could be a good thing. You said you got butterflies. Maybe he did too. Or maybe you can both be friends, neighbors, members of the same community without awkwardness.”
Fili snorted. “I doubt that last one.”
“You never know.”
“So tell me about Tinder Boy.”
“To start with the least problematic thing… he has / had a girlfriend …”
Fili drank his third beer a lot slower while he listened to the disaster that Isa’s date with Samuel the CPA had turned out to be. And it had only lasted fifteen minutes.
Everything: @silvermoon-scrolls @metztlilua @i-am-pinkie
Fili/Kili: @dubhlachen
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littlebird-99 · 2 years
Dreams into Reality
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Summary: When trolls attack, what else should Tayler do rather than sacrifice the hobbit? Sacrifice herself because she knows how this scene plays out.
Warnings: Eventual Smut, slow burn romance, implied/reference to self-harm, depression, self-harm. MDI
"I don't think the hobbit will join us," I hear Dwalin start to say, I roll my eyes at his words knowing full well there's already a wager and he was the one who thought the wee hobbit would be joining.
 "Tay? Are you sure you don't want in on this wager?" Kili asks, I turn to look at the brunette Dwarf, shaking my head, "considering I know what will happen, I'd rather not wager and make you feel like I'm cheating," I explain to the dwarfling, laughing softly as he quickly tells Ori that the Hobbit will make it. With a roll of my eyes, I steer my pony to move up by the only blonde dwarf in the group, the friend I have already.
"How are you feeling?" His voice comes off soft and quiet, though not to let the others know, I smile at him softly, nodding my head, "I'm okay, it doesn't hurt as bad today, but if it does, I'll be sure to clean it." 
He nodded at my words before grinning, looking at me, "so, you like to stare at my uncle while he sings?" I could hear the teasing in his voice, before I reach over, smacking his hand, "shut it. I didn't think anyone had noticed..."
"Oh, I noticed, myself and my brother noticed" Kili speaks from the other side of me, causing me to groan lightly, "I hate you both..." I whisper quickly moving to the head of the group. Trying to get away from the two brothers. 
Settling next to Dwalin, chewing at my cheek, I turn to look at him for a moment, "I know you think I'm rather small, and that I might not have a lot of fight in me, but if you're okay with it, I would appreciate it if you could teach me more about fighting," I spoke to the intimidating Dwarf next to me. He glances over at me, raising a brow as he eyes me for a moment, "alright little bird," he spoke, his voice sounding unsure at first, "I'll teach you, but I won't be fair. I hope you know that."
I let out a small laugh, "I'm aware, and I hoped you wouldn't be," I told him, "otherwise I wouldn't learn," he couldn't help his own chuckle slip out, "you're alright little bird, I think you'll do just fine with these dwarfs" he spoke as he looked back ahead.
"Wait! Wait!" I turn to see Bilbo running after us, a grin on my face as Kili reaches to High five me, "I signed it," He hands the contract to Balin, who pulls his spectacle out and looks over the contract, "Everything appears to be in order. Welcome Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.”
"Give him a pony" Thorin's deep voice could be heard from the front of the group, as light laughter fills through the dwarfs.
“No, no. That won't Be necessary. Thank you. I'm sure I can keep up on foot. I-I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know?  Even got as far as Frogmorton once. AHH," I laugh as I see Fili and Kili pick Bilbo up.
I find myself next to Gandalf and Bilbo as most of the Dwarves move ahead to talk amongst themselves, minus Kili, Fili, and Oin.
"Come on, Nori! Pay up!" Oin calls out, Nori tosses a sack of coins to him, earning a laugh from the older dwarf, "one more!" Fili calls, "thanks, lad!" "What's that about?" Bilbo asks turning to face Gandalf for a moment, "Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn't." 
I let out a small chuckle as I hear Bilbo ask, "and what did you think?" "Well," his voice went soft as a sack of coins is tossed his way, "my dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second." 
I quickly remember what's about to happen and I turn, pulling a handkerchief from my bag, and tossing it to bilbo as he sneezes, "you forgot yours, take mine instead," I spoke softly, "ah thank you, its the horse hair, having a reaction," he spoke, earning a few looks from certain Dwarves, "don't forget, I know somethings that go on.. remember?" I tease, before looking up at Bifur as I hear the tear in his shirt.
"I could've given the hobbit a piece of this, so the lady didn't have to give her’s up," he spoke earning a smile from me, "I appreciate it, Bifur, but I'll manage without a pocket handkerchief, as well as a good amount of many other things.”
"That will take some getting used to, someone else knowing the way of the future.”
“Unless it changes, dear Gandalf, sometimes, when you add a new story, the future changes."
"You are correct, Tayler, we shall see if anything else changes with your presence here."
After awhile of riding, Thorin finally lets us rest, causing us to finally relax, I took it upon myself to help feed the ponies with Bilbo, smiling as he sneaks Myrtle another apple, "who's a good girl?" he smiles before returning to glance around, making sure none of the dwarves were watching him.
 "There's our little secret, Mytrle. You must tell no one. Shh, shh" he grinned as she started to eat the apple he gave her, I roll my eyes with a smile, "making friends are we?" I ask with a soft giggle, before jumping as I hear a screeching in the distance, I jump, turning around before taking a deep breath, already knowing what was about to happen.
“What was that?" The hobbit questions.
 "Orcs." Kili replies looking up from his bow, "Orcs?" the hobbit runs towards the fire to get away from the edge, I roll my eyes knowing whats about to happen and I find my way to sit by Gandalf, chewing at my cheek. 
"Throatcutters," Fili responds, "there'll be dozens of them out there.The lone-lands are crawling with them." 
I shiver at Fili's wording despite having heard it before, but hearing it this close, it caused something to stir within me, fear? Probably. 
"They'll strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet, no screams. Just lots of blood." The brothers turn and look at each other, chuckling under their breath.
"You think that's funny?" I mouth as Thorin speaks, causing Gandalf to nudge me with his elbow, the old wizard rolling his eyes.
“You think a night raid by Orcs is a joke?" He asked his nephews.
“We didn't mean anything by it," Kili explained to his uncles
"No you didn't." 
With that, Thorin walks near the ponies, "you know nothing of the world," his voice goes quiet once he's overlooking the cliff that we were currently resting on, I chew at my cheek for a moment, before standing and going to Thorin, waiting for Balin to start his legendary tale, but it doesn't come, so i turn around, before chewing at my cheek.
"Don't mind him Kili," my voice starts soft, causing Balin to look at me with a grin, before he nods in agreement, "I'll let the newbie explain why Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs," he spoke up before I felt all eyes on me. 
I sighed softly, before sitting near the fire, the part of my cheek I had been chewing at was numb as I continued to chew at it, trying to find my words.
“After the dragon took the lonely mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria." I continued on with the story quietly, randomly glancing back at Thorin as I spoke, "Azog the defiler. The giant Gundabag orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin, but much of what he believed he could do, couldn't be done. Thrain, son of Thror, had disappeared shortly after King Thror had been beheaded, having been driven mad by grief. Whether he was killed or taken prisoner, no one knows. All the dwarves knew that day was that they were leaderless. Defeat and death were upon them."
“That was when I saw him. A young dwarf prince, facing down the pale orc. With nothing but an Oaken branch as a shield. Azog the defiler had learned that day, that the line of during would not be so easily broken." I smile as I turned back to the boys and continued speaking, "There was no feast... nor song was sung that night, for our dead were beyond the count of grief. We few had survived. And I thought to myself then... There is one who I could follow. There is one... I could call king." 
Thorin turned back around to see the rest of the dwarves awake and standing up, along with myself and Gandalf. 
Bilbo slowly stands up, just as thorin makes his way back to the fire, “and the pale orc?" Bilbo questioned, "what happened to him?" "He slunk back into the hole whence he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago." Bilbo turned to Gandalf just as Balin did, causing the old wizard to nod with a fake smile. Rolling my eyes, I stand up and head to walk where Thorin had come from, "I'll keep watch tonight, you men get some rest, we'll need it within these next few days. So, rest, I'll wake someone if I get tired."
I did not end up waking anyone after that night with the Orc talk, I stayed awake in fear of the Orcs finding us, I knew something was coming, but I couldn't remember what was coming, as I tried my hardest to remember. 
"Here, Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" Oin questioned the old wizard.
“It is raining, master dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard." 
“Are there any? Other wizards?" I turn to Bilbo, "There are five altogether," I respond to the Hobbit, "Sauraman the white wizard, he's the greatest, then two blue wizards, their names are hardly ever mentioned, and then Radagast the brown, he tends to prefer the company of animals to others, though, I don't blame him" I grin earning a piece of bread thrown at me from Fili.
