#His name is Horan and I love him
bi-ocelot · 2 years
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Piglin oc piglin oc piglin oc piglin oc piglin oc pigli
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from Jake Curran's IG stories
as of 12:02 pm edt on Sunday, June 2nd, 2024
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hsdiaries · 2 months
The Secret Spot
5.1k words
Golfrry, quick escalation, shy Harry into vocal Harry, oral m recieving, p in v, quickie situation.
I didn’t edit this at all, just written in a whim lol.
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“Cassie! You’ve been assigned to a party today!” Martin called out as he walked through the locker room handing everyone their assignment slips. I brushed my hair up into a ponytail high on my head so I could slip my visor on.
“Is it a big one?” I said, pulling out my white apron and tying it around my waist, slipping in my small order pad and favorite green pen with the small golf ball topper. It was always a conversation started with the club members; and conversations always led to good tips.
“It's a small three person party, I heard it's a big name, haven’t confirmed who yet - you'll have to pick up your slip at the front desk. It's a bit hush hush.” He shrugged and I nodded, making sure my shoes were tied properly as my friend Kyle came up to me.
“Hush hush, huh? I hope for your sake he’s hot,” He smirked, pushing all his weight onto his left hip. Whoever thought it was a good idea to let Kyle interact with the older men at the golf club had no idea how many sugar daddies he would end up by his second week on the job.
“Kyle, sweetie, I don’t need them to be good looking to get good tips, I just need them to have heavy pockets,” I said standing up straight and slamming my locker shut. Pushing him out of the way gently with my shoulder I made my way out of the room heading out to the front desk.
“Be a good whore!” I heard him call out, making me shake my head and laugh. The lunch time crowd was beginning to flow in quickly; lunch time was the prime time to have a shift, people hardly ever wanted to let go of these shifts for that reason. Small waves were thrown my way from the usual crowd, I made sure to make note of my usuals, sending them extra greetings especially since I wouldn’t be assisting them today. As I approached the front desk, Cedric, the club manager spotted me, perking up instantly.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite little waitress,” he smiled, eyes back on the computer screen in front of him.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite little boss. I heard I have a part assigned today?” Leaning on the front desk, I reached over the counter, grabbing a mint packaged in the signature green of the Ocean Wells Country Club, earning me a soft smack on the hand. I pulled the mint to my chest, quickly opening it and popping it in my mouth, Cedric rolling his eyes.
“Yes actually, and I’m sure you will thank me for it. I had to pick wisely and my soul told me you would be the only one to not act like a crazed fan girl when I told you who you would be serving today,” I watched as the small slip printer started printing out our usual assignment slips, he quickly ripped it off the machine and slid it across the front desk to me.
Raising an eyebrow, I slowly picked up the slip and looked it over, my eyes widening at the sight of the names on the slip.
Niall Horan
Harry Styles
Mitch Rowland
I looked up at him, jaw slightly dropped, “You’re fucking joking right?”
“Nope, not a joke at all. As a matter of fact, they are walking in at this very second,” he smiled, pointing his chin in the direction of the front door. My body seemed to turn quicker than my head, but once it followed, my eyes were instantly drawn to Harry. He was wearing a navy sweater over a slightly brighter blue dress shirt, matching slacks and brown golf shoes. He has recently cut his hair, a frenzy in the media, but it had grown out to perfection, short on the sides, a swoop of curls wanting to remake their appearance on the front. His face was perfectly layered with growing facial hair, it made him look so mature and well cultured. He looked like money, and well, he was. It wasn’t until they were almost in front of me that I noticed the three of them had made their way to the front desk - and that I had been staring like a gawky girl in love.
I quickly cleared my throat and turned to face Cedric who chuckled a bit as I made myself busy organizing the business cards on the desk, chewing on the mint in my mouth. I felt their presence next to me soon after, Niall standing the closest to me, Harry doing most of the speaking for the party.
“Hello, we had reservations under Styles?” He said kindly, his voice so soft spoken and kind. I didn’t expect anything less if I was being honest.
“Yes, Mr. Styles, Mr. Horan and Mr. Rowland, we are all ready for you. You have been assigned to start on the left, two golf carts have been assigned, one for you and one for your caddies. Your personal waitress, Cassie here, will also have her own cart to bring drinks, cigars, food and any other desired items here at the club,” Cedric spoke, his hand gesturing over to me, causing all three men to turn their eyes to me. Each smiled, making eye contact, but only Harry’s lingered just a moment longer than the rest.
“Nice to meet you all, I’m here for whatever you may need, even making sure that the other isn't cheating,” I smirked, making them chuckle a bit.
“She's a club favorite, you’ll enjoy her ever present company,” Cedric said in a slightly condescending tone.
“I’m sure her services will be appreciated,” Niall said, clearly noticing Cedric's tone.
“Very well then, here are your keys, golf clubs should already be loaded, enjoy your time here at Ocean Wells Country Club.”
I nodded at Cedric, turning to the front door and holding my arm out to let the gentleman know they could carry on ahead of me before I began walking slightly behind them. I noticed Harry’s pace slow a bit more than the others as we made our way over, his attention turning to me for a moment, clearing his throat.
“Would you mind starting us off with some whiskeys, over ice please. We will need lunch reservations at around two, we should be finished with our game by then,” he said, unable to make eye contact fully.
“Might I suggest 2:15 to make room for any delays and travel time back to the cafe?” I said politely, his eyes shifting to meet mind more predominantly. They were a beautiful shade of green, tricking the eyes to think they were blue, crystal clear in certain lights - glimmers of aquamarine.
“You know the place better than I, 2:15 is fine,” he smiled small my head nodding, for some reason my cheeks found themself washed over with a flush of pink.
We exited out into the warm summer sun, a sigh instantly leaving me, eyes closed as my face moved to look up into the sun, taking in its heat. Summertime was my favorite time of the year, it’s when I thrived most, when I felt most alive. Bringing my face down, I opened my eyes to find Harry already looking at me, quickly looking away when he noticed my eye contact.
We all stepped into our individual golf carts, they drove off to their first hole as I drove to the cafe to pick up their first round of drinks. I placed the order, waiting until they were brought out, throwing in some complimentary pretzels and beer cheese to start them off right. I carefully loaded everything into the cart, driving my way over to where they were. By the time I had made my way over, they were on the second hole, Niall currently lining up his shot before swinging effortlessly, the ball landing right next to the hole but not quite making it in.
I watched as he handed Harry a twenty dollar bill, Mitch and Harry laughing at how upset Niall looked. I pulled up behind their carts, Harry’s attention quickly moving over to me. He walked over as Mitch chose his golf club for his turn, reaching for the tray of drinks as I moved out of the cart.
“Oh you don’t have to do that, I got it,” I smiled, both our grips steady in the tray.
“Truly, I got it,” he smiled, his hand brushing my hand away. I felt my breath get caught in my throat as I swallowed, turning back to grab the tray with the pretzels and cheese.
I faced him, smiling shyly, “I figured you all would do well with some post game fuel? No one has ever hated our pretzel and beer cheese. It’s a club favorite,” I smiled, his eyes took in the food as Niall and Mitch made their way over to us.
“What’s all this?” Niall smiled, Harry’s eyes staying on me as he spoke.
“Cassie brought us a club favorite apparently,” he finally broke his eye contact, handing a drink to each of the boys as I nodded.
“I could drink the beer cheese if it wasn’t frowned upon,” I shrugged as Mitch reached over, ripping off a piece and dipping it in the cheese. He took a bite, eyebrows raising, nodding as he pointed to the tray with the remaining piece in his hand.
“Holy shit, let the stuck up pricks stare at us cause I’ll down it with you in a second,” he exclaimed making the rest of us laugh.
Niall and Harry took a piece each, copying Mitch in every single aspect, quickly praising me for my choice in game starting fuel. For the next few moments they stood around me, eating and drinking to their satisfaction before agreeing to move onto the next hole before anyone else began the same course, though I of course knew that wouldn’t happen. They were elite guests, no one would be assigned to this side of the club until two hours in so they would take all the time they wanted.
I loaded the empty glasses and trays into the back of my golf cart, hearing Harry yell out as my eyes caught Niall and Mitch driving off without him, middle fingers in clear sight, “Fuckers!”
Covering my mouth, I bit back my chuckle, shaking my head, “Need a ride?” I called out, his body shifting to face me, an eye roll following.
“I swear they know how to act proper,” he shook his head, shy dimples imprinting on his cheeks.
“Proper isn’t exactly my style, so, eh,” I chuckled, getting in my cart and patting the seat next to me. He walked over, getting in, hands wiping down his thighs. I took in his actions, my eyes taking in his face with a soft smile, before facing forward and starting up the cart.
“So how long have you been doing this for?” He asked softly, facing forward.
“Umm? Three years? Trying to make enough money to pay for college. The goal is to finally start this coming spring, but we shall see,” I shrugged, glancing over at him. He turned to me for a moment before we both looked forward again.
“What are you wanting to study?” He continued the conversation, his voice a bit stronger than before, almost as if he was slowly getting more comfortable.
“Social work, work with youth in the foster system. I want to be able to help people in a way I wished someone helped me when I was in foster homes,” I swallowed, my grip tightening slightly on the wheel as I drove. I could see Niall and Mitch in the close distance.
“That sounds like a beautiful full circle moment?” He said, questioning if that’s what it really was to me.
“Uh…sort of? I guess. I mean, you’re not the first person to tell me that, but I’m not exactly sure if I see it in that light. Just because, I don’t know if it’ll give me the healing most people think it will,” I said as I parked behind the other carts. We both turned to face each other and he nodded slightly.
“Mm, that’s understood. Your trauma isn’t healed just because you helped others avoid the same,” he said softly, a smile pushing into my left cheek.
“Exactly,” I breathed out, his lips rolling into his mouth. I couldn’t help but linger there, linger on the plumpness, the perfect rosey pink, the perfect Cupid’s bow. I shifted in my seat, “Um, shall I get you all some iced tea? Or water? Second round?”
He cleared his throat, moving to exit the cart, “Um, water and another round please, thank you.”
I watched as he moved towards his friends without another word and I drove back to the cafe to pick up their next round.
I walked towards Niall and Mitch, willing myself to not turn back towards Cassie. Since laying my eyes on her upon arrival, something struck my heart in a way I hadn’t been struck in a while. She radiated electricity, not warmth, not light, electricity. She seemed to shock my entire system by just standing there. It didn’t help that I was aware it wasn’t just my eyes lingering for too long - hers on my lips just now shocking my soul.
Running my fingers through my hair, I approached Niall and Mitch, Niall’s hand slapping Mitch’s chest, “Told you!”
“Told him what?” I said, raising an eyebrow, walking over to my caddy and picking out my next club.
“You’re already smitten, been smitten since we walked in,” Niall said, my eyes narrowing in his direction.
“What the fuck are you going on about? I’m just being polite, she’s treating us well,” I said, picking my club and walking over to prep my swing.
“Full of shit, you both are eye fucking each other any moment you get!” Niall said, my eyes rolling and Mitch just laughed.
“He kinda has a point,” he said, standing next to Niall, arms crossed in front of his body.
“You both are idiots,” I said, turning back to the ball, pulling back and taking my first swing. It was such a lousy swing, the back of my hand meeting my forehead. They were wrong, it was obvious they weren’t, but I didn’t want this to be just another damn hook up situation. She seemed like a good person who didn’t deserve that, even if she didn’t mind it.
“That swing shows me that we aren’t,” Mitch teased, and I shook my head.
“Look, she’s beautiful, there is no damn denying that, but I’m not letting it get to my head, alright? Let’s just play the damn game.” I pushed past them, switching clubs so we could just continue playing.
We finished up the hole and moved onto the next when Cassie finally joined us again. She brought over our drinks and water, making conversation with Niall. I tried to avoid her this time around, watching her from a distance. At least this way I could take her in, and not deal with the teasing from my mates.
She was so animated when she talked, often twirling her long brown hair as she spoke, the white uniform, trimmed with green making her tan skin pop against it. She smelled like an apricot, something I noticed on the drive to the previous hole with her. Sweet, fresh, something I would gladly bite into. I shook the thought from my head, bringing my hands behind my head, linking my fingers together. I closed my eyes, inhaling the summer dry air, it was my favorite season to bask in, just taking in the sun, letting it warm my skin.
“Seems like they left you again,” I heard Cassie’s voice next to me, my left eye opening to peek over at her.
“I feel like it’s going to be a thing for the rest of the game,” I let my arms drop down next to me, a small giggle coming from her.
“Well, it’s okay, you have the best golf cart in the entire club to save you,” she winked playfully.
“Thank goodness for that,” I smirked, as she shrugged, walking backwards to the cart before turning around completely. I followed like a lost puppy behind her, watching her full hips swing from side to side as she walked away from me. I licked my lips, biting down on my lower lip, walking around the cart as I reached it, getting in.
“So, are you enjoying your break from work?” She asked, her eyes shifting towards me, and I let mine meet hers instantly.
“Yeah actually, nice to not have to be moving constantly unless it is my choice to do so. I like that I can just settle for a bit,” I said, her eyes shifting down to my hand then back in front of her.
“I like settling. Just knowing somewhere is home. Moving around so much when I was younger, it made me crave stability, you know?” She said, and I nodded.
“It’s like, rooting your feet somewhere long enough to actually make it feel like it’s your home,” I responded, bringing a big smile to her face.
“Exactly, exactly that,” she giggled a bit.
We drove for a bit longer, trying to find the boys at the next hole but they were nowhere to be seen. She came to a complete stop, pulling out her phone, “Maybe I went the wrong way? But I doubt it, I know these pathways like the back of my hand.”
I rolled my eyes, tossing my head back knowing exactly what they were doing, “I’m sure it’s not you. I have a feeling those assholes are long gone right now.”
“Oh..,um, I can head back if you want? You don’t have your clubs so…” she suggested, her face glancing over her shoulder then back at me.
Staying quiet for a moment, I took in the situation, analyzing the possibilities and that one that stood out the clearest was - I didn’t want to leave her just yet. I brought my hand to my lower lip, pinching it softly as I turned to face her, “You know this place like that back of your hand right?”
“You have a place you like to hide out, that no one knows about?” I said, her eyes narrowing a bit, before a slightly devilish smile appeared on her face.
“I do actually,” she said, putting the cart into drive without another word.
“Going to show me?” I said, and she nodded.
“An adventure on company time? Why not.” She giggled, making me laugh with her.
We drove for a good five minutes, the golf cart cutting through different courses, avoiding people’s games and paths. We reached what seemed to be a back corner, a giant tree settling into the corner. It’s long thick trunks and branches seemed to bend, creating perfect nooks to rest in the shadow away from the sun. She park just to the side of it, turning off the cart, holding her hands out.
“Voila!! My secret spot,” she smiled, getting off and walking over to the tree. I watched her climb on top of it, effortlessly finding her perfect spot, settling into the curve that seemed shaped perfectly for her.
“How many people actually know about this?” I said, walking over, trying to pick the perfect place for me to climb up and settle.
“Just my friend Kenny, but he wouldn’t know how to actually get here. Just knows it exist….so like please don’t kill me or anything cause then I’ll never be found.” She pointed at me, making me laugh as I found my spot directly in front of her, our legs extending out next to each other.
“I won’t, I promise, I wouldn't know how to get back without you,” I said, sitting up for a moment to slip on my sweater before settling back. Unbuttoning the sleeves on my dress shirt, I rolled them up to my elbows, finally relaxing.
“Did the tattoos have stories?” Cassie said.
“Some. Others were just crazy ideas, things I thought would fit the bare spaces. A couple friends have chosen,” I smiled over at her.
“So if I said to get a turtle near your palm tree you would do it?” She asked, my head tilting slightly knowing my palm tree wasn’t currently exposed.
“And how do you know about that?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest, both eyebrows raised at her. I watched her eyes widen, reds and pinks covering her sweet cheeks.
“Oh….I just…um, Niall he uh —…”
Bursting into laughter, I cut her off, shaking my head, “Cassie, I’m aware some people know more about me than I may know, I’m just twisting your arm.”
I kicked her legs softly with my foot, her eyes narrowing and returning the same gesture. For the next moments, we just sat in silence, taking in the small noises of the golf course, the bits of wind on the tree leaves. Every now and then we would ask one another questions about our personal life. I had no problem opening up to her and her with me, letting her tell me about the things that seemed to just magically pop into her mind.
As we sat, our bodies also seemed to scoot further down, feet and legs sharing soft touch against one another, knees rubbing gently against her thigh, her fingers also moving to dance around my calf. I let my own do the same, small chills forming on her bare legs. We stayed this way until she let me know we needed to head back soon, the time we were meant to be out on the course was almost over, and she would have to finish the rest of her shift.
I nodded in agreement as we both moved to begin our climb down. I made my way first, extending my arms out towards her to help her lower herself the rest of the way down, her perfect self landing perfectly in front of me. Her eyes locked on mine, tongue licking over her lips, breath heavy from our proximity.
“How much longer did you say we have?” I said softly, my hand moving to push her hair behind her ear.
“I didn’t specify,” she said, her voice shaky, my head nodding as I bravely closed the distance between us and kissed her. It’s what I wanted, and though her movements were hesitant at first, her eagerness in kissing me back let me know she wanted it too.
I wrapped my hand around the nape of her neck, gripping at it, pushing her closer to me, her mouth opening up and letting my tongue meet hers. I ran it across the roof of her mouth, pulling away as my teeth pulled her lower lip with them. She shuddered softly, a soft moan escaping her pretty pink lips.
“And to think I thought you were shy,” she whispered, hands trailing down to my hips, fingers tapping softly against them.
“Mmm, being shy doesn’t mean I don’t know what I want, and what excites me,” I quipped back, earning me a small raised brow.
“And what do you want?” She pushed up on her toes, kissing nose as her hands began pulling my dress shirt out of my pants.
I inhaled sharply through my nose, fire growing in my stomach, blood beginning to rush to my prick, “Fuck sake, you really wanna know?”
She nodded, undoing my belt buckle and pants, working the zipper down as her hand slipped into the band of my brief without question.
“You. You on top of me in that golf cart. Fucking me until you can’t anymore,” I groaned as her hand wrapped around my length, freeing me from the restriction of my clothes, pumping up and down my length.
“Mmm, get in the cart, Harry,” she said, releasing her hold on me, pushing me back. I watched as she began stripping free of her clothes, and I did the same as we walked over to the cart, sliding into the back seat. She climbed into the space next to me, bending her body over to take me in her hand, pumping up and down my shift before slipping me in her mouth. Her tongue rounded around my tip, teasing along my slit making my abs contort, my legs shooting up slightly, body tensing at the feeling.
She chuckled, the vibrations adding to an additional sensation around my cock, as she pushed her mouth further down me, bobbing up and down until she took me completely, nose meeting my happy trail. I felt her swallow me further down her throat, my hand instinctively wrapping around her ponytail, holding her there as my hips bucked forward.
She pushed against my hold, pop off me with a gasp of air, her spit covering my cock, her hand replacing where her mouth was as she wiped her mouth with the other. She moved closer to me, kissing me deeply, my hand curling around her jaw, not able to get enough of her, of her taste.
Of her sweet apricot scent.
My hand moved down to her hip, gripping at it and directing her over my body, her legs straddling my hips, her hands both moving to my shoulders. I pushed her wet center onto my shaft, guiding her hips up and down it, her slick and spit creating enough lubrication to guide her movements further.
“Oh fuck,” she gasped, her hips rocking back and forth on me, her thighs clenching as she did, “Mm, I need you.”
She moaned, her eyes moving to mine, pants falling from her lips as her movements grew incredibly sloppy, her face was so flushed, nails digging into my shoulders.
“Yeah? Where do you need me? Huh? Tell me where,” I pressed into her lips, her moans growing more frequent, lips pressing an open kiss into my chin as I felt her come on me, arousal coating my cock thickly.
Her body trembled, her teeth biting at my chin, my hand moving up to her face, gripping under her jawline tightly, “Hmm, you need more than that?”
She nodded, “Please.” She basically begged.
“Mm? What more do you want, huh? Tell me Cassie,” I groaned at the thought of her saying she needed me inside her, at what that would feel like.
“Fill me up, please. God, Harry, please,” she breathed, pushing body up, gripping at my cock, bringing it up to meet her wet cunt, rubbing the tip against it before slipping herself down on me. It was a slow moment of taking me inch by inch, each moment further down met by the tight squeeze of her walls. She finally took the last bit of me in, each of us groaning out in pure ecstasy, before she began to lift her hips again, bouncing up and down on me effortlessly. Her perfectly round tits were in front of me, bouncy with her, begging to be in my mouth, my hands wrapping around them and bringing them to my lips. My tongue flicked at her nipples, pulling at them between my teeth, her moans escalating just like her pace on my cock.
“Fuck you do that so good, that wet cunt is so good,” I groaned into her tits, biting at the plump fleshy skin, kneading it with my hands. I slipped on arm around her waist, pumping my hard cock up into her, matching her pace.
