#He needs my ID cause he needs the ID of someone to sign as a Best Man on the marriage document (I think that's what Forlover translates to)
chaos-storm · 7 months
I was supposed to focus on working on my book today, but got an absolutely Wild message from an acquaintance of mine that now I don't think I can focus at all
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help-itrappedmyself · 7 months
Dead on Main AU 3
So this one is a bit longer, but that's because part of it is the same phone conversation from the other side.
“Road trip!” Dick calls out. All of the- siblings(?)-younger people start to scramble before Bruce calls out for them to stop.
“This is going to be a 12 hour drive one-way, which means we won't be back until dinner tomorrow at the earliest. Not all of you can go.” This causes a lot of frowns and Danny holds in a chuckle. They start arguing over why they should be able to go and Bruce pinches his nose, right between his eyes as they shout at him.
“First and Foremost, I do believe that Masters Duke, Damian, and Stephanie have school tomorrow.” Alfred inserts. Everyone quiets to listen to him, Danny notes. Everyone else they’ll talk over, he must be important, be extra nice to him.
The three must sigh and sit back down at the table. 
“Cass, if you wouldn’t mind staying to keep them out of trouble overnight. I’m sure Alfred will see them out to school.”
Cass shrugs, then signs at Dick who responds “Of course!” Danny hadn’t realized that she was speaking sign language this whole time.
Bruce then turns to face Dick and Tim. “You have absolutely no way to keep us from coming.” Dick sing-songs.
“You both have work tomorrow.”
“Actually, Dick and I called out ten minutes ago, family emergency.” Tim shrugs. “We won’t be in for a few days unless things change.”
“Alright, go grab your things.” They both whoop and you can just tell they were both about to start running when they catch eyes with Alfred and just start walking really fast. “Pack light, and grab some changes of clothes for Jason!”
Before they can leave a phone starts ringing. They all look around before all eyes settle back on Danny. He feels around his pockets for where the phone is, before pulling it out and seeing his own number on the caller ID.
“Oh, it’s me!” Danny hurries to pick up as he hears someone mutter “Why didn’t we think of that?” from the table. Dick and Tim are almost immediately right next to him as he mumble out a hello.
“Um, hello, Jason?”
“Yeah, this is Jason. You with my family?” His heart thumps when he hears his own voice coming out the other side of the phone. It somehow makes the whole situation seem a bit more real then it did before.
“If the people that were in the room with you before are your family. I really only have confirmation that one of them is your dad.”
“Hey, we’re his family”
“We’re all his brothers and Cass is his sister.”
“Have those motherfuckers not even introduced themselves?” 
So much talking at once, Danny tries to focus on his own voice coming through the phone. It’s a little deeper than it usually is, gruffer and lilted like it’s trying to talk in an accent the mouth isn’t familiar with shaping. Danny supposes the voice he’s speaking with now must be doing the same.
“Sort of. Eventually.” Jason sighs loud enough to hear over the phone and Danny chuckles at the response. 
“Right, well your name is Danny right?”
“Yeah! Have you talked to my family yet?” They were all home the last he checked, and Jazz usually tells him before she heads out. 
“No, haven’t left your room. Your name was on your homework though.”
“Oh, please do not judge the homework.” Danny rubs a hand down his face just thinking of that - his homework- being his soulmate's first real impression of him. 
“Didn’t even look at that part. So, I’m assuming that you guys are coming to me?”
Danny shakes off the embarrassment “I think so?” 
“Of course we are!”,  “Was he not paying any attention as we decided who should go?”, “We were just planning.” There are so many people talking at once again.
 Danny pulls his face away from the phone and turns to the room at large “Stop it, buzz off!”. He turns to face a wall and takes a few steps away.  “They said yes.”
“Please tell me they’re not all planning on coming.”
Danny hums, focused on something else. “Look, I do need to warn you…” what if he goes ghost, can he go ghost with Jason in his body? What are his parents working on today? “ about a few things actually. Jazz, my sister, her room is across the hall and she’ll be able to help you if you. I sort of have… like a medical condition. I would rather explain that to you in person, but she’ll watch out for you if you go meet her.”
“I can do that. Anything I should look out for?” Weird ice mist coming out of your mouth would be pretty unexplainable at the moment, but random things shooting at him can be avoided!
“My parents leave all kinds of weapons around the house, and sometimes they’ll target me-you- at random, so try not to touch anything, and either stay upstairs or have my sister take you somewhere in town. Whatever you do, don’t go in the basement, the lab is down there.” Almost everything in that lab is to be avoided, although since he is already in Danny’s body he shouldn’t be bothered by the potential radiation.
“Kid, what?” 
“This is really an in-person talk.”
Danny does not know how he would explain this over the phone, with a room of eavesdroppers behind him. Although they’ve become respectfully quiet, more whispers than anything now. 
“Sure, okay. Find Jazz, preferably leave the house.”
“Yep!” That would be best, Jazz will definitely help him. “Is there anything I should know?”
“Shit, if I had time I would give you a warning about everyone in my family individually, but for now… I don’t know if this will translate over…” It will, but there’s really no way to explain that. “I have… I guess it’s sort of a health condition as well. My family knows what triggers it, and they should be on their best behavior right now anyways, but if you wouldn’t mind putting someone on the phone I can threaten them properly.”
Danny laughs and puts the phone on speaker before calling out to the room, “You’re on speaker!” so everyone in the room knows as well as Jason. 
“I swear to god if any of you scare him, hurt him, or anything I’m going to kill you. I know everything you love and if you don’t act normal, just know, it will be destroyed.”
“Yeah, yeah. Jay, this is your soulmate!” Dick has bounded back over to Danny, right up in the personal space. 
“Also, most of us love you so that threat doesn’t work as well as you think it does.” Steph yells from the table, where she continued eating at some point.
“Bitch, I died once, I’ll do it again. Don’t test me on this right now.”
Danny starts laughing so hard he doesn’t register everyone else in the room having frozen at the outburst.
“Oh, wow, same.” Danny gets out once he can breathe again.
The room is staring at him again, but they seem to do that a lot.
“You must be Jazz.” They hear coming through the phone. “I’m Jason.”
“Jazz!” Danny calls out. 
“Danny would like to talk to you.” There’s a small shuffle. 
“Hey, Jazz! So, apparently I’m the younger, so today’s the day. I’m with his family right now.”
“You have a plan? Are you coming home?”
“Yeah, just. Would you mind keeping an eye on Jason until I get there? It’s going to be a long drive so could you make sure nothing shoots him and that he gets edible food?”
“I’ll take him to Nasty for dinner, don’t worry.” Danny sighs in relief, he knew Jazz would help, but he did not need his soulmate food fighting with dinner.
“Sounds good, he’s in my body so he shouldn’t really be poisoned but Mom and Dad still can’t really cook. Speaking of which! He is in my body so if anything happens with the, um, medical condition, help him through that as well.”
“Of course, Danny.”
“Thanks Jazz! We were just deciding who was coming along, but apparently, it's about a 12-hour drive? So, you guys won’t see us until tomorrow.”  There’s a lot unspoken in this conversation, but Danny knows she’ll do her best. “Try not to interrogate him, and no psychoanalyzing!”
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occamstfs · 5 months
No Need to Apply
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Here is my 1K special! Though admittedly it is nothing much out of the ordinary- Thanks to everyone who submitted prompts but especially the anonymous suggestion that spurred this transformation of a desperate twink into a cocky slob! -Occam
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Brock really needed a lucky break. He had been staying with his ex since they ended it, but now that he’s sleeping with someone it’s clear that Brock needs to get his own place. Unfortunately the market is not being quite so accommodating to his urgent needs. Given that he is now to be living alone it’s evident he also needs the place on the cheap. He had been denied all reasonable accommodations that he could afford and was beginning to contemplate moving back in with his parents when he suddenly received an email from an apparent realtor he’d never met.
It was an invitation to an open house at some ritzy downtown apartment that he was sure was out of his price range. Rather than just tossing it to his spam folder though, he finds himself looking at the handful of images with a voracity, whether it’s simple curiosity or a fantasy to have such clearly luxurious housing Brock reads through the whole listing. Reaching the end of the invitation and looking at the specs he finds the rent impossibly labeled as just under half his monthly paycheck.
Nearly spitting up coffee all over himself in shock, Brock’s eyes flutter to find exactly when and where this open house was. Surely the demand for this place would box him out but god wouldn’t it be nice to just check it out and dream. He sends an RSVP and far too quickly the realtor, Lucas, thanks him for his prompt response, wishes him well, and signs off saying see you soon. Brock went about the rest of his day as normal, if not a little cheerier than he’s been for some time as he keeps finding his mind drift to that almost-too-perfect apartment’s view over the city.
Fortunately off from work the next day, Brock took the bus to the open house, stopping by his favorite cafe that just so happens to be nearby. He grabs a drink and finds himself preoccupied with thoughts of what a convenience, what a windfall, this break would be. He heads inside and takes the elevator up to the suite and hesitates before entering at the door. Odd that there is no one else here, he double checks the room and floor and puts his ear to the door to see if perhaps other visitors are inside already.
In his untrained attempt to eavesdrop he puts his weight squarely against the door, pushing it open and stumbling in, nearly spilling his coffee over the pristine floors as he crosses the threshold into the apartment. Light streams in through the blinds, only magnifying the manicured state of the spotless room around him. The floor is clean enough to see his reflection, mouth agape, staring at how impossibly clean the apartment is. The only record at all that the place had ever been lived in is the furniture that had clearly been procured by someone of great means, though one lacking any critical eye or desire for design. He sees framed posters of some real red flag movies near a large TV and some sports trophies lined on a shelf. Brock can’t help but wonder what could cause someone to leave such personal artifacts behind and feels a chill in the air. 
He wanders away from the entrance to stand at the large windows, his phone ringing as he takes in the view of his town. Answering without checking the ID he hears a man’s voice he doesn’t recognize. Though he knows this must be the mystery realtor on the line, “How do you like the place Brock?” he begins to reply before being cut off by Lucas, “Have you seen the view yet, it’s quite something else.” 
Brock feels something flicker through his mind as he gazes at the city blocks around him, below him. His eyes briefly catch on his reflection in the glass, though not long enough to see his eyelids droop slightly as he is able to reply, a tad slower than he usually likes to project, “uhh, yeah I know right, how could I not apply to live here? It’s almost too good to be true right?” There is another chill in the air and his body shivers before tensing up, shocking him back to reality and awareness to something strange afoot, “Excuse me actually, I’m so sorry, how did you get my phone number?”
Lucas clicks his tongue and speaks with an almost sickly sweet tone, “Now Brock come now, what can I do to get you to move in today?” Shaking his head in shock Brock is immediately, regardless of the clear sinister air to this man, he really cannot afford to pass up this chance. He clams up as he clambors to express interest, “No I uh! Of course I want the place, just send the lease over so I can read through it.” There is a real weight to Lucas’ words as Brock hears them, the cloying tone impressing itself on his mind, “Wonderful! That is all I needed to hear!”
It is suddenly dark in the apartment, but wasn’t he looking out the window? He can’t tell if his eyes are open or closed but he cannot see. Brock tries to move his head around to see, to feel anything, he strains his mind reaching for any muscle to flex, any tendon to pull, limbs to controt. He loses track of time and reality as he sits in the darkness, trying to grasp anything beyond his own consciousness, unable to affect anything. He feels his right hand move in a familiar way then he feels a warmth, almost a burning, completely engulfs it. He can almost see the shine of a smile, stark perfectly lined teeth that seem eerily inhuman and suddenly there is once more light. He gasps, coughs, and spits up over himself. Immediately grateful that he can feel anything at all. After feeling his body, and seeing the world almost entirely like it was before he lost consciousness, besides a copy of some contract with his name signed at the bottom.
He takes deep breaths feeling his lungs stretch and he starts to read whatever he has gotten himself into in that stupor. He reads the first few lines before he loses where he was on the page. Going again he finds his eyes suddenly dry, doing an uncharacteristically heavy blink that he can’t quite recall ever doing before and as he wonders this he again forgets his work on the contract. He slams his hand on the thigh in a rare show of aggression and gives it one last go. Brock makes even less progress this time as he is almost immediately overcome by a headache. As soon as he looks away from the sheet though, it disappears. 
Brock groans as he feels himself starting to lose control of his senses before he hears his stomach grumble, and he finds a purpose he can immediately resolve. He starts to the fridge, clearly something has happened, an episode or something, he can figure it out later, he just needs food in his stomach now. He doesn’t stop to realize that there should be no food in the fridge since no one’s been living there. Though he finds there is no need as in the fridge, under a note labeled: “To Help Moving In -Lucas,” Brock sees at least a week of prepped meals. The thought that this is bizarre beyond imagination, as well as the concern at his missing time, is immediately pushed from his mind as his stomach rumbles once more, his mouth watering as he sees his soon-to-be dinner.
Brock swiftly heats it up and begins to scarf it down, throwing something on the paying no mind or care to the thought that he’s using the account of whomever the previous tenant was. He quickly scans through seeing a handful of shows and movies that he wasn’t quite interested in before stumbling on a reality show he was watching with his Ex. He grimaces and almost loses his appetite as he thinks about his boyfriend for the first time in what feels like forever. He sets his meal down on the coffee table and crashes down onto the couch. He continues to stew in ire at his ex, palming his crotch as his feelings become more passionate. He rolls his eyes in irritation at himself and that jerk, he’s not going to masturbate to that asshole. 
He reclines in the couch and hears the sound of paper shifting in the cushions, pulling it out he finds a crusted magazine lodged in the couch. What can he do besides shout “what the fuck” and toss it across the room. How could they have possibly missed that in their cleaning? Brock’s eyes shift across the room suspiciously, though he notices nothing amiss as the room is illuminated by only the television. He looks at his hand that grabbed the porn and blushes, wanting to joke about the absurdity to calm himself down. Though his body makes its priorities known once more as his cock pulses and he looks past to see the magazine once more. He did want to masturbate to anyone besides his ex right? 
He shuffles to pick it up, the discomfort and anxiety from handling something covered in a total strangers cum only heightens his pleasure as he sits back down. He grimaces as he sees this is a real hetero-bullshit magazine, he quickly flips through to find something he can work with. His cock keeps demanding his attention as he flips through, almost impatiently pulsing as if to suggest he doesn’t need the magazine at all, just give it your attention. Though soon enough he finds an ad for some protein powder made to emasculate the reader into buying, that almost immediately helps him lose control. 
Soon after he once more fades from consciousness, his cum joining the plethora of other stains in the magazine as he tosses it behind the couch. He finds himself in a darkness that this time feels almost familiar and pleasurable. He once more feels his hand, this time though it is wet and warm. He feels it scratching in briefs that are too tight, through pubes that are too thick. He hears snoring breaking through the silence of his sleep, but that can’t be right? He would know if he snores, surely that fucker of a boyfriend would have complained. He feels his head grow warm as if he’s got a fever, though he knows it is a rage. He feels his hand feel even tighter in his briefs as his cock begins to grow in them. He continues to think of every slight his ex made, every shortcoming he was made needlessly aware of, and of how much better things are going to be now.
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The heat shifts from his mind through his whole body and as light begins to break through the windows. That is not what wakes him up though, rather it is the heavy scent coming from his now sweat stained clothes. He rolls off the couch onto his face, quickly removing his hand from his briefs to catch himself, landing the stinking hand too close to his face to not smell just how loud his underwear smells. He feels his clothes sit weird on his body as he starts to rise, while his shirt just feels like it’s hanging weird, surely from the sweat, it is impossible to not see how strained his underwear is. He groans as he feels them pull strangely before he just discards them and makes his way to the bathroom. 
His eyes immediately latch onto his now exposed crotch, he does a double take as he notices that it seems distinctly larger. He also would have sworn that he shaved his pubes far more recently than it seems. He scratches through them, blushing as he sees dried cum flake off curls that are longer and thicker than he ever remembers them begin. Rather than hoping in the shower like any reasonable person would do he instead tosses on some boxers, not questioning why clothing that isn’t his would just be lying out, or why he would ever put them on. Instead choosing to focus on how right wearing them feels. He pulls them tight and turns wanting to see just how his ass and bulge fill them out, though is waylaid as his shirt blocks the view. 
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He sneers as he takes off the sweat-stained shirt and tosses it to the floor, stretching high as his reeking body feels the air on his skin. He smiles in shock as he sees the body he has now exposed, he sees hair spreading across his stomach and torso and sweat dripping off of pits that were sure to stain every shirt he is to wear from now on. Beyond that he feels a body that is indisputably powerful, where there wasn’t even fat on his body before there was now muscle accompanied with weight in all the right places. His eyes then trail down to see the weightiest part of him by far as it bulges even lower in his boxers.
He feels an urge to move, to flex, to stretch, fill him as he hungrily takes in every new change in his body. His eyes trace their way past muscles contorting to land on his face, seeing a jaw that could certainly do with a shave. He sees his eager grin begin to turn into a cocky sneer as he begins to stretch once more, trying to will his torso even longer, trying to force his body even taller. His voice grows even deeper to his barely-aware ears as he closes his eyes to stretch, not seeing his throat force itself thicker and longer. There is once again a flicker in his mind as Brock is in darkness once more. Where there was once discomfort and fear there is now only hunger and an eagerness to grow even more.
He feels an itch burn across his body. He feels his hands dig deep into his pits scratching as hair grows thick enough to hold an odor that would never dissipate. He smells as even in this dreamstate he raises his hands to his nose to give them a post-scratch whiff. He feels the same itch cry out from his chest and pubes, from his lower back and his ass. He feels himself move his jaw as it squares up, a rumble in his throat as he feels his groans grow even deeper. He feels his mind thicken and slow as his muscles flex in his sleep. His arms do rep after unconscious rep as he feels biceps that should not be rub against a chest that has never been there before.
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Finally he wakes one last time, his hand as it apparently always is, shoved in his pants, once more barely fitting despite wearing the spacier boxers. Brock blearily looks to see lines of takeout containers covering his coffee table. He scratches his beard using the hand from his crotch and he deeply inhales, two birds one stone after all. He sets out to get started with his day, tossing over in his head if he should masterbate again or not, a stain from a wet dream clearly showing through his boxers. Instead he throws Drake on his speakers and starts getting an early workout in, seeing to every part of his body getting a pump as he feels the hunger in his crotch grow only more urgent. 
Going about this workout Brock feels totally at home in this apartment. After all he’s lived here for? Uh? His mind empties as he looks around and sees weeks of piled up detritus and filth. He sees dirty clothes and cum stains on his couch. Looking past them there are his American Psycho and Fight Club posters, discarded underwear hanging off the latter, as well as the trophies he distinctly remembers winning back in college wrestling. He smirks and flexes tilting his head to sniff his pit. Beyond feeling at home in his apartment he also feels unequivocally at home in this, in his body, duh. He jumps to his feet with ease, his stomach rumbling as he once more goes to meet a basal need.
