#Good cause
vanessavixenx2 · 3 months
You know I love purple, but it’s even better when it’s for a good cause! Today was Purple Day to raise awareness for epilepsy! 💜 Vv xo #1in100
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always-coffee · 4 months
Coraline Raffle for a Good Cause
Do you want to own a one-of-a-kind, signed copy of @neil-gaiman's Coraline? Do you also want to help people? (The proceeds go to various things, such as food banks and giving coats to kids in need.)
Well, @linda-from-the-bird-site is having a raffle! Tickets are the price of a fancy coffee, and the edition of Coraline is beautiful--and there is a gorgeous pen to boot!
Check it out!
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klutzyghost13 · 3 months
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user08762662727272 · 6 months
Times decided to name taylor swift the person of the year because she has a popular music career (and I say this with as much as respect as possible), not Plestia or Motaz Or Bisan who risk their lives in the midst of b0mbings, d@sth and destruction to show the world what Palestine is going through and to fight for their country, but no, a white lady with a successful music career deserves to be the person of the year. Once again, no hate to Taylor swift but it had to be said.
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happydaypetapparel · 5 months
Fundraising for Jackets for Shelter Animals!
I'm fundraising to supply pet jackets to shelter animals in need in the Roanoke VA area this winter. All money received will go toward materials to make jackets for shelter animals (primarily dogs). If you have fabric, old/worn clothes, or other material that you think could be used as material for the jackets that would be equally appreciated! If so, please send me a direct message.
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The example jacket pictured is an extra small, worn one that I made from old shirts and scrap materials. This is not an exact example of the jackets that I will be making for the shelter animals and the ones made for this project will be of better quality, these were made quickly from materials I had around the house. Also, the scrap materials I used was not entirely ideal and caused some unevenness around the edges. This jacket was made for 1 of 2 puppies we took in that were found abandoned in parking lot and were too malnourished to handle the cold, which is one of many scenarios where a shelter animal may need one of these jackets during the cold weather. GoFundMe is the only location where I will be taking funds. The only social media accounts specifically for this project/brand are currently @happydaypetapparel on Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube and now @HappyDay_PA on Twitter/X.
Here is the GoFundMe link if you would like to donate or see more info. Reblogs are deeply appreciated.
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trollartistry · 6 months
Hello, I'm Nemi and I'm trying to get me and my cat to the UK to be with the love of my life, Harry.
We first met when we were just pre-teens on the internet, obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog. We became best friends, and then three years later we found out we both had feelings for eachother and became a couple! 10 years have flown by since, with us alternating who flies over and visits the other. Marriage and a life together had became our goal 5 years into the relationship, and it's still our goal today.
Originally, we were supposed to get things done in 2020. We all know why that didn't happen (thanks COVID) so we've begun to try and get things started back in January this year, when we got engaged.
And then.... we got hit with a curveball just 2 weeks before Christmas. The UK government is changing up visa requirements to an unreachable level for my fiance and I and it could mean the end of our relationship if we don't go through with this *NOW*.
We have less than 4 months to try and scrounge up +$3k to move my cat and I to the UK and unite with Harry for good. We both have jobs, but we barely started saving for this goal as we *thought* we had several years to go still.
Any donation made here is going straight to funding everything that is needed for this huge event in my life. The spouse visa fees, the biometric fees, the fees to get my cat prepared for the travel, and the flight itself. I have decided to abandon all personal items in my possession besides a suitcase of clothes and a laptop bag with my laptop in it, so I do not have to deal with moving my stuff on top of everything else.
Any sort of support, whether donation or boosting this, is really appreciated. Even just reading through this, I appreciate it!
Please help my fiance and I unite once and for all.
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nickysfacts · 11 months
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For those interested in donating, adopting, sponsoring a cat, or interesting in visiting them in person please visit their website: https://www.gattidiroma.net/web/en/
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I am truly inspired. I am going to paint this violin for the violin action for The Young Artists Debut Orchestra to he auctioned off. This organization helps provide stringed instruments to children who cannot afford them.
This will be awesome!!!
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phantom088 · 4 months
hi!  I am desperately in need for help. I need my insulin to bring my blood sugar back down. It’s $300 That’s all I need. I’m not asking for a windfall, just a little help, please.
Be blessed 💓🙏🙏💓
            DONATE AND SHARE.
Can't do much donating bro, sorry, but I'll still put this on my account so anyone who is able to help can come across it.
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daniwib · 7 months
Want to help support men's health?
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I'm combining my journey to fitness with raising funds and awareness this Movember in honour of my Dad. I can’t grow a Mo, but I can walk!
Dad has told me many times about how, when he was a firefighter, he and his team were never offered any mental health support, not even after traumatic calls. There were times when he really struggled and felt like he had no one to talk to. I don’t want any firefighter, or any man, to feel like that ever again. Please donate to support men's health.
My goal is to raise $500 by walking 60km in November to help raise funds for this important cause.
If you can, please donate – even a little bit helps. If you can't, would you reblog for exposure please? LInk to my MoSpace where you can donate - thank you to anyone who is able to!
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bez2021 · 2 months
Hello everyone. Tina lost her mother on March 14, 2023. She was unable to make the trip at that time to California, as she is disabled. She has been blessed with the tickets for this coming May..but we have to come to you and ask for some help with the other miscellaneous travel expenses and food for just about a week's time. We do have the lodging taken care of but the rest is still in desperate need. If you can, please do. This trip will be the first time she has been able to see her son in 10 years as well. It's also going to give Tina the opportunity to attend to her mother's ashes, etc.
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persimmontartkisses · 2 months
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Something to do with your eclipse glasses if you have extras/don't want to keep yours!
Here's the link for more info
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sc4rletblush · 3 months
Guys I need a new phone. My current phone barely has any storage and I can only have 2 or 3 apps at a time. Plus the picture quality is really bad. Please help a girl out. Every dollar counts.
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happydaypetapparel · 2 months
Hello! It's April which means the weather is warming up where I live. Unfortunately, we have not received any donations so far which wasn't necessarily unexpected. I recognize that it was a bit ambitious to start this so late into winter So, now the GoFundMe will be to supply shelter animals with jackets for late this year and early 2025 to give plenty of time to raise funds, get supplies, and make the jackets. I will be updating the GoFundMe and other socials soon to reflect this as well. I have been very busy lately but will try to be more active on here and other socials soon! My phone broke last month so that makes it a bit harder to stay active but I will do my best. Thank you to all who have shared so far and to anyone who does in the future, it is deeply appreciated.
See more about my fundraiser here (the original post)
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dailybehbeh · 11 months
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ninjakittycomics · 1 year
Time for more malicious compliance
So... here we are again. And i think with enough malicious compliance, we can turn this particular bus around.
Calling all trolls who troll for a good cause. Since they opened up the "first amendment as a grounds to discriminate", could any of you who have businesses or services to start sending out signs like "based on this precedent, we refuse to serve all lawmakers", congress people/state lawmakers not welcome here, etc?
Make them feel it. I realize that the congress didn't set up this precedent, but the supreme court is such a tiny target, ans we need a large body of denied people to create a change.
I know you'll know how to do it. I know you cna make the difference. I've seen you help before.
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