#implied Rosekiller
mochafrappiccinolatte · 4 months
This is a Jegulus birthday one-shot dedicated to the lovely, sweet, kind, talented, and most perfect @kat-m-toast. Happy birthday 🖤
TW: implied explicit content
Four things are true:
James Potter loves birthdays.
James Potter has never had a surprise party because he is so excited for his birthday every year that he always helps his friends plan him an elaborate party.
Regulus Black hates birthdays and elaborate parties.
Regulus Black loves James Potter.
It’s the fourth one that is the current cause of Regulus’ migraine. Presently, Regulus is sitting in the dark, crouched down in the Gryffindor Common Room on a Saturday night surrounded by rowdy lions, who he just cannot get to shut the fuck up.
“Do they truly have no sense of decorum? They are going to ruin the surprise,” Regulus thinks with an irritated huff.
You see, James’ birthday fell on a Wednesday this year. Which was a problem because he had quidditch practice at 5:30 am (the maniac) and what is there to do on a Wednesday? The Marauders, as usual, caused a giant commotion over breakfast, how they made every fork and spoon say happy birthday prongsie when touched Regulus will never know. They then partook in riotous revelry throughout the day, so you know, the same as any other Wednesday.
Regulus, the HBIC (head boyfriend in charge) planned a candlelight picnic on the astronomy tower. It was sentimental, cute, quaint even, their relationship did start on that very tower, after all. But, Regulus knows his boyfriend and his love of grand gestures, birthdays, and, sadly, elaborate parties.
This brings us back to number four, Regulus Black fucking loves James Potter. This means Regulus knows that, although James was grateful for their candlelit birthday picnic, he was also disappointed that his Wednesday birthday meant he couldn’t have a party.
Or, so he thought. Regulus isn’t the HBIC for nothing. So, he’s spent months meeting in secret with the Gryffindors (vomit), sourcing firewhiskey (surprisingly easy), writing Effie to get her to send James’ favorite cake so he can blow out candles (this muggle custom confuses and disgusts Regulus, but James loves it and it’s not like Regulus is a stranger to James’ spit), convincing Peter to “accidentally” lose the map (yes, Regulus knows about the map, no, they aren’t that discrete), convincing Remus to steal the invisibility cloak (yes, Regulus knows about the invisibility cloak, no they aren’t that discrete, like at all) and then sneaking everything up to the Gryffindor Common Room while Sirius distracts James (again, surprisingly easy).
But everything, every argument with his brother, every secret meeting with the lions, thank Salazar for Lily Evans, every trek through dirty passageways that Regulus sacrificed more than one pair of shoes to, hell, even the four nights of Regulus sleeping in the Slytherin Common Room that he traded with Barty in order to get the expensive firewhiskey (apparently there’s this thing Barty wants to try against the window and the floor that required him and Evan have complete privacy) was all worth it when he saw the look on his boyfriend’s face when the confetti flew into the air and everyone jumped up and yelled surprise.
Regulus has never seen James cry, embodiment of sunshine and all that, but even from where Regulus now stands by the stairs he can see the tears shining in James’ eyes.
When James finally spots Regulus, that’s when the tears fall.
“This was all you, wasn’t it, love?” James asks as he gets closer to Regulus, slipping an arm around his waist.
“Happy birthday, Jamie. I hope your surprise party was worth the wait.” Regulus replies, his lips against James’ cheek.
So yes, Regulus Black loves James Potter, and, if the show of gratitude he got in the Room of Requirement that night is anything to go off of, Regulus Black may be persuaded to like elaborate parties as well.
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herlittlel0ve · 1 year
Jealousy? No.
Regulus has a drink in his hand that Mary had so graciously taken upon herself to make for him. He was sitting on a couch in the middle of the Gryffindor common room next to Barty and Evan. Sirius was cuddled up to Remus on the couch across from him.
Barty leaned over Evan to talk in Regulus's ear. "You do know that Potter is being talked up by a girl next to the portrait right?"
Regulus turns to look at his face "Hmm? Oh yeah she's been talking to him for a while now"
"And? You're not gonna go over there?" He looks at him confused and reaches a hand over to feel his forehead. "Are you feeling alright?"
Regulus scoffs and slaps his hand away. "I'm fine. I trust James besides even if she's been talking to him this whole time his eyes have been on me all night"
Barty sits back and still looks lost. "So you're not gonna go over there? Not gonna say anything?"
