rwby-confess · 24 days
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Confession #247
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howlingday · 1 month
Jaune: Before we get into it-
Jaune: Ruby, what are you doing?
Ruby: I'm drinking titty milk~!
Jaune: You're drinking WHAT?!
Ruby: Titty milk~! From Gamer Supps~!
Jaune: Oh, yeah, that's right!
Ruby: Today's episode has a partnership with Gamer Supps! They're great! They have so many flavors... And titties! I'm talking cups on cups!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
Ashes to Ashes ...
Blake: the Rusted Knight!
The Rusted Knight looked over it's shoulder as it approached the Jackelope
The Rusted Knight: ...
Yang: Still the Stoic, silent type you were in the book, huh.
After giving Juniper a soft pat, it shakily pulled out something - A Scroll, like the rest of them had - while lifting it's visor to reveal a set of softly glowing blue dots amidst a sea of of shimmering golden dust.
The Scroll jumped to life despite the obvious wear on the ancient device, and spat out choppy, contorted sentences fragmented together from old recordings
Scroll: TEAM- Ruby, I- am- Jaune ...
They all stared confused at the animated armor, in disbelief and shock.
Weiss: I'm sorry, what? You're Jaune?
The scroll sputtered back to life as the shield collapsed and expanded
Scroll: Vomit Boy! Short and sweet- Rolling- off- Tongues- Ladies- LOVE- it.
And for another moment they stared - only this time in complete horror.
They bumrushed the rusted platemail, clinging onto it like children to a stuffed toy. They felt a familiar sensation emanating from it, further cementing the Truth - This, whatever it was, was Jaune.
They held the armor as it shuddered, doing it's best to hold tight to them, the dust that held it together weakening in its overwhelming emotions - it'd be fine, it would pull itself together in the end - it always did. It always had to.
There was always someone to protect.
It just had one more duty before its Dust returned to ... dust.
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knight-dwx-09 · 4 days
The New Admin
Jaune angrily open his bedroom’s door and slam it as hard as he can before storming into his bed and face plant on his pillow.
Jaune: Stupid Dad! Stupid Mom! Stupid Sisters! I did managed to save Jeanne from a Grimm so why can’t I become a huntsman?
Alexander: And that almost cost you your life
Jaune stop for a moment at the echo of his dad, turning his body to the roof and showing tears in his eyes. All the frustration and anger has left his body, and now, the only thing left was sadness and pain as he speak in a defeat tone.
Jaune: Why didn’t you believe in me dad? Am I really that talentless that you wouldn’t give me a chance? I just want to make you proud… make everyone proud…
He want to curled up to himself and go to sleep, hoping that it was just a nightmare… but a part of him still want to become a hero, even if his family didn’t believe in him. Then out of nowhere, a blue screen materialize in thin air with message on it.
It was…
Jaune: Huh? “Welcome to the system, Developer”? What is this?
[This is the developer’s Semblance]
Jaune: *Tilted his head* And what is a semblance?
[System level is too low to provide the answer]
Jaune: *Titled his head even more* huh… is there anything I need to know?
[The system will help the developer to grow stronger and reach the dream developer has]
[Aura are needed to open up the system]
Jaune: So I need this aura to keep whatever this is going?
[System will always be active even without aura but required it to access the system]
Jaune: And what is an Aura?
[System level is too low to provide the answer]
Jaune frowned at the exact same answer it had given to him.
Jaune: Then can you tell me at least how I can increase the level of the system?
[By gathering enough point through killing monster and change the story for the better then invest it to the system]
He began to piece some stuff together and from what he can gather, this system feel like some RPG game where you grow stronger by gaining experience and level up from beating the enemies and completing quests.
Then, he can become a huntsman even if he was talentless and this immediately brighten up him as a smile creep onto his face.
[Please chose one person to become your player]
Jaune: Huh?
[Developer can have one player to begin with. Having a player under the system will help the Developer to grow at higher rate]
Jaune: And how does that help me to grow?
[System level is too low to provide the answer]
At this point, that sentence had become really annoying to hear.
Jaune: Fine, as long as this can help me to become a hero
[That is correct]
[When Developer grow strong enough and have mastery over the system. New features could be added to benefit both Developer and the players]
Jaune simply nodded his head as he read the message.
[So please, choose one person to become Developer’s player]
Then a list of names appears on the screen which some he knows like his family, and lots of he doesn’t know.
