fizzytoo · 1 year
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sweet-chimera · 7 months
Aesthetics meme
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Tastes: Starchy baked goods, honey buns, stick rolls, apple cinnamon, ginseng and nut meg spice, whiskey, jarred preserves, rassberries. Alot of tart sweet spiced combinations. Autumnal foods. Smells: Outside, cold autumn mornings, cinnamon, nut meg and spices, vanilla, propolis, flowers, baked goods, gardens, moss, ngl kinda sweaty and musky natural scents. Sights: Pumpkins, bricks, golden leaves, ripe fruits, sweaters and yarn, woods and sweaters, alot of warm colors and cozy vibes, browns and golden, cottages, tea, wicker brooms, patchy fur and scars on her body, moss taken rubble Sounds: White noise when sitting outside, mourning doves, crunching on a fresh pinecone as you step, scottish lilting, wind chimes, muffled airy hoof steps, a little jingly bell when her collar moves around, loud boisterous laughter Sensations: Soft fur, matted used sherpa, fraying well loved yarn sweaters, bruises forming from being smacked while she laughs, soft pillow hugs from her plump body, feeling flour and sugar underneath your finger nails as you bake with her, burning muscles from fighting alongside her Outfits: Rompers, overalls, cotton dresses and linen skirts, aprons, dark academia and cottage core, sun flower vibes, yarn and canvas pinafores, leather collar and gardening gloves. Jade jewelry.
Tagged by: @xxlordalexanderxx
Tagging: Idk @valiant-au-save-slot-a @splinter-sister / @bone-pile-rp. Anyone i guess.
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maeswritingnook · 1 year
Prompt: Leon has the day off so he and his and Chris’ little girl visit Chris at work :)
Warnings: Very cute lol
Rating: E
“Okay, c’mon little miss. Let’s get you dressed so we can go see daddy.” Leon picked up Scout and threw her up in the air. She shrieked with a wide smile on her face. Leon went to go pick out a plain white romper and two blue bows for his daughter before taking her to his bathroom to get her ready.
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“You have crazy bedhead just like your daddy.” Leon laughed as he picked up their daughter from her crib. Her black hair was all over the place.
“Is she up? I’m about to head out and I’m not sure what time I get out today.” Chris said as he walked down the hall that lead to his daughter's nursery. He smiled when he walked into the nursery and saw Leon getting Scout out of her crib.
“Good morning sweet girl. Did you sleep well?” Chris said as he went to grab their daughter from Leon.
The baby was still out of it a little since it was 5:40am and she normally didn’t wake up till 7:00 o’clock, but when Chris or Leon went in before then, they always liked to see their baby before they left. Scout rested her head in the nook of her dad's neck and began to fall back to sleep. Chris frowned and rubbed her back.
“Daddy has to go to work sweetheart, but I’ll be home later.” Chris kissed Scout’s head and then carefully passed her back to Leon.
“I wish I had today off too.” Chris sighed. “I promise to call you when she's up and in a good mood so you can see her.” Leon smiled before he leaned over to kiss his husband.
“Okay, I gotta go. I’ll see you when I get home. I love you.” Chris went in for another kiss and then went to grab his things.
“Be safe and let me know if they send you out.” Leon waved Chris off as he walked out the door and left.
“Dada…” Scout whined. Looking up at her dad with very sleepy eyes. “I know baby, we’re gonna go back to sleep in the big bed for a little longer.” Leon smiled as he rocked his daughter to keep her in a daze.
It was at 7:30 when Leon was abruptly woken up by the sound of a sneeze. Leon’s eyes went wide as he realized his daughter had just sneezed all over his face and didn’t care. Scout only looked at her dad and laughed.
“Well good morning to you, you little snot rocket.” Leon gave a fake smiled and whipped his daughter's germs off of his face before sitting up and sitting her in front of him on the bed.
“Okay, let’s change your diaper, and then we can brush our teeth and make breakfast. Does that sound like a plan?”
Scout leaned forward and laughed. Leon booped her nose before grabbing a diaper and whips. Scout hated being changed in the morning so Leon was quick to get her changed and back into her pajamas. Once Scout was back in her pj’s, Leon walked to the bathroom and sat Scout on the bathroom counter.
“Here, brush your teeth.” Leon handed Scout a small toothbrush that just had water on it. Scout's version of brushing her teeth was just chewing on the bristles, but she enjoyed it.
After they both finished brushing their teeth, Leon put Scout's messy bead head up in a little ponytail before putting her down to crawl on the floor so that they could ‘race’ to the kitchen.
Scout won, obviously.
“You wanna call your dad and see what he’s up to?” Leon smiled at Scout as he sat her down in her highchair and leaned his phone against the fruit bowl on the table so that they could FaceTimed Chris.
He picked up after only two rings, so Leon knew he wasn’t busy.
“You caught me at the perfect timing. My meeting was canceled so I have nothing to do till after lunch.” Chris said to Leon when he answered his FaceTime call.
“Scout and I are about to have breakfast and she’s in a really good mood so I thought now was a good time to call,” Leon told Chris. Chris could hear pots and pans clinging in the background and the sound of the fridge opening and closing.
“There is my favorite little girl! How did you and daddy sleep?” Chris asked Scout. Though she only knew one word, she babbled all the time so they still liked to talk to her. She did know a lot of sign language though. With Chris having served in the Air Force and Leon being a private agent, it’s something they wanted her to learn at an early age.
“We slept well after you left, up until she sneezed all over my face and laughed after.” Chris heard Leon say off-screen.
Right before Chris could say something, he saw his office door open. “Hey, I have that file you-oh sorry, are you on the phone?”
“No, you’re good,” Chris told his sister, gesturing for her to come in and sit. “Hi, Claire!” Leon called out.
“Is that Scout?” Claire asked after she heard it was Leon who was on the phone. “Unless she magically learned how to talk since I left and she sounds like Leon, then no.” Chris joked.
“Let me see her!” Claire exclaimed as she went to go stand behind Chris. “There is my favorite stinker!” Scout smiled at Claire and waved. “Here, bite,” Leon told Scout as walked over to her with scrambled eggs.
“Careful, she has a new tooth coming in and she will bite you.” Just as Chris warned his husband, he saw him quickly pull his hand back.
“Did she bite you?” Both Chris and Claire laughed. Leon didn’t respond but only chuckled.
“Hey, Claire. Can you ask Sherry if she can drop some papers off in my office? I got an email from Hunnigan this morning saying she has some papers for me.” Leon asked his sister-in-law.
“She’s in a meeting right now, but I’ll text her and ask her,” Claire answered. “Anyways, I have to run. I was just supposed to drop these files off and then go help Berry with something,” Claire said as she moved from behind Chris to standing next to him.
“Bye stinker.” Claire smiled and waved off Scout.
Scout smiled at Claire and waved at her. “Bye, guys. Let me know if you need any more files, Chris,” Claire said as she waved off her brothers and left the room.
“Hey, they're sending me out next Thursday through Monday. I have to attend this banquet thing, it’s on Sunday so you and Scout can come and we can just hang out Friday and Saturday.” Chris smiled as Scout talked back to him. She was a little chatterbox.
“The one in Florida, right?” Leon looked back at Scout and saw she was signing juice so Leon went to grab her a drink to keep her happy.
“Yea-wait, how did you know?” Chris questioned, this was the first time he was telling Leon about this, he himself had only found out that morning.
Leon smiled at Chris before walking away aging to finish up making breakfast.
“I have to go to, they need a DSO representative. Sherry has a field assignment and Helena went to the last one so I’m going to this one. Although we work with BSAA, we’re still considered as just DSO agents so one of us has to go.”
“Are those the papers you were talking about?” Chris chuckled. Leon didn’t say anything, just gave a mischievous look when he walked back into the frame holding two bowls.
“You got it, baby?” Leon asked Scout as he gave her a spoon so she can eat her oatmeal. Scout looked at her dad and smiled before taking the spoon so she could eat.
Leon and Chris talked some more about Florida and making plans since it would be Scout's first ‘beach vacation’ before they had to end their call.
After Scout and Leon finished up their breakfast and did the dishes, they did some activity and cleaning before Leon put Scout down for her first nap of the day.
He was able to get almost all the house chores done and was able to shower and read some emails in peace before Scout woke up from her afternoon nap.
They did some more playing before Leon thought it would be nice to go and see Chris and get some lunch together.
“Hey stinker, you wanna go see dada at work?” Leon asked Scout. They were currently doing a puzzle on the floor. Scout smiled and clapped her hands, Leon chuckled at her reaction and kissed her head before standing up.
“Okay, c’mon little miss. Let’s get you dressed so we can go see daddy.” Leon picked up Scout and threw her up in the air. She shrieked with a wide smile on her face.
Leon went to go pick out a plain white romper and two blue bows for his daughter before taking her to his bathroom to get her ready.
He sat Scout on the bathroom counter and kissed her cheek before getting together everything he needed to do her hair. As Leon started brushing Scouts hair, he practiced some signs with her, working on words she hadn’t been signing lately.
“Can you show daddy silent?” Leon asked his daughter as he started working on her pigtails. She looked at him through the mirror and showed him how to sign silent.
“Good girl! Now can you do understand?” Again, Scout showed her daddy the sign before looking at him.
“You are so smart, baby! One more then we’ll get you dressed. Show daddy commander.” Commander was one of the words Scout struggled with so Leon helped her when she saw her getting frustrated.
He signed the word for her and then watched her give it another try. “There you go.” Leon smiled and kissed her cheek which made her shriek with happiness.
“All done and you look so pretty! Let’s go get you some shoes and then we can leave.”
Leon grabbed Scout a pair of shoes and then put her in her car seat and walked out the door. As the pair walked outside, the mailman just so happened to be there, so Leon took the mail and quickly glanced through it before he saw something that caught his eye.
He smiled and then put the other letters in the mailbox before finally getting in the car with Scout.
Scout ‘talked’ to Leon the whole 35 minute drive and she also danced to almost all the songs on the radio and held her dad's hand for half of the drive.
“Here, you hold.” Leon took Scout out of her car seat and handed her his work ID and keycard to he could grab her diaper bag.
Once Scout realized where she was she pointed at the building and smiled and yelled dada.
Leon chuckled and closed the car door before taking his ID and keycard back from Scout before walking into his work building. After Scout's diaper bag was checked, the two were able to head up the elevator to the third floor where Chris’ office was.
“We’re gonna go see your dad, we’re gonna go see your dad!” Leon chanted as he walked out of the elevator and down the halls while bouncing Scout in his arms.
“Hey, Agent Redfield! What are you doing here on your off day and who is that pretty girl you have with you.” Leon looked back to see Piers coming from behind him.
“Piers, for the last time. It’s Leon, you’re my daughter’s godfather for god sake.” Leon laughed, “We’re here to see her dad and to take him out for lunch. Is he in his office?”
“Yes sir, I think he’s just signing some papers right now,” Piers said. He smiled when Scout reached out to grab his hand so she could play with him.
“Hi, little lady. Did you come to see your dad?” Piers asked Scout. Scout smiled and looked down the hallway. Even though she was a baby, she knew this building pretty darn well.
“Well, I’ve got to run. I’ll see you later Agen—I mean Leon. I’ll see you later pretty girl.” Piers squished Scout's cheeks and waved them both off.
Both Scout and Leon waved Piers off before continuing their walk down the hall. Scout kept saying ‘dada’ as they got closer to the office.
She signed open once they were only one door down, Leon laughed before opening the door.
Chris smiled as he saw Leon walk in with their daughter. Scout's green eyes look at her other dad.
“There is my sweet baby girl! You look so pretty!” Chris said excitedly. Scout started bouncing in Leon’s arms and reaching out for Chris while she chanted ‘dada’. He happily took the baby before kissing his husband.
“What good thing did I do to get this special visit on your day off?” Chris asked as he sat at the edge of his desk with Scout on his knee.
“Scout and I wanted to know if you would like to go to lunch with us and something came in the mail today and I couldn’t wait for you to get home to show you.” Leon smiled as he pulled out a manilla envelope from their baby’s diaper bag.
Chris opened the envelope and read the paper that was inside it. It was their baby’s birth certificate. Chris looked up at Leon with a smile.
“She is officially Scout Morgan Redfield.” Leon smiled. They had adopted Scout when she was just 2 weeks old, now she was 9 months. After debating on hyphenating her last name, Leon had finally convinced Chris to just have Redfield as her last name.
“Are you sure it’s okay that we didn’t hyphenate her last name like yours?” Chris asked Leon as he put the papers away.
Leon smiled and walked over to Chris and stood in front of him. “Yes. I want her to have your last name. If I could have just your last name I would, but hyphenating it makes work easier.” Leon leaned in to kiss his husband.
“Come on, let’s go get lunch to celebrate Scout having your last name.”
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daily things
summary: Because the life of a bounty hunter doesn‘t allow Din to have much freetime, (Y/n) helps him take care of the child as well as the Mandalorian himself.
pairings: Din Djarin x Reader, The child
warnings: fluff (that‘s it lol) NO SPOILERS
words: 1470
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He loves her. Not only is her appearance a sight for sore eyes but her actions are beautiful too. He loves watching her doing daily things. Above all, Din loves watching her interact with the child.
Laughter fills the cargo bay as the Mandalorian climbs down the ladder and his heavy boots meet the metal floor. He turns around and his gaze wanders to (Y/n) who is kneeling in front of a box.
“Keep calm, stinky. We are almost done“, she giggles and changes the childs diaper, throwing the old one in the bin. (Y/n) fastens the new diaper and helps the little on inside his romper suit.
Din arrives next to the female in time to watch her put on socks on each foot of the child. At the sight of his father, the little one sits up and raises his arms. With a sigh the mandalorian bounty hunter picks up the child and holds him in one hand. It‘s quite funny how Din only needs a hand to hold the child and (Y/n) needs both.
“We should eat something“, Din realizes and helps the female up with his one free hand. The moment she stands directly in front of him, the Mandalorian leans his head forward. (Y/n)s forehead and the one of his beskar helmet touch in a sweet keldabe kiss.
While Din knows exactly what this kind of touch means, (Y/n) doesn‘t. But that doesn‘t mean that she isn‘t enjoying how close she gets to her friend.
After some time both turn towards their makeshift kitchen. Din hands his son to the female and disappears to make their food. (Y/n) sits down with her back against the box and places the child between her legs. The Mandalorian returns with three bowls and hands one to the child and one to his friend.
“Thank you“, (Y/n) whispers with a smile on her lips and soon she feels Dins lower back against her own. He sits on the box and is finally allowed to take off his helmet. The female would never dare to turn around to catch a glimpse of his face. And Din knows that, he knows that he can trust her.
The child is a whole other story. He is quite stubborn and because he is the Mandalorians foundling, he is allowed to see his fathers face. And it seems like the little one loves to look at the warrior because every time they eat back to back, the child waddles in front of Din. Sometimes he even forgets to eat which is rather suspicious for the always hungry baby.
Today the child stays seated in front of his mother figure and stuffs the food inside his mouth. (Y/n) laughs from time to time because he eats quite noisily.
“I should teach you a few manners, little one“, (Y/n) says and wipes a droplet from the corner of the childs mouth with her sleeve. The green baby giggles and stuffs the last bite of his fruit between his lips.
“I tried that once, and he threw a bowl full of still boiling soup at me“, Din explains with a sweet smile on his lips as he takes the first bite of his meat. His voice sounds so different without the modulator - softer.
(Y/n) laughs so hard at the imagination of the Mandalorian standing straight with soup over his red face, even though she doesn‘t know how she should imagine his face. This makes Din smile even wider because if one thing makes him happy in this cursed galaxy then it‘s (Y/n)s sweet laugh.
The child giggles too and waddles to his father, looking up at him and watching him intensely. Din raises one eyebrow but pays more attention to his food than his son. That‘s why he doesn‘t notice the little one disappearing and returning with a plushy that is almost double his size.
“What is that?“, Din asks as he looks at the child after he cooed at him. He places his bowl aside and takes the mudhorn plushy from the child.
“What?“, (Y/n) asks confused and eats the last bite of her food, setting the bowl aside and staring at the cargo bay in front of her.
“The...toy. It looks like a....mudhorn!?“, Din inspects the plushy and tries to remember where it came from. Did he buy it for the child? The material seems familiar to him, like one of his old cloaks.
“Oh yes. I made him that out of old clothes. At least, he is a child and should have something to play with“, (Y/n) explains almost ashamed. She fears Din will be angry with her because she didn‘t ask for his permission.
“It‘s cute“, the Mandalorian states and gives the plushy back to his son. The child cooes happily and waddles with a few difficulties to (Y/n), showing her his mudhorn.
Unfortunately, the next moment the child burbs and pukes all over his favorite (and only) toy. (Y/n) widens her eyes as she watches tears well up in his big eyes.
“Hey it‘s okay, little one. Come here! We will get you and the plushy cleaned up, I promise“, the female tells the crying child and pulls the toy from his grasp to pick him up. At the same time she avoids letting her gaze wander because she fears seeing Dins face.
“What happened?“, the Mandalorian asks with his familiar modulated voice which allows (Y/n) to look at the bounty hunter.
“He threw up. I‘m gonna give him a bath“, (Y/n) explains with the baby pressed to her chest, not minding the vomit all over him, and the mudhorn toy in her free hand. Then she walks across the cargo bay and sets the child along with his plushy on a box, starting to fill the little bathtub with water.
Din stays seated on his box and watches (Y/n) take off the childs clothes and place him in the tub. She sits next to it cross-legged and starts to rub a wet cloth over the dirty mudhorn. Five minutes later she sets the plushy aside and takes the dirty romper. Completely concentrating on cleaning it, (Y/n) doesn‘t notice the child using the force to lift a ball of water and moving it over her head.
A scream that sounds more like laughter fills the cargo bay and Din stands up in full protection mode. He was watching the female, but he was so enthralled by (Y/n) that he forgot everything around them. Now he sees what his son has done: (Y/n)s shirt is drenched but yet the female is laughing at the little one.
“That is what you do to thank me, stinky?“, (Y/n) asks and looks from the overjoyed child to the staring Mandalorian, smiling shyly. Immediately, Din takes off his cape and walks towards the slightly shivering female, placing it over her shoulders.
“Thank you“, she says before turning to the child and taking him out of the tub, wrapping him up in a fluffy scarf because his romper is as drenched as her shirt.
“Nap time“, (Y/n) whispers as she stands up and walks towards the little cot of the Razor Crest. She lays the smiling child in the hammock above. The mudhorn plushy takes almost every space in there but the little one doesn‘t care, he nestles his face against it.
“Here“, the Mandalorian stops next to his friend and hands her a new shirt. Then he turns around to return to the cockpit but (Y/n)s voice stops him. She quickly changed her shirt and called his name so that the mandalorian warrior looks over his shoulder.
“You should sleep too“, (Y/n) tells Din and nods towards the cot where the child is looking at his father.
“Only if you do too“, the Mandalorian replies and places one of his gloved hands against the females cheek. Slowly, he leans his helmet forward, letting it touch her forehead in a sweet keldabe kiss.
(Y/n) is the first one to lay down on the cot then all lights go out, and she feels someone lay down next to her. They face each other and can feel the others warm breath.
“Thank you“, Din whispers and places a hand on (Y/n)s face, caressing her cheek with his gloveless thumb.
“For what?“, (Y/n) asks with a smile and closes her eyes, fully enjoying his soft touch.
“For taking care of the child. For taking care of...me“, Din admits and moves closer to the female. Their noses touch as well as their chests and legs. Only a few millimeters part their lips.
“Would it be okay...if...I kissed you right now?“, the Mandalorian asks bashful. One of (Y/n)s hands wanders from his hip to his neck.
“More than okay“, (Y/n) whispers and finally, their lips touch in a first but lovely kiss.
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kaibacorpintern · 3 years
the wound
word count: ~2500
summary: kaiba has some pointed thoughts about yuugi’s recent cooking injury. platonic rivalshipping. post-DSOD
a/n: a woman has too many unfinished one-shots in her google drive so i’m making time to finish them instead of overthinking them (and never finishing them.) yes this is about cooking and yuugi and kaiba and depression. yes i have already written about this. whatever man. enjoy.
Same time as usual. Two in the afternoon, on Saturdays. Same place as usual. The picnic table under the massive oak in the park, two blocks away from the Kame Game Shop and twenty minutes by subway from the station under the Kaiba Corp tower. Seto took the subway mostly out of scientific interest, taking a professional curiosity in the world Atem had wanted to live in, and because Atem had told him to enjoy it. What had he seen here, in the faded orange seats and bright pastel advertisements and the quiet scattering of human-not-Puzzle bodies? What had he felt, as the subway swayed around the curve in the tunnel, unseen in the darkness and known only by its momentum, making everyone sway with it? Hands curled around handrails and books. Fingers on phones. The train burst into daylight. The side of that girl’s head against the glass, watching Domino slide by with an equally glassy look in her eyes. Two layers between her and the city. Missing someone? Or just bored of life? 
