#Glass water bottle with healing crystals
thecupidwitch · 7 days
Sun Magick
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What Is A Sun Magick?
The Sun (also called Sol) is the one and only star in our solar system. Throughout the time almost every culture has worshiped the Sun as either a God or Goddess. Ancient Shamans used the power of the sun to heal the mind. The Sun is associated with life, health and healing. The light of guidance and illumination is an important magickal symbol. Solar energy helps you center in your own power, like the center of the solar system. Planet Earth orbits around the Sun. Other bodies that orbit the Sun include other planets, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and dust. Generally, the primary stellar body around which an object orbits is called its "sun", and stars in a multiple star system are referred to as the "suns" of bodies in that system.
Associated deities: Aditi, Ah Kinchil, Ama-Terasu, Apollo, Aten, Brighid, Dhatara, Frey, Helios/Sol, Itzamna, Lucifer, Mithra, Mystere, Nitten, Paiva, Ra, Savitar, Apollo
Colors: Orange, amber, gold, yellow, red
Animals: Lion, Sparrowhawk, Griffin, Hawk, Bees
Incense: Cinnamon, clove, pine, citrus, Benzoin, Pine, Frankincense, Labdanum, Olibanum
Crystals: Sunstone, Goldstone, Ruby, Carnelian, Amazonite, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Golden Topaz, Fire Agate
Sun Associations: Success, Empowerment, Ambition, Enlightenment, Goals, Generosity, Spirituality, Male energy, Health, Vitality, The Gods, Joy, Freedom, Leadership, Matters of the heart, Creativity, Friendship, Growth, Personal fulfillment, Self confidence, Wealth, Individuality, Pride, Energy, Power
Plants and Herbs: Sunflower, calendula, marigold, daylily, orange, citron, saffron, pine, mistletoe, rosemary, buttercup, heliotrope, bay laurel, daisy, walnut, acorn, maize, wheat, hops, cloves, cinnamon
Sun Phases
when the sun wakes up and peers over the horizon. This phase is all about new beginnings, changes, health, employment, renewal, resurrection and finding the right direction.
The Morning
the sun is growing in strength, so it brings the magical power for growth, positive energy, resolutions, courage, harmony, happiness, strength, activity, building projects and plans, prosperity and expansion of ideas.
High Noon
When the sun reaches its peak in the sky at midday – work magic for health, physical energy, wisdom and knowledge. It is also a good time to pop your tools or crystals out that need charging. (Note: some crystals can fade in strong sunlight so check first before putting them out).
This is a time to work in your communication, clarity, travel, exploration and professional matters
As the sun takes itself off down below the horizon, work magic for removing depression, stress and confusion, letting go, releasing or finding out the truth of a situation.
Sun Water
Sun water is very similar to moon water. But rather than being charged by the moon, it’s charged by the sun. Sun water can be especially useful for helping boost the energy of a spell, to help an intention grow, and to cleanse.
Get a glass bottle
Fill it with any type of water.
Leave the bottle with water out in the sunlight or shade (indirect sunlight) during any time of day and for your preferred amount of time.
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enchantedwitchling · 4 months
Harnessing the Power of the Full Moon: Rituals and Spells for Tonight's Lunar Magic
The full moon is a time of heightened energy, illumination, and powerful magic. As the moon reaches its peak tonight, it's an ideal moment to harness its potent energy for rituals, spells, and practices that enhance your spiritual journey. Let's explore how witches can celebrate the full moon, embrace its magic, and connect with its radiant power.
The Significance of the Full Moon
The full moon represents a time of completion, clarity, and manifestation. It illuminates what has been hidden, bringing light to our intentions and dreams. This lunar phase is perfect for releasing what no longer serves you, charging your magical tools, and performing spells that require extra power.
Full Moon Rituals and Practices
🌕 Full Moon Bath Ritual
A full moon bath is a wonderful way to cleanse and recharge your energy.
1. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add sea salt or Epsom salts to purify.
2. Add essential oils (like lavender or rosemary) and sprinkle in some dried herbs or flower petals (such as chamomile, rose, or sage).
3. Light white or silver candles around the tub and turn off the lights.
4. Soak in the bath, visualizing the moon's light cleansing and revitalizing you. Reflect on what you wish to release and let go of it as you relax in the water.
🔮 Moon Water Creation
Create moon water to use in future spells, rituals, and for drinking to imbue yourself with lunar energy.
1. Fill a clear glass jar or bottle with fresh water.
2. Place it outside or on a windowsill where it will be bathed in the full moon's light overnight.
3. Seal the container in the morning and store the moon water for use in your magical practices.
✨ Charging Crystals and Tools
The full moon is an ideal time to charge and cleanse your crystals and magical tools.
1. Place your crystals, tarot cards, and other tools outside or on a windowsill to soak up the moon's energy.
2. Leave them overnight to cleanse and recharge.
3. In the morning, thank the moon and retrieve your energized tools.
🌿 Full Moon Releasing Ritual
Release negativity and make space for new growth with a simple but powerful ritual.
1. Write down what you wish to release on a piece of paper.
2. Light a candle and focus on the flame, visualizing the moon's light dissolving your worries and burdens.
3. Burn the paper safely in a fireproof bowl or cauldron, saying, "I release what no longer serves me. So mote it be."
4. Scatter the ashes to the wind, trusting that the moon has taken your burdens away.
Full Moon Spells
🌕 Manifestation Spell
Harness the full moon's energy to manifest your desires.
1. Gather a white or silver candle, a piece of paper, and a pen.
2. Write down your intentions or goals clearly and positively.
3. Light the candle and visualize your desires coming to fruition under the full moon's light.
4. Read your intentions aloud and place the paper under the candle.
5. Let the candle burn down safely, keeping your focus on your intentions.
🔮 Love and Harmony Spell
Enhance love and harmony in your life with a full moon spell.
1. Gather a pink or red candle, rose petals, and rose quartz.
2. Create a small altar with the candle in the center, surrounded by rose petals and the rose quartz.
3. Light the candle and visualize loving energy surrounding you and your relationships.
4. Chant, "By the light of the moon, love and harmony bloom. So mote it be."
5. Let the candle burn down safely, feeling the love and harmony fill your heart.
🌿 Healing Spell
Use the full moon's energy to promote healing and well-being.
1. Gather a blue candle, lavender or chamomile, and a piece of amethyst.
2. Create a small altar with the candle in the center, surrounded by the herbs and amethyst.
3. Light the candle and visualize healing light from the moon enveloping you or the person you wish to heal.
4. Chant, "Under the full moon's glow, let healing energy flow. So mote it be."
5. Let the candle burn down safely, trusting in the moon's healing power.
The full moon is a magical time of reflection, release, and manifestation. By engaging in these rituals, practices, and spells, you can connect deeply with the moon's powerful energy and enhance your spiritual journey. As we bask in the glow of tonight's full moon, may your intentions be illuminated, your burdens lifted, and your spirit renewed.
Blessed Full Moon!
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stalkerofthegods · 3 months
Poseidon's Deep dive 
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Poseidon is a great god, I learned many things while researching him, things I would've never guessed! He only came by once because of the obvious mentions and mentions of his ephipets and he was very respectful! He is amazing, so please don't judge him so fast off of myths, myths are just old ‘fan fiction’, here you go Poseidon devotees
Herbs • Celeary, wild celery, pine trees, mint, moss, 
Animals• Bulls, horses, pegasus, dolphins, tuna, boars, rams, hippocampus, lambs, minotaur, seagulls,
Zodiac • Virgo and Libra (zodiacs of August)
Colors • sea colors, black, deep blue, any type of blues, gold. 
Crystal• aquamarine, abalone, ocean jasper, coral, pearls, sea pearls, black pearls, pink pearls, larimar, ammorine, any crystals associated with the sea, or looks like the ocean or what reminds you of him.
Symbols• tridents, boulders, headbands, wreaths of celery leaves, billowing cloak
Diety of•  Mediterranean sea, the sea, earthquakes, storms, water, horses, Atlantis (the city under the sea he drowned because they angered him), floods, tsunamis, pegasus, and protection of palaces (At Pylos and some other cities, he was a god of the underworld and his cult related to the protection of the palace.), springs, the foundation of buildings, vegetation, inland water, healing (at the city tinos he was worshiped as a healing god), sailor, drowning and shipwrecks, epilepsy
Patron of• sea, earthquakes, storms, water, horses, Atlantis (the city under the sea he drowned because they angered him), floods, tsunamis, pegasus, and protection of palaces (At Pylos and some other cities, he was a god of the underworld and his cult related to the protection of the palace.), springs, the foundation of buildings, vegetation, inland water, healing (at the city tinos he was worshiped as a healing god), sailor, drowning and shipwrecks, epilepsy
Offerings• Bull meat, imagery of bulls, bull horns, perhaps horse feed (he is the god of horses), a rock (in some myths he made a horse out of a rock), fish, meat, wine, tuna, fishnets, boar meat, ram meat, seaweed, celery, a plant, celery, food shaped of horses (ex- animal crackers, cookies, cakes), coffee, duck-shaped things and imagery of ducks (not dicks), juice, barley, mint chocolate, salt, ocean water, Honey, sea glass, fish stew, clam chowder, conch shells, cloaks, seashells, starfish, toys/art of dolphins and fish, shark teeth, sand, ship in a bottle, gold and silver objects, sticks and rocks from water and the beach, seagull feathers 
Devotional• Work on a farm to take care of horses (ex-cleaning their stalls, brushing them, and changing their feed) in his honor, go fishing, take care of pet fish, tame horses, go riding horses in his honor, go walk along the sea, go horseback riding across the beach, pick up trash on the beach, donate to ocean conversation in his honor, coral reef conservation his name, donate top local disastor programs in his name, clean up, lakes, rivers, riverbanks, sing in the shower in his honor, watch ocean videos and listen to wave sounds, visit aquariums, ask him to help bath and weather spells learn marine biology, work with mermaids and siren and the fae in his honor, learn about local coral life, learn pollution in water, do map- making for ur area or fantasy lands, take life gaurd lessons, Sailing knots, learn about Sailor sayings, learn about Boats/sailing, learn His genealogy/Myths, learn Water magick, learn about Seagulls, Dip your feet in the water if you can’t fully emerge yourself, Go surfing/parasailing/jetskiing, go boat rinding, Go canoeing/kayaking, Splash in puddles, drink water, learn how to scry with water, keep your of your pets weater bowl clea, encourge others to drink water, Learn proper storm precautions, Learn what causes them, Pray to Him for safety for yourself/others, Participate in storm relief clean-up, learn CPR, make sand castles, make paper boat, recycle, dedicate your water bottle.