[List of potential players]
- Ruby Rose
- Yang Xiao Long
- Lie Ren
- Pyrrha Nikos
- Weiss Schnee
- Juniper Arc (Locked)
- Alexander Arc (Locked)
- Trivia Vanille
- Ozma (Locked)
- Zwei
[Press here for the next page]
[Developer may choose only one player for now]
[Warning: The player will be given the choice if they want to accept to become Developer’s player. If they decline, Developer will be unable to pick them for 3 years. But don’t worry, Developer can choose another player immediately]
After reading all of that, this cause him to become extremely nervous at who he will choose since he could only have one at first. He want to pick the names he recognize but…
Jaune: Why even bother showing me my parents if I can’t choose them?
[System level is too low to provide the answer]
His eye twitch in annoyance.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 6 months
@rgm0005 to me when I'm rereading the games we play:
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Now that's how you write a crossover!
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lordoftime01 · 1 year
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silvertonguedcanine · 2 years
Fanfic Review: The Games We Play
A somewhat infamous gamer June RWBY fic from 2015 by Ryuugi, that’s particularly notable due to the fact that its million or so word count was written over the course of one and a half years. What’s more, is that updates came almost every single day of that period, with the exception of a collective eighteen days. The story itself follows Jaune Arc, who just before the start of canon, finds himself with Gamer abilities (abilities that mimic a main character in an RPG video game, such as experience points, level ups, numerical stats, and so on). His mad dash to grind himself into something stronger starts unveiling more of the secrets of the world than he’s prepared for, even as they show themselves more than prepared for him. As a lot of the story was written before the third season, it could be considered a full on AU (Alternate Universe) to the main series. In fact, the series changes the characterisation of the majority of the cast that appears regularly, including Jaune himself. The story itself is definitely interesting, and the worldbuilding, is in my opinion, better than that of the original property. Remnant is portrayed as having a vast and tattered history, fully living up to its name, something the characters note on, at least once or twice. The feeling of a world that is almost claustrophobic in its lethality outside of civilisation is particularly palpable, especially with the levels of strength displayed by the more powerful Grimm. Ryuugi’s choice of semblances, as well as their explanations are also quite indepth. More than simple power boosts, or vague ideas that act as narrative fodder when the plot calls for it, they’re complex capabilities with their own strength and weaknesses, each ideal in their own situations. A particular favourite of mine is one which allows the user to create multiple servants from available liquid, which the user then uses as a kind of miniature engineer task force, capable of making things ranging from radar towers to death lasers. The combat is also quite interesting, though more in an early shonen battle manga sort of way. It’s rarely a case of slapping power levels against one another, but more often about fighting smarter, not harder. Unexpected issues arise, and despite Jaune getting quite powerful over the course of the story, not every situation can be solved by overwhelming violence. Of course, with that style of combat, indeed writing, comes the caveat of being rather dense and meandering at times. The pacing of a fight or situation can be bogged down with explanations of mechanics, history, or simple observations that go on and on. It becomes very stream of consciousness at times, unsurprising at the rate that Ryuugi was writing it. While the seat of their pants writing has mostly worked, there are some times where it drags. Another casualty of the writing speed is the text itself. The story is absolutely riddled with typos. Mispelling, wrong tenses, incorrect words, occasionally the text is so warped, it takes a few seconds to parse what the original intent of a sentence was. Finally, for a story based on RWBY, there’s shrinkingly little of the main cast at all. As was mentioned before, many of the characters have wildly different characterisation as compared to their canon counterparts, with Jaune himself being Jaune in name only. Coupled with the vastly altered setting, the story itself is practically an original property all of its own, with little recognizable from the original media save names and a rough idea of the setting. It’s a very interesting story, if a somewhat polarising one. If you like gamer fics with the protagonist getting incredibly overpowered, indepth abilities and world building, and a more comprehensive take on the idea of the RWBY setting than its creators did, this is the one for you.
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notmaplemable · 6 months
Ruby: My boyfriend is a gamer, and I always make sure to support him from under his desk~.
Ruby: Jaune, your cable management is freaking terrible.
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pilot-boi · 10 days
Jaune is truly a Gamer, what is his strategy for maxxing out his Friendship stat with Ruby by Day 3?
