#Honestly just... If it's been a while.... just give it a lil rewatch
earthnashes · 1 year
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The completed version of that sketch I teased a while ago! Angela and Demona have a much needed talk. uwu
So, I know I've been harkin' and hollerin' about starting a Gargoyles AU, and after this lil thing... WELL. I can't help myself man, plz ;w;
But even though I've yet to fully sit down to rewatch the show for concrete foundations, I'm gettin' bombarded with ideas for this badboy. I'll talk at length about my idea once I have something a little more solid, but for now the context is the AU explores Demona's journey to redemption, and her attempts to grow amidst the chaos of the general public now learning gargoyles exist (and the consequences that comes with it).
Below the "keep reading" is a short story I wrote on how Demona and Angela's first uninterrupted reunion could go. Angela is determined to try and convince her mother to give humanity--give everyone, really-- one more chance. Even with all the craziness and the very fragile relations between the supernatural and humans, Angela sees it as their best and only bet to actually build a long-lasting rapport. And a chance to have her mother in her life with minimal conflict.
"--Don't you understand? The humans took everything from me, and they have only grown worse. One so-called 'good' human can't undo that. They are never good."
"But they can be if you just let them!" Angela growls, flailing her talons out to her sides in a wide gesture around the city. "Mother, haven't you ever thought that maybe not all humans are bad? That they and gargoyle are more alike than you believe? You've been around for years. You can't honestly tell me you haven't met a gargoyle you couldn't trust in your lifetime."
"I trust no one," Demona sneers, turning her back on her daughter and hunching in on herself, arms crossed close to her chest. "It's what kept me alive this long."
"But at what cost? Mother... you are clanless." Demona doesn't turn around at the mournful tone, and Angela pushes on. "Y-you have no one. But you don't have to be--"
"Angela--" Demona's voice is loud, unwavering, but her tone is so, so tired. It's almost wrung out of her in a sigh that only hints at centuries of gliding solo.
"That is enough."
For several moments, there is heavy silence. Demona doesn't turn around, but the scent of salt in the air is tell enough. She heaves another sigh and begins to step toward the edge of the rooftop they've chosen for this meeting, fully intent on putting an end to such a miserable conversation.
"...Everyone believes you are nothing more than a monster."  Demona keeps going, crouches down and begins to unfurl her wings.
"But I don't believe that."
That stops her. She freezes as if the sun has touched her skin, still as the stone sleep she no longer experiences. She still doesn't turn, but her head tilts to the side. Listening.
"I saw how desperately you want clan when you were with Thailog," Angela whispers hoarsely. "I saw how you looked at me, w-when you realized I was your daughter. You... you turned on Thailog to save me. Save us. But now I--" She whipes furiously at her eyes in frustration. "--you speak as if you want nothing to do with me--"
"You know that isn't true," Demona says, finally, finally whirling to face her daughter. Instinct drives her to open her arms, to reach out, but years of solitude stops her in her tracks. Her hesitation goes mostly unnoticed.
"Then prove it!" Angela barks. She lashes her tail and unfurls her wings. "I want you in my life! I want you to be clan. But I can't do that if you aren't willing to at least try." Angela closes the distance between them, grasping her mother's talons and --almost instantly-- feels like a child again. She gives her a gentle squeeze, and relief nearly floods her when she feels a small, hesitant one back.
"I can't ask for you to forget... or forgive. I won't. But I am asking you to... t-to at least try, and give me a chance? To give humans a chance, one more time."
Angela's eyes bore into her mother as she pleads: "Give me this one chance to prove you wrong."
Hope ya'll enjoyed! Now that I reread the short there's a lot I'd like to revise and add, but for now this will work. :)
But ye! More to come soon! ;w;
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Ok so what would Mihawk be like with a lover who is very bipolar... like their happy on minute and angry the next how would he calm them down🤔 or yk they get a lil bratty and he gotta put them in their place🌚
Hold the F UP, Mihawk AND psychology? You're spoiling me 🤭❤️
Oooooh I can't not do this one right now.
Kinda personal because I have some issues that can result in bi-polar tendencies, so this hits quite close to home for me.
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I've rewatched this scene a totally normal amount of times I swear. Totally normal.
Mood Swings
OPLA! Mihawk X Reader
Mostly SFW headcanons, only the slightest bit suggestive, kinda hurt/comfort I suppose
Trigger Warning ⚠️ (possibly) for mental health issues, bi-polar and related disorders
♬♫ Rosanna - The Fratellis ♫♬
Baby, you're a mess, I confess
But I guess that I'll save you one of these days
Mihawk doesn't exactly have the patience of a saint, but he still honestly has more patience than most—you don't dedicate your life to becoming the world's greatest swordsman and actually achieve that goal without at least a touch of patience.
Your mood swings amuse him more than anything. Not a cruel sort of amusement, but a more endearing one. You remind him a bit of a cat—sweet and playful one minute, then all claws and bared teeth the next.
Though as amusing as it can be, he sees how it drains you, mentally and physically, and that more than anything is reason enough for him to stay patient with you in the moment.
He'll keep a level tone, just tells you to calm down, even while you're yelling at the top of your lungs that you are calm, yelling insults and potentially hurtful words.
He can't help but smirk a little at how quickly you fly off the handle, which probably doesn't help your own anger, but he really can help but find it a little entertaining, even a little enticing.
Oh, he wants to shove you against a wall, pin your hands over your head and murmur in your ear for you to behave yourself, to just devour you then and there—but he knows that now isn't the time. That can come later, after you've calmed down.
So he just keeps up a calm and reasonable air about himself and lets you vent out whatever frustrations you need to, taking it with a grain of salt because he knows that it won't last.
Just gives a little sigh once you have calmed down, once you've apologized for whatever you have said or done in your anger.
Tells you it's fine, pulls your head down to rest on his lap while he combs his fingers through your hair until your tension has eased off the rest of the way, not faulting you for your moment of vulnerability. Might tauntingly mention that he *should* punish you for being so troublesome, but he's honestly more focused on ensuring you recover.
He really has more trouble dealing with your depressive episodes—he can't stand the thought of you being so low that you can't even pull yourself out of bed.
Mihawk understands that patience is absolutely vital in such cases, but he's not sure whether it's better to give you space or keep you company; to try to convince you to talk, to just hold you quietly, or to leave you to your own devices until you recover on your own.
So in those instances, he's a bit all over the place, and more than a bit frustrated. More likely to be short or snappish in spite of himself. He desires complete control over all aspects of his life, and being at a loss of what to do drives him up a wall, especially if it concerns your well-being and his ability (or inability) to fix it.
He's not going to put you in your place for anything until he's sure you've leveled out, that it won't trigger you or make things worse.
Not until you're able to calmly discuss what's been going on with you, until you're able to laugh and smile and breathe easy in the wake of your own turbulent emotions.
He might punish you relentlessly for being intentionally bratty, for being a sarcastic little shit and clearly doing it to test his patience for the fun of it. In that case, he might pin you to the bed, might tease you to the very edge of sanity, might make you beg and plead for relief or release, but only then.
You're still his lover, and he doesn't have any intention of hurting you in any way that could be lasting, in any way that isn’t consensual—in any way that could make your inner turmoil any more difficult to bear.
