#Hey could you just shove my spleen right back in - thanks.
gildedmuse · 3 years
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One Piece can sometimes appear at odds with it's self.
That's true in a myriad of ways, but in this case I'm referring to how certain elements of the story seem to support Make Your Own Destiny or Self Determination. Luffy's whole goal is basically the search for freedom: he wants to live for himself and not by the rules of others. The Celestial Dragons are clearly in the moral wrong, and you see that especially strongly with Doflamingo, who believes he was simply born better than the rest of humanity, and that power and influence are his birthright. Ace's entire motivation stemmed from finding his own place in the world, rebelling against his name and heritage and claiming his own family.
The problem is that Ace failed.
Luffy is fighting for freedom, but also he's the son of one of the top revolutionaries AND one of the legendary marine generals AND he's got that whole Will Of The D thing going for him. We see characters like Zoro, Sanji, and Robin get stronger, prove their worth, struggle to move ahead but we're also shown that life has always been pushing them in those directions. Zoro isn't just a random boy who picked up a sword and decided to be the Best Ever. No, his best friend was the grand-daughter of one of the most talented swordsmiths in the world, he inherited this damn near legendary blade, he himself is descended from a long line of heroes from the Land of Wano and he is one with the FEWEST family connections.
We're told these characters are fighting for these impossible dreams and beating the odds and pushing themselves to go further, but you have to admit.... They inherited a great deal of it. They may have fought their way to where they are, but they didn't fight against fate.
You see if with Conquer's Haki. If a work really dug in to that self determination theme, don't you think anyone could learn conquerer's haki? Given that they had a strong enough will and drive, they should be able to. But we're also told it's something very few people can do, and it does seem to be a gift you are just born with. Because you are Special. Different.
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Those themes are especially heavy in Wano. It's hard to watch Kunjuro's scenes and not feel as if the people of Wano created their own villains. They slaughter his family for the sins of their forefathers. But, the Kurozumi clan never should have tried to take that power, it clearly belonged to Oden. And maybe Oden is just such an amazing and good and beloved and wise and strong person that he deserved to be the one Wano entrusted with their rights and lives, but the fact remains, he wasn't just some orphaned kid with no family connection, no heritages to those titles. No, Oden could have been a reprehensible creep and he still would have a birthright to those titles. But of course he isn't, that is part of the whole idea that your family and history is enough to grant you privilege and advantages over others, that you have earned something simply by being born. You will be good enough, gracious enough, strong enough because you were born for this role. And anyone undeserving who tries to take that will fail.
For the record: I do not think One Piece has settled on either side just yet, and it may never do so.
But damn, why ya gotta be pressing all this onto poor Momonosuke like that?
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Momonosuke is just caught in the middle of all this mess. The Blood Of The Rightful Ruler runs through his veins, he has Trained To Be The Man His Father Was, his mother pushed him through time itself. I mean, if that's not destiny giving you a nudge....
And do you know who he has supporting him?
Yamato: a boy who shares the blood with an indestructible yonko the spirit of the people of Wano
Roronoa Zoro: Inheritor of the opposite of his father's blade, descended from heroes from Wano, a man whose rival/friend's bloodline is the same bloodline that created the fable sword of Momo's father, a blade that only Zoro has otherwise been shown to be able to master.
Monkey D. Luffy - the spiritual successor to the pirate king who at a young age Shanks recognized as that being his true place, whose family is filled with these amazing men who helped to shape the world he lives in, who carries this secret initial of power and shines with the colors of kings and speaks to all things.
And all the people Luffy has gathered around him, some by choice and some by chance, fate and free will equally. But all there in support of Momonosuke.
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Momonosuke has everything going for him, like he was fated to this role, like he was born to it, and certainly everyone keeps telling him that. Even Luffy pushed Momonosuke, to be as brave as he needs to and to be the leader his people need him to be.
Again, the kid is like nine, tops. While on reality it may have been years since his father's death and his mother prophecy and accompanying death, Momonosuke. And, you know, considering the really terrible events that have transpired, all because people keep insisting that this is something that he was born to do, that he should be able to do it because his family name and his parents strength and the enormous pressures they managed to shoulder.....
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Earlier in this arc, Luffy pretty much bullied this kid into being strong. For a country he barely lived in, for a time period he is not from all so that he could be the leader a bunch of goddamn adults need him to be?
Momonosuke isn't destined to this shit, but everyone sure is dog piling it on him hard enough that he won't be able to get out no matter what he wants.
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I don't know how this arc is going to end. I feel like it's building up to something - all this constant pushing of responsibility onto Momonosuke and the clear themes of some people having the born right to rule and how it directly contradicts the idea of Doflamingo.... Those can't be leading nowhere. On the other hand, I'm not sure One Piece has realistically given itself many choices that don't read as, "born to rule, part deux!" Just because it's not Momonosuke doesn't mean you won't end with much the same lesson, especially when most of your major characters are simply Special Chosen Bloodline Will Of D Awesome Amazing Special.
You're just kind of passing it down the line.
But damn it all. This scene had some transphobic body comments/visuals, it made light of an emotional moment to the point of purposefully visual-audio dissonance that I did not expect, and, yes it made sure to keep pumping that pressure into this poor ACTUAL EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, MENTAL CHILD. Which after the whole murdered parents, witness to tragedy, life or death situations, and fucking time travel is just unnecessary.
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But it had this small moment where it let Momonosuke be a person.
Not even a child, but just an actual human with human thought and feelings and the need to process things like grief.
This post got way too long but don't create a show like this that is so dependent on characters and then act surprise when after months and months of mistreating one of them I'm like, okay but where are you going with this? Because despite some depressing scenes One Piece is an optimistic work. I don't think it will just destroy an entire country because, predictably,a nine year old could not shoulder the burden of intense personal tragedy and then just take on all of society's issues as well without, you know, cracking apart.
But kinda that is what this kid deserves to do right now.
Here's hoping the person that realizes this is a man who fought against his father's own expectations by creating even larger, less realistic ones for himself.
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#know what this reminds me of? How I'm gonna be the best goddamn kenshi of all time.#Hey could you just shove my spleen right back in - thanks.#this post happened because#I don't know just stop acting like this kid is brave for not crumbling under all the wight you're throwing on#It's less thats brave and more accepting his own emotions and mental state as having absolutely no value to the people around him#so I guess congrats on totally beating that boy's self worth to a pulp#but you know just so long as he alone can achieve what literally thousands of adults failed to orer the last decade#no big#also if Kuina had been some gutter rat with a stick#her and Zoro would have been just as fiercely devoted to becoming the best kenshi in the world#you don't have to give him ties back to some ancient culture and bloodline#I mean we all saw it coming but if he didn't have that cinnection you think it would have stopped Zoro for one second?#the boy's reaction to being cut in half was#I don't know maybe Momo is the kind of person who even if everyone wasn't constantly forcing him to live up to his father#he would have just done it anyway#something tells me he'd rather have gotten to keep his father#yeah yeah all these people have amazing family histories and they're amazing too we've all read medieval literature we get it#one piece#kozuki momonosuke#kozuki oden#Yamato#waaaayyyy too long#amusing musings#roronoa zoro#Will Of D#monkey d. luffy#Just so much you didn't care about#wano arc#land of wano
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hi hi!! can u do a scenario with gyro x preg/fem!reader? if you’re not comfortable with this request, feel free to ignore! <3
Sorry if you wanted nsfw, this is kind of angsty and sfw and from my self insert document on Google drive dsjdsjdsj
Warnings: getting sick, slapping, swearing, arguing, obviously mentions of pregnancy, fluff ending
You were jerked awake by two hands grabbing you and shaking you roughly.
"Hey, hey, hey!! Please wake up." Gyro's angry, worried face came into view. You coughed, looking at him confused.
"Here." he lifted a canteen to your mouth, and you gulped the entire thing down, gasping for breath. "Are you okay?" 
You nodded, pressing a hand to your stomach. "Yeah. And they are too. I can feel them kicking." You coughed, swaying a little bit, yelling out when Gyro slapped you hard. 
"We've been searching for two days!" He stood, anger radiating off of him. You fell back, unable to stop your fall due to the handcuffs. "You had me worried fucking sick. When Orion came back without you-" 
"Gyro-" Johnny raised his voice. "Later!" 
"No, I will not talk about this later!" Gyro crouched, helping you sit and then stand. Your cheek stung, and you fixed him with a withering look. He gripped your shoulders too hard, the anger on his face apparent. "You were supposed to come back after scouting out the area! Instead, we find you on the edge of a fucking minefield, unconsious, and handcuffed!" 
"I'll tell you what I told the president, Gyro." You stumbled, dizzy from not eating. Worry flickered on his face. "My horse, My child, and my Child's father are my only concerns. I will go to any lengths to protect them."
"Gyro, she needs to eat something." 
"I need to eat something." 
Gyro cursed, letting go of you and turning away, his hands clenched into fists. Your legs gave out from under you, and the only thing that stopped you from collapsing was Johnny grabbing onto your collar. 
"Would one of you be so kind as to remove these handcuffs? The baby is okay, but I really need to eat or-" 
"Shut Up!" Gyro swiveled around, pointing at you. "Just shut up, okay? Give me a minute to process this." 
You stared blankly at him until he turned away. 
Your horse walked over to you, nudging you with his nose. You grabbed onto him, struggling to pull yourself up. When you finally made it, you looked down at Gyro, no emotion on your face. 
He looked up at you, his expression a million things at once. 
"Please undo my handcuffs." 
He reached up, his hands shaking as he picked the lock on the cuffs. You didn't say a word while he worked, yearning for him to just hold you and tell you it was okay. That wasn't the case, though. 
When your hands were free, you thanked him, cueing Orion to move. Johnny caught up, handing you some bread. You thanked him, wolfing it down, slumping against Orion's neck and passing out. 
Three days passed where Gyro didn't speak to you. He and Johnny spoke, you and Johnny spoke, and you tried to talk to him, but he would pointedly ignore you. 
The first night was the hardest. You woke up from a nightmare, albeit, not one as vivid as usual. Sitting alone for a minute, you watched both of them sleep, before bursting into tears. You buried your face in your hands, crying until you had nothing left, falling back into a fitful sleep. 
When Johnny shook you awake a few hours later, you sat up holding your pounding head. Johnny pressed a hot mug into your hands, and you turned to look at Gyro. When he caught your eye, he clenched his jaw and turned away, getting up to go get Valkyrie ready. More tears filled your eyes, and you choked back a sob with a little "ngh," curling in on yourself. Johnny wrapped an arm around you, and you buried your face into his shoulder, only pulling away when Gyro snapped at Johnny to start getting ready. 
The second night, you fell ill again, spending the entire night vomiting into the river next to you. Your baby didn't like whatever you had for dinner, and made it known by kicking in protest and causing your stomach to flush it out of your system.
"Gyro, I need your help," You croaked, getting sick again. He glanced over at you quickly, turning away, his fists clenched. "Please!"  
He ignored you again, and angry, hurt tears filled your eyes. 
"It's not my fault that the President captured me, and I did what I had to to survive. I need you, and you're failing me." You gagged again, and he just walked away. "You have every right to be angry with me, but you don't get to abandon me!" 
No response. Before you got sick again, you told him to go fuck himself.
You didn't sleep at all that night. Johnny eventually came over and sat with you, squeezing your hand and rubbing your back while you were incapacitated. Gyro glanced over, like he wanted to come help, but just set out his bedroll and sleeping bag and turned his back. 
The next day, he looked over at you, his brow furrowed, his lips parted as if to speak, and you turned away, more tears in your eyes.
The rest of the day went by without incident, other than when you'd have to stop and get sick on the side of the road. 
That night, you took matters into my own hands, and instead of asking him for help, you forced it, hunkering down in his lap while he was eating dinner, wrapping your arms around his neck and bawling into his shoulder. He stiffened, sighed, and set his plate aside, running his hands up and down your back to soothe you. You just clung to him and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed, until all you could do was cry, and then sniffle, and then just breath unevenly and keep your cheek pressed against his shoulder. He didn't stop his ministrations, not saying a word, but not letting you go, either. He rested his chin on your head, giving you a comforting squeeze. You fell asleep on him like that. When you woke up, you were rested on the couch alone.   
He caved first, but at this point, You were angry now. Not at him, but at the way he was handling things. So you continued to remain silent, no matter what he said to you, instead talking to Johnny, or leaving the room all together.  
Tasks were becoming more and more difficult for you as time passed. You did your best, but being pregnant was no picnic.
"Hey, do you want coffee?" Gyro called over to you. You stared at him, expressionless, before turning your attention back to your book, not saying a word. You winced when your child kicked your spleen, and glared at Gyro when he snatched the book out of your hands. 
"We need to talk about this." He swallowed, looking annoyed. You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms. "It's been seven days. Are you still angry?" 
Your expression darkened. He nodded, his irritation visibly growing. 
"I was so scared that you were dead. When I saw Orion run up without you, only the worst situations played out in my head. When we saw the destruction in the area, we thought maybe you had been caught in a Stand Attack."
A smirk ghosted your lips, causing him to pause. He tilted his head back, his eyes narrowed, searching your face.
You laughed, waving him off. It wasn't a cold laugh, but it wasn't exactly friendly either. He scowled, shoving his hands in his pockets, continuing.
"Finding you unconscious, tucked away like that, scared the shit out of me. It took me ten minutes to get you to come to. Ten minutes. I've never been worried like that. I let the anger and fear I felt get the best of me, and I'm really sorry." He crossed his arms, glaring at you while you smirked at him. "For fucks sake, what is so god damn funny?" 
"The destruction was from my stand." 
"It what?! You couldn't tell me that sooner?! This is what-" His angry words dropped off when you took his hand and placed it on your stomach, right above where the kicking was. The irritation on his face gave way to wonder, and he just stood there, slack jawed, placing his other hand on your stomach. When he spoke, his voice was no more than a whisper. 
"That's my baby." His eyes met yours, glistening, and you smiled kindly at him before looking over at Johnny.
"Hey Johnny, do you want to feel the baby kick?" 
"Hey, Fuck off Johnny." Gyro stepped closer to you, glaring at Johnny over his shoulder. "This is mine. I'll kill you if you come any closer." 
"Gyro, let Johnny feel the baby kick." You laughed, and Gyro grumbled, stepping aside. Johnny placed a hand on your tummy, smiling softly when the baby kicked it.
"Alright, that's enough. Back off." Gyro loomed over you, glowering at Johnny. You sighed, sitting down on the edge of the table, exhausted. Gyro slipped a cup of coffee into your hands, and you smiled at him, laughing when he pressed his hands back against your stomach. 
That night, Gyro insisted that you sleep with him again. When you settled down, he snaked his arms around you, rubbing your belly, pressing his lips into the back of your neck. 
"Promise me that you'll never scare me like that again." 
"Only if you promise to never leave me to deal with it alone again." 
You melted into his warm embrace and soft words, falling asleep shortly after. 
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Rafe Cameron x reader (pt 3)
Summary:  You, a pogue and Rafe Cameron, a kook are friends of benefits, secretly of course. But what happens when you get pregnant?
Part 1 // Part 2 
A/N: Here is part 3!! Please please please read the author’s note at the end! Thank you so much for the continued support of this. You all are AMAZING. I love y’all. xx
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural (I’m only up to season 2, so please don’t request something with spoilers)**
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Outer Banks (Netflix):
John B Routledge
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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There was screaming and cries all around you. What happened? Oh right, someone shot a gun. There was a pang in your side, huh, that kind of hurts. When you looked down you could see your white shirt turning red, that looks like blood. Is it mine? Looking at the eyes in front of you, you could see a panicked Rafe. He didn’t look high anymore, they looked normal, like the ones you fell in love with. Turning your head, you could see John B rushing to you out of the water. Then you let your eyes fluttered closed.
John B and everyone around watched in horror. He was quick, catching you before you fell against the sand. “Y/n!” Slowly he went to his knees, with you in his arms, your back against his chest.
“What the hell, Rafe?!” John B yelled, looking up at Rafe. 
As soon as that gunshot rang out, Rafe’s high was over and he was back to reality. “I-I didn’t mean too!” His hands go up to his head, gripping at his hair, “Is she alive?” 
JJ pushed Rafe out of the way and dropped to your side, holding his hands against your stomach, “Someone call 911!”
Kie screamed. JJ was yelling about being stupid for bringing the gun in the first place. Pope was yelling about keeping pressure on the wound. John B was yelling at y/n to stay with him. Hands were shaking him, “Rafe! We gotta go man, the police are on their way.” Topper. He was in a haze, watching the scene in front of him. He doesn’t remember doing it, but his feet carried himself through the sand and to his truck.
“Oh god, JJ there’s a lot of blood.” John B cried, rocking back and forth.
“I know dude, I’m trying!” He looked around, “I need more towels!”
John B looked around, “Where the hell is the paramedics?!” His hands were gently rubbing your cheek, “Please, please stay with me.”
Kie and Pope quickly returned with the towels gathered from the beach.
Pope dropped to y/n’s side next to JJ and put more towels, but the blood just kept seeping through. “Kie, run up to the road and flag them down.” Pope instructed. Kie nodded before running off.
John B cradled you in his arms, “I can’t lose her…I can’t.”
That’s when JJ and Pope knew, you were the mystery girl he was in love with.
“Please, let me ride with her!” John B begged the paramedic, who shook her head, “I’m sorry son, you can’t. Is there anything else we should know about her?”
John B nods, “S-she’s pregnant. 2 months…” The paramedic nodded before hopping into the back with you.
JJ grabbed John B’s shoulder, “Come on man, I’ll drive you. We’ll follow behind.”
“She’s coding!” Is the last thing he heard as the doors shut and the paramedics drove off.
John B’s knee bounced up and down as he sat in the hospital chair. His head was in his hands. It had been 4 hours since they arrived and there was no word. He’d called your mom, but she was out of town with your dad and wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.
“She’s going to be fine, John B.” Kie comforted, “She’s strong.”
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” John B looked up when he heard JJ yelling. Walking through the waiting room doors was Rafe and Topper.
“Please, I just wanted to make sure she was okay.” Rafe begs, “I don’t want to start anything.”
“You’re the reason she’s fighting for her life, asshole!” Pope yelled.
Kie stands and goes to the boys as people begin looking around, “We’re all going to get kicked out if you idiots don’t shut the hell up!” She whisper yells, “JJ, Pope, go sit back down.” JJ and Pope didn’t move, “I said go.” She gave them a little shove and they finally obliged and sat back down.
“Please, Kie, is she okay?”
“We don’t know. We haven’t heard anything.” She points to chairs on the opposite side of the boys, “Sit down.”
Topper and Rafe follow Kie’s orders and sit down.
“If she dies, it’s on you Cameron.” John B snaps, looking up at Rafe before standing and storming off.
After two more long hours, a surgeon walked out into the waiting room, clip board in hand. “Is the family of y/n y/l/n here?”
All the pogues, Topper and Rafe stood from their seats. 
“You all are family?” The surgeon asked.
John B nodded, “We’re her family.”
“Our mother loves to adopt kids.” JJ comments when he sees the surgeon looking at all of them. The surgeon continues to look at them weird before shaking his head, “Alright.”
“How is she? Is she and the baby okay?” John B asks.
The surgeon motions back to the chairs and sits down. They follow and all sit back down, John B at the edge of his seat.
“It was touch and go for a while, but she is one lucky girl. She lost a good bit of blood and she coded in the ambulance. However, we finally managed to get a pulse when she arrived. Then, we took her straight into surgery. The bullet was a through and through, hitting her spleen. We did have to remove the spleen, there was no way around that. However, she’s going to have to be very careful the rest of her life because now she’s going to be prone to infections. But other than that, she should make a full recovery.” The surgeon explains.
“is..what about the baby?” Kie asks, “Was the baby okay?”
The surgeon nods, “fetus is fine.”
“Can we see her?” JJ asks.
The surgeon nods, “Only 2 at a time though. I’ll have a nurse show you to her.” The surgeon stands.
“Thank you, doctor.” Rafe holds his hand out to the surgeon who nods, returning the hand shake and walking off.
The pogues and two kooks share glances, Pope asks, “So, who’s the first two?”
Rafe knows he won’t be one of the first two, so he doesn’t even try it, “John B, you and Kiara go back first.”
Rafe waits patiently in the waiting room with Topper and the other pogues. You were going to be okay.. and so was his baby. His mind’s running a million miles a minute. It had been confirmed, you were pregnant with his baby. He’d overheard some girls at the Boneyard talking about it and that’s when he stormed off to you. Was that what you wanted to talk about when you stopped by his house that day? He’d been such an ass to you. The drugs had taken control of him and he just let it, which caused him to lose the best thing that happened to him. He wondered how you’d ever forgive him after this.
John B was the first one you saw when you woke up. His hand was holding yours and he was smiling through his tears, “Hi..”
You smiled weakly, “Hey.”
He gently pushed hair off your forehead, “I thought I had lost you.”
“What even happened?” wincing you laid your head back on the pillow, “This shit hurts.” John B looks at Kie who nods, “I’ll go get the nurse,” she stands from her chair and exits the room.
“Well, you got shot.” He chuckled softly, rubbing his thumb along the back of your hand, “You saved my life and managed to get shot while you and Rafe fought over the gun..”
He nods, “Yeah.”
“The baby?”
“Perfectly fine.” He smiles and places a kiss on your hand, “They had to remove your spleen, but the doctor said you’ll make a full recovery.”
You weakly bring your hand up to his cheek, wiping a tear, “Don’t cry. You’re going to make me cry”
“I’m sorry, I thought I was going to lose you.” He uses his hand to wipe the other cheek, “I couldn’t lose you.”
It was JJ and Pope who came in to see you next. They stayed for a little while before you had to kick them out because JJ kept making you laugh, and it hurt. The next person that walked through your door was Rafe, carrying a bouquet of flowers.
“Can I come in?” He asked from the door.
You nodded and sat up a little, “Yeah.”
He comes in and sets the flowers on the bedside table, then stands at the end of your bed. He looks like a mess. His hair was messy; his face red and splotchy. His hands were shaking as he gripped the edge of the bed. He hadn’t had his drug fix since before you were shot and he could feel himself drifting into withdrawals.  
“Y/n I didn’t mean… I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” He whispers, “All those things I said that night, I didn’t mean them. It was the drugs. I was stupid enough to try them.”
“Why did you do it, Rafe? The drugs? You always told me that you hated them..”
He nods, “I know and I did but I got in a fight with my dad. About you. Someone saw us on the mainland together and he snapped on me. Then I went to a party with Topper and it was just there. And I thought one time wouldn’t hurt. But then I got hooked.”
“Why didn’t you call me? I could have helped you.”
He shakes his head, “I don’t know, I was stupid. After my dad said all those things, I thought it would be best to push you away. I didn’t deserve you and you didn’t deserve to be with a joke like myself. Then yesterday I overheard someone say you were pregnant and I snapped. I was high when I came to talk with you at the Boneyard.”
“Yeah I know. You had the same look in your eyes that night at your house.” You looked down at your hands, “Rafe, you scared me that night. I mean you were a completely different person. You weren’t the man I fell in love with.”
He rounds the bed to come to your side, taking a seat in the chair, “I know.. but I’m going to stop. For you and for the baby.” He takes your hand in his, “Then we can be together and be a family.”
You slowly pull your hand from his and set it back on your lap, “Rafe, I don’t know if we can be a family.” You whisper, “I’m a pogue and you’re a kook. Always will be. Your family will never accept me or this baby.”
“Screw my family. I love you and that’s all that matters. I don’t need my family’s acceptance.” His eyes are filling with tears, which match with yours.
“Rafe, I don’t know if I love you anymore. After everything that has happened, you showed your true colors.”
“But it was the drugs, y/n. I’m going to stop, I’m going to get help for you and for the baby. That wasn’t me.” His bottom lip trembles, “Please, I need you.”
It seemed like you had a big decision to make. How would you choose between the two?
John B had been your best friends for years. He’d been there for you when a stupid boy broke your heart. He’d taken care of you anytime you had one too many one night at a party, He opened his home to you whenever you needed a place to stay. He was available any time of the day, ready to talk if you needed it. If you called him crying about a bad date with a guy, he’d “I’ll be right there.” And then he’d show up at your house, your favorite candy in his hand and would hold you for hours or listen to you talk. He talked about you all the time to Pope and JJ, but he never let on who it was. They never knew who he was in love with until that night you were shot that you were his mystery girl. You were his everything and he was your person.
But Rafe Cameron. He had been just another guy you fell into bed with. He was the asshole everyone warned you about. However, that’s not what you saw in him, you saw someone different. He would open doors for you. He held your hand whenever he could and would give you a kiss whenever the moment allowed. It was like he couldn’t get enough of you. He carried you on these dates every Saturday, never missing a beat. He treated you like a princess. He made you laugh, more than anyone ever had. He was a softy around you, not the hard ass everyone else saw. He made you feel beautiful. He didn’t make you feel you were different than him. He called you every night before he went to bed to tell you about his day and he’d listen to your rants to the late hour of the night. You didn’t know this, but even around his kook friends, he defended your honor. He never let them talk bad about you. Rafe Cameron was your first real love.
How could you choose between your first real love or your best friend?
It had been 2 weeks since you had been shot. You had decided it would be best to recover at your own home instead of at John B’s. You needed time to think about your decision and being at your home could give you that. Both boys came by your house every day to check on you.
John B showed up one morning a basket in his hands. It was filled with your favorite candy, salty snacks, bubble bath and your favorite scented candles.
“What is all this?” You ask, smiling. You sit up in your bed and pause the show you’d been watching.
He gives a small shrug and walks over, “A little care basket from me and the pogues.” He gently sets it in front of you, “Kie helped me pick out the bubble bath and candles.”
“John B you didn’t have to do all this.”
He takes a seat on the edge of the bed in front of you, “Well, you did kind of take a bullet for me. I’m pretty sure a basket wouldn’t make up for that, but it’s a start.” He chuckles.
“Well, thank you. I really appreciate it.”
He nods, “anything for you.”
A quiet silence fell upon the two of you and he cleared his throat, standing, “Well, I guess I’ll go and let you rest.”
You grab his hand as he stands, “No, stay? Please?”
“You sure?”
You nod and pull the covers back beside you. He then slips off his shoes before climbing in bed next to you. As he gets comfortable you slip under his arm and lay your head on his chest, getting comfortable yourself. This wasn’t anything new for the two of you, however, after the spoken feelings, there was a difference.
Your recent cravings ended up being cheez its and pickles and you were currently munching on some, Rafe sitting next to you in the bed. The two of you had just put in a movie.
Rafe scrunched his nose up as he watched you eat the cheez its and pickles, alternating between the two with each bite.
“What?” You ask, popping a cheez it in your mouth.
“I just don’t see how that tastes good.” He chuckles.
“It’s like the best thing every.”
He shakes his head at you, “You’re adorable..”
You blush, “You won’t think I’m adorable when my hormones decide to change gears on you and I’m pissed because you put your shoe in the wrong place in the closet.”
He gives a small shrug, “I’m prepared for it.”
“We’ll see about that, Mr. Cameron.” The two of you went back to watching the movie, but not a few minutes later, Rafe spoke up.
“I talked with my family last night and told them about you and the baby.”
You quickly paused the movie, “Okay… how did that go?”
“Well, they were pissed at me at first, but after they calmed down, my dad and Rose agreed you could move to Tanneyhill, live in the apartment over the garage.” He smiles, taking your hand in his, “We can move into the apartment… and be a family.”
“Rafe, that all sounds amazing..”
“I can sense a but in that.” He frowns.
“But I don’t know about us yet.”
“I’ve come over every day to check on you… I’ve brought you flowers and whatever you were craving.” He looks at you in disbelief, “I’ve sat here for hours and watched movies with you. And I’ve been clean since the night you got shot.”
“I know and you’ve been so amazing,” You take your hands in his, “and I’m so proud of you, but first of all, I’ve never formally met your family and they’re just offering to house me? For how long, until the baby comes and then we’re kicked to the curb? It just sounds too good to be true. Plus, you broke my heart that night, Rafe. You were an asshole and you said some hurtful things.”
“You don’t know about us because of John B, isn’t it? You’re in love with John B?” He quickly got off the bed, “I can’t believe this.”
You winced as you sat up on the edge of the bed, “Rafe I never said I was in love with John B! John B has nothing to do with this.”
“I can give you so much more than him, y/n. I have money, I can provide for us. John B can’t even keep himself afloat! He barely scraps by! And that’s MY baby you’re carrying.”
“Yeah but I don’t want money, Rafe! I want love and support, money or not. If you really knew me, you’d know that! Plus, it doesn’t matter who’s baby it is. It is who’s there for me and the baby that matters. Just because I’m carrying your baby doesn’t mean I have to be with you.”
“I can give you the world, y/n. At the tip of a hat, we can have anything we’re going to need. You and the baby will have anything you need.” He crouches in front of you, “You wouldn’t have to work, you can stay home with the baby. We would never have to worry.”
“Rafe, you aren’t listening to me.. I don’t want money. I don’t care if you have money coming out of your ass, I don’t want it! I want you to show me this is what YOU want. That you won’t leave me high and dry when things get bad or you decide you don’t want to be held back because you have me and a baby to think about. I have a future to think about. A future that will also have an effect on the child I’m carrying.”
He stands and runs his hands through his hair, “Okay. Okay…” He looks at you, “I will show you that I’m ready for this. That I’m ready for the responsibility of taking care of you and our baby.”
Your breath hitches in your throat as you watch him take one knee in front of you, his hands taking a hold of yours, “Marry me.”
Part 4
A/N: AHHHHH  Our very own Rafe Cameron has dropped to one knee and asked her to marry him. What will she do?? Who will she pick?? 
Please leave a comment or message me who you think she should pick!! I’m seriously stuck on which boy to choose so I may let you guys decide. 
Obx taglist:  @emmalvei-blog , @tregua-oca , @weirdbiwitch , @losers-club6 , @treestarrrrrrrr , @omgwhattheeven , @normatural , @lreincarnationl , @laurenron , @junkiemuppettxx , @beth-winchester21 , @divcrdown , @timotaychalabae , @moose-squirrel-asstiel , @tangledinsparkles , @prejudic3 , @fratboystark​ , @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ , @turtlee-says-rawr​
Won’t let me tag: @lanarichards5 
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
Ground Zero reads Thirst Tweets
A/N: Hey guys, this is a collab with @pinky-the-elephant-room​ !! This is the first part, and the second part can be found here! Her part is NSFW so since i’m a SFW blog we thought it would be best to split the parts! So here’s my contribution! 