Ephithets• Ælikóhnios/Heliconius/Ἑλικώνιος/ΕΛΙΚΩΝΙΟΣ, 
Æmbýlios/Empylios/Ἐμπύλιος/ΕΜΠΥΛΙΟ - at the gate, Ænnosíyaios/Ennosigaeus/Ἐννοσίγαιος/ΕΝΝΟΣΙΓΑΙΟΣ - Earth-shaker, 
Æpakmónios/Epakmonius/Ἐπακμόνιος/ΕΠΑΚΜΟΝΙΟΣ - an epithet of Poseidóhn in Viohtía, Æpóptis/epoptes/ἐπόπτης/ΕΠΟΠΤΗΣ - overseer/watcher, Aglaotríaina/Ἀγλαοτρίαινα/ΑΓΛΑΟΤΡΙΑΙΝΑ - he of the bright trident, Alídoupos/ἁλίδουπος/ΑΛΙΔΟΥΠΟΣ - sea-resounding, Ánax/Ἄναξ/ΑΝΑΞ - Ánax is king, Baructupos - See Varýktypos, Eftríaina/Eutriaina/Εὐτρίαινα/ΕΥΤΡΙΑΙΝΑ - of goodly trident, Empylios - See Æmbýlios, Ennosigaeus - See Ænnosíyaios, Epakmonius - See Æpakmónios, Epoptes - See Æpóptis, Gaieochus - See Yaiíokhos, 
Heliconius - See Ælikóhnios, Íppios/ ἵππιος/ÍΠΠΙΟΣ - a horseman/protector/horses, Kharitóhpis/charitopes/χαριτώπης/ΧΑΡΙΤΩΠΗΣ - graceful of aspect, Kronios - the name used by the Latin poets, Kyanokhaitis/kyanochaites/κυανοχαίτης/ΚΥΑΝΟΧΑΙΤΗΣ - dark or blue-haired like the sea, Kymothalís/cymothales/κυμοθαλής - abounding with waves, Neptune - Neptune is the Roman name for Poseidon, Nethuns - Nethuns is the Etruscan name for Poseidon, Nymphayǽtis/Νυμϕᾱγέτης/ΝΥΜΦΑΓΕΤΗΣ -leader of the Nymphs, Orsotríaina/Ὀρσοτρίαινα/ΟΡΣΟΤΡΙΑΙΝΑ - the wielder of the Trident, Poseidóhn/Poseidon/Ποσειδῶν/ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝ - "I bind the feet.", Pontomǽdohn/pontomedon/ποντομέδων/ΠΟΝΤΟΜΕΔΩΝ.- lord of the sea, Sæmnós/semne/σεμνός/ΣΕΜΝΟΣ/σεμνός - revered/august/holy, Seisichthon - See Seisíkhthohn, Seisíkhthohn/seisichthon/σεισίχθων, ΣΕΙΣΙΧΘΩΝ - earth-shaker, Semnos - See Sæmnós, Tæmænítis/Temenites/Τεμενίτης/ΤΕΜΕΝΙΤΗΣ - I have no explanation of where it is derived from or meaning so bear with me, Temenites - See Tæmænítis, Yaiíokhos/Gaieochus/γαιήοχος/ΓΑΙΗΟΧΟΣ - he who holds the earth, γαιήοχος/γαιηοῦχος - earth-moving/earth-carrying, Varýktypos/baructupos/βαρύκτυπος/ΒΑΡΥΚΤΥΠΟΣ - loud-thundering.
Equivalents (alike but not the same) • Neptune (roman), Sobek (egyptation)
Signs they are reaching out• seeing his symbols, having a sudden interest in him, seeing his animals, having a pull towards the water and the ocean, being interested in his children, mermaids, and sirens
Vows/omans• marriage vows, to rule his kingdom under the sea.
Number• 8
Morals• lawfully neutral
Courting• Amphitrite
HESTIA (was wooed by Poseidon and Apollon. But she, declaring her desire to remain a virgin, retired to the palace of Zeus and kept her maidenhood.), THETIS, ALKYONE/Alcyone, ANIPPE, ARETHOUSA/ Arethusa, ASKRE/Ascra, BEROE, EIDOTHEA, EURYTE, HALIA, KELAINO/Celaeno, KELOUSA/Celusa, KHIONE/Chione,
Personality• He is pretty nice if he likes you, devotes can say he's serious and stoic or that he's nice and just cares if you're okay, I think he can be really sweet, but I've never met him or seen him talking myths or my friends/people in the community talk about how he is, I like him tho! you have to remember he isn't his myth. I would personally read his myths, there was so much that i learned that i wouldve neevr guessed of him.
Home• Under the sea in a mansion
Fact• He had feats in his honor that women were not allowed to attend, he raped Medusa and Demeter in some myths or he 'seduced' them, he's the second youngest and second oldest of the Olympians,  As Poseidon grew, he fell in love with Halia (the beautiful sister of the Telchines), and fathered six sons and one daughter, Rhodos, Aphrodite attempted to make a stop at Rhodes on her way to Cyprus. Poseidon and Halia's sons denied her hospitality, so Aphrodite cursed them to fall in love and rape Halia. After they had done so, Poseidon made them sink below the sea
Curses• tsunamis, droughts, sending sea monsters, drowning cities, earthquakes, your home falling apart, drowning, seizures due to epilepsy, your daughter falling in love with a bull. 
Blessings• During an earthquake your home stays intact and okay, 
Roots• It is said that he was from the Greeks from the start but he could have originated from the Pelasgians or the Minyans.
Parentage• Kronos and Rhea 
Siblings• Zeus, hades, Hestia, Demeter, hera
Pet• his hippocampus pulling his chariot.
Children • AIOLOS/Aeolus - The god of the winds, he was a son of Poseidon and Arne. ASOPOS/Asopus - The god of the river Asopos of Argos, he was a son of Poseidon and the Nymphe Pero or Kelousa (but most accounts say he was born to Okeanos and Tethys like the rest of the river-gods). ATHENE/Athena The goddess of warcraft was, according to some, the daughter of Poseidon and Tritonis (contrary to the usual account in which she springs fully-grown from the head of Zeus, This is a myth from Libyan Mythology whose native gods were identified with their closest Greek counterparts--Athena and Poseidon.). DAIMONES PROSEOOUS Six spirits haunted the sea caverns of the island of Rhodes (Greek Aegean), They were sons of Poseidon and the sea-goddess Halia.
DESPOINE/Despoena- The goddess of certain Arkadian Mysteries She was a daughter of Poseidon and Demeter. PROTEUS An elderly sea-god who was the son and seal-herder of Poseidon. TELKHINES/Telchines - Sea-daimones and powerful but malignant sorcerors of the Aegean Islands who were buried beneath the sea by Zeus. According to some accounts, they were sons of Poseidon and Thallatta (though these accounts seem to identify or confuse them with the Rhodian Daimones Proseoous above). TRITON A fish-tailed sea god He was a son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. AITHOUSA/Aethusa - nymphor princess of Boiotia (central Greece), She was a daughter of Poseidon by the Pleaid Alkyone. BENTHESIKYME/Benthesicyme - sea-nymph queen of Aithopia/Ethiopia - She was a daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite, HEROPHILE a nymph daughter of Poseidon and Aphrodite, 
KYMOPOLEIA/Cymopoleia - A sea-nymph or giantess daughter of Poseidon. OUREA/Urea - A nymph of the Troad (Asia Minor), She was a daughter of Poseidon loved by Apollon, RHODE/RHODOS The goddess-nymph of the Island of Rhodes (Greek Aegean), She was the wife of the god Helios and a daughter of Poseidon by one of three goddesses--Amphitrite, Aphrodite or Halia. ALOADAI/Aloadae - Two giants from Alos in Phthiotis (northern Greece) named Otos and Ephialtes attempted to storm Heaven, They were sons of Poseidon and Iphimedeia, ANTAIOS/Antaeus - A king of Libya (North Africa) who slew travelers to his country to roof the temple of Poseidon with their skulls...He was the son of Poseidon and Gaia the Earth, EPHIALTES A giant of Alos in Malis (northern Greece) who, with his brother Otos, attempted to storm Heaven.. He was a son of Poseidon and Iphimedeia, KHARYBDIS/Charybdis - An immortal giantess who was chained beneath the Straits of Messina where her inhalations formed a massive whirlpool. Kharybdis was the daughter of Poseidon and Gaia, KHRYSAOR/Chrysaor - A giant king of the island of Erytheia (in the Atlantic Ocean) and/or Iberia (Spain). He was a son of Poseidon and Medousa. LAISTRYGON/Laestrygon - The eponymous first king of the Laistrygones, a tribe of man-eating Giants. He was a son of Poseidon,
ORION A sea-walking giant of Hyria in Boiotia (central Greece), born of Poseidon and Euryale, or the earth, fertilised by an ox-hide soaked with the urine of the three gods Poseidon, Zeus, and Hermes.
OTOS/Otus - A giant of Alos in Malis (northern Greece) who, with his brother Ephialtes, attempted to storm Heaven. He was a son of Poseidon and Iphimedeia, POLYPHEMOS/Polyphemus - A kyklops (cyclops) giant of Sikelia (Sicily) (southern Italy). He was a son of Poseidon and the sea nymph Thoosa, AREION/Arion - An immortal horse owned by the heroes Herakles and Adrastos, He was the son of Poseidon and Demeter, born following their mating in the shape of horses, KHRYSOMALLOS/Chrysomallus) A golden-fleeced, flying ram who spoke with a human tongue. He was a son of Poseidon and Theophane, 
PEGASOS/Pegasus - An Immortal, winged horse owned by the hero Bellerophon. He was a son of Poseidon and Medousa, sprung from his mother's severed neck, ABAS A king of the island of Euboia (central Greece) and Eponym of the Abantes tribe who joined the expedition of the Argonauts, He was a son of Poseidon and the Nereis Arethousa.
AGELOS/Agelus - A king of the Island of Khios (Greek Aegean). He was the son of Poseidon and a Khian Nymphe, AGENOR A king of Phoinikia/Phoenicia (West Asia). He was a son of Poseidon and Libya.
AIOLOS/HELLEN/Aeolus A prince of the island of Ikaria (Greek Aegean). He was a son of Poseidon and Arne but was raised by the Ikarian king Metapontos and his wife Theano, AKHAIOS/Achaeus A king of Akhaia and Sikyonia (southern Greece) and eponym of the Akhaian tribes. According to some, he was a son of Poseidon and Larissa (though others call him a son of Xuthos), ALMOPOS/Almopus - The eponymous king of Almopia in Thrake (north of Greece). He was a child of Poseidon and Helle, 
ALOEUS A lord of the town of Alos in Phthiotis (northern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Kanake, ALTHEPOS/Althepus A king of Troizenos in the Argolis (southern Greece). He was a son of Poseidon and Leis.
AMPHERES A king of one of the ten kingdoms of Atlantis--a mythical island in the Atlantic Ocean, He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite.
AMPHIMAROS/Amphimarus A lord of Mount Helikon in Boiotia (central Greece) or Khalkis in Euboia (Central Greece),+ He was a son of Poseidon. AMYKOS/Amycus A brutal king of the Bebrykes tribe of Bithynia (Asia Minor). He was a son of Poseidon and the Nymphe Melia.
ANKAIOS/Ancaeus A king of the island of Samos (Greek Aegean) and pilot of the celebrated ship Argo, He was a son of Poseidon and Astypalaia (or, according to one author, of Poseidon and Althaia).
ANTHAS The eponymous founding lord of the town of Anthedon in Boiotia (central Greece) and/or king of Troizenos in the Argolis (southern Greece) and founder of the town of Antheia, He later also founded the city of Halikarnassos (Asia Minor). Anthas was a son of Poseidon and the Pleaid Alkyone. ASPLEDON The eponymous founding lord of the town of Aspledon near Orkhomenos (central Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and the Nymphe Mideia. ATLAS A king and overlord of the ten kingdoms of Atlantis--a mythical continent of the Atlantic Ocean, He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite. AUGEIAS/Augeas A king of Elis (southern Greece) who was, according to some, a son of Poseidon (but other accounts make him a son of Helios, Phorbas, or Poseidon's son Eleios).
AUTOKHTHON/Autochthon A king of one the ten kingdoms of Atlantis--a mythical continent in the Atlantic Ocean, He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite. AZAES A king of one the ten kingdoms of Atlantis--a mythical continent in the Atlantic Ocean, He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite.
