#Hellraiser 11
finally seated to watch the Hellraiser (2022) reboot and, i'm under 4 minutes in and i have already so much to talk about. i really like the way the movie looks so far, aesthetically, i hate that the video is forced into a 16:9 aspect ratio even though it's obviously shot in 2:19ish (or cinemascope), why the fuck do streaming services lock aspect ratios like this? if it's not the service, why did the people making the movie lock the fucking aspect ratio like this? just keep the aspect ratio open and add a parameter somewhere to adjust it according to the fucking aspect ratio of the screen, it just looks fucking weird bc i'm watching it on a ultrawide monitor and it's just like not actually using my full monitor and it's fucking sitting in the middle of the screen being both letterboxed AND pillarboxed and it's fucking weird and it looks awful. anyway, besides that, i really like what they're doing with the score so far, i like how they're including like modern beats to create more of a sense of foreboding and danger, this movie is obviously going to lean a lot more into the hedonism so i'm looking forward to that. i'm glad Clive Barker is back in the franchise and i'm excited to see what he holds for me and the first four minutes definitely have my attention so let's hope he keeps it.
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cranberrytea451 · 1 year
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Okay, so this one is dark. I think I've mentioned before that I usually write horror/drama, I tried to scale back on it for this because idk how id feel about dropping the stuff I usually write on my undertale sans Tumblr.
So ⚠️ warning for abuse, suffocation, implied suicidal thoughts... you know... bad stuff. it's Nightmare sans what do you want from me?
Also, Nightmare's voice sounds like Pinhead, cause I said so.
You'd been having nightmares. Not that it wasn't expected, your waking life was a nightmare of itself. Perhaps even more frightening than the apparitions haunting your sleeping mind.
You applied ice to the diarrhea colored bruise smoothed over your jaw. Hacking out the blood filling in your mouth and counting your teeth with a bitten tongue.
The bathroom mirror reflected your face. It would even make a demon wince in pity.
Your empty stomach churned, you'd vomit if you had anything in it.
The evidence of your uneasy sleep was marked clearly under your eyes, with the skin bunched up like a caterpillar squirming to burst from its cocoon.
The interview you had tomorrow was a bust when you walked in looking like this. You needed that job. You couldn't escape without it. You had no money, no friends, and no family left that would take you in. All you had was–
Your significant other dabbed red spit glistening from your chin.
Anger swelled up inside you, begging to pop like a zit gored with pus. Instinctively, you wanted to wrap your hand around their neck; rationally, you knew they beat you to the punch.
You had cared for them once. In the beginning, perhaps, when you were dumb and them dumber. Believing you could fix someone who decided to be broken. While you had brought no tools to fix them, they had brought plenty to dismantle you.
It wasn't awful all the time, that was the worst part, because in the moments when they made you dinner, played your favorite song, swept you off your feet in an inharmonious dance, you pretended you ever were in love.
These moments, hazy as dreams, never lasted.
One misstep, and wham.
Ice pack to the face, busted lip, aching ribs.
No wonder your nightmares were clearer than your waking life.
You managed not to flinch as they applied Neosporin to your cut lip.
"I'm tired," you spoke against the grain of your throat.
Your significant other let out a mirthless laugh, and you resisted the urge to gouge out their tongue. "I guess dinner is canceled tonight?"
You don't remember if you responded. 
Everything was black. Your limbs were heavy like you were treading water, and your mouth was dry like you had swallowed an ocean wave.
Oh. This nightmare again.
There was a comforting nature to the numb nothingness.
The pressure crushing your body was more akin to a weighted blanket than a boulder flattening your lungs to paper. You could almost pretend you were dead.
You cried. The tears tasted like razor blades.
Something cold and slimy, the consistency of a slug, wiped the tears dribbling from your eyelashes.
"What a vile thing tears are. A waste of woes."
The voice ventilated out of the darkness.
No. It was the darkness.
An eye glowing a sickly turquoise bloomed before you. If you had the strength, a gasp would have left your heavy lungs.
It spoke again, deep and monotone.  "Do I not frighten you?"
"Maybe if I knew what you were," you wheezed.
A horrible sound, like metal scrapping against concrete, ricocheted in your ears. Was that the creature's laugh?
A skeletal face emerged from the blackness. Tar dripped from where the other socket should be if it were a human skull.
"Most souls," it spoke the word with a deep disgust, "are petrified of the unknown."
"This is a dream you can't hurt me."
"Don't be foolish," another slimy mass circled around your neck, "I am not a dream."
A chill trickled down your spine as two hands materialized and cradled your face. "I am a nightmare. And I am starving for your hell."
Its unnatural grin grew and stretched like a Cheshire cat.
The cold appendages stroked your face, absorbing the snot and tears surfing down. 
Despite the obvious threat, you leaned into the touch. It had been long since someone held you with any tenderness, even if said tenderness was a facade.
"Strange." The living rope around your neck tightened a fraction. "Where is your fear?"
You were now only half aware of the creature. Your brain imposing the visage of your significant other before you. Fuck them. Fuck this dream. Fuck this nightmare. This thing said it was hungry? What hell could it possible bring upon you which reality hadn't?