Throwing some of his favorite protein powder in a blender with some milk and eggs he hears his phone go off. There are a string of messages from some bitch asking him to come back and for the life in him Brock can’t remember who that little fucker is? Hearing his shake finish blending he stares at the profile picture of whoever this twink is as he starts to down it, wiping his lips on his sweaty arm as needed. The twink he doesn’t know calls him Brock and his eye twitches, ugh. Why is this dude calling him by his, uh? Is that his middle name? Or no he was Brock right?
He finishes the shake, tossing the blender onto the pile of dishes in the sink and his mind finds itself deeply conflicted. As ever though, his body is more than happy to assuage him, the phone vibrates once more and his cock begins to bring him clarity, demanding his attention once more. Brock’s a little bitch name. He smirks as he looks around at his sty of an apartment, not remembering how neat it once was. Peeking from under a particularly dirty dish there’s a contract that he remembers that he meant to have a look at. 
Bringing it to his face however he simply can’t find the motivation to even start. Why worry about this when he can masturbate, or fuck maybe he can get that whiny bitch to come over? His eyes trail to the end of the paper and see his signature, written clear as day “Adam.” He guffaws at this, god how stupid can you be, he basically forgot his own name after that twink called him uh, whatever that bitch name was. He feels his crotch grow tight again, that is kinda hot though? He moans to himself, pawing at his crotch and texts whoever this man is his address and to come ready to fuck. Adam feels no real attachment to whoever it is, nor should he, a hole is a hole after all. Saying that thought he can’t help but feel this hole is due to be taught a lesson.
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If you enjoyed this I also recommend @fredwkong's The Voice in Your Head which explores a similar idea in quite a unique and captivating way!
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thelovelyruin · 10 months
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : yandere choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : choso fell in love with you freshman year and it was finally time to make you his.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : smut, porn with plot, vaginal sex, praise, love, manipulation, murder (not you!)
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 7.1K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from saccharine by jazmin bean.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! this was a request i’ve been working on for a while lol; i hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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Everything you do, I'm obsessed with you.
“Exciting, isn’t it?”
“Huh? I mean, yeah it’s cool.”
“Are you rushing too? I really wanna go Kappa!”
“That’s, uh, aren’t they kinda…”
“What, cunts? Yeah, I’d fit in nicely.”
When Choso first met you during rush week a couple years ago, you were an aspiring freshman looking for a sorority to pledge to, and he was a normal guy. Sorta. You’d spoken to him once and he became absolutely in love with you. Not like he hadn’t been with other girls in the past, a few relationships here or there. But you were different. Not like any other girl he’d seen. You hadn’t shared too much with him that day, but he was determined to figure out, well, everything about you.
I don't mean to scare, but you're just so cute.
It started with your name, which he’d simply just asked someone in your class. But then, Choso needed to know more, when was your birthday, were your zodiac signs compatible? He’d gotten that information from stealing your campus ID out of your purse while you two were in class together. Choso was paying really good attention to other things too though. He’d paid attention to your screen while he sat behind you, online shopping when you were supposed to be paying attention to the lecture. That’s how he found out what size you were and the brands you liked, but other things got a little trickier. He noticed the way you did your makeup, it was always so pretty, but it’s not like he knew what any of it was, so he’d slowly started stealing things out of your makeup bag. It was harder to get your perfume, though, until you reapplied it on the campus lawn one day. Pink sugar, huh? Sweet just like you. Choso wanted to be even better, he’d send you flowers with no receipt of who sent them, an array until he found your favorites. He’d pay for your food when you went out to eat, then leave to remain anonymous. He just loved seeing that smile on your face whenever he surprised you with something, always grateful, looking around to see if you could catch your secret admirer, but blushing when you realized you wouldn’t. God, you were perfect.
Lucky for you, you had actually gotten into Kappa. You walked around on this high horse though, one of those kiss-my-ass kind of attitudes. Not like anyone was gonna check you for it, well, ‘cause you were hot. Always well dressed, always groomed, always punctual. There was nothing anyone could really say about you other than you being a bitch, at least never to your face. Little did you know, Choso was your bitch. If you ever even glanced at him, he’d almost faint, and as the sophomore and junior years came and you’d gotten classes with him, he’d go back to his dorm and fuck his fist at the thought of you every day. But now, it was Senior year, and he was running out of time to make you his.
Every move you make, you're fucking sweeter than a cake.
Choso originally planned to just ask you directly, but he had to make sure it was gonna be perfect. He couldn’t leave room for error in the possibility that you weren’t interested at all. So, he’d gotten as close as possible to you. It wasn’t stalking, it was just studying an interest. He was pretty good at photography, so he got hired as a photographer for school events, such as parties or games. He’d walk around and take pictures of everyone like usual to not raise suspicion, but whenever he could, he’d snap as many pictures as he could of you, slipping them into his pocket. When there was too much going on at the party downstairs, he’d sneak upstairs to find which room was yours, for research purposes of course.
Well, that research went directly to Choso knowing which window to take pictures outside of. You were so oblivious, often leaving your curtains wide open as you just got out of the shower, dressed in nothing but a towel. Now, Choso never got a snapshot of you naked or anything like that, but the hopes of the day he could got him pretty damn hard. He’d take pictures of you walking around campus, doing fundraisers with your sorority sisters, running for the pageants that you always won, with the exception of Miss Junior, who you exposed for cheating on her boyfriend so she’d be out of the running. So, you’d won that too. You were practically perfect, Choso felt you were made for him, there was a true possibility he could nurture and care for you, allow you to let your guard down a bit and let him someone in. He imagined himself taking you out to all your favorite restaurants, he had all of them written down along with your favorite menu items. Nights in his room cuddled up watching all of the movies you liked, you’d be so excited to see all of your favorite snacks already waiting for you. You’d wear that glitter lipgloss you loved, he’d make sure you had more than enough, considering he’d already bought two tubes for whenever he made you his. He imagined making love to you, hearing you moan for him as he pleasured you, then put you on his chest as you fell asleep, resting his eyes as he held you. You two could truly be in love. 
I'd love to wipe these other bitches out, so it's just you and me.
But, you had a fucking boyfriend. It’s not like he didn’t like seeing you with other guys. He fucking hated it. Choso thought the guy was pretty scummy, he had that douchebag personality and always looked at guys like Choso like he was a piece of shit. But that asshole was truly a piece of shit. Megumi, or something like that. Choso didn’t bother doing too much digging up on him because it wasn’t gonna matter very soon. You guys had been dating since the beginning of the school year, not very long, but that didn’t stop him from talking to other girls when you weren't around. He’d forget your dates, and make you cry. Wouldn’t post you on his socials, almost pretended he was single. Choso had half a mind to stab him to death, mostly because he didn’t like the way he treated you, but also because then he wouldn’t be in the way anymore.
Then, there were your damn sorority sisters. Those bitches were definitely in the way. They took up too much of your time, making you busy every day with planning and meetings, to do what? Party and maybe, fundraise? He’d see them sometimes talking shit about you, saying you were weird or a bitch, or something else that wasn’t true about you. Choso would never say those things about you or treat you like that. You deserved someone who actually loved you and cared about you, none of these other distractions. He would give you the world, but that meant getting rid of the world you had first.
Oh, oh, this shit is scaring me…
Now, when Choso originally thought of doing this, he thought it was a little nuts. It was a little extreme, sure, but it was just an obstacle in the way to get to you. Sometimes, we do bad things for the people we love. It doesn't mean it's right, it means love is more important. 
Choso originally thought of actually stabbing Megumi like he wanted to. That fell quickly when he really considered the situation. Megumi was on the lankier side which meant it would be more tactical to get a hit in, plus he’d need to find a time he’d be alone in a discreet location to hurt him with no one noticing. Not that he’d really care if someone saw, it would just mean he wouldn’t be able to live the rest of his life with you; that was not an option. Shooting would be just as difficult, shell casings and the sound of gunfire could get him in deep. Could steal the brakes from his car, but then there was the possibility you were in it when it crashed, and for that, he’d never forgive himself. He’d need something that anyone could have done, an accident perhaps, something that wouldn’t kill Megumi, just get him out the fucking way. Then he got a little idea.
Don't wanna stick my fingers in this, or I'll start to bleed…
“Hey, Megumi!”
“Do I know you?”
“Well, we literally live on the same floor, but um, no. Anyways, wanted to talk to you about something…”
“Get on with it.”
“It’s her birthday today, your girlfriend that is.”
“Oh yeah. Well, why the fuck do you care?”
“We’re kinda close, wanted to get her something, but I’ll be too busy with classes to give it to her. Do you mind giving it to her for me?”
“You got my girlfriend a gift, bitch? What the hell’s in this box?”
“Well, that’s kind of a surprise for her…”
“Get the fuck out of my face before I beat your ass. Leave my girl alone, you fuckin’ weirdo.”
Megumi had slammed the door on him, just like that. Usually, Choso would’ve been really torn by his insult. He was pretty pissed Megumi forgot your birthday too, but how could he be pissed, truly? Not when a sweet resolution to Megumi’s shitty ways was on the horizon.
“Megumi’s like totally dead!”
“Omg, what do you mean he’s dead?”
“Well, he went to the hospital ‘cause he came down with like a fever or something? Todo said he couldn’t even talk when he found Megumi in the hallway and his eyes were all watery. The doctors said he died of, shit, what’s it called again? Whatever, like he couldn’t breathe! I don’t know what the fuck happened, but damn, really sucks, ya know?”
“Babe, I’m so sorry. To be fair, he was a dick.”
“Yeah, you’re right. He didn’t have a big one either TBH.”
Well, shit. Choso didn’t mean to kill him, not really. He knew Megumi was a fuckin’ asshole, though. Paired with someone crushin’ on his girlfriend and his ego, Choso knew Megumi was gonna open that box. And what was in it? Initially, Ricin covered the inside of the box, which when inhaled, caused damage to the respiratory system, which Megumi could technically recover from. Choso had extracted the Ricin from some castor beans. The same castor beans that were crushed inside of the cupcake sitting in the box. All 10 of them. Originally, Megumi would’ve lived, had he just thrown it away and not have been nosy, and if he did end up giving it to you, Choso would be there to intervene and he’d deal with that explanation later. But Megumi chose to be a nosy bastard, open it, AND EAT THE CUPCAKE! It was comical, really, considering Ricin can’t be found in an autopsy, so Choso got away with it. It’s okay. It had to be done. That greedy asshole got what was coming to him, and with him out of the way, Choso was cleared to enact Phase 2.
It's sweet like saccharine, what I’d do to have you sitting here next to me.
A couple of days after Megumi died, you pretty much got over it, walking about as if nothing happened. To be fair, he was cheating on you all the time, lied to you, and overall treated you like shit, so it wasn’t that hard. What Choso didn’t expect was for you to get kicked out of your sorority house.
“Listen, babe. Your dead boyfriend is really throwing off the vibe here. Plus, it’s bringing a lot of bad looks to the rest of us because it seems like you honestly don’t give a fuck that he died, and truthfully, neither do we, but damn bitch, try acting like it!”
“Please, Chapter President, I can act like I care, I just-”
“Sorry girlie. You’re still a sister, don’t worry. You do have to leave the house though.”
Choso felt a little bad. A little. They really were bitches, but this was perfect. He’d just saved himself from starting a gas leak at the Kappa house when you weren’t home. He didn’t like that your feelings were hurt though, and he beat himself up about it. Choso himself wasn’t really a good guy, killing your boyfriend on your birthday? Almost killing your sorority sisters before they pretty much kicked you to the curb? He was doing the exact opposite of being a good boyfriend. He’d be on his toes from now on, can’t risk ruining his chances with you. However, it was all in good light. You were becoming more and more ready to fall into his arms.
Apparently, you pretty much kept to yourself and stayed in your room. Your classwork was slacking a bit, and you couldn’t live at the house, but that didn’t stop you from still trying to be involved, participating in some campus events, and fundraising with your sisters despite your exile. You were a normal girl, humbled for sure, but Choso didn’t like that very much. He never intended to break you down like this, while you were still sweet in his eyes, he knew you loved the life you had before. He can’t unkill Megumi, which wouldn’t make sense anyway because Choso was your boyfriend now, but he’d give you a life even better than the first. One where you and he were together.
Like cherry pie, will you be mine?
Now, Choso was a real sweetheart, getting you so many gifts for when you came along, preparing how he’d approach you, compliment you, fuck you. But he was getting a little impatient. At this point, it was already the tail end of courses before winter break so he didn’t have much time to see you every day, even though he’d make that happen regardless. Plus, all of the shit that had happened to you would wear off in a couple of days, so he needed to act now. Choso knew he couldn’t make you fall in love with him overnight, and it would be too hasty to try to take it slow with you now. So, he had no choice. He was gonna kidnap you.
Now, “kidnapping” is a rather strong way to put it. In reality, Choso was gonna come to see you and talk a bit, but if that didn’t work, he’d hold you at knifepoint and make you come back to his dorm with him to enjoy all of the things he’d set up for you! He would never hurt you intentionally, so it’s not like he was gonna use it, but he had to make you think he would. He wished kidnapping you was legal, why wouldn't he want to be able to love you and take care of you all the time? It’s okay, you’d learn to love him back. After all, Choso wasn’t your ‘maybe’. Choso was your ‘one’.
Sweet to the core, I want some more.
Choso decided he’d make his move on you the night of the last Kappa party of the season, too many people for anyone to notice him running off with you, plus he knows you’d look so pretty in your party dress, hair all done up, heels making those legs of yours look so pretty. And you did! Except, you were crying. When Choso got to the party and spotted you, you were sniffling as you walked out the back door of the house. Now, he had to be strategic about this, so he exited out the front in time to catch you walking from the back. When he’d gotten outside, he saw you walking down the sidewalk, but it wasn’t very well, your heel had broken and you were having to walk barefoot. He felt terrible seeing you like that. You looked so sad, so scared, just broken. Choso had to make things right.
“Hey, you okay?”
I love you.
I can hear your words breaking down my core…
You looked up at him with those beautiful doe eyes of yours, bloodshot and watery from crying, but still, you looked stunning.
“Oh, hey Choso. Honestly? No, I’m like not okay at all.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, my ex died and everyone’s making a super big deal about it. Like, people kept coming up to me asking questions and stuff like I was there when he died or something.”
“Oh, um-”
“Sorry, I know I sound like a twat right now, but he cheated on me like all the time! It’s honestly a long shot to say we were even together, not be cocky or anything, but I think he dated me to make himself look better. Plus, he got me in hot water with my sisters, like he’s haunting me after death or whatever.”
“Sounds like he wasn’t really a good guy…”
“Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, now I have to walk back to my stupid dorm with no shoes because I fell over like a klutz and just embarrassed myself to the nines. I don’t even wanna go back there, just makes me sad, ya know? I came out to this stupid party to get my mind off things and it’s like things are just bleh. It doesn’t even feel like anyone likes me anymore. I wish someone just loved me for me, ya know?”
I think about you every day at least a hundred times or more.
Choso walked up and hugged you, bringing you into his embrace. It was a bold move for sure, especially with the knife sheathed on his waist, but he just hated seeing you cry like that. Soon, you’ll feel how nice it is to have someone care about you so much. To have someone who wants to revolve their entire life around you.
“It’s okay. Know you don’t know me very well, but I’m here for you.”
“Yeah, I don’t wanna be too forward or anything, but you can come back to my dorm for a few, that is, if you don’t wanna go back to yours.”
“That’s so sweet, thanks!”
Fuck, this was perfect! He didn’t even have to threaten to kill you! Choso offered to pick you up, which you happily agreed to, holding your heels in your hand as he carried you back to his dorm. On the way, you talked about a bunch of stuff you liked, mostly things he already knew about you, but there were a couple of new things that enticed him. You’d stopped crying, that sweet smile back on your face as you found comfort in Choso’s arms. He’d gotten back to his dorm fairly fast, not wanting to waste much time to get things rolling. He figured he’d start with telling you about his love for you, really seeing if you-
You pointed at the movie poster on his wall, one of your favorite movie. He’d studied it a lot, trying to figure out why you liked it so much. He’d watched it over ten times by now, buying the poster as a touch when you finally came, which worked!
“Yeah, it’s a pretty good-”
“Pretty good? It’s like the best movie ever!”
“We can, uh, watch it if you want.”
“Yes, I’d love that!”
Choso was so lucky. Here you were, sitting with him on his bed as you watched the movie. You’d stop every few minutes and point out something about it you knew a fun fact about or laugh at the parts you’d seen so many times. You were so damn cute. You’d pretty much forgotten all of the stuff going on, able to just relax with him for once. Don’t you see how nice this is? How special things can be? 
“Oh wow, it’s getting late. Shit, I still have to walk back.”
Just like that, the movie was over. You looked tired, not just physically but mentally too. You couldn’t leave though, that’s not how this was gonna go.
“Are you sure you’re good to walk?”
“Whatcha mean?”
“I mean, your heels are broken and it’s too dark outside to be out there by yourself. Something could happen to you.”
Fuck, Choso was a little too bold with that last part. He was probably coming on too strong, he’d need to fix-
“You’re worried about little ‘ol me?”
“Something like that…”
YES. He was so fucking worried that sweat was about to drip from his face, red with anxiousness that the love of his life was about to leave him behind.
“Well, you could always walk with me. Or do you just wanna spend more time with me?”
You gave him a little smirk and wink, it went straight to his dick as he tried to think of a way to respond.
“I, um… yeah, I would.”
Your answer to his statement would be the deciding factor between you staying or him picking up that knife from his jacket on the chair. Fortunately for you, you smiled and put your things back down, sitting on the bed as you looked up at him.
“Fine, but we’re gonna watch another movie. Your pick this time.”
You make me afraid, come closer, wait no, go away…
Ten minutes into this movie and he felt like he was gonna fucking explode. This time around, you’d gotten closer to him. Instead of sitting at the end of the bed, you laid beside him, not quite touching you, but he could definitely smell you, and fuck, you smelled so good. It was becoming painful to not touch you, but he couldn’t risk fucking this up. You looked so nice like this, chest moving up and down as you laid comfortably, eyes low, obvious you were getting tired. 
“Hey, Choso?”
“What’s up?”
“Thanks for, ya know, being nice to me. I’m not anyone’s favorite these days…”
You looked so sad, but Choso couldn’t be happier. You were starting to recognize the only person who really cares about you is him!
“Yeah, but you’re my favorite.”
“Really? But, you barely know me.”
Choso actually knew you very well. Probably better than you know yourself.
“You’ve just got that type of personality that’s really easy to like, is all.”
You sat up now and looked Choso in the eyes, making him blush instantly.
“Oh yeah? So, you like me?”
Choso started stuttering and sweating, flustered beyond reason as you gave him one of those smirks. At this point, he didn’t even have to tell you. His body language was more than obvious.
“I was just kid-”
“Yes, I mean-”
You both looked at each other in shock. Why the fuck would he say that? You were fucking joking. Choso was stupid to think you were serious, not like he really had any chance with a girl like you. But that’s okay. He was gonna make one. Although, he didn’t know whether to love or hate you right now, most likely both. You looked up at him optimistically, like you were waiting on his response, but also blushing a bit as he nearly popped a blood vessel in front of you. He couldn’t even speak, choked up on his words as you brought your hand on top of the one he had leaning on the bed.