Same thing he does in canon
He tries different strats, but it turns out he aced it first try. Those two were destined to be besties
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razorblade180 · 10 months
Streamer AU 5
Streamer au 4 <-
The “Please wait” screen with falling snowflakes faded away to display Weiss in a light blue hoodie looking mighty cozy in her chair as she sipped coffee.
Weiss:Sup chat. It’s been awhile. Slaying grimm is hard sometimes.
Red Reaper: “Did your partner die?”
Weiss:Ruby, shut up and get in the call.
“Nah I’m eating toast.”
Weiss:Be glad you’re modded. Alright chat, I’m pretty low energy but I missed you all so we’re going to play a chill game and bd a cozy streamer tod-
Yang:Woop woop woop woop woop! Sup lovelies!
Weiss:I wish you were the one eating toast.
Yang:You gave us all an open invite! I even brought my chat.
Weiss:Your chat didn’t enter in like an alarm. What do you want me to play?
Yang:Resident E-
Weiss:Try again
Yang:….Is your personal jrpg guide awake?
Weiss:I don’t wanna bother him this early. Chat, suggestions?
It’s immediately flooded with “Genshin Impact”
Blake:Do it!!! Join me!
Weiss:Please, any other sane suggestion. Don’t force me into that madness.
Knightly Crescent: I’ll help you start Kingdom Hearts. Give me like 15 minutes.
Weiss:*silently happy*
Cardinal Pride: “Why should ever need your-”
Timed Out
Weiss: 🎶Thank you mods🎶
Roughly 20 minutes of cozy chatting passes by before Weiss gets up to answer the door. Chat doesn’t need to know Jaune actually has a key. Things will start adding up.
Weiss:Camera on or off.
Jaune:I don’t mind.
She guides him to an empty chair for the messy haired boy to sit and get comfortable while she grabs snacks.
RBY: Jaune!!!!!
Coco Bean: “Heeeey Pretty boy”
Red Velvet: “I like your hoodie”
CB: Is this the boyfriend~
Jaune: I am a friend!
Weiss:Alright I’m b- Coco! Relax!
Jaune:Did I miss anything on the way here.
Blake:Weiss almost said a slur.
Weiss:Don’t lie to him!!!
Jaune:Why does this slightly feel true? What happened in 20 minutes?
Blake: Draw four.
Weiss:You little- ooooo *squints* oooo this is supposed to be a cozy stream.
Blake:What do you want say huh? Sounds pretty…intense. First semester intense.
Weiss:I would never!
Yang:Never! Really?
Chat: “First semester?”
Weiss:I was just going to call you a hoe!
Blake:Draw another four.
Jaune:I’m surprised you clipped this?
Ruby:It’s easier than than explaining what happened.
Weiss:Chat, you know the rules. No backseating, spoilers, or unwanted foreshadowing. I literally have a copilot.
Burdened Chef: “Is she paying you for this?”
Jaune:She can’t afford me.
The Burden: “Can’t even cook her own snacks.”
Weiss:Why is your team picking on me!? This is a welcome back stream!
The Burden gifted 10 subs
Weiss:Thank you Nora.
Nuts and Bolts gifted 30 subs.
“Salutations! Here’s to a safe return!😊”
Weiss:P- Penny you can’t just surprise a person like that. Thank you so much.
CB: “Oh are we doing a gifted war!? Let’s get crazy.”
50 tiers 2 subs
RBY: Yooooo
Weiss: *covers mouth* Guys, no! I’ll feel bad. That’s too much!
Multiple people start gifting subs and Weiss quickly begins hiding her face as the sound of her alerts constantly going off makes her emotional.
Yang:Awww the novice gamer girl is all red!
Ruby:It’s not a stream until Weiss is flustered.
Blake:And she’s still on the title screen.
Jaune:*smiles* You okay?
Weiss:This is going to be a long day.
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epic-arc · 9 months
Summing up jaune's crossover ships 3 ''Return of the milfs''
1- Farm Arc (Idea by @true-king-of-monsters)
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2- Golden Demon or Evil Arkos
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If you read the chainsaw man manga. You know how bad this woman is and I know that she would be worse than cinder for jaune.
3- Snake Lover
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(I put her two variants because I thought it was better for the list) Congratulations jaune now if you are hugged by your girlfriend you might get crushed.
4- Great Inheritances
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I say one thing about this ship ''i'll be your mommy~''
5- Gamer Duo
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''ah yes me my girlfriend and her 1000 dollar giant mecha'' Fun fact, this one is one of my favorite crossover ships.