BELLEROPHON A hero and prince of Korinthos (southern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Queen Eurynome. BELOS/Belus An early king of Egypt (North Africa), son of Poseidon and Libya. BOIOTOS/Boeotus A prince of the island of Ikaria (Greek Aegean), He was a son of Poseidon and Arne (or Antiope) but was raised by King Metapontos and his wife Theano. BOUSIRIS/Busiris A king of Egypt (North Africa) who sacrificed foreign visitors to the gods, He was a son of Poseidon and Lysianassa (or, according to some, of the Naias Anippe). BOUTES/Butes - An Athenian lord (southern Greece) who joined the expedition of the Argonauts. According to some, he was a son of Poseidon (most, however, say his father was Teleon). DELPHOS/Delphus The eponymous lord of the town of Delphoi in Phokis (central Greece), According to some, he was a son of Poseidon and Melantho (although he is usually called a son of Apollon).
DERKYNOS/Dercynus A co-king of Liguria (in southern France) with his brother Ialebion Both were sons of Poseidon. DIAPREPRES A king of one the ten kingdoms of Atlantis--a mythical continent in the Atlantic Ocean, He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite. DIKTYS/Dictys, A prince of Elis (southern Greece), son of Poseidon and Agamede. EDONOS/Edonus The eponymous king of Edonia in Thrake (north of Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Helle. EIRENE/Irene A woman from the Island of Kalaureia in the Argolis (southern Greece), She was a daughter of Poseidon and the Nymphe Melantheia. ELASIPPOS/Elasippus A king of one the ten kingdoms of Atlantis--a mythical continent in the Atlantic Ocean. He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite. ELEIOS/Eleus The eponymous king of Elis (southern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Eurykyda.
EPHOKEUS/Ephoceus, A son of Poseidon and the Pleaid Alkyone (the name is probably a corruption of Epopeus, the king of Sikyon.).
EPOPEUS A king of Sikyonia (southern Greece). He was, according to some, a son of Poseidon by either Kanake, Oinope, or Alkyone (others called him a son of Aloeus). ERGINOS/Erginus, A lord of Miletos in Karia (Asia Minor) and one of the Argonauts was a son of Poseidon.
ERYX was A king of Elymoi in Sicily (southern Italy), According to some, he was a son of Poseidon (others, however, claimed he was a son of Aphrodite and Boutes). EUADNE/Evadne, A princess of Arkadia (southern Greece), daughter of Poseidon and Pitane. EUAIMON/Euemon A king of one the ten kingdoms of Atlantis--a mythical continent in the Atlantic Ocean, He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite. EUMOLPOS/Eumolpus A king of one of the lands of Thrake (northern Greece), He was carried off at birth by Poseidon to be raised in the land of Aithiopia (in Africa) and ended his life fighting on the side of the Eleusinians in Attika (Central Greece), Eumolpos was a son of Poseidon and the Nymphe Khione. EUPHEMOS/Euphemus A lord of either Hyria in Boiotia (central Greece) or Psamathus on the Tainaron Peninsular of Lakedaimonia (southern Greece), and one of the Argonauts, He was a son of Poseidon and Europa, daughter of Tityos (or possibly Poseidon and Kelaino). EURYPYLOS/Eurypylus, A king of the island of Kos (Greek Aegean), was a son of Poseidon and Astypalaia. EURYTOS/Eurytus One of the Molionidai, siamese-twins, and princes of Olenos in Akhaia (southern Greece), They were sons of Molione and Poseidon (or her husband Aktor).
EUSIROS/Eusirus A lord of Malis (northern Greece), son of Poseidon and the Nymphe Eidothea. GADEIROS/EUMELOS/Gadeirus/Eumelus A king of one the ten kingdoms of Atlantis--a mythical continent in the Atlantic Ocean. He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite. HALLIRHOTHIOS (Hallirhothius) A lord of Athens in Attika (southern Greece). He was a son of Poseidon and the Nymphe Euryte. HIPPOTHOON/HIPPOTHOUS A lord of Eleusis in Attika (southern Greece), son of Poseidon and Alope. HOPLEUS A lord of Thessalia (northern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Kanake. HYPERES/HYPERENOR A king of Troizenos in the Argolis (southern Greece) and founder of the town of Hypereia, He was a son of Poseidon and the Pleaid Alkyone. HYRIEUS The eponymous founding lord of the town of Hyria in Boiotia (central Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and the Pleaid Alkyone. IALEBION A co-king of Liguria (western Europe) with his brother Derkynos, Both were sons of Poseidon. IDAS A prince and hero of Messenia (southern Greece) who was, according to some, a son of Poseidon and Arene (most, however, say his father was king Aphareus).
KAUKON/Caucon A prince of Olenos in Akhaia or Kaukonia in Messenia (southern Greece), a son of Poseidon and Astydameia, the daughter of Phorbas. KELAINOS/Celaenus The eponymous lord of the Phrygian city of Kelainos (Asia Minor) was a son of Poseidon and the Danais Kelaino.
KENKHRIAS/Cenchrias A lord of Korinthos (southern Greece) and Eponym of its harbour Kenkhrai, He was a son of Poseidon and the Nymphe Peirene. KERKYON/Cercyon A barbaric king of Eleusis in Attika (southern Greece) who, according to some, was a son of Poseidon and the daughter of Amphiktyon (but others claimed he was a son of Hephaistos or a mortal named Brankhos). KHIOS/Chios The eponymous first king of the island of Khios (Greek Aegean), He was a son of Poseidon and a Khian Nymphe.
KHRYSES/Chryses A king of Orkhomenos (central Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Khrysogeneia. KROMOS/Cromus The eponymous founding lord of Krommyon in Korinthos (southern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon. KTEATOS/Cteatus One of the Molionidai, siamese-twin princes of Olenos in Akhaia (Southern Greece), They were sons of Molione and Poseidon (or her husband Aktor). KYKHREUS/Cychreus A king of the island of Salamis (southern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and the Naias Salamis. KYKNOS/Cycnus A king of Kolonai in the Troad (Asia Minor) and ally of the Trojans in their war with the Greeks, He was a son of Poseidon and Kalyke whom his father made invulnerable to weapons. LAMIA A queen of Libya (North Africa), She was a daughter of Poseidon (or Belos). LEKHES/Leches A lord of Korinthos (Southern Greece) and Eponym of its harbour Lekhaion, He was a son of Poseidon and the Nymphe Peirene. LELEX The first king of Megara (southern Greece), who emigrated to Greece from Aigyptos (Egypt in North Africa), He was a son of Poseidon and Libya. LEUKON/Leucon A prince of Athamantia in Boiotia (central Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Themisto, the wife of King Athamas (though most sources say the king was his natural father). LYKOS/Lycus (1) A man who was transferred to the Islands of the Blest by Poseidon, He was a son of Poseidon and the Pleaid Kelaino (or according to others of her sister Alkyone).
LYKOS/Lycus (2) A lord of Dirphys in Euboia (central Greece) who with his brother Nykteus slew Kreon and seized the throne of Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Kelaino daughter of Ergeus. MEGAREUS A lord of Onkhestos in Boiotia (central Greece) and later king of Megara (Southern Greece), Some say he was a son of Poseidon and Oinope (though others say his father was Onkhestos, Oinope's husband). MELAS A lord of the island of Khios (Greek Aegean), He was the son of Poseidon and a Nymphe. MESSAPOS/Messapus The eponymous founding king of Messapios (southern Italy) who was an ally of Turnus in his war against Aeneas. He was a son of Poseidon.
MESTOR A king of one the ten kingdoms of Atlantis--a mythical continent in the Atlantic Ocean, He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite.
MINYAS An extremely wealthy king of Orkhomenos who, according to some, was a son of Poseidon (though others say his father was Khryses, Aiolos, or Orkhomenos). MNESEUS A king of one the ten kingdoms of Atlantis (a mythical continent in the Atlantic Ocean), He was a son of Poseidon and Kleite. MOLIONIDAI/Molionidae A pair of Siamese twins named Eurytos and Kteatos. They were princes of Olenos in Akhaia (southern Greece) and later co-rulers of the neighboring kingdom of Elis. The Molionidai were sons of Molione by either Poseidon or her husband Aktor. MYGDON A king of the Bebrykes tribe of Bithynia (Asia Minor), He was a son of Poseidon and the Nymphe Melia.
NAUPLIOS/Nauplius The eponymous founding lord of Nauplia in the Argolis (southern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Amymone.
NAUSITHOOS/Nausithous A king of the Phaiakoi (Phaeacians) of the island of Korkyra (north-western Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Periboia. NELEUS A king of Pylos (southern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Tyro. NIREUS A lord of Thessalia (northern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Kanake. NYKTEUS/Nycteus A regent of Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece) who seized lordship of the city with his brother Lykos. Nykteus was a son of Poseidon and Kelaino the daughter of Ergeus. OIOKLOS/Oeoclus A lord and co-founder of the town of Askra in Boiotia (central Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Askre.
ONKHESTOS (Onchestus) The eponymous founding lord of the town of Onkhestos in Boiotia (central Greece), He was a son of Poseidon.
PAION/Paeon The eponymous founding king of Paionia (north of Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Helle. PARNASSOS/Parnassus A lord of Phokis (central Greece), He was a son of the Nymphe Kleodora and either Poseidon or Kleopompos. PELASGOS/Pelasgus The eponymous first king of the ancient Pelasgian tribes of Arkadia (southern Greece), According to some, he was a son of Poseidon and Larissa (though others call him a son of Zeus or Earth-Born). PELIAS A king of Iolkos in Thessalia (northern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Tyro. PERATOS/Peratus A king of Sikyonia (southern Greece), son of Poseidon and Kalkhinia.
PERIKLYMENOS/Periclymenus A son of Poseidon and Astypalaia, He was probably the same as the Argonaut Periklymenos, who is usually called a son of Neleus (and so a grandson of Poseidon). (The error-prone writer Hyginus probably included him by mistake in his list of Poseidon's sons).
PERIPHETES/KORYNETES/Corynetes, A bandit of Epidauros, Argolis (southern Greece) who slew passerbys with his club, was slain by Theseus. According to some, Periphetes was a son of Poseidon (but others say Hephaistos). PHAIAX/Phaeax The eponymous first king of the Phaiakoi (Phaeacians) of the island of Korkyra (north-western Greece), son of Poseidon and the nymph Korkyra. PHINEUS A king of Salmydessos in Thrake (northern Greece), He was, according to some, a son of Poseidon (though others say his father was Agenor). PHOKOS/Phocus A lord of Tithorea in Phokis (central Greece) and an eponym of the region, He was a son of Poseidon by the wife of the Korinthian prince Ornytion (Ornytion is also sometimes called his father). PHTHIOS/Phthius The first eponymous king of Phthiotis (northern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Larissa. POLTYS A king of Ainos in Thrake (north of Greece), He was a son of Poseidon. PROKUSTES/Procrustes A bandit of Attika (southern Greece) who used to force passersby to fit exactly into his bed--by amputation or stretching. He was a son of Poseidon, Prokrustes was also named Damastes and Polypemos. SARPEDON A prince of Ainos in Thrake (north of Greece), He was a son of Poseidon. SKEIRON/Sciron A bandit of Megaris (southern Greece) who kicked passers-by off a cliff and into the jaws of a giant turtle. According to some, he was a son of Poseidon (though others say his father was Pelops, Pylas, or Kanethos). TAPHIOS/Taphius A pirate king of the Taphian Islands (Greek Aegean), He was a son of Poseidon and Hippothoe. TARAS The eponymous first king of Taras (southern Italy), He was a son of Poseidon and a Tarentine Nymphe. THASOS/Thasus The eponymous first king of the island of Thasos (Greek Aegean), According to some, he was a son of Poseidon (though others identified his father as Agenor or Kilix).