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pun-for-fun · 3 months
Littlefoot is a BAMF
I rewatched Land Before Time (the first movie) yesterday for the first time since I was a lil kid and like. Holy shit.
Littlefoot, this little kid, upon being freshly orphaned after years of starving in a wasteland, goes off the rails and rounds up a group of other little kids (one of which is a NEWBORN, SPIKE) and one of which that is constantly spewing dinosaur racism (but don't come after my girl Cera all that crap is her dad's fault), led them all across a barren wasteland while starving and being actively hunted.
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Look at them. This is right after killing the sharptooth. ZERO REMORSE OR INJURY, just rosy cheeks and smiles. Terrifying little children, my god. Which leads me to this- when he got fed up with being hunted (legit fed up and not just scared), he just goes "You know what? I've had enough of this sharptooth. Gather round everybody I have a plan." and then goes on to formulate a working strategy that allows a group of five little kids to literally murder a bloodthirsty t-rex. Which was entirely justified given the circumstances (if you didn't cry over Littlefoot's mom dying then I don't trust you), but was also done with zero guilt or hesitation.
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This is the face of a killer. And until that same t-rex crushed it underfoot, Littlefoot was able to keep his tree-star intact and vibrant for countless miles of travel through everything. Honestly I think it might have been a power limiter his mom gave him, because he came up with that flawless murder plan and then found the great valley minutes later only after the tree-star got shredded. Like Rock Lee's ankle weight. Did his mom know what would be unleashed without it?? Actually in hindsight Littlefoot might have gotten the quietly unhingedness from her, given that her last act was to beat the crap out of that sharptooth so hard that it caused a literal earthquake...and then she appeared in the tree-star, and the clouds...
Hold on. Hold on a fucking second.
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Was Littlefoot's mom like, a dinosaur goddess?? Is THAT why LIttlefoot was the only child born in the longneck herd, how she beat down the t-rex while starving and wounded, caused an earthquake, then spoke from beyond the veil to give Littlefoot guidance???
The movie even follows the same sort of format that most myths do- with the hero going through trials and gaining allies and defeating a feared enemy to achieve some seemingly impossible goal. AND he kept his tree-star alive for that long, even in literal volcanic conditions- how??
Okay so I only realized all of this in the process of writing this post, but. In conclusion. Littlefoot is a terrifying sweetheart of a long-neck demigod, his mother was a goddess, and now I'm scared to ask about his grandparents.
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Bonus: If Spike helped commit pre-meditated murder of a gigantic predator as essentially a newborn, than his sleepiness may be mercy upon us given how it indicates a level of potential power above even Littlefoot. Like Hercules killing those snakes in his cradle or something. I don't know. Fucking hell.
(And don't come after me talking about suspension of disbelief and unrealistic limits in movies. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about what the movie itself implies. Goddamn.)
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selfox · 4 months
Cy's live-ish reactions are coming back.
FINALLY! I pulled myself together and got to the end of Ungrateful (to this reaction will be later).
These are chapters from Make a Wish till the start of Ungrateful of Random Tales Of Drakgo by @gothicthundra
I had reaction ready for a while, but I really needed to restart it so it would keep me in momentum so it'll have practically 2 reactions - Initial and second one. So that's why I need more time to edit the Ungrateful ark reaction ^^"
Make a wish
Initial first read
Shegooooo omg. Xd nice save. Its so precious how you decided to cook for him Xd dr d you lil, I'll give you a noogie, your hints xd you are precious Guys your tension is palpable. OMG DRAKKEN YOU SMOOTH FUCKER, SMOOTH CRIMINAL. Ma'am... You 2 have been an epitome of UST Tvgggh itty bitty Drakken grow big and strong ...... Not like buffkken tho xD tho buffkken still deserves love Oh Shego, sweetheart...
Second reread
Shego, more like how much one person wants to keep their name out of press. I would have been surprised if it was mentioned. Overall it's all sus indeed.
Well considering what happened not just because of Botox, but you sharing with him very personal information AND whole your cat and mouse game with feelings
I love this subtlety. I can't call it anything else. Especially when it's others POV. After second read you immediately get what Drakken been keeping inside.
I need to understand how Drakken is even making money. Like.... I get stealing money or things to sell, but... Do they do that in enough quantity? Plus you need some steady income with henchmen, lairs and ... Stuff??
Ma'am, you've done the goof.
This man is so traumatized over her disappearing on vacations.
And, Drak, I hate to bring it to you. You are just in love with her OTL Man... I want to hug him, poor blue man.
Shego, you would be surprised how many factors come into play regarding baking. So it's completely understandable. Cus you don't have enough practice.
And here I want to hug Shego, she is... I want to say tsundere, but it's just simple denial of everything. And this cupcake… when you make something yourself it hits different. And she knows it deep inside.
Smart ass Drakken xD
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Every time I have the same reaction and it's audibly say: "Ough, about that"
Like I've said before those 2 are precious in their banter... It's so on edge of flirt, but much more meaningful. And the turn of events how that laser became her hoverboard. This warmth. I know they don't do that, but I envision them leaning to one another as if talking conspirationally. Have really soft almost whispering voices.
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So close and yet so far. Once again smooth
What still gets me and practically hammers down is how it isn't said what his wish is, and yet you still get what he wants.
Working the Nerves
Initial first read
🤣🤣🤣 Daaaw roumd boi 🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg Shego Yep, I will be laughing all chapter OMG DREW YOU DIDN'T F SHEGO Ouch f hair .... Ok this is some unfortunate incidents, I'm sus Ok, this one on you Bonding :3 Dr d you are an addict DRAKKEN YOU MAD LAD STRONG LAD
Sugar rush and hyperfocus can do some things to a lad. Tho a silver lining to your love handles, Dr D, that it is comfier to cuddle.
I adore that back and forth banter, and to hear how they are at it for 3 days and, honestly, they can do it even longer given chance.
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I am still curious what it is now.
You know, during the rewatch of the show, I hadn't realize how fricken much, Shego sits either unusually or plainly on a table/desk. She is just a feline.
She is a very black green tinted cat to herself. Is it Friday 13 of some sort? Did she break some mirror recently? Walked under the ladder??
Ok yeah I completely forgot this part that explains how they have money through stocks.
Gods, I get that funk that Drakken has. Low on inspo and on occasion motivation is hell.
Overall sometimes I think there should exist a skit with name "Adventures of Dr. Drakken and his ADHD brain"
Shego, my lass, you do affect him, don't worry Daaaw XD Painting her nails, daaaww.... Wait is that a mirror of her and Pandora? I think I'm reading too much into it Jddjjdjdj KIM
I am still chuckling and those two are still children. Both of them. Rection above still stands XD
On painting toenails, I'm having a flashback to Shego and Pandora's past.
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Bad girl gone good
🤔🤔🤔 hmm I wondered how she was internally… “Shego, I need you” Hehe, someone in love~ and she finally understood it
What hits me how un-Shego these thoughts are, how the tone feels softer in a way.
"Dr. Drakken" - yeahhhh so very formal it feels weird thinking it's coming from Shego, but considering it's Miss Go.
