#He mauled somebody <3
heyhollow · 8 months
*Quietly puts him down an runs away*
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He rotates on a microwave plate in my brain.
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altf4d3lete · 3 months
Wednesday series takes itsef far more seriously than the movies. Murder is a serious thing in the story. Here we won't find a poor girl cooked inside a cake and get a "C'est la vie!" joke. While W herself is proud of having of mutilated Dalton, seeing it as a rightful retribution, it's clear that she despises senseless murder, or killing for pleasure. EG when Enid tells her she's sorry for Xavier, W answers, without regrets, that he was a liar and a murderer, implying he deserved to be jailed.
BUT she accepts murder as a mean to protect others or themselves. When Enid and W see eachother again after the battle, for what W knows, if E is alive that means she killed Tyler. W saw what a Hyde is capable to do, and doesn't know that the Sheriff shot his own son, so the only conclusion she can reach is that if Enid survived then Tyler is dead, or so mauled that he's dying. So, Enid killed somebody, yet Wednesday reciprocates the hug. The emotional climax of the show was never about Tyler, it was for Wednesday to open completely to the girl who constantly offered her friendship without losing hope. And Tyler's final battle wasn't in the story for him, but to make Enid shine. The writers willingly wrote that.
If they really wanted to depict Tyler as a victim, I'm sure they would have been perfectly capable to write him as a victim, not as a willing participant.
First paragraph: this! Wednesday is shown to be morally strong in this show, in her own weird sense. She doesn’t like people who murder innocents, she doesn’t think people should be in pain if they don’t deserve it. She actively goes out of her way to be nice (as she can be) to Enid and Eugene. She only messes with people once they mess with her. If she was the way that Weylers see her as, she wouldn’t have bothered with the piranhas. She just straight up would have finished the job and killed dalton and probably killed Eugene’s bullies as well. She doesn’t like murder unless it’s justified in her eyes. And there doesn’t seem to be a lot that justifies it. Even when she found out Tyler was the Hyde, she wasn’t going to kill him. And that says a lot about her character I think. It’s also weird that people think that she’d forgive him because he was forced to do those things while she was under the impression that Xavier was the Hyde (and forced to do things) and didn’t care. Straight up threw him in jail 0 qualms about it.
Second paragraph: I already talked a little about the first half so I’ll focus on the second! this entire thing is so true. Her arc was with ENID, not Tyler, and I think that says a lot about the direction the writers want to take the show. It was never about her opening up romantically, it was never about her being shipped with Tyler or finding love. It was about her and ENID, and it always will be about the two of them, whether they end up romantic or not. It was purposefully set up that way, and the writers have already said that they’re the center of the show. Whether Wednesday ends up with Enid, someone else, or alone, no one will ever be as important to her as Enid is and that is just *chefs kiss*.
Paragraph 3: if they wanted to depict Tyler as a victim, they would have made it WAY more clear that the Hyde is a split personality or that they really have no control over their actions. Iirc, there was even talk of a Hyde who offed their master, so it’s not looking good for Tyler. It’s looking more like he has SOME sense of Will if he really tried to fight it, but he gave into the murdering and enjoyed it rather than showcased himself as an actual good guy. He didn’t look all that sad to be killing Wednesday in episode 8. By that point he would have remembered the things he did/had control over himself and he tried to kill his dad, too. Crazy that people still think he’s good. He’s a tragic villain, but he’s still that: a villain
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katyawriteswhump · 3 months
the power of love, part 11 (steddie, steve whump fic, stobin)
Alternate ending S4: Steve has a habit of surviving near death experiences then getting sick for no reason. And Eddie and those fatal bat bites? After an impossible feat of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from Steve, he’s mysteriously fixed. So, Eddie’s back to being banished, this time with Steve and Robin in tow. Eddie’s healing, but Steve isn’t… and life gets even more confusing, when Eddie develops feelings for Steve, which aren’t entirely unrequited.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 12 Part 13
(also on AO3 here and as part of my steve whump fic series)
Steve POV
1978—Lover’s Lake
Steve sinks, pulls upward with all he’s got left. He bursts through the surface, screaming: “Dad! Mom! Dad? I’m… lost… Heeeelp!”
The dark waters close seamlessly above his head.
His panic dies quickly, along with the burning pressure in his chest. He sees a swimmer approaching across the depths, like a light rippling through gloom. Their face is kind and strange—he can’t tell if they’re young or really old, or a guy or girl.
“Not yet,” they say. Their arms fold around him, and he’s calm and he isn’t cold. 
Until he is. 
A thousand icy needles jab at his skin, and he whimpers at the sensation of being dragged, carried. Voices shout in harsh, frightening tones, and then…
Apart from in his dreams, he doesn’t see THEM again for another seven years.
“Who do you work for?” demands that Soviet son-of-a-bitch, for the billionth time. 
Steve is tied up, bloodied, not sure if he’s laughing or crying. He’s sure as heck losing his mind, and… wtf? 
The other Soviet bastard raises his hand.
“Oh, come on! No, no, no, seriously?”
Steve doesn’t see the blow coming. Pain flashes up and darkness slams down—the darkness of blood, a rising, relentless tide. It washes him back into that calm place, and all his panic and pain float away.
He sees THEM again, in the fearless dark. 
“Still not yet,” they whisper.
The echoes hook him back. It’s Robin: “Help, heeeeelp!”
Oh yeah, they’ve been captured by the Soviets.
“My ears are ringing,” he tells her, “I can’t properly breathe, and I feel like my eyes’s about to pop out of my skull. Apart from that, I’m doing pretty good.”
He shouldn’t be, though. If there wasn’t so much else to be shitting himself about, he’d be yelling it loud enough to deafen them both. After that mauling from Hargrove, the doctor’s warning had been brutal. Any more head trauma, and he might have a stroke, a brain bleed, go blind, deaf, lose his memory, go mad. He could even die. He should be dead now, right?
Then it all gets even whackier. 
A blue tide rushes through the Soviet base. He yells for Robin, but everything’s already obliterated. The waters carry him along, limbs flailing free, no longer hurting, not even so scared. He knows it’s THEM, although this tsunami isn’t gentle. It’s Niagara levels of powerful and near as water can get to fire and fury. 
“You’ll know,” they tell him. “You’ll know when it’s time to come home.”
Then he’s back in the present, slowly waking up.  
He figures he’s been dreaming. Yeah, about those evil Soviets, and about… stuff that didn’t happen. Where the hell did that flood and fire crap come from?
“You’ll know when it’s time to come home.”
It’s deeply freaky, and he hates it. And Jesus Christ, why is his shoulder a screaming mess of pain? He opens his eyes.
“Robin?” She’s in her usual spot, sitting on the edge of his bunk. 
“Steve? Oh, thank God!”
“What happened this time? I’m so sick of…” He raises his head, flops it back again. There’s a bone-deep ache through his neck and both his arms. His wrists feel mangled. “Shit! Somebody was coming! Did they… Where’s Eddie?”
She puffs through her nostrils. “It’s okay. It was Hopper and El.”
Yeah, that makes some sorta sense. Hopper and Eleven were on the run too, after all. “Where’s Eddie? Is he all right?”
“Don’t ask me. Not spoken to him since he left you unconscious, hanging by one wrist. What was he even thinking?”
Blood rushes to Steve’s face. “That wasn’t entirely his fault. Honestly, I… uh…”
“I don’t care if you begged him on one knee! It was utterly moronic.”
“Listen, I was a moron too—it was matching moronic-ness. We were fooling around, and… Look, I passed out after he left to warn you. Before that, I basically forced him to go.”
“Forced him while roped up? You get yet another pass, Dingus. It’s gonna take a short-to-medium-length Ice Age for him to earn the same.”
Steve sighs hard. He’ll talk her around when he’s gotten the energy.
“Steve, can I ask you something?” She picks at the last flakes of that nail polish..
“If I said ‘no,’ would it make any difference?”
“Do you know anything about the fantastically random rainstorm last night?”
“About the whut?” 
His mind starts racing, in sync with his pulse. Trouble is, he’s beginning to get it. He knows that they—that thing in Lover’s Lake—saved his life. More than once. He still hasn’t got a clue about the rain. Or has he?
You freaked out last night, and thunder clouds hijacked your brain.
“Steve? You okay?”
