#Holistic Cancer Healing
samskrt · 11 months
Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment: The Ayurvedic Approach to Holistic Healing
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eatclean-bewhole · 3 months
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To anyone that thinks cancer is incurable I say, “Have you met my mother?”
If you haven’t heard her story by now, my mom healed from cancer naturally. She did not want to use conventional treatments (chemo or radiation) because of what she saw close friends go through on them, and none of their outcomes were favorable. Instead, nutrition was her primary medicine. Her healing protocol involved regular juicing, detoxing, fasting, a plant-based alkaline diet, individualized supplementation, ozone water (oxygenated water), infrared sauna time, stress management, surrounding herself with love and support….
My mom understood that the disease took years to manifest, so she was committed to this healing lifestyle for years. As a result, she restored balance and she healed.
Google your condition and cases where people have healed from it. If there’s even one result, let that give you hope that your condition is not incurable. But know that it will likely require you to think outside the box of medicine alone.
Book recommendations:
Radical Remission, by Dr. Kelly A. Turner
Spontaneous Healing, by Dr. Andrew Weil
The Gerson Therapy, by Charlotte Gerson
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
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🌊 the water within 🌊 elemental realities ('earthly wellness comprehension' project)
Loneliness is an often misperceived human experience. In aloneness, the soul becomes a siren and produces enchanting wails, drawing you towards the undiscovered depths of yourself. Until you learn what it takes to make the deep dive and study all that lives there, that urgent pull may seem as terrifying and painful as a near-death drowning episode. And, in the end, all that seeking into your own bioluminescence in those low-down spaces illuminates you to abilities for expansion and flow. - @sidewalkchemistry
Tip: in these periods, take baths with healing sea salts and seaweeds & keep hydrated (with water, demulcent herbal teas, hydrating fruits & veggies, healthy fats, and physical activity)
Art: "You Lagoon" by Casey Weldon / "The Invisible Path" by Tuco Amalfi / unknown / "WIshbone Ash, Twin Rivers" (Unused Album Cover) by Storm Thorgerson
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etherealdiva · 2 years
Happy MOON day! When we have emotional storage that we can’t let go of it affects our physical bodies. Please take good care of yourselves. The stress isn’t worth it. Stress actually leads to cancer and other illnesses. I’ve seen this experience with my mother and I wish I could’ve done more for her. I definitely have learned how important health truly is. Physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health 🙏🏽 look at your moon sign, house and the degree. I have Leo moon in the 1st house at 6 degrees. I definitely feel the effects on my stomach 😫 but I also use holistic methods on myself 💛
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theholisticdoctors · 1 year
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Anti-Cancer Properties of Dandelion Root
Extracts from Dandelion Root have shown to have potent cancer-fighting potential in many types of cancer, including Liver, Colon, Stomach and Breast Cancer. Reduction in Inflammation and affects in tumor progression have also been observed with Dandelion Root.
Supplementing with ample amounts of the right Omega fatty acid and the right liver related Mineral can optimize Dandelion Root's therapeutic effect in helping to reverse disease patterns.
Contact your Holistic Physician today to see if Dandelion Root will help expedite Your Healing!
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the-dragonlich · 2 years
Jesus Christ, I knew my mom was becoming a conspiracy theorist if she isn’t already but didn’t know my sisters were going down there to.
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lmxburt · 3 months
CSC Summer Fundraiser for 2024
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Link to Fundraiser: CSC Summer Fundraiser
For the second year I'm raising money to benefit Cancer Support Community Greater Cincinnati - Northern Kentucky (CSC), and any donation will help make an impact.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @lmxburt
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According to the National Cancer Institute (NIH), in 2024 alone, an estimated 2,001,140 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and 611,720 people will die from the disease.
The Cancer Support Community of Greater Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky (CSC) is dedicated to ensuring that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community. They are a relentless ally for anyone who is striving to manage the realities of this disruptive disease and get back to normal.
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If that wasn't awesome enough, CSC delivers research-based emotional and social support at no cost to cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones, including Professionally Facilitated Support & Networking Groups, Healthy Lifestyle Activities, Educational Workshops, Social Connections, Cooking Classes, & Family Programming.
All proceeds go directly to the organization! Feel free to visit their website if you have any questions or comments to share.
