#Food Photo Editing Services
zphotoeditservice · 2 years
Being one of the top providers of photo editing services, ZphotoEdit providing food photo retouching services at affordable prices. Removal of unwanted object · Photo resizing and cropping · Add natural shadows to elements in pictures and more..
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gatheringbones · 2 years
[“Watching erotic films—movies that are driven forward by sex scenes—is different from looking at single photos, pictorials, snippets, clips. The medium, the experience of going all the way through an eighty-minute feature, is an entirely different ride than a momentary glimpse, a fast-forward.
To prove it, I started throwing living room movie shows for my friends. I would give away my screener copies and show segments of my favorites. It was like I was offering free rocket tickets to the moon. My neighborhood audience was fascinated—and completely inexperienced. The living room got a little bigger—I created an educational show-and-tell clips lecture called “How to Read a Dirty Movie,” and another one called “All Girl Action: The History of Lesbian Erotic Cinema,” which I started premiering at independent theaters like the Castro and the Roxie. I hit the festival circuit all over the world, including a daring mission by the British Film Institute to get my movies in, despite ironclad UK customs rules against them.
One college-tour memory stands out. In rural Blacksburg, Virginia, a closeted gay student got ahold of student union funds for Friday Night Fun! at Virginia Tech to bring me out there for one of my clips shows. This is a school with a history of devotion to Southern white boys and military service. The students weren’t even allowed to watch R-rated films on campus. I didn’t find out this history until I was moments away from the podium. My young sponsor looked like he’d just detonated a bomb and his face was covered in sweat. “My Dirty Movie” clips show started, which happens to begin with excerpts of two young handsome army cadets making out on a firing range. I thought the roof was going to cave in. Blacksburg boys were running for the doors, making vomiting sounds, screaming. The students who stayed in their seats watched a full spectrum of sexual and human emotion, delivered by porn’s finest auteurs. They got more sex education in one hundred minutes than they’d had in their entire lives.
The stunned president of the Young Republicans, a co-sponsor of Friday Night Fun!, took me out to a fast food dinner afterward. He told me that he found it curious that the scenes of lesbians making love had pleased him, while the scenes of gay men had given him a stomachache. I was impressed that he was calm enough to observe his own reactions.
“I don’t disagree with all of what you do,” he said, “but I think it’s entirely unjust that you receive checks from the government for your homosexuality.”
I stared at him with my mouth full of fries. “Oh, it’s not that bad,” I said, “I only get half as much because I’m bisexual.”]
susie bright, from the birth of the blue movie critic, from the feminist porn book: the politics of producing pleasure, edited by tristan taormino, constance henley, and celine perreñas shimizu, 2013
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wonwooslibrary · 4 months
svt as boyfriends ♡ seungkwan edition
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member: seungkwan x gn!reader genre: fluff, bullet points, established relationship word count: 834 summary: seungkwan's boyfriend things <3 warnings: mentions of kissing & mentions of food author's note: today is a sad day :( happy moonbin day & i hope he is resting in peace. in honor of moonbin day and woozi releasing what kind of future, here is some small seungkwan things to cheer everyone up. please take care of yourself!
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He is the soft and cuddly teddy bear boyfriend and I love him for it 
There is this one guy on TikTok who like…gets dressed in front of the camera and shows his outfits as a plus-size man and istg that is Seungkwan’s vibe and !!! 
He also gives coffee dates and light academia and book boyfriends 
Quality Time 
Loves scrolling through social media with you before bed 
Dates! Oh gosh he loves taking you out and getting boba or ice cream :3 
Seungkwan’s definitely a big fan of watching a series with you too - like you would go to Netflix or something and find something you both want to watch but haven’t started yet and it becomes YOUR show 
Prefers to go out and explore with you rather than stay in (he’s an extrovert, what can I say?)
Loves teaching you things he loves! Like, for example, he would try to teach you a Wonder Girls dance and you guys would have so much fun with it 
Also loves being with you in moments of sadness - you’re his person and you make him feel strong, so he’s not ashamed to be with you and cry around you
At first, he would be super embarrassed to meet your friends, but after a while, they’d love him and he would be more comfortable around them
Words of Affirmation
Is always saying stuff like “You worked so hard!” or “I’m so happy that you are the one I get to spend my life with” 
I feel like he is very picky with his nicknames…like he would never use food related ones like “cutie pie” because they are overused, but he would love something like “sweetheart” brb sobbing 
Seems to enjoy receiving compliments too! Like you tell him that you loved the singing cover that he did and he’ll scream 
Also uses songs and lyrics as a way to express his love for you! Nothing fits more than music 
Was really shy when you first got together and would blush any time you spoke to him or even looked in his direction
Totally keeps a photo of you guys as his lockscreen on his phone, but one that he edits with cute stickers (aka he always places his phone screen-up so if someone asks about it he can talk about how much he loves you) 
Physical Touch
He is a clingy bf but in the way that if he has the chance to cozy up with you under a soft blanket with a movie playing in the background, he totally would go for it 
Loves when you play with his hair, but always manages to mess yours up and then feel super bad about it 
If he wants a kiss or something and you say no, he’ll be really pouty and sad about it until you agree, but of course with that look on his face, you can’t say no for too long! 
At the beginning of your relationship, he would try to hold your hand but get embarrassed but you love it 
Rests his head on your shoulder a lot :( 
Man survives on back rubs and hugs 
Acts of Service 
Loves turning on the shower or setting up a cozy bath for you <3 
Always offers you his coat when you go on walks together because he is afraid of you getting sick 
If you’re in pain or sick he’ll always do small things like brushing or tying your hair up, tying your shoes or even zipping your coat up 
Asks if you’re drinking water and making sure to eat throughout the day because it makes him sad when you forget and then are living off of snacks 
Likes making you calming tea before bed and makes sure that you take your vitamins/medication every morning/night
In the winter, he’d always shovel or clean off your car for you, so you don’t have to get up early and do it because he knows how much rest you need :((( 
Always sends good morning and good night texts when you are apart, just to let you know that he is thinking about you 
Gift Giving 
LOVES giving you his hoodies, as it makes him feel warm on the inside he’s so cute 
Also loves the idea of having those matching hoodies or phone cases, but when you tell him that those are too embarrassing, he’ll settle for something small like just wearing the same colors scheme or having matching bear keychains 
Makes you playlists when he finds a lot of songs that: he wants to show you, reminds him of you, or makes him feel strong emotions 
If he goes on any trip without you, he’ll always bring you back something cute, like a seashell or a snowglobe
Goes all out for your birthday or holidays that you celebrate - he is not afraid to spend hundreds of dollars on squishmallows if that is what you like 
He’s a simp when it comes to gift giving
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solar-sunnyside-up · 7 months
So my neighborhood is SO COOL and I wanna share some of the awesome stuff that's been making some movement. This is mostly to highlight why taking an interest in your neighborhood is so rewarding.
