#Honest Opinion
bontensruby · 7 months
He just likes to tease his s/o A LOT. I mean, sure he's a flirt (what do you expect) but I totally see him as someone who would explore multiple options WHEN he's single, but once he finally found the the right darling to adore, worship and fuc- I mean love..I'm sure he'll try his best. Again, HE'S A GOOD BOYFRIEND, HE'S JUST A BIG TEASE. Everyone's mad for mistaking him as someone who would be toxic or would cheat on his girlfriend 'cause of his flirty personality. I mean he's just a baby. He's a sadist but that's ok..hehe..ehehehee.... we love ran..we live to worship Ran. 🥰🥰 (I'm defending my man stfu)
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look at the little baby 🥺🥺
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jyoungbloodvo · 1 month
So, I'm a bit curious and want some honesty, how did y'all feel abt the voices I used in First Resurrection? I've gotten a few comments on YT about my interpretations of the characters, and I want y'all's opinion :3
Narinder In Der Microwave for attention
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urfavlarry · 5 months
okay i needed to come on here and rant!!
why is it that in every fandom they push away the female characters?? LIKE THEY DESERVE LOVE AND ATTENTION TOO!!
and they get pushed away for the most stupid reasons too! like they get in between a queer ship that is just a headcanon and probably will never have a chance at being canon. lets take mha as an example;
they pushed away Uraraka, a very well written and strong character that had a lot of great development in the mha series, yet people pushed her away because they shipped Izuku with Bakugo!
i could say every single fandom pushes the female characters away like also in ramshackle because Skipp is a cute little golden retriever and Stone is this emo hot boy and Vinnie is just left out even tho she is a BADDASS character and I think will even become a bigger one as they release more of her!
hazbin hotel is another example! Charlie is quite hated because she is “annoying” and “getting everyone in trouble” but she is a really brave and kind character that too had some very well written development. doesnt matter if the show was rushed or not it was still pretty well written even if it had some flaws! Niffty too! she deserves more love!!
im not saying everyone in these fandoms and many others do this but a lot of people do! and i get that you just might not like the character snd thats understandable! but dont gotta hate on them to the point your making death threats and shit
anyway thats all i gotta say, thank you for your time and thank you for reading my little rampage lmao
- Love, your fav person, Larry 🩵
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liliann-exe · 2 months
bro trump supporters giving their entire life to make people not vote for kamala like.. black woman prosecuter or white rotting old felon lol like WHAT also everyone like shes gonna give money to israel like yes, but so will trump cuz america and israel are allies. also cuz he made alliances but i can promise no one could actually take him seriously hes not a smart man in disguise i swear
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emmi-sturniolo · 13 days
i love nick, but wtf? making ableist jokes such as stimming, blindness, and deafness is outta pocket. the streams were positive and fun to watch before nick got back to la from australia. i know people are gonna say “but they’re siblings it’s normalllll” no. i have two siblings and i would never talk to them like that, nor would they talk to me like that. it’s so annoying how people try to defend nick with their lives. it’s also annoying and lwk pissing me off how nick KNOWS that he fucked up, and acts like nothing happened and posts about his brand instead of owning up to it. completely ignoring what he did. he’s gotten cancelled like twice this year. we can’t keep defending him. first it was the space camp controversy, now it’s the ableist jokes. chris is the sweetest person ever. he doesn’t do anything wrong. he was being HIMSELF when nick said he was “stimming out like a psychopath”. my nephew is autistic, and i would never make a joke about his autism. nick has never owned up to anything. an apology would be great. i’m sure multiple people can agree with me. nick is getting too disrespectful argue with a brick.
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smurfylegofan2005 · 2 months
Guys, I'd hate to say this, but...
As of right now, I've been feeling very sad... and depressed too! In fact, I've actually already been like this for almost this entire week!
I honestly don't know why I've been like this as of recently: maybe it's because my parents are being very mean to me or something like that; I don't know, I just don't know...
Okay, truth be told: this isn't the first time I've been like this; in fact, I've been like this for a long time; but I guess I'll tell you right now before I possibly end up taking my own life without any prior warnings about it...
Moving on, I've been sleeping so poorly that I sometimes cry while I'm trying to sleep! Not only that, but I've been eating poorly too (as in eating too little)! Most likely, the list will just go on and on, but I guess the last thing from the list that I can say for now is probably just some other depressing things or something like that...
Of course, I still show some happiness once in a while, but I guess it's just not that common anymore...
I don't really know what else to say anymore: I guess all I can do for now is just pray for this sadness/depression of mine to go away for now at least, but, even by then, I still don't think that it'll even go away "for now" any time soon...!
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Photo used above: "Mysterion's Depression" by AgentKulu on DeviantArt
This is a message to everyone, especially @rhyliethecaterfly and @pamithebunterfly2007 .