THESEUS An Athenian hero and king of Attika (southern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Aithra, though King Aigeus believed he was the father. TRIOPAS A king of one of the lands of Thessalia (northern Greece), He was a son of Poseidon and Kanake.
Appearance in astral or gen• a mature man with a sturdy build and dark beard holding a trident, dark skin with a beard and usually wearing a blue toga and blue eyes.
Festivals • At Corinth, the Isthmian games were an athletic and music festival in honor of the god. Athens held a feast for him in August, Athens held a vegetation festival where he was worshipped. Mycale in Ionia has a festival where they sacrifice a bull to him.  Ephesus in Ionia where a feast was held in his honor where the cup holders were called "bulls". Kalaureia was a temple dedicated to Poseidon where the region was also his so they would hold a feast and the members of the council would meet up in the temple and sacrifice a bull. Tainaria, where the participants were called Tainarioi, the sacred sanctuary of the god, was built in a cave in the Tainaron peninsula. Onchestos in Boeotia the feast held horse racing. in Sparta held the race Gaiaochoi and the temple was built beside a Hippodrome. Epidauros A fest in the month, of Poseidon, was celebrated in honor of Poseidon. In Helos The fest Pohoidaia was celebrated in honor of Poseidon, and the festival included athletic games and competitions. In Thuria Fest Pohoidaia was celebrated in honor of Poseidon, It included athletic games and competitions. In Mantineia in Arcadia, Poseidon was worshipped with the surname Hippios (of the horse), The fest included the athletic games Hippokrateia, The temple was holy and the entrance into the cella was not allowed. Pallandion in Arcadia Poseidon had the epithet Hippios (of the horse) and the fest included the athletic games Hippokrateia. In Lesbos A festival in the month Poseidios was celebrated in honor of Poseidon. In Myconos held a fest, he was worshipped as a god of fishing and women were not allowed. Demeter received offerings in the same fest, indicating that Poseidon was also the god of vegetation. In Tinos, A great fest called Poseidonia was celebrated in honor of Poseidon, The temple included great banquet halls, indicating a large number of participants Poseidon was worshipped as a healer-god.
Season • august
Status• One of the twelve Olympians is in the Big Three 
(the 3 kings of the world, hades (underworld), Zeus (overworld), Poseidon (sea)) He is a god, was in the Titan war, and was one of the majority that helped.
What angers them• insults, not keeping ur bargaining end of the deal, stealing, and insulting the sea or family. 
Planet• Neptune
Tarot cards• The chariot, King of Cups, and the king
Remind me of• drowning, kracken, aquareims
Scents/Inscene • Mrryths, frankincense, ocean, and rain scents.
Theres too much text so websites will be put in comments 
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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fernthewhimsical · 7 months
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Rainbow Magic
To work with the rainbow in magic is not much different as either using colour magic, or the magic of other natural phenomena such as the Sun and Moon. Rainbow energy can be raised by the homemade rainbow methods above, and then channeled into the working. Nevertheless, here are some ideas on how to use rainbows in magic.
Charging: Charging your tools, amulets, jewellery, journals, plushies, decks, and whatever else you can think of with rainbow energy. This can be done by placing it in rainbow light, charging them when there is a rainbow, or on a charging plate. You can also first cleanse your tools or items in the rain, before charging them with rainbow energy.
Candles: Candle magic using seven candles in the individual colours, or using rainbow coloured candles. There are also drip candles, which are white on the outside and drip in rainbow colours as they burn. These are great for revealing magics, where the "true colours" are revealed as the candle burns down
Poppet magic: Poppets are often made from fabric, yarn, wheat, or clay, the last of which can be coloured. Making a poppet of rainbow fabric or draping a rainbow across the poppet can be used to bring rainbow energy into someone's life, or bring joy, wonder, and happiness.
Sachets or envelopes: Making sachets or envelopes in rainbow colours to make talismans, or put photos and petitions in them to charge with rainbow magic.
Rainbow water: Charging water while there is a rainbow, in the same way you would make moon water. Another way to make rainbow water is to place a bottle or glass of water on a charging plate, letting it soak up those good rainbow vibes. Another way is to divide your water up into seven, and use food colouring to colour it. Drink those colours!
Clothes: Bring some rainbow magic into your life by wearing rainbow clothing, jewellery, or accessories.
Meditation: Use meditation to connect with the magic of the rainbow. Sit in rainbow light, or drape a rainbow scarf or piece of fabric around you. Meditate while there is an actual rainbow outside. You can also try and find the end of the rainbow in meditation. You can meditate on the rainbow as a whole, or on the individual colours. For example meditate on one colour every day and see what this colour brings you. Or do a breathing meditation where with each inhale, you inhale a different colour of light.
Body: Makeup and face paint are another way to practice rainbow magic. There are some really cool rainbow makeup looks out there (like I wore to my wedding!), or you can use facepaint to draw sigils, symbols, or just a whole rainbow on you. If you want it to be more permanent, there are so many beautiful rainbow tattoo designs out there. Use this to bring in rainbow energy in general, or focus it on specific spots for some extra healing and oomph. Nailpolish is also a great way to carry a bit of rainbow with you.
Kitchen Witchery: Rainbow foods. Just, rainbow foods. I have a pinterest board. They are so cool and fun.
Crystals: Above I mentioned some crystals which look like captured rainbows. Use them in magic, or use seven different stones for the seven colours of the rainbow. My favourite set is garnet, carnelian, citrine, aventurine, turquoise, sodalite, and amethyst.
Fabric Arts: weaving with colours, braiding seven colours together, knot magic with different beads knotted in the yarn, crocheting with rainbow yarn, rainbow friendship bracelets, there are a lot of ideas here.
Time: Not something I personally use, but there are seven days in the week, and seven colours in the rainbow. These facts can be combined to make magic.
Visionboards: Making visionboards are a great way to tap into rainbow magic and bring it into your life, especially if you also incorporate the words of the associations you want to use.
Inner Child work: Ever notice how so many toys are multicoloured and fun. How crayons and pencils come in the colours of the rainbow with a few added ones. Practice inner child work by playing. Just play, let out you inner gremlin and create or play without fear or shame.
Altar: Create an altar for your rainbow magic, rainbow entity, or just a "wonder altar" in general. Add things that bring that same burst of joyous wonder that you feel when you see a rainbow. Some ideas for your rainbow altar are rainbow candles, statues of rainbows (tip: Christmas ornaments!), pictures or art, unicorns, golden coins, pride flags, prisms, rainbow lights, rainbow roses (real or fake), crystals, art supplies, and bubble wands.
Music: Why are there so many songs about rainbows? (I had to) But Kermit was right, there are many songs about rainbows so why not make a playlist for your rainbow magic?
Sigils: Draw sigils with a rainbow pencil (remember those?), layer the different colours over one another, or draw pieces of the sigil in different sparkly pens to make them rainbow.
Galaxy Jars: These are jars filled with cotton balls, water, glitter, and food colouring. By packing the cotton tight these jars look like a galaxy. You can use one jar per colour, or make a layered jar with all the colours of the rainbow. I like to hide little pouches with herbs, sigils, and crystal chips in my galaxy jars to make them spell jars.
Natural dyes: Using dyes or inks made out of herbs, flowers, vegetables, plants, minerals and fruits can draw the energy of those materials into your rainbow magic as well.
Queer Magic: The rainbow has been inextricably linked to the queer community. Therefore rainbow energy can also be used in queer magic. for example in community protection spells, pride flag spell bottles (using Gilbert Bakers colour meanings), charming pronoun pins, and queer tarot spreads.
[Part of a Rainbowmancy series, masterpost here]
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sappy-witch · 1 year
🌿🔮 Homemade Magical Infused Oils 🔮🌿
Hello lovelies 🥰
Today, I wanted to share with you how to make your own magical infused oils. Not only are they fun to make, but they can also add a touch of magic to your rituals and spells.
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A glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Carrier oil (such as olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil).
Your preferred magical herbs, flowers, or crystals.
A small funnel.
Magical Properties:
Carrier oils: these represent the element of earth and can be used to ground and stabilize energy.
Herbs and flowers: these have a wide range of magical properties depending on the type and can be used for various spells and rituals.
Crystals: these can enhance the energy of the oil and be used for specific intentions.
Here are some magical herbs, flowers, and crystals you can use:
Lavender: peace, relaxation, purification
Rosemary: protection, clarity, memory
Chamomile: calming, sleep, luck
Sage: cleansing, wisdom, healing
Calendula: abundance, happiness, divination
Amethyst: intuition, protection, peace
Citrine: prosperity, abundance, creativity
Clear quartz: amplification, clarity, manifestation
Cleanse your glass jar and funnel with salt water or a cleansing herb like sage or palo santo.
Fill your jar about 3/4 of the way with your carrier oil.
Add your chosen herbs, flowers, or crystals to the jar using the small funnel. You can use one type of herb or a combination of several.
Once you've added all of your ingredients, seal the jar tightly and give it a good shake to mix everything together.
Place the jar in a cool, dark place for 1-2 weeks to allow the magic to infuse into the oil.
After 1-2 weeks, strain the oil through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer into a clean jar or bottle. Your magical infused oil is now ready to use!
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I love using these oils for anointing candles, adding to bathwater, and even using in my skincare routine. The possibilities are endless 🥰✨
I hope this inspires you to start making your own magical infused oils and get creative with different herbs, flowers, and crystals. Let me know if you've ever made your own magical oils before, I’d love to hear about your process!
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨     
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sabakos · 10 months
Feel like the "wash your water bottle" movement isn't actually grounded in anything other than germophobia? I mean you probably should do that even if it doesn't matter all that much, but it's an interesting exhibit in how folk wisdom dissipates through a community in the absence of any hard empirical evidence, you can probably discount other claims made by the same people in proportion to their enthusiasm for water bottle washing, etc.
As a comparison, for a while when I was a little kid my mother was into health nut crap, by her own admission, and the water superstition du jour back then pertained to not leaving a glass of water out at room temperature for too long. Probably a harmless false belief, but I thank the demiurge that she never actually got into the crystal healing stuff that the same water cleanliness people were hawking.
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anthologiemystika · 2 years
Potions: Their Uses, Forms, and Misconceptions
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Potions. We have all heard of them, from “Double Trouble Boil and Bubble” to the “PolyJuice Potion” and everything in between. Indeed, one of the first things that comes to mind in regards to witchcraft is the image of a crone, stopped over a cauldron, stirring up a potion. While this might not be the image of a modern witch, potions are still considered to be a staple and basic foundation for many forms of magic. In this lesson we will be covering their uses, forms, and misconceptions.
***It is VERY important that for any potion you make that you intend to ingest, that all ingredients are SAFE for consumption or contact with skin. Many crystals, mushrooms, and even herbs can be very DANGEROUS when ingested or touched to the skin. Please always do your research for your own safety***
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Webster’s Dictionary defines a potion as a mixture of liquids and that the first usage of the word appears in the 14th century. While in practice a potion is a liquid, it might also contain herbs, stones, spices, etc. Contrary to popular belief, potions have a wide variety of uses. They can almost be considered spells in a bottle, or a “break glass in case of emergency” type of spell, one where the magic is bottled up and contained, only activating on who, or what, the intended target it.
Most people use potions for various reasons, including glamours, protection spells, safety during travel, and love spells. I mean, lets face it, what better way to feel confident than to literally toss confidence down the hatch. Who hasn’t thought of giving the one they love a brew infused with apples, cinnamon, and intention for the one they love to want them back. While protection potions are not as widely talked about, having a potion of protection in your handbag or backpack will always help to make sure you are safe, no matter where your travels take you. 