"That's mental I don't think I would be able to breathe if a girl was all on Ev like that" He looks put out just thinking about it.
"That's bc you're a possessive bastard" He rolls his eyes "I need a smoke, do you have anything?"
Barty shakes his head and gestures towards someone on the other side of Regulus. "Ask a Puff"
Regulus gets off the couch and in less then a minute he has a blunt between his lips and a lighter in hand. He flips it open and spins the spark wheel again and again... But nothing happens. "Fuck it's dead, do you have another one?" But the curly headed Hufflepuff just shakes his head, Henry? was that his name? "Sorry mate, ask around? 'ts all yours" and turns around to walk away.
"Lupin! Got a zippo?"
"Sirius had it" Regulus turns to him and opens his hand palm up. "Give it, I just got a free blunt and I'm not gonna let it go to waste just because you're a git" Sirius who is now tucked away in Remus's side just shrugs sloppily and mermers "Gave it to Prongs"
And with an eye roll Regulus is gone to find his boyfriend. He doesn't speak, doesn't need to they've been dating for almost a year now. So instead of asking James for the lighter he walks behind him and feels his back pockets for it. No interrupted conversations needed. Well that's what he was hoping for.
"Excuse me what do you think you're doing?" It doesn't come from James so Regulus doesn't look up to answer or bother to stop. "Looking for a lighter" He responds sounds bored. He pulls out what's in the right pocket, a container that has a bunch of roches that could probably amount to one full blunt but no lighter. He places it back in the right pocket and feel in the left, empty.
"Don't you find that quite rude?" She's still talking? As if on command James lifts his drink up so Regulus can swing under his arm to get to his front. He sticks his hips out towards him also. "Find what rude?" He finally responds feeling the left front pocket of James's jeans.
"Feelings around in someones pocket without asking" the girl says. Regulus rolls his eyes and looks up at James. "Do you mind?" "Not at all" James says with a smile and lift his drink to take a swig. Regulus turn around to the girl with a cocky smile. "See? He doesn't mind" and whips back around to the pocket, empty. He moves onto the right pocket and places his hand in it and come out with a silver lighter engraved with a sun. He rolls his eyes, it's his own lighter. The one he and Sirius had gotten into a argument about when it went 'missing'.
He flips it open and spins the spark wheel finally lighting the blunt. He does a sigh of relief and takes a puff then releases the smoke and fans it away from his face. "Well then don't you find it rude to interrupt someone's conversation because of your own selfish reasons?" Ah, that's what she's really upset about. Regulus continues smoking the blunt and leans his back into James chest while an arm comes up to hold his waist right above his hip. "I was trying to avoid that" He slips the lighter back into James's pocket. "Well then, I'll leave you so you can continue to flirt with my boyfriend" He's about to push off from James chest and leave the two alone again but before he can the girl backs up and points her finger at Regulus.
"He is not your boyfriend" "Yes he is" He replies bored. Truly there was no reason for this he just wanted a lighter. "Than why has he been talking to me this entire time" The girl props her hip out and put her hand on it. Oh this is getting good now. Regulus smirks and takes another long hit before answering. "Because you were talking to him?" "He didn't say he was in a relationship" She responds. Is she trying to fight with me about my own boyfriend? He rolls his eyes and passes off the blunt to James. "Did you ask? Or were you to busy trying to get his dick inside you?"
The girl turn bright red but it's uncertain if it's from embarrassment or anger. "Listen I don't have time to fight with you over my own boyfriend. He's hot I get it" The girl scoffs "He's not your boyfriend" He rolls his eyes and turns around. He reaches around James waist to pull out the container and takes the blunt from James's lips. He puts it out on the top of it then places the remainder inside before shutting it and slipping it back into his back pocket.
"Like I said I don't have time to argue with you about my own boyfriend" He's talking to the girl but isn't facing her instead he places his hands on either side of James' face before continuing. "If you want to flirt with someone's boyfriend go find a different one this one's busy" He leans in and connects they're lips it's starts off soft but turns more rough the longer it lasts.