“Tell me, do you?”
“I do, for a while now.”
“So, why not ever talk to me?”
“Because you’re pretty hard to talk to.”
“How’s that?”
“You’re usually, um-”
“A bitch? Yeah, I am. But these past few weeks have humbled me.”
Choso wanted to laugh a little. Of course, it was because of him and the precautions he’s put in place for you two to end up together. You didn’t need to know that part though. You looked down, that same broken look you’d been putting off all night. Everything in him told him to stop, don’t be too hasty and he could probably get back to the plan, but it hurt him to see what he’d caused. It definitely didn’t help that you were crying again, bringing your knees to your chest as you fell into the realization of how messed up you felt. Choso pulled you into his arms, laying your face into his chest as he rubbed your back. You felt so warm, so soft, he didn’t want to let you go. Ever. 
“It’s not your fault. So, don’t beat yourself up about it.”
“Thanks, you’re right.”
It was hard to feel like the bad guy when you were smiling at him, finding comfort in his words. You two were dangerously close now, eye contact had him feeling like a deer in headlights, while you remained cool and collected, like usual. That’s one of the main things he loved about you, despite all of the crazy shit going on, you still try to appear fine, but that was far from the truth. He’d be a shoulder for you to cry on, someone you could depend on and pour your feelings into. Give your heart to someone who’s worthy of loving you back and spending their every breathing second devoted to keeping you happy.
Saccharine, what I’d do to have you sitting here next to me. 
You’d kissed Choso softly, leaning in slowly enough to feel his breath hitch on his lips when he realized what you were doing. It was perfect. Your lips felt even softer than he thought they would, gentle and loving as you brought yourself closer, closing the distance between you. He had to get his head together, he’d practiced this part over and over again, and all he had to do was focus and execute it. First, cup your face with his hand. You smiled into his lips when he did this, allowing him to move to the second step, and bring his hand to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. You softened into his touch as he laid your back on the bed, opening your legs to let him on top of you. You were so sweet, moaning softly into the air as he began sucking the skin of your neck. Choso wanted to claim you, he’d finally gotten to kiss you and he needed everyone to know you were his. He sucked a little harder and felt ecstatic when you didn’t stop him, instead groaning as bruises began to flower on your skin.
Shit, you moaned his name. It felt exhilarating, something he’s been waiting for for so long finally coming true. It lit a fire under his ass, coming up to kiss your lips once before he brought his lips back down to your collarbones, moving lower as his hand massaged your side. Once he’d reached the skin of your breasts, he’d stopped, looking up to you for the green light to keep going. Even though you didn’t really have a choice in spending the rest of your life with him, consent was still pretty important to him, so when you gave him a nod, he took off. Choso brought his fingers to the hem of your dress, pulling it over your head as you brought your arms up to aid him. God, you were beautiful. Your tits were on full display to him now, nothing covering you but a lacy pink thong. He was gonna start hyperventilating, your tits lifted as you breathed, nipples calling out to him like they needed saving. He brought his lips down swiftly and wrapped his tongue around one of them, immediately putting the other between his fingers to pinch as the rest of his palm massaged your breast. You started whimpering for him now, touch-starved since your boyfriend died, but Choso hoped it was also because he was doing things better than anyone you’d been with before. He alternated his mouth, groping and sucking as much as he could, relishing in the feeling of your tits in his face for the first time. As much as he could stay there all day, he knew you needed more, so he kissed his way down your stomach, lips grazing your pantyline. Choso sucked the skin of your stomach as you bucked your hips against him, turned on as he took care of you.
“Choso, please…”
He looked up into your eyes as he brought his lips off your body, fingers hooking into the fabric of your thong as he pulled them off of you. Holy fuck. You were soaking wet, lips glistening with your juices as your hips shifted slightly to invite Choso in. Without hesitation, he brought his lips down to your pussy, beginning to devour you. You tasted amazing, drinking the nectar of a fruit long awaited and it almost made him regret not planning to kidnap you sooner. You smelled so fucking good too, your pussy engulfing all of his senses as he ate you like his last meal. Your fingers found their way into his hair, moaning his name into the air with every lick of your clit. Sideways, up and down, circles around your bud, anything he could to hear you moan for him, to make your pain go away. He’d brought your legs over his shoulders and rested his hands under the arch of your back, angling your hips so he could eat you exactly how he wanted. Messy and slow, he took his time spreading your juices all over his face as you panted and pulled at the sheets. He was self-indulgent, tongue pumping in and out of you as he lived out his fantasies of eating your pussy.
Shit, you were close. Choso was about to make you cum! He doubled down immediately, bringing his arms over your thighs to keep you in place as you felt your orgasm approaching. He’d picked up his pace too, tongue moving at a hungry pace as he anticipated your cum in his mouth. The hand you had in his hair gripped tighter, Choso taking it as a cue to bring his lips up and suck your clit, suction bringing your bud against his tongue. You came fast and hard, grinding your pussy against his face as you came for him, his name slipping off your lips over and over as you rode out your high.
You’re sweet to the core. 
You looked so pretty for him, chest rising and falling as you caught your breath. Choso slowly kissed his way back up your body, lips finding themselves on yours. This kiss was different from before, more intense and confident. At that point, you’d already started unbuckling his jeans, kissing him feverishly as you helped him take his clothes off. Hovering over you, he looked at you in awe. Legs on either side of his, big doe eyes looking up at him, waiting for him to fuck you.
“Holy shit…”
Your hands found his hair, gripping and tugging at it as he slipped in at a slow pace. Choso took his time, exploring the walls he longed for the feeling of. Every stroke nearly sent him over, wet and warm, you were like heaven wrapped around his dick. You felt even better than he’d imagined, much better than his fist he fucked to the thought of you. Especially with how you were moaning for him, it was driving him crazy, all he could do was praise you.
“You’re perfect…so fuckin’ perfect…”
“I know…”
God, he’s never felt like this. You were sucking him in like you were made for him, holy shit, he was losing his mind. Touching him, feeling your warmth on his shaft as he fucked you faster. You were so beautiful, lips pursed as you breathed up and down, eyes fluttering as he fucked you.
“You feel so good, baby…”
His name was killing him. He’d put in so much time to make sure he fucked you exactly the way you needed him, he had to make the first time perfect. A man that could care for you. Love you. Please you. Choso finally had you, and he was going to give you the fucking world.
I need to hate you before it's too late…
“So fuckin’ pretty, baby…”
Choso gripped your legs tight as he fucked into you fast, making you scream his name out into the room. You were doing this for him! Moaning for him! And you felt so fucking good wrapped around him, more than anyone ever before. There wasn’t anyone before you and there wasn’t anyone before him. Your world would revolve around him now like his revolved around you, every waking moment of being in love would be magical. 
“Choso, I-”
“Let me have it, baby. I’ve waited so long for it…”
He didn’t care what he was saying anymore, too high on you and your pleasure that he couldn’t think straight. If you were gonna cum for him, he needed it now, like his life depended on it. Something to signify the beginning of all of the pleasure he’d give you from this point forward.
“You know how long I’ve wanted this, baby? Fuck, I’m close…”
“That’s it, baby, let go, let me make you feel good…”
“So pretty, cumming on my dick like this…”
Choso was so fuckin obsessed with you. You came down like an angel, eyes fluttering as you murmured his name softly, body melting into the bed. He halted inside you as he came, losing his mind over the way your nails dug into his arms. You two lay there panting for a bit, Choso’s arm bringing you into his chest. So beautiful like this. He’d finally made it, you in his arms, right where you belonged.
Before I crave you…so please go away. 
“So, I’m not going back to my dorm tonight, am I?”
No, of course, you weren’t.
“Do you really want-”
“I don’t want to.”
Choso was shocked to hear your words. You actually wanted to stay here with him, he didn’t even have to scare you into doing it! 
“Do you have a T-shirt or something? It’s kinda cold in here.”
“Uh, yeah, let me grab-”
“No problem, I’ll get it!”
Stop it. FUCKING STOP. You were getting too comfortable, about to open Pandora’s box with your hand on his closet door. Choso should stop you, whatever it would take. By the time he’d gotten to the knife, you’d opened the closet, pictures of you all over the walls. Choso lingered behind you now, knife behind his back as he waited for your reaction. You just had to be so fuckin nosy, you’d ruined everything. 
“Choso…are these pictures of me?”
He gripped the knife tightly in his hand as he watched you look through them. He couldn’t even speak, heartbreak and murderous intent flowing out of him. Every picture put another pin in his heart. Photos of you around campus, through your dorm window, in class, all open for you to see. You brought your hand up to one, pulling it down as you looked over it. The picture he took of you on Valentine’s Day. You’d been sitting in class that day, sad because Megumi hadn’t gotten you anything, which Choso figured he wouldn’t. That’s why he had three dozen roses delivered to you on the lawn later that day, eyes brightening as you held them and read the card: “Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess. ~ your secret admirer.” You were so damn happy that day, so perfect. Now, you had to die.
“It was you, huh? All this-”
“Yes. It was always me.”
You pulled another one down, the one of you winning Miss Sophomore. Your face had the brightest smile, holding that crown on your head as you cried tears of joy. You smirked at it, cheeks blushing a bit.
“I look really good in this one, glad someone got a shot of it. So, you liked me this much?”
You’d turned to look at him now, giving him a confused face. Probably because Choso was sweating buckets. His hand shook behind him as he looked at you nervously, analyzing everything about you, any sign that you were scared or wanted to leave.
“I’d call it more than that.”
“So, why not-”
“Because I wanted things to be perfect. I wanted to be perfect for you.”
You gave him a nervous nod and turned back to the closet, pulling down a photo of you in your room back at the Kappa house.
“How’d you do it?”
“How’d you take this without getting caught?”
You looked back at him now, a serious look on your face that told him he better fuckin’ answer. What was he gonna do? There was no point in lying to you, everything was there for you to see.
“I learned you and the other girl’s schedules to make sure everyone was asleep.”
“So, what else ya got? Pictures can’t be the only thing.”
Choso pointed to the top shelf of the closet hesitantly. You brought down the bin carefully, sitting it down on his desk as you opened the lid.
“What the fuck, Choso? I was looking everywhere for this lipgloss!”
You’d begun rummaging through the bin, picking up things in remembrance of when you lost them. A couple of hair ties, eyeliner, lipstick napkins. You acted as if there was nothing wrong with this, and it was making it really hard for Choso to read you. His hand alternated between wanting to drop the knife or use it, heart pulsing frantically as you tried on old jewelry of yours. Satisfied with your findings, you moved back to the closet, pulling down the other box on the shelf. The one with his gifts for you.
“Wait! You’re not supposed to see that yet!”
“What is it?”
“It’s something really special... just please, you’re gonna ruin everything!”
You shot him a concerned look and rolled your eyes, walking back over to the bed to take a seat. 
“Answer a couple of questions for me, ‘kay?”
“Question one, when did this start?”
“...Freshman year, rush week…the first time we met…”
You looked at him surprised. That meant he’d been stalking in love with you for almost four years now and never acted on it.
Just confiscate you, my teeth are in pain…
“Question two, what’s behind your back?”
Choso was shaking in fear, so much so, he dropped the fucking knife. You both watched it fall to the floor behind him, your mouth agape in shock as he frantically bent over to pick it up. He couldn’t tell what was more awkward, him dropping it on the floor or him picking it up and sitting it on his desk like nothing happened.
You scoffed and chuckled, stunned at his statement. Choso was bright red, on the verge of a panic attack. So many thoughts, so many mistakes, you knew almost everything now. All of the things he wanted to do for you, show you, give you, it all meant nothing now. Still, you sat there completely calm, aside from the fact the guy who just fucked your brains out was possibly about to kill you.
“Question three, this is an important one. Did you kill Megumi?”
“It was ruled a death from natural causes.”
“Yeah, tell that shit to someone else, did you kill him?”
Choso didn’t really care to hide things now, too far gone. Especially not how he got rid of that asshole you called a boyfriend.
“Yes, I did; and I don’t regret it.”
“How’d you do it?”
“I poisoned him with Ricin.”
“I put it inside of a box I told him was supposed to be for you.”
“Because he was a terrible boyfriend to you and you didn’t deserve to be with a guy who couldn’t even remember your birthday. Not to mention, he would’ve never died if he didn’t open what was meant for you, nosy fucker.”
“So, you were jealous? Most people would just beat the guy’s ass, you definitely knocked it out the park with that one.”
“Yes, he didn’t deserve to have you! He took you for granted when there was somebody much more fit to make you happy!”
“And that’s you?”
“Yes, just…please…don’t leave. Not before I make things perfect for you!”
You sat back on your hands, thinking a bit and bouncing your leg. Choso had said too much. Not only did he admit to killing Megumi, but now if you really did hate him, you could get him arrested too. Which meant you two would have to live apart. That was no longer an option.
“Even If I wanted to leave, I don’t think you’d actually give me the choice. Plus, it’s kinda…sweet?”
“Yeah, never had someone like me this much, let alone kill my boyfriend to get closer to me.”
“So, you’re not mad?”
“No, not really. Well, maybe for planning to stab me. Not like I can make you untake the pics, but I’ll need some of my stuff back. I’m more impressed than anything. I’m not even gonna ask how you got the Ricin or half of this stuff.”
Choso didn’t know how to feel, or how to react. Why were you so calm about this? Why weren’t you scared? Why were you still here willingly? He couldn’t move at all, locked in place in fear as he watched you get into the bed and turn on another movie.
“You gonna come lay with me or just stand there?”
“I just…I-”
You sat straight up now, looking him dead in the eyes as his body quivered in reaction.
“What’s your deal, huh? Didn’t you kill a guy to be with me?”
“Yes, technically, I-”
“So, be with me, Choso! Unless you’re just like a murderer or whatever, that’s kinda fucked up.”
I'm gonna break you before I can say…
Choso was lost for fuckin’ words. You were laying on his chest now, holy shit, he was losing his mind. Touching him, feeling your warmth as you finally relaxed. Everything he had done to get you with him had paid off. You were so perfect, lips pursed while you breathed up and snuggled your face into him. Just his sweet, sweet girl.
“So, the whole, um, thing…”
“What, you being fucking insane?”
“I’m not insane, just very dedicated to the woman I love!”
“Well, the way I see it, all my other boyfriends couldn’t stop looking at other girls, but you? You’re perfect, you’re already obsessed with me! Just don’t kill anyone else, ‘kay?” 
“I’ll try.”
I love you.
♱ the song used in this story is saccharine by jazmin bean. 🖤
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 4 months
barty working at some run down convenience store and he has a thing for the pretty girl who comes in buying cigs even though she's underage
GASP llaaaaayyylllaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you always manage to. ugh. just. YES. fuck this is so them!!!!!!! you get them, you understand them. ily.
Barty is still leafing through his magazine a moment later when he smells the gust of lilies and citrus from the other side of the counter. He grins.
A bottle of cherry coke zero clanks down on the counter along with a smaller bottle of vodka. “And a packet of Reds.”
Barty’s grin widens. He doesn’t look up when he winces and says, “I’m gonna need to see some ID on that, sweetie.”
Nothing. Then, a crumpled bill and some coins are thrown down next to the beverages.
Barty tuts when he finally lets himself look up and into enticingly piercing green eyes. Lily’s hair is a mess today and while her gaze is bright as any day, there’s a shadow of exhaustion hanging underneath her lower lashes.
“C’mon, kid, just show me that stolen ID again and let me tell you how much prettier you are than that girl in the picture,” Barty purrs, watching as Lily’s eyes narrow. “For old times’ sake, baby.”
Lily frowns, “Just hand me the cigarettes and I’ll be on my way.”
“Oh, but see that’s exactly what I don’t want to happen,” he replies, propping his palms onto the counter, leaning his long torso over.
Lily sighs and she shuts her eyes and her lips thin into a line and for a moment Barty thinks he’s going to get that one rare noise again where she’s whining like the most pitiful, exhausted, sweetest little thing. The first time she’d pressed it through gritted teeth Barty was so stupid from arousal he’d slipped the cigarette package over the counter and gave her the opportunity to leave earlier than planned.
Right now Lily takes a firm breath instead. Bummer.
But Barty isn’t giving up just yet. “Y’know, you shouldn’t buy that anyways. Stuff’s bad for you.”
“And you shouldn’t browse through the Playboy on the clock,” Lily sneers.
Barty grins and ducks closer, “Why, you got something better to show me?”
Lily’ cheeks take on a lovely pink tint, her freckles flaming over her rosy skin. Sometimes she reminds Barty a little of a cute fawn.
Barty nods at the beverages on the counter, “You gonna take that to a friend?”
“No,” Lily replies, frowning. Like it would be the most irrational thing to pick up a friend and have a drink with them. She’s so cute Barty wants to eat her.
“Gonna drink that all by yourself, sweets?” he inquires, grinning.
Lily huffs, “That’s none of your business.”
Barty hums, “Let me tell you something.”
“No, thank you.”
“Why don’t I take my break now,” Barty goes on, undeterred, “and I’ll have one with you. And I’ll let you purchase the cigs. Even throw in a lighter for free ’cause you’re so easy on the eye.”
Something just shy of a whimper catches in Lily’s throat. “I just want the damn smokes,” she mutters at the ceiling. Barty thinks the pale skin of her neck would probably bruise so easily if she’d just let him.
“Brilliant, then it’s settled,” Barty concludes and sorts the money into the register before slamming it closed pointedly.
He grabs the smokes from behind him and picks out a lighter with a wolfish grin. He fishes for the keys and the ‘Be Right Back’ sign from under the counter and then ushers a grumbling Lily out the back door.
There’s an old, ratty plastic chair and Barty lets himself plop down into it with a sated sigh. Lily keeps standing in the bare space in front of him and glares, “What happened to the second chair?”
Barty shrugs, “Someone stole it.” Someone being Barty and yes, the chair fits in nicely with the rest of his balcony furniture, thanks for asking.
Lily’s mouth tightens, she opens her soda. “Well, how hospitable of you to offer me the seat then,” she snarks.
“Oh, you’re very welcome to sit,” Barty returns, purposefully widening his legs and bucking his hips. “You look exhausted, love, and I promise I’m very comfy.”
He watches Lily’s gaze harden again, the wall building up, higher, and she purses her lips. She looks like she’s one more remark away from kicking Barty out of the wobbly chair but then suddenly she moves forward. She stops right between Barty’s legs and honestly, he hadn’t hoped he’d get this far today so his brain operates a little slow. Eventually he manages lifting his hands and guiding Lily around and to sit square in his lap.
They’re so close suddenly, Lily’s hair is tickling Barty’s nose and she feels heavenly where she’s placed on top of him. Warm and soft. She smells so good and the crook of her neck is right there. Barty has to work hard to control himself when spit pools under his tongue.
Lily tugs at her sweater subconsciously. It’s a low v-neck and Barty’s in a perfect position to ogle down her cleavage. “Smokes?” Lily asks, a little impatiently.