6- Vampire Hunter
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So we press f in the chat because Jaune didn't survive this one.
7-Blood Knight
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This would be like Ship Jaune with a Ruby and Nora fusion but more chaotic.
8- Angel Knight
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I love it but I feel pain from this ship because the way Jaune shows his love and through touch but if he touches Angel he could end up dying.
9/10- Fusion I think this is one of the funniest concepts I've ever done
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I think this is one of the funniest concepts I've ever done.
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dragonslayer-week · 2 months
Official Dragonslayer week 2024
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Greetings, and salutations everyone, we’re happy to announce that Dragonslayer week is here again. We have the prompts set up, and will be posting regularly to drum up support. Below will be the rules, and the prompts with their days. The days are from July 25th to August 1st.
Here’s a link to the official Dragonslayer discord: https://discord.gg/qCWCBzA
1. Posts must be Dragonslayer centric. You can have secondary and background ships, but Dragonslayer is the focus..
2. No bashing of characters or other ships. We mean it. If you hate or think less of a character or a certain ship, leave it out of the submissions.
3. All posts welcome for this. You can post art, shitposts, fanfics, mood boards, edits, gifsets, etc. The sky is the limits.
4. Please have the tag #dragonslayerweek within the first 5 tags of your post. Also tag this blog so we can reblog your posts.
5. All posts on tumblr must be SFW, any NSFW posts will be on the discord server.
6. Please warn people for all extreme content.
7. Have fun.
July 27. Gamers — Jaune and/or Yang are gamers who bond over a shared game. It could be they’re both competitive players for FPS games, friendly rivals in Pokémon, friends who met in an MMO, or just met in a chill gaming session.
July 28. Yang’s Birthday — It’s Yang’s birthday how will our couple celebrate?
July 29. Way of the Househusband — Jaune decided to be a Househusband, his adventures in domestic life with a highly adventurous wife.
July 30. Hobbies — Bonding over or trying to understand their significant other’s hobby.
July 31. Camp Halfblood — They’re Demi-Gods who are attending camp halfblood, and fall for each other. Don’t make Jaune a son of the big 3, like seriously come on be creative.
Aug 1. Intervention — Their friends are tired of them for doing some annoying couple thing and are trying to get them to stop.
Aug 2. Bar AU — Like a coffee shop AU only more mature. One could be a bartender helping the other through a rough day, or they’re single who met in a bar.
Aug 3. Free Day — Do what you want
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howlingday · 11 months
Ruby: So, Jaune, what, uh... What school did you go to?
Jaune: Oh, y-you know, the, uh... the usual one?
Ruby: Hm...
Ruby - Lvl. 15
Jaune - Lvl. 1
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rachetmath · 30 days
No Games
(Please never gamble or get baited into anything. I beg you. And know when you are gambling don't bet too far.)
Jaune and Ruby were playing a fighting game while they were on a break from missions. They were having as Ruby was always winning while Jaune wins about 4-6 rounds. Ruby sometimes thinks Jaune was going easy on her but after seeing his skills she now thinks he is just a scrub. Well, that was when Yang showed up.
Yang: Yo, how are you two?
Ruby: Doing fine, BUT Jaune is having a bad day.
Jaune: What can I say I am not a gamer.
Ruby: I can tell. You are making obvious mistakes.
Yang: Really? Hm. How about we make things more interesting?
Ruby paused the game for a moment. She thought about what Yang said. She didn’t know what she meant until she remembered the last time her sister pulled something like a...
Ruby: ( Money match.) Yang. Look. He’s new. He’s innocent. Please don’t do this.
Yang: Come on. It’s all in good fun.
Jaune: What is it?
Ruby: Jaune, listen to me, just-
Yang covers Ruby’s mouth and then talks to Jaune, who was confused.
Yang: Here’s the thing Jaune. I would like to play with you. If…
Jaune: If?
Yang presents some money.
Jaune: Oh…*disappointed * You’re one of those players. Okay sure.
Yang: Really?
Ruby: Really?!
Jaune: Yeah. Set it up. How much?
Yang was happy as she would be making easy money. To keep the money flowing Yang started small. She placed five dollars in, however, to Yang and Ruby’s surprise, Jaune place ten. Jaune smiles as the girls were staring at him then at each other. Yang and Jaune then selected their characters and stage and got ready to fight.