He briefly hears a cup being passed off before two hands encompass his waist and pull him in hard. He's pressed up against a wall. The kisses grow more heated until they break apart for air. However James seems to think he's immortal because he starts kissing down Regulus's neck without a breath inbetween. Regulus moves his hands up into James hair before tugging gently only getting a groan in response so he tugs harder. James finally detaches from his neck.
"What?" He doesn't move his breath is hot against Regulus neck. He laughs. "What was her name?" "Hmm?" James asks he's leaving what's supposed to be innocent closed mouth kisses on Regulus's neck but they are growing hotter. Regulus tugs on his hair again "What was her name?". James looks up finally "uhh Jes? Jessica? I don't remember. Why'd you make me stop?" The last question came out more whiny as he continues to kiss his neck up to his jaw and then to his lips again.
"Mm" is the only response Regulus can get out before his lips are getting pulled into another rough kiss. He pulls away and lifts his lips up to whisper into James ear. "How about you take me upstairs and show me how good you are with that mouth of yours? Since you're so eager" That earns him a bite on the neck before he is all but dragged upstairs. He doesn't see that Jessica girl on the way there.
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lupiinist · 6 months
"Barty Crouch is in love with his best friend; Evan Rosier, said best friend, has no idea of such a fact.
They are an everlasting storm bound to happen."
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gods-graveyard · 6 months
Marauders/Royal court as quotes from my DND group (part 6,) (but this time its my creative writing class so a bit shorter)
Sirius:“One too many mimosas isn't a thing- you can always have one more”  Remus:“Before driving”??? Barty:“Sure she's cool, but I could use some more gore- best of both worlds ya know”?
Dorcas:“I love that the ghosts have beef with Evan” 
Marlene:“So they aren't employed- just vengeful, you don't even need that shit you bum”(about the ghosts) Regulus:“The barrier is foolproof” Barty:“Can I conduct Osmosis through it”? Pandora:"“Boy fights bird, Mommy deaths, and a noble sacrifice at the feelings mall-oh what a day” James:“Money isn't real at Disney World”
BONUS- From my DND group discord
James:"He literally admitted to giving souls to the bone king" Remus:"Im sorry the fucking w h a t"??
Sirius:"Like we choose to beat him up for pretty arbitrary reasons but he is an objectively evil dude"
Regulus:"We are also a good ways away from him and he clearly got punched. We can just show our knuckles and be like 'This guys losing it, we haven't punched anything' yeah"? Dorcas:"Ah yes- the gaslight method"
Evan:"You're not a wizard, your forehead is too small."
Barty:"Why doesn't he like me"? Marlene:"You're a... how do I say this nicely... chronic brat."
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mayflywrites · 8 months
“we nearly drowned for such a silly thing. someone who loves me now better than you. and that pretty friend is finally yours. and i’ll be around on sunday.”
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I just cackled because I accidentally misspelled the word "Chuckles" so that it said "Cuckles" and now I think I need this to be an insult that I use at least once in everything I write.
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nightoftheldead · 11 months
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rosekiller because i love them and barty was so real for choosing depression AND revenge (i am delulu) barty's one doesn't have any depth it was just me trying out some brushes, evan's is meant to be "at the black lake with pandora collecting insects"
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extra :p implied jegulus
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thisfrailheart · 1 month
prompt: fist | august 2 | rosekiller mx au - rivals to something | M: language/swearing - someone gets punched in the mouth (blood mention) - licking blood - making out - implied sexual content | word count: 585 | @rosekillermicrofic
Barty's barely got his feet back in the dirt but Rosier's already on his ass. He's taking his helmet off and misses part of what's being said but the few words he does catch are enough.
"—ucking kill me, Crouch?"
Barty rolls his eyes but there's a jolt of electricity zapping up his spine when he turns and sees Rosier stalk towards him. He rips his helmet off and gets right in Barty's face. Hair is sticking to his sweaty skin, his cheeks are flushed. Barty's heartrate spikes.
"The fuck were you thinking, cutting me off like that?"
Barty shrugs. He hadn't really thought about it before he did it. And he doesn't really want to think about it now. The way Rosier's pulling off his gloves with his teeth is a lot more interesting. The words fade into the background as Barty's mouth goes dry.
"—should have you kicked off—"
Rosier tucks the gloves into his helmet, eyes blazing. Loosens the straps on his chest protector. Barty can't help but notice how long his fingers are.