He slunk off the subway, unnoticed and unknown, in an immaculate white hoodie and aviators, stainless steel water bottle dangling from one hand. Yuugi was waiting for him at the park entrance, as usual, wearing some kind of fashionable belted dark purple romper, with the usual tote bag full of games hanging from one hand. On the other hand, something unusual: his fingers stuck out from a half-formed mitten of gauze, giving his slender hand a clumsy, snub-nosed silhouette. He was having trouble holding his iced tea, thumb and fingers alligator-clamped around the lid. Someone had drawn a pair of flowers in pink marker across the back of the mitten, a bumper sticker of cheerful admonition: 🌺 BE CAREFUL! 🌺 Not Yuugi’s handwriting. 
“Hey,” Yuugi said. “How’re you doing? You sleeping better?”
Seto pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head, over his bangs, crown-like. 
“On and off,” he said, which was true. His nights were now vast, tossing oceans of insomnia between shores of just good-enough sleep. Last night he’d simply given up trying to swim and instead, for the first time in years, read a book for amusement instead of education. Some sci-fi novel Yuugi had mentioned and Seto bought on a lark from the bookstore in the subway station. Most of his amusement came from correcting the bad science in the margins, until he woke up at dawn with his glasses bent and his bed linens blotted like calico cats with black ink. “What happened to your hand?”
“Oh, this?” Yuugi said, lifting his mitten-hand. “So, I was making a ceviche yesterday…”
He told the story as they walked through the park to the oak tree: the protagonist was a ripe avocado, its tough, disingenuous alligator hide concealing a soft, buttery-green flesh. The arc of the conflict: avocado against knife, a natural antagonist. The climax: the knife, ignorant of its own bluntness and made arrogant by the shine of its own steel, slid off its trajectory like a failing rocket and plunged at speed through plant skin and plant flesh straight into human skin and human flesh. The resolution: two identical cuts, a half-opened avocado and a half-opened hand. Man versus fruit. 
"There was so much blood Otogi almost fainted," Yuugi said, thumping the tote bag onto the wooden table and straddling the bench sideways. "So we went to the ER and they stitched me up, and then when we got back home I finished making the ceviche. What game? You pick."
"Hive," Seto said. He couldn’t stop looking at his bandaged hand. It drew his attention like a glitch on a screen, an inescapable aberration. “Does it bother you?”
“I mean, it hurts, but whatever, you know?” Yuugi said, digging into his tote bag for the drawstring bag of wooden tokens. He spilled them onto the table in a clattering cascade of wood against wood. They rapidly sorted them out. “It’s not my first cooking accident.”
Seto raised his eyebrows. It was a testament to the amount of time they’d been spending together lately - every Saturday afternoon for a handful of hours, until he made some excuse to leave, and Yuugi accepted it not because he was gullible but because he knew Seto had a battery and it ran low - that he didn’t even need to ask a question, and Yuugi simply provided an answer, with examples.
“So, here, I was frying onion rings for Jounouchi, and I splattered hot oil all over my arm,” Yuugi said, lifting his hand and pointing out a haphazard constellation of white scars over his forearm. “Then here - I was baking cookies for Shizuka’s birthday and touched the tray fresh out of the oven with my bare hand, like a moron, I dueled Jounouchi after and drawing my cards was like, ow - ” he waggled his fingertips - “and this one is another burn - ” a long white ink-stroke across his wrist - “from when I was making ramen for Anzu, ‘cause she was home from New York. And this one - ”
More interesting than how and what were who. This burn for Honda’s birthday barbecue, that cut for Otogi’s game night. A violent kiss between blade and fingers behind a frothy veil of soapy water, cleaning up after a movie night. Another spray of oil splatters, frying tempura for his mother. A lot of meals for her, his grandfather, Jounouchi. Every scar Yuugi showed him had a name attached, almost all of them below the elbows, as though collected there for easy reference. Seto frowned as Yuugi's fingers flew over this map of friendships and family, their routes landmarked by midnight breakfasts, lazy brunches, beautifully-wrapped bento boxes. Something about it tasted sour to him, his tongue held tight and bitten between his teeth. All of his own scars had only one name.
“You probably think I’m a klutz,” Yuugi said, with a sheepish smile, sliding one of the wooden tokens into place around their hive. 
“I told you to stop doing that,” Seto said briskly. “I’m not some dumpster for all your insecurities. You think you’re a klutz. You have no idea what I think.”
“I - ” Yuugi started, and huffed, with another smile, his chosen defense against causing offense. “Sorry, force of habit - ”
“Forget it. You don’t ever cook for yourself?”
“Duh. Of course I do. And I eat what I make with everyone else. It’s not like I make a pizza for all my friends and just sit there watching them while they eat it,” Yuugi said. “But I like cooking for people. I love... nourishing them. Knowing they’re not going to go to bed hungry or anything, and I can make something for them that makes them feel good.”
Seto tapped a wooden token on the table, under the guise of thinking about the game but really thinking about the kind of friends Yuugi made, and how he made them. Jounouchi. Honda. Atem. Himself.
“Did you ever cook for Atem?” he said, because he couldn’t help it, and braced against the soft look that came his way, with a default smile, a pre-emptive look, I'm fine. this didn’t hurt me smile.
“Yeah,” Yuugi said. “I did.”
Like what? Did he like it? Did he help cook or did he just watch? Just the two of you or with everyone else? Tell me. What did you nourish him with? What do you think he’s eating now? I ate pomegranates when I was there. Bread and honey and figs and garlic and beer. Nothing I ate makes me spend six months with the living and six months with the dead so instead I trade off day and night. Sometimes I leave for a few minutes, mid-afternoon, and I can hear my own name clattering through me as Mokuba calls me back. Seto kept all these comments to himself. There was only so greedy he could get with Yuugi’s grief; only so much he could share of his own.
He slid his wooden token into place around the honeycomb of pieces. Yuugi swiftly countered. Seto lapsed back into thought.
Yuugi took a quiet slurp of his iced tea, gave it a shake, rattling the ice until it settled, and took another, watching ducks paddle into the reeds at the edge of the pond and paddle out, a portrait of calm patience. It had taken him some time to get comfortable with Seto’s long silences. In concession, Seto made the effort to shorten them.
It was the kind of day where stepping into the shade made a difference. The air was darker and cooler under the trees and the flowering bushes that lined the park paths, while the rest of the earth baked in a cloudless dry heat. Seto made his move and pushed the sleeves of his sweatshirt up to his elbows.
“How about I cook for you sometime?” Yuugi said brightly, nudging another wooden token against the others with a single fingertip. 
Seto scowled, not at the suggestion but at the way his thoughts splintered apart, like two halves of a wooden log split by an axe. He had no doubt Yuugi would pull out the stops for him, slave and sweat for hours over some seventeen-course feast of modern art finger foods. Or maybe something cozy that made him feel like he was just nineteen instead of nineteen and exhausted. Whatever it was, Yuugi would put in the effort. But.
“No,” he said, and made sure to clarify this refusal before the clouds finished gathering over Yuugi’s face in a dejected overcast grey: “I don’t need one of your scars named after me.”
“I - what?” Yuugi said, flashing him an uneven, sideways smile, and Seto felt a flicker of irritation. Atem would’ve understood immediately. But, in fairness to Yuugi, he was being a little obtuse.
“You have a way of suffering for your friends,” he explained. “And I think part of you likes it.”
Yuugi straightened up in his seat, suddenly electric. 
“What the hell? It’s just cooking,” he said, with a stormy flash of lightning in his violet eyes. “You’re reading into this way too much. I cook because it’s fun and artistic and I like feeding people, not because I like… self-flagellating or something. Seriously, you can’t just spout off - ”
“You misunderstand me,” Seto countered. “There’s no reason to… hurt yourself on my behalf. If you want to eat together, I’d rather go to that kitschy little ice cream place down the block and get a fucking waffle cone. I don’t want you unable to duel because you burned your hand trying to pan-fry a steak for me.”
Yuugi opened his mouth, brows furrowing together… and scoffed, a surprisingly affectionate sound.  He rolled his eyes around the park, his gaze swinging across the sunlit grass, and looked back at Seto. 
“Okay. First of all, I've mastered the art of the pan-fried steak, and you should try it,” he said. “Second of all, what makes you think you’re not someone worth suffering for?”
Seto snorted, masking his inwards flinch. Mokuba already suffered enough, thank you. And for what? A ghost of a brother. A black hole, a perpetual collapsing. Things went in and they crossed the event horizon and the pressure squeezed them for eternity without ever letting them reach the center and nothing ever came back out, as much as it wanted to. The scientific term for such distortion of effort, stretched to an immeasurable length without breaking, was spaghettification. Even a black hole needs to eat! 
He slid one of his tokens back and forth with his fingertip, short, scraping jerks of wood against wood, thinking. 
“Direct attack on my life points,” he muttered.
“Yeah, you also got me pretty good,” Yuugi chuffed. “Let’s call it even. But relax. It’s just cooking. I love the process, and I love the result, and I love doing stuff for my friends. It’s not some big… metaphorical… symbol of something. This - " he lifted his mittened hand - "doesn't mean anything except I mishandled a knife. It’s not like… you and Duel Disks.”
But Seto also loved the process and the result and more than once he'd injured himself, machining parts or fiddling with wires that, like all wild living things, bit back in fear of his touch. He splayed his hand over the table, watching blood drip onto his work station, knowing he should get up, clean it, bandage it. But it was only two in the morning and there was work to do.
“The Duel Disk is a symbol of Kaiba Corp’s future,” he said, closing his hand into a fist. "I know what you've done for your friends. I’ve seen it. Doesn't that merit the same... mythology?"
Yuugi gave him a funny look, half skeptical, half knowing.
"That’s nice of you, thank you," he said, and an uncomfortable blush crawled up Seto’s neck. Sometimes he did understand. “Are you sure you don't want me to cook for you?”
Seto opened his mouth, closed it, folded his arms on the table. He felt like he was trying to explain the feeling of the color blue, or the arguments for why numbers do or don’t exist, or what it was like to dream. Well, you see, the last time I saw Atem, he told me - correction: the last time as in the most recent link in a chain of time, not the last time as in the end of the line, because he also told me we’d see each other again - he told me to enjoy this, and you know me, I never do what I’m told. And I can’t do what he told me to do because he was my friend, and if friendship is just getting caught in a great sticky web of small cuts and large cuts and burns and bruises and tears and suffering because they’re here and suffering because they’re not, then just go ahead and let the spider drink me up and dump what’s left of me in the dirt. I am so sick and tired of pain. Mine. Yours. Ours.
But he did enjoy these afternoons. He was enjoying the process of making this: he had more with Yuugi now than he ever had before. He reached across the table and took Yuugi’s bandaged hand between his own hands, running his thumb carefully over the inked warning. Yuugi's hand relaxed in his. Yes, Yuugi was wrong. It was the same as Duel Disks. In any act of creation there was pain, there was power, and there was glory. What difference was there between a hologram of a dragon and a steaming bowl of soup? Both nourished something. Both were an answer to hunger. Discovering an emptiness and filling it.
“Okay,” he said, releasing Yuugi’s hand. “Alright. Cook for me.”
“Yeah?!” Yuugi said, with rising excitement, beaming. “What should I make? What do you like?”
“Make me a steak,” Seto said, smiling. It felt good to see Yuugi smile. His hypothesis neatly undermined. See? It’s not all damage. “No. Surprise me.”
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Prompt: “Can you do a mob!Roman Reigns x Pregnant Reader where they are in a meeting and someone disrespects her?” Requested by the lovely @purpledragon04 (I’m also tagging my girl @ziasaph ‘cuz she wants all Roman related stories...and I can relate babe! Hahaha)
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Mob!Roman Reigns x Pregnant Reader
Warnings: Mob themed related subjects(drugs/gun),cursing,explicit violence,mentions of murder,harassment.
Notes: I’ve always wanted to write something Mob!Roman related but I’ve never had any good ideas,until the amazing @purpledragon04 request this. I’ve had some free time today so I dedicated to write this.So there you have it, I hope you like it babe.🥰 Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
I woke up as soon as the smell of fresh toast and scrambled eggs filled the bedroom, I opened my eyes and saw my beautiful man holding a tray fool of food,shirtless and barefooted with his hair down,only in a pair of black sweatpants that hanged dangerously low on his hips.
“Good morning baby girl” He softly smiles
“Good morning Ro”
He placed the tray of food on top of the bed on his empty side and approached me kneeling on one knee,placing one big hand on my round belly,pecking my lips,looking at my bump and asking in a soft voice
“And how are we feeling today?” While he rubbed and gave light pecks all around my belly.
“So far so good!” I answered as I ran my fingers through his thick,silky,dark hair.
“Good” he pecks my lips “ ‘cuz I’ve brought us some food”
He got up and walked to his side of our king size bed,placed the tray next to me so he could sit on the bed.
Ever since we’ve found out I was pregnant Roman did this same morning ritual every day without a fail! He would wake up before me and cook himself our breakfast. And to be honest I don’t know how he could do it,for 6 months straight now,every single day. It mesmerized me how much dedication he had with my and the baby’s well being.
“What did I do to deserve you?To deserve this everyday?” I honestly asked while I pointed to the tray
He shyly smiled and I could swear he blushed before answering “Baby girl,you’re making a big deal out of nothing really,it’s a simple gesture that I like to do,because I love you and our little bundle of joy” He rubbed my bump “I just like to take care of you both that’s all...now let’s eat before the food gets cold”
I smiled and took a good look on the tray,there was scrambled eggs,plain toast and toast with jam,fruit salad,water,coffee and juice. I eagerly reached for the coffee when...
“Nu uh! You’re not drinking that missy!” He took the coffee out of my sight “I’ve made you some peach juice and there’s water.”
I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh before saying “The doctor said that I had do control the amount of caffeine I drink and not to totally quit it,you know?”
“First things first,don’t roll you eyes at me missy. Secondly yours and the baby’s health comes in first place,so that means no caffeine for you”
“But I-“
“There’s no arguing about it! Now drink your juice and eat your breakfast!”
“Whatever you say,dad” I scoffed
He briefly chuckled and said “Don’t you worry baby girl, later tonight, I’m sure the same words will come out of your mouth with a different tone to it” he deviously smirked at me.
I was finishing opening the last package with some of the baby’s items I’ve bought online, to find the one thing I was looking for. A romper with some beautiful and delicate flower patterns on it, with the saying ‘ I may be small,but I’m a one big wish come true’, the same words Roman said to the baby when we’ve found out I was 4 weeks pregnant.
I smiled and made my way to his office, I was so excited to show him what I’ve found that I bursted through the door saying
“Hey Ro,look what I’ve foun-“ I stopped talking as soon as I saw he wasn’t alone “I’m so sorry! I didn’t knew you had a meeting,that was so reckless of me to burst in like that,sorry.”
“It’s ok baby, it’s a last minute meeting, I didn’t even had time to let you know, it’s ok tho, I know you didn’t mean to” He smiled “Besides,we’re pretty much done here.” He stood up from his chair,made his way towards me at the door and whispered “I’m just gonna go grab something really quick,so I can give to David,then I’m all yours ok?”
“Sure,Ro” I answered and he pecked my lips
“I’ll be right back baby” And he quickly went down the stairs.
Personally, I don’t like David, as matter of fact I fucking hate him! He is one of the guys who takes shifts with Ben selling Roman’s product on the streets. And he’s a total pervert.
Every time he sees me he flirts (borderline harass) me, making disgusting comments about me,my body,my clothes..and since I got pregnant it became worst, I once caught him saying that he loved the fact that I’m pregnant now,because it would make my boobs look bigger and I would look so good that way. To say that he’s disgusting and filthy is an understatement, he’s the worst scum bag I’ve ever seen! I never said anything to Roman because I know David is one of his top guys and I didn’t wanted to ruin his business,but I swear that many,many times I wish I had told him.
David stood up and made his way dangerously towards me
“Well, well...what do we have here?Two beautiful girls” He reach his arm to touch my bump and a ferocious mother instinct took over me. I could take care of myself but I’ll be damned if he touches my baby!
“Touch her and I’ll kill you myself” I snarled.
It may sound dumb, since she wasn’t even born yet, to think that he could actually touch her. But he knew that to me touching a woman’s pregnant bump was as intimate as touching her baby. And he would never,ever touch my baby girl!
“Calm down mama” he chuckled “I mean no harm! I gotta say tho Y/N, you look as beautiful as ever” he measured me from head to toe with an aroused look upon his eyes and I had to hold myself from throwing up.
“You know I would give anything for that baby to be mine and not his right?” He approached me carefully
“Stay away from me”
“Calm down tigress!” He lightly laughed
“Don’t you dare to touch me or her! You make me sick!”
“I just wanna give my girls a hug,that’s all”
Pure fear surrounded me and I turned away to run,but he was faster pulling me towards him, wrapping his arms around my belly making my ass rest on his erection.
“See,how I get whenever I see you tigress?” He started to caress my baby bump and hot tears poured down my eyes making my sight completely blurred. I felt someone quickly yank him from me and I cleaned my eyes to see Roman on top of him restlessly throw punch after punch on his face.
“Have you lost your fucking mind motherfucker? You must have a death wish boy!” Roman said while he continued to punch him with such a ferocious rage that I was pretty sure his face was getting unrecognizable.
He started to choke in his own blood, so Roman stopped his actions, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulled the 9mm gun he always kept on his pants back waist. He put the gun nozzle on his cheek close to his lips and David started to cry babbling something along the lines of please and sorry. Roman just ignored saying
“Who the fuck you think you are boy? You live from my money, live in one of my houses, sell my drugs and still you think you can come to my house and mess with my pregnant woman” Roman dragged the nozzle from his cheek to his closed lips “And unborn daughter, under my roof and it will all be ok? Open your mouth” David begin to cry even harder “I said open. your. fucking. mouth boy!” He screamed and David slowly opened his mouth.
Roman places the nozzle inside of David’s mouth and continues to say scaringly calm
“What’s the matter Davie? I thought you liked to touch and talk obscenities to pregnant women. Go on now,continue what you were saying to my wife” David paralyzed “C’mon Dave, don’t be shy! You clearly have no respect for women, specially for my woman, or myself for that matter. So go for it, I’m all ears now!” The light beige rug beneath David started to slowly become a darker beige tone, was he?..
“Oh Davie, you filthy motherfucker, you’re pissing on my fucking rug???! Unbelievable! You know I’ll have to discount this from your paycheck right?” Roman was now laughing uncontrollably, he looked at me with amusement on his eyes
“Do you see this Y/N? David is scared...poor thing!” He continued to chuckle “Are you afraid to die Dave?”
“Yes, sir” David barely mumble
“Don’t you worry Davie boy, I’m not gonna kill you...I’ll just make you an example for any dumb motherfucker who thinks he can disrespect my wife or daughter..” Roman smiled
It has been 2 weeks now,since the incident with David. Roman has never once spoken about him since Ben took him out of our house.
I was in the baby’s nursery, organizing some of her clothing in the little lavender and white wardrobe we just bought for her, when Roman came through the door.
“Whatcha doing baby girl?”
“Trying to organize the chaos” I laughed,there were clothes and toys all over the nursery.
He placed one hand on my bump and whispered “And what’s my other baby girl doing,huh?” He kneeled down and nuzzled his nose on my belly, placing his bearded cheek on it right after.
“Oh definitely sleeping!” I chuckled
“I wonder where did she got it from?” He tried to hold back a laugh
“Uh” I gasped, pretending to be offended “Roman, are you trying to imply that I’m the lazy one?”
“No baby! I would never say such thing!” He smiled while pressing his chin to my bump so he could look at me with an amused look on his face.
“Yeah right you wouldn’t!” I laughed while I stroked his bearded cheek. He stood up and sweetly kissed my lips before going to the little wardrobe.
“Oh,this is cute” He said while holding a yellow dress with big black polka dots in it.
I couldn’t stop the thought that lingered on my mind for 2 weeks now, and before I could process what I was saying the words left my mouth.
“Ro, can I ask you something?”
“Sure, baby girl. Whatcha wanna know?” He answered still amused by the baby’s dresses
“What happened with David?”
I could see that his whole body tensed, before relaxing again. He took a small hanger out of the wardrobe, hanged the little yellow dress on it and put it back on the baby’s wardrobe before turning to face me,while calmly answering
I love Roman,although he’s a big guy and all of that I was never afraid of him, but I’ve never seen such a cruel, cold look on his face...and to be honest it was kinda scary.