Yang: (*laugh* You fool. You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. I am the champion of this game. I know every character. I know every move. There is zero chance of me losing. Especially to scrub like you.)
The stage was loaded and both players were ready for combat. When the announcer said “Fight”, Yang charged at Jaune, scoring massive damage as she landed a few hits. She then unleashed a fury of combos and just like that Round one was finished.
Yang: (Oh yeah. Easy money.)
Yang was getting smug but Jaune… wasn’t phased. He was unamused at Yang;
Jaune: (I’m going to blow this bitch out the water. I hate players like her. Money match. Money match. You got a job that pays more than this. Mm, I got to break her spirit now.)
Round 2 begins and Yang once charges in. She was able to do damage, but something went wrong. When she tried to do a combo, Jaune was blocking her every move. Jaune then counters her next attack and in one moment, Jaune was the one with the upper hand as he unleashed a fury of creative combos, combos Yang and Ruby had never seen. Jaune then ends the round with a super move and wins.
Yang: (Wait. Wait a minute…. Did he… no. no. I just messed up. I’ll get him. Easy money.)
Jaune: (Mm, the girl is so shocked she doesn’t even know what happened. I bet she thought I was going to be easy money too. It’s a good thing I went easy on her sister.)
Round 3 starts but this time Jaune was on the assault. He was fierce. He didn’t let up. Yang tries as she might to gain the upper hand, but every time Jaune parries or counter her attack. Yang was helpless as Jaune lets out an ultra-move and the battle ends. Jaune wins. Again.
Jaune: Well, I got lucky today.
Ruby: *suspicious* Yeah… lucky.
Yang: *shocked*(I lost. I LOST?! How?! Wasn’t he just losing to Ruby?! No! No, I can’t let this slide.)
Jaune was about to take the money but then Yang stops him. Confused Jaune asked;
Jaune: What’s wrong? (Oh no, she is not-)
Yang: Run it back.
Jaune: (Oh my gosh!) But-
Yang: Run. It. Back.
Jaune: You sure? (Don’t do this.)
Yang: Yes.
Jaune: Okay. How much? (Here we go.)
Yang this time laid out a 20 as well as Jaune, and the bet was placed. They selected their characters and stage once again and waited for the fight to start. Then Round 1 begins and Yang wasn’t having it as she to tries take Jaune by surprise. Sadly, she failed as Jaune counters her. He then started to win both rounds one and two with no effort, scoring another win. This left Ruby astonished. Her sister didn’t just lose once but twice. Then she thought about the times she played Jaune. She realized the difference between how he was playing against her and how he was playing now. For her, he was moving very slow. He was barely pressing buttons. He falls for the simplest of setups. And he rarely wins. But Ruby remembers when she once insulted Jaune and then he started to play differently. Now she is seeing it again. “But why is he playing that way now?”, she wonders. Ruby then realized what’s happening.
Ruby: Wait, Yang, stop. Don’t gamble with him any further.
Yang: What? Why?
Ruby: Yang, listen to me. Okay, he was holding back with me.
Jaune: No, Ruby, I swear I am going all out. (Nope, I’m still holding back. I’m still on normal difficulty.)
Ruby: No. Yang, he is setting you up. He might not be trying as hard.
Jaune: Ruby come on. (Damn. She got good insight.)
Ruby: Okay, on Arc, you’re not holding back.
Jaune: *silent* (DAMN RUBY, YOU A FUCKING DETECTIVE OR SOMETHING?! Am I that obvious?)
Ruby: See! Look at him. He’s serious. He is setting you up.
Yang: Look Ruby, I got this. I can beat this guy.
Ruby: Yang I’m telling you don’t do this.
Yang ignores Ruby and places 50 on the table. Ruby, giving up, decides to see how this unfolds. The third match begins, Yang loses and places 30 more dollars. In the fourth match, Yang loses again and places 10 more dollars. In the fifth match, Jaune gets perfect victories, and Yang loses again. This kept going until Yang had nothing left to give.
Yang: *enraged*
Jaune: Well, as they always say, “Get good scrub.” *laughs*
Ruby: You’re a demon Jaune.
Jaune: Yes. But I’m the demon you need. Anyways, well Yang, good game. I hope there are no hard feelings, and we can-
Yang: Run it back.
Jaune: I’m sorry what?
