#GREAT question Anon
timblrdrake · 2 months
What's the craziest thing you've done at a gala or during an interview with bruce in the same room without him noticing???
i love this question i’m always messing with B during interviews
there was this one talk show where i lip synced Bruce’s words as he was saying them and mocked all his hand motions behind his back- that’s not particularly crazy but i enjoyed it thoroughly
there was also the Wired Most Searched Questions interview where whenever there was a question i didn’t want to answer id just sprinkle in really personal information about him i know he doesn’t want public and he would shout from behind the camera to cut it out all panicky :)
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ecstarry · 4 months
Would Reggie wear a skirt to y
omg ANON YES I ACTUALLY DO ahshdidj in like those short short skirts that show a little bit of ass AAAAH and james ABSOLUTELY loves to fuck him with JUST the skirt on, he has them ranked and everything on his fav for each occasion omfg no listen reg always liked skirts but the SECOND he saw how fucking insane james got when he wore one my boyyy reallyy started the skirt collection ahshdidjd
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fav lucy dacus song? (cus she’s my fav ever)
Hot & Heavy or Triple Dog Dare fs, Home Video is like the album of all time for me.
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Why isn't he choking me while he's fingering me into oblivion?
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bisexual-horror-fan · 7 months
Recently got into a fandom with a whopping *checks notes* 20 works on AO3 and now I'm curious, what's the smallest fandom you've written for?
Anon, the smallest fandoms I have written for had no works until I wrote them.
The Perfect Host (2010) has THREE fics on ao3 that have not been written by me.
There were no Stage Fright (2014) fics until I wrote them, (No gifs online for that movie either, if you see a gif for that movie there is a 99% chance it was made by me and reposted somewhere-) of all the Stage Fright fics on ao3, (that are properly tagged, one author has mistagged some Scooby Door fanfics of Fred and Daphene-) I have written all but TWO of them.
There were no You Might Be The Killer (2018) fics until I wrote them, all but ONE on Ao3 have been written by me.
Club Dread (2004) has literally ONE fic on ao3, no other one's, just mine.
I am in fandoms so small and so obscure that I am the only bitch out here putting in the work.
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necroromantics · 7 months
What does it mean if someone calls you an “eyeless Jack” type of person? At least from your perspective?
Specifically from my perspective?
I actually base my view of Eyeless Jack on my best friend. So when I consider someone an EJ type of person, I think of him.
Someone who's mature, caring but has boundaries, very intelligent (emotionally and booksmart). I think of the guy who everyone joked about being my babysitter cuz he was always the one to talk me down from starting shit, or to help me get through it. I think of someone whos blunt to the point its funny as shit. And always has some wiseass comment to make.
Has his issues, but is the best type of person to be by far.
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bum-scum · 1 year
Favorite thing about Seto Kaiba--GO!
His tits.
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booksofstars · 1 year
We've got acesquilf. Whad about arosquilf can she be arosquilf too
absolutely!! i personally hc her as demiromantic (bc im demi) but aro squilf Real
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wonderfuck · 27 days
Guess who we ran into at the shops? Walking in circles like she was lost Didn't you hear? They called it all off One gasp and then How did it end?
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the-epic-hiram-lows · 2 months
Crossover episode! Which non Archie Comics property should Archie and his friends interact with?
If you ask me again, I'll probably say something different, because this doesn't feel like it would be final answer if my brain were working. However... Saltburn.
In essence, Saltburn is a great foil to Riverdale. It is like a set of fraternal twins who bear a strong resemblance. A crossover would provide some very interesting interactions that could potentially change the characters significantly.
They explore a lot of the same themes:
Jughead as an academic outsider vs. Oliver as an academic outsider
Archie as a typical guy's guy who harbors an oft-exploited hero complex vs. Felix (identical description, but my computer won't let me copy paste rn for some reason????)
Several characters as bastard children/half-children who get the cold shoulder vs. Farleigh, cousin and charity case, the son of a disgraced aristocrat
the theme of predatory people in power (Farleigh's mother seemingly getting groomed as a teenager, the Lolita book in the back of the lecture which was very intentional for reasons I won't explain unless asked because it's not relevant, the mobster heavily implied to be behind his girlfriend's untimely death, etc)
But they are also different in how they paint people. Everyone would be much worse or much better after a crossover episode, which is what I crave. It's psychological torture, a therapy session, and heightened drama all in one.
Felix is written to be full of intentional kindness and unintentional cruelty. His hero complex is strong, but his privilege made him unaware of his casual unkindness and misogyny. Like Archie, he seemingly exists to be an object of desire, but he is both oblivious and obliging about it. Archie would probably hate Felix, but Felix would love Archie- and maybe disarm him, as he is known to do.
Saltburn is a lot greyer, morally-speaking, and purposefully so. How often does a story make you feel bad for a family with ancestral wealth? Riverdale is very clear about who is good and who is bad. Sometimes people will act outside of their prescribed label, and you have some people (like Kevin) who constantly do stupid things but without malice, but Saltburn characters would leave you constantly guessing if they are showing you their entire deck or not (again, I should not to card game metaphors, but I keep doing it.)
Venetia is, like... an entire season of Riverdale. An acidic socialite with extreme self esteem issues, a borderline incestuous relationship and lots of family trauma. I'd love to see Veronica interact with her. She would give Venetia the attention she aches for and talk her out of purging every meal. Now, if you've seen Saltburn, you might be thinking 'but that's what Oliver did.' And you would be right, except his motivations were very different.
Since Oliver is written as a vampiric metaphor, imagine what actual supernatural elements would allow him to do.