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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You walked inside the studio, thanking the heavens that it was cooler than it was outside. Greeting the producers of the setup, you gladly made your way by the set to see two stools placed side-by-side in front of a blue backdrop. 
“Hello, Seize-san! Thank you so much for coming in today, I am Hana and I’m here to help you through this!” You grinned at the young woman who walked up to you. She was short stature and plump figure and gave off the impression of a warm and welcoming personality. Instantly putting you at ease.
“Thank you so much for having me! It’s an honor to be showcased here, along with another hero! You guys are truly kind to grant the opportunity to work alongside you, and please, call me (l/n).”
She nodded enthusiastically, grinning at the praise from such a top hero as yourself. 
“Thank you again, (l/n)-san, come let’s get you ready for the camera! Are you in need of anything to drink, anything to snack on?”
“No ma’am, I am fine! I’m just ready for the shoot!”
“As is your partner!”
You both shared a laugh, both knowing the person you were recording with today was the opposite of ready for this.
“Oh, I’m sure that is the case, ma’am, where is he by the way?”
“He’s right behind you, stupid.”
You turned to see the annoyed blonde behind you, being escorted to the seating area close to where you were being led.
“Ah Ground Zero, good to see you haven’t blown anything up yet.”
“Shove off, hurry up so we can get this over with.”
You laughed, waving him off as the members looked on with concern.
“Don’t be rude, Bakugou! I’ll be there with you soon enough; all you have to do is be good and wait for me.” You winked, eyeing him up and down before turning back around, allowing Hana to guide you off towards your station to get ready. 
The makeup artists just refreshed your makeup and made you ready for the video. You came out of the dressing room, dressed in your usual hero costume but looking less like you’ve been running through the streets of Tokyo. Bakugou was in usual costume but without his hand gauntlet. 
 “Okay you two, we’d like to thank you for taking the time to come on set and do this showing. These tweets are real, and we just want your genuine reaction from them! We’ll try to limit the cuts to be able to ensure that real response, and don’t be afraid to let loose! These are Thirst Tweets for a reason!”
You laughed along with everyone else, except Bakugou who looked a little annoyed by the entire thing. You gave him a slight shove with your shoulders, biting your lip subtly as his gaze locked onto yours. 
“Cheer up already, this is supposed to be fun. What, do you not want to be here with me?” 
“That’s not--Shut up, shitty woman. Just get ready.” he huffed, glancing away from your stare as he mumbled back.
“Okay, starting in 3, 2…,” The cameraman pointed instead of saying one, signaling the tape was now rolling. You beamed at the camera, working your charm as you gave a little wave.
“Hi, guys! I’m, (l/n) (y/n), or better yet, Seize!”
“And I’m Bakugou Katsuki, Ground Zero.”
“And today we’re reading…,” you trailed off, looking expectantly at your partner.
“Thirst Tweets.”
“You could be a little more enthusiastic you know.”
“Oi, shut it!”
You giggle, looking deviously at the camera before swiping his mug-shaped container.
“Oi, what are you-”
“Let’s see what people are saying about our dear Ground Zero, hm? That’s alright with everyone else, right?”
The crew joyfully agreed at the twist, and with their approval, you shoved your container in Katsuki’s chest.
“All right, let’s see,” You snorted, slapping Bakugou’s shoulder as you read the first tweet, “‘I would love to be able to rip that Hero suit right off of Ground Zero and rub my face along those God-like abs. Can a man be any hotter!? Have you seen his moobs!? *dROOLING*”
“Ha!?” Bakugou looked at the tweet with narrowed eyes before looking back at the camera, “Do you know how expensive this hero suit is!? You ain't ripping shit! Plus, what the hell are moobs?”
“Oh Bakugou, half of the world's population would love to rip that suit off, myself included. Plus, those are your man boobs, and they are absolutely correct, you have the best titties I have ever seen!” You winked at the camera while throwing the paper over your shoulder, “NEXT!”
You gave your bucket a good shake, making eye contact with the confused blonde who was still stuck on your last comment.
“‘Y’all don’t understand what I would do just to have @GroundZero to choke me with a gloved hand. Or do anything to me really. He could hit me with his car, repeated use his quirk on me, give me paper cuts all over my body and throw me into a pool of lemon juice, and I’d beg for some more like yes zaddy **** my ***** up!,’ OH MY GOD.” You used one hand to hold your mouth in amusement, putting the bucket between your thighs so you could show the tweet with your now free hand. 
“You have some pretty kinky fans, Bakugou,” you teased, waving the paper in his face as he grabbed your wrist to hold it steady, staring in disbelief.
“You all are disgusting, why in the fuck would anyone do that to you? Let alone me, who the hell do you think I am!?”
“I mean, you can’t judge, can you?” 
He snaps his head to look at you, a heated glare on his face.
“The hell, of course, I can judge! These people want me to torture them, sick bastards.”
You laughed as Bakugou sucked in a sharp breath between clenched cheeks, you were thoroughly enjoying his discomfort. 
“NEXT!” You shouted, crumbling the paper and tossing it at Bakugou.
“How many of these are there?” He sighed, looking in your bucket in his hands and shaking it around.
“With the way you look there are bound to be a ton.”
“‘If I were only able to take just Ground Zero’s jaw out on a date, I’d never be happier’ Oh that one isn’t so bad-”
“My jaw? What the hell-” He looked over your shoulder, reading the tweet.
You looked up and stared at the blessed jawline.
“That’s what it says, but I gotta disagree,” You grabbed his arm and squeezed it while smirking deviously into the camera, “These arms are better, I’d take these bad boys out for coffee over his jaw any day.”
Instead of shaking you off, you swore you felt Bakugou flex slightly under your hold and couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that overtook your face as you stared up at him through your eyelashes.
“Are you flexing, Ground Zero?”
“HAH!? NO WAY, READ THE NEXT DAMN TWEET AND GET OFF OF ME ALREADY.” He snatched his arm from your hold as you waved him off, grabbing the last tweet from the container.
“Aw guess there weren’t as many as I thought, we’re already reaching the end-”
“Good because I’m tired of these wackjobs.”
You scanned over the paper, unable to contain yourself as you busted out laughing. You knew Bakugou was glaring at you, but you couldn’t help it, you almost fell off your chair, having to once again grab his arm for support.
“This, I just- Oh my God, Bakugou you’re-HA!”
“Can you knock it off and read it before I blow your ass up!” He hissed at you, and you knew you shouldn’t have made the situation any worse than it was- but sometimes you can’t help yourself.
“Damn, I mean if you really wanna tap this ass Bakugou, how can I say no~?”
He growled lowly, glaring harshly at your face as you only winked in response. 
“Watch it, (l/n)-”
“‘Ive always been straight BUT i wish ground zero would rip me apart like he did to tht one moth villain, n after tht I have literally never questioned my sexuality so hard, I would let tht man bury his **** so far inside my *** tht i become the Queen of the f**king gays, all hail to me, GZ’s b**tch.Thts it. Thts the tweet.’ HAA.”
You felt Bakugou tense beside you, and when you looked over you saw him shaking in anger.
“Oh what, it’s charming!” You slowed your laughter down to measly chuckles, catching your breath as you were wiping tears from your eyes.
“How is that god damn charming!?” He seethed.
“You know, I can see it.”
“See what?”
“You being gay-”
You look back to the camera and give an innocent shrug.
“He could've fooled me, I swear I saw him checking out Deku a few missions back-” A small explosion cut you off, and you rolled your eyes.
“So dramatic, it’s no big deal. I check out Deku all the time too.”
“You fucking what?”
“Oh yea, I mean I check out Shoto too but Deku’s got a cute ass. What can I say-”
“You’re fucking pathetic.” He huffed, snapping his gaze away from where you sat.
“Sorry, was I overstepping? I’ll leave your man alone!” You teased, poking his thigh as you did.
“Goddammit (l/n), I’m not fucking gay for Deku!” He swatted your hand away, scooting as far away as he could from you.
Which wasn’t very far, seeing as he made no effort to move the stools away from each other.
“So you’re gay for-”
“Okay okay!! Just read my tweets already, I know they’re getting antsy watching us just talk about your closeted sexuality!”
You could practically see a vein popping out of his neck, and even though you were sure he was picturing murdering you in his mind, you couldn’t help but think of how sexy it was.
You watched as he unenthusiastically pulled out a piece of paper, bored eyes scanning till they narrowed.
“You’re fucking fans are worse than mine.”
“What! Read it, I wanna hear!”
“Do I have to-”
You cut him off with a sharp look of your own, wearing him down until he sighed and did as he was supposed to. 
“‘I would pay any amount of money, or literally give up any organ-appendix, spleen, gallbladder, lungs, my damn heart, just so Seize can spit on my face and call me a worthless, good-for-nothing loser, then kick my body and walk away. It would be my honor and my greatest life accomplishment.’” He threw the paper in front of him as if it were burning his skin, once again staring at the camera in disgust.
“Wow,” You giggled, “I don’t even know how to respond. I don’t really think that’s worse than yours Bakugou, but thanks I guess?” 
“Thanks!? That’s all you’re going to say? How about I kick your ass and call you a worthless shithead myself, would that turn on all you perverts watching this, ha!?” 
You smacked his arm playfully as you tried to get him to calm down, but his heavy breathing was an indication he wasn’t having it.
“I’m sure it would-,” His head whipped to face you and you clicked your tongue at his behavior.
“Oh, c’mon don’t be a prude, these are juicy and I for one wanna keep hearing them! So, hurry up and read another one before you blow a gasket.”
“Whatever, this is fucking stupid.”
“Alright stupid, just keep going.”
He side-eyed you, grinding his teeth together in what you assumed was to hold back even more vulgar insults.
“‘Don’t kink shame me..’” Bakugou paused, a long sigh coming from him as he reluctantly continued, “...’Don’t kink shame me but it’s my goal in life to die by @Seizes thighs. Her thighs are so strong but soft looking and I swear they can crush me in an instant-’”
“Ohh that’s true. These can crush anyone.” You slapped your thighs for emphasis, a cheeky grin playing on your lips.
“Are you seriously proud of that?” He deadpanned at your joyful expression.
“Uh, yeah? What, a woman can’t be proud of her thunder thighs of steel! You're just jealous you’re not being crushed by these babies.”
“Why the fuck would I be jealous!?” 
“Cause I have amazing thighs that any man would love to be in between-”
“Next fucking tweet,” Bakugou cut you off, “‘I will eat Seize ass with a spoon, be havin’ that as breakfast, lunch, and dinner n never get tired.’ Okay but seriously what the hell is wrong with you people? With a damn spoon?”
“It’s flattering almost, don’t you think? I would be their favorite meal that they never get tired of,” You look to the camera and wiggle your eyebrows, “I mean I don’t know if I’m down for that, but if you wanna snack sometime, link up with my manager-”
“Absolutely not, don’t give these perverts any more fucking ideas.”
“Okay, dad.”
“Quit being a damn brat and just accept that these are weird and not cute, for fucks sake!”
You look to the crew behind the camera, bowing your head a bit as you spoke.
“Sorry, you’re going to have a lot of bleeps because of this big lug.”
“Read the next tweet,” you extend your words in a whiny voice, “I wanna hear what else people think about me!”
You watched as Bakugou clenched his hand before relaxing, reaching inside to pull out another folded paper.
“‘@Seize is the best ever. Strong and compassionate, honestly my favorite hero by far. She’s giving the other pros a run for their money, good job and keep it up!’. Tch at least we’re done with the weird ass shit. ”
“AWHHH, you guys are so sweet! I don’t know how I match up to other heroes-”
“Tch, she matches up just fine-”
“Well, if we’re talking about boobs, especially if you compare mine to yours, I don’t stand a chance!” You reached a hand over while your body was still facing the front and squeezed one of his pectorals. 
“YOU HAD TO TURN THIS INTO SOMETHING FUCKING STUPID, DIDN’T YOU!?” He jerked away from you; eye twitching as he took ragged breaths.
“What, just stating the truth. Now, c’mon if we had the same number of tweets then this should be my last, why do I have to drag these out of you?”
“Shut the hell up,” He picked out the last piece of paper as he tossed the bucket on the ground, ignoring the way you complained about it. “‘Got damn,’ Holy hell I’m going to lose brain cells, ‘Got damn, Id suck a fart’...’suck a fart out of Seize’s ass and woul beg for more as she suffocates me, no cap. Lick her from those ankles to those thighs n back, I bet she tastes like one of those sour n sweet skittles wid the way she sweaty from beating others asses but good from the way she hot, and dat shit be the best shit u can taste. wont even say sorry, jus flip her over and eat that ass’...’#NomNomNom’”
“Wow, some of you guys are pretty creative. I mean, I can’t tell you what I taste like but if you wanna try it out, lemme know.” You giggled, winking at the camera as you made the ‘call me’ sign with your hands. 
You were waiting for another blow up from the angry blonde beside you but were surprised to see him silent. He was clenching his jaw harder this time around, eyes narrowed in fuming slits and he shook slightly by how hard his body tensed. You were about to ask if he was okay when you got the signal to end it, so you ignored it for the moment as you gave a bright smile to the camera.
“Well, that seems to be the end of this little segment, boo!,” You gave a pout, before smiling again, jumping back up and tossing an arm around your cast-mate, “Thanks for having us on today, and to end on a serious note make sure you’re staying safe out there. We all care about every single one of you, that’s why we do stuff like this, to stay connected! Have fun, be safe, and remember, be heroes! This has been Seize, along with,”
“Ground Zero.”
As soon as it was over, you were thrown off Bakugo’s shoulders as he stood up abruptly. You looked over in worry as he rigidly walked off and you wondered what had went wrong.
During most heavy-duty operations, which are the only type of operations you both worked together, Bakugou was always silent and calculating. He angered easily, and the time to fear him most is becomes quiet. Making a villain piss his pants with his yelling was a skill indeed, but when a villain saw that angered and dark gaze, that’s when they should be terrified. 
You tried to follow him, but you were immediately swarmed by your manager who had apologized for arriving late.
“Yes, it is alright! I understand I was able to start perfectly fine, it’s no trouble at all.”
You didn’t listen to his answer, scanning the crowd to realize you had lost the pro.
“Ne, (l/n)-sama is there something wrong?” 
“No,” You shook your head with a sigh, “Nothing at all.”
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scaryscarecrows · 4 years
Will Trade Soup for Intel
Potential Gotham Knights ‘verse. For those who did not see the trailer: Bruce is dead (pfft, suuuuure he is), Jim Gordon is dead (Jim, no!), the Court of Owls appears (this is gonna be bad), Batgirl and Robins 1-3 have guardianship of Gotham. For this piece: Penguin is also dead. Dove has his operation. And the flu. :p
Tim’s not sure where he thought Jason was going to take him. Honestly, because it’s Jason, he was sort of thinking, ‘seedy hole in the wall where retired hitmen go’. Or something. Or maybe an orphanage, or an under-the-bridge camp; the Alley Kids don’t throw bottles and needles at him, unlike the others. They demand rides.
(Yeah, it’s funny but also scary to see the Red Hood, known for his duffle bag of heads, giving a little girl a piggyback ride.)
This is not one of those places. This is some apartment building in midtown with a doorman and everything. And, y’know, it’s daytime, which...they don’t operate in the daytime that much unless they’re undercover, and they don’t appear to be. Jason told Tim to dress like a real boy and stick his domino on in the elevator, but he’s wearing what he always does; jeans, hoodie, heavy boots. And he’s carrying a brown bag that smells like soup. No helmet in sight, and Tim knows he won’t wear a domino now. They bug the scar*, he says.
“Where are we?”
“To see an old friend. I’m out of other ideas.”
“What, are they a conspiracy professor or something?”
The doorman waves them through and they wait for an empty elevator. Jason presses the third-floor button and settles in, adjusting the bag in his arms. For all the crap they give...gave...Bruce about theatrics, Jason’s no better. He lives for building the suspense. Tim had nearly murdered him again for that stupid monk joke. Asshole. Ten minutes from his life, and for that? Humph.
A cotton face mask whaps him in the chest while he’s adjusting his domino and he frowns.
“You’re fragile, and she’s got the flu, which is why we’re here in the daytime. I’m basically immune after my, um, upgrade points got cashed in, but you are a Victorian maiden who'll probably turn it into tuberculosis and die and I can’t deal with Dick after that.”
Whatever. You lose one spleen…
He puts the mask on, too, making sure Jason sees his glower, just as the elevator dings to a halt.
Tim starts to suspect they’re not invited, exactly, when Jason shoves the bag at him and drops down to pick the lock. Though he does knock and call, “Don’t get up!”, so.
“There. Give me that before you spill something...hey, Miss Marquis! I brought soup!”
Jason couldn’t have just told him this, why?
There’s furious coughing in the other room, followed by movement, and a minute later Dove shuffles out, wrapped in a blanket and wearing what appear to be bunny slippers. She looks terrible.
“For the tenth time, I don’t care how immune you think you are, you’re going to get sick and I can take care of myself.”
“Haven’t gotten sick yet,” Jason says cheerfully. “‘Sides, it’s, like, partly a bribe.”
Dove doesn’t look convinced. Tim’s not convinced, either. Jason, when left to his own devices, can and will out-mother-hen Dick. He’s just usually scarier when he does it. More like Alfred.
Before any further argument can happen, Dove starts coughing again and winds up clutching the doorframe with one hand and holding the other up to keep Jason at bay.
“Thought you were gonna take Theraflu,” Jason says sulkily. Dove reaches up to pinch the bridge of her nose.
“I will take it if I need it, Hood.” Tim sympathizes. Theraflu tastes like sadness. At least Robitussin is nice. “I promise this isn’t my first flu, I am fine. ” This is not a battle she’ll win. Tim knows. Tim has tried and failed. Jason had loomed at him and told him, oh-so-nicely, that he would take the Theraflu or that it would breach his defenses. “What do you want.”
Jason holds up the bag.
“Fridge or bowl?”
“Fridge, please.”
“If I say yes, will you settle down?”
“For now.”
She sighs and totters over to an armchair.
“What kind.”
“I’ve got some sort of zinger tea in there, that would be very nice.”
Jason vanishes into the kitchen. Dove sinks into her chair, pulling her blanket tighter around her shoulders, and waves at the couch.
“Siddown, Robin.”
“Sorry we broke in,” he says, because Jason won’t. Dove just shakes her head.
“This isn’t the first time or the last time,” she says. “At least you used the door...if you need a drink or somethin’, help yourself.”
Jason comes back, steaming mug in his hands.
“I’ll get it,” he says. “Bird boy here shouldn’t touch the kitchen.”
“Nightwing’s worse.”
“Still. Here y’go.”
“Thanks, honey.” Dove leans up to take it before shooing him back. “Now. Why are you here.”
Jason settles onto the couch next to Tim and leans forward, worrying at his lower lip.
“This is going to sound crazy.”
“Well, that’s interesting.”
“Do you know anything about the Court of Owls?”
Dove snorts, coughs, and takes a sip of her tea.
“You know…beware the court of owls that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed. Speak not a whispered word of them--”
“Or they’ll send the Talon for your head, I know the rhyme.” She takes another sip. “It’s a scary story to keep kids in line, you know that.”
“We thought so, but.” He shrugs. “”Had a run-in with...something...last night that, um. Looked a little dead. But not dead like me, dead like...I don’t know. It was like it wasn’t human anymore. Or ever. I don’t know.”
Well, that’s a surprise. Tim wonders if Jason just straight-up admitted what happened or if Dove got it out of him or from some other source.
“Croc’s not human, either, kid.”
“No. This thing...I didn’t...I broke its neck and it fucking twisted it back into place.”
Dove frowns.
“You’re sure?”
“Uh-huh. And before that I emptied literally twelve bullets into this thing and it didn’t even flinch. I’m telling you, something wasn’t right and it was wearing an owl mask.”
Tim nods.
“There have been four murders committed with daggers that have owl insignias on them,” he says. “We think these two things are related.”
“Owl daggers?”
“Can I see one?”
“I brought a picture. The daggers are police evidence.”
“Like you boys didn’t borrow one,” she says, but sits up when Jason comes over with the phone. “I’ve seen something like this before.”
Well, that was unexpected.
“Years ago, now. Penguin had one that he got from who-knows-where. It went missing one night-we chalked it up to Catwoman and let it go-but we did have people offer to buy it a few times. Generous offers, too.”
“He wouldn’t sell?” Odd. Penguin loved money almost as much as his pet birds. “Can you remember who offered?”
“Rich men, you know the type. They like...oddities.”
Tim does know the type. During Dick’s stint as Batman, he’d stumbled upon an auction house that specialized in some nasty things, including a very particular crowbar.
(Jason, as far as Tim knows, has no idea about this.)
“Did he say anything about it?”
“No. He put it in his office, in a little case, and honestly, I sort of figured someone had tried to kill him with it. He was funny about things like that.”
That’s an understatement. Penguin had been very proud of the bottle in his eye, among other things.
Dove starts coughing again and ends up setting her tea on the end table. Jason’s halfway over there when the coughs turn to sputters and she manages to wheeze out a, “Fine. M’fine.”
“This is why you should take Theraflu.”
“I can make--”
“Hon.” He shuts up. “I’m okay. It’s just the flu, give me another week and I’ll be back to normal.” She takes a shuddery breath and picks up her tea again. “I promise. Now. I don’t.” Another shuddery breath, but no coughing this time. “I don’t know anything else off the top of my head, but. Little fuzzy.” She tugs at her blanket until it’s closed around her neck, just under her chin. “If anything comes up, I’ll let you know-ow- shit --”
The coughs don’t stop this time and she winds up bent nearly double, arms curled up to, presumably, brace her ribs. Ouch. When they finally wane, she’s red-faced and wheezing and looking fairly well miserable. Tim’s just about to nudge Jason when she stands up, clutching her mug in white, shaky fingers, and says, “I am going back to bed. Lock up behind yourselves.”
“Can we do anything?”
“No, hon. But thanks. You boys.” A finger goes up and she sort of... hics ...but nothing happens. “You boys stay safe. Don’t do anything. Anything reckless.”
Reckless? Humph. They’re not reckless. Adventurous, is Tim’s preferred term. So one time he leapt off a building knowing his grappler wasn’t working. Dick caught him, like he knew he would. It was leap or be eaten, and being eaten was by far the uglier choice.
“Reckless? Us?” Jason mock-gasps. “Thanks. Soup’s in the fridge. Want me to make you a Thera--”
“ No. Thank you.”
*I’m debating on whether or not that scar is Joker-related (could be an aborted Glasgow?) OR Batarang-caused: maybe Bruce hit his face rather than his throat in this version of UtRH. Either way, ow.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 142: The Half-Blood Prince
The shop was brightly lit, causing more whiplash from the last room into this place and giving no one a chance for a decent landing as they all crashed into shelves of items none would reasonably like to be around.
Peter fell into a barrel of rat spleens, Regulus had a whole jar of bezoars fall on his head, and Lily cried in distress as her hair was tangled up in an array of poppy heads and unicorn tails strung together in the ceiling from the high shelf she landed on.
When Lily got herself down though and looked around at the apothecary, she felt a swirl of emotions for this place even as she put a feather and extension charm on her bag and made her way purposefully around, trying not to dwell on memories of her first trip here with Sev, this had been their favorite shop right off the bat as she went around touching everything she could despite the harassed shop owner chasing them and pleading otherwise.
When she found Frank studying a batch of cauldrons she took her time selecting the most well rounded one and said, "I think I'm actually going to take a leaf out of those boys book and start packing. Couldn't hurt to have a few ingredients on hand, yes?"
"Brilliant," he agreed, "just in case. I'll start looking around for some ingredients if you want to start on supplies, I passed a sign promising some new scales around here."
"Perfect," she grinned. Neither of them were going back on their promise to interact with the others exactly, but why waste this opportunity?
Sirius happily helped Remus to his feet, and then gave a flirtatious grin and let his hand rest on his ass just to amuse himself Remus was sure.
Looking for any petty reason to pick a fight and stop this, but also genuinely looking around first to make sure Padfoot wasn't being an arse, he hissed, "will you stop that!" Sirius immediately dropped his hand, but he still didn't look as chagrined as Remus would hope. "Merlin Sirius, you've been making passes at me under the table how long now, someone's bound to notice eventually. Don't pretend you don't know boundaries!"
"Okay, okay," Sirius finally said with a look of some regret. He knew Remus wasn't a fan of public affection, Moony was one of the few Prefects who annoyed some couples in the Gryffindor common room for taking away points if they got too handsy. Still he insisted, "how are you ever going to relax if you won't bloody have some fun?" He'd checked first too, and there was nobody nearby.
"Maybe I don't want to," Remus snapped.
Sirius looked very annoyed now, and considering it mission accomplished Sirius should avoid him at least for now, stalked off. He could hear Prongs' voice at the front and made a beeline for him instinctively even if that was where Sirius headed too, though Padfoot instead stayed in place just watching him leave, which he did not glance guiltily over his shoulder to see thank you.
Dancing a complicated path up and down isles full of unpleasantly smelly things, he finally caught sight of his mate near the register talking to Smith in surprise and not the person coming up behind him.
"Hey, ah, Remus?"
Said teenager looked over in surprise. Frank had never addressed him so directly, let alone by his first name. The older boy still had an air of awkwardness around him, but he didn't scream bloody murder when Remus looked right at him, so he answered politely, "yeah?"
"You know all about creatures right?" He was clutching something in his hand that was starting to make Remus nervous. What a poor time to have this fight with Padfoot, now clear on the other side of the store, but at least James was hovering nearby.
Remus quickly tried to scold such cowardly thoughts, he didn't need backup to talk. Longbottom had never done anything remotely vicious to him, and he was apparently the more nervous of the two as he just watched patiently for an answer.
"A bit yeah," he downplayed. Frank gave a hesitant smile and Remus was quick to return it out of surprise, deciding to elaborate, "it's a hobby I suppose, with me and my dad."
"So, you know the properties of this?" He asked, now showing in his palm a fang Remus instantly recognized. "I knocked a couple things over when landing, and Lily and I decided we're collecting ingredients for a few possibilities while we're in here, but we're both better at plants than animals. Mind, um, helping?"
"Not at all," Remus agreed at once. He followed Frank back down the aisle as he started pulling containers that were near where he'd found this one and beginning to juggle a few items down into the crook of one arm. A glass jar of newt's eyes, some crushed dragon's claw in a leather pouch, frog brains in a silver preservation vial, and a hefty jar of dragon's blood in an old urn.
Remus was prattling off facts he knew each were used for and properties they enhanced in potions and watching in concern as he kept trying to reach for more.
Frank looked away distractedly from the tin of sardines too far back for easy reach to ask, "Lily's made a mention you aren't a great shake at potions, you really know all this stuff just from studying the animals?"
"Studying the creatures' lives is how most wizards figure out what potions they are useful for," Remus shrugged, reaching out on instinct to balance the glass jar back into the crook of his arm where it was wobbling. Frank didn't even flinch. "It's not remembering all that, it's doing the practical's, I fall asleep so often in the warm classroom and then accidentally skip steps because my eyes are tired and shite."
"Girl in my year has the same problem," Frank nodded, now reaching up on his toes for the stubborn thing and crushing everything to his chest in concentration. "Stays up all night reading and then keeps trying to do it in class, I can't count the amount of times she's set her book on fire. Even when Slughorn confiscates it she's burnt out by then and still doesn't stay awake."
Remus laughed in surprise and finally offered as he came down to balance back on his feet with his prize, "like me to take some of that?"
"Oh, yeah," he eagerly agreed, better than making two trips.
Mindlessly passing the lot along, Remus began juggling it all in confusion, he'd only been offering to take the two bigger items. Something burned so unexpectedly, he sent the blood crashing to their feet, coating both of their pants in it instantly. The newt's eyes and fish rolled and flopped away in all directions, while the silver vile remained pressed to the palm of his hand for a few moments longer by the leather bag hooked onto his thumb before he shouted in pain and shook those off too.
Frank startled in surprise, slipping a bit on the slick floor and catching himself on a shelf just as James and Alice rushed over in concern.
Alice put her hand on her boyfriend's elbow to help steady him while James instantly went to Remus, who was doubled over clutching his hand and breathing through his teeth in pain. James's eyes landed on the little culprit still rolling innocently amongst their feet, and shoved Moony instinctively behind him while looking at Frank incredulously. While standoffish, he'd never been so cruel to him. "The hell do you mean by that?" He snapped in disgust. "I ought to transfigure you into a pretzel!"
"I, what?" Frank looked legitimately confused at what had happened though, already tempering off some of his anger, while Alice was scowling at Potter bowing up to her boyfriend like that deterring him from saying anything further, like the actual spell.
Instead he turned around and gently grabbed Remus' wrist, who was already trying to tuck it up his sleeve and promise, "it's fine Prongs, really-" despite his watery eyes and tight voice barely choking out the words.
James was having none of that and gently uncurled Remus' fingers from where they were trembling just above his palm to see the now shiny red mark in the perfect shape of the silver that had laid against his skin. James hissed in anger at how deep it looked, like it had been pressed in, but by the time he turned around trying to figure out where some dittany in this place would be, it was being pressed into his hand by Sirius with a furious expression barely being held together.
The others had come over at the noise and some put the situation together faster than others. James began dabbing the medicine in while Sirius held himself ramrod straight and watched only James, fearing any further movement on his part would cause him to do something he might regret, the look of pain on Remus' face burned into his mind needed no silver to linger for him.
A decision that almost seemed worth it when Remus was straightening back up moments later flexing his hand as it started to fade except for the faintest glimmer to show what had happened, and then used the same hand to brush against Sirius' fingers while telling James, "thanks."
Prongs nodded and turned back to face Longbottom with far more apprehension than the glowering Sirius was doing, his arm held protectively up still as a barrier while Remus caught Sirius' fingers and gave them a purposeful squeeze to which Padfoot returned before dropping his hand and saying quickly before anyone else as Sirius properly looked at him, "he didn't do it on purpose." As if, for just a moment, he'd forgotten he was talking to a werewolf... Then his eyes widened as he really looked at Frank, who finally seemed to have realized what happened himself as he looked guilty from the floor and back. "You really didn't, did you?"
"No," he said instantly. "Didn't even occur to me-" then he stopped with the same exact look as Remus.
"Wow," James finally dropped his arm while drawing the word out comically. "Okay then. I don't take back the pretzel threat though, let that be a warning," he grinned, like he was actually trying to turn around and tease him like nothing had happened.