Yang: One more match. Winner takes all.
Jaune and Ruby stare at each other in concern, believing Yang to have lost her mind.
Jaune: (S-she can’t be serious. I-is she? I could have sworn I took all her money.) Okay… but you don’t have anything left to-
Jaune was cut off as Yang threw something at his face. He didn’t know what it was until he removed it. It turned out to be Yang’s panties.
Jaune: Why did you-?
Yang: All or nothing.
Jaune: Yang I don’t under-
Yang: All or nothing.
Jaune and Ruby thought about what she meant until they both realized what’s going on. Ruby then slowly stands up and slaps her sister in the face. Jaune even gives her the look that screams “Have you lost your brain somewhere”.
Ruby: Seriously? Really?
Yang: What’s the problem?
Jaune What the prob- Yang, listen, you are being reckless right now. It’s just a game. Okay. Just walk away. Take your L. And be the bigger person here.
Yang: Are you scared Vomit Boy?
Jaune: Yang, I am giving you a chance to walk away with your pride and dignity! Mostly your pride.
Ruby: Please don’t do this!
Yang: Run it back.
Jaune: Yang, on Arc, once we make this deal, I expect you to see it through. Okay, on Arc, I will take what’s mine. Alright? No bullshit. This is on the family. I will keep it.
Yang: Challenge accepted.
Jaune: Okay. I warned you.
Jaune and Yang went another round. Yang was trying her hardest in the first round. She lands a couple of hits and made a few successful combos, leaving Jaune with quarter health. Sadly, Jaune came back and won the round. In round 2, Yang decided to be unpredictable and tries to throw Jaune off. But, Jaune shut her down as he stops her dead in her tracks. He then counters with his throw and followed up with a massive combo. But he wasn’t he done. Jaune gave Yang no room to think, as he continued his assault, destroying her health. And once Yang was on 35% hp, Jaune unleashed his ultra-move, which automatically ends the fight. And like that, Jaune was the victor once again. And to make matters worse it was a perfect victory. Yang, realizing she lost not only the game but now has to live up to her deal with Jaune. Yang was sweating as she slowly looks at Jaune who stares back at her, with no emotion on his face. His eyes were uncaring as he was about to live up to what he said. Yang then looks at Ruby as she gave her a disappointed look on her face while shaking her head.
Yang: Um… look Jaune I’m-
Jaune: No, it’s time to pay up.
Yang: Jaune… please man…. Just once. Please throw me a bone.
Jaune gets up and starts taking off his clothes right in front of her.
Jaune: I can’t do that. As an Arc, I always keep my word.
Yang: *tears coming out her eyes* Please man, I-I have a girlfriend. Blake sh-she will be-
Ruby: I am on the scroll with Blake right now and Yang, she wants to talk to you.
Ruby hands the scroll to Yang. However, Ruby informs Yang she knows and isn’t too happy about it.
Yang: Hello?
Blake: Hi Yang.
Yang: Blake… I-I know I messed up but-
Blake: Yang. Do it.
Yang: Bu-but Blake I-
Blake: You made the bet Yang. It’s time to pay. I understand. However, I have a question. Would you have kept it secret from me?
Yang was in silence. She had no idea how to answer that kind of question. However, Blake, from Yang’s silence, felt she knew the answer, and states;
Blake: I’m breaking up with you.
Yang: Wait what? Blake? Blake please I-
Blake: I can’t be with someone willing to be dishonest with me. I’m sorry. Goodbye Yang.
Yang, trying to explain herself, was stopped as Blake hung up her scroll. Yang then turns back to Jaune, who was already naked. Jaune then slowly approaches her, but Yang tried to escape. Yang ran to the nearest door only to have Ruby blocking her way. Yang stares at Ruby, filled with betrayal, as her sister was blocking her only exit.
Yang: Ruby.
Ruby: Yang, you have to honor your word.
Yang: But-
Ruby: If you don’t. Then I will. If that’s okay with you, Jaune?
Jaune: Sure.
Ruby: What’s it going to be Yang? Me or you?
Yang thought about it. Yang didn’t want to but then she remembered Ruby and her as children. Yang was always ready to help Ruby when she could. She was her sister. Her protector. She could not back out of the deal nor let Ruby pay for her sins. She took a deep breath and made her choice clear. She then gently places her hands on Ruby’s face and states.