A small laugh bubbled up.
The words were plucked and picked from your brain like road kill, "I guess dinner is canceled tonight."
The creature seemed to freeze. Everywhere it touched was so cold it burned. It felt good against the bruise on your jaw.
The tentacles(?) slithered off of your neck.
"Hate." The skeleton creature slowly tucked your hair behind your ear. "You viper, I do wonder, will you strike them in their slumber?"
A sticky, boney finger forced your face toward its own. "Or do you crave a more intimate agony?"
Its eye glowed brighter, and tar sludged down its other socket like sewer water.
"I- uh… what?" Your brain really did conjure up the weirdest things when you dreamed.
The smile on its face fell slightly. "I don't like repeating myself."
An eerie silence followed. 
The creature was still. It watched you for an eternity, cataloging every irritated twitch of your body.
"So exquisitely empty."
The voice whispered like a lover in your ear. "Don't have such a limited imagination. There are far more excruciating ways to extinguish a soul than strangulation."
 You woke up.
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
The Foundation was in an uproar, only recently Site-AN suffered a containment breech at the hand of the Children of the Scarlet King. During their attack they unleashed SCP-ADR and SCP-AXP on unfortunate researchers and security as well as the holding cells of D Class. Mobile Task Force Nu-7 and Epsilon-11 are still trying to take back the base from the two contagions. Meanwhile Mobile Task Force Ares-7 "Heavy Metal", Division "Aluminum" is assisting in holding back the sudden surge of SCP-AMZ instances. Though unfortunately as it turns out they managed to take SCP-ABA, the Necronomicon. 
"This was quite possibly the worst containment breach the Foundation has ever had to deal with!" Dr. Wicked sighed as he was in front of his desk, in front of him was four holographic windows showing Site Director Tanaka Eto, Site Director Veronica Pérez, Site Director Nancy James, and Dr. Malik. 
"We've faced much worse than this, MTF units are already gaining ground in your site Eto." 
"But they still stole SCP-ABA, this is not something to take lightly." Dr. Malik was using a stern tone to try to show Site Director James how naive she was being. However, Site Director Pérez had something else on her mind as she quickly changed the subject. 
"Eto, is it true that Blade Head was there?"
"... Yes." The five of them remained silent out of fear. All except Dr. Wicked, but he rarely ever expressed any emotion other than boredom to begin with. 
"So, the Scarlet Children are trying another ploy to resurrect the Davites?"
"That would assume the SCP-ABA-1 instances are compliant to the Scarlet King's will. They may be chaos loving ancient demons but that doesn't mean they will align with other ancients." Dr. Wicked nodded in agreement with what Dr. Malik said. 
"Either way, allowing the Scarlet Children to have access to the book is not good. We need to find them and that book now."
"I've already given the order to have Agents all over the world monitor Scarlet Children hide outs as well as raid their weaker places but so far nothing has come up." Dr. Malik felt surprised at Site Director James showing her more disciplined and organized side for once. Dr. Wicked smirked under his masked as he noticed Dr. Maliks expression. Eto then got back into the conversation.
"We have to keep searching, perhaps we should deploy Mobile Task Force Tau-5 as well as Hecate-A Division 'Oracle's Third Eye' again?"
"We can't unfortunately, the O5 are restricting deployment of high ranking MTF units until Site-AN is back under control. I'm guessing they want to keep them on reserve in case the situation gets worse. Like the Scarlet King using the chaos to create another Eldridge horror."
"Hmph, of course they would give such an order... still, I say it's something that needs to be done, I'm tired of having to deal with the Children of the Scarlet King, isn't about time we crushed them already?"
"If it was that simple, we would have done it a century ago, like their master the Children can rise again like a fucking cancer. No matter how many times we cut it out, there's always a chance a new one will grow. Possibly worse than the first one. Even if we do get rid of one there's several others out there ready to unleash hell should the opportunity arise." Site Director Eto remained silent as he couldn't refute what Dr. Wicked said. Suddenly Dr. Wicked heard banging outside of his door.
"Hm, there's something I need to take care of, signing off." Dr Wicked waved his hand and the holographic widows turned off. 
"Enter." Agent Bill Pardy Dr. Wicked personal security as well as self-proclaimed friend entered his office. 
"Doc bad news!"
"What is it, Bill?"
"It's those Scarlet freaks that attacked the other site! Their heading this way with a massive army and they got this big guy with a black dress and swords coming out of his face."
"Blade head! If he's here then... Activate all defenses and have security around SCP-AAI brought to maximum, no twice the maximum!"
"Uh, okay but why specifically that one?"
"They are already in possession of an SCP that brings forth ancient entities of chaos, now what other anomaly do you know has similar properties?"