“Jesus, I’m…” Nope, still not great. He slowly sits up. Under the blanket, he’s shirtless. He catches his left arm with his right, cradling it.
“Does your shoulder hurt bad?”
“No, Robin. It’s just randomly gone purple. Gonna be pitching for the Hoosiers this weekend for sure.” He notices one of his wrists is bandaged. “Got any of those left? Guess I’ll need a sling or something.”
“Yeah, I tried the lake water trick. Not much happened this time. On the other hand, Hopper said it was a miracle you didn’t dislocate it, so…  I’ll, uh, go get him. He’s got a ton of fresh supplies."
She goes, and Steve painfully eases his way into a clean shirt. It turns out to be another Hellfire Club one, which Eddie brought back from his meet at Skull Rock. Oh genius, Henderson, just brilliant! Get Eddie and me walking around with targets painted on our chests, why don’t you? Worse, I’m gonna look like a nerd. With TERRIBLE HAIR. The effort of getting his sweater on over it all, literally brings tears to his eyes. 
Then he sits up straight, on the edge of the bunk. He supports his bad arm, while forcing his features into his best ‘don’t-give-a-damn’ mask. 
When Hopper stoops under the door of the bunkroom, Steve’s jaw drops anyhow. He barely recognises the guy. Uh… wow? He’s not wearing a police uniform, but he still looks in goddamn charge, with an Indiana-Jones style hat that screams authority. He’s even gotten his hands on what looks like a police-issue firearm, in a halter at his side.
“Hey,” says Hopper. “You got yourself pretty beat up again, huh?”
“My shoulder hurts,” he whispers. It comes out so humiliatingly shakily, that when Hopper takes off his hat and sits down beside him, Steve looks away sharply. Oh, for Christ’s sake! He sniffs, dabs his eyes, pulls himself together. “It’s not so bad,” he mumbles.
“Yeah? You got tough joints, kid.”
Steve bites his lip to the point of pain.
Hopper’s brought a first-aid kit, and he fashions a sling for him. As he does, he fills Steve in on a few more details of how the hell he came back from the dead. Also, about what’s been going on in Hawkins, which is basically under military occupation. He ties the sling behind Steve’s neck, squeezes his good shoulder. “You take it easy. Sun’s up and we’ll be off in a few minutes.”
Hopper heads out. Steve scowls at his back. 
He ought to be relieved Hopper’s here. Admittedly, he’s been a total flop at taking care of himself and the others. Which only makes him more pissed with Hopper. How could somebody go through that in a Soviet gulag, win a wrestling match with demo-gorgons, and still come out alive, swinging, and the toughest dude in the state?
He gets his sneakers on and staggers as far as the door. Robin is loading the remnants of their supplies into an armoured Humvee, painted in military khaki and spattered with mud. Hopper’s fiddling under the hood, and Eleven hovers nearby. She gives Steve a sort-of smile, which he returns, while seething, 
That sick son-of-a-bitch Brenner took her hair again?
 “Where’s Eddie?” he asks, stepping further out, while fighting a wave of dizziness.
“Skulking,” calls Eddie, sloping out from some hiding spot. Robin folds her arms and stomps away. Steve squelches across the sticky ground toward Eddie. He looks so forlorn—hair flattened like a soggy puppy’s—that Steve can’t help grinning. 
“Sorry,” mouths Steve. “Sucky timing, huh?”
Eddie pulls a silly face, which doesn’t reach his pink eyes. Steve edges closer. Eddie shuffles back, looking genuinely spooked, which sends Steve’s mood into free-fall. 
He sits down heavily on Eddie’s empty beer-crate and nods at the Humvee. “You guys stole that baby?”
“Had to get around the roadblocks somehow,” says Hopper. “That rain churned up a ton of mud. It’s gonna slow them down, but it’s gonna slow us down too. We gotta move.”
“We? Why are we all going?” Steve hates this idea. Even more than he hates how he’s defaulting to surly teenager mode. He wonders—not for the first time though not for the billionth—if his actual parents have given him up for dead. “Don’t wanna seem ungrateful, Chief, but I really don’t feel like a road trip.” 
“O’Sullivan has torn Hawkins apart, searching for El. Next, he’s gonna have the army sweep this whole area. You won’t stand a chance.”
“Can’t we go back to those caves?” Steve mumbles toward his mud-flecked sneakers. 
“When they find you,” says Hopper, “best-case scenario—they hand Munson here over the police, or the cronies who count for it these days. Worst case-scenario? O’Sullivan keeps hold of him, as well as you.”
“Why the heck would some army guy be interested in me?”
He senses Hopper close in. “You signed the NDAs, Steve. They know YOU know about Eleven. They’ve interrogated Joyce and Jonathan, but there’s only so much they can do with people they can’t easily ‘disappear.’ If they think you’ve got intel as to her whereabouts… You get where I’m going with this?”
“So what?” Steve can’t look up. Like before, he can’t let Hopper see. “W-won’t be the first time I’ve been tortured.”
“Yeah, and I’m sorry, kid. But tough talk ain’t gonna save you.”
“They kill people,” says Eleven. “I didn’t want to run, to leave Mike. To leave Max.” She sounds so very sad. “We had no choice.”
“I honestly don’t think we have much choice either, Steve,” says Robin, emerging from the cabin behind with the blankets. “Hop’s got more bottled water from Lover’s Lake in the truck. If you get sick or hurt, it could help.”
On being reminded of all that shit, Steve rubs his face, groans.
“We gonna talk about that now?” asks Eddie. “You know, the ginormous, soggy elephant spouting water out of its trunk? The one giving Steve buffed-to-the-max powers?”
“Powers?” Steve’s forced laugh comes out way too loud. “El can throw cars around with her mind, rip holes in dimensions. I can heal stuff. A bit. Then I pass out for half a day. It’s pointless.”
“Neeeewsflash,” sings Eddie. “You brought me back from the dead. Not pointless, I hope.”
Steve laughs again, totally hollow. What Eddie says feels fake, somehow. Was that even really him, or… Ugh, his head is too muddled.
“Using my powers tires me out too,” adds Eleven.
“Uh, hello? Can we please discuss the super-magical weather?” Having flung the bedding in the Humvee, Robin flings her arms toward the skies. “Twice, we were in danger. Twice, Steve rearranged the heavens to cover our sorry asses.”
Steve huffs: “Robin, I have no control over—"
“You have to learn control,” says Eleven.
“We can talk about this on the journey.” Hopper takes Steve by the elbow. He urges him to his feet, finally forcing Steve to slam him with a full-on glare. “C’mon, get in.”
Part 12
tags: @estrellami-1 @kal-ology @finntheehumaneater (thank you, thank you, thank you!) If anybody else would like to be tagged on this fic or any of my writing, please let me know :) Reblogs, comments and likes also very much appreciated :) Thank you for reading so far :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 12 Part 13
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vulqan · 2 years
he thinks we're insane godbless <3
Bdubs: "I'm Key," thanks for the five euro! "since we're at the topic, uh, of shipping now, what's your opinion on it?" i mean— (laughs)
to be honest— (stutters) i'll tell you right now, i've never—i've never actually read one, okay, i ha—i got the idea. Cle— (laughs) Cleo had to explain it to me. um—
i'm—i'm all for, like, people taking characters and creating their own story from it.
"Cleo explained shipping to me." yes. um—
i li—i think that's fun, you know? you take your character and you create your own l—lore from it. i'd love to see somebody take Darth Maul and make a, a, you know, a Darth Maul story out of it. that'd be fun. i like that.
so go ahead, write your own stories. i don't know—you know, there are certain people that, like, they—their passion is, ah, romantic novels. and that's what they write! they write romantic novels! people—people—there're people with different interests and stuff. and you—you know, sometimes people just do it for the money, and maybe that's what the shipping is!
who knows, but. all that to say it's the weirdest craziest thing i ever heard of. um—and (laughs) i don't know what would make you so insane to think that it's a good idea to do it. uh—it's fine, it's fine!
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
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seth-burroughs · 6 months
Good day! I have question and wanna hear your opinion (headcanon) on it
Do you think Yomi is the type of person who keeps a pile of pillows on the bed (he considers stuffed animals to be immature) or the type of person who keeps the bed neat?
and what kind of personal items may be present near his bed?