Yang: Go upstairs. Put on your headphones. And don’t come down until I say so. Okay?
Ruby: Alright.
Yang kisses Ruby on her forehead and tells her she loves her. Ruby then walks upstairs as Yang waves back at her while closing and locking the door. Ruby then goes to her room and grabs her headphones. She then turns on her favorite song and closes her eyes, trying to immerse herself into another world. She does that while noise was happening back with Jaune and Yang, with Yang screaming as couldn’t hold back her moans of pleasure as Jaune proceeds to ravage her body. And once it was over, Jaune leaves with all the money he has won, but with no satisfaction on his face. Yang lay on a chair, ashamed, feeling defeated. It was supposed to be a game, but it turned into a tragedy.
Yang: And that’s why I am mad at Jaune. Ruby is upset with me. And Blake broke up with me.
Ren, Nora, Emerald, and Weiss are trying to process this but then Ren decides to speak.
Ren: Yang, I am not going to lie, what was wrong with you?
Yang: Huh.
Nora: Why would you make a bet like that?
Yang: I thought I would win.
Weiss: But you didn’t.
Yang: I didn’t know he be that committed.
Ren: We’re talking about the same guy who cheated Beacon.
Emerald: We’re talking about the same guy who is willing to challenge Cinder.
Weiss: We’re talking about same guy who was willing to steal from the Atlas military.
Nora: The same guy who killed Penny to make sure Cinder doesn’t get the maiden powers.
REWN: You seriously telling us, he isn’t about commitment.
Yang: Yeah that is true, he was ready to enter a giant whale to save Oscar. But he violated me!
Emerald: Bullshit, you escalated that situation. He gave you a choice to walk away.
Yang: … Well…. Ruby-
Weiss: Was willing to sleep with Jaune in your place. Don’t call her a traitor.
Yang: Well-
Nora: Plus how was the sex with Jaune?
Yang: Well- I-I mean h-he did take it slow and… let me have control the entire time.
Emerald: Oh~ So, he was the bottom. Also, you gave consent the moment you made the bet.
Yang had nothing to say.
Weiss: Girl, ge-get out. Just leave.
Yang was prepared to leave and as she opened the door, she saw Blake and Ruby. But they were holding hands.
Ruby: Hi Yang.
Yang: Hey…. What’s going on?
Blake: Well, Ruby and I decided that we….
Yang: What?! No! No, Blake, that is my sister.
Ruby: Hey! You banged my boyfriend. *grabs Blakes ass* Now I going to bang you girlfriend.
Blake: Ex-girlfriend now. Bye Yang.
Ruby and Blake head upstairs leaving Yang stumbled.
Yang: But he wasn’t even your boyfriend.
Ruby: He’s a boy and my friend so it counts.
Blake: Bye traitor.
Yang sits in a corner and wallows in shame. However, Jaune arrived and sits beside her.
Jaune: You, okay?
Yang: This is all your fault.
Jaune: Is it? Is it really?
Yang: Okay, the fault was partially mine.
Yang and Jaune were in silence until;
Yang: So? Um… do you--- you know… wanna-
Jaune: Do it again?
Yang grabs Jaune’s shirt and pulls him into a deep kiss and releases him.
Yang: Yes. Right here. Right now.
Jaune: But our friends are-
Yang: Fuck them. Do me. Now.
Jaune: Fine but I’m in charge this time.
Yang: Oh~ Fearless leader~
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roguedruid · 3 months
"Oh great druid this humble petitioner asks for your recommendations on fics you did not write but enjoyed greatly I look forward to getting your top 15."
Uhhhh Damn. Hold on. Lets seee..... I can give you eleven- in no particular order- that come to mind with a bit of searching. but questioner- I read so many fics. This is gonna be a crapshoot of fandoms, so hold on. Of Harrowed Hearts by Sable_Scribe: A Naruto fic which is sadly unfinished- but had an awesome vibe and really dives into the characterization of the Konoha 12 and their potential. It does have Naruto/Sasuke vibes- but when it last left off the slow burn was slow and Sasuke was barely realizing his emotions. The Games We Play by Ryuugi: It's posted on Spacebattles origionally- but it's been reposted a few other places. It's massive- nearly a million words. This was my first real 'Massive fic' i followed as it was updating- and my real intro to Space Battles/Sufficent Velocity as fanfic sites. Also- first Gamer fic that went *way* into the power scaling and endgame stuff. Jaune in this story escalates hard as fuck. I'm talking supernatural kung fu, elemental powers, the ability to destroy cities- And his threats are scary enough to match it. This was before Salem for most of the story- but the Grimm that show up are terrifying. Keeping on the forums real fast- Two Quests (Essentially reader driven stories) deserve to be on this list. Xander [Quest] by one Judge Mental is another of those Monolithic kind of reading experiences. it's massive- on a word count I can't even figure out- spread across like 28 threads. it starts as a simple premise- You are Alexander Harris- and you are born as the reincarnation of Ganondorf. Yeah- that Ganondorf. Things only escalate past that point- to where the last i checked we were possibly the strongest sorcerer on earth- and only 12.
