#Grand Effie
urperfectangelgirl · 7 months
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Santa tell me ✱︎
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partygirl14 · 28 days
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In 2014, we really knew how to party, right?
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cinamongirlsposts · 7 months
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“The life is dream; awakening is what kills us”
-Virginia Woolf
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princeofyorkshire · 2 years
i passed all my clases i am done w my first year of uni LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOO
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harrowlark · 1 year
“Make the villain think of themself as the hero!” is all well and good but what about the villains who think of themselves as just some guy really. What about the villains who think of themselves as bad people because they like… forgot their friend’s birthday rather than because of the world domination thing
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velholar · 5 months
Eu nunca quis ser o grande amor da vida de alguém, mas desejei muito ter sido o seu.
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fancysomegrunge · 2 years
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389 · 4 months
HYPRFNK DJ SET / VISUALIZER MIX FEB 2024 by @389 Genres: Bass, Breaks, Breakbeats, Techno, Electro
Yolabmi - Irreversibility
Simo Cell - I Love the Monkey Head 
Yushh - Same Same
Tristan Arp - Beamed In
Conna Haraway - Mesmeric
U-A-V - In Time
Reeko - Zaphiro 
Edetto - Chatter 
Drumskull - Recovered Artefacts
Neida - Sonar Chant
Ozwald - She's A Wreck
Pugilist - Circuit Breaker
Destrata - Clubmoss
Giant Swan - Abacuses
DJ Shufflemaster - Experience
Dayzero, WRACK, Seimei - Camellia (Seimei Remix)
Effy - Yours Aye
Acid Lab - Ghost Ridah
Ben Ferris - Bass Grande
Uraan, RLGN - Ajarai
D3U5E, Gav - Went Back
Tymotica - Sleep Mechanism
Neida - Dirty
Neida - Light Pillar
Son Ami - Outline
Mulholland - ION-9
Danny Goliger, Choopsie - Cycling
Lazarus - A44E
DJ Birdbath - Fall
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myadmiringmind · 1 year
Routine | Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin Masterlist
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: When the full moon comes around some things are always the same while some things differ. All you and your friends can do is your best to comfort the werewolf you all love.
Genre: Fluff, angst? (Rem in discomfort)
Pairing(s): Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): Nightmares, depression, cursing, food, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, mentions of blood, and wounds (let me know if I missed anything)
Established Relationship
In the beginning all characters are in their 6th year
Cariad = Love
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No one could truly ever tell how Remus would act around the full moon and to whom. So you could only ever prepare for the constants.
Remus was always physically and mentally drained as his body was preparing him for the transformation. His body would ache. Some months could be much more painful than other months. He was always tired, unable to sleep more than three hours if he was lucky. He was normally restless and tended to bounce his knee, chew on his nails or lip, and fidget with things around him.
Some months he was more angry than anything, others he was more depressed. A week before the full moon was the earliest these side effects occurred. It might start earlier in the week or the middle or at the latest a couple days before.
Walking into the great hall, your eyes immediately searched for your love. Upon seeing him you examined his posture and believed you knew what type of day today would be.
When you got closer you saw James piling some of Remus’ favorite foods on the plate in front of him. Your boyfriend had his hands covering his ears. You believed this to be a subconscious movement to keep out all the noise of the great hall.
James noticed you first, sending you a grateful smile as you sat next to Remus. Far enough to not startle him but close enough so that he could sense your presence.
“Hey, honey.” You said softly to alert him that it was you beside him, but not too quietly that he couldn’t hear you.
You didn’t hear what he mumbled but you took it as a greeting. You gently placed your hand on his back and rubbed it in hope to ease his tension.
Remus was always distant at first, the insecurities plagued his mind. You just needed to be consistent and slowly move towards him.
In the beginning you sat awkwardly next to him. James chatted with Sirius as the black haired boy played wizards chess with Peter. James continued to stuff more food on Remus’ plate, doing his best to encourage him to eat.
Soon enough, Remus allowed himself to find comfort in your presence, and ate a few bites of the food James had given him. It wasn’t enough, but you knew he was trying.
Sirius slammed his hands on the table in frustration from the loss of the chess match. Remus jumped slightly, which earned Sirius a glare from you.
“Sorry, Moons.” He sounded sorry, so you let it go.
Remus just snuggled further into you, taking deeper breaths in an attempt to calm himself. The position the two of you were in was odd to the eye, but it was the best, and most comfortable you could do at the grand tables.