“David...” I whispered
“I don’t know what you’re talking about baby” He gave me the coldest smile I’ve ever seen in my life.
“Roman...you’re kinda scaring me,love” My voice came out quite shaky
“Y/N, baby girl..” He came to me and cupped my face on his hands “Look at me baby” I did as he asked
“Y/N, I sincerely tell you that I don’t know who this David is or what happened to him. I’ve never met any David baby girl... You look a little flushed, why don’t we go downstairs to the kitchen and I’ll make you a sandwich huh? I need to keep my girls healthy” He leaned one hand down to my belly and the other one stroked my hair.
“What do you say baby?”
“Yeah Ro,that sounds nice”
“Good” He sincerely smiled at me and the warmth was back to his eyes “C’mon” he intertwined our fingers as we went down the stairs to the kitchen “I have to take care of my girls” He said while he looked at me with a smile.
That’s when I realized that whatever happened with David I would never know, and to be honest with you, I don’t even think I wanna know anymore...
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Hey, do you have anything that could cheer me up? I had a panic attack because I'm starting a new school year tomorrow and I'm nervous :(
oh buddy i'm so sorry :( i'm writing a part 4 to wisteria because i couldn't help myself so here have a peak
“Up we go,” Spencer says and he stands little Aaron up and slides his pants up his legs and over his diapered bum before tucking his shirt in and picking him up. “Dapper dude, lookin’ fresh.”
He always talks to them while he gets them ready in the morning. He places him down on the floor where he begins to crawl around, picking up Wisteria next and placing her on the changing table.
“Morning wish,” he whispers to her, leaning down to kiss the top of her nose, “how did you sleep?”
She slaps her tongue against the roof of her mouth and coo’s, thinking that she’s talking back to him when really she’s just making sounds.
“Wow, really? What happened next?” He asks, changing her diaper while she keeps talking, legs still and making it easier for him.
“That’s one heck of a dream,” he teases, “any other good ones?”
She looks at him funny and makes the sassiest noise he’s ever heard from her, making him laugh, “I’m sorry continue.”
She keeps talking and talking as he dresses her in her matching purple romper, flattening it all out and rubbing her little tummy as she keeps talking. He picks her up then, “wow, that’s a lot of dreaming for one night.”
He picks Aaron up and replaces the block in his mouth with a pacifier, having a kid under each arm before finally leaving the nursery.
Downstairs he finds his wife in the kitchen, Declan Henry and Jack all sitting at the kitchen counter with their breakfasts, Ivy is in her high chair having some fruit while JJ, Aaron and Emily all have coffee at his kitchen table. It’s just a regular morning.
He places the twins in their high chairs, and kisses Y/N on the cheek as he passes her, “good morning my love.”
“Mornin’ handsome,” she teases and makes all the kids groan in disgust as she wraps him up in a quick hug and presses her lips to his for a long, drawn-out kiss.
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imagine-docx · 4 years
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Summary: Bucky is a cute single dad who needs to get a dress for his daughter because his ex wife’s wedding is in a few weeks. Insert you, the cute kids shop owner who has a ton of knowledge in this department. [ChubbyBucky!SingleDad!AU]
Warnings: swearing, and some insecurity mentions and some body shaming, suggestive content right at the end.
A/N: the amount of love i got on sneaky is astronomical! and i love and appreciate each and everyone of you who read it and enjoyed it! also, please remember to sign all the petitons, and donate if you can and attend protests if you can! black lives matter. - amanda
Nope, nope, no, absolutely not, fuck this. Was the exact thought process Bucky went through his mind. The reminder just popped up that in two weeks was his ex wife’s marriage ceremony and reception.
Bucky and Natasha were once married, and had little Layla from the marriage. Layla was caught in the crossfire of a nasty divorce when Bucky and Nat ended things when she was only 3. When Bucky got the invitation for the wedding, he felt the same exact heartbreak when he realized Nat was cheating on him, and felt someone throw his heart into a fire when he realized the man she was currently engaged to was the exact man she cheated with.
He got up and realized that he should check if Layla had any clothes to wear to the wedding. He looked through her closet and realized Layla outgrew almost all of these or weren’t there for the wow factor.
He sighed, closing her closet. He ran his hands through his hair, he turned around and was greeted by the mirror that was there. 
The divorce was hard on Bucky and it was obvious. He put on a few extra pounds around the waist, his shoulders rounded out, and his thighs filled out his pants from all the late shifts at the security firm. Another sighed escaped his lips, he was seeing his ex in laws again and he didn’t look the greatest. 
He walked down the stairs and grabbed his keys, and was going to pick up Layla from Wanda’s house and take Layla dress shopping.
“Wow you look like shit,” Wanda greeted him.
“Glad to know someone like you is caring for my kid,” Bucky sarcastically responded, allowing himself into her house. 
“You already knew what you were signing up for when you knew I was dating Sam,” Wanda said, guiding him to the kitchen.
Bucky met Wanda through Sam. Sam met Wanda through the security firm, when Wanda was working for her old company and they changed the codes without her knowing, she flipped out and somehow Sam and Wanda clicked, and here they were. 
“Where’s my kid?” He said, looking around for the little bundle of joy.
“Upstairs with Sam,” she responded. He eyed Wanda, “Listen, they’re bonding because I need to talk to you.”
“Shoot,” he said, grabbing a banana from the fruit basket.
“Nat’s getting married next week.”
“I know that.”
“You should get a date,” Wanda said bluntly.
“I would, if I could.” He stated, “Oh, I need a dress for the wedding.”
“Even better!” Wanda exclaimed, “That cute shop owner seems like she can help you out.”
“Wanda,” Bucky warned. Wanda was referring to you. You owned this little shop called Sew Lovely and were always helping him out with clothes for Layla. 
He learned about it through Wanda as she was friends with you, and god was he smittened by you. You always helped out with what she wore, and the majority of her closet came from your little shop. 
Everytime he came to see you, he felt like he was falling deeper and deeper, and it didn’t help that Layla would spend any given moment with you, and you were amazing to his kid.
“I’m trying to help,” she said defensively.
“Daddy!” He heard a little voice exclaim from around the corner. 
“Hi pumpkin, did you have fun with uncle Sam and aunty Wanda?”
“Uh-huh, we coloured, watched movies, so much fun.” Layla said.
“Tell me more while we’re in the car,” he said, getting up from his seat and walking to the door. Before leaving he leaned back to Wanda, “I’m going for the dress,” Wanda smirked, “Not for the girl, for the dress.”
Wanda kept that smirk on her face, “Of course Buckaroo.”
He decided to take Layla out for smoothies before shooting you a text asking you if you were free to help find him a dress. He poked the straw into Layla’s drink before he felt the buzz from his phone in his pocket. He pulled it out and read the text message while poking his own straw into his drink. He let out a small smile “Come love,” he said grabbing her hand before making their way back to the car. 
Upon buckling her in, he brushed some hair out of her face, “We have to go shopping baby,” he cooed.
“I love shopping!” she exclaimed. 
“Glad to hear baby,” he said, before navigating to the shop. 
He held Layla’s hand, while navigating to your shop. “Is aunty here?!” she asked, excitedly. 
“Of course,” he chuckled as Layla dragged him into the store.
He heard someone call out Layla’s name and it could have been confused with an angel. “I knew that was my favourite sugar puff!” you exclaimed, crouching to hug her. 
“Aunty! I’ve missed you!” Layla exclaimed, throwing her arms around you. 
“And would you look at that, it's my favourite client,” you said. 
Your hair was tossed into a messy ponytail, you were wearing an oversized white knit sweater, a pair of black jeans and some white sneakers. Even though the outfit was simple, you look like god himself spent ages creating you. “You know I would have no idea what to do with fashion,” he joked. 
“Of course I do,” you joked back. “So how can I help the two of you today?”
“I need a dress for a wedding,” he said, biting back the fact it was his ex wife’s wedding. “Say no more,” you said, before crouching back down to Layla, “Alright love, we need to get you a dress. What are you thinking?” 
“I want poofy! Colours! Flowers!” She exclaimed. 
“Oh she knows off the bat, let’s go sugar puff,” you said, getting up and grabbing her hand and taking her around the shop. 
And that’s how Bucky spent the remainder of his day looking at dresses with you and Layla. He sat while the two of you looked around and tried things on. He admired how well you two bonded, as if you were mother and daughter, “I like this one the most sugar puff. What do you think?” 
“I love it!” She exclaimed, she threw her arms around you for the second time today, “Thank you Aunty!” 
Bucky looked over and saw that Layla was sporting a poofy white dress with red flowers and green leaves around it. “I love this one,” he said in awe at his daughter. 
“No problem baby, I guess we have to get you matching jewelry,” you said, engulfing her into another hug.  
Bucky let out a groan, “You guys have been shopping for so long.”
“Don’t rush a girl,” you joked. 
Another forty five minutes and almost two hundred dollars later. They were done. “Remind me to never go shopping,” he joked. 
“When you have a girl, you can never say no,” you smiled at him, making his heart melt. 
“Thank you so much,” he said, feeling insecure because he knew someone like you would never like him. 
“Not a problem sugar,” You said, and his heart skipped a beat. “See you next week?”
“You can count on it,” he said, giving you a small smile.
“Bye Aunty,” she said, hugging at your legs.
“Bye sugar puff, bye Buck,” you said, as they walked out the shop.
He should probably stop spending so much money at your shop, but seeing you made it all worth it.
At this point, there was a week until Nat’s wedding and he was internally freaking out, he tried on his suit the previous night and it didn’t fit. The pants could barely make it past his midthigh, the dress shirt needed about three more inches before it could fit around his frame, and the jacket couldn’t even fit his arms.
Layla was asleep in her room, and he sat on the bed and tears started brewing in his eyes. Makes sense why Nat left, and why she wouldn’t like me, he thought referring to you.
He shut his eyes to prevent tears from slipping down his face. He steadied his breathing before shooting Wanda a text asking if she could watch Layla for a little longer than he anticipated. He tossed his phone on his bed, before dumping the suit in the trash can and going to shower.
Bucky left work early, having asked Steve to cover for him while he went suit shopping. Once leaving work he somehow found himself on your street. He decided to see what you were up to before going suit shopping. 
He walked up to the shop and saw you were sitting on the bar stool, innocently chewing at the tip of your pen while looking at the notebook that sits in front of you. You were wearing a black romper with sunflowers all over them, an oversized black cardigan that was slipping off of your body, you had your hair tossed into a messy bun, glasses sat on your nose, and a pair of black sandal heels were on your feet. 
He found himself slowly walking up to the shop, opening the door, the bell went off from above him. You looked up and let out a huge smile, which made his heart melt and he returned a goofy grin. 
“Got worried for you Buck, haven’t seen you in a while,” you joked.
“Dad duties call, doll,” he said walking up to the counter, “You alone?”
“Jessica and Natalie are in the back,” you said pointing your pen off to the back, “It’s fairly early, aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“Don’t want me here doll?” He said, raising an eyebrow at you.
“No, I just need to make sure you have the funds to keep my store running,” you joked.
“Gotta go suit shopping, was on my way, and thought I should stop in and let you know I’m fine,” he joked.
“You going by yourself?” You asked.
“I have no one else doll, Steve and Sam are at work,” he said running his hand through his hair.
“I can come,” you said, quickly adding, “If you want.”
“I don’t want to drag you away from work,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hush hush, I’ll come.” You closed the notebook, got off the stool, “Let me tell them I’m leaving and grab my bag?” 
“I’ll wait here,” he said smiling at you.
“Don’t move,” you warned, before walking to the back.
He looked around at the new displays, he thought about how much time you probably put into it, “You moved, about an inch. Can’t trust you anymore, Barnes,” he heard you say from behind you.
“My apologies doll, how could I possibly make it up to you?” He asked.
You linked your arm around his, “I’ll come up with something,” you said, as the two of you exited the shop.
The two of you found yourselves at this small suit shop at the edge of Brooklyn. Walking in, the two of you heard someone yell, “James.” And an elderly Italian man came and greeted him with a hug.
“Hi Bruno,” he said, returning the hug.
He pulled away and noticed you, “Who’s this beautiful dame?”
He introduced the two of you, before Bruno brought the two of you deeper into the store, “He’s provided suits since I was young.”
You nodded, “It’s cute.”
“How about have the pretty dame sit and I do the measurements,” Bruno said. You sat on the stool provided and sipped on the smoothie that you bought for the two of you. Bucky felt embarrassed as Bruno took his measurements in front of you, but you flashed him a reassuring smile, and he felt some of the insecurities fade away.
An hour later and Bucky found himself getting frustrated. Nothing looked good on him. He tried navy blue suits, beige suits, grey suits, plaid suits, and to no avail he could find anything. Bruno went to look at other options, while Bucky looked in the mirror. It was obvious he was picking at his own body.
You got up and walked over to him, rubbing his back, “You look gorgeous Buck, don’t deflate yourself.”
“It’s just that,” he started, “It’s my ex wife's wedding, and I don’t look good. I want to impress the family, but I look like-”
You cut him off, “You look amazing, and she’s an idiot for letting you go. If her family doesn’t like it, that sucks, cause you’re no longer their family.”
“Thank you,” he said, pulling you into a hug.
“I got your back Buck,” you said, hugging him back, “But you should have told me we were dressed to kill, I would be on it.”
“Now that you’re in on it, what’s running through that mind of yours?” He said, pulling away.
“Black,” you said, “Can’t go wrong with that.”
He smiled before yelling out, “Bruno? You got a black suit?”
He hated how right you were, but also simultaneously loved that you knew him that well. He smiled at you, “Doll you know me well.”
“Gotta look out for my two favourite Barnes, don’t I?” you asked.
“James, you look amazing, you just need a tie,” Bruno said, before going off to find a tie.
You got up and smoothed out the suit near his shoulders, “I owe you one,” he said, looking down at you.
“You owe me a lot sugar,” you said.
Bruno came back with a red tie, “I think this would look good on you James.” You moved away from him, and let Bruno tie the tie to complete the suit. 
“The colour brings out your eyes,” you commented. 
The tie was rich, vibrant, red, and contrasted nicely against the black suit and his blue eyes. “You look amazing James.”
“Thanks Brun, I’ll take it,” Bucky said, looking at himself in the mirror, smiling at how good he looked.
Bruno walked to the front and rung up the order, “You really know what’s good for me doll.”
“What can I say? I know my Barnes,” you joked.
“How about I go change, then I’ll treat you to dinner?” He asked.
“He’s living up to his word,” you joked.
“I always do doll,” he said, before walking back to the dressing room.
Bucky was a man of his word and took you to the small dinner about three streets away, but still was on the outskirts of town. You finished up dinner and were driving back, “You know your way to a girls heart.”
“I always do,” he joked.
You two sat in comfortable silence the rest of the way back. Pulling up to your house, he walked you to your step. “Thank you for coming with me.”
“Anytime Buck,” you responded.
He scratched the back of his neck, “Are you free this Saturday?” He realized what it sounded like, “I mean, you can be my plus one with Layla,” he rushed out.
“Of course I would come Buck,” you unlocked the door, “Text me the details?”
“Of course. Good night doll,” he said.
You kissed him on the cheek, “Night Buck,” you said before scurrying inside, missing the blush that rose to his cheeks.
Bucky didn’t see you at all that week. He was busy getting his haircut, buying other last minute things he needed before the wedding. He kept in contact with you through texts, telling you he’d pick you up at four.
It was three fifty and he was in his car, with Layla in the backseat singing loudly to the pop that played on the radio. He was nervous, he didn’t know what to expect. He unbuckled Layla, before making his way up the steps. He rang the doorbell and waited for you to answer.
Once you opened the door, he felt the wind get knocked out of his lungs. Before him you wore a red satin dress, with a low cut exposing your cleavage, the black heels accentuated the length of your legs, you had a necklace with your initial as the pendant, a small gold bracelet and some gold earrings. 
“Aunty! You look so good!” Layla said, breaking Bucky’s train of thought.
“Thank you sugar puff, you look beautiful,” you said stroking her hair. You pulled the door in behind you and locked it, and dropped the key into your back. 
“You look gorgeous doll,” he said, still in awe at you.
“You clean up well Barnes,” you said, “Let’s get to that wedding.”
Bucky found himself looking at you with awe whenever you didn’t notice. A lot of the family Bucky once met at his wedding leaned into him saying that his current family was cute and received their blessings. 
He didn’t notice how much the three of you looked like a family until one of Nat’s cousins pointed out that his tie, matched your dress, which matched the flowers on Layla’s dress.
He looked over and saw you, Wanda, Carol, Nebula and Sharon sitting and sharing a drink. He smiled, before he heard someone call out his name, he turned around and saw Natasha, “Can we talk?” 
“I wanted to apologize for everything, and I’m glad you found someone who treats you well and loves Lay,” Nat said, motioning to Layla sitting on your lap.
“Thanks Nat,” he responded, sipping on his soda.
“Truce?” She asked.
It was well after twelve, and Bucky was dropping you home. Layla was taken to Wanda’s earlier, and Layla was going to spend the night there. You and Bucky had a grand time, you two laughed, shared drinks, shared a few dances, and a few glances here and there. 
You were wrapped up in his suit jacket due to it being colder than you anticipated when you were leaving the hall. “I had fun tonight,” you said, as you walked up the stairs.
“Thank you for coming, I appreciate it,” he said.
“Anything for you,” you said looking at him, you felt the air shift and you didn’t mind.
Both of you leaned in, until your lips were touching and moving in harmony. Your arms found their way behind his neck, and his hands were wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. You broke away when you needed air. You gave him a sheepish smile, before he pecked your lips again.
“Glad this dress did its job,” you joked.
“You bought this just for me?” He asked, running his fingers along the satin material that was along your waist..
“Of course, I needed to match your tie, for obvious reasons, and I hope it would lead to something like this. Needless to say, it did its job,” you said brushing hair out of his eyes.
“Well, if this dress is for me, I would like to see it on the floor,” he whispered seductively in your ear.
“You better get to work loverboy,” you said, before he picked you up and took you into your house.
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brelione · 4 years
Endgame(Kiara Carrera X Reader)
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Request:with kie with a like super rich kook SO and bringing them to meet the rest of the pogues and they all expect to hate them but then not
Kiara had never liked you.Well, she had never reallly met you.She kind of just assumed you were a bitch.You were what Sarah Cameron thought she was, you came from a ridiculously rich family.
Your mother was a brain surgeon and your father was a famous actor so that obviously meant that you were ridiculously rich.Kie had done a lot of research on you, finding your name on your fathers wikipedia page and from there finding your blog where you posted videos of him behind the scenes and personal interviews with him on your youtube channel.
She was up for 16 hours straight watching all of your videos, memorising your intro song.You had a good one million subscribers, posting a lot of blogs and videos showing things that you had found on the beach.She would blush and giggle at your little comments.
 “Hey, beautiful people!Its your bitch and today im gonna show you guys my new surf board because my old one got broke on an accident.I mean, my wrist also broke so if you were gonna comment on it, trust me.I definitely noticed.So before I get into this video I just want to talk about mental health really quickly.”You paused to take in a quick breath, speaking a bit too fast.
Theres a new suicide game and its getting across social media really quick so please do me a favor and stay safe.It doesnt matter what the problem is now, its only temporary and suicide is a permanent solution.I linked some suicide hotlines and free therapy sources in the description so please just keep yourselves healthy and happy for me, okay?Okay, cool.”You licked your lips, calming down from the quick rant.
“Also drink some fucking water!Its hot out and I almost passed out the other day and make sure you get a snack because this video is already fifteen minutes long and im probably gonna be ranting for another hour.”You grinned at the camera.
Kiara bit into a carrot stick, her knees on her chest as she sat in the recliner of her living room. “Watching another documentary?”Her mother asked, noticing that her daughter hadnt moved in hours.Kie shrugged, focusing on you as you dropped your surfboard. “This is exactly how I broke the first one-fuck!”You laughed, picking it back up.
Eventually the boys started to spam her phone, interrupting her binge watching.She left her house with a sigh, walking out to the dock and waiting for the pogues.Thats when she heard your voice.It was quiet as you walked, wearing white jeans and a light blue button up shirt.
 “So you guys always ask me to show you the beach that I find all of my seashells at so thats what we’re-”You paused, looking over to Kiara.She quickly looked away, pretending to be busy on your phone. “Sorry guys, I just saw a really pretty girl.”You whispered to your phone, continuing your walk.
From there she finally worked up the courage to talk to you.She couldnt simply message you on instagram, you had hundreds of thousands of followers so her dm would get lost with all the others.
So she found her prettiest outfit and walked to your house, knocking on the door.You looked at her through the camera of your doorbell, knowing that you had seen her before.You set down your lap top as you were editing, going to answer the door. 