“Oh, yes, Harry, just like that. Fuck just like that….god,” she moaned, her hands pulling my face to hers, kissing me deeply, our tongue sloppily running against each others. I slipped my fingers between us, rubbing her clit as I continued to pump in and out of her, her movements hardly existent, her legs trembling, her head knocked back in pleasure.
I could feel her tight cunt fluttering around me, pulling me deeper into it, her arousal already soaking down my thighs and hers. I wanted to taste every bit of it, I wanted it to coat me completely, make me filthy in it.
“You wanna come for me, Cassie? Come all over my hard cock, sweet girl? Hmm? Cock so hard for you, wants to fill you up. Can I do that? Can I fill up that wet cunt? Watch you squeeze me out after? Yeah?” I whispered into her neck, kissing along it up to her ear.
“Oh yes, Harry, fu-fuck, yes, yes, fill me up, oh…Ha-Harry I’m going to…I’m..” she gasped, her walls clenching around me, her hips pushing forward, legs clenching around me tighter, “Oh fuck, yes.”
She breathed out in relief, a moan so damn sexy I could have came at the very sound of it. I kept bucking my hips up into her, letting her ride out her high on my hard cock, taking in the way her body and face reacted to the feeling, only turning me on more. Both my hands gripped at her hips, fucking into her harder and quicker until I came, my hips bucking up and holding place their, shooting warm ropes into her fluttering walls.
We both came down from out high, her face nuzzled into my neck, my hips final relaxing and lowering back down, bring her carefully with me.
“Cassie baby, do something for me?” I whispered, a tired nod coming from her. She carefully sat up, eyes locking with mine.
“Pull off me sweet girl, squeeze out my come for me, let me see it drip out of you? Yeah?” I breathed out and she nodded, lazily doing as I instructed. She pulled off of me, both of us groaning. My eyes locked into her sweet cunt, watching her squeeze my come out of her, “Fuck, yes.”
She smirked tiredly, reaching down and covering her fingers in it, bringing it to her lips, licking them clean slowly. I met the other side of them, helping her, until she pulled them away so we were sharing the mix of our arousals on our lips.
Pulling away, she sighed, pushing her forehead on mine, “Mmm, I’ve never christened my secret spot before. Must be my lucky day.”
I chuckled, pressing one more kiss onto her lips, “We can do it again tomorrow. I have time. Find other places in this club to christen.”
“Mm? Sounds like a challenge.”
“I never liked when things came easy anyways.”
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harrysfolklore · 10 months
love and tour - collab post
the amazing @watchmegetobsessed teamed up once again and we came up with this story for you ! READ THIS BLURB FIRST TO UNDERSTAND THIS STORY
we hope you like this <33
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liked by username1, username2 and 77 others
yourinstagram good luck harry on your x factor audition ! i know you don’t have instagram but i want to say that i’m proud of you and i believe in you <33
view all 18 comments
username1 good luck harry !!
username2 holmes chapel comp believes in harry <3
username3 goooo harry!! :p
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liked by username1, username2 and 209 others
xfactorupdates A new boy group was formed tonight with boys that didn’t make it to the next round. Their names are: Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne
view all 25 comments
username1 cuties ! i’m ready to support them
username2 that harry boy is so adorableee
yourinstagram i’m so proud of you harry !! good luck and congratulations boys <3
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liked by niallhoran, liampayne and 819,876 others
harrystyles Picture of Oberhausen! Thank you for having us Germany. Tschüss!
view all 19,159 comments
onedirectionfan1 MY SHOOOW
onedirectionfan2 my favorite boys ever
niallhoran Yoooo!
onedirectionfan3 ❤️
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 4,826 others
yourinstagram Soon 👑
view all 278 comments
onedirectionupdates Harry liked this post !
annetwist Congratulations darling 👏🏻
yourinstagram Where are this likes coming from 😳
onedirectionupdates From what we gathered, she’s an old friend of Harry’s and they probably went to high school together
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liked by spaceykacey, alexachung and 1,692,065 others
harrystyles LIVE IN LONDON. DEC 19.
Link in Bio for details on ticket access.
view all 46,735 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGG
alessandro_michele ❤️
harryfan2 I’LL BE THERE
harris_reed london boy
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liked by gemmastyles, yourbestie and 398 others
yourinstagram got a show today 🕺
view all 59 comments
username1 gorgeous ! 💗
gemmastyles Can’t wait to see you ! It’s going to be just like old times ❤️
username2 cutieeee we need to catch up
yourbestie Tell me all the details once it’s done !!
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,937 others
harryupdates “I have really special people with me tonight. My family is here, friends I haven’t seen in so long are here. I’m happy to have them around tonight.” - Harry in London tonight !
view all 996 comments
harryfan1 AWEEEE
harryfan2 lovey boy
harryfan3 he was so happy his family and friends were there 🥺🥺
harryfan4 MY BABYYYY
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 10,286 others
harryupdates Harry leaving the ONO afterparty tonight !
view all 1,037 comments
harryfan1 HELLO???
harryfan2 WHOOO IS THAT
harryfan3 i have so many questions rn
harryfan4 EXPLAIN
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liked by gemmachan, yourinstagram and 2,682,138 others
DEC 19 2019.
view all 40,062 comments
harryfan1 MY BABYYY
lizzobeeating 💗
harryfan2 best show ever i cried the entire time
yourinstagram ❤️
harryfan3 COME BACK
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liked by sza, yourinstagram and 6,722,835 others
harrystyles DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Practice social distancing. Watermelon Sugar Video Out Now.
view all 130,233 comments
harryfan1 BEST VIDEO EVER !!!
yourinstagram SUMMER ANTHEM !! 🧡
jefezoff 🙌🏻🙌🏻
harryfan2 this deserves to be a #1 hit
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 6,804 others
yourinstagram quarantine diaries 🤍
view all 956 comments
yourbestie i miss youuuuu so much
harryfan1 IS THAT HARRY??
annetwist ❤
harryfan2 yall are clowning that's not harry
↳ harryfan3 i know my man when i see him
↳ harryfan4 well he even liked this
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harrystyles Love On Tour. Las Vegas, NV.
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gucci ❤️
yourinstagram 🤩
harrystyles liked this comment
↳ harryfan4 huh harry liked this comment
 harryfan2 MY BABYYYY
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liked by annetwist, harrystyles and 8,936 others
yourinstagram and so the adventure begins 🕺 💗on tour
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yourbestie YAY 🤩
annetwist Have fun !!
harryfan1 is this a crew member ?
pillowpersonpp ❤️❤️
harryfan2 so harry knows how to use instagram
harryfan3 my question about who this girl is remain unanswered
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liked by annetwist, harrystyles and 20,836 others
yourinstagram 💗 ON TOUR, FOREVER.
when this tour started, harry and i were still brand new, this was a new world for me and one thing i was sure about is that i want to be by his side for every minute of it.
now that it’s coming to an end, i can’t help but feel incredible proud of the man that i get to call my fiancé and the one i’m going to spend the rest of my life with.
i love you, harry. i’m in constant awe of you and everything you do, thank you for letting me share every milestone with you.
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harryfan1 OMFGGGG😭😭😭
jefezoff My babies.
harryfan2 I LOVE THEM SO BAD
harrystyles Some things are just meant to be. I love you x
↳ harryfan4 awe the definition of friends to lovers this is so cute
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harrystyles Love On Tour. Reggio Emilia. July, 2023.
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harryfan1 STOOOP😭
alessandro_michele Cheries 💗
harryfan3 of course harry would post her and leave
yourinstagram ily soon to be hubby
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe
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blingblong55 · 5 months
My kind of love -Keegan P. Russ
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Based on a request:
Just a thought : Keegan strikes me as the guy who would hold wife! reader close to him when they sleep in their bed. Or he'd carry her when he finds her asleep on the couch. ---- F!Reader, fluff/romance, established!relationship, boyfriend!keegan, cuddling ----
A/N: thanking Bon Iver and Niall Horan for this fluff🙏
It's four in the morning, Keegan comes home after nearly ten months of deployment, his duffle bag placed on the floor. Steps soft to not wake you up, after all, he is meant to surprise you with his early arrival. As he was about to go and check on the dog, who slept by the sofa, he noticed a blanket, your blanket. He approaches you, his gaze softens the second he watches his beautiful sleeping. You look so peaceful, so calm and in this moment when things for months went so wrong, this view is all he can adore.
"My love, I'm home," Keegan whispers, in his arms, he carries you to bed. They say people have a certain amount of luck and you are proof of that. Maybe out there in the cruel world, he doesn't have much luck but in this place, a warm, cosy and safe place he calls home, he knows luck is there. No one can say they are lucky because they don't have you and he does. A million men can say your name, a million more can watch you but just one gets to come home to you. One man in a sea of billions gets to kiss you, to listen to your ramble about crazy theories, to listen to you hum a tune and to love you and be loved back.
That man is him and in this precise moment, he knows why he proudly waited day and night to hide that ring in his pocket. If he wasn't a romantic, he would propose to you right here right now but he wants that moment to be magical because his precious girl deserves it. "Keegan, it's you," your voice so soft. Fuck, why must you make his heart melt like this? Why must you- damn you! Why do you love him? Why do you see what others don't and why must you make him blush just from the sound of your voice? Couldn't you be any less cruel to his weakened heart? Oh but he loves it, he loves that voice, that touch and stare, he loves the kisses and the 'Did your job go well? Are you hurt? Did you miss me?' he loves it all.
"Of course, it's me, darling," he sets you down on the bed and covers you with the sheets. "I'll be back," his lips touched your soft skin before leaving to take a short shower. You lay in bed, not being able to sleep without him anymore, you wait for him. Once he snuggles to you, you can feel his fresh skin, how his embrace wraps you with love and with care. "Did everything go to plan?" you ask as you nuzzle your face on his chest, a low chuckle escapes his lips as he brushes your hair. "It did, which is surprising," he kisses the top of your head and drapes his leg over yours.
In a warm bed, you and he lie, legs intertwined like they are the perfect match. Your back to his chest, soft breathing filling the room. As you close your eyes, he finds himself admiring your beauty from his angle. His arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you close for the rest of the night as the other arm caresses your head. His fingers brush through the hair, and slowly, they make their way to your forehead, where he slowly catches himself falling asleep.
Until morning and maybe even after being awake, he keeps you in his hold and under those warm bed sheets. "I love you to the moon and back- no, let's keep going beyond the moon," he whispers as he keeps holding you close. If only he dared to propose already and make you his missus. But only the brave wait for the exact right moment.
@liyanahelena @unicorngirly1 @alilttlemischiefmaker @pokiona @bloodyquillink-blog @johfaam0 @froggy-anon @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @krinoid24 @frazie99 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @tiredmetalenthusiast @strangepuppynightmare @defnotlpuluvyou @enarien @luvecarson @nellsbobells @willowaftxn83-87 @coralwitchdreamland @ikohniik @strawberrychita
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daisyblog · 1 year
Our Story
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Summary: YN and Harry have known each other since 2010 when YN's brother, Louis, is put in a band with Harry and three other boys when they auditioned for The X Factor. From the very beginning, YN and Harry were always close, and as time went on feelings grew deeper. This is YN and Harry's story. Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell
YN Tomlinson An insight into YN's life.
Tattoos YN's tattoos.
Songs Songs (or parts of songs) Harry's written about YN.
Lockscreen Harry and YN's lockscreen photos over the years.
Name a Girl
Couples Quiz
Belong Together
Will You Go On A Date With Me? YN and Harry spend time together and their feelings start to grow. First Date YN and Harry go on their first date. Caught YN and Harry’s relationship is exposed after a photo of them kissing is leaked. Written in Louis' POV.
Caught: Pt2 How Niall, Zayn and Liam found out about Harry and YN's relationship.
Trust YN and Harry take the next step in their relationship.
Worried YN is worried after her and Harry take the next step in their relationship, and ends up talking to Anne about it.
Kiss and Make Up Harry and YN have their first argument.
Happy Birthday YN It's YN's Birthday.
YN in This Is Us YN appears in clips in One Direction: This Is Us. Story Of My Life YN appears in the Story Of My Life music video.
Team Niall YN at The Niall Horan Charity Football Match.
Where We Are YN appears in clips in Where We Are San Siro.
Late YN realises her period is late.
Mother's Love Anne and Jay can see the love Harry and YN have for each other.
Night Changes YN in Harry's part of the Night Changes music video.
Never Have I Ever Harry gets embarrassed playing a game of Never Have I Ever on The Jonathan Ross Show.
Just Hold On Harry takes care of YN.
Teddy Harry surprises YN with a new little addition to their family.
Little Break People find out that Harry and YN have broken up.
Cherry How Cherry was made.
To Be So Lonely How To Be So Lonely was made.
Adore You How Adore You was made.
Burnout Harry and Louis help YN.
Zach Sang Show Louis discusses a small part of YN and Harry's relationship on a talk show.
Spill Your Guts: Harry Styles & YN Tomlinson Harry challenges YN to a game of Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts. Friendship Test Niall Horan and YN Tomlinson Take a Friendship Test.
I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here YN is on I'm A Celeb.
Unexpected Visitor YN has an unexpected visitor.
Zane Lowe YN is mentioned in Harry’s interview with Zane Lowe.
Uncle Popstar Freddie goes to one of Harry's shows.
Capital FM Interview Harry talks about his new music, My Policeman and Don’t Worry Darling…and of course YN.
Venice Film Festival YN and Louis attend the Venice Film Festival with Harry.
Proud Sister YN is by Louis side at his London Premiere for All of Those Voices.
YN and Harry Love On Tour YN and Harry's Outfits and Instagrams during Love On Tour.
Love At Wembley Harry asks YN to marry him at Wembley.
"I'm here for your girlfriend" Harry announces he's engaged during a Wembley Show.
“Oh Harry” Anne’s reaction to ‘Keep Driving’ lyrics.
Thank You Harry and YN's Love On Tour thank you posts on their Instagram stories.
Faith In The Future Tour Snippets of YN and Harry supporting Louis on his tour.
Niece YN's reaction to having her first Niece.
Mrs Burton YN's reaction to Lottie getting engaged.
Hair YN's reaction to Harry's new hairstyle.
Pregnancy Follow YN and Harry's journey through pregnancy.
Uncle Harry Harry and YN meet Gemma’s baby.
Wedding Bells Harry and YN finally say “I do!”.
Mr and Mrs Styles Instagram post from Harry and YN’s wedding.
Love Day Harry and YN celebrate their first Valentine’s Day as a married couple.
Hormones YN gets emotional listening to Louis’ interview.
Birthday Twin YN and Harry welcome their baby girl into the world.
Uncle Louis Louis meets Grace for the first time.
Dad Mode Harry is overprotective of Grace and worries about everything.
Love for Grace Instagram posts about Grace.
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buck-nialled · 8 months
Overboard - N. Horan Blurb
note: damn it feels good to be a gangster writing again holy moly does anybody still follow this account? summary: niall goes overboard for your birthday this year. (inspired by a similar event that happened for my actual birthday a couple of weeks ago). pairing: niall x gn!reader warnings: none wc: 507
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“Hello there lover, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Niall’s voice was extra chipper when answering your phone call. The stares and whispers around the office all in credit to your (normally spacious) desktop being dwarfed by edible arrangements, extravagant floral displays, foil balloons, teddy bears, and small white note cards all with a single culprit’s signature printed at the bottom; each new thing pointed out by one of your colleagues makes the growing heat behind your cheeks that much hotter.
It’s safe to say your husband’s tone isn’t due to his morning cup of tea.
“Niall, what the hell?” You demand in a hiss.
“Woah, woah! What’s with the use of my government name? Where’s this sudden aggression coming from?” He’s playing coy, but all you can hear through the phone is how big his smile is growing.
“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?” Did he want to play coy? You could play the part just as well. He’s quiet and it's obvious that you’ve cornered him in his own trap.
“Just tell me, do you like the roses or lilies better? Because I was fightin’ day and night with myself on what to surprise you with.” His accent grows thicker in his question, and it leaves you frozen with the exception of a few hard blinks.
“So instead of choosing one flower, you decided to open a whole gift shop on my desk at work?” You pluck one of the plush toys teetering on the corner and cringe at the high voice that emanates from it. “I love you bear-y much!”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” You sigh with a shake of your head. At this point, you were finding it hard to keep your smile at bay. Each new detail you noticed encouraged the knots in your stomach to tighten and your love for the man on the phone to grow fonder.
“Who’re you telling? I didn’t know that thing talked!” Niall is now astonished by how he’d outdone himself.
“Just promise me this is all I’ll be getting today. I don’t think I can handle any more attention.” You plead.
“Well…” he starts.
“Niall…” your tone is on the fence of a warning, cueing his cheeky laugh to finally break free from his throat.
“I promise, I promise. No more surprises.” The reassurance he offers you is short-lived, though. Because the next thing you know…
“Is there a Y/N Y/L/N here?” A group of smiling patrons enters the building and is directed to you. As they march closer to where you are sitting, you can faintly make out the lettering on their shirts to be the uniform of a singing telegram service.
“Niall…” There is no room for mercy in your voice now. Your husband clears his throat.
“I should let you go, it sounds important. See you later, lover!” The phone call ends with a click and your mouth is agape as the choir proceeds into an extravagant rock ballad you would be scolding Niall for seeking out later.
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aflame4goinghome · 1 month
Illicit Affairs
d.r.w x reader
chapter v
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Word Count: 15.6k
Warnings: THIS STORY CONTAINS SMUT, MINORS DNI!!! swearing, flirting, fluff, power dynamic; SMUT: kissing, touching, fingering, oral sex (f. & m. receiving), unprotected sexual intercourse, choking, a touch of exhibitionism, a little bit of a praise kink
A/N: This story is in collaboration with my wonderful, talented friends @gretavanstink & @childinthegardenn!! Go give them a follow and give @gretavanstink’s fics some love! Thanks for reading! :)
listen to the official playlist on spotify here !
chapter iv
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Your eyes flutter open, but quickly close shut as they’re blinded by the light coming from the window on the far side of Daniel’s bedroom. God, why didn’t we close the curtains? You think to yourself, then begin to remember how rushed and clumsy the end of your night had been. There wasn’t much time to worry about the curtains. 
Once you’re done thinking about the brightness of the morning sun, you turn over in the bed to look for Daniel and find that the spot where he used to be is empty. Typical. Not wanting to think about it, with the fear of reading too much into it, you slowly rise from the bed, grab your phone, and stumble toward the bathroom. Your slight hangover finally hits you as you trip over your feet slightly and you feel your head start to pound. 
“I’m never letting Rose talk me into doing shots of cheap vodka ever again,” you mumble to yourself as you turn on the faucet and rinse your face with the cold water. You check your phone to see the time: 9:15 am. What in God’s name possessed him to get up this early on the weekend? 
Having not planned to spend the night, you didn’t have much to get ready with, so you decide just water will do for now. After using the bathroom, you finally feel prepared to face the day, whatever it may hold. You open the bedroom door and step out into the living room, following the distant sounds that you hear coming from the kitchen. 
As you round the corner, you see Daniel standing in front of the stove, seemingly making something on the stovetop. He’s wearing a tight, white tank top that clings to his skin, and you can see his back muscles flex as he cooks. God, he just looks unbelievable. He paired it with a pair of gray sweatpants, sitting loosely just right above his waist. How a man is allowed to look that good this early in the morning is a crime. 
“Good morning,” you hum, finally breaking the silence to alert him of your presence. He turns over his shoulder to look at you, the corner of his mouth turning upward slightly as he sees you there behind him. You feel like you look pretty disheveled, but it seems like the sight of you looking groggy in his old band tee was exactly what he wanted to see at that moment. 
“Good morning,” he says with a smile. “I was making some eggs, if you want some. I wasn’t sure when you’d wake up.” You nod and walk over to stand at his side, leaning against the counter as he finishes up. He cuts up the eggs a bit with his spatula before lifting them off the pan and onto a plate sitting on the counter. 
“Here, you can have this one. I’ll make myself another,” he mutters, handing you the plate of scrambled eggs. You give him a shy smile as you take the plate, slightly taken aback by the hospitality. It makes you happy though, it almost feels natural. 
“Thanks… do you have ketchup?” you ask. 
“You’re one of those people, huh?” he laughs, walking over to the fridge. He opens the door and grabs a bottle of ketchup, setting it on the counter before reaching back in to get a few more eggs. With the eggs in one hand, he shuts the fridge door and then uses his other hand to hand you the bottle. “Here. There’s coffee in that pot over there, too, if you want a cup. There’s mugs in the cupboard above it.”
You smile and nod, turning around to walk to the other side of the kitchen. You put the plate down and open the lid of the ketchup bottle, squeezing some ketchup onto your plate. You reach up to open the cupboard above to get a mug and your eyes scan for the perfect one, finding a cute marbled one and grabbing it. You pour some coffee into the mug, opting for no cream because you honestly didn’t want to ask for anything else, then pick up the sugar next to the coffee maker and pour some into the cup. 