“We’ll camp here for the night, the ponies need rest,” Thorin spoke getting off his pony, “Fili, Kili look after the ponies, make sure you stay with them. Oin, Gloin, get a fire going." "right ya are" Oin responds . 
"A farmer and his family used to live here" Gandalf speaks out. 
I ignore Thorin's argument with Gandalf, but once I turn to find Fili, our eyes meet, and there's something in there that I couldn’t quite understand until Fili distracted me, "Hey, want to watch the ponies with us? It'll be fun, you can tell us about your world more." I nod, agreeing to go with, wincing slightly as he grabs my wrist, "shit, I'm sorry, Tay, I forgot," I shake my head gently, "It's okay," I speak gently. Before I follow behind him, grinning as I see Kili intently staring at the ponies.
"Come on Bombur, we're hungry." His voice rings through the trees.
Thorin's POV
I set my bedroll up as I wait for dinner to be done, relaxing as much as I could. 
"Time to eat!" Bofur calls out before he starts to dish everyone's bowls up. "Here, do us a favor, take this to the lads and lassie,' Bofur hands Bilbo three bowls, "stop it, you've had plenty!" I let out a soft laugh as he his Bombur with the soup spoon, "Aye, it's not bad stew, Bombur." Gloin compliments. I watch as Bilbo takes Fili, Kili, and Tay their bowls of soup before getting my own.
I hear rushing through the tree and I quickly get my sword out, pointing it to where it was coming, until I see a flash of blonde hair and see my nephew bursting through the tree line, “T-Trolls a-and they have Tay.”
Before he could finish his sentence, I’m running towards where he came from, "Drop her!" Kili yells after he slices at one of the troll's ankles. I make everyone stay put to see how he handles himself.
"You wot?" I hear one troll ask.
"I said: Drop. Her!" Kili repeats himself, the one holding Tay quickly throws her towards my nephew, making her land on him. 
"Whoa!" She squeaks, I rush forward with the others slicing at a troll's ankle seeing as Fili checks on her. I couldn’t show weakness, not now, not ever. It took everything in me, not until Erebor was back at least. Then I will let her know about Ones and how she was mine.
"Get the Sacks!" The trolls yell to each other as we fight them. From the corner of my eye, I see Bilbo setting the ponies free, along with Tay. I continue to fight until I hear trolls go quiet behind me and I turn to see one holding Tay tightly by her waist, and the other two holding Bilbo by his arms and legs. 
"Bilbo!" Kili yells, "Tay!" Fili yells and goes to rush forward until I stop him, "NO!" I hold him back. 
"Lay down yer arms or we'll rip his off!" The one troll, who you can tell is the leader states. Tay meets my eyes and I can see her shaking her head slightly, before I meet Bilbos, before throwing my weapon down, I feel both my nephews' eyes on me before they throw their weapons down too.
"Hot! Fuck this is hot!" I could hear Tay over the fire, I growl staring at the boys, before looking at the trolls.
"Don't bother cooking 'em. Let's just sit on 'em and squash 'em into jelly!" Tom, the tiny one of the trolls speaks.
"They should be saute'd and grilled with a hint sprinkle of sage" William states.
"That does sound quite nice" Tom adds. 
"Never mind the seasoning. We ain't got all night. Dawn ain't far away. Let's get a move on. Don't fancy being turned to stone." 
"Wait! You are making a terrible mistake."
Needless to say, Bilbo was an asset to the company, having distracted the Trolls long enough for Gandalf to save us, I get out of my sack and rushed for the fire where my future queen was, I help her down, checking her over for wounds.
 “Thorin… Thorin I’m alright,” her voice draws me to meet her eyes, I quickly pull away, scoffing softly.
“I told you not to weigh us down, and look at what you did, you went and got yourself captured by stupid trolls and you-” before I could continue her eyes fill with anger, and I feel a sting against my cheek.
“I was saving your stupid pony, you wumpus ass! I was saving the ponies that got stolen because your nephews didn’t want to worry you by telling you what happened. They stomp, unlike me, who can sneak pretty quietly. The dagger I had was not enough to cut the troll's rope, and I dared not cut it with the sword, so I tried taking one of theirs and I got caught. Do not speak to me about weighing the company down when I was trying to help!'' Her voice, filled with anger, caught me off guard, the slap to the cheek causing me to hold my cheek gently before I pull away quickly, looking down at the human before me. 
I went to say something until I hear whispers from behind me and I turn seeing a smirk on Kili and Fili’s faces before they drop once they notice me looking, and they quickly turn away looking over at Dwalin who is helping Bombur out of his sack. Turning my attention to the small woman in front of me, "we'll talk about this later," I state before turning back to take count of everyone before turning to Gandalf
“Where did you go?” I questioned the older wizard.
“To look ahead,” he replied, earning a small scoff from the girl behind me, making me smirk with a chuckle from Dwalin.
“And what made you come back?” “Looking back,” the old wizard chuckled softly.
“The trolls can’t travel in the day, they must have a cave nearby, we should go check it out,” a small voice offers behind me, I turn towards her, before nodding gently, “let's go, she has a point” I spoke out before everyone started walking, I move and walk with them quickly until I hear Fili.
“Are you okay? How's your arm? Your leg?” 
“I’m fine Fili, I swear, I’ll be okay, just shush please…” her voice was small as she spoke, causing me to wonder what exactly my nephew knew. "How about your hand lassie?" Bofur questioned, earning a small growl from me before he quickly stopped the question and walked near his brothers. 
I walked alongside Gandalf as we made my way to find the troll's cave, “there's something you're hiding about her, I know it, speak Gandalf,” he only shook his head, “it's not my business to speak of, if she wishes to tell you she will,” I growled before walking ahead, I will get the information from someone, I know Fili won't tell me, but if Kili knew he would tell me. I hoped.
After finding the troll’s cave, we found quite a few weapons that would come in handy, I make my way out of the cave to see Fili handing Tay another dagger, silent whispers among them as she only nodded, “I promise I won't Fili, I'll come to you if I need,” was all I heard until we heard someone rushing towards us. 
I held my sword up, along with the other dwarves, as someone came towards us, I saw Kili and Fili quickly gather around Tay, their weapons up to protect her, at least I knew someone could protect her for now, until I got close.
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satan666 · 2 years
Fili x Gandalf’s Apprentice Reader
Fili x Gandalf’s apprentice Reader
Warnings: None really, sad Fili, angst, Thorin but he doesn’t really need a warning this time
“You’re leaving?” A voice cracked behind them.
They sighed and turned around, “Yes, Fili. I am. But not because I wish to. It is because I must.”
“What about us? The bead you wear, does that mean nothing to you?” His voice trembled.
“Fili, it means the world to me.” They stared down at his watering eyes, “I have places in Middle Earth to look after, I cannot stay here”
“There are other wizards, can they not look after it for you?” He was becoming desperate. Dwarrow only have One. One person they wish to spend their days with, and it would be heartbreaking to watch them walk away like that. And broke, his heart did.
“They have their own duties. I will miss you, and I hope to see you once more” they smiled sadly at him, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on this forehead.
Fili was left there, in the halls of the newly reclaimed Erebor, tears slowly making their way down his cheeks. In his pocket, was another bead, similar to the one they already wore. He had been planning on asking them to marry him.
Fili angrily threw the bead down, the metal bouncing across the floor. At the same time, Kili rounded the corner, watching his brother in obvious pain and storming off. Kili bent down, picking up the bead, pocketing it for later just in case.
Days later, the Company was slowly losing hope. Fili had locked himself in his chambers, the door not unlocking for anyone, even Kili. Kili confided in Thorin, showing him the bead and explaining what he saw.
“That does explain Fili’s behaviour. I will be speaking the Gandalf about this issue” Thorin had told Kili.
Thorin found Gandalf sitting in the one of the grand rooms, talking to the hobbit Bilbo.
“Gandalf, I must speak with you about your apprentice”
“What of them?”
“It concerns both them and Fili. As we all know, they have been courting since the quest, and I have recently found out that Fili had been planning on proposing. Your apprentice left before that could happen, and now Fili has locked himself away! He won’t come out to eat, Gandalf. I am worried.”
Gandalf let out a sigh, “They left? I was not expecting that so soon. Don’t fret, Thorin, I will speak with them. They can’t have gone far yet”
Gandalf rode off away from Erebor, following his apprentice’s trail. As he had assumed, they were not hard to find, travelling through an open field towards the edge of the forest.