#1 - park renos! The park in walking distance of my house has been under construction for a few months. They're doing a LOT of work. Primarily, they are building a skating Rink, fire pit, picnic area, basketball area, and extending the existing kid park. Before it was just 3 baseball fields and a small park. They also have added over 10 apple trees and over 15 native trees!! They also have a Cafe going into the apartment complex they are putting across the street (which is low income housing but every unit has a washer/dryer, and has a firepit/BBQ area for entertainment on the roof I wish I had photos of it but I'll put a video of an example where I used to live btw the person in the video is my old roomie I'm sorry K for not editing u out forgive mee)
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#2 little Libraries
There are 3 little Libraries in walking distance of my place, one is opening tomorrow! The one tomorrow also has a little blockbuster and a food pantry attached to it, it's outside a community resource center.
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#3 Resource center
Omg!! So the resource center does a lot. It has counciling, good food boxes where you pay 30$ for 15lbs of produce from local farms monthly, job hunting services including free computers and printers for applying to things, parenting groups, that kinda junk. But the key feature I saw for the first time today was the "Closet room" which I thought was exclusively clothes but nah it's basically a whole thrift store! It's got baby clothes, toys, unused toothbrushes, movies, books, interview clothes, pjs going up to xxxL, pots and pans, anything else you could think of. It made me realize why no one uses the thrift store up the hill from me. Why pay when this closet community feature is free??? They have vollunteers run it so it's take way you want, donate what you can and omg!
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I could go on but that's just from today!
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The Sleepy Kitten Cafe 🐱💤 
(The Drakes Spoiled Brat. (im sorry dad))
Ill solidify an actual layout design later (since this will become a major setting for most of the fic) BUT for now you get a shitty collage design Edit- Fuck it I was gonna wait till post chapter 7 but I decided to publish now so here you go!
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Info (may or may not become relevent in the fic, I just think is neat also for my own reference)
Located on The Narrows of Gotham city
All utensils and containers are thrifted so none of them match
Upstairs lounge is a mini library/book store
They sell baked goods and have a shitty service window where you can order diner style food/snacks
Regular game nights/other events (including jazz night which Tim vehelementaly refuses to attend)
Not uncommon for random strays to come hang out (no one tell their manager)
Have a photo wall of regular customers (it took several weeks of begging before Tim allowed Gwen to snap his pic and pin it up)
They have a whole buisness card holder on the counter people can advertise their shit
Owned by a former hippie from Washington and her husband from Sikkim
Almost gets robbed once a week but hey its Gotham, what can you do? (emphasis on almost)
Employees (named thus far, who I will also probably draw later)-
Gwen Parkins she/her- Main Barista Alans (Tims) BFF, utter sweetheart, but will cry if yelled at. Also plans like 80% of the work events. Wears clips in her hair that are "on theme" for whatever event is for the day (cat ones for work obvi) Never checks her bank account so doesnt notice Tim slipping in an extra 500-3k every month (tax free of course) and she ends up saving or donating half of it anyways. From the Narrows.
Zeek (Ezikel) Zoref he/they- Cook/Security Very open stoner, likes bullying his friends (kinda an asshole, but will apologize if too far), also loves Gotham for the fact he can and will fist fight customers given the oppertunity, and there are PLENTY of oppertunies. Carries around a bat. Almost became a Joker Goon out of nessesity but by sheer happenstance he tried robbing Alan who somehow got him an interview at the Cafe, even with zero experience. (Owes his life, but will never admit it) Allergic to mint and mourns mint gum everyday. From Crime Alley.
Obsidian Fowler they/them- Manager/Barista The reason shit gets done, newly recognized artist, meticiously does inventory because they find it fun. Gets stressed about hygine when his coworkers keep sneaking random strays in the cafe, but weak to begging. Did not give in when they brought in a Raccoon. Keeps offering Alan a job because "Please I cannot be the only competent member here" From Old Gotham.
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weakhero-diaries · 8 months
Weak Hero TMI /Trivia:
Chief Mourners: Why did Seokhyeon, Hakho, and Jihoon wear yellow armbands during the funeral service?
TW: grief, depression, death
DISCLAIMER: I'm not Korean, just learning about their culture.
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The yellow armbands around Jihoon (Jimmy), Hakho (Jake) and Seokhyeon (Kingsley)'s arms were the sign that they were the chief mourners of Baekjin (Donald)'s funeral. It means that these three were the substitutes for Baekjin's family in preparing the funeral from start to finish. Theirs was the role that his absent stepfather and/or kin were supposed to carry out.
I'll try to explain to you about their responsibilities. After reading this, hopefully you'll understand why they crumbled and seemingly grew up so fast.
Seokhyeon, Hakho, and Jihoon's responsibilities as chief mourners:
They didn't do it simultaneously since usually there's an agreed upon division of labor among chief mourners of a funeral;
For nos. 3, 5, 6, 7 & 18, since Baekjin, Seokhyeon, Hakho and Jihoon were minors, then per Korean laws the bank accounts that they and the Union used were under their parents' names, and the legal representative was hired under their parents' names too.
Choosing and preparing Baekjin's photograph to be displayed at the funeral hall;
Sending an obituary and/or a death notification to Baekjin's school and to the Union members/related people as soon as his time of death was established;
Hiring a legal representative to be present when Baekjin's personal effects were released before his autopsy started. Since Baekjin had no immediate family and his death was from non-natural causes where autopsy is a must according to their laws.
Being on standby to receive Baekjin's personal effects from said legal representative. Note that this must've been very VERY upsetting to them since these were the things that Baekjin wore on the night of the accident. Just imagine.