Soon, the owls entered, dropping packages, and hooting loudly. Two packages that were nearly the exact same in size and shape landed in front of James and Sirius.
The two of them grinned and picked their packages up at the same time. If you weren’t so worried about Remus, you would’ve laughed at how similar James and Sirius’ movements were.
“Gifts from Effie.” Sirius grinned at your questioning gaze.
You watched curiously as James and Sirius opened the packages. They both pulled out a delicately wrapped box of sweets and a pouch of coins. 
“For the upcoming Hogsmeade trip.” Sirius said absent-mindedly, he gave Remus a sympathetic look knowing that the full moon was this weekend.
“Come on, let’s go back to our dorm.” James said, after he placed the items back into his own box.
You nodded, and rubbed the back of Remus’ neck before whispering James’ words to Remus.
He nodded and stood up, swaying slightly. You were quick to grab his hand and walk with him out of the great hall. You tried to persuade him into leaning on you but he was still well aware that if he were to fall, he would crush you.
Thankfully, Peter was at Remus’ other side, helping support some of his weight. While Sirius hung behind, and James led.
You saw his shoulders visibly relax when you were far enough away from the noise that was the great hall.
“Under the cloak you go.” James said, throwing his invisibility cloak over you and Remus.
If someone were to see you going into the marauders dorms, talk would arise and it wouldn’t be good for any of you.
When in their dorm, Remus subconsciously moved towards his bed and flopped down as if he had worked tirelessly all day long, even though it wasn't even noon.
You sat on the edge of his bed. Remus, sensing your proximity, moved so that his head laid in your lap.
All the marauders kept glancing at Remus in worry. James the most. So it wasn’t a shock when said boy spoke up, “He should stay in the dorm today.”
You nodded in agreement, “I’m gonna stay too.”
“You sure?” It was Sirius
“One of us could stay with him.” Peter offered
You shook your head, sending them off to class with a murmur of thanks.
Looking down, you noticed Remus had fallen asleep. You smiled, knowing around these times he got all his sleep from naps.
Hours later you were awoken from the firm grip on your thighs. Remus’ head was shaking, eyes scrunched up and he was sweating.
You caressed his face, trying to comfort him. He seemed to relax a little.
“Remus.” You called gently, shaking him awake.
It took him a few minutes to come to terms as to where he was.
“What time is it?” He asked quietly.
You glanced around for a clock, before noticing the muggle kid watch you had bought for James last year as a gag gift. You squinted trying to make out the time.
“About two hours after noon.” You answered, trying to relieve the tension in your back and shoulders without disturbing Remus.
Remus groaned in annoyance. He moved to try and get up, but the hand you placed on his back easily convinced him to give up and continue to lay down.
“You should try to get some more sleep.�� You said, pushing the strands of hair that stuck to his sweaty forehead away from his face.
“No use.” He answered and your heart aches for him.
“I should start you a bath.” You moved to gently lift Remus’ head from your lap but he halted you with a grab of your wrist.
“Don’t leave.” He whined, “I don’t want to be alone.”
“I’m just gonna run a bath for you so you don’t have to sleep in your own sweat.” You tried
“I don’t care.” Remus begged
You effectively placed Remus’ head into the bed despite his protests.
You were more concerned when he moved to sit up. Even in pain, he moved fast, so you couldn’t stop him.
He delicately wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his forehead against your stomach. Despite having his arms around you, you could barely feel him. You knew he was denying the want of tightening his hold on you, afraid of being seen as selfish.
You moved for him, pressing his arms around you tighter and moved closer to him so he could bury his face in your stomach.
“You’re allowed to want things, Rem. All you have to do is ask me.” You said, rubbing up and down the back of his neck.
“I don’t want you to leave me.” You knew he meant more of a break-up sense than a physical sense.
“I’m not going to, my love.” The sound of your endearment caused a small cry from his lips.
“I hate it so much.”
You couldn’t even imagine all the pain and suffering Remus had to constantly go through.
“I know, is there anything more I can do to help?” You asked
“Just be here.” He answered quietly
“I promise.” You assured him.
Eight Years later 
“Don’t fuss, Cariad, It’s not that big, I swear.” Remus chuckled painfully, watching you tend to a wound on his stomach.
“It’s bigger than I’d like.” You mumble through the flush on your cheeks.