"—fucking menace—"
Rosier takes the protector off, starts packing up and Barty snaps back to reality. "You're leaving? Come on, it wasn't that big of a deal—"
"Not that big of a— fuck off, Crouch! You wanna die here? Fine. Fucking break your neck in the dirt. I wanna get home in one piece."
And it's not like Barty actually wants to die, he just wants a bit of excitement. And Rosier does anger so well - perfect bonus. Barty starts taking his gear off, too. "Why? You have someone waiting at home, ready to get on her—"
"She's my fucking sister!"
Barty doesn't really know why he said that. He'd seen her at the last meet. Spoken to her. There's no reason to talk about her like that. Or him, for that matter. But when Rosier stalks over, growling, and punches him right in the mouth? He can't help but think it was worth it. Pain explodes in his lip, pleasure in his stomach. He stumbles back, drops his gloves, helmet. Catches himself before going down.
Barty glances at Rosier and he doesn't look the least bit sorry. In fact, he looks like he'd do it again. His knuckles are bleeding. He'd cut them open on the stud in Barty's lip. Rosier glares. Barty shivers as he leans in.
"Fucking. Stop."
"Or what." Barty grins. His lip stings and he can feel Rosier's breath on his face and he feels giddy.
Rosier balls his hands into fists then seems to think better of it. Rolls his eyes and turns away. But Barty isn't done. He wants the storm. Wants to feel the static in the air, on his skin. He grabs Rosier by the wrist, draws him back in. Rosier stops struggling the second Barty brings his fist up to his mouth and laps up the trickle of blood. The metallic taste blooms on his tongue.
Rosier's breath hitches and then he grabs Barty by the neck and pulls him in. Smashes their lips together. It's violent, the way they're kissing. Biting at each other. A punishment. And it makes Barty ache. Rosier's teeth dig into the gash in his lip and he moans. Rosier pushes harder, fingers tightening in Barty's hair. They stumble, grab each other harder.
Barty pulls back, gasping for breath. "Still want me to stop?"
"Shut up," Rosier whines, pulls him back in.
"Make me."
And Rosier does, right there in the dirt.
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star4daisy · 1 year
rosekiller one-shot
tw: implied nsfw
It’s a sudden shift in the air, not any less dangerous, but much more sensuous, anticipation filling his entire body when Barty realised he might get more than he bargained for when he started this. A fight and a hot fuck behind a seedy bar? Count him the fuck in. It sounded like his idea of paradise.
Barty's smile is all teeth. “Will you let me go if I suck your dick?”
The man looks him up and down again in genuine interest as if he’s considering it and then he’s using his other hand to pat his index finger against Barty’s bottom lip. His fingertips are dirty with Barty’s blood from when he punched him, for some reason this makes him even harder, his mouth opening immediately and his moan being swallowed by the two fingers that are shoved in his mouth.
Barty works his tongue slowly, giving him a show, merely a tease of what he could have if he gave in. The man’s eyes fill with something akin to danger, a cruel smile curling in his pretty mouth.
“If you can make me come in three minutes,” he says dismissively as he takes his fingers off like he couldn’t care any less, but Barty can see how much he wants him in his eyes and can feel it against his front just as hard as the knife biting on his throat.
from: free
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florsial · 14 days
Monster romance Rosekiller but not like in a sexy way. It's just weird.
Barty is obviously not human, made up of exposed muscle with parts blackened with rot, and sharp and dirtied teeth stained with dried blood and dirt, he walks on all fours with bloody claws. He towers over Evan, even when he's not standing up. Leftover flesh and yellow fat drip from his mouth from previous victims and leaks from his body. One of Evan's favorite features is the rib bones that forced up through Barty's back, a mockery of angel wings really. And his voice is this deep grumble that makes it hard to hear what he says. He leaves behind a trail of flesh in thick chunks where he goes. All red and fresh. The only sign that could imply his former humanity is the two out of many red eyes that are a glassy blue.
And then there is Evan. A surgeon who knows nothing but the way a body works and how to break it down. Who sits in a rusty, bacteria-infested operating room with the surgical light still on and nothing else, there are still the uncleaned medical tools and dried blood from the previous patient. His gloves have not been changed and there are still clumps of fat on his scrubs. His eyes are multicolored and staring wide at the create outside his window. A bent, contorted beast so beautiful Evan wondered if he was seeing an angel of his own religion.