Frank decided that was better than acting on the threat, his mind was still boggling on Sirius not having done worse. "Duly noted," he promised.
James patted Remus' arm one last time before casually waving his wand to clean up the mess, the vial sailing into his hand to be put back on the shelf.
Peter finally cleared his throat and spoke to no one in particular for the awkward silence, "don't worry, you're not the first person to do that. Last week in potions Grace Wilkes passed him a silver spigot and he screamed bloody murder, Prongs cursed her tongue to swell up in her mouth for three days in retaliation, and to distract the rest of the class."
"I didn't hear about that!" Sirius yelped in protest, before he went cross-eyed and took an uneasy step away as he realized why. He hadn't been speaking to them last week, and had only sporadically remembered what class to be in he'd been so out of his head. It was almost a miracle he'd even been there at the start of this mess. Merlin that felt like such a lifetime ago now...
"Must be awful, having to constantly be on edge just to be handed something," Frank said remorsefully. "I am sorry."
"I know," Remus said at once, rubbing his thumb into his palm absentmindedly and taking that step back towards Sirius without even thinking. "Don't worry, I told James off for that and refused to get him out of the detention Slughorn gave, they're a little...."
Protective, the word hovered in the air, and who could blame the two purebloods who knew better than anyone how others would react to their friend. Most students could find a picture in the papers of a werewolf, and the silver burned into their skin from Ministry interrogations splashed across the page when they actually caught one, bragging they were one step closer to catching the infamous Greyback.
Lily certainly hadn't questioned any of this in that exact class, she'd just thought Wilkes had accidentally splashed or burned Lupin and Potter had been an arse as usual, or Black had turned down her advances and they chose this moment to get her back, or just sheer boredom on Potter's part in a class he so disliked.
Potter didn't particularly look like he regretted it, but there was also something in his face Lily had never seen before, a question for nobody here as his eyes flickered around for the book. She didn't really think Harry would begrudge his father for this particular instance, but it was fascinating he was finally asking at all. He caught her eye suddenly, and there was that usual gleam of awe, before it clouded over once more and he turned back to his mates, whirling Sirius Black around and forcefully breaking his eye contact with Frank while muttering something about getting back into Diagon Alley for some fresh air if they could. His best mate did not relax as usual, but didn't protest being dragged off. Lupin went too with a small smile, catching Frank's eye one last time without dropping it as he followed them.
Pettigrew and Regulus offered to help Frank collect more ingredients, and she smiled softly and turned away to go find that book. It really was nice to understand why he was such an ass.
Mercifully the door opened onto the cobbled streets and James finally released him properly so he could take off for the ice cream shop.
"I wasn't going to do anything," Sirius could hear the lie in his own voice as he followed more slowly behind than usual. He well knew if both hadn't scolded him for trying last time he would have in a second.
"We know Padfoot," Prongs sounded a tad pandering, but his smile was genuine as he teased. "Better safe than sorry though, if we had shoved that vile up his nose, it might have gotten stuck there! He'd be even more of an arse!"
"I don't think he's that bad," Remus rolled his eyes, but Sirius could hear the hesitance in his own voice, vouching for him. He was still rubbing absently at his palm, it must be tingling something awful still. "We never have bothered to try."
"Maybe I don't want to," Sirius huffed with the stank eye at Moony, not exactly feeling better when he flinched. He wasn't even sure how a stupid accident like that could happen, but it sure as hell wouldn't have if Remus wasn't being such a ponce right now and he'd been there! No way in hell would Remus have just casually grabbed that, and he would have made sure of it if that had somehow been foul play.
Moony jogged up next to James to try the door to Florean Fortescue's Parlor, which did not open, but they all lounged around in the warm chairs outside anyways.
James still watched between the pair for a moment, rapping his knuckles to his own beat on the table, but when Sirius didn't start humming a tune along, he stopped and offered, "listen Padfoot, better he forget sometimes than be a raging arse about it the rest of this, right? He's eased up a lot since you kept Moony off him."
"I suppose," he agreed more out of obligation than anything. He did relax up some when Moony finally stopped rubbing at the now completely faded mark and closed his eyes in the warmth. Tipping his chair back with one foot, using the other to mimic the beat Prongs just had, he forced himself to unwind too. James grinned at the challenge and started tapping a fast pace on the table he was sure he'd fall over trying to copy, but the two managed to keep the game up the rest of the chapter while Remus listened, smiling softly in the bright light.
Alice gave her boyfriend a quick kiss before going along with Lily, the two stopping to collect a few more ingredients and dumping them in her selected cauldron before stuffing it into her now bulging bag. She summoned the book to her, but Alice caught her arm before she could start.
"Hey Lily, I just want you to know, um, well Frank told me you were really holding back telling me what you thought about my involving with those Marauder boys, and I just want you to know you don't have to do that."
Lily flushed in embarrassment, she hadn't said that to Frank, or out loud at all.
"Look," Alice said soothingly, "I don't know what it's been like with you and Snape, but I promise I'll listen. I won't always agree, but please hun, don't hold back like that. It's what I'm trying to get through to those idiots, feelings fester."
"Thanks," Lily told her sincerely, she'd hated feeling so insecure and biting her tongue before, but she'd been very put-out with herself since she started all this. It wasn't just trusting Frank to help her with collecting ingredients, normally a task she could do blind, and by herself. She didn't trust herself anymore.
She knew she needed to get confidence back in herself somehow, she just wasn't sure where to start, it felt far too overwhelming while still constantly dealing with every other problem going on. She knew how she would have done it, make a few remedial potions to get herself back on track until she was back to her advanced level more confident than ever, but none of that was available to her during all this.
Her independent streak was going to leave her feeling very alone though if she didn't fix that now. "I want to help now though," she told her honestly. "You were right to do so, couldn't hurt to try." She finally glanced down at the chapter title just as Alice smiled and plopped down on a step stool to listen with her, so she jumped up in concern when Lily flinched in surprise at the chapter title.
"More of Snape's shit huh?" Alice easily deduced from that now common reaction of him.
"A nickname he gave himself," Lily quietly agreed. "I thought it was lovely at the time, him embracing his half-blood heritage like that. I can't imagine how Harry's going to hear about that, clearly he despises everything to do with lower forms," she finished bitterly.
Lily sat down on the wide stool in exhaustion and Alice sat next to her, holding her in a half hug as they found out how this came to be. She found herself smiling at the end it was something as silly as his potions book, she had her own copy of course and she denied finishing the chapter for ages as she sat around telling Alice of their wild experiments and many failed attempts because of them all with some hilarious results Madam Pomfrey had taken ages to fix in the two.
By the end they were laughing spiritedly and Lily already felt better than she would have thought possible.
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pixie88 · 4 years
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Chapter 2 - Together - Adam & Ellie.
A/N | Like the first chapter this is set 14 months after chapter 22 of Adam and Ellie. Because it is fast forward a few months I thought I’d do a whole new series for them. The song in this chapter I heard when I was watching Sister Sister the other day! Throw back song! I hope you like it!
Comments always welcome!
Let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged!  
Find previous chapters HERE under Together - Adam & Ellie.
Word count | 1.9k
Song | Next - Too Close
Warnings | 18 + Only! Fluffy fluff, Angst & NSFW.
Pairings | Adam x Ellie.
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My blood runs cold my ears starts to ring, stopping me from hear the rest, "Adam!!" I call out as I hang up and start to grab my stuff.
He's racing down the stairs "Ellie?"
"It's Tom, I..I need to get to the hospital!"
He gently touches my arm "Ellie, I'll drive," I don't argue.
It's not long before we arrive and spot Justin when he sees me he breaks down "Ellie! I couldn't stop them!"
He begins to sob, I run to hug him "Hey, It's OK, he's going to be OK!"
We take a seat in the hallway and takes a seat next to me "What happened?" Adam asks Justin.
"We were just out clubbing. We left your mum's club and where going to Mendoza's when these four lads stopped us asking for change we told them that we didn't have any and went to move pass them, and they stepped in front of us. Tom started getting annoyed and told them to move out of our way. That's when one of them shoved him backwards asking what he was going to do if they didn't, but you know what Tom's like, so he swung for him and then him and his mate started attacking him. I went to try and help but the other two pulled me back and held me. I couldn't move Ellie, I couldn't stop them and now he's here he could be fighting for his life!"
"Justin, stop! None of this is your fault! Where is Tom?"
"He's in theater they think he has a ruptured spleen!"
A lump catches in my throat, but I need to be strong for Justin "He will be fine. Tom is not someone that will give up easily. I promise!"
He looks at me with hope "You're right! He's going to be fine!"
"He's in the best place." Adam tells him.
"Yeah, he is! Ellie, I want to get changed, I need out of these clothes!"
"The police will need those as evidence!" Adam tells Justin.
"Right, do you think I can whizz home? Clean up?" I look to Adam for advice.
"Mate, sorry, but you are going to have to wait for the police get here. There could be evidence not only on your clothes but you as well!"
"Really? I just want out of these clothes, I feel dirty." Justin protests.
"I know but you want the Police to catch these guys right?" I try to persuade him.
"Fine, but I can go and get some air, right?" Justin asks.
"Yeah, that's fine!" Adam says as Justin leaves us alone.
Adam turns "Now he's gone how are you really feeling?" he asks me.
"Fine, absolutely fine!" I put a smile on hoping he doesn't realize it's fake, but my eyes glass over.
"Ellie, I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. It's me! You don't have to be strong around me, let me be strong for you." I break down in tears I'm no longer able to pretend.
His arms come around me "Oh, Adam! I'm so scared what if he doesn't pull through?"
"Hey, none of that! He'll get through this, you want to know why?"
"Why?" I ask him.
"Because if he doesn't, he knows you'll kill him!"
I pull away facing him, and laugh, "How can I kill him.."
"Hey, It's not going to happen. He will get through this," he says as he pulls me back to his chest.
Several days later, Tom is on the mend and back home. The Police caught three of the four guys that attacked them both thanks to DNA evidence on both their clothes. Adam's parents are coming to stay tomorrow and I'm making the bed when I hear Adam come in from work.
"Ellie?" he calls out.
"I'm in the guest room!" I hear him walk up the stairs and make his way towards the bedroom.
"Hey, how was your day?"
He comes over and kisses me on the check "Boring, I'm glad it's over. Pass me a pillow case!" I throw one over to him.
"Hey, I don't remember us buying these sheets I thought we got the paler purple ones for in here." he stares at the navy blue bedding.
I bite my bottom lip "We did, but...."
"But?" he raises a brow with a smirk on his face.
"I saw these when I was out shopping with Kerry and Amy the other day I couldn't help myself..."
He laugh, "Is that why you wouldn't let me use the washing machine yesterday? Because you were washing this?"
I smile "Maybe.."
"It does go with the rest of the room I guess." he puts down the pillow on the bed. "Come on let me take you out for dinner."
"Actually..." I unbutton my blouse and let it fall to the floor as I make my way towards the bedroom door "Today is my most...." I unzip my jeans letting them fall too as I reach the landing.
Looking over at Adam, he's got that mischievous grin on his face as his eyes roam my body "Fertile day..." I wink as I unclip my bra which also falls to the floor as I make my way to our bedroom.
I get just inside our room when he pushes me up against the wardrobe "You're such a tease!" he says when he lips crash to mine.
I tug on his bottom lip "I think we both know teasing doesn't make a baby!"
He groans, picks me up and walks us over to the bed where we land with a thud and we spend the rest of the night there.
I'm standing in the doorway of the living room watching Adam vacuum. Eyeing him up, I don't know what it is but watching him all domesticated is hot.
He turns, spots me and smirks "You OK beautiful?" he turns off the vacuum and puts it away.
He strolls over to me "I was just admiring my gorgeous boyfriend using the vacuum."
He cups my face claims my lips with his, backing me against the door frame "Do you think we have five minutes to replay last night?" I go to answer and the doorbell rings.
"Looks like that's a no!" I smile.
He groans and reluctantly walks over to open the door to his parents, "Adam!" his Mum shrieks pulling him in for a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi Mum," he says.
"Ellie!!" She pushes pass him and brings me in for hugs.
"Nina! How are you?"
"I'm good, what about you?"
"I'm great thanks. Where's Al?" I ask her.
"He's getting the bag out the car Adam go be a dear and go and help your Dad, will you?" He smiles before leaving us alone.
"So, do you want to give me a tour of the house?"
"Yeah, of course. The living room is this way," she follows.
Later, Adam is cooking dinner while his parents are unpacking their bags.
I've just finished setting the table, I wander into the kitchen "Are you sure you don't need any help?"
"Ellie, honestly I'm fine. Why don't you open a bottle, then go and relax,"
I roll my eyes, "I don't like not helping. I feel like I need to be doing something!"
"Take the plates in if you want to do something as this is nearly ready,"
I look to see what he's cooking "Ooo! You're doing your famous rigatoni pollo e panna!"
"Yeah, your favourite. Do you remember when I first made this for you?" he looks at me.
I pretend to think "Don't tell me you forgot, Ellie?"
I laugh, "My birthday and our first anniversary last year. As if I'd forget!" I smile at him.
"Ellie, you have my boy trained," Nina winks as she comes into the kitchen.
"I'll take these out," she says as she picks up the plates.
"Why do you go and put on some music and I'll bring this out,"
I make my way to the dining room with Adam close behind with the pasta dish.
I turn on the speaker that's connected to his phone and it continues to play the last song he had listened to.
"Baby, when we're grindin', I get so excited
Ooh how I like it, I try but I can't fight it
Oh, you're dancin' real close, 'plus it's real, real slow
You know you're makin' it hard for me"
Which happens to be Next - Too close a mortified Adam quickly changes it to something softer. I try not to blush as my mind flashes back to why this was the last song he played. He lost at Mario kart 8, so he had to do a sexy strip tease where we popped one of the blow up sofa's!
I take a seat, I see Adam at the corner of my eye smirks I know he's thinking about it too. Nina tells us what they did for Christmas and New year.
By the end of the night we somehow went through three bottles of wine.
The next morning...
I feet his arms wrap around, me pulling me tightly against his chest until my back is flush against him.
I feel his stubble on my neck followed by his lips making their way up to my ear "Ellie, are you awake?" He whispers as I begin to stir "Hmm?" I answer half asleep.
"I had a kinky dream!" He nips my ear sending goosebumps over my body.
"What kinda kinky dream?" I can feel exactly what kinda dream as it's pressed against the curse of my bum.
"Let me show you!" He says as his hand slides between my legs while his lips continue their path along my pulse line making me lean into him.
He moves until his body covers mine, his lips move to mine as he slips his hand under my pajama shorts and into my underwear "Your mum and dad are just next door," I whisper.
He smirks against my lips "We'll have to keep the noise down then!"
He starts grinding against my centre "Fuck!" I buck my hips to meet his in need of more friction.
"God...beautiful if you keep doing that I'm not going to be able to keep it down,"
I smirk "Is that a promise?"
"Why did you think it was a good idea for them to stay here?!"
"Aww, poor Adam! I love turning you on so much you just want to fuck me with everything you have but you can't!"
"FUCK IT!!" He pulls off his boxers before pull me out of my shorts and underwear.
With his next, breath he thrusts into me hard making me arch off the bed "Ohhhh!" I cry out but not too loud.
His lips crash to mine as he keeps as steady pace. He groans against my lips, my nails dig into his back anchoring myself. He wraps my legs around his waist, making him push deeper into me.
A growl catches in his throat, his beginning to speed up, then the bed squeaks, and he slows down. He pushes himself up until his hands are flat against the mattress.
I rake my hands down his chest, he smiles at my touch, his smile makes me weak, I clench around him, and he groans as he continues his rhythm slow and hard.
"Adam, Ellie, I've made you both a coffee..." his mum says as she swings open our door and walks into our bedroom with a mug in each hand....
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 3.
@lem-20​ @khoicesbyk​ @aussieez​ @txemrn​
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fanfics4all · 4 years
School Bully
Request: Yes / No  58 with Barry Allen please? Fem!reader  The Barry Allen can be angst and fluff as well Anon
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
Barry Allen x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2366
Warnings: Getting hurt, I think that’s it 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname 
Prompt(s): “You don’t have to say anything.”
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Team Barry never can catch a break. New meta-humans all the time and since the Flash was still new to the city many people weren’t taking him seriously. It was late at night, Cisco, Caitlin,Dr. Wells and I were all working at the labs. 
“Check your math. Your dispersal models don’t correlate.” Caitlin said as her and Cisco came up the elevator.
“Uh, they do if you factor in the seasonal fluctuations in reproduction cycles.” Cisco said. 
“What exactly are we debating?” Dr. Wells asked. 
“The average number of bugs Barry swallows in a day of running.” Cisco answered as we entered the room. 
“Sorry, what?” I asked, turning to face them. 
“I look forward to seeing you accept your Nobel.” Dr. Wells said with a sarcastic smile. 
“Barry?” Cisco asked worriedly. Barry was laying on the floor and we all rushed over to him. 
“Barry? Are you okay?” I asked, getting to him first and kneeling next to him. I gently touched him and he groaned in pain. 
“Help me get him up.” Caitlin said and we lifted him up. We laid him on a bad that Caitlin had brought out and she started checking him over. 
“Cisco, Y/N, come, let’s give Miss. Snow some space to work.” Dr. Wells said and we followed him out of the room. We all tried to distract ourselves with work, but I couldn’t.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” I asked and Cisco looked up at me with a smirk. 
“He’ll be fine Y/N/N, he has speed healing after all.”  He said and I bit my lip. 
“I know, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be okay.” I said and he shook his head with a smile. 
“You really should just tell him how you feel already.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“Please, we all know he’s in love with Iris, he wouldn’t even give me a thought.” I said looking back down at my tablet. 
“You never know until you try.” He said. 
“Guys, you can come back in now!” Caitlin said and we all walked back in to see her finishing up. 
“13 fractures.” She said and I started at Barry in shock. 
“That’s a new record, and that’s just in your hand.” She said to him. 
“Just? What else is wrong?” I asked. 
“He also has a concussion, three cracked ribs, and a bruised spleen.” She answered and my eyes widened. 
“Even with his powers, he’ll need a few hours to heal.” She added and Barry nodded. 
“What exactly did you hit?” Dr. Wells asked. 
“A man. A big, bad man.” Barry answered and I furrowed my brow. 
“His skin changed when I hit him. Like, it turned to metal.” He said and my eyes widened again.  
“Interesting. A man of steel.” Wells said. 
“So you went after a meta-human alone?” Cisco asked, walking up to us. 
“Why didn’t you call us, Barry?” I asked. 
“I didn’t know what he was. Besides, I was off-duty.” He answered, sitting up. 
“Hmm?” Caitlin hummed. 
“You’re lucky he didn’t knock out your teeth. Those puppies don’t grow back.” Cisco said and I sent him a glare.
“The strange thing is I feel like I knew him.” Barry said.
“What do you mean?” I asked.  
“He said something that was familiar, but he’s gonna hurt someone if we don’t stop him. So how do I fight a guy that’s made of steel?” Barry asked. 
“We will find a way. Tonight, you heal.” Wells said. 
“Yeah.” He said and everyone went to research. 
Barry was fully healed in the morning and went to work like normal. We were all at the lab trying to figure out what we could do about this new meta-human. It was about noon when Barry returned to the lab. 
“Hey Barry, get anything from work?” I asked. 
“Actually yeah, I know who our new meta-human is.” He answered. 
“Really? Who?” I asked. 
“He’s the guy that bullied me in school.” He answered and I thought back. 
“Wait, do you mean Tony?” I asked, shocked and everyone looked at us. 
“That’s the one.” He answered with a sigh. 
“So, your childhood nemesis is now an unstoppable meta-human. That is seriously messed up.” Cisco said. 
“I had a childhood nemesis. Lexi La Roche. She used to put gum in my hair.” Caitlin said. 
“Jake Puckett. If I didn’t let him copy my homework he’d give me a swirly.” Cisco said. 
“Now’s not the time guys.” I said. 
“Y/N’s right, now that we’ve established that we’re all uber-nerds, what are we gonna do about Tony?” Barry asked. 
“Glad you asked.” Cisco said and started moving around the room. 
“We’re gonna train you, man.” He said walking into the other room and we followed.
“Karate Kid style. Behold!” He said and moved a screen to reveal a robot he apparently made. 
“I call him Girder.” Cisco said proudly. 
“For the record, not my idea.” Caitlin said. 
“Mine either.” I added. 
“Fighting is physics. It’s not about strength. It’s not about size. It’s about energy and power. Channel your speed the right way and you can totally take this bad boy down. Now obviously your Girder is a moving target.” He said and picked up a controller. 
“So…” He said and started making the robot move. Barry looked over at Caitlin and me, we smiled nervously. 
“I have ice and bandages standing by.” Caitlin said. Barry shook his head and then started trying, but got hit and fell to the ground groaning in pain.
“I’m pretty sure I just dislocated my shoulder.” He said and I sighed. 
“Come on Bar, let’s get it back in place.” I said helping him up. I sat him on a nearby table and got ready to put it back in place. 
“This is gonna hurt like a bitch, Bar.” I said and he hissed in pain. Before I could do it, his phone rang. He looked at it and groaned. 
“Oh speaking of pain. Eddie, hey.” He answered and I knew why he said that now. Iris’s soon to be husband… 
“Great, I’ll see you in a sec.” He said and hung up. 
“Okay, let’s do this.” He said and laid back down. 
“So I’m curious about something, when you said you were off-duty last night, were you visiting Iris again, you know, in disguise?” I asked.
“Because I think it’s reckless and a little creepy.” I said. 
“No.” He said clearly lying. I pushed his shoulder back in and he screamed in pain. 
“That’s what you get for lying.” I smirked and he shook his head at me. 
“I gotta go.” He said and I nodded. 
“I’ll be here trying to figure out how to deal with Tony.” I said and he ran off. We’ve been working for three hours now and I decided I needed a coffee break. 
“Hey guys, I’m gonna go to Jitters and get some coffee, anyone want anything?” I asked. 
“No, I’m good, thanks.” Caitlin said and I smiled. 
“Me too!” Cisco said and I nodded. 
“Okay, well, I’ll be back!” I called and left. I got to Jitters and ordered my coffee. I was waiting at the counter and my friend was working today. 
“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you, where’s your shadow?” She asked and I looked at her confused. 
“What shadow?” I asked. 
“Barry, duh, he hasn’t been in all week.” She said and I sighed.
“He’s been busy.” I said and she looked at me sadly. 
“With Iris?” She asked. 
“Yes and no.” I answered. 
“Too bad, you two could make such a cute couple.” She said and handed me my coffee. 
“Y/N?” Someone called my name and I looked over to see Tony… 
“Long time no see.” He said with a smile and I stared at him shocked. 
“I gotta say Y/N, you look amazing.” He said walking closer to me. 
“Thanks, Tony.” I said shaking my head. I needed to pretend I didn’t know what he was. 
“You too.” I lied. 
“Oh yeah, I keep in shape. Got a gym at my place.” He said looking at his arms for a second. 
“Been living out in Keystone on the west side, and you should, uh… you should stop by sometime.” He said.
“Right, well I should actually be going now.” I said and tried to walk by him. 
“Actually, I came by here to see you.” He said, stopping me. 
“How did you know I was here?” I asked. 
“I saw you come in and I heard you’re a fan of The Streak. Why do you care about this guy?” He asked. 
“He’s a hero.” I answered. 
“Yeah? Well I say he’s a coward, and I just happen to know that he took a beating last night and ran off like a little girl. You should think about that.” He said and I sighed. 
“Do you have any idea who leather boy is?” He asked, getting closer to me. 
“No, and don’t you think you’d have a better chance of finding out by asking Iris these questions?” I asked and he chuckled. 
“Iris just writes about him. But you work at S.T.A.R Labs, seems like you would know before her.” He said and I looked at him confused. 
“Why? Do you think we track every meta in the city? No, we don’t.” I said. 
“Now, if you excuse me I have to get back to work.” I said. 
“What time are you off? I could buy you a drink, maybe dinner.” He asked, stopping me again. 
“Thanks, Tony, but no thanks.” I said. 
“Too bad, no isn’t an option.” He said and grabbed my arm. He pulled me out of the store and grabbed my keys out of my bag. He shoved me into my car and got in the driver’s seat. He started driving and I couldn’t get to my phone. I was trapped with this dickhead. 
It was starting to get dark and by the time he stopped the car, the city was covered in darkness. He dragged me out and pulled me into our old school. 
“Remember this place, Y/N?” He said and shoved me in front of him. 
“So what’s the plan here, Tony? You finally gonna go for that G.E.D.?” I asked and he shoved me to walk. 
“You want a plan? How’s this?” He asked and pulled me to him. 
“You love The Streak so much? Well now, you’re gonna love me.” He said. 
“You just abducted me, Tony. Why the hell would I ever do that?” I asked and he smirked. 
“Because The Streak is dead.” He said and I looked at him confused. 
“What are you talking about?” I asked. 
“Squashed like a little bug by me. Just before I took you.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“So if you don’t want the same thing to happen to you, you’re gonna love me and tell Iris to tell the whole world that there’s a new big man on campus. And I’m just getting started.”  He shouted, then leaned against the lockers. 
“Why me?” I asked. 
“Because, I always wanted you in school. But you were always in love with that pipsqueak Barry.” He said grabbing me and pulling me towards him. 
“Now, kiss me.” He said and planted his lips on mine. I kissed back, only to distract him and make him loosen his grip on me. I moved my arm and quickly hit the fire alarm. I pulled away and tried to run, but he grabbed me, hard. 
“You try anything like that again and I’m gonna leave more than a bruise!” He shouted and pulled me with him. He ripped the fire alarm off the wall and he pulled me along. 
“Tony, just turn yourself in before things get worse, please. It’s not too late.” I begged and he laughed. 
“Yeah, it is.” He said and pushed me in front of him. 
“Cops are already looking for me, so get ready to witness the showdown of a lifetime, ‘cause I’m not letting you go without a fight.” He said and then a gust of wind showed up. 
“Good, ‘cause you just found one.” Barry said, his voice changed and I smiled. Tony grabbed me and turned towards him. 
“You just won’t stay dead. Come to save your little fan girl?” He asked and I saw Barry’s fists clenched. 
“This is between us. Let her go.” Barry said and Tony smirked. He looked at me and kissed my cheek. 
“Sorry babe.” He said and threw me into the lockers with such a force. 
“Y/N!” Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out. 
I woke up in one of the S.T.A.R Labs bed, with the worst headache ever. I groaned and looked over to see Barry sitting next to me. I sat up and he looked at me with wide eyes. 
“You’re okay!” He said and engulfed me in a huge. 
“Besides a horrible headache, yeah.” I laughed. 
“I’m sorry, you were in that situation because of me.” He said and I hushed him. 
“You don’t have to say anything.” I said and he shook his head. 
“It’s my fault you got hurt.” He said and started crying. I looked at him shocked and pulled him into a hug. 
“Hey, it’s okay Bar. I’m gonna be fine.” I said and rubbed his back. 
“I love you Y/N, I don’t want you in danger, ever.” He said, pulling back and my eyes widened. 
“W-What?” I asked and he chuckled. 
“I love you Y/N.” He said and gently caressed my cheek. 
“I thought you love Iris…” I said. 
“I did, but I love her as a sister, but you, you I love more than a friend.” He said and I bit my lip. He leaned down and captured my lip in the perfect kiss. He pulled away and smiled at me. 
“Maybe when you’re better, I could take you on a date?” He asked and I giggled. 
“I’d love that Bar.” I said and pulled him back for another kiss. 
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eskalations · 4 years
Riza takes a bullet for Roy - something, he's not entirely happy about.
(A Royai Family Oneshot)
FFN Link
A/N: Hey all! I was going to write the next chapter for Smoke and Gunpowder, but I just couldn't get this idea out of my head. The reason for the general title is so that I can turn this into a series of Royai family oneshots if I would like. Given how all over the place my writing is at times, I just don't ever know when my muse is going to strike!
Elizabeth Mustang is my own OC Royai Child. If you would like to read more about her, she is featured in both "the ballad of two killers" and "contentment". I've decided that Elizabeth is a total Pisces and is going to be this sweet, sensitive soul, birthed by two parents who are nearly the complete opposites of her.
I've had the idea for a LONG time that I wanted Royai's daughter to be interested in Alkahestry. I don't know why, but it just seemed right to me.
Let me know what you think! 
It had all happened so fast.
One moment, Roy and Riza had been standing next to each other – greeting the superintendent of a newly built school in the Nosh District – when suddenly all hell broke loose. Everything happened so quickly that even the most experienced of soldiers were left staring in shock.
It seemed that the only one who thought to act was Riza herself.
It was supposed to be a simple appearance for the "first" family. Though parliament was now in control of the country's laws, the Fuhrer and his wife were still seen as the faces of the Amestrian government. Many of their days included christenings of new buildings throughout the districts of Central.
This day had been special for Riza. As the First Lady of Amestris, she usually headed projects that had to do with education and its availability in poorer parts of the country. For the past year, she had been working on making education available to the Nosh District of Central, an area that was made up of primarily low income families and had a large Ishvalan population.
The project was one that Parliament had considered a gamble – due to lingering distaste for the Ishvalan race – however, Grumman had been very supportive of the idea from the start. After all the work they had done in Ishval in an attempt to make amends with its people, there was still a continued need to help those who had been misplaced during the extermination campaign.
Riza had spent many sleepless nights putting together plans to get the project off the ground. She had spoken with a countless number of contractors who would be willing to work on the facilities and had personally interviewed several teaching candidates herself. She had even made sure that the superintendent of the new school was of Ishvalan descent as well. Though she had put forth a large effort in Ishval to make up for her actions during the Ishvalan Campaign, she still saw this effort as an extremely personal way to apologize to those who were forced to live in squalor due to the war.
That's why – on the day of the christening of the first primary school established in the district – that Roy insisted upon accompanying his wife to the event. Though it was not a big enough opening to justify both members of the first family's presence, Roy wanted to be there to see the fruition of Riza's hard work. His wife had been grateful for the support and hadn't thought twice about allowing him to attend with her.
This proved to be a big mistake.
The event had started on time. The superintendent gave a short speech about the promotion of education and then made her way over to greet the Fuhrer and First Lady. Roy reached out to shake her hand when he noticed Riza go rigid beside him. He couldn't hear anything over the loud chatter of the crowd watching them, but he could see her lips move as though she were trying to communicate something to one of the bodyguards who stood towards the front of the stage. Before the message could be interpreted though – a very familiar sound filled the air, ringing out sharply above the voices of the spectators.
It was a gunshot. Two, to be exact.