Barty hums, licking the corner of his mouth and gnawing on his bottom lip as he unwraps the cigarettes blindly, still hungrily taking in the soft swell of Lily’s—
“Stop staring at my tits, perv.”
Barty looks up to see her glowering expression. He licks his lips again. Lily’s gaze flutters down for just a second.
When the plastic wrapper is off, Barty opens it and flicks against the bottom of the carton. He takes the one that shot out the farthest and holds it up between them. “For good luck,” he explains, “Smoke it right before your exam.” Barty doesn’t know what prompts his brain in that direction but he finds himself planting a kiss along the length of the cigarette. Then he holds it up to Lily’s lips as well. She kisses it dutifully, so good for him, right on the spot where Barty’s mouth just lingered seconds ago, none the wiser that this is not at all a step in choosing your lucky cigarette. Barty puts it back in between the others with the filter up.
He pulls out two others and first sticks one between his own and then Lily’s lips. The urge to press his fingers in deeper is there but Barty ignores it skillfully.
The lighter is procured, Barty takes Lily’s chin between his fingers to light their cigarettes at the same time and then their smoking and nursing their drinks in comfortable silence. Barty can feel Lily readjust and squirm for the duration of her first smoke but then his arm lifts off the armrest and around Lily to pull her closer. She shifts up with a quiet yelp but settles quickly after the fact, if with a warning glance when Barty’s hand stays high on the outside of her thigh.
Lily’s skirt is soft fabric today, some kind of cotton with a mesh cover on top and it’s airy and short. After the third consecutive smoke and half the empty vodka flask later Barty has three fingertips digging into the bare skin of Lily’s thigh without complaint and a semi in his jeans.
“Lily,” Barty rasps after another two smokes. The redhead is mildly slumping against Barty’s embrace, eyes lidded and looking like she’s not far from falling asleep right on top of him.
“Hm?” she makes, blowing out smoke.
“You’re not feeling too well with exam season coming up, huh?”
“No shit,” Lily responds.
Barty’s lips tug at the corners, “I know a way to make you feel good.”
For the first time in a while Lily tenses in his lap, eyes widening in alert. “No,” she says.
Barty rolls his eyes with a grin, “You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“I’m not having sex with you.”
Yet, Barty thinks. “That’s not what I was going to propose,” Barty corrects, smartly.
Lily raises her eyebrows in disbelief. God, she’s so hot when she isn’t taking Barty’s bullshit.
“I was gonna say kiss you.”
“Just a little.”
“Only the neck.”
Lily pauses. Bingo.
Barty lifts his unoccupied hand and moves her curls over her shoulder, exposing her throat to him. He lets his fingers flutter over her pulse point feather light. “Just gonna kiss your neck a bit and make you feel good.”
“Gonna make you feel good, I promise,” he mumbles, gambling.
A sigh, then a barely there whisper, “Fine.”
Barty’s breath hitches and then he leans in and lets his tongue out flat to lick a long stripe up Lily’s pretty neck with a groan. He closes his lips around the skin and sucks hard enough to leave a mark, just behind her ear. Lily shudders in his lap and when Barty pants another breathy noise against her skin, he hears her moan quietly as well.
Lily tastes heavenly, like raspberry and lime, and clean and flowery. He licks and kisses and sucks and makes out with Lily’s neck, gripping her thigh so far up it’s nearly ass and getting increasingly harder the more she melts into him and the louder she gets.
Lastly Barty makes the mistakes of sucking too hard and pulling Lily from her trance so that she promptly extracts herself with a hiss. Her lips are bitten red and her eyes are wide and dewy as she stares at Barty in shock, cheeks flushed and Barty would literally sell all his organs to know what Lily is thinking right now.
Eventually she stutters her way through arguing why she has to leave now and Barty nods dutifully, still high off of the taste of Lily on his tongue, before helping her up and opening the door for her. Like a gentleman. As soon as her back is turned he cups and adjusts himself in his pants.
When they come back into the store there’s a small queue lined up outside and Barty smirks when he sees Lily blushing deeper.
Barty leans down to her ear from behind, “Well then, sweets, see you soon.” He presses the lighter into her palm and then steps past her to unlock the door for the costumers.
Lily responds something unintelligible under her breath and then rushes out after the people waiting have stepped inside.
On the sidewalk Lily turns and searches for Barty through the window. When their gazes lock she holds up the hand with the lighter and mouths, “Bambi?!”
Barty simply winks at her.
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xmalereader · 1 year
ID Leon Kennedy x Teacher! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors Note: This sat in my drafts for months and didn’t even finish it properly 😭, but oh well. In order for the ages between Sherry and Leon to make sense it would have been RE4R Leon instead of ID Leon, but fuck it, it doesn’t matter. Enjoy this trashy draft!
Summary: Leon is in need of a teacher for his daughter, Sherry and is recommended one of the best homeschooling teachers.
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of family, slight age gap, Sherry needs parents, single dad leon, language, homesickness, really short, mentions of Hunnigan and the DSO, mentions of Claire and Chris, Infinite Darkness Leon.
Word Count: 3.2K
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He always wanted to be a preschool teacher, teaching young kids and watching them grow. He had a way with kids he knew how to talk to them and interact without making them uncomfortable. He grew up in a household with six sisters, he was the only boy in the family and took majority of his time raising his own sisters while his parents worked to maintain them. He never hated it, he enjoyed taking care of his sisters, learning how to do their hair, take them shopping, finding out which clothes fits best with what shoes.
His sisters knew that his dream was to be a teacher one day and to teach younger students, after he graduated high school he quickly went to college to get his proper degree, spending day and night studying and getting his work done. Passing tests and finally reaching graduation, only for everything to crumble.
He’d applied to many schools and was denied. Not because he wasn’t educated enough but because he was a man who wanted to teach young children which caused many schools to be suspicious about him. He had a clean record and showed no signs of trouble but that didn’t matter to them. His dream of being a teacher came crashing down to the point where he was close to giving up.
It wasn’t until he applied for home schooling, hoping to get something. It took him a few days to receive a call from a family who wished to have a teacher for there kids. After they looked at his records and file they quickly accepted him, giving him the chance to interact with the families kids and educate them. The kids he taught were between eight to ten years old, giving him the chance to teach different levels of education.
He was with the family for a year before the kids were officially sent to a public school, his time spent teaching the kids gave him hope in advancing only for the wife of the family ending up recommending him to one of her co workers. She told him that he was a single parent raising a ten year old daughter.
He didn’t meet up with this new client until a month later, giving him time to prepare for a visit and to meet up properly with his new student and parent. Y/n was given an address of where his new client lived, imagine his surprise when he arrives to a large house, big enough for a large family.
He was confused, checking the address twice to make sure that he was at the right place. Did a single parent really live here? Perhaps the job they worked provided them enough money to afford such a big house. He gives himself some time to allow his anxiety to subside before stepping up to finally knock on the door.
It only took a few minutes for someone to come to the front door, pulling it open to come face to face with the most attractive man he’s ever seen. Y/n can’t help but swallow nervously as he asks in a soft voice. “Mr. Kennedy?” He questions, hoping that this man standing in front of him wasn’t his students father.
“Yes, that’s me.”
“I’m Y/n.” He sticks his hand out for a friendly handshake. “You called about homeschooling your daughter, I believe?” He asks, shaking Kennedy’s hand before he was let inside.
“You were recommended to me by a co worker, she told me that you are good at teaching along with Interacting with kids.” His students father raises a brow, guiding him inside the house, giving Y/n the chance to look around the place.
“Yes! Martha was her name—“ he referred to the mother of his old students. “She told me very little about you, telling me that you are a single parent raising a daughter on your own and looking for a teacher.” The two end up in the living room with Y/n sitting down a little further away from Kennedy. “Mr. Kennedy—“
“Please, call me Leon. Mr. Kennedy sounds a bit weird to me.” He chuckled out.
“Right, Mr—Leon. Can I ask, why not send your daughter to a public school? I’m not saying that I’m a bad teacher I’m simply curious to know.” He didn’t want him to think that he was judging Leons decision of homeschooling his daughter, he was curious to know. Most families had attachments to their kids and weren’t ready to send them to a public school, others were concerned about there safety.
He watched as Leon sighed to himself, siting back in his own seat. “I took sherry out of a bad situation, took her under my wing and signed the adoption papers after everything. Her situation caused her to close up.” Leon began to explain, getting Y/n’s attention. “She’s open around me and a few friends of mine but she’s not great with strangers or kids her own age. I believe that it’s a smart decision to have her homeschooled until she is ready.”
Y/n nods along at his words, taking everything in. He’s never dealt with a child who has been through trauma, but he’s willing to accept a challenge and provide the proper tools to help. “Is there anything I should know about Sherry? Perhaps curtain things she doesn’t feel comfortable with?” His question catches Leon by surprise. He guesses that not people ask about his child’s worries.
“She doesn’t like needles or tight spaces nor the dark.” Leon starts to name off a couple of things. “She doesn’t like shouting, it scares her and sometimes she can freeze up.”
Y/n takes mental note of all of this, making sure that he doesn’t do or say anything that will cause the poor kid to panic. “I will make sure that I don’t put her in a tough position, I always want to make sure that my students are comfortable. I would like to meet with Sherry first, if that’s alright? I usually spend my first day getting to know my students before I officially start their studies.”
Leon was hesitant, eyeing him up and down before coming to a stand, nodding his head. “Yeah, follow me.” With that, Y/n comes to a stand and follows Leon deeper into the house. Guiding him down a hall towards an open door, Y/n makes sure to stay back as Leon steps inside, giving the door a soft knock to get his kids attention.
“Sherry, your new teacher is here to meet with you. Think you’re up to it?” Leon asks as the young girl gives him a nod as she stands from her desk chair, coming to stand by Leon’s side as Y/n enters the room with a soft smile. He makes sure to provide her enough space to feel comfortable with as he stands from afar.
He gives a small wave. “Hello Sherry, I’m Y/n.” He intrudes himself, holding onto the strap of his book bag as he swallows. Leon is watching him closely as he approached her. “Honestly I haven’t heard much about you, all I know is that your dad here wants me to be your teacher—“ his eyes avert towards her desk where he takes notice of a Microscope.
“Do you like science?”
That gets the kids attention.
“I know a thing or two about science, I see that you like doing on hands projects.” He continued. “Perhaps I can teach you a few things, what do you think?”
“Will I see real micro organisms?” Sherry speaks up, her voice high pitched but soft. Y/n smiles with a small chuckle. “Of course, you’ll be able to work on the real stuff. Perhaps we can see how many germs things have?” He suggests.
Sherry is quick to nod, finally opening up to him and claiming that as a victory.
“Do you want to see what I’m working on?” Sherry asks, walking back to her desk to show him her own work that she’s been doing. Leon gives him a reassured nod when he glanced over to him, being granted permission to get closer to her as he stands next to her desk, looking down at the different tools that she had. The material before him is worth hundreds, if Leon was able to afford all of this it made him question what he did for work.
Sherry went on a ramble about her discoveries, showing him everything and pointing out random things that she found. Y/n listens to her and asks a few questions here and there, the child showed high interests in science and it made him question how far up her educational level could be.
After spending a few minutes with Sherry under Leon’s supervision, he is pulled aside by Leon while Sherry is distracted by her own hobbies.
“She’s a good kid, fast learner too.” Y/n says with a smile as he follows Leon out of the room and into the hallway. “I want you to be her permanent teacher.” Leon blurts out getting Y/n’s eyes to widen. “Per—But I usually only teach for a year.”
“And I want you to be Sherry’s teacher. Look, I have met with many teachers and none have made her to open up like you did. She’s usually quiet and doesn’t speak, most of the ones I’ve met so far have given up on her but you haven’t. I saw the way she reacted, she’s comfortable with you and I’d like you to be her teacher. I’ll pay you double and would like it if you moved into our guest bedroom, I spoke to to the agency about your living situation and know that you still live with your family.” Said Leon, catching Y/n by surprise, opening and closing his mouth, not knowing what to say.
“Mr Kennedy—Leon, you don’t have to do that—“
“I insist.” Leon cuts in. “Sherry needs a teacher.” He’s pleading at this point that Y/n can’t resist the offer, sighing to himself he nods in response. “Okay, I—I want to teach Sherry. I just have to get some things packed up before anything else.” He says softly.
“Thank you.” Leon tone is laced with relief once his offer is accepted and is quick to show Y/n the guest bedroom and where he will be staying, letting him know that he’s welcome to come and go as he pleases that he was still free to do so since he was here to teach Sherry.
It felt weird for Y/n.
He was going to be Sherrys teacher that was also going to be living with her and her father, under the same roof. This was new to him and knows that he would have to get adjusted if he is to teach Sherry.
After Leon provides him a key to the place he lets him know that he can move his stuff in whenever he can, giving him the time that he needs with his packing. When Y/n arrives back home to his family he is bombarded with questions from his younger sisters, always wanting to know what kind of kids he will be teaching. Y/n answers his sisters questions with a smile on his face before they leave his side after he was done answering their questions.
His sudden smile faltering and going noticed by his mother who knew that something was wrong the minute he walked through the door.
“Something happen?”
His mother is quick to assume as his father rolls his eyes at her, but Y/n gives off a small shrug. “Well, I got the job but this parent seems persistent to have his daughter learn, he’s had many other teachers see her, but none were to her liking nor was she comfortable with them. She liked me a lot and her father wants me to move into their house until she is ready to go to a public school.”
He can see his mothers face shift into a sad one. “So, you will be leaving?”
Y/n nodded. He couldn’t always going to live with his family he was going to be twenty six soon and affording a place on his own was rough without having a roommate and with Leon’s offer he knew it would be best for him. He was getting paid to live and teach his daughter. This would be the first time he leaves the nest, finally being able to go somewhere that he can provide him the support, not only that but he was being paid double. “I’ll be fine, I can still visit.” He reassured her knowing how worried his mother will be when he leaves the house.
After his discussion with his parents, he gets their help on packing up a few boxes. There’s a lot that he leaves behind for them, letting them know that he already had the necessary stuff back at Leon’s house, not too worried about leaving stuff behind for his sisters to keep. He didn’t have much to pack and is quick to move into the Kennedy household in less than a day.
It felt odd using a key to a strangers house, his stomach filled with knots at the idea of coming home to someone else. His years being sheltered by his parents created anxiety along with fear of change, they were always together and it was finally his time to follow his own path.
His first night there was uncomfortable for him. The silence was new to him for many nights he would hear his sisters gossiping non stop until midnight, falling asleep to their voices and waking up to them arguing about who was going to use the bathroom before school started in order to get ready for the day.
He didn’t hear the sound of his sisters voices in the morning instead he woke up to the sound of silence. Leaving his room and heading to the kitchen where he finds Leon cooking his daughter, Sherry a decent breakfast. Y/n stood frozen, unsure of what to say or do only for Sherry to take notice of his presence and smile at him.
“Morning!” She calls out loudly, getting both Y/n and Leons attention.
Leon looks up from his cooking and gives him a small greeting. “Sleep well?” He asks while Y/n rounds the table, sitting down next to Sherry who bounced in her seat, excited to have him here. “A bit, I’m used to waking up early with the sound of my sisters arguing.” He chuckled out.
“You have sisters?” Sherry’s voice is laced with curiosity as she stares up at him with wide eyes. “Yep!” Y/n smiles at her. “Six to be exact.”
Y/n laughs at her small outburst. “That’s a big family.” He hears Leon say, finishing up on the cooking and serving them all their own plate. “I’m the only boy in the family.” He blurts out, taking his own plate of food and thanking Leon, staring down at the nicely well cooked breakfast.
“And you? Any siblings?” He suddenly asks Leon.
“Only child.” Leon answers, sitting across from the two as he focused on eating his food.
“I’m guessing its just you and Sherry right?”
Sherry speaks up before Leon could. “And Aunt Claire and Uncle Chris.”
Y/n knew that Leon didn’t have any siblings, it’s possible that these aunts and uncles of Sherry’s are close friends of Leon’s who he’s claimed as family. “You must love your family, a lot, huh?” He chuckled at Sherry’s bashful smile as she goes back to eating her breakfast, finally giving Y/n and Leon the time to talk.
“Can I ask, if its not a problem, but what do you do for work?” Y/n is quick to shove food in his mouth, keeping himself distracted with something.
“Office work.” He answers with no hesitation, feeling Sherry’s eyes on him, knowing damn well that what the man did was not just any ‘office work’ she knew that his job was dangerous and was lying to keep them safe.
Y/n’s eyebrows raised in surprise, another question coming to mind but keeps his mouth shut, not wanting to bother the man any longer. “Oh? I expected something totally different.” He chucked out nervously, clearing his throat and finishing up his food before rushing to the sink to keep himself distracted with the dishes he is currently washing.
“You don’t have to wash those.”
Leon speaks up from his spot on the dining table but Y/n is quick to cut in. “I want too, besides if I am to be living here to help teach Sherry, I might as well and be decent and do my own dishes. Let alone any chores I have of my own…” He mumbled softly before focusing back on his task in hand and setting the wet dishes aside to dry.
Leon chuckled to himself, knowing that he shouldn’t argue back with his daughters teacher. “Very well,” he states, turning to Sherry and giving her a soft kiss on the head after he finished his own breakfast. “I have to head out.” He announced, getting the young girls attention. “How long will you be gone this time?” She pouts out.
“It’s only for a day, Claire will come by to stay the night.”
“Will uncle Chris be with you too?” She questions.
“Yes, both Chris and I will be out for the day. So, again, Claire will come by tonight after your schooling is done.” Leon promises, watching his daughter frown at his words. He knows that his job is dangerous and is sent on long missions, he’s spoken to Hunnigan about wanting to spend more time at home, which is why she tasked him with the shorter missions. But, even those felt too long for Sherry.
“It’s only for tonight.” Leon reassured Sherry who gave a curt nod, pushing her unfinished plate aside before leaving the dining room. Leon knows how stubborn she becomes when he is needing to leave for a mission, Y/n on the other hand didn’t know how to deal with the situation, the tension building up in the room as he quietly moves around the kitchen, distracting himself from what he witnessed.
Y/n looked around frantically, looking for something to do, something to clean but Leons kitchen was already clean. The man kept it clean for him and his daughter, after cooking breakfast he had cleaned up his own spills and washed the dishes that he’s used all expect the pan that he was rushing to clean in order to run away from the awkwardness that filled the room around them.
Leon had been staring towards the direction that Sherry disappeared too, sighing deeply and standing up straight. “Let me know if she causes any trouble.” He speaks up, getting Y/n’s attention and the teacher nods. “Of course…” He whispers softly and watches Leon leave his own house, giving Y/n the chance to sigh in relief once the tension disappears.
It was only his first day and had no idea how react to this change and instead focused on finishing up his cleaning and get started on Sherry’s schooling.