I mean the game shows us Yakou and Makoto's personal bedrooms, the rooms on the Amaterasu express train but Yomi's room is only mentioned by Makoto. I'm soooooo curious *sobbing*
Good- *violently cranes neck to check the clock* night tumblr user cochidinh
before anything: while he's definitely the type to consider owning stuffed animals to be the ultimate disgrace as a person - which, let's be honest, is the opinion of most adults anyway and not just one of Yomi's weird beliefs (and he has many) - I implore you to consider:
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Def keeps the pile. Whenever he's mad (everyday) he starts growling and biting the patrick bateman dakimakura, wraps his arms around it and starts aggressively bunny kicking it with his legs, like cats do with their toys. Whenever I give Kobra a new toy she does it and it's adorable. Until it's my hand. Ow. Living with a cat for 3 years has given me ridiculous pain tolerance on my arms though, like, she just mauls me for 20 seconds and I don't even emote. It's fine. Anyway...
Like I have said earlier: this is man is a cat to me. I will give him as many cat traits as humanly possible.
Anyway - not just his bedroom (because like I have no idea I'm so sowwy. can somebody else speak on this I have a clear image yet zero words), but his entire house is just. full of hidden guns. everywhere. The drawer gun. The bed gun, obviously. The bin gun. The chandelier gun. The 47 guns beneath the floorboards (there is no way to access them other than take apart the floor). The stair pistol. The carbon monoxide detector gun. The magnificent rifle hoard behind the moving bookcase. The flower vase revolver. The rug gun. Don't forget the numerous bullet jars randomly littered around the house, those aren't hidden though, it's visible for emergency refuel just in case. The refrigerator carabin. He wanted a gun in one of the hallways but there wasn't a place to hide it so he just taped it onto the wall. The shower glock. Gun disguised as a flashlight. All of them are fully loaded
Whenever Martina asked why he does that, he just stared blankly directly in her eyes and said, "you just never know", nothing more, nothing less
(not just the guns though! If he finds/buys himself something he likes, or gets a snack or other kind of food he wants to keep for himself he also just hides it somewhere out of sight (me too btw. do not ask me). He doesnt really need to because he has like zero roommates aside from Martina sometimes, and whenever he invites people over for dictator business or whatever I don't know what rich people do with each other, they don't start running around his house trying to rob him. But you just never know.)
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quirkle2 · 11 days
in zombie au, what if the hypothetical situation where the gang does indeed run into Zero food supply, would zombie mob really eat either or both tome and ritsu :o (i literally laid awake last night imagining this scenario jwndjwndkwn)
oh and one more thing! i would very much like to know what goes on mob's thoughts when said hypothetical situation comes around :3
hogod . oh god i did this didnt i. i did this im so evil im so
ok. this is the evil timeline.we don't talk abt this timeline very much, it's evil. so this is prolly the only ask i'll answer abt it. warning for cannibalism, mcd, and suicide
in the not-canon hypothetical where they Do run completely out of food, mob would indeed get desperate enough to snap and lunge at one of them, and he'd go for tome first. she's less familiar, she's Not his sibling, and she's only been around for a few months
how ritsu responds to this sorta depends on the situation, but in that particular scenario from the previous ask and its tags ritsu probably Doesn't have it in him to shoot mob and he lets tome get killed. he feels like a Monster for it, but he's simply not going to kill his own brother for a girl he just met a couple months ago. he's going to choose mob every time
given that ritsu doesn't have any food for himself here, he's sorta trapped in a nightmare. if they leave after mob gets his fill, he'll feel like tome kinda died in vain, or at least smth close to it. through the fucking Raw Fear he's probably feeling after watching his brother eat another person, he's doing his best to grasp onto logic and say well we should stay here. bc that means shige will get rly well-fed. there's a perfectly good... food source right here. we shouldn't waste it
but ritsu has no food, and he literally can't resort to eating her bc that's tainted meat now. he'd just turn afterward. so they have to leave her. and that makes him so fucking upset in the grand scheme of things but rly, in the moment, he's glad to make that decision bc it means he can stop being in the same room as her corpse
now if it somehow happened Again and mob got that desperate a second time, with nobody but ritsu around? uhm.,,,,he would? i think. he would. as much as i'd love to say he wouldn't, he's a zombie. instincts takes over eventually. and then he'd wander aimlessly until exhaustion, a patrol, or starvation claims him. hashtag bad ending hashtag throwing tomatoes at the stage
to answer ur second question: after mob gets cured, in the middle of his recovery, he starts to remember bits n pieces of the journey, and while it's very fuzzy and it jumps around a lot, he Thinks there was somebody else w them at some point
so he asks ritsu. hey was there ?? anybody else with us? and like.whatthe hell do u say to that. ritsu knows that if mob knows, he'd lose his mind. he wouldn't be able to handle that. so he Has to lie, and he kinda panics and fucks it up a bit bc he says, "nah bro just us ^-^" and completely omits tome from the picture. fucked up but he panicked, okay
mob goes hm. ok. but then he remembers more. he remembers her face, vaguely, and her name, and at first he kinda chalks it up to brain weirdness in his recovery stages, but as time goes on and he gains more and more memories of this girl that ritsu claims was never there, he comes to the conclusion that ritsu Lying might be more likely
and if ritsu lied to his face about this, about a Whole Person being with them, what else is he hiding?
if mob ever did find out what exactly he did to her, or even to that man he mauls to protect ritsu in the canon timeline of this au, i think he'd lose it. he wouldn't be able to live w himself. i genuinely don't think he'd be able to go on after that
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wilhelmwrobel · 1 month
TW: SA, gore and death
Sorry, I just have to type out this rant somewhere. And, just to be painfully explicit about it, this is in no way supposed to make light of sexual assault, femicide or anything else. My main gripe here is purely with The Left™ and feminism and how we don't seem to notice that we're also engaging in the "the cruelty is the point" culture war we (rightfully) scold the right for and that we're doing a pretty fucking shitty job of being the more compassionate side of the political spectrum at times.
So, there's currently that trend on TikTok where women answer the question...
Would you rather encounter a bear or a male stranger if you're alone in the woods?
...with the overwhelming consensus being that a bear seems like the far safer option. And, sure, not my place to comment on that as a guy but I get why most women answer bears.
Now, along comes this video of a guy whose mom was mauled by a bear. He explains how horrible a bear attack is and that people don't really know what they are talking about. He also says that his mom's response to that thought experiment wasn't kind and the word "asinine" was frequently mentioned in response. And let's be crystal clear: He's definitely seems pissed about this particular line of ✨ discourse ✨ (but I'm also autistic so, well, grain of salt).
I want to implore you to take a second before you continue reading: What do you want to respond to him?
If your answer was either laugh at him or lecture him, you'd be completely in line with the responses on TikTok I've seen so far. And, not gonna lie, I kinda find it genuinely disgusting.
That guy brought the receipts. His mother is Allena Hansen and this is a picture of her after the attack (warning, graphic). She had to have multiple, extensive emergency surgeries taking 10 hours or more. And, because US healthcare is in the state that it is, she had healthcare expenses of upwards of $ 250 000 resulting from it.
... if you don't understand why somebody who almost LOST HIS MOTHER TO A BEAR ATTACK has a visceral reaction to people, in his eyes, talking lightly about the gravity of a bear attack, I'm seriously questioning your empathy.
For him you're looking at the worst trauma of his life and calling it "the better alternative". And at that point anything beyond "Yeah, I see your POV and why you feel that way" is firmly in the Big Lebowski category:
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It's why you'd apologize to someone after saying "at least it's not X" and you sudden notice someone who suffers/suffered from X is nearby.
All of the responses I've seen have similar lines of arguments:
1. "You have no standing here - your mom was attacked and suffered, not you. So shut up and let the people with a stake in it do the talking."
I mean, if you don't get why almost losing your mother in a particularly gruesome way very much results in suffering and trauma for their children, I don't know what to say to you. But next time you go to a funeral try saying "my condolences" towards the coffin instead of the family and see how that goes over. I'm just gonna say that he very much has personal standing here.
2. "Your mom's book is titled "Chomp, chomp, chomp" so I'm gonna take this as evidence that bear attacks aren't bad because SA survivors stories don't have funny titles":
Remember the medical debt I mentioned above? His mom is on the record about how much she struggled to pay for her treatments and even now, years later, it seems to be a sore spot. Which, I surmise, might be a reason for that book with the attention grabbing title. Publishing is a ruthless industry and if you're trapped in debt you sometimes do "indignant" things to survive.