“(Y/N), wait just a moment!”
They stopped, turning to face Gandalf, only to be met with his staff to their face.
“Ow! What in the world was that for?!”
“For throwing something so precious away so easily! I thought I raised you better than this!”
“He’ll get over me. He has to, I have other things I need to do”
“He will not and does not have to. You know about the dwarves and their Ones, he will not find another! Do you not think that I saw how you two looked at one another? I made plans so that you wouldn’t have to go back, but no. You left without telling me, but now I can tell you that you no longer have duties to Middle Earth-“
“What? Gandalf? What am I to do now?”
“Hold your tongue and let me finish! You duties now lie solely in Erebor, Dale, Laketown, and Mirkwood. Your protection will no longer work where it used to.”
“So you leave me no choice… I must return to Erebor” they spoke quietly. Damn that sneaky wizard.
“Do not lie and tell me you wish not to be with Prince Fili”
“I’m afraid I’ve probably ruined my chances with him, father”
Gandalf placed a gentle hand on their shoulder, smiling down at them.
“You have not, now go before the poor boy starves himself in his room”
Fili lay in his bed, his hair a mess and his face red and puffy. He had lost his One. He couldn’t believe when he found them, the joy that they brought. And now he was alone once again. His stomach grumbled with hunger but he couldn’t bear to face the others at the moment. Simply thinking of them made fresh tears spring to his eyes as he clutched onto his pillow tighter.
Knock, knock
Fili barely glanced at his door this time. It was probably another member of the Company, maybe Ori or Gloin this time, he didn’t know.
He heard the door unlock, wondering how his friends managed that, but not enough to get out of bed to ask. He heard footsteps walk towards him and he hid his face in the fur blankets. Mahal, he felt like a dwarfling hiding his tears from his mother when he accidentally hurt himself in the training grounds.
Fili felt a familiar hand run through his hair, and he thought he must be imagining things. Maybe that’s what losing your One does to you. As the familiar stroking of his hair continued, he couldn’t help but burst into tears, hating his mind for doing this to him and making him so emotional. They weren’t here, they had left. They were gone.
“Fili? Oh Fili…” they said as they heard the dwarf prince sob. It was a strange sight, contrast to the tough warrior they saw on the quest.
At the sound of his name, Fili tensed. Maybe he wasn’t dreaming after all.
He turned his head to look to the side of his bed, and there they were.
“(Y/N)?” He asked, his voice shaky.
They nodded, kneeling beside the bed. Placing their hands on his cheeks, brushing away the tears that were still falling.
“I was wrong, Fili, I was so wrong. And I will forever be making it up to you. I thought you’d get over me, but now that I see you, I know that not to be true. Gandalf, that sneaky wizard, switched my duties over to Erebor and surrounding kingdoms.”
“I could never get over you, amrâlimê. You’re my One. Come here, please” he grasped their hands, pulling them up onto the bed beside him.
They laid down beside Fili, wrapping their arms around him, allowing him to curl up beside them.
“I messed up” Fili spoke.
“What ever do you mean?”
“Before you left, I was actually planning on proposing. But in anger, I threw the bead to the floor… it’s gone”
Before they could respond, Kili burst into the room.
“Fear not, for I found the bead! Here you go brother, good luck!” And with that, he left the room.
They laughed, and Fili just shook his head in amusement at his brother.
“Well? I guess this is my formal proposal, although I had hoped to give you a much better one. Will you stay with me? Until the last of our days?”
“Yes, of course I will, to our last day and beyond that, my love”
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green-fifteen · 2 years
Day 2: Soft
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairing: Gen (background Bagginshield, Kili/Tauriel)
Word count: 2,059
written for: @fluffyfebruary
Bilbo and Kili stomped over the doorway into Bard's house and were greeted by Tilda's cries of delight. She was always happy to see Kili because he put her on his shoulders whenever she asked him to. By the time her father emerged from an inner room, she was already perched there and grinning.
"Bilbo," Bard greeted him warmly. "I see you've brought trouble."
He smiled. "His mother deserves a break."
"Hey!" Kili said, and bounced a little to hear Tilda laugh.
They made tea and sat around the table in the parlor. Tilda ran off to play with her siblings.
"The wind is good for practice, today," Bard said to Kili mildly. "If you can wait until midday. I've a counselor coming shortly."
The Prince beamed at him and launched into talk about his latest archery innovation. Bilbo made impressed noises at what he thought were the correct moments while Bard threw him amused looks.
They would stay two nights in Dale, in an unofficial capacity. Bilbo had been aching to get out walking and wanted badly to see his friend. The King Under the Mountain, busy with plans for Durin's Day, had told his husband not to go alone. He'd proposed Dwalin escort him, but Fili had seemed restless for weeks since Tauriel had gone to visit the Greenwood, and asked to go instead. He always enjoyed visiting Bard's family. Bilbo suspected he just liked being around other young people who weren't Gimli.
After tea, Bilbo settled his things in his usual room and made his way out into Dale. It was still developing, barely two years since the dragon brought his devastation. It was doing well, however, and Bilbo could see the young metropolis it would turn out to be. Already traders from the other kingdoms of Men had set up in the markets and the ports of the Long Lake. There was much to see and even more to buy. He caught a good smell on a crisp breeze and let it draw him further from Bard's home, deep into the heart of Dale.
At midday, Bard and Kili took a pile of bows to the practice yard behind the house. Bard's children wandered out to watch them from under the eaves, wrapped haphazardly against the cold in socks and blankets. The young Dwarf showed off eagerly to entertain them. Bard only rolled his eyes and issued a new challenge.
The children went inside when the air turned colder. As the sun began to set, Kili and Bard followed them. They were not surprised to find Bilbo still gone, for he was always chasing down some fancy tasteful trinket or jammy tart.
When Bard's head of house called for supper and Bilbo still had not returned, they began to shoot each other worried looks. When Sigrid asked, "Didn't Bilbo come with you from the Mountain, Kili?" he assured her the Hobbit was probably out taking supper with a boat of bass fishermen or some baker's family. He had done similar things before, he said. But never without sending a note, he didn't say.
Finally, after the children went to bed, Bard informed his staff to keep a tight eye on the house and sallied forth with Kili to find the Prince Consort. He did not know which idea terrified him more: his friend being in trouble somehow, or telling the King he'd let his husband out of his sight long enough to get into trouble in the first place.
They were still out searching when Bilbo reappeared on the front steps of the house, dragging a pair of men in a cart behind him and wearing clothes that were noticeably grimier than they had been when he left. He pulled one Man and then the other from the wooden cart, heaving and panting and sweating. He cursed them irritably as they dropped to the ground. He left their weapons in the bottom of the cart, carefully covered them with his own overcoat, and moved the cart just out of view.
He glanced at the two Men lying at his feet on the ground. Soft-hearted old fool he thought, and then the door opened.
Bard's head of house, a man called Jorn, directed bowls of warm water to be brought to the sitting room and helped Bilbo carry the Men through the house to sit near the fireplace.
"I found these two near the Lake," he told Jorn, lying masterfully. "I was sure they'd had too much to drink, but then I noticed the lumps on their heads. Poor dears."
They patted the wounds on their heads with damp cloths and arranged them on pallets near each other. Bilbo dismissed Jorn with his sincere thanks and then settled in to wait.
It didn't take long for the young Men to wake. The first woke with a start and a cry, making Bilbo jump and spill half his tea in his lap.
"I say!" he demanded in a hushed voice, knowing the children had to be asleep upstairs. "Quiet, if you please!"
The Man looked around him, seeming confused and more than a little panicked. He saw the other man lying at his side and grew frantic, trying to wake him.
Bilbo stood from his chair to do his best version of looming. It wasn't normally that impressive, but this Man had already been on the wrong end of an angry Hobbit once tonight.
"I said be quiet," Bilbo intoned gravely. He tried to borrow the voice Thorin used whenever a ruckus erupted during council meetings.
It seemed to work and the Man went silent, looking at him fearfully.
The other Man suddenly woke up groaning and clutched his head.
Several minutes and a bit more delicate intimidation later, both Men were sitting in armchairs across from Bilbo, who had refilled his teacup.
"If you wouldn't mind telling me," Bilbo started, politely, "What were the pair of you thinking, attacking a gentlehobbit on the road at night?"
As Bilbo watched them, noting the nervous way they seemed to communicate with their eyes and the concave shells of their cheeks, he realized for the first time how young they were. He was never very good at knowing the ages of Men once they grew past his own height.