“It was quite an angry moose, but I rather a wound from him than my own claws.” Remus said
You froze for a moment then picked back up where you left off, not sure if or how you should respond to that.
Remus’ hiss stopped you from a rabbit hole of negative thoughts.
“I’m sorry.” You said absent-mindedly
“That’s enough cleaning, don’t you think, love?” 
“Just a little more.” You promised.
When Remus was all bandaged and done he hummed gratefully. 
“So,” He began, resting his hands on your hips as you disposed of the bloody cloths. “How should I repay you for taking such good care of me?” 
You hummed, acting as if you were in deep thought, “A kiss or two should be enough payment for me.” 
Remus chuckled, “Have I not given you enough kisses today?” 
You shook your head, “You never do.”
The man scoffed teasingly, “I thought I gave you a healthy amount, but it seems I've begun to spoil you.” 
“Your fault.” You said affectionately, leaning down while making not to touch a wound. 
One kiss. Two kisses. Three kisses. 
He hummed, pressing one kiss to your cheek, “I thought my payment was two kisses.” 
“I changed my mind.” You smiled, resting your forehead against his. 
“My silly women.” He caressed your cheek.
“Sorry, Rem. You’re stuck with me.” 
“Then I shall die the happiest man.”
edited on 05/16/2024
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elitehanitje · 4 days
Anthony Bowens is the future of Pride and a shining example of the power of being out & proud
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When you think of professional wrestling, queer acceptance might not be the first thing that comes to mind. In reality, progress towards changing that perception is being made, in large part thanks to PRIDE’s Grand Marshal, Anthony Bowens, and his decision to be out and proud — in and out of the ring.
“I feel extremely welcomed. That was actually one of the drawing points of coming to All Elite Wrestling [AEW], back in 2020 when I was trying to choose between two companies,” Bowens recalls to PRIDE. “It was how welcoming the locker room was and how free the performers were, because AEW had the first ever trans woman to win a major national title named Nyla Rose, and they had Sonny Kiss, and both were just walking around being themselves and there was no issues. It was just we're all one big family, it didn't matter who you were. And I thought that was so impressive.”
Bowens says that this spirit of welcoming and acceptance is mirrored by his fellow performers, the management, and, of course, the fans. There was a time when being an out gay wrestler would have been an oxymoron, but the sea change is occurring and has never been more evident than in a truly stunning moment of solidarity shared by a crowd of wrestling fans. If you’d been at the AEW Dynamite show last June at Chicago's Wintrust Arena, you’d have seen (and heard nothing but) a sold-out crowd erupt into chants of “he’s gay” in support of Bowens.
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While Bowens is the first to admit that pro wrestling still has a ways to go in terms of its queer acceptance, he can’t help but see positive signs everywhere he looks. “We have shows on the independent [promotions] like Effy's Big Gay Brunch that features all LGBTQ athletes, I think he runs it multiple times a year now; it used to be every WrestleMania weekend. And then also on AEW, I think that at one point one of our shows had I think seven or eight out LGBTQ athletes on the show. That doesn't happen anywhere else. And that certainly didn't happen when I first started,” he says.
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urperfectangelgirl · 9 months
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I’m headed straight for the castle ☆︎
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This is a Jegulus birthday one-shot dedicated to the lovely, sweet, kind, talented, and most perfect @kat-m-toast. Happy birthday 🖤
TW: implied explicit content
Four things are true:
James Potter loves birthdays.
James Potter has never had a surprise party because he is so excited for his birthday every year that he always helps his friends plan him an elaborate party.
Regulus Black hates birthdays and elaborate parties.
Regulus Black loves James Potter.
It’s the fourth one that is the current cause of Regulus’ migraine. Presently, Regulus is sitting in the dark, crouched down in the Gryffindor Common Room on a Saturday night surrounded by rowdy lions, who he just cannot get to shut the fuck up.
“Do they truly have no sense of decorum? They are going to ruin the surprise,” Regulus thinks with an irritated huff.
You see, James’ birthday fell on a Wednesday this year. Which was a problem because he had quidditch practice at 5:30 am (the maniac) and what is there to do on a Wednesday? The Marauders, as usual, caused a giant commotion over breakfast, how they made every fork and spoon say happy birthday prongsie when touched Regulus will never know. They then partook in riotous revelry throughout the day, so you know, the same as any other Wednesday.