"Fuck... I'll make it three times the maximum." Bill then ran down the hall and Dr. Wicked started activating the AFA-1's and AFA-2's in reserves. Afterwards, he sent out the Level 5 Emergency alarms to all Foundation staff so that researchers could lock down and evacuate while security units were to arm themselves to the teeth and stand guard for valuable assets. Finally, he got out his favorite pistol, a custom-made Foundation pistol that was looked like a desert eagle but was slightly bigger. It was made with an Plumanium, mixed with Orichalcum and Allaxounium allowing it to not only make quick and minor modifications to itself should Dr. Wicked ever require of it, but he can also fire laser shots if he suddenly runs out of ammo. The nozzle of the gun has small Vibration Crystals, granting the gun temporal and dimensional shifting properties so that no matter where his enemy is he won't miss. 
He also has four clips one loaded with bullets containing traces of Beryllium Bronze to take down Thaumaturgic reliant enemies. Bullets made of pure Demonic Steel to take down any demons within the ranks of the Scarlet Children. A few made of Insolubilis-chartaium to pierce through armor and poison the blood of more organic enemies. Finally, was his specialized one's created with Kallivantium mixed with Cold Iron. He knew that using such materials against blade head wouldn't cause any lasting damage or just make things worse. Which was a good thing that he wasn't planning on using all of them on Blade Head, though either way, only one thing was on his mind.   
"I'm going to destroy that fucking abomination."
The defensive turrets and Foundation security were already at war with the advancing Children of the Scarlet King Army. The best estimate of their numbers was 50 Scarlet Priests, 150 Scarlet Warlocks, 300 Scarlet Alchemists, 1,000 Scarlet Murderers, 1,000 Scarlet Chimeras, 1,000 Scarlet Beast, and thousands of Scarlet Zombies. It was quite obvious that not only was the situation dire, but the Children of the Scarlet King wanted something within Site-AD very badly. 
As such before anyone could even request it, the O5 Council already put in the order to have MTF Alpha-9, MTF Epsilon-9, MTF Nu-7, MTF Tau-5, MTF Zeus-1, MTF Hades-6, and MTF Hecate-Alpha deployed to Site-AD. Though how long it would take most of them to get there was an entirely different story. 
Though most of the battle and conflict was going on outside, there were still Scarlet Children that were phasing through the walls with Scarlet colored bloody portals. They tried getting in as soon as possible, as a result the interior of the site was blindsided before any proper defenses could be made.
Three more reached out through the manifested portals on the walls, but as soon as one of them poked out his head, it was blown off. The other's around him were shocked only to have their heads exploded as well. 
"God damn it, these freaks are everywhere! Where the hell is the rest of security?!" 
"Sir, they got held back because someone reported Blade head was already in the base."
"God damn it! He's heading for SCP-AAI! Follow me now!" Bill ran down the hall and toward the staircase though as he did there were two Scarlet Murderers on the stairs. He and the Security units following him quickly shot them full of holes. Though they staggered because of the shots, they laughed as it wasn't enough to kill either of them. 
"Argh! I don't got time to deal with you freaks!" Bill ran down the stairs but as he passed them, he grabbed them both and threw them into the middle and down the stairs. They all feel hard on the ground though still probably weren't dead. Just in case Bill pulled a pin on one of his atomization grenades and threw it down at their bodies. He didn't bother to check if it killed them as he left the stairs and entered a new floor. However, as he walked in, he saw bodies of Foundation Security and researchers everywhere. He grunted in anger as he tried to run faster but by the time he got to SCP-AAI's containment cell it was a mess. The tesseract containment cell, which was supposed to be indestructible by metaphysical means, yet right in front of Bill it was torn up and SCP-AAI was nowhere to be seen.
"Where is the King's messiah?!" There was about 5 Scarlet Priests, one holding SCP-AAI and the other holding SCP-ABA. They were all running through the Site-AD, following a path of bloody trails. 
"He is currently fighting with the Wicked Heretic. Come now, it's time for the ritual to begin!" They found themselves in a room filled with bodies and around it was a few Scarlet Zombies and Scarlet murderers. They had several bodies formed around in a circle and in the middle of the circle was a sigil of the Scarlet King drawn entirely out of blood. 
"Everything is complete, now we just need the holy items and the time for deliverance will be upon us." One of the priests stepped forward and took both SCP-AAI and SCP-ABA.
"Without the messiah, how are we to keep the ancients under our control?"
"We will simply improvise, besides what is it that our lord asks in exchange for bestowing upon us power?" The priest removed his robe to show his naked body covered in sigils and thaumaturgic symbols of the Scarlet King.
"A sacrifice!" He smiled showing his sharp and vicious teeth, he then walked into the circle and sat in the middle. He placed the SCP-AAI in front of him while continuing to hold SCP-ABA in his lab with it open on the page of summoning Deadites. He recited the spell but quickly after started reciting another ancient spell to allow the Scarlet King have domain on souls. They knew the Cenobites and Deadites were most likely not loyal to the Scarlet King but if they could corrupt them with his influence, they would have all the power they need to release their king form the Abyss. 
He quickly started chanting and as he did the engraved symbols on his skin started bleeding giving his words more power. As this was happening the bodies around them were being possessed by Deadites but thanks to the spell they were being contained. However, they were putting great strain on the spell with their own overwhelming power. The priest was slowly deteriorating but still determined to achieve their goal and continued. Soon SCP-AAI started floating up and shifting its pieces in an attempt to unleash the Cenobites. 