You find a seat at one of the barstools on the other side of the wall, since he had a tall counter in between the kitchen and living room, like a kind of kitchen island. You take a sip of your coffee then have a bite of your eggs, looking up at him as he makes his own on the frying pan across from you. 
“This is really good,” you remark, smiling lightly as he turns around to look at you. “It was really nice of you. You didn’t have to do all this, you know.” You add, feeling slightly bad that he put in all this effort just for you. You almost don’t feel worthy of it, it isn’t like he’s your boyfriend or anything. It’s casual, and you know he doesn’t owe you breakfast. 
“It’s nothing, really,” he says casually, turning back to the stove. “I was going to make myself something anyway, it would be rude not to make something for you too.”
“Yeah, I guess,” you relent, shrugging as you take another sip of your coffee. “Well, thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure,” he says, finishing up his eggs and plating them. He grabs his own coffee and comes to sit across the island from you. The two of you eat in comfortable silence until you finish up your food, standing up to take your dishes to the sink. 
“No, let me do it,” he says, reaching out to take them from you. You shake your head, insisting as you walk back into the kitchen. 
“Daniel, you made me breakfast. The least I can do is put my own dishes in the sink,” you scoff teasingly, placing your dishes down and then approaching him. He rolls his eyes affectionately and then wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him. He’s seated in the stool and somehow, he’s still taller than you. 
“I had a good time last night,” he smirks, placing soft kisses along the underside of your neck. Shivers shoot down your spine as your arms fall to his waist and you tilt your head back slightly.
“Did you? ‘Cause at the club, it seemed like it wasn’t really your type of scene,” you reply with a laugh. 
“Wasn’t talking about the club,” he mutters against your skin. Fuck, the effect he has on you is overwhelming. The feeling of his lips ghosting along your skin felt intoxicating, but you really couldn’t stay any longer. 
“As much as I would love to continue this, I do have to go home…” you answer, leaning up to place a short kiss on his cheek before backing away, not trusting yourself to stand your ground if his hands were still on you. “I have a quiz in my philosophy class tomorrow morning that I still haven’t studied for.”
“As if you actually need to study,” he remarks with a laugh. You roll your eyes and walk out to the living room, with Daniel following closely behind. 
“Believe it or not, I do,” you say, trying to hide your smile and keep your serious demeanor. “I also have to do the reading for your class, if you don’t recall.” He chuckles and you hear him mutter “Whatever” as you walk toward the bedroom. As you gather your costume, you look down and realize that you’re still wearing his shirt and are only in your underwear. 
“Oh, shit, I forgot. I should give this back, I can just put my costume back on really quick,” you mumble, reaching down to grab the hem of the shirt to pull it over your head, but Daniel’s strong hand stops you. 
“No, you keep it,” he says, pulling your hand away. He walks over to his dresser, grabs another pair of sweatpants, and hands them to you. “Take these too. No reason for you to put that sweaty costume back on, baby.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna take this stuff if you need it,” you say suspiciously. 
“I’m sure. That shirt doesn’t even fit me anymore,” he answers, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “You look better in it, anyway.” Your cheeks flush and you nod, slipping the sweatpants on. He walks you to the door and you slide on your shoes. He calls you an Uber and he walks you downstairs to the front of his building, placing a soft kiss on your lips before you walk out the door and enter the car. 
On your short ride home, you start to wonder what November will have in store for you. You already know that it’s going to be extremely busy– the deadlines have already begun to pile up. A lot of your professors made papers due before Thanksgiving break, wanting to give you that time off. While you appreciate the time off, it also adds to your stress by having all these assignments due all at once. You weren’t looking forward to it.
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When you walk into Daniel’s class on Monday morning, you get yourself situated and then look around the classroom, noticing one glaring difference. Stephen didn’t show up. Not that you expected him to, but you were almost nervous that he’d make a bigger scene. You breathe a sigh of relief, hoping that he’ll keep his knowledge of your relationship, if you can even call it that, to himself.
The rest of your week goes rather smoothly, with you being too busy writing papers to think about much else. This is how the next week goes too, completely swamped with work and studying. You knew that this is how November always goes, but it doesn’t change the fact that you dreaded it. 
You barely got to see Daniel at all, only able to pop into his office every once in a while to say hi. You could tell that he was drowning in work himself, always having things to grade whenever you would visit his office. You understand that you were both busy, but you have to admit that you miss him. You wouldn’t necessarily tell him that, though, not wanting to scare him off. 
He’s given you mixed signals lately on what you are to him, and it’s honestly starting to drive you crazy. You both started this arrangement with the idea of it being just sex, but you find yourself wanting to just spend time with him more and more, without a hookup. Sometimes, you wonder if he feels the same way. He’ll invite you to sit in his office and study, just being in each others’ presence. That isn’t exactly what you would call casual. But you didn’t want to push too hard, preferring to have questions than have nothing at all, so you just let it go. 
You’ve finally finished all your assignments, turning them in at the beginning of the week. You leave on Saturday to go home to your mom’s house for the Thanksgiving break, so you’re trying to get your work in early.  Your mom’s job had gifted her a 4-night stay in a beach resort in Fort Lauderdale for the holiday, so the two of you were leaving on Monday morning for Florida. Your family never got to go on many vacations after your mom became a single mom, let alone a beach vacation, so this gift from her job was a lovely surprise. 
You’ve avoided telling Daniel about it, partially due to your busyness, but also because he had been under the impression that he’d see you over the break. Being from neighboring towns, he had mentioned in passing about possibly visiting Frankenmuth and seeing the holiday decorations. 
The idea sounded nice to you at first, but you realized that it would complicate things. How would you explain to your mom why you’re going there? You guys haven’t visited there in years, so why would you go now? You were in no position to try and explain your relationship with your professor to your mother. So when she brought up the trip plans, it was almost the perfect excuse. But now you had to break the news to Daniel.
On Friday, you knock on his office door apprehensively, unsure if he’s there. When you hear his voice tell you to come in, you take a deep breath and crack the door open, shutting it behind you. You approach his desk and he puts down the papers he’s reading to look up at you. 
“Y/N, what can I do for you?” he says deeply, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. You look down at your feet and fidget with your hands briefly. 
“Well… I wanted to tell you that I’m actually going away with my family for the break, not going back home. I know you thought we might spend some time together so… I’m sorry,” you spit out nervously, looking up at him to gauge his reaction. He doesn’t give you one though, but just nods his head. 
“I see. That’s fine, I understand,” he answers. “Where are you going?” 
“Florida. It’s some sort of beach resort,” you say, trying to still seem casual about it all.
“Sounds nice,” he remarks, standing up and placing his palms on the desk, leaning forward so that his face is only inches from yours. “Send a few pictures of you looking gorgeous in a bikini and come back with a tan, and I think we can call it even…” God, he always manages to make you flustered without even trying. You breathe out a quick breath as his lips turn upward into a smirk. 
“Deal,” you say, biting your lip slightly as you see his eyes glance down at them. One of his hands shoots up to wrap around the back of your neck, pulling you into his lips. His tongue grazes your bottom lip as he pulls you closer, your body flush against the front of the desk. Before it can go too far, he pulls back, flashing you a cheeky smile. “Something to remember me by.”
At that, you compose yourself and pull away from him to turn around and walk out the door. As you twist the knob and pull the door open, you’re startled by Danie’s voice once more.
“Don’t miss me too much, sweetheart,” he says cheekily, shooting you a wink as you turn round to face him. You roll your eyes with a soft smile.
“No promises,” you tease, turning back around to walk out the door. You hear a chuckle fall from his lips as you shut the door behind you.
Finally, you head home to pack for your trip. You throw a variety of clothes into your suitcase, some warmer stuff for when you’re still in Michigan, and then your summer clothes for Florida. The next morning, you wake up, pack the car, and drive you and Rose back to your hometown. She’s just staying at her parent’s house for the break, so the two of you go home together. 
“So… how did sexy professor feel when you told him you were leaving for break?” Rose asks with a teasing tone. You roll your eyes, keeping your eyes on the road as you drive down the highway. 
“He was fine,” you scoff. “It’s barely even two weeks, he doesn’t care. It’s not like he’s my boyfriend or anything,” you add. 
“Right,” she answers sarcastically. “So, you’re saying you’re not gonna miss him?”
“Well, I–” you start, looking over at her with a glare. “I’m not sure what that has to do with anything,” you mutter, turning back to the road. You hear her giggle behind you and you take your right hand off the steering wheel to smack her arm playfully. 
“You’re down bad,” she laughs, turning to look out the window. 
“You’re insufferable,” you say, shaking your head as you try to hide your smile. 
Whether what Rose said held any truth or not, you would never admit it. You don’t feel that it mattered that much, anyway. Even if you felt that way about him, you wouldn’t even think of telling him about it. It’s clear that he has no interest in being serious with anyone, especially his student. You’re sure that if you were to want something more, he’d laugh in your face. So, you’ve subconsciously decided to shove it down as far as you could, in hopes that the butterflies would go away. 
You can be honest with yourself and say that you’ll miss him, however, in more ways than one. Sure, your sexual chemistry together is deeper than anything else you’d ever experienced before, but it goes a bit further than that. You just find yourself wanting to spend time with him, to be around him. 
Over these past three months, you’ve gotten to know each other so well that it almost feels like he’s your best friend. You’ve shared so many of your deepest secrets together, and you’re vulnerable with each other in a way that you wouldn’t dare to be with someone else. It’s hard not to miss a person who’s there for you in that way. You can admit that the arrangement between you two has far transcended the bounds of a casual hookup, but you’d never delude yourself into thinking that you could ever be together publicly. So, you’re just happy with what you have now. 
The two of you finally exit the highway into your hometown and you drop Rose off at her parents’ house, then pull into your driveway a few minutes down the road. You quickly greet your mom then head upstairs to start packing for your trip, since you’re leaving in the morning. As you open up your suitcase, you pull out your phone and are surprised to see a text pop up on your lock screen. 
From: Daniel🥁
Make it back okay?
Fuck. You smile down at your phone widely as you look at the message for a moment before responding. 
To: Daniel🥁
Got home not too long ago, just packing up my things now.
You press send, still smiling at your phone like an idiot. If Rose saw how easily he affected you, you knew you’d never hear the end of it. You didn’t expect him to reach out so soon after you left, but you can’t deny that it made your heart swell. A guy never cared enough to check in on you like this before, now that you think about it. You try not to read into it too deeply, though. 
From: Daniel🥁
Glad to hear that. 
From: Daniel🥁
Don’t forget the bikinis ;)
You smirk to yourself and throw your phone down on the bed, turning around to dig through your top drawer to find the swimsuits you plan to bring. After a few moments of searching, you finally find them, pulling them out and putting them on the bed. You take a quick picture of them on your bed and attach it to your message.
To: Daniel🥁
You mean these? 
You don’t even have to wait more than ten seconds before your phone pings again with another text. You knew he was eager, but you didn’t think he was that eager.
From: Daniel🥁
Yes, those…
From: Daniel🥁
Do I get a sneak peek?
You giggle to yourself as you pick up the bathing suits and toss them into your suitcase along with the rest of your clothes. 
To: Daniel🥁
Oh, no. I think I’ll save that for the beach. 
To: Daniel🥁
You’ll just have to be patient :) 
You smirk to yourself as you put your phone down on the floor and pile some more things into your bag. As you sort through your clothes to pick out what to bring, a certain t-shirt catches your eye. It’s the Foo Fighters shirt that Daniel lent you after Halloween. Almost instinctively, you toss the shirt into your suitcase. After a minute or so, you’re startled by the sound of your phone vibrating on the floor. You pick it up to see Daniel’s contact taking up the screen as his call continues to ring. You know you’re in for it now.
“Hello?” you answer innocently, sitting cross-legged as you hold the phone up to your ear.
“There are a lot of words to describe me, sweetheart, but patient is not one of them,” he says on the other line, his voice low and raspy. Fuck, his voice just sent shivers down your spine. You don’t even care if you’re in trouble or not, just getting this reaction out of him was worth it. 
“It’s never too late to learn,” you say cheekily, smirking to yourself as you wait in silence for his response. Even after all this time, he made you so nervous, but you can’t help but test your luck to see how much you can get away with. 
“We both know that’s not how this works,” he answers. You can practically hear the arrogance dripping from his voice, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on. “You’re not forgetting who’s in control already, are you? You’ve only been away mere hours.” 
“No, I remember, professor,” you say, your smirk widening. 
“I thought so,” he says, pausing for a moment. The line is silent, but you could cut the tension with a knife. “You wanna be a good girl and try one of those on for me, baby?”
Fuck, it’s getting harder and harder to resist. He had the ability to make you want to do anything he asked, and he knew that. He has you right where he wants you. But you intend to still have the upper hand, no matter how hard it is to maintain. 
“Can’t,” you say casually. “They’re already all packed away, probably buried at the bottom of the suitcase by now. Sorry.” You almost wish he could see the smug look you have on your face right now. You hear him let out a short laugh on the other end, almost sounding like a scoff, but still somewhat lighthearted.  
“Okay, Y/N. If you want to play this game, then so be it,” he says softly. You can practically hear the smirk across his lips. “I suppose you’ll just have to make it up to me.”
“That can be arranged,” you say with a smile. After a brief moment of comfortable silence, you look at how late it's gotten. “Hey, I gotta go. We have an early flight tomorrow.”
“Ah, alright,” he answers, clearing his throat. “Safe travels, then. I hope to see you and your beach photos soon,” he says with a soft laugh at the end of his sentence. Even when he was trying to sound nonchalant, he was still charming. You really don’t understand how he does it. 
“You certainly will,” you say softly. “Goodnight, Daniel.”
“Sweet dreams, angel.”
You sigh to yourself as you end the call, falling back onto your bed and looking up at the ceiling. You hate how much his use of nicknames makes your stomach flutter. Your cheeks are a deep shade of pink as you turn over in bed, turn off your lamp, and plug your phone in before bed. 
If this is how he acts after a few hours apart, how will it be by the end of the week? You smile to yourself as you think about it. The attention that he paid you was above and beyond what you expected this relationship to go. It’s gotten to the point where you’d do almost anything to keep it. You close your eyes, feeling excited for your short getaway with your mother, as well as the prospect of a possibly attentive Daniel texting you daily. This was about to be the longest week of your life. 
· · ──────── ·𖥸· ───────── · ·
You shove the last few books into your bag before slipping it over your shoulder and leaving your apartment for the first day back to class after break. Much to your dismay, it’s also the last full week of class before finals are in full swing, which you’re absolutely dreading. Your philosophy professors have all slammed you with long essays, all to be turned in by the end of next week. It’s all you’ll be able to focus on.
Luckily for you, your art history exam is the least of your worries. You know all the content well, and whether you like to admit it or not, you may have a bit of an advantage when it comes to the class. You have easy access to the most direct study tool for the test, not like you’d need it. But you wouldn’t admit that to anyone out loud for fear of anyone thinking you get special treatment (a.k.a Stephen… fuck that guy). 
At the end of your last class, you decide to pop into Daniel’s office to see if you could study there for a little while. You get stuff done better with company, or at least that’s what you tell yourself. As the elevator opens to the third floor, you turn the corner and see that his office door is already cracked open. You knock softly on it before opening it up and find him sitting at his desk, seemingly grading essays. His head lifts up as he hears the knock, you can see his expression soften as he sees it’s you. 
“Y/N,” he says, putting his papers down on his desk to give you his full attention. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” You roll your eyes at him, already feeling slightly flustered at his flirtatious tone.
“Well, I have some work to do and was thinking maybe you’d want some company?” you ask hopefully, entering the room and leaving the door cracked the way you found it. “Unless you’re too busy, of course. I don’t wanna impose.”
“Don’t be silly. Go on, sit,” he answers, his lips tugging upward into a small smile as he adjusts his posture and picks his red pen back up to continue working. You can’t help but feel the warmth grow across your face as you walk over to sit on the couch across from him, leaning against the arm and stretching out before taking out your laptop. Your eyes flicker toward him once more before you open your laptop and pull up your draft for one of your classes.
You try for a while to get your thoughts together enough to continue writing, but your mind has completely drawn a blank. You thought you had your argument down on this paper for your moral philosophy class, but now you feel as though you’ve completely lost it. You’re meant to propose a thesis about decision-making and what different ways of decision-making can tell us about ourselves. It’s all rather deep and introspective, which you typically enjoyed, but now it just made your brain feel like mush. You have an outline of what you want to discuss, but you don’t know where to start. 
Your eyes leave your laptop to look over at Daniel again. His eyebrows are furrowed slightly as he writes a note furiously on someone’s paper. How he managed to look so handsome while doing such mundane tasks genuinely drives you crazy. 
Now that you think about it, Daniel must know some things about philosophy. He has several philosophy books on his shelves behind you, including a book by Kant, which is one of the many sources that you have to pull from for this essay. You wonder if he may be able to help– at the very least you could bounce ideas off of him, as a scholar. God, he’s intelligent. Hot and smart, completely unfair. 
Suddenly, his eyes lock with yours and you realize that you’ve been caught. Shit. He raises an eyebrow at you as you nervously look back at your computer, pretending like you were doing something. You knew he wouldn’t be convinced, though. 
“What is it?” he asks, putting his pen down to look over at you. 
“Nothing. It’s nothing, I just got distracted–” you answer swiftly, looking at the cursor blinking on your laptop to avoid his gaze. He clicks his tongue before cutting you off. 
“Alright, bring it here,” he says, with a smirk appearing across his lips. You hesitate at first, but he raises his eyebrows at you expectantly, as if to say ‘come on’. Reluctantly, you peel yourself off the couch and walk over to his desk, bringing your laptop with you.
You go around the desk to stand on his right behind it, placing the computer in front of him and then leaning your arm on the top of the desk. You wait as his eyes scan the assignment and the small amount of introductory text that you’ve written so far. 
“Why don’t you focus more on consequentialism rather than deontology? It’s more easily explained, considering it relies more on feeling than it does on theory,” he starts, turning over his shoulder to look up at you.
“And here I thought you were a Kantian,” you say teasingly, He lets out a small laugh before continuing, his lips curled up into a smile.
“I can both be a scholar of Kantian ethics while also believing that consequentialism makes the most sense in practice,” he says smugly. “Given our little arrangement, I would think that you would be most familiar with consequentialism.”
“What do you mean by that?” you ask, crossing your arms as you lean back to rest your back against the desk. Another laugh leaves his mouth, sending jolts throughout your body. He stands up from his chair, placing his arms on the desk on either side of you, almost trapping you in. His face is mere centimeters away from yours and you can feel his breath against your cheeks. 
“Well… I’d say that our relationship is rather hedonistic… wouldn’t you?” Daniel answers with a smirk. 
Fuck. He even makes philosophy sexy. And he isn’t entirely wrong, either. The two of you certainly disregarded a number of morals in favor of your… “arrangement” in order to pursue pleasure. You often think to yourself that it’s part of the reason you like it so much as if you pursue it because it’s wrong. You both knew that the entire thing was incredibly morally compromising, in more ways than one, but chose to pursue it anyway.
“I suppose that’s true,” you answer, in almost a whisper. His face is too close for you to even think straight. What were you doing over here again? You can’t even remember. 
“We both know that it is, sweetheart,” he says, his nose brushing against yours. “You like this little forbidden love affair, don’t you?” 
A quiet sigh escapes your lips as your head starts to spin. Before you even have the chance to respond, his lips crash into yours. It’s messy and rushed, his hands tangled in your hair as he pulls you closer to him. Your arms wrap around his waist and your fingers hold onto his belt tightly as the kiss intensifies, his tongue gliding against your bottom lip swiftly before finding its way into your mouth, tangling with yours. 
All of a sudden, reality crashes into you head-on. You left the door cracked open. In between kisses, you pull away from his lips, and they start to descend down your neck toward your collarbone. 
“Daniel,” you say quietly, attempting to control your breathing as he sucks harshly on your neck. “The door. I didn’t close it.” His eyes flick upward toward the door briefly before he continues his assault on your neck, kissing softly onto your collarbone.
“I don’t care. I don’t think you do either,” he growls against your skin, holding your waist tightly in one hand as the other tugs on your hair, eliciting a quiet whine out of your mouth.
“Someone could walk in and–” you start, your mind reeling as you try to stay focused, but he interrupts your rambling immediately. 
“Let them,” he whispers, sending goosebumps throughout your body. “Don’t act so innocent… Deep down, you know you’d like it,” he says with a smirk before his lips return to yours. He pulls on your hair again and you moan quietly into his mouth, which luckily muffles the sound. 
As he lowers your back to lie down on the desk and holds your waist still with one hand as the other pops open the button of your jeans, your mind has completely forgotten about the door. He was right. You don’t care if someone walks in. Something deep inside you almost wants somebody to, just so that they know that you were his. 
Before you can question what this thought means, your thoughts are pulled back to the present as he slides your jeans past your waist and lets them drop to the floor. He kneels behind the desk, his face level with your core. His thumb starts to rub slow circles against your clit, still covered by the fabric of your panties. You knew you were already soaked, feeling the tension of the wet fabric move against your folds. Without a moment of hesitation, Daniel dips his fingers into the sides of your underwear, yanking them down to sit with your jeans. 