“Hi...um...hi.”She laughed, not planning on getting this far. “Hi, um...what’s up?”You cringed at your words. “Nothing much.I just live a block away and I just thought id say hi...im sorry.”She laughed again, becoming more anxious.
 “Its fine!So um...I dont know, do you wanna maybe hang out sometime?”You asked, leaning against your doorway.She licked her lips, trying her best not to blush. “Yeah, yeah ok.Um...could I get your number?”She asked, holding her phone.
You nodded, giving her your phone number and telling her to text you whenever.Once the door was closed and she had left you were a squealing mess on your couch, recording. 
“So you guys know that pretty girl I was talking about that I saw?Yeah so I just got her number and im low key freaking out-oh god lets just hope she doesnt watch my channel!”You laughed before finishing the editing process, uploading it to youtube.
Kiara got the notification while she was washing her face, watching the video and absolutely losing her mind.She buried her face in her pillow, squealing before deciding to text you.
Unknown number:hey!Its Kiara.Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?
You smiled, letting out a sigh.You screenshotted it, knowing that it would be fun to look back at in the future.
You:Sounds good!Do you want to come over and we can get coffee or lunch or something?
You:Works for me :)
You were anxious the whole night, trying to figure out what to wear.You couldnt decide, posting a poll on your instagram.They decided that you’d be wearing a dark green romper and sandals.You went to bed early since you’d have to wake up before afternoon, heart pounding.
When you woke up it was eleven and you were already behind, hopping in the shower quickly, drying your hair and brushing it, trying to get it to a soft texture.You didnt want to look like you were trying too hard, deciding not to use all of the hair products you’d usually put in your hair before a meeting or a date.
You got into your outfit quickly, pinning your pin back with bobby pins so you could moisturize your face, grabbing your box of beads and parting your hair.You braided the two groups of hair that framed your face, intertwining the beads along the way, securing it with an elastic.
You sighed, twisting a golden flower ring onto your pinkie before going down stairs to sit in your large living room, waiting for Kiara.Your doorbell alerted you to motion outside, getting excited when you saw Kiara walking up to your front door.
She was wearing a pink tube top, light washed jeans with her hair half up and half down, bracelets hugging her wrists.You got up, answering the door the second she rung the bell. “Hi.”You smiled, phone in your pocket.
 “Hi.”She smiled back, looking up and down at you.The two of you got into your car, you driving as you started your drive to a cafe. “So how are you?”You asked, realising you knew nothing about her. “Im good, what about you?”She asked, hands in her lap. “I was up all night editing which obviously sucked but you know, it is what it is.”You replied, biting your lip.
She smiled, knowing she’d end up watching the video. “Editing what?Like an edits account on instagram?”She asked, cringing at how stupid it sounded.You shook your head, slowing down once you got to the main road, searching for a parking spot.
 “No, I have a youtube channel.I kind of just post random shit and hope for the best.”You answered, pulling up next to the cafe.She nodded, turning to look at you. “That’s cool, what kind of stuff do you post?”She asked, resting her chain against her palm.
You bit your lip, glancing over at the cafe. “I post a lot of interviews and random videos of my dad and sometimes he’ll take me to a set with him and i’ll take videos with the cast.I got to meet Scarlet Johannson so thats cool.”You replied, unbuckling your seatbelt.She grinned.
 “Thats fucking awesome-were they in a movie together?”She asked, wanting to hear you talk more. “A show thats coming to Netflix soon, its kind of like a murder mystery meets greek mythology and my dad plays Zeus.We should watch it together.”You answered.
The car was cool but you felt hot, probably because her eyes were focused on you.She nodded, liking the idea of hanging out with you more. “That’d be awesome.”The two of you went inside, the barista grinning at you.
She had always liked you and liked showing up in your vlogs when you came in to get your coffee with boba.She looked to the unknown girl beside you, a small pout on her face. “What can I get for you ladies?”She asked, already preparing your coffee. 
“What do you want, Kie?”You asked, moving aside so she could see the menu. “Uhhh….whats a green frappe?”She asked, squinting at the menu. “Oh-its like a blended matcha latte with like mint and vanilla.It's really good.”You explained.
The two of you sat with your drinks, Kiara laughing as you stabbed the boba bubbles at the bottom of your cup. “You know whats cool?These straws are made of hemp plastic so its-”She cut you off before you could finish.
 “Biodegradable?”She asked.You nodded, glad someone finally knew what you were talking about. “Yeah!And the company is awesome, they have like 10% of sales going to help the Amazon rain forests and another 10% going to help clean the ocean.”You smiled, taking a sip of coffee.
The afternoon had ended with the two of you on the beach, taking photos of eachother discretely while you finished your drinks, searching for sea glass and watching the sun set.Kiara was freaking out on the inside, knowing that she was pretty much dating a celebrity.
It didnt take long after that first day for her to start showing up in your videos.You held your camera as you two walked down the beach, her hand holding yours and twirling you every once in a while, flashing a smile to the camera. 
“So we’re currently on our way to a place that Kie will not tell me about because shes rude.”You spoke, turning the camera to face you.Kiara simply laughed, placing her chin on your shoulder. “Uh...no its because im good at planning surprises.”She answered, grinning when you gasped.
Two surfboards were on the sand along with a blanket and a basket full of fruits, veggies and sandwiches.You cut the camera, giggling and pulling her into a kiss. “Love you.”She grinned, giggling.
 “Love you too.”You replied, looking down at the boards.It didnt take long for the two of you to be in only your swimsuits, grabbing the boards and heading towards the water.You clipped the camera to your board, making sure it was secure before stating to film, catching a few good waves on camera before focusing more on Kie.
 “There she is, showing off for you guys.”You zoomed in on Kiara as she rode the wave, twisting her body to get a beautiful spin on the dark blue wave.She disappeared under the water, resurfacing with a smile and hair on her face, swimming towards you.
 “Did you see that?”She asked, a proud smirk tugging at her lips.You nodded. “How could I miss it?”You asked, earning an eye roll from your girlfriend. “Shut up.”She splashed you, letting out a loud laugh when you splashed back at her.
Turning off the camera, laying on your stomachs against your boards, holding hands so you wouldnt drift away from eachother.It was heaven. “So...ive been thinking lately.”She started, a nervous look on her face.
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. “And I think I want you to meet my friends.”She tapped her fingernails against your surfboard, waiting anxiously for your answer.She had told the boys all about you.
About how you had a huge following on youtube, how your dad was an actor and how you lived in the biggest house on figure eight.She had tried her best to tell them that you werent like the others, that you were fantastic and humble.
But of course they didnt believer her and ‘would believe it when they saw it’.She knew that if she didnt end up introducing you to them sooner or later that she’d lost the chance to introduce you at all.
You nodded, considering it. “Yeah, okay.When?”You asked, hoping you’d at least have time to think about this. “Tomorrow.”She replied, wincing when you let out a small shout. “Tomorrow?Shit-Kie, im not ready!”You exclaimed, covering your mouth when you realised how loud you had been. 
“Babe, chill.Let me pick out your outfit and it’ll be fine.”She insisted.You gave in, the two of you paddling back to the sand, wrapping up in your towels and sitting on the blanket, eating some cutie oranges.
She spent the night at your house, holding on tight to you even though the two of you were in a king sized bed and she had more than enough space to spread out like a starfish.
The morning came too fast, Kiara raiding your closet for something appropriate for the occasion, pleased when she came across a black bathing suit and a yellow shirt along with some jeans, tossing them at you. 
“Babe, you gotta get up.”She told you, already dressed and ready to go.You groaned, finally getting up a few minutes later, slowly changing and not even bothering to pick up your pajamas.You were still sore from last night, stretching your limbs as you pulled the jeans up your body.The boys were spamming her phone, making her annoyed.
Dumb Blonde:Where are you guys
God:Are you bringing them with you
Trash Rat:Dont bring them with you 
Trash Rat:The place is a mess
Trash Rat:Kie
Trash Rat:Kiara
Trash Rat:Kiara Madelyn Klark Carrera
God:Where are you guys
Dumb Blonde:Wait are they the one with the dad that was in that one movie
She ignored their texts, turning off her notifications and sending you a quick smile, promising to get you an iced coffee on the way.You were half asleep in the passengers seat until she handed you a french vanilla iced coffee, slowly becoming awake.
By the time you had finished your coffee she had pulled into John.B’s drive way, hand on your thigh in attempts to calm you down. “You’re gonna be fine, babe.Everyone likes you, they just havent met you yet.”She grinned, getting out of the car.
You squeezed her hand, following her into the house.The boys were all sitting on the couch, looking up once the two of you had entered.JJ immediately looked you up and down, raising an eyebrow.You felt a bit insecure, trying to figure out what he thought of you.
 “This is (Y/N).(Y/N), these are the boys.Thats John.B, thats JJ and thats Pope.”She pointed to each of the boys.The tension in the room was ridiculous until Kiara pulled you into her lap, the boys looking between eachother. “So whats it like having a movie star as a dad?”JJ asked, the first one to speak up.
You bit your bottom lip, pulling at the skin on your hands. “umm...its really cool sometimes.Chris Hemsworth is a family friend so thats cool but like...I cant go anywhere with him when he’s home without getting followed around and there was this one teenage girl stalking him once and she was climbing our house and was watching me sleep.”You answered, relieved when you heard Pope chuckle. 
“Wait, actually?Thats so scary.”He replied, the two of you beginning to calm down a bit.You, John.B and JJ were all conversating about Chris Hemsworth, all of them asking a lot of questions.
 “Wait-who else have you met from the Avengers?”John.B asked. “I met Scarlet Johanson and Chris Evans.”You replied.Kiara smacked your leg. “You met Christ Evans and never told me?”She asked, outraged.
You rolled your eyes, pulling out your phone to show them the vlog that Chris had made an appearance in.Kiara was just confused as to why she had never seen it before you informed her that it was private. 
“Ew-ignore my face.Just wait a few seconds.”You told them, the phone between the circle that had ended up forming. “Oh my god!Its Chris Evans!”JJ shouted, staring at the phone.Chris had leaned over your shoulder, saying a quick ‘hello’ to the camera before Scarlet stole it from you. 
“This is Scarlet Johannson and I have decided to take over my new role as (Y/N)’s mom.Im sorry (Y/M/N) but they’re mine now.”She smiled.Her hair had been dyed a light blonde, red lipstick and light eyeshadow.
You had been freaking out the whole time. “Wait-will you ever see her again?”JJ asked.You hummed, sure that she’d be making an appearance for a Christmas Party. “Can you tell her I love her, please?”He asked, face red. “She reaches my vlogs-do you guys want to be in one?”You offered, remembering that you had your camera in your bag.
They all agreed, excited as you took out your camera, Kiara holding onto you. “So Kiara introduced me to her friends today and JJ has a special message for Scarlet.”You grinned, pointing the camera towards him. “Marry me, please.”He winked, giggling.
Pope flashed a peace sign at the camera, John.B sticking out his tongue and doing finger guns. “This is John.B and this is Pope, and then we have Kie as always.”You pointed the camera at her.She bit her lip, winking at the camera and making you laugh.
 “Oh my god- what is this vlog.”You shook your head, turning off the camera.When you had posted the vlog that night you were spammed with comments demanding JJ’s instagram and of course you had to give the people what they wanted.
JJ was more than happy to have a ton of pretty girls hyping him up in his comments, Pope getting a lot of attention as well.Scarlet had made sure to let you know that she had watched it and to tell JJ that he was too young for her but she was flattered by the offer.But then your instagram was being spammed.You were being tagged in dozens of edits of you and Kie along with one of you and JJ.But the comments on that one were so funny.
Kieand(Y/N)4life:bruh no
(Y/N)officialfanpage:no <3
(Y/N)officialfanpage:Kiara and them are meant to be bb
Kiara(Y/L/N):Kiara and them are meant to be buddy
KIEANDYNAREENDGAME:uhhh isnt it confirmed that Kiara and (Y/N) are dating?
“They’re catching on.”You told Kie, sitting down on the bed and showing her all the things you were tagged in.She grinned, telling you to post and make it official. “You sure?”You asked.She nodded, fixing her hair as you got ready to take a photo, kissing her cheek. She bit her lip, watching you type.
We are endgame.
@poguestyleskye  @jjtheangel @lovelyelinor @messuhp  @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @i-love-scott-mccall​
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Feel Good
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 2,817
Warnings: lots o drinking (its new years!), mentions to being nervous/self-doubt, drunk sam wilson, perhaps some smooching idk guess u gotta read it man
A/N: ngl I have like 4 cheek to cheek one shots that I wrote yesterday instead of working on school work or art commissions so lets enjoy this before that motivation spark dies okay enjoy my two fav ppl ever
“Agent 51, stay behind, please.”
You meet Sam’s eye, confused for two reasons - this was supposed to be a quick debriefing after a mission, and he’s never called you out specifically before. You give him a nod and obligatory Yes, Captain before making eyes with Sharon, who gives you a quick smile before exiting the room with the other agents. That doesn’t give you anything. Is there already another mission? But if there was another mission, wouldn’t Sharon have stayed? Wouldn’t Bucky be here? Does it involve Bucky? Does-
“I want you to start training with the other recruits when they begin next week.” Sam informs you once the door closes behind the last person.
This Friday is New Year’s Eve, meaning Monday begins the seven-week training led by Sergeant Barnes for wannabe Avengers Agents, before whoever remains continues on to undercover and psychological training with Sharon and other legendary retired agents of the field.
“Are you... sure?” You didn’t think there was a problem with the training you were currently doing with Sam, in fact, you thought you were doing pretty good for someone who hasn't followed a strict workout regimen in ten years. This would be the first time being around so many people with a greater chance of interacting. All of the meetings you go to have made you a little more comfortable with larger crowds, but you haven’t actually spoken to anyone.
“You know your file well?”
“Then, yes, I’m sure.”
“I want you to continue your training with me on the weekends, though.” Sam adds.
Working out seven days a week? I might’ve considered prison if I knew this was a part of the deal.
“Won’t all of that all the time be hard?” You offer, suddenly scared for your biceps and hamstrings.
“Are you asking me if training to become a team member of the Avengers is hard?” Sam gives you a pointed look.
“...Right.” You stand, assuming that was all he had to tell you about.
“Also, there’s a little party Friday night. Nothing crazy, just me, Sharon, Bucky, Sharon and I are bringing some dates, maybe a few agents, but they usually go out and party. They don’t want to hang out with us more than they already have to around here.” He mentions as you reach the door.
Your hand pauses on the knob. A party. What if they pull some Carrie shit on you?
“A party?” You ask, eyebrows failing to conceal your silent fears as they tilt upward at him.
“I promise, it won’t be anything insane. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I didn’t think it was something you could handle.” He reassures.
Friday comes sooner than you’d hoped, and your anxiety still lingers, as much as you’d hoped it’d go away by now. You glance at the time, 8:00 in the evening. This was the time Sam told you everything would more or less be starting, but that you could go whenever you wanted, if you wanted.
You’ve actually been ready for about an hour, just too scared to go to the common area where everything was taking place.
You feel like you’re a teenager again; being invited to an event where you feel as though you won’t belong. An event where you know that everyone is so drastically different than you. You wonder how you would feel if you were different; if you weren’t so fucked up with trauma. Would you be a party person? Drinking and dancing through your twenties? Hooking up with men and women, maybe even having relationships?
You’re dressed in a short lilac romper, layers of silky ruffles around the tops of your thighs, and thin straps across your shoulders that cross against your back. The neckline is a tad low, a complimenting V that you’ve filled with layers of necklaces. Nude platforms put you about two inches taller without the fear of a heel, and you’re nervously picking at your recently painted green fingernails in anticipation for what the night will bring.
It’s not too late to not go. You can just tell Sam you ended up not feeling well, tell F.R.I.D.A.Y. not to let anyone bother you. Just take all these clothes off and put on your pajamas, and we can pretend you haven’t been thinking about this night for the last three days and spent all day thinking about what you’re going to wear, how you’re going to act, reviewing your file just in case anyone asks you anything - we can just pretend you were going to be staying in the whole time.
You stand to begin slipping the straps from your shoulders, mind made up, when a knock sounds at the door.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., who is that?” You whisper out.
“It’s Sergeant Barnes, Agent.” The A.I. relays in an equally hushed voice.
You sigh and walk over to the door before opening it a few inches.
“Hey! You look so cute! Party’s getting started, let's go!” He steps back out to the hallway, an excited smile on his face which drops when he focuses more on the frown that decorates your own face.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, immediately stepping back towards you.
“... I’m nervous.” You all but whimper out. Why do you have to be such a baby?
“Why are you nervous?” Bucky asks, his voice calm as he genuinely wants to know what’s troubling you, not an accusatory tone found in his voice.
“Because there’s going to be a lot of people, and I don’t know anyone, and I’ve never been to these kinds of parties, or at least I haven’t in, like, a decade.” You ramble, exasperated with yourself.
“Would it make you feel better if I stayed with you the whole night? Either here or down at the party?” He offers, ready to give up one of his favorite nights for you.
“Bucky, I’m not going to make you -”
“You’re not making me, I’m offering. Besides, Sam’s all over the girl he brought and Sharon’s halfway drunk with her little boyfriend; they’re not going to be much fun for me tonight.” Bucky justifies, sounding like the eldest of three having to deal with their younger siblings.
“C’mon, you’re really gonna waste a dress like that? And your hair looks all nice! And - wait a minute, are those new earrings?” Bucky butters you, showering you with compliments in a sweet tone, metal hand reaching out to touch at the earrings hanging from your ears, the small tink sounding right in your ear.
A girlish giggle escapes you at his teasing. “Alright, alright, you’ve convinced me. But you promise you don’t mind staying with me all night?”
“I promise, there’s no one else I’d rather spend the night with.”
The common area isn’t how you expected it to be; there’s definitely more people than Sam promised there’d be, but it’s not the thousands of strangers you’d imagined in your head.
“Let’s get a drink,” Bucky’s deep voice speaks in your ear, and you’re not sure if it's his voice that makes you shiver or his warm hand in yours, but the two of you make your way to the bar.
“What do you drink?” He asks you, after ordering the name of some drink for himself.
“Uhm - I don’t, I don’t know.” You mutter to him. He scans your face for a second before rattling off the name of some other drink to the person behind the bar.
You never really drank; sure, you had the shitty beer as a teenager or perhaps a celebratory shot during your time in the Navy, but nothing you remember explicitly. You weren’t even old enough to drink in the Navy, you had turned twenty-one when you were already with HYDRA.
“Are you excited?” Bucky interrupts your thoughts of lost childhood.
“For the New Year!” Bucky exclaims, and you give him a smile even if you don't understand the hoop-lah.
“Sure?” You offer.
“C’mon! There’s so much opportunity and promise that comes with a new year! A million chances to grow, to experience things, to learn, to have fun. A new chapter for everyone.” He explains.
You smile at his positivity. A new year should be good for you based on his logic. A new chapter. You’d be starting your training. Getting ahead as an agent. Using your powers to help for good. Maybe making friends. Maybe getting closer to Bucky.
The drinks arrive and you appreciate that Bucky knows you so well; the drink in front of you is bright pink, different fruits crowded around the rim with a curly straw sticking out. His is a deeper brown, in a short, crystal glass, figures. Matches his whole dark and emo aesthetic. He stands before you in black jeans and a black buttoned shirt, black leather jacket to sit on top.
You take a sip of your drink and immediately have to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from spitting it out. Am I that much of a lightweight or is there actual gasoline in this?
“Sorry, maybe I should’ve warned you, babe,” Bucky chuckles, amused at your reaction to a mixed drink. “I think there’s, like, four different things in that.” He wants to cringe for you, but all he can do is look at you with a cheeky smile while you struggle to swallow the sip down.
“Christ, Bucky, I’ll blackout by ten at this rate, are all of the drinks like this?”
“Honestly? Probably. Everyone loves getting drunk on New Year’s.”
The night is not nearly as bad as you were thinking it was going to be. The room is lit up in different colored lights and screens; all of the TV’s display the annual countdown in Times Square but are muted so that music can be played the whole night. People are dancing, drinking, laughing, having the most fun you’ve seen people have in a long time. It’s 11:51 now, and everyone’s gathering closer and closer in anticipation for the countdown into the new year.
You and Bucky are gathered together with Sam and Sharon, and their respective dates. You don’t think you’ll let Sam live down how drunk he is; you never thought you’d feel so much joy seeing your Captain slurring his words while making jokes and telling stories.
Sharon leans over to you and whispers, a gentle hand on your arm, “Can you come to the bathroom with me?” A small giggle escaping her because she, too, is equally drunk. You give her a nod and hand your drink to Bucky to watch over while you’re gone.
The bathroom makes your ears buzz with the silence you encounter and Sharon walks over to the mirror to retouch her makeup.