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Cancer Support Community Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky
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terracegallery · 6 months
Healing Peace And Light
A reminder to focus each day on your inner light. You can heal many things by taking time to be still and at peace. Perfect art for home, office, yoga studio, meditation room, hospital stay and more! GET IT HERE!
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pwrn51 · 10 months
Holly's Support Team in a Cancer Survivor's Journey
  Holly Brown, host of Skin is in, engages in an insightful interview with Kathy Armany, RN, BC-HN, and a cancer survivor, shedding light on the treatment and support she received from Holly and her dedicated team. Discover how Kathy employs holistic approaches to address her skin-related issues, guided by the expertise and support provided by Holly Brown and her team. Kathy’s journey underscores…
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hsmagazine254 · 11 months
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Nurturing Your Wellbeing From Within - Positive Reflection Of The Week
Understanding the Emotional Connection and the Role of Energy in Breast Health – Article by Shahwana In the fast-paced world we live in today, it’s easy to overlook how stress and pent-up emotions can affect our health. For women, this is especially crucial, as we carry the weight of various life experiences in our breasts, from childhood to womanhood. It’s essential to be aware of the lumps that…
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teaboot · 2 months
If you think about it. Running around the city ripping down posters for "Holistic Cancer Cure: Harness Your Innate Healing Energy" is kind of like an Easter egg hunt you can do all year round
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crystalsenergy · 6 months
Healing for Chiron signs 💚✨
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Remember that healing is a lifelong journey, and it's okay to seek support from therapists, counselors, spiritual advisors along the way. Self-awareness, self-compassion, and a commitment to YOUR personal growth are essential for Chiron healing.
Chiron in Aries: Healing the wounds associated with Chiron in Aries starts with embracing your inner strength and self-assertion.
Tips: Cultivate self-confidence by setting and achieving personal goals that empower you. Face your fears head-on, and don't shy away from confrontations that help you express your needs. Explore physical activities like martial arts or competitive sports to build resilience. Learn to initiate and take action without the fear of rejection. Remember that your worth is not defined by external validation but by your self-acceptance.
Chiron in Taurus: Healing Chiron in Taurus involves nurturing self-worth and finding stability within.
Tips: Practice self-care routines that reconnect you with your senses and the physical world. Create a secure and comforting home environment. Work on building financial stability and managing resources wisely to boost your sense of self-reliance. Explore nature, gardening, or grounding practices to strengthen your connection to the Earth's energies. Understand that your true worth goes beyond material possessions.
Chiron in Gemini: Healing Chiron in Gemini requires addressing communication and mental challenges.
Tips: Understand that your curiosity and adaptability can be strengths once you embrace them. Develop effective communication skills by actively listening and expressing your thoughts clearly. Engage in activities that stimulate your mind and expand your knowledge, such as reading, writing, or learning a new language. Rebuild trust in your ability to connect with others by nurturing genuine, open conversations. Seek therapy or counseling to heal sibling relationships or childhood communication issues.
Chiron in Cancer: Healing Chiron in Cancer begins with nurturing and emotional self-care.
Tips: Create a safe and loving home environment that provides emotional security and comfort. Explore your emotional depths through self-reflection, journaling, or seeking therapy. Reconnect with your inner life and work on healing any childhood wounds or family dynamics that have left scars. Embrace your nurturing side and allow vulnerability to become a source of strength and connection. Understand that emotional healing is a process that takes time and self-compassion.
Chiron in Leo: To heal Chiron in Leo wounds, you have to take care of your level of self-confidence and self-expression.
Tips: Engage in creative activities that allow your unique talents and personality to shine. Embrace opportunities to showcase your skills and receive positive feedback. Cultivate self-love and self-validation, reducing the need for external recognition. Understand that true leadership comes from the heart and from authenticity, not just the ego. Recognize your innate ability to inspire and uplift others with your warmth and charisma.
Chiron in Virgo: Healing Chiron in Virgo involves addressing perfectionism and self-criticism.
Tips: Practice self-compassion by accepting your imperfections and embracing self-love. Engage in self-care routines that prioritize physical and mental well-being. Develop your skills in service to others, recognizing that your healing journey is deeply intertwined with helping others. Seek guidance from holistic or alternative health practices, and remember that healing often comes through a focus on holistic well-being, not just one way of take care of yourself.