Before Roy could react, his gloves shoved firmly in his pockets out of respect for the people in this area, Riza was shoving him down to the ground and falling on top of him. In the movement, Roy could feel her stiffen in preparation for impact – knowing exactly what was about to happen. Before Roy had even touched the ground, his wife's body jolted twice and then went limp over him.
Roy was in shock.
Everything that happened after that was a blur. It was as though he was watching everything happen from outside of his own body. He could see the blood pouring out of Riza's abdomen – the wound nestled tightly under the left side of her rib cage. There was also a wound on her left arm, the result of a second bullet shot in an attempt to still wound the Fuhrer. Both shots had been meant for him.
The crowd was in a panic and he could feel their usual team of bodyguards crowding around, attempting to put pressure on Riza's wound while also barking orders for an ambulance to be contacted. After the initial shock had worn off, Roy worked to secure her wounds, mumbling near her ear in an attempt to get a response. It was useless though, he received none.
They hadn't let him ride in the ambulance with her to the hospital, despite his own minor injuries. His scratches and bruises could be looked at later – all that mattered was that Riza received the help she deserved.
That was how he ended up in an eggshell white, Central Regional hospital room on a Friday afternoon. After Riza's emergency surgery, she had been transferred to Intensive Care for twenty-four hour observation. For the time being, she was being given sleep medication, so Roy had yet to hear his wife's voice since the events of the morning.
He wanted to be angry. Oh, he wanted to be angry. His men had already arrested the man who had fired the shots – a disgruntled Ishvalan whom had been forced to flee Ishval during the war. According to Havoc, the man had burns up the right side of his body – making it pretty obvious why he attempted to assassinate the Flame Alchemist.
Unfortunately, once again, Riza had reaped the consequences of his own actions.
Roy turned sluggishly towards the voice, his movements slow as his exhaustion began to set in. Havoc was standing in the doorway of Riza's room – having gained clearance by the two bodyguards stationed at the door of her room. Roy was not taking any more chances, anyone who walked into her room was going to be screened before being allowed in.
The Fuhrer could tell by the look on his friend's face that he must have been quite a sight. He had ditched his jacket awhile back and was stripped down in his white button-down and military pants. There were splatters of blood on both articles of clothing, but Roy couldn't bring himself to leave his wife long enough to go wash it out.
While Roy might have looked bad, Riza surely looked ten time worse. Her usually shiny blonde hair had fallen out of its clip and was hanging limply over her shoulders, the light tips stained with the rusty red color of her own blood. She was breathing on her own – so he assumed that was a good sign – but still seeing all the tubes and wires attached to her caused him a significant amount of anxiety.
"Chief?" Havoc's voice brought him back, the man very familiar with his superior's self-loathing tendencies. "Rebecca wanted me to let you know that she's picking Lizzie up from daycare and that she can stay with us and the boys."
If Roy thought his guilt was bad before, it was nothing compared to now.
He hadn't even thought of Elizabeth.
He had been so focused on Riza and her injuries, that he hadn't made any alternative plans to have his daughter picked up from the military daycare. He had kind of assumed Grumman would take care of it after learning of the incident, which it seemed he had. He must have been the one to ask Rebecca to pick up his great grandchild.
If Riza had been the one sitting by his bedside, she wouldn't have forgotten something like that. Riza was so much better at this parenting thing than he was.
"Thank you." Roy spoke, his voice thick with emotion. "If she gets to be too much, call my aunt."
"It's no problem at all." Havoc answered, honestly. The man made his way across the room to clap his superior on the shoulder. "Don't forget – we'll always have your back. Even if we slipped up this morning, we'll do everything in our power to help aide in Riza's recovery."
He said it so confidently, as though there was no doubt in his mind that she would be able to pull through. The doctors certainly thought she would. After being taken into emergency surgery for a ruptured spleen, the prognosis seemed to be grim. However, with the assistance of an Alkahestry specialist newly employed in the hospital, they had been able to repair the organ nicely.
The wound in her arm was nothing more than a graze, so that was good news. It had required a few stitches, but other than that, the only wound that had caused a significant amount of worry was the one in her gut.
Roy supposed he should be confident in her ability to recover – but it didn't help that every time something happened to her, it made him more and more fearful of losing her.
"Why did she jump in front of that bullet?"
"You know the answer to that." Havoc squeezed his shoulder, his eyes drifting back to the woman in bed. "She may be retired from the military, but she's still watching your back. To her, I don't think much has changed."
"Elizabeth should have changed everything." Roy insisted, bitterness evident in his tone. He hated that he felt so angry with her, but it didn't change the fact that what she had done had been rash. "Riza knows better than anyone how terrible it is to grow up without a mother."
"I don't think the thought even crossed her mind." Havoc said quietly, eyes softening as Riza let out a sigh before shifting on to her side. "She watched your back for so long that I'm sure it's second nature to her to protect you. Besides, Riza doesn't want her daughter growing up without a father, either. Those shots would have proven fatal if she had not knocked you out of the way."
Roy knew what he said was true – however, it did not make him feel any better.
The next morning brought more good news. After Riza's tests had come back normal and her vitals had stayed stable throughout the night, the nurses decided it would soon be time to wake her up. They cleaned up the areas around her stitches while explaining to Roy that they would get a better idea of how much pain medication she would need once she woke up.
This made Roy nervous. Riza had made several noises of discomfort throughout the night, but she had still not woken up. While everything may seem fine on paper, it wasn't going to be until she was conscious that they would see the true extent of damage. Roy dreaded the moment that his wife would have to return to him, only to feel the intense pain that the previous day had left behind.
He couldn't deny how eager he was to hear her voice, though.
Rebecca had stopped by – bringing both Riza and Roy a change of clothes. Sometimes Roy forgot how much affection the woman held for his wife, but it was moments like these when Riza was at her weakest, that he could truly see the bond between the two.
The woman had brushed past him without a word before making her way to the bed, dropping their bags in her wake. Rebecca immediately produced a hair tie from her pocket, gently ruffling the soft bangs on Riza's forehead. Within a minute, she had the woman's hair situated into a simple braid that hung over her right shoulder.
"They did a shit job of getting this blood out." Rebecca tsked, using her fingernail to scrape the crusted blood from the ends of her friend's hair. "I know she could care less what she looks like when she's in the hospital, but I'm sure it hasn't made it any easier on you."
Roy grunted in agreement from his place beside his wife's bed.
Rebecca gave him a critical once over before pointing to the room's single bathroom.
"Go get changed, Mustang." The woman commanded before returning her hands to her hips. "The last thing Riza needs to see when she wakes up is you covered in blood. I'll stay with her so you can freshen up."
Though he had not left her side for more than a few minutes all night, Roy knew Rebecca was right. His back ached as he stood from the chair, his state of exhaustion much too great at this point to bother with arguing against her command.
After changing into a new button down and some comfortable black pants, Roy re-entered the room. The entire change had taken him less than two minutes. Rebecca fought the urge to roll her eyes from her spot perched next to Riza on the bed.
They sat in silence for a while, both lost in their own thoughts. The machines that Riza was hooked up to continued to beep and buzz just as they had for the past twenty-four hours. Out in the hall, Roy could hear the two sergeants he had put on guard duty, talking with a nurse as she assisted a patient in the room across from them.
"Elizabeth's been asking for you."
Roy sighed, rubbing his eyes as a wave of tiredness hit him. "I know. Please just tell her we were called away for urgent business. I don't want her to get involved in this."
The Fuhrer could immediately tell from the look on Rebecca's face that something was wrong. He could feel his heart drop into the pit of his stomach as she twisted her mouth, as though trying to figure out exactly how to communicate her next words. Finally, she just came out with it.
"Actually, she already knows."
Now Roy was certain his heart was all the way in his feet. He felt like he was going to throw up. He could feel himself gripping the armrest of his chair, his knuckles going white with the strength of his grip.
"What?" Roy could hear himself ask through gritted teeth, his heartbeat pounding like a drum in his ears. "What do you mean she knows? How did she find out?"
Hearing the accusation in his tone, Rebecca gave him a glare from the other side of the bed. "Central Headquarters went berserk yesterday after Riza was shot. The workers in the daycare had the radio on when I arrived to pick her up yesterday, so she must of overheard everything on the news."
Roy groaned, his head falling into his palms. Great – just great! Now his daughter was being affected by this entire mess!
"She had a rough night last night." Rebecca continued softly, using her fingers to fluff up Riza's bangs once more, trying to keep her hands busy. "She kept on asking if Riza was okay and when she could see her and where her Daddy was. We told her everything was fine, but she didn't believe us. Jean was having to rock her when I left to try and get her to calm down."
The image that painted in Roy's mind made him sick. His poor baby was hurting and he wasn't there to comfort her. It seemed he couldn't do anything right.
"I don't know what to do." Roy admitted quietly, staring at Riza's sleeping face as though it would give him the answer. "I don't want her to see her mother like this."
Rebecca gave him a sympathetic smile, probably the first one she had ever bothered to send his way. "Maybe not like this – but if Riza's recovery is going to be long, then it may be better to let her see her occasionally so she has confirmation that everything's alright."
Roy nodded, knowing that her suggestion was probably the best solution. He wanted to shield his daughter from the cruel realities of their jobs, but much like the time when she had discovered their burns, he knew that keeping the truth from her would probably hurt her more in the end.
"Thank you for watching her." Roy spoke earnestly, dark eyes never leaving his wife's face. He missed the shocked expression on Rebecca's own features at his gratitude. "Hopefully, tomorrow we can let her come see her. I want to see her too."
Rebecca smiled softly, nodding her head in agreement before turning back to her friend.
The process of taking Riza off sedatives was a horrible affair.
To Roy, there was nothing worse than seeing his wife in pain. They had done the same thing during their stay after the Promised Day – letting her sleep off the worst of it before gently bringing her back. However, that didn't make it any easier to watch a second time.
Two nurses were in the room when Riza began the waking process. First, it was a sharp hiss that was drawn in between her teeth. Then, it evolved into a quiet groan. Before long, her glassy amber eyes were opening, meeting the concerned gaze of her husband. Though she made eye contact with him – due to the pain meds – he could tell she wasn't truly seeing them.
"Mrs. Mustang?" One of the nurses, Julia – if Roy remembered correctly – asked the woman as she gently patted her shoulder. Riza moaned and closed her eyes once more. "Mrs. Mustang, do you know where you are?"
Riza only moaned once again in response. Roy grabbed the hand laying limply by her side, squeezing it gently.
"Fuhrer Mustang," The other nurse, Patricia said, drawing his attention away from his wife's now scrunched up face. "Try and get her to respond. Her scans showed no head trauma, but we have to make sure she understands what's going on."
Roy nodded, leaning down close to his wife's ear.
"Riza," He spoke softly, his own hand still holding on to her own. "We just need to make sure you're alright."
He could feel her weakly respond to his squeeze, attempting to give him a squeeze back. Her eyes remained closed, but she did moan once more. He could tell she was trying to move her legs underneath the sheets, her mind not fully remembering all that had happened the day before.
She had been able to bend her leg by only a fraction, before it was falling back on to the bed, a hiss of pain escaping her lips. The movement had caused the stitches in her left side to catch and she was most certainly starting to feel the pain that seemed to be radiating there.
"Easy." Julia patted her shoulder once more, trying to calm her racing heart after the sudden onslaught of pain. "You have to be careful. You've been through a lot, so you need to take it slowly."
The nurses had shared with him that once Riza was awake and aware of her situation, she would be transferred over to the Recovery Unit. Upon being released from ICU, she would be allowed more than two guests at a time. That meant she would be allowed to see their daughter.
Knowing this, Roy decided to change tactics.
"Riza," He tried again, watching as the nurse took another syringe and reached over to one of the bags hanging on the IV pole. "You need to wake up so you can see Elizabeth."
This certainly had the mother reacting. Almost instantly, her glassy amber eyes were opening once more and searching for his own black pair. Once she met his gaze, he could see clear confusion in her expression.
"Elizabeth?" Riza asked, her words barely above a whisper. He could hear the slight rasp in her voice from lack of use. "Where is – ?"
Then suddenly as though it had all come rushing back to her, Riza realized where she was and why she was there.
"Roy!" She nearly jolted up in bed, the only thing keeping her in place being the hand of the nurse. Despite being restrained from completing the action, Riza still hissed in pain as the stitches in her side pulled once more. This had Roy reaching out for her other shoulder and gently pushing her back.
"Riza, you have to stay still." He reminded her, his thumb stroking soothing circles over the skin of her collarbone. "You were shot yesterday and went through emergency surgery."
"Yesterday?" Riza looked with bleary eyes to the window where the midday sun was flooding in. "I slept an entire day?"
"Yes ma'am." Patricia answered for him, retrieving a clipboard from the side table. “After your surgery, the doctors wanted you to sleep off the most painful part of your recovery. Unfortunately, we had to wake you in order to determine how much pain medication you actually need."
Riza nodded, familiar with the spiel. She had been in the hospital enough during her time in the military to know basic protocol. Doctors knew better than to administer heavy duty pain medications for long periods of time, especially when it came to soldiers. With how much trauma they had bubbling under the surface, they tended to become easily addicted to the pain killers they were given during treatment.
Riza had never become dependent on painkillers – however, she had had them enough to become somewhat immune to them. That immunity was probably the reason both her arm and her side were throbbing so badly right now.
"On a scale of 1-10 where is your pain at right now?" Patrica asked, her pen flying over the clipboard as she wrote down a few notes ahead of Riza's answer. "Please, don't feel the need to be brave in front of us – you can answer honestly."
Roy squeezed her hand in a show of support.
"A six." She answered honestly, the burning underneath her ribcage becoming more severe as time ticked on. While the slice in her neck had certainly hurt worse than a bullet, the pain she was feeling now was still relatively intense. "It's getting worse though as time goes on."
"That's normal." Julia assured her, squeezing her shoulder once more before turning to the tray behind her. She picked up a syringe with a clear liquid and administered it into one of Riza's IV bags. "This should take the edge off and give us a better idea of how much you'll need from here on out."
The liquid coursed through the IV and into the injured woman's veins. Within moments, the crease in her brow had lessened as the pain in her side dulled to a manageable ache. Roy gave his own sigh of relief as he felt her body relax under his touch.
The nurses continued to monitor her for a few minutes, checking her vitals and making sure that there were no unusual dips or spikes. Once they were satisfied, they took their leave, telling the couple that the surgeon would be arriving soon to sign Riza off for transfer to the Recovery Unit.
After the nurses left, the room was silent save for the beeps coming from the monitors. Roy returned to his seat next to the bed, scooting close enough so that he could continue to hold his wife's hand. Riza shut her eyes, the residual tiredness from the medication still lingering in her system.
Amber eyes found his own, the crease in her brow deepening at his question. "Why what?"
"Why did you jump in front of me, Riza?" Roy's voice shook with emotion, all the pain and suffering he had gone through making its way to the surface. His grip on her hand tightened as he learned forward in his chair, its legs squeaking in protest. "That's not your job anymore."
Riza gave him a sideways look – a wry grin finding its way to her features. "It will always be my job to protect you, Roy. No matter what."
"Riza, it isn't just the two of us anymore – we have to think of Elizabeth," He reasoned, shifting closer, both of his hands now cradling her fingers. He tried his best to communicate his own desperation in this action. "You know better than anyone what it feels like to grow up without a mother. You can't put yourself in these types of situations. You need to let our guards do their duty."
"They didn't notice." Riza's voice was hoarse from lack of use – however, he could still hear the determination behind her words. "They didn't see the gun – but I did. I will not stand by while you get assassinated. Elizabeth shouldn't have to grow up without a father, either."
"Riza, I couldn't do this alone. I couldn't go on without you."
"You would have to." Despite her weak grasp, she wrapped her fingers around his own and gave them a tight squeeze. "You are too important to this country. You would have to go on – for Amestris and for Elizabeth."
This was not a new argument for them – in fact, it came up more often than Roy cared to admit. Though Riza had chosen to act as an active First Lady, she still saw his worth as more than her own. He supposed that, to the world, he was more of an asset to them – but what they didn't know was that, behind the scenes, they had Riza to thank for everything. She was his guiding light – his moral compass – and without her, he wasn't sure what he would do.
She was necessary. She needed to know that.
"We're a team." Roy finally said, his dark eyes boring into her's. In this look, he tried to communicate all the pain and exhaustion he had experienced in the past twenty-four hours. "One does not work without the other."
"If I hadn't jumped in front of you – you would have died."
"Maybe," Roy reasoned, the corners of his lips rising to form a small, ironic grin. "But I've survived worse. It still doesn't give you the right to take bullets meant for me."
"If we're a team, then those bullets were also meant for me."
Roy barked out a laugh, though there was no humor behind it. This woman was impossibly stubborn, but it was one of the things he loved most about her.
Riza was transferred to the Recovery Unit soon after her surgeon had come in and checked her stitches. Everything seemed to be healing up nicely and so far, she was free of infection. All her vitals had been stable since surgery, so her team of doctors felt like she was in the clear.
Despite her improved condition though, they still felt it was necessary to keep her in the hospital for several days of observation. The Alkahestry Specialist had mentioned that she would like to continue her treatments for at least four days before allowing Riza to go home. Although her spleen seemed to be working properly, the specialist wanted to monitor its healing through her Xingese alchemy.
Riza's pain fluctuated over the next twenty-four hours after transfer. It took them awhile to create an appropriate cocktail of painkillers, but once they had it all figured out, Riza was able to rest comfortably for six hours at a time. Both her and Roy had been able to get a good night's rest and Riza had even felt well enough to change into a pair of her own pajamas.
Of course, Roy had to assist her and they had to pause several times due to her stitches pulling, but she was able to successfully get the white cotton clothes on before falling back on the bed, exhausted from the effort. She didn't say anything, but Roy knew she had chosen to change out of fear that Elizabeth would be upset seeing her in hospital garb.
Roy had called the Havoc's this morning to let them know that Riza's condition continued to get better. He was disappointed to hear that, once again, Elizabeth had had a rough night and slept very little. According to Jean, she had been asking repeatedly about her mother and father and why they weren't coming to see her. Roy's heart ached at the thought of her tears. He had wanted to call and talk to her, but he feared she would demand to see her mother and everyone knew he couldn't say no to his daughter.
It was decided that Rebecca would bring the girl by later in the afternoon, closer to dinnertime. Havoc, having taken his paperwork home with him for the remainder of the weekend, was going to stay and watch the boys. Roy promised himself that after all this was over – he and Riza would offer up to watch the Havoc boys for a weekend to give Jean and Rebecca a well-deserved reprieve.
Riza was so excited to see her daughter that she had been unable to nap during the day. While it had only been about forty-eight hours since she had last seen her daughter, there was something about a near death experience that made you want to hold your child a little bit closer than before.
Once the afternoon rolled around, Riza was very adamant that her pain medications be delivered promptly so that she would be in the best state when her daughter finally arrived. She even had Roy help sponge her off, to get off the excess blood left behind from the incident – a situation that Roy thoroughly enjoyed.
"I guess I'm returning the favor now." He had teased, using the sponge to wipe the delicate skin of her neck. There was still crusted blood there from her arm wound. "How many times did you have to sponge me when I was in the hospital?"
Riza rolled her eyes at his comment, but gave him a small smile as he dipped the sponge back into the bucket. "Too many times to count."
Once she was re-situated in bed with her pain medications administered, Roy gave the Havoc's a quick call to let them know that they were ready to see Elizabeth. The short wait they had to endure to see their daughter felt like it lasted an eternity. While Roy took to pacing for the time being, Riza attempted to read through one of the books Rebecca had brought with her clothes. It was a futile effort though.
Finally, there was a knock on the door, much too timid to have been one of the doctors who had been coming and visiting them. Riza sat up a little taller in bed while Roy paused in his pacing, standing directly in front of the room's lone window.
A tiny face peaked out from behind the wood of the door, a smiling Rebecca grinning and encouraging the little girl to keep pushing forward. Despite her honorary aunt's gentle prodding, Elizabeth stalled in the doorway, not quite sure how to proceed.
Roy's heart constricted at the sight of his daughter. Her dark hair was braided in a way that matched her mother's, the dark bangs that hung over her eyebrows brushed and straightened to perfection. But even this could not hide the worrisome pallor of her skin and the dark circles under her eyes. Even her ruffled white dress – a new one that her aunt and uncle must have bought her – was wrinkled from being held by Rebecca on their way to the hospital.
Evidently, his poor daughter was having just as hard of a time as they were these past few days.
"Hi Elizabeth," Riza called gently from the bed, her face lighting up with a smile at the sight of her child. Although her mother looked happy to see her, Elizabeth was still uncertain. She looked up at her aunt, her wide eyes asking for direction.
"Go on," Rebecca gently patted the girl's back, urging her forward. "Go see your Mommy and Daddy. They've been waiting for you."
Seeing her father standing in his normal clothes was a familiar sight, more familiar than seeing her mother laying in a hospital bed anyways. With one more glance back at her aunt, her little sandaled feet began their trek against the tiled floor. In response to her actions, Roy squatted down and opened his arms to receive her.
"Hi Lizzy," He murmured affectionately. At his gentle greeting, the girl rushed into his arms. Roy caught her easily and hugged her tightly to his chest. A pair of little arms wound around his neck as he lifted her up off the ground, holding her as close as possible. God, had he missed her.
Her sweet voice almost brought tears to Roy's eyes. There was so much relief in that one word. It spoke of the days of longing where all she had desired was to see them. They had traveled before without her, but never under such severe circumstances. Roy was going to have to have a word with the daycare workers at Headquarters about letting the children listen to the radio.
Suddenly, Elizabeth was pulling away from his neck, her gaze level with his own. Though she hadn't been crying when she walked in, she certainly was now.
"Is Mommy hurt?" The girl asked, her eyes already puffy. Roy adjusted his grip, using his fingers to wipe a few stray tears from her cheeks. "They said Mommy was hurt."
"Shhh," He soothed the child as her tears continued to fall, he put his hand on the back of her head and drew her into his embrace. "Everything's okay, Lizzie. Mommy's fine. She's been so excited to see you."
His eyes met with Riza's as she gestured for him to come closer. The Fuhrer bounced his daughter gently as he made his way over to the side of the bed where Riza was reaching out for the distraught girl. Roy carefully placed Elizabeth into her mother's arms, trying his best to avoid jostling the upper portion of his wife's left arm. If the transfer hurt, she gave no indication as she cradled the girl against her un-injured side.
"Mommy?" Elizabeth asked, looking up at the woman next to her. Her mother wrapped her arm snugly around the small of her back and pulled her in even closer.
"I've missed you so much." Riza spoke softly, using her hand to wipe the tears from her daughter's face. Elizabeth eyed the IV's that were stuck in her mother's hand wearily. "I was waiting for you to come visit me."
Elizabeth didn't say anything in response, instead looking behind her at the monitors next to her mother's bed. In her four years of life, she had never stepped foot in a hospital. All of the equipment surrounding them was completely foreign to her. Roy pulled his chair up to the bed to get closer to his wife and daughter, watching as Rebecca chose to exit the room and speak with the guards outside.
Finally, Elizabeth's eyes drifted back to her mother's. She still looked uncertain, but at least she wasn't crying.
At that moment, Dr. Feng walked through the door with a clipboard in hand. The Xingese native known as an Alkahestry Specialist smiled from beneath her mask, her long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She couldn't have been more than twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old with such a young set of features.
"Hello Mrs. Mustang!" The woman greeted cheerfully, noticing the small girl sitting next to her. "Is this the daughter you've been talking about?"
Riza smiled down at Elizabeth as the girl's face lit up, now knowing her mother hand been speaking of her. "Yes – this is Elizabeth."
"Hi Elizabeth!" Dr. Feng walked over to the left side of the bed, opposite where the young child was seated. "Have you ever gotten to see Alkahestry at work?"
Elizabeth's face scrunched up in confusion at the woman's use of the word, a crinkle appearing on the bridge of her nose. She directed her curious gaze to her father, who was smiling down at her.
"Alkahestry?" Elizabeth asked, tripping over the 'es', making it sound as though she had said 'alkahistory'. "Like alchemy?"
"Kind of," Roy placed his hand on her tiny shoulder, giving it a squeeze. At her young age, she already knew quite a bit about alchemy, having the "Flame Alchemist" as a father and the younger Elric children as playmates. It made him proud. "It's not like my alchemy. This kind of alchemy is used to heal."
"Like a doctor?" The girl asked for clarification, looking back at the woman in scrubs. She gave a bright smile from below her mask, nodding her head encouragingly.
"Yes! That's why they call me Dr. Feng!" She pointed at her name tag, where the words were proudly displayed along with her specialty. "I helped make your Mommy feel better and I've been checking in on her ever since. Do you want to watch me work?"
Roy wasn't so sure that was a good idea, especially after Elizabeth's emotional reaction to seeing their scars only a few months prior. However, the child nodded excitedly, shifting to sit forward on her knees. Riza brushed back her hair affectionately, the attentive look on her face reminding the mother of the young girl's father.
Dr. Feng put on a pair of gloves before unbuttoning Riza's nightshirt. Once the stitched-up wound was exposed, both mother and father watched their daughter's face closely for some sort of reaction. The crease between her brows deepened in worry, but the sight didn't send her into another round of tears, her curiosity far greater than her fear.
The doctor removed the protective dressing over the wound, chatting with Riza about the pain. She was happy to hear that it had gotten a bit more bearable and that she had been able to sponge off earlier in the day. According to the specialist, her recovery was right on track and she shouldn't have to be in the hospital for any longer than possibly three or four more days. This was good news indeed.
Elizabeth watched as the woman took a funny brown liquid and drew a transmutation circle over the area under her mother's left breast. Once the circle was set, Dr. Feng pressed her hands to the woman's abdomen and the liquid began to glow. Elizabeth's attention was so focused on the woman's ministrations that she didn't notice the wince on her mother's face once the circle was activated.
The young girl watched in fascination as the glow dimmed and her mother's body relaxed – the healing arts promoting the growth of new tissue around the tender organ.
"Wow," Elizabeth said in wonder, her black eyes wide as she reached out with a finger to gently touch the residue left on her mother's stomach. Riza carefully guided her daughter's hand to an area that wasn't so tender and allowed her to feel the warmth of her flesh. "Cool!"
Dr. Feng laughed at the child's enthusiasm, disposing her gloves in the waste bin at the side of the bed. "It is pretty cool, isn't it? It makes saving lives kind of fun."
Those words had Elizabeth's eyes widening once more. "You save lives?"
Riza smiled down at her daughter, pushing her dark bangs back from her forehead. "She saved my life the other day when I first came here. Without her, I probably wouldn't have survived."
Elizabeth's face turned sad for a moment, her lower lip jutting forward in a pout. Roy feared she was going to start crying again, until she shook her head to get rid of the frown and instead turned to smile up at the doctor.
"You're like a hero!" The young girl proclaimed excitedly, leaning forward on her knees and bringing her fists to her chest. "I want to be hero!"
This shocked Roy. While his daughter certainly knew a lot more about alchemy than the average child her age, she had never shown much of an interest in it. She had been impressed by his show of skills from time to time, but beyond that, she wasn't terribly inclined towards things like fire. It seemed like her interests went in another direction – healing.
At the child's words, Dr. Feng was laughing once more, placing a warm hand on the girl's head. "You can be, Miss Elizabeth. All you have to do is study hard…"
"Study hard." Elizabeth nodded vigorously – a look of determination on her features.
"…and always listen to your mom and dad…"
"I always do! I'm a good listener!"
"….and have a healer's heart!"
With that, Dr. Feng tapped Elizabeth's chest, right over where her heart would be. Almost in awe, Elizabeth placed her hands over the area, her eyes wide with wonder.
Long after the doctor had taken her leave, Elizabeth chattered on and on about the scene she had witnessed. Even after Riza's pain medications started to wear off, the woman didn't have the heart to tell her child that it was probably time to go. They had expected Elizabeth to be emotional and upset at the sight of her mother in a hospital bed – and she had been – but it seemed that her experience with Alkahestry had replaced her fear and sadness with a new-found excitement.
Roy watched from his chair beside the bed as the two most important ladies in his life chatted about doctors and hospitals and Alkahestry and about a certain ponytailed girl who had once saved Riza's life. The pure joy on Elizabeth's face and the sweet affection on Riza's had the man smiling as he leaned back in his seat.
Who would have ever thought his daughter would be fascinated by Alkahestry?
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otterbeesfanficblog · 4 years
When neutron stars collide
(Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
Part 2: When A Star Chooses To Shine
Part 1: Steps Before The Starting Line Part 3: Compare And Contrast Part 4: From Where We Stand Part 5: You Would Be Angry Too...
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[One week later]
"No, Riji, you can't have my eyeballs." You deadpan to the man next to you.
"Maybe next time." He sighed with a smile.
Oddly enough, that wasn't one of the weirdest things you've had to say to someone, especially Riji. He was an older man, late 40's early 50's, and he was homeless just like you. 
He would oftentimes find things for you and give them to use, hoping to trade with you for something. That something could range from a simple smile to wanting your molars and your left kidney, but he never did let you give him anything.
He liked to pretend he was out of his mind like he was gonna sell you on the black market or something, but he was actually really sweet and giving. You weren't the only one he gave things to, there were plenty of people living on the streets, some were worse off than you.
He was your number one supporter from you signing up for UA, he helped you forge a lot of documents to get in and gave you his clothes so you could look at least a little bit decent.
Today you were walking with him to the for sale house to look in the mailbox, hopefully, the UA letter was there. You had been checking on and off the whole week, among other things. Riji wanted to come with you today since you both were also scouting for food, which happened to be coming your way.
Along the sidewalk you were on was a man selling takoyaki, which was surprising to you. There weren't many people willing to sell off the streets were you lived since ya know... homeless people. But you allowed yourself to watch him with a watering mouth and a growling stomach. 
The man appeared to be selling in front of his store, so he was walking in and out with things for his cart. You and Riji watched him disappear into his store then you both made your move, taking handfuls of takoyaki when no one was looking, then quickly walking away as if nothing happened.
You both waited till you were fair enough away to begin eating, but you sighed in joy upon eating your first one.
"Ah, I can't remember the last time I had something good that was hot."
Riji chuckled, stuffing two in his mouth with a hum.
"You said it, kid. Hey, you think the letter finally came today?"
You sigh, slowly eating more as you turn the corner down the street that you walked on with Kiri a week ago.
"Probably, right? It's been a week already..."
You both continued down the street, quietly eating your ... well, breakfast/lunch. You thought back to all the things you had imagined would happen when applying for UA.
