#Game Night Shenanigans
"Ah yes, four raccoons in a trench coat, but the bottom one is thicccc"
-fuckin fall guys
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mochiiniko · 5 months
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redrew some fanart from around 2021 under the cut bc the update snatched me </3
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dividedskiesrp · 16 days
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welcome to divided skies we have fun here
apply now and perhaps you too can join in our next Game Night (serious business) !
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fourswords · 3 months
i love that one trope that goes like "character wakes up back in time before Big Story Event happens and thus gets a chance to change what happened" and i think that applying it to the fsa manga would be really funny. link doesn't even stop anything from happening he just lets everything play out until he draws the four sword and becomes four again and they all spend the whole time working together to very aggressively make friends with shadow. who has no fucking idea what to make of everything that's happening. he finally turns up to where he stashed zelda in the tower absolutely perplexed like "hey i think your heroes are fucking broken. they keep trying to give me gifts. every time i take a swipe at them with my sword the red one tries to hug me." he doesn't even have it in him to act evil he's just so fucking confused by all of it. and so is zelda for that matter
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lampochkaart · 3 months
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Day 5: Healing
"You shouldn't exist."
Kaito turns his head sharply at those unexpectedly cruel words. Small leader's face is blank, he's looking straight ahead, not sparing a single glance to the person he's talking to.
"What?" all Momota manages to say in responce.
Ouma closes his eyes for a second, sighing, and tilts his head, leaning it on the window frame. "People like you shouldn't exist in the real world. You shouldn't be real."
He stays quiet for a while. Kaito frowns, trying to piece together the meaning of those words. The offended anger that flared up in his chest when he heard this unexpected claim slowly settles down. As much as the astronaut wants to yell at the guy for saying shit like that, and he feels his hands instinctively clenching into fists, something is making him pause. Ouma is an infuriating bundle of contradictions roughly in the shape of a man, and it's very easy to dismiss what he's saying as a lie or some cryptic bullshit, but... Kaito hesistates, deciding to think about his words this time. He feels that if he'll turn away now he will lose something very important. Something that he will never have a chance to get back.
He wants to figure out what Ouma means this time. Kaito... never really listened to him, had he? Even when the words were literally shouted in his face, he still didn't. He heard him. But never listened.
After a minute of silence Momota hesistantly prompts for more info, "What do you mean by that? «People like me»." He shifts on the edge of the bed and glances up at the smaller boy sitting on the windowsill, one leg straightened along the sill, the other half-bent, almost like a barrier to cover himself from the other boy.
The small leader opens his mouth to say something, but then quickly closes it, pursing his lips in a thin line. His eyes dart to Kaito for a second, then straight ahead, going back to pointedly staring at nothingness.
After a couple more seconds of silence, "Unreasonable optimists. Who continue believing that everything will turn out fine not only when things are shitty, but even when everything is trying to prove to them that it will only get worse." His pupils are moving ever so slightly almost as if he's looking at something intently, even though he's staring at a blank wall. "People who believe without a reason. Who blindly trust anyone they meet. Who think that it's not trust that must be earned, but doubt. And who can live for a pretty long time without getting stabbed in the back for this. People like that only exist in stories."
Ouma slowly turns his gaze to Momota, and watches him, face completely devoid of emotion. Astronaut tries to decifer his expression but fails yet again. He turns away, musing on his words for a while.
"Well, I can say the same about you. Before I met you I was sure that there are no people like that. You know, like, so cynical and suspicious. Who consider everyone an enemy unless proven otherwise. Who think the worst side of person is their «true colors» or whatever. And who want people to think the worst about them." Kaito runs a hand through his hair, letting out a tired sigh. "And I don't get it at all. I just..." He winces. "I just don't understand you. I feel like I should, like I have all the puzzle pieces. But I still can't figure out how to put them together. I feel like I do, but then it falls apart and once again I'm left with nothing."
Silence fills the room once again.
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riddles-n-games · 2 months
Jameson's thoughts when he saw Avery coming into the hot tub in THL:
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the-spooky-children · 4 months
What if the last shot of SM 10 is the sun rising, signifying that the spooky shenanigans have ended
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faibleprompts · 3 months
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Faible prompt for my Bat-Fam fans!