Chiron in Libra: Healing Chiron in Libra involves addressing wounds related to relationships and balance.
Tips: Seek harmony in your human connections by practicing effective communication and conflict resolution. Cultivate self-love and self-acceptance, recognizing that your worth doesn't depend on external opinions or partnerships. Work on healing any past relationship wounds through therapy, self-reflection... Embrace your ability to bring people together and find beauty in the balance between giving and receiving.
Chiron in Scorpio: Healing Chiron in Scorpio requires facing deep emotional wounds and transformation.
Tips: Explore your emotional depths through therapy, journaling, or spiritual practices. Allow yourself to confront and release past traumas and fears. Embrace vulnerability and trust in your ability to regenerate and transform. Seek to heal trust issues by practicing forgiveness and rebuilding trust in yourself and others. Understand that your intensity and depth can be sources of strength and healing.
Chiron in Sagittarius: Healing Chiron in Sagittarius begins with a quest for higher meaning and wisdom.
Tips: Explore different belief systems and philosophies to find your own truth. Engage in adventures and expand your horizons through travel or learning. Find meaning in life's challenges and recognize that they lead to growth. Seek spiritual guidance or practices that resonate with you. Embrace your adventurous spirit and optimism as sources of healing and personal expansion.
Chiron in Capricorn: Healing Chiron in Capricorn involves addressing wounds related to ambition and responsibility.
Tips: Build self-confidence and overcome fears of inadequacy by setting achievable goals. Take charge of your life and career path, recognizing that you have the ability to succeed. Embrace your responsibilities and understand that they lead to personal growth and empowerment. Seek to heal any issues related to authority figures through therapy or self-reflection. Understand that your determination and work ethic can lead to significant achievements and healing.
Chiron in Aquarius: Healing Chiron in Aquarius requires embracing your uniqueness and ideals.
Tips: Celebrate your individuality and connect with like-minded individuals who share your values. Engage in humanitarian efforts or seek out causes that align with your beliefs. Challenge convention and explore innovative paths for personal growth and healing. Embrace your innovative and unconventional side, recognizing that it can lead to positive change. Find meaning in your friendships and connections with a community that supports your growth.
Chiron in Pisces: To heal Chiron in Pisces wounds, it's necessary to connect with your spirituality and explore mindfulness practices.
Tips: Use creative outlets like art, music, or writing as a means of self-expression and emotional healing. Set and maintain healthy emotional boundaries to protect your energy and well-being. Seek therapy or counseling to address any issues related to addiction or escapism. Explore your empathetic nature and use it as a source of healing and connection with others. Understand that your sensitivity and compassion can be strengths once you embrace them.
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eatclean-bewhole · 5 months
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I have been invited to speak at the Healing Strong cancer support group next Thursday, April 25th at 7pm MST. This is an open invitation to anyone wanting to learn how to harness the power of nutrition and holistic therapies in the fight against cancer, regardless of whether or not you choose to use conventional treatment. Nutrition is our first, most powerful medicine and it’s administered three times a day. We improve symptoms and our chances of healing when we provide our body with the support it needs. Some of the things you will learn in this webinar....