You thought they would immediately know you were homeless and have never been to an actual school before, you thought they would have sent you away immediately. You had no records at all, not even a birth certificate. At least... not one with you.
You imagined by now they had already looked through the many systems they had and found you... 
You were 5 when you ran away from the foster home, from there you grew up alone on the streets. It was hard, so very hard. Everyone pitied you, looked down on you, some even tried taking advantage of you. As that young kid, you meet All Might, and you thought everything was going to be okay.
He said he would come back for you, said you needed to have faith in him and to stay where you were.
You waited.
And waited.
And waited.
As the years went by, you gave up on waiting. You grew bitter and angry, at All Might, at heroes in general, at the world. You did some foolish things when you were in that stage of anger, somethings you wished someone would have slapped you back to reality.
As soon as the anger dulled, you were left numb and wondering why you were even trying anyways. 
Your birth mother didn't want you, your birth father didn't want you, the foster home didn't care about you... the number one hero didn't even care about you. You just wanted it all to end.
Then, something hit you. Whether it was pride or anger or both, you screamed at the world to come at you with everything you had. You weren't going to give in, not when you went so far on your own.
UA, a school where they thought students to be heroes. 
You would become a hero, to prove to the world you were worth the air your breathe. You were gonna prove to Japan that they won't forget who you are, you'll have everyone know your name.
With or without approval. 
You came upon the house and you ventured to the mailbox, reaching inside, your fingers touched paper. You pulled it out with a shaky hand and looked at it, it was a letter and the letter was addressed to you... from UA high.
If you got it, you would have a good path to start.
If you didn't get in, you would make the world know your name somehow.
"Come on, kid, you got me fallin' off my chair in suspense."
Riji snapped you out of your thoughts, giving you a confident and eager smile. You nod to him and let out a sigh, you glare at the letter before starting it open.
You pull out the letter, it reads:
Dear Miss Uchukyuzo Y/n,
We are excited to announce that you have successfully passed the written and physical exams and have been welcomed to UA High! We would also like to congratulate you on earning the spot of second place in the examination results, with 42 villain points and 35 rescue points. With that said, we look forward to seeing you in April!
"I..." You stare at the paper in your hands, Riji looking impatiently at you.
"Well?! What's it say!?"
"I... got in."
You were suddenly off the ground and sent high into the air by a cheering Riji, you couldn't stop the smile that graced your face as you laugh and let Riji toss you in the air.
He let you fall into his arms one more time before setting you down and pulling you into a tight hug, which you return with heated cheeks.
"Ah, look at you! Going to high school! Hardly the little girl I meet 3 years ago, so grown now."
You looked up at him, feeling your chest tighten as he looked at you with a smile and glossy eyes. You shake your head and frown.
"Riji, are you-?"
"I know you don't like asking for help, Y/n." He stated, letting his fingerless gloved hands fall on both your shoulders, looking intently at you. 
"But don't let that pride stop you from gettin' off these streets, ya hear?"
You sigh and drop your eyes to the ground.
"I mean it, Y/n." He squeezes your shoulders. "You're too good to be living on the streets scrounging for scraps like a common rat."
You knew he was right, deep down you wanted nothing more than to have a real home with real food and real clothes. But you also couldn't drown the self-hate either, at least not yet. 
Looking back down at the letter you realized you didn't finish reading.
It has also could to our attention that you have no prior school records or any emergency contacts, with this in mind we would like to meet with you and/or a guardian upon you receiving this letter. 
When you get the letter, as long as it is within working hours, we would like to meet immediately to discuss this. 
You then wished you hadn't eaten anything at all as your stomach flipped and churned in horror and fear.
You knew they wouldn't gloss over that, they couldn't. What kind of school would expect an unknown kid with no history?
"They want to meet with me." Bringing a hand up, you rub your eyes and frustration. Riji looks at you with concern and a tiny bit of protectiveness.
"They're wondering why a kid who ranked second in their hero exam doesn't have any prior school records." You glare at the letter, crushing it in your hands and shoving it in your pockets. 
It was near early afternoon so you had plenty of time to get there, but you couldn't stop the groan that left your mouth.
"Damn it..."
"Want me to come with?"
You knew Riji would lie his ass of plus ten-fold and then some for you, as he had many times for you, but you shook your head.
"No, it's best not to lie and dig a deeper hole. I'll try and avoid lying but... if I need to..."
"Be careful, kid." Riji ruffled your hair, giving you a tight smile and thumbs up. "I'll be waitin' for ya."
"Thanks, Riji."
"Can't let that perfect spleen go to waste, that thing could make me rich."
"Aaannndd I'm leaving."
It was more daunting than the first time you came.
You weren't someone who was afraid to admit things like fear, anger, and sadness, but you weren't someone that would let that stop you anymore either. So, with a deep breath, you made your way into the school.
It was empty, not a single person could be seen walking around. You were sure people were here, otherwise, you would have been stoped at the gate.
"Can I help you?"
You jumped a little at the suddenness of the voice, but turning around you felt heat begin to rise to your face.
After your traumatizing experience with All Might, you had difficult opinions on heroes. But there were a few heroes you still believed in and even admired, and you were embarrassed to admit it but as a child, you may have crushed on them as well.
The man standing tall in front of you just happened to be one of those heroes.
His long raven hair ran down his back and some over his shoulders with a tuft in the middle of his face, his familiar scarf wrapped around his neck, and he was clothed in mostly black clothing.
You couldn't help but fangirl in your head as your heart raced.
Eraserhead, standing in front of you. He was so much taller than on the TVs in the shop windows. And, when you were lucky, you would see him sometimes scouting on night patrols.
"Look, kid, if you're just here to look around, you're gonna have to leave."
You let out... some kind of noise and wave your hand.
"N-no, uh, I'm here because well... I was asked to meet here?"
His eyes didn't change there uncaring stare but he did raise one of his brows. Reaching into your pocket you pull out the cramped paper, quickly uncrumpling it and showing it to him. 
You felt so dumb right at that moment, you were in clothes that were too big for you, given to you by Riji, slightly still dirty and handing him your acceptance letter that you crumped in a fit of anger.
He didn't take the paper, but he did lean forward to get a better look. He read fast, letting out a sigh and turning down the hall.
"Follow me and don't touch anything."
You quickly and quietly followed behind, having to walk a bit faster because of the leg difference you two had. He took you to an elevator and you both started to take it up the building, the elevator seemed to be a staff only elevator because he took out his phone and placed it on a sensor.
As you rode the elevator in silence, you let your eyes drift over to him once or twice... or three or four-
"If you have something to say, say it, otherwise stop looking at me like that."
You jumped at being caught and you bowed towards him.
"I'm sorry, it's just... you've always been one of my favorite heroes... I didn't know you worked here."
He glanced over at you, looking you up and down, then turned forward again, staring at the inclining numbers of the floors.
"Not many fans of me out there..."
"I honestly prefer heroes who are stealthy or work to protect rather than the offensive, front line showy heroes..."
You felt those words start to grow bitter with every word you said, thinking only about your anger towards the flashiest hero in japan who just happened to be named number one as well.
That was his only response as the elevator stopped and the doors opened, then you began walking again. Then you had finally made it to a room, and looking at the label above the door you gulped.
"Principles Office"
"Principle Nezu is in there, you'll be having your meeting with him."
He then began walking away, and you quickly bow and thank him.
Turning back to the door, it was almost as if it was simultaneously getting close to you while also getting far away. With a shaky hand, you raised your fist and knocked on the door.
"Come in."
You shut your eyes tightly and opened the door slow, letting your head peak in first before fully walking in.
There, sitting at the desk was... someone. He looked like a mix of a mouse and... maybe a dog? ... Bear? 
"Come in, Miss Uchukyuzo. I've been awaiting your arrival."
You gently closed the door behind you and benched forward, slowly sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk. 
He smiled at you and rested his hands together on his desk, while you sat with your hands clutched together in your lap.
"It's so wonderful to meet you in person, miss Uchukyuzo. Before we started, I'd like to congratulate you on your wonderful work in the practical exam. Second place is no small feat."
"Th... thank you, sir."
"Now, to get to the reason I made this meeting." He pulled out a folder that had your name on it, which made you wince. 
Inside were only a few sheets of paper, but the one that caught your attention the most was one that had your name and birthday.
"Normally, we wouldn't make personal meetings like this with our students. However, you have no prior school record. Nor do you have any record at all, other than what is stated on your birth certificate and the files that state your ran away from your foster home at 5 years of age."
It felt like he was reading the book to your life, soon he was going to say how you have a love for dogs.
"Tell me, Miss Uchukyozo. Why should I let you into UA?"
This question was like a bullet through your chest, like putting salt in a wound. At first, you felt ashamed, it was the natural reaction to being called out for being homeless. For being someone people looked at as either a criminal or a rat.
Then you felt angry. Why should you feel this way? As if you had willingly chosen this life, as if you didn't have a reason to run in the first place.
"If you won't take me... I'll become the number one hero some other way." Your eye grew hard as you looked at him.
If this was his way of openly denying you entry into the school after telling you you were in, you were not amused.
"Everyone has a reason for wanting to be a hero. Money, power, glory. I've been pushed down, shoved aside, forgotten so many times... Well, not anymore. I'm going to be a hero that everyone knows, that everyone trusts. I'm gonna be the hero that is there for the people that the other heroes are 'too busy' for."
You glared at your clenched hands in your lap.
"I won't sit by in the shadows as a memory anymore," You looked up at him with determined eyes, your eyes glowing a bit from your quirk. 
"I will become a hero, whether you take me in or not."
He stares at you for a moment, his face unreadable. The silence was deafening and you were about to get up since it seemed like he was telling you that you were no longer at the school.
"Well, then I suppose it's a good thing we will be accepting you!" He exclaimed, a large smile on his face as he opened his arms wide.
You felt like you were just smacked over the head, you felt yourself sweat as you hunched over and your brow twitched as you stared at him. This was one hell of an emotional roller coaster...
"What makes a hero a hero is the drive you just showed me now, and the drive you showed during your practical exam. You not only faced danger head-on, but you also worked together with a person you just meet, and you saved many in the process."
You're eyes go wide as you think back to that day, how you didn't run away from the bot even as Kirishima told you it was pointless, even as people ran. You stayed.
"Heroes can come from anywhere, no matter their past. Since, however, this is your first time in a school, we will be providing you with a few things to help you along the way."
You watched him hop out of his desk chair, walking over to a cardboard box labeled with your name, then he set it on one of the couches behind you. You stood and watched him pull out a few things, just to show you.
First, he pulled out a small card that looked to have your name on it.
"This will be your temporary library card. Once you are in school, you will have your permanent one. Not only does this card work for the school's library, but it also works for any other libraries you decide to visit outside school."
Putting it back, he pulled out a paper and handed it to you. Looking at it, it seemed to be a list of what was inside the box for you to take.
"Now, let me explain everything in this box, starting with the books."
You'd never felt so tired just listening to someone for so long, he let you go after explaining... everything, including what school was going to be like. You would never complain, you liked learning new things, but... You could have just read the paper seeing as now it was pointless.
You carried the contents of the box in a UA themed school bag which he had given to you, it was mostly grey with green stripes and gold zippers. You felt off-put by something that looked so... expensive and new. 
Granted, you don't really know how much a school bag costs, but you assumed this one wasn't cheap. 
You were currently staring at the thing you were amazed by most, it was the library card. For normal people, you assumed it wasn't at all hard to get one. But for you...
Either way, you were excited to put it to use. You had learned a lot from books over the years of taking care of yourself, you had stolen many books in your time. You put them back of course, but that didn't stop you from getting in trouble at one point.
Now you had an actual card, which to you was like holding pure gold in your hands. You wanted to tell Riji all about what had happened, but you also wanted to grab as many books from the library as you could.
As you made your way to the local library Principle Nezu told you about, you had two different voices fighting in your head as you walked the sidewalk.
One was excited for the good luck you had gotten, praising Principle Nezu for his kindness and thanking whatever god was out there that gave you the chance. You could finally move forward in your life, you could finally show yourself to the world instead of hiding in dark alleys.
The other voice was pissed. Why were you suddenly given this chance? What did that 'Nezu' guy think you were, a charity case? It was sick of you taking the things handed to you by people who looked down on you. He didn't know anything about you until you went to that school, so why should you allow him to treat you any different than all the other students?
It was this tiring back and forth of being excited and angry, It was the joy of something new but the paranoia of what it will bring. You weren't new to being tricked into things, it happened more than a few times when you were a kid, but it certainly makes you wary of 'good' things.
You were then pushed to the side by a sudden force hitting your shoulder, you stumble and just barely catching yourself before falling into the street. You growl and glare at the person who knocked into you.
"Oi! Watch it asshole!"
The person quickly waved their arms around and apologized.
"Ah! I'm so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking! I wasn't paying attention and you weren't either-!! AH! No! I don't me to say you were at fault! Just that, but of us were distracted! Though, I was less so!! IamreallysorryIwasjustonmywaytothestoreand--"
He started rambling, and you looked more closely and actually recognized him.
"Hey," You stop him mid-rant, catching him off guard. "Aren't you the green-haired freckle boy that got called out during exam orientations?"
If you looked closely, you could see his soul leave his body. His whole face went red and he covered it, poorly, with his hands.
"Y-yeah... that... was me."
You rubbed your shoulder and chuckled, thinking back to really how embarrassing that was.
"Sorry, didn't mean to bring that scaring memory back up. I get how embarrassing that was, I felt it from where I was too."
He nods while you could practically see sweat pour out of him in bucket amounts, he was still red in the face and you held back on calling him a tomato. Really, if it was anyone else, you would have walked off already. But he was someone that had done the exam, and you hadn't talked to Kiri since you left a week ago.
"I just got back from UA actual. This may be too personal since we just met, but did you make it in?"
He quickly stopped blushing and stood straight, looking you in the eyes, then looked down and spoke in a sad tone.
"I... don't know, I haven't gotten my letter yet."
You hum, nodding. You could understand his disappointment, it's a pretty big thing for you as well.
"Well, if someone like me got in, there's no doubt in my mind you made it in."
You give his shoulder a pat, and he looked at you with a blank but also calculating excretion. 
"Someone like you?"
You decide not to answer, giving him one last smile before turning away, then you stopped. Turning back you saw him looking at you expectantly, the back of your mind asking you why the few guys you've met already act like cute dogs.
"By the way, what's your name, or should I just keep calling you green-haired boy with freckles?"
His cheeks flushed as he looked at you with wide eyes.
"Eh! My names Midoriya Izuku!"
You smile, testing out the name on your tongue.
"Midoriya Izuku... Cute. Names Uchukyozo Y/n, but you can just call me Y/n."
You give him one last smile before turning down the street again, making your way as you mumbled to yourself, not at all aware of the teenage boy you just flustered to no end behind you.
"Now... where was that library again?"
"Well, well, well. Now, who's this fancy lookin' lady?"
You roll your eyes as you make your away into the alley, it was late evening already and your new UA school bag was not only filled with stuff Principle Nezu gave you, but stuffed in were a couple of small books while you carried the bigger books in your arms that you had (legally) narrowed from the library.
Riji looked you up and down like you were someone he's never seen before, so naturally, you play along.
You pretend to do hair flip since you were holding books, and you walked with your head held high and chest puffed.
"Why, it is I, queen who-gives-a-fuck the third. I've come from the land of stick-up-your-ass to announce I'm better than everyone, with my piles of money that I stole from lower class people to make me feel better about never being loved."
Riji put a hand to his chest as he gave a hearty laugh, patting you on the shoulder as he walked you over to the entrance of your 'home'.
"Well, kid, I'm assuming it went well. Seeing as you came back with more than you left with unless you stole all that. In which case, I'm proud of you."
You laugh and shake your head, looking down at and readjusting the books in your arms. 
"They let me in, they were just a little confused as to why I've never been to school before... they didn't ask, just... prepared me for what it was going to be like."
Riji smiled and nodded, closing his eyes and putting a hand to his chin in thought. 
"Ah, school. I remember when I went to school."
You gently set your books down on the ground that wasn't too dirty, then looked back up at him.
"You went to school?"
"Ha! I know, right? I don't look the part, but I went to school pretty regularly. That, of course, was before my old man married a troll who kicked me out as soon as I turned 18."
You leaned against the wall on your shoulder, looking at him sadly. You knew he didn't have the best life, no one on the streets did, but you also heard how close he and his father were. That he grew up just fine before his father remarried and he got kicked out, after that he couldn't really start out from anywhere since he had nowhere to live. 
It's hard to find a job when you had no home, as employers just assumed you were on the streets for a bad reason and don't want to hire 'thugs'. You knew from personal experience.
"Were you good? In school, I mean."
He rubbed and sighed, looking off to the side.
"Not really, I was average at best. But, my old man didn't care as long as I was actively trying."
"What was it like?" You began to feel intrigued. "I got about a 2-hour lecture from a mouse/bear/dog Principle today about what it's like, but... I trust you more."
"A what?" He raises his eyebrows at you, but you shook your head.
"I'll tell you later, what was it like?"
"Well, it's hard to say what it will be like for you, school's different for everyone. For me, it was just... routine. I never joined clubs or did anything in school outside of what I was told so, it was always really plain for me."
Hearing this made you deflate a little, you had hoped to hear something better than that. As if he heard your thoughts, he shook his head.
"But, I knew some people who said school was the best thing ever and then never wanted to leave. They joined clubs, did activities, made friends, made plans with those friends, some even became good friends with their teachers."
Riji looked down at the pile of books you had, leaning over and picking up the one on top. The title read, "Astronomical theories: Black and white wholes to time travel.". He gently smiles at this, weighing the book in his hand which had to be over 2000+ pages. 
He looked you in the eyes, and you looked back confused. You weren't really sure what he was seeing, he put the book down and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"School is what you make it. If all you do is the bare minimum, like me, all you'll do is drift threw. If all you do is complain about the learning or the studying or the people, you'll live to hate school. Or... You could find things you like, do things you like, make friends."
"Friends..." You thought back to Kiri, the sweet golden retriever like boy who basically saved your life during the practical exam. You also thought about the green-haired boy, Midoriya, who seemed to be a sweet boy as well if a bit nervous. You smiled at this thought. "Yeah, friends."
"Now, you'd better rest. You have till April for school to start, right?"
You nod with a hum and gathering up your books, you slide the wood board over and slide your way in. Turning back you saw Riji pulling the wood board back to its place, giving you one last smile.
"Congrats, kid."
The books were piled around you, 20 had been your limit which you were okay with. 
You let out a yawn, ripping a small piece off a small food box you had and putting it in as a bookmark. You crawled out and pulled the hood of the dumpster down, ready to sleep off the long day.
Completely unbeknownst to you, a pro hero crouched on the building above your small hidden makeshift home. His goggles laid around his neck hidden in his scarf so he could watch you clearly, making sure you were alright.
He sighed at the sight of you hiding away to sleep inside a tipped over dumpster, angry that he couldn't do anything. Pulling his phone out of his pockets, he pressed a few buttons before putting it to his ear.
"... She safe... for now. .. Yes sir... Teachers aren't supposed to have favorites, especially not when school hasn't started... I'll watch her, sir. But something tells me... her star has only just begun to burn..."
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kryptidkat · 5 years
sneak peek!
in honor of the extremely kind and talented artists who made fanart for my prank war series (thank you again @angelface-the-robot-cowboy @poisonviles and @ravenxbones!) here’s a scene from the upcoming sequel to Give Party a Heart Attack — Make Kobra Move To Australia. Going along with the spirit of good ol’ platonic fun, I’m hoping to have the whole thing finished in time to release for Palentine’s Day on Feb. 13, but meanwhile...enjoy. 
Kobra started, jostling Cherri’s patched-together computer setup. 
“Stop bumping the thing, I’m trying to get all these cables in,” Cherri admonished. 
“Sorry.” Kobra shot a glare across the room at his brother before returning his attention to their project. 
Cherri was trying to read a usb drive he’d found, but the only working computer they had at the moment was a Commodore 64, so they were trying to wire that up to a television screen and assemble a chain of like, 30 different adapters so they could find out what was on it. 
As far as the prank war went, he and Kobra had more tricks up their sleeve (and had burned their original battle strategy poster in the shed lest anyone find it; they were way past organized planning now) but they were still biding their time, hoping to catch Party off guard. 
Party himself was in fine form this morning, doing absolutely nothing useful and getting in everyone’s way while doing it. He was sporting heavy eyeliner and one of his shortest crop tops and sassily chewing a massive wad of gum he’d gotten from somewhere, popping extremely loud bubbles with it. 
Cherri grimaced a little. Only Party could make something as innocuous as Juicy Fruit seem so...obscene.
It wasn’t just his and Kobra’s nerves Party was getting on. Jet was already rolling his eye appealingly to the ceiling. And Ghoul was getting steadily more and more tense as he hunched over a table messing with a tangled mess of wires. 
Party looked over Ghoul’s shoulder, chomping noisily. “Whatcha doin’?”
“Very sensitive bomb stuff! Sans detonator, but still. Stop, you’re gonna get that shit in my hair. What is your deal?”
Party gave him a sharp smile, obviously dying to be asked. “Devil May Dare game tonight.” 
“So I’d heard,” Ghoul said. 
“And this time, I—” Party came around the table opposite Ghoul, pulling a broken-off matchstick out of his pocket to show him with a flourish— “am the Devil.”
“Seriously? Again?”  said Ghoul. “Please tell me you didn’t rig the straw-drawing.” 
“What’s Devil May Dare?” The Girl came running in. 
“Suicidal,” Jet said. 
“No one’s died!” Party protested. 
“It’s not that bad!”
“Oh really?” Jet said. “Last time you came home with double shiners, Nick O’ Time broke his nose, Daisy Dukes got stabbed in the spleen and Pony went head over skates into the Cactus Pit of Death, and you still think it’s a good idea?”
“That was one time! And my championship is on the line here! I have a winning streak to keep up, okay?”
“By running around in the dark trying to get yourself and other joys killed?” 
“BUT WHAT IS IT?” the Girl yelled when no one answered her fast enough. She tried to climb up Jet. “I wanna know!”
Jet sighed and hoisted her up piggyback style so she could hold on while he kept checking batteries and shoving dead ones into their charging docks. 
“Imagine the unholy union of guerrilla paintball, capture the flag, and lasertag. In the dark,” he told her. “Idiotic people bet on it, and even more idiotic people play it.”
“Sounds about right,” Party said. 
The girl wrinkled her nose. “Doesn’t sound that dangerous. Can I come?”
“No,” Jet said.
“Aw, c’mon! My whole life is a game of lasertag, Jet pleaaase.”
“When you’re older,” Party said. “Maybe.” He popped his gum right next to Ghoul’s ear. Snap.
Ghoul’s hands clenched into fists. “Stop. Don’t you have stuff to pack or something?”
“Oh, I’ve been packed for days,” Party said. “Glow-in-the-dark paint, flashlights, the works.”
“Where is it this time, Poison?” Cherri wanted to know.
“The old amusement park.” 
“Oh, fuck you!” Ghoul exclaimed, envious. “I wanna go now.” 
“Hey, don’t blame me for you getting yourself banned!” Party said. He hung over Ghoul’s the back of Ghoul’s chair again and purred, “Explosives were clearly prohibited in the rules.” 
“Would you quit that?” Ghoul said, jerking his head away and rubbing his ear. The noise had to be deafening with his hearing aids on. “They were just flashbangs. I don’t know why everyone raised such a fuss about it.” 
“Who’s going?” the Girl said.
“Anyone stupid enough to join in,” Party said with a grin. 
“Your words, not mine,” Jet said.
“Hail the brave of heart, and dumb of ass,” Cherri couldn’t help muttering to Kobra, whose mouth twitched.
“Burners, mostly,” Party went on, regally ignoring them. “Some rock’n’rollers. Pony. Chimp. The Buzzkills usually get in on the action, too.”
“Next time I’m totally going.” The Girl declared. Curiosity satisfied for now, she slid off Jet’s back and ran off again. 
“It’s gonna be hella rad.” Party said dreamily, already there in his head. He was still hanging over Ghoul’s shoulder, chewing obnoxiously. 
“Party,” Kobra spoke up, sounding unhappy. “Are you su…”
“I let you race all the time!” Party shot his brother a get off my back look. But he must have picked up on the genuine concern in Kobra’s tone that Devil May Dare these days sounded like a panic attack just waiting to happen, because he added breezily, “Pony’ll be there, remember? I’ll radio if I die.” 
Cherri guessed the game might be good practice, actually. Controlled environment, no life-and-death stakes. 
“Shiny. No way relying on Pony could go wrong.” Kobra grumbled, but he let it drop. “Just be careful. Second input, Cher. Blue cable.” 
“Sorry, try this?” Cherri switched cords. 
Party started to blow another bubble, and Ghoul kicked his chair back with a screech of metal on tile. 
The sound was so loud it turned everyone’s heads. 
“I said, stop.” Ghoul put a hand on Party’s chest, backing him up until he ran into a chair and couldn’t retreat any further. Party’s eyes went wide. 
Nose inches from the taller joy’s, Ghoul stood on his tiptoes and bit the giant bubble himself with a snap of teeth. 
It deflated onto a completely flabbergasted Party’s face. 
The diner fell into stunned silence. 
“I’ve got 17 carbons riding on you.” Ghoul’s voice had dropped to a husky growl. “So you’d better score big tonight.” 
Ghoul reached up with his free hand, stripped the gum off Party’s face, and shoved it into his own mouth. Staring Party down the whole time. 
And walked away. 
Party sank into the chair, expression blank with shock. 
“Witch almighty,” Jet said faintly. 
“I knew Ghoul had personal space issues, but. Damn,” Cherri murmured to Kobra. “Are they usually like that?” 
Kobra gulped. “Totally,” he said. “They...they fight all the time.” 
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Awwww you and Gyro as a ship is so fucking cute!! You def should selfship id love to see it
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Omg okay here's this thing I wrote
I was jerked awake by two hands grabbing me, shaking me.
"Hey, hey, hey!! Please wake up." Gyro's angry, worried face came into view. I coughed, looking at him confused.
"Here." he lifted a canteen to my mouth, and I gulped the entire thing down, gasping for breath. "Are you okay?"
I nodded, pressing a hand to my stomach. "Yeah. And they are too. I can feel them kicking." I coughed, swaying a little bit, yelling out when Gyro slapped me hard.
"We've been searching for two days!" He stood, anger radiating off of him. I fell back, unable to stop my fall due to the handcuffs. "You had me worried fucking sick. When Orion came back without you-"
"Gyro-" Johnny raised his voice. "Later!"
"No, I will not talk about this later!" Gyro crouched, helping me sit and then stand. My cheek stung, and I fixed him with the same look I gave the president. He gripped my shoulders too hard, the anger on his face apparent. "You were supposed to come back after scouting out the area! Instead, we find you on the edge of a fucking minefield, unconsious, and handcuffed!"
"I'll tell you what I told the president, Gyro." I stumbled, dizzy from not eating or drinking anything. Worry flickered on his face, and his grip on my arms tightening to keep me upright. "My horse, My child, and my Child's father are my only concerns. I will go to any lengths to protect them."
"Gyro, she needs to eat something."
"I need to eat something."
Gyro cursed, letting go of me and turning away, his hands clenched into fists. My legs gave out from under me, and the only thing that stopped me from collapsing was Johnny grabbing onto my collar.
"Would one of you be so kind as to remove these handcuffs? The baby is okay, but I really need to eat or-"
"Shut Up!" Gyro swiveled around, pointing at me. "Just shut up, okay!"
I stared blankly at him until he turned away.
My horse walked over to me, nudging me with his nose. I grabbed onto him, struggling to pull myself up. When I finally made it, I looked down at Gyro, no emotion on my face.
He looked up at me, his expression a million things at once.
"Please undo my handcuffs."
He reached up, his hands shaking as he picked the lock on the cuffs. I didn't say a word while he worked, yearning for him to just hold me and tell me it was okay. That wasn't the case, though.
When my hands were free, I thanked him, cueing Orion to move. Johnny caught up, handing me some bread. I thanked him, wolfing it down, slumping against Orion's neck and passing out.
Three days passed where Gyro didn't speak to me. He and Johnny spoke, and Johnny and I spoke, and I tried to talk to him, but he would pointedly ignore me.
The first night was the hardest. I woke up from a nightmare, albeit, not one as vivid as usual. I sat alone for a minute, watching both of them sleep, before bursting into tears. I buried my face in my hands, crying until I had nothing left, falling back into a fitful sleep.
When Johnny shook me awake a few hours later, I sat, holding my pounding head in my hands. Johnny pressed a hot mug into my hands, and I turned to look at Gyro. When he caught my eye, he clenched his jaw and turned away, getting up to go get Valkyrie ready. More tears filled my eyes, and I choked back a sob with a little "ngh," curling in on myself. Johnny wrapped an arm around me, and I buried my face into his shoulder, only pulling away when Gyro snapped at Johnny to start getting ready.
The second night, I fell ill again, spending the entire night vomiting into the river next to us. My baby didn't like whatever I had for dinner, and made it known by kicking in protest and causing my stomach to flush it out of my system.
"Gyro, I need your help," I croaked, getting sick again. He glanced over at me quickly, turning away, his fists clenched. "Please!"
He ignored me again, and angry, hurt tears filled my eyes.
"It's not my fault that the President captured me, and I did what I had to to survive. I need you, and you're failing me." I gagged again, and he just walked away. "You have every right to be angry with me, but you don't get to abandon me!"
No response. Before I got sick again, I told him to go fuck himself.
I didn't sleep at all that night. Johnny eventually came over and sat with me, squeezing my hand and rubbing my back while I was incapacitated. Gyro glanced over, like he wanted to come help, but just set out his bedroll and sleeping bag and turned his back.
The next day, he looked over at me, his brow furrowed, his lips parted as if to speak, and I turned away, more tears in my eyes.
The rest of the day went by without incident, other than when I'd have to stop and get sick on the side of the road.
That night, I took matters into my own hands, and instead of asking him for help, I forced it, hunkering down in his lap while he was eating dinner, wrapping my arms around his neck and bawling into his shoulder. He stiffened, sighed, and set his plate aside, running his hands up and down my back to soothe me. I just clung to him and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed, until all I could do was cry, and then sniffle, and then just breath unevenly and keep my cheek pressed against his shoulder. He didn't stop his ministrations, not saying a word, but not letting me go either. He rested his chin on my head, giving me a comforting squeeze. I fell asleep on him like that. When I woke up, I was rested on the couch he was eating at, alone.