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babysfirstfic · 8 months
live now, think later
luke hughes x fem!reader
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word count: 1.7k
summary: Luke desperately needs to blow off some steam. In a dingy bar, he finds just what he's looking for...
warnings: Brief allusions to sex, but nothing major. Yet. (18+)
a/n: This is my first ever fic! I would love to hear feedback if you have any. I plan for this to be chapter 1 of 3 (but we'll see what happens)! Shoutout to this Tate McRae song for directly inspiring the title and for subconsciously inspiring the plot.
There were few NHL rookies who had more eyes trained on them than Luke Hughes. Between the constant media attention he received from a young age and the pressure that came with his last name, Luke had always had a complicated relationship with his celebrity.
Don’t get it twisted, Luke was super grateful for all the advantages that came with having two all stars for brothers, and there was a part of him that enjoyed leaning into his status. 
On the ice, he welcomed the attention. He loved the chance to put on a show for the fans, reveling in the opportunities to make game-changing plays. Hockey was his craft; the minute he laced up his skates he was an artist, an author, a showman. A single goal could cause an entire stadium to rise to their feet, and the power he felt in those moments was indescribable.
Off the ice, though, it was a different story.
Luke prided himself on his maturity and his charm, his ability to keep his cool even while being peppered with questions and surrounded by cameras. He had years to perfect the art of the interview, expertly dodging personal inquiries and even cracking the occasional smile to make it seem like he didn’t absolutely despise answering the same inane questions over and over again. 
But one could only keep up appearances for so long. He found it exhausting to have to perform all the time. Though he understood it was a sacrifice he’d have to make now that he was living out his dreams, that didn’t make it any easier. 
After several months in the league, he craved a chance to be something other than “Luke Hughes, the hockey player”. He desperately needed to let loose and to make use of the other sides of his personality, the spicier sides, the sides that the cameras would never get to see. 
It was time for this Devil to earn his horns. 
Within the first few months of being in New Jersey, Luke quickly learned which bars would bend the rules for him. In his desperation to fit in with any teammate who didn’t share his DNA, he was willing to do pretty much anything to get in, buying fake IDs, signing jerseys, you name it. He felt it showed his teammates just how committed he was to building their relationships, on and off the ice. 
But tonight, his team couldn’t have been further from his mind. This time, he’d come alone. 
Luke had never had the time or energy for dating, but he thrived on quick hook ups and meaningless sex. No obligation for vulnerability or commitment, just fun. After the whirlwind that had been last year, he needed some fun, and tonight, he was willing to work for it. 
His bar of choice was dingy, a typical dive bar, complete with sticky floors and disgruntled employees, but the low key lighting and loud music allowed for the perfect cover. Luke felt a sense of safety in his anonymity, a feeling which was becoming increasingly rare. 
Waiting in a booth on the edge of the dimly lit room, he scanned the crowd, searching for a glimpse of excitement, someone to steal the blood from his brain and force it elsewhere. 
Suddenly, something, no someone caught his eye. It was you. 
In a glittery backless top with a loose, low cut and black pants that you filled out in all the right places, you were shaking your stuff on the dance floor. Your whole body bounced with every movement. Like a beacon in the night, the strobe lights illuminated your entirety, sending colourful fractals bouncing off in every direction. You were practically demanding Luke’s attention, and you didn’t even have to try. 
You had sensed his eyes on you immediately and couldn’t help but to return his gaze. He looked young but strangely sure of himself, carrying the recognizable swagger of a man who’s used to breaking the rules and getting away with it. Luke would call it confidence, but if you asked his brothers, they’d call it his raging youngest sibling syndrome. 
You were undeniably intrigued. Adding more hip movement to your dancing, you hoped that it would encourage him to join. This certainly was not your first rodeo. 
It worked. Slowly, he stood up from his booth and made his way onto the dance floor. You sensed a shift in his energy, like this was something out of the ordinary for him. “Nice to know he has a weakness,” you mused to yourself, just now noticing the flutter in your heart as he inched closer. 
Luke hated dancing, but something about you drew him in, like a ship of sailors drawn by the voices of sirens. Though he hoped he might meet a different fate; he hoped you might give him a happy ending. 
Eventually, he reached your spot on the dance floor. 
“Hey,” he spoke into your ear, leaning in close so that you could hear him above the music. You felt his breath tickle your neck, sending chills down your back and deep inside. 
“Hi,” you responded, keeping your cool in spite of the tides coming in beneath you. You didn’t know him, had never seen him before, yet everything within you yearned to be close to him, craved to feel his hand against your skin, begged to know him in every sense of the word. “Sheesh girl, you need to get out more,” you thought, smiling briefly to yourself.
Without wasting any time, you grabbed his hand and placed it on the small of your back, finally experiencing the brief release of skin-on-skin. You looked up at him, attempting to decipher the look on his face. He reciprocated your gaze, flashing his crooked smile, practically threatening to melt you right then and there. 
Seeing his smile mirrored on your face, he moved his other hand to match the first, pulling you in close. You nodded to express your approval and quickly fell back into your original rhythm, grinding and swaying your hips to the music. Sticking your hands in his back pockets, you led him through the motions, slowly undulating your bodies to the beat. 
Your eyes scanned up and down as you let yourself take him in. There was something about this boy; he completely captivated you. With his arms around you, you felt safe. He lacked the aggression and forcefulness you had unfortunately come to expect from situations such as these. He was clearly strong, but you caught him out of his comfort zone, so he was letting you take the lead, a role you took on gladly. 
After a couple minutes of finding the right rhythm, your bodies became one. The world melted away. Luke leaned in and began gently kissing your neck, stopping only to briefly nibble your ear. As your pelvises moved up and down to the beat, you began to feel the friction of something rising just below his belt. You responded in kind, sensing a growing heat and swelling between your legs. Neither of you had done this in a while and it was showing, your bodies overly excitable. But you didn’t mind; you were both getting exactly what you wanted. 
“I live a couple blocks from here,” you shouted above the crowd, doing everything in your power not to let out the moan that was threatening to escape your lips. “Maybe we could finish our dance there”. 
Knowing full well he couldn’t wait that long, Luke made a different suggestion. “There’s a hotel across the street. I have a room. Care to join me?” 
In the haze of the crowd and the music and the night, you found yourself moving off the dance floor, out of the bar, into the open air of Newark. 
Your entire body was pounding, throbbing with energy and excitement. Your hand was clasped in his, and only then, as you were making your way through the hotel lobby and down the hallway to the room, did you realize you didn’t even know his name. More importantly, you realized you didn’t care. In fact, it was better this way. No possibility of getting attached or contacting each other afterwards. A true one night stand. 
As you reached the room, Luke spun you around to face him, your back firmly placed against the door. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, leaning close, finally allowing you to get a good look at his face in the light.  
Your gaze trailed down from his curls to his lips, before resting on his eyes. You noticed a slight sparkle in them, a glint, an invitation. This was your chance. “I’ve never been more sure,” you responded.
Lunging forward instinctively, you reached up, taking hold of his hair and guiding his lips towards yours. Your touch was confident, verging on forceful, a byproduct of the pent up energy that needed an outlet and had finally found one. 
Maybe you were a little too forceful. As your bodies collided, they also made contact with the door, sending a loud noise vibrating through the hallway. You briefly paused your moment of passion to laugh, your foreheads still touching, neither of you daring to fully pull away. 
“Someone’s a little eager,” Luke spoke against your lips, chuckling slightly before re-initiating the kiss. 
Just as it had in the bar, the world melted away, making you forget just how publicly you were displaying your affection. 
But you were both being reckless, and Luke knew it. He had been warned about pulling something like this, about bringing negative attention to himself or to the team. He was new and still needed to prove himself. Above all that, he had a squeaky clean reputation to uphold. He was trained to be tight-lipped to the media so that the focus was on his playing, not his personal life. Stunts like this could jeopardize everything he’d worked for, everything his parents sacrificed for. But god, you were making him forget all of that. There wasn’t a single thought in Luke’s mind that didn’t have to do with getting you out of your clothes and under his tongue...
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rd0265667 · 27 days
Mina x Reader: la folie d'un(e)
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Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon @justme-idle
A/N: Yes, The picture is a weird choice, I promise it's the right pic. Also sorry @keervah. and thanks @frenchyypoo and @1luvkarina for beta reading
Your eyes shut tight at the bright glare of the sun, causing you to wince in annoyance. As you reach around your bed, you found yourself alone. That was odd, Mina loved to sleep in on her off days, especially after a week long stint on the graveyard shift. Hmm, maybe she got hungry.
“Babe?” You groggily call out, scratching your hair, expecting to smell some waffles, or any of the foods Mina usually liked to prepare for breakfast, but no. No response from her either. Your eyebrow raised in caution. No note, no message, nothing. Your first  thought was an intruder. As someone who was married to a law enforcement officer, you’ve had many close scraps with pissed off criminals hoping to get revenge, or an up and coming criminal wanting to kidnap a cop for leverage. Arming yourself with a small kitchen knife, you creeped out of the kitchen slowly. No signs of forced entry, your IDS was still armed. Either your intruder was a ghost, or you were all clear.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you holster the knife, going to the fridge to grab some milk. You’ve had this situation happen more often than you’d like, but that’s the downside of being married to a police officer. Mina would disappear in the morning, for some manhunt or all hands on deck situation. When these situations arose, you found it best not to call, the miniscule chance of the call messing something up was too huge a deterrent for you to interrupt her work. She’ll call when she can. In the meantime, to keep your mind off of it, you grab your tote bag, intending on heading to the market for some shopping. On the way out however, an old photo frame that sat at the mantle next to the door seemed odd. You distinctly remember it being a picture of both you and Mina at the beach, your first date, now instead, it was a picture of you with your family at one of your cousin’s weddings. That’s odd, you could have sworn it was a picture with Mina. Maybe she’s been doing some redecorating. A discussion for when Mina comes back. “Yo! Juin!” You shout out as you waved to the teenager manning the store. “Morning Boss, what do you need today?” He said as he got up, adjusting his apron. “Just looking for some fruit. Where’s your pops?” You ask, looking through the fruits available at the store. “Oh he’s in the back, settling some shipping problems with the delivery guys.” Juin replied as he took the watermelons and other assorted fruits from you, going to wrap it up. “Big day? You usually don’t buy so many fruits in one go.” “Well, Mina’s probably had a long day, so I want to prepare a fruit platter for her to go with dinner.” You reply with a smile as you hand him the money. “Mina? New Girlfriend?” Juin asked in confusion. “Come on man, you’ve met Mina, she’s been my wife for 2 years and counting. Don’t you remember her? Japanese, shy, looks like a penguin, loves ketchup irrationally.” You ask, perplexed that Juin could not remember Mina. “Doesn’t ring a bell.” Juin replied, clearly not joking too. The youth these days, them and their poor memories. “Oh well, gotta run, say hi to your dad for me, he definitely knows her. Ask him to show you a picture of Mina.” You say, placing the fruits into your tote back, waving before walking off. As you walked off, Juin’s dad walked out. “Hey pops, Y/N came by. They mentioned a wife? Mina?” Juin asked his father “Who’s Mina?”
After a little more shopping, you hauled your bags back into your apartment complex, seeing a neighbour, and good friend of Mina’s, Nayeon, waving to you, rushing up to you and relieving your load of bags, then looping her hand around your arm. “Expecting company tonight Y/N? I’m disappointed you didn’t invite me first.” Nayeon pouted, looking at you in mock anger. “Another day Nayeon, I have a lovely spread for Mina tonight.” You respond, gesturing to your bags. Nayeon looks at you quizzically. “You have a girlfriend now? How could you keep this from me?” Nayeon asked, now more shocked than her previous mock anger. You chuckle awkwardly, trying to see when Nayeon would burst out laughing, or be unable to hide a smirk about this trick, but none. Nayeon seemed serious. “Come on, Nay, seriously. Mina was the one who introduced me to you. The two of you are in the same book club? There’s no way you don’t know her.” You ask her, worried as pieces slowly began to fall apart. She was missing this morning, no note, nothing. Juin didn’t remember Mina, more importantly, Nayeon didn’t either. Nayeon, who spent more time with Mina and their little friend group then she spends sleeping. This doesn’t make any sense. Seeing Nayeon shake her head, clearly now worried about you, you shook your head, muttering under your breath. “This isn’t possible. I have to go.” You hastily run to your door, leaving Nayeon standing behind you, confused and worried. You fumbled with the key in your hand, frantically trying to open the door. When the door finally creaked open, you bolted in, intending to find a picture of Mina. Maybe Nayeon was just having a medical issue, and a picture of Mina would jog her memory. You sprinted around the house, trying desperately to find Mina in a picture. But somehow, not a single one could be found. Picture frames where photos of the two of you once sat, were now replaced by pictures with your family. Even those photos you knew, you were certain, Mina was in, she was absent from those pictures, disappeared like she had never existed. How could this happen? Were you going mad?
You hastily pull your phone out, looking for her contact, but none showed up. Dialling her number, the phone company says that the number is not registered. Desperate, you phone the police. “Hello, Castle Hills Police Department Dispatch. How may I help you?” “Where is Officer Mina Myoui, badge number 23796.” You hastily spit out. “Who is this?” “This is Y/N L/N, Officer Mina Myoui’s partner.” “Alright, I’ll check.” The clacking of the keyboard in the background of the call offered no help to calm your nerves, forcing you to try to take deep breaths to keep your heart rate low. “I’m sorry, we have no record of an Officer Myoui.” You immediately hang up, dropping the phone to the ground as you felt the world around you begin to dance. Mina was gone from pictures, gone from…everything. Did she never actually exist? It didn’t make any sense, you remembered every single moment you had spent with Mina, meeting her at a cafe near her station, your first date at the beach, getting married, moving into this apartment together. But it was undeniable, no one else remembered Mina, not her friends, not her coworkers, there was no trace of Mina,  not in photos, nothing. Was she really a hallucination all this while, or was this all a huge nightmare, but if this was a nightmare, why would you be able to rationalise all this, you had read this before, was this madness? And why is this happening and does that lamp look weird, maybe the dimensions were off and why is this happening today, and-
Before your mind could race anymore, the world grinded to a halt. The honking of traffic outside went silent, birds stopped chirping. For a matter of fact, they stopped flying, frozen in the air as if time had stopped. And it had, for everything, and everyone, except for you. Looking around in confusion, you heard a thud at the door. Still disoriented, you just stared at the door. As the lock clicked, the door opened, and through the door, stepped Mina. Though initially stunned, you quickly ran up to her, throwing her into an embrace, one which she reciprocated, wrapping her hands around you and squeezing tight. “What’s going on, Mina? No one remembers you, and nothing of you is here, it's like you don’t exist.” You frantically ask, not willing to let go of Mina, afraid that she’d disappear the moment she left your grasp. “I’ll explain everything. Let’s sit down first.” Mina said, pointing to the couch as she made a poor attempt at hiding the tears in her eyes. Grabbing her hand as tightly as you could, the two of you walked to the couch. “Y/N.” Mina started, a slight pause in the middle of her sentence, taking a deep breath. “I’m not human. I’m a goddess.” She said, looking you straight in the eye. “Don’t lie to me. I’ve been through enough today Minari. Please, just tell me the truth, that’s all I need.” You plead, feeling your brain about to break at any moment. “I’m not lying, My parents wanted to give me a normal adjacent childhood, so they left me on earth with parents to take care of me after I turned 6.” Mina explained, extending her hand as she conjured a small flame in her hand. You were shocked, but after the news that no one remembered your wife, this just seemed like a somehow reasonable extension of the day. “Okay, if you’ve had these powers for so long, then why would everyone forget you now? Why all of a sudden?” Tears welled up in Mina’s eyes, fists clenched. “My mom was killed. There was a rogue in the pantheon, and she killed many of the gods and goddesses. I need to ascend to take her place, then put the rogue down. But… for me to ascend to the pantheon, there cannot be a trace that I existed as a mortal here.” Mina explained, fingers trembling. “You did this…You erased everyone’s memories of you, every trace of you.” You questioned, a tinge of betrayal bubbling in you.
Mina was unable to look you in the eye, fist clenched, hesitating a moment before nodding. “Then why do I remember?” You ask, perplexed. “Because I love you. I had to make everyone forget about me, and erase every trace of me, but I thought I could sneak one person past with their memories. You. Leave you with the memories of our love. And it worked. I ascended without a problem. But I saw how you were suffering, not because you had forgotten about me, but because you remembered. I don’t want to see you slowly go insane, my love. I can’t do that to you.” Mina explained, hand lightly cupping your cheek. “So what now.” You mumbled, realising your happy life was slowly collapsing like a house of cards. “You know what I have to do.” Mina whispered “Please, Mina. No. I want to remember you. I want to remember our first kiss, our movie nights, our everything. Please, Mina. Even if I can’t have you, at least…let me remember what I once had with you. I won’t go crazy, I know you had to ascend, I’ll go about my life now, but I want to remember. Please.” You say, at this point, you had stopped even attempting to hold your tears in, staring at Mina, trying to map every bit of her face for what could be the last time,  her almond shaped eyes, her blond hair, her little mole, everything that made up the woman you loved. Mina shook her head with tears in her eyes. “The only reason I was allowed back down was because I said there was someone who I had forgotten to wipe. They’ll check, Y/N. I don’t have a choice.” Mina whispered, cupping your cheek, pulling you in for one last kiss. As you shared your last kiss, your last embrace, you begged, you almost screamed, cursed at the powers that be, for all of this to be a dream. For you to wake up in your bed, held by your loving wife, living the perfect life you had enjoyed for so long “Goodbye, my Y/N. My love for you will never fade, I promise. I love you.” Mina whispered, before gently placing her hand on your forehead. “No Mina! Please!” You screamed in despair, but it was too late. Mina, eyes clenched shut, unwilling to look in the eyes of the person she had spent so much time with, and loved so deeply, forget about her, and forget about everything they had done together. The love they shared together, the kisses in bed before going to work. All gone Then, as if a curse was laid upon her, while removing your memories, she was forced to watch the future she was robbing the both of you of. You would have had two kids. One would have been named Jackson. The other, Rachel. You would have had your vows renewed at Hawaii on a family vacation. The two of you would have had long lives ahead of you, full of love, full of everything you could ask for, all because you would have had Mina. Not anymore
As Mina recoiled back, she fell onto the sofa, sobbing into her hands as you now stood frozen at the couch. Mina took her last look at you, wanting to burn you into her memories, and simultaneously, she felt an intense wave of grief and sadness. Your memories of her are lost now. You would meet someone else, fall in love with someone else, walk down the aisle with someone else. It was supposed to be Mina. It was Mina. But not anymore. Walking up to your frozen figure, Mina leaned in, leaving one last peck on your forehead.