1. Leveraging fasting (autophagy) and detoxing to encourage cell repair.
2. The power of juicing to provide cells with essential nutrients and to oxygenate the body.
3. Nutrition to alkalize the body and support its powerful healing mechanisms.
4. Holistic therapies that can help reduce inflammation and encourage quicker recovery and healing.
I am also thrilled to announce that I will have a special guest and courageous cancer survivor join me who has healed by implementing the nutrition, therapies, and methods that will be discussed. I cannot wait for you to hear her powerful story of inspiration and hope. To everyone else, she goes by Patti. To me, she is Mom. Since this is a topic close to my heart, there is no cost. Simply go here to register: https://events.theholisticchef.com/cancerwebinar
All the love, health & healing. 💚
#cancersupport #HolisticHealth #nutrition #cancer #foodismedicine #integrativenutrition #integrativemedicine #cancerfighting #anticancer #reversecancer #holistic #holistichealing #heal #healing #diet #alkaline #disease #diseasefighting #diseaseprevention #juicing #inflammation #antiinflammatory #guthealth #detox #autophagy #immunity #breastcancer #health #healthyliving #healthylifestyle
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Well, I don't know when the first documented case was, but they've found tumors in mummies. And so, cancer has been in the human condition and in animals for thousands of years, or whatever. But there's been an explosion of cancer since the Industrial Revolution. That was a defining time in human history when we started factories. Right? We started building factories. We started working in factories. We started working with toxic materials, like aluminum and lead. Smelting. Producing food on an industrial scale (industrial agriculture). Producing plastics, right? And you think about all these factories with soot and toxic chemicals that humans are breathing, you know, and ingesting. It's well-documented that cancers really started to become more common in the 1800s roughly, you know, the Industrial Revolution. - Chris Wark of Chris Beat Cancer
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
Pluto in the Signs
Pluto represents transformation, power, and rebirth in astrology. It delves into the depths of the psyche, uncovering hidden truths and facilitating profound change. Pluto's influence is intense, bringing about regeneration through destruction and renewal, making it a planet of deep psychological and spiritual evolution.
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Pluto in Aries
When Pluto is in Aries, there's a dynamic drive for personal transformation and asserting individuality. This placement brings intense energy for initiating change and taking bold actions. However, it can also lead to power struggles and impulsive behavior. The challenge is to harness this force constructively and embrace self-awareness.
Pluto in Taurus
Pluto in Taurus focuses on transforming values, material possessions, and security. There is a deep, unwavering drive to achieve financial stability and physical comfort. This can lead to significant changes in how one approaches wealth and resources. Balancing material desires with inner growth is key to this placement.
Pluto in Gemini
In Gemini, Pluto transforms communication, thought processes, and social interactions. There is an intense curiosity and desire to uncover hidden truths. This placement can lead to powerful shifts in perception and information exchange. The challenge is to use this transformative energy to foster genuine connections and avoid manipulation.
Pluto in Cancer
Pluto in Cancer delves into emotional depths, family dynamics, and home life. There is a focus on transforming one’s emotional foundation and ancestral patterns. This can bring about profound changes in how one nurtures and is nurtured. Embracing emotional resilience and healing family wounds is essential.
Pluto in Leo
With Pluto in Leo, transformation occurs through creative self-expression and personal power. There is an intense drive to stand out and make a significant impact. This placement can lead to profound shifts in identity and self-confidence. Balancing ego with a deeper sense of purpose enhances personal growth.
Pluto in Virgo
Pluto in Virgo transforms work, health, and daily routines. There is a deep desire to perfect and purify these areas, often leading to significant changes in habits and efficiency. This placement encourages profound healing and service to others. Avoiding obsessive perfectionism and embracing holistic well-being is crucial.
Pluto in Libra
In Libra, Pluto focuses on transforming relationships and partnerships. There is an intense drive to achieve balance and fairness, often leading to power struggles and profound changes in how one relates to others. Developing healthy boundaries and embracing true partnership dynamics are key to this placement.
Pluto in Scorpio
Pluto in Scorpio intensifies transformation, power, and the exploration of hidden truths. This placement is characterized by a profound ability to regenerate and heal from deep psychological wounds. There is a focus on confronting taboos and embracing the darker aspects of life. Harnessing this power for constructive growth is essential.
Pluto in Sagittarius
With Pluto in Sagittarius, transformation occurs through beliefs, philosophies, and the pursuit of truth. There is an intense drive to expand one’s horizons and challenge existing paradigms. This placement can lead to profound shifts in worldview and spiritual understanding. Balancing zeal for knowledge with open-mindedness fosters true wisdom.
Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto in Capricorn focuses on transforming structures, authority, and long-term goals. There is an intense drive to achieve and wield power responsibly. This placement often leads to significant changes in career and societal roles. Balancing ambition with integrity and a sense of responsibility enhances personal and collective growth.
Pluto in Aquarius
In Aquarius, Pluto transforms collective ideals, innovation, and social progress. There is an intense drive to revolutionize and bring about profound change in society. This placement can lead to significant shifts in technology and humanitarian efforts. Balancing visionary goals with practical implementation fosters sustainable progress.
