#Focus Media
chinamarketingblog · 4 months
Erster Vollmond im Drachenjahr
Am heutigen Laternenfest wird in China der erste Vollmond im Jahr des Drachen gefeiert. Hier dürfen köstliche Klebreisbällchen auf der Speisekarte nicht fehlen. Sie stehen für Ganzheit und Einheit. Der Feiertag markiert das Ende der chinesischen Neujahrsfeierlichkeiten und Marken senden ihren Fans festliche Grüße und Wünsche: 元宵节快乐!at
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clonerightsagenda · 11 months
I have absolutely no opinions on the Barbie movie but since I am already seeing discourse about it all over my dash I am begging people once again to get involved in some kind of local activism so they will stop thinking what movies you watch is a hardhitting form of praxis
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redysetdare · 3 months
All this aroace character shipcourse has proven to me that a majority of people that interact in fandom cannot actually interact with characters and media outside of shipping and genuinely I believe you need to learn how to interact with media outside of shipping.
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nico-di-genova · 2 months
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Keep to the Line Verse
Max doesn’t mind media duties when it’s Charles behind the camera. RBR find this out fairly quickly and use that to their advantage.
Bonus: Nurse, they’re flirting in the comments again.
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k-wame · 2 years
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ᗪEᖇᗩᑎ & ᖇYᗩᑎ IᑎᔕIᗪE ᗰᗩᑎ (2022)  · ᗩᑎIᗰᗩᒪ KIᑎGᗪOᗰ[ᔕ6·Eᑭ4] ᗪᖇᗩᗰᗩ · ᑕᖇIᗰE · ᖴᗩᗰIᒪY
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bakathief · 7 months
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It only took 30 years to get Kaito into an alternative suit, holy moly, let‘s celebrate
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elliesbelle · 5 months
hi lovelies, realized that i did not say it on here before, but i will say it now.
i’m gonna be MIA from this blog for one week. bisan from gaza has called for a worldwide strike from january 21-28 to show support for the palestinians during this horrific genocide. striking involves several things (which i will provide in pics below), including completely abstaining posting on social media unless it is about palestine.
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just in the last week, israel murdered over 1000 palestinians. there are no more fully-functioning hospitals in gaza, only 15 semi-functioning ones. the united states government itself has issued a statement saying that it does not believe in a ceasefire.
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this is not war. this is not a conflict. this is an ethnic cleansing. this is genocide.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. 🇵🇸
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lqfiles · 3 months
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SCORE THAT GOAL! — jaemin’s hit tweets
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haechan asking for payola and jaemin rewards it back by stealing his tweet is #my type of nahyuck .. i like nahyuck dynamic a lot 🫶🏽
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aroworlds · 4 months
This is something of a sequel to my original essay on being loveless.
It's also a discussion of the ways love is wielded against allo-aros, the a-spec community's ongoing conflation of love and attraction, and the impact allosexual aromanticism has on my lovelessness.
Because too often, unfortunately, I see loveless aromantic identity communicated and celebrated so as to exclude me, and other allosexual aros, from it.
I hope that's something we can begin to change this Aro Week.
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saturnsocoolioyep · 6 months
This is what I wrote in the feedback section for the new discord update:
I absolutely hate that the messages like group chats and DMs are in a different tab than servers now. there was absolutely nothing broken about the way that it was laid out and displayed before, so there's no reason to "fix" it!! I also am sorely missing the ability to swipe left to look at all members of a server, the having to click on the top feels clunky and visually unpleasant. I hate being taken to an entirely different screen just to see who's online! it's an entirely unnecessary extra step that helps no one. the idea of "prioritizing messaging" by putting private messages and group chats in a tab seperate from servers is completely asinine when discord as a whole is a messaging service in and of itself! also, it's a small aesthetic change but rounding the corners of the servers when swiping to look at the servers at the side is unnecessary and unwelcome and overall incredibly displeasing to look at. speaking of swiping, making it so swiping left creates a reply to a message is the most unnecessary, confusing, and almost MALICIOUS feeling change yet, especially when swiping left had an entirely different function before. please listen to your user base and stop making so many changes that absolutely NO ONE is actually asking for and actively make the user experience worse. you have a good app, it is not broken, stop trying to fix things that don't need to be changed because you've continually only made things worse.
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lesbians-for-chuuya · 3 months
At the end of the day it's just me and that one piece of media that changed me as a person vs the world
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colleendoran · 6 months
Get Cold Turkey
For my peeps who struggle with managing internet use, Cold Turkey has a feature that really helps.
Cold Turkey allows you to block individual websites, or the entire internet, for as long as you choose.
The internet turns the inside of my head into a ping pong machine, and way too often I will just click, click, click useless crap and wander off when I need to focus.
Most of my social media management apps are way too easy to bypass.
Cold Turkey is not easy to bypass at all.
You can set it up so you are COMPLETELY locked from making any changes. You'd better mean it when you click that button, because there is no out.
OR you can set it up so in an emergency, you can buy a code that lets you get into a website you need to get into, but you have to give $5 to charity for every 10 minute bypass you buy.
Anyway, the best solution for me has been to use this BLOCK ENTIRE INTERNET feature (in the pop up menu at bottom right in first pic)
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and then add website exceptions, which I've added in the second image.
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I need to use sites like Dropbox, Wetransfer, and google on the job. I often play music or videos when I work. So add the preferred site name with an asterisk to give yourself access to all pages on the site. If you don't, you will only have access to the home page.
Nowadays, I block the internet in its entirely with these website exceptions almost 24 hours a day. The first week I did this, I wrote over 40,000 words in one week after being completely blocked for months.
I only allow emergency access on one computer in the house.
Try Cold Turkey. https://getcoldturkey.com/
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redysetdare · 2 years
Y'all ever think about how children's media is the only media to really put priority to friendship (ex: the power of friendship) and how once you grow up media starts to shift towards a focus on romantic love and sexual relationships and how that kind of puts out this idea that valuing friendship is a childish thing you need to grow out of and replace with romance and sex cause I do.
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
Sudan’s struggle is obscured by political upheavals, displacements, and hunger after the fall of President Omar al-Bashir and the 2021 coup, but why has the world turned a blind eye to the ‘forgotten war’?
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dovewingkinnie · 6 months
entered my pokémon era im officially sylveon now
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mswyrr · 7 months
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