Its the scrambled eggs of thoughts that gets me here with Miss Go laying in the guest bed. How they are going all over.
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Heart is still the same, isn't it? And that concern that she has for him.
I love reading this moment of realization that she wants Drakken. Plain and simple. And wanted for a while. Where we are? chapter 83. Time runs fast.
Roller coaster
🤣 "villain royalty, how Disney" Ma'am Maaam You can't kill attraction by behaving like Helga Pataki Ough rough OYL Oh gods my heart ;-; partners Bdhdhdhd “I'm in trouble”, ma'am, you just fell in love
What in the hell happened there? (srsly, I am trying to place it at shows timeline and I'm in confusion, cus it feels like I should know what happened in this lair, I know that later moment will be Capt'n Drakken, but still )
Yep, being tsundere. And I give a point to Drakken for being perceptive.
heh, just the heat~
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Famous last words
Shego, you need therapy.
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I'm chuckling in my face palm, those 2 are perfect for one another. Ma'am, you are just the same.
Couples counselling, my guys. Those 2 are so stuck in that idea that their feelings are unrequired. And how their miscommunication keeps happening. My guys, you assume too much guah!
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I have, had had and will have such an urge to shake her (and him) to get some sense into their heads.
The Chinese Food Of Peace.
*guttural groan of anguish cus of these 2 dumbasses*
Glad she finally finally realized and relaxed about it my GOD. All it took is one talk with your best friend/love and see how everything settled down???
Don't get me wrong I love this a lot, the warmth of their convo, the smiles and ALL OF THAT. Just they are dummies. I love them, but they are dummies. Squared even.
Thus see you all in Ungrateful.
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
mdarc chapter 1 rewatch part 3, and yes, i am aware of the massive pile of asks i have on all my blogs however as always i shall keep running. no don't stop sending them i absolutely appreciate the attention its just i need to mentally prepare two weeks in advance and cry in order to give a sufficient response. you should give it a try and converse with yours truly again some more if the thought of torturing and killing me slowly sounds fun and exciting to you👍
oh look its the child extortion scene
you would think halara, who's got all that trauma from having their family get scammed and destroyed by a friend* they trusted as a child, would be just a tiny bit less comfortable with swindling kids out of their money rn but like you know that's just my thoughts......
they're Reclaiming it <3
*listen. like i know i can't be the only one that thinks that way, but so far so many people ive seen that played this game just went through this gab and thought "oh wow a middle schooler just scammed them that is so crazy lmao", and like. i was under the impression that halara was the one in middle school the entire time, and their "best friend" was just some adult con artist that gained Halara's trust (or just flat out groomed them, honestly) so they could scam their parents. like, you do know this interpretation makes infinitely more sense than... very nefarious 12 year old manipulator investment scamming adults or whatever
has nobody already made a halara "fuck them kids" joke or do i gotta pull out that art program again
this child is like fucking what, five?? literally crying what is your PROBLEM halara...... halara i don't even think he understands half of whatever you're saying to him right now.....................
they didn't even give it back to kei they just tossed it over to yuma???????? lmao?????????
still. they're so fucking cool. i'm giving them the highest honor i can bestow (narcissistic personality disorder and massive autism)
i forgot to read the report by the way
oh holy shit wait canon age??? jiei is 48??? ok now that is information i am going to blast into my mind permanently and not like. anything slightly more important
casual fatphobia jumpscare
pink blood scene *nods solemnly*
holy shit i know exactly who the culprit is you wont believe it. im so fucking smart. im a genius im a fucking god fondle my nuts while you blow me
i can already feel seth approaching rapidly because my eyes are getting teary and my chest is doing really funny stuff right now. the sense went off
once he arrives i will keep a list of "memorable and beautiful things seth has done in all his 4 scenes" as well as "memorable and beautiful things desuhiko has done in the entire game or perhaps his life" and then compare once we finish. wish me luck
chapter 1 >>>>>>>>>> every other fucking chapter. i am going to kill a man on this hill
I'm twitching like hell right now. my muscles yearn for the burroughs
take that rain cape off you fucking coward this is kanai ward. noticed his lil fox symbol on his back and got reminded of wackpedion's religious seth post but im not gonna look for it now. but yeah he's 100% metal fox church guy i told you this chapter got layerssss to it. this is cinema. video games lore have peaked at rain code chapter 1. scott cawthon has been really silent ever since rain code chapter 1 dropped
his face. its heeehhhhere. i am going tocommit vehicular manslaughter. and ask him why is his skin fucking gray
holy motherfucker I TOTALLY forgot how his japanese voice sounds. he sounds. slightly more normal actually. less pathetic if that was possible. its like he still has hope. help me he sounds so young
i like how. he just calmly extremely quietly tells them to stand up while standing like 20 feet away from them and knowing his voice usually doesn't reach above 30db. like he just stands there mumbling to them to plss get up now knowing they probably can't hear him. he jsut. gives it a try. maybe this time
maybe he's trying to awaken his telepathic abilities.
omg god a charlie radiohead wackpedion oc cameo???? i can't believe that wiki let spike chunsoft put charlie in their game in order to help increase sales it is so cool how they support smaller creators like that once again
that cunty stance. who stands like that.
its not fucking on. how did you notice its not fucking on. or did he just did but tried regardless. dead silence.
truly, a flattering introduction
and he. wasn't even that fucking mad he just gave him a very dissapointed look to go and fix that. which makes me think it has happened before. and numerous times
finally, seth has succeeded. you know whats crazy about that scene?? the peacekeepers were knocked out a solid while ago thats gonna be at least 15, if not just 20 entire minutes. realistically if youre uncounscious for that much time (and im pretty sure halara whacked them on the head) then you're gonna be concussed as fuck perhaps even have serious brain injuries (and im pretty sure halara whacked them on the head HARD) like youre not gonna be ok after this. his voice literally healed them. he commanded them to rise and so they did. combined with the blatant christian themes of rain code (makoto is satan. martina's motorcycle is the ark) the answer is obvious seth is jesus where was i going with this again
seth is so fucking chill its unbelievable. its the fourth time something has happened to him this moment, megaphone guy fucked up the fucking volume and he just. takes a few steps back motions with his arms and doesn't even say anything. if that were yomi he'd just bring out the whip. if that were martina she'd verbally abuse them so fucking hard they would not be able to look her in the eye ever again in their lives. if that were guillaume she'd start screeching at dominic to decapitate that man
i am going to look away whenever they mention Bodies Rotting Quickly In Kanai Ward from now on. i shall not. it is not worth it.
megaphone guy cringe moment
i would say something about the entire "public execution" moment but i think i already said enough before. so.