Regulus, the HBIC (head boyfriend in charge) planned a candlelight picnic on the astronomy tower. It was sentimental, cute, quaint even, their relationship did start on that very tower, after all. But, Regulus knows his boyfriend and his love of grand gestures, birthdays, and, sadly, elaborate parties.
This brings us back to number four, Regulus Black fucking loves James Potter. This means Regulus knows that, although James was grateful for their candlelit birthday picnic, he was also disappointed that his Wednesday birthday meant he couldn’t have a party.
Or, so he thought. Regulus isn’t the HBIC for nothing. So, he’s spent months meeting in secret with the Gryffindors (vomit), sourcing firewhiskey (surprisingly easy), writing Effie to get her to send James’ favorite cake so he can blow out candles (this muggle custom confuses and disgusts Regulus, but James loves it and it’s not like Regulus is a stranger to James’ spit), convincing Peter to “accidentally” lose the map (yes, Regulus knows about the map, no, they aren’t that discrete), convincing Remus to steal the invisibility cloak (yes, Regulus knows about the invisibility cloak, no they aren’t that discrete, like at all) and then sneaking everything up to the Gryffindor Common Room while Sirius distracts James (again, surprisingly easy).
But everything, every argument with his brother, every secret meeting with the lions, thank Salazar for Lily Evans, every trek through dirty passageways that Regulus sacrificed more than one pair of shoes to, hell, even the four nights of Regulus sleeping in the Slytherin Common Room that he traded with Barty in order to get the expensive firewhiskey (apparently there’s this thing Barty wants to try against the window and the floor that required him and Evan have complete privacy) was all worth it when he saw the look on his boyfriend’s face when the confetti flew into the air and everyone jumped up and yelled surprise.
Regulus has never seen James cry, embodiment of sunshine and all that, but even from where Regulus now stands by the stairs he can see the tears shining in James’ eyes.
When James finally spots Regulus, that’s when the tears fall.
“This was all you, wasn’t it, love?” James asks as he gets closer to Regulus, slipping an arm around his waist.
“Happy birthday, Jamie. I hope your surprise party was worth the wait.” Regulus replies, his lips against James’ cheek.
So yes, Regulus Black loves James Potter, and, if the show of gratitude he got in the Room of Requirement that night is anything to go off of, Regulus Black may be persuaded to like elaborate parties as well.
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cressthebest · 1 month
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 30
chapter 49:
1. jegulus jumpscare (it’s a dream i wasn’t expecting)
2. shit. the dream is about their wedding plans. i- i can’t do this shit while reg is in the arena
3. shit it’s raining and i know reg can’t handle it because of the last crimson river/arena
4. god, sirius wakes up to the rain and his first thought it to go save regulus
5. “"Lily, have you been using sex for favors?"
"No." Lily pauses, then snorts. "Well, alright, so this is how it works, yeah? I'm already having sex, and then I'm like, say, look at you all laid out and desperate to give me what I want; don't you want to do this very small, very simple thing for me? And then they mostly always say yes, and they get what they want, all while I'm having a grand time and also getting what I want. See? Win-win.””
😭😭😭 i love her your honor
6. “”I cannot believe that this revolution is partially running on your competency in sex."
"Oh, if only it could fully run on that. Everything would go so smoothly. Shit, we'd win the war in, like, a week.""
😭😭😭💍♥️ marry me please
7. “”I keep telling [Effie] I know exactly how to make her feel better, but she insists she's a married woman, and also far too old for me. Disappointing, really.”” 😭😭😭
8. james confronting lucius has me scared for remus. like, i know they can’t trace it back to remus, but i’m so scared
9. james is pissed at the world and it’s honestly scary
10. i know james is trying to use donations, but i’m also aware that riddle wants to make sure no donations make it to reg, sirius, or marlene
11. “"Aw, your boyfriend sent you a present," Rabastan teases, his tone lighthearted and good-natured.