"We're sorry, Mister Hobbit," said the first boy, a blonde wisp of a Man. To Bilbo's satisfaction, tears gathered in his eyes. He did like being right about this sort of thing.
"I figured as much," he drawled, placing his cup on the saucer with a clink of china.
"We've never hurt anybody before," the blonde boy said again, his breath hitching. Bilbo thought he might be the older of the two. He hummed at him to go on and the boy took a few deep breaths, scratching at the arm of his chair.
"I'm Pater," he said eventually. "And that's my brother Liom. We saw you and well." He stopped, looking miserable.
"You don't know how to use that axe out there, do you, my boy?" Bilbo guessed.
He shook his head and the tears in his eyes slid down his face.
Bilbo looked at Liom, who was gazing at the coals in the fireplace with no expression. The Hobbit sighed.
"I'm sorry I knocked you boys about as I did. Only, you gave me quite a fright, you know."
Pater looked down. "I know."
And, because he was very hungry and his young ruffians looked half-starved, he bade them follow him to the hall where Jorn had set out Bilbo's supper. The Man was familiar with the Hobbit and his appetite, so the food he'd left him was more than enough to feed two scrawny boys. Their eyes went wide as they took in the table.
"Now," said Bilbo. "I'm willing to forget the circumstance of our meeting, so long as the both of you will do me a few small favors."
Liom looked very skeptical, but Pater nodded immediately.
"Of course, Mister Hobbit."
Bilbo counted off on his fingers. "First, I'd like you not to mention my roughness with you to anyone. It's a terrible thing to do, you know. Bashing people. Second, you'll need to help me with this supper here. I'm far too small a fellow to finish this off myself." He heard Jorn's affronted sniff from around the corner and supressed a smile. "Third, call me Bilbo."
They gaped at him, then fell on the food with ravenous hands. He watched them ignore the forks on the table, appalled. The Hobbit batted them about the shoulders and made them sit down and use the cutlery.
When Bard and Kili arrived, they were glum and exhausted. They were sure Bilbo was dead and dropped in the Lake or someplace. Bard was mentally drafting a letter in his head that conveyed both Your consort is missing and Please don't start a war. Kili was crying.
They heard voices in the hall and followed them to hear Bilbo saying, "Now, now! I won't have that fine flaky pastry treated like a mop, you villain!"
The two of them rushed in and saw the Hobbit seated across from a pair of adolescent Men, barely out of childhood. One was blonde and clearly terrified to see them. The dark-haired one looked over at them with a hard expression. Their faces were stuffed with Bilbo's supper.
Kili lifted Bilbo out of his chair and into the air with a shout that had Bilbo smacking at his head to be quiet. Bard watched the boys at his table carefully, but smiled with real joy and relief to see Bilbo safe in his home.
Pater and Liom were introduced to the King of Dale, who grasped their shaking hands and said he was glad to know them. They also came to know Kili, a Prince of Erebor. He grinned toothily at them and demanded to know how they came to meet Bilbo.
"Did our Burglar decide to kidnap you, then?" he said, guffawing with his arm around the Hobbit's shoulder.
Bilbo told them his story about finding the boys unconscious at the shore of the Long Lake and dragging them back to the house. Kili didn't hesitate to believe him, but amusement gradually entered the slant of Bard's eyebrows as he listened to Bilbo speak.
Eventually, he leveled the pair with a steady look.
"Is there someone in town waiting up for you tonight?"
They spoke to each other in furtive looks, as they had in the sitting room.
"No, Your Majesty," said Pater, lowly, eyes on his empty plate.
Bard slapped the table lightly. "You shall sleep here. See that you do not bother my children as you climb the stairs. Jorn will show you the room."
His tone was final and they did not argue with him, thought Pater's wide eyes found Bilbo's face. He lifted his eyesbrows at him and inclined his head toward the stairs. They went up to bed.
When they were gone, Bard watched his friend fidget with his napkin and waited for him to speak. Kili was finishing Bilbo's apple cake.
"I could not leave them lie there, Bard," the Hobbit finally said. "It is very good of you to let them sleep here. Thank you."
Bard snorted. "Oh yes, I let them. As thought you would not have snuck them in, regardless. I do know you, my friend."
Bilbo scowled at him, but did not argue. Kili still was not paying attention, so he said, "I'm afraid I may have been a little hard on them, at first."
"Knocked unconscious, you said?"
"Yes. Well. They were only trying to frighten me, but I didn't know that."
Bard slapped him on the back and laughed. Kili reached for a rasher of bacon.
"I can only imagine they thought you a soft target. I am sure they know their error, now." His voice was warm with fondness for his little friend.
Bilbo shrugged off his hand and flicked Kili's fingers from his pan-fried potatoes.
When they went to bed, Jorn and a kitchen maid cleaned the table, conversing a little about the events of the evening. When that was done, they doused the lights. The house was silent, but for the quiet sound of five children, two Princes, and the King of Dale resting peacefully.
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The Hobbit x Neko heterochromic teen reader part 2.
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The company is at Beorn’s house (I made the image above from my Samsung phone like 2 years ago)
It's been 3 months since I meet the company, over the time I've been with them they became like a family to me Thorin and Bilbo were like parents, Gandalf, Balin, Dori and Oin were like grandfathers (Dori being the cooler one), Dwalin, Gloin, Bofur, Bifur, Bombur, and Nori we're like uncles, Fili, Kili, and Ori were like the big brothers I never had. Bilbo was on the look out for Orcs but said he saw a huge bear and that's when Gandalf said something about a house near bye, we ran until we got to the house with the huge bear not far behind us, we all got into the house and slammed the door.
Thorin: "what is that?"
Gandalf: "that is our host!"
It then came to me that our host is a skin changer how do I know?
S/N told me stories about skin changers and how they’re animal forms are bigger than the ones we see, I was snapped out of my thoughts “Get some rest we leave for Mirkwood in the morning.” Gandalf said walking over to a Haye stack as the rest of us went to a stack of our own with me and Bilbo sharing a stack.
That night:
While I was asleep with Bilbo next to me, the door opened.
Slowly opening my eyes I saw a blurry figure walking in ‘Is that the skin changer?’ I asked myself slowly falling back to sleep.
In the morning:
My eyes fluttered open as Bilbo gently woke me as we are meeting our host, I followed Bilbo to the door as he puts his coat back on and I put my cloak back on and pulled on my hood.
Gandalf Is giving instructions “Y/N, Bilbo and I will go out first, the rest of you come out in pairs! Bombur, you count as two so you should come out alone and Thorin come out last.” After Gandalf finished the instructions he told the dwarves to come out when he gave the signal.
Gandalf, Bilbo and I walked over to the very tall man chopping wood he was very hairy more than Gandalf and the Dwarves he had his back turned to us “Your nerves?” Bilbo asked Gandalf “Don’t be ridiculous!” Gandalf said when we’re in front of Mr Beorn “Good morning!” Gandalf said but the skin changer didn’t seem to hear him “Morning!” Gandalf said getting Mr Beorn’s attention “Who are you?” He asked Gandalf who introduced himself “Never heard of him.” Mr Beorn said turning around to reveal that he had a beast like face and is very hairy but other than that he was handsome as my sister told me "never judge a person by their appearances!", Gandalf began to thank Mr Beorn for his hospitality while Bilbo and I poked our heads out “Who is this Little Fellow? He’s not a dwarf is he!?.” Mr Beorn asked until he noticed me “And what about the girl.” He asked looking me up and down “He is Bilbo Baggins of Bag End and she is Y/N L/N, she’s a… Y/N dear remove your hood.” Gandalf said.
I removed my cloak to reveal my ears, H/C fading to white hair and my purple and red heterochromia eyes “She’s of the neko race.” The bear skin changer said “It’s nice to meet you Mr Beorn.” I said giving him a gentle smile making the skin changer walk up to me and gently pat my head making me purr, I can hear the dwarves saying awww from the house with my sharp hearing “Little Kitten has manners.” Mr Beorn said with a smile.
After the dwarves introduced themselves we went back inside where Mr Beorn made us breakfast.
As I ate my porridge I heard him say something about being the last of his race "I know how you feel." all eyes turned to me with sympathy but Mr Beorn broke the silence "I heard that there are only 2 members of the half cat race left." I looked up "the other was my sister, she was killed by orcs trying to help our village 3 months ago, but I managed to run into the company, my new family.” As I said that everyone had small tears coming through their eyes Mr Beorn smiled "little kitties heart is in the right place, no child should go through something so tragic, though I don't like dwarves they are greedy and blind, blind to the lives they deem lesser than their own." as he says this he picks up one of the mice scattering on a chess board. I managed to control my urge to ponce on it since Mr Beorn cares about his animals "but orcs I hate more, Plus little kitten needs new clothes, her old ones barely look like cloths." I looked down and saw that he was right.