Ensuring that the legal representative from no. 3 was present to receive the autopsy reports and photos on behalf of them, usually 3 days - 1 week after the autopsy was performed. The autopsy report for an accident usually look like this:
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6. Calculating and paying the expenses to register for funeral, cremation and charnel house (mausoleum) services;
7. Ensuring that everything is taken care of by the funeral & cremation services from there on, including:
The issuance of Baekjin's death certificate (it usually looks like this);
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The renting of mourning clothes. These clothes usually look like this (basically what we see in the funeral episodes):
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The availability of a funeral hall (complete with condolence money box, incense, floral arrangements etc). The hall is usually located at the basement of the hospital where Baekjin was taken to after the accident, and arranged by the hospital's funeral services that Seokhyeon/Hakho/Jihoon hired;
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The availabillity of foods and chrysanthemum flowers provided for mourners during a 3-day funeral service, because Baekjin had no female kin who oversaw this. Note that there are usually several types of foods that MUST be served in a day on tables, like this (usually the minimum is 3 menus):
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The availability of a crematorium and a fixed cremation schedule;
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The allotment of a charnel house (mausoleum) space for Baekjin's urn and photos, and maybe some personal belongings. Note that for Baekjin to be placed next to his mother, either Seokhyeon, Hakho or Jihoon had to notify the funeral services person(s) in charge who then notified the mausoleum in advance. Later, the persons in charge forwarded their payment of the space to the mausoleum. (EDIT: Or they registered it by themselves and paid directly to the mausoleum).
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8. Spending 2 nights and 3 days in that funeral hall for a 3-day funeral service, in the same mourning clothes (if personal bellongings, these were usually later burned or shelved, never worn twice). Note that there's usually no comfortable sleeping arrangement in funeral halls, so they must've slept on the floor on hard pillows and thin blankets for 2 nights;
9. Greeting and welcoming all the mourners during the three 3-day funeral service and ensuring that they signed the guestbook. Note that mourners usually come after school/work hours from 6-11 p.m so Seokhyeon, Hakho, and Jihoon had to finish showering, eating, etc before those hours;
10. Receiving and storing the condolence money. The condolence money is usually placed in envelopes like these:
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And the box where these envelopes are stored look like this:
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11. Arranging with the funeral services to ensure that there was food and drink for these mourners (since Baekjin had no female immediate family);
12. Receiving any standing wreaths from organizations that are connected. Note that standing wreaths in Korean funerals usually only come from organizations and not individuals, so probably if there was one, it would only be from Yeoil High since all of Baekjin's other contacts were made in an illegal business setting. Standing wreaths usually look like this;
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13. Going to the crematorium and attending the cremation process along with select mourners;
14. Receiving Baekjin's ashes in a container (usually an urn purchased through the funeral services);
15. Going to the mausoleum and attending the placement of Baekjin's urn, photos and select belongings in the mausoleum/charnel house;
16. Thanking other mourners properly on behalf of Baekjin's family.
17. Counting the condolence money and deciding what to do with it afterwards other than covering the funeral costs.
18. Paying off Baekjin's personal debts and The Union's (if there was any), and dividing the remaining money and assets (probably needing to hire a legal representative again).
Honestly learning about all of this made me sympathize with Jihoon, Seokhyeon and Hakho more. I sadly realized that in a better time and a better place these three might have been real friends to Baekjin. It's not too late for the three of them yet.
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gamerbearmira · 1 month
AU by @queenofthedisneyverse
I got bored and decided to take a break from drawing for asks and. Wrote this??? I mean it just came to my mind, and I remembered that comment thread from a few posts ago lol 💀💀
Anywayyyyy I've been thinking bout this au recently, so why not right for it
Let get it
Félix sat in the break room, having just come off the air. He had been there since 5 a.m., and he was tired and hungry. Of course, in his rush that morning, he had forgotten his lunch bag, and he cursed himself for that. He didn't like the station's food and he didn't feel like going out to any gas stations to buy any. Plus, his sister-in-law's food was way better than anything he could buy or make.
He tapped his foot, then perked up, remembering Pepa was at home. He quickly pulled out his phone, typing in the small keyboard, and waited impatiently for it to send. Service in the station sucked, unsurprisingly.
'Pepi can you bring me some food?'
Félix watched the screen for a while, growing more impatient before the next message popped up on the small screen.
'Be there in 15'
Félix breathed a sigh of relief, shoving his phone into his coat pocket. As he waited, his other coworkers, a few of the news anchors, and the other weatherwoman entered the room. He greeted them with a smile, and they joined him at the table.
"Hey Félix! Not surprised to see you here first," one of the news anchors, Cisco, said with a smile. He then looked confused. "Where's your food?"
Félix rolled his eyes. "Ay, I forgot it at home," he said, leaning forward. "But it's all good, my wife's gonna bring it to me. She'll be here in about 10 minutes."
One of the other news anchors suddenly spoke up. "You know Félix," he said in between bites. "We've never seen your wife. What's she like?"
Félix looked up in shock. "Really? I've never shown any pictures of her?" He asked, and the others shook their heads.
"You talk about her all the time, but you've never actually shown us what she looks like," the other weatherwoman, Emilia, said with a shrug as she took a bite of her food.
Félix furrowed his eyebrows. "B-But I have a picture of her on my desk?"
The others looked at each other and laughed, confusing Félix. "Bro, you have a picture of Thunderstorm from The Unwanted on your desk."
Félix blinked. "Yeah. That's my wife."
Cisco snorted, waving his mango around. "Yeah right. It's 2008 Félix, you think we're gonna fall for that?"
Félix pulled out his phone. "I'm being so serious, she's my wife," he flipped through his photo gallery, before finally coming up with some photos of him and Pepa. "Look!"
The group leaned forward, looking at the many photos of Félix next to Thunderstorm. A lot of them seemed to be in a concert, and there was only one where he was next to her taking a selfie. Emilia pursed her lips.
"No way," she said, leaning back in her chair. "You must've just had backstage access. And in that picture, she's not even looking at you!"
The others agreed, and Félix flipped his phone back around, flipping through some more photos. He finally got to the one he wanted, and showed them, smiling triumphantly. "Oh yeah? How do you explain this?" He said, pointing at the picture on the small phone. The others leaned forward once more, looking at the photo.
It was a wedding photo. Félix, obviously dressed in white attire, and Thunderstorm, or Pepa, in a long black dress and a sunflower bouquet in her hands while she stood next to Félix. The others stared at it, before murmuring amongst each other. One of them finally spoke up as Félix pulled his phone back. "No way. That's edited."
Félix pulled a deadpan face and was about to speak up when he got a message on his phone. With a smirk, he crossed his arms. "Well, speak of the devil. She's heading into the building right now."
