ninanly · 2 months
“in another lifetime?”
pairings: teen! geto x teen! fem reader tw: angst a/n: this is my first post so bare with me (T▽T) part 2 → here
divider: @cafekitsune
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“love is the most twisted curse of them all”
they say, suguru was hurt to say the least, he didn’t think rejecting you would cause such a big outcome in the friendship. every text, call, or even voicemail he sent was never replied to, and it left him with an unexplainable ache in his chest.
he gave you the necessary space he knew you needed, but hours turned days, days turned into weeks, and throughout that time he grew angry. even if the romantic feelings you harbored would never be returned, he still had love for you— platonic love of course.
afterwhile days and hours of questioning himself, he finally manifests the courage to knock on your dorm room. 
“why are you ignoring me?” he asks straightforwardly, immediately getting to the point. he stands there with furrowed eyebrows and a nonchalant face, masking his true emotions. 
your heart drops as you’re greeted with the tall man, i mean out of all people.. him? “what do you mean?” you ask innocently, acting as if nothing is wrong,  holding on tightly to the door handle ready to close it on him once more.
he lets out a small annoyed groan and steps inside as if the space was as equally his as it was yours. “dont play dumb with me y/n.. you’ve been avoiding me for weeks ever since i—rejected you.” suguru says, his voice trailing off as he pauses to search for the right word. he shifts his weight to one foot and folds his arms across his chest, the movement bringing his eyes closer to yours. “you stopped answering my calls and texts. is it that deep? did i hurt you that much?”
your eyes widen and throat became numb, clearing your voice as you begin to speak, “suguru you’re a great friend truly.. but me hanging out with you isn’t gonna help me move on. every second with you i get butterflies, my words begin to stutter, i’m trying to protect myself before i get hurt even more.” you say your voice slightly scratchy.
suguru remains silent, his eyes not moving a millimeter as he listens to your words. every second your eyes are locked with his, another breath of air comes out of him. he knew you were right—spending time with him will only make matters worse. but the thought of not being around each other after all these years, losing all that friendship that meant so much to both of you, hurt suguru more.
with careful steps, he closed the distance the room put between them. standing only inches apart, he hesitantly speaks, “then why not date someone else?” he says blatantly which earns a sigh from you. “its not that easy suguru..” you answer softly. 
suguru sighs, lowering his head slightly. he’s aware that your feelings for him arent something you can just switch off with the snap of your fingers— at least now he is. dating someone might be a challenge, but even attempting to move on is better than giving yourself hope for a relationship that will never happen. 
he takes a step back, eye contact breaking with yours, his gaze now on the ground. “are you really sure you can’t get over me? that the thought of me even being with someone else doesn’t bother you?” he says not knowing how rude it sounded.
ouch. you stand there in disbelief, words struggling to come out of tour mouth but you manage, “i mean— of course its gonna bother me.. but its my fault i caught feelings..” you say in a slight mumble loud enough for him to hear. you move your hand up to his cheek, slowly rubbing the soft skin with your thumb. “you have rights to your own feelings, and you know yourself better than anyone. and that's the same for me. it's not your fault i caught feelings, but getting rid of such strong feelings for someone you desperately yearn for isnt easy, suguru.” you state firmly, still slowly rubbing his cheek.
he shivers at your touch, his hand curling into a fist, why was he so angry? he knew how much he missed this, your touch, your voice, your presence. how come your words cause his body to feel hot and cold at the same time?  why did it have to be this difficult? why couldn’t he just fall in love with you right back? the two of you seemed so compatible as is, so why couldn’t he bring himself to return your feelings?
so many questions running through his head, yet little to no answers. your touch bringing him back to reality once more. “there must be someone else for you.. i—am sure we can find someone for you..,” suguru says, refusing to lose his childhood best-friend.
you smile softly and nod, “there is.. i’m positive the universe has someone planned for me, it just hurts knowing its not you. but someday i will stop falling in love with you.., someday someone will like me like, i like you” laufey reference?? you say softly removing your hand from his cheek, still keeping your composure— refusing to look so weak in front of the man you thought was meant to be. 
his eyes drift away again as you remove your hand. he can’t help but feel a slight sense of relief, but at the same time a small tinge of guilt. of course, there would be someone better suited for you— you deserved nothing less than the best, he thought. 
the silence that follows hangs in the air between you two. there wasn’t any point in pressing the issue any further. if only those feelings would dissipate like they were supposed to. 
“im sorry.” you say, your eyes looking towards the ground as well. suguru looks up at you and shakes his head. “don't apologize” he says, voice softer than usual. you didn’t have anything to be sorry for. he was the one who couldn’t reciprocate your feelings. if anything, he was the one who needed to apologize. “just promise me you’ll move on and find someone who’ll make you just as happy as i did,” he says quietly.
you smile softly but your heart drops at the thought of it not being him. “I promise, but until then.. this, can't go on.” you say a tear streaming down your face.
his mouth tightens as he nods his head, trying to hide the bitterness that came with being reminded of the situation at hand. but in his heart, he truly wanted nothing more than to spend his one life with you by his side.
but he had already made the decision to reject your confession. it wouldn’t be fair to string you along with hopes of change. “i understand..,” says suguru, his voice hoarse as he takes a step back, he begins to turn around before you speak once more.
“in another lifetime?” you ask, tears streaming down both your cheeks now, you feel as you hit rock bottom. 
suguru’s body freezes, he turns back around as his eyes flicker towards yours. his heart skips a beat as he takes in your words… such a simple sentence carrying so much weight. he swallows hard, your question leaving him at loss for words and forcing him to fight the urge to close the distance between you two. if only it was that easy. “yeah, in another lifetime…  i would love that..” he says as he makes his way towards the door, leaving you there crying. forced to fight for your own battles,  against the enemy you once called love.
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zecoritheweirdone · 1 month
wanna preface this by saying that i am. So normal. anyway i just spent the last week redrawing scenes from mystery skulls animated but as that hermitcraft au i posted about a couple times. you guys should watch msa it is. so so good.
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clown-owo · 10 months
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yuurionviktor · 6 months
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gotchibam · 7 months
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Espeon, Dusk Lycanroc, and Sylveon ko-fi doodle for Kaitlyn!
I'm accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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craykaycee · 11 days
Sun in dress when bestie 😔
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Sun dress here, jestie :]
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vermwerm · 2 months
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sea-buns · 10 months
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captioners you are so valid
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softdavidrose · 9 months
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kingdom hearts trios + discord profiles 🗝️ [template by @uservalerian]
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sleepyzuku · 9 months
Such a darling...
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doctorsiren · 2 months
Will you ever draw more 7yg defenseworth? I absolutely adore the drawings you did for the last post on this! :)
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Defenseworth getting his disbarment letter + doodles from various points during the 7yg ^^
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bzil111 · 7 months
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its-your-mind · 28 days
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Go see Orym. - c3e93
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surreal-duck · 3 months
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I'll make myself look even cuter, so come find me, okay?
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kasterarts · 14 days
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Moving Forward. (Spoilers for YTTD up through 3-1b)
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