“I just needed a little breather, have you tried the drinks at the bar?” She asks, and you laugh knowing that that’s the reason she, and everyone else at the party, is wasted.
“Yeah, Bucky proceeded to warn me after I had started drinking.” Laughs are shared as she reapplies her lipstick, a bright red shade.
“Do you know who you’re gonna kiss tonight?” She asks, smirk playing on her lips.
Shit, I forgot about that. How awkward would it be if you’re the only one not having a partner to kiss at midnight? Don’t worry, plenty of lame, single, psychotic basket cases that hear voices don’t kiss people on New Year’s Eve!
“Oh, uhm, I probably won’t be kissing anybody.” You inform her with a nervous laugh.
“I think you should kiss Bucky.” She states matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, why not? He’s not here with a date and he surely won’t kiss a stranger. I think last year Sam ended up planting one on him at midnight.” She laughs, a few hiccups interrupting her as she remembers that night.
As much as you want to join her in laughing at the thought of Sam drunkenly grabbing Bucky cheeks at midnight and smooching him, a pit opens up in your stomach at the thought of kissing Bucky.
“C’mon, T-minus five minutes.” Sharon tells you, interlocking her fingers with yours as she drags you back out to the common room.
The two of you rejoin the group and Bucky hands you your drink back, though you don’t feel much like drinking anymore, stomach suddenly knotted up with nerves. You’re torn because you don’t necessarily have a problem not kissing anybody, but now all you can think about is the urge to press your lips against Bucky’s, new year or not.
A husky voice whispers in your ear, “You okay? You look a little pale, you wanna head up to your room?” Bucky looks at you with concerned eyes, willing to go up to your room two minutes before midnight to ensure your comfort and wellbeing.
“I’m… I’m fine.” You reassure him, giving him the most unconvincing smile ever, even you wouldn’t believe you. He silently pulls you away from the group and pulls you into a hallway.
“Talk to me, sweetheart.”
His pet names are, for once, not helping right now.
You take a large gulp of your drink, stinging a bit, but hopefully it’ll give you some courage and relax you a bit. Bucky chuckles and gently takes the glass from your hand, “Hey,”
“I’m fine, just have some jitters, is all.” You try and convince.
You take the drink back and grab his hand with your open one and take him back out to the open area, a sixty second countdown already starting.
You quickly down the rest of your drink and discard it on a nearby table as the entire room begins chanting. Sam is the loudest, one arm wrapped around the waist of his date and the other wrapped around Bucky’s shoulders. Bucky’s smiling at his enthusiasm, yelling the numbers just as loud as he wraps an arm around your shoulders to bring you in closer to the group. Sharon is on the other side of you, but her focus is on her date as they look into each other’s eyes, just waiting for the clock to strike twelve so they can share a kiss.
The ball drops on the TV and the room erupts in cheers and “Happy New Year!”’s. Sam unhooks himself from Bucky and turns to grab his date's face as they share a laugh-filled kiss. You glance at Sharon and you suspect her and her date began sharing kisses a few seconds early. Bucky’s arm is still wrapped around your shoulders and he tugs you closer so you’re face to face.
His grin is wide, “Happy New Year -”
His excitement is interrupted as your courage finally kicks in, and with a hand on either side of his face, you pull him in and press your lips to his.
It takes him less than two seconds to reciprocate, dropping his hands to your waist and pulling you closer as your hands slide from his cheeks to his neck, wrapping themselves around.
There’s no more anxiety. No more nerves. No more doubts or second-thoughts. No more voices, no more people in the room, no more music; it’s just you and Bucky in that moment.
His lips are soft and sweet, a strong taste of the drinks he’s had tonight with a mix of sweetness that’s all him. He smells like man and like Bucky and your senses are overwhelmed in the best way possible. Tingles travel down your spine at the feeling of being so close to him.
You’re so, so, so good. Sure, Bucky’s imagined kissing you, but he never thought it’d feel like this. You’re sweet like cherries and you’re soft all over and your perfume is flooding his nose and it’s all he wants to breathe for the rest of time. Your skin sends sparks of fire through his fingertips as they rest on your bare back and slide down to your silk-covered waist.
You pull away and Bucky sneaks a few extra pecks before pulling away completely, not removing his eyes from yours.
“Happy New Year.” He wishes you with a love-sick smile.
“Happy New -”
“Happy New Year, Tinman!” Sam yelps in both of your ears, arms wrapping around Bucky and disconnecting him from you, but you can’t help but laugh at Sam trying to plant a kiss on Bucky’s cheek while he attempts to wrestle him off.
You feel electricity all over watching him, butterflies not only in your stomach, but all over your body, in every organ, in your bloodstream, in your head, everywhere. But as much as you feel as though you’ve been struck by lightning, you feel good; you feel really good.
A few months ago, you wouldn't have imagined that this is how you were going to be starting the new year. But here you are, and you feel good.
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Ohana- A Hawaii Five-0 Fanfic Chapter Four
This chapter is super long, so I apologize in advance lol. I’m hoping to still have the next chapter up next week, but I won’t has as much free time to write at work like normally do. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
“See, Gracie? You have to wait 4 minutes before you flip it, or it doesn’t get cooked on both sides.” I said, flipping one of the burgers over. She nodded that she understood, her arms wrapped around my neck to hold on since I had her up on my hip so she could see the grill better. We were just waiting on Thea and Nora to arrive, so I went ahead and started the food and asked Grace to be my helper. 
Mindy, Kono, and Max were in the kitchen getting the rest of the food together. Danny walked up behind me, nudging me in the shoulder and holding his arms out for Grace. She grinned and jumped into her dad’s arms. “Are you teaching my daughter the incorrect way to grill a burger?” 
I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Daniel.” I said sarcastically. I flipped another burger and glanced back at Danny’s girlfriend that he brought with him today, Kari. “So, how is Kari doing?”  She was nice, blonde, and a paralegal. She seemed to get on with all of us just fine, minus Grace. Which, in my mind, was more important than her being friendly with us. It was very obvious that Grace wasn’t a fan of the woman. She had stuck with me for the whole hour that she’d been here already and had already asked me 4 times when Nora was going to come. Kari didn’t seem to be that big of a fan of Grace either. She gave Grace an indifferent smile when she became the center of attention, and with our group, that was quite a lot. We all loved that little girl. Overall, I wasn’t too impressed with her and was sure Danny and I were going to talk about it tonight when everyone went home. 
Danny shrugged. “She’s fine. She’s enjoying getting to know you guys.” I saw Grace roll her eyes and push away from her dad to be let down. I knew bringing up Kari around Grace like that probably wasn’t the best idea. Danny set her down and she immediately made her way back up to the house. Thankfully, he didn’t see her eye roll. 
“I’m going to wait for Auntie Thea.” She said. 
Before I had a chance to say it, Danny took a step closer to me. “Grace doesn’t like Kari.” He said quietly. 
I tried my best to hold back a laugh. “I could have told you that, buddy.” 
Danny sighed and smoothed his hair down. “God, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I mean, Kari is nice but Grace means more to me. She knew I had a kid and she just isn’t that interested in getting to know her.” He glanced over at the table I had set up across the yard where Kari was sitting with Malia, Chin, Adam, and Charlie. I felt bad for Danny. He had always told me that dating with a kid was difficult, but I had never seen him really struggle with it. It made me think about what it would be like with two kids. I tried to think about it but really the only person I wanted to be with was already having my kids. Since I found out that Thea was pregnant and we were spending some time together and we were talking more, I’ve really come to like and care about her than just the mother of my unborn children. And Nora has become really special to me like Grace has. I did invite her because the team wanted to meet her, but I also wanted her to get to know them like I know them. If I was gonna try and pursue this with her, I wanted all my ohana to get along. 
“Danno! Uncle Steve! Nora is here! Look! We’re matching!” Grace and Nora came running out of the house hand in hand. They were both wearing the same romper outfit over their bathing suits, but Nora was wearing navy and Grace was in army green. 
Danny and I both smiled at the two girls. “My two favorite girls, wearing my two favorite colors!” I said, scooping them both up into my arms causing them to giggle loudly. I looked up to see Thea walking out the back door with Mindy and Kono who were carrying bowls of food out. I smiled at her. She had on a blue and white polka dot dress. She smiled over at me, her eyebrows raising slightly when she saw me holding up both girls. I couldn’t help but grin at her. I loved watching her smile and seeing the dimples on her cheeks. 
‘God, she looks amazing’ 
“Can we go play in the sand?” Nora asked, staring over at the beach. I remembered Thea telling me she loved the water. I set both girls down and handed the spatula to Danny to finish manning the grill. 
“We’re about to eat so I’ll tell you what,” I said, looking at them. “After we eat, I’ll take you both out into the water. That way Danno doesn’t have to get his hair wet.” The girls giggled when Danny smacked me in the arm. 
“Hey, it takes a lot of product to make it look this good.” He claimed. 
Thea, Mindy and Kono walked to us. Nora quickly started to tell her mom about how we were going to go swimming after we eat. Thea smiled at the little girl who was practically bouncing. “That sounds great baby.” 
Mindy and Kono set their bowls down on the table that was set up for the food. “Alright that’s all of it boss. Let us know when to come make our plates.” Kono nodded. Mindy made her way back to the table with Nora while Kono linked arms with Thea and led her over to the group over at the table. I remembered Thea telling me that she and Kono went to high school together. It comforted me a little bit that not everyone here was a complete stranger to her. 
I watched them walk to the table and Kono started to introduce her to everyone. She had a smile on her face the whole time and took a seat right next to Malia. My family felt complete watching everyone sit and have fun together. 
I must have been staring for a bit because when I looked at Danny after he obnoxiously cleared his throat, he had the burgers on a plate and was setting them on the food table. “Stare some more, I don’t think she noticed.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Seriously. Maybe it’s time to thaw your heart and tell her you want to be with her.” Danny said, grabbing two paper plates. He handed me one. “Alright Super Seal. It’s time for your Dad Training.” 
“My what?”
“Your Dad Training.” He said. “You’re about to have not just one but two babies you’re responsible for. On top of that you’re practically in love with a woman who has a 7-year-old.” 
“So, do what I do and make Nora’s plate for Thea. The girls are going to eat at the table up on the lanai.” He gestured for me to copy him. 
“This is ridiculous.” I sighed but started to make the plate like he was. “I’m going to assume you know what Nora likes to eat.” 
He nodded. “She’ll basically eat everything but she’s allergic to onions. So, don’t put her food anywhere near onions.” He filled up the plate with a burger, plain with ketchup, mac and cheese, salad, beans, and the fruit salad. I did the same, quickly avoiding the small plate of onions that was set out for people to put on their burgers. I glanced up at Danny. 
“Should these even be out?” I didn’t want to risk her eating them and something happening. I think Danny noticed my small moment of panic and placed his hand on my shoulder. 
“No, idiot, she’s not going to go into anaphylactic shock by looking at them. She just can’t eat them or anything they’ve contaminated. She’s good about avoiding them or telling people she can’t eat them. Thea and Rachel both did give me a big speech about it the first time I had her over for a sleepover with Grace though. She always has an epi-pen when she isn’t with Thea- so get that nervous look off your face, it’s fine.” He handed me one of the plastic forks and turned to look over at the table. “Gracie, Nora! Come on time to eat, guys!” 
The crowd was laughing as they made their way over to the food table. Danny and I went and set the girls plates on the smaller table closer to the house. Grace has pretty much claimed it as her table anytime she is over. There were marks all over it from craft projects she had done on it. “Grace, go show Nora where the juice boxes are. When we get done and clean up, we can go for a swim, okay?” I said to her and watched them run off into the house. 
Danny rushed off to go make his plate with Kari as Thea walked up behind me. “Her burger doesn’t have onions on it does it?” She asked. She had that same nervous look on her face I’m sure I had a few moments ago. 
“No no, Danny told me she’s allergic. I just put ketchup on it.” I said softly. 
She looked a little shocked but smiled softly at me. “Thank you for making her plate.” 
‘Damn that smile will be the death of me’ 
I put my arm around her shoulders casually. “Let’s go eat before our friends eat all the food.” 
She laughed and nodded. We made our plates and sat next to each other at the large table. I noticed she constantly had a hand on her stomach, almost like she was nervous. Kono quickly pulled her into the conversation she was having with Malia and Charlie. 
“Thea used to surf with us in high school. She could have totally been pro if she wanted.” Kono said. 
Thea laughed. “Yeah, I don’t think so. I was good, but nowhere pro level.” 
Mindy shrugged. “I don’t know, T. You definitely could have taken on Kalakaua.” She teased, causing Kono to throw the cap of her Longboard at her. I leaned back and watched the girls interact. Danny was having a semi-private with Kari. I couldn’t hear them, but I could tell from the look on his face he was upset, and Kari didn’t have a care in the world. I gave him a look, asking if he was alright. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head. He and Grace have that eye roll down pat. By the time we had both turned back to the group, the topic had changed. 
“Oh, trust me, Danny has several things to say about Steve’s crazy behavior.” Chin laughed as he drank his beer. 
“Crazy how?” Thea asked, turning to look at me and then over at Danny. I looked at Danny, silently asking him not to tell her anything but he ignored me. 
“Oh, this crazy bastard got me shot our first day working together.” Danny said extremely calmly. 
“You what!” Thea exclaimed, her eyes wide looking at me.
“Hey, I apologized! It was just an arm graze.” I said, putting my hands up to defend myself. “You were fine, you even punched me in the face.” 
“Yeah that was after you put me in an arm lock!” 
“Danny it was over a year ago, get over it.” 
“I-” I cut Danny off by changing the subject. 
“Anyway, anything else to talk about that doesn’t revolve around me?” I said, whacking Danny in the arm. 
Malia spoke up. “So, do you guys know what you’re having yet?” 
Thea and I both shook our heads. “No, we might find out in 3 weeks. Our last appointment the doctor said if they’re in the right position we should be able to tell.” Thea said while she stroked her stomach. 
“Are you planning on having a gender reveal?” Kono asked. I gave a confused look. 
“A what?” 
“It’s where the expecting parents invite friends and loved ones to find out the gender of the baby, or in your case, babies, after the ultrasound. Typically, the parents don’t know either. It usually involves a mild, but colorful powder explosive or a pink or blue cake.” Max piped up from the end of the table. 
“Jesus, why’d you have to say explosive?” Danny shook his head. 
Thea looked at me and then Kono. “Uh, we haven’t really thought about it.” 
“Do you want to do something like that?” I asked her. 
She nodded. “I think it’d be fun, if you’re up for doing it.” 
“Oh, he’s always ready to blow something up.” Danny chimed in. I rolled my eyes and told him to shut it. “Rachel and I did a cake for Grace’s gender reveal. White icing and a strawberry cake since it was a girl.” 
“Maybe we could make two smaller cakes. One for baby A and one for baby B.” Mindy smiled. 
“My aunt makes cakes for gender reveal parties all the time at her bakery, I’m sure she could do two for you.” Kono said. Thea just looked at me with a smile on her face. 
“What do you think?” She asked me. I had never done anything like this, or even heard of anyone doing it. 
I shrugged, leaning back in my seat. “It sounds like it could be fun. If you want to do something, we can.” I smiled at her. She turned to Mindy. 
“Alright but you have to plan it.” She laughed. The conversation moved on while we continued to eat. Max went into a long explanation about his fossil collection before Danny interrupted him. Despite my trying to keep the conversation off the “dangerous” things I do for work, the team ended up telling more stories about me. I was nervous she was gonna get scared off by some of them. We did have a long conversation about my line of work and what it entails. I wasn’t gonna be home the same time every single night, I was going to be in danger, and I could get called in at any moment. She told me that she understood and as long as I was making an effort to be there, that was good enough for her. I had gotten a better understanding of her childhood out of that conversation too. Her and Nora’s father was almost never around, and their mom was checked out. I had gotten a bit more information from Mindy about her background. Thea basically had Nora from the moment she was born. Her mom was incapable of raising her and Thea didn’t trust her to raise another baby. Her mother gladly handed her off to Thea. I lost my mother at a young age, but to know she was physically here and not involved would have killed me, I couldn’t even imagine that. 
After everyone was finished eating, the table was cleaned up and the food was put away. Everyone went on with their activities. Max, Charlie, and Chin were sitting and drinking longboards. Malia, Kari, and Kono were gathered around the fire pit that Danny had started up even though it wasn’t dark yet. I had gotten Grace and Nora ready to go in the water. Danny was standing about knee deep in, refusing to join us any farther than that. Mindy and Thea were sitting in the sand. They had both shed their clothes to sit in their bathing suits. It took everything in me to keep my eyes off of Thea and focus on the two 7-year old’s demanding my attention. I swam around in the water with the girls for a while, enjoying the intense game of Marco Polo they started and teasing Danny about not wanting to come join us.
Later after it got dark, everyone was gathered around the bonfire. I guess I wore the girls out because Grace was asleep in Danny’s lap and Nora was asleep, curled up at my side. I had my arm over her to keep her from slipping off the bench we were sitting on. Thea was on my other side, my arm over the back of the bench behind her. It felt nice having them both this close to me. 
“Jeez Steve, you really wore them out.” Danny said, looking down at his daughter. 
Thea shrugged. “It’ll make bedtime easier for Rachel, that’s for sure.” She said, yawning herself. Both their phones pinged at the same time. “Speaking of, I guess she’s here.” Danny got up, still cradling a sleeping Grace in his arms. He walked up the house. Kari followed behind him. Thea stood up and looked like she was about to take Nora from me. I shook my head and stopped her. 
“I can carry her for you.” I said. I stood up and gently placed the sleeping girl on my chest, her head resting on my shoulder. Her arms came up and wrapped around my neck. 
“Are you sure?” She asked, looking a little nervous. I wanted her to know that I wasn’t scared of kids, and that I didn’t care that she already had a kid. Again, I was thinking about the comments that Danny had made about dating with a kid. 
I nodded. “Yeah, I got her. You don’t need to be carrying her anyway.” 
We walked out to the front of the house. Danny was putting Grace in the backseat. Kari and Rachel looked like they were having a stare down. Thea sighed. 
“Here we go.” I heard her mumble before looking at me. “There’s already a booster seat in the back for her, if you’ll put her in, I’ll buckle her up.” 
“I can do it.” I said, but quickly realized how demanding that probably sounded to her. “I mean, if it’s okay with you, so you don’t have to bend down-” 
“It’s fine, Steve.” She put a hand on my arm and smiled gently at me. “I just don’t want you to feel like you have to.” Her eyes glanced down at her hand. 
I took my hand that was on Nora’s back and put it on hers, squeezing gently. “Look, Thea, I don’t care to help out. With Nora or anything you need, okay?” 
She squeezed back and nodded; her eyes looked like they were watering up but she turned away before I could really see. She went over to Rachel while I carefully placed Nora in her booster seat. Danny stayed bent down in the car to show me how to maneuver the seatbelt. I was shocked at how easy it was. 
“Oh, don’t go thinking you’re a pro just yet, booster seats are easy. Just wait until you’re trying to put a squirming baby in a car seat with multiple straps and buckles.” He said, kissing Grace’s head and closing her door. 
“You’re really helping calm my nerves about this Danny.” 
“It’s what I do best.” 
Thea’s POV:
I went up to Rachel and gave her a hug. I knew she and Stan were going to talk about a divorce tonight, that’s why Grace was with Danny this afternoon. I wasn’t sure if she exactly told Danny what her plans were though. 
“I told him.” She whispered. I could tell she had been crying recently. “I told him and here I am having a staring contest with Danny’s girlfriend.” She rubbed her eyes with the sleeves of her sweater. 
I rubbed her arms soothingly. “It’s gonna be okay.” I tried to comfort her. “We can talk more about it tomorrow after the apartment showing.” Rachel and I were finally going to look at some new apartments and condos for me and Nora. She nodded, sniffling as she gave me a hug. I pulled back to look at her. “Are you gonna be okay with the girls tonight? I don’t care to take them if you need to be alone tonight.” 
She shook her. “No, I’ll be fine. I think some time with them might be what I need. Stan packed a bag and left after we argued, so he won’t be home.” 
I walked to the car to kiss Nora bye even though she was still asleep. 
“Are you okay?” Danny asked her. He probably saw how upset she was. I glanced over at Kari then looked at Steve. It was obvious he picked up on the anger radiating off of the blonde woman. 
“I’m fine Daniel. I’ll call you next week.” She said shortly and got in her car. The four of us stood and watched her drive off. Kari stormed off to her car, Danny quickly following her. We could hear the argument starting so we headed back to the backyard. 
“I’m gonna say bye to everyone and head home.” I told him. “Rachel and I are going to look at apartments tomorrow.” 
“You’re moving?” He asked, holding the back gate open for me. 
