#HTML syntax
webtutorsblog · 1 year
Want to upgrade your coding skill to create animations and interactive graphics? This blog covers everything about HTML animation including the Canvas API.
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palustrine · 2 years
ooh btw i have been teaching myself how to code and trying to make zines about knitting and crochet!! im hoping to release some of my patterns or silly programs one day :]
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shadowthief-101 · 2 years
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LMK Syntax AO3 Site Skin!!!
This one I've been working on for a while, and there's still a little something about the colours that I don't quite like but at the same time I do...??
Anyway, fair warning that there's a bit of a soft blue/turquoise colour - mainly you only see it when hovering over tags like in the pic - or on your Dashboard.
I would have liked to go darker, but when I did it was a struggle to still keep everything easy to see - hence why I had to tone down.
Feel free to take and change however you want!
#outer {
background: url("https://64.media.tumblr.com/163c2a9c7e9c2495c349e98901eaff7e/109ada25976e6059-71/s540x810/58360da7d377dfd1434e5995591cbb7c15467867.jpg");
#main { background: #6c54a7; max-width: 90%; opacity: 0.9;
.group .header, .blurb ul.tags, .blurb blockquote, #outer .current { background: #96ff9e;
#outer #footer .heading, #outer #footer .actions a, #header ul.primary a { color: #42ff2d;
Font: Helvetica
Percent of browser font size: 117
Vertical gap between paragraphs: 1.5
Background color:#3dffd5
Text color: #20124d
Header color: #351c75
Accent color: #96ff9e
I've also made some others!
Sun Wukong
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atwas-creations · 2 years
<title>Why do we need closing tags, in the first place? </title>
<p>my understanding of html opening and closing tags</p>
<p>i once chatted with someone who typed a lot like this no capitalization at the beginning no punctuation at the end or any punctuation really just long spaces after each sentence not easy to read is it it's readable but it looks weird i think tags work like capitals and periods for browsers the opening tag works like a capital and the closing tag works like a period some browsers seem to be designed to display content without closing tags but not all of them they want to be able to read the information clearly they cry out please don't chat with us like this give us tags so we can actually read what you're saying</p>
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lilikags · 2 years
hellooo i saw you ask about that one code snippet you rbed and as the local compsci student let me answer your question ^^ i think what you saw was python! i learned c first too and the syntax change is kind of weird? but many newer languages are starting to use this kind of style where you ommit the whole () {} and even the ; at the end. the scope of your if is everything that you have indented after it. as soon as you go back to the normal indentation, it stays outside of the if. kiiinda like this
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python depends on how deep you tab your stuff, if i'm not mistaken. it lets you code faster but it's easy to get lost if you have many ifs inside of each other buuut they say it's really good for beginners! i'm still learning python tho
so yeah, this was your local coding nerd rant (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) if you ever have any doubts about it feel free to ask <3
YEEE TY NYA i have never seen python so it was like me seeing this cute little animal for the first time that i know is similar to the ones i have (c & html) but its so different. look so different,... craz
i immediately went onto w3schools and discovered le python (not that i haven't heard of it before)
will need to get used to no ; and () and {} and instead tabbing ?! thats so crazy to me like how do how how how how eats that (its simple. just weird to me)
though i do know how ANNOYING it is to miss a semicolon and never realize it go what feels like forever before you find it and you hit your head on the wall because thats the worst thing ever \
OR NOT KNOWING HOW MANY BRACKETS TO HAVE.... when you have }}}); on one line or something its like. what is that whats wrong wheres my error whats unmatched (screeeeeeeches)
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
Anthy Himemiya, Anthy Himemiya Nanami Kiryuu, Utena Tenjou, Anthy Himemiya , lying to address- Revolutionary Girl Utena Tenjou. This is the first time photographers have caught U-Tenjou on film in six weeks! Rose bride Anthy Himemiya. Utena Tenjou. Nanami Kiryuu, Ohtori’s youngest ever Student Council President, Nanami Kiryuu. Is there Bad Blood?. Queen bee Nanami Kiryuu. Anthy Himemiya is responsible for me being a duelist. Nanami Kiryuu, is in hot water again. Nanami Kiryuu is on top of the world, but has she done some sketchy things to get there? Thirteen deulists have issues with Anthy Himemiya. I felt like she was a little angry? Number seven. There she is leaving a duel. She holds too many grudges. Why did Anthy Himemiya— ? You can see her through the very bottom. You can see her making her way to the car. I can understand trying to keep your relationship to yourself at the beginning, or needing to take some time to work on your craft But come on! Anthy, voluntarily bringing attention to herself and her swords of hatred. What Himemiya did is not enough. Yeah, okay Nanami, Whatever you say. I, I hate to say this, but I think Nanami Kiryuu is learning a few lessons in life. All this drama is exhausting! Utena Tenjou should focus on bringing the world to revolution- Revolution. What it is- Revolution Utena Tenjou's new romance is heating up- Revolution. And what has happened to the student council? Revolution. But at the same time, I think both- Revolution. Nanami Kiryuu, takes the stand in the duel today. Nanami Kiryuu's revolution. Revolution. Revolution. So instead we'll talk about Anthy Himemiya'srevolution. Revolution. Revolution. So instead we'll talk about Utena Tenjou's revolution. Revolution. Utena Tenjou's revolution. So instead we'll talk about Utena Tenjou's revolution. Revolution.