Pluto in Pisces
Pluto in Pisces delves into spiritual transformation, compassion, and the dissolution of boundaries. There is an intense focus on exploring the unconscious and embracing universal truths. This placement can lead to profound shifts in spiritual understanding and empathy. Grounding spiritual insights in practical actions enhances personal and collective healing.
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: astrology blog @astroismypassion
Today we are finishing strong with Part of Fortune series in signs and houses, finishing off with the 12th house! Enjoy😊
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via engaging in research related to psychology, spirituality, consciousness, via dream analysis, meditation and study of the unconscious mind, via work in roles that involve creating content behind the scenes, such as film production, editing, writing, via exploring and tapping into niche market that focus on spiritual, esoteric or unconventional interests. You feel abundant when you innovate in hidden or esoteric fields and work behind the scenes.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via music, dance or art therapy, via message therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, via managing or operating spiritual retreat centres that offer meditation, yoga or other wellness programs, via work in production roles for media projects, spiritual organizations or arts communities. You feel abundant when you combine beauty with purpose, embrace solitude and reflection and focus on healing and comfort.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via writing scripts or produce media connected with spiritual or psychological themes, when you create podcasts or videos that explore spiritual topics, esoteric subjects or personal development, via work as a freelance writer or journalist, especially on topics related to spirituality, mental health and societal issues. You feel abundant when consider freelance or remote opportunities, balance solitude and social interaction and use your adaptability.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via managing or operating spiritual or wellness retreat centres that offer a comforting and healing environment, via caregiving for the elderly, via running a daycare centre, engaging in charitable work, particularly with groups such as the elderly, homeless or those dealing with addiction. You feel abundant when you focus on emotional and spiritual healing, when you balance solitude with compassionate outreach, when you work behind the scenes and when you provide emotional and practical support.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via leading spiritual groups, retreats or workshops that focus on personal growth, self-expression and spiritual awakening. You could take on leadership roles in non-profit organizations, focused on arts, spirituality or support for marginalized communities. You could produce films, documentaries or other media content that explores deep, often hidden aspects of life, spirituality or human condition. You feel the most abundant when you lead with compassion and charisma, when you embrace your creative and expressive nature.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via studying and writing about spiritual practices, work in holistic or alternative medicine fields (acupuncture, herbalism, naturopathy), via teaching mindfulness, meditation or other spiritual practices. You feel abundant when you are precise and focus on details, when you operate quietly and efficiently.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via set design, costume design, holistic counselling, relationship counselling, meditation, work in music, dance, through non-profit work in organizations that advocate for justice, equality, work with law in connection to human right and social justice or advocating for marginalized groups. You feel abundant when you use your natural inclination towards beauty and harmony in your work.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via psychotherapy, counselling, holistic and alternative healing, spiritual guidance and mentorship, mysticism and esoteric studies, psychological and medical research, investigative work, private counselling, non-profit or charitable work, writing on deep topics, content creation for healing or via art with emotional depth. You feel abundant when you balance intensity with compassion or when you explore hidden or unconventional paths.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via teaching courses or workshops in philosophical, spiritual or holistic subjects, via motivational speaking, writing and multimedia projects that explore thems of personal growth and spirituality. You feel abundant when you create transformational and inspirational content, when you combine travel with purpose and when you use your expansive nature to guide you through teaching, writing and spiritual guidance.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via strategic planning, psychotherapy, counselling, writing books, articles or guide on topics related to personal development, spirituality or practical strategies for achieving goals. You feel abundant when you pursue research and development, work behind the scenes and when you focus on structured healing work.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via social issues, mental health and spiritual development, via developing or managing community programs that address societal needs, via teaching, mentoring, artistic expression, innovative creative content and research in social sciences, work on projects or in organizations focused on social reform, human rights or global issues. You feel abundant when you create inspirational and impactful content, when you work behind the scenes and when you focus on humanitarian and spiritual goals.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via coordinating or managing programs that provide support and services to marginalized or underserved communities, via study of mystical, esoteric or spiritual subjects, teaching workshops or courses on spiritual growth, creativity or healing arts. You feel abundant when you integrate spiritual and holistic practices, when you pursue creative or artistic projects that allow you to express your unique vision and contribute to the well-being of others.
Credit: astrology blog @astroismypassion
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