“I’m so sorry, my love. This is my curse now, all of our memories, remembering you but never being able to have you. I’ll live for thousands upon thousands of years, but I’ll never love another. I’ll be cursed to love the ghost of you. A madness, la folie d’une”
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banj0possum · 1 year
Heyo! Hope you're doing alright! Firstly, sorry if this is too long... summary: yan oc reactions to male/gn reader with a high pain tolerance whose platonic affection language is rough housing (biting , headbutts, body slams/shoulder bumps, aggressive bear hugs, or a good grip/squeeze. All of these forms of affection are done by reader with as much force as is allowed without actual damage and which reader happily reciprocates). Bonus, what're the reactions of rough housing intolerant yans when said reader starts trying to find someone else as an outlet for this affection need. Context: I saw the mini react to the affectionate chair wielding and had a thought. I am a very energetic and affectionate individual with folks I'm close with, and often times a gentle hug or soft touch just isn't enough to get across the energy and emotion or i just NEED something more grounding/comforting cause "yes this gentle hug is comforting my stress a little but i really REALLY need you to crush my soul and being back together with this next hug. Really trash compactor my body so i can feel whole again :) 💪". It's what i grew up with and what some of my friends encouraged/reciprocated (have definitely popped backs when giving each other hugs and once i popped someone's fingers when i was allowed a good squeeze). When soft affections aren't hitting right (and i have permission from my friend) I tend to turn to play bites (at whatever maximum safe pressure is allowed by the person being bitten), headbutts, body slams/shoulder bumps (again, at a maximum safe force that is allowed), and harsh grips/hugs (again, whatever maximum safe force is allowed). It's really a grounding/comforting thing cause it allows me and my friend to destress, release energy, and also kinda reassures us that we're truly physically and emotionally there. It's definitely not something for all my friend circles and i usually turn to my high energy friend circles that have similar needs (and they come to me if they feel the urge as well). A good example is the time Friend A saw me out and about, shouted out my name and charged me full speed from 30 feet away. I tanked the brunt of their full body affectionate tackle and honestly? Was one of the happiest and closest i felt to my friend. Haven't done that in a while cause we got warned not to do that again by personnel lol. We usually try to meet up at parks (cause indoor places understandably don't like when a group of adults start rough housing) though it's hard to rn cause of the heat and stuff
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OCs w/ a Rowdy Darling
My OCs x GN Reader
THIS IS LITERALLY AMAZING !! you seem like a really cool person to hang out with ! id definitely let you give me a back popping hug >w< not sure if im strong enough to give you a hug as strong as that though hehe ^^" anyways heres the fic ! (´ ∀ ` *)
Adrian is literally the same as you. Every shove or punch or rough housing is a sign of affection.
You two probably rough house all the time ngl, and he loves it!
You're his energetic little lover and he's all for it!
You two might have gone to detention for rough housing to hard a few times hehe..
If you bear hug him, he'll try to hug you harder, it's like a competition to him!
Honestly, he sees everything as a competition. You push him playfully? He'll push you harder.. headbutts? You might get a slight headache after he's done..
He might be your boyfriend, but he's still a bit of a bully, but it's all in good fun! He stops if ever he notices you're getting uncomfy.
Not a biter though, but when you do it, he melts like putty!
He loves how strong and rowdy you are and that you're not afraid to express it, it shows how tough and confident you are!
He likes his gentle moments once in a while, but being able to love you in a love language you both share is so special to him <3
"Cmon babe! One more hug! I can take it!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Brandon is kind of impressed..
He's one of the best football players in his school and his little darling is biting and shoving and headbutting him, so adorable!
You remind him of a little goat, so excited and happy and lively!
Definitely makes him more protective of you because of how precious you are to him.
If you get to rowdy for his liking, he grabs you and traps you in a bear hug until you calm down or if you give him an even tighter bear hug than the one he's giving you.
Invites you to play a bit of football with him and his team.
But protection is key! He wraps you in all sorts of gear before you play, he knows how high your pain tolerance is but he still wants to keep you safe! and also he likes seeing you wear his helmet
Your body slams are praised not just by him but by his team, it's too cute!
If he catches you being your little rowdy self around anyone else, he'll get jealous fast..
He shoves you affectionately to get your attention.
"Heya baby! How's my little ram doing huh?"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Valeth just thinks you're copying him in a way and is flattered.
Aweee, little mate is so strong and tough! He's so proud!
Encourages the behavior, as long as you don't hurt yourself!
He's much stronger than you so your affections don't do much, but you bet your ass he's putting his whole soul in pretending to get hurt.
Rough houses with you as if you were a little child play fighting, he loves playing with his little warrior!
If you do get hurt, he's putting all play fighting to a halt! He's checking up on you and making sure you're ok with the softest voice you've ever heard from an orc.
You might be fine but he's not taking no for an answer, you're getting some rest!
Love love loves your bearhugs! He tests your strength and lets you squeeze him as hard as you can!
Biting is met with kisses all over your face, it's what you get for being so cute!
Body slams are more like you latching onto him and trying not to fall off because of how large he is..
"Oh my little duckling can bite! How fierce! You're so strong haha!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Bo appreciates how energetic and lively you are, but please no rough housing ;-;
He doesn't want you to get hurt or hurt anyone else, even though you're perfectly capable of regulating how rough you can me, he's just a lil protective is all
He only allows bear hugs and squeezes, anything else is greeted by the time out corner (him trapping you in his arms in the bed until you give up)
"Now now hun, not so rough ok? I don't want you gettin banged up or anythin.."
Ribs is also a feral little man and absolutely loves that you're as rowdy as him!
You two love play fighting and biting affectionately!
He loves your headbutts! he returns them all the time
"Ahahaha! Again again!"
Soda tolerates it, he just appreciates that you're comfortable enough to rough house with him.
He's not the energetic type but he'll give you sleepy kisses and squeeze you back if you bear hug him
Doesn't bite but he likes nibbling on you
He's not as lively as you, but he loves reciprocating your affection!
"You're so strong hehe~"
Screw is scared
He is oddly aroused
He's also hopelessly trying to stop himself from called you sir or daddy or any dominant title because oh my god you are so awesome
He's looking at you with puppy dog eyes asking for your love and attention
Imagine him kicking his legs and rambling about you to the others
"H-hello si- dadd- (Y/N)! Hi (Y/N) heheh.."
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Wolfie loves how rowdy you are! he loves playing!
That's his way of telling you he loves you, but of course he's extra gentle when playing with you, he wouldn't wanna get his mate scratched up!
Loves rolling around and playing around with you, it makes him feel like a pup again!
Doesn't like you biting him though, you might get something icky in your mouth!
Licks you all over if you get hurt or get a little too rough to make you feel better!
Headbutts are rewarded with his big paws bopping you on the head like he's trying to pet you!
If he's tired and you're being your lively little self, he just takes you and sleeps on top of you so you can't escape.
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Dorik actually has a lot of brothers and sisters back in hell and you remind him so much of how they used to play around with him.
As much as he adores cuddling you close and doing gentle and calm things with you, he loves how tough you are!
Yes he moans when you bite him.
Everytime you're affectionate with him, he can't help but kiss you all over, you're just so cute!
Almost cries if you give him bear hugs, this man is touchstarved!!!!
He gives you his own love by wrapping his tail around you or rubbing his face into your clothes, chest, hair, anywhere! He loves how you smell so good everyday!
Shrieks if you body slam him, but somehow he's as solid as a rock, he didn't even stumble..
But he's all over you asking if you're ok.
"Master? My love? My darling are you alright?!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Kalva unfortunately doesn't like rough-housing, he's made it a rule that you can only mess around outside the nest!
But he adores your bearhugs and headbutts and bites, they're comforting to him in a way, it shows that you're close to him!
He headbutts you too, it's his way of asking for your love and attention.
For a while it was also how he kissed you since he didn't know how to do it properly yet.
He might indulge in your rough ways sometimes by jumping around and messing up his feathers on purpose, but you should promise to help preen them afterwards!
Nevertheless, he loves you to bits and just wants to keep you safe <3
"My mate is so excited! My mate is happy!"
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Jasper is scared for his life but in a fun way.
He never knows the next time you're gonna bite him or tackle him into a hug, it's like a game for you both.
He gets you back by surprise tickling you, it's pretty effective.
If he expects the biting, he definitely bites you too, kissing the area right after for extra measure.
Don't get me wrong he's absolutely flustered whenever you do it, but he gets used to it after a while.
But no rough-housing with him! He's fragile and might break something.
Legit asks you to crack his back if ever he's having back aches.
"Hey love, my back's a little weird again, can I get another hug~?"
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Viktor is surprised and a little intrigued.
Oh? My darling is so energetic, I love it!
If you ever try anything on him, he chuckles and 'punishes' you with kisses all over your face and cuddles you until you give up.
Your bites kind of freak him out
Like he's supposed to bite people! It's kind of weird having people bite him, it's a bit exciting..
"My my~ Is my little bat misbehaving again~?"
Garrick doesn't tolerate roughness at all.
You might get hurt! What if one of them reciprocates the affection and goes too far? He's not having it!
That is until you do it to him and he absolutely melts at your cuteness.
He goes from strict to 100% on board with your love bops
Refuses to bear hug you, he might break your spine because of how much he loves you!
"Remember to be careful my turtledove! And I love you!"
Silas is all in on your rowdiness, considering he's like that himself.
He's a mischievous little shit and loves play fighting with you.
Loves picking you up and spinning you around, making you hold onto him as you two giggle like young lovers together.
Always does this thing where he cups your face and shakes your head side to side, he says its because you're too cute and your face must be a mask because no one is that perfect!
Gives you gentle and soft kisses after your rough moments because he wants to make sure he didn't hurt you. He feels the need to remind you always how much you mean to him and how happy you make him feel.
"My little owl, so cute, so adorable~ I'll never leave you Darling~"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Baron tries his best to keep you calm but you're just to fuckin adorable!
He's a cold hard assassin! Why is he smiling over weak little attempts to hurt him?!
Scolds you for rough housing but his heart breaks if you pout or if he hurts your feelings
Immediately says sorry and holds your hand tight to show he still loves you, he just doesn't wanna see you potentially hurt yourself.
If you're rough with anyone else, he's pulling you off and dragging you away whilst holding you in the tightest bear hug, his actions screaming out 'you're mine!'
Of course he denies it all, saying excuses like 'what if they think you wanna pick a fight?'
But you know he's just jealous that you're not giving him that attention.
Still doesn't tolerate bodyslams or bites but bear hugs, headbutts and squeezing his hand are highly appreciated. Highly
"How about we settle down now boss hm~? I'll run you a nice hot bath if you'd like~"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Caspian is a wimpy little bitch and gets upset if you play fight with him.
He'll start whining for you to stop but like also whine if you stop giving him attention. (little shit)
Lives for your bear hugs! SQUEEZE HIM HARDER PLEASE!!!
Headbutts make him dizzy and otherwise just confused but he appreciates it and thinks you're trying to kiss him.
He'll pull you close and show you what a real kiss is like~
Bite him and he's flustered.
Like about to have a stroke and can't form a complete sentence flustered.
"Ohohoh~ Oh my~ H-how fascinating~!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Hallow loves playing! Wait what are you doi-
Gets the message (i think) and starts to play fight with you too, chasing you around the house and wrapping you up in his long arms to tickle you all over!
Pretends to be a scary monster and nuzzles his face into you once he catches you, imitating eating. That's what you get for trying to fight the big spooky Hallow!
Your headbutts and affections make him so happy he starts jingling from how much he's trying to hold back.
He loves roughing you up a bit too, but his little bops aren't so strong since he's made of cotton and love <3 <3 <3
If you're getting a bit too rough, he wraps you up and kisses you softly before letting you go once you calm down.
"You tired from lovin on me all day sweetie~? It's alright, I got a looooootta lovin left for you~!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Ashvan is terrified!
On one hand eeeeee so cute! He wants to return your affections so bad!!!
But also you might die???
He's a big guy, and he's aware of his size and strength, so he's pretty wary on how he handles you.
You're like a little porcelain doll to him! He'd be so sad if anything happened to you just because he wanted to express his love to you!
He loves your bops, but giving you a warm smile and a kiss is all he can do really.
He makes up for it in giving you gifts, helping around the infirmary, cuddling you at night, the little things.
He wished he was more gentle so he can do the things you do to him! He so wishes to hug you as hard as he can!
"S-so cute...I-I mean so uhm..strong and fierce haha! So not adorable and precious in every way possible! Yeah.."
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jtl-fics · 10 months
Fluent Freshman - Part 44
The flight up to New York is a pleasant one.
The time in the airport itself had been less pleasant. Matt, as it turns out, is a firm believer in arriving with just enough time to check a bag, get through security, and get to the gate. He had claimed up, down, left, and right that he had it down to a science.
No matter how many times Smith had wondered about the scientific rigor of this 'science' he still kept it to himself. There was no need for Smith to voice his uncertainty with this plan because Kevin well and truly had it covered.
"You're giving us only an hour to check bags, get through security, and get to our gate?!" Kevin demands.
"Kevin, if you wanted to be there earlier then you could have asked Andrew to give yo a ride." Matt says. "We'll be fine."
"You know what Neil and Andrew get like when they have a long roadtrip ahead of them." Kevin argues.
"All lovey-dovey?" Nicky asks as Aaron makes a gagging sound.
"No, well yes, but no they always stop and buy all of the worst food too." Kevin reminds. "I'm just concerned about us missing our flight! We have barely enough time!" Kevin huffs crossing his arms.
"You're wrong anyways." Aaron says idly as he continues to text with Katelyn.
"How am I wrong?!" Kevin demands.
"We also have to park within that hour that Matt has left us with." Aaron says looking up from his phone.
"Matt!" Kevin squawks.
"It'll be fine." Matt reassures for the 2nd time.
"We all have checked bags!" Kevin exclaims, "What if we miss our flight?!" he wails.
"It'll be fine!" Matt repeats.
"No it won't!" Kevin exclaims.
It was fine.
The only real delays they met were at security.
Smith prided himself on being efficient in the security line. He has his watch off, his phone and ID secured in a zipped jacket pocket, his backpack and electronics in separate trays, and his shoes ready to be slipped off.
So he was shamed to have been the cause of the first delay when the TSA agent wouldn't wave Smith through the metal detector since she didn't realize he was there. That had been a whole anxiety attack and a half as the line had formed up behind him all wondering what the hold-up was.
Finally she seemed to startle as she realized that Smith had been standing there waiting and waved him through.
The other delay was that Kevin got patted down after he had forgotten to empty his 'emergency' water bottle.
It was probably for the best that they didn't have to be in the airport for that long. Every announcement that it was very important to not leave your bag unattended made him worry that with every blink somehow someone had slipped a bomb into his backpack.
While it was on his back.
As he was running with the rest of his friends to their gate.
"It just had to be the gate on the other end of the terminal." Aaron huffs.
"It would have been 100% perfect if someone hadn't left their water bottle in their bag despite the, let me check, 3,820 signs that said remove all liquids from your carry-ons!" Matt says as they continues to run.
"I said I forgot!" Kevin yells back from his spot at the front of the pack. Smith was under the distinct impression that Kevin was keeping pace with them since he had seen the Striker move much faster on the court and during warm-ups.
"We could have forgiven that!" Nicky pants, "Why did you have to slam the whole thing to prove that it was 'just water'?" he asks.
"Because I wanted to prove I wasn't a national security threat!" Kevin says. "I'll be going to the Olympics in a couple years and I can't have that on my record." he continues as he rounds a corner.
"What record?!" Smith asks suddenly worried that there was a record.
"Smithy, there's no record Kevin's just an idiot. An idiot who got patted down, tested for explosives, and had his carry-on searched." Nicky huffs.
"You don't know that there's not a record! The record everything nowadays!" Kevin huffs and their gate is in sight.
"Kevin, just shut up!" Aaron exclaims as they reach the line for their flight.
"Wait why aren't any of you getting shitty with Smiths?!" Kevin asks.
"His delay was like a minute and more importantly NOT HIS FAULT!" Nicky defends.
"He should have just walked through!" Kevin argues.
"Oh it's fine if he gets a record but not you?!" Aaron asks.
"So there is a record?!" Smith asks again.
They reach the line and the largely empty area around their gate is more than enough evidence that this was the final boarding. Smith breathed a sigh of relief as he took his place in line behind Nicky.
"The lines pretty slow, I'm going to go get a water." Kevin says and before any of them can say anything he is off towards a busy looking Newsweek store.
"I cannot believe him." Aaron huffs.
"All that water he just drank and is about to drink? He has lost window seat privileges." Matt pants wiping sweat from his brow.
"Agreed." Nicky says.
Smith laughed between panting breaths. His stomach hurt a bit from the stress of running but it was fine.
They get on the plane without Kevin and head to their seats. Most of the overhead storage is taken up at this point but Smith slides his bag under the middle seat in front of him after Matt
In the end, Kevin barely made it onto the plane in time since he got caught up in deciding on water. "You're in my seat." Kevin says as the only man not yet seated.
"I am not about to spend this flight getting up every 2 minutes because you have to pee." Matt says, "Abby didn't used to need to take all those pitstops when we're on the bus." Matt adds.
"I hate the aisle, the cart could hit my legs." Kevin argues.
"Then you can sit in the middle if Smith's willing to move." Matt says.
"You can have the middle Kevin." Smith offers actually preferring the aisle seat since then he doesn't have to ask anyone to move for him.
"I hate the middle seat, there is no room." Kevin crosses his arms.
"Smith is like only 3 inches shorter than you and he's not complaining." Matt continues.
"It's an important 3 inches."
"I bet it is."
"Nicky, are you serious?"
"There is an uninvolved member of the public, right there."
"He's wearing headphones it's fine!"
It's fine.
Eventually Kevin takes the middle seat if for no other reason than Matt stubbornly pretends to go to sleep but absolutely does not want the aisle seat either.
Smith gives it up and ends up with his own preferred seat while Kevin pointedly takes both of the arm rests, as is his right. The plane ride progresses smoothly from there. Smith has always liked flying. There is always a sense that the second that he gets onto the plane and the door closes he has absolutely zero control over what happens afterwards.
That is a nice comfort.
He pays attention to the safety briefing, finds his nearest exit, and that he should secure the bag over his own face before securing it on Kevin's.
He puts his headphones on and tries not to think about the anxiety of meeting the 'girls'.
He has heard much about the 'girls'.
Allison Reynolds. Allison was someone who's legacy existed even outside of the team. Smith didn't know much about fashion but a Reynolds bet remained a solid practice within Palmetto. She was, undeniably, absolutely gorgeous and if Kevin was to be believed 'kind of a bitch'. Nicky had swatted his arm but had said that it was not entirely inaccurate but like 'in the best way'.
Dan Wilds. He met Dan. Dan was nice. Also, if Matt was to be believed, the best human to ever walk the planet earth. The reason the sun rose in the east and set in the west. The gravitational pull that held the universe together. If Andrew is to be believed, she's fine.
Renee Walker. Renee was the one who taught Andrew how to use knives. His friend has talked warmly of her, in the way that Andrew talks warmly about anyone which is mentioning them at all. She was the one that Smith was the most anxious about meeting.
Kevin turns his nose up at the ginger ale that Smith gets but he's allowed these now per his actual doctors orders.
1 hour left until arriving at JFK.
He hopes this ginger ale is enough to calm his stomach since he's still not allowed Pepto.