“Yeah, my apartment is only two bedrooms and the stairs up to it are starting to kill me.” I laughed. He looked at me like he wanted to say something. “What?” 
“Oh, nothing. Just let me know if you need any help.” He said, giving me a smile. “I know you’re not incapable of doing things yourself and I’m sorry if I’ve made it seem that way. I just want to be able to help.” 
I stopped walking and put my hand on his arm to stop him. “I know, and I really appreciate it. Just going to appointments with me and helping me with the doctors’ bills has helped more than you know. I promise I’m not over doing it.” I told him seriously. “Also quit listening to Danny about how scary pregnancy is.” I laughed. Steve laughed too, shaking his head. 
“Yeah, Danny has been giving me advice.” He chuckled. 
“Yeah, that Dad Training advice might come in handy though.” I giggled and walked towards the group. Everyone looked like they were getting ready to go. I heard Steve groan behind me. 
“Oh, God. You heard that!” 
After saying goodbye to everyone and giving a round of hugs, Steve walked me out to my car. 
“Thank you for inviting us tonight.” I said. 
He grinned at me. “I’m glad you had a good time. You and Nora are welcome here any time. I know she absolutely loved the beach, just like you said.” 
I laughed. “Oh, yes, she’s my water baby for sure.” I got in my car and Steve closed my door for me. “Let me know when you get home, okay?” I nodded and waved as I pulled out and headed toward my apartment. 
After my 10-minute drive, I parked and went to check the mail before slowly climbing the stairs to the apartment. I looked through the mail as I closed and locked my door. A large yellow envelope caught my eye. I set all my things down on the bar in the kitchen and opened it. 
Peter Kenwood, Plaintiff
Theodora Kenwood, Defendant 
Petition for Change of Custody
My breath caught in my throat. I reached for my phone and my first thought was to call Mindy. ‘No, she’s going home with Charlie tonight.’ My next thought was to call Rachel. ‘She has the girls, I can’t push this on her too’ I braced myself on the bar and sat down, dialing the number on my phone. 
“Hey, did you make it home?” Steve asked me after he answered. I was silent, trying not to let my tears fall. As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, they fell anyway. 
“Can you come over?” My voice broke. 
I heard some shuffling on the other end. “Thea, what’s wrong?” He asked, concerned. 
“I-I just really need you.” 
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
universe of beaches Chp. 2
In which Anakin makes breakfast, Padmé ensure the boys are well dressed and there is a wedding. Read on AO3!
So honey take me by the hand and we can sign some papers Forget the invitations, floral arrangements and bread makers
-Alvvays, Archie Marry Me
Obi-Wan woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. It took him a few moments to start wondering about it. The first thing to consider was the fact that he usually didn’t eat bacon or pancakes or anything really for breakfast. Secondly, nobody should be in his house cooking him breakfast. As slowly as Sloth, the memories of last night’s adventured trickled in so that by the time Obi-wan actually crawled out of Anakin and Padmé’s bed, at least fifteen minutes had passed. He sat up and stretched, attempting to shake his exhaustion from his limbs. When he turned around, he found Padmé still asleep. He vaguely recalled her slipping out of bed as the last one to get up for the twins during the night. At the thought of the children, Obi-Wan glanced at their crib only to find it empty.
If Padmé was still asleep, and the twins awake already, it had to be Anakin cooking in the kitchen and looking after them. Carefully, so Obi-Wan wouldn’t wake her, he stood up and headed towards the living room. He found the twins already sitting in their highchairs at the dinner table and cheerfully throwing their toys around. When they spotted him, they waved excitedly and babbled at him.
“Good morning to you too,” Obi-Wan retorted and went to retrieve the plush banthas. Ever since Anakin had become obsessed with Star Wars, more and more merch from it had found itself into the twins’ belongings. It should surprise Obi-Wan that these were their favorite toys. He set them down in front of them. Luke and Leia quickly took them from him and pressed them close to their bodies. The animals were almost the same size as the twins and so it all made a rather ridiculous picture that had Obi-Wan grinning.
Moving past them, he headed towards the kitchen where Anakin was standing at the stove.
“Pancakes, eggs, and bacon?” Obi-Wan asked, leaning against the doorframe. “What a nice surprise.”
Anakin threw him a look over his shoulder and grinned. “Well, yeah, have to spoil my future husband, don’t I?”
His smile twitched slightly, uncertainty taking it over for a moment.
“Of course, darling,” Obi-Wan returned easily, skipping straight over the topic. He had already made his decision, Anakin didn’t need to worry. “Tell me, do you have tea as well?”
“Of course. We even have your favorite.”
Anakin reached for the wall cabinet with his left hand. He hadn’t put on his prosthetic yet and Obi-Wan just hoped he hadn’t turned it to pieces as stressed as he had been. Anakin tended to tinker with it a lot because he was so pissed with the cheap model he had been provided with and had built his own out of scraps. It was a good aid usually, just a little too heavy still and there were some other fine motion issues that Obi-Wan couldn’t entirely recall. He didn’t exactly have the technical knowledge to do anything more than understanding the bare basics of Anakin’s ramblings.
Anakin set a box filled with bags of tea onto the counter. “Your favorite is in the very right corner.”
“Thank you,” Obi-Wan replied and got three cups out of a drawer. He put his favorite tea into his own cup and picked something calming for Anakin and Padmé.
He then started up the kettle and went to grab plates from the cupboards to lay the table. He also got a set of plastic ones for Luke and Leia and then put all on it on a tray he was fairly sure used to belong to him at one point. He carried his assembly of cutlery into the living room and distributed everything in a safe distance from the twins, already aware of the look they shot the new prospective toys.
He then returned to the kitchen to grab some healthy things to eat besides Anakin’s bacon and pancakes and the twins' fruit puree. Padmé and Anakin’s fridge was upsettingly empty and Obi-Wan was tempted to invite them to lunch and dinner today. It wasn’t like he didn’t have the money for it. He lived alone in a house that had been in his family’s possession for generations, had a steady income, and his inheritance if things got rough.
He still didn’t know how he had ended up as his grandfather’s favored grandchild – Feemor was, after all, actually the most mild-mannered of them all – but Obi-Wan had given up arguing with Dooku Serenno. If his grandfather wanted to throw money at him, he just let him. It was easier than forcing himself to sit through a six-hour argument that only ended with him agreeing to whatever his grandfather had thought of anyway.
After a few more minutes, Anakin brought in the eggs, bacon, and pancakes and set them on the table and, as if summoned, Padmé arrived in the living room.
“Good morning,” she muttered tiredly and gave Anakin a quick peck on the lips while then absolutely smothering the twins with kisses. Luke and Leia shrieked in delight and began to laugh. The sounds were probably the sweetest thing Obi-Wan had heard in a while. He wouldn’t even mind giving the awful Introduction to Literary Studies course for the next few semesters if he could get to see the twins every morning.
“What time is it even?” Padmé asked as she slipped into one of the chairs. “I didn’t check the clock.”
“Six a.m. We agreed to meet Quinlan in two hours.”
“Oh, that’s good. Then we still have enough time to dress you both up.”
“What?” Obi-Wan stopped right in the middle of pulling a pancake onto his plate. “What do you mean dress up?”
Padmé shrugged and smiled softly.
“My third and fourth favorite person in the world are getting married, you ought to be dressed up and look nice for your wedding. Even if it’s just pretending. We can show it the twins in a couple of years and be all ‘look at the time Daddy and Uncle Obi-Wan got married’ and then we’ll have a laugh about it.”
Obi-Wan wasn’t so sure if they were really going to laugh about it in the future, looking back at the horrible circumstances that got them here, but they could try at least.
“I still have the suit from our wedding somewhere,” Anakin brought up and spoon-fed Leia some mashed stuff that Obi-Wan couldn’t identify. Could be apples, could be bananas – the glass container didn’t say. “White, red and gold. Think you can match that color scheme?”
Obi-Wan honestly had no idea. The last time he had worn a proper suit had been a while ago as he hadn’t had to go to any super fancy events lately. If Anakin was going to drag out his very fine suit though, Obi-Wan should probably do the same, if only for the photos.
“I’ll have to take a look,” he finally replied.
“Great!” Padmé clapped her hands together and, of course, the twins immediately imitated her. “So first, we’ll stop at Obi-Wan’s place, then after go to the park, get married, submit the documents and then do nothing for the remainder of the day because I think the stress will kill me otherwise.”
“Kill you?” Anakin echoed and threw up his arms in a grand gesture. “I’m the one who’s getting married!”
Obi-Wan laughed at his ridiculous actions and exaggerating dramatics. He honestly missed eating a meal with the Skywalker-Naberrie household. The mornings here were never as boring as they were in his own home where it was just him on his own, pretending he was actually bothering to eat a healthy breakfast and wasn’t just grabbing a cup of coffee on the way to university.
That reminded him.
“Don’t you have classes today?” he asked Anakin. He was fairly sure that Wednesday mornings were one of the busier ones for Anakin.
“Already emailed my professor,” Anakin retorted. “Said it was a family emergency, he was very understanding.”
Of course, he was. Anakin’s teachers either loved or hated him – always had. Now that Anakin didn’t have to bother with any ‘useless subjects’ anymore but could pretty much do what he wanted, most of his teachers actually enjoyed having the genius in their class, if only for the bragging rights. Obi-Wan was sure that if not for the twins, Anakin could have been made a TA already.
“That’s good.”
They finished breakfast quickly and then got dressed right after one another. Obi-Wan picked his old clothes up from where he had left them last night and then grabbed some of the clothes he had left at their place when he’d still stayed there for more than just one night and put them on. When he was finished and left the bathroom, Luke and Leia were at least half dressed already, wearing green romper suits. They were then passed off to him with well-practiced ease as their parents got ready in turn.
Obi-Wan waited for Anakin and Padmé with the twins sitting in front of him on the ground. He had been there the first time they had sat up, just a couple of days ago. By now they seemed to have a better hang on it and were happy as ever.
Anakin emerged first from the bathroom, dressed rather casually compared to his wife who had taken the time to put on make-up and fetch one of her fancier dark dresses. After yet another few minutes searching for keys and purses and shoes, the three adults and the children were all washed, dressed, and ready to go.
“My car or yours?” Obi-Wan asked, unnecessarily as Padmé already took the twins’ car seats out of their car.
“Hey!” Anakin protested, but helped settle the children into Obi-Wan’s car anyway. “My car can drive us there just fine and safely.”
Anakin’s car, lovingly called twilight for all the times it had broken down, leaving them stranded in the twilight zone, was a safe car. Obi-Wan didn’t doubt Anakin’s mechanical skills. He just also knew that it wasn’t exactly up to street regulations anymore due to its street racing aimed modifications. If they were stopped by the police, they’d be in for a nice chat.
“You can drive it just fine, I’m not driving that,” Padmé jabbed.
The drive to Obi-Wan’s house was quick and filled with conversation, mostly pointing out random objects to the twins and saying what they were called or what their color was. The twins listened eagerly and contributed to the conversation as best they could.
Once they arrived at Obi-Wan’s house, Padmé and Anakin each took one of their children to carry them inside.
“I’ll just grab a suit then,” Obi-Wan said, already halfway up the stairs. “It shouldn’t take too long.”
Padmé and Anakin exchanged a look that honestly didn’t look all too promising and almost just a little threatening.
“Or you can come with me and help me pick one out?” Obi-Wan amended and was instantly rewarded by two happy smiles.
Obi-Wan’s bedroom was nothing special, ignoring that it was larger than Padmé and Anakin’s and also had a playpen since he had watched over the twins one time and he had just bought one on the way home so he didn’t have to return to Padmé and Anakin’s to pick theirs up. It had seemed like a good future investment at the time and proved to still be one when they sat the twins inside and they stayed peaceful.
“Alright.” Anakin flopped down on Obi-Wan’s bed, making himself at home. “What have you got?”
“Anything that matches this?” Padmé inquired and pulled Anakin’s wedding suit from a bag. It was still in pristine condition. The suit itself was white, but the hems of the arms and pants, as well as the pockets, had been embroidered by fie red and gold thread, Tatooine and Naboo tradition mixed apparently. Anakin had gushed about it for hours when he had told Obi-Wan about it and Obi-Wan probably knew more about it than any other living person on this earth. The only one he had talked about it to more would be Padmé, though Obi-Wan also felt like he was the person who knew the most about Padmé’s wedding dress and lace-making traditions.
“I should have something,” Obi-Wan said, eyeing the red color of the suit.
He disappeared into his walk-in closet, an unnecessary thing that was only half full at most really and began searching through his suits. He had plenty enough, black, grey, blue – standard colors. He just wasn’t sure if any of those were quite up to wedding level standards.
The thought of marriage made him stop, just for a moment. Of course, there was nothing exactly special about marrying Anakin. This was just a beneficial business arrangement and was meant to keep his best friend safe until they had figured the rest out. Obi-Wan hadn’t thought of himself as somebody who would get married, at least not anymore. There had been a time where he could have imagined it, with the right person, but that was years ago and by now he was content just spending time with his friends and their adorable children.
Obi-Wan ran his fingers over his selection of suits and hesitated over a dark blue one. He had bought it a while ago for a formal award ceremony that had never taken place because of some copyright scandal. He had kept the suit but never actually worn it, thinking he would someday. The suits buttons were golden and would match nicely with Anakin’s. Obi-Wan picked out a white undershirt and a dark tie.
“Have you found anything?” Padmé asked.
“Yes! Give a minute to put it on,” Obi-Wan replied.
Anakin and Padmé cheered with enthusiasm. Obi-Wan sighed with a silly smile and, for the second time within 24 hours, undressed for Anakin and Padmé. Despite it having been a while, the suit still fit snugly and well and when he looked at himself in the mirror, he thought he looked quite good. He threw his old clothes into the laundry basket and stepped outside.
“And?” he asked and did a little spin. “Does it fit?”
Padmé and Anakin studied him intensely, then nodded. “Yeah, this- uh, you look great,” Anakin said, stumbling over his own words.
“Have I rendered you speechless, dear one?” Obi-Wan asked, teased.
Anakin spluttered, earning himself a laugh from his wife.
“Absolutely stunning, Obi-Wan,” Padmé told him.
She stood up and circled around Obi-Wan, reminding him just a bit of a predator eyeing their target. If he remembered correctly one of her childhood friends – Eirtaé? Or was it Rabé? – was a designer and had frequently requested Padmé’s help on her amateur fashion shows.
“This will do just fine,” Padmé decided. “Alright, Anakin, your turn.”
“Wait what?”
“You need to get dressed as well, don’t you?” Obi-Wan said. “C’mon, big day.”
Padmé put the suit in Anakin’s hand so that he could change. Anakin returned after a few minutes, dressed in his white suit, his right sleeve hanging loose. He looked good as he had the day of his wedding, though his hair was a little longer now, which was a lot better than the god-awful haircut he had sported at nineteen.
“And? What do you say?” Anakin turned to the children. “Does daddy look good?”
The twins, distracted with their toys, didn’t even react, leaving Anakin hanging.
“You do look good,” Padmé said and helped him roll up his right sleeve.
“We’re all finished then, aren’t we?” Obi-Wan asked. “I’m dressed, so are you, the twins are wearing their nicest clothes, Padmé is outshining all of us. All that’s left to do is see if Quinlan is up yet and hasn’t forgotten about it.”
He probably should have called him first thing in the morning, but Quinlan likely wouldn’t even have answered that early.
Anakin rocked forward and backward on his heels. “Yeah, that seems to be about it.”
“I’ll call him then.” Obi-Wan searched for his phone, found it in his pocket after an embarrassingly long time and then quickly dialed Quinlan. As he was the last person Obi-Wan had called, he should be the last number on his list. Instead, Obi-Wan was surprised to see that his father had called him while he had been asleep. Typically Qui-Gon, the man never did call to reasonable hours too stuck on whatever time zone he was in and not knowing about anybody else’s. Obi-Wan wasn’t too keen on calling him back. If it was something important, he would know it. His father could try again, Obi-Wan was sick of trying.
Quinlan picked up after the second ring, much faster than Obi-Wan had expected.
“Obi-Wan,” Quinlan greeted. “Good morning, my man. You ready for the big day?”
So Quinlan hadn’t forgotten it, that was good at least. Obi-Wan would hate to go through the whole spiel again. “Yeah, we’re ready. Is there anything you need to get done?”
“Nope,” cam ethe reply. “I’ve taken care of everything. Driving to the park right now. When will you be there?”
Obi-Wan exchanged looks with Padmé and Anakin.
“Twenty?” Padmé suggested. Anakin nodded.
“Twenty,” Obi-Wan replied.
“Sweet.” Quinlan then quickly rattled off how to get to the gazebo he was so in love with and then finished the call.
And that was it. Obi-Wan pocketed his phone and the trio plus children left his bedroom and finally his house. They went back to Obi-Wan’s car and drove to the park. As it was fairly early still, and a weekday, not many people were out. Obi-Wan parked the car, they took the stroller out of the trunk and settled the children in it. Recalling Quinlan’s instructions, they walked through the park. The only people that they met were fellow parents with small children and here and there what looked like a group of college students cramming.
Obi-Wan needed to get to work as well, he had been supposed to finish grading his papers by the end of the week. Oh well, his students would just have to live with him taking a little longer. He’d just let them off without homework.
Obi-Wan didn’t expect to find Quinlan in the distance, but his friend was for once dressed nicely and not just in his dark jeans, hoodie, and leather jacket. Quinlan spotted them soon after and waved at them, a motion the twins were happy to return. If Quinlan was confused by their presence, he didn’t show it.
“Obi-Wan!” He greeted and pulled Obi-Wan into a hug. “How are you doing, my friend?”
“Well, thank you,” Obi-Wan retorted. “And thank you for helping us out.”
Quinlan grinned and slapped Obi-Wan on the back.
“No problem, I’m honestly happy I get to do this for you. So, what’s the arrangement? Just you and Anakin?”
Obi-Wan blanked. He had actually no idea what Quinlan thought they were getting into. Last night it had just sounded like he was assuming that Obi-Wan was already dating Anakin, which couldn’t be further from the truth, but on the other hand… If the government had already gone such lengths to revoke Anakin’s citizen status, it was probably best this appeared as honest as possible.
“I’m marrying Anakin, yes,” Obi-Wan replied.
“Okay, okay, and dear Padmé? I got some extra paper if you want to involve her in any way too. Asajj reminded me about it.”
Obi-Wan suppressed a wince. If Asajj already knew about this, it was only going to get worse and the rumors were bound to start spreading any second. He just hoped she’d keep her mouth shut in front of his grandfather. Obi-Wan did not need Dooku breathing down his neck about this.
“No involvement from my side no,” Padmé said. “I am not brave enough to try to.”
She grinned and winked at Anakin as Quinlan laughed. “Wise choice, my lady. Those two have been making moon eyes at each other since, urgh, what? Way too long for sure.”
“Thank you for your input, Quinlan,” Obi-Wan said, rolling his eyes. “Can we get back to the topic at hand though?”
“Yes, of course.” Quinlan cleared his throat. “Have you two prepared anything or…?”
Obi-Wan shook his head. Honestly, when were they supposed to have prepared anything? “No, we haven’t, just take our signatures and-“
“Actually,” Anakin said with a shit-eating grin. “I have thought of a lovely vow I’d like to speak.”
“Now look at that, that’s how you do it, Kenobi,” Quinlan said. “Well then, Skywalker. Let’s hear it.”
“Right,” Anakin muttered, then took a deep breath. “Right, okay. Obi-Wan Kenobi, ever since I’ve first met you, you have been one of the most important people in my life. You were there for me when I had my best and my worst days. You’ve always supported me unconditionally and I don’t know where I would be without you. I love you more than words could possibly ever describe and so I just want to tell you that I hope I’ll have you by my side for the rest of my life.”
Obi-Wan’s throat closed up. With every word that fell from Anakin’s lips, he was thrown into another memory, another thought of all the times they had had each other’s backs.
“Dear one-“
Anakin held up his hand. “Not finished yet. I promise you that I will cherish you forever as every flower worships the sun. You are as precious to me as the very air I breathe and there is no other I’d trust more with my family.”
Now Anakin did smile a little embarrassedly. “And I’m eternally thankful for you. You, uh, don’t have to say anything back-“
“No,” Obi-Wan said, his heart overtaken with fondness for his best friend. “No, no, I want to. Just, give me a second.”
Obi-Wan thought back to everything he had already lived through with Anakin.
He loved him.
He really did love Anakin, his best friend was one of the few constants in his life that Obi-Wan could always count on. The more he thought about what he could say, the more easily did he figure out what he simply should tell Anakin.