He caved first, but at this point, I was angry now. Not at him, but at the way he was handling things. So I continued to remain silent, no matter what he said to me, instead talking to Johnny, or leaving the room all together.
Tasks were becoming more and more difficult for me as time passed. I did my best, but being pregnant was no picnic.
"Hey, do you want coffee?" Gyro called over to me. I stared at him, expressionless, before turning my attention back to my book, not saying a word. I winced when my child kicked my spleen, and glared at Gyro when he snatched the book out of my hands.
"We need to talk about this." He swallowed, looking annoyed. I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms. "It's been seven days. Are you still angry?"
My expression darkened. He nodded, his irritation visibly growing.
"I was so scared that you were dead. When I saw Orion run up without you, only the worst situations played out in my head. When we saw the destruction in the area, we thought maybe you had been caught in a Stand Attack.
A smirk ghosted my lips, causing him to pause. He tilted his head back, his eyes narrowed, searching my face.
I laughed, waving him off. It wasn't a cold laugh, but it wasn't exactly friendly either. He scowled, shoving his hands in his pockets, continuing.
"Finding you unconscious, tucked away like that, scared the shit out of me. It took me 10 minutes to get you to come to. Ten minutes. I've never been worried like that. I let the anger and fear I felt get the best of me, and I'm really sorry." He crossed his arms, glaring at me while I smirked at him. "For fucks sake, what is so god damn funny?"
"The destruction was from my stand."
"It what?! You couldn't tell me that sooner?! This is what-" His angry words dropped off when I took his hand and placed it on my stomach, right above where the kicking was. The irritation on his face gave way to wonder, and he just stood there, slack jawed, placing his other hand on my stomach. When he spoke, his voice was no more than a whisper.
"That's my baby." His eyes met mine, glistening, and I smiled kindly at him before looking over at Johnny.
"Hey Johnny, do you want to feel the baby kick?"
"Hey, Fuck off Johnny." Gyro stepped closer to me, glaring at Johnny over his shoulder. "This is mine. I'll kill you if you come any closer."
"Gyro, let Johnny feel the baby kick." I laughed, and Gyro grumbled, stepping aside. Johnny placed a hand on my tummy, smiling softly when the baby kicked it.
"Alright, that's enough. Back off." Gyro loomed over us, glowering at Johnny. I sighed, sitting down on the edge of the table, exhausted. Gyro slipped a cup of coffee into my hands, and I smiled at him, laughing when he pressed his hands back against my stomach.
That night, Gyro insisted that I sleep with him again. When we settled down, he snaked his arms around me, rubbing my belly, pressing his lips into the back of my neck.
"Promise me that you'll never scare me like that again."
"Only if you promise to never leave me to deal with it alone again."
I melted into his warm embrace and soft words, falling asleep shortly after.
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maiaisbia · 5 years
not alone
Alec comes home to find Magnus taking care Catarina. 
A look at how Alec finds himself fitting in Magnus' family.
Gen | Words: 2139 | ao3 
Alec was exhausted. It had been a long day of going through old, dusty paperwork. His eyes felt dry and he had probably breathed in more dust that was strictly healthy. Such were the joys and excitements of being Inquisitor at times. Some of the ancient handwriting made Alec very glad for the invention of typewriters and computers as he was spending the month expunging unjust downworlder criminal records. Alec felt good about the work, but right now what he really needed was a mug of tea and go to sleep.
He slipped into the loft, taking off his coat and toeing off his boots, listening for Magnus. He wasn't sure if there might still be a client meeting or a visiting dignitary, even though it was past dinner time. His husband kept all sorts of company in his role of making sure the downworld stayed connected and safe. If Alec was out late with his work, Magnus often wouldn’t stop his own.
Alec heard soft voices, and followed them to his and Magnus' bedroom. Feeling his eyebrows rise, Alec gently pushed the door open, peeking around it.
Magnus and Catarina were sitting against the headboard, both dressed in their pajamas, blankets around their shoulders, mugs cupped in hands. Alec smiled at the sight, then caught that Catarina had tears on her cheeks. Moving fully into the room, Alec whispered, "Hey."
Magnus and Catarina both looked up at him, Catarina hastily wiping her cheeks. Alec moved closer, and Magnus held up a hand. "You can only enter the sanctuary if you are wearing pajamas."
Alec tried not to look incredulous, considering it was his bed, but he didn't want Catarina to feel like she was intruding. It was clear she wasn’t in a place to be alone. He must have not been entirely successful because Catarina chuckled, "Sorry to impose."
"Never, you're always welcome," Alec responded, hoping she heard the truth in those words. "I'm going to shower." He went and gathered some sweatpants and a soft shirt that once had been Magnus'.
When he returned, Magnus and Catarina were where he left them, curled towards each other. Catarina was nodding to whatever Magnus was saying, but Alec didn't think she believed him. Her lips were pinched, eyes distant and glassy.
Alec moved and sat on her other side. In the over two years Alec had been married to Magnus, he'd become to view Catarina as something of a sister. And if Izzy was crying, Alec would do whatever he could to cheer her up. Leaning his shoulder against her own he asked, "What happened?"
Magnus looked over at him, eyes sad. Alec reached out to him, taking his hand and pressing a quick kiss to his knuckles. Holding Alec's hand tight, Magnus explained, "Cat lost one of her patients today."
Alec turned to looked at Catarina, who nodded. "He wasn't any older than Madzie."
Alec's heart ached, feeling heavy in his chest. He could only imagine what that was like. And Catarina, she had no doubt seen many of her patients not make. But she was so caring, always open and empathetic, much like Magnus. To have seen so much and still care so deeply...
"It's hitting a little harder because Ragnor would usually join Magnus in keeping me company," Catarina whispered, voice rough.
Alec nodded, resting a hand on Catarina's back. When she leaned into his touch, he began to rub soothing circles. He then remembered something he found while he was elbows deep in records. Standing, he crossed to where he'd left his phone, snagging a blanket off a chair so that he could wrap it around himself. He settled back by Catarina, pulling up his phone camera roll. Opening his newest, he held it for Catarina and Magnus to read.
"That's Ragnor's handwriting," Magnus said, leaning closer.
"He apparently insisted on adding a note to one of his Clave Violation records," Alec said, letting Catarina hold the phone so she could read it. "I can only guess as to the “fugitives” he was harboring..."
"To Whom it May Concern," Catarina read, a smile growing on her face. "I suggest you review an encyclopedia entry for 'fugitives.' On the day in question, I was hosting tea for a couple of close friends. One might be so bold to call them my family. When your Shadowhunters came to my door to consult me in the capacity as High Warlock, my friends decided to leave. This was not because they were running away because of any crime (except maybe ones of fashion, but who am I to judge), but rather because your Shadowhunters are arseholes and they didn’t want to talk to them. I would like to note this as an official complaint, and also note that I have not been paid for my latest ward repair. What is done can be easily undone, so I expect payment promptly. Sincerely, Ragnor Fell, High Warlock of London."
"They kept this?" Magnus asked, looking over at Alec.
"Apparently," Alec shrugged. "I expunged all his crimes listed, as well as what I could find of yours Catarina."
"I wish I’d left such letters," Catarina shook her head with a chuckle, passing the phone back.
"What about my records?" Magnus leaned forward. He passed a tea cup to Alec, fresh tea in it, warm and filled with honey.
"I'm not allowed to work with your records," Alec admitted with a huff. "Due to something about a conflict of interest... You wouldn't know anything about that?"
"I’ll have to think about it," Magnus tapped his chin, and Catarina gave him a shove.
"You’re both disgusting," she complained, though she finally had a smile.
"Where is Madzie?" Alec asked. It was too early for the little one to have been put to bed, so she probably wasn’t napping in the guest room.
"Raphael was watching her today," Catarina said, finishing her own tea. Alec reached to place the mug on a bedside table, but she merely vanished it back to the kitchen. "I asked him to take care of her a little longer."
"He's a good boy," Magnus smiled, and Alec rolled his eyes. Raphael didn't like Alec that much, and seemed to accept him only as long as he made Magnus happy. As Alec planned to do that forever, he assumed he would be able to win Raphael over at some point in the next centuries.
"How's Madzie's spell work?" Alec asked, sipping his tea. It was perfect, minty and sweet and soothing his throat after all the dust.
"She's getting better at summoning by leaps and bounds! She really takes to magic theory even though she’s so young." Catarina turned her back Magnus so she was facing Alec. Magnus began to massage her shoulders.
Alec listened as Catarina went into detail about the spells Madzie had learned, and then as Catarina and Magnus talked about what she should learn next for her potion work. She was getting old enough that she could do most of the potion work on her own, though she still needed a lot of supervision. Alec was starting to understand a little bit of the craft just from listening and watching Magnus, but the theories Catarina and Magnus went into now were far over his head. He loved to listen though, loved to getting to be apart of this.
They all slowly grew sleepier, and Alec was glad to see Catarina seemed to be feeling much better. She was smiling and her tears had dried. At some point Alec switched sides of the bed, but he needed to cuddle his husband for a certain amount of time each day. Legally. He should submit a law about it. Wrapping his arms around Magnus waist, he relaxed.
Alec drifted off to Catarina and Magnus talking about fashion choices made in the '70s. Alec assumed the 1970s, and tried to make a note to himself to ask Catarina for pictures if she had them. She was truly the best source of embarrassing Magnus stories.
Alec woke up a couple hours later, body tensed as he sat up. He was alert, having heard the sound of the front door opening and shoes in the entryway. Alec knew that no one but their family could make it through the wards. Looking down at Magnus, who was now sleeping in the center of the bed, Alec knew he would be awake if anything tampered with the wards. Catarina was curled on Magnus' usual side, hair scarf bright in the moonlight coming in through the window.
Still, Alec felt his body tense once more. But then he recognized the little feet running towards the door to the bedroom. It was still cracked and Madzie plowed right in. She paused to take stock of the bed, before grinning wider and taking a running leap to get on.
"Alec!" she called seeing him awake and crawling over Magnus to get to him.
Magnus groaned as a small elbow probably dug into his spleen. Alec scooped Madzie up and settled her on his lap.
"Sweet pea?" Magnus murmured, cat eyes opening and the pupils going wide to see in the dark. Alec had to stop a laugh. Apparently Magnus could recognize his niece just by her internal organ poking elbows.
"Hi Magnus!" Madzie said. She was very squirmy, which Alec knew meant she was overtired and also probably had too much sugar.
"What the he--- heck is going on here?" Raphael asked. Alec wondered when it had become rather normal to have a vampire just wander into his house. Then again, he wasn't questioning the three warlocks now piled into his bed. It was just how life went. He ducked his head so Raphael wouldn’t see his smile.
"Shhh!" Madzie said, much too loudly to be of much help. "Mommy is sleeping!"
"Not anymore," Catarina grumbled but moved to sit up. She reached over and Alec passed Madzie to her. Catarina changed her daughter into pajamas with a wave of her fingers, and when laid back down. Madzie cuddled close, maybe sensing a bit of the melancholy that lingered around Catarina.
"I was concerned when you didn't contact me as to where I should bring her," Raphael said to Catarina, and he genuinely sounded worried. Raphael cared more than he let on, Alec knew, and that was how Alec was going to get him. He and Raphael would be friends, no matter what the vampire thought.
"Sorry my dear," Catarina said, reaching a hand out. Raphael moved closer, and gently took it. "Thank you so much for taking care of her."
"Whenever you need," Raphael promised.
Alec watched all this, then glanced down to see Magnus was looking up at him. Alec felt himself blush and was glad for the darkness. Magnus was looking at Alec that way he did sometimes, like he couldn't believe Alec was there, was real. Alec decided there was only one thing to do when Magnus looked at him like this- softly and in love. And that was to hold him tight, so he couldn't deny that Alec was right there. That they were in all this together. Laying back down. Magnus’ arms went around his waist and Alec pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Catarina, they're being disgusting and domestic again," Raphael said, and it was as close his drawling voice would go to a whine.
"You're in our bedroom," Alec grumbled, tucking his face into Magnus shoulder. The familiar smell of sandalwood and the mint from the tea filled his senses. Magnus rested his chin on Alec's hair.
"He's got a point," Magnus said, a warm chuckle rippling through his body. Alec smiled against his neck.
"You're the one who seems to have invited Catarina for a sleepover," Raphael said. The bed dipped and Alec didn't look up to see why. He was warm and sleepy and wrapped in his husband's arms.
The bed shuttered a bit and Alec guessed someone had magicked a little bigger as their new companion joined. Alec found himself not particularly concerned. He knew this wasn’t the first time something like this happened. What was new was Madzie and himself. Alec knew that Magnus had lived closely with both Catarina and Raphael, and with Ragnor, and had probably fallen asleep in a puppy pile with them. They were family after all, and immortality would be very lonely without those to share it with.
Alec let himself relax as Magnus complained Raphael was going to hog the blanket and Catarina told Magnus to just make the comforter bigger. Madzie shushed them all again, which caused everyone to chuckled. Alec fell asleep soon after that, feeling safe, feeling his guard down. They were part of his family now, and he was honored to be a part of theirs.
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
you know, I really love how badass and capable Tim is but I’m weak for the trope where a character gets in a bad sitch (maybe held captive) and their love interests go nuts trying to get them back and they’re furious seeing he’s hurt and restrained (baddie tied + gagged them too tight?)when they do rescue him maybe Jay and Dick are so tender and caring oof what are your thoughts?
WELL BABE. I mean with characters like Tim Drake and Tony Stark, overprotective (boy)friends tearing through bad guy installations with feral intent to get Tim/Tony back just waters my crops and clears my skin. It’s fucking beautiful.
I mean, let’s just say
Once and a while, every vigilante has a bad fucking night.
It just happen to be Red Robin’s turn.
The residual owfuck isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. That is, once he gets himself out of this before terrible bad guys with an apparent fetish for brass knuckles and knives come back to finish the job. After a lucky shot took his zip line out mid-leap, the night had gone from generally shitty to progressively worse. Catching a hard fire escape knocked him mostly out on the way down. He’d initially come to when the fist to his solar plexus is just about agonizing.
Whatever hits he’d taken on the way down to the street damaged the suit’s security, which is the only reason it didn’t shock the shit out of anyone when they grabbed him by the arms, held him there for the first round of blows.
It’s an occasional thing, for one of them to get balls deep in imminent fucking peril. There’s nights when sleep dep and stress, the day job and night job colliding, too many bads and not enough goods, nights when a one wrong step, one bad contingency, one hesitation, is enough for them to get the drop.
Which leads them to this disgustingly dingy, blood-splattered warehouse down on the East Side, where Red is dangling from a chain in the ceiling like a side of raw beef for the slaughter.
And while blood is sluggishly running down the side of his face and his jaw feels like it’s on fire, while his gauntlets are useless and the manacles are on fucking point, when his chest fucking hurts and the fire in his side makes his eyes water because really, just a concussion can’t be enough.
(R – Robert, heh.)
When he’s giving himself a few minutes to just breathe it out, take a second to let the pain settle, half in meditation to try getting mentally past this for an epic kind of escape he’s about to pull off.
Any minute now.
But really, he just had a rough night, and the fact these ass hats left the damn door open is really just a testament on how easy this is going to be once he feels up to taking down a few thugs or twenty.
(And just why did he have to walk into an impromptu gun fight between two rival gangs that decided to work together instead – against him. What’s taken the groups out of the room is arguments on who was going to get the glory and what bosses to call and inform. He’s pretty sure he’s got about at least ten minutes or so before everyone comes back for another few rounds of kick the shit out of the vigilante.)
So, he’s good. Totally got this.
It’s in the bag.
Ten minutes.
His forearms get tight, wrists immobile when he starts pulling his weight up to get some slack on the connecting chain, going to need to have room to pick the locks–
when the abrupt tremble and loud sounds of shit just breaking comes through the open door, jarring him too much for his warped brain pan to handle, and he drops back down a few inches, grunting with the jerking motions on his upper body.
Gunfire explodes and people are absolutely screaming. Things get a little more real because at this juncture, it could be anything from more fighting between themselves or another rival group walking in on an obvious base of operations.
It’s apparent he’s out of time when several come running back in, guns out, panicked and talking over one another.
Dammit. His brain hurts.
But even if his fingers are numb still in his glove, he’s slowly working the lock pick set out of his useless gauntlets, looking forward to getting free fast enough to take out the room before even thinking of taking on the fuckery happening behind that door.
What he expects is to get more roughed up before the night is over. What he doesn’t expect is for a body to slam into the room, blood arching in the same angle as the nice landing right at Red Robin’s bound feet dangling a few inches off the ground. The second body immediately following fell close enough for Red’s whiteouts to narrow down at the face beaten to hamburger, a thoughtful noise muffled through the gag shoved in his mouth.
He has a moment to register, that looks familiar, before the impressive silhouettes fill the door, and the calvary has apparently arrived.
To say he is literally boned is probably an understatement because he can see the tension all over them. Tight fists and forearms, shoulders squared, thighs tense, and game faces right the hell on.
It’s the terrifying vigilantes Nightwing and the Red Hood, towers of kicking ass and taking names –
and the thugs in the room gape at the picture those two make, blood sprays all over their suits, smoking barrels and sparking escrima sticks, lips curled up off N’s teeth to snarl, Hood to lower his chin enough that those whiteouts are fixed.
He catches a breath through his mouth since he’s pretty sure his nose is broken or dislocated, beaten body tensing for one of the thugs to get smart, turn, and fire at him.
But, it doesn’t happen because the Red Hood and Nightwing strike like an avenging wave of brutally beautiful justice. They move together like water, the fight never stopping until the bodies are piled high, a job well done. And as much as Red Robin would like to say he feels something crazily like relief, the all together different noise he makes through the gag is telling on what else watching them fight (for him) does to him.
“Aww, Big Wing, lookit what those fuckers did,” is slightly distorted through the synths, and he must have blinked a little too long because suddenly both of his vigilante boyfriends are right there, bracketing him in, being absurdly careful when they run gloved hands over him to find injuries. Hood goes for the gag tied so harshly, N hurriedly helping from behind him.
“Hey Baby, you with us?” is soft and gentle, the contrast to the savage beat-down N just had a hand in a few minutes ago.
Once the cloth is out of his dry mouth, gloved fingers rub the indents, and the helmet is tilted up at him.
“H-how did–”
“Shh, shh. Gonna getcha down, yeah? S’good, Sweets, we gotchu.” Already stretching up on his toes to work the manacles fast while N sweeps up his bound legs from behind, holding him up to take the weight off his wrists.
“There we go,” and a nuzzle against his face, sweet relief when his wrist and hands pop free, and he tries to work the feeling back in his fingers, laying against Nightwing’s chest for just a moment to be dizzy and relieved.
“Thanks for the save,” Red Robin woozily banters, “bad guys can be such ass hats.”
“Don’t I know it,” Hood gives a solid kick to one of the bodies twitching on the floor before coming around to gently fit a gloved hand on Red’s bruised jaw, thumb the mask so the whiteouts slide up and they can see how dazed his eyes are. He n’ N exchange a worried glance while Red pats the hand on his jaw and maneuvers himself out of the octopus hold, a little wobbly but still on point.
“All right, I’m on clean-up since I was the metaphorical damsel this time–” is cut off with a whoosh of breath when he leans over enough to brace a hand on the wall when owfuck gets a little more serious than he expects.
“Nothin’ doin’.” Is Hood nipping that little sitch in the bud, already a towering presence at his side, a heavy arm sliding around his back, “me n’ N done already gave the coppers a heads-up, you feel me, Sweets?”
“We’ve already tied up most the rivals in the building,” Nightwing soothes the one to step up into his space and tilt his face up this time, “and you are going right back to the Manor to be patched up. You’ve got a concussion and who knows what else.”
“Hey, it’s okay, really–” because missing a spleen anyone? He’s been through worse, worked through worse, and still brought out his inner bad ass. These two? Need to take a pill.
“Nu-uh. Ya try ta ged outta it, then we’re callin’ in the big guns. You feel me here?”
And oh no. No, no, no.
“Too late,” is growled somewhere in the vicinity of shadows over their shoulders.
When Red Robin spins on his heel and almost falls, Hood and Nightwing move fast to catch him by the arms so he doesn’t fall in front of the very stern-looking Robin suddenly steps from the shadows, both hands out to steady him by the hips.
Looming over him like Hood and N, Robin’s forehead is wrinkled in that special way when he’s scowling behind the domino. Red Robin manages to gasp before all six-foot-two of concerned vigilante is all over his everything.
Everyone is well-aware Robin doesn’t take any of his shit and is extremely efficient. What few, select people only know–
–he can also be extraordinary gentle.
This time, when Red Robin is swept up against another chest, another symbol, he doesn’t fight it, not when the youngest leans down and says something softly against his ear.
“Let us care for you, Beloved.”
He sighs a little and lists closer, throwing an around around those shoulders and idly fiddles with the cape.
“Better,” Hood uses a gloved thumb to run over his busted nose.
“I want a hot shower and bed,” Red admits wearily, “I can be a stubborn ass about it some other time.”
N chuckles sadly, leaning in to press a kiss to the top of his head. “That’s a good choice, Timmy. We’re going to find a second to eat between that, okay?”
He hums a little, trying to lay his face down on his arm somewhere that wouldn’t hurt. “I guess. Hot shower first, please.”
The bang of grapples echo against the sirens screaming in the night, and the Bats take off, flying over the rooftops to transportation not far off. Hood and N take driver and shotty so Robin can continue to cradle their bird on the ride back.
He might bitch good-naturedly about Hood driving the Red Bird like a literal bat out of hell, but it gets all kinds of shut down when Robin tenderly presses his mouth to the bruises on Red’s jaw and rubs soothing circles on the back of his neck.
Nightwing is the one that hops out and takes him from Robin to carry up to the Perch, talking low against his ear about the pick-up from the GCPD so he honestly feels better about where the night has taken him.
But it’s Jason Todd that runs a bath instead of the shower and strips down, runs gentle hands over the bruises and contusions, soaps him up to wash away the night. The two of them wrapped in towels while Jay sets his nose fast enough that it’s really not as bad as it could have been.
Dick towels his hair dry while he sits at the kitchen table, shivering, and Dami kneels by him to check out each injury with the first-aid tackle box in easy reach. Coffee is off the menu (a crime against humanity!) but the hot chocolate has been left to cool enough not to sting his sore mouth.
The eventual clothes are a combination from the communal drawer so he’s swimming in Dami’s shirt and Jay’s cut-off sweats, several ice packs bandaged over them on the worst of the swelling.
Grilled paninis and soup are utter heaven because A) Jay and Dami can cook, B) everything is easy to eat with a bruised face and cuts on the inside of his mouth, but also C) cute boyfriends keep giving him gentle kisses and touches whenever they come within a literal foot of him.
And they’re so good about it, taking care of him without being too smothering (at least no one has threatened to call his team – yet) through getting patched up and fed.
No, no, they wait for it.
Once he’s wrangled into bed, the three of them surrounding him in warmth and comforting touches, he’s pretty much trapped until morning.
Honestly, it’s probably the best part of the night.
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dovechim · 6 years
sugar, spice, and everything nice (m)
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➾ 13k, weak sperm jimin x witch! reader, a crack smut essentially
➾ summary: you and jimin have been trying for a baby for the past six months, to no avail, but then you realise one crucial mistake: you’ve been neglecting your witchy heritage. what ensues is a month of trial and tribulation... for jimin at least. 
➾ warnings: mentions of difficulty conceiving, oral sex (m/f), snowballing, cock ring (kind of??), sex toys, ball play, impregnation, cum inflation, degradation, power play, clit and titty spanking, name calling, jimin is a cum machine, jimin gets cockblocked by a cat
➾ a/n: i died while writing this, but happy birthday to my sunshine boy, my angel, the love of my life, mr park jimin. your beauty and the kindness of your soul never ceases to amaze me. 
➾ a huge. huge. huge. thank you to @94hixtape because she supported me like a victoria’s secret bombshell bra throughout this entire process. right from the start when i decided to speed write this at the last minute, to when i was yelling at her about how i can’t do this anymore :”) i am eternally in your debt, lu. i hope you enjoy Mr Muffin <3
“No, Jimin. For the last time, you can’t ‘squeeze in a quickie’ before we leave. It’s not the right time,” you push your husband away with impatient hands as you try to get your winged liner just right. “The Ascendant is in Gemini, not Libra, and Cancer isn’t in the 10th house. Do you even have any idea what this means?”
Jimin stares at you with a blank expression on his face. “Um, no?”
You sigh in exasperation, channelling a little of your inner focus to get the flick on your left eye. Jimin watches you in the mirror with a little pout on his plush lips, leaning over to bury them in your neck as he scatters kisses all over your warm skin. “All I know is that I’m horny, and I want to make a baby. Right now. Little Jimothy is telling me that right now is the right time.”
Putting him on hold as you layer on some black liquid lipstick, you raise an eyebrow at him in the mirror before you turn to look pointedly at his crotch. As per doctor’s orders, Jimin is wearing loose boxer shorts with no underwear in an effort to promote testicular health and raise his sperm count. You’ve been trying for a baby with him for the past 6 months, and while you’re not entirely desperate to have one, Jimin gets hard at the thought of you being round and heavy with his child. You never knew he had such a preference for pregnant women, till he told you that he also very much enjoys the baby-making process.
A little too much, if you do say so yourself, since there has been little success so far.
Sometimes you think Jimin is doing this on purpose because he likes to see you all plugged up with his semen, only to pull out and watch the thick mixture leak from you. But you’ve been doing it in every position possible, timing it with your ovulation and aiming for multiple loads a day with your hips raised in the air after each one, and still… nothing. Although, the look on your husband’s face every time he slides his cock into your already filled, sloppy seconds pussy is second to none, so you indulge him (and maybe yourself too).
After several doctor’s visits and checkups, you realized that you’ve been neglecting one very important part of your heritage. You do come from a line of witches, after all, and perhaps the solution to your woes lies in the supernatural. So tonight, at the witch’s coven meeting, you’re going to find some answers.
“Come on, we’re late, get changed.” You purse your lips at yourself in the mirror once before rising and turning to get your bag. “And don’t wear those tight jeans, baby. Wear the ones I got you instead.”
You catch Jimin right in the act as he’s about to shove his other leg through his favourite pair of light wash jeans, the ones that cup his ass so perfectly, but cradle his balls a little too closely. Caught red-handed, Jimin slowly eases his remaining leg out of the jeans before dropping them to the ground, slightly upset as he turns to open the cupboard. You recognize all the signs of him throwing a mini tantrum- his cheeks are puffy, lips more pouty than usual and he is fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, unable to maintain eye contact.
“What’s wrong?” You crowd in behind him, lifting your arms to encircle his waist as you press wet kisses to his chubby little cheeks. Jimin always claims to hate it when you do anything involving his cheeks, but you know he secretly loves the attention. He also loves it when you baby talk him, although he’d rather eat bat spleen than admit it. “Is my little baby daddy upset? Tell me so I can make it better.”
He turns away from you in an attempt to play hard to get, but you are nothing if not persistent, and you know your husband’s moods all too well. “Is this because the doctor won’t let you wear tight jeans anymore?”
“Oh come on, you know you can’t lie to me.” You turn him to face you, hands sliding down his back to cup his supple ass with both palms. “I know how much you love your ass, and trust me baby, I do too. But this is for the good of… Jimothy. Alright?”
You do your best to keep from grimacing as you use his favourite word for his… thing. But Jimin still seems unconvinced as he glances down at his thighs.
“Here. I’ll cast this new spell that I learnt the other day. It’ll make your pants look tighter on the outside, so that everyone will still know that you have thighs and an ass to die for. Okay?” You smooth your thumb over his cheek, satisfied when he finally grins like a rosy cheeked cherub.
Lowering yourself to your knees, you give him a quick kiss to his lower belly before focusing on the loose material of his jeans. Closing your eyes and channelling your inner energies, you whisper a few words and feel the burst of magic surge through your fingertips. When you open your eyes again, you are immediately assaulted with the sight of his gorgeous thick thighs that you know and love, bands of corded muscle that have brought you to the height of ecstasy.
“There. Better?” You glance up at him, studying his reaction.
Jimin considers his new appearance, even turning to appreciate his own ass in the mirror before he finally deems it satisfactory. But as he turns to you once more, you notice something else. The front of his loose jeans are currently tented, and Jimin fidgets on the balls of his feet when he realises.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, I’ve just been so on edge, baby,” he runs a frustrated hand through his hair. “I haven’t jerked off in the last month like you told me to. My balls are so full right now, I think I could fill up an entire cauldron. It’s just… your position down there…”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” you run a hand up his thighs to soothe him, but it only works him up further as a wet patch begins to form. “Let me help you feel better. Just sit on the bed and relax, baby.”
You push him backwards so that he sinks onto your shared bed with his thighs spread wide. Positioning yourself between his legs, your mouth begins to water as you anticipate the feeling of him in your mouth once more. You haven’t sucked him off since you began trying for a baby, reason being that not even one drop of cum should go to waste. Everything should end up in your pussy where it belongs. But given that the moon and the sun are not aligned tonight, you can afford to waste one tiny little load of his. Besides, it’ll give you a chance to test his sperm count with that spell you’ve been meaning to try.
Jimin’s hips are already canting upwards in anticipation as you fiddle with the button on his jeans, flicking it open and taking him out. He is already swollen and dripping with precum in your hand, and you take the opportunity to tease him with kitten licks to his head, cleaning up every drop. He is salty and sweet on your tongue, and as you take him in deeper, his girth forces your mouth open wider.
“All the way, please, deeper,” Jimin is whining as lifts the hem of his shirt to run his fingers over his tensed abdomen, all the way to his peaked nipples. A glance down at you almost makes him lose his load on the spot- your black lips are devouring his cock, leaving a ring of black stain around his base. As if you are a Dementor sucking his soul straight out from his dick, but Jimin can’t think of any better way to go.
Loosening your throat, you push your nose into the patch of hair at his base, swallowing hard around his length so that he can feel the way your throat tightens around him. This elicits a very audible groan from him as he bucks his hips into you, expletives pouring from those dirty lips of his.
“I’m-m gonna cum, fuck, can’t last much longer,” there is a tinge of embarrassment in his voice, but to encourage him to cum down your throat, you massage his inner thigh soothingly, swallowing around him a few more times. His cock jerks and pulses upon your tongue, and salty warm liquid engulfs your tastebuds.