Suddenly several chains manifested form the roof and floor, they hooked onto the priest's skin and nearly tore it off. The priest only grunted in pain for a moment but then laughed as his blood flowed onto the chains and started glowing in a scarlet light. He used the otherworldly energy form the chains to further power his spell and control over SCP-AAI. Suddenly in front of him a rift in reality tore open and started showing several nightmarish worlds. 
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
"Knocking it off you dumb bitch!"
"Fucking fucks! You don't know what you're messing with!" The Deadites started yelling and roaring with inhuman voices and protesting. However, none of the Scarlet Children worshipped him. Instead, one of the priests ordered the Scarlet Zombies to assist in the ritual. The Scarlet Zombies walked to the binded Deadites and started beating them and stabbing their bodies. The Deadites roared in anger as their blood started flowing toward the rift and the chains to help fuel the priest's spell. 
"Enough!" Suddenly the rift closed and from it flashed a blinding light. Once it faded, Pinhead, Deepthroat, and Butterball appeared where the rift did and right in front of the priest. 
"You will not use what is ours so casually!"
"No! Impossible, my power should be working! You are bound by the Scarlet King!"
"Do not be mistaken mortal! You and your king's pitiful magic can only get you so far. But we can show you how to go even farther!"
"I have no interest in your kinks false angle! You will bow to the Scarlet King!" The priest then roared monstrously as the blood from this body shot out towards the Cenobites only to quickly burn in flames. 
"We bow to no one but Leviathan. You, however, have used the box. By our order, you are now bound to us!" Suddenly the chains ripped off the priest's skin making him scream in pain and anger. He quickly healed himself with a Thaumaturgic Spell that turned his blood and muscles into new thick and ferocious looking armor. His face was covered in this armor with the only opening being his vicious mouth. He also grew two antlers on his head resembling that of the Scarlet King. He risked towards the Cenobites to rip them apart, but his claws merely phased through them. However, he was instantly pulverized into a bloody mess when Pinhead slapped him on the head. 
Chatterer then manifested and walked towards the other Scarlet Priests, they all yelled while pulling out weapons with scarlet Thaumaturgic symbols. One Preist with a sword stabbed it into Chatterer only for a hundred black swords to stab through him seemingly out of nowhere. Chatterer lifted the sword to show he wasn't even close to being stabbed. As his body falls apart another priest yells out in anger and stabs himself with a dagger. As a result, his body quickly starts drying up, but he smiles at Chatterer. Out of the ashes of his body several evil demons loyal to the Scarlet King manifested and charged at Chatterer.
Chatterer seemingly didn't move as each of them disappeared after being beaten to complete obliteration. The final priest was terrified and backed up in fear, though he first threw one of his daggers at Chatterer. He started chanting a spell to get Chatterer under his control only it didn't work. Chatterer then pulled out the dagger and started cutting up his own stomach. Suddenly he appeared before the priest with chunks of his guts and blood. He started smearing it all on the priest's face and not long after he started screaming in pain as he was melting. 
Finally, the Deadites were released and started slaughtering the Scarlet Zombies and Murderers. Any Scarlet Murderers that tried to attack the Cenobites or leave were quickly hooked by chains manifesting everywhere and ripping them apart. After a quick and gruesome battle, it ended with the four Cenobites on one side of the room and the eight Deadites on the other side. 
"Those who came before, the Deadites."
"Bleeech! The Order of the Gash! You have collected your sacrifice! Begone!" 
"Oh? The Ancients believe they can order us the Servants of Leviathan to withdraw."
"You are bound by your little box! You have no more authority in this realm, so fuck off!"
"You are mistaken, The Scarlet King has used your power to increase the power of the box. Though his will your essence touched the box, you are now bound under us."
"Bullshit! You dare challenge the ancients!"
"I dare to follow the will of Leviathan. It is you who dares to defy the ancient laws." One of the Deadites roared in a horrific screech as it floated towards Pinhead. Chains shot out form the celling and floor to hook on its skin ripping it off, but the Deadite kept flying towards Pinhead. He managed to punch Pinhead driving the pins keeper into his skin; however, Pinhead looked at the Deadite unimpressed. Deepthroat then grabbed the Deadite and ripped his body in two and threw both pieces back at the other Deadites.
"Such power and so much potential, you will be great experiments for our exploits."
"Fucking Cenobite fucks!" Another Deadite flew up and his arm suddenly ripped apart to show a sword made of human bone. He flew towards Butterball and slashed him in the stomach, only for him to see his hand and see it was bitten off. Butterball then smiled at the Deadite, grabbed his stomach wound and ripped it wider. Several fleshing arms reached out and grabbed the Deadite forcing it into Butterball's stomach. Once the Deadite was eaten, Butterball then burped and seemingly laughed at the despair of the Deadites. 