“Anakin, dear one, I love you too. More so than I thought I could when I first met the scrappy nine-year-old blond kid who decided he’s going to talk to me about ships and cars in a language I couldn’t even speak. You mean the world to me and I will continually try to live up to the expectations you have of me. I will not betray the trust you have put into me and I vow to love you the same way you love me.”
A heavy silence followed his statement.
It was finally interrupted by Quinlan’s low whistle. “Always knew you were a romantic at heart. Well then, Anakin Skywalker-Naberrie, do you take Obi-Wan Kenobi as your lawfully wedded husband?”
Anakin looked into Obi-Wan’s eyes, serious all of sudden. “Yes.”
“Do you promise to always stay by his side?”
Anakin shot Quinlan a look. “Didn’t you just hear what I said?”
Quinlan only smiled and raised his hands in defense. “Alright, true enough. I think for the two of you, I can skip the questions. Well, then. Obi-Wan Kenobi, do you take Anakin Skywalker-Naberrie as your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” The words weighed heavier on his tongue than Obi-Wan had expected them to. He had never been someone to make promises haphazardly, or to break them easily. He had meant every word he had told Anakin and he would do his best to honor them.
“Then – skipping the questions you all have very sappy answers to – I hereby pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss.”
Quinlan’s words shook Obi-Wan out of his thoughts like ice water, reminding him of the greater context of this ceremony.
“We don’t-“ Obi-Wan started, but was interrupted by Anakin.
“Can’t be worse than senior year,” Anakin stated and then, with a speed Obi-Wan hadn't expected, leaned forward and captured Obi-Wan’s lips in a soft kiss. The world seemed to go quiet, all background noise fading out as he put his hands around Obi-Wan’s cheeks, the warmth welcoming, and deepened the kiss once more, stealing Obi-Wan’s breath away.
By the time they separated, Obi-Wan’s head felt a little woozy and he thought his lips had to be kiss-swollen as much as they were still chasing the aftertaste of Anakin.
“And how was that?” Anakin asked, his voice rather quiet and face flushed.
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to speak, but no word would come out. All the many poems he had read, all the imagery he had destroyed and torn to shreds to built them up more beautiful and yet none of them seemed to be appropriate.
“It looked fun for sure,” Padmé spoke up and promptly kissed her husband as well, half laughing into their kiss of relief.
Right. Obi-Wan used their latch in attention to pull himself together and focus.
“Now you two just have to sign this,” Quinlan said and put the papers on the table. “Padmé can act as your witness as the twins are a little too young still.”
Obi-Wan looked down on the paperwork, which signified so much more than just a change of a relationship. Thinking more closely about this, Obi-Wan would have to change his tax forms for the year and they probably should also look into what the situation with the twins was like, but all of that could be deal with later. As long as they had this in hand, Anakin would be alright.
“Thank you, Quinlan, really,” Obi-Wan told Quinlan.
“No problem,” Quinlan replied and handed him a pencil. “Now make it official.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi accepted the pencil and signed right on one line, making his part of the contract official. He then passed the pencil to Anakin who put his messy signature right next to Obi-Wan’s. They stared at the paper for a few seconds, just letting it all sink in. They had done it, and that in such a short time too. It was only twenty past eight and it already felt as if the entire day had passed. Obi-Wan was glad he had the day off, he didn’t particularly feel like doing anything complicated at all today.
Glancing at Anakin, Obi-Wan could tell he was a little out of it as well. The realization that his life wasn’t about to get incredibly messed up within a week probably still had to settle in.
“So that was it?” Padmé asked. “They’re officially married?”
“As legal as can be,” Quinlan reassured her. “I’ll bring the paper to the office and you should get a notice within a few days. If you haven’t gotten it by next Monday, I’ll look into it.”
“Thank you, Vos,” Padmé spoke up again. “Is there anything we can do for you in return?”
Quinlan shook his head dismissively. “Nah, don’t worry about it. It was my pleasure, really. Now go and enjoy your honeymoon.”
Honeymoon, Obi-Wan snorted. The best they were going to get right now was a second breakfast.
“Off to Dex’s?” He suggested. “I could use something horribly sweet just about right now.”
And perhaps also something alcoholic.
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 10
I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS PART 10! Have we even been doing this a month, @what-does-mine-say? Anyway, I was going to wait a little while longer to post this because I feel like I’m spoiling you all (jk jk, I love spoiling you because you spoil me), but I’m too excited. I love this part. There’s so much tension and just - unf. Also, don’t worry, @lancearcherinrippedjeans - I haven’t forgotten about dear Chuckie. It will be addressed :) 
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 10/26
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x Cash Wheeler and Adam Page x OFC
Warnings: Alcohol use, language, angst
Word Count: 4.5k
Catch up on previous parts here.
Alex rummaged through her walk-in closet, trying to decide what to wear to Adam and Callie’s cookout. She’d decided to go, after all. If nothing else, she needed a distraction.
Kenny hadn’t gotten back to the hotel room until after 1 a.m. on Friday. Alex had stayed up waiting for him until the anxiety of it had become too much, so she’d taken a hot shower to calm her nerves and gone to bed. He’d woken her up as he’d crawled in beside her and pulled her close, nuzzling her neck as he’d apologized for not returning sooner. It’d taken a long time for her to fall back asleep after that, her mind racing with the day’s events all over again. In the morning, she’d woken him up with kisses and climbed on top of him, riding him deep and slow. Looking for the reassurance she hadn’t gotten the day before. It had worked in the moment. But it hadn’t lasted.
“No, no, definitely not,” she said as she went through each piece of clothing. She didn’t like the look of anything today. It was going to be hot—it was summer in Virginia, after all—and she wanted to look cute but still casual. She got to her dresses and frowned; she didn’t want to wear a dress. But then she remembered: she’d bought a romper not that long ago. She moved a little bit further down and pulled it off the rack. It was a pretty sage green color with a spaghetti strap V-neck and decorative buttons down the front. Perfect, she thought.
She pulled it on and looked in the full-length mirror on the closet door, satisfied. That was one thing down. Now she needed to decide on shoes. She moved over to where she kept her sandals—but a pair of strappy espadrille wedges caught her eye. She picked them up and set them on the carpet, sliding her feet in and buckling the straps at the ankles. She went back over to the mirror. The wedges combined with the short hem of the romper made her legs look a mile long. She smirked, feeling good; but then she worried at her lip. Will I be taller than Cash if I wear these?
She stopped, staring at her reflection with wide, surprised eyes. “Oh my God, I’m trying to look good for Cash,” she realized aloud.
Her phone chirped from her bed, interrupting her thoughts. She walked over and picked it up. She had a text from Adam.
Have you left yet or are you running late like usual?
She pursed her lips as she typed up a response. Give me 30 minutes. I’ll tell you my ETA once I’m out the door.
She threw her phone back on the bed and went back to getting ready, trying not to think about Cash.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Me, Adam, Cash, Dax, Alex,” Callie repeated to herself as she made sure she had enough of everything for the cookout. “One for luck. Maybe two for luck…” she said as she counted out steaks for the grill. She’d just started to season them when Adam snuck up behind her and snaked his arms around her waist.
“Thank you for doing this,” he said as he kissed her cheek. “It really means a lot to me.”    
“Well, this isn’t all for Alex’s benefit.” She turned in his grasp and wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling up at him. “I don’t want Cash and Dax thinking I don’t know how to look after my man.”
He let out a laugh. “Trust me, once they see the amount of beer and whiskey we have, they won’t doubt you for a second.” He glanced at the salad bowl on the kitchen island and tried to snatch a tomato, but Callie smacked his hand.
“Would you stop eating everything? Go buy the booze.”
Adam held his hands up in surrender. “Yes, ma’am,” he said, and Callie smirked as he grabbed his keys and went out the door.
She continued prepping for the party, gathering all the ingredients to mix up a batch of her favorite cocktail. As she opened a cabinet to grab a pitcher, she heard car tires crunching up the gravel in the driveway. She glanced curiously out the window, thinking maybe Adam had forgotten something; but her face fell at the sight of a familiar dark green Jeep Wrangler. Alex.
Callie went back to mixing up the pitcher, quietly bracing herself, wishing that Dax and Cash had been the first to arrive instead. She heard the car door close, and a few seconds later Alex let herself in.
“Hey,” she greeted when she saw Callie in the kitchen. She glanced around, obviously looking for Adam. “Where’s Adam?”
Callie tried not to roll her eyes. “He’s out getting the alcohol. He shouldn’t be long.” She didn’t feel the need to open with niceties; she and Alex weren’t friends. “You can just put your bag wherever for now. Adam will show you your room when he gets back.”
Alex put her bag down next to the couch in the living room. After that, she wasn’t sure what to do. She awkwardly smoothed out her romper as she stood in the space between the living room and the kitchen. “Can I help with anything?” she offered just to say something.
Callie didn’t even bother to turn away from mixing up the cocktail as she answered. “No, I’m good. Everything’s under control.”
Alex rolled her eyes behind her back. But Adam had asked her to try; so, for his sake, she was going to do her best. “What’re you making?”
There was a pause before Callie answered. “Well, you all have your favorite drinks, so I thought I’d make mine.” She took the pitcher and carried it back to the sliding door that lead out to the backyard. Alex hurried after to help open the door. “Thanks,” Callie begrudgingly said.
“What is it?” Alex curiously asked.
“Sex on the Beach,” Callie returned as she set the pitcher on a serving table they’d set up on the patio. She smiled, briefly forgetting that she didn’t like Alex. “It’s my go-to cocktail.”
Alex’s eyebrows arched. “I don’t think I’ve had one of those since college,” she commented. “They’re good, though,” she hastily added. Callie just pursed her lips.  
They fell into awkward silence again. Alex looked around the backyard; they’d certainly gone all out for this cookout. The serving table was already laden with a pitcher of sweet tea, fruit salad, tortilla chips, and a large bowl of homemade bean dip to snack on. The patio table and chairs sat underneath a shaded pergola decorated with string lights, which was a new addition since the last time Alex had been there. She tried to remember when that was. Before Adam had started dating Callie, she realized.
Callie went back inside without a word. Alex blinked, unsure if she should stay outside or follow her back in; but, remembering the way Callie had told her she had everything under control, she decided to just stay out of her way. So, with nothing else to do, she took a seat at the table, pulled out her phone, and started to scroll through Twitter. It was only a few minutes when Adam rounded the corner of the house in the backyard, carrying two cases of beer and a bag of liquor looped around his wrist. Alex jumped up when she saw him.
“Thank God you’re back. It’s been like talking to a wall.”
He gave her a look as he set everything down on the patio. “She’s trying, Alex,” he returned. “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course.” She reached up to give him a hug. He looked her over as they pulled apart.
“Who’re you all dressed up for?”
Her face flushed. “This is not dressed up,” she insisted.
He smirked. “Uh huh.”
She whacked his shoulder just as Callie returned from the kitchen, carrying the salad bowl in her hands. She shot them a look. “That was quick,” she commented.
Adam nodded. “Where’s the cooler?”
“Over there,” she answered with a nod toward where the cooler sat on the ground next to the serving table. Adam opened a case of beer and started transferring cans into the ice. He stopped to offer one to Alex.
“Want one?”
She gave him a flat look. “You’re offering me a warm beer? The hell is wrong with you, Hangman?”
He smirked again. “There’s a few cold ones in the fridge. Go help yourself.”
Alex didn’t need to be told twice. She went back inside and made a beeline for the fridge. She didn’t want to get drunk tonight—the last thing she needed was for Mariposa to make another appearance—but she needed to take the edge off; especially when she heard Adam give a shout from the backyard.
“What’s up, guys!”
Alex froze. Cash and Dax had arrived.
“Alex is in the kitchen,” he continued. “Dump your stuff inside and I’ll show you around in a bit.”
“Shit, shit, shit,” Alex muttered to herself. She paced around the kitchen, unsure what to do, her heart already hammering in her chest. Why am I nervous? I should not be nervous; I’m with Kenny. Sort of. But all her thoughts came to an abrupt halt when she saw Callie walk into the kitchen followed by Dax and Cash.
“Hey, Alex!” Dax greeted as he and Cash set down their bags. “So you decided to come after all?”
“Yeah—oh,” she was briefly caught off-guard when he walked over and gave her a hug. “I figured why not? Adam always puts on a good time.”
“So he claims,” Dax returned. “We’ll be the judge of that.”
She gave a small laugh—and then her eyes connected with Cash’s. He looked her up and down as he walked over. “You look great,” he said, and he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into a hug. Alex’s entire body heated as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Fuck, he smells good.
“Thanks,” she said. He lingered a second longer before pulling back. She didn’t mind at all.
“Is that your Wrangler out front?” he asked.
“Oh,” she bashfully pushed her hair behind her ear. “Yeah.”
He nodded in appreciation. “That’s a nice car.”
She blushed again. “Thanks. I think so, too.”
The kitchen fell quiet, and Alex and Cash suddenly realized that Callie and Dax were staring at them. Alex took a sip of her beer to cool herself down. It didn’t work.
“Well,” Callie started with a look at Dax, “would you help me take the rest of this outside?”
“Absolutely.” He grabbed the platter of steaks while she rounded up the utensils for the grill, and soon Cash and Alex were left alone in the kitchen. Alex cursed Callie in her head; she’d probably done that on purpose.
“I’m glad you came,” Cash said into the silence. And then he quickly added, “I mean, it’s good we can all hang out.”
She nodded. “Yeah, I think so too.” Their eyes met again, and Alex reflexively bit her lip. The way he was looking at her made her feel some type of way—and she needed to leave. “Well, I’m gonna go see if Adam needs a hand with anything.” She flashed a smile and walked past him back toward the backyard, drawing in a deep breath as she went. She was in trouble, and she knew it.
* * * * * * * * * *
A little while later, everyone sat around the table eagerly digging into their food, country music playing lowly in the background. Alex was trying her best not to embarrass herself while eating her corn on the cob, which felt like an impossible task sitting next to Cash. She had a feeling it had been Adam’s doing seating them together. She could tell by the way he’d smirked at her when she’d sat down.
“Well, no one’s talking so it must be good,” Adam commented.
“It’s really good,” Cash complimented as Dax nodded. “Thanks for having us over, man.”
“Yeah, thanks for cooking the steaks, Adam,” Alex said. And then she added, “And thanks for doing everything else, Callie.”
“Whoa!” Adam proclaimed. “I also got the booze.”
Alex let out a laugh. “Callie made booze!” she argued. It took Callie by surprise. Was she actually being… nice?
“You’re welcome, Alex. And thank you for noticing; I did do everything else,” Callie commented with a smirk at Adam.
He sarcastically shook his head. “Just take all the credit, why don’t you.”
“Oh, stop complaining,” she returned. “I’ll do you later, too.”
Alex snorted while Cash nearly did a spit take of his beer. Adam’s eyebrows arched. “Well, yeehaw,” he said as he raised his drink.
“And on that note,” Dax segued, “how far are you from here, Alex?”
Alex had to compose herself from laughing at Adam’s reaction before she could answer. “I’m about two hours from here. It’s actually a really nice drive.”
“Where is that you live, again?” Cash asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
She bit her lip. “I’m in Roanoke.”
He nodded, remembering. “Oh yeah, I’ve been through there. I didn’t see much of it, but it seemed nice.”
“It is,” she nodded. “It’s quiet, in the mountains. I don’t know; it’s where I’m from and I never saw any reason to leave.”
“Can’t say I blame you. Sounds like my kinda place,” he said. Alex took a sip of her beer to hide her blush.
“You’re not too far from Asheville either, right?” Adam asked, a sly grin on his face. Alex sent him a look. It was obvious what he was doing, but she answered anyway.
“No. It’s only about two hours from Asheville, too.”
“Hm,” Adam smirked between her and Cash. “Well how about that?”
Alex bit down on her jaw. She wasn’t going to play into Adam’s charade. “Well, you in live in Florida now though, don’t you?” she said to Cash.
He nodded. “Yeah. I’m in Orlando.”
“Still,” Adam insisted. “You two aren’t from that far from each other.”
Cash smirked to himself as he looked down at his plate. It was blatantly obvious to the entire table what Adam was doing now. So obvious, that Callie cleared her throat.
“Hey Alex, will you help me mix up another pitcher?” She sent her a meaningful look as she picked up the nearly empty cocktail pitcher and stood from the table. Alex was both surprised and confused by the offered lifeline, but she took the hint and followed her into the house. As soon as they were gone, Cash looked at Adam.
“What’re you doing, Adam?”
Dax smirked. “I think he’s trying to be your wingman.”
“That’s exactly what I’m doing,” Adam returned. “I thought you said you wanted to get to know Alex better?”
“I do,” Cash started; but then he stopped, frustrated. “Isn’t there something going on with her and Kenny?”
“Kenny ain’t here,” Dax quipped with a drink of his beer. It earned a smirk from Adam.
“I don’t know what’s going on with her and Kenny. I don’t think Alex even knows,” Adam answered. “But I’ll tell you this—she sure as hell didn’t get all dressed up for me today.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex stood just inside the back door, eavesdropping on the conversation taking place outside. She’d started to slide the door closed when she’d heard Cash ask Adam what he was doing; and because she wanted to hear what she had to say for himself, she’d left just enough of a crack in the door so that she could listen as she stood hidden from view. Her stomach went all warm and tingly when she heard Cash confirm that he wanted to get to know her better. She was in trouble, alright. Deep, deep trouble.
“What’re you doing?” Callie suddenly asked.
Alex jumped and slid the door completely shut. “Nothing. Let’s go make that pitcher,” she said as she walked quickly past her toward the kitchen.
“Were you listening to their conversation?” Callie asked. She sounded surprisingly excited about it. “What were they talking about? Or who?” she slyly added.
Alex stopped and turned around to face her. There was a confused expression on her face. “Okay, I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t know how else to ask this so; why are you suddenly acting like you’re my friend?”
Alex expected Callie to answer with a roll of her eyes and some snide comment like usual. But much to her surprise, she frowned. “Look, Adam cares a lot about you, and I love him. It took me awhile to realize that what you two have is just friendship, and I’m sorry for that. So we don’t have to be friends… but I’m trying for his sake.”
Alex stood there in silence, floored by Callie’s response. She could tell from the look on her face that she wasn’t just saying that—she actually meant it. “Well, thank you. I want to try for his sake, too.”
Callie nodded. “And besides,” she added. “I’ll admit I’m a bit of a romantic… and I’ve seen the way you and Cash have been looking at each other ever since he got here.”
Alex’s eyes widened. “The way we’ve been looking at each other?”
“Yes!” she proclaimed. “You know he likes you, right? He was upset when he found out you left Britt’s party with Kenny. He tried to act like it didn’t bother him… but it definitely did.”
Alex uncomfortably rubbed the back of her neck, suddenly feeling hot again. How did Cash even know she’d left Britt’s party with Kenny? Who’d told him that? Adam?
“And judging by your reaction right now… I think it’s pretty obvious you like him, too,” Callie smirked.
Alex’s brow furrowed. Part of her knew she did, too. But she didn’t want to admit it. “I think I’ll take one of those cocktails now.”
* * * * * * * * * *
The sun had gone down and the temperature with it, making it a perfect night to sit drinking around the fire pit. Alex had switched back to beer after just one of Callie’s cocktails. It probably wasn’t the best idea in the world, but the girl had mixed those pitchers stiff; and again, Mariposa did not need to make another appearance tonight. Especially not with how sexy Cash looked in the firelight right now.
Alex had caught herself staring at him more than once ever since her conversation with Callie in the kitchen. After she’d poured herself a drink, she’d texted Kenny before going back outside, hoping he’d remind her why he was the one she wanted. But his responses had been few and far between. Eventually, when Adam made a comment about how she was paying more attention to her phone than the company, she’d tossed it back inside with her things. Now, as she sat next to Cash on one of the patio couches around the firepit, Kenny was the furthest thing from her mind. She subconsciously bit her lip as she looked him over. Mariposa didn’t need to come out for her to want to do bad things to him.
He looked at her and she flushed. He smirked. It was obvious she’d been staring. “You want another drink?”
She nodded. “Sure.”
“What’s your poison?” he asked as he pushed himself up.
You, she thought. But she said, “I should probably stick with beer.”
He gave her a roguish grin. “What’s the fun in ‘probably’?” he returned as he walked toward the drinks. Alex bit her lip again. Fuck.
“Alex was right,” Dax suddenly said from where he sat in a chair on the other side of the fire. She’d almost forgotten anyone else was outside. “You know how to host a good time, Adam.”
“Thank you, sir,” Adam raised his glass from where he and Callie sat cuddled up on the other couch. “You and Cash are welcome back any time.”
“You sure your tag team partner won’t have an issue with that?” Dax quipped.
Adam shrugged. “If he does—fuck ‘em.” He sent Alex a meaningful look across the fire. She glanced away. No matter how confused she was feeling, she wished he’d give the you shouldn’t be with Kenny thing a rest.