goodbye seth you absolutely fucking SLAYED it
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amazingmsme · 9 months
i’ve become a little obsessed with your curtwen stuff do you have any more to share 🙏🙏🙏
Aww thank you, that’s so sweet! I honestly need to rewatch saf, it’s been too long since I’ve seen it! All this talk about them has made me really miss them I just wish they could’ve had a happy ending, but I guess that’s what fics are for
I can’t remember what all I’ve said, so I might repeat myself or contradict a previous headcanon, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles 🤷‍♀️
But I love the idea of Curt & Owen flirting via mock interrogations & they progressively get less realistic & more playful (& homoerotic) as time goes on & what we see at the beginning of the show definitely isn’t the first time tickling has found its way into this little game of theirs
They do the will they won’t they thing for probably way too long, but they wanted to be 100% positive they were picking up the vibes they thought they were
Ok but their first kiss was completely accidental. They were running away from someone together & they had to hide in a cramped space like a tight alley or a closet & they’re fumbling & shoving at each other & they turn their heads at the same time & next thing you know they’re fuckin’ smooching! They’re both so shy about it & can barely meet each other’s eyes & Owen just mumbles “not a bad kisser Mega” & Curt’s like “neither are you” & then they’re staring at each other blushing & all of a sudden they’re making out
Pretty sure they both found out each other was ticklish while on a job together since that’s when they spend the most time together. I think most people think Owen found out Curt was ticklish first, but just imagine with me, if you will:
Curt arrives to a job that Owen got to first, but shit hit the fan & he got caught & is being interrogated. It’s pretty early on, so he’s not too roughed up yet, & he can see Curt in the rafters & he’s both relieved & annoyed because he knows he’s gonna rub it in his face that he had to save him. Curt ends up sniping the baddies & hops down like his knight in shining armor & he goes to untie him, but Owen’s hands are tied behind the chair & his chest is tied to the back of the chair, the rope under his arms & around his ribs. So while he’s untying him, he’s squirming around & breathing a little weird & Curt’s like “quit moving so much or I’ll leave you here” & Owen snaps back “quit tickling then!” & he freezes up & Curt has the most gleeful, sinister look he’s ever seen
“What was that?” “Nothing” “no no, you said you’re ticklish?” “Really Curt, that’s what you’re taking away from all this? We need to leave!” “Why? I already killed everyone here, it’s just you & me” “Curt…” “why not have some fun?” “Mega I swear to God-“ & then Owen didn’t get another coherent sentence out for about half an hour
After that, Curt was a fucking menace & never let him live it down. He’d sneak up on him & launch a surprise tickle attack, he’ll constantly bring up how he “can’t believe” how ticklish he is, he’ll even mock his laugh & say how even his laugh sounds posh. Really, Owen had the patience of a saint & Curt really took it for granted
He bides his time, giving him a chance to back tf off with all the teasing, but one night when they’re sharing a hotel room (with only 1 bed mind you) Curt keeps tickling him & it’s really not funny because he just wants to sleep damnit! Cut it out, I mean it! & Curt goes to squeeze his hip again & all of a sudden he’s laying flat on his back with an angry, very smug Owen hovering over him & his life flashes before his eyes. He gives a nervous lil grin & tilts his head like “y-you got me, I’ll leave you alone now” & Owen’s like “oh no no no, you’ve been tormenting me for months, you’re not weaseling out of this that easy” & Curt really should learn to shut up because he doesn’t even think twice before saying “well what took you so long to snap?”
& now it’s Owen’s turn to give him an evil smile & cups his ear like “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” & Curt’s really struggling now, but Owen has him pinned pretty good & he’s sputtering out apology after apology saying how he’ll never tease him again lies & he’ll drop the whole thing. But Owen is smirking so much as he leans down & asks “Curt… now be honest… have you been doing all this hoping I’d get my revenge?” & Curt’s heart has never beat so fast in his entire life & he answers so quick he literally cuts him off by yelling “NO!” & then much cooler “no, why would I want that?” & Owen just hums “oh I don’t know, maybe because it would mean my hands would be all over you” & he waits for Curt to try to argue before striking. He miiiight have gone a bit overboard, but he had a lot of revenge to catch up on. & it’s not like he didn’t give Curt an out, he just refused to “break” to something as “stupid” as tickling, so it was really his fault. He swears his throat didn’t hurt after that brutal attack, but when they wake up the next morning his voice is shot & he can barely speak above a whisper. Of course now it’s Owen’s turn to never let him live it down. “I can’t believe you were giving me so much shit when you’re 10 times as bad as I am!”
I didn’t know this was just gonna turn into one one headcanon but I speak the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth no matter how long it is so help me God
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rodentgoth · 6 months
.X| "Answer Phone" - Ch.6 |X.
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◄ Prev Chapter \Fic Playlist\Ship Playlist\ Next Chapter ►
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WHAT'S THIS AN UPDATE AFTER SEVERAL MONTHS!? Sorry this is taking so long, but me and @candy12110 are gonna try and get this done! The next few chapters will be from Marvus's POV, and the last one will go back to Chixie's.
Rating:: 13+ // Teen
Fandom:: Homestuck
Themes/Kinks:: None
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*1 month earlier*
Marvus was so tired. 
He'd been on his feet all day preparing for his set, and he finally got a chance to just breathe without some lovestruck groupie up his ass asking for an autograph, a hug, or trying to fill his quadrants.
 It was exhausting being loved. 
He was sitting in his dressing room alone for once, trying to relax while scrolling on Chittr. After scrolling past various adverts and stalkerish fan messages, he came across a video of some bronzeblood performing. They were in a seedy little bar, with a small crowd, and terrible lighting. He didn't have high expectations for them but he could always appreciate a fellow performer.
He watched the video to the very end and was mildly surprised by how much he enjoyed it. He went to the comments, and there were only a few. He wanted to comment but his publicist, and his fanbase, would kill him if he did. He could tell the few trolls that did comment were lower on the hemospectrum, they were pretty supportive. However, he did notice one from a familiar account that caused him to internally cringe.
THECODAKKEFFECT::  Great job, Bronzie boo! Sorry, I couldn't make it. I couldn't miss Marvus’s concert but you looked gorgeous on stage.
He stared at the screen curiously, there was no way in hell that indingdong was her matesprit. And if he was, there was no way he had any good intentions behind it, he was known for having his quadrants forever empty.
 Marvus rewatched the Bronzie’s performance, the shot was way too shitty to tell what they looked like. Morbid curiosity led him down the rabbit hole, he got the bronzeblood’s name from the video caption and started looking for anything he could find on them. 
Chixie? Chixie. Chixie!
He found a video with far better quality that finally showed what they looked like. Chixie was…shy? Nervous? He wouldn't necessarily say gorgeous, but she wasn't ugly either. She was…cute. She didn't have much presence or hype but she was talented. 
After watching at least ten videos of her performing and pouring out her soul he could reasonably say he was a fan. Her lyrics, composition, and the way she put her all into her performance even if he could tell she was scared for her life half the time. Honestly, her nervousness weirdly added to her cuteness. Like a hopbeast shivering in fear but still thumping along in an attempt to scare off predators. She was definitely brave, not fierce or powerful, but she held her own on stage and he liked that. 
He broke out of his thoughts to a knock at the door.
"Marvus, I'm coming in. I'm tired of all the noise out here," Chahut announced, busting through the door and entering the room with the rest of the purplebloods following her like quackbeasts.
"Honk!" The smallest clown, Karako, ran up to Marvus and hugged as tight as he could. As annoyed as he was with them barging in, he couldn’t stay mad at the little clown. 
"Hey to you too, little wriggler. Been causing trouble?" He patted the little clown’s messy fluff of hair, before actually holding onto him.
"Good. Never let 'em keep you in a box." 