There is curiosity and deep affection. They wash each other with blood because everything they touch turns red. They find beauty in the disgust that is each other.
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nikolai-alexi · 1 year
For @jegulus-microfic
Prompt: Weekend (I’m a day late, but I fell asleep at my desk writing this last night lmao)
WC: 1,250 i really tried to keep it under 1k but fjdjdnfjr here we are i once again failed the “micro” portion of this
Tags: Poly RoseStarKillerChaser (Jegulus x Rosekiller), a very strange RSKC dynamic here, James and Regulus have been together for a year-ish but James, Evan and Barty are only just beginning to navigate their own little relationship, James is quite anxious about the whole thing but he’s trying really hard, it’s very vaguely implied that Regulus, Evan and Barty have been together for a while (in what capacity? idk man I just work here), it’s all very queer platonic tbh, they’re just a big puppy pile of exhausted people and everyone uses James as a human heater like the little reptiles they are, Barty is a human wrecking ball and just constantly walks into a room and bites whoever’s nearest to him because he’s Barty and what else would he do, I have an unreasonable amount of affection for James calling Barty “bub”, Evan is adorable and touch starved and just wants a hug, Reg is a cat animagus, it’s vvv wholesome
It’s the first weekend they’ve all managed to be together since term started. Which is, objectively, insane because it’s Christmas break. Every single time they’ve tried to spend any amount of time together, someone has had something come up. Whether that’s exam prep, suspicious friends, detentions, or projects, it’s all somehow managed to ruin their plans.
And look, James gets that trying to make four schedules align all at once whilst avoiding suspicion from friends or getting caught by professors is difficult, but he is sick of it. This…thing…they have going is new. It’s tremulous and blooming and none of them really know where the lines are with each other. It makes James so incredibly nervous. He knows where he stands with Regulus, after a year together he feels mostly confident in what he’s doing with Regulus, the boundaries, the navigating, the trauma responses. But with Evan and Barty? He has no idea what the hell is happening. It makes him anxious. He wants to know how to define the lines of this strange relationship the all have. They aren’t friends, but they aren’t not friends, but they aren’t lovers, but they aren’t not lovers. It makes James’ head spin. He doesn’t like not having clear expectations.
He’s forcefully ripped out of his rather maudlin thoughts when someone audibly collides with his side, knocking the breath out of his lungs with a soft “oof” and disturbing the previously peacefully sleeping cat on his lap. Regulus, in his frankly adorable animagus form, grumbles without opening his eyes more than a tiny slit and rearranges himself before going back to sleep. The scent of cigarette smoke, whiskey, and Evan’s vanilla shampoo invades his nostrils when he tries to turn his head.
Barty is slumped unceremoniously against his side, face buried into James’ neck, one hand atop Regulus’ soft fur, and the other fisted in James’ shirt.
Then Barty bites him. Hard.
James rolls his eyes. This, he understands. Their new dynamic may only be a few months old, but Barty entering a room and biting the nearest person to him? That was old news.
“That bad, bub?” He asks quietly.
Barty doesn’t say anything, just stops biting him so he can tuck his head into James’ neck and nod. James’ free hand instinctively comes up to card through Barty’s hair like he’s seen Evan do thousands of times. Barty stiffens at the first few passes of James’ fingers, but he slowly relaxes and James can feel his low hum resonate through his own chest.
He shifts just a bit and sees Barty’s ridiculously long legs hanging off the armrest of the sofa and chuckles. Barty is just a slumped over heap of awkward limbs and exhaustion. James’ wand is in his bag across the room, but a casual flick of his wrist has it sailing towards him.
Transfiguring the sofa whilst they’re laying on on it is a bit trickier, but he’s not been the top student in transfiguration for seven years straight for nothing. He manages to get a large bed with a bit of a crooked frame beneath them after several long minutes without disturbing Reg or Barty. Both of them are fast asleep. He’s not sure when Barty drifted off, but he can feel his soft snores against his neck.
Thank Merlin for the amount of Quidditch training he does, because trying to situate Barty is a feat, but eventually, he gets Barty tucked against his right side so he’s no longer hanging precariously off the furniture. Regulus has abandoned James’ legs in favour of smushing himself in between James and Barty, the body heat thief he is.