3. "Your mom did a Reddit AMA and answered that question already and said she prefers the bear, too. Your mom is on our side and you're just a clueless man":
I'm gonna admit I didn't check if this is true. I don't care. He speaks out of his own suffering (see point 1) and, who knows, maybe his mom said that back then because of the whole "marketing your book" thing (see point 2) and she felt like ppl want to hear that. Or she changed her mind since 11 years ago when she did that AMA. But you telling someone how their mom feels about the bear mauling she suffered from and disregarding his conversations with his. fucking. mom. is condescending at best.
But none of these things are what's really what's bothering me. What's bothering me is this: Did you ever have a conversation with a Republican or someone of an opposing political viewpoint and felt they are trying to trigger you? Especially if you spoke out of something that's close to your heart or connected to a personal tragedy?
I have. And that feeling is so distinct that I can recall it in an instance. The confusion and obliviousness how somebody can disregard any notions of empathy just in furtherance of an argument. That unique brand of shitty if you're in a vulnerable state and someone just shits over it and you can FEEL that none of what you're saying is going through their ideological filter.
It. Just. Feels. Shit.
And I promise you nobody every changed their political opinion because you made them feel ridiculed, disregarded and put down. It's painfully obvious that all answers to this guy come from a "No, I'm right and the beating will continue until you've learned your lessons" the right loves to employ against every poor person, drug addict and incarcerated person with.
We on the left and feminists oftentimes pride ourselves on being compassionate. Our opinions are oftentimes grounded in "we just want to reduce suffering".
And that contains maybe taking a step back and letting the talking points and "no, you're wrong" take a backseat when somebody tells you their mother was mauled by a fucking bear.
And just to be painfully explicit about it: That doesn't mean we can't take the implications of why women would prefer a bear or actual cases of SA just as serious. Empathy is not a finite resource.
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rainyrindou · 2 months
omg u are so real for ur tags about mitsuya on that manga panel!!! i AGREEEE i literally thought the same when i saw it like that outfit that hair why does his back look so slutty 😩 pls i need him
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he’s so fine it’s ridiculous. i want to lick him and maul him somebody call animal patrol
this is the panel, for anyone curious <3
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Hey, trans Ace headcanons anon here.
I have a few more that I forgot to include that I wanted to share:
• Upon transitioning, Ace just took all of his old girly clothes and toys and instead of throwing them away he just kept them all stuffed in boxes in the attic. He gave them all to Otama when he met her, because he knew she didn't have many belongings.
• When it came to naming himself, Ace just asked Garp what name his mom woukd have given him if he had been born a boy. And thats how Portgas D. Ace was born.
• The only person who learned about Ace being trans a lot after than the others was Uta. She knew him during her childhood because Luffy was her friend, but they weren't partuculary close since their personalities clashed and they would fight at times, and before Ace could have said anything to her she had already been taken away by Shanks.
• He sometimes wonders how his mother would have reacted his she had still been alive. He is reminded how great of a person she was and how supportive she would have been everytime.
• If Sabo THINKS you are transphobic, then you are gonna be 6 feet under in less time than it takes Luffy to finish his meals. (The same goes for Doflamingo cause I headcanon Rosi as transmasc too. He may be a psicopath but he's not transphobic)
Also I wanted to add a few trans Robin and trans Franky headcanons because I also have a Frobin heart and to me they are the ultimate T4T and Bi4Bi:
• Robin came out in her mid teens. Her mother and professor Clover were very supportive but since they got killed by the goverment they died of old age when she was 19, she had no one to turn to for support.
• People already disliked her because of the rumors that her family was anti goverment and stuff, so her also being trans motivated other people into being against her.
• She met Crocodile and Bon Clay at a pride event. I think Baroque Works is just an undercover mafia like organization Crocodile used to run, and Robin had no other place to go to.
• This was until she met Franky, and he had way more confidence than her because he was lucky enough to have such a great family.
• He was still girl presenting when his bio parents abbandoned him. He came out after Tom had adopted him. And we all know he was the best trans ally in this world.
• Franky quite literally gave himself top surgery with Iceburg being the only person who was supervising him (but he wasn't allowed to do anything) and luckyli Franky only lost 1 nipple! He also mixes his T shots in his cola.
• "Your existence is not a sin" takes a whole new meaning.
• Spandam is a transphobe so he gets his face mauled, his spine broken, they fire him from his position and Brook writes a diss track about him.
Ace giving his old clothes to Tama and naming himself after what his mom would've liked is just so so sweet. And yeah, I agree on Sabo murdering transphobes. If there's ANY possibility of somebody not accepting his brother he's gonna go insane. Good for him. And the whole Frobin T4T thing is SO real to me. Robin being called a monster for her identity but actually finding a place to belong in Baroque Works because they might be a mafia but they're all trans-- And then she meets Franky and he's so so sweet and accepting and so proud of his own identity too that she can't help but feel extremely free around him <3
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aftergloom · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @thegreatwicked! This is my main — @thenightmarketofdathomir is my sideblog (and I usually do these tag games over here.)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?  Twenty one. Have deleted as many in as many years, probably. 
2. What's your total A03 word count?  740,975. I had this horrified moment as I was tallying… what if my current WIP (not live) has a bigger total than everything else that’s up as of today? (It’s not. I’m not sure if I’m relieved because this thing is shaping up to be a trilogy.)
3. What fandoms do you write for?  Stah Wahs
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Kudos in ratio to chapter, orrrr just the volume? Some of them are shit and I pretend they don’t exist anymore so I’m not going to list them. They’re like bad dreams. That shit never happened I don’t care if it took 38 chapters. And I’m not counting the Nightmarket because it’s a hundred and eighty one-shots lumped together. 
Somebody's gonna have a bad time by nxctuary (Opress Bros x Reader)
Drown Me in You by nxctuary (Mermaid!Maul x Reader)
The myriad applications and multiple uses for a Corellian HWY-280 class fresher. Article 342: One locking door. by nxctuary (Feral x Reader)
The Collector by nxctuary (Maul x Reader)
The Ritual by nxctuary (Maul x Reader)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?  Depends on a couple of things that aren’t always consistent, and often if I don’t reply it’s because the comment broke me. (I often will reply, but I’m like a cryptid — expect me to pop-up without warning six months after you’ve left a note.) It’s often someone saying something nice, my inner self-hatred seeing it and going, “LIAR!” And then taking six months to convince myself that I just can’t take a compliment when negotiating my own imposter syndrome.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?  Ah that’s… hm. I don’t think I’ve killed anyone lately.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?  Everyone gets a happy ending. Even if it’s a little twisted. I like horror endings, you know? The kind that, on the surface, appear as if everything’s actually going to work out for the better but there’s a single drop of darkness left on the page that implies everything can be lost at a moment’s notice.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Narp.
9. Do you write smut?  Yarp.
10. Do you write crossovers?  Just once. Let’s not talk about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?  Better not have. I’ve had multiple pieces plagiarized partially, though. In really hilarious ways (to me, at least) because there’s nothing like borrowing a turn of phrase said to you IRL (while you were sleeping with the person who said it), giving those words to Maul as he speaks them to the Reader character, then finding someone else pulled out several lines of the same dialogue to use in their fic without permission. Maybe don’t do that. You don’t know where this stuff comes from, and you definitely don’t know what I was working through when I wrote it. Awkward. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  Not that I remember. (Maybe once in X-Men? I've had work turned into podfic, though.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?  Nope. 
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?  Feral and Kai? Do OCs count? 
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?  Nothing is ever finished even if it’s finished. I don’t understand the question. /j
16. What are your writing strengths?  I show up every day and I do the work. Even when it sucks and when I hate it. I do the work. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?  If I don’t have a clear overview of how a scene is going to play out (or especially the layers of an argument between the characters — what they’re saying VS what they really mean, what they’re withholding, what the reader knows but they don’t, etc) I will spin my wheels and fill up a page with setting description to avoid making a bulleted list of what’s actually happening so I can get to the point. Then edit it twelve times later like hacking away at a hunk of marble trying to get to the good bits. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?  Doesn’t bother me. There are circumstances where the jist of the conversation carries regardless, and if not, I’m assuming the writer’s offering a translation either in-text or as a citation. I mean, if you want to get granular about it, then start asking does doing that serve the story and what does it add, or does it detract, but that’s a situational thing and I think you need to experiment a bit to learn what works in context.