"Honk?" Karako pointed at Marvus's palmhusk.
"What? Her? Nothing. I just liked her songs so I was giving ‘em a listen," He waved the runt off, quickly locking his palmhusk.
Chahut narrowed her eyes at him.
 “This another one of ya desperate lil’ groupies?”
“Nah, and mind ya business!”
"Mighty defensive are we?" Chahut stalked closer to Marvus. He instinctively moved the hand holding the device away from her, only for it to get snatched by one of the twins from behind.
They quickly opened the phone to see a video of the bronzie girl playing on a loop.
“Aww your love-sick for a lil’ Bronze girl,” Chahut said mockingly.
“How cute!” She quickly busted out laughing with the twins, before Marvus snatched it back!
“Didn’t I tell ya’ll to mind ya business!” Marvus responded with a clenched jaw. He didn't know why he was being so defensive, but he did find the invasion of his space and privacy annoying.
"Why should we? Mr. Unaffected is over here creeping on some bronzeblood. What happened? Embarrassed?" She said smirking and cocking her head.
The twins both shook their heads before speaking.
"You should be!"
"How embarrassing." 
Karako just looked up at the bigger clown confused.
Marvus’s face grew angrier by the second.
"I'm not feeling flushed for her little man. Why do y'all even care?"
“Cause we love to torture you!” 
Chahut commented as she gave the device back to him.
He immediately snatched it out of her hands, causing Chahut to jump back a bit.
“Jeez, we were just playin’!”
He glared up at her annoyed, before sitting back down. The room fell silent for a bit before the twins began to speak.
"You're not seriously developing feelings for the bronzie are you?" 
"You're not seriously developing feelings, right Marvus?!" They both repeated in unison.
His face became more annoyed.
“No, I ain’t!” 
"Good,” Chahut cut in sitting down on the couch.
”A troll of your status ain’t got no business foolin’ around with some lowblood girl. You remember what happened last time?”
"That ain't gon happen. A, I'm not foolin’ around with her. B, I don't even know her. C, she's not even a fan. D, most important of all, I ain't never even met her before. There is no business happening here. I saw a cool performance and I wanted to see if she had talent. You motherfuckers are the ones making it weird!"
"Fair enough. Just tryna make sure you ain't repeating that bullshit,"
"Time is money. Do you think I can afford to pay attention to every lowblood out there? Is my name Nova?" 
"Right little man! I'm nothing like that fame chaser,"
“Honk! Honk!” Karako aggressively commented, while the other three just rolled their eyes.
“Whatever.” Chahut stretched her arms behind her head.
“I just can’t wait for you to finally be on vacation. You’re takin’ us with you, right?” 
Baizli asked.
“Yeah, we got everything packed up.” 
Barzum followed up.
"You wanna go with me?" Marvus walked over to the smallest clown and picked him up, booped him on the nose.
"I don't know, they been kinda annoying lately," Marvus teased the smaller troll.
Karako turned to the other purple bloods and shook his head side to side. 
"Oh, you not a part of they group? I guess you could come with me. We'll leave these losers behind,"
"Hear that, it's me and little man's duo trip. But, maybe if ya’ll apologize, I’ll consider bringing yas along.” He and Karako gave a small chuckle
"We're so sorry," The twins enthusiastically responded.
"That's two more invited! Chahut you're next."
"As If I'm apologizin’ to your lame ass," Chahut crossed her arms. She barely moved to sit up before having three pleading faces staring at her. 
"Ooooh looks like the wrigglers are gonna miss you. How sad. But I guess you're too lame to hang with guys." 
"Fuck you."
"That's not an apology. Wanna try again?"
"I'm sorry, Marvus,” She said grumbling under her breath.
“That’s three!” He said, high-fiving Karako. 
"Vacation! Vacation! Vacation! Vacation," the twins chanted, flipping around the room.
"Honk! Honk!" Karako cheered along.
Marvus was sitting on his bed in the hivetel. He was wearing one of his old merch t-shirts, no point in wearing that clunky tux and scrolling through Chittr. Since the point Chahut made about that clingy lowblood from before he'd been trying to keep his mind off Chixie. Unfortunately, nothing like forbidden fruit makes you want to take a bite. As soon as he arrived and locked himself in his room he’d started watching more videos of the girl. In his scrolling, he came across a post on her actual account. 
Chixie:: I'll be performing at BloodBrawl bar tonight. Come out and show support!
Below the text was a picture of the lineup, there in big brown text was her name. She’d be the middle act and the bar was close to the hivetel. It was at that moment that Marvus got an amazing, and kinda stupid, idea. He did have a few toned-down outfits and his favorite black hoodie. It wouldn't hurt to just pop out for a drink real quick. 
He just saw a recommendation to come out to a local place that had good music. As an accomplished artist, how could he resist hearing fresh talent? If he just so happened to see the bronzeblood that he's been listening to for the past two days then so be it. It's their fault for choosing this hivetel, not his.
With his plan in mind, he memorized the time she’d be performing and went to gather everything he’d need, searching vigorously through his bags. He found his most raggedy hoodie, an old patched-up pair of sweats, and some platformed boots he wore for a concert messiah knows how long ago. To make things more convincing he decided to give himself a fake caste symbol. But there was only one person in their entire Hivetel with paint…Chahut.
He sighed walking down that hall towards her and Karako’s room. 
“Chachki!” He yelled knocking at the door.
He heard several large stomps before the door flew open.
“I thought I told ya to never call me that,” she looked down at him agitated.
“Whatcha want?”
“I need to borrow ya paint sis’.”
She cocked her eyebrow.
“What for?”
“I…Need to repaint some of my shoes.”
He all but mumbled out. It wasn’t a lie, after sweeps of performing a lot of his shoes and outfits were worn out. The bigger clown stared at him for a moment before sighing and going back into her room. She pulled a bag of spray paints out of her suitcase. She tossed them out to him, and he wandered off back to his room. He picked up the burgundy and quickly sprayed a fake caste symbol on his hoodie. 
He wanted to make sure  no one  recognized him, went into the washroom, tied his hair back, and did something he never thought he’d do. He washed his makeup off. It was weird seeing his gray skin after only seeing white on it for so long. For the piece de resistance, fake glasses and a face mask. 
He threw his newly painted hoodie on and slunk out of the hivetel room. He took the stairs to avoid any fans or press and snuck out the back of the building. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and hunched forward changing his overall image and hiding as much of his shape as possible. He didn't remember ever being able to leave a building without being watched or swarmed before but it was an exciting feeling.
Before he knew it he was on the streets, heading towards the bar. He did get a few looks on the way, he guessed they’d never seen a burgundy this big. Still, it didn’t stop some of the higher bloods from pushing and shoving him out of their way. To be honest he didn’t even notice most of them, they just bounced off of him. Plus he was too focused on seeing this gig to worry about any of them.
After a few minutes, he finally made it, and there wasn’t too long a line!
When he got in he noticed the place was fairly crowded, he thought back to the lineup, he did remember seeing some popular names. He looked around a bit to see if he could recognize Chixie before giving up and going to get a drink. He had a few songs to get through before he would get to hear hers anyway.