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dumbasscactus · 11 months
Honestly, The Amazing Digital Circus is better than Murder Drones
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midiosaamor · 22 days
What’s your favorite headcanon or blurb someone has written about Grayson Hawthorne?
hmhmmhmmmhmhmjmmmmmm i think my favorite blurb written was probably something by @littlemissmentallyunstable or @kit4strophe or @inmyheaddd and @brokenheartsrecords (though they write fanfics) and my fav hcs were PROBALLYLYLYBBB written by @f4iry-bell, @xo-zozo, and @never-enough-novels
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cartoon-worlds · 7 months
I agreed with the ship review
I like the ship but seriously the romantic moments they have were cringey and Aang kisses katara with out her consent especially the second one where she said she was confused and he kissed her and she told him off, if they wanted to make it is gonna be a endgame ship, they could have done it right and not cringey at all, is cute for Aang to have a crush on katara, I find that cute but let’s be honest the romance writing was not good and I have someone going off because of it in the comment in the previous blog, calling childish for saying it, look I got enough I can’t say my opinions on hazbin hotel/helluva boss but I don’t need to feel like that in atla/fandom too, I have my favorite ships and my own opinions, I will like to feel safe when I say it, got enough shipping drama from other fandom especially svtfoe, I don’t need those type of Aang x katara shippers going off to me because the ship is not my OTP or something, besides the ship is canon there is no need to start a shipping war
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The ship is canon and they got kids in lok, there is no point of starting a shipping war for it
Please dont ruin the ship for me like Starco from Svtfoe was ruined for
I will stand of what I said about the ship even as a kid I didn’t like how they became canon but reading the comics/graphic novels I like them especially in those comics, I like how their relationship is sweet and understanding as a couple in the comics but overall I ultimately see them as siblings especially how katara was most motherly/sisterly to Aang in most of the series until book 3
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I love the found family/siblings dynamic
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shannara810 · 6 months
I never watched stranger things. But I do know all about it from my sisters being a fan. I love the character Robin and any ship with Steve. Sadie Sink is a cool actress. Johnathan is creepy and love Will. Undecided on my feelings about Mike's character.
I like to dub Stranger Things as the show of the wasted potential. Characters like Billy, Eddie, Chrissy, Kali... they could have added A LOT to the plot but sadly... gods forbid we are fed anything other than het couples and cis characters!
Take Billy, for example. The actor worked so hard to contextualize Billy: to give us a solid background for him, his reasons, his feelings but nope... for the Duffer brothers, Billy was JUST a bully.
Mike is an amoeba. Like Jonathan, he lost his uselfulness seasons ago. However Eleven can't be the strong heroine she has to be without a boyfriend. So we have to put up with Mike.
And Jonathan? How can Nancy see how it's Steve the man of her dreams now without a dead weight to compare him to? Jonathan is still alive because Nancy has yet to break up with him (let's hope without cheating on him first 😑).
In Stranger Things, the secondary characters are always the best. For me, it's the main cast the one lacking.
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acalmchaoticplace · 5 days
i need advice !!! should i chop my hair?
let me know your opinion and if you’ve had a major haircut before :)
here’s what i plan to cut it as and here’s me now, brutal honesty on your opinion is fine.
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shortdevil-sans · 2 months
Season 5 spoilers and opinion!!
Season 5 was....... interesting if I'm honest. There are happy moments and sad moments. BUT I WAS NEVER FULLY PREPARED OK?!
**clears throat** Although, this did raise a lot of questions. I am gonna start on the happy ones first! It also had me thinking of some possibilites for season 6.
1. Dadsy Moments! Episodes 1 and 5 showed Pigsy that since he adopted MK after all. But it also showed fatherly concern and worry for MK. Plus, I love Dadsy!!!
2. MK's trauma after the season! I'm more worried about how MK's trauma will follow after since he died and came back. I understood the possibility of Wukong giving MK a Peach of Immortality or Erasing his name from the Book of Dead due to his fear of death in the next season. However, I think MK needs therapy more than ever now.
3. Wukong's fear..... I'm going to talk about Wukong's fear of death. While I do understand why he insisted of sacirficing himself for MK in the Season (and the fact there is an AU of it). I also understand why he (possibly) wanted to do something to get MK to be immortal.
Last but not least, we got Red Son, the return of the Samadhi Fire (and the fact Mei still has it), and Divorced Shadowpeach (The list still goes on but I'm getting tired and it's all I can remember at the moment).
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strangelittlelad · 2 years
Twisted: The question then is whether 'tis nobler in the mind to be well-liked but ineffectual, or moral but maligned?
Also Twisted: hE FuCKed A TIGERR
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yandere-kokeshi · 8 months
Should I post Price's yandere Alphabet now?
Or wait until I finish the yandere nsfw alphabets too
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carloroxxes · 2 months
In my opinion, smut is ruining romance genre
Side note: I am not against smut, but I think it's overused to the point that it's not fun anymore
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chipsoapart · 3 months
When it comes to The Owl House, my least favorite season is 3, I just don't really like a lot of how it was written.
I did like the first episode in it. It was a good episode. (I wish we were able to see more of the human realm, though).
But episode two? I don't like it, and I don't know why.
Episode three, it was nice, could've been better.. but it was nice.
I just wish Belos and a few other characters were written a little better. And also that we got to see Belos's past a little more, show us the parts of his story that make us sympathize with him, but still make us go "He needs to die for everything he's done".
Also I want to know what the fuck exactly is his "montser" form is even supposed to be, and what exactly caused it, and when did he get this "curse"-
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