19. First fandom you wrote for?  Harry Potter. Draco/Harry. I was baby.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?  Archangel (unreleased). Heartsong (unreleased). Crown of Motherfucking Horns (current WIP). CoH my heart. CoH beloved. CoH my baby.
Tagging (no pressure): @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @grinningnexu @sinisterexaggerator @inquisitorius-sin-bin @umber-cinders @graaaaceeliz @not0a0mundane and anyone else who wants to play :)
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ironwoman359 · 8 months
A Thief's Gamble - Ch.4
Bedlam and Burglary
Previous: Ch.3 - Honeyed Words, Bitter Deeds ||Next: Ch.5 - The Renegade from Cyrodiil.
Fic Summary: Brynjolf is certain that the only way the Thieves Guild will return to its glory days is by bringing in new, talented members. Unfortunately, Mercer doesn't agree, and it's not like Brynjolf's latest attempts at recruiting have gone well. But when he meets a stranger in the marketplace one morning, he's willing to take the risk and bring her on board....only time will tell if his gamble pays off.
Chapter Summary: While Brynjolf attempts to discover who is behind the sale of Goldenglow Estate, Maven Black-Briar pays a visit to the Guild.
Content: Brynjolf POV, Thieves Guild quest spoilers, game typical violence.
Ships: Brynjolf x Dragonborn OC (slowburn)
Word Count: 2,056
Check the reblogs for a link to read on AO3!
--- --- ---
Despite their dwindling numbers, the Guild still had what Brynjolf considered to be a very capable group of core operatives…which made the fact that not a single person in the entire ratway was able to identify the mysterious symbol all the more frustrating. Even Delvin, who had worked with just about everybody who was anybody, didn’t have a clue. 
The only person more frustrated than he was by the lack of leads was Mercer. 
“Between everyone here we’ve run jobs across all of Tamriel!” he’d snarled. “Somebody has to know something! I want everyone working on this, no exceptions!”
Brynjolf couldn’t help but agree. 
He drafted letters to everyone he could think of who might have the slightest clue how to solve the mystery, and had Vipir and Cynric make up copies of the symbol to send along with them. He asked Thrynn and Niruin to spread the word to any ties they still had with their old crews, and Rune left for the College of Winterhold to talk to an expert on obscure symbols and languages that he’d had contact with in the past. Tonilia and Vekel promised to speak with their customers and contacts as well, and Dirge even took a copy to pass along to Maul on the off chance that he’d run across something in his dealings with the Black-Briars. 
And yet, despite everyone’s efforts across days of work, they were no closer to identifying the strange little symbol. Brynjolf was getting to the point where just looking at the damn thing made him grit his teeth, to say nothing of how Mercer was handling it. The Guildmaster had taken to pacing back and forth behind his desk and glaring daggers at anyone who disturbed him.
“I don’t like this, Brynjolf,” he kept saying. “Someone out there is playing us for fools, and I don’t like it one bit.” 
As usual, Brynjolf did his best to keep everyone in good spirits, but even his patience had its limits. 
“Please tell me you’ve heard something,” he said to Delvin as he walked into the Ragged Flagon, but the old man shook his head. 
“Sorry Bryn. I have heard something, but it ain’t something good.”
“The Brotherhood hasn’t ever seen it either,” Brynjolf guessed, and Delvin nodded. 
“Astrid said that even little Babette didn’t have a clue, and she’s been around for centuries.” 
“Dammit,” Brynjolf muttered, falling into a seat. “Whoever’s behind this is crafty, I’ll give them that.” 
“We may have to face it, Brynjolf,” said Delvin. “Nobody knows what that symbol means.”
“Don’t be so quick to give up, old friend,” Brynjolf said. “There’s still a lot of correspondence that has yet to be answered. Maybe nobody in Skyrim has heard of it, but our adversary could be from elsewhere in Tamriel. That reminds me, did you send a letter to your–”
“Look sharp,” Delvin interrupted, lowering his voice. “Look who just came in.” 
Brynjolf looked up, and immediately straightened in his chair. 
Maven Black-Briar herself was strolling down the walkway around the cistern, Maul trailing behind her like a guard dog. She breezed past Dirge without so much as a nod and stepped up to the bar. 
“Good evening, milady,” Vekel said, nodding respectfully. Maven was just about the only person who he didn’t treat with his usual snark. “What can I get for you?” 
“I’ll just have a cup of wine tonight,” she said. “I have business to discuss with Brynjolf.” 
She took her drink and sat at Brynjolf’s table, and he lifted his tankard to her. 
“Maven. To what do I owe to pleasure this fine evening?” 
“Thanks to the efforts of the operative you sent my way, I’m in prime position to take over Honningbrew Meadery in Whiterun,” she said.  “I have to say, I was skeptical about her at first, but she definitely gets results.” 
“She’s one of the best we have.” 
Brynjolf had said it without thinking, as yet another part of his usual game of flattery and assurance that he played with Maven, but as he considered the words, he realized that there was an element to truth of them. The lass's somewhat odd behavior aside, she’d had nothing but success since starting with the Guild. The strain of bad luck that they’d all been experiencing seemed not to affect her, and now she’d even managed to impress Maven. 
“Perhaps,” Maven said. “At any rate, I wanted to speak with you and Mercer about Honningbrew.” 
“Mercer is out meeting a contact,” Brynjolf said apologetically. “But I’ll gladly relay any message you have for him.”
Maven nodded. 
“I don’t anticipate any issues in actually acquiring the meadery itself; Mallus has already been placed in charge by the local guard and sale of the property to me is a trivial matter. What concerns me is ensuring the same level of control over the production in Whiterun as I maintain here” 
“Is Mallus’s presence at the meadery not enough for that?” Brynjolf asked, and Maven scoffed. 
“Mallus is a capable worker and he knows his success is dependent on meeting my standards…for now. But how long until the distance between us gives him ideas about independence?” 
“So you want to employ the Guild to keep tabs on the meadery the way we do on Goldenglow.” 
“Precisely,” Maven said. “I’m not anticipating a need for high levels of interference in these early days–”
“But you want to be prepared,” Brynjolf finished for her, and a slow smile spread across her face. 
“Indeed. I trust you’ll be able to handle that?” 
“Well…” Brynjolf said carefully. “Our reputation in Whiterun isn’t what it used to be. It’ll be more difficult to operate there with the same impunity we enjoy here in Riften.” 
“I fail to see how that’s my problem. I’ll have my hands full enough establishing my own business presence in the hold without covering for you at the same time.”
“I did say difficult, not impossible,” Brynjolf pointed out. “We’ll make it happen.” 
Maven smirked. 
“You know, a week ago I may have assumed you to be merely grandstanding. But your Ariene assures me that what she found at Honningbrew will help restore your Guild’s strength, and since you claim she’s your best, I trust that she’s correct.”
Maven finished off her wine and got to her feet, and Brynjolf stood as well. 
“For now, a monthly report from one of your operatives to confirm that what Mallus is telling me is true should be sufficient for management of Black Briar Meadery West,” she said. “I’ll alert you if any further action is required.”
“Always a pleasure to have you visit us, Maven,” Brynjolf said with a smile, and Maven tutted. 
“Yes, I do so love my little excursions to the sewers. Maybe you could steal yourselves a better headquarters sometime. Or at least a servant to clean the place.” 
“And lose our roguish, underworld charm?” Brynjolf asked, chuckling. “I think not.” 
Maven rolled her eyes and turned without another word, snapping her fingers for Maul to follow her out of the cistern.
“Well I’ll be damned,” Delvin said when she was gone. “I haven’t seen her in that good a mood in quite awhile.” 
“Neither have I,” Brynjolf agreed, slumping back in his seat. “Ariene must’ve really impressed her. I wonder what she meant by the lass finding something that would help the Guild?” 
“Well,” said a new voice. “I don’t actually know how helpful it will be.”
Brynjolf turned with a start, just in time to see the woman in question entering the Flagon through the secret entrance. 
“You just love appearing without warning, don’t you lass?” Brynjolf asked, and Ariene shrugged, a small smile playing about her lips. 
“What’s the point of being able to sneak through rooms undetected if I don’t take any opportunities to eavesdrop?” 