"Fiancé," Regulus corrects sharply”
GAGGED. he took james’ words and fucking ran with it like nobody’s business
12. not narcissa welcoming james to the family 😭😭😭😭
13. james sent him a bagel and all the death eaters are making fun of him for being gay over it 😭😭
14. all james sent on the card was “???” 😭😭 pls that’s so funny
15. poor eli
16. the sad bonding over marlene and sirius having recovered from drinking problems
17. don’t tell me that the fucking crimson river hands are coming out the hedges. i- god i hope reg gets to personally witness riddle’s downfall
19. “You never truly do feel as alive as when death is breathing down your neck.”
oh he’s insane as hell. a black for sure
20. shit. sirius’ mind just went blank in the maze
21. the hallow is cruel beyond belief for this
22. “He has had dreams of Regulus, ah, using his dagger during…intimate moments, but is that something he'd actually do? Well… Okay, bad example.” 😭😭😭😭
23. james was so close to an epiphany about mcgonnagal making everyone hate the games. he was so close
24. “Thorfinn said he'd have to be killed to be stopped from going after Sirius, even though Regulus explicitly told him what he'd do about that, and so Regulus killed him. Newton's third law: for every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
bitch do not pull physics into this 😭😭
also that means that sir isaac newton existed in this universe, which if we see this as a future for our universe, it means that homophobia was prevalent at one point and the world straight up just eradicated it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ pro for this universe ig
25. “When he lifts his head, the first thing Regulus sees is his brother.
The second thing he sees is Sirius' fist, just the flash of it, just seconds before it collides with the side of his face.”
he had it coming fr
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mqstermindswift · 6 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✰ nicky ✰ she/her ✰ minor ✰ lover of music & t.s. ✰
↳˗ˏˋbasic infoˊˎ˗ ↴
⇢ ˗ˏˋ my spotify acc
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's sleepover
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's new year's day event
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's cruel summer event
⇢ ˗ˏˋ my pet
⇢ ˗ˏˋ she/her
⇢ ˗ˏˋ minor [bday on december 4] [no creeps please <3]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ greek
⇢ ˗ˏˋ timezone: EET;UTC +02:00
⇢ ˗ˏˋ sagittarius
⇢ ˗ˏˋ professional over-thinker and girl-blogger
⇢ ˗ˏˋ introvert but will never shut up if I'm comfy w/ you
⇢ ˗ˏˋ procrastinator
⇢ ˗ˏˋ the most delusional person ever[I blame love and tumblr for this]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ lover of Christmas and Halloween
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loves a good horror movie but is also a scaredy cat
⇢ ˗ˏˋ if we're mutuals, we're practically best friends[you just don't know it yet]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋartists:
taylor swift,tate mcrae,katherine li,girli,gayle,ariana grande,bailey spinn,gracie abrams,selena gomez,olivia rodrigo,melanie martinez,jordi,zolita,arctic monkeys,hey violet,sza,sabrina carpenter ,sara kays,emeline,girl in red,maisie peters,hailee steinfield,harry styles,conan gray,billie eilish
⇢ ˗ˏˋ films
movies:barbie,mean girls,little women,the princess diaries,home alone,scream,saw,harry potter,cinderella story and many other movies
shows:the summer I turned pretty,the watcher,miraculous ladybug,nickelodeon's teen shows,mcu series and many more
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋ besties
@skeelly (my croissant <3)
@ur-lil-flo (flo)
@oh-whale13 (Anna <3)
@urgirlnextdoorr (effie <3)
@regisdvmb (reg <3)
@moonlightt444 (mare <3)
@firebrand-witch (val <3)
@iwrote4poem (ste <3)
@what-about-wendy (belle <3)
@chiara-swiftiedreamer13 (chiara)
@bejeweled-13 (victoria <3)
@a-beautiful-fool (lou <3)
@wordsarelife (lizzy<3)
@the0nlyallison (allison <3)
@reminiscentreader (jas <3)
@nqds (nads <3)
@urbanflorals (ems <3)
@gracedepp (alina <3)
@foaming-sea (deep <3)
@stop-ur-losing-me (kellie <3)
@isitovrnow (jas <3)
@hiyyihbae (Alex <3)(rl friend)
@deprivedofbraincellsandsleep (zia <3)
@baboland (aria <3)
@sureallavnder (Alex <3)
@doyoujustnotwantto (mihane <3)
@a-wondering-thought (sam <3)
@icantkeepmyplantsalive (Liz <3)
@never-enough-novels (bhaavya<3)
@kozumesphone (skye <3)
ps.i love all of my moots but I'm *a bit* closer with these people
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ a/n
this is inspired by @oohhthehorror [ I love you sm]
I'm here if any of you ever need to rant or vent to someone
most likely will reply to texts rlly fast
not rlly gonna be reblogging picrew chains or similar things that take a long time to do 'cause I'm a bit unmotivated and I don't have much time[I'm so sorryyy]
thank you for reading his intro post,have a good day/night!! <3
⇢ ˗ˏˋ dni: homophobes,racists,sexists,transphobes and all the creeps
bye bye <3
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Quidditch is a superstitious sport
And James Fleamont Potter is the most superstitious of them all
he always puts his right sock on before his left and his right shoe before his left (he hates when he “gets off on the wrong foot” with people so he always starts with the right foot)
he closes his eyes and traces the golden snitch tattoo on his hipbone with the tip of his wand
he eats two eggs and two pieces of bacon on toast for breakfast but they have to be shaped like a smiley face (just as Effie made them when he was little)
the night before a match he listens to Money, Money, Money by ABBA as he gets ready for bed which is the first muggle song he ever listened to (courtesy of the girls)
when he asked Regulus (or Lily or both depending on your ship) to be his boyfriend for the first time, it was the morning before a quidditch match and during that game, he made the best play of his life so now he will re-ask Regulus to be his boyfriend before every quidditch game.