My skirt, outer corset, sleeves, and leggings were shredded and looked more like rags.
I was given new clothes by Mr Beorn (imagine above but the tunic is in your favorite colors) I put my choker, pendant, armband, boots, belt, fingerless gloves and cloak back on but when I took off my old clothes I saw my late dad's sword attached to the back of my old dress "sis must have put it there before I ran." I attached it to my belt and got out to meet with the company, they nearly fanboyed at the sight of me "you look amazing Sister," big brother Ori said in awe, Thorin saw my Sword "have you always had that?" I looked at Dad's sword "it belonged to my late father, he was a warrior but retired after my late mother fell pregnant with me." everyone was so amazed but saddened by the tale "it must be hard growing up without your parents little one but your still strong your family would be so proud of you, now what do you need!?"
We are now riding to Mirkwood but before we go Beorn told us to be careful of the forest as it will drive us to insanity. We finally made it to a haunted looking forest "somethings not right about these place!" I thought while gazing at the dark forest that had Eru knows what roaming around in It.
As we stoped I could see Beorn in his bear form in the distance "may Eru be with you new friend." I whispered until Gandalf said "reales the ponies, let them return to their master!" as we released them Gandalf took his horse to go somewhere (as usual🙄) but before leaving he said "stay on the path", we walked in and I felt a dark energy from the forest as if it's been ill for centuries.
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snazzynacho · 1 year
Snapdragon & Co.
The Hobbit Fan Fiction/Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!fairy!elf!oc
Chapter Two: Comforts of Home
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Nessa hadn't known much of The Shire or its inhabitants. Though Rogue apparently did as throughout almost the entire journey to The Shire, Rogue had complained about a Hobbit being allowed, no, asked, to join them on the quest. And it hadn't stopped now, even when they arrived in Hobbiton.
"Can we talk about something else now?" Nessa whined.
"The whole journey here you've been complaining about a Hobbit joining us."
"Not my problem a Hobbit going on an adventure is unheard of! What is Gandalf thinking?!"
"Gods, you're not even Dwarven yet you're so stubborn."
"I was raised by them though," Stated Rogue.
Nessa sighed. She hated arguing or anything along those lines. "All the more reason we need anybody we can get to help Thorin and his people."
Rogue grunted in frustration, knowing Nessa was talking perfect sense.
After a few moments passed Nessa spoke up.
"So, is he hot?"
Rogue came to a stop. They swivelled around to face Nessa, and glared at her, arms crossed.
"I'm just asking the important question here,"
"The important question here is where on Earth are we?!" Rogue held their map, vigorously turning it and inspecting it from different angles. The next couple of hours drained on. Their map reading skills were not up to measure, clearly. Nonetheless, they had finally reached a market in Bag-End. A very busy one.
"Where are we supposed to find Bilbo now?" Nessa spoke her thoughts aloud.
"Bilbo Baggins?" A fellow Hobbit asked, having overheard.
"Yes, we are looking for him. Do you know where he might be?"
"You're in the right place. He's just over there." The Hobbit pointed to another Hobbit before walking off. The Hobbit in question was further away from them. He anxiously stalked the market, stopping shortly at a stall. It seemed he was waiting for someone, as he glanced at the letter in his hand and back up, skimming the crowd.
"Well, that was easy." They said, striding over with a beat in their step, they felt confident in their plan.
Before Rogue could utter a word, Nessa talked first. "Hello, Mr Baggins. It's nice to meet you." She held her hand out for him to shake, who in return, sent them a puzzled look yet shook her hand to be polite. "I'm sorry, but, do I know you?"
"In a way..." Nessa hesitated.
"Right-" He looked down at his letter and the stall of food again.
Seeing he was losing interest, Rogue noticed the letter and smugly spoke, needing to get to the point. "I suggest you stock up, it will be quite the dinner this evening."
Bilbo looked at them quizzically.
"Oh, and here, have this honey!" The pair held out a jar of pink honey. By the time Bilbo accepted the gift, they had run off, leaving a very confused Hobbit. He listened to them though and began to buy a couple of other things, thinking it'll just be them...
Truth be told Bilbo's home was a small dome-shaped hill with a circular green door, fit for any Hobbit, just as Rogue described to Nessa along the journey. Even in the dark, it looked welcoming.
Nessa and Rogue stood near the front of his house where they told Pilvi to wait for them outside.
"When do you think will be the most inconvenient time for us to show up?" Nessa mischievously asked. "I want to see him livid," She giggled. By now, they'd watched several dwarves enter Bilbo's home, waiting for the right moment.
"Hmm. Just follow my lead,"
Suddenly they heard someone near them. Someone running. "Come on Kili, you can run faster than that!" The person shouted as they ran closer as another, presumed to be Kili, ran behind him.
The two fairies jumped behind a bush, successfully hiding themselves as the two men reached Bilbo's house.
"Not fair, Fili. You started running first." Kili panted.
"Nuh-uh. I'm just fast. I've still got it," He pridefully admired his muscles causing Kili to roll his eyes.
"What was this Hobbit's name anyway? Mr Biggins?" Fili pondered.
"No no, I'm sure it was Mr Boggins, or was it Bimbo?—"
Fili shrugged and proceeded to ring the doorbell. He just wanted nice warm food and a drink of - preferably - ale.
During this, Nessa had been trying ever so hard to stifle her laugh. And it only got worse when Bilbo opened the door, an irritated look on his face remained as it did the previous times this evening a dwarf was at his door.
The pair introduced themselves as: "Fili." "And Kili."
"At your service." They said at once and bowed.
"You must be Mr. Boggins," Kili said.
"No! You can't come in, you've come to the wrong house." Bilbo tried to shut the door but Kili stopped him. "What?! Has it been cancelled?" he asked. The distraught look on Kili's face only entertained the two hiding fairies even more.
"No one told us," Fili added.
"Can-! No, nothing's been cancelled."
"That's a relief."
"Careful with these, I just had them sharpened," Kili said as he handed over a pile of weapons to Bilbo and barged inside with Fili striding behind.
Seeing the flustered expression on Bilbo's face was the last straw for Nessa - she let out a wheeze of a laugh and just before it could turn into a proper belly laugh, Rogue slapped their hand on her mouth, muffling her laughs, and the bush rustled from the movement. To which Bilbo thought he heard something outside but was ultimately distracted by Kili rubbing his boot on his furniture.
"That's my mother's glory box, can you please not do that?!"
They heard Bilbo say as Rogue gestured for Nessa to follow, quickly but quietly leaving their positions behind the bush. The two walked into the house, the door closing behind them.
"Fili, Kili, come on, give us a hand," Dwalin called for them and they followed, not noticing the fairies. If only Bilbo could do that. He turned around and thought he was going to drop the weapons and combust in rage at the sight of them - which didn't help with Nessa's giggling.
Amid their secret entrance, Rogue couldn't resist a theatrical touch. With a flourish of their hand and a raised eyebrow, Rogue delivered their line to a bemused Bilbo, "You might want to hand those weapons to me, Mr Baggins, someone is at the door,"
He staggered backwards but was able to compose himself. "No one is at the door!"
Nessa's giggling persisted, even though her hand was on her mouth. Only further aggravating the poor Hobbit.
"No, look! Someone is ringing the bell right now!"
Their prediction rang true. Rogue smirked at Bilbo's face, seeing him turn red, as he angrily threw the weapons into Rogue's arms and stormed off to answer the door. They swore they could see steam flaring out of his ears for a second.
"How rude," Rogue remarked and Nessa stifled another giggle, impressed by her sister's flair for the dramatic. They revelled in the lightheartedness of the moment, eager for the adventure that lay ahead and the camaraderie they would forge on this grand quest.
After moving aside, Rogue placed the weapons carefully on the floor out of the way, unlike Bilbo. They took a moment to gather their composure, knowing that their true purpose would soon be revealed. The anticipation of the adventure ahead mingled with the amusement of this unexpected start, creating a sense of belonging that hinted at the bonds they would forge on this daring quest to reclaim Erebor.
Peeking around the corner, they saw the door swing open and a bunch of dwarves fall into a heap on the floor, on top of each other, earning another laugh from Nessa. Even Rogue sniggered.