I have a feeling Monopoly at Wayne Manor gets really intense
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waterdeeping · 7 months
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I love you. But for the man that you are. Not the god you'd pretend to be.
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A mouth full of nuggies and a face full of fruit
Once again, we are completely normal while playing Fall Guys :)
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reluctanttrabbit · 11 months
friendly reminder to everyone whos going to be seeing early screenings of the movie (uk, thursday screenings, etc):
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draco-glacialis · 5 months
Lynette: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind.
Lynette: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months.
Lynette: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year?
Arlecchino: This is Monopoly.
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sneeb-canons · 10 months
heart is extremely competitive (literally canon) and this extends to board games also, obviously. however the few times he’s convinced anyone to play monopoly with him it took hours and ended with him crying. no he has not learned from this. yes, he still has delusions (colloquial, not literal delusions) that he will win against The Logical One and The One Who Is Banker Even Though He Always Cheats (because soul doesn’t care and thinks it’s extremely funny how both of them will unite against him to defend monopoly’s sanctity. he is still banker every time anyway because it will devolve rapidly into cheating accusations otherwise)
Headcanon #247
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One day, Kevin will turn thirty. 
He will sit down at a table at a fancy restaurant that Allison booked, enjoying the company of his friends and family as they celebrate him.  He’ll open gifts, one by one, smirking or rolling his eyes or sometimes begrudgingly thanking the giver for their effort. 
And then Jean will walk up to the table. 
He will silently drop a tiny box onto it.  Puzzled, Kevin will pick it up and remove the lid. 
Then the air will freeze in his lungs. 
Because he knows this key.  He knows exactly what it belongs to.  That miserable gift given to him by the Moriyamas.  A key to the black, expensive monstrosity of a car that Riko once owned.
He’ll stare up at Jean with a betrayed, wounded look on his face – only to find Jean’s smug one returning his gaze.  Then his heartbeat will gradually pick up with each word Jean says. 
Wore that motherfucker to the ground, Jean will say. 
Mechanics say everything is gone – brakes, shocks, steering.
250,000 miles – with this kind of car?  Such a waste. 
You’ll have to trade her in, he finishes.  She’s nearly worthless now.
Again, there’s an almost maniacal glee to his confession.  Because Jean is sick of this one last thing from Riko constantly hovering over Kevin’s head.  He’s sick of Kevin paying for that ridiculously overpriced storage unit to store the stupid vehicle.  And he relishes in the ability to slowly, systematically destroy something of Riko’s, just as he once tried to do to him. 
And Kevin gets it then.  He gets that over the last ten years, Jean had taken that spare storage key he gave him and driven it.  He’d overworked it, driving it until it became a rusted bucket of bolts because he knew Kevin couldn’t.  But he also knew Kevin couldn’t sell it without the Moriyamas seeing it as an insult.  The only way to truly get rid of it was to wear it out.  Wear it out until it couldn't be driven. Until Kevin had to trade it in.
So Jean had done so.  Gladly. 
Kevin can’t speak.  He can’t even begin to put into words how much this means to him.  To finally have this weight off his back.  To finally be rid of this cursed, stained, and ill-begotten gift. 
But Jean knows.  He can see it in Kevin’s eyes. 
And there's one thing Kevin knows for sure: he's going to have a hell of a time picking out Jean’s birthday gift next year. 
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
In the epilogue and post-battle conversations you sometimes get the opportunity to say that the companions are like a new family to you (if you're Durge, don't know about anyone else) but... well, going off of in-game interactions; I'm fond of them, but these people will probably never go out of their way to talk to anyone else here ever again. Except maybe Wyll and Karlach. Feels like we'll talk about how we should totally meet up more often, and we never will.
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Game night: episode II
Obi-wan: alright everybody knows the rules for game night, tonight we're playing uno, Anakin you're still banned
Anakin: I will be avenged. Rex, fuck em up on behalf of me
Rex: i refuse to be affiliated with you, the last time we played uno Fives cried for 20 minutes straight after you yelled at him
Anakin, turning to Ahsoka: Rex is dead to me, fuck em up Snips
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