(Regulus likes to roll his eyes and say "yes you dumbass" every time it happens but he's squealing and kicking his feet on the inside)
BUT one time, years after Hogwarts, before the grand final match of the season (professional quidditch player James au), instead of asking Regulus to be his boyfriend he asked him to marry him (Reggie said yes and James’ team won the whole tournament)
feel free to add more :)
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adharastarlight · 7 months
Tis The Season
One: Advent
The Potter's house on the first of December, after the Black Brothers move in, the found family has me weak so do with that what you will :)
Sirius could hear a commotion from downstairs, it was the chaos that had woken him up. But for once not in a cold sweat, fear crippling his every thought. He woke up to excited chatter downstairs, not muffled sobs or broken cries, pleas for it to stop. He couldn’t place why, after all it was an uneventful day as far as he was concerned. Yet the excited hollering was unmistakable.
He rubbed at his eyes and swung his legs out of bed, checking his calendar once more to ensure he hadn’t somehow missed a birthday. Shrugging he made his way a little down the hall and knocked on his brother’s door, not wanting him to miss any of the excitement.
Regulus opened it after a few ticks of the grand clock at the end of the corridor, “what’re you doing up so early?”
“There’s so much noise downstairs, can’t you hear it?”
“Of course I can.”
“So? Aren’t you curious?” Sirius pressed. He knew Reg hadn’t settled quite as easily as he had, after all James was his friend, but he wanted them to bond. He wanted the two most important people in his life to bond and love each other… or at least to talk for more than a millisecond a day. At this rate, he’d accept a vague conversation about the weather over the brief mutterings and glances he couldn’t figure out the reason for hiding.
“Not especially, no one’s dying, why should I be curious?”
“Reggie! You’re so dull, come on! Come down with me!”
The younger brother sighed but relented, grumbling some form of agreement before shutting his door and re-emerging a few moments later in a jumper that fell to his knees and a pair of fluffy socks. That was one thing Sirius had noticed, Reg had let himself relax with what he wore around the house, likely aided by Euphemia roaming around in her fluffy robe which was apparently inspired by a cat - it had ears, at least. The mixture of the shorts with the jumper fit for an arctic expedition was just so Reggie that Sirius didn’t bother questioning it. Apparently his legs never got cold. It was weird but hey, he was out of his room.
“Finally, you took forever.”
“I took less than two minutes, you’re so dramatic, Sirius.”
He shrugged and bounded the stairs, waiting at the bottom for his brother's more reserved footfall and sighing in a perhaps dramatic manner, “are you being this slow to annoy me?”
Regulus smiled and walked past him, “what was your first clue?”
The older boy groaned and followed him, watching with a slightly smaller smile as Reg’s barriers slowly came back up. The Potters were all sitting in the lounge, chatting, and James had a mug of hot chocolate which had seemingly calmed his excitement slightly. Slightly because he was practically vibrating in his seat.
“Pads! Regulus! Goodmorning!”
“What’s the occasion, Prongs?”
Euphemia smiled at him and shook her head fondly, “it’s the first of December, lovely.”
Sirius raised a confused eyebrow and watched his brother quietly walk to the other side of the room to settle in the chair which was mostly obscured from view, almost unnoticed by the others. “So?”
“So! We get our advent calendars! Come on, Padfoot, you have to know about advent calendars???”
“Oh my god, dad this is a tragedy! Mum!”
Fleamont laughed softly and reached into his pocket for the key to the big cabinet which sat in the corner of the room, “do you want to get them, Effie, love, or should I let that bundle of energy do it?”