That being said, the single most common form of a potion is actually used in healing spells. Think about it, all the times you were sick as a child and a family member whipped up their “home made remedy”. Something that was always made in a pot, smelled of death, tasted worse, but brewed by a loving hand, and always making you feel better. This form of magic, simply stirring love into a recipe, is indeed one of the oldest types of magic and potion making. So next time your loved ones don’t feel well, remember that the simplest health potion is one made with a slice of lemon, a bit of honey, and a stirring of love. 
Quick and Easy Wake Up Potion
Heat a cup of water and add your favorite tea to your cup
While you wait for the tea to steep, light an orange candle on your altar or table
Say: “I am healthy and grateful for this day.”
Meditate as you drink your tea
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Contrary to popular belief, potions come in many forms. Indeed, some of the most powerful forms of potions are not even ones you drink. Did you know the Moon Water is a potion? It is a liquid, cleansed and charged with intent. That 4 Theives Oil you made? Also a potion. From hand creams, to tinctures, teas, and oils, potions have evolved much as humans have. Coming in a wide variety of forms, and even uses, potions in magic have evolved from “double double toil and trouble” variety, to any liquid item imbued with intention and magic.
In their oil form, most people use it to consecrate their altar items, or help open the third eye or chakra work. As tinctures they can be used for healing, cleansing, and charging. I mean, teas, do I even need to say more? There is a tea type or tea leaf for just about anything magical you could ever need, especially when trying to bring something into your life, letting others see a certain aspect of yourself, or increasing something you have. Teas are one of the most powerful potions that exist in the magical world, and also one of the easiest forms of potion magic there is. As for waters, magical water such as Florida Water, Moon Water, Sun Water, etc is even a form of potion making. Remember, potions just take a liquid and an intention.
Waterfall Ward Protection Potion
For use to protect yourself and your home from unwanted energy
Ingredients: Vinegar, Water, Salt, Protection Herbs and Essential Oils
Actions: Mix it all together and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Then take a rag or cloth and let the water drip from the top of your windows and doors. Then wipe down the edges of the windows and the thresholds.
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Over the years there have been many misconceptions regarding potions, most notably that they must be drunk in order to work. This is not the case, indeed many potions are not safe to be ingested or exposed to your skin. A lot of the potions you will find in older grimoires are made from ingredients that are not safe, and were created long before modern medicine was even a spark or thought. Remember that they used to think that demons in your brain caused headaches? Probably not the people you want telling you what to put in your body.
Another common misconception is that something will “happen” when the potion is ready. I mean as cool as it would be, when a potion is complete at the end of the day it is still made of normal ingredients. There is no sparks, no fireworks, no smoke, no *boom* (and if there is, you have MUCH bigger issues, namely to call the fire department and hope they don’t ask why you were using explosive ingredients over a hot stove). When a potion is ready, much like anything else you do in the kitchen, you should know. Whether that is by instinct, smell and touch, or simply using an egg timer for 20 minutes on simmer. While not as satisfying, it is still magical and remember, that is all that is needed.
Finally, remember to simply DO YOUR RESEARCH! Items used in potions can be very dangerous, and sometimes don’t play well together.  Just think about what happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar. Potion making is as much witchcraft as it is chemistry so if you start looking for those random or rare ingredients, just make sure you research them first to prevent any “happy little accidents” (as Bob Ross would say). 
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*All images were taken from Pinterest*
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norhimorovine · 2 years
Growth [Journey/Rite/Pilgrimage]
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After waking up in a pile with her husband and daughter, and having breakfast with them, Norhi made her trek to Sahlia’s grove. Or rather, Zuki saddled Crystal and insisted she ride, rather than walk. She did not argue. 
Entering the glade and looking up at the massive willow tree, with it’s ritual ornaments artfully strung through it, Norhi felt a sigh of relief sweep through her. “I guess I should’ve realized I was worried this red sky would’ve harmed you. But you’re holding up,” she said, by way of greeting. 
And in spite of the peek of sickly red in the canopy above, the grove itself was virtually untouched. The hedge tree was surrounded by broken Amdapori style ruins. And a clear stream ran through and around all of it, congregating in a small pool in front of Sahlia, before trickling off further into the forest. And the marble and stone door in Sahlia’s trunk remained as tightly closed as before.
She felt the brush of emotion to her mind, warmth and welcome. Norhi smiled and slid down from Crystal’s saddle and retrieved the specimen bag. She then patted her chocobo friend’s side. “Go relax, Crystal.”
Norhi then hobbled over to Sahlia’s main trunk with the bag. “I brought you a souvenir,” she said, before carefully levering herself down onto a convenient root. 
She opened up the bag and pulled out a clay pot with a wire cage around the plant inside. She pulled off the wire house and held up the glowing flower as if showing it to Sahlia. “These are growing in Alvarium. The town I’ve been working in. There’s a girl there named N. And she has these powers that are... amazing. But these flowers are growing because of her!”
Norhi felt a push of emotion again, surprise and recognition. She blinked. “You know this flower?”
Known. [Unknown/Ancient/Lost] 
Fate Extant. [Survival/Hope/Joy]
Norhi puzzled her way through the emotions and hints of words. She looked at the flower then. “Ancient. Well, that doesn’t tell me much. But, it sounds like you aren’t interested in sharing those details either. Where would you like me to plant it?”
A root shifted slowly, next to the stream that ran around her. It left open a spot good for planting. 
Norhi smiled and scooched over there, grateful it was close. She used her hands for this, digging the dirt open and then pulling the pot free of the dirt and flower. She gets it settled, gently closing the hole in.
Norhi watched the flower change from a curious green to a lovely pink. She nodded and then looked back up to Sahlia. She ran her fingers over the bark of the root she sat on. “I’ve got so much to share with you. This might take a while.”
A brush of cold and wet is presented to her thoughts, focusing on her ankle. And Norhi laughed, reaching to tug the splint and sock off her sprained foot. “Okay, okay. I’ll soak my ankle while we do this.”
She slid off the root to a grassy spot and slipped her injured foot into the water of the stream. And at first it was cold, but a welcome clear cool, unlike the sharp frigid ice of Garlemald. But then the water warmed. And Norhi could see motes of aether flowing in the stream. She smiled softly. “Thank you, my friend.”
She then tugged a mirrored bowl and a bottle out of her belt pouch. She poured the moon-blessed water into the bowl and set it on the root. She then leaned back against the trunk and released a slow breath. She closed her eyes and opened her mind and magic.
She quietly shared moons of memories with Sahlia. The trek to Garlemald. Setting up Camp Broken Glass. Meeting N and Twelves. Meeting the Overseer. Watching Alvarium slowly build into a town. Having to return to Camp Broken Glass. Learning the cure for tempering. Healing so many people. The red sky and the blasphemies. The horror of watching people turn. Finally going back to Alvarium. Events there. The people there. The chaos, the joy, the tears, the laughter.
She shares the search for Misah’to, of finding him and of meeting the girls. And of how he might not be coming home for a long time. And how relieved she was that he was alive and okay.
Eventually, she falls asleep like this, curling against Sahlia’s trunk, with her ankle absorbing healing aether from the stream. Her dreams sort through the memories of conversations shared, adventures followed, people met. And somewhere in there, she felt a rumbling of stone, but thought it part of a memory in her dream.
It had been four bells, when that rumbling stone echoed through the grove and into the forest. Zuki quickly showed up to check on Norhi, concerned about the odd tremor. He saw the door was open and darted over to wake Norhi. He shook her shoulder. “Rhi? Rhi, wake up!”
Norhi woke groggily at Zuki’s shaking. “What? What’s... Zu? What’s wrong?”
Zuki reached and took Norhi by the shoulders, helping her sit up so she could turn and look. He pointed at Sahlia’s door. “I’m surprised the rumbling didn’t wake you! ... Or bring sylphs running to check on us.”
Norhi blinked in shock, staring at the door that she hadn’t seen open in nearly twenty years. She turned and looked at Sahlia. “But... Why? I didn’t finish the rite!”
You did. [Amusement/Maternal/Pride] [Encouragement/Joy/Pride]
Norhi frowned in confusion. “I did?” she echoes, before pushing to her feet. She idly noted her sprain hurt a great deal less now. But she doesn’t worry about it, hobbling to the open door. 
What she saw inside was enough to bring her to her knees, tears already streaming down her face. Not a hint of smoke. Not one wisp of damage. Everything was nearly pristine. Save for a strong layer of dust. The old shelf stood there, holding every single journal she remembered. “They... They weren’t harmed. You protected them this much? Even with what it cost you?”
Yes. [Responsibility/Duty/Legacy[ [Family/Kin/Mine]
Norhi covered her mouth and just sobbed. She felt Zuki wrap his arms around her and she leaned into him, crying her grief, joy, pain, and relief, into his shoulder.
And nearby, the little flower glowed a brilliant lavender and yellow.
When Norhi finally calmed, she looked back up to Sahlia. “I still don’t understand. How did I finish the rite? I never found that crystal in Grangran’s notes.”
Read. [Knowledge/Legacy/Journey] [Within/Gathered/Held]
Norhi huffed a laugh and shook her head. “Of course. Time to... read, I guess.”
Zuki just sighed in confusion and helped his wife up. “I know I’ve said it before. But this is still weirder than listening to one side of a linkpearl conversation. At least with those I can hear the buzz of the pearl.”
Norhi laughed and kissed his cheek, before she lowered herself into the chair inside the hidden room. “Oh, I’m sure it’s more than a little disconcerting. But... In short, she says I’ve finished my ritual. And to know how I did, I need to read these.”
Zuki looked at the shelf, when Norhi gestured at it. “These are all the annals of your matriarchs? The ones you told me about?”
Norhi nodded. “Hand me the last one on that lower shelf. I have Gran’s already. That one should be her mother’s.”
Zuki picked it up carefully and passed it over. “These are in amazing condition.”
Norhi turned the book in her hands. “I would not be surprised if Sahlia had some magic that preserved them,” she answered, before sighing and opening the journal, “Either way, time to read.”
Zuki smiled worriedly. “I’ll go make you some tea. And reassure Nhie’a that all is well. He got Vhene and Herah corralled so I could come check on you.”
Norhi winced and then smiled sheepishly. “Tell him thank you for me.”
Zuki chuckled finally and turned to go see to that tea. By the time he’d returned, three more journals were open and Norhi was back on her feet. And ranting at the giant sentient tree. “You’re telling me... that it wasn’t about that weird ass tea? I didn’t need some gods-bedamned rare crystal at all? I’ve been growing a bizarre thistle from Amdapor for the hells of it!? Gods above and voidsent below!”
Zuki stared owlishly and nervously cleared his throat. “My love?”
Norhi flinched and then turned to look at Zuki, her smile twitching to keep from a frown. “Zu, love... Hi.”
Zuki brought the tea over and set it down on the wooden table they’d put out here. “So... You didn’t need the thistle?”
Norhi bent and scooped up her great grandmother’s journal. “Nope. Gran’s mother journeyed to a village of the Lohengarde and learned of their magics there, bringing back a method for curing more injuries.” She set that journal aside and scooped up the next. “Her aunt was the matriarch before her. And she apparently visited Thavnair, bringing back one of our techniques for fertilizing the groves. I still use this technique!”
She gestures at the other journals. “Every single one of them did something different. And I still don’t know what I specifically did!”
Zuki smiled and shook his head. He took the journal from Norhi and set it aside, before pulling her into a hug. “Whatever it was, Sahlia deemed it worthy. Congratulations on finishing your rite, Rhi.”
Norhi sighed and hugged Zuki tightly. “Thank you. I’m... gonna clean this up and drink that tea.”