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tokischaaaaa · 2 months
shawty give us single dad hamzah whose lookin for a gf and they meet on a dating app 🗯️👍
feels right
!hamzah x !poc reader
warning! : cursing, fluff maybe some smut 🤫
word count!: 2.3k
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“hamzah i’m tired of you moaning and groaning about failed dates,” martin says while playing with red.
“so what do you want me to do, sulk and be an unhappy dad to amir?” hamzah scoffed.
amir is hamzah’s 5 ½ year old son, his pride and joy, and his better half.
“no, let me set you up on tinder. all you’re past dates have been from you asking girls out without knowing anything about them before the date.” martin said grabbing hamzah phone.
“hey!” hamzah groaned, and stood up. “i have to go pick up amir from daycare, when i come back i hope this tinder shit is done or whatever.” hamzah sighed.
as hamzah was on his way to pick up amir, he switched the radio on,
the song ‘someone to call my lover’ started to play, hamzah scoffed due to the name of the song seeming like a sign from the universe to mock hamzahs current love dilemma.
“friends say i’m crazy ‘cause i easily fall in love
you gotta do it different J, this time.”
“ain’t no way,” hamzah said to himself rubbing his forehead. the song seemed to be singing his story, especially since amir’s birth mother seemed like hamzahs yin to his yang but he was far from correct. amir’s mom and hamzah had gotten along so well in the beginning of their relationship that then amir was made.
when hamzah found out he was going to be a father, he was excited and happy. he thought amir’s mom was too, but no. a few weeks after amir’s birth, his mother left. everything she once always left behind at hamzahs apartment was now forever gone.
it took hamzah a few years to deal with such a tremendous loss and confusing situation. however, once he would awake and see amir’s smile and joy, all of hamzahs worries would melt away. hamzah made his goal to be able to be there for amir all the way that his mother couldn’t, and which would be possible for hamzah to be.
as hamzah pulled into amir’s daycare he got out of the car and locked it and entered the house.
once he walked inside he saw amir in the back playing with a large group of kids around his age. however, there was a woman approaching hamzah.
“can i help you sir?”
“yeah, i’m here to pick up amir.”
“i’ll have to see ID sir.” she said eyeing hamzah down.
“i’ve picked him up for a year straight, now i have to give ID?” hamzah scoffed.
“yes sir, plus i haven’t seen you around here so if i did then maybe then i would’ve recognized you.” she said rolling her eyes.
hamzah took out his ID, and the woman took his ID and looked at past records showing he had picked up amir before.
“you’re good to go mr. hamzah.” she sneered.
hamzah rolled his eyes once again at the woman and went to get amir.
hamzah snook up behind amir to surprise his son,
“guess who!” hamzah gasped.
“papa!” amir cried, turning to hug his dad.
the woman that checked hamzah’s ID couldn’t help but feel a warm feeling when she saw amir hug his father.
as hamzah collected amir’s backpack the two walked to the exit but not before amir said goodbye to the woman at the checkout. “bye miss y/n!”
“bye amir! have a good night!” y/n said smiling at amir, and quickly gave hamzah a quick sour look as the father and son exited the daycare.
“so that’s her name,” hamzah thought.
“who, miss y/n?” amir asked.
“yeah, i’ve never seen her before but she seemed ‘interesting.’” hamzah said before hoisting amir on his shoulders as they walked to hamzahs car.
“uncle martin, can you show me how to play mario cart please?” amir asked tugging his uncles shirt.
“in a second amir, i just need to show your dad how to do something.” martin said smiling at the little boy.
“so if you like someone swipe right, if not swipe left. and if you wanna talk to someone you have to wait until they swipe right on you too.” martin said pointing to hamzahs phone.
“ahh i see, thanks martin. maybe ill actually get some luck on here.” hamzah shrugged.
“yeah, i think it’ll work on here though you’ll get to know some fun facts about people rather then having to guess everything.” martin said walking towards amir to play mario with him.
“why does papa need to swipe right?” amir asked as he handed martin the other controller.
“to meet new friends ami,” yelled hamzah from the kitchen as he did the dishes.
“ahh i see.” amir said and turned towards the TV. “maybe you’ll become friends with miss y/n,” hummed amir.
immediately a glass could be heard broken in the kitchen.
both martin and amir’s head turn to hamzah in the kitchen, “maybe amir
“you and your dad are kinda similar,” martin said to himself.
martin had now left and hamzah just finished getting amir ready for bed. hamzah headed to amir’s room to tuck him in. “pa,” amir mumbled,
“yes ami,”
“one of my friends at day day, was asking if i could do a play date. can i go papa?”
hamzah smiled, “of course ami, i just need to meet his parents.”
hamzah kissed amir’s forehead, and tucked his son in the sheets before saying, “good night amir, i love you”, and leaving his sons bedroom.
though the room was small he made sure it would be able to be a place of comfort for amir forever and always.
after hamzah closed the door he took out his phone and headed to his bedroom to mess around on his phone with tinder before going to sleep,
as he first opened the app he saw some men and swiped left again and again. as he looked at people’s bio he read them carefully and kept swiping left since no one caught his attention yet..
until he stopped and saw a familiar pair of eyes, y/n’s.
“shit, she is on here.” hamzah grinned.
he swiped through her profile and read her interests
dog person
fire sign
likes: brent fayiez, conversation, creativity
dislikes: small talk, sassy men
he couldn’t help but laugh when her dislike read, sassy men. he knew that he fit into that category, but that didn’t matter to hamzah, he was gonna shoot his shot.
he swiped right, and moments later his screen lit with the notification that she swiped right on him aswel.
he immediately opened the message button next to her profile and began to think of something sly yet flirty to say to y/n, genuinely he wanted to impress her just as much as she was impressed with his love for his son.
hamzah: wanted to see me again?
y/n: sure buddy, but i could ask you the same question.
y/n: i mean you did swipe right first.
hamzah: touché, but how are you doing?
y/n: better since i saw you
hamzah: feisty are we?
y/n: only for you 👹
on the other side of the screen, y/n was vigorously kicking her feet in the air, and making funny faces at hamzahs texts.
but she didn’t want him to know that.
as Hamzah read Y/N's last message, a smile spread across his face. He couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement. He was intrigued by her confidence and wit. He quickly typed a response.
hamzah: Only for me, huh? What makes me so special?
y/n: maybe it's the way you light up when you see Amir. Or how you stood your ground when I asked for your ID. Or maybe, it's just because you seem like a genuinely good guy.
hamzah: You noticed all that, huh?
y/n: I'm observant. Comes with the job.
hamzah: Fair enough. So, how about we turn this virtual chitchat into a real-life conversation? Coffee tomorrow?
y/n: sounds perfect. I'll see you at the café on Maple Street at 10 AM?
hamzah: so It's a date. cant wait to see you again ngl
y/n: me too petty boy.
y/n: *pretty* but petty works too
hamzah: 🙄
The next morning, Hamzah felt a mix of nerves and excitement as he dropped Amir off at daycare. "Papa has a big day today, buddy," he said, ruffling Amir's hair.
"Are you going to see Miss Y/N?" Amir asked innocently.
hamzah chuckled. "Maybe, buddy. Maybe."
When Hamzah arrived at the café, y/n was already there, sipping on a cafecito. She looked up and smiled warmly when she saw him. "Hey," she said, standing up to greet him.
"Hey yourself," Hamzah replied, leaning in for a hug. "You look great." hamzah said.
y/n wore a flowing white outfit that highlighted her sun-kissed skin. her strapless top tied in the front, showing off her shoulders and midriff. A chain belt around her waist complemented her tiered skirt that flowed to her ankles. Simple gold jewelry completed her chic look.
"thanks. you too," y/n said, a slight blush on her cheeks. They found a cozy corner table and started talking. The conversation flowed easily, their chemistry undeniable. They shared stories about their lives, their hopes, and their dreams. hamzah was captivated by y/n’s passion for her work and her kindness.
as they finished their coffee, Hamzah couldn't resist asking, "how about dinner tonight?"
y/n eyes lit up. "I'd love that."
that evening, they met at a charming little restaurant. The candlelight added a romantic ambiance, and as they enjoyed their meal, they realized how much they enjoyed each other's company. after dinner, Hamzah suggested a walk by the river.
"that sounds like a great way to end the night," y/n said.
they walked side by side, their hands occasionally brushing against each other. finally, Hamzah took her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. "I've had an amazing time tonight," he said softly.
"me too," y/n replied, looking up at him.
back at Hamzah's apartment, they were about to netflix n chill on the couch when hamzah’s phone rang. as hamzah was grabbing the phone he bumped into y/n’s ass,
“sorry about that,” hamzah sighed embarrassed
“your good,” y/n inching closer to hamzah.
“really?” hamah said in a deep tone.
“yea,” she said before clashing her lips with his.
both their lips attached to the others, hamzahs hands were all over y/n’s ass and y/n’s all in hamzahs curls. hamzah slapped her ass, which earned him a moan from y/n, and started removing her clothes quickly. y/n began to do the same, but was caught off guard once she heard the phone ring again. as hamzahs head was lowering from y/n’s face towards her breasts, she grabbed the phone and put it to his ear, so the phone could stop disturbing such an intimate moments between the two adults.
“papa i wanna come home,” it was amir. amir had been at a sleepover but was now scared and wanted to come home. without hesitation, Hamzah and y/n rushed to pick him up.
when they arrived at the sleepover, amir ran into Hamzah's arms, tears streaming down his face. "I missed you, Papa."
"I missed you too, buddy," Hamzah said, holding him tight.
back at Hamzah's apartment, Hamzah decided to take a quick shower, leaving y/n to comfort Amir. She rocked him back and forth, whispering soothing words until he fell asleep on her chest.
“it’s okay buddy, you’re daddy’s here, he just needed to take a shower. you’re home, to all your stuffies too.” y/n smiled.
“yeah i guess you’re right miss y/n,” amir mumbled.
“oh baby, you don’t need to call me miss y/n, just y/n is okay.” y/n said then gave amir a kiss on his forehead.
hamzah returned to find amir laying on y/n trying to stay awake, and couldn't help but smile. he gently took amir from y/n’s arms and laid him in his bed.
returning to his bedroom, Hamzah found Y/N waiting for him. He closed the door softly and joined her on the bed. "Thank you for being here," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.
y/n smiled. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."
Hamzah leaned in, capturing her lips in a deep kiss. y/n responded eagerly, her hands exploring his body. The night was filled with passion and connection, their bond growing stronger with each moment.
hamzah removed y/n’s clothes once again and was finally able to do what he was trying to do before getting a call from amir.
he inched his head down and was met with y/n’s bra.
“may i?” he asked
“yes,” y/n said quickly and hamzah unclipped it.
he stared at her breasts in awe for a few moments before remembering what he was trying to do.
he began to place his warm lips on y/n’a breast but she stopped him and pointed to his visible friend.
“take off your pants,” she said in a deep tone.
he obeyed and ripped off his pants.
as hamzah went back to y/n’s breasts she began to pump his manhood up and down.
moans could be heard from the both of them, getting louder after each kiss, and eventually grinding.
hamzah flipped y/n on her back so he could get a good view of her pretty face and pretty pussy.
“hamzah get close,” y/n whispered,
hamzah got close to her face and she grabbed his chin and began to kiss his face all over and managed to grab his cock and insert it inside of herself.
their moans overlapped each others as they made skin to skin contact.
“i need you close baby,” y/n moaned out.
hamzah put his arms behind y/ns head and put his head down to kiss y/n as he started to move his torso in a circular motion.
y/n was still adjusting to his size, tears came out of her eyes and hamzah kissed her cheeks, “you’re doing great y/n,” he said then kissed her forehead.
y/n slowly inched her head up to get more kisses by hamzah, his manhood had her under a trance of need.
“you really want my lips on you, huh?” hamzah whispered in her ear.
“i don’t know what you do to me hamzah, but i love it.” y/n yelled as y/n felt a knot in her stomach.
“i’m close,” hamzah said putting his head in y/n’s shoulder.
“do it, i’m on the pill.” y/n smiled
hamzah grinned and gave a few more thrusts before both of their climax’s came and crashed together like waves in the ocean.
as they lay together afterward, y/n rested her head on hamzahs chest. "this feels right," she whispered.
"it does," Hamzah agreed, holding her close. "It really does."
tokischaaa talks: tbh istg the storyline for this changed so much that’s why it took me a little longer lol but hope yall enjoy
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silenttrxxs · 3 months
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mafia boss! choi san x reader
Your birthday was around the corner, you had been spending the last few months working your ass off to afford the dream holiday. You was finally going to Italy, you texted your friend after landing in the country, hoping you wasn’t going to be left at the airport looking like a lost sheep. You gripped your suitcase tightly before rolling on your heels. You looked around hoping to see the familiar car your best friend always drove. You looked out noticing a car pulling up to the airport you rushed forward thinking this was your best friends car. Boy was you wrong.
The door swung open and a man stepped out, he was dressed sharply in a black suit, it hugged his curves beautifully, your eyes trailed up his body and landed on his face. He smiled a quick smile as he locked eyes with you. Before donning a harsh glare your way, He opened his mouth to speak. “Watch it beautiful” he said before pushing his way past you.
You rolled your eyes and gasped as you stumbled over the curb a little. You grabbed your phone shooting your best friend a text.
- ^^ -
“Yo, come get me right now, just bumped into the worlds biggest asshole at the airport. He’s lucky he’s good looking or i would have cursed him the fuck out”
Your friend replied back almost immediately.
“I know, i saw the whole thing you do realise i was the car behind him, and that isn’t just anyone honey, that’s someone you must not mess with”
Your mind was now racing you was more curious than anything now, you placed your bags and suitcase into the car and hopped in the passanger seat making your way to the hotel you had rented for the week.
You got to the hotel, in awe of its sheer beauty you dropped your bags of at the room and got ready, heading down to the bar. You grabbed your best friends hand dragging her to the dance floor. Your heart stopping as you bumped into someone. Your drink spilling down their white suit. You looked at the stain you had caused and mentally cursed yourself before looking up and feeling your body pause completely, you had not only messed up once with this man but twice now. You turnt looking to find your friend but she had disappeared. You whined and turnt back around.
“Well well well, looks like we have a little issue to fix here dont we, firstly id like to introduce myself, i am Choi San, son of the highest order mafia in Italy” He extended his hand as a sign for you to take it, of course you hesitated but took it, shaking his hand and introducing yourself to him.
Before you could speak you felt him pull you towards him his breath fanning your neck as he whispered into your ear.
“You have 365 days to fall in love with me, no questions asked or my men will deal with this little issue you caused” San explained. He knew it was a little irrational to be thinking this or even saying it out loud but his heart couldn’t help but thump loudly in his chest whenever he got close to you. This was a strange feeling to him. He’d never felt this before, it was something that excited him, he wanted to feel this more. The only way he thought he could get closer to you was to do this. He smiled and held you close by your waist. His teeth grazing your earlobe before pulling away and pulling you to the bar. Grabbing a cocktail for you and a strong whiskey for himself he clinked the glasses with you and started a conversation.
The more you spoke together you felt a pang hitting your chest you knew you shouldn’t be getting close to someone like this but something about him seemed different, he seemed softer around you the more you got to know each other. You looked at him with doe eyes. A smile being shot your way before you opened your mouth.
“Ill do it san, ill spend the next 365 days with you, if you do not let me go after this i will leave and you will never see me again” You winced a little at your own words but you needed to ensure that you had a way out if anything was to go wrong.
“Okay baby girl, Its a deal” San held out his hand and the agreement was made. You was now his. He was going to spend the rest of this time showing you that you belong to him, the life that you had always dreamed of was within grasp, scratch that it was there for you, handed to you in the palm of your hand.
- - time skip - -
It was coming up to the end of the year, you’d be lying to yourself if you said that you had not fallen head over heels for this man. You was treated like royalty no matter what, how could you not love this man.
You was now sitting on a boat, the sun blasting down on you, you fixed your sunglasses and moved your back facing the sun now. You was taking this as a much needed time for you both to rest. But san had other ideas the way you looked in the bikini he had bought you was driving him insane. He felt himself aching in his swim trunks as he walked out handing you a glass of water before placing a kiss to your lips. You drunk the water and put the cup down, getting up slowly and straddling san. You was never oblivious to his feelings, you saw the tent in his trunks as he walked out. You audibly groaned as you saw it. You moaned as you sunk down onto his lap.
“Oh my darling, want me to help you relieve yourself, is daddy feeling a little frustrated” you cooed at san before locking your lips to his neck, your teeth grazing over his skin. His throat moving as he tried to gulp away the moan that threatened to rip through.
“Oh daddy, you feel so good” San smiled before picking you up and taking you to the room in the boat, throwing your body onto the bed. He stripped off before looking at you, his eyes trailing down your frame before he ripped your bikini off. Throwing it across the room. Climbing over your small frame he wrapped his hand around your throat, lining himself up with your heat he pushed himself in, bottoming out almost immediately.
The room filled with both your noises, you felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm. A high pitch scream leaving your body, as you felt san thrusting into your soaked core. You smiled a little letting your eyes roll back, the wave being pushed so close to but somehow being ripped away from you. You opened your mouth ready to beg, but you gasped and choked on a moan as you felt san spit into your mouth, his lips taking away your breath. You clenched around him harder than ever and this elicited the most delicious moan from him. You pushed into him, not wanting him to stop, his cock felt too good nestled inside you. You wrapped your legs around him and forced him to stay inside your hips moving at their own accord. He slowed a little moaning at the feeling of your walls contracting around him.
“F-fuck baby you’re beautiful like this” he moaned out.
You whined loudly as he spoke. His hand caressing your cheek as he spoke, sliding down and wrapping around your throat. He pistoned his hips into you, driving you towards your nth orgasm.
“F-fuck i love you san” you whined out, his shocked expression taking you back, you silenced him but pulling him down, your lips intertwining with his. You smiled as you pulled away. Your head spinning as he continued thrusting into you, his hand releasing from your neck and caressing your cheek. “I love you too” he replied before you both released.