The others rolled their eyes, seemingly tired of Félix antics. They denied his outrageous claims, not believing for one bit that Félix was married to Thunderstorm, one of the biggest singers of one of the biggest rock bands. But Félix just smiled and turned his head to the door as the click of heavy heels sounded through the hallway.
"Félix, I brought your lunch!" A voice called from the hall, and the others snapped their heads towards the doorway. And there she was. Thunderstorm, a.k.a Pepa Madrigal. She stood in the doorway, scanning the room with a nonchalant look. She had on dark clothes, a long dress with tall black heels. Her makeup was similar to her stage makeup; clearly, that was just how she dressed. Next to her, there was a small boy, no older than 3, who clung to her dress, and he perked up at the sight of Félix; the two shared an uncanny resemblance.
"Pepi!" Félix, casting an "I told you so" look to his coworkers, smiled, pecking Pepa on the lips. The other's jaws dropped, and Pepa checked the clock on the wall, while Félix picked up and smothered Antonio.
"All right mi amor, I have to head out," Pela said, handing Félix his bag of food. "I have rehearsal at the stadium, and then I'm gonna be rehearsing with the group after that."
"¡Adios!" With one last kiss, Pepa waved goodbye, leaving the break room with Antonio. Félix sat down, unpacking his food with a smirk. His coworkers stared at the door before turning to Félix.
"He's married...to Thunderstorm..." Cisco said.
"And he has a kid with her...?" Emilia stated next.
"Three. I have three kids, " Félix corrected, taking a bite of an arepa. The others just kept staring at him. "Do you believe me now?"
The other news anchor spoke up. "Wait, wait wait," he said, waving his hands. "But your last name is Castillo. Hers is Madrigal. So...what's up with that."
Félix shrugged. "I go by Castillo here at the station so none of their groupies try and come here. It was my last name before I got married. It's Madrigal now."
The others were shocked. They asked Félix a million questions, which he happily answered. One of them suddenly had a realization and spoke up. She pointed to one of the many band posters in the room. The one of the band.
"Wait, so if Thunderstorm--er, Pepa, is your wife," she said. "Isn't Chemical Chameleon her son? Does that mean he's your son too?"
"Yup. My second oldest. My oldest is in college right now," Félix said.
"What about Rose Thorn? A-And isn't she sisters with the Lonesome Butterfly?" Another asked.
"Yeah, they're my nieces. They have another sister, she's in college too," Félix stated nonchalantly.
"Oh my gosh. Does that mean that...Abuela Crimson...is..." Félix smiled again.
"Yup. My mother-in-law," Félix took another bite of his food as he watched the faces of his coworkers as they processed this new information. They slowly started piecing things together. And it was the most entertaining thing to him.
Bro was not kidding and they were FLABBERGASTED I mean it's insane. They saw all them pictures on Félix's desk and though that they weren't true 😭😭
It's all fun and games until the lead singer of one of the biggest emo rock bands walks in and hands your coworker his lunch bag
Félix's coworkers after seeing him kiss Pepa:
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skynapple · 3 months
Budding Romance | Ch. 6
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers
warnings: none
Multi-chapter | A03 link
Beginning | <- Prev | Next ->
Jeremiah is dragged along and encounters some thistles.
Oh, Xavier would die if he were here. If only he could see me right now...
The night market was two blocks of Linkon City's downtown district, lined with booths selling trinkets, crafts, art, food trucks, and a few games that were easy enough to tear down and store away. They arrived at a themed booth that looked like it was representative of a popular toy brand he could have sworn he recognized. 
It was some kind of toss-in-a-hole game but with pebble-like stars that looked like they barely fit in the holes on the board. They stood in line and watched child after child try and fail, the angled edges of the stars often catching the edge of the hole causing it to bounce right out.
Jeremiah immediately failed to see how it was a two-person game. "So, how exactly is this two-player?" He said, always one to speak what he was thinking.
"Well, look how hard it is!" She deflected quickly. "If it was just me, I wouldn't have that many chances. But with you, I'll definitely have a better shot."
"Ok. But, why-" 
"NEXT!" The irritated teenager called out to the line, interrupting his thought.
She seemed to know what he was asking anyways. "Well, I also wanted to thank you for helping me the way you did before, maybe get you away from the shop for a little bit? I dunno..." She looked at her shoes, shyly. "And like I said, all my other friends were busy, so I thought, why not?"
It warmed his heart to hear her so sincere.
"I thought I'd mentioned before, no need to thank me. Any friend of Xavier's is a friend of mine. It's an honor to help out a Deepspace Hunter." He pretended to roll up his sleeve. "So don't you worry, ma'am. We'll definitely win this."
They definitely did not. 
Sure enough, their handful of stars each bounced right after the holes, try as they might.  "These stupid stars." She said, gritting her teeth bitterly as they turned away after both of their turns had passed. "Yeah!" He agreed, "I can't believe they made it like this! It's impossible." A familiar feeling settled in his heart. In a strange way, it reminded him of losing a wanderer fight. He turned to her, resolved as her own words to him from so long ago came back to him.
Sharpen your sword, Jeremiah.
He may have had no idea what the prize was, but he was not going to let her back down so easily. "What are we waiting for?" He nudged his chin towards the line, already hurrying to the back of it.
After an hour of playing over and over, the teen attendant felt bad and admired their persistence in being the only ones to try again and again. "Yeah, it's kinda rigged not gonna lie." The kid said with a wink and handed one of the prizes over. "It's day one. No one's gonna know if one's gone.
And so she'd finally obtained her prize.
"This is what you wanted?" He remarked at huge succulent thistle plushie that she needed both of her arms to hold onto. 
"This is the same one they have at my favorite arcade! But this one is Linkon limited edition and they only have it here! I'm trying to collect them all. I can't believe I got it!"
He laughed. "It's so cute! Glad I could be of service."
She buried her face in it, taking in the artificial scent. "Let's get a picture?"
"Yes!" He quickly agreed and slung an arm around her shoulders to take the photo with his phone.
"Can I post this?" She asked eagerly after admiring the selfie.
A wicked grin grew on his expression. "Of course!"
He was mentally preparing to tease Xavier when the feeling of her warm hand fingers clenched around his palm interrupted his thoughts. It lasted only a millisecond -just a quick squeeze, to say thank you- but it left his heart pounding.