Zuki kissed her forehead before stepping back. “I’ll come back to get you for dinner.”
Norhi smiled and then turned to scoop the journals back into order. She sat down with the tea and looked up at Sahlia. “I brought no new techniques or materials. Just a plant that glows. What did I do?”
Lived. [Fire/Death/Fear] [Survived/Searched/Found]
Akizuki. [Love/Journey/Trust]
Vhene [Growth/Innocence/Nurture]
Wyda [Heart/Kin/Flock]
Brave [Leader/Conviction/Friend]
Misah’to [Blood/Lost/Return]
Overseer [New/Hope/Future]
Flower [Ancient/Unknown/Augury]
You came home. [Child/Mother/Mine]
Norhi sat there, stunned at this flood of emotion and concept trying to be understood. “I see,” she finally answered, before she started crying again. All this time, she was already doing the right thing. 
When she calmed yet again, she reached for her linkpearl. She had to share this.
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ghostshadow-k-r · 2 years
So,as I promised long time ago...
Here's the umbrum form of those two,which is Trick Chess and also Royal Match.Trick Chess was halfblood,but Royal Match was a pure umbrum.
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Okay,let me add some umbrum lore in my AU.(This would be a long one)
As I said in Royal Match's post,umbrum was being imprisoned in the Crystal Jail for generations.But as the time goes,umbrum had built their own city and sosial system inside the jail,they call it Smoky City.Most buildings in there was built from Dark Crystal
Umbrum could live around like thousand years if they live in Smoky City all their live.But if they was out of the Crystal Jail,their live span would greatly decrease to about five or six hundred years (How ironic,the jail that imprisons them for generations had already become their only habitat)
Okay,after those introductions,let's talk about their society.
In Smoky City,it's impossible if you want to buy things at there,because their store is barter deal.Also, things from the outside world have very high value,even a bottle cap could exchange for very good treasure.
Their main food source is animals from their own farms.There are several kinds of animals on the farm,chicken,goat,bulls and even wolves.But the most common animal goes by the name Belara,they grows up fast and gave birth a lot.(That's my original creature,comes from besar,big in Malay and also valara,grows up in Tamil-using google translate)
After absorbing those life essence,they got some ways to process those husk.Either they will be sent to feed the wolves,being eaten by some umbrum (Some of them have some special habit when eating) or being dumped in a big pit and left to rot (But it will take a lots of time since it's cold in there)
Actually,umbrum doesn't need to drink.But if you gives them a glass of water,they're willing to drink it.
Name was very important to an umbrum Afterall,name was like ID card to them.
As they age,their body(? will start to grow crystals.Those crystal goes by the name Dark Crystal,those crystal will glow in the dark which could be use as decorations and also amulets which could defend some dark magic.Of course,those crystals are more widely used in dark magic. (They could also generate Dark Crystal through their magic)
Umbrum could merge with shadow and did a lots of things like hunting,eavesdropping etc.
Strictly speaking,umbrum don't need to sleep.But most of them still take a break after period of activity.
They could regenerate limbs if they were injured.Not only themselves,if their friend or family was injured,they could also share a part of their body to heal them
There's no book in the Smoky City,umbrum prefer to carve things on crystal or a stone tablet
Their language reads like whisper in the dark.But their writing is very beautiful
Umbrum's wedding ceremony was very intricate that maybe could drive you crazy (Maybe I'll talk about that later)
They have a big celebration every ten year,a lots of activity would be held at there.
Umbrum care about relationships very much,as long as the relationship is confirmed,they will stick to it for the rest of their lives.(And that's why umbrum doesn't cheating in love)
After looking those,you may start to thinking did they ever want to get out of the Crystal Jail?
I had to say,after living in Crystal Jail for so long,their opinions were split.One side wants to leave the jail,while the other side prefers to live in peace at Smoky City.
Sidenote:Royal Match was around 130 years old (DR1) and Trick Chess was like 17 years old (DRV3) only,which is way too young as an umbrum.(Actually,their size is actually a lot different, but I'm a little too lazy to adjust it)
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potamos-guest-house · 14 days
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nirmaldas8 · 29 days
SLIMCRYSTAL Review: Earn Up to $300 Per Sale & $3.9 EPC with This Unique Weight Loss Offer
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Are you searching for a lucrative affiliate marketing opportunity in the health and wellness niche? Look no further than SLIMCRYSTAL, a groundbreaking product that combines weight loss benefits with the healing power of crystals. With payouts of up to $300 per sale and an impressive $3.9 EPC (Earnings Per Click), this offer is a game-changer for affiliates looking to maximize their revenue.
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SLIMCRYSTAL is a revolutionary weight loss product designed to help users shed pounds naturally while boosting their overall well-being. The product consists of a high-quality glass water bottle infused with nine different types of natural crystals. These crystals are believed to energize water, aiding in weight loss, enhancing metabolism, and improving vitality. This unique combination of crystal healing and hydration has captured the attention of health enthusiasts worldwide.
Why Choose SLIMCRYSTAL for Affiliate Marketing?
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One of the biggest draws of promoting SLIMCRYSTAL is the potential to earn substantial commissions. Affiliates can earn up to $300 for each sale, making this one of the most profitable offers in the market. High-ticket products like SLIMCRYSTAL provide affiliates with the opportunity to generate significant income with fewer sales.
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SLIMCRYSTAL’s $3.9 EPC is a strong indicator of its high conversion rate. EPC is a crucial metric for affiliates, as it represents the average earnings generated per click. The higher the EPC, the more likely it is that your promotional efforts will result in a sale. With a $3.9 EPC, SLIMCRYSTAL outperforms many other health products, ensuring that your traffic is well-monetized.
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SLIMCRYSTAL stands out in the crowded weight loss industry due to its unique approach. The fusion of crystal healing with weight loss appeals to a wide audience, including those interested in holistic health, alternative medicine, and wellness trends. This uniqueness not only attracts attention but also encourages higher engagement and trust from potential buyers.
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SLIMCRYSTAL is designed for a diverse audience, making it an ideal product for affiliates targeting multiple demographics. Whether your audience is interested in weight loss, spiritual wellness, or natural health remedies, SLIMCRYSTAL’s broad appeal increases the chances of conversions across different niches.
Effective Promotion Strategies for SLIMCRYSTAL
To maximize your success with SLIMCRYSTAL, consider the following promotional strategies:
- Video Sales Letters (VSLs): VSLs are powerful tools for conveying the benefits of SLIMCRYSTAL in a compelling and engaging way. Create a detailed VSL that explains the science behind crystal-infused water and its potential weight loss benefits.
- Long-Form Content: Write in-depth blog posts or articles that explore the benefits of crystal-infused water for weight loss. Use SEO techniques to rank your content and attract organic traffic.
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Conclusion: SLIMCRYSTAL is a Must-Have for Affiliates
If you’re an affiliate marketer looking to boost your earnings, SLIMCRYSTAL offers a unique and highly profitable opportunity. With payouts of up to $300 per sale and a $3.9 EPC, this product is designed to reward affiliates generously. Its distinctive blend of crystal healing and weight loss, coupled with broad audience appeal, makes SLIMCRYSTAL a standout product in the health and wellness space.
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Start promoting SLIMCRYSTAL today and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to grow your affiliate income!
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tipsycad147 · 2 months
How To Make Crystal Infused Water
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“Crystals have been used for centuries to promote serenity and as a tool for meditation. They can be helpful allies in our quest for calm.”― Amy Leigh Mercree
This week I’ve been talking about crystals, like these posts on how to cleanse your crystals, which crystals are good for anxiety and a post all about healing crystals. Today I thought we’d continue on this path and explore how to make crystal infused water.
We must share the standard disclaimer that we are not a doctors and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals for healing should be used only as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care and or medication. Please always consult a medical professional.
What Is A Crystal Infused Water?
Crystal infused water, also called gem water is simply water that has been infused with the vibrational frequency of a specific crystal. The water is often charged with moon or sunlight and is thought to promote certain health benefits. I’ve also found crystal infused water to be a great way of connecting directly with the vibration of the crystal.
Making crystal infused waters is a fun, witchy weekend activity and a bonus, you’ll eventually have a pretty line up of hand labelled bottles to decorate your altar or bathroom cabinet with.
How To Use Crystal Infused Water
Crystal infused water can be used in a number of different ways. You can place a few drops onto your wrists or pulse points, place a couple of drops undiluted under the tongue, add a few drops to your bathwater or lace your drinking water with a few drops. I love to have spray bottles with different crystal infused waters in my bag which I use to mist my face with. For example, I have one bottle with contains a crystal infused water I made with amethyst.
When I’m feeling like I want to connect with my heart chakra, I spray a little of the water directly onto my skin and visualise it surrounding me in a mist of loving energy. I do the same with a bottle of jasper crystal infused water which I use when I feel like I need an extra layer of protection.
Because facial sprays and mists are so common now, no one bats an eyelid when I do this. In fact, friends and colleagues often ask for a spritz too lol.
How To Make Crystal Infused Water
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Crystal infused water can be made with all of your favourite (non-water soluble) crystals
You will need: 
A small bowl
A desired cleansed crystal (make sure that the crystal you use can be placed in water! Some crystals will disintegrate if they come into contact with water)
Water (I prefer mineral water which I bless and thank before using)
A dark glass or spray bottle
Labels for your bottles
1 – Pick a light source with which you will charge your infusion. Remedies made using sunlight will need a minimum of 3 hours to infuse. Remedies made with moonlight should be done on a new or full moon. (please note that some crystals do not tolerate direct sunlight if you are unsure work with moonlight which is safe for all crystals)
2 – Charge the crystal – Position it within the bowl and cover it with the mineral or spring water. Place the bowl so that it catches the sun or moons light. Leave until sunrise if using moonlight or for 3 hours if using sunlight.
3 – Bottle the water – decant into your glass bottle of choice. You can place the actual crystal used into the jar to make it more potent if you like.
4 – Label your infusion – Label your water noting the intention you used, when it was made, the crystal used and whether you worked with moon or sunlight. Note also what the remedy is for. You can store the crystal-infused water in a dark place for a number of years if you made sure that the equipment used was sterile.
Note: If you are unsure about whether your crystal can be placed in water, I also have another recipe for crystal-infused water which doesn’t require the crystal to be in contact with water at all.
Note also: for emotional, spiritual and psychic remedies it is more beneficial to charge with moonlight, for physical remedies sunlight charging is best.
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It’s beneficial to charge crystal infused water relating to emotional and spiritual matters with moonlight. Crystal infused water relating to physical remedies are better charged with sunlight.
Crystal Infused Water Remedies
Agate – Useful for insomnia. General all-round health and vitality enhancer.
Amber – Good for muscular aches and to boost memory
Amethyst – Use to boost the immune system. All-round healing crystal
Adventurine – Good for skin conditions. Counteracts negative emotions
Beryl – Use it to build up confidence. Perfect for those suffering from low self-esteem
Bloodstone – Helpful for circulatory problems. Beneficial for feelings of insecurity
Malachite – Good for menstrual issues
Onyx – Helpful for strengthening the body overall
Quartz – Use when you feel in need of protection from negative influences. Overall energy amplifier
Tigers eye – For eye problems. Excellent for combating an unspoken fear of success
Agate – Great for divination
Carnelian – Useful for astral travel. Banishes fear and promotes joy and a feeling of peace
Citrine Quartz – Good all-round stone for increasing your psychic abilities. Can help to eliminate harmful toxins from the body
Diamonds – Protects from negative energy. 
Jasper – Protects from misfortune. Connects us with the energy of the earth. Useful for grounding.