You milk him dry with your lips tightening around him, sucking him for all he’s worth, but not swallowing just yet. The jets of cum seem never ending, but each pulse gets weaker and weaker till Jimin squirms in your grip with a soft moan, cock softening as it slips out entirely.
Judging by the taste alone, his sperm count seems to have improved slightly, and the viscosity of his cum seems to be in tip top condition as you swallow the entire mixture down, and it slides down your throat with some difficulty. It’s still bitter though, and before you can think to salvage some of it for your spell, Jimin sits up and brings his mouth to yours. You push what’s left of his cum in your mouth into his with your tongue, and he moans in response, lapping it up eagerly. The resulting kiss is sloppy and messy, a mixture of his cum and your saliva dripping down both your chins.
You draw away to catch your breath, glancing in the mirror to check your black lip, only to see that it hasn’t budged at all.
You turn back to help Jimin with his pants- sans underwear of course, doctors orders- and with a snap of your fingers, the wet patch on the front of his jeans is gone. Jimin chuckles as he brings you in close for a kiss.
“That’s my beautiful, witchy wife.”
People are staring openly on the subway as you navigate through the many stairs to locate the right exit. To be fair, you do look quite the spectacle- bat wing sleeved, ankle length dress billowing behind you as you stride purposefully, with a full matte black lip and contrasting shades of autumn themed eyeshadow on your lids. Jimin is evidently a fan of the thigh high slit going up the side- you’ve had to bat his hands away a number of times already.
“Do people just… hold coven meetings in like, function rooms or something?” Jimin is glancing at the passing street signs with wonder. “Or is it a home affair? Could these any of these houses be home to a coven of witches? Will our home be a coven?”
“Ok firstly, a coven means a group of witches,” you stroke your thumb over his knuckles gently to take the sting out of your words. “But yes. Modern day witches do exist, and they are scattered far and wide. And no. We won’t be hosting any meetings, not if you don’t want me to, baby.”
You stop abruptly when you realise that you’ve almost walked past Number 31 on Ursula Street. Ascending the steps, you rap smartly on the door exactly 7 times.
“You’ll be, uh… throwing off our numbers a little,” you whisper to Jimin. “Usually we don’t allow observers into closed rituals. Runs the risk of disrupting things, we’re usually very secretive about the happenings of our meetings. Just some witchy logic. But I told them about us, and they said it’s okay.”
Before Jimin can respond, the door flings open, and Jisoo launches herself into your arms, squealing your name in excitement.
You are equally enthralled to be in the embrace of your best friend once more. Ever since you married Jimin, you’d skipped out on weekly coven meetings and rituals for fear of making Jimin feel left out, or subjecting him to their scrutiny. It’s uncommon for a witch to marry a Non Mag, practically unheard of in your wizarding community. But going totally MIA on your coven has since taken its toll on you, making it harder to conjure your magic and focus your energies.
Upon stepping into Jisoo’s house, you can immediately feel the effects of being near your coven rejuvenate your weary body- sparks of electricity running up and down your arms, your blood bubbling with a renewed sense of vitality, and-
Jimin is looking at you with a look of amazement and incredulity on his face.
“Shit, you look-“ he stutters on his words, unable to articulate just how alive you seem, eyes glowing and cheeks rosy, and entirely in your element here. “If I thought you were beautiful before, you are positively incandescent now.”
“Wait, really?” You touch your cheeks self consciously. “Oh- well, it’s because-“
“Come in, come in! We don’t have all night, our first ritual is about to start soon!” Rose bustles into the hallway, bundling you up in her arms and personally escorting you to the living room. When you make a sound of protest, glancing over your shoulder at Jimin, she pauses. “Oh, is this the husband you’ve been hiding away from us all this time?”
“Yeah, um…”
“Hi, I’m Jimin,” Jimin says hesitantly, but Rose, blasé as she always is, merely spares him a nod as she continues to usher everyone to the living room.
“Ritual first. Introductions can wait.”
The living room is darkened, with silver candles positioned around the room at strategic spots to lend the entire setting an eerie glow when you set them alight simultaneously with a wave of your arm. You can feel Jimin’s amazed eyes on you, for you typically don’t do such grand gestures of magic around him. But here, surrounded by your coven- your closest sisters- you are home.
“Show off,” Joy mutters playfully under her breath. “You’ve always been so good with that.”
“Well. Fire is my element,” you shrug as you take your place in the chalk drawn circle. “I do it more for the dramatic flair. Though I do quite like to be the queen of darkness.”
There are primroses and daisies scattered all across the floor within the circle, and a basket of strawberries sits waiting by the side as offerings. Joy picks up the basket, distributing them around the circle before she settles back in her spot. Rose has lit up some incense sticks and is passing them around, purifying the space with a sweet and flowery scent before the circle is cast.
Jisoo takes your hand, and you link hands with Joy on your other side. Together, the five of you are equally spread around the circle, and when you are all connected, you feel a familiar rush of exhilaration buzz in your veins. You close your eyes to concentrate as your leader, Jisoo, begins the chant to invoke your coven’s deity- the Norse goddess Freya, also known as Queen of the Valkyries, the goddess of love, beauty, sex, and quite fittingly, you note to yourself, fertility.
Jisoo begins the chant with a low hum in her voice. “I call upon the powers of the East, powers of air to help me clear my mind.”
To her left, you continue. “I call upon the powers of the South, powers of fire reminding me of my inner strength.”
Joy’s turn. “I call upon the powers of the West, powers of water which connects me to the Mother’s blood.”
And lastly, Rose’s voice comes out loud and clear. “I call upon the powers of the North, powers of the Earth to keep my body strong, and my mind centred.”
And then all four voices are lifted in harmony with one another, four bodies merged as one, centered in sisterhood and anchored in blood.
Freya, Goddess of Magick Mother of the Earth, keeper of the runes I invite you to join us. Freya, Goddess of the many names, Goddess of nature and fertility Mother of the silver moon hear us. Freya, Goddess of Love Join us. Freya, your guidance and wisdom I seek. Come to us now.
And then silence, as the candlelight dances over your face, casting a shadowy cloak over your features, and Jimin hears the wind howling outside. From his vantage point in the hallway, even he can taste the electrified atmosphere on his tongue, feel the hairs on his arm stand on edge as the elements are summoned, feel the heat of your fire burning away in the depths of his chest.
There is a moment when it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room, and then the four of you rise to your feet at the same time, dropping your interlinked hands as the circle is broken.
With a wave of your hand, the candles are extinguished, and the lights come back on. You turn to Jimin still in the hallway with a grin on your face, sliding into his embrace with your cheek on his chest. “How was that?”
“You were magnificent.”
Jimin needs to come to these coven meetings more often.
He is currently in Jisoo’s kitchen, stuffing his face with the main course of roast turkey, sweet potato fries, French onion soup with pumpkin pie for dessert. It’s practically a Thanksgiving dinner right in the middle of August! He kicks himself for not asking about these meetings sooner. If he knew he would get to feast like a king like this, he would have been clocking in regular attendance months ago.
Jimin snags a spare plate, loading a heaping scoop of roast turkey for you. Having relocated to the kitchen when you said you needed some private time with your coven, Jimin realises that he hasn’t seen you ever since, and while the other girls have darted in and out to grab bites of food, he’s positive you haven’t had a bite to eat tonight.
And he can’t have that.
Venturing into the now normally lit living room, he finds you curled up on the couch with Joy, and the both of you are clasping each other’s hands and looking as if you are discussing something intense.
“Um, sorry to interrupt, but…”
“Jimin! Oh no, of course not, sorry for stealing your wife away,” Joy giggles, making a move to push herself up from the couch. “I need to get some things from the other room. You can have her back. We’re pretty much done now.”
“Oh,” Jimin says as he takes her place beside you, pushing the plate of food into your hands. “Don’t let me get in the way, though. I just wanted to make sure my wife had something to eat. I’ll just watch her finish this and you can continue after that.”
Sighs of envy follow, and Jisoo props her chin on her knees as she stares at you wistfully. “You got a good one there, _____. Don’t let him go.”
“Thank you, baby,” you lean over to kiss Jimin’s cheek, grinning when there is cooing and giggling from the other girls. “Everything okay so far?”
“Everything’s great!” Jimin is grinning enthusiastically. “The food especially. I could stay here all night!”
“No need for that,” you chuckle, starting to dig in on the mouthwatering slabs of luscious, fatty meat that Jimin had picked out for you. “We’re almost done. In fact, I was just about to tell you that we can go. I just need the stuff from Joy.”
The gravy is deliciously salty and savoury, and once again you have to compliment Jisoo’s culinary expertise. You finish the entire plate in the blink of an eye, with Jimin’s watchful gaze making sure that you get the nutrition you need. He jumps up and offers to get you a second plate when you’re done, but then Joy reappears with a hefty looking leather bag in one hand, and a bag full of Tupperware in the other.
“Got your stuff here,” she hands you the carrier with a wink, “and packed some food for you to take home here. C’mon, just take it already. You know we can’t finish these all on our own. And it looks like Jimin-“ she cuts herself off with a host of giggles. “Jimin’s going to need his strength in the coming weeks.”
“Wait, what-“ Jimin’s confused glance at you goes unanswered as you roll your eyes at her, but accept her offering.
Glancing into the leather bag furtively, you sling it over your shoulder, as you get up from the couch. Jimin takes the bag of food from Joy as he follows you out to the hallway. “Baby, need help with that other bag? It looks heavy, let me carry it.”
You seem a little distracted as you meet his gaze. “Oh, what? No it’s okay. Let’s get home. I already called our Uber.”
“Good luck Jimin!!!” The three other girls shout from the living room as you usher Jimin out the door hastily, shushing him when he tries to ask any questions.
Little does Park Jimin know what he’s in for in the coming weeks.
A soft meow stirs him from his sleep, and Jimin opens his eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them as he glances around in confusion. A cat? You and him don’t own one, so why-
“Say hi to Mr Egg McMuffin!” You are currently holding a cat with fur as dark as midnight, cradling him like a baby to your chest as he explores your chin with his paws. “Mr Muffin, do you wanna say hi to Jimin here?”
And then you practically thrust the cat at him, and in his haste to catch Mr Muffin, Jimin’s thumb nearly ends up in his butthole as he struggles to hold the silky black cat in his arms. Mr Muffin’s eyes are a luminous orange- strange eye colour, Jimin’s never seen an orange eyed cat before- as he glances up at Jimin and proceeds to lick his paw.
“Isn’t he the cutest?”
“U-um, yeah, sure babe, but wh-where did you get this? Surely not-“ Jimin breaks off to stare at the leather bag Joy had given you the other night.
“Oh no, don’t be silly,” you reach over to scoop Mr Muffin out of his arms. “He’s my familiar. Most witches have pets that they call familiars, and this is mine. I’ve been keeping him at Jisoo’s all this while because… well I didn’t know how you’d react to him. But after last night, I thought it might be finally time to bring him home.”
Jimin narrows his eyes at the black cat in your arms suspiciously. Alright, but that still doesn’t answer his question of precisely where you got that damned cat from. “Yeah, but where-“
Mr Muffin cuts him off by meowing loudly, his tail lashing back and forth.
“Oh look! Mr Muffin wants to be fed,” you coo at the cat, nuzzling your nose into his soft fur as you start to walk out of the room. Jimin’s eyes are immediately drawn to your bare legs, and he can feel the blood start to rush south as he greedily eats up the expanse of skin revealed to him.
“Baby…” Jimin whines, pushing aside the covers to reveal his cock, already starting to leak precum.
You glance backwards to take in this sight, and then return to nuzzling the cat’s soft belly. “Give me a minute baby-“
Jimin settles back into his pillow with his arms behind his head, a hand sneaking downwards to tug at his length before he realises-
“-you’ll get your food soon.”
That you were talking to the fucking cat and not him.
Once you’re out of the room, you allow Mr Muffin to leap out of your arms. As you scoop some food out for him into a bowl, you turn to him in a serious manner.
“Mr Muffin, I need your help.” At your imploring tone, he turns to you with a wise look in his eyes. “You already know what I’m asking for right? Jimin and I are trying to have a baby. But the problem is, he’s so fucking horny all the time, he can’t stop jerking off. The doctor says that it’s making his sperm all watery and weak, and it’s affecting our chances of conceiving.”
He sympathises with a meow and a headbutt against your knee.
“I know, thanks for the concern, Mr Muffin.” You sigh. “So I need you to help me stop him from masturbating. When I’m not home, you need to interrupt him and, I don’t know- shove your butt in his face like you used to do to me all the time back in high school.”
A few lashes of his tail as Mr Muffin considers your preposition.
“Please, Mr Muffin?” You scratch him just between the ears, just how he likes it, and he purrs in enjoyment. “You’re Jimin’s last hope. He can’t keep his hands off his dick. He’s probably in there jerking off as we speak. I can handle this one by myself, but in the future, it’s gonna be all you, buddy.”
Mr Muffin yawns, then approaches his food bowl. You take this to be a sign of agreement.
“Great! I’ll get you those tuna bites you like next time.” You need to sweeten him up somehow.
But that’s one thing done and checked off your list for now.
“I need to- what?” Jimin is currently half naked as you accost him after his shower. Well, he’s fully naked now, since you just ripped the towel off his lower half.
“Wear this. It’s a fetility sachet I made.” You dangle a pink silk cloth bag from your finger, roughly the size of a soup dumpling.
You’d spent all afternoon putting this together with the recipe from Joy. Since Joy’s element is Earth, you figured she was more in touch with Mother Earth than you are, and hence would be the perfect person to go to for advice. This particular recipe called for three mistletoe berries, one drop of Patchouli oil, one pinch of oak leaves, one hawthorne flower and a pinch of powdered mandrake. It wasn’t easy getting mistletoe berries when Christmas is this far away, but thankfully you managed to secure a good supply.
“Uh, okay,” Jimin holds out his hand. “Just put it around my wrist or something.”
“No, it has to be worn as close to the testicles as possible,” you tell him, taking a hold of his soft dick and pushing it against his damp abdomen. “Or else it loses its effectiveness. Just let me… loop this around back here… and cross that over here… there!”
You complete the knot around the base of his dick, being careful so as not to cut off his blood circulation as you position the bag just under his balls and lower his dick back into place. “Does it feel okay? Too tight? Too loose?”
“Wait, just a second,” Jimin reaches down to fidget with the string tied around his dick, already feeling uncomfortable with having something swinging around and hitting his balls. “H-how long do I have to wear this for?”
“All day. At night, you can put it under your pillow, and if we’re having sex, under the mattress.”
Jimin’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “Are you- fucking with me? I have to wear this… thing near my balls all fucking day?”
“Baby, don’t be like this,” you reach for his hand to placate him, but when he moves it away from you in irritation, you reach for the back of his neck instead, massaging it soothingly and focusing your calming energies into your fingertips. “It’s for… Jimothy’s own good. You want Jimothy to be as strong and as healthy as possible right? It’ll help with your sperm count and the thickness of your semen. The thicker the semen the better, since it’ll have all the nutrients your sperms need to swim as fast as possible to my egg.”
Jimin can feel the constriction around his dick getting tighter and tighter as you go on and on with your scientific facts about conception. When he glances down, his cock is slowly hardening- all this talk about cum is making him hard, but the stupid fucking charm on his cock won’t let him get to full erection without taking it off.
“God, alright,” he says in annoyance, closing his eyes as he flexes a thigh muscle hard, in order to try and redirect some of that blood flow from his burgeoning erection. “S-speaking of your egg, when are you ovulating this month?”
“Your dick looks so cute like that!” You coo as your fingers stroke over his soft, limp cock.
“It’s Jimothy,” he hisses through clenched teeth.
“Thank you baby,” you kiss him on the cheek sweetly, and he can smell the whiff of your cherry and tangerine scented perfume- which almost sends him right back to square one. “It should be the end of this week. So we have to get your sperm all healthy and ready to go.”
Thank fuck, Jimin thinks to himself, exhaling a breath to calm down. Not long more till his doctor imposed abstinence is lifted from him. Having to restrict himself to cumming only during a certain week a month is taking a toll on him, the blue balls are excruciatingly painful to suffer through especially when you like to push your ass back into his crotch when he is spooning you in bed every night. 
Suddenly, Jimin longs for the days of high school and college where he would masturbate till his cock was raw and his balls were empty. Now, he spends most of his time with his dick untouched and balls brimmingly full. He didn’t think baby making sex would be this torturous. His 19 year old self had always imagined fucking till his dick threatened to drop off, having sex non-stop at all hours of the day, constantly spilling his load and watching it leak out like it was the nectar of the gods. And because it was in so much abundance, he even fantasised about cleaning it all up with his tongue once or twice.
“I’m off to work now, have a good day!” You give him a quick kiss on his lips on tiptoe. “Wait I forgot! I need to say a brief enchantment to your balls- er I mean Jimothy over here.”
So you get down to your knees, cheeks against his balls, nuzzling them ever so slightly. Jimin feels the surge of blood rush downwards again, and he grunts in pain as the baby pink ribbon tightens around his slowly hardening dick.
“Oh goddess Freya, please join us as we bid for your blessings. Please allow our efforts to come to fruition, pour your anointing oil upon our ever yearning bodies as we strive to become one with Mother Nature.”
And then you are on your feet, kissing him on the cheek once more before heading out the door.
Jimin collapses on the bed in a heady rush, his erection fighting valiantly against the silk string tied around his base. He listens carefully for the sounds of the main door, then the gate unlocking and closing, then waits a few heartbeats more just to be sure.
Then, his hand sneaks down his toned chest, over his ripped abdomen, gripping his base tightly as he lets out a groan of relief. Impatiently, he tugs at one of the strings to loosen it, seeking to remove the offending object entirely so that he can stroke one out to his heart’s desire. The thought of painting his abs with his own cum has him beyond aroused, and his heart is racing, pounding in his chest as he swallows hard, spreading his thighs.
A mass of black fur pounces on him, and he yells out in surprise.
He drops his dick to attend to the hellcat currently taking up residence on his face, writhing and meowing and yelling so loudly that his head begins to spin. There is fur in his mouth, and he sputters to try and clear his throat.
“God-pppthhht fucking damn it Mr-ppthh Mr Egg- MR MUFFIN!!!”
For the love of all things that are holy, Mr Muffin has decided to stick his butt in Jimin’s face. He is now granted with a front row seat to a very intimate part of Mr Muffin he would much rather not be acquainted with, and his erection dies down very quickly.
He finally manages to grasp the cat by its mid-section, placing it on the floor and shooing it away with a general kick in its direction. It comes nowhere near hitting him, but it does the trick. Mr Muffin skedaddles, hissing all the way, but the damage has been done, and Jimin’s raging boner is no longer so.
You can feel the telltale signs of your ovulation period drawing near.
Tender twinges on one side of your belly, and your discharge is running clearer than normal. According to the ovulation test you took at work just now, the results came out negative, but you usually take more than one test anyway. It should begin anytime soon now, but you’ll take the next test at least 10 hours from now in order to make sure.
When you get home, Mr Muffin greets you loudly at the door. You reach down to give him pets and scratches, and he weaves in and out of your stride as you head to the kitchen to fix something to eat.
“Mr Muffin, were you good today baby?” You say loudly, glancing in the direction of Jimin’s study to make sure he doesn’t suddenly appear, before crouching down to tickle Mr Muffin’s chin. His entire ebony body vibrates in a purr, and you whisper to him furtively. “Did anything happen while I was gone?”
Mr Muffin blinks at you slowly, once, twice, three times.
“He did?!” You say with a gasp. “I knew it. I knew it. That horny bastard can’t keep his hands off his dick for longer than a second. When? The moment I stepped out of the house? Oh god.”
The study door opens, and you straighten up with a smile on your face. Jimin comes padding out in his white tee and loose grey sweatpants, his classic attire on his days off. He seems to be waddling a little, walking awkwardly, but you surmise that it’s probably due to the little charm hanging near his balls.
“Hi baby, did you have a good day? Are you hungry? I was going to start dinner,” you smile as you turn to the fridge to start getting out the salad ingredients.
Jimin does a double take to make sure that you are, indeed, talking to him and not that blasted Mr Muffins this time. He sends a narrow eyed glare in Mr Muffin’s general direction- he should really talk to you about the terms of endearment the two of you use in your relationship- but the cat only yawns, exposing his razor sharp canines.
“It was alright, how was yours?” He shuffles in next to you to start boiling water for the pasta.
“Hmm, the usual, that stupid brat Jeongguk came in drunk again today. I don’t even know why we need an intern, but he’s quite possibly the brattiest intern we’ve had.” You chop up several tomatoes and apples before tossing them into the bowl with the lettuce. “Was it too uncomfortable?”
“What?” Jimin turns to you in the midst of measuring out the noodles. “Wh-oh! You mean the charm? It was alright.”
His grudging tone elicits him a kiss on his cheek as you cuddle into his chest to placate him. Jimin steals a kiss from your lips, savouring your lips on his own as his hands wander down to grab a handful of your ass, pulling you into his grasp. “I missed you while you were gone today.”
“I know, I missed you too,” you pull away and cup his cheeks in both hands. “You’re so good to me you know? Thank you for being so tolerant of all this. I know it’s been hard, but I’m sure it will pay off.” You kiss him on his nose before brushing his hair off his forehead and giving him another smooch there. “I got you something that I think you’ll really like.”
Jimin perks up immediately. “A surprise?”
“Come here baby, leave dinner for a sec,” you take his hand and lead him to the living room.
On your way back from work, you’d stopped by a shop that Joy recommended to you. Pulling the velvet bag out of its plastic carrier, you loosen the drawstring and pull out-
Jimin’s heart skips a beat as he watches you pull out a flesh coloured dildo the size of his forearm. He dry swallows a few times, feeling his dick stir in his sweats. “I-is that-“
“Yes, it is,” you grin at him.
God. That thing is massive. Jimin can feel himself getting excited just by thinking of getting to use it on you. It may not be the same as getting to fuck you himself, but just the thought of watching you take another dick that isn’t his own- and one of this size too- is more than enough to tide him over for now. 
He pulls you into his arms.
“I think dinner can wait, babe.” Jimin is suddenly hungry for something else.
You giggle against his chest.
“Let’s take this into the bedroom,” Jimin whispers huskily into your ear, sweeping you into his arms, onto his shoulder and spanking your ass cheek hard.
He plops you onto the bed, and your thighs part involuntarily. Jimin settles himself in between and kisses your lower belly as his hands skim up the insides of your thigh.
“I’ve been wet all day,” you admit to him as he pushes your skirt up. “In fact, I think I soaked through my panties. They’re ruined.”
“Oh really?” Jimin kisses a wet trail up your inner thigh. “I think… I’ll have to check for myself.”
Lifting your ass briefly so that he can get your skirt over your hips, Jimin scoops both arms under your legs. His breaths are now directly against your core.
“Look what we have here,” he explores the wet patch on your underwear with the tip of his tongue, making it even wetter. Then, he licks the entire area with his tongue, saturating the white cotton entirely. “So fucking sweet. A-are you ovulating already? Your pussy only tastes like this when you’re ripe for me.”
You squirm in his grasp as he pushes the crotch aside to press his nose into you intimately. “M-maybe, the te-test I took earlier-“
Jimin doesn’t wait to hear the results of the test as he tears your underwear off with a ravenous growl, dipping his tongue into your slit as he laps up every drop of your arousal. Every lick assaults your already engorged clit, brushing against it roughly as Park Jimin spreads your thighs wide. You are incredibly exposed to him as he devours your pussy like a man starved, and you can see the way his hips are gyrating against the mattress as if he is a dog in heat.
“So- fucking- sweet, can’t wait to fuck you full of my babies,” Jimin pants into your inner thigh, taking a moment to tease you with two fingers. He slides them into your entrance just barely, stretching you out and then withdrawing them. Sticky, clear strings of your arousal connect his fingers to your pussy, and he plays with them for a moment, pulling his fingers away to see how far they’ll stretch. Jimin takes pleasure in breaking them as his plush lips wrap around his digits. “Look how sticky and wet your pussy is baby. All ready for me to give you a baby. I don’t need some stupid test to tell me that there’s a ripe little egg waiting.”
“Jimin, please,” you thread your fingers into his hair, pulling him in closer. You can feel yourself just on the edge of orgasm, just a few more flicks to your sensitive clit and-
Your breath is ripped from your lungs as Jimin attaches his plump lips to your clit and just sucks, and you wail his name so loud that your throat goes raw. You can feel yourself leaking copious amounts of your arousal as you spasm around nothing, but Jimin licks every drop of it as if it was his last meal.
Then, he reaches for the huge pale dildo lying forgotten by your side, and you feel the head of it bump against your lips gently.
“Fuck, you’re so small,” Jimin exclaims, stroking your pussy lips reverently as you lay there boneless, legs spread wide. “Think you can take all of this?”
Wait, what?
You push yourself up onto your elbows as you frown at him, glancing down to see Jimin holding the item you’d bought against your lower lips, even slicking the head up with your wetness.
“Jimin, no-“ you reach down to grab it from him. “This isn’t a fucking dildo, for the love of Freya, Goddess Almighty! It’s a fucking fertility candle! We need to burn it while we have sex. And say an incantation to it before and after. You need to cum inside me as many times as you can before the candle runs out. That’s why I got such a long one, I figured Jimothy doesn’t work well under pressure.”
Jimin is speechless for a moment as he watches you push your skirt down and place the dild- dick shaped candle with veins running up the length of it- on the altar that you had set up in your bedroom.
“Wh-wait, when did that get there?” Jimin points an accusing finger at the pink and silver dressed altar, with the picture of the Norse goddess Freya at its very center. “It wasn’t there this morning-“
“What else do you think? I put it there just now,” you say as you set the candle in front of her picture.
Jimin forces himself to stop ogling at how bizarre this entire set up is- a regal looking altar with a ginormous dildo in front of a goddess.
Satisfied with the placing of the candle, you turn to him with a sweet smile. “Thank you for eating me out so well, baby. Are you trying something new? I’ve never seen you so… on edge before. But it’s hot.”
On edge? That’s because he abso-fucking-lutely is, Jimin clenches his fist in an attempt to calm himself down. He hasn’t had a moment to himself in ages because of that darned cat. Even when he locks himself in the study and browses through his favourite porn sites to take a little bit of the pressure off his blue balls, Mr Muffins knows. That eerie, stupid fucking cat just somehow knows. And then the cat will be pawing at his door, scratching the mahogany wood to ribbons, and somehow letting himself in even though Jimin swears he locked the door.
Jimin feels like his house is haunted.
Jimin has the perfect plan.
Turns out, your ovulation window doesn’t open today, but tomorrow night instead. Just the thought of having to wait sets his teeth on edge. Not to mention, every time the charm brushes against his inner thighs or his balls, Jimin doubles over in over-stimulation, his dick aching and desperate for some attention.
He’s resorted to taking the rest of the week off work now. There’s no possible way he can walk into the office with a charm around his balls like this.
Spending days alone with Mr Muffin has not softened him up to the intuitive animal. Jimin glares at it with eyes narrowed in derision every time it prowls around the entire apartment, avoiding any interaction with it as far as possible. But then, he thinks of the perfect solution to his problem. All it takes is a trip to the vet.
“Please, Dr Kim, please, my cat is very sick,” he puts on his best imitation of a pet owner worried sick. “Poor little Mr Egg McMuffin hasn’t been able to sleep in the past few weeks. I’ve tried everything, from lavender spray to warm milk, but nothing. You are Mr Muffin’s last hope.”
Dr Kim Taehyung sighs through his nose. It’s been a long day for him.
“Mr Park, I cannot simply just… take the cat away for observation. The vet kennels are full.”
Jimin slumps in his seat.
Jimin perks up.
“I can prescribe some sleeping pills for you.” Dr Kim scribbles out an illegible note and hands it to Jimin. “Dissolve this in some warm milk and give it to him. Make sure to follow the recommended ratio, or else your cat will end up knocked out for the rest of the week instead of just one night.”
Jimin clasps the note to his chest, the burnished bright eyes of a desperate man as he thanks the vet enthusiastically.
With the medicine in hand, Jimin laughs all the way home.
“Here Mr Muffin, here kitty kitty,” Jimin calls, a saucer of the finest cream all ready and waiting.
But nothing. The darned hellcat is nowhere to be seen. Jimin calls and calls, but the devil is currently tucked away in his lair somewhere.
Jimin tries desperately to tame the rising frustration in his chest as he sets the saucer down gingerly. God. He never thought he’d resort to this.
He grasps himself firmly through his sweatpants, and groans aloud in relief. This is the first stimulation he’s had in weeks, and it sends blood rushing to warm his cock immediately. The string around the base of his cock tightens, but Jimin is well used to it now, even comes to like it as it restricts his soft, limp cock.
Hmm. Maybe he should be looking into some cock rings the next time he goes on Amazon.
Just as the thought passes, he hears an Earth shatteringly loud wailing meow, and then the devil himself is curling around his ankles. Mr Muffin stands on his hindlegs, sharp claws digging into Jimin’s sweatpants in an effort to get his hands off his dick.
“Mr Muffin, look what I got for you today,” Jimin releases his dick, and it seems to appease Mr Muffin’s enraged meows. He coos in a sickeningly sweet voice, the way he’s seen you do it, as he pushes the saucer of cream toward the cat. “That’s right, it’s a yummy treat for you.”
Mr Muffin approaches the saucer warily, eyes darting between the brimming surface and Jimin’s crouched figure suspiciously. His whiskers twitch as he sniffs the bowl once, then his tongue darts out carefully to taste it. With a lash of his tail against Jimin’s shins- Jimin only just barely holds in a muttered swear word- Mr Muffin crouches by the bowl as he laps up the cream noisily.
Jimin sinks back onto his ass with a quiet sigh of victory. Not long now.
Within moments, Mr Muffin is asleep on the floor, tongue lolling out as he dozes.
Jimin pumps a fist in the air as he shoves himself to his feet, hightailing it to his study and locking the door, double and triple checking it. He pulls up the porn he’s been saving since the dawn of eternity, scrolls through a few of them just to get himself warmed up as his dick hardens in response.
He’s been trying really hard for the past six months not to jerk off. He really has. He’s also been nourishing his body with all the right foods to ensure that his sperm is the strongest it can be, from oily fish like salmon and tuna to leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits. Alcohol and caffeine intake are also minimized, a feat given how much Jimin loves his beer and vodkas, but all for the sake of the baby. Along with increased exercise, he’s never felt better. At the last visit, doctor says his sperm health has improved tremendously, from motility, volume and count.
So just this once can’t hurt right?
He spreads his thighs, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. Jimothy’s going to be in a good rough tough of war today.