"Thank you so much! I couldn't have done it without you."
"Oh-..." He stammered. What in the world? "No problem."
Suddenly he felt like it was the first time he really looked at her. Inexplicable emotions rising as he stared. Would the woman he'd known head have spent so much time attempting a plushie? Who would have been at her side then?
"Something on my face?" 
"Hmm? No. I was just wondering how in the world you're going to get that plushie through your door."
She laughed. "That's why it's squishy!"
Before he could say anything else, she was pointing out a food stall.  "After all that effort, I'm starving! Oh, and foods on me. No arguing. Everything here is so good. But you know what's really good here? You can get hot dogs dipped in fried potatoes. Have you ever had one?"
"I can't say that I have..."
Jeremiah had no idea what to think as he followed her, barely hearing her as she began to point out the other stalls over the thoughts swirling in his head. Part of him was pleased that he could spend so much time casually with her like this. It was a refreshing replacement to all the negative memories spent at war, and nice to be around her in such a joyous, youthful way. It was nice to feel like she was his friend again.
But she's not. She has no idea. I'm just a stranger. A friend of a friend.
Maybe if she knew who he was, he'd feel better about it. He'd know where he stood; he'd know his place with her. With this in mind, the other thoughts were about how jealous Xavier would be. While at first it was funny and he was never one to shy away from making him more jealous, he never actually wanted to get in the way of anything between them. For as long as he'd known the both of them, they'd only ever had eyes for each other and that was not something he felt like he could or should interfere with. A sinking feeling grew in his stomach that maybe this was too far?
No, this is fine. This is casual. If I was any one of her other friends, she'd be doing the same. Now he chided his racing thoughts. This is nothing. He can't be too mad about this. Just helping her out, like always.
"Any of those sound good?" She was asking. Even though she'd spent so much time listing all their options, he hadn't heard a single one.
"Well, my mind kinda stayed on the Korean hot dogs. What did you say, potatoes, huh?"
"Yes! Ok, you're going to love it. Let's get in line!"
He smiled. "Yes, ma'am! Lead the way."
This is nothing.
When he got home later that evening, he had half a mind to gloat to Xavier and send him the picture he'd taken, but hesitated.
He's going to kill me.
Right when his thumb hovered over his contacts, a notification from a new sender lit up on his screen.
Miss ma'am: [Had fun tonight :) thanks for the help! It got through the door!]
He pursed his lips together and thought long about what to reply. [Np! Had fun too.] Was all he was going to leave it at.
She replied less than a minute later. Miss ma'am: [Btw I need help tomorrow. My real succulent died :(]
[Send pics.]
Miss ma'am: [Its too dark rn. I'll pop by the shop tomorrow.]
He thought about it. [Closed tomorrow.]
Miss ma'am: [Oh ok! I'll send pics then.]
He thought about it some more. [I'll swing by?]
Miss ma'am: [That works!! Do you have Xavier's address? Same building. I can let you in.]
[Ya. What time?]
Miss ma'am: [Noon?]
For a while he tried not to overthink it. It was just helping out an old friend, for which he felt he owed her a lot anyways.
...This is nothing.
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moonlit-positivity · 3 months
How to get free cell phone service if you're in the States
Edit: as of April 2024 the FCC has passed a bill that will terminate the Affordable Connectivity Program. This program is different from Lifeline, which is what this post is referencing. But it is still connected to the same issues of affordable and accessible Internet and communication for low income and disabled families. Here is a petition you can sign to help stop this from happening.
This is not a scam. This is a government program called Lifeline. You do have to qualify based on income, and there are some limitations to how you can qualify. I'll get into it below. But if you get Medicaid, food stamps, or SSI then you automatically qualify.
Who can apply:
- low income households
- if you receive Section 8, SNAP, Medicaid, or SSI
- if you receive Veterans & Survivors Pension benefits
- if you live on Tribal lands
Documents needed:
- photo ID/proof of ID (SSN, birth certificate, etc)
- proof of citizenship
- proof of address
- proof of income
- proof of assistant programs
- a physical address on file
- an email address
How to apply:
- the process is done online via the National Verifier Website
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- okay so look, this website looks sketchy as hell, alright? I don't know why but it seems like all official govt websites have this 90's Dial Up "Win A Free iPod" aesthetic and it drives me nuts. I swear to God they're not phishing for your info. You can read the FCC guidelines for how this program works here.
- you'll need to make an account
- you can take photos of your documents and upload them directly to the website, or you can make copies and mail them to the address listed on the website
- they will email you when they've processed the info
- if approved then you can sign up for your phone provider
- providers vary from state to state. You'll get options like Q-Link Wireless, Safe Link, etc. You can pick whichever one is available in your area.
Extra info:
- Only 1 Lifeline benefit per household
- You can also apply for the Affordable Connectivity Program which gives you a very nifty discount on your Internet bill.
- you do need to reapply every year to keep your service going. They will send you an email when its time to do so.
- the phones you can choose from are cheap smartphones, but they do come preset for Internet, wifi, streaming, video calls, apps, etc.
- you can buy other phones than the one they give you for free. You can even bring your own phone & just change service providers, which will give u a new SIM & number.
- if you go with the standard free smart phone, just know they're kinda ditzy on durability. Usually I need to replace my battery once a year, which you can do easily on the website. You can get replacement SIM cards sent for free, but if you need a replacement phone or battery then they will charge you for it.
- replacement phones start at $30 for the standard. Which is currently the Samsung Hot Pepper Serrano. This is the one I'm using, it's nice tbh. I can never set the wallpaper though, it resets to factory default whenever I turn my phone off 😭
- the service can be kinda shitty in terms of roaming & out of area service. Sometimes when I go like two cities over I lose service. I think the provider depends on your area (mine goes through Sprint). So keep that in mind.
- but if you're in need of a phone? Bingo. Bada bing bada boom. It's not the iPhone X, but hey, it works.
Getting around the physical address limitations:
So obviously this program would be amazing for homeless & unsheltered people to utilize. The problem is that you need a physical address on file. This is for many reasons, one- to ship your phone to you, two- so they can keep track of your household benefits, etc.
There is no sure fire way to get around this, but there are instances where some work arounds might be able to work for you.
Up first, obviously, if you have contact with anyone who can loan you their physical address for the sole purpose of applying & getting your phone shipped, that would be ideal. You can change your address once you get the phone delivered.
But that's a bit tricky when you don't have anyone to help out with this.