Moonstone – Lovers reconciliation. Protection.
Obsidian – Anti pollutant and useful for protection.
Black onyx – Great for grounding. Useful as a protective charm and for promoting peaceful sleep
Rose quartz – The ‘stone of love’. Wonderful all-round healing stone. Useful for connecting with the heart chakra
Ruby – For bringing good fortune and abundance into your life. 
Sapphire – Useful for calming and soothing
Turquoise – Good for fertility and to help improve your luck
So, my loves, I hope this gives you all the inspiration you need so that next time you need it, you know exactly how to make crystal infused water.
Blessed Be,
Amythest xoxo
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figandthewasp · 3 months
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Moon water is water that has been exposed to the light of the moon, absorbing its energy and vibrations. This practice has roots in ancient traditions and is a cornerstone of modern witchcraft and spiritual practices. The type of energy the water absorbs can vary depending on the phase of the moon, making each batch of moon water unique 🌙⁠ ⁠ Moon water is believed to hold various benefits and can be used in multiple ways to enhance your spiritual and daily life. By incorporating it into your spiritual practices, you are inviting the mystical power of the moon into your life. Whether you’re cleansing your space, enhancing your beauty routine, or nurturing your garden, moon water is a versatile and magical tool that can elevate your daily rituals ✨⁠ ⁠ Creating moon water is a simple process that requires minimal supplies but offers profound benefits. Follow these steps to make your own moon water:⁠ ⁠ 1️⃣ Choose a moon phase: Different phases of the moon offer different energies. For instance, the full moon is perfect for charging your water with maximum energy and intention, while the new moon is ideal for setting new beginnings and fresh starts.⁠ ⁠ 2️⃣ Select a container: Use a clear glass jar or bottle to hold your water. Glass is preferred because it’s natural and helps to amplify the moon’s energy. Ensure your container is clean and free of any impurities.⁠ ⁠ 3️⃣ Fill with water: Fill your container with fresh, clean water. Spring water or filtered water is ideal, but tap water can also be used.⁠ ⁠ 4️⃣ Add intentions: Before placing your water under the moonlight, take a moment to set your intentions. Hold the container and visualize the moon’s energy infusing the water with your desired qualities—whether it’s love, healing, protection, or clarity. At this stage, you can choose to add water-safe crystals to enhance your intentions.⁠
5️⃣ Charge under moonlight: Place your container of water outside where it can absorb the moonlight. If you don’t have outdoor space, a windowsill with direct moonlight will work. Leave it out overnight to soak up the lunar energy. 6️⃣ Collect and store: In the morning, retrieve your moon water. Store it in a cool, dark place, and use it within one month to ensure its potency.
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stalkerofthegods · 3 months
Odin deep dive
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Odin is a wisdom god and a war god, given up his eye for sight in wisdom, may he send blessings upon all of his worshipers.
Herbs •mugwort (oldest of all herbs), plaintain (mother of herbs), stonem, root (drives away evil), wormwood (venom-loather), chamomile, wergulu (maybe chicory), apple, chervil, fennel, chamomile, crab-apple, stinging nettle, mugwort, sweet cicely, corn salad/rampion, monkshood, Amanita muscara, yew, mistletoe, Ivy, juniper, rye, poppy, clover,
Animals• raven, crows, horses, eagle, bear
Zodiac • He was born at the beginning of the time so he doesn't have a birthday... sorry...
Colors • Grey, deep cobalt blue, black, blue
Crystal•  gold, amber, and jasper
Symbols• his staff, his horse, raven, hats, runes, tree of Yggdrasil
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• necklaces that remind you of him and rings
Diety of• war, half of the death, heroes, magic, runes, poets, wisdom, rulers, sovereignty, shamanism, the dead, ecstasy (the reasoning in patron), prophecy, healing, royalty, the gallows, battle, victory, frenzy,
Patron of• war, half of death, heroes, magic, runes, poets, wisdom, rulers, sovereignty, shamanism, the dead, ecstasy (the reasoning behind this is that he has epithets calling him this, and also because he holds the item of the magical mead, and he ventures around the world, simply for his own "pleasure", and his historical mentions of fertility around this god, I may be wrong but I do think he is also a fertility god, and since ecstasy is also believed to be caused to be from desire, and since he inspires the desire for poetry that could also be a point, and also his ecstasy for war, also contributing for his desire for knowledge.), prophecy, healing, royalty, the gallows, battle, victory, frenzy, intoxication,
Offerings• Your blood (not from your wrists or any heat points because that could mean ur livelihood ur offering to him, and he had human sacrifices to him back then, but please be careful, and please sterilize the tools before and don't do this as self-harm get away, he will get pissed!), apples, arizona tea (UPG), books, stuffed animals of his animals, tree imagery, toys of thrones, imagery of thrones, wine (he does not drink or eat food, for wine is both water and food for him, so his dogs eat his food, so make sure to keep in mind wolf/dog-friendly food, like spices/etc.), dog treats, meat, rye, thorns (from a myth when he put a valkyrie to sleep as a consequence for sabotaging a battle), mead, beer, ale, fruit, berries, vegetables, Spearlike vegetables (ex- leeks, asparagus, garlic)
Devotional• Learn runes, write runes on flashcards and bottle caps or play cards or coins to learn them, study, do your homework, research things you are interested in his honor, take care of yourself, think out of the box, learn new skills, set boundrys, donate to war veterans and animal shelters in his name, drink alcohol or something you love to him (raise a glass to him ), eat 3 meals a day, work on communication skills, learn cartomancy/pyromancy/shufflomancy, honor your ancestor, write down and interpret your dreams, work with veterans, do community service in his honor, learn basic med, face your fears, create things that remind you of him (art, tapestry, baked goods, etc)
Ephithets•  “Master of Ecstasy”, "all father, "raven-god", "army-god", “Father of Men”. “Gautr of Men”, “The Ancient Gaut, “Delight of Frigg”, “Eagle-headed One”, “Attacking Rider” or “Attacker by Horse", “Wealth Friend”, “Enemy of the Wolf ”, “Father of Balder”, “Feeble Eye/Flame Eyed”, “Shield Shaker/Spear Shaker”, “Feeble Eye/
One Eyed”,  “Bear”, “Blind One”, “Bale-worker”,  “Battle Enhancer”, “Chieftain”, “Brother of Vili”, “Brown One”, “Son of Borr”, “Spearman”, “Lord of Ghosts”, "Sole Creator of Magical Song", “One with a Straight Forehead”,  “Ever-Booming”,  “Dweller in Frigg’s Embrace", “First Husband of Frigg”,
“Father of Magical Songs”, “Cargo God”, “Journey-Empowerer”, “Burden of Gunnlöð’s Arms”, “Gallows’ Burden”, “Snatch” or “Gain”, “Mighty God”, “Mighty Thule (Poet)”, “Very-Wise/Concealer”, “Much Wise”, “Lord of the Earth”, "One Who Rides Forth”, “The Found”, “Contrary Advisor/Gainful Council”, “Father of Galdor (Magical Songs)”, "Gallow’s Lord", “Wanderer", "Journey Advisor”, “One in a Gaping Frenzy”, “One from Gotland”, “Gautr” (Latinized Langobardic version), “Dangler”, “Spear Inviter”, “Spear God”, “Spear Master”, “Spear Charger”,  “Guest”, “Blind Guest”, “Deceiver, “Riddler”, “Seducer”, “Goði (priest) of the Raven-offering”, “God Protector”, “Yeller",  “Wand Bearer”, " King of Hliðskjalf", “The Masked One/The Hooded One”, "Gunnlod’s Embracer", “Warrior", “Battle Blind", “Master of Fury” (Romanised Langobardic ), “Master of Fury” (Westphalian), "Skillful Worker”, “Hanged God”, "God of the Hanged", “Hanged One”,  “Ruler of Gods”, “God of Gods”,  “Teacher of gods”,  “Fetter Loosener”, “High One”, “Grey Beard", “One Eyed”, “Lord of Hliðskjalf”, “High One”, “Visitor of the Hanged”,  “Blinder With Death/Host Blinder”, “Hang Jaw”, “Host Father”, “Host Gautr”, ” Host Lord”, “Host Glad/Glad of War/Glad in Battle”, “Host God”, “Battle Wolf”,  “God of battle”, “Engager of Battle”, “Helm Bearer”, “Screamer” (that's very ominous..), “Famous Lord/Mound Lord”, “Inciter/Thruster/Shaker”, “One Eyed”, “Hatter", “High One”, “Raven-tester”, “Raven God", “Fetterer/Ripper", “Blusterer”, “Roarer”, “Lord of Gods”, “God”
Hrossharsgrani – “Horse-hair Mustache”, “Whet Courage (Mood)”, “Roarer”, “Splendid Ruler”, “Just As High”, “Yellow-brown Back”, “Gelding”, “Iron Grim”, “Horse-wolf/Bear”, “Yule-father”, ”Yule", “Mighty One”, “Old Man”, “Nourisher”, “Long Beard”, “Shaggy Cloak Wearer”, "Lord of Light"
"Lord of the Wild Hunt", “Son of Borr”, “User/Enjoyer”, “Frenzied One” (Old Norse),  “Frenzy”, “Divine Inspiration”, “Breath",  “Opener”, “Boomer/One Whose Voice Resounds”, “Wished For/Fulfiller of Desire”, “Master of Fury”, “Red Moustache”, “Wagon God”, “Chief”, “God of Runes”, “Mover of Constellations”, “Truth Getter/He Who Guesses Right”, “Truth”, “The Truthful”, “Longbeard”, “Slouch Hat” or “Broad Brim” or “Deep Hood”, ”Long Beard,” “Broad Beard”, “Victory Bringer”, “Father of Victory”, “Victory Gautr”, “Victory Protection”, “Victory Author”, “Victory Tree”, “Victory Successful", “Victory Sure”,  “Victory God”, “King/Trembler”, “Treachery Ruler”, “Son of Bestla”,  “Friend of the Goths” "Speedy One", “Luller to Sleep/Dream", “Fleeting/Changeable”, “Wise One”, “Wise One”, ”Sweller", “Welcome One”, “Quarreler/Raging, Furious”, "Third”, “Triple”, “Burgeoning/Inciter to Strife”, “Strength”, “Sweller”, “Lean/Pale”, “Double”, “Twice Blind”, “Beloved”, “Foe of the Wolf ”, “Dangler", “Wayfarer”, “Swinger of Gungnir”, “Awakener/Vigilant”,  “Ruler of Gallows”, “Ruler of Heaven”, “Father of the Slain”, “Slain Gautr/Gautr of the Slain”, “Chooser of the Slain”, “Slain Tame/The Warrior”, “Slain God”, “Slain Receiver”, “Wayfarer/Waytamer”, “God of Men/God of Being”, “Stormer/Ruler of Weather”, “Contrary Screamer”, “Killer”, “Swinger”, “Friend of Loptr”, “Friend of Lóðurr”, “Friend of Mímir”, “Friend of Altars", “Master of Fury” (Gothic), “Dangler”, “Phallus”, “Smith of Battle”, “Master of Fury” (Allemanic, Burgundian)", “Master of Fury” (Frisian), "Wise Victory Tree", “Wolf”, "Wolf’s Danger", “Wish”,  “Terrible One”, “Stormy”
Equivalents• Mercury (Roman), Indra (Hindu), Thoth (egyptation)
Signs they reaching out• seeing his signs, seeing him in a dream, seeing his family and him in dreams, seeing his animals, seeing imagery of him.
Vows/omans• seeing his animals, his blood pact of brothership with loki, and his marriage vows.