When Evan comes barrelling through the door of the Come and Go Room an hour later with dark purple bags under his eyes and a manic sort of look, James just holds his left arm out in invitation. Evan sheds his shoes and outer robes with easy efficiency and falls onto the transfigured bed in an eerily similar fashion to Barty. Evan isn’t quite as tactile with James as Barty is yet, so he has to quickly mask his surprise when Evan tucks himself against James’ side, tucking his freezing hands under James’ shirt.
“You okay?” James asks, careful to keep his voice as quiet as possible. Regulus still opens his eyes enough to glare at him, but perks up considerably when he sees Evan and comes to curl up on James’ chest, tucking himself under Evan’s chin. James feels him purring just seconds later. Reg doesn’t pick favourites, my left arse cheek, James thinks with a wry grin.
Evan sighs softly, and his breath tickles, but he doesn’t say anything, not that James expects him to. Evan is like Regulus with his words — selective and careful. When he speaks, you stop and listen. When he doesn’t speak, you listen to what his silence says. Evan and Regulus communicate more in their quietness than they ever do with speech. It’s been something James has had to actively work very hard on to understand. He and Barty operate on a much similar frequency to each other. They’re both chaotic and loud in their own ways. Barty has a mean streak that gets him into trouble, and James has no boundaries with other people which gets him into shitty situations. They balance each other out, sorta. James attempts to keep Barty from hexing first years and Barty pushes anyone who has the audacity to look at James wrong down the stairs. It works…sometimes.
James brings his arm up and very tentatively wraps it around Evan; a silent question hanging in the air between them, to which Evan nods his acquiesce. That small gesture makes warmth bloom behind his breastbone and he knows he’s not imagining the almost inaudible huff of laughter from Evan when he no doubt hears James’ heartbeat pick up underneath his ear. He doesn’t bother to keep the grin off his face.
He wraps his arm around Evan and drapes his arm over Regulus’ back, brushing his fingers against Barty’s. He doesn’t hold Evan to him, just keeps his arm loose and relaxed, draped over him. Never pinning or holding him down. Evan’s breath comes quickly for a few, long moments, but eventually it steadies out once more. It doesn’t take long, between being tucked against James’ side, the purring cat curled under his chin, and Barty’s annoying, but comforting snores, for Evan to fall prey to the siren call of sleep too.
James remains awake a while longer. He listens to Barty snoring, feels Regulus purring and his little paws making biscuits in his sleep, breathes in the smell of vanilla and the Forest after a rain shower that perpetually clings to Evan, and feels his mind’s activity slow to a crawl. All of his anxieties take a back seat, his racing thoughts settle down, and the constant buzzing between his ears quiets. He knows they only have this weekend. Monday will come around and Regulus and Evan will have to go back to their awful families for the holidays, he will go to his parents’, and Barty will be left, alone, at school. He knows they only have three days of this together, but from where he’s laying, this doesn’t seem like a bad way to spend their time together.
He loses the battle against sleep with a sweet smile stretched across his lips. Yeah, he thinks, this isn’t a bad way to spend it at all.
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nikholascrow · 8 months
anyone got any good fluffy marauders or drarry fic recs? I’m having a bad day and I wanna compile a list for future bad days
ships I like: Rosekiller, wolfstar, jegulus, marylily, dorlene, partyvan? (I wanna read more of them because I haven’t read much but it seems interesting) Jegulily (will also except stuff without ship content)
Things I don’t like: excessive miscommunication, toxic rosekiller, Barty Peter and Lily hate, smut (vaguely implied stuff is fine just don’t want anything graphic), love triangles unless resolved with a polyclue
things I do like!!: hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, school era, muggle au, high school au, band au, coffee shop au, parent au, character’s parents being good parents, found family, fake dating (they don’t have to have everything or anything on this list in them that’s just for ideas)
If I get a good list going I’ll make a list of all the ones I read if anyone wants me to :]
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foursaints · 6 months
my dear saints, in german there’s a term called Doktorspiele (playing doctor) which basically means exploring each other’s bodies for the first time (in a naive way and turning heated accidentally) and it immediately made me think of ur brand of rosekiller so here ya go hdjsfsj
this is so hot actually… barty and evan are still doing doktorspiele at thirty-five years old & married. and you know evan is still trembling frightfully and blinking his big naive eyes while barty mouth-breathes and pants over his ministrations like he’s getting to defile something for the very first time
“show me where it hurts,” barty is leering over him in public. evan is stammering and insisting he doesn’t know what he’s implying meanwhile reg has his face in his hands cause they’ve been doing this for the last eight years
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y0url0verb0y · 4 months
Hypothetically speaking if I wrote this as a short 5 chapter, give or take, fic would you want smut, no smut, or just implied smut?