The act currently setting up was a purpleblood band. They were pretty good if he was being honest, but he wasn’t coming for them. He was here for one performance, and one performance only.
After them was a solo indigo.
And after that was another act and another…and another. If he was being honest, a lot of the acts were starting to meld into one another. 
Something else he noticed was how many of the acts were blatantly copying him. Not just his lyrics and beat, but his entire persona and style.
 Normally he wouldn’t mind this he loved it when people took inspiration from his work. But all of these acts felt the same, there was no flare or pizzazz. Just the same thing over and over expecting to get more applause than the last act, absolutely boring. But, it would all be worth it, soon, cause next up was Chixie!
Only the little bronzie didn’t come out, instead, it was another group of purples who, apparently came late. Marvus sat there confused, as to why Chixie wasn’t on stage.
Maybe they just rearranged her spot, so they could perform?
He didn't care for the abrupt change but it's fine he could sit through one more performance.
After them was another group, indigobloods. Then there was a teal solo act. Then two jade acts back to back.
It seemed like everyone but Chixie was performing tonight, as the show went on more and more trolls started to leave. Soon there was nothing but a handful of lowbloods and one indigo, standing in the front, left. Marvus was considering leaving himself, but he noticed a fairly short troll nervously walking on stage.
The last act came up, and there she was, Chixie. Despite his annoyance, Marvus felt a smile grow across his face when he saw her. He noticed her outfit, it was a long black button-down dress, a pair of white leggings, and a pair of black flats with baggy leg warmers. It wasn’t at all flashy, and it didn’t look expensive, but it was still cute!
His focus on her was broken by the sound of very out-of-place cheering; he looked forward to seeing the indigo loudly praising her and clapping. His eyes migrated back to the bronze girl, who was now awkwardly smiling and waving at him as she pulled down the mic off the stand.
A burgundy with a guitar wrapped around him stumbled out and started playing. 
She visibly sighed, before she started to sing.
The song she sang was a somber one. She didn’t do much, she wasn’t loud or flashy like the other acts. She didn’t have dance moves unless you counted hand gestures and hip sways.
She was just being herself, calm, but kind of nervous. Many would probably call her “Plain” or “simple” but that’s what made it all stand out. She wasn’t trying to be this big personality, she knew who she was, and that made her all the more unique to Marvus.
Soon the guitarist stopped and Chixie’s voice disappeared with the last few chords.
He was stunned. She was far better in person than the shitty video quality from Chittr. However, he did appreciate whoever was uploading videos of her performances. He sat for a while watching her interact with the few lowbloods left in the bar before visibly cringing as she turned to the indigoblood that was feeling a little too excited to see her.
"Hey Zebruh! I'm so…glad you could make it. I thought you were going to a concert for that purpleblood you liked."
"Marvus. His name is Marvus.”
The indigo corrected.
 “And I did wanna go to his show but I heard he went on vacation, so I decided to come support you in the meantime!"
"That's so sweet of you but you didn't have to-"
"What kind of manager would I be if I wasn't here to support my favorite bronzie!”
He interrupted getting in the bronze girl’s face.
"Oh. Well…You really didn't have to." 
"Nonsense! They already bullied you once. If you had let me, I would ' ve made sure they never changed your spot, but of course, you're just too kind," Zebruh smirked. Marvus eavesdropped for a bit and could feel the anger she was hiding from his backhanded compliment.
"I'm glad you think so," She smiled weirdly at the indigo, as he tried to put his hand on her but she turned away like she heard someone call her, barely missing his hand. 
"They called Trixie not Chixie," he said, dropping his arm to his side.
"Oh! Well, that's fine. Sorry, but I have to go, I gotta- feed my lusus! I'll see you later."
Without a second she turned and walked away.
"I love that about you. You're so responsible. Bye~"
He yelled at her from across the room.
The mousy girl quickly ran out of the bar, brushing past Marvus. His eyes focused on her face quickly taking in her features as she skittered past him. He wasn't expecting to get such a close-up- up but at least he was right and the trip wasn't a waste, she really was cute. 
Marvus made his way back to the hivetel. He figured using the stairs would be better but by the fifth floor, he started regretting his choice. He decided to just take off his sweater and take the elevator the rest of the way up. He managed to make it through the hall without being spotted or recognized. Soon enough he made it back to his room and he sighed loudly when he got in. 
His tiredness was soon replaced with panic when he noticed Karako sitting on the couch, legs and arms crossed.
"Woah! Hey little man, what you doing here?"
"Honk?" Karako glared at him, waiting for an answer.
"Where I been? What you mean, where I been? I just stepped out for a bit. I ain’t been gone long."
 Karako made an annoyed face at the obvious lie.
"Three hours ain't that long. Why were you in my room for three hours?" He tried to change the subject but the little clown steamrolled past it.
"Honk. Honk."
"Thanks for thinkin' of me but you really ain't have to and as you can see I'm fine."
"Honk?" Karako asked again.
"I just got a drink and forgot to check my palmhusk. Sorry little dude."
The little clowned glared him down, giving an exaggerated pout.
"Just down the block! Look, it's not that serious."
"…Honk," Karako glared at him suspiciously.
"No, I didn't go see that girl. What girl are you even talkin' about?"
Karako quickly showed the evidence on his palmhusk.
" I didn't go to see her! I just got a drink at a bar she just so happened to be performin' in."
“My makeup? It needed to be redone, so I took it off!”
“...Honk,” The small clown pointed at the jacket, and glasses he still had in his hand. It was at this point Marvus knew the little clown wouldn’t give up, he sat next to him and began to explain.
“Okay, I ain’t confirmin’ or denyin’ nothing. But maybe,  maybe , I went to see her perform,” His panic was replaced with a small grin as he explained further.
“You should’a seen her! She was so sweet and so talented. I thought seeing her in person would, you know, scratch the itch. Sate my curiosity.”
Karako cocked his head at the older clown.
"Yeah, I probably should've left it alone but I couldn't not go after being told not to watch her." 
“Honk!” Karako began to chuckle as he stated the obvious.
“No! I ain’t got red feelings for her! I remember what happened last time!” He picked Karko up into his arms “Besides, you too young to be talkin’ bout that!”
“Yeah…I did say this was different…”
“No! I ain’t goin’ back to see her.”
Karako grabbed Marvus’s palmhusk again, going onto Chixie’s Profile.
He pointed at the red quadrant status, which was marked as empty.
"Karako, I can't do that again. Chahut would kill me if I brought another groupie around!"
"I know she's not a groupie but still it's not gonna end well either way." Marvus slightly raised his voice, causing Karako to tear up a bit.
The little clown began to cry and fuss, Marvus sighed and brought him in for a hug.
“I’m sorry little man, it’s just I can’t be out here catching red feelings for a girl I don’t even know,” He pulled Karako back wiping his tears, smudging his makeup a bit.
“Besides, if I went chasing after her, you and me wouldn’t have time to hang out!” He booped the runt’s nose.
“And ya wouldn’t want that now would ya?”
Karako nodded his head “no”.
“Then let’s not focus on all that quadrant mess, okay?”
“...Honk!” Karako squeezed his arms around Marvus’s waist, pulling him in for one last hug.
"Yeah! Let's get some faygo and grubcorn. We can watch a movie. Let me just get my paint back on."