It isn’t even a second later that his lips wrap tightly around your clit, sucking harshly as his hands hold you still by your hips. He held you so tightly that you were sure that it would leave marks, but you didn’t care. All you could think about was how his mouth felt against you, his tongue swirling harshly around your swollen bud. It was like he was starved, as though he couldn’t survive another moment without tasting you. 
One of his hands leaves your waist and you feel his finger glide through your folds before it enters you completely. Your body jolts, and his other arm moves to hold you down, stretching completely over your torso. His eyes drift upward to look into yours, burning into you.
“Stay,” he commands before dipping his face back down into you, licking a stripe up to your clit before inserting a second finger into you. His fingers worked fast and harsh, curling up into you so much that your eyes nearly rolled back into your head. You can feel your orgasm creeping up on you fast, so much so that you can hardly even control it. You knew you couldn’t control it, actually. He controlled it. 
“Shit, Daniel, I’m close,” you whine quietly, still conscious that any noise too loud would certainly echo through the hallways. He smirks against you as his pace quickens, helping you chase your high.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby. Let me have it, fuck,” he mumbles against you, sending shockwaves throughout your body as you finally let go. 
It was almost euphoric, you hadn’t realized how much you had craved him during your time off from school, but it was clear now. His touch was intoxicating, every hint of it made your head spin. He helps you through it, slowing his fingers down and then finally pulling them out. He stands up, bringing his fingers up to his mouth and slowly sucking your release off of his fingers with a low hum.
“So sweet,” he says, his voice low and dripping with lust. You sit up, still sitting on the desk as he brings his lips down to yours. You can still taste yourself on them, which was surely his goal. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t turn you on even more. Your hands reach down to his belt and attempt to undo it before his strong hands stop you.
“Uh-uh,” he says sternly. “You’ve got work to do.” Damn him for always being right. You would never say that to his face. 
“Ugh, fine. Whatever,” you answer stubbornly, reaching for your computer and retreating back to your spot on the couch. You pout as you sit down, hoping it’d persuade him.
“Finish the paper. If you’re good, then maybe we’ll pick up where we left off,” he says with a smirk, adjusting his very obvious boner inside his pants before sitting back down at his desk and returning to his task. God, this man was going to be the death of you. 
· · ──────── ·𖥸· ───────── · ·
You lay your pencil down and flex your hand, trying to relieve yourself from the cramp in your fingers from writing the last answer on your final. After skimming over what you’ve written, you let out a satisfied sigh. You lower your desk before you stand, slipping your bag over your shoulder and making your way to the desk at the front of the room. A blush creeps onto your cheeks as Daniel looks up to watch you lay your exam down on the pile and a smile tugs at the corners of your mouth. 
You open your mouth to say something, but you stop yourself as you hear another student lower their desk, followed by footsteps down the aisle behind you. With a smile and a nod, you turn and leave the classroom. As you step into the hall, your watch lights up with a message and you glance down at it, a new smile playing on your lips.
From: Daniel🥁
Test period is almost over, go wait outside my office.
Your cheeks flush and you glance over at your shoulder to see Daniel staring at you from behind his desk, a smirk on his face. He winks at you and you roll your eyes playfully before turning and leaving. You glance towards the elevators as the doors open to let a few other students in and you flag down the last person to hold the door.
“Thanks,” you say, stepping in and tapping the button for the third floor. You slip your phone out of your packet and swipe through your notifications as you lean your shoulder against the wall. The elevator stops at the second floor and, not paying attention, you move to step out, your body colliding with another student stepping in.
“Shit, sor-” you trail off as you realize it’s Stephen. You fight to not have a visible reaction as you step back to let him in and continue, “Sorry.”
Stephen scoffs and rolls his eyes, stepping in and standing off your shoulder behind you. “Did you even have to show up for the final?” He says under his breath but loud enough for you to hear. 
“Probably not, but I did anyway,” you say, not bothering to look at him. “Believe it or not, I earn my grade.” 
Stephen laughs and you see him shake his head in the reflection on the door. “Oh, I’m sure you work really hard for it,” he says as the doors open to the third floor.
“I do,” you say simply, adjusting your posture and shooting him a look over your shoulder as you step into the hallway. You don’t bother with a goodbye, you don’t owe him politeness. As the doors close you hear him scoff, but you don’t glance back, you just head to the bench outside of Daniel’s office and plop down.
You let out a sigh and rub your temples, leaning back against the wall behind the bench. You’re exhausted, having not had a good night’s sleep all of finals week, but this was your last one and you couldn’t be more relieved to be done. 
You pull your AirPods out of your bag, putting one in as you slip your phone out of your pocket. “Hmm,” you hum, scrolling through your playlists. You pick a random one, not really sure of what you’re in the mood to listen to, and tap shuffle. Heaven by Niall Horan and you let your eyelids fall shut, your head resting on the wall. 
“Let’s not get complicated, let’s just enjoy the view.” You shake your head at the words and scoff a laugh through your nose. Sounds easy when you put it that way, you think to yourself as you tap the skip button. You’re not ready to unpack those thoughts right now. 
You’re not sure how much time has passed when you hear the familiar click of Daniel’s shoes on the tiled floor, the sound prompting you to open your eyes. You can’t help the smile that stretches across your face when he rounds the corner, his lips tugging up when he sees you waiting.
“Good girl,” he says as he approaches you, running his finger along your jaw quickly before unlocking his door and holding it open for you. You stand and slip your bag over your shoulder, stepping past him into the doorway. He lightly swats your ass as you pass him, a soft gasp escaping you. You spin around as he closes the door behind him, his shoulders moving as he laughs to himself.
“Pleased with yourself?” You ask, folding your arms across your chest and raising an eyebrow. 
“Hmm, very,” Daniel says, dipping down to press a kiss to your temple as he walks past you to his desk. He leans back against the edge, glancing between you and the chair in front of him.
You roll your eyes playfully and sit down, putting your bag at your feet and letting your hands rest in your lap as you look up at him through your eyelashes. “Did you have something you wanted to talk to me about?” You ask, your voice sweet.
He glances at the papers on his desk and picks one up, holding it out to you. “Sam is playing a solo gig tomorrow night, starts at 9,” he explains as you take the flier and skim it. “Figured you and Rose could use a laid-back night out.” He shrugs casually, the poster boy of calm, cool, and collected. Your cheeks flush lightly as you realize he’s inviting you to go out with him. You can’t help the beat your heart skips as you flick your eyes up from the paper to meet his. 
“I’ll be there a couple hours before he starts,” he continues. “I told him I’d help him get set up and soundcheck.”
“Okay,” you say simply, not daring to allude to him asking you out. You weren’t sure whether it was for his sake or yours. You’ve been trying to cling to casual as tightly as you can, to not let yourself indulge in any sort of delusion that tells you he could be interested in you the same way you’re interested in him. “I’ll talk to Rose when I get home.” 
There’s a moment of silence between you and you swear you can see something like disappointment that you didn’t give a straight-up yes. Your heart flutters at the idea of him wanting you there, but you push the thought away before it can overwhelm you.
“I’ll be there,” you add finally, “I just have to see if Rose is free to come along.”
His shoulders relax slightly, barely perceivable, and a small smile graces his lips. “No big deal if she can’t,” he says, the tone of his voice causing the flush in your cheeks to spread down your neck. The thought of spending a night out with just him driving you to your feet as you slip your bag over your shoulder.
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow night then,” you say, smiling up at him briefly before turning towards the door. 
Before you can take a step, Daniel catches your wrist and pulls you into him, his free hand pressing into your lower back as your hand splays across his chest to catch yourself. His lips capture yours before a word can leave them, his tongue swiping across your bottom lip. You part your lips for him and his tongue strokes against yours. He kisses you until you’re breathless and lifts his head, smirking down at you.
“See you tomorrow night, baby,” he says, his hand sliding over your ass and squeezing as he dips his head again to press a kiss to the sweet spot below your ear. “Congrats on finishing finals,” he murmurs against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Could’ve been done on Wednesday, if it wasn’t for your Friday final,” you challenge, fighting to keep your voice even as you let your head roll to the side to give him easier access. His lips trail down the slope of your neck and he pulls the collar of your sweater to the side to continue towards your shoulder. 
“Not my fault,” he hums against your skin before lifting his head. You fight back a disappointed groan at the lost contact and look up at him. “Now, as much as I’d like to lay you out over the desk, I have exams to grade.”
You roll your eyes and push against his chest, but he doesn’t release his grip on you. “Well, then you should probably let go, professor,” you say sweetly, blinking up at him. This time when you push against him he lets go, allowing you to step back from him as you adjust your bag on your shoulder. 
“Tomorrow,” you say, turning and walking towards the door. “Enjoy grading,” you add before you open the door and leave, starting your trek back to your apartment. As you approach the bus stop, you tug your phone out of your pocket and open your texts with Rose.
To: Rose🌹
What are you doing tomorrow?
Three dots pop up as the bus pulls up and you step on when the doors open, tapping your phone to the card reader to pay for the ride before sliding into a seat.
From: Rose🌹
Just packing for break. Why?
To: Rose🌹
Daniel invited us out to go see a solo gig that Sam is playing
You lock your phone and let your head fall back against the seat, letting out a long sigh as thoughts swarm your head. Though you tried to keep them at bay, they are persistent thoughts and you can’t have your guard up 24/7. Daniel invited you out. Sure he invited Rose out too, but he made it clear he only cared if you show up. 
From: Rose🌹
You smile at the message, assuming that means she’ll go with you, and shake your head.
To: Rose🌹
You’ll get to see Sam👀
From: Rose🌹
I bet he told sexy professor to invite me😌
You sit up and slip your phone into your pocket as the bus pulls up to your stop, grabbing your bag and stepping down onto the sidewalk. Thank god your building is right around the corner from the stop. You make your way inside and up to your apartment, opening the door to a grinning Rose. 
“Let me get a little packing done and then we can debrief,” you giggle as you walk to your room, crouching in front of your record crate and thumbing through your jazz compilations. You settle on one and put it on to spin, turning and hauling your suitcase onto your bed. As you rifle through your sweaters, tossing the ones you want to take with you onto your bed, you let your mind wander to Daniel. 
The thoughts that you’d been pushing away since Thanksgiving threatened to overwhelm you. You’re down bad. Rose’s words fill your head as you fold a pair of leggings and tuck them into your bag. You let out a heavy sigh, dragging a hand over your face. It was supposed to be casual. No strings attached. You weren’t supposed to feel like this. 
But you couldn’t deny the way the hint of disappointment in his eyes earlier had made you feel. The way his shoulders relaxed when you assured him you’d be there. The way you could feel him watching you while you took your exam. You finish arranging clothes in your bag and zip your suitcase closed, leaving only your toiletries and electronics to be packed before you leave on Sunday. 
When you finally emerge from your room, you spot Rose on the couch curled up on her phone with a bottle of wine and two glasses on the coffee table. You smile and plop down next to her, pointing to the glasses and saying, “I hope one of those is for me.”
“I figured you could use something to unwind from all the frustrated sighing I heard coming from your room,” she says as she looks up from her phone. Your cheeks flush and you grab the bottle, filling both glasses and handing one to Rose. You clink your glasses together and take a sip, sighing and leaning back against the couch. 
“Yeah, those sighs,” she adds, nudging you with her elbow. You glance sidelong at her and roll your eyes as you start recounting what happened with Daniel, telling her how you’ve been feeling since you got back from break.
“Rose, he actually looked disappointed when he thought I might not go tomorrow,” you say, emptying your glass and leaning forward to pour yourself another.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” She asks, holding her glass out for you to top her off. You blow a laugh through your nose and fill her glass before returning the bottle to the coffee table.
“Is it?” You ask as you tuck one leg underneath you and turn to face her, propping your elbow on the back of the couch and resting your head on your hand. “I mean, I’m the one who said this could only be physical.” You pinch the bridge of your nose, continuing, “And he very plainly said no falling in love, which I laughed at at the time. And here I am…”
You trail off, staring into your wine for a moment before drinking half of it in one gulp. Another deep sigh leaves you and you let your head fall dramatically against your arm.
“Here you are, what?” Rose prods, peering at you over her glass as she takes a sip.
“I’m not saying it, I’m not putting it into the universe,” you say, shaking your head, and setting your glass on the table. “I’m not gonna lose him because I’m reading into things that may or may not even be there.” 
Rose raises her eyebrows at your last statement and her lips twitch into a smirk for a second before she curbs her reaction. You grab one of the throw pillows behind you and bury your face in it, muffling the groan that comes out. 
“If you having feelings is something that scares him off, do you really want him?” She asks, stretching her legs out in front of her, one ankle crossed over the other. 
“Unfortunately, yes,” you mumble, face still buried in the pillow.
“But you want more than what you have right now?”
“I don’t know what I want,” you say, lifting your head and finding her staring at you with an eyebrow quirked. “I just know that I want him, so if this is what I have to do to have him, then fine.”
Rose opens her mouth to say something, probably to ask another prying question, but you cut her off, saying, “Rose, I don’t think I can keep talking about this without crying. And I don’t want to cry about this.”
“Wanna order food and watch a movie?” She says brightly, knowing it would cheer you up and keep you distracted. You thank her with a look and pull out your phone to open Doordash, the two of you sitting side by side to look together. After you settle on pizza and place the order, you turn the TV on and scroll through Netflix, picking a thriller neither of you had seen or heard of.
· · ──────── ·𖥸· ───────── · ·
Afternoon sunlight streams through your windows, forcing you to squint as you open your eyes. You and Rose had both fallen asleep on the couch, your best friend waking you at some point when she got up to go to her bed. A glance at the clock on your nightstand tells you it’s 2 pm and the quiet hum of music and the slide of a drawer across the hall tell you Rose is awake. You sit up and stretch your arms over your head, a slight twinge of pain from falling asleep on the couch making you wince slightly as you get out of bed and walk over to Rose’s room.
“What time did we go to bed last night?” You ask through a yawn, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you lower yourself into her desk chair.
“Like 2 am,” she says, glancing over at you as she packs a pair of sweatpants. “The movie wasn’t thrilling enough to keep either of us awake, apparently,” she adds with a laugh.
“Clearly,” you say, laughing with her. Your eyes drift to her suitcase and you sigh, remembering that her family is going away for Christmas this year. “This is the first Christmas Eve our families won’t be together,” you comment as she folds a bikini up.
“I know,” she says, a hint of sadness in her voice. “We’ll be home for New Year’s though!” You smile at this, already excited for the party at her family’s lake house.
“Oh, I hope it blizzards again like the first year,” you say, fond memories of the weekend your families spent snowed in together drifting through your mind.
“That was the best year,” she agrees, zipping her suitcase up and setting an empty duffle bag next to it. “Hopefully all the festivities keep your mind off you-know-who. You need a distraction.”
“Thanks for the reminder,” you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes and standing up. “I’m gonna go dissociate in the shower now.” Rose giggles as you walk away, stopping in your room to grab your robe before you walk down the hall to the bathroom, closing the door behind you. 
You strip out of your shorts and the Foo Fighters shirt you still haven’t given back yet, tossing your clothes into a pile by the door. Daniel had told you to keep the shirt, but something felt wrong about that. He isn’t your boyfriend, so there’s no reason to have his clothes, but you have to admit you’ve been enjoying sleeping in it. It’s just a shirt, right?
You do a decent job distracting yourself for a few hours before you have to get ready, but now you’re standing in your mirror staring at yourself, thinking about what Daniel might be wearing. “I am pathetic,” you mumble, shaking your head at yourself despite the smile on your lips. Your eyes drift over your reflection and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, feeling good about your look. You had gone with a pair of black wide-leg jeans, a black bodysuit, and a green knit cardigan. Once you added your tan Chelsea boots, the outfit came together. 
“Don’t you look academic,” Rose says, leaning in the doorway smiling. You giggle and shake your head, stepping away from the mirror. 
“It’s winter and we’re going to a jazz club,” you remind her, grabbing your phone from your bed and slipping your crossbody around you. You glance at your phone, checking to see when the Uber would be there. 
“If you let me finish I was gonna say in a hot way,” she laughs as you nudge her out into the living room. “In a hurry to see your man?”
“The Uber is almost here,” you say, drawing out the last syllable as you walk out into the hallway, pausing for Rose to join you. “You look good too by the way, red is your color,” you add as you turn to lock the door, nodding to the red sweater she has on. 
“We look very festive,” she points out and giggles as the two of you step into the elevator. You walk out to the front of your building as your driver pulls up and you hop in, confirming your name with him and opening your texts with Daniel.
To: Daniel🥁
On our way!
You tuck your phone into your pocket and sit back, your hands fidgeting in your lap. “Gonna try to go home with Sam tonight?” You tease, glancing at Rose out of the corner of your eye. She grins and shrugs innocently.
“We’ll see,” she says, “You gonna try and bring Daniel back here?”
You stare at her for a moment, her staring back with an eyebrow raised. “Even if I tried,” you begin, shrugging as you add, “He wouldn’t.” You try to act like that doesn’t bother you, sure that Rose sees through it. But if she does, she doesn’t say it, she just gives you a sympathetic smile.
The driver pulls up to the curb outside of the club and you and Rose climb out, thanking him as you close the door. You and Rose walk inside and you spot Daniel immediately. 
He’s standing on stage with his back to you, leaning on the piano and talking to Sam, who is sitting on the piano bench. The sleeves of his sweater are pushed up to his elbows and, as your eyes trail over the rest of him, you swear you can see a line of another tattoo on the back of his ankle. As if he can tell you walked in, he glances over his shoulder, making eye contact with you and smiling. 
Rose nudges you in the side with her elbow and you break your stare with Daniel to glance at her. “Well, go on,” she says, nodding her head towards the tables at the front of the stage. You take a deep breath and walk further into the space, stopping when you get to one of the front tables. Daniel hops down off the stage and walks over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into him as he drops his head to kiss your cheek.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he says as he straightens. “Hi Rose,” he says, lifting his free hand in greeting.
“Hey Daniel,” she returns, sitting down at the table, her eyes flicking to yours for a second.
“Sam!” He calls over the sound of Sam practicing, looking over his shoulder and waving his friend over. Sam stops and gets up, dropping to sit on the edge of the stage. 
“Yes?” Sam asks, raising an eyebrow at Daniel.
“Sam, this is Y/N,” Daniel says, gesturing to you and then to your best friend, “And this is Rose.” 
You and Rose both raise a hand to wave, both of you chirping, “Hi Sam.”
Sam smiles at you both, but his eyes linger on Rose for a beat too long. You smirk to yourself as you watch them try not to stare at each other. “Nice to meet you both,” he says, his eyes wandering back to Rose. “My dog’s name is Rosebud, but we call her Rose.”
Your best friend smiles and laughs, “It’s a great name, what can I say?”
Daniel glances back and forth between Sam and Rose, his own lips twitching into a smirk that matches yours as he squeezes his arm around you lightly. You look up at him and meet his eyes for a moment before he leans down and presses a kiss to your lips. He pulls back and studies your eyes briefly before straightening and saying to you and Rose, “We have to check a couple more things and then I’ll be down to sit with you guys.”
With that Sam returns to the piano and Daniel hops back up on the stage, kneeling down to check some wires. You take the seat to Rose’s left, leaving a seat on her right as well as one on your left. 
“Yeah,” Rose says as you sit down. “I’m trying to go home with him tonight.”
You smack her leg playfully and laugh, “I don’t blame you considering he still can’t keep his eyes off you.” You point subtly to Sam, whose eyes drift to Rose again as Daniel says something to him.
“Sam,” Daniel says, rolling his eyes and clearing his throat. Sam’s attention snaps back to Daniel as he repeats what he said, Sam nodding in agreement.
“Look what you did,” you tease Rose. “You got him yelled at.” Rose’s cheeks flush lightly and she smiles.
Once they’re finished setting up and sound-checking, Daniel hops back down off the stage and walks over to your table. “I’m gonna go grab drinks. Rose?” He says, looking at her.
“Oh,” she says, caught off guard. “Just a vodka soda.”
“Okay,” Daniel says, turning his eyes to you and raising an eyebrow. “Y/N?”
“Gin and tonic for me,” you say, suppressing the shiver that threatens at the base of your spine every time he says your name. 
He nods and your eyes follow him as he walks to the bar, a soft smile on your lips. You can see him making friendly conversation with the bartender and you find yourself wondering what he’s saying as he gestures towards your table and glances back at you. He winks as he catches your gaze and you feel your face and chest flush, turning your attention to your hands in your lap.
“So he calls you pet names and kisses you on the cheek and introduces you to his best friend and you’re just supposed to not have feelings for him?” Rose asks, her tone hushed as she raises an eyebrow at you. You wave your hand as if you could swat her words out of the air.
“Rose,” you warn, shaking your head and rolling your shoulders to release some of the tension. 