The Deadites thought this was impossible, they were the ancients. They were the army of anti-life, the creatures who knew no fear only how to bring it to others, the ones who would claim the mortal world from the vile mortals. They were the angels that would finally bring an end to the vile mortals that destroyed their paradise. Yet now, now for the first time ever, they were afraid. The Cenobites were not creatures of good or evil they served no one but the Leviathan the ancient fallen angle of all Dark Arts. If anyone could destroy them it was going to be him and his army. 
The Deadites quickly fused together to create a single body, meanwhile Pinhead was calmly pulling the pins out of his head and positioning them back to the correct place. The Other Cenobites just watched calmly as they wondered if this new form the Deadites were creating would actually make a difference. The result was a demonic monster with large horns, crimsons skin, large yellow eyes, and large arms with sharp claws. It slashed the Cenobites on the stomach visibly making them bleed though they all looked at one another impressed without showing visible pain. 
"Impressive, and our master agrees. It is time to expand our horizons. The Deadites will prove to be a wonderful experiment."
"What?! You BDSM fucks! You're not taking me anywhere!"
"Oh, but why not? We have such sights to show you." A rift then opened behind Pinhead, and he walked in with Deepthroat and Butterball following him. The Deadite mutant tried to escape but Chatterer grabbed it by the neck and dragged him into the rift. It roared and screamed as it got closer to the rift. Finally, it fell in, and the rift closed. 
Only about three hours later was the containment finally reestablished at Site-AN. Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 was worked to the bone as the Foundation had never suffered two containment breaches at the same time and never as bad as either one that occurred. Though thankfully they were still prepared none the less and the fact that it ended faster than everyone expected made everything much easier. 
Though once they got to Site-AD it ended up being a calmer than expected. Though as calm as you can get with dead bodies everywhere. They managed to find SCP-AAI and SCP-ABA within the same room. As per protocol, they grabbed SCP-AAI with an extended grabbing tool and placed SCP-ABA within a thick bag created specifically to suppress SCP-ABA's anomalous properties. Thankfully it would only take about a week before their containment cells would be rebuilt so the items could be put back into proper containment. Still, this was one of the worst containments breaches the Foundation had ever experienced, just another reason the Children of the Scarlet King are a massive threat to all life and reality.
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
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housefreak · 8 months
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im not watching deadpool. but what am i gettingmyself into (this is incredibly straightforward actually)
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ethelcarat · 2 years
i don’t remember what inspired me to make my industrial club playlist this spring when i’d never heard a single industrial song before in my life but it has genuinely affected my brain in an impressive way
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wjbs-aus · 2 years
Literally everyone needs to watch Civvie 11's 2021 April Fools' video on the unreleased Hellraiser FPS. It is a cinematic masterpiece that manages to strike the perfect balance between being obviously fake while also feeling like a real game review.
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rafedaddy01 · 1 year
Hi!! I think this is my first ever request, but I would love a smut🤭 of Drew with his beard (Hellraiser/glass onion red carpets) and reader riding his face. Omg this feels really dirty to ask, but I trust you and love your fics😭!!!
Ride my face
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Pairing: drew starkey x fem!reader
Summary: it’s the night after the premiere and drew just looks to goo to pass up on
Warnings: face riding, intense orgasm, overstim, language
A/n: this idea is amazing, I got tingles when I read it hehe. I loved drew with his little facial hair scruff, he was so sexy! I hope you like what I came up with and thank you so much for the request and love. (I tried to find a decent picture of his beard but I couldn’t)
Please do not post this anywhere without permission. All my writing is my own hard work!
“What a night!” You heaved as you walked into your apartment. Your boyfriend following close behind as he shut the front door and locked up.
You two had just gotten back from Drew’s new movie premiere. After the cast and some close friends went for dinner. It was now 11:00pm and you were exhausted.
You walked into your room and in the bathroom, turning the shower on and stripping. You stepped under the warm spray and let it relax your muscles. You washed up and turned the water off.
You stepped out and got dressed in some fresh pjs you got ready. You went into the room to find drew on the bed.
“Did I every tell you I like that beard on you” you told him.
Drew chuckled and put his phone down as you climbed on the bed. “Oh do you?” He said as you climbed ontop of him and straddled his lap. His hands came to grip your ass.
You smirked and nodded as you leaned in for a kiss, which he happily obliged too. You attached your lips to his and he pulled you closer as he pushed his tongue past your teeth.
“You wanna feel it on your other lips?” He asked as he pulled away. You laughed at his forwardness. But when you looked at his face you knew he was serious and a feeling of nervousness flooded your body.
“O-okay” you said swallowing hard. You’ve ridden Drew’s face before, but never when he had a beard. He undid his shirt and tossed it to the side before coming to pull your clothes off. “Come on, pretty girl” he said scooting his body down.
You held onto the headboard for support as he positioned his face under your exposed sex. He wrapped his strong arms around your thighs and tugged them down.
A small squeal escaped your lips as he connected his tongue with your entrance, his nose budging your clit and making you gasp as he pushed inside you. The scruffiness of his best adding to the pleasure.