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
The slides for class today look deceptively simple. Should I be concerned
#i realised that probably the reason i'm not doing great with class right now is i'm not really doing anything to prepare#other people in the class already have knowledge either because they've done this before or they know more javascript than me#(which is not hard since i don't know javascript)#but because i go in knowing nothing i just sort of fumble my way through and end up sitting there 2+ hours after the start of class#completely bamboozled and with my brain fried and no finished tasks to show for it#i get the work done eventually but i have to google thee most basic questions or rewatch segments of class (it is recorded thank god)#to understand it. which like.. don't get me wrong; i feel like if i was capable of paying attention better i'd probably understand it all#the first time around. my instructors are great. but i am not capable of paying attention#as soon as i don't understand something i just get confused and zone out instead of processing the information that would help me understan#it is soooo bad i hate it. so i was like okay. why don't i go through the slides first#read a couple of articles on this stuff and talk myself through the tasks. not DO them yet because i get plenty of time to do them tonight#we get like 15-20 minutes per task. sometimes half an hour if it's a big one#but making sure i understand how to do them will ensure i don't spend those 15-30 minutes having a breakdown#but with this one i was like... it looks okay???#i think my biggest problem irt coding is i can never remember the fucking syntax. like i'm well aware of HOW to do stuff#i know how to link a stylesheet or a script file to a html file i can just never remember the exact syntax#i always have to google it or look at a previous project i made (on which i googled it)#<link ref='stylesheet' href='styles.css'></link> and <script src='script.js'></script> right?? please tell me that's right#so it's like. do i know what a loop is? yes. do i know what an array is? yes. do i know what an object is? i think so#do i know how to make any of these? NO because i don't know the syntax!!!#it's upsetting lol. i really wonder if these motherfuckers can code from their brains or if they're googling it as well sometimes#personal
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shoresdevelopment · 1 year
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Inline CSS and how to use it https://shores.rocks/blog/coding/inline-css-and-how-to-use-it/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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sardonic-simp · 1 year
I'm supposed to get drinks with this woman tonight but every muscle in my body is aching from helping my girlfriend Goddess move this weekend jfc
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 years
girl help school-mandated python homework
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codemerything · 1 year
A structured way to learn JavaScript.
I came across a post on Twitter that I thought would be helpful to share with those who are struggling to find a structured way to learn Javascript on their own. Personally, I wish I had access to this information when I first started learning in January. However, I am grateful for my learning journey so far, as I have covered most topics, albeit in a less structured manner.
N/B: Not everyone learns in the same way; it's important to find what works for you. This is a guide, not a rulebook.
What is JavaScript and its role in web development?
Brief history and evolution of JavaScript.
Basic syntax and structure of JavaScript code.
Understanding variables, constants, and their declaration.
Data types: numbers, strings, boolean, and null/undefined.
Arithmetic, assignment, comparison, and logical operators.
Combining operators to create expressions.
Conditional statements (if, else if, else) for decision making.
Loops (for, while) for repetitive tasks. - Switch statements for multiple conditional cases.
Defining functions, including parameters and return values.
Function scope, closures, and their practical applications.
Creating and manipulating arrays.
Working with objects, properties, and methods.
Iterating through arrays and objects.Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM).
Selecting and modifying HTML elements with JavaScript.Handling events (click, submit, etc.) with event listeners.
Using try-catch blocks to handle exceptions.
Common error types and debugging techniques.
Callback functions and their limitations.
Dealing with asynchronous operations, such as AJAX requests.
Promises for handling asynchronous operations.
Async/await for cleaner asynchronous code.