“Word of advice, lass,” Brynjolf said as she took a seat at the table. “Those skills will serve you well when you’re out there in the world. But there’s no need to use subterfuge within the Guild itself. We have each other’s backs. If we can’t rely on each other, then there’s not much point in being part of a Guild at all, is there?” 
Ariene’s smile stayed locked in place, but it lost the playful ease it’d held a moment before.
“I suppose not,” she said. 
Brynjolf opened his mouth to speak, but Ariene plowed onwards.
“And speaking of the Guild, I did find something at Honningbrew. The same symbol from Goldenglow was involved. Whoever gave Sabjorn the funds he needed to take his competing mead to market as quickly as he did is the same person who bought the bee farm to cut Maven out of the picture.” 
Brynjolf frowned and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. As much as he wanted to press the lass on her response to his advice, he knew when to take a hint. 
“That makes this beyond coincidence,” he said instead. “First Aringoth and now Sabjorn. Someone's trying to take us down by driving a wedge between Maven and the Guild.” 
“And there’s no way we can stay afloat without her influence?” Ariene asked, and Brynjolf shook his head. 
“Believe me, there are days when I wish we didn’t rely on her so heavily. But the fact is, her gold is pretty much the only thing keeping the city guard from storming this place and hauling us all off to Mistveil Keep’s dungeon.” 
“Then what can we do?” 
“We’re working on how to identify that symbol now,” Brynjolf said. “We’ve reached out to all our contacts, though there hasn’t been much luck yet. Besides that, we can continue working on restoring our reputation in other holds…pulling jobs so that people remember who we are.” 
“And it’d probably make sense to start in Whiterun, since Maven wants us to start operating there,” Ariene added. “Delvin!” she called over her shoulder. “Have any clients for a job in Whiterun?” 
“Nothing specific,” Delvin said. “Though pulling a bedlam job in the hold could be a step in the right direction. What about you Vex, do you have anything?” 
Vex looked up from where she was sitting in the corner, and grinned. 
“Do I have any jobs in Whiterun? Sure I do. I have a buyer looking for a specific jeweled flagon that’s been traced to a trader named Ysolda, and House Gray-Mane has been on my list of targets to sweep for months now. Lot of old relics in that manor.” 
“Ysolda’s place and House Gray-Mane…alright, I know where both of those are,” Ariene said. “And I know a few other spots that would make good targets for the bedlam job. I should be able to pull off all three jobs in one visit.” 
“Be careful lass,” Brynjolf cautioned. “We have some sway over the guard here in Riften thanks to the Black-Briars, but it’s much harder these days to get yourself out of a jam in the other holds. It might be more prudent to spread the jobs out over time, have different operatives go for different jobs. If you get caught pulling off a crime spree, your sentence is likely to be far harsher.” 
A quick smile flitted across Ariene’s face.
“Your concern is touching,” she said. Her tone was playful, but there was a hint of sincerity in her gaze as she met Brynjolf’s eyes. “I’ll be careful,” she continued. “But of all the things that I have to worry about in Whiterun? The guard is the least of my problems.” 
Brynjolf blinked, and filed that statement away with the rest of the rapidly growing questions he had about his newest Guildmate.
“Well then, as long as you don’t mind going back to Whiterun so soon, it sounds like we have a plan.”  
Vekel came up to their table and passed out a round of drinks, and Brynjolf lifted his up in a toast.
“To the Guild!” he declared. 
“May we show that bloody curse that we won’t be kept down by anything,” said Delvin. 
“And may we all make enough to retire in a palace,” Vex added. 
Ariene’s eyes flitted around the room, and she smiled again, wider this time. 
“May we all have each other’s backs,” she said, and Brynjolf grinned. 
“Aye, lass. I’ll drink to that.”
--- --- ---
Previous: Ch.3 - Honeyed Words, Bitter Deeds || Next: Ch.5 - The Renegade from Cyrodiil.
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drpeppertummy · 8 months
it's not just a want but a NEED. a lusty, dusty desire I have for Dark Sunny Lore
You Sicko . The Dark Sunny Lore [warning for illness death suicide self harm child abuse/neglect etc]
his dad never wanted him bc he only wanted 3 kids & sunny was an accidental #4. was always very open about not wanting him bc hes a shitty old bitch
additionally sunny was sick all the time & frequently in the hospital (asthma + other respiratory ailments) & dad was resentful bc he never wanted this sick kid taking up all his time & money
his mom was super loving & wonderful but she died when he was like 12. she died from some kind of respiratory situation & the question of Was It His Fault And Will It Kill Him Too is always in the back of his mind
not long after mom died his dad tried to passively let him die too by refusing to take him to the hospital when he was really sick. his sister giuliana finally took him after coming home from school one day & seeing how awful he looked
was good about being in the hospital as a kid & was always like the nurses little darling bc he was such a sweetie but now has a medical phobia bc in his brain its associated with all that misery & pain & fear
outside of his home life pretty much everyone always liked him & he always had a lot of friends & was popular etc but nothing ever made up for the damage his dad did to him mentally
he knows people like him on a superficial level bc he knows hes cute & charismatic on a superficial level but hes scared that if people get close to him theyll realize hes just annoying & hate him
secretly terrified that his friends hate him & are just tolerating him
prone to bouts of depression, often spirals into a terrible mental state if he stays up late. Night Brain hits hard esp when its mixed with rsd
when he was in college he tried to kill himself by taking a bunch of random medications with a bunch of vodka & it made him sick & knocked him out for a while but miraculously didnt kill him
he woke up in the same spot he left himself in & realized nobody found him or noticed & therefore nobody could care. wanted to tell someone so bad bc he Needed somebody to care & hug him & say they were glad he was alive but he was scared to bc he thought theyd get mad at him or think he was too much or not care since he was "fine" so he just peeled himself off the floor took a shower & went to class like nothing happened. his professor scolded him for coming in hungover
(he eventually told gray about it years later & gray held him & gave him that years-awaited love & care & it was like a soul-healing moment for him)
(gray knows more about him than anybody & he worries about him a lot & sunny feels bad for worrying him but he also appreciates that grays always there for him)
as a kid he would bite himself a lot if he was upset/frustrated/overstimulated & he still does sometimes but only when hes alone. its almost like a reflex & if anyone saw hed be mortified
once in a while tho he like actually cuts himself. if someone asks what happened he gives some absurd excuse like "i got mauled by a bear" & refuses to elaborate bc hes scared & ashamed
hes trying to get better but he almost certainly will attempt suicide again someday. he wont succeed but he Will be so so terrified that his friends are gonna be mad at him for it when he comes to (spoiler: they wont be mad at him)
apart from gray his friends dont know the extent of his mental health problems bc he tries to keep it to himself bc he doesnt wanna worry them & bc hes ashamed & afraid they wont want him anymore. the most they really see of it is him being moody sometimes
once in a while somebody will see him break down over something & they know his dad sucks & they know he misses his mom & they can piece together that hes gotta be hurting but hes usually so bouncy & bubbly & cheery that they dont realize how bad it is
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hime-memes · 1 year
                • Books of Blood Vol. 1-3 Starters • ( Part 1. ) 
I love reading the works of Clive Barker, and since I was gifted a few of his works over the holidays, I figured I’d make some starters from the actions/dialogue of some of his short stories ! There is a lot here to sift through, but you have a  good variety to work with !                                                  - Potential for a part 2, maybe ? - There’s quite a few more of his works I may make starters for in the future if these go well. ( * I hope some of these starters pique your interest and you look into some of these stories. I beg you, if you love the horror genre and can stomach some really bizarre, gory and uncomfortable / heavy stuff -- you’ve got to read at least one Clive Barker horror story. * )    As always: These have been modified for cohesive and sensical use for the general RPC. Feel free to change anything within these that you see fit to make it work for the receiver’s muse !   Recommended For: Evil, Undead or Demonic Muses/Plots/Timelines.
Trigger Warnings For: Graphic Violence, Death / Murder, Blood & Gore, Heavy Horror Themes, Sexual Content, Cult mentions, Religious Themes, Drug & Alcohol Mentions, Politic Mentions, Gun Violence Mentions, Body Horror / Mutilation Themes. 