“Fine,” she says, drawing the word into a whine and holding her hands up in surrender. She lowers her hands as Daniel walks back to the table, setting your drinks down before taking the seat to your left. Your heart skips as he drops his hand to rest on your thigh, tracing slow circles with his thumb. 
You and Rose chat casually as you sip your drinks. Rose talks about her directing final and how her group got the best notes from their professor out of their whole class. You explain your thesis for your moral philosophy paper, Daniel squeezing your thigh lightly when you mention pivoting from deontology to consequentialism.
“Smart choice,” he says, winking at you when you look up at him. You watch as he brings his glass to his lips and takes a sip of his whiskey, his tongue darting across his lips as he lowers the glass again. You breathe out a sigh of relief as Sam steps onto the stage and sits behind the piano, flashing a bright smile to the crowd before his fingers start to dance over the keys, his eyes drifting closed. 
The opening to Smoke Gets In Your Eyes fills the space, mixing with the soft chatter coming from other tables, and Daniel’s hand stills on your leg as you both glance at Rose to find her eyes fixed on Sam. A smirk tugs at the corners of your lips and you turn your attention back to Sam as the song comes to an end, the music replaced with applause. His eyes open, a soft smile on his lips as he brings them to the microphone.
“Hi everyone, thanks for coming out tonight,” he says, looking down at your table and smiling. “And thanks to my friend, Daniel, for helping me get set up tonight.”
Daniel smiles and lifts his glass towards Sam, who returns the gesture with the drink he has sitting on the piano. They both take a sip and smile.
“Anyways, you all know I like to play more than I like to talk,” he continues. “So sit back, relax, and enjoy.” And with that, his fingers return to the keys, sound filling the room once more. 
About an hour goes by and Sam smiles as he brings another song to a close, this time Skating In Central Park. His eyes drift to Rose and you catch her shy from his gaze out of the corner of your eye.
“Alright, I’m gonna take a little break here, but I’ll be back,” Sam says, grabbing his glass from the piano and walking off the stage. He appears at your table and leans on the back of the empty seat next to Rose. 
“I’m gonna go fill up,” he says, raising the empty glass and glancing around the table. “Can I get anyone a refill?” You and Daniel both shake your heads, but Rose smiles and pushes her seat back. 
“I was gonna get another, I’ll come with you,” she says, standing up and winking at you quickly before she and Sam walk to the bar together.
“I think if I hadn’t disappeared with you that night,” you start, your eyes drifting towards the hallway where you and Daniel had gone back in August. “She would have disappeared with him.” 
He blows a laugh through his nose and squeezes your thigh firmly, drawing a soft sigh from your lips. He leans over to speak in your ear, putting his arm around you and keeping his voice low as he says, “Careful angel, I might have to take you back there for a little reminiscing.”
You shiver as his lips brush the shell of your ear, squeezing your thighs together as his words course through you. You would hate the power he has over you if it didn’t make you feel like the only person in the room. 
He smirks and sits back in his seat as Sam and Rose return and you look up at them, noting how Sam has his hand on Rose’s lower back as she walks a step ahead of him. She beams at you as she sits down, taking a sip of her drink and letting her eyes follow Sam back to the stage.
“He asked me to get a drink with him after the show,” she says, leaning over to whisper to you as Sam steps onto the stage and the crowd applauds. You grin and squeeze her arm, excited for her to get her moment with Sam.
“Told ya I’d be back,” he says into the microphone as he sits down, smiling and winking at Rose. You look between the two of them and then at Daniel, who smirks at you before turning his attention to Sam as he starts another song. 
You try to follow his lead and pay attention, but Daniel’s hand is on your leg again, his fingers pressing into your inner thigh. You let your eyes flutter closed for a brief moment and look at Daniel when you open them, only to find him casually watching Sam play. As you turn your eyes back to the stage, Daniel’s hand drifts further up your thigh. You whip your head to look at him and, while he still doesn’t look at you, you catch his lips twitch into a smirk.
You huff and roll your eyes, turning back to watch Sam bring the song to a close and roll right into another. Daniel brushes his fingers along the center seam of your jeans. It’s just the ghost of a touch, but it still forces a shaky breath from you as arousal tightens your abdomen. And as soon as it’s there, it’s gone as he lifts his hand and traces one finger along the crease where your leg joins your hip. His hand doesn’t return to your thigh again, instead resting on the back of your chair as he puts his arm around your shoulders casually.
Sam plays through a few more songs without addressing the crowd, but as what seems to be the last of the medley closes, he brings his lips to the mic and says, “I want to thank you all for coming out again.”
“I’m gonna wrap things up here, but if you’ve seen me before you know I never leave a show without playing this next song,” he says as he begins the opening of Rhapsody In Blue.
You watch Sam’s eyes close, his fingers knowing where each key is on their own, and let your eyes do the same. Your lips tug into a soft smile as each note washes over you, as you lose yourself in the song, and before you know it the song ends and the crowd applauds. Sam stands and gives an exaggerated bow before leaving the stage.
“That was incredible,” Rose gushes as Sam returns to your table. “You didn’t even have to look.”
“I’ve been playing that song for a long time,” Sam laughs and runs a hand through his hair. Rose’s cheeks flush and she smiles, glancing at you and Daniel.
“Great show, Sam,” you say with a smile.
“Sounded great, bud,” Daniel adds, his hand resting on your shoulder. “Let’s get this torn down so we can get out of here.”
“So,” Rose says, turning to you as Sam and Daniel hop up on the stage. “How are you getting Daniel back to our apartment?”
You glance towards him as he works on wrapping a cord back up and sigh. “I’ll just remind him that we won’t see each other for a month,” you say, shrugging casually and smiling. “And how are you getting Sam to take you back to his place?”
“Well I can’t exactly go back to our place with you and sexy professor there,” she says, winking at you and glancing up at the stage as Sam looks over his shoulder at her. “I don’t think I’ll have to do much convincing.”
You fall into a fit of giggles and continue chatting as you both steal glances up at Sam and Daniel. Since most of the equipment is the clubs, it doesn’t take them long to reset the stage and return to your table.
“So, how about that drink, Rose?” Sam asks, offering her his hand.
“Lead the way, Sam,” she says, taking his hand and leaving the table with him. She casts a look over her shoulder at you and winks, smiling as she turns back and they head for the door together.
“And then there were two,” Daniel says from behind you, grabbing your hand to pull you into him. You turn to face him as his hand falls to rest on your lower back and you look up at him, a smile on your lips. “Hi, baby.”
“Hi Daniel,” you say softly, pushing onto your toes to press your lips to his. His arm tightens around your waist as he kisses you back, his tongue sliding across your bottom lip before he lifts his head and smiles down at you. “Thanks for inviting us, we had a good time.”
“Anytime,” he says, his gaze darting to your lips and back to your eyes. “Come on, let me drive you home.”
You grin and nod, turning to walk towards the door. Daniel’s hand wraps around yours as you leave together, rounding the corner to where his car is parked. You slip into the passenger seat, smiling to yourself as he gets in and starts it up. 
“It’s a left at the li-” you start, but you’re cut off.
“I remember,” he says simply, the implication of him remembering how to get to your apartment after one time making your head spin.
“Okay,” you whisper as you force away the thoughts that pop into your head. It’s really not that big of a deal. It’s not like the directions are difficult. He lives here year-round, he’s familiar with the city. It’s not that big of a deal.
Daniel pulls into a parking spot in front of your building and you both sit silently for a moment, the soft mumbling of the radio the only sound. You glance up at your building before you turn to look at Daniel, biting your lip.
“Do you want to come up?” You ask, your heart pounding in your chest. Before the last word could fully leave your lips, Daniel takes the key out of the ignition.
“I was just waiting for you to invite me,” he says casually, opening his door and getting out. You blow out a breath and smile to yourself for a moment before you climb out. He pauses on the sidewalk to wait for you and lets you walk a step in front of him as you swipe into the building. 
As you wait for the elevator in silence, Daniel lets his hand rest on your lower back, stroking his thumb absentmindedly. The elevator dings and the doors slide open. As they slide closed with the two of you inside, Daniel turns to face you and guides you back against the wall, his hand gripping your waist. You gasp as your shoulders bump the wall and you look up at him through your lashes.
“I love it when you look at me like that,” he says, bringing his hand up to brush your hair back from your face and cup your cheek. You feel your face heat and your heart pound as he stares down at you, his lips curved into a smirk. You open your mouth to speak, but the doors open and Daniel pushes away from you to let you lead. Slipping your key into the lock, you open the door to your apartment and flick the lights on. 
“Sorry, it’s a little messy,” you say, looking around the living room. “We’ve been packing for break.”
Daniel waves dismissively as he slips his shoes off, leaving them near the door, and wraps his hand around yours. He pulls you in and presses his lips to yours, the kiss slow and gentle as you part your lips for him and he brushes his tongue over yours. 
“You gonna miss me?” He asks when he pulls away, his hand sliding over your ass and squeezing firmly. He holds your body against his and you can feel him, already hard.
“I think you’re gonna miss me,” you muse, smiling up at him innocently. You sigh softly as he drops his head to bring his lips to your neck. He brushes your hair off of your shoulder and you feel his teeth nip the spot where your neck meets your shoulder.
“Daniel,” you say softly, the sound half sigh, half moan. He hums against your skin as his hands slide your cardigan off your shoulders, the garment falling to your feet. His lips continue down to your collarbone, teeth grazing your skin lightly and sending a chill down your spine.
“I’m gonna miss that,” he says, his breath ghosting over your skin as he brings his lips to your ear. “The way you say my name.”
You fight the shiver that builds at the base of your spine and you bring your fingers to rest under Daniel’s chin, pressing your fingers up to make him meet your eyes.
“Make me do more than say it,” you say softly, taking his hand and leading him back to your bedroom. As you cross the threshold of the room, Daniel tugs on your hand, bringing you back against him. He leads you into the room until the back of your legs hits the edge of your bed, forcing you to sit. He lays his phone on your nightstand and you stare down at him as he kneels down to take your boots off for you, followed by your socks.
“What are you-” you start, but he cuts you off with simply a look. You close your mouth and watch as he rises, his fingers dragging up your legs until they reach the button on your jeans. He pops the button and draws the zipper down, motioning for you to stand, which you do without a word.
Daniel sinks to his knees again as he hooks his thumbs in your belt loops, dragging your jeans down your legs and pausing for you to step out of them. He looks up at you and smirks, his hands roaming from your calves and up the backs of your thighs. You let out a quiet moan as his fingertips dig into your flesh, a wave of arousal pulsing through you.
When Daniel stands again, he guides you to the center of the bed and lays you down, hovering over you as his hand drifts between your legs. He pops the snaps of your body suit one by one, holding your gaze until the third snap pops open. You whine when he doesn’t touch you, but brings his hand up to drag each strap down your arms, revealing you inch by inch until he drags the body suit down your legs and tosses it on the floor.
“Fuck,” he hisses through clenched teeth, taking in the deep plum-colored set you’re left lying in. “I’m definitely gonna miss this,” he adds, his finger hooking under the strap of your bra and letting it snap against your skin. The feeling draws a whine from you and you try not to squirm under his intense gaze. 
“Sit up,” Daniel instructs, hunger dancing in his eyes. You do as he says and he reaches behind you, making quick work of the clasp of your bra and clicking his tongue as it slides down your arms. He tosses it on the floor with your other clothing and guides you back down onto the bed, hovering over you and kissing you for just a second before he begins to trail kisses down your throat. Across your collarbones. Between your breasts.
“I’m gonna miss this,” he says before pinching your nipple between his teeth, dragging his tongue over it a second later. Your back arches in response and you gasp, and Daniel blows a laugh through his nose, the rush of air making you shiver. 
“Daniel,” you whisper as he sucks a mark into the skin just below your breast. “Please.”
“Please what, sweetheart?” He asks as he kisses down your abdomen, goosebumps following where his lips brush.
“Touch me,” you plead, pushing up on your elbows to meet his eyes just before he sucks a mark onto your inner thigh.
“I will, don’t worry,” he says, pressing a kiss over the already purpling spot. He makes a twin mark on your other thigh and you fight the urge to brush his curls out of his face, the urge to tangle your fingers in his hair and pull him to where you need him. As if he can sense your growing frustration, he drags a finger over the lace covering your core. You can almost hear the smirk as he groans, “Always so fucking wet for me.”
Daniel hooks his fingers in the waistband of your thong and slides it down your legs, leaving you fully bare to him. He sits up for a moment, taking in the sight of you before he tugs his sweater off, leaving him in a tight-fitted black t-shirt. He lowers himself back between your legs and slowly drags his tongue through your core, his lips wrapping around your clit as you gasp and clutch the sheets in your fist.
“As sweet as ever,” he says, lifting his head only long enough to praise you. His arms wrap under your legs, pulling you to his mouth as his tongue attacks your bundle of nerves. A brief pause, a tap on your outer thigh. “Up,” he says, guiding your hips up and slipping a pillow under you before sinking back between your legs.
“Daniel,” you moan as he buries his face in your pussy, his nose brushing your clit as your hips jerk involuntarily. Your head falls back, your hand slipping into Daniel’s hair as he devours you like you’re his last meal. The familiar tension in your abdomen builds as he works you closer and closer to the edge, his lips returning to your clit, teeth grazing the spot lightly as he slowly presses a finger into you and curls it forward. 
“Daniel, I’m-” you pant, your thighs trembling as your control starts to slip.
“Let it go, baby,” he whispers, adding a second finger with the first. “Give it to me.”
Your orgasm crashes over you, your toes curling as your walls flutter around his fingers. You cry out as your back arches off the bed and your vision blurs as he works you through it, his fingers curling inside of you slowly. “Good girl,” he whispers, pressing feather-light kisses to the inside of your thigh. 
As you start to come down, Daniel kisses his way back up your body, stopping when he’s over you and pressing a hungry kiss to your lips. He reaches behind his head and grabs his shirt to tug it off but you stop him with a hand planted on his chest. Your fingers move to the hem of his shirt and you tug it up and over his head, tossing it to the floor and returning your hand to the center of his chest. 
He raises an eyebrow at you as you push him gently, staring up at him with a smirk on your face. Begrudgingly he moves to lay on his back and you move to hover over him, capturing his lips in another slow, deep kiss. Your tongues tangle and you feel him grip your waist. You lift your head and meet his eyes, smiling sweetly.
“My turn,” you whisper, your lips brushing soft kisses to his jaw and down his neck. You drag your teeth over his collarbone, smiling to yourself as Daniel drags in a breath, his fingers twitching where they grip your waist. Your fingers trail down his chest and abdomen as you sit back on your knees between his legs, just wanting to look at him spread out on your bed. You smirk and bite your lip as your fingers undo his belt and pants, sliding them down over his hips as he lifts up slightly, propping himself up on his elbows to watch you.
You drop his pants to the floor and slide back over him, your lips wandering down his chest. Your fingers trace along the waistband of his boxer briefs as you drop kisses lower and lower. You brush your hand over his cock, hard and throbbing beneath the black fabric, and smirk as his hips buck up.
“Y/N,” Daniel warns. You look up at him through your eyelashes and smile sweetly, bringing your lips to the spot just below his navel. He groans and lets his head fall back, his eyes closing. 
“Such a tease,” he growls. You bite your lip and drag your tongue along the line of muscle that disappears beneath his waistband as you push his briefs down, letting them fall to the floor before you settle between his legs.
He lifts his head, meeting your eyes the moment before your tongue glides up his length, and his mouth falls open as he drops his head back down, his fingers darting into your hair. You blow a laugh through your nose and smirk, flicking your tongue at his tip and drawing a moan from his chest. 
You wrap your hand around the base of him, slowly sinking your mouth over his cock, taking each inch of him until his tip brushes the back of your throat. With a glance up, you find him propped on his elbows again, watching his length slide past your lips.
“I’m gonna miss this,” he says, gathering your hair into a ponytail in his hand. “So fucking pretty with your lips wrapped around my cock.”
You hum around him and slowly draw back, your tongue dragging along the vein that runs his length. Your hand replaces your mouth as you pull all the way back, swirling your tongue around the tip and smiling up at him.
“A picture lasts,” you say, lowering your mouth back onto him and winking. Daniel raises an eyebrow at you, a silent question. You hum around him in confirmation and draw your head back again before sinking back down. 
“Fucking hell, Y/N,” he growls, reaching to the nightstand for his phone and opening the camera. He focuses it on you and snaps a photo as you glide your tongue flat along the underside of his cock. You feel your cheeks heat and you lower your mouth over him again, taking his full length into your mouth and moaning around him.
“Fuck,” Daniel moans as he hits the back of your throat again. “If you keep doing that I’m not gonna last, sweetheart.”
You ignore him and continue, setting a slow pace, taking every inch of him every time you slide your lips over him. The next time you lift your mouth from him, his hand drops your hair and wraps around your throat, his fingers pressing into the sides of your neck gently.
“Something wrong?” You ask, your voice dripping with lust as you look at him through hooded eyes. 
“Lay down,” he says, his fingers moving to grip your chin.
“I wasn’t done,” you challenge, meeting his eyes defiantly. He smirks and clicks his tongue before easily guiding you onto your back, leaving you breathless as he hitches your leg over his hip. Daniel leans forward, hovering over you with a smirk tugging at his lips.
“And I need to be inside of you,” he whispers as he rolls his hips, his cock gliding over your sensitive clit. You gasp softly, the sound cut off as Daniel captures your lips again, this kiss frenzied and hungry, all tangled tongues and nipping teeth. 
You break the kiss, your head falling back as Daniel pushes into you slowly, feeling every inch of his cock stretch you in the best way. His head falls into the crook of your neck and he buries himself to the hilt, his breath ragged against your skin as your walls flutter around him. 
“I’m gonna miss this,” Daniel whispers as he sets a slow pace, his hips rolling into yours. One hand grips your waist while the other grasps your breast, kneading your flesh as he fucks you slow and deep, every stroke drawing a moan from your lips. “You are so fucking soft.”
“Daniel,” you moan out, your voice breathy. He sucks at the sweet spot beneath your ear and groans against your skin as you squeeze around his cock. You whine softly as he pulls out of you and taps your hip.
“On your stomach,” he says, stroking his cock slowly as he stares down at you, your chest and face flushed as you turn over, dragging a pillow into your arms. He draws you up onto your knees with a hand under your hip and you bury your face into the pillow as his cock glides through your folds before slipping back into you.
“So fucking sexy,” he moans, brushing his hand down your back as he resumes a slow pace. “So pretty and perfect.”
You cry out into the pillow as his tip brushes your cervix, the new angle making your thighs tremble. He slides his hand under you and lifts you up so you’re on your knees, your back pressed firmly to his chest as he continues fucking into you. One hand drifts down to circle your clit slowly, his palm pressing into your lower abdomen, and his other hand snakes between your breasts to wrap around your throat.
“You told me you didn’t just want to say my name,” he whispers, nipping at the shell of your ear. “So fucking scream it.” 
Daniel’s hips snap forward harshly, his fingers attacking your swollen bud. It’s all you can do not to crumble right there in his arms, feeling your second orgasm hurtling towards you, and you toss your head back against his shoulder, his hand tightening around your throat. This new angle drags the tip of his cock against your sweet spot and his quick pace makes your head spin as you try to focus on every sensation at the same time.
“Fuck, Daniel!” You cry out, your eyes squeezing shut, as your orgasm wrecks you. Daniel holds you firmly against his chest, never slowing his pace as he fucks you through your climax. Curses mingle with his name in the air as you shudder against him, your entire body feeling like a live wire.
“Just like that, baby,” he whispers into your hair, bringing his hand from your clit and resting it on your abdomen. He strokes your skin gently, lowering you back down to the bed and pulling out just long enough to put you on your back again. “Wanna see that pretty face when I finish,” he says, smirking as he pushes back into you. You see his eyes trail over you, pausing for a beat longer at where your bodies are joined and he smirks, grabbing his phone and snapping another photo of you.
“A picture lasts,” he teases, repeating your words from before as he runs his hand up your thigh and grips your hip, pulling you into each thrust.
You hook a leg around him as his rhythm starts to stutter and his face twists in pleasure. He drops his head to suck your nipple into his mouth as he fucks you, his teeth clamping around the bud. Your fingers tangle in his hair, savoring every single sensation as if this was the last time, and you tug on his curls gently, bringing his lips to yours.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he moans against your lips as his hips stutter again, his orgasm crashing over him. With a hand on your hips, he thrusts into you harshly, his cock twitching as his release coats your walls. He buries his face between your breasts and pants heavily, his warm breath tickling your skin as you stroke his hair. 
“You,” Daniel mumbles against your skin. “Are so fucking perfect.” He rolls to lay next to you, catching his breath for a moment before he turns onto his side and props his head on his hand, studying you quietly. 
“Come on,” you say finally, a lazy smile spreading across your face as you meet his eyes, his free hand tracing slow patterns on your skin. You take his hand and get up, steadying yourself on shaky legs before leading him down the hall to the bathroom. 
After the water heats up, you pull him into the shower with you, letting the water wash over your shoulders and sighing deeply. You clean each other up, Daniel’s hand drifting between your legs gently, sending a chill down your spine. 