"A Geeks Guide: CORE" series by Sage_of_Eyes. Again, monolithic in scope- it's a complete reimagining of the Highschool DXD mythology (yes, the ecchi novels/anime. Yes it's way deeper then it deserves. Yes, it's also metal as fuck)
Swerving back from forums:
A Drop of Poison by Angel Of Snapdragons: Naruto's Shadow Clones are fucking crazy- and if you've ever wanted to see the power fantasy of them escalating non stop- this is the good shit. Drifting by AlphaDelta1001: More Naruto- but this one has some of my favorite 'Kinda Genius' Naruto moments. It mixes up the timelines, throws in a completley revamped Chuunin exam, introduces tones of new characters- and completely revamps Naruto's methods- if you ever got bored of 'it's all Rasengan' in canon- this is definitely a suggestion.
From Fake Dreams by Third Fang: Fate Stay/Night. Supercharged. This is a bit of a controversal pick- mainly because Third Fang is one of those authors who's sense of humor is... off. Just a bit of that old school Shonen Jump Pervert vibe in the background- snarky comments and purile humor creep around the corners of his writing- but FFD is still immensly fun to read. The power creep- already high as fuck in Canon FSN- goes so high. Where recently Shirou isn't fighting Servants- But True Ancestors. Son of the Western Sea by Mac_Ceallach: If you want Percy Jackson going solo on a world-wide adventure- this is it. its after the War for New York, before the romans showed up- and Its got Percy just... being cool vibing. Hitting into other myths by accident. In contrast, if you want some true off the rocker Percy- An Impractical Guide to Godhood by Antony444 It's technically a crossover with A practical guide to Evil- but if you ever wanted to see olympus and the rest of the percy jackson verse just... implode with chaos? This is it. Flooding Hades with the flaming river- beating Ceaser in Gladatorial Events, fucking with the olympians? This goes hard. The Many Quirks Of Phantom Thievery by PsychicBeagle Persona 5, reloaded. Featuring New Game+ shenanagains, plenty of romance and memes, and puns. If you're a P5 fan, I highly reccomend it. It's Time For Another Good Idea, Bad Idea by Haurvatat: This is a weird one- for one it's Solo leveling, so it's fandom was kinda niche. on the other... It's got Cannabilism in it. But! As a Cook? this is a guilty pleasure fic. The cooking scenes are all written like Binging with Babish episodes, the humor is on point, there's actual stakes and emotions- theres closure? What more does a fic need.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
How to get your woman?*
*A little spin off from "How to get your man" stuff -----------------
Jaune: *Playing on his ps5*
Yang: Hey Jaune, let's do something together.
Jaune: I can't. I'm playing a game.
Yang: Come on, let's go out and dance a little.
Jaune: I'm sorry but I can't.
Yang: Why?
Jaune: *Serious* My whole future depends on this game.
Yang: Dude... It's not that serious.
Jaune: It is.
Yang: Do you want to become a pro gamer?
Jaune: No
Yang: Then, come on! Lets go clubbing!
Jaune: I'm sorry.
Yang: Jeez... Can I at least play with you? How about I play support?
Jaune: Ok, can I ask you to go get me a drink?
Yang: *A little upset* Don't ask me to support you environmentally. Come on Jaune, let's go out! How can this be your "future"? Is this game more important than spending time with me?!
Jaune: Is not but....
Yang: But...?
Jaune: I've decided that if I win this game, *Looks at her* I'll confess my feelings for you.
Yang: *Red* EEEH?!!! D-D-Do you want a soda?! A warm blanket?! Maybe a CUSHiON?!!!
Jaune: *Trying to concentrate on the game* Please calm down.
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