A grey wizard peered into the house behind the dwarves. Gandalf. With no time for Rogue to grab Nessa, dart behind a wall, and pretend they didn't see each other, he and Nessa had already locked eyes, and he sent her a complicated look - a mix of perplexity and suspicion. Nessa felt a flicker of uncertainty. The renowned wizard's sharp eyes seemed to search for hidden truths. However, he turned his attention back to Bilbo and the clumsy mound of dwarves, allowing Nessa and Rogue a moment of relief.
Whilst all the dwarves were grabbing and snatching different foods from cheeses, bread, meats - and not to mention alcohol - Nessa and Rogue respectfully stood aside marvelling at the chaos unfolding in front of them with nothing but a plate of food and a teacup ale each, classy yet down-to-party, reflecting a sense of poise amidst the merriment.
Sipping wine occasionally, Nessa took pleasure in the jovial disarray of the dwarves ransacking Bilbo's pantry before their eyes. Sometimes, when she could get ahold of food she added it to her plate. The variety of foods showcased the cultural richness of the different lands they were from, a testament to the uniqueness that comprised the company. As they nibbled on their golden toast doused in the pink citrusy honey they gifted Bilbo, Rogue on the other hand had their watchful eye make sure they were always out of Gandalf's line of vision, wanting to be discreet, avoiding him at least until the meeting.
When it came to the song the dwarves began to sing as they cleared the dishes - 'blunt the knives, bend the forks' - Nessa's enthusiastic clapping and Rogue's polite applause blended harmoniously with the dwarves' spirited song, filling the room with a sense of companionship. This all reminded them of the few comforts of home they so missed, one of them more than the other.
Sensing someone new, Rogue urged Nessa to quieten down right as the doorbell rang for the last time that night. A silence replenished the room momentarily.
"He is here," Gandalf declared.
Rogue passed Nessa a glass of wine. "Shit's getting serious?" Nessa joked to her sister.
"I'd say so. Besides, this is the last good wine we'll have in quite some time, we need this."
Nessa nodded and gulped wine, the bitter but sweet flavour lingered on her tongue as she savoured it. Going in for another taste, she nearly choked. A noble, slightly taller looking dwarf with long dark wavy hair, framed perfectly with a couple of white strands, entered. Everything about him - from the dramatic way his arrival was announced, to his demeanour - oozed authority. Even the warm smile he gave the dwarves, she found attractive. He must have been Thorin Oakenshield. King of Durin's Folk. And...
"...The leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf introduced Thorin to Bilbo.
Thorin's smile turned stern when he noticed Nessa and Rogue yet he kept quiet. Instead, he joined everyone at the table. Nessa quickly took off to the kitchen and diligently prepared soup using some leftovers, hoping to extend a gesture of goodwill and earn some favour within the company. When she presented the bowl to Thorin she offered a shy but warm smile, his hesitation was apparent, but hunger won over scepticism.
The two fairies stood behind Kili and Fili, somewhat out of the way. After eating and drinking heartily with his kin, he became serious again and undoubtedly wanted to start a conversation on the quest.
So far, all through the evening, most of the dwarves had given Nessa and Rogue wary looks. They noted that the pair were likely fairies due to Rogue's bright blue hair and Nessa's hair (although a normal dark blonde) also had pinky gold highlights in - yet they did not look entirely Fae-like. At least not of their ideas on what Fairies should look like; Rogue's hair was braided intricately suspiciously in a style reminiscent of Dwarvish craftsmanship, and Nessa's handmade dress on her chubby figure from afar could look like any mismatch of patterns found at markets sewed together. Nothing like fae fashion. And not to mention their heights - they were the same height as the dwarves! Yes, only slightly taller but they also were nowhere near as tall as elves...Last but not least, there were no fairy wings in sight! It was clear that their presence seemed out of place and raised questions about their true identity and intentions, and now, as the discussion to consult the quest approached, the lingering caution and uncertainty among the dwarves remained, leaving Nessa and Rogue acutely aware of the need to prove their worth and establish their role in this company bound for Erebor.
The dwarves all had one question in particular - what were two fairies doing at a, supposedly, private meeting of dwarves to reclaim their homeland?
"Now that you've stopped hiding from me, I'd like to know what your sister is doing here." Gandalf directed at Rogue, as he sensed the ongoing tension towards the two sisters. At this, Nessa side-eyed Rogue, sending her a searching glance for the truth.
Surely Gandalf knew she was tagging along? Nessa had assumed that's why he was there on that fateful day. Evidently, Rogue had taken the initiative to ask her to join the company, yet Gandalf's inquiry brought a different perspective to light.
"Well, I didn't inform you but I did inform the leader of this company," Rogue voiced nonchalantly.
The revelation of Rogue's secret communication with Thorin left the company in an uproar. Clamorous objections rose from the group. The dwarves exchanged incredulous glances, their trust in Thorin momentarily shaken. In the midst of the confusion, Nessa and Rogue found themselves at the centre of a storm they had unintentionally ignited. Amongst the commotion, questions upon questions flew at Thorin.
"Is this true Thorin?"
"How long have you kept this from us?!"
Rogue saw Thorin's face contorted in disbelief at their statement and said, "Yes, I have. The letter is in your front left pocket."
The room became silent. They watched Thorin reach into his pocket and pull out a letter. Gasps and murmurs of shock from the company broke the stillness. Thorin dramatically held the letter in front of him, as if it was the most precious thing in the world. Gandalf immediately snatched it. He ever so carefully unfolded it, and read it. All that was printed on it were stamps that represented Rogue, their sister and their pets. He glared at Nessa and Rogue, slamming the letter on the table, with an exasperated huff. "Fairies and their mischief,"
Gandalf's remark hung heavily in the air, an indication of the distinctive circumstances surrounding Nessa and Rogue's inclusion in the quest. They exchanged a glance, realising that their path forward would be even more challenging than they had anticipated, as they needed to overcome not only their own doubts but the mistrust of Thorin's company as well.
"I've personally looked that letter over from front to back and not found a single word," Balin spoke. "How on Earth could it have addressed your arrival?" Balin thought back to when Thorin first received the letter. Thorin had angrily rushed around the entire place, asking anyone and everyone if they had sent the alleged indecipherable letter to him. If it was some sort of trick. They had even hunched over the letter, inspected it using a magnifying glass, and were still met with the same four vertically placed stamps.
Rogue grabbed the letter back and showed the group. In order, they explained that each stamp in a fairy letter symbolised someone or something. They began with the first stamp - a hand holding a rose representing Pilvi, Nessa's pet. Then the second beneath it - the cat: Pip, Rogue's cat. Then at the bottom, the butterfly: Nessa and the Rose: Rogue.
With the company's reluctant understanding and acceptance, a tentative sense of unity began to form within the group.
At this, Bilbo retrieved his letter and gave it a look over again, realising the letter he also received was from the two fairies as well. Now recognising the stamps with meaning, as illustrated.
Moving on to the more important part of the evening, they finally started to discuss the quest. Balin began by asking if the dwarves of the Iron Hill would be joining - which turned out to be no - "They will not come. They say this quest is ours, and ours alone."
"You're doing a quest?" Asked Bilbo and Rogue had to use all their willpower not to face-palm, or worse, smack him.
"Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light. Far to the East, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and wastelands, lies a single solitary peak." Gandalf restated, spreading a map on the table for all to see.
"The Lonely Mountain."
"Aye, Oin has read the portents, and the portents say: it is time," Gloin expressed and Oin elaborated with, "Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain as it was foretold. When the birds of the old return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end." At the mention of birds, Nessa pondered to herself if Pilvi was doing alright outside, in the dark, alone, but was interrupted by Bilbo, bringing her attention back to the real problem at stake: "Uh...what beast?"
"Well, that would be a reference to Smaug the terrible, chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire breather, teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks, extremely fond of precious metals." Bofur clarified.
"Yes, I know what a dragon is."
Ah. A dragon...Nessa hadn't really thought about who they had to fight. Too late to back out now.
Ori who was especially eager stood up and announced: "I'm not afraid, I'm up for it. I'll give him a taste of the dwarfish iron right up his jacksy!" Rogue face-palmed for real this time while Nessa giggled.
"Good lad, Ori!"
"Sit down!" Dori grabbed his brother, reminding the two sisters of each other.
"The task would be difficult enough with an army behind us, but we number just thirteen, and not thirteen of the best, nor brightest," Balin said, feeling defeated already.
"Hey! Who are you calling dim?"
"Sorry, what did he say?"
Fili then spoke proudly, reassuring his kin. "We may be few in number. But we're fighters, all of us! To the last dwarf!"
"And you forget we have a wizard in our company, Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons in his time." Kili looked over at Gandalf expectantly.