As you turn to rinse the suds from your hair, Daniel dips his head, capturing your lips for a brief, soft moment. You look up at him, your heart skipping a beat as you think about how gentle he’d been with you all night. Even at Sam’s show. Before you have too much time to think, Daniel steps out and holds the curtain back for you as you step out as well, grabbing a towel and handing it to him before grabbing one for yourself. 
“I kinda wish I could just stay here for break,” you admit quietly as you slip into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and slide under your covers. Daniel’s lips curve into a smile for a brief moment before it’s gone and he bends down to pick up his boxer briefs, sliding the black fabric up over his hips.
“What’s this?” He asks, studying one of the pictures on your dresser. You sit up in bed, squinting at the picture, and smile fondly.
“That’s me and Rose when we were kids,” you explain. You tell him about the New Year’s party her family hosts at their lake house as he lifts the covers and slides into bed next to you. 
“The first year they invited my family we got snowed in at the house for an extra 3 days,” you sigh, smiling at the picture of you and Rose in the fort you’d built one afternoon. 
When your gaze drifts back to meet Daniel’s, you find him watching you thoughtfully and you tilt your head to the side, raising an eyebrow. “Penny for your thoughts?”
He blows a laugh through his nose and shakes his head, pulling you into him, your back to his chest. “It’s late,” he says as he slips an arm under your head, his other arm wrapped around your waist, fingers drifting under the hem of your shirt to rest on your stomach.
“It’s late,” you parrot, wiggling into a more comfortable position and letting out a deep sigh. It’s not long before you hear Daniel’s breathing slow and even out as he drifts off, leaving you awake in his arms. In your bed.
You hadn’t even asked him to spend the night, he’d just slipped into bed with you. Like it was an instinct. Your head spins with dangerous thoughts. Maybe he does want more with you. He’d been so willing to break rules lately. There’s no way he’d be acting this way if he didn’t at least feel a little bit of what you had been feeling, right?
Fuck, you think. Maybe you’re in over your head. Maybe you’re delusional and this is just how he is when he’s comfortable with someone. Maybe this all means nothing. But what if it doesn’t?
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chapter vi
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thatsdemko · 1 year
it’s sir to you - l.hamilton
parings: lewis hamilton x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw + not intended for minors + mentions of oral + pet names
a/n: had this in my drafts for awhile thought I’d share! slightly inspired by his surname but also by niall horan making zayn call him sir niall after having met the queen. this is also a “short” blurb hence the no gif and other things I normally provide.
the following content is not intended for minors.
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the beautiful sunset is being replaced by stars and the moon, the day was finally winding down and night life was beginning to flourish.
you watch from your balcony, the night owls flood the streets of Monaco dressed in their finest while you tend to the glass of wine in your hand awaiting the company of a special someone.
it’s been three months of this. him sneaking in the back of the apartment so he doesn’t caught by the crowds, the doorman chatting his ear up about the results of his previous race, and then finally getting to you. he waits weeks— sometimes months for moments like these.
you hear the faint sound of your apartment door open and close quietly behind him. he notices the lights from the balcony, the bottle of red wine and a glass saved for him. he takes the bottle and empty glass along with him to accompany you.
his lips collide with the skin on your temple watching him fill you almost empty glass with more wine, “record time.” you raise your hand for him to stop pouring and he does, beginning to pour his own glass now.
“different doorman.” he mumbles taking the seat beside you, his hand gravitating towards your inner thigh. he squeezes the skin feeling your hand rest above his.
“missed you.” you whisper, eyes focused on the night life in front of you, you watched girls stumble in their heels and men hollering after one another, you can’t believe at one point you were like them. it’s how this whole thing started in the first place.
“you could always join me, paddock life suits you.” he whispers, face moving towards the exposed skin on your neck, you allow him to nibble and press wet kisses where he pleases.
“I can’t stand rich folks, lew.” you chuckle sipping the wine from your glass feeling him pull away. his hand still glued to your thigh as his thumb begins to rub circles, moving upward.
he just chuckles shaking his head. your work consisted of being nice to ‘well off’ people and Lewis was one of those people you were programmed to hate. someone who has it all and acts as if superior to the rest of the world, but lewis was quite opposite of that. when he walked into your work that evening, he was kind to you and other employees, it was refreshing.
“let me spoil you, love.” his words gentle, hands cup your cheek as he presses a soft kiss against your lips. he can taste the red wine remnants against your lips, as he begins to pull you closer to him.
“you already spoil me so much, lew.” you whisper against his lips trying to close the gap between you two, but the chairs are in the way. getting up now, he follows you into your apartment and straight to the bedroom. talk about record time, that was the shortest small talk the two of you had in a long time.
“I know that, so spoil me for once.” he undoes the belt of his pants, the jeans falling to the floor and he kicks them aside. he’s standing there t-shirt and underwear now, you move closer pulling the hem of the shirt over his head leaving him just in his boxers.
“of course.” you carefully fall to your knees, finger tips pulling on the material of his boxers all the way down to the floor, he kicks them to the side and your faced with nothing but his huge cock in front of you.
you relax your jaw beginning to take his tip in your mouth, his hands immediately fly to your head,his finger tips are forceful against your skull as your tongue swirls and glides around his tip.
“so good to me, always.” his words are incoherent sentences, but you’re able make out the praises and encouragements he’s giving you.
he’s practically shaking while you continue, every spot that’s been touched already gets a new feeling of your tongue against it, it’s not much longer until your mouth is met with earthy but sweet cum.
“come.” he pulls you up from the floor, body colliding with the sheets and mattress of your bed. it’s a shame it was perfectly made because you knew by the end of this you’d be tangled in them.
his hands are forceful once more, pushing your inner thighs apart taking the time to undress you, “Lewis, please.” you beg, his ears perk up to the name, he picks his head up from your wet panties, eyebrow raised, “it’s sir to you.”
his stare is burning thru your soul as you just nod having forgotten the nicknames you only shared in the bedroom. he loved how you teased him with the name ‘sir’, it always floored him.
he’s back to where you want him, hands pulling the wet material aside, his body grinding on top of yours as you feel him open your entrance. your legs shake around his torso, it’s been so long since you felt this good, he’s taking his time and it’s pissing you off. you’re used to his fast pace rough play, it’s painful how slow he’s going.
“just like your car, slow.” you grit between your teeth feeling his hand smack your ass, it’s painful causing your nails to rake up his back in return of punishment.
“don’t talk to me like that.” he hissed entering further feeling your body twitch beneath him, gasps of air escaping your mouth.
“yes sir.” is all you can muster out, trying to find a rhythm in your breathing pattern. he’s finally got your clit, moans and fidgeting begun below him his grip on your body tightens.
it’s a record long time before you finally come, legs shaking, his body pulls away and you allow yours to relax against the sheets that your hands had been clenching onto.
“this is why I need you around the paddock more, someone to call me sir in my bed.”
“I’ll think about it.”
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elisysd · 1 month
13. Don't know who I would be if you ever leave me
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: If You Leave Me - Niall Horan
Hungary flew by in a blink of an eye. The whole weekend was a blur but the only thing Charles could think about and hold onto was how hard it was to hide how in love and happy he felt. He couldn’t try to justify it by saying the car and the season were getting better, even if it was true, it was not a good enough reason to look like he was walking on clouds and smiling like a mad man. He had barely seen you, apart from the media pen when lingering touches were tough to keep subtle and light. He was leaving the post race meeting, eager to come back to his hotel and spend time with you, when Silvia cornered him in a narrow corridor of the hospitality. 
“Charles? A word, please.” the tight smile on her lips made him gulp in an uncomfortable manner. “I wanted to talk to you about… your image.” 
“My image? What is wrong with it?”
“The sponsors are getting tired of your bachelor status. They want someone next to you to help promote the brands.”
Charles rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Not this conversation again, he was getting tired of it.
“Listen Charles, I’ve been in contact with a few model agencies. I ask them to provide me with a list of girls who would be a good fit. Then, I narrowed it down to a few names I think would suit your persona and…”
“And nothing, Silvia.” he cut her mid sentence, anger painted all over his face. “I won’t date anyone. Not tomorrow, not ever.”
“Charles, please consider it.”
“No! I’m seeing someone, okay! And I love her very much. I would appreciate it if you back off and leave me alone.”
“But… it’s perfect then! Why haven't you said it earlier? You should bring her along, the sponsors would be delighted.”
“No, I won’t.” He avoided her gaze, hoping she would drop it down, and leave him alone. He wanted to come back to you as soon as possible and an improvised meeting with Silvia was not on his to-do list.
“What are you hiding, Charles?” her eyes narrowed until they looked like viper's eyes.
“If it can cause a huge scandal, I need to know so I can prepare your defense.”
“I need to talk to her before, Silvia. Please respect that. I won’t tell you anything that can make her uncomfortable.”
He could see how annoyed it was making Silvia but he didn’t care, for the first time in his life, he wanted to prioritize his personal life over his Ferrari’s duties, whether Silvia liked it or not.
That’s how he came back pissed off from the track. He wanted nothing more but to see this car being burned at the end of the season and his conversation with Silvia hadn’t brightened his mood. But when he opened the door of his hotel room and saw your suitcase right next to his, it made him smile. A wave of comfort washed over him when he noticed you sitting down at the desk, writing on your notebook, your hair acting as a curtain framing your face. He slowly approached you, putting both hands on your shoulders and kissed the top of your head. You looked up and smiled before closing your notebook. You stood up and went for a hug before feeling how tense he was, making you frown.
“The meeting didn’t go as planned, I suppose?” you asked, massaging his shoulders, hoping to relieve the tension.
“It’s not that…I met Silvia on my way out.” 
Then, he told you everything and it was your turn to flinch and tense. You turned away and looked through the window, lost in thoughts.
“I won’t say anything until you tell me I can. I promise.”
“I know… I’m sorry to put you in this situation. I asked for a meeting with my boss but it won’t be before a few weeks. I really hoped to get done with it before the summer break so I could enjoy it in peace and not stress over it.”
“Speaking of summer break… I was hoping you would agree to join me.” he took her hands in his, pulling her against his chest.
“I would love to, you know I do. But we can’t risk being seen together until I solve the situation at work.”
“I know, but please, consider it before saying no. I can make the arrangements to make sure we won’t be bothered, that no paparazzi will  be in sight. I can protect you, you just have to say the word. Imagine that, us, in the middle of the ocean, on my yacht, with no one to bother us. How does it sound?”
“Dreamy.  You make it hard for me to say no.”
“That’s the goal.” he grinned.
“I need a little time to think about it, okay?”
He nodded and kissed your forehead.
“That's all I'm asking from you. Whatever you decide, I won’t get mad.”
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Soon, Spa arrived and with it the last race before the summer break. You were a bundle of nerves like rarely you’ve been. You were exhausted and waiting for the holidays like a thirsty man finding an oasis after days of walking in the desert. But you had to stay focused, today was a big day. You were expected in Mercedes' hospitality to interview the one and only Lewis Hamilton. You like dot think you were now experienced enough to do a good job with it but still, you had a huge amount of respect for Lewis. For both his off tracks and on tracks activities. And even if you had interviewed him in the past in the media pen, it was not the same. There was a difference between two questions after a race and a long interview of thirty minutes, in a chill environment. You had spent the night working on it under the light of your phone, trying to not wake up Charles. You wanted, no you needed, this interview to go perfectly because if it was then it would come handy if things were turning sour with your boss. You could use this as a proof that it wasn’t affecting your job in any way, that you were still a perfect fit. At least you hoped so.
You arrived in the early morning, ready and determined to do your best job ever. You were welcomed by a coffee, not as good as the one served in the Ferrari’s hospitality you noticed, and went through the back where two comfy looking gray armchairs were displayed. The lady told you that Lewis would arrive soon and you sat down, going through your notes until you saw him from the corner of your eyes. He smiled gently at you as you shook his hand and took place in the armchair in front of you.
“Lewis, thank you for accepting this interview with us, I know how busy you are so let’s get right into it. Lewis, today I don’t want to talk about Lewis Hamilton the world champion. If you don’t mind, I would rather talk about Lewis Carl Davidson Hamiton. Can you describe what kind of kid you were at school and at home?”
His eyes were lightened by a playful glow and he smiled before taking his time to answer.
“Do you know the show Dennis the Menace? Well, it was me. Dennis the Menace 2.0.” he laughed. “I was climbing trees, I was just always riding my bike down the fastest hills… I was naturally super competitive in everything that I did and my dad helped me concentrate that energy into racing. That's where my stability came from.”
You kept talking about many things, from his passion for Ayrton Senna to his travels and how hard it was to maintain friendships and how he was managing the fact that his words had an impact on people. At the end of the interview, you felt like you had managed to bring to light a new side of who Lewis Hamilton was and you were very proud of it.
When it was over you made your way out only to come across a well known figure. You smiled wide recognising Mick and didn’t think twice before hugging him.
“Hey, long time no see!” you greeted him.
“Yeah! I see you from afar from time to time but you’re alway so busy I don’t want to bother you by coming to see you.” 
“Nonsense! Feel free to bother me any time. You’re my friend.”
You stayed chatting for a few minutes, laughing and promising to stay in touch when you felt a shadow behind your back and Mick’s smile dropping instantly. You looked back and saw Charles, a dark look on his face, visibly angry.
“All is good, here? Am I interrupting something? I don’t think flirting with the media is allowed, Mick.” he spitted, making you blush with embarrassment as Mick was stuttering.
“I… We don’t… I was just…”
“Don’t you have a Mercedes to check? it’s not like it was very competitive, not sure you're making a great job at the factory. You should focus more on that instead of sweet talking girls who are clearly trying to do their job right.”
You felt your heart ache for Mick who looked at his feet before giving you a tight smile. Saying that you were mortified was un understatement and you were starting to feel angry. You clenched your fists in order to calm down as you felt Charles getting closer to you.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I don’t know, you tell me!” Charles replied harshly before disappearing.
Mick noticed your reactions and it didn’t take long before he put two and two together.
“Is there something going on between you guys?”
“It’s complicated..”  You looked over your shoulder to see Charles walking fast.
“It’s fine. Go after him.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice as you rushed to his garage. You were about to call for him, when he noticed you and decided to go in the opposite direction, in a place where you had no access. You swore under your breath, not understanding where all of this was coming from and how childish he was acting. Your day had started so well but now, you were pissed off. And he was the only one to blame. 
When you came back to your hotel after a tiring day, you expected to be alone and you were looking forward to it. So, when you opened the door and found Charles sitting on the bed, absent-mindedly scrolling on his phone, you were taken aback. You were not prepared to talk to him. You proceeded to ignore him as you put your things on the sofa and locked yourself in the bathroom. You changed into comfier clothes and removed your make-up, taking more time than needed. But when you finally found yourself with no reasons left to stay locked in, you took a deep breath and opened the door to see Charles right in front of you. You sighed, not ready to talk to him and went to the bed, where he followed you.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” you stated.
“Y/N, please…”
“No. The way you acted with Mick? How embarrassed I felt? No, scratch that, humiliated you made me feel… that was uncalled for. And highly unprofessional.”
“As if we had a professional relationship.” he shrugged, making you snap.
“We do! When I’m out there, running around, my press access badge around my neck, I'm doing my job! Maybe I was talking to Mick for a future report or I was trying to gather some information from him.”
“You were laughing with him! And hugging him!”
“Mick is my friend! I shouldn’t even have to explain myself. Today was Mick, but what if tomorrow I'm talking and laughing with Lando or a mechanic from Aston Martin? Will you act the same way? You could have messed up something big for me acting like that! I just need you to understand it. My point is, when I have my badge on, you talk to me accordingly and you act around me accordingly. Just like I do when I’m interviewing you. I’m not your girlfriend in these situations.” you explained, eyes glued on him, hoping he would understand how angry you were.
“Don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, I snapped because I love you and it is harder and harder to pretend otherwise? I’m tired of hiding and I know I said I was okay with it at first, but not anymore.”
“Charles, I just need a few more weeks… soon it will be over.” you sighed. “The situation is not funny for me either…”
“I’m just wondering if you really want us to be official. If your boss isn’t just an excuse to avoid committing to us fully. I’m scared, okay. Scared you’ll find another excuse when the job one will be out of the equation.”
You gulped, clearly hurt before nodding, bitter.
“If you really think that low of me, I wonder why we are together.” You went to your suitcase and closed it before going through the door, Charles not even trying to hold you back. “I’m staying with Marion tonight, don’t bother waiting for me tomorrow.”
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Charles stood still, looking at the now closed door and feeling guilty about the way he had treated you. It was unfair to accuse you of not being one hundred percent committed to making this relationship work. You had never given him a reason to doubt you. He knew he had screwed up, he knew he was an idiot, he knew you had every reason to get mad at him. He let himself fall on the bed and screamed in your pillow which was still  smelling like you. He also had to apologize to Mick, it was stupid to act this way around him. 
His thoughts drifted back to you. What if you really meant that it was pointless to stay together? He didn’t want that. You were the love of his life, there was not an ounce of doubt in his mind that he wouldn’t end up getting married to you. He knew it. He couldn’t explain it, but he knew. He sighed and did what he was always doing in case of doubts. He called the only person in this world that always knew how to calm him down and  how to figure things out.
“Charles? What a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting you, it’s late.”
“Yeah… I know, it’s just… I needed to talk to you.”
“It seems important.”
“I’m in love, mom.”
There was a silence on the other end of the line, before she spoke again.
“I had my suspicions. You don’t come very often anymore and you were barely in Monaco for the last few months. I didn’t want to ask because I know how careful you are with introducing girlfriends to me.”
“She is a reporter.It makes everything harder… she has to announce it to her boss and then I will have to announce it to Silvia. She is not leaving me alone, she absolutely wants me to find a girlfriend. And when it is all done, I will make our relationship public but then, people will talk, people will probably hate on her and what if she freaks out and decides to leave? I wish sometimes I was more… normal, then it would be so complicated.”
He proceeded to tell the story of how he met you up to the fight. Not once had his mom interrupted him and when he was finally done, he felt lighter.
“I love her mom. More than I’ve ever loved anyone. And I just screwed up in a brilliant way.”
“You did, there is no point denying it. But there is nothing a good conversation and a good apology won’t fix, Charles. I can hear how much you love her and I don’t know her yet, but I’m sure she loves you too. It must be a tough situation for her to handle, try to put yourself in her shoes.”
“I know… I just want her to be happy with me.”
“Start with showing her that you’re sorry. It’s a good first step.”
The next day, he went to search for you in the paddock between the two sessions of Free Practices but you were nowhere to be found. Instead, he ended up running into Marion as she was walking out of the broadcast cabins.
“Hey, Marion! Have you seen Y/N? I’m searching for her…”
“Oh? She hasn’t told you? She requested to work in the F2 paddock this weekend. I thought you knew.”
“Well… clearly not.” he sighed, annoyed. “ He perfectly knew why you had asked for it. You didn’t want to see him.
Coming back to his room at the end of the day felt weird. Not seeing your suitcase next to his felt weird. Not feeling the heat of your body in the bed felt weird. He tossed and turned in his bed until he couldn’t anymore and got up. He couldn’t keep going like this, he needed to see you. It didn’t take long to find in which room you had been transferred and he was glad for a moment you decided to not change your hotel. He smiled when the lady at the desk told him the number. It was three doors next to his. Maybe you weren’t that angry if you had accepted to stay near him. He knocked and heard some sniffles in the room before seeing the door opening, revealing yourself in one of his sweaters he hadn’t noticed was missing, eyes puffy and red stained cheeks. 
He didn’t think twice about it and took you in his arms and soothed your hair.
“I’m sorry.” you mumbled in his chest. “I shouldn’t have left… I shouldn’t have told you that we should break up… it was childish… ”
“Stop. I’m the one who is sorry for having overreacted.”
“I don't want to break up. Not today and not ever. It’s hard for me too, you know, to hide. You’re not the only one having a hard time dealing with it and I’m sorry I should’ve said it sooner…”
“I promise you we will find a way and I promise you I won’t act like a dickhead when you’re doing your job. I don’t want to complicate it for you.” he put his forehead against yours.
“I’m gladly taking the complicated and messed up situation if it involves you, Charles. I’m fine facing any obstacles as long as you are by my side. I’m in. And it hurts when you say that I’m not.”
“I didn’t mean it, I promise. So we’re good?”
 “We’re good.” you nodded as you pulled him into your room.
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Author's note: I couldn't leave you without any drama for too long, right? That would be boring otherwise...
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seenoversundown · 9 months
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Couldn't stop thinking about Jake with the hockey jersey 🤭🥵
Warnings: smut (f receiving)
Word Count: 1.3k
Slow Hands - Niall Horan "no chance That I'm leaving here without you on me I, I know, yeah, I already know that there ain't no stopping Your plans and those slow hands"
Every time I watch my favorite player get slammed into the boards my heart hitches in my chest. 