Number• 9
Morals• questionably lawfully chaotic
Courting• Frigg
Past lovers/crushes• Jord, some say Freyja, and some say he's married to Freyja and Frigg.
Personality• trickster, his deminer can change easily, one saga describes Odin, “when he sat with his friends, he gladdened the spirits of all of them, but when he was at war, his demeanor was terrifyingly grim.” this shows that he can be a very kind and accepting deity, but he also has another side, so when worshiping his war epithets be aware of this, he is quite competitive. He is also serious and demands respect.
Home• Vahalha
Mortal or immortal • mortal
Fact• He often changed genders just to get passed obstacles
Curses• no knowledge, not being able to go home or know who you are.
Blessings• knowledge, someone coming out of a battle as the victor
Roots• Germanic paganism, perhaps rooted from the Anglo- Saxon gods
Friends• Mimir, loki used to be his friend, Frigg (his wife), Lóðurr, loptr
Parentage• Bestla, and Borr
Siblings• Ve and Vili, loki
Pet• 2 talking ravens called Huginn and Muninn, a magical horse called, Sleipnir, two wolves called Geri and Freki,
Children • Thor, Balder, Hod, Hermod, Heimdall, Vidar, and Vali. 
Appearance in astral or gen• Odin is frequently portrayed as one-eyed and white long-bearded, long-haired, wielding a spear named Gungnir or appearing in disguise wearing a cloak and a broad hat and a golden ring, and in the 'astral' he can be seen as anything, but mostly in a human-like form (never seen him in a dream or astral personally.)
Festivals • Yule.
Day • Wednesday.
Status• Ruler of Asier, the father of the gods, has an army of the dead, powerful.
What angers them• disrespect, betraying oaths, and ignoring him.
The music they like• I take it Viking and hunting and gothic/metal music.
Planet• Murcery
Tarot cards• hanging man, the magician, the priestess, the chariot, the
hermit, death, suit of swords.
Reminds me of• goth, bikers (motorcycles), yelling
Scents/Inscene • sandalwood, sage, cedar, mugwort, basically all his herbs except the dangerous ones.
Prayers• Prayer for Wisdom in Teaching
Allfather, Ancient One Eye-plucked Wanderer Teacher of Runes and Mead-stealer Bless me, keep me As  I wander and in gift-for-gift, Teach others from Your path
The Ninefold Blessing of the Allfather
Grace me, Father, with the blessings of the breath of life, and, with the lips that shape the ond into forms beautiful and terrible Grace me, Father, with the blessings of the Runes, with the markings that break fetters and heal the sick Grace me, Father, with the blessings of wisdom, with the discernment and care it brings, with the faculties to use it properly Grace me, Father, with the blessings of pain, with the forging and strength it bestows, with the edge it sharpens Grace me, Father, with the blessings of inspiration, with the knowledge and comprehension it gives, with the ways it opens Grace me, Father, with the blessings of joy, with the openness of receptivity and growth, its seeds, with the way it enlivens life Grace me, Father, with the blessings of power, with the ability to choose and stand firm, with the ability to change the world around me Grace me, Father, with the blessings of intelligence, with the ability to comprehend and deduce the meaning of things, to understand the world in all its complexities Grace me, Father, with the blessings of faith, with the trust and determination to embrace it, to always reach to understand You and the World better, in all the ways I can
Links/websites/sources • https://www.britannica.com/topic/Odin-Norse-deity https://norse-mythology.org/gods-and-creatures/the-aesir-gods-and-goddesses/odin/#:~:text=As%20mentioned%20above%2C%20Odin's%20name,can%20take%20countless%20different%20forms. https://www.worldhistory.org/odin/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odin https://wytchofthenorth.wordpress.com/2013/04/16/odin-and-herbs-ask-me-about-odin/ https://wanderingwomanwondering.wordpress.com/2017/06/22/deity-offerings-series-for-odin/ https://www.norseshamanism.online/blog-norse-shamanism/offerings-to-odin-and-how-to-make-offerings-to-odin https://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/odin/writing/altars-and-offerings-for-odin.html https://odindevoted.wordpress.com/2013/07/26/offerings/https://study.com/academy/lesson/yggdrasil-the-tree-of-life-norse-mythology-symbol.html#:~:text=Yggdrasil%20is%20a%20tree%20in,god%20in%20the%20Norse%20pantheon. https://www.tumblr.com/alder-bos/669862051714318336/deities-and-their-tarot-cards-long-post
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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dimensionalthoughts · 4 months
Light Wounds
Life is ephemeral
Fluttering like a fugitive of fallen grains
Tunneling through time and building
On dunes of memory
Subtracting from the future
And yet always, always adding to our past
Banks of Pepin’s drift wood and sea glass
Whiskey bottles and lilac petals
Chains and silk
Solfeggio beats and screams
Air and stream water
Volcanic lava and sequoias
Brim abundantly
Held within my fleshy body
Gifted as pillars at birth
An hourglass timer
Chronos flips himself
Starts at first breath
Life begins and thunder rumbles
Birds sing too
Trees dance
Thunder rumbles
Time passes
Crystal speckles illuminate
Drawing in the lightning
My sand and soul savagely fuse
Fulgurites galavant into a galvanized frenzy
- -Add fossils to my time’s temple
If you would
But please
let it be me who discovers the depth of them
Alchemy aches within my altered chemistry
Until I but whimper —
One speck of sand had dropped
no theatrical markings of time
Lightning strikes just as transiently
The ether crackles as if taunting time
It arouses my vision
Through my third
Thunder rattles through my bones
And I am changed
I collect my sea glass and explore my new scars
Time continues to trickle
And I plant seeds in my petrified light
The whiskey bottles and chains
Get strung up into the air
With drift wood
Wind chimes of my gatherer’s pain
I dye my silk with lilac
And I caress the screams
Until OM is home
How many grains had gone from me
Since I last left my temple?
I extend tendrils of healing light
And blooming flowers of time
To the ether beyond my own sense of frame
Love answers me in waves
Gentle breaks and rough shoves
Whirlpools of golden light
Pepin is glittering with diamonds
And I see it now
We all have lightning strikes
Somewhere in the temples of our time
Transcendent of the sand’s fall
My word given right there
To the creator
I am forged by your rebellion
The act unseen by anyone
And yet i kneel
To the traumas that rendered me changed
Pray upon them with reverent rose
Or wintergreen’s breath
Tidy up your own temple’s trickling sand
And reach out with tendrils
There are those waiting to feel your love
Me too
Listen for the wind chimes
And flow
0 notes
bymichaelkwong · 1 year
Visionary Seekers Rejoice: iGenics Unveiled — Your Gateway to Revitalized Vision and Beyond!
Prepare to embark on a journey like no other — a journey towards vibrant vision and boundless confidence! The world of eye health is forever transformed with the arrival of iGenics, the groundbreaking eye-support discovery that has taken the market by storm!
Are you tired of struggling with declining vision and searching for a natural solution to reignite your crystal-clear clarity? The wait is over! iGenics is here to empower your vision naturally with its potent 100% organic extracts, carefully curated to fix the very root cause of vision decline.
Imagine the convenience of a dietary supplement, encapsulated within easy-to-swallow pills, delivering a powerful punch of natural goodness to revitalize your vision. Bid farewell to uncertainties and welcome renewed assurance in your vision health — all thanks to iGenics!
But iGenics goes above and beyond mere vision improvement. It’s more than just a run-of-the-mill formula. This revolutionary solution transcends the norm by addressing the Chronic Proinflammatory Environment (CPE), a hidden culprit that arises from inflammation. This CPE not only impacts organs but also takes a toll on DNA, disrupting the entire system within the body. It leads to the production of T-NFA cytokines, depleting cells in the optic nerve and eyes, halting the natural self-healing process of vision restoration.
While typical therapies, surgeries, and nutritional supplements focus on cataracts and common causes, iGenics takes the bold step to regenerate cells, boost DNA, and shield cells against damaging factors. It even combats CPE, free radicals, and other toxins to effectively reverse optic nerve damage.
The secret to iGenics lies in its masterful blend of 12 supernatural ingredients, each contributing to the enhancement of eye health and supporting crystal-clear vision. Rest assured, these capsules are free from chemicals or stimulants, ensuring a side-effect-free experience for all iGenics consumers.
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Gaze upon the powerful inclusions in each iGenics pill:
Ginkgo Biloba: A treasure trove of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects, safeguarding against macular degeneration and supporting stronger vision health in adults.
Bilberry: The ultimate vision supporter with super antioxidants that enhance clear night vision and protect against inflammatory and oxidative attacks on delicate eye nerves.
Saffron: An eye-protection powerhouse with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and light response improvement in the retina, fending off macular degeneration and other threats.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Well-known eye-enhancement compounds that shield eye cells from damage, nourishing the eye tissues and protecting the lens against blue light radiation.
Turmeric: A potent anti-inflammatory agent with curcumin that protects the retina and aids vision, particularly in diabetic retinopathy, while reducing glaucoma and macular degeneration risks.
BioPerine: Boosts healthy vision and promotes nutritious blood circulation, enhancing the absorption rate of vital nutrients in the formula for amplified results.
Vitamin E, C, A, Copper, and Zinc: Excellent nutrients nourishing eye cells, elevating their function, and supporting enhanced vision.
The iGenics supplement is encased within a bottle containing 60 capsules, with a recommended dosage of two pills per day, taken with a glass of water. This simple yet powerful routine triggers the body’s self-healing process, fostering vision renewal.
Now, you might wonder about limitations. To maximize results, avoid overdosing or skipping doses. If you are under medication, consult your physician before incorporating iGenics into your routine. The formula is not suitable for children under 18, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers.
Benefits of iGenics Usage:
Prevents vision decline and loss in individuals of all ages and genders.
Shields eye cells, tissues, and nerves from damage while providing natural nutrients.
Bypasses costly eye drops, supplements, surgeries, and lenses, saving your hard-earned money.
Enjoy clear vision for various activities, such as reading, driving, and even night vision.
Combats near and far-distance vision woes, ensuring crystal-clear sight.
Renews DNA and boosts healthy immune activity to combat inflammation, stress, and oxidation.
Protected by a 100% refund guarantee, ensuring risk-free purchasing.
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Now, let’s address the drawbacks. To ensure the authenticity of iGenics supplements, they are exclusively available on the official website and nowhere else. Embrace the exclusivity and secure your genuine iGenics bottle to unleash its unparalleled potential.
Speaking of costs, you’re in for a pleasant surprise! The iGenics supplement is not only effective but also affordable. Choose from one bottle for $59, three bottles for $147, or six bottles for $234. Plus, you can unlock special discounts for a limited time!
Rest easy, for iGenics offers a 60-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to claim a full refund if unsatisfied with the results. With nothing to lose, you can confidently explore the realm of iGenics risk-free.
Who Can Use iGenics Capsules? iGenics is a natural solution for users of all ages and genders, making it an excellent choice for anyone seeking optimal eye health. However, children under 18, pregnant women, and nursing mothers are exempted from usage.
Testimonials from satisfied customers grace the official website, attesting to the positive impact of iGenics. Join the ranks of individuals like Sara V and Andrew M, who experienced remarkable transformations in their vision health with iGenics.
In conclusion, if revitalizing your vision is your ultimate goal, iGenics is your perfect ally. Embrace this high-quality formula, crafted with natural extracts, for effective and safe results. Prepare to bid farewell to eye discomfort and say hello to the soothing relief that iGenics delivers.
Take the leap towards improved vision and claim your exclusive iGenics supplement on the official website. Seize the opportunity before it’s gone and witness the world with newfound clarity and confidence, courtesy of iGenics!
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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purschase the product recommended st no sdditional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products.
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