His cock is twitching against his abdomen, even redder than usual due to the constriction at his base. As Jimin spreads his precum down his length, he groans loudly with the first stroke, thumb brushing against his weeping head.
With his other hand, he clicks play on the video currently loaded and it’s one of his personal favourites. A dark haired woman with the hugest tits he’s ever seen is kneeling, mouth open wide and tongue out for the cock that protrudes out the bottom of the screen. The camera cuts off just at the base of the dick in the video, so if Jimin just puts a little of his imagination into it, it looks like the woman onscreen is sucking his dick.
“Fuck,” he groans as sounds of spit and slick accompany the onscreen couple as the male porn star begins to fuck her face. To simulate this, Jimin speeds up his pace, trying his best not to dislodge the charm too much. He wants to cum, alright, but he also doesn’t want to waste your efforts when you so clearly believe that this will help the quality of his sperm.
The man is starting to thrust into her face now, making her breasts bounce lewdly, and the telltale tingles are starting in his balls and at the base of his spine, sweat gathering on the lines of his flexed abdomen as he pants in desperation.
“Unnhh, shit, I’m so fucking close, w-wanna blow my load so deep,” Jimin is in the throes of delirium, imagining the babymaking sex that’s soon to come, his cock throbbing in his grip as he calls to mind the sweet taste of your pussy.
He’s so close, he can almost taste his orgasm, his fist tightens around himself as he fucks up into the tight suction of it. His release is so deliciously close, he can feel his balls churning as he gets ready to unload all over his abs and chest, and then-
There is a knock on the door, and your voice calls out.
“Jimin baby, are you in there?”
Fuck. When did you get home? Jimin is this close to blowing his load.
He struggles to get his voice under control as he answers back. “Yeah, you’re home early?”
“What are you doing in there?”
“I’m working baby, on a Skype call with Namjoon. He’s on mute now but we’re going over some important stuff.” Jimin glances at the busty blonde in another video currently half naked on his screen, getting her brains fucked out with two cocks inside her. “Also, he’s half naked on screen, so I doubt you want to come in.”
“Are you wearing your FitBit?”
The seemingly random question catches Jimin off guard as he glances down at his wrist. “Yeah, why?”
“Because your step count just surged from 2000 to over 8500. I set up notifications on my phone. Now open the damn door unless you want me to put little Jimothy in a chastity cage.”
Jimin sighs as he drops his dick.
You’re still mad at him over Mr Muffin.
The cat has been sleeping for over a day now. And while Jimin was just a little heavy handed with the medicine, he honestly didn’t mean to hurt him. Just put him out of commission for a bit.
After fussing over Mr Muffin for a few hours, you force yourself to calm down and understand Jimin’s point of view. Your poor husband must be so on edge, having to store his sperm for a month and only being allowed to ejaculate when you’re ovulating. It’s no wonder that the blue balls are making him more short tempered than usual. Your sweet natured husband has been putting up with all of your spells and charms and weird hijinks all this while, and you’re surprised that he managed to hold out this long.
You know that tonight is the night that he’s been waiting for. Jimin’s gaze has been positively ravenous the past few days, you can feel the weight of his gaze following you around the apartment, and he refrains from touching you at all. The other night, he insisted on sleeping with a pillow fort in between the both of you, mumbling something about not being able to control Jimothy if you stick your ass in his crotch just one more time.
When you get home from work, you immediately take a test just to confirm and be absolutely sure. The positive result sends your heart into your throat as you clutch the stick in your fist, making your way out of the bathroom and calling Jimin’s name.
The man in question comes out of his study, where he’s been isolating himself for the past day or so, and he meets your gaze with hopeful eyes. Suddenly feeling on edge from the way he tracks your every movement like a predator, you weakly hold up the stick, and no other words are needed.
The Jimin that you see now is not your lovable husband who pours ketchup all over his fries like a barbarian and laughs so hard that he gives himself stomach cramps and needs to be held like a baby in order to calm down. No, the Jimin that you see in front of you is a changed man. His fists are clenched, jaw set firmly so that you can see the way his cheek muscle tenses as his eyes dart in the direction of the bedroom.
This is a Jimin that you’ve never known before.
“Bedroom. Now.”
Swallowing hard, you turn around to obey him, making sure to keep Mr Muffin safely locked up in his cage before proceeding with shaky legs and a palpitating heart. You spare a glance toward the altar in your bedroom, shooting up a quick prayer to Freya to help you survive this even as you light the dick shaped candle with a twitch of your fingers.
“Clothes off. Arms above your head. On your back, legs spread.”
His voice sounds from behind you, and not daring to look back, you push your sweats down past your hips, your underwear along with it as it hits the floor. You can feel his hard gaze eating up every single inch of exposed flesh even as you bring your shirt over your head and toss it aside. Finally turning to face him, you seat yourself on the bed, feeling incredibly exposed as your eyes cast over his clothed figure.
Jimin’s eyes are devoid of his usual warmth that you know and love. Instead, they are roaming over your skin in a brief manner that hardly betrays any emotion at all, as if he’s entirely unimpressed. “Don’t make me wait longer than I already have.”
A thrill sings through your veins as you move backwards, head on your pillow as you spread your legs slowly, a heat upon your cheeks as you can already feel how wet your inner thighs are. Jimin’s eyes linger on the hidden treasure between your thighs for just a tad longer, making you fidget as you wait for his next instructions.
Jimin rummages in his closet for a moment and comes away with a few of his silk ties, and your heart skips a beat, even as you don’t dare move a single muscle. He comes back to the bed and binds both of your hands together tightly, securing the ties around your wrist before he moves down to your spread ankles.
“This’ll help you keep your slutty legs spread, hmmm?” Jimin casts a glance up at you as he binds your ankles to each corner of the bedposts, fingers working swiftly as if he’s done this a million times before. While his face remains entirely expressionless, he sends you quick glances every now and then to check in with you, careful touches around your restraints making sure that they aren’t too tight.
While you and Jimin have experimented with power play once or twice, you’ve never done it to this extent, and Jimin has certainly never tied you up like this. You are completely helpless, vulnerable to his every whim and fancy, and all too ready to be devoured by his lustful little smirk as Jimin caresses the inside of your thighs with teasing dances of his fingers.
“You put me through so much shit in the past month, baby. Did you know that?” Jimin continues to let his fingers trace absent minded patterns on your skin, working his way up to the apex of your thighs. “Did you really think you’d get away with it?”
A mix of adrenaline and fear courses through your veins as he hums low in his throat, thumbs spreading your lower lips as he inspects your sex thoroughly. You are enraptured by this new side of him, his eyes are cold as he glances back up at you to check for your reaction, spanking your clit harshly when you remain silent. “Answer me when I ask you a question, slut.”
You moan and jerk in response, fidgeting in your restraints. “N-no, I was just- I didn’t-“
“Save it. I don’t want to hear your pathetic whimpering anymore.” Jimin swipes a finger on your inner thigh to gather your transparent arousal, bringing it to his lips for a brief taste. “Looks like someone’s a desperate little cockslut. So wet for me already, and I haven’t even done a thing.”
Jimin traces his hands up your hips, skimming over your belly to cup your breasts, flicking a nipple idly, expression almost bored as he watches it pebble under his touch. “Look at these. All mine. After tonight, I’ll be watching these tits swell and fill up with milk for the baby I’ll be fucking into you. You’d like that wouldn’t you? I’m going to make your tits dribble with sweet milk for our baby, and I’m going to make you beg for me to suckle every drop.”
A satisfied smile paints upon his lips as he considers the visual, and then he skims a hand down to stroke the small swell of your lower belly. “You’re going to be so round and swollen with my baby, princess. Do you want that?”
You are positively leaking all over the sheets now, feeling a sticky puddle right under your ass as you pant harshly under his touch, sweat beading on your forehead as you arch your hips. “Y-yes, fuck, ple-ase, I want your baby so bad Jimin.”
A satisfied nod as he rewards you with a caress to your cheek. “Listen closely. I won’t be spoiling you with foreplay since you’ve been nothing but a selfish little bitch for the past month. Tonight, orgasms are only for good little girls who can keep my cum inside them without wasting a drop. Lucky for you, you’ll be getting more than one load inside you tonight. What’s your safeword?”
At his prompting, you recall the discussion you last had with him when you began dating. “Mango.”
Jimin pushes himself away from your body only to reach past the waistband of his shorts, untying the small charm that you made him wear under his balls for the past month. With his shorts still on, he moves to the side of the bed to tuck it underneath the mattress like you instructed him to all those weeks ago before returning to his position between your thighs.
Once more, Jimin starts to lower the waistband of his shorts. You involuntarily make a noise in the back of your throat when you realise that he intends to fuck you like this, fully clothed and hiding his beautiful body from your gaze, and Jimin’s eyes harden in a silent reprimand, hands gripping your inner thighs hard enough to bruise.
“What was that, slut?”
You shake your head in response, eyes wide as he teases you by lifting the hem of his shirt and exposing just a hint of his carved hipbones and a glimpse of his rock hard abs.
“I thought so. Don’t make me blindfold you.” Jimin palms himself while directing his gaze straight at your pussy, finally opting to rid himself of his shorts and stroke his cock with a barely restrained groan. “I should fuck that pretty face of yours till you choke, make you cry like the little bitch you are. Make you swallow so much cum that you can’t taste anything else for a week. You think you call the shots in this house? Think again, princess.”
But thankfully Jimin knows the end goal of tonight, and he nudges his head against your lips briefly. You clench involuntarily at the contact, feeling his blunt cock start to press past your entrance with that delicious friction of the first thrust as he starts to breach your walls. With a fluid thrust of his hips, Jimin sinks into your cunt balls deep, his cock gliding past your saturated walls that grip him tight.
A moan escapes your throat as he settles with his hips flush against yours, but Jimin is too preoccupied with the feeling of you around his cock to punish you for it. The aching burn of his girth leaves you giddy and breathless, and normally Jimin would pause to let you adjust to his size, but not today. He positions himself on his knees, spread apart for better leverage, and his hands are gripping your hips with a deathly hold as Jimin begins to fuck your cunt with measured strokes. Every thrust goes as deep as possible, his heavy balls slapping against your ass as he plunders your depths with a ferocity never before seen. His jaw is clenched as he focuses on fucking you so good and so hard, cock spreading you apart and making your pussy froth with cream around his base.
You are gasping and moaning under him, but it seems to only spur him on as he shoves forward with his hips, embedding his cock in your pussy till you can feel him right against your cervix.
“Such a pretty cunt, look how creamy you are. So hungry for cock. So desperate to get knocked up with my baby.” Jimin withdraws again, resting the tip of his cock against your lips as he gathers some of the froth at his base and brings it to your lips. “Lick it up, slut.”
Your tongue willingly cleans his fingers of your own arousal, suckling on them as he resumes his fucking, cock pistoning in and out of your drenched pussy. Jimin slides his thumb over your clit in circles, causing you to jerk under him with a whine and a sob, walls clenching down on his cock.
“That’s it, milk me with your pussy, work that cunt for my load. You’re such a fucking cockslut, look at you. Whining and moaning on my cock,” Jimin grunts hard as he grabs you by the hair close to your scalp, tugging harshly. “God, fuck, I’m gonna fill you up so deep and so good. Feel me here?”
Jimin releases his grip on your hair and presses a hand to your lower tummy, places pressure on it hard. “That’s your fertile womb. I’m going to flood it with so much cum you’ll be dripping for days. You’re not leaving this bed till you’re pregnant with my baby.”
Your walls are fluttering around him, and you can feel the telltale signs of your orgasm approaching as Jimin’s hips smash into yours repeatedly, the wet, filthy sounds of your cunt being battered by his cock are all that you hear. But just as you almost reach the precipice, Jimin pulls his thumb away from your clit to grip your hips tight and drive his cock into you with three harsh thrusts before he lets out an earth shattering groan, releasing within your depths.
You can feel every thick spurt of cum as his cockhead kisses your cervix, flooding you with warmth as you lie there at his mercy. His thick cock is throbbing and pulsing, and you can feel him so intimately that it makes you quiver with need to receive everything he has to give you. Jimin’s hips are moving sloppily as jets and jets of cum coat your walls, some of it already leaking out down your ass as he grunts, trying to get everything as deep as possible. By instinct, you start to raise your legs to keep his cum inside, but your restraints prevent you from doing so. Jimin lets out a pleased chuckle at your desperation, soothing you with a kiss to your forehead as he pumps lazily in and out of you, letting the last few spurts leave his cock.
Slowly, Jimin makes sure to keep his cock inside you as he supports himself on his elbows, giving himself time to regain his breath and his sanity as he pants above you. You are still incredibly aroused beneath him, feeling him start to drip in between your thighs even though he hasn’t pulled out yet. It feels as if the weeks of abstinence has paid off with how much he just came inside of you, and even though you haven’t had an orgasm yet, you are warm and full with contentment, happy to feel his cum leak from your pussy as you imagine his sperm racing to your egg.
But Jimin won’t let you get away with things this easily.
“We’re not done yet, just because your pussy is filled doesn’t mean I’m done with you,” Jimin taps your cheek to get your attention. “Keep your hips raised. I don’t want to see you waste any more of my cum. Filthy cum sluts like you should know how to keep a load in your pussy hmm? Or are you purposely letting it leak out because you want me to fill you up again?”
Jimin carefully pulls out of you, his cock soft now as he reaches for a pillow to slide under your hips. With a disappointed tsk of his tongue, he pries apart your labia to look at how your cunt still gapes, wide and open from his brutal fucking, such that he can see all the way into your cum stained walls. With leisurely fingers he scoops up the globs of cum that have made its way onto your inner thighs, pushing it back into your pussy with tender fingertips. Every little drop counts, and Jimin doesn’t want to waste any.
The room already reeks of sweat, sex, and semen, but you know that Jimin is far from done. The doctor had recommended for the two of you to have sex as often as possible within your fertile window, as many as Jimin can manage. Each time keeping your hips raised and preferably inducing an orgasm after to help his sperm travel just the little bit farther.
You whine low in your throat to remind him of this, and Jimin smacks your inner thigh to reprimand you, but soothes it with a kiss against your cum drenched lower lips.
“You’re such a little brat aren’t you?” He spreads your lips with both hands to expose your engorged clit. “But you’re being so good for me. Keeping my cum inside like a good little girl. And good little girls get to cum.”
Then he attaches his lips to your clit and sucks, causing your back to arch off the bed with a sob, legs thrashing in your restraints as the white hot tension in your lower belly roars to life once more, threatening to engulf you. Jimin attacks you with relentless sucks, switching to laving your slit with flat licks as he drives to toward the edge, coaxing you toward your orgasm with his tongue. All the built up pressure in your core culminates into a blinding euphoria that sends you over the edge as you feel the white hot pin pricks of pleasure assault every single nerve.
You must have passed out, because the next time you come to, Jimin is undoing your ankle restraints, kissing the inside of each ankle he does so. He massages it gently for a few moments before he sits back in between your thighs, smiling as you blink at him a few times.
“Welcome back, baby, ready for your next load?”
Your eyes flicker to the candle on the altar. It’s halfway burned through.
This time, he is shirtless, allowing you to appraise every inch of his sculpted body as he strokes his cock leisurely, already hard and dripping with precum for you. With your legs free now, Jimin takes each of them in his grasp behind the knee, pressing them into your chest and folding you in half.
Your mind is foggy, you have no idea how much time has passed since the last time he was inside you. But before you can linger any more on such useless thoughts, Jimin’s cock is pressing inside you once more, pushing past your puffy lips and bottoming out at your cervix again. At this angle, he can go much deeper inside you, his cock already pressing at your womb as he folds you in half, his added weight on the back of your thighs driving his cock into your pussy with every thrust.
You can already feel how sore your muscles are going to be, but Jimin gives you no time to think about this as he fucks into you with the sheer power of his thighs, driving his cock into you repeatedly with the single intention of filling your pussy again.
“Tell me how good I’m making you feel,” Jimin demands, punctuating his question with a harsh thrust.
“F-fuck, so guh-good, you’re so good,” you respond immediately, desperate to please him.
Every drag of his cock against your walls feels like ultimate bliss. Jimin pounds his cock into you, and the squelch of your drenched pussy is even more pronounced now than it was before. Every slap of his balls against you is only magnified by how wet you are. An unholy mixture of his cum and yours has soaked the bedspread under you once more. Jimin’s tireless thrusting has you whining and moaning under him, begging for him to fill you up till you’re overflowing.
“What do you want? Let me hear you beg,” Jimin’s hands brush against the base of your throat.
“W-want your baby,” you gasp, feeling his cock twitch. “Please, pl-ee-ase, want you to fill me up with your cum again.”
“What are you?” Jimin thrusts hard to watch your breasts bounce in perfect little circles, slapping the soft flesh hard and watching it turn red. When you take a beat too long to respond, he slaps your tits again. “Say it!”
“A cumslut! I’m a cu-um slut, alw-waays hungry for cock.”
Satisfied, Jimin pumps his hips into you, feeling the way your pussy swallows him with every thrust. “That’s right. You’re so cum hungry that you need more than just one load inside this pussy. You’re such a desperate little cumslut. Desperate to carry my baby.”
Pressing your knees against your chest, Jimin devotes the rest of his energy into driving his cock into your pussy, feeling his balls throb as he lets loose blasts of cum inside you. His second load proves to be as full as the first, his unadulterated groans of ecstasy escaping from his pillowy lips as he moans against your neck, hips thrusting erratically as he rides out his orgasm for the second time that night. Your pussy is quivering around his steely length pistoning in and out of you, every thrust designed to propel his potent sperm along your walls and deeper inside you.
“Take it all,” Jimin demands as he continues to fuck his cum into your pussy. “Don’t waste a drop.”
Your lower abdomen feels tight. Jimin’s cock remains rock hard inside you, plugging your cunt up so well that not a single drop escapes. Unlike last time where he began to soften almost immediately after his orgasm, Jimin shows no signs of losing his erection. The pressure in your lower abdomen is building up, and there’s so much cum inside you that you can feel it swirling around in your pussy, forming a little bulge on your belly as Jimin helps you straighten your legs, looking a little surprised that he’s still hard.
“J-Jimin, why-“
“Don’t ask me, I have no fucking idea,” he glances down at his length, covered with his own cum as he pulls out a little. “It must be that stupid charm you made me wear.”
For a moment, a glimpse of the Jimin you’re familiar with shines through, and you grin in spite of yourself. “See, it worked, didn’t it? You came so fucking much, look at this! If I’m not pregnant after this, Mr Muffin’s going into the cauldron.”
Jimin can’t help but chuckle in response, breaking out of character as he does so. But not a moment later, he snaps back into his role, expression darkening as he thrusts his hips once to remind you who’s really in charge.
“Looks like you got what you wanted hmm? Can you go another round?” Jimin raises your legs and places your feet against his chest. “Too bad, no one asked you. Just lie there and take it.”
The one eighty-degree change in his demeanour almost gives you whiplash. Your legs are sore, hips aching and muscles screaming for relief as his hips crash into yours again. Your pussy tightens around him in response, and you ache to have your hands all over him, cradle him close to you as he fucks you into oblivion. But you’ll have to do with this for now. You can feel the knot in your belly tightening again, so close to your orgasm as you pant and moan, writhing under him from sheer oversensitivity.
“P-please, I can’t, no more.”
“Just one more time, baby, one more,” Jimin coaxes you with his thumb against your clit, rubbing circles to push you toward the edge even as he feels his balls churn again. He reaches up to undo the tie that is restraining your hands with simple motion, and you bring your arms around him immediately, clutching on to him for dear life as he jackhammers his cock into your pussy. “Cup my balls, princess. Feel how much cum I have for you. Feel me fuck a baby into you.”
Amidst your sobs, you manage to do as he says, hands slipping in between your sweaty bodies to cradle his balls in your palm, rolling them in your touch as Jimin groans.
“Fuck, yes, I’m coming, just like that,” Jimin grunts against your skin as he gives the final few thrusts. “Come with me baby. You can do it, come for me, that’s it.”
His fingers are drawing figure eights on your clit, and that’s all it takes for you to clench hard around him, thighs trembling as you sob his name. Jimin gives you his final load with a hard thrust and remains there, feeling as your womb soaks up the contents of his balls for the third time that night. Amidst the waves of ecstasy and the feeling of his warm cum filling you up, you are so overwhelmed with hypersensitivity that you nearly black out again, and it takes Jimin’s soft murmurs of your name to bring you back.
He lets you rest for a while to regain your senses as he pushes himself off the bed. All traces of his dominant persona are gone now as he brushes your matted hair back from your forehead, kissing your cheek reverently as he slips his arms beneath you to move you to a dry spot on the mattress. Even though he must be tired as well, he doesn’t rest till you’re comfortably nestled with your head against a pillow and your hips propped up with two more pillows underneath your butt to give his sperm the best chance of making it. Jimin can’t resist as he paws at your thigh to glimpse at the thick white cum just peeking out from between your pussy lips.
“Come here,” you stretch out your arms and demand for him to come and cuddle. “Jimin, I’m fine, stop fussing. Want you.”
He relents with a soft smile. “God, I sure hope that worked.”
“I think I might die if it didn’t,” you mumble against his chest. “Imagine having to go through that again next month. I think I’ll just settle with raising Mr Muffin.”
“You’re not the one who has to wear a fucking charm around their balls,” Jimin mutters in spite, but you shut him up with a brush of your teeth against his nipple. “Jimothy suffered so much.”
“Not as much as I’ll make him suffer in the next nine months,” you mumble sleepily. “I hope he’s up to dealing with pregnancy hormones.”
Jimin only grins in anticipation. “Oh, he’s up, alright. I’ll make sure he rises to the occasion.”
You’re content to drift slowly into sleep with Jimin’s arms around you, but then there is a scratching noise at the door, and Jimin stirs, craning his neck.
“What’s that sound?”
“Hmm?” You follow his gaze with half lidded eyes. “It’s probably Mr Muffin. He wants his breakfast, can you go feed him for me? I need to elevate my legs for another 15 minutes at least.”
Jimin only sighs in exasperation. “God fucking damn it, Mr Muffin.”
Freya’s invocation and ritual taken from here
2K notes · View notes
futureparent · 6 years
Some of these are original, some are from things I’ve seen in life. Feel free to use and repost!
These are in no particular order just how I came up with them and wrote them down.
Some of these contain swears
There are 167 of these just be warned. Sorry not sorry. Ignore the weird spacing, my computer is being weird.
1)     “I don’t exactly hate you but if you were on fire and I had a cup of water, I would drink it”
2)     (in response to getting injured) “You wound me. Literally. You just actually wounded me”
3)     “Oops?”
4)     “Shock me - say something intelligent”
5)     “I think you’ve mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck”
6)     “I’m sorry for hurting your feelings, but I thought you already knew you were stupid”
7)     “What is this? Let’s get away with murder club”
8)     “Fight me!”
9)     “Isn’t your arm broken?” “Possibly”
10)  “Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into?”
11)  “It’s a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself”
12)  “Are you clinically insane or just incredibly annoying?”
13)  “I feel like I got hit by a car”
14)  “So, why did I have to punch that guy?”
15)  “I hope you know my name is actually ...”
16)  “So, what if I broke my arm, I’m still doing it”
17)  “Ignore him, he’s just lonely”
18)  “I’m not cute and adorable, I’m terrifying and ferocious”
19)  “I warned you, I’m an asshole”
20)  “I am a five-foot one-inch ball of pure rage!”
21)  “Do the thing!”
22)  “Imma do the thing!” “Don’t do the thing” “I’m gonna do the thing”
23)  “Did you forget your line?”
24)  *sighs dramatically* “Line!”
25)  “Are you sure you want to do this?” “No, not really, But I never am and I’m not gonna start now.”
26)  “I have a plan” “A successful plan that won’t end in embarrassment and/or detention?” “I have no plan”
27)  “Hi, uh sorry, this is awkward but, that’s my seat?”
28)  “You are a crazy ball of contradictions, aren’t you?”
29)  “It's a beautiful day to give me money”
30)  “Don’t touch anything” 
31)  “Hang on, let me out in some pants”
32)  “Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments”
33)  “Okay old man”
34)  “I’d rather face death”
35)  “Did I stutter?”
36)  “Get on with it already”
37)  “It’s not funny”
38)  “Hey. Hey, you’re okay. I’m okay. We are all okay”
39)  “That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let’s do it and see what happens”
40)  “I hate you” “Why? I’m lovely”
41)  “Weren’t you trying to kill me three minutes ago?”
42)  “Bite me”
43)  “Shh... Let me wear your shirt in peace”
44)  “Who are you? And is that my shirt?”
45)  “What? Sorry, I do my best to block out the stupid around me’”
46)  “What would you do if I kissed you right now?”
47)  “What would you do if I punched you right now?”
48)  “We aren’t dating but I’m going to randomly kiss you”
49)  “Are you- are you flirting with me?”
50)  “Is that what you call flirting?”
51)  “I never imagined myself in a dress”
52)  “That’s not a good sign”
53)  “I’m channeling my inner white girl”
54)  “What are you so afraid of?”
55)  “Do you trust me?” “No” “Smart”
56)  “Why are your hands (color)?” “That is a very good question”
57)  “This is hard”
58)  “Respect existence or expect resistance” 
59)  “you’re a psychopath” “I prefer creative”
60)  “Well, you can’t plan a murder out loud”
61)  “Why are you so quiet?”
62)  “Why are you so loud?’
63)  “Wha- what, what is this?”
64)  “Are you sure you two aren’t married?”
65)  “Why can’t they see they’re meant to be?”
66)  “We are dating now. You have no choice in the matter”
67)  “So... wanna make out?”
68)  “Your lips taste like coffee”
69)  “It’s an experiment!”
70)  “For science!”
71)  “Oh! That was why you were laughing. I thought there was a donkey hidden somewhere”
72)  “You might be an idiot, but you’re my idiot”
73)  “Let’s cuddle”
74)  “You lied to my face”
75)  “Just shut up already”
76)  “Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you, or shove you off a cliff”
77)  “Growing up is overrated”
78)  “On a scale of one to ten how likely are you to date me?”
79)  “You are necessary. I need you”
80)  “Do you really need all that candy?”
81)  “Do you really need to ask?”
82)  “Are you sure I can’t punch them in the face? Not even just a little?”
83)  “Have you ever loved someone so much it actually hurt?”
84)  “I trusted you” “Well then you can’t really blame me, can you? It was your mistake”
85)  “Their crying what do I do” “Comfort them” “How do I do that?”
86)  “So, I kind of think that there is a 327% chance that I’m in love with you”
87)  “No?”
88)  “Hi? Hi?!? All you can say is Hi?!?”
89)  “I am not wearing enough clothes for this”
90)  “Fuck it”
91)  “Could you possibly be any stupider?”
92)  “Is there any chance you could, I don’t know, not?”
93)  “How about no?”
94)  “Finally!”
95)  “Why won’t they/you just kiss already?”
96)  I’m going to make them realize their feelings for each other if it’s the last thing I do”
97)  “Is this one of those times you want me to lie to protect your delicate emotions?”
98)  “Remove you hand or I will rip your arm off and beat you to death with it”
99)  “Your hair is so soft”
100)  “Come here, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working”
101) “Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m worried about you. No one deserves to be alone”
102) “you’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this”
103)         “I’ve had a rough day and all I want right now is someone to cuddle with me”
104)         “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
105)         “It’s too early for this?”
106)         “But then I’d have to put pants on”
107)         “You are bleeding all over my carpet”
108)         “You broke it didn’t you?”
109)         “I miss(ed) you”
110)         “I’ve missed this”
111)         “Is that/this really necessary?”
112)         Are you my parent or my s/o?”
113)         “Don’t make me come over there”
114)         “No seriously, I do not want to get up”
115)         “I think I might be pregnant”
116)         “Guess what, there’s a baby in me!” *Jazz hands*
117)         “I want to marry you”
118)         “Let’s do something crazy”
119)         “Really is that the best you could do?”
120)         “Is that really the best you could come up with?”
121)         “What even are we?”
122)         “I give up”
123)         “Leave me alone”
124)         ” I’m not in the mood right now”
125)         “If you want to talk, talk”
126)         “I may not look it, but I am listening”
127)         “Just because I act like I don’t care, doesn’t mean I don’t care”
128)         “Why are you always so grouchy?” “Allergies” What are you allergic to?” “Positivity”
129)         “I’m getting real tired of having to pretend to care”
130)         “With this smile, I can get away with everything”
131)         “Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture”
132)         “Judge if you want, we’re all going to die. I just intend to deserve it”
133)         “Excuse me, I have to go a scene”
134)         “Y’know, that’s not what an apology sounds like”
135)         “Don’t mind me, I’ll just be having an existential crisis in the corner”
136)         “This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I shall die upon it” “Shut up, we’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes”
137)         “You are an insult away from starting a war”
138)         “Literally everything about this is illegal”
139)         “I had a thought” “Oh no”
140)         “Oh boy”
141)         “Your imperfections are perfect to me”
142)         “You are necessary. I need you”
143)         “You seem so nice, but you are so evil. How?” “People are willing to do things for you if you’re polite’
144)         “Oh my gosh that would look so cute on you”
145)         “Oh, my profanity is offensive? So is your sensitive fucking nature, so we’re even”
146)         “You are currently crushing my spleen” “You don’t even know where your spleen is”
147)         “Why are you hiding behind me? What did you do?”
148)         “You scared me!” “Well I am naturally terrifying”
149)         “You scared me, I thought I lost you”
150)         “Don’t you ever don’t that again”
151)         “Put some pants on, we’re going on”
152)         “I’d take a bullet for you, you know that” “You’re immortal, and I’m going to kill you if you keep saying that”
153)         “That has got to be the worst pick-up line in existence” “Don’t worry. That’s just plan A” “What’s plan B?” “To take you hostage”
154)         “Keep your morals away from me”
155)         “Lie!” “I – what?” “Lie, what you just said, it isn’t true”
156)         “You are the worst human being on the face of the planet” “Thanks. Anyway...”
157)         “Are you ... crying?”
158)         “Stop glaring it was just a suggestion”
159)         “Have I ever thanked you for being my friend?” “Uh, no, but tha- ““Good”
160)         “Are you even listening to me?”
161)         “I have never been so in love before”
162)         “My god I love you/them”
163)         “Fuck!” “What’s wrong?”
164)         “I’m pretty sure I’m in love. Dammit!”
165)         “I’m sick, therefore I don’t have to deal with you bullshit today”
166)         “Go bother someone else today”
167)         “I’m just going to walk away now”
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