Instead what I've seen people do is to contact your local Post Office, your local Food Banks, and your local Public Service stations, and ask to use their physical address. The phone can be shipped there and you can present your ID to pick it up.
But, this is solely dependent on if any of these places agree to help and also if Lifeline hasn't fixed or addressed this issue yet, because sometimes they will pick up on addresses that are recognized as places of business.
So please be cautious of this.
Unfortunately I haven't seen any other work arounds that have been successful as of yet.
Anyway. I really hope this can help someone out. I've noticed this is one of those things that a lot of people dont know about, and it's helped me out a LOT actually. I've had my cheap lil Q-Link phone for like 5 years now.
Hope this helps
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hazbinhappy · 2 months
Hey! I saw your match-ups were open and would like to request one if that's okay! I'm a dude and on the shorter side (5'4), I am pan with no gender preferences but I do prefer people who are more on the confident side. My love languages are physical touch and acts of service.
I am an ambivert, whether I'm more extroverted or introverted can change very quickly. I am typically laid back and easygoing and don't get annoyed easily. My favorite colours are purple and green.
I usually switch between wearing punk/emo style clothes (studded belts, band t-shirts, chains, leather jackets) paired with eyeliner or casual style clothes (Hoodies, shorts, beanies). My hair is a dark brown with a white streak due to lack of melanin and my eyes are a dark brown.
My hobbies are hiking, climbing, photography, video games, video/photo editing, needle felting and juggling. I like animals, hights, music and cooking. I don't like loud noises and spiders.
My appearance would likely have some owl-like features because of my love of heights and my messed up sleep schedule. Other than that my appearance would be mostly the same as it is now.
I would prefer not to be matched with sir pentious or charlie please.
Your Matchup is....
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She is like the definition of confidence (more like too much because look at miss ma’am so I guess cocky, but she isn't afraid and she knows what to do)
I think she’d find your hair and clothes style really interesting.
Probably would try and mix your styles together so you two can match or she would match colors only
Idk I feel like matching is a small way to show that you are tied to a person
Did I read video & photo editing? Of course I did, I've been staring at this for a hot minute!
Oh boy do I have a job for you buddy!
Yes you already know it, you are an editor for miss ma’am Velvette here
Is it fun staring at screens all day and not getting to go outside and do your more hands-on activities? Yes, but oh my goodness your cute boss is micromanaging at every second (as if she knows what you’re doing)
Okay, but for realsies, you do speak about how you need some breathing room to be able to concentrate and she does take note of that, she also hires another editor JUST ONE so your workload is a bit lighter; you know are solely for Velvette’s work and the other unlucky editor get to work for moth man
As you two got closer she started to make more clothes based on your fashion and soon made it a rule for all of her employees to only wear her clothes (Velv come on just admit your feelings and ask for him to wear your clothes!)
Once you two do get together she will automatically take your clothes without shame, but makes it work
Shoot she might even dress like you just to make the fit work
If you get her on a hike she is whining and complaining, but it gave her inspiration to expand her work into sporty/athleisure wear as well
She does take interest in your hobbies during her relaxation time and is willing to try your food, but she will be honest about her opinions (this princess)
“Ugh! You’re taking forever!” Velvette pouted from her chair beside you with her arms crossed,
“Apologies, little miss princess. Maybe don’t give me so many photos next time.” You rolled your eyes as you continued editing the slew of photos she gave you from today's shoot.
After several more minutes of silence (in reality it was thirty seconds), she just got up and pulled your chair away from the desk.
“Don’t fight! You have been working all night, I want to sleep with you. I’m for once going to bed on time and so will you! Dumb and Dumber are out for the night so if we’re fast we can get to sleep with silence.”
A/N: You sound like a sick person ngl i’m a bit jealous of your hobbies and style /pos owls are such a good choice
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zphotoeditservice · 2 years
Professional food photography editing service from @ZphotoEdit.com. If you want to make your food photos delicious-looking, refer to our Food Image Editing Services. Your resource to discover and connect with designers worldwide.
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snapjock · 2 years
$1-$50 Adopts/Art/Writing/ETC for Hurricane Relief, accepting tips & support
Hi there! Me and my family were affected by the hurricane and we need money for food & necessities, so I offered to sell some of my absolute favorite characters that are in the Edith Project to scrounge up funds for us! Please note that these are designs I am very invested in, attached to & put all my love into making so this is a good faith effort to help my family and I won't tolerate scammers, ghosters or other character flipping accounts to harass me or my people over prices.
(Icarus Ibsen Washington, my hurricane boy. He's gotten me through this whole situation to be honest!
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The available adopts are listed here, I will move them into sales folders & appropriately list them for sale when I have time to sit down and get to work on it. Currently they are ALL strictly priced between $1 and $50, depending on quality, amount of art & how much I put into them. If you want to offer, comment below with the form I've made. Don't lowball me please!
You can also tip me for my work & more adopts at later dates at these links, PayPal is preferred since my that's what my family uses most. I will do art for you or send you a random design or character as well!
PayPal • Venmo
Available characters!