“And bring the whole house cascading down around him?”
Sirius scanned his best friend again for some kind of clue but other than the broad smile and slightly sad eyes at his confusion, he found nothing of the sort. He chanced a glance at his brother and received merely a small shrug.
“Please? I’ve only knocked over the cabinet like once.”
“Once, he says.” She muttered with a slowly spreading smile before passing him the small brass key.
James beamed at her and flung his arms around her in a quick hug before he bounded up to the cabinet and unlocked the second draw down, apparently knowing the routine by now. The routine for what, Sirius still didn’t know. He pulled out a thin cardboard box that rattled? when he moved it and held it out to him. “Pads, it’s an advent calendar, it won’t explode, I promise. I tried it once and dad spent a week trying to get glitter out of the carpet.”
“Trying and failing,” Fleamont added with a fond exasperation, “if you look closely, there’s still flecks of glitter.”
Sirius smiled and took it, scanning it over, “there’s twenty-four?”
“Yeah! Like the lead up to Christmas! We all have one, mum always gets thorntons, dad is a galaxy man. I got you cadbury like me, since you always steal my chocolate anyway.”
He laughed softly and watched his best friend hand his parents their strange boxes, “so… it’s a countdown of chocolate?”
“Yes, dear.” Effie smiled at his still slightly befuddled expression and popped open her window marked with a small gold One, popping the chocolate into her mouth and nodding at him.
He grinned and scanned his eyes over the cardboard, searching for that One and grinning when he found it, a small italic 1 inside a candy cane. He watched his best friend and Fleamont find their respective boxes before uncovering the chocolate himself. Sirius didn’t think chocolate had ever been better than this, than the family who had invited him in without a thought. “Someone needs to tell Moony about this. He’d go mental.”
James snorted, “he probably already knows but why don’t you call him anyway?”
He blushed slightly at the sing-song tone and swatted him away as he walked into the kitchen where the phone was. Not that he was excited to talk to Remus, of course not, he was just… happy and Prongs was being ridiculous. It’s not like he liked Remus… maybe.
Regulus observed from his corner, as Euphemia and Fleamont started chattering about getting a move on breakfast, as his brother dialled the phone with a slightly flustered giggle. He was used to observing these moments, Mr and Mrs Potter didn’t seem to question that he was far more reserved than his brother, and usually let him decide how involved he’d be and once Sirius was assured he was safe, he let himself be dragged into the family. He didn’t mind being the observer, he was content with watching the dancing smiles and swatting hands which always landed softly, met with laughter and good hearted bickering.
Observing the family his brother had somehow found was probably his favourite thing to observe. Except Potter, James Potter who was currently walking towards him with his hands behind his back and a slightly unsure smile.
He looked up at him, as if he hadn’t been staring and raised his eyebrows in question, “yes?”
“I got you lindt, because, well, you have it quite a bit. And the picture was pretty too and-”
Reg cut him off with a slightly unsure quaver to his voice, one which was far softer than the brunette had heard him speak before, “you… you got me one?”
“Of course, Regulus, you’re part of the family, too, you know?”
“I- thank you.” He took the calendar from him, ignoring that his hands were shaking slightly.
“Don’t be silly, Reggie, it’s just some chocolate.”
What he didn’t know, Regulus supposed, was that it was far far more than chocolate. He didn’t say that though, he wouldn’t dare. Instead he merely smiled and inclined his head in a small nod, “well, thank you anyway.”
James shrugged and stepped back as if to move away and join the thrum of life that was merely a few feet away from them. And then he paused again, “do you want to help me with the lights? Dad said I can do them this year, the ones outside the front.”
“Oh, uhm, sure.”
“Great! We should get you a Christmas jumper for when we put up the tree tonight.”
Reg rolled his eyes with a smile, popping out his chocolate and placing it onto his tongue as he contemplated that, “I don’t do Christmas, Potter.”
“You’ll get there. You’d make a cute elf.”
He gaped at him as the brunette dodged his incredulous kick and gently placed down the calendar before bolting after the figuring retreating down the hallway, “take it back!”
“Nope! Cute elf!”
James grinned at him and maybe it was the lights he had just bundled into his arms or maybe it was that damned smile but the holiday season was slowly seeming to be a little brighter. Even if he had to blame the cold for the pink tint to his cheeks and swat at the fool’s chest every time he said the same two blasted words, “cute elf.”
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