All nervousness vanished as you started grinding down a bit. His tongue exploring your insides, his nose circling your bundle, the roughness of his beard all adding to the pleasure. “Drew!” You said letting go of the board and bringing your hands to your breasts. “Shit! That feels so good!” You moaned as you rode his face.
He gripped your thighs harder and held you still had he moved his tongue to your bud and wrapped his lips around it, sucking and flicking it. He moved his jaw in such a way that his beard was scratching your entrance and it felt heavenly. “Fuck!” You exclaimed as you tweaked your nipples. You were so close to release. Juice leaking out of you like a floodgate and drew was lapping it all up like it was his only supply of oxygen.
You moaned out and he hummed into you that sent vibrations against your cunt and it made you leak more juice out as you were on the brink of release now. “I-I’m s-so close!” You stuttered out as he moved his beard up to your clit and the roughness of it sent you into an orgasm. That didn’t stop him. He continued rubbing it against your pussy as you whimpered and moaned, getting lightheaded from the extreme orgasm. “Oh shit!” You groaned as your body was thrown into a second orgasm, your hands flying to the board again as you lost balance. Drew growled as he gripped your thighs tighter and pulled you further into him, if even possible.
Your legs started shaking as he continued devouring you like a starved man gone mad. His grip leaving finger prints behind.
“Fuck, drew” was all you could get out as your body went limp above him and a third orgasm washed through your body. He finally let up and crawled from under you. You fell to the bed as he cuddle behind you. “You okay, pretty girl?” He asked running his fingers on your back. “I’m perfect!” You said breathlessly laughing as he pulled you closer to his naked chest.
@v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings
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will80sbyers · 5 months
Do you still have the list of movies that inspired ST4? I had a picture of it but I lost it and I haven't been able to find it since. Please and thank you in advance.
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Long post warning lol
2001: A Space Odyssey
47 Meters Down: Uncaged
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
13th Warrior
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Altered States
American Sniper
Analyze This
Assassins Creed
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Almost Famous
Batman Begins
Batman V. Superman
Basket Case
Battle at Big Rock
Beauty and the Beast
Behind Enemy Lines
Beverly Hills Cop
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Billy Madison
Black Cauldron
Black Swan
Boondock Saints
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Burn After Reading
Broken Arrow
Blade Runner
Con Air
Cast Away
Children of Men
Cabin in the Woods
Crimson Tide
Dukes of Hazzard
Don’t Breathe
Death to Smoochy
Dark Knight
Deep Blue Sea
Drop Dead Fred
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3
Don’s Plum
Dances with Wolves
Dumb and Dumber
Edward Scissorhands
Enter the Void
Ex Machina
Event Horizon
Emma (2020)
Forrest Gump
Fisher King
Full Metal Jacket
Ferris Bueller
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Good Fellas
Girl Interrupted
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Get Out
Good Will Hunting
High Fidelity
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
High School Musical
Hurt Locker
Hunger Games
Hell or High Water
Home Alone
I am Legend
It’s a Wonderful Life
In Cold Blood
I am a Fugitive from Chain Gang
Inside Out
Island of Doctor Moreau
It Follows
Interview with a Vampire
Inner Space
Into the Spiderverse
Independence Day
Jupiter Ascending
John Carter of Mars
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
James Bond (All Movies)
Karate Kid
Knives Out
Little Miss Sunshine
Long Kiss Goodnight
Lost Boys
Leon: The Professional
Let the Right One In
Little Women (1994)
Mad Max: Fury Road
Men in Black
My Cousin Vinny
Mystic River
Minority Report
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Neverending Story
Never Been Kissed
No Country for Old Men
Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
North by Northwest
Open Water
Orange County
Oceans 8
Oceans 11
Oceans 12
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Ordinary People
Paddington 2
Pulp Fiction
Pan’s Labyrinth
Pineapple Express
Peter Pan
Princess Bride
Paradise Lost
Primal Fear
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Reservoir Dogs
Road Warrior
Rogue One
Reality Bites
Raider of the Lost Ark
Red Dragon
Sky High
Sword in the Stone
Step Up 2
Spy Kids
Saving Private Ryan
Shape of Water
Swept Away
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Silence of the Lambs
Source Code
Starship Troopers
Silver Bullet
The Visit
The Italian Job
The Mask of Zorro
True Lies
The Blair Witch Project
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Craft
The Guest
The Devil’s Advocate
The Graduate
The Prestige
The Rock
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Fly
The Mummy
The Guardian
The Goofy Movie
The Peanut Butter Solution
Toy Story 4
The Ring
The Crazies
The Mist
The Revenant
The Perfect Storm
The Shining
Terminator 2
The Truman Show
Temple of Doom
The Cell
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Good Son
The Orphan
The Birdcage
The Green Mile
The Raid
The Cider House Rules
The Lighthouse
The Book of Henry
The A-Team
The Crow
The Terminal
Thor Ragnarok
The Descent
The Birds
Total Recall
The Natural
The Fifth Element
True Romance
Terminator: Dark Fate
The Hobbit Trilogy
Very Bad Things
Wayne’s World
What Women Want
War Dogs
Wedding Crashers
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to Marwen
Wet Hot American Summer
What Lies Beneath
What Dreams May Come
War Games
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Weird Science
Wizard of Oz
Young Sherlock Holmes
You’ve Got Mail
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tenebrare · 5 months
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Hellraiser/Dead by Daylight - Hell priests alternate outfit sketch
I have seen some fantastic Hell priest (do they call him by his name in the game at all? Or is he just Pinhead there?) fanart by Dead by Daylight fans and seeing one of those reminded me one of the outfits I saw on the games website. I have never played the game, but found the outfit interesting, but not very cenobite alike. Not in any 11 films, or any other media I have see they have had 'spikes' . I would re-do the outfit without all of the spikes. Love the motif with his back though, the hook and pulled skin. He'd do that and then use the very hook at times as a weapon pulling it off with a snap. While in game they wanted him to have an outfit for players, then for being more lore friendly they could have just made him to be ... someone else. He seemed to like pretending to be someone else entirely in numerous occasions.