Arrow functions for concise function syntax.
Template literals for flexible string interpolation.
Destructuring for unpacking values from arrays and objects.
Spread/rest operators.
Design Patterns.
Writing unit tests with testing frameworks.
Code optimization techniques.
That's it I guess!
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webtutorsblog · 1 year
Looking to master the basics of HTML? WebTutor offers a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the world of HTML with ease. From understanding tags to building web pages, this tutorial is perfect for beginners. Start your journey to becoming an HTML pro today at WebTutor!
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toskarin · 2 months
somewhat controversial because I'm aware the general consensus on twine is that it's overly bulky for every possible use case, and it's faster to just write html than to learn the weird syntax, and the editor is bad, and it runs badly, and I agree fully, but sugarcube 2 specifically is oddly fun to write rpgs in
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shadowthief-101 · 2 years
A List of My AO3 Site Skins
I'll update this as I post more - because I have a feeling this is only the beginning and it's something fun to do in my free time.
I am still very new to this, so hopefully as I go - they will start getting better and better quality. As of right now, I'd say they are still rather basic - mainly just re-colours with a funky background. But I'm hoping that as I look to others who have made incredible skins for Ao3 and continue practicing what I can do - I'll be able to make some cool shit one day :D
LMK Macaque
LMK Sun Wukong
LMK Syntax
Merry Christmas with Animated Snow
Classic Minecraft
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izicodes · 1 year
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Here’s a project idea: create a project that can be easily translated using other languages.
E.g. you know those beginner projects like “Build a calculator”? Yeah but do it in as many languages/frameworks as you can.
E.g. (again) I would build a calculator in:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
HTML, SCSS, jQuery
Python console app
C# console app
Lua console app
You get the idea, building a singular “project” in various languages. This would be for fun, best way I believe to see how you could mend your project’s logic in the other languages syntax and concepts.
Might do this in the future, I don’t know yet 👩🏽‍💻⚡️
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thatdehydratedmedic · 3 months
Recent pursuits of knowledge - Mid June
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Recently I've fallen into the typical academic rabbit hole where one thing leads to another and suddenly both your hands are full of more and more things to learn.
By a chance occurrence, a random google search led me to find a Maldivian scientific journal. Since my male audacity (I'm a girl, btw) has long convinced me that I'm in fact capable of anything and everything, I decided I would do a little research and try to publish it in the little time I have before I start medical school. (Which, by the way, is already less than 2 months.)
As it goes, dominoes fell, one by one. First I thought of doing a small study on medicinal herbs of the nation. Something along the lines of testing the effectiveness of 'Dhivehi beys'. However, a little voice in the back of my head would not stop whispering in my ear, begging me to try doing one about dreams. At this point in time, I had no idea what exactly I was looking for. I presented this barely-thought-out plan to my dear friend. She was on board, and she also shared that she also thought dreams were a lot more interesting of a subject than medicinal herbs.
So with a theme in mind, I began looking into past research and well established theories on our subject of study. I learnt quite a few interesting things about Bion's dream theory. Unfortunately, in the midst of preparing our google doc, something else caught my eye. Having shared the google doc containing everything I had found at that point with my friend, I decided to start learning the programming language R. I told myself it would prove to be useful in our study. (For reference, I had begun this adventure at around 10 PM, it was now 2 AM.)
Having learnt all the fundamentals and syntax of the language, I finally went to sleep at 4 AM. Next morning, I slept in. However, as soon as I woke up, I did some more reading on dreams and updates our shared google doc. After begging my friend to please read the damn document, I started working on R again.
For the next few days, I did not do any more reading on dreams. I have since forgotten about the matter if I'm being completely honest. On the other hand, I had found it much more interesting to tinker with R, trying out the different graphical features R had to offer.
You would think I stuck with perfecting R, and would have learnt it to some degree by now, but you could not possibly be more wrong because I am plagued by my interest in way too many things. A jack of all trades, a master of none. I am a museum of abandoned hobbies. R did not escape this cruel fate, because as luck would have it, I soon rediscovered my love for python.
I downloaded python and pygame. It was as if I had reconnected with an old friend.
I am contemplating on whether I should mention my brief encounter with html and css. Some of the very first languages I learnt. I started a simple and goal-less project website as I waited for python to install. It seems useless to mention as this only lasted 5 minutes - or maybe even less.
Today, it's been a week since all of this has occurred. And today, I have no interest in any of these. Which is why I painted today. I am a museum of abandoned hobbies, and sometimes I revisit my old friends.
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