“Here you go.” Cash returned and handed her a beer. She arched a brow as she took it.
“I thought there wasn’t any fun in ‘probably’?
“I’m a gentleman, Alex,” he said as he sat back down next her—closer than he’d been before. “At least until you ask me not to be.”
Alex’s breath hitched in her throat. FUCK.
There must have been something in the air, because over on the other couch Callie ran a finger down Adam’s chest. She smirked up at him. “I’m ready for the rodeo, cowboy.”
Adam’s eyebrows arched. “Well, we’re gonna call it a night,” he said as he hastily downed the rest of his whiskey. “Y’all stay out here as long as you want; the fire will burn itself out.” He jumped up and pulled Callie with him; but before he could drag her into the house, she sent Alex and Cash a smirk.
“There’s blankets in there,” she said with a nod at the storage ottoman in front of the couch where they’d been sitting. “You know, if you want to get comfortable.”
Alex shook her head as Callie disappeared back inside with Adam. That hadn’t been subtle at all.
“I think I’m gonna call it, too,” Dax said as pushed himself up from the chair. Just like Callie had, he gave them a crooked grin as he passed. “You two have fun.”
He went back inside, leaving Alex and Cash alone with nothing but the crackle of the fire and the sound of the cicadas singing in the night.
Alex looked down at her beer, her heart hammering in her chest already. She could see Cash looking at her out of the corner of her eye. “Are you cold?” he asked.
She nodded. “A little, actually. Yeah,” she honestly answered.
He stood and walked over to the ottoman and pulled out a fluffy cream colored fleece blanket. When he returned, he sat down and draped it over his lap. “Come here,” he motioned with his head for her to join him under the blanket. Alex hesitated—but she slid across the cushions as he lifted his arm for her to tuck herself against his side. He pulled her close, and she placed her head on his chest and let out a contented hum. She wasn’t sure what was going on with her and Kenny. But this? This felt right.
“So, I overheard something today,” she said as she watched the flames grow lower in the fire pit.
“Oh yeah?” Cash asked as he stroked his thumb back and forth across her bare arm. Goosebumps prickled over her skin. He drew her closer.
“Mmhm. And Adam’s right—I didn’t get all dressed up for him today.”
She looked up at him. He brushed her hair away from her face. “What’s the deal with you and Kenny?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” she honestly answered. “What’s the deal here?”
He smirked. “I don’t know. But I like you. I want to spend more time with you. And maybe I’m wrong... but I feel like you feel the same.”
Alex sat up. Cash brought his arm around her waist, and she looked into his eyes as she placed her hand behind his head, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. She felt him shiver against her. “I do,” she said. “I felt that way at the party last week. I’ve felt that way all day today. And even though I left the party with Kenny… if I’d had the choice, I know would’ve left with you.”
Cash brought his other hand to her hip. Alex leaned into his touch, wanting him to feel her. “Trust me, I didn’t want you leaving with anyone else that night,” he said. “But I’d had a lot to drink, too. And when I take you home, I want to be able to treat you right.”
Her stomach fluttered at his choice of words. “When?”
“When,” he returned.
Heat rose in Alex’s core. It was a struggle not to straddle him right then and there.
“Mm,” he hummed as his eyes fell closed. “And if you don’t stop playing with my hair like that, when might be tonight.”
She didn’t stop. “You promise?”
“Alex,” he grinned as he gently removed her hand from behind his neck, still holding her close. “Trust me, there’s nothing I want more right now than to take you inside and throw you on the bed in the guest room. But I don’t want either of us to go behind Kenny’s back.”
Alex calmed down a bit then. He was right. She didn’t want to go behind Kenny’s back, either. But the thought of telling him how she felt about Cash left a hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“Come on,” Cash said. “We should go to bed before we get in trouble.”
He stood up and offered her his hand. She took it, and he laced their fingers together as he led her back into the house. It was too soon before they arrived at the guest bedroom where she was sleeping. Alex turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around her waist, holding her tight against his body in the darkened hallway. Alex hummed again, taking in his scent. It felt different in Cash’s arms than it did in Kenny’s. Deeper. Realer.
“Stay with me,” she said. “I want to sleep cuddled up with you tonight.”
He laughed softly against her. “Sweetheart, there’s no way I could just cuddle with the way you’re making me feel.”
Butterflies exploded in Alex’s stomach. She wanted to hear him call her “sweetheart” a million times over.
He unwound his arms from her waist and looked into her eyes as he brought his hands to cup her face. He leaned in and placed a lingering kiss on her cheek. “Sleep good,” he said in her ear. As he pulled away, he took her hand in his again, and they held onto each other’s fingers for as long as they could as he backed down the hall. And as she watched him disappear around the corner toward where he was sleeping, Alex knew she needed to talk to Kenny.
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yunawrites · 5 years
Sticky Hands (Steve Rogers)
Pairing: Domestic Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day in the Rogers household. 
Word Count: 959
Warnings: Fluffy. Just a lot of fluff. They have a baby. Minor mentions of intimacy, but barely. 
A/N: Cute fluff that I whipped up in about an hour. I don’t know why I feel like mush. Maybe it’s the holiday that’s coming up. I am going to try to post this whole week, so wish me luck. Send me an ask to be placed on a tag list because my Google doc idea is sure not getting any hits. Remember, requests are open for Bucky, Steve, and Thor! <3
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Two little hands on your face and gurgling sounds in your ears as you woke from a blissful slumber once you smelled coffee and pancakes. A small smile went to your lips as you felt the tiny hands on your mouth, patting it gently, but soon you laughed as one hand grabbed at your nose. With one eye open, you noticed the happy smile on your daughter’s face while she sat beside you and a giggle passed through her lips when she saw that you were awake. 
“Why don’t you mess with Papa while he is sleeping, huh?”   
When you opened both of your eyes, you noticed the red romper that your daughter was wearing. An outfit that you had bought the other day because it was the perfect one for her to wear for Valentine’s Day because it said “Papa is my Valentine” in white cursive font. The outfit that you were supposed to surprise your husband with, but he clearly had been up before you. Usually you were up with him, but he surprised you the night before with a marathon of love. He made love to you in every way he could because he wanted to express how much he loved you, which worked in your favor. 
You missed the way he would caress you and handle you like you were a delicate flower. The way he whispered sweet words into your ear as he pulled into erotic bliss. The way that he would look at you like you were a treasure that no one else could have. You loved every moment you had with him, especially now that there was peace. It didn’t take much for him to want to retire from his role as Captain America, knowing that the title had been passed down to good hands.
When he put a ring on your finger, you knew it was going to be forever. His vows even expressed how it would be forever by letting you know that he would never leave your side. When you told him, you were pregnant a month after your wedding day, he accepted fatherhood like he had been waiting for it his whole life. As you gave birth, the look in his eyes expressed how much he loved his girls while he gave you two kisses on the top of your heads. 
This was the life he wanted all along, and you were that person to give it to him.
You looked up at the doorway as he appeared with a smile with the tray you wanted to surprise him with. You wanted to make it special, but the night before made you sleep like a rock. You wanted to have him wake up to the smell of coffee and breakfast, accompanied by the alarm of your daughter at his side. You wanted to hear him laugh with her as you brought a tray with heart-shaped blueberry pancakes with a bowl of fruit on the side and coffee made just how he liked it. 
When he set the tray down on the bed in front of you, you looked it over as you sat up, and you felt tears hot on your eyes. “Steve,” you whispered, moving your daughter to sit in your lap when she crawled to you, feeling the joy in your heart. It was like he had read your mind. 
“Sweetheart, why are you crying?” He wasn’t all that concerned because he had known there was nothing wrong that could have set it off. An amused look on his face as he sat down, reaching over to wipe the tears off your face with his thumb while you laughed. 
“It’s like you read my mind! I was going to do all of this for you,” you told him, and he grinned, leaning over to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. Your daughter made a huff when her dad didn’t do the same thing to her, reaching her hands up to him.
“I didn’t forget about you,” he said to her, lifting her up in his arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek as well. She giggled as he hugged her to him, making your heart warm. He had always been so sweet to your daughter and he was the best dad. Maybe a little over protective, but that was just his way of showing he cared. Looking back at you when he put her back down to sit her on your lap again, he smiled that warm smile of his. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” he said to you. He literally was the best husband that you could ever ask for. 
Retirement did him well. He was smiling more, he was laughing more, and he just looked like a big weight had fallen from his shoulders. There were times that he was asked to put the uniform on again, but he declined when he knew there were capable hands out there who could help. There was a reason why he had given his shield to Sam and put his faith in him as well as Bucky. They didn’t need him anymore. 
“I love you, Steve,” you told him, a bright smile on your face before you leaned in to kiss him sweetly. He hummed as he kissed you back lovingly, a delighted sigh escaping his lips. 
“I love you,” he murmured against your lips as you pulled away from the kiss. 
When you looked down at your daughter, your eyes widened when she grabbed the syrup covered pancakes with her hands. Once Steve saw your reaction, he looked as well but he couldn’t hold back his laughter. 
“Natasha, don’t do that!” 
You and Steve laughed, and your daughter smiled big at the both of you. 
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enavance · 3 years
no but stardew valley au has me dreaming about cherry in ffxiv verse having just.  this little small,  miniature utopia that’s just quiet and peaceful,  filled with open meadows with wildflowers and garden patches of beautiful flowers and orchards and fresh vegetables that she tends to when she has the time and it’s just a place for her to escape to and relax and settle her racing mind and finally feel some semblance of calm while keeping herself busy.
cherry as a person is obsessed with moving and moving and keeping her hands busy,  which is why she often seeks conflict in difficult jobs and quests involving battling,  not only because she enjoys fights for what they are due to her finding fun in them,  but because if she allows her mind and peace or prolonged silence,  her anxieties and inner turmoils from all of the years of stress and trauma she’s endured over the years come creeping back in and start to eat at her and put her through the ringer.
i think having a space like this would be so beneficial to cherry because it’s just a beautiful haven and the peace and calm of nature and herself,  while doing something productive and fruitful with her time and she can relax,  let loose,  and just  . . .  simply be.  i want this for cherry in my main ffxiv verse really badly.  i want for cherry to learn that she can settle down,  that she can place her roots somewhere,  that she can find comfort in her friends and the people that she cares about and that she doesn’t have to keep fighting just for survival.
i just also think that the idea of cherry enjoying herself in a beautiful farm  -  like haven would be such a beautiful concept.  imagine how beautiful she would look,  happy and relax and having fun and so at peace,  in loose and flowing linens and rompers and dresses and skirts just tending to flowers and plants.
if there ever comes a time in eorzea where cherry can find some extended peace,  even if it’s not necessarily forever,  i think cherry having something like this would be a dream.  it’s a reflection of a life she lived once before in othard before her village met its ruin,  and cherry deserves to have this kind of peace and happiness again like she did before.
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angelbabyszn · 5 years
Love Song (Cesar X Reader)
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OMB Masterlist
B/F/N - Best Friend
F/C - Favorite Color 
F/R - Favorite Restaurant
You groaned in frustration as you ripped out another page from your notebook, crumpled it up, and threw it behind you.
The talent show was this upcoming Friday and your choir teacher made the whole class be in the show since it hasn't been successful for the last three years. If you don't do the talent show, it's a F for the semester.
It has to be an original song. You were having problems making an original song at the moment.
Even though you made songs before, they have the same message and you want to make something new. You making a whole song with a different message is stressing you out.
You were just about to give up and sing other songs you made until you got a call from your best friend, B/F/N.
"How's it going, girl?"
"Not good. I'm having trouble making a new song." you said as you get up from your bed and start walking around your room.
"A new song for the talent show? Ooo, I already know it's going to be good! You should sing “Girlfriends”. That's a future hit! You really need to record that." said B/F/N.
"Thanks, but no. I want to sing something new. All the songs I wrote so far have the same message you know?" you said and start drinking some water that was on your desk in your room.
"Ooo! Write a love song! Those are the best!" said B/F/N and you cough out a bit of your water out of your mouth because of what B/F/N said.
"Yes! It's perfect! Do you KNOW how many people like love songs? Thousands! It's relatable, and another way to get your feelings out. Like, your feelings for Cesar." said B/F/N as she repeatedly raised her eyebrows with a smirk on their face when she mentioned Cesar.
"Don't you raise your eyebrows. I can see you doing that. I guess I can try but I have never made one before so it will be horrible." you said and B/F/N squealing on the other side of the phone.
"B/F/N, chill! Okay, thanks for the idea. Bye, love you." you said with a smile.
"Bye, Y/N! Let your inner love flow right through you hehe." said B/F/N and you ended the phone call.
You went back on your bed and picked up your lucky pen and thought for a few moments. You smiled and wrote "Love Song" on top of a new page.
You wrote a few lyrics down and smiled when you finished the hook chorus down on your page in just 20 minutes.
You closed your notebook, put your lucky pen and notebook in your school backpack and then went to bed.
"Y/N!" said B/F/N and you turn around to see B/F/N waving her hand high sitting at a lunch table outside the cafeteria.
You quickly went over to her with your lunch and sat right next to her. After you sit down, you hugged her for a few moments because you didn't have morning classes with her today.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry." said B/F/N as you two ended from the hug.
"It's fine. I know where you were." you said.
"So...how's that love song going?" asked B/F/N with a grin on her face.
"It's going good actually. I got my hook and chords done. I need to do my verses." you said as you took out your notebook and lucky pen on the lunch table between both of you and open to the page where the song was.
B/F/N start to read through your lyrics. You start to get nervous of how B/F/N would react.
"Y/N! This is amazing!" said B/F/N and you sigh in happiness. You were relieved.
"Thanks. Glad you like it. I was only able to write that last night because of-"
"Lil spooky. I knew it." said B/F/N and you pushed her a bit to shut her up.
A moment later, you and B/F/N were having another lunch conversation until a familiar group came over to your table and sat with you.
"Hello ladies." said Ruby and B/F/N giggled as the core four and Olivia sat down and around the lunch table.
"Hey Ruby." you said with a smile and took a bite of your turkey and cheese sandwich.
"Hey, I heard you were singing at a talent show. Is that true?" asked Jamal with a smile looking at you.
"Yep! It's true. I'm writing an original song at the moment." you said and you look down to your notebook right next to you closed with your lucky pen on top.
"Awesome! Guys, we are going!" said Jamal with a smile.
"Guys, I have work with Spooky this Friday." said Cesar, making your heart skip a beat once Cesar finally joins the conversation.
"Don't worry. You'll be okay. I'll make sure of it." said Olivia sitting next to Cesar and sliding closer to him.
Your heart starts to burn as Olivia starts to look at Cesar in a certain way. B/F/N turned to you and saw your face.
"Y/N? You okay?" asked B/F/N and grabbed your hand to hold it.
"Yeah. I'm totally fine." you said and you grab your notebook and lucky pen and open it back to the song.
B/F/N eyes widened slowly as she saw you writing new lyrics down so fast that she couldn't imagine.
"Y/N, please don't turn your song into-"
"I'm not!" you said looking at B/F/N with a serious face.
"I'm serious. I'm not!" 
B/F/N is not going to push it any farther because she knows you were bothered by that moment. B/F/N joined back into the conversation with you and the rest of the group.
"I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this!" you said repeatedly while pacing backstage on Friday.
Another student that was in your choir class was doing a magic trick at the moment and you were next. You were wearing an F/C romper with cute little black heels and your hair wavy and down.
"Y/N! I'm here!" said B/F/N as she quickly ran up to you with a bag from F/R.
"B/F/N! Where the h*ll you been?!" you said with wide eyes because you called her almost 30 minutes ago to help you stay calm before performing.
"Sorry! I just have to get your favorite restaurant, F/R!" said B/F/N as she holds the bag up to your face.
"Really?! Awe, thank you!" you said and you quickly grab the bag from her and open it to see one burger box and medium fries.
You put the bag down on the ground after you grab the burger box and see half of it was eaten.
"B/F/N." you said with a serious voice and looked back up to see B/F/N looking down nervously.
"I'm sorry Y/N! I was hungry!" 
"You got the nerve to eat-"
"I was hungry! A girl's gotta eat" said B/F/N and you continue to look at her with a serious face.
You rolled your eyes as you put the burger box back into the bag after you closed it.
"Y/N. You're up now." said Ruby with a clipboard and a little mic to his ear and walked away. You already know Ruby sets up this whole show.
You took a deep breath and grabbed the microphone that was standing right next to you on the stand. You slowly walked on stage as you heard the audience clapping and it died down.
You took a deep breath and you saw Cesar at the corner of your eye with a huge smile on his face. Just seeing his smile, made you smile in happiness.
You shake your head and look back straight into the crowd. The instrumental of your song starts to play and you take another breath before singing your song.
Throughout the performance, you took glances at Cesar as he was watching your every move of your performance. You ended your performance and the audience cheered. 
Another hour later, the talent show ended with you being in second place. As much you wanted first place, you were so happy that you were able to sing your song in front of everybody.
"Y/N! That was amazing! I love it!" said Jamal with a smile.
"Thanks. I'm happy that you like it." you said and Jamal hugged you in happiness as B/F/N came up to you.
You were chatting with B/F/N and Jamal for a while until you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around to see Cesar behind you looking kinda nervous.
"Hey Y/N. Great performance." said Cesar nervously with a chuckle at the end. You smiled but it quickly disappeared as you saw B/F/N behind Cesar.
"Thanks." you said and look on the right side of Cesar with your eyes to see B/F/N making kissing faces. Your eyes widened by her actions.
Cesar notices your face and turns around quickly to see B/F/N casually being on her phone behind her. Cesar turns back to you and B/F/N went back to making kissing faces behind him.
"Note to self: Kill this chica later on." you thought and you give Cesar your undivided attention again.
"I was wondering if I can take you somewhere tonight?" asked Cesar nervously making your eyes widen with his question but quickly stopped to act natural.
"Um, yeah, sure." you answered with a shy smile making Cesar felt heat to his face and looked down as he gained a shy smile. 
"Great. Heh, I'll see you in a few minutes." said Cesar and walks away with his head down.
B/F/N quickly runs up to you with a huge grin on her face.
"Don't be coming over here like that! I should've beat you up for doing that behind him!" you said furiously and B/F/N starts laughing at you.
"It was funny! You should've seen your face." said B/F/N as she tries to be calm again. You looked at her with a 'I'm done with you' face and walked away from her.
"Hey! Where are you going?!" shouted B/F/N and you turned back to her with a grin making B/F/N's eyes widened and grin even more.
You left Freeridge High to see Cesar standing on the side and leaning onto the building.
"Hey." said Cesar with a shy smile.
"Hey." you said as you walked up to him.
"You ready?" 
"Yeah, let's go." you said and both of you started to walk away from the school building.
A few minutes later, you and Cesar arrived at the beach and started to walk down.
You gasped as you saw a picnic on top of a huge towel with beach chairs near the waves.
"Cesar..." you turned your head and Cesar blushed and bent his head down in embarrassment.
"It's too much isn't it? I can take it away-"
"No." you said and you grab both of his hands. He looks up at you and sees your warm smile.
Cesar smiled back and both of you walked to the picnic.
Both of you start to talk about random things while eating everything you like that seems forever. You were having such a great time with him.
"Y/N, I have a question for you." ask Cesar as he looks at you.
You swallowed a fruit you were eating and looked at him.
"Do you...write that song about me?" asked Cesar and you gained a red blush and looked away. Cesar quickly got up and walked over to you where he could see your face. You turned away from him again.
"Y/N...it's okay if you did." said Cesar and he puts his right hand on top of your left hand that was resting on the armchair of the beach chair.
You turned back to him and saw Cesar's eyes sparkling from the moon shining down.
"I...I don't know. I wanted to write something different and once I wrote my lyrics, it just turns out I was writing about you. It's dumb. It seems I'm a bit obsessed with you with it. I'm going to burn-"
"No!" shouted Cesar and you looked at him shocked. Cesar noticed your face and became calm again.
Cesar grabs both of your hands and pulls you up from your seat. He looks at you deeply with an indescribable look on his face. 
"I love how you wrote it about me. I'll do the same thing for you if I could." said Cesar and you gain a pink blush. You looked down and started to stare at the sand that was around your shoes.
Cesar let go of your right hand and lifted your head back up to look at him again.
"Y/N, I really like you...a lot. I want to be the one for you. I promise not to break your heart. You got to trust me." said Cesar staring deep into your eyes and you finally looked back at him.
Cesar's eyes were looking for if you felt the same and you looked down for a moment. You looked back up at him with your answer.
"Okay. I promise I won't break yours." you said with a warm smile.
Cesar smiled again and he leaned in slowly to kiss you as waves in the background as music.
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