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september 8: cigarette 1,136 words @rosekiller-microfic
They're at a club and Barty can't keep his hands or his cigarette to himself. (briefly mentioned/implied sexual content)
Going out has always been one of Barty's favorite weekend activities. Everything from the horribly chosen music crashing through his ears to the sticky floors and countertops littered with hours old glasses. He loves the disorienting lighting and stuffy air, he soaks in every ounce of laughter from his friends.
But most of all he finds comfort in being the center of his own world, yet the background of everyone else's—another blurred figure among throngs of other's doing the exact same thing as he is.
So he loves going out, really he does. Shitty clubs and run down bars are inexplicably his thing, no matter how much Regulus makes fun of him for it.
Just not tonight.
Tonight he's suffering.
It's been approximately two hours since Barty last had Evan under his hands, soft breathy noises leaving his lips as Barty took him apart only fifteen minutes before they were due to leave for the night.
It's been two hours and the image of Evan sprawled out, the perfect picture of sin, hasn't left Barty's mind. It's becoming increasingly difficult to maintain his restraint.
So, yes. He's suffering.
All their friends have come together for a rare night out—each of them setting aside their busy lives to drink enough to get on the right side of drunk and dance next to sweaty strangers. It's a night guaranteed to have each respective couple clinging to each other as they struggle to find a way home.
But for now Barty's found his place at the bar, hungry eyes scanning the room until they land on Evan dancing with Dorcas and Marlene. The three of them together are the epitome of carefree, broad smiles painting each of their faces.
His insatiability only grows as he absorbs the sight of his boyfriend, red cheeks and sweaty skin, positively incandescent in the dimly lit building. If Barty doesn't touch him right now he thinks he might implode.
Still, he takes his time, he knows Evan can feel him watching and doesn't want to break whatever exchange they have going on. It's a game they frequently play—who will get riled up quicker, who will break first? He tears his eyes away and looks around at random until he spots the others.
He finds Regulus practically on top of James in the corner, their mouths interlocked so aggressively Barty wonders if it's painful. He's not surprised.
Sirius and Lupin are across the dance floor, pressed so close together that Barty doesn't think there's any breathing room—it's hard to tell where their limbs begin and end—but they're looking at one another as if there's no one else in the universe. Barty scoffs—he's really not surprised.
He flits his gaze from stranger to stranger, not bothering to memorize their faces. He finds a simple pleasure in cataloguing their actions away—a lonely girl by herself in the corner, a businessman surrounded by far too many empty shots, a group of friends celebrating a birthday—all pointless memories that will fade with time.
Eventually his eyes wander back to Evan only to find him already staring back. His heart stutters—it's as if every wicked thought Barty has is reflected back to him as Evan winks, turning away to say something in Dorcas' ear. Alright, enough is enough, he decides.
Barty has been slowly making his way through a cigarette and a random drink Regulus abandoned. It's heavy and too sweet on his tongue and mixes strangely with the aftertaste of smoke, but he downs the rest of it, slamming the glass on the counter before getting up. He stubs the end of the cigarette out in an ashtray.
Barty's feet seem to move on their own accord, carrying him like a ghost through the dispersed crowd. His fingers fumble with his pack of cigarettes on the way, lighting another between his lips.
He approaches Evan from behind, taking a drag of smoke and wrapping one arm around his waist, pulling him tightly to his body as he exhales into the crook of his neck.
He doesn't even flinch at the contact, no doubt expecting Barty's actions, the fucker. Distantly, Barty registers Dorcas giving them a once over before tugging Marlene back towards the bar, leaving them alone without a word.
"Hey B," Evan hums, leaning back into his touch. His skin is warm and smooth as Barty's fingers tease under his shirt.
Barty holds the cigarette in his free hand, pressing a kiss to the side of Evan's neck. "You look too damn pretty out here, baby. Couldn't take it any longer."