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ravenrambles6229 · 1 year
Titanium Ninja actually kind of fucks, though
So I rewatched the last episode of season 3. A pretty mid season, right? Well that final episode fucks in all the ways that made my brain vibrate as a 12 year old. So let’s fucking go I need everyone to appreciate this episode.
First up, ninjas trapped in space. Alright. There’s already no solution to this that isn’t bullshit, so just make it cool. Well, I like that they had to use their abilities and knowledge to make the ship instead of tornado of creation-ing it. Really shows how much they’re capable of when they work together!
“How we holding up?” “Bubblegum and a wish!” As they fucking send it. What a legendary line. It burned itself into my brain for years to come and is a part of my standard lexicon.
“Hasn’t Ninjago suffered enough already?” She asks, on season 3 out of what is now 17.
Overlord’s face is kinda silly but the mech honestly kinda slaps.
“My heart has reached critical mass, it appears my unlimited energy is in fact limited!” “Critical mass? You mean it’s gonna blow up?” “Don’t worry about me!” AHJGHSJKG See kids, this is what we call foreshadowing.
Okay but seriously, now that they’re in the atmosphere, they use their elemental powers to shield themselves as they come in from from orbit like goddamn meteors. Is it bullshit? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely the fuck not.
Skales saying they can’t help the people of Ninjago then doing it anyway? Love him for that. Because he presumably sees the ninjas and is like “ugh these fuckers again. Well if they did it once-”
The city recognizing the ninja as they plummet towards the earth as multicolored meteors? There had better be folk songs about this. I’m surprised there isn’t a church. Saviors from the stars here to kill Satan.
Man, people still getting a haircut as the Overlord attacks. Frickin iconic. No wonder people handled season 9 so well.
Pixal on her lil bike.
Also the ninja being caught by their vehicles. Does it make sense? Not really. But the animation for it is cool so once again, I am fully on board.
“A few parachutes would have been nice!” “Friends and family make a good substitute!” Fuck, I love Kai so much.
City fortress. Cloaked in blacks and reds in a dusky sky. What a sick image.
The fact that they were prepared to throw hands with the Overlord even before Borg came to them with a solution. These lil heroes I love them so much.
Lloyd biking through a hole in a window while Cole just WHAM. I love them both so much.
“Go back, and our probability of making it to the temple exponentially diminishes!” “This isn’t about numbers, Zane! It’s about family!” AAAGH the fact that that line came from Kai! Also, foreshadowing!
Cole whooping even as he’s running from certain doom, what an icon.
Lol the ancient seal of the temple being helped by a convenient barrier.
“Let me get this straight, you want us to get close to a guy with armor that, with one touch, will make us toast, and you want us to give him a pill?” “Precisely!” Oh Borg, never change. Unironically my favorite side character, I love this genius idiot so much. He’s just like “well if anyone can do it, it’s you lunatics” and it still feels like pot calling kettle black.
Zane offering his armor to Pixal!!! I love him! Even though he’s so big on probability, he’s so willing to give up his own safety for others!
“I shall see you again.” AAGH
Magic armor toysets!!
The ninja ninja-ing over rooftops will never not make my brain whir.
Okay the golden spiderweb thing goes kinda hard as a villain aesthetic, though. Great way to make the normally heroic golden colors look all evil!
That shot of the ninja, these tiny lil dudes, against this giant evil robot kicks so much ass though.
“Then attack the people.” Holy SHIT Pythor! What a dick move! And the fact that its his former second-in-command that comes to offer the people refuge is so good!
“That was ALL YOU’VE GOT!?” It sure was, but these ninjas are the masters of asspulls so watch yourself.
Okay now we’re getting to the scene. The scene. One of the best scenes in the show, and I am prepared to die on this hill. Actually, I’m prepared to kill on this hill. Because this scene is just fantastic, and has stuck with me vividly for years, even after I fell off the show back around season seven. If you had come up to 16-year-old Raven and told her to quote this scene, she probably could have done so.
“Support me friends, for one last time.” Never does Zane ever think of this as anything less than a group effort. Even here, he’s asking for their support! And they do what little they can!
Then this GOAT just fuckin grabs the armor and demands “Let! My! Friends! Go!” His voice cracking, as the music swells! The way he’s writhing makes him look like he’s in genuine agony but pushing through it anyway!
“Go where, doomed ninja?”
Then they show his fucking heartbeat! It’s robotic, but also very much so a human pulse! Because Zane is as alive as anyone! Then his faceplate falls off!
And you can see the Overlord’s expression change here as he starts running calculations, getting worried!
“The golden weapons are too powerful for you to behold! Your survival chance is ZERO!” “This isn’t about numbers. It’s about family!” What can I even say about this exchange? First of all, the Overlord is appealing to Zane’s survival, rather than his chance of SUCCESS. In all likelihood, he KNOWS that Zane is a threat right now, because that robot is channeling the power of his own armor. But Zane is not swayed by his own chance of survival.
Killing the moment a bit, looks like Zane is programmed in some wacky ass C++. Wonder if Dr. Julien could help me with my Arduino homework. Never was good with stepper motors. Anyway back to drama.
Then the ninja desperately wondering why Zane isn’t letting go, but Wu realizes. “He’s protecting us!”
“I! Am! A Nindroid! And Ninja! Never quit! Go ninja, Go!” There’s so much here. It’s like when he found his true potential on an infinitely larger scale. The Overlord will not hurt his friends, because he knows who he is: A nindroid that never quits, built to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Also, “Go ninja, go!” Amazing how the addition of one extra “go” completely changes the mood. It sounds desperate, like he’s telling himself to go, to take the plunge, to give everything up, and he DOES that.
Then he just. Fuckin. Goes. What I imagine is happening here is that he is directly powering himself with the golden armor, channeling the Overlord’s golden power THROUGH his heart to boost his own elemental power. Completely frying himself in the process, but able to literally produce the power to kill Satan. 
“No Zane! No!” It being Jay, the one often considered the meek one, to be the first to run after Zane. As Wu has to force them all away, because he can’t lose all his ninja.
Then. The music change. The MUSIC CHANGE. This song. Let me tell you something. I just recently got back into Ninjago. And I was getting caught up on what I missed. Well, I was listening to a music compilation, and suddenly, this song started playing. I Ratatouilled so hard, y’all. I had a flashback to Zane having flashbacks, because this music is absolutely stunning.
His heartbeat plays over the music. The sounds of the fight fade away. As he recounts his time with his brothers. His time meeting his father again, even if it was for only a few short months.
“There’s something special about you Zane.” Cut to Pixal. Then cut to him smiling.
“I know who I am!”
“You were built to protect those who cannot protect themselves.” That’s it. That is the microcosm of Zane’s character. He protects people. He protects his family. And Zane can die happily if it means he has fulfilled that directive.
As he flatlines. Holy hell. I cannot stress enough the impact this had on me as a child.
One final (for now) NOOOOO from the Overlord, then it’s all quiet. The tower light goes out. The manhole freezes over. The robots break. It’s eerily soft compared to what was just happening. Like a single, soft exhale of breath.
Kai looks at a damaged “New Ninjago City” sign. This is symbolism.