"Oh, well. No, uh, I...I wouldn't say..." Gandalf spluttered over his words.
"How many then?"
"Well, how many dragons have you killed? Go on, give us a number!" Dori insisted. The room quietened, waiting for what they hoped to be an impressive answer from Gandalf.
However, an embarrassed Gandalf started to cough on his pipe smoke making the dwarves groan and shout at one another, feeling hopeless.
Thorin abruptly rose to his feet. "Enough!" He roared. The dwarves sat back down. "If we have read these signs, do you not think others will have read them too? Rumours have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen for sixty years. Eyes look East to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?"
Thorin was right. Rogue had heard all about this for years, and now more than ever, in recent months. Inspired by the speech, the dwarves jumped and cheered. His words struck a nerve with Nessa, who had always wondered if she should return to the abandoned fairyland.
Balin stood and raised his voice. "You forget the front gate is sealed! There is no way into the mountain."
"That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true." With a twiddle of his fingers, Gandalf produced a Dwarvish key, ornately wrought.
Thorin's eyes lit up and he looked at it in wonder. "How came you by this?" He questioned curiously.
"It was given to me by your father, by Thrain, for safekeeping. It is yours now." Gandalf handed the key to Thorin, who held it in awe. Everyone looked on in proud astonishment. Including Nessa and Rogue.
"If there's a key, there must be a door!" Fili exclaimed excitedly.
"Very astute observation," Rogue whispered sarcastically to her sister. Rogue's sarcasm had hit the mark, and Nessa burst out laughing, but in the midst of their serious discussion about the quest, Nessa's laughter seemed like an outburst at an inappropriate time. A few sent scrutinized glances her way and she quickly realised how it might be perceived and made an effort to regain her composure, all while attempting to convey that her amusement was unrelated to the quest itself.
Fili's observation, though met with humour, was indeed astute, and the company continued to brainstorm and plan their next steps, eager to unlock the way into Erebor. "These ruins speak of a hidden passage to the Lower Halls." The wizard pointed to runes on the map, ignoring the 'fairies and their mischief.'
"There's another way in," Kili noted.
"Well, if we can find it, but dwarf doors are invisible when closed. The answer lies hidden somewhere in this map...and I do not have the skill to find it. But there are others in Middle-Earth who can." Everyone looked at him, listening carefully. "The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth, and no small amount of courage. But, if we are careful and clever, I believe that it can be done."
"That's why we need a burglar," Ori stated.
"A good one too. An expert, I'd imagine." Bilbo added.
"And are you?" Gloin asked.
Bilbo froze, half confused, half afraid. "Am I what?"
"He said he's an expert! Hey!" Gloin cried out, optimistically, and the other dwarves cheerfully joined in. Rogue snorted...Bilbo didn't even know he was to be part of this journey beforehand and they had to travel all this way to Hobbiton for him...Just for him to mess up this badly...
Bilbo's face however was livid with shock causing the fairies to laugh again. "Me? No, no, no, I'm not a burglar. I've never stolen a thing in my life."
"I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr. Baggins. He's hardly burglar material." Balin conversed.
"Aye, the wild is no place for gentlefolk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves." Dwalin agreed.
Bilbo nodded in desperate agreement, ignoring the insult. Nonetheless, Gandalf shook his head, irritated. He stood tall, imposing the dwarves who looked on in shock. "Enough! If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then he is. Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet! In fact, they can go unseen by most if they choose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of a Hobbit is all but unknown to him which gives us a distinct advantage."
Gandalf turned to Thorin, determined to make his point. "You asked me to find another member of this company and I have chosen Mr. Baggins. There's a lot more to him than appearances suggest, and he's got a great deal to offer than any of you know, including himself. You must trust me on this."
Thorin sighed and for a moment scanned the room, weighing the outcome. "What about those two?" He nodded over at Nessa and Rogue, all eyes on them.
Nessa waved slightly but Rogue smacked her hand. "As for them, well, Rogue is remarkably agile and has a talent in magic - fae magic in particular - and that I do know to be very rare these days, so we are lucky to have them on this quest. Their sister, Nessa, on the other hand-" he wavered to continue so Rogue cut in. "-Is exceptionally talented with her axe," - Rogue grabbed at the pink axe that was attached to Nessa's belt at the back that just peered over the top of her head and showed the company - "and, I assure you, she is not afraid to use it."
"We are descendants of the Fallen Fae and I know what it is like to lose your home, so please, we would like to contribute to this quest." Nessa pleaded.
Thorin regarded Nessa with a newfound understanding, her words resonating with the struggles and losses he had faced as a leader seeking to reclaim his homeland. Growing up, Thorin had heard of the Fallen Fae, of their tragedy. From this moment forward he promised himself he would hold the sisters in high regard. If they could prove their worth, that is.
"Very well. Your dedication to the cause is duly noted. We shall need all the skills we can muster." He settled. "Give them our contract."
A sense of relief washed over them. Nessa's heart soared with gratitude, and Rogue offered a respectful nod.
Balin handed a scrolled contract to Bilbo to which Thorin grabbed and shoved it at him, who unrolled the scroll, which nearly reached the floor. Balin began explaining that the contract was a summary of out-of-pocket expenses, including... "Funeral arrangements?" Bilbo queried after looking at the contract reluctantly.
Bilbo, now intensely reading it, was growing more and more distressed with each new word he spoke, "...Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by or sustained as a consequence thereof, including, but not limited to - lacerations? Evisceration? Incineration?"
"Oh, aye, he'll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye." Bofur teased.
A white sheet of paleness covered his complexion. Bilbo seemed breathless and unwell. His grip on the contract tightened nervously, needing something to hold onto, as he grabbed a hand to his chest.
"You alright, laddie?" Balin asked, worriedly glancing at Bilbo.
"Huh? Yeah, I feel...I feel a bit faint."
"Think furnace, with wings," Bofur egged on.
"I...I...I need air."
"Flash of light, searing pain, then poof! You're nothing more than a pile of ash!" Bofur continued, much to the situation. The vivid descriptions of potential injuries were enough to make anyone apprehensive, and the jests from the dwarves only exacerbated his anxiety. So much so that he managed to let out a pained "No-" before fainting, falling to the floor.
"Oh, very helpful, Bofur." Gandalf sarcastically said.
Rogue walked up to the unconscious Bilbo and poked him with their boot. When they confirmed he was out like a light they pried the contract from his grip. Nessa brought out two large stamps for them each from her bag. They skipped to the last page where the spaces for their signatures were and raised their stamps to print. Having not realised how loud the stamps would be when they collided with the paper with an audible thump, everyone jumped. Additional disapproved glances were sent their way though the dwarves tried to trust their leader, Thorin's, decision to accept them.
"Not going to read the terms and conditions?" Fili asked them.
"I mean, Bilbo here just read it for us before he...fainted...but It's not like we have anything to lose."
Rogue said indifferently when a ginger kitten poked his head out of their pocket and meowed softly. "Isn't that right, Pip?"
Excitement grew amongst the company with the upcoming quest ready to commence and now with the added addition of a cat, the companionship was prospering already. The tiny feline seemed to captivate the attention of the dwarves, melting hearts and creating a brief respite from the otherwise serious discussion.
Thorin of course wanted to send scrutiny, though he couldn't help but crack a smile at his happy kin, welcoming and recognising that bonds were forming that would be crucial on their journey to reclaim Erebor.
Thorin stood by the fireplace, pipe smoke in hand. The golden glow from the fire lit up his face revealing the stoic expression that was still present as he was in deep thought. The crackling fire was unexpectedly interrupted as he began singing.
Far over the misty mountains cold.
One by one each dwarves began joining in, following Thorin's lead.
To dungeons deep and caverns old.
We must away, ere break of day.
To find our long-forgotten gold...
Their deep voices hummed and gently sang heartfelt and deeply meaningful lyrics together, harmonising perfectly. Their pain and sorrow filled the now atmospheric room, and Nessa, who stood to the side solemnly with her sister, wiped a tear away from her cheek she didn't know was there. This hit close to home. She understood their pain. Their burdens. Their losses. She knew what it was like having no home. Forgotten gold for her was her heritage which, over the years, had been slipping away from her. If only they could truly see that. See they cared. She hoped to prove this. They did have a whole quest to fulfil together after all.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog if you liked it :)
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poedameronwifey · 9 months
A true home(The hobbit Fanfic)
Chapter 8
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Girls' outfits
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Kate's Pov
I woke to something warm laying on my body. I noticed that it was still dark out but not too dark. I opened my eyes and noticed a fur coat over me like a blanket. I heard a sound next to me and realised that I slept in the living room near the fire with Renée leaning against. I noticed that she also had a fur coat over her but it was darker.