They’re about to start the final period when I watch Jake look up to me, seeming to find me instantly. He flips his visor up, one of my requests he wears when playing, and flashes me a big smile. I instantly melt, waving back like I haven’t seen him in months - it’s only been a few hours. With a quick flip back down, I watch him turn into the captain his teammates need him to be. 
“That must be her!”
“Shh! She can probably hear you!” 
Smiling in my seat, I know they’re talking about me. I sit in the stands every home game, in the same spot. I wear his jersey with his number adorning either side and his last name stretched across my back.
Soon to be my last name I can’t help but think. 
I glance down to the ring on my left hand. Jake had proposed just the weekend before. My goofy boy had taken us to one of our favorite hangout spots we lovingly referred to as The Cabin. This small cabin in the woods had been the first place Jake and I had taken a vacation together, just the two of us. He made a standing reservation for us every six months since that weekend. 
Last weekend was our fifth trip. 
Two and a half years dating a man who made me feel like I could conquer the world, especially by his side. 
When we drove up to The Cabin, nothing looked different. Once we stepped inside however, a million bells started going off in my brain. There were fairy lights strung everywhere. Our favorite album played on a loop softly in the background. I turned back to Jake, my Jacob, to find him on his knee. He was barely able to get a word out before a sob escaped his throat and we both fell to the floor. I didn’t need his words to tell me what I already knew. 
A buzzer going off yanks me out of my pleasant thoughts. 
“Kiszka, number twenty-three with the goal!” 
I’m out of my chair and screaming before the announcer can finish. Jake’s team has an aggressive lead, I’m almost positive they’ll have an easy win tonight. For the last five minutes of his game, my eyes never leave number twenty-three. 
When the final buzzer rings signifying the end of the game, I cannot get out of my seat fast enough. I quickly  flash my media pass to security and run down the hall looking for him. 
“Y/N! Baby!” I hear faintly from behind me. His eyes are what I spot first and I’m off like a cannonball towards him. Even in all of his gear, I can’t help but jump into his waiting arms. 
“There’s my girl,” he says to me while giving me a small kiss on my forehead. 
“You did amazing tonight.” I say, knowing giving him just a little glimmer of praise has him wanting me even more. He sets me down on my feet and walks me outside of the locker room. 
“Five minutes,” he promises while squeezing my hand. Then I watch him disappear into a room filled with manly hoots and hollers. 
Five minutes later, just as promised, he comes out showered and changed. The smell of a game well done exchanged with the cologne I got him last christmas, the one that he says always reminds him of me.
We quickly hit the press room, where I watch Jake and all of his PR training shine. He then guides me towards the garage for the team, and it becomes hard to hide my excitement to finally be alone with him. When we get into our car I’m practically vibrating.
“What has gotten into my girl today?” he says while resting a hand on my thigh. The way he says that, my girl, always sends a shiver down my spine. 
“I just love watching you play so well, baby.” I move slowly to intertwine our fingers while the heat from his hand spreads like wildfire across my skin. 
I watch as he moves our hands higher up my leg. I know this car ride isn’t long, about ten minutes with good traffic. I’m going to try and use all of it to my advantage. 
“Just watching you in your element,” I continue, “you look so good I can’t take my eyes off of you.” 
His hand grips my thigh dangerously close to where I want him, a low growl cutting through the air. I glance at the gps between us, seven minutes glowing back to me from the screen. 
“When you checked that other guy for getting on top of your teammate? I couldn’t get to you fast enough after.” 
“Y/N.” My name rips through the air like a warning, but I know it’s a bottomless threat. I’ve been watching his eyes fight to stay on the road now. 
“I need to get you back in one piece so I can unravel you at home.” 
His low assertive voice had me squeezing my legs together, but not before his hand could find my center. 
“Open,” he says and the low gravel of his voice has me complying immediately. “That’s my good girl.” His fingers quickly find my clit since I have no underwear on, a request from him when I wear his jerseys to the game, as I try to not fully melt into the seat. The smirk dancing across his lips when he thinks he’s won has me baiting for more. 
“My girl, always so wet for me,” he murmurs. 
“Hard not to be when you play a game as good as that.” My traitorous hips start moving with his fingers,  begging for more. 
“I love when you’re sitting in the stands, I swear it makes me play even harder.” I feel one of his fingers getting close to my entrance. I try to look calm, even though I feel my orgasm inching closer and closer by the second. 
I take another glance at the clock, three minutes to go. 
“You know what I love even more?” He asks while finally inserting a finger inside me, a moan slips past my lips. “How my girl is so ready for me after.”  
“You look so fucking good on the ice,” my voice sounds breathy, far away. I know I’m losing control but I can’t stop focusing on his hand. 
“This is my real win of the evening.” He enters another finger and keeps his thumb on my clit. 
“Jake, baby. Don’t stop. I need you.” I’ve given up my ruse, not caring how desperate I’m sounding. He keeps expertly moving his hands, getting his fingers to that soft spot inside of me he knows will push me over the edge. 
“I want to hear you, Y/N.” 
That’s all I needed to hear before my orgasm ripped through me. I'm filling the quiet air chanting Jake’s name and screaming unintelligible words while I feel him watch me come undone.  
I hear quiet murmurs of praise coming from Jake, a mixture of “that’s my girl” and “you look so beautiful”. 
As I finally come down, I heard the soft ‘click’ of the garage opener, and realized where we were.
 I watch as Jake smoothly pulls into the garage and turns off the car. He leans across the console and presses a soft kiss to my lips. We get out of the car and Jake meets me at the door. He quickly flips me over his shoulder, making me squeal. A loud slap rings through the air, my ass is tingling. 
“Hope you didn’t think I was done with you quite yet, baby.” Jake says as he brings us inside our home. 
Want more hockey Jake? 🤭👀 lmk
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thelarriefics · 1 year
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FAKE RELATIONSHIP FIC REC, Part II: Below you will find more fics that have themes of fake/pretend relationships. (Part I)
📖 The Greatest Thing by @infinitelymint (163k)
“What’s that on your finger?” Louis asks, his voice higher than usual, slightly panicked as though he’s realised something that Harry hasn’t even begun to comprehend. Harry looks down on his right hand then, sees nothing and moves on to the left, and— Oh. A ring. Or, Harry and Louis haven’t spoken since the band broke up when a dangerous combination of Niall Horan, tequila, and an ordained Elvis impersonator means that the two of them have to embark on their biggest publicity stunt to date - together. (aka the semi-canon accidentally married in Vegas fic that has been seven years in the making)
📖 Lightning Strikes The Heart by @fournipplesau & @justalarryblog (130k)
Shrewsbury, 1814 Dearest reader, I present to you your new bulletin of news regarding Shrewsbury citizen's activities. My name is Lady Merriweather and I will be in charge of the updates. I will make sure you are to know all the important details of what is to happen this season. You must know that you do not know who I am and you never shall. But be forewarned; I certainly do know you. I advise you to be on your best behaviour, lest you want the whole town to be privy of your business. As expected every year, the Lockhart House hosts the season’s opening ball, and its invitation is the motive of the hustle in town, and every family hopes for the invitation. This year is no different, but this year everyone's attention is focused on the new Duke of Montgomery, His Grace Harry Edward Styles, and whether he will attend it. All the omegas will be in their best manner, behaviour and clothes as it is expected. And here, dear reader is where we will find out which young omega might succeed at securing a match, hoping to not become a spinster. Place your bets.
📖 Mistletoe's For Two by @ireallysawanangel (90k)
After an encounter in a coffee shop with the rudest man he's ever met, Louis hopes the city is just big enough that he'll never bump into him again. When he spots that man at a bar the following evening, a plan begins to form. They both need dates for their respective Christmas parties and decide to use each other for their own benefit. They'll help one another through the holidays and then 'break it off' on New Year's, then agree to never see each other again. Developing feelings was not part of the plan. Or, an enemies to lovers fake dating advent fic.
📖 this charade (was never going to last) by @scrunchyharry (68k)
On the surface, CitizenX, an international caritative nonprofit, looked like any other nonprofit, funding humanitarian missions worldwide and striving to make the world a better place, one donation at a time. At least, that was what Harry thought, until he was hired as a computer specialist for a spinoff agency called carish, whose true purpose was to reveal CitizenX’s tangled web of lies. As if the whole ‘industrial spy’ business was not stressful enough, Harry found himself in a hatred-at-first-sight relationship with one of his new coworkers, Louis, a man intent on detesting Harry. When the worst happened and Harry and Louis found themselves thrown together in hiding, with only each other to rely on, Harry never could have predicted the turn their relationship would take. Nor could he anticipate that it would all be taken away from him and he would have to decide how far he was willing to go to get Louis back.
📖 another dream but always you by @nobodymoves (60k)
Harry is a Dreamwalker; he has the ability to visit people in their dreams and help put them on the right path. He's assigned to Louis, who's struggling after the break-up of his band. It's an unusual assignment from the beginning; Harry has a crush on Louis, and Louis's subconscious immediately decides Harry is the love of his life. When Dreamers cast Harry as their love interest, he can usually redirect them, but Louis is insistent on being Harry's boyfriend, and despite knowing they have no future, Harry wants to keep up the charade.
📖 Glitter in the sky, glitter in our eyes by @softfonds (59k)
What happens when a Duke who will only marry for love and a courtesan who only sells it create a public ruse? Well, nothing boring for sure. An Edwardian AU.
📖 I Keep Looking For Magic by @lululawrence (36k)
Harry loves Christmas, but this year is special. After ten years of boyfriends all failing to ever meet Harry's family, Harry has a fiance to introduce and things are looking like they will be perfect. Until they break up. Harry cannot go home alone when he had promised to bring a significant other again. This leaves him with little choice but to find someone to pretend they are his fiance. Surely nothing could go wrong with this plan.
📖 Lies & Liability by @evilovesyou (34k)
Harry Styles has only three wishes when he leaves River Dane Manor to go to Town for his first season: that his sister has rented a townhouse that will provide him as many of the comforts of the country life he has grown accustomed to as possible, that he will not trip and fall when he is presented to Her Majesty the Queen, and that he will enter matrimony out of true love, no matter how favourable the match with any which alpha may be.
📖 Pray To God This Won't Be A Mess by @xogucciblue (28k)
When Louis is outed just weeks before his hotly anticipated second album is set to drop, Harry agrees to hold his hand in a few pictures to cool down the media hype. That's all it was supposed to be.
📖 Went Down In Flames by @itsnotreal (26k)
Louis was in an absolutely shit storm. He had let it go on for too long. Let it go too far. But he had a plan. And tonight, said plan was going down. He was going to tell the boys he was proposing this weekend. ‘Harry’ would turn him down, albeit gently, and Louis would play the heartbroken boyfriend. He’d gotten this far. All he had to do was lock himself in his bedroom and cry a little. He’d been in a few plays growing up. Piece of cake. Except. It didn’t go that way. Of course, it didn’t. Because the universe, the beautiful chaotic bitch that she was, just had to have an actual Harry Styles and he just had to be Niall’s best friend.
📖 And I’d Marry You Harry (Because You Forced Me) by @2tiedships2 (24k)
The Proposal AU featuring Harry as Sandra Bullock, Louis as Ryan Reynolds, and all the fun a fake relationship and forced engagement can bring.
📖 if it looks like, feels like, tastes like love...  by @tempolarriefix (16k)
the one where harry and louis hate each other but pretend to date to be able to live in university 'family housing', zayn and liam are their nosy next door neighbors, and niall is the friend who made it all happen.
📖 Wed’n Walk (Or, We Went to Amsterdam Together) by @hellolovers13 (11k)
When Harry had first started planning his honeymoon to Amsterdam, he had not envisioned ending up there with his best friend. Or getting fake-married to him for 24 hours.
📖 Not Another Lonely Christmas by @haztobegood (8k)
Harry should be more nervous that he’s bringing a literal stranger to meet his extended family, but he figures it can’t be much more awkward than Aunt Sharon’s Christmas parties usually are. Instead, he’s looking forward to having an extra person to buffer the conversation. A knock comes one minute after eleven. He lets out the breath and opens the door. “Hi there— Louis?!” Or, the one where the friend Niall sets up as Harry's fake boyfriend turns out to be Gemma's best friend Louis
📖 Christmas Pretenders by @larryatendoftheday (4k)
When Niall convinced Louis to come home with him for the holidays as his fake boyfriend, he never expected he'd run into the loveliest man he'd ever seen. Or, twist on the fake-dating for the holidays fic, where the real love interest is the fake-boyfriend's best friend.
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niallsgoldhoop · 3 months
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a niall horan one shot - the show famous niall almost three thousand words cw - sexual acts, sexual language, name calling, foul language, 18+
“So what’d you do to piss her off this time?”
Standing next to the small set of metal stairs, I can’t help but smile as I look to my left. “Oh you know— Decided to wear this and that instead of what I was scheduled to wear.”
“It’s no wonder she can’t stand you.” Shaking his head, he chuckles. “See you out there, mate.”
Without another word, I watch as he makes his way up the small stairs and gets settled in place, the rest of my band doing the same as we get prepared to give the crowd a show to remember.
Looking down at my shoes, I can’t help but let out a small laugh.
What I was supposed to wear and what I decided to wear are two different things.
It’s like if I listen closely I can already hear Reed Foster cursing under her breath, my name falling from those raspberry lips about how much she can’t stand me.
Ever since I met her there has been that electric buzz of tension between the two of us. To this day I’m still not sure what makes her despise me like she does, but I don’t really care. However that doesn’t mean I don’t try and mess with her any chance that I get.
Irritating her is like a game— One that I always win.
As I listen to the crowd on the other side of the curtain and the music starts to play, my feet carry me up the stairs and my hands pull the old and weathered cream colored guitar over my head before checking to make sure my earpieces are fitting correctly.
Taking my place, a flash of movement draws my attention to the side of the stage that I just came from, stealing my attention away for just a second.
“You are the absolute worst, Horan.”
Crossing her arms over her supple chest, Reed stares me down like she wants to murder me. Just the fire in her eyes sends heat flooding through my body.
She may hate me, but I can feel the heat in her gaze when she thinks that I don’t notice.
Just like she doesn’t know that it’s her face I see when I’m alone and need a release.
A secret for a secret, you could say.
For weeks I’ve been getting under her skin and just waiting for the moment it boils over— waiting for what it brings out of her.
Waiting for her to play.
So with a mischievous grin, I look over to her and wink, gaining an eye roll in the process. “Right back at ya, Foster.”
Even under the dim lighting I can see the way she rolls her eyes before turning on her heel, middle finger up in the air.
Fuck, I love a challenge.
Always have— always will.
—— Reed ——
Niall Horan was a pain in my ass.
I swear to god there wasn’t one day where he didn’t do something to piss me off.
From switching the stage outfits to hiding my things, it was a miracle that I hadn’t quit or punched him in that smug ass smile that was always there when I was around.
It didn’t matter that his blue eyes were the color of a perfect sky or that he always smelled like the most expensive, delicious cologne.
Niall was frustratingly handsome.
I knew he was attractive and it didn’t matter that I thought of him when I— No, fuck him.
“Do we have to go back?” The words fall off my tongue as I look across the table. “Because I’m fine with staying here.”
“We could stay if we wanted to get fired.” Laughing, my coworker turned best friend pulls cash out of her wallet.
Groaning, I pay for my tab and stand up to follow her out of the pub. “Maybe I want to get fired.”
“Please, don’t lie to me.” She grins over her shoulder as we climb into the back of the car waiting for us. “We both know you love your job.”
“Love the job, can’t stand the employer.” I manage to mumble under my breath as the car pulls away from the curb.
We left after the first couple songs of the show started, both of us knowing exactly how long we had to go get something to eat or a drink before we had to be back at the arena in time to have everything packed up and ready when it was over.
In the time we’ve been doing that— not once have we been late, but seeing how slow the traffic is moving, it looks like today could be our lucky day.
“I’m so sorry about that, ladies!” Our driver gives us a tight smile. “Normally it’s not so bad around here.”
Waving my hand in front of my face as we walk backwards, I plaster on a fake smile as I dig through my bad for my credentials. “Don’t worry about it!”
The two of us finally make it inside before going our separate ways, leaving me to gather up the last of the things that are in Niall’s dressing room, hoping that I can finish before he gets off stage. From the sound of it, I’m not going to make it considering that the unmistakable first few notes of Slow Hands reverberate through the building.
“Goddamn it.” I mumble. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Working as fast as I can, dread pools in my belly knowing that everything won’t be finished by the time the show is over.
By the time Niall makes it back to this room.
With my back to the door and shoving things into the cases they belong in, the sound of the door opening doesn’t even register to me in my rush.
But the sound of a rough, low voice paired with an Irish accent does.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?”
Whirling around, Reed drops everything in her hands as I lean against the doorframe, the post-show adrenaline pumping the blood through my veins.
“Fuck you.” The words fall from her pouty lips. “I was just leaving.”
“Looks to me like you weren’t even close to leaving.” Stepping up to her, it’s impossible not to notice the way her eyes fall to my lips before they roam over my body. “See something you like, Reed?”
Snapping her gaze back to mine, those pretty eyes narrow. “Not a damn thing.”
“That doesn’t seem like the way you should talk to your boss, does it?” Pressing even closer to her, my tongue rolls across the inside of my cheek. “Besides— I think you’re lying.”
Once again, her eyes fall from mine and grace the edges of the cream colored top that I chose tonight, one that leaves my arms bare.
“You think you’re so full of yourself.” Her tone is venomous but her pupils dilate all the same. “I’m just packing up—“
Reaching behind her, I grab a handful of things from the suitcase and let them clatter to the floor, raising a brow at her. “Seems to me like you just wanted to spend some time with me.”
“Oh yeah? Who told you that?” She scoffs.
I love this game, the back and forth.
Reed is all bark and no bite… Although I don’t mind it a little rough from time to time.
Her pulse jumps under the smooth skin of her neck as a low laugh falls from my lips. “Nobody had to tell me, I could see it right here.” The tip of my finger brushes across her pulse, the wild rhythm beating under the callous that lies there. “Want to lie to me again, hm?”
“Can’t seem to recall a single day that I was excited to see you.” She laughs, letting her finger draw a gentle path down the inside of my arm. “Must suck for you, doesn’t it?”
We’ve drifted even closer to each other over our verbal sparring, leaving us only a couple inches apart, her lips inviting me in.
“What are you gonna do?” Taking the chance, I nip her bottom lip, the whimper from the back of her throat traveling straight to my groin. “Be a brat? Be a good girl?”
She doesn’t even give me an answer before the tension bursts between us, her lips finding mine in a kiss that is anything but gentle. I can't help but groan at the minty taste of her or the way her small hands fist the front of the silky sleeveless shirt I wear.
“Fuck.” My words are short as she pulls in my bottom lip with her teeth. “Always knew you were full of fire.”
My lips fall from hers, traveling across her jaw and down to the hollow at the base of her throat, a moan coming from her lips when I harshly suck the skin into my mouth to mark her.
“Yeah?” I nip her earlobe. “Keep saying my name— I like the way it sounds.”
Gripping the hem of her shirt and pulling it over her head, a groan sounds from deep in my chest as she stands in front of me in the laciest thing I’ve ever seen.
“You’ve been hiding all of this from me?” I say, my fingertips toying with her pebbled nipples through the fabric. “Pretending you hate me?”
Glassy eyes find mine as Reed tries to catch her breath. “I do hate you—“
“Liar.” Bringing my hand up to her throat, I let it rest against her skin for just a moment before she gives me a subtle nod, only then letting my fingers press gently into the sides. “I guess if you hate me so much you don’t want any of this, do you?”
Silence settles between us, her swallow thick under my palm.
“Get to work, Reed.” I let go of her. “Take this belt off.”
Tucking her bottom lip between her teeth, her fingers fall to the belt around my waist, the sound of the metal barely heard over our heavy breathes.
“When you get this belt off, I want you to get on your fucking knees, yeah?” Using my finger, I lift her chin so that she meets my gaze. “Did you hear me?”
Reed nods. “Yes.”
“Yes what?” Fire races through my blood.
“Yes, sir.” She says like the good girl she is.
As my pants fall to the ground, I reach behind my and pull my top off and throw it somewhere behind me, too worked up by the sight of the woman on her knees before me.
“Tell me, Reed—“ Brushing my thumb across her bottom lip, I push it inside her mouth and groan at the feel of her warm, wet mouth. “Are you gonna suck me off like the slut you are? Gonna be good for me?”
With a nod, she swirls her tongue around the tip of my finger.
“Good. Take off the rest of my clothes.”
As soon as the words are out of my mouth, she reaches up and tucks her fingers into the waistband of the black briefs doing nothing to conceal how fucking desperate I am to be in her mouth. My cock juts towards my stomach as I step out of the fabric, wrapping my fingers around the silky skin. The pearly drop at my tip shines under the lights of the dressing room as I watch Reed take in the sight before her. From here, I can see her legs shift as if she’s trying to get her own relief from the tension between us.
“Is this what you want?” Leaning forward, I spread the drop across her bottom lip. “Tell me.”
“Yes, yes… I want it, Niall.” Her eyes are wide as she looks up at me.