As always, I also do art/designs, writing, photography/photo edits, physical merch, dog training & breeding, and I offer plenty of other services as well. Comment below or DM me here or on Discord (righthandman#0002) please! My family needs this money to survive so I'm doing everything I can, and I'm heading to Orlando in a few weeks to help the relief efforts. Any tips or support is appreciated. I'm starting a GoFundMe to fix my Aunt's roof after this is posted and working on owed work tonight 💕
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danganhorny42069 · 11 months
NSFT Prompt masterlist! (219 in total)
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1. Anal
2. Vaginal
3. Cunnilingus
4. Analingus
5. Fellatio
6. Nipple Stimulation
7. Double Penetration
8. Frottage
9. Tribadism
10. Outercourse
11. Fingering
12. Titfucking
13. Hot Dogging
14. Intercrural Sex
15. Scissoring
16. Masturbation
17. Mutual masturbation
18. Pegging
19. Threesome/Moresome
20. Face Sitting
21. Facial Sex
22. Creampie
23. Squirting
24. Cumming
25. Oral Fixation
26. Finger Sucking
27. Wet Dream
28. Dildo
29. Vibrator
30. Butt plug
31. Cock ring
32. Gags
33. Costumes
34. Collar
35. Lingerie
36. Garter belt
37. Corset
38. Stocking/Fishnets
39. Heels
40. Pantyhose
41. Skirt
42. Clothes On
43. Ripped Clothes
44. Dry Humping
45. Coming fast/Untouched
46. Lipstick
47. Bondage
48. Shibari
49. Dom/Sub
50. Dom
51. Sub
52. Leather
53. Latex
54. Suspension
55. Restraints
56. Roleplay
57. Petplay
58. Impact Play
59. Cum Play
60. Body Writting
61. Body Worship
62. Spanking
63. Praise
64. Olfactophilia
65. Forniphilia
66. Klismaphilia
67. Voyeurism
68. Vanilla
69. Extreme Kinky
70. Gentle
71. Rough
72. Power Bottom
73. Service Top
74. Doggy Style (Position)
75. Cowgirl/boy (Position)
76. Reverse cowgirl/boy (Position)
77. 69 (Position)
78. Against the Wall (Position)
79. Face Off (Position)
80. G-Whiz (Position)
81. Lotus (Position)
82. Side by Side (Position)
83. Leg Over Shoulders (Position)
84. Boat (Position)
85. From Behind (Position)
86. Standing Up (Position)
87. Missionary (Position)
88. Reverse Missionary (Position)
89. Spooning (Position)
90. Shuttle (Position)
91. Cat (Position)
92. Amazon (Position)
93. Crossed legs
94. On Your Knees
95. Hair pull
96. Scars
97. Scratching
98. Bitting
99. Teeth
100. Licking
101. Swallowing
102. Begging
103. Pinned Against the Wall
104. Massage
105. Pole dance
106. Lap dance
107. Stripping
108. Teasing
109. Accidental Stimulation
110. Caught
111. First Time
112. Seduction
113. Quickies
114. Solo
115. Multiples
116. Size Difference
117. Distention
118. Overstimulation
119. Orgasm denial
120. Sexting
121. Phone Sex
122. Recording
123. Photo
124. Dirty talk
125. Edging
126. Mirror Sex
127. In the Shower
128. In the Bathroom
129. In the Kitchen
130. In the Car
131. On the Sofa
132. On the Floor
133. On the Table
134. On the Chair
135. At the Beach
136. At the Pool
Cute Soft edition
1. After Care
2. Communication
3. Boundaries
4. Making Rules
5. Preparing
6. Cuddle
7. Spooning
8. Nap
9. Bath
10. Tying
11. Sharing clothes
12. Helping button/zip
13. Hand holding
14. Experimention
15. Silly
16. Laughing
17. Wholesome
18. Massage
19. Distracted
Not quite my cup of tea but it might be interesting for someone Edition
1. Fisting
2. Tickling
3. Felching
4. Spit roasting
5. Degradation
6. Deep Throating
7. Sensory deprivation
8. Shaving/Grooming
9. Oil
10. Wax play
11. Temperature play
12. Food play
13. Exhibitionism
14. Watersport
15. Risky
16. Menophilia
17. Armpit
18. Feet
19. Daddy/Mommy
20. Sounding
21. Sweat
22. Kabeshiri
23. Spit
24. Chastity
25. Fucking machine
26. Sybian
27. Choking
28. On the Window
29. Bukkake
Teratophilia Edition (all humanoid, obviously)
1. Alien
2. Cyborg
3. Robot
4. Slime
5. Centaur
6. Satyr
7. Harpy
8. Lamia
9. Mermay
10. Insectoid
11. Ghost
12. Werewolf
13. Vampire
14. Inccubus
15. Succubus
16. Banshee
17. Mutant
18. Reptilian
19. Oni
20. Cyclops
21. Angel
22. Demon
23. Cat
24. Dragon
25. Fish
26. Octopus
27. Skeleton
28. Clown
29. Mask
30. Teeth
31. Claws
32. Wings
33. Tail
34. Horn/Anthena
35. Body Horror
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wikagirl · 2 years
You know the german schoolsystem did you a solid one when you watch the 2022 remake of "all quiet on the western front" and your first response is to go get a bucket to puke in because of how disgusted you are at just the speech of that one guy at the beginning, telling all these poor boys that they'd be glorious heroes in war, knowing fully well that only one of them at most will make it back alive. Can't believe that there are people who saw this movie and still think that there is any kind of glory in war, in killing for the sake of someone that doesn't even know you exist until the moment he has to sign the papers so your family can be notified of your death and claim the survivors benefits and not even that is guaranteed seeing how many people are still considered "missing" from all the wars with no confirmation of death.
Edit bc I have some more thoughts and wanna add stuff in general:
btw I've all seen the two previous versions of the movie in history class and read the book in my own free time and if you have an interest in german history and can sit through several different iterations of the same story then I'd really advise you to watch all of them. I don't remember much of the black and white version bc my adhd brain decided to eat a hole into my memory but the first colour variant has a very different ending to the 2022 version that can be some great food for thought. My countries history is most certainly not the best and most bedazzeled but it's im portant to learn about it, especially the really ugly parts, and not repeat the same mistakes and pretend like it never happend (looking right at the peeps over in north america who want to be all hush hush about slavery, strategic massmurder of the natives and warcrimes in the east and take black history out of school, I see you, stop it).
Also idk if there is an english translation out, but if you are also interested in learning about WW2 from the perspective of an actual KZ inmate I'd recommend you take a look into "Der Fotograf von Auschwitz" it's a book written about the very real experiences of Whilhem Brasse who was sent to the camp at the age of 22 and then forced to be the photographer at the camp, taking pictures of the inamtes for dokumentation or just for the shits and giggles of the guards and officers. The book featured photos that Brasse took in his time in the camp as well as detailed explanations for terms and practices, it was first published in 2007, but then republlished in 2014, two years after Wilhelm Brasse passed away in 2012, to honor him and the bravery he has shwon all throughout his life and the service he has done to all of us by sharing his experiences.
I really like both of these books, even though they cover two completely different eras in the history of germany and one of them is fiction while the other is a retelling of a persons life. Fiction or not, both of these sources portray the horrors of the individual periods very real, bare without excuses and close to comprehensible, though I don't think I'll ever be able to fully comprehend or understand what the people back then had gone through simply because I didn't live through it myself and I pray that I'll never have to. There are many people out there who are suffering in similiar situations right this moment, be it in the chinese torturecamps for the Uyghur people to force them into conformity or the all the brave ukranians and volunteers from other countries who fight for their home, history and families in a war against a tyran that claims to be the victim while sitting on a stash of atomic warheads. It's for those people that we have to be taught about these crimes of the past, so we can recognize them in the future and take them on informed, prepared and head first.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Good News From Israel
In the 18th Jun 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
An Israeli startup can train the brain to filter out chronic pain.