I shook her in an attempt to wake her up. I looked around and noticed Lilith wasn't too far from me so I crawled to her and shook her. She opened her eyes and looked at me with a glare.
"You have 5 seconds to explain why you just fucking woke me up."
"We are leaving soon but we need to make some breakfast for everyone. I need your help, Renée is still knocked out."
She looked behind me and saw that Renae was still in deep sleep and knew there was nothing or no one who could wake her. Lilith groaned but agreed, getting up and yawning.
We both walked past the sleeping dwarves and tried to be as quiet as possible because they needed to rest. The journey was going to be a bitch. I walked into the pantry and realised I could make bacon and eggs. I heard movement behind me so I turned around, Thorin yawned as he walked to me.
"Oh good morning, master Thorin. Lilith and I are about to make breakfast for everyone. You guys need your strength."
I smiled at him as I got the ingredients and walked to the kitchen, Thorin following behind me.
"Thank Lady Kate. It is much appreciated. I will wake the others. I would like to leave at dawn so we can cover as much ground as possible. Please let me know if you need some help. I'll let Bombur know as he is the cook for our group."
He smiled softly at me but it dropped a bit as he looked at what was on my shoulders. I looked at the coat I had on.
"Oh I found this on me this morning. I think one of them gave it to me to make sure I was warm."
"That belongs to Fili. If you would like I can give it to him, Lady Kate."
He offered his hand indicating that he would take the coat. I took it off and gave it to him.
"Oh thank you. I'll be sure to thank him when he wakes up. Oh and please just call me Kate. I'm the furthest thing from a lady."
I rubbed the back of my nape, looking at the floor awkwardly. Thorin just chuckled at my shyness.
"Very well La-Kate. I shall go and wake the others now."
He walked out to wake the others. Lilith and I got to work and started making breakfast. Bombur came in to help us and told us about himself and his family. 14 children?!! Damn. That's amazing. I could never.. I hope I get to meet them one day.
Soon breakfast was served and everyone was in the living room. Bombur, Lilith and I brought the food and asked that they be very quiet as Dad was still sleeping and I don't want to wake him up. I noticed Renée wasn't with them so I went to the living room and noticed she was still sleeping.
I sighed, facepalmed mentally and shook my head. I kneeled in front of her and shook her. She groaned and hid her face behind her hands.
"Bitch get the fuck up now or there will be no food left. And I'll pour water on you,"
She immediately sat up at the mention of food and stood up. The coat that was on her fell to the floor and she noticed it, picking it up,
"Whose is this? I don't remember putting this on when we went to sleep."
"I think one of the dwarves did. Now let's go. You can ask them."
I dragged her to the living room and made her sit down. Everyone had eaten so we quickly had a portion. Lilith took the dishes to the kitchen and Bombur helped clean up as well as the rest. Renée finally remembered the coat and looked at them.
"Hey, is this one of yours? It was on me this morning."
Kili blushed a little and walked up to her, taking it from her.
"Yeah that's mine. I didn't want you to get cold."
Renée was blushing like crazy and looked at the floor, muttering a thank you before heading to her room. The others were all grinning at Kili, and some even winked at him.
I tried not to laugh. Kili likes Renée. I knew it. They are so cute. I decided to get changed so I went to my room and changed my clothes. I was starting to second guess everything. I don't want to leave Dad after finding him after so long.
But I know I need to help the dwarves. I have to save the line of Durin. I'm scared that I'll never see dad again. I know he will join us soon but the doubt is still there. I can't give in to my fear. I can do this. Plus I have Renée and Lilith so I know I can overcome this.
I checked myself once more before heading to the living room where the others were.
Lilith's Pov
I was cleaning up and making sure everything was in order before heading to the living room. I saw Thorin talking to Dwalin and Balin about who knows what so I walked up to them.
"Morning gents. Are we ready? Physically I am but mentally, not even close. Sorry I'm like this in the morning but you'll get used to it. What's the plan?"
I was rambling at this point but I honestly didn't care. Balin explained that we'd be travelling on ponies and try to cover as much ground as possible. Since there weren't enough ponies, the girls and I had to share with one of the dwarves. I nodded.
"Oh this is going to be fun. I've never travelled on a pony before. I mean I have done horse riding but not for long periods of time. I don't want to imagine my legs at the end of the day."
I groaned thinking about how sore my legs will be. They just laughed at me, making me pout. I went to look for Renée and she was in her room, doing her hair.
I took over and brushed her hair for her, I wish I had her hair. It was so long and soft not to mention curly. I absolutely love her hair. I put half of her hair up in a braid and left the rest loose. She thanked me and did my hair for me. I just told her to put it up in a ponytail and she put small braids on the side letting it hang. I put my mom's bead at the end of the bride before hiding it in my hair. We were finally ready.
We got our bags and went outside where the others were. They all smiled at us, making us feel very warm inside. I walked to Thorin and he informed me that Kate will ride with Fili, Renee with Kili and I will ride with Bofur. I nodded and let the girls know.
I grinned, knowing that Kate would be shy the whole time she was riding with Fili and Renée will probably just be oblivious to Kili's flirting attempts. I can't wait to tease them later. I know I'm such a fun sister. But when am I going to have another opportunity like this? We were finally ready to go so we set off on the road onto our new adventure.
I hope Bilbo shows up soon.
Renée's Pov
Lilith informed me that I'm riding with Kili. Kate and I walked over to Fili and Kili. They noticed us making our way over to them and grinned. We just rolled our eyes at them. Only they would be this energetic in the morning.
"Hey boys. Looks like we're riding with you today."
They nodded excitedly and walked to their ponies. I suddenly realised something. I looked at Kili and noticed he was a little bit taller than me. How did I not see that? I felt someone shake me and snapped out of my thoughts. I looked to see Kate's hands on my shoulders, looking at me with a worried look. I told her I was fine.
I realised that the boys were up on the ponies already so I walked to Kili. He grinned at me and offered his hand. I rolled at his antics. I can't fall for him. I can't give in no matter how much I want to. He helped me up and I sat in front of him. I put my hands in the pony's hair, smiling. I felt Kili's hands leaning on my thighs holding the reins and his breath on my neck.
I tried not to freak out but it was becoming very hard not to. This was all so new to me. I've never been in this situation before. I tried not to think about it and pushed it to the back of my mind. Focus Renée. You're not here to fall in love. You are here to save him and that's it.
We finally got on the road. I talked to everyone. Turness out Ori was the youngest, Bifur was Bofur and Bombur's cousin and he had an accident making him unable to speak anything except Khuzdul. It has been a while since we left. Everyone was making bets to see if uncle Bilbo would show up. The girls and I decided to take part and bet that he would. Suddenly we heard someone yelling.
I turned my head and saw Bilbo running down the road after us. I knew he'd show up. I had no doubt about it. Plus I don't think he liked the idea of letting his daughters travel with a bunch of men, well dwarves. Everyone stopped their ponies and turned to his direction,
"I signed it!"
He hands the contract over to Balin who looks it over.
"Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield."
"Give him a pony."
"No, no, that won't be necessary, I'm sure I can keep up on foot. I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know. I even got as far as Frogmorton once."
Fili and Kili rode alongside Bilbo and hoisted him onto the pony. Kate and I laughed behind our hands while Lily just smirked and shook her head. He looked so uncomfortable. We rode up to him.
"Um Pops, you know the pony can sense your distress, You need to relax."
He attempted to relax and managed to but he still looked uncomfortable. Kat was laughing at him. He then started sneezing and rubbing his nose.
"Oh, all this horse hair. I'm having a reaction."
He searched in his pocket for something. He looked up in panic when he couldn't find it,
"Wait! Wait! Stop! We have to turn around."
"My dear Bilbo, what on earth is the matter?"
"I forgot my handkerchief!"
From the front of the line, Bofur tears a piece of cloth from his shirt. He tosses it to Bilbo.
"Here, use this!"
Bilbo caught the rag and looked at it in disgust.
"Move on!"
We resumed our journey. Kate took out her spare handkerchief and gave it to Bilbo. Of course Bilbo would ask to turn around for a handkerchief but honestly I expected nothing less. Trust Kate to have a spare.
"You'll have to manage without pocket-handkerchiefs and a good many other things, Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our journey's end. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you; the world is ahead."
I took in Gandalf's words. I wasn't ready for what was going to come but I knew I had to face it for the sake of the line of Durin. I wasn't going to give up.
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