I smirk down at her. “Beg for it, slut.”
“I—“ Reed takes a deep breath. “Please fuck my mouth, please. I want to feel you down my throat.”
“Are you going to keep acting like you hate me? Like you haven’t wanted me down that pretty little throat for weeks?” Raspy and low, my voice sounds like it’s been drug through gravel. “Keep going, let me hear you praise me, Reed”
Her chest expands with a deep breath before her tongue darts out to taste the moisture left there, those pretty eyes fluttering shut. “I don’t— Please. I think about you when my hand is between my legs— Niall—“
“Open your fucking mouth.” Impatience travels through my body. “Take this and shut the fuck up.”
Those lips open and I don’t waste any time pressing my hips forward, watching as she takes my cock into her mouth like that’s all she’s ever wanted. Immediately she brings her hand up to mine, moving it out of the way so that she can circle her dainty fingers around me.
“There you go—“ Fisting her hair, the strands are soft and silky against my skin. “Letting me use you like a pathetic slut to get off.”
Reed moans around me at my words, the reverberation sending a chill up my spine. The combination of her lips wrapping around me and her hand feels euphoric.
“Niall—“ Pulling back, Reed drags her tongue along the vein that maps out the underside of my length. “I want more—“
“You want me to fuck you?” I ask in a low laugh, watching her nod as she circles her tongue around the tip of my cock. “Only good girls get fucked, Reed. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve got a lot to make up for.”
Gripping her hair even tighter, I shake my head. “Shut up and open that pretty little throat.”
Surprisingly, she does what I say.
This time I can tell she’s waiting for me to take control… So I do.
Thrusting my hips forward, a string of curses fall from my lips as I feel myself hit the back of her throat over and over, the pleasure so intense that I can feel it traveling up my spine at a rapid pace.
Looking down, Reed’s dark lashes are clumped together from her tears, the pressure of feeling me so deep causing her to gag and contract around me as I push even deeper.
“Fuck— Just like that—“ I tilt my head back. “Keep choking on my cock like that.”
Pressing forward, I let my hips rest for a couple of seconds, feeling her throat grip me again before pulling out enough so that she can catch her breath.
“You okay?” Checking in with her, she nods before reaching for me again. “Greedy little thing, aren’t you? Who knew all it would take to shut you up would be to stuff your mouth with my cock?”
Moaning around me, watch as she slips her hand under the hem of the black leather skirt, another whimper coming from the back of her throat as her eyes meet mine.
“There you go, get yourself off while I fuck your mouth.” Sweat drips down my skin. “Shit— Good girl, Reed— You feel so good.”
Tears fall down her face as she moans around me, her hand moving as she brings herself to her own peak, making me realize that Reed Foster might be one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen.
Maybe I’ve just been blind by wanting to get on her nerves, but now seeing all the valleys and curves of her body displayed in front of me it makes me feel like maybe I need more.
“Fuck, Reed—“ I groan, the words like gravel. “I’m so close. Are you going to take what I give you? Swallow everything?”
As soon as she nods, the balloon at the base of my spine pops into a sea of euphoria as I empty myself down her throat, feeling like it might never stop.
“Good god.” Pulling my hips back, I run my hand through my hair. “That was—“
Meeting my gaze, Reed uses her thumb to catch a drop of my release that spilled out of her mouth, flattening her tongue to taste the last bit that she can. “I don’t even know what to say.”
“Come here.” Bending down, I slide my hands under her arms to pull her up to stand. “You did so good.”
A soft smile pulls across her face, the lights of the dressing room playing off the sheen of sweat on her body. “Thank you.”
Looking behind me, I see the door that leads to the personal shower and before I can stop myself or overthink, I tug her hand and pull me with her.
She may have hated me before, but she won’t hate me after I give her what she just gave me.
On a night like tonight, everything changes.
Starting now.
this was my first requested one shot so DONT HATE ME if it’s bad alsndkwksn
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allwaswell16 · 10 months
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All the One Direction fics I read and enjoyed in August 2023. You can listen to my podcast to hear me talk about each of these fics as well as an overview of what was posted on ao3 including the fics on this month’s fic roundup which you can find here! Please let the writers know if you liked the fics by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
Fanfictional Podcast #53 |  ko-fi | fic recs
🌴 De amore ex tempore by @persephoneflouwers
(M, 101k, historical) the Middle Ages AU where Harry is a philosopher, whose thoughts happen five centuries too soon and Louis is a painter, whose art happens five centuries too late. & Or: the Time Travel AU where alternate versions of themselves live simultaneously in different realities and their paths collide every time, until somehow, they converge into one.
🌴 Gemma's Dad (Could Use A Guy Like Me) by @lululawrence
(NR, 82k, age difference) Louis wasn't planning on getting home and learning that Gemma's dad had gotten the house in the divorce and was dealing with things by focusing on work, the house, and his newly planted garden. It becomes obvious early on that Harry is a bit lost and Gemma is worried about him. To help both of them, Louis is more than happy to help Harry find himself again.
🌴 We Don't Need No Piece of Paper (From the City Clerk) by @2tiedships2
(M, 26k, a/b/o) In a matter of months, he would be bonded to an alpha his dad had chosen for him. Someone that Harry knew nothing about. Not even his name.
🌴 you give me feelings that i adore by @alwaysxlarrie
(T, 7k, a/b/o) 5 times Louis scents Harry's things and the 1 time Harry returns the gesture.
🌴 A Social Construct by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(E, 7k, established relationship) Five times Harry and Louis try to lose their virginity and one time they finally do. Part 4 of Swallow My Words
🌴 Rode Hard and Put Away Wet by @kingsofeverything
(E, 6k, Texas) Louis heard the same rumours in London, New York, and L.A., and he put them all to rest, but in Texas? Series Part 7 of Tiny Penis Fics
🌴 Trying to Find the Words (To Say For Ages) by @insightfulinsomniac
(E, 6k, uni au) As best friends and roommates, it’s really not a big deal when their on-campus housing provides Harry and Louis with an unusual, intimate bathroom arrangement. 
🌴 Come All Ye by @justanothershadeofblue
(E, 6k, historical) It's the summer of 1971, and Louis just wants to get out of town for a minute or a day. When his buddy Zayn says they should head down south and check out this radical new music festival, Louis is only too happy to agree.
🌴 Every Bit of Mine by skipper / @skipperxao3
(M, 3k, dark) Harry is an enigma. Louis still loves him.
🌴 every night with us (is like a dream) by moon_rose25 / @darkinfinity
(T, 2k, famous/not famous) A look into the life of a professional football player dating a physical therapist.
🌴 Everything Is Batter With You by red_panda28 / @red-pandaaa
(T, 2k, established relationship) Harry comes across a fun baking TikTok and convinces Louis to do it
🌴 No (Birth) Control by @haztobegood
(E, 2k, a/b/o) An unfortunate situation left Harry without contraceptives a day before his heat.
🌴 in my head we can love forever by @beardyboyzx
(E, 1k, girl direction) Harry might be a bit in love with her roommate.
🌴 Nights Like These, We'll Remember by @fallingdefenceless
(T, 1k, meet cute) Louis and Harry meet at a summer music festival and sparks fly.
—Rare Pairs—
🌴 The Light Out In The Madness (Hold Tight) by @lalalaartje
(E, 46k, Niall/Louis) When Louis ends up with Niall as a roommate after a messy break up with Harry, he considers it truly life saving. They become fast friends and while Louis is sceptical about Niall's idea to start fake dating to take revenge on Harry, it can't be that bad, can it?
🌴 Ask Him by LinksLipsSinkShips / @fxckingprincesspark
(T, 2k, Niall/Lewis Capaldi) When Lewis Capaldi gets pressed for information on who he's dating, he admits it... he's been seeing Niall Horan. The only problem? He jokes so much that no one believes him.
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blingblong55 · 2 months
This town -Simon "Ghost" Riley
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pic credits: @ave661 (middle and right)
Based on a request: (Its a long as so I'll link it so you can read the anons idea) Link here ---- F!Reader, childhood!friends, hidden feelings, angst, friends to strangers ---- A/N: Songs that also fit: Too Young- Louis Tomlinson, This Town- Niall Horan, Back to the Old House- The Smiths, Always you-Louis Tomlinson
It's a story to tell over at the old pub you and he used to hang around on the weekends. But how can a man begin to tell the sorrowful story? How can he explain in his bruised hands he holds the locket you gave him when you two were kids? He will maybe ask if this was a curse, the only curse an old soul like his has. 
It could've been something, it would've been something, it should've been beautiful. 
In this world, it was always he and you. Scraping your knees when jumping off the rocks near his home. Playing tag in the street until the moon greeted you and his mother would call his name. It's the kind of beginning all beautiful loves start with. Friends since childhood, went through life together and by 28, he would have proposed to the girl he had loved his whole life, 40s would be of dropping the kids at school, 50s of early retirement and 60s were for the potential grandkids, 70s would've been the stories shared of their early lives.
Would've...what a shit word that became in his life. 
In the teenage years, after you had some glow-up, you became the girl everyone knew. The pretty, popular and funny girl the school knew of. He was the friend of the popular girl, the one people barely noticed or cared for. Simon was the same kid who always had a scar or bruise on his face, compliments from his father. One thing Simon hated more than the bastard of his father was the guy you were with. Bloke knows nothing but how to wank and fuck any living thing, he recalls.
Why were you with such a guy? It was a must. Like those cheesy movies where the pretty girl stays with the popular guy, all for the status of each other. Your feelings weren't real for that guy. He wasn't funny, wasn't smart and he wasn't Simon. The boy you shared a kiss with at age 7 because of an accidental bump whilst running through the grass. 
It was during a small break between classes that you found him drinking water. You smile. He always did look good, even the stupid bruise on his jaw made him look so good. 
"Y/N," he straightens up. "Simon," you smile cheekily. "Oh no, what's that smile for?" He crosses his arms over his chest and you can't help but get lost in his honey eyes. "Well...I was wondering if maybe we can...talk?" You say, unsure of how to word this confession. "Did my mum put you up to this?" 
"No, this is...me just wanting to talk." 
"Go on," his voice softens. Does he always do this for you?
You hesitate, but what is life without words? You breathe in and say, "I like you...there I said it and... don't stay quiet because you know I get nervous and I will continue to just talk and talk and talk and-"
He cuts you off by saying, "I'm sorry, Y/N, I... don't..think..this..well I just don't feel that way for you. We're friends, nothing more," he ends his part of the conversation, pats your back as he walks away and you are left in the corridor of the school alone. 
As Simon walks to his classroom, his heart and mind fight the words that he had just said to you. Why was that mean? Did I even mean to say them? He thinks. 
Graduation happens. You and he never talked after that day. Not even a congrats or a hug, life went on without him in your life. Throughout those last months in school, he felt a feeling of regret when he'd see you with that guys arm around you. He would occasionally walk around the old park just to see if you would still go on your daily walks. 
By the time he was about to leave town, he found himself at the old house. He heard your parents moved to a new part of town, so if this was the last time he heard of you, it better be on his terms. And as he walks through the pavement, he finds himself looking at your window. He leans over a car, lights a cigarette and just waits to see if maybe you or some ghost roamed the home. 
Was it the feeling of losing a friend that hurt or losing his one chance to feel something other than pain and hatred? Maybe it's just nervous, after all, he leaves tomorrow. 
You were both just 16, it was puppy love, nothing would've lasted if he reciprocated those feelings, right?
And if it was, why does he feel some kind of hurt as he packs his bags? Why does he want to run to your new home and call your name? Is there a reason why? It's not love, it can't be love, he thinks. I'm not worthy of that, you've heard my dad, he says out loud. "Simon?" Tommy opens the door. "Tommy, not today," he looks back at his bag. "...Fuck" he whispers. 
It's been a long nineteen years since he last saw you and heard your precious voice laugh at a cheesy joke of his. Nineteen years and the feeling in his chest is still there when he arrives home. Manchester was always home for him, it was the only place he knew best when he came back. 
One day, as he was cleaning his closet, looking for his dog's leash, something fell and hit his head. "What the fu-" he looked down and there it was. 
"Why give me this?" A thirteen-year-old Simon asked you. You smile, "You said you wish you could always be near me so you can feel safe...and since I'm going to my nans for the week, have this locket on you, and I swear I'll be there. Keep it safe, okay?" you kiss his forehead before entering the car. He nods and waves, "Call me, Y/N, please!" he calls out and you nod. "Every day!" you scream out as the car drives further away. 
A smile falls on his silent lips, "...Y/N..." his thumb caresses the design. Once he opens it, he feels as if he is that young again. "Are you still there, Y/N?" He whispers and then, realisation hits. It was never nerves or whatever bullshit he told himself back then, it was love, always has. 
All the dots are connecting. For the past nineteen years, he always had some love or whatever all those hookups and awful relationships were, but never did they stick around. Never did he feel more for them than what he has always felt for you. His cold heart still beating warm when he thinks of you. You are all he has ever known, the smiles, the late-night confessions, stories, the silly inside jokes, the feeling in his chest today. 
He hasn't seen you in years, what if you don't remember him? What if when you see him, your heart doesn't call his name when he screams yours? Will you ever even forgive him? Will you wrap your arms around him and call him home like he has called you? 
He must find you, so he calls and looks for you in every corner of this place. He finds nothing, just more lost hope at every corner he looks into. His heart and mind excited each other at the thought this would be some sappy romance moment. His mind creating a script, all truths, just finding better words to tell you he loves you, loved you the moment you kissed the similar scar on the knee at the park when he cried over the pain. He's loved you from the day he learned to say your name. 
Why does he miss you so much today?
Why must you be the drug his body needs? God does he miss you and your addictive heart. 
He has been around the world, where he could've found a good woman who made him happy but no, his heart has always belonged to one girl. You. 
By the time he gets the street right, he finds you sitting down and as he smiles and nearly runs to you, he stops when he sees this image of you. 
Sitting by the fountain, he sees you and a man. His arms wrap around your body, giving you darling kisses as you chuckle. It was then that Simon Riley knew this was it. He will spend his entire life wandering earth, looking for another soul like yours. You didn't see him of course, your fiance capturing all your attention. Simon was close to not caring and pulling you away from that man, but that would be cruel. And as he tries to make up excuses for this man being near you, he sees the ring. 
Oh...oh you fool, he thinks. 
His heart is near death. It screams your name, trying to find you so it can keep beating but when you don't whisper, Simon nods and lets his heart die. Let it rot, so it can learn its lesson, he thinks. 
It would've never bloomed, Simon and you...right?
It's no use to even go and say hi. The locket that contained your picture was still in his fist. It'll be the last reminder of what was meant to be a life romancing in dark streets through town. 
In his head, the home you dreamed of will forever be just a dream. No four kids, no library, no big kitchen so you and he can dance around at midnight. No you...no him...it'll all be stuck and dead in this town. 
He crossed rivers, mountains, and enemies and survived wounds soldiers like him get, all to come home to you. And all this was for nothing. In his world, he would've married you, given you chubby babies and late Saturday mornings. No gun, no bomb and no other man would've kept him away from you. 
In his mind, he is with you. In his dead heart, he sits by and watches that chubby baby learn to walk. He would've adored seeing you in a white dress, walking to him as he wiped tears away when he d his dream of a perfect life was minutes away from being real. 
What a mess he is as he asks for another drink. A mess he never should have been if he had told you that your name is carved all over his body. 
It was this town that saw him live and it'll be this town that sees him die because if he can't have you, at least he has this place. 
A/N: Remember, I collect tears for potions, so please drop them by for collection, thank you. - The place of tears co.
Tags: @liyanahelena @mangowafflesss @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @rvivienner @Krinoid24 @iruzias @frazie99 @idklols @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @Juneonhoth @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @enarien @Simonssweetgirl @luvecarson @willowaftxn83-87 @ikohniik @nobodys-coffee @strawberrychita @sae1kie @queen-ilmaree @pbcartii @Llelannie @Macnches2 @bbyfimmie @avidreadee123 @talooolaaloolla @skelletonwitch @bittermajesties @Nyx_Flower @honestlyhiswife @who-can-appease-me @ghostwifeyy @konigssultwithghost @kaoyamamegami @beansproutmafia @soapybutt17 @asianbutnotjapanese @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @sleepyycatt @believeinthefireflies95
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neondiamond · 3 months
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🪷 Recently Read Fics - January & February 2024 🪷
Hiii happy 2024 everyone! January was a bit of a busy month which meant I didn’t actually have the time to put together a fic rec for the first time in two years, but I am back! I still didn’t read as much as I usually do but, these are all of the amazing fics I read over the past two months (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 🤍
🪷 Hold On I Still Need You by @enchantedlandcoffee (1k, T)
The one where Louis goes missing and Harry desperately tries to find him.
🪷 miles away from seeing you by @loveislarryislove (1k, T)
Harry is in his final year studying marine biology, and is doing an international exchange at the University of Auckland. His boyfriend Louis stays behind in England, but they keep in touch regularly through texts, snapchats, video calls, and more.
This fic is entirely told through images of social media posts and conversations
🪷 Daydream by @allwaswell16 (2k, T)
Every Thursday, Louis nods hello to her fellow regulars at Horan’s Cafe, one of whom is the woman of her dreams.
🪷 ‘cause i built a home for you by angelsueavenue (2k, NR)
Harry doesn’t believe that baths can induce labor. His alpha, though, is prepared to prove him wrong.
🪷 What’s in a Name by @hellolovers13 (2k, T)
Louis had always known Harry was his soulmate.
The name on his arm disagreed.
But what did his soulmark know about true love anyway.
🪷 In Jest by @londonfoginacup (4k, T)
Louis, who smiles at Harry as he reclines in his chair. Louis, whose soulmark is visible thanks to his low-cut top.
Louis, Harry’s soulmate, who seems to either be blissfully ignorant of that fact or maliciously ignoring it.
Harry would really like to know which.
🪷 You’re Already Home by @londonfoginacup (5k, G)
It's Christmas Eve and Harry's life is normal. Then he finds someone's barred the door to his favourite hiding spot -- the old groundskeeper's cottage -- and suddenly Harry's life isn't normal anymore.
🪷 knowing you’re in love with me is the greatest gift of all by @greeneyesfriedrice (6k, T)
Harry just wants to fall back to sleep in his husband’s arms, wanting to treasure the quietness of Christmas morning before their kids wake up and realize what day it is.
That dream is short lived when there’s a small shriek of joy from downstairs.
🪷 Cold Hands & Warm Hearts by kingofthefridaynight (16k, E)
a wintery uni au, where they spend time with their friends, play in the snow, drink wine in their dorm and Harry loses at Scrabble. Also, they might have been in love all along.
🪷 Your Eyes Outshine the Town by @insightfulinsomniac (19k, E)
When a freak French snowstorm traps Harry's family in Paris, he's suddenly left flying home for a Christmas spent alone. However, everything changes after a chance encounter with an undeniably attractive, generous alpha who suggests that Harry join his family's Christmas celebrations. Against his better judgment, Harry agrees, and follows Louis back to Doncaster for the holidays.
Little does he know, he'll not only become attached to the alpha, but to his entire family. Maybe his Christmas won't be as lonely as he expected.
Complete and utter fluff ensues. Sappy Christmas tropes abound.
🪷 To you I can admit, I’m just too soft for all of it by @starryhaze28 (28k, NR)
“Harry?” Louis asks when he hears the frantic crying coming through the speaker. “H, darling what's wrong?”
Concerned, Louis puts on his shoes as he keeps hearing the sobs. It’s the middle of the night and the phone call has definitely pulled Louis out of his deep slumber, but Harry is crying, and Louis has to be with him.
“It’ll be okay, baby, I'm gonna come over, okay? You just- Haz you have to send me your address, yeah? Can you do that for me?” Louis asks, trying to remain as poised as possible as he presses his phone between his ear and shoulder so he can grab his jacket.
“No.” Harry cries out. “It's all wrong, Lou- It’s-” Another sob. “I hate it, Lou, I hate it so, so much, make it stop.”
🪷 You’re Not My Type (still I fall) by @imogenleewriter (38k, M)
His mum is going to kill him!
Well, not kill him. Just give him a right telling off, make him admit she'd been right, then try to confine him to his room until they found a hefty Alpha to look after him and rein him in or something.
She wouldn't manage, of course. Harry is only twenty-four and has no inclination to settle down at all, especially not at the behest of an Alpha.
But, as his mum would point out, that was the same stubborn attitude that got him here: in his car, in a thunderstorm, on the side of a forsaken lane of some little countryside town in Yorkshire. His mobile's got no signal, his GPS isn't working, and he's running low on petrol, so he can't even use the heater.
Oh, and most importantly, his car is stuck in the mud, so even if the GPS was working and he knew where to go, he wouldn’t be able to.
He's been in stickier spots; he reminds himself. Way stickier. This is just a bit of rain; it'll blow over. Then Harry will just... well, alright, he isn't entirely sure what to do when the rain stops because he'll still be stuck and lost. But, hey, there won't be any rain, which is something to cheer about.
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