Evan turns his head so they're looking at each other. A playful smirk threatens the side of his mouth, but his expression is still schooled into one of calculated composure.
"I was with you thirty minutes ago," he laughs. "You've been watching me this entire time.
It's then that Evan plucks the cigarette from his fingers, bringing it to his own mouth to inhale in such a way that it shows off the pout of his lips. Barty tracks the movement with his eyes, the fire that's been simmering beneath his skin growing hotter.
"You're insufferable," Barty groans, tightening his grip on Evan's waist so he can flip him around. He looks into his eyes, using their slight hight difference as an advantage to tilt Evan's chin up. He sees the all consuming want flood Evan's gaze as he snatches the cigarette back and leans close, opening his mouth as an invitation.
Evan knows exactly what to do, parting his lips and blowing the smoke in a clean path to Barty's awaiting mouth. As soon as the taste hits his tongue he's surging forward, kissing Evan within an inch of his life.
They kiss exactly how they love. Messy, obsessive, all-consuming, and with a lot of teeth. Their tongues slide hot and heavy, smoke and alcohol blanketing their usual familiar tastes. Barty's single piercing doesn't even get in the way anymore—he uses it to his advantage now, dragging the shiny metal against Evan's bottom lip to evoke a filthy noise from the back of his throat.
They pull back when the need to breathe becomes too much. Barty is still clutching the half burned cigarette and he takes one more drag before letting it fall to the floor, crushing it beneath his boot on the cold concrete.
Evan's smile is bright as he meets his eyes. He brushes a stray piece of hair from Barty's forehead before speaking, "Let's leave, shall we?"
Barty laughs, open and loud. He's never been so grateful for how well they read each other. "God I've been waiting to hear that all night."
He tugs Evan impossibly closer by his belt loop and kisses him one more time. "I am going to do filthy fucking things to you Evan Rosier."
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maraudinginmoonlight · 7 months
rp partner for a marauders AU
Possible plots:
Wolfstar - sirius is a prince, remus is a cook, sirius spends most of his time in the kitchens, remus would like him to leave before his head ends up on a spire, but misses the nights that the prince is away // remus runs an apothecary, selling tinctures and balms, sirius took a nasty tumble down some stairs while running from the police after a night out with james and has been led to a little shop to get something for his ankle, he doesnt believe in the stuff more a fan of modern medicine, but there is a super cute guy who runs it, so he keeps going back // sirius is a musician, remus is a photographer, for some reason remus was requested by name to do a shoot with the famously hard to work with sirius black // remus, sirius, james, and peter were all in a very successful band, the band mysteriously broke up and all now have solo careers, fans were obsessed with the idea that the guitarist and lead singer were more than just friends, why do the lyrics in their personal work seem to always correlate, like they are having a conversation through music? Are they? //
Rosekiller - barty runs a tattoo shop, evan is a piercer, everyone knows they have it bad for each other, but they cant seem to manage to have a conversation without the other getting frustrated and storming off. // evan is a food blogger, barty is a chef, no one has ever given his restaurant a bad review, until one Evan Rosier implied that his food lacked 'vision' // evan is a bank teller, his life is pretty unremarkable up to this point, until one day his bank is held up, the police cant seem to find the culprit, but Evan recognizes those eyes and he wants in //
Jegulus - james is going to Paris for business, regulus is a flight attendant for the private jet company that suddenly finds his presence requested by the insufferable james potter // regulus thinks its time for a pet, he goes to the animal rescue in town, he was pretty set on a a black cat with piercing eyes, but he finds out he would much rather take home the man who runs the rescue, james potters life mission is to get every pet adopted, but when one mysteriously grumpy man comes in he makes it his mission to make every pet seem unadoptable so he keeps coming back. // james a bit of a local celebrity, runs a story time at the local library, reading to kids in his downtime, one afternoon he meets a university student there to utilize the private study rooms, regulus knows that the best time to get a room to himself is when everyone is clamoring for james potters attention, he tries to slip through unnoticed, and begs himself not to make his staring obvious // Will send; pintrests to give you ideas of how I play each char, playlists, moodboards, head canon, other little musey posts will give; my undying love
must rp on discord must be 21+ replies and starters on my end are always 500+ words and I am looking for someone that would ideally match that, I am not interested in two sentence replies back and forth
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