‘ Hell’s Event ‘ “ It was purely a spectator sport, wrestling with the Devil. “ “ You must plan your defense carefully; they hate bad logic. “ “ Democracy is still a new cult; it’s not lost its superficial glamour yet. “ “ No power for you, [ Name ]. “ “ I told you to look at me. “ “ The words are mere melodrama: two - dimensional, really. “ “ Don’t look back ! “ “ This is a charity race, of course. “ “ Cramp ? ... Is it a cramp ?” “ It was the sense of dislocation that accompanied fatigue, and over - oxygenation. “ “ Don’t touch me ! “  “ Run for your life ! “ “ Oh, politics is the hub of the issue, isn’t it [ Name ] ... “ “ I serve Hell, [ Name ]. And in its turn, Hell serves me. “ “ Behind you, one of the entrances to the Ninth Circle. You know your Dante, I presume ? “ “ Your wife told me; she was very informative about you. “ “ Yes. Independent. Very independent. “ “ If there was a sea down there, it was a frozen sea. It was death forever. “ “ God wasn’t with him at all. “ “ Even as you closed the door, you knew you’d made an error ... “  “ It smelt of goats. “ “ Play the rules, but play them to the limit ! “ “ They love you -- God knows why, but they love you ! “ “ Hell came up to the streets and squares of London that September. “
‘ Dread ‘ “ There is no delight the equal of Dread. As long as it’s someone else’s ... “ “ It was an age of gurus: it was their season. “  “ ... It was his bad luck that [ Name ] was the messiah he found. “ “ We met in the student common room. “ “ You’re in the ethics class, right ? “ “ Charles Dickens is a social analyst. “  “ Somebody ought to write a thesis on drinking as a social activity ... or as oblivion. “ “ They don’t even bother to mark the papers on that course, They just throw the papers up into the air: Face up, an A. Face down, a B. “ “ I thought you were either sublimely confident, or you simply couldn’t care less. “  “ Neither, I’m just completely lost. “  “ I think we should feel mauled by our subject. “ “ We should discuss what’s intimate to our psyches ... “ “ -- Sooner or later, the beast will come and find us. “  “ I owe you a drink. “ “ In [ Name ]’s world, there are no certainties. “  “ People are lambs and sheep all looking for shepherds. “ “ So ? Who cares if you’re scared of your shadow ? I’m not. I feel fine. “ “ We all taste dread once in a while. “ “ ‘ Beyond analysis ‘, my ass ! “  “ Freud writes on that ... “ “ Mother fixations don’t answer the problem. “  “ Damn the beast ! I don’t want to hear ! “  “ You’ve grown a mustache. “ “ I’ve got a house for myself these days. “ “ Where’s the holiday snaps then ? “ “ She won’t be coming back this term. “ “ Poor bitch, all she wanted was a good fuck. “ “ Oh no, she’d strip off her knickers soon as look at you. It was her fears she wouldn’t give -- “ “ What’s the bucket for ? Piss ? “ “ She’s an ignorant cow. She’s pretentious. She’s weak, she’s stupid. But, she wouldn’t give ! She wouldn’t give a fucking thing ! “  “ I got the inference, he didn’t ‘ intend ‘ to turn them into an animal ... and yet ? “ “ Jesus Christ, you’re in a right fuckin’ state, aren’t you ? “ “ Come on, take a hold of yourself ! “ “ The curve of the blade of the ax smiled back. “ “ There was nobody to hear, no one to drag the clown off of him. “  “ The whine of his blood is music ! “  “ There was pain without hope of healing. “ “ There is life that refused to end, long after the mind had begged the body to cease. “ ‘ In The Hills, The Cities ‘  “ The first week of your trip and you’re just finding out what a political bigot your lover is ? “ “ [ Name ] I am just about ready to take a hammer to your self-opinionated head. “  “ Some of the arguments seemed quite sensible. “  “ ... The arts were political, Sex was political. Religion, commerce, gardening, eating, drinking and farting -- all political. “ “ Jesus, it’s mind-blowingly boring; killingly, love-deadeningly boring. “ “ [ Name ] is a selfish bastard, and as soon as our honeymoon is over I’ll part with the guy. “  “  Some honeymoon. “  “ It was an unmistakable invitation. “  “ More fucking virgins, is it ? “  “ I’m up to here with churches ! “  “ I don’t want to see another church; the smell of the places makes me sick. Stale incense, old sweat and lies ... “ “ He has eyes you could watch forever, and never see the same light in them twice. “ “ Why in God’s name does a man as fine as that have to be such an insensitive little shit ? “ “  No use, we’re not compatible. “  “ Want a bet ? “ “ It was a golden foretaste of heaven. “  “ Now, she’s dead and sorely missed. “  “ You lack [ Name ]’s power to galvanize the people into action. “  “ It won’t be a perfect day for the contest perhaps, but certainly adequate. “  “ -- We’ve taken the wrong road. “  “ Cigarette ? “ “ Where’s your sense of adventure ? “ “ It set a scene for death on an unprecedented scale. “  “ Hear that ? “ “ Sounds almost like guns, BIG GUNS. “ “ I don’t think we should go any further. “ “ We shouldn’t be here ! “  “ The din of dying moans, appeals, and imprecations flooded the air. It was very close. “ “ If you won’t drive, I will ! “  “ We don’t have to do anything, but get the hell out of here ! It’s not our business ! “  “ Those are human voices. “ “ Priests. They need priests. “ “ It would not be long surely, before fatigue overcomes it; before it can lie down in the tomb of some lost valley and die. “  “ We’re not going to find anything this way. ” “ It was his deathbed speech, he’d probably been preparing for years. “  “ I’m fucking freezing. Are you staying here or walking with me ? “  ‘ Sex, Death, and Starshine ‘ “ She loved everything about him, at least - that’s what she claimed. “  “ ... She was a married woman, after all, even if she was an actress ! “  “ No gimmicks, no gossip; just art. “  “ She wasn’t much of an actress, but by God, she was quite a performer ! “  “ Faultless technique; immaculate timing ... “  “ The whole cast knew about the affair, of course. “  “She wasn’t that good of a deceiver ... which was rich considering her profession. “  “ God, we’re late sweetie. “ “ You are no more the juvenile lead. “ “ The secrets of his debauchery were written all over his face. “  “ [ Name ], love, you cannot be serious about these fucking hedges ! Tell me you’re not serious before I throw a fit ! “ “ [ Name ], love, -- Will you please take a cup of coffee to [ Name ] and coax them back into the bosom of the family ? “ “ It’s all right. Don’t grovel. I can’t bear to see a pretty man grovel. “  “ I just want to know who was looking in at the rehearsal, that’s all. I think I’ve got a perfect right to ask. “  “ I just don’t want somebody coming in without me knowing about it. Especially if they’re important. “ “ ... I wanted a word, if you would ... “ “ I think we must consider ourselves allies, though we’ve never met. “  “ Ah, the great brotherhood ... Makes me want to spit ! “  “ So you didn’t know ? I thought not. They always keep the artists in ignorance, don’t they ? “ “ His clan are never to be trusted, but then -- I hardly need to tell you that. “  “ Wife ? I’m surprised [ Name ] has a heterosexual bone in his body. “  “ I know, personal loyalties prevent honesty in these matters ... “ “ I’m only joking, bears can be charming. “ “ This job isn’t about succeeding, it’s about learning not to fall on your sodding face ! “ “ He didn’t like the rehearsal. “ “ Your show is very close to his heart. “  “ She had a face of transcendent beauty; a bone structure to make an anatomist weep ! “  “ He was capable of giving his brilliant beauty everything she desired: Fame, money, and companionship. Everything, but life itself. “  “ [ Name ], I know it’s a little late, but I felt you’d surely want to say hello. “ “ Dear, dead [ Name ]. “ “ We’ve got an opening tomorrow, and everybody has been kept waiting by you ! “ “ Last night’s run was a wake, not a performance ! “ “ I’m useless, aren’t I ? “ “ I could never get the hang of Shakespeare,  ... all those bloody words ... “ “ They’ll tear me apart won’t then ? “ “ I’m the one who looks the damn fool, aren’t I ? “  “ I’m sorry, I should have knocked. “ “ Of course, just allow me a minute would you ? “  “ You just can’t bear to have anyone else get any attention, can you ? “  “ He was summarily dismissed, his function as lover or confidante no longer required. “ “  Whatever you are, you’re no lamb. “ “ Most unprofessional of him -- but forgive me, an understandable ardor. “  “ This is frankly a delicate matter, the bitter fact is -- ( how shall I put this ? ) -- your talents are not ideally suited to this production. Your style lacks delicacy. “  “ The part’s mine. and I’m doing it. I’m doing it even if I’m the worst in theatrical history, all right ? “  “ I was not embalmed, unlike [ Name ]. “  “ We must make a choice sooner or later, between serving ourselves and serving our art. “  “ The dead must choose more carefully than the living. We cannot waste our breath, if you’ll excuse the phrase, on less than the purest delights. “  “ She’s in a come, but her condition is stable. “  “ You runt, you were screwing her - weren’t you ?! Fancy yourself like that, don’t you !? “ “ You wouldn’t understand, you’ve got your brain in your pants ! “  “ Well, you see, it’s impossible - the union strictly precludes this kind of thing. They’d flay us alive ! “  “ Well, it’s your funeral. Go ahead and do it, I wash my hands of the whole thing ! “  “ There may be some pain, which I regret. “ “ To play life, what a curious thing it is ! Sometimes -- I wonder, you know, how long I can keep up the illusion. “  “ Would you like to die, [ Name ] ? ”  “ I’ve made up my mind. All I really want is you ... I can’t have sex & the stage. There comes a time in everyone’s life when decisions have to be made. “  “ Frankly, I don’t care about this, or any other fucking play. “  “ Her cold hand somehow made the touch sexier. “  ‘ The Midnight Meat Train ‘  “ The city will go about its business in ignorance; never knowing what it was built upon, or what it owed its life too. “  “ His mouth was sealed up with dry blood. “  “ You’ve got a job to do, my man: They’re very pleased with you. “  “ Lots to learn before tomorrow night ! “ “ Serve us ? “ “ Every part of his body seemed to be weeping, except his eyes ! “  “ Are these really its ancients, its philosophers, its creators ? “ “ There’s a horrible familiarity about this ritual. “  “ The instinct to worship was moved. “  “ You must do this for us ! We can not survive without food. “ “ I disgusts us no less than you, but we’re bound to eat this meat or die. “ “ God knows I have no appetite for it. “  “ Me ? Feed you ? What do you think I am ?! “ “ We’re here, man, better take your place ! “  “ You shouldn’t have seen this, it’s not for the likes of you, it’s secret. “  “ We all die sometime, you should be well pleased. You’re not going to be burnt up like most of them. “ “ Meat’s the best thing you can aspire to. “  “ As it is, I’ll have to do away with you. “ “ You were asleep, I saw you. “ “ Concentrate on the door that will lead you back to sanity. “  “ You should have left the train, what were you doing ? Trying to hide from me ? “  “ My face was smeared with blood. I could feel it on my cheek, like warpaint. “ “ Didn’t close the door properly. That’s all. “  “ The meat wouldn’t have been of any quality. “  “ There’s no accounting for time in a dead faint. “  “ She broke his lower jaw and right cheek bone before anyone stepped in. “  “ Thoughts of failure, weakness, and death evaporated. “  “ It would be a criminal waste of my experience not to take on an apprentice. “ “ See, they do all this cloning stuff and it gets out of hand. They could be growing fucking monsters for all we know. There’s something down there they won’t tell us about. Cover - up, like I say. “  “ They got the evidence: they’re just keeping us in the fucking dark. There’s something out there that’s not human. “  “ It bred death, not pleasure. “ ‘ The Book of Blood ‘ “ Here then are the stories written on the book of blood. Read, if it pleases you, and learn. “ “ Most will go peacefully along lamplit streets, ushered out of living with prayers and caresses. But for a few, a chosen few, the horrors will come, skipping to fetch them off to the highway of the damned. “  “ It’s proof beyond any doubt, oh God -- how I wish I had not come by it ! “ “ The boy will survive, that is clear. “  “ His beauty will be gone forever, of course. “  “ From now on you will be an object of curiosity at best, and at worst of repugnance and horror. “  “ Our hearts are inextricably tied together. “  “  Trace, with infinite love & patience, the stories that the dead have told on me. “ “ You’re a book of blood, and I’m your sole translator. “  “ The touch was benediction. “  “ There was compassion in that look, and love. “  “ Oh God, that was the crime. “  “ You feel their agonies as if they’d been yours. “  “ The hallway beyond that disappeared altogether. “ “ A revolution overturned the order of his system. “ “ Every history had this particular torture in its history. “  “ No, she’s not all right. Nothing is right ! “  “ Today, there will be no such mercy given. “  “ Surely even the dead must know and obey ? “ “ I saw another sight in you: the lie. The absence of power where I thought there had been something wonderful ! “  “ You have no talent to commune with ghosts, nor have you ever ! “  “ The lies have been told, the tricks have been played. “  “ It was a curious sensation, an illusion of some kind. “  “ The world’s opening up: throwing all senses into ecstasy, coaxing them into wild confusion. “ “ We’ll leave him ten minutes. “  “ At sometime in its history a horror had been committed in that house. No one knows when, or what. “ “ There was a memory and a promise of blood in the air ... a scent that lingered in the sinuses and turned the strongest stomach.“  “ The voices of the dead are at their most shrill. “
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kaleeshbled · 11 months
many things that have been on my mind: 1. if Grievous somehow survives // is reconstructed after Utapu, and returns to Kalee. Either the Rebellion or the Resistance visiting because they heard rumors that there was a powerful Kaleesh Warlord and they are hoping he could assist since what they fight could also affect Kalee. 2. On a similar vein to the above, but it's Sidious who gets word of Grievous surviving and decides that it would be beneficial to have the murderous cyborg for the Empire but this time no holding back 3. AU where Grievous has to team up with somebody like Maul // Obi-Wan // Ahsoka because they are both being hunted by the Empire and despite the hate, they have better odds surviving teamed up. 4. Au where the accident does not happen and Grievous remains fleshy ( perhaps with a few cybernetic implants ), and the Republic helps the Kaleesh instead. Friendly with Jedi to a point but more works as a Bounty Hunter
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renatogpadilla · 2 years
Kingdom Hearts' Keblade Wielders are just Jedi:
OK, so we can all agree that Keyblade Wielders are just Jedi, right?
That's not me projecting on an AU or anything.
They're just JEDI. Like, the parallel is obvious! Mark Hamill is even there!
Except they're allowed attachment (which, granted, 9 out of 10 times is what causes the problems) and everyone is a Padawan because the ONLY 3 LIVING MASTERS are crackpots!
Xehanort is The Evil One, Eraqus is the Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi parallel that's too BLIND to see how to stop the Anakin (Terra) betrayal from happening and Yen Sid is Yoda BECAUSE HE NEVER DOES ANYTHING UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE except sit there ominously and help out in the final fight of the trilogy.
Still don't believe it? How about the "rule of two's"? How there can only be ONE Sith Lord and ONE Sith Apprentice?
As there are only 2 active evil Keyblade Wielders at a time! If we take BBS to be the Prequels, then Vanitas is 1000% Maul, and then there's Xehanort, who is STILL EVERY OTHER VILLAIN who weilds a Keyblade, with the sole exception of Xion (who forms part of the Sora Heart Hotel) and Luxu (who doesn't count because he doesn't wield his Keyblade during the entire Trilogy)!
The Whole KHUX plot is essentially Order 66, with the Foretellers (a fooled Council/Senate) turning Keyblade Wielders against each other for their Master's plan (unknowingly).
And finally, this new KHML connection with the "Secret Society of Keyblade Wielders" being a parallel of the Jedi as used during the Clone Wars: As a police force that takes your children rather than Peacekeepers.
I KNOW for a fact SOMEBODY has done this AU before, and I can't help but feel like the parallels got pretty obvious the longer Keyblade Wielder Lore expanded...
Like, you could even argue that Mickey plays the part of Obi-Wan... Though considering the rivalry with the Maul stand-in, maybe "Ven" Kenobi would be more accurate...
I'm just saying, if what you want is to predict anything, the Parallels are THERE.
Canonically the hardest hitter? Worked for and betrayed the bad guys? Dual Wielder? In love with his also-previously-evil mission-partner? Everyone's favorite character?
Edit 2: Actually, Ven is Luke. It's actually pretty spot-on...
Edit 3: Aqua isn't just Ahsoka. She's a bit of Padme as well, now that I think about it...
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