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brokehorrorfan · 4 months
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Pixel Elixir has launched a Kickstarter for its fifth wave of Terror Kitties enamel pins. Expected to ship in October, you can get your paws on them for $11 each.
Designs include Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Fog, Ghostbusters, Hellraiser, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Beetlejuice, Tales from the Crypt, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Ring, The Babadook, and Terrifier.
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sigh. can YOU say "disappointing and exhausting and drawn out and doesn't understand the appeal of the franchise"?
honestly, it feels like it understands Hellraiser even less than some of the sequels. how did Barker say yes to this? did Barker say yes to this? because he didn't write the fucking script or direct it, he was a producer but like it sure doesn't feel like he said yes to this, because honestly if he signed off on some of these decisions, maybe he doesn't understand Hellraiser either. they have taken all of the bite out of the Cenobites. like i cannot believe I'm saying this but the Hellraiser reboot is just another Hellraiser sequel that doesn't understand Hellraiser and is copying empty aesthetic signifiers. i cannot recall a movie that has been so let down by lackluster sound design and mediocre editing as much as this was.
My ★★★ review of Hellraiser on Letterboxd:
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How many Final Fantasy games are there? I lost track?
It's easy to lose track but don't worry- It's simple once you know the history:
In the beginning, there was Final Fantasy 1. Released in 1987, the first Final Fantasy was then also released in 1989, 1990, 1994, 200, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2021. Final Fantasy 2 was released about as many times, beginning in 1988, but only in Japan. As such, it is known in America as Final Fantasy: The Lost Levequests. The same thing happened to Final Fantasy 3, which was released in America as “2 Final 2 Fantasy: Lindblum Drift.”
The second Final Fantasy released in America was Final Fantasy 2, which was Final Fantasy 4, the Japanese Final Fantasy 4 being a re-skin of an America only game called Chocoboki Panic. Final Fantasy 2, the first SNES game in the franchise, was acclaimed for being incredibly fucking depressing. Like you start the game by killing some kid’s mom and then there’s something about a cursed town maybe? I don’t know, it lost me early on and I never got to see Golbez or Zeromus or whatever. Also, I’m fine with even Dark Souls type menus now but I mean, in 1991 I wasn’t gonna spend 45 minutes trying to figure out how to equip a fucking shoe.
Final Fantasy 3: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate: Alucard’s Revenge 2 came out in both Japan and America in 1994. Introducing cutscenes to the series, Final Fantasy 3 (Abbreviated Final 3 or sometimes Fantasy 5: Hobbs & Sephiroth) was best known for its main villain, Kafka. Kafka was a difficult and frustrating boss who trapped the protagonists in endless bureaucracy and paperwork until they died of old age, never knowing why. It was later released again in Japan as Final Fantasy 6: The Fate of the Fantasy.
After this, the series switched from Nintendo consoles to the Xbox.
The first X-Box, simply called the Xbox, hosted Final Fantasy 7; The next Xbox, the Xbox 360, hosted Final Fantasy 8; The Xbox 1 hosted Final Fantasy 9, and the Xbox 10 hosted Final Fantasy X. Thus if X=7, 360>8, 1=9 and X<10, then Final Fantasy itself equals 11, which is ideal because Final Fantasy 11, the 14th game in the franchise, was indeed a remake of 9, which was the sequel not to 8 but 7, remade later as 13. This can be remembered with the mnemonic “SPUGNUT” but I don’t know how or why.
With fans confused and the Xbox being discontinued by Sega, Final Fantasy sought a new start with Sony and their NeoGeo: Turbografx master system. The first game for that console was Final Fantasy 11 2, not to be confused with 12. 11 2 and 11 3 were released before 12, but well after 14, known first as Final Fantasy Genesis, but re-titled after Final Fantasy 18 into Final Fantasy Genesis 19:18, or in Japan, Shin Megami Tensei.
Final Fantasy remakes continued with Final Fantasy 13, which was Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 17, which was Final Fantasy 16, and Final Fantasy 21, which was Kingdom Hearts 5, and the upcoming Final Fantasy 22, which will be both Animal Crossing 6 and Land Before Time 15: The Longnecks Take Manhattan, featuring Pinhead from Hellraiser and Beyoncé.