In general, giving Riverdale characters access to people with 11 figure bank accounts would multiply everything by ten. The good can do more good, but imagine Hiram holed up in a gothic castle with aristocratic figures. Think of the far-reaching schemes he could concoct.
Saltburn has no qualms about scandal. The type of corruption we see in Riverdale is nothing compared to what we would see if Riverdale were written by Emerald Fennell. While Riverdale finds joy in gasps, the gasps it gets are due to silliness or huge plot twists. Saltburn has both- it never takes itself seriously, and has plenty of twists and turns- but it doesn't shy away from the depravity of human nature. Also, yeah, those scenes (iykyk,) which show a lack of politeness a platform like The CW demands of its stories.
Jughead and Betty would have a shit ton of story/investigation fodder. If nothing else, Saltburn (the location) contains what is essentially a museum about itself within its walls that they could dive into, but they would inevitably find a family secret to unravel. Maybe they'd solve Pamela's whole thing? If the crossover is during the events of the movie, they would absolutely change the outcome.
Farleigh is both a tragic, sensitive figure and a conniving opportunist. He and Cheryl would have some amazing conversations. He'd also absolutely hook up with Kevin, and probably somebody's parent. Depending on who else he interacts with, he might get some primo therapy as well.
The setting of Saltburn is such a great place to put serial killers, time travel, and witches. The setting of Riverdale is such a great place to put vengeful would-be heirs, cocaine-sniffing socialites, nudity, puke, social climbers, and death as a metaphor for sex.
The atmosphere in Riverdale would be thicker with tension. A sense that there is potentially sex or murder at the end of every interaction.
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what's your favorite even toed ungulate
Ooooh!! There’s sooo many good ones! It’s honestly very hard to choose. But I had pet Nigerian Dwarf Goats as a kid, so I’ll go with those!
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kxowledge · 3 months
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kitchen equipment: a guide
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wakasagayhime · 6 months
How the fuck do they wear pants with those fat tails (great art btw im just Bewildered)
that's a great question!
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frownyalfred · 17 days
Would you do a break down of Batman's identity crisis? Because he's got layers, and most of them are exaggeration of certain aspects of his normal self, or wildly different.
Like, everyone in the league has a few layers to their secret identity, but they have a civilian identity to fall back on and be normal or themselves or whatever. Even Oliver Queen can say he's comfortable and genuine being Ollie.
Bruce's sense of identity has layers the same way that taco dip has layers, which is to say, those layers are all extremely different, there's no one key standout, and every time you scoop a chip into it, you get a different combination of flavors.
I generally stay away from the "Bruce Wayne is the mask" stuff the reddit bros love. I don't think Bruce Wayne is the mask, so much as we (and Bruce) have a hard time putting our finger on who exactly Bruce Wayne is, actually. Batman and Brucie, Matches, all of those other faces, they're not not him -- especially Batman -- but they're facets, large facets of who he is, but not wholly encompassing Bruce.
I think I've mentioned before that I hc that Bruce envies Ollie, like you mentioned, because he doesn't struggle (as much) with his sense of identity. He's Green Arrow, he's Ollie, and he's Oliver Queen -- and for the most part, those are separate, discrete people. Deep down, though, he thinks of himself as Ollie. His default is Ollie. Bruce's problem, in many ways, is that he has no set default -- just a rapidly shifting set of identities that serve him best in that moment.
I think it's easier to decide who Bruce is via isolated moments that don't fit into the other identities. Things that aren't Batman or Brucie or even Matches, etc. Fatherhood is a good vein to look at -- so is grief. The order than Bruce imposes on his life, the Justice League, his friendships, etc -- do those actually serve those other identities? Or are they also related to that possible default?
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one day, you're taking a rare trip to the upper world with Foul Legacy, needing a bit of sunlight after spending several weeks down in Merusea Village. he sweeps you up into his arms and takes you to a distant forest, all surrounded by trees and mist and moss, where not even the Treasure Hoarders dare step in. but to you, both protected by an Abyssal monster and hidden from a cruel, unforgiving world, it's lovely and fascinating. Legacy's steps are several of yours, so he can easily keep up with you as you explore the foliage and fantastical reed pipes. his lilac ruff of fur bristles when he hears the unmistakable howl of Riftwolves, taking your mitten-like hand and gently tugging you away from the old, rotted willow that looms in the distance, wandering towards a lake dancing with wind and floating globes of water. it calms in your presence, though, and you're dancing among the lakelight lilies when your antennae twitch at the pitter-patter of small, stumpy feet
"Creator! Creator! Pahsiv!"
a Melusine with brilliant fuchsia eyes happily darts through the grass, tapping her feet in a little excited jig as she stands before you and Foul Legacy, whose wings flutter in surprise. she skips in a circle around you in particular, examining you at all angles but never touching as her tail wags. after a moment you stick your hand out to shake, and she stares and tilts her head before extending her own and giving you a light, friendly smack on the palm
she's a Melusine even stranger than you- or perhaps, like you, she's not a Melusine at all. but she's friendly and curious, with a sharp interest in tidalgas, and whatever fear she had of Foul Legacy evaporates when you explain that he's a friend, dancing around and allowing herself to be picked up and placed on Legacy's shoulder opposite of you. he's strong, after all- carrying two not-Melusine is nothing to him! you gift your new friend some tidalga you were carrying, much to her delight, and she pats her mittens over the shimmering patterns across your body with a knowing look in her eyes
she doesn't come with you when you leave Erinnyes, but somehow you know that she'll be there to greet you if you ever come to visit again
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alwaysbetruexo · 4 months
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