Children with psychological problems receive therapy from Israeli dolphins.
3 Israeli startups have independently developed solutions to cure insomnia.
It’s official - another major Israeli natural gas discovery.
Israel beat Korea to come 3rd in the Under 20 Soccer World Cup.
An Israeli kidney donor ran a marathon alongside the transplant recipient.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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This week's theme is "together". Having just returned from celebrating together with my family, it was uplifting to read so many news articles of Israelis working together, and also with global partners. Ben Gurion Uni is working together with Israel's OncoHost on a cancer biosensor; Tel Aviv Uni has got together with UCLA to treat memory loss; Israel's BioNanoSim is marketing its eye disease treatments together with a Greek manufacturer; and the world's first AI chatbot for cancer patients is called "Beating Cancer Together" from Israel's Belong.Life. Yad Sarah volunteers have together saved Israel billions by providing ancillary medical services; the International Fellowship of Christians & Jews is celebrating 40 years of uniting Jews together with their homeland; for over 30 years, Israeli children have been receiving emotional therapy by swimming together with dolphins. And recently, a record 1,127 Birthright participants enjoyed Shabbat together at Jerusalem's Western Wall. Rarely publicized examples of "togetherness" include Jewish residents of Judea who frequently save the lives of their Palestinian Arab neighbors; the annual Veteran Games between injured UK and Israeli soldiers; and International legislators coming to Israel to strengthen bilateral ties. Israel and Japan have been connecting together at the Israel-Japan Conference in Tokyo; The latest stage of Israel's National Drone network is testing hundreds of commercial UAVs flying together; and Israel's Steakholder Foods and Singapore's Unami Meats are cultivating no-fish fish together. Finally, Israelis have attained some incredible teamwork achievements. The IDF's Special In Uniform Band just performed their 500th show together; Israel's Under 20 soccer team came 3rd in the World Cup; and two Israelis can be considered "joined at the hip" having just completed a unique marathon race together - one of them was a kidney donor, and the other was the recipient of her kidney. The photo is one single poster on the wall of the arrivals hallway at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International airport. The two images together show two of the multi-faceted sides of little Israel - busy innovating, while conserving and improving the environment.
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estrellaskys · 10 months
Anybody in the world
reader in this story is named Angel (nickname)
warnings: curse words, MDNI, anything else please let me know
all of this is fiction
notes: not edited, will take down later, thought about this randomly, has been in my drafts for weeks.
You could have anybody in the world but you want Mingyu.
Mingyu, you’re regular small restaurant owner. Food with various flavors that once it meets one’s tongue, it is rumored you’ll feel like you’re flying. That’s how good his food is.
Mingyu the tall handsome man that puts others needs before himself, the man that offers to fix your car if it needs fixing, the type to build you a desk if you asked.
Sua loves him for that.
But you, the rich girl that quote all articles and credible sources “known to sleep around” with various pictures and photos of you getting caught with another man in your elitist high upper class circle you fuck around with came into Mingyu’s (and Sua’s) life one rainy night and changed everything.
You walked in, coat drenched in rain, DK the host with the big pretty smile greeted you and led you to a table for one, and soon enough Minghao, one of the waiters came to you with a small smile and asked what you wanted.
Sua, the cashier noticed the way her friends changed, sure their customer service was always a 10/10 but tonight she realized they were being extra nice. Everyone had noticed that you, the “Dark Angel” of the famous Yoon family, that owned the biggest technology company in the country Eco was currently at this small yet popular restaurant around these parts.
Jihyo, another waitress noticed people secretly taking pictures of her and felt bad, she can’t even enjoy a meal without others in her business she thought to herself. She wasn’t the only one thinking that, for a second Sua felt the exact same way.
Eventually when everyone left and you finished your meal you called for Minghao.
You told him something and he looked extremely worried, he went into the kitchen to call for Mingyu, DK, Sua and Jihyo’s head began to fill with negative thoughts until Mingyu made his way over and they all heard you say “This meal… was the best meal I’ve ever had, my goodness you’re literally the best chef I’ve ever met!”
Mingyu’s face filled with happiness, no one has ever called him out to the dining area to tell him about how much they loved his food.
All that kept leaving your mouth was words of praise for the food, and how nice Minghao treated you. You even mentioned DK saying “he has a beautiful smile, I get why you made him the host”
That’s how it began, you’d come every Sunday night for a meal, a different one each night and you’d make small talk with Minghao and DK, even Jihyo and Sua, and every night you came, right before you’d leave you’d ask for Mingyu to give him praise.
Then it happened, after you left one random Sunday night Jihyo said as they all cleaned up “Mingyu, I noticed that each time Angel comes your smile gets bigger” after she said that, all anybody can hear was DK and Minghao tease Mingyu and agree with Jihyo.
After some teasing Mingyu confessed, “Is it that noticeable?”
“Well duh ! Honestly? I think she feels the same about you… why don’t you ask her out?” Minghao says and Mingyu responds by saying “Really? Do you think she’d say yes?” And before Jihyo could say anything to boost his confidence and give him courage to ask you out, Sua chimes in to say “She doesn’t seem like the type to take dating seriously”
“Don’t tell me you believe those articles? And even if she did “sleep around” it’s none of our business, she can do whatever she wants, it’s unfortunate her business is blasted by the media and other people all over the internet for the world to hate on her.” Jihyo says as she hardly sweeps the floors. “I mean, she’s clearly not what the media says, she’s really nice to us, and it doesn’t feel fake, not one bit, and we don’t really know her so, I still think you should try man, Angel seems really nice” Jihyo says to Mingyu.
And Mingyu, of course the nice guy that he is listens to his friends and asks Angel out.
You said yes, of course you did. Look at him! he’s… Mingyu.
Months had past and each time you walked in the restaurant every Sunday night, Sua’s hate for you began to grow, you could have anybody, but you want Mingyu.
Mingyu, the sweet and kind person that he is, is so in love with you, and of course you love him back.
You love him so much you married him, and all Sua could do was loathe you in silence as she watched the man she loved marry the rich whore.
Maybe one day he’d see they were right about you all along.
© all rights reserved to @estrellaskys on tumblr
masterlist to other works
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