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fox-guardian · 2 months
okay one person said yes so here's the vampires and werewolves ramblings from my little original story with lila and redd that i still don't have a name for
the vampires and werewolves are mostly typical in their appearance, methods, and weaknesses, just to slightly different degrees. the sun won't immediately incinerate a vampire, but it will give severe burns much faster than usual that could definitely kill one, just much slower than being incinerated. werewolves develop an allergy to silver but are about as easily murdered with a silver bullet as with a regular one so in that regard, not much of a difference.
the whole faith-based weaknesses thing is much. blurrier. i hesitate to explain it away but let's call it varying on a case-by-case basis.
also humans at large do not know that werewolves and vampires are real, they're more-or-less secret/hiding in plain sight
i feel compelled to start with the social/cultural aspects that are focused on in the story.
vampirism is treated less as a disease or curse and more as a lifestyle choice by most vampires. due to the turning process involving drinking each other's blood and not solely being bitten, there's usually more consent involved in the process, so most vamps are turned by choice. we see this in the "support group" that turns out to be more of a fun club of vampires that redd attends, in which he is surprised to find that he's the only one that was turned unwillingly.
vampires who chose the lifestyle tend to come in a few different varieties: the people who are 100% down with all the vampire shit one way or another and are handling things well, the people who are mostly down but have hang-ups about certain things, and the people who Thought they were down and ended up unprepared for basically everything.
the amount of Discourse in the vamp lifestyle community is insane.
there's different ways that vamps go about obtaining blood. usually it's either via an underground blood bag market (ideally obtained from willing donors, but ofc sometimes not) or by finding live donors or "thralls" as some say. many vamps have strong opinions on other vamps' drinking preferences.
the most hardcore of vampires are either living with houses full of willing thralls, or scouring the streets for unsuspecting victims (which is deeply frowned upon in the vampire community because Come On Now Let's Not Put Up Neon Signs Saying VAMPIRES ARE HERE we're trying to be Subtle)
in any case, in order to not Die Of Thirst as a vampire, you need to be able to maintain regular connections of some kind. either with someone selling blood in bagged form (and then you need to verify the source of the blood if ethics is an issue for you) or you need to keep good relationships with any live donors (and ideally you'd have multiple to rotate through so that blood loss isn't an issue for their health) (this is difficult for redd because he can barely stand going grocery shopping much less going into a dark alley to ask someone for a blood bag or *shudders* maintaining long-terms pleasant relations with live donors he has to see regularly)
onto biology
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[ID: A sketchy digital drawing of a upper set of human teeth with larger, sharper front incisors and longer, sharper canines. end ID]
the teeth resemble that of an actual vampire bat, and the proportions of the incisors and canines vary from individual to individual, though some vamps get dental surgery to shave the incisors down and/or wear additional fang caps to achieve the classic fanged look if they aren't lucky when they turn. this tooth formation is very convenient for multiple biting styles, depending on tooth size. either the "carving" method using the front incisors to make a single angled cut, or the classic fangs puncturing two holes. either way, the blood is then licked/sucked up via usual mouth methods (no tooth straws here sorry) the wounds caused by bites must be cared for via usual means (no magic healing saliva sorry). also the teeth usually grow into their final shape within 30 days of being turned
vampires can only subsist on Human blood. animal blood will tide their hunger and fill their stomachs, but will not nourish them as they need. if a vampire goes too long without feeding on human blood, they will enter into a Feeding Frenzy
the time it takes to enter a feeding frenzy varies, but the longest most go from their last human sip to the frenzy is around 1.5 months. and that is the absolute longest with animal blood as a substitute. without anything it takes Far less time.
symptoms of a feeding frenzy start soon. extra strong cravings for blood ofc, decreased body temperature, lack of energy, shaky hands, etc. the closer you get to the frenzy the more intense the symptoms become, and more start to appear, such as decreased blood flow to the extremities (mostly fingers and toes), various aches and pains increasing in intensity, seemingly random bursts of energy, and also the irises will turn red when the subject is exposed to blood or when the frenzy is around the corner as a sort of final warning. increased sensory sensitivity and abnormal behavior such as suddenly chomping on people and/or animals is also a thing.
the frenzy isn't officially entered until the vampire transforms into a giant bat monster. it is more giant bat than it is human, in appearance. it loses almost all conscious thought, relying only on instinct to survive, and will drink the blood of any person it can get its weird little wing-hands on until satiated (which will take. a very long time. historically they never found out the limit because they were usually mobbed and killed by then) there is no known cure for a feeding frenzy, only prevention. the prevention is just drinking blood regularly like you're supposed to.
vampires are also extra sensitive to light and have an increased sense of smell, but their hearing doesn't change much unless they have entered a feeding frenzy. also garlic won't kill them but they are allergic (to the flower also) and also regular food can be consumed but gives them the shits like you would not Believe.
once again starting with the social aspects, lycanthropy is treated more like a sickness or curse by most werewolves within the story. lycanthropy only requires either a bite or drinking the water from a pawprint to turn, so unwilling werewolves are more common (usually via the bite method obvs) (lila is an exception to this rule)
the group lila attends is a legitimate support group for people suffering with lycanthropy, and they treat it as a safe space to discuss all aspects of the disease. including the part where upon first turning, people usually turn violent in some capacity, usually due to fear and confusion, but occasionally due to rage experienced prior to turning having a fresh outlet alongside the fear and confusion (generally the story doesn't treat the killing of various victims as very serious, i'm taking more of a comedy route with that, so the support group is like "oh you killed and ate three people? i completely understand you are so valid for that")
there are also a few werewolf-made support apps to assist people throughout the lunar cycle. there's a big focus on self care and promoting Peace and Serenity around the full moon to ensure a safe transformation and minimal collateral damage. (yes it is basically a period tracking app. yes it is very gender euphoric for lila to have)
there isn't a lot that can be done to mitigate symptoms of lycanthropy, but there Are both scientist werewolves and werewolf allies working towards a cure
now for the biology
this is the part that i have less of. mostly because werewolf diets aren't that crazy i feel like. there is definitely an increased demand of meat, especially red meat, and raw meat is also now more easily/safely digestible due to a change in the makeup of the stomach acid!
werewolves transform based on the lunar cycle, but "mini" transformations can be triggered in high-stress situations as well. these include things like sudden fur growth, changes from hands/feet to more paw-like structure, and even facial changes and tail growth. however, these changes (even a full-body change) will not be as severe as when they occur under the full moon.
first transformations occur on the nearest or second-nearest full moon. like. if you get bitten the night before the full moon, you get turned the next cycle, there hasn't been enough time for it to set in yet. you have to wait at least a week. initial symptoms include increased body hair growth, extra cravings for red meat, increased aggression and territoriality, and an increased sense of smell. the first transformation is always the most painful, and usually pain decreases to what will become typical levels between the third and twelfth cycle. (there are werewolf meds/methods/life hacks/etc to help with the pain)
after the first transformation, certain permanent physical changes occur. the canines all become larger and sharper (you get four fangs) and the ears become longer and pointier, and the eyes typically experience a permanent color change as well, depending on the original shade. usually lighter eye colors like blue or gray will turn icy blue or white, while lighter browns might become more golden. darker browns and black usually remain the same. tapetum lucidum also. the whites of the eyes also turn black during transformation, but this is usually not permanent.
the big transformation itself involves a full-body change into a giant wolf-human hybrid, which can go from quadrupedal to bipedal fairly easily. speech in this form is difficult, but not impossible, mostly the voice just gets deeper and rougher. due to the energy expense of transforming, a great feast is recommended before, during, and after a full moon transformation (the biggest one during). obtaining large amounts of red meat every month gets costly and welp there's only so much the werewolves can do about that since they tend to keep things secret between them and humans. you're on your own there with obtaining it. hope you're friends with a butcher (or an experienced hunter who no longer has a need for the Large Amounts Of Meat he keeps from the deer he hunts for leather these days) (cough cough that's redd cough cough)
also, werewolf blood counts as human enough to sustain a vampire.
i thiiiink that's everything i have so far?? if anyone has questions/suggestions lemme know i'd love to brainstorm <3
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soobibabe · 4 months
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tubatu world domination
6 members - 6 active
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soobin: do you guys ever think about beomgyu: no
soobin: damn can i FINISH my STATEMENT
you: to be fair you were typing like a snail i saw it with my own eyes
kai: i think what you were thinking soobin
soobin: thanks kai
yeonjun: wym 'saw it with my own eyes' ??? YOURE WITH HIM@:@::#*# PKSIMABOUT TOTHROW UP
you: i told you guys i was gonna go to the mall today ?
beomgyu: guys man or bear hehehhhhehehhhheeh>.<<<<<
taehyun: y/n reply to my dm pls.
soobin: because im just cunty like that. lolz
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you: @gyu ummm probably bear
beomgyu: HEHHEEHHEH you want me so bad
kai: what kind of bear
taehyun: y/n?
you: guys isnt that so weird!!! a blank chat keeps popping up!!!???
soobin: your phones probably broken
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brokxn like me... 🥀
yeonjun: i could take a bear
beomgyu: no thx peace and love but FOK no
kai: why isnt anyone questioning this odd taehyun behavior
you: who behavior?? never heard of it sry
yeonjun: taehyun like taehyun your bandmate... early dementia signs i fear now ditch soobin lets go get you checked up ^.^ beomgyu: shes upset because tyun said he was too busy to go out with her today
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taehyun: i really was busy. pdnim called me in for a meeting about the next Academy Reincarnation season.
you: k
soobin: me personally if i got hit with a k by txts silliest member i would kms lowk
yeonjun: i'd get hard idk
kai: can we put him on a speaking ban again
beomgyu: why hasnt soobin gotten one yet hes always talking anf talking anf talking and talking AND HES A NERD LIKE DAMN!!!!!!!!!! PICK A STUGGLE!!!!!!!!!!
soobin: yk youre so nice to me when were alone...
yeonjun: 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
kai: 👀
taehyun: y/n reply to me me and i'll buy you whatever you want from prada
you: im their ambassador you twat
taehyun: right, yes sorry i forgot how about i bring you flowers and [your favourite food] to the dorm later?
you: deal
kai: HEY WTF ITS THST EASY? the last time you were mad at me you didnt talk to me for a whole SIX HOURS EVEN AFTER I APOLOGISED ON MY KNEES
beomgyu: guys if you weren't already an idol under bighit which bts member would you date
you: all 7
taehyun: jungkook
soobin: jin no wait hobi lowkey he's a cutie
beomgyu: you have to choose ONE y/n
yeonjun: jimin or tae kook is cool but i probably wouldn't be able to handle his fans
you: no ur so right actually i could not handle dating another idol LMFAOO
soobin: ???? wdym i spoke with ur mum already she gave me her blessings we can date :3 even as idols heheheheh you: she did not
soobin: did tooooooo
you: nuh uh when did you even meet her
taehyun: he's lying i was there
yeonjun: hahaha liar liar pants on fire
you: when the hell did you guys meet my mom
kai: well SOMEONE left us on a cliffhanger last week and didn't tell us who she was dating so we did the next best thing...
yeonjun:yea!!!!!!! tell them queen!!!!!!! why did you guys not invite me. fake fucks.
soobin: something about how she thought you were a lesbian so she doesn't even know what we're talking about
you: well shes not half wrong
taehyun: anywho she did NOT give ANY blessings to anyone however she did say that you were getting older and needed to get more serious about future planning cause all you put your effort into is work
soobin: that was basically her speaking in maternal code for "hey you can marry my daughter once contracts are terminated" trust me id know
kai: maternal code?
soobin: yep im an expert
beomgyu: what the fuck does that even mean
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taehyun: sometimes i wonder about the state of your mental wellbeing soobin: you just need to match my 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 you wouldn't get it. yeonjun: taehyun gets our freak soobin 💯 he's the one who suggested recording the killa with our shirts off.. fucking freak
you: i suggested that actually :3 but tyun suggested the lights off for tinnitus
beomgyu: you make me sick beomgyu left tubatu world domination kai: never a moment of peace in this household…
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A/N: this has been marinating in my drafts and i HATE it but i need to get rid of it 🤔🤔🙏🏼💯🔥 pls accept this scrap cause i may be a little burnt out 😭😭🤣🤣😜👊
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Request from @steveharringtonsgirl04: Hey! I have a request you can totally say not to it but it just keeps coming back in my head lol  soo dad hotch x teen reader where she just wants her dad to hold her :( like all the hotch hugs so he takes her to the BAU and nobody knows he has a daughter btw I absolutely adore your writing it’s literally my favorite!
Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
Summary: Hard days are always made better by Hotchner hugs.
A/N: I fully admit that I am lacking in creativity at the moment and I don’t love the “secret family” trope, so this is just short and fluffy Hotch being the best dad
CW: reader gets her period, mentions of vomiting, suggestion that reader’s mother is Haley but could always be adopted or from another relationship
“Everyone has his day and some last longer than others.”
Well, you were having your day. And it was bad. Before the lunch bell rang for the day you’d already gotten a terrible night sleep, had Jack spill juice on your favorite top, been late for class, gotten locked out of your locker, tripped over your own feet causing you to face plant in front of the upperclassmen, and gotten your period.
It was safe to say that you were having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
You riffled through your backpack, looking for the bottle of Advil to ease the cramps, but when you found it, it was empty. You cursed under your breath.
Terrible. Horrible. No Good. Very Very Bad Day.
With the knowledge that you’d be unable to get through the rest of the day without being in pain, you swallowed your pride and went to the nurse’s office.
“I’m going to have to call a parent or guardian to bring you something,” the older lady told you. “It’s against school policy for me to give students medication without a doctor's note. Is there someone I can call?”
Usually the answer would have been Jessica, but for once she was the guardian who was out of town.
“Yeah, um, my dad,” you said.
The nurse gave you a sympathetic look and left. She came back a few minutes later. “He’s on his way,” she informed you.
Feeling exhausted and uncomfortable, all you could do was nod.
When Hotch walked into the nurse’s office an hour later, he thought you might be on the verge of vomiting. While you tried to look as stoic as him, the paleness of your face gave away how you were actually feeling, and the guilt that he couldn’t get there sooner made his heart sink.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he greeted you, sitting next to you on the cot. He pulled a bottle of Advil from his pocket and handed it to you.
“Thanks.” Your hands were slow but your voice was grateful. “Sorry you had to drive all the way here.”
“No need to apologize.” He kissed your forehead before you downed the pills. You leaned into him slightly and he wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.”
“‘S not your fault,” your voice was muffled by his suit. You leaned into him and he held you gladly. Just like your mom, you’d always liked hugs, even more so when you hurt.
“Do you want to come to work with me?” he asked. “You can come lay on the couch in my office for the rest of the day.”
You didn’t even question it. “Yes, please."
He signed you out at the front desk. You got a few funny looks, probably doubts that your cramps were really bad enough that you needed the rest of the day off school, but nobody was going to question the glock on your dad's hip or the ID on his shirt.
He helped you into the car, always showing you how any future partner you have should treat you. By the time he climbed into the drivers side, you were already slumped against the door, fast asleep. A gentle smile crept over Hotch’s face as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, careful not to wake you, and then began driving to the office at Quantico.
“Do you need anything?” Your dad asked before he sat down at his desk.
You were curled up on the couch in his office, a warm cup of tea on the small table in front of you and a fuzzy blanket. Halfway through the drive, your dad had stopped to get your favorite food. You had your laptop out so you could relax and watch your favorite movies. Really, you had everything.
“A hug?” you requested. That was the one thing he’d never say no to. He sat beside you on the couch and pulled you into a hug- the safest feeling in the world. As he let go, he kissed your forehead and then pulled the blanket tighter around your shoulders.
You put the headphones on and turned on the movie. Your dad began his paperwork.
It was no longer a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
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thesharktanksdriver · 2 months
I love everything determination lol it’s the highlight of my day so I have 3 questions!
1: do other Charlottes like Oven or Pudding know us or is it only Katakuri?
2: is the world government activity looking for us and do we know any CP agents?
3: how do the beast pirates treat people who have met us like X-Drake?
I hope you have an amazing day/night and can’t wait for more updates!!!
Awwww thank you so much! I’m glad it lightens so many people day! :D
1) id say all the Charlotte’s know if y/n in some comparability due to both Katakuri and Linlin herself (though these two are the only ones that had met y/n in person.). I imagine Linlin in her more sane moments (however few there may be) she’d occasionally talked about her childhood friend that had “suddenly” disappeared on her birthday. It would be kinda a known thing between all the charlottes that their mom sometimes calms down from her rages when she’s reminded of them or their brought up, along with the fact she gets actually sad about the topic. Meanwhile the whole friendship with Katakuri and a random kid is definitely one that the other siblings take more notice of. Some are more upset about it since how can this kid be good enough for Katakuri while others like Brûlée would be genuinely happy that Kata made a friend.
The siblings nor Kata have connected the dots yet (though to be fair how could they? The friend of their mom would be well into adulthood). But big mom herself has her suspicions, for as crazy as she is she’s also observant enough to notice how Kaido had a somewhat similar friend along with rumours of the sea.
Is it a stretch to everyone but her (yes) but unfortunately for everyone else her delusions are actually correct this time lol.
(She’s sooo gonna rub that in Kaido’s face lol)
2) ohhhhhhh yeah the world government is definitely looking for y/n. They’ve been looking for years for y/n but unfortunately for them pirates don’t narc, no one expects y/n to be a literal child and they don’t have a picture of y/n because of their devil fruit bullshitery.
Several dispatches of CP9 agents have been looking for years now with little traction in their searches. Not knowing they’ve walked past y/n in crowds several times over the years.
But this makes it even more funny when y/n eventually ends up in water 7 and meets Rob Lucci and the gang.
Fuck, the warlords are supposed to help find y/n too but almost all of them have a personal connection to y/n that won’t make them narc lol. And even if they didn’t or don’t have a personal connection, none of them would turn y/n in on the basis of their usefulness. Their paid pirates connections won’t narc and then some of their own navy are the same too, Garp for sure would definitely cover for y/n as would Koby and maybe even Fujitora (add an even bigger maybe with Kuzan too).
Y/n for several years has been under their noses without them knowing much to the frustration of the world government and especially the five elders.
3) oh god do the beast pirates be petty to poor X Drake.
This poor man is just there to be undercover for a mission and when the other Tobiroppo and all stars realize he’s met y/n he’s being grilled for information. He’d think for a minute his cover was blown till Maria starts asking how her darling little messenger is and if they’re safe and if she needs to crush someone’s skull for hurting them- you get the picture.
They’re all asking him about that random kid he met in Sabaody who’s apparently on straw hats crew and became the central fighting point for 3 supernovas. If he was concerned for y/n then, he sure is fucking terrified now.
Cause how?!???
And more accurately why????
How the fuck is he supposed to answer Queen the plague when he’s asking if they signed a music deal with anyone other than him?, when king the motherfucking wildfire is glaring daggers at him from across the room and inquiring if they’re safe?, or how apparently Kaido is asking for information regarding them????????
The rest of his Tobiroppo aren’t making it better either. Black Maria is acting like she’s their mother and grilling him for every detail about if they looked healthy and well fed. Sasaki and Who’s-who team up against all odds to corner him, haggle him into drinking with them and then proceed to try and use that to make him spill the beans about whatever other information he has and who’s-who keeps bring up some weird shit about the stars (king did the same too for some fucking reason). Then there’s Ulti who keeps insisting that she’s their friend and that he has nothing on her as if being this random kid’s friend is a competition like pause what???
X Drake going through it with the interrogation he goes through along with some petty jabs about how he doesn’t know shit. The good thing about Drake though is that he has a moral compass, so when he does talk about y/n he doesn’t mention their with the straw hats and makes up a story that he met them briefly (technically not a lie).
Maybe for someone else he wouldn’t go through the effort but he’s genuinely cornered for y/n. Why are they looking for a literal child????? And moreso why does this child know literally everyone on the seas??????. The same kid who gushed over him being a dinosaur and politely asked if they could pet his scales is also friends with an emperor????
This man is so concerned, confused and stressed to the max.
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