The next Final Fantasy game is planned to be Final Fantasy 28, which will come in two editions, Final Fantasy Dark Cloud and Light Ning. Truly, the greatest franchise ever to spin off from Battletoads.
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seconddoubt · 1 year
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Marina Sirtis at the premier of Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, September 11, 1992.
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
Things Read in March
Essays & Articles:
Reader Discretion Advised: On profanity and the sublime in poetry
Bizarre Movie Monsters: Skinamarink
Penelope and the Poetics of Remembering
Two Bad Mormons
Was Caroline Ellison a Main Character or the Fall Girl? How the 28-year-old CEO LARP-ed her way into the collapse of FTX
The 'real Lord of the Flies': a survivor's story of shipwreck and salvation
The real Lord of the Flies: what happened when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months
The Legacy of Hoodoo Within the Black Church
'Hellraiser' writer Clive Barker on the publishing industry's homophobia and J.K. Rowling
'Ma' Reconsidered
Exposed: Dallas Humber, Narrator Of Neo-Nazi ‘Terrorgram,’ Promoter Of Mass Shootings
Black Horror Films Found Off the Beaten Path
'The Help' Spawns A Lawsuit And A Question: How Much Borrowing Is Fair?
Pentagon Blocks Sharing Evidence of Possible Russian War Crimes With Hague Court
How Wasps Are Less Bothersome—And More Beautiful—Than We Think
Researchers Pinpoint Important Biomarker for SIDS
15 Years After Invasion of Iraq, Amnesia & Distortion Obscure U.S. Record of War Crimes & Torture
The rabid sexualisation of male actors is getting creepy
Calvinism and the American Conception of Evil
The Schedule of Loss
Fuck Stuck by Naomi Morris
The Artist by Jenny George
Jenner, CA by Jay Deshpande
[11. Violence: Anglo-Linguistic] by Nam Le
Blue by Laura Villareal
T Shot #9: Ode to My Sharps Container by KB Brookins
The Bag of Skunk and the Ghetto Bank by Yahya Hassan translated by Jordan Barger
Fable of the Barn by Ann Lauterbach
"Envoi" of William H. Johnson's "Nude" by Terrance Hayes
Ancestors' wildest dreams by Kinsale Drake
Short Stories & Books:
In The Deep Woods; The Light is Different There by Seanan McGuire
Bones & All by Camille DeAngelis
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Know My Name by Chanel Miller
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
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tourturestarradio · 2 months
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Hello! I’m Radio Star!
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
I like to write stories! I take requests for
-Demon slayer
ׂ╰┈➤ Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Giyu, Shinobu, Tengen, Rengoku, Mitsuri, Akaza, Kokushibo, Muzan
ׂ╰┈➤ Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Shoko, Sukuna, Toji, Ino, Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, Toge, Yuta
-Mortal Kombat 11
ׂ╰┈➤ Hanzo, Noob Saibot, Kitana, Malina, Kuai Liang, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Arron black,
-Mortal Kombat 1
ׂ╰┈➤ Syzoth, Raiden, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, Smoke, Shang Tsung, Kitana, Malina, Kenshi, Johnny Cage,
-Slashers/horror movies
ׂ╰┈➤Billy and Stu, Micheal Myers, Carrie, Tomas Hewitt, Herbert West, Hellraiser, Bo Vincent and Lester, Tom hanniger/Harry Warden, Jason, May
-One piece
ׂ╰┈➤ Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Robin, Franky, Lucci, Vivi, Crocodile, Buggy, Mihawk, Shanks, Ace, Smoker,
ׂ╰┈➤ Deadpool/Wade Wilson, Wolverine/Logan Howlett
I do X readers! Male/Female/Gn sub or dom it doesn’t matter, if you dream it I’ll write it! I don’t really care who reads my stories honestly but I’d recommend +18 but I can’t stop people from wanting to read🤷‍♀️
No weird request!!!! I don’t kink shame here but I have a limit, cnc, dub-con, non con, no weird pedo shit, ANYTHING with vomit, piss, shit, no animal stuff either!!!
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johnny-dynamo · 6 months
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Vintage Horror Ladies - AI art by Intothefade
1.- Samara ("!THE RING")
2.- Carrie White ("CARRIE")
4.- Laurie Strode ("HALLOWEEN")
5.- Nancy Thompson ("A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET")
6.- Elvira
7.- The Monster's Bride ("BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN")
8.- Ellen Ripley ("ALIEN")
9.- Selene ("UNDERWORLD")
10.- Satanico Pandemonium ("FROM DUSK TILL DAWN")
11.- Vampirella
12.- Erin ("YOU'RE NEXT")
13.- Mia ("EVIL DEAD" - 2013)
14.- Mary Lou ("PROM NIGHT II")
15.- Regan MacNeill ("THE EXORCIST")
16.- Thomasin ("THE WITCH")
17.- Dani ("MIDSOMMAR")
18.- M3gan
19.- Nicki Brand ("VIDEODROME")
20.- Kirsty ("HELLRAISER")
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