And Cole finds a piece of Zane’s body! Is this the only surviving piece? It must be, and that’s devastating! Granted, a kids show probably can’t show what is essentially a corpse, but they don’t even have anything to bury!
Him comforting Nya as she starts to sob. Jay just looking away softly. And Borg. “I used to think technology would be the answer to all of our problems.”
Then it cuts to the memorial.
“Then I saw technology invent new problems. Devastating problems. And then, a Nindroid named Zane saved us all. He was the perfect balance between us and technology.” And nothing encapsulates that better than the heartbeat from a few seconds ago. The heartbeat of a human contained in a machine.
“Technology can improve our lives, but so can people.” The fact that they don’t fully demonize technology, which would be hypocritical seeing as Zane is technology. Instead, it’s all about balance!
“Our city will find its way again, but this time, with Zane as our compass.” Couple things here. First off. That this takes place in a park rather than an urban sprawl. Second, that the photo of Zane is of his season 1 outfit is nice! And that they’re going to look to Zane as an example of what technology should be.
And Zane gets a statue! I love this a lot. I love that it shows up in later seasons. Later on, Zane says he doesn’t need a statue. But it’s not even just about Zane, it’s for the people to remember Zane and his sacrifice by. To remember the mistakes that he fixed so that they don’t repeat them. The Titanium Ninja, a strong metal to act as a foundation for their future. It’s not complex symbolism, but it’s still extremely effective! No wonder I lost my mind at age 12.
Then his falcon sits on his shoulder, with the leitmotif playing! Agh! Just stab me in the heart already, show!
“So, what happens after this?” “I don’t know.” “And I don’t care. Today’s about Zane.” I have a lot of thoughts about this. First up, Jay completely not acknowledging the love triangle right now. He doesn’t care about that, because today IS about Zane. It’s so humanizing. And next up, we know what happens after this. In their grief, the ninja fracture. It’s tragic, but they’re all so devastated by their grief that they don���t know how to carry on together. This is a recurring thing in the show. When Nya becomes the sea, the team splits up. When Lloyd thought his friends died in Sons of Garmadon, he nearly gave up everything. For better or worse, these ninja need each other, they are a very tight-knit family. I wonder if the new series can touch on how they deal with being separated from each other on longer terms. Either way, this family loves each other so much, and I love that,
Kai being the one to give a eulogy. Literally I could type out that entire speech and point to line after line just being like Look! Look at this line! It’s amazingly eloquent, especially coming from Kai. Out of all the ninja, he’s always been the most family-oriented. He’s powered by brotherhood, and Zane continues to power him. We see this in season 4, when he visits Zane’s statue, that he still thinks about Zane every single day, still looking to him for guidance. He has so much love and respect for his family, but also can’t cope with yet another loss in his life.
Wu blinking rapidly as he ducks his head!! Dude is holding back tears big time.
.Dareth sobbing! He loves those funky ninjas too!
“Ninja never quit, and ninja will never be forgotten! Wherever you are Zane, you’ll always be one of us.” As it STARTS TO SNOW! AGH! This is so good!
All of Zane’s flashbacks before it’s revealed that he lived on in the Digiverse! At least before Ronin stole him, lol. Well either way, Pixal moving from grief to hope as she realizes he’s alive! Holy shit! I’d like to draw attention to her speech from crystallized. “Long ago, in a different battle, you gave up half your power source to save my life. Ever since that moment, I felt things I’ve never felt before. I felt love. For you.” Pairing these two moments together just... It hits so hard.
Then the fucking MUSIC. The FUCKING MUSIC! It is triumphant and glorious and a CELEBRATION.
“Are we compatible now?” Holy hell, what an ending.
No wonder this did irreparable damage to my brain chemistry. No wonder I was never normal again. This absolutely DESTROYED me as a kid, and I think it still holds up as one of the most emotionally impactful series of scenes in the show. The beginning is really awesome, the fights are fun, the characterization is stellar, and the death scene is damn near flawless. Is the episode nonsensical and a bit meandering at times? Well, yes, it is. The entire season is all over the place. But this episode still works SO well. I’d say it’s probably top five, easy.
It was something I never considered possible, as a kid. This is coming off season 2, which was pretty Lloyd-centric. I never thought we’d get such an amazing tribute to my, at the time, favorite character. I never thought he’d get such a moment in the spotlight to be as amazing as he was. Granted, he’s since had PLENTY of deaths to call his own, but this one remains the most impactful to me. This was the first death to REALLY be a death and to REALLY hit home. The only deaths that I’d say even come close are Nya’s death in Skybound (since she didn’t really die in Seabound) and Morro’s death for how brutal it is. Nya becoming the sea was also really good, though, with a beautiful funeral. But this one just...
The Titanium Ninja was a revolution for me as a kid. I had adored this show since the pilot. I had kept up religiously since the pilot. But this was the moment that the show went to a whole different level. And honestly, I think it holds up. Ninjago has a list of issues a mile long. But I just want to celebrate for a moment this episode, and everything it does so, so well.
Anyway, that’s my rant about an episode that I really love. I may do this again with episodes like Son of Lily. Because I love this stupid little show so much, guys. I grew up with it, and its always been a big part of my life. Episode 7, Tick Tock, was like, the biggest plot twist of the universe to me as a kid. It was what made Zane my favorite character, and got me so invested in him in the first place. To see Ninjago use that to make a genuinely fantastic character arc, then to use that as the foundation for the fourth season, was absolutely brilliant, and my life is genuinely better for having gotten to enjoy such a show as a kid and now as an adult. This show isn’t some life-changing revolution, but it makes me so happy, and I hope this rant helps illuminate a little bit of why.
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purrincess-chat · 1 year
Hi Cat! May I ask you to rank S5 episodes aired so far? and what did you like the most about each of them?
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Finally getting around to answering this now that s5 is officially over. Overall, I'd say s5 was definitely not as bad as people have made it out to be, and I'll share my full thoughts on it later and go over some of the notes I took upon rewatching, but I'd say this season on average was pretty mid? Adrinette hard carried a lot of episodes that otherwise were just okay. Again, I've said it a bunch, and I'll say it a bunch more times, ML's biggest problem is pacing. S5 is probably the most ambitious season of this show by far, and they crammed a shit ton into this one season that would have been more digestible if it were spread out I think.
But anywho, I'll discuss more later. For now, here is my episode rankings for season 5! The ratings are rough, and I will likely adjust them to be a bit more specific when I eventually do my complete episode ranking with all the other seasons, but for now these ratings correspond to how I relate just the s5 episodes to each other. None of them got a 10, and tbh most of these eps sit around 6-7/10, so ranking them was actually kind of hard because as I said, Adrinette hard carried some of these eps, and I just did not care for the other things going on in them. Okay, here we go:
Protection: 9.5/10
Anyone who knows me or is in any way familiar with me probably knows why this episode is here. The picnic will go down as one of Adrinette's iconic moments. The whole set-up was incredibly sweet, and I could stare at that scene for hours.
2. Emotion: 9/10
Outside of thinking that Felix should have come back sooner and that perhaps this should have been the mid-season conflict rather than the Kwami's Choice eps (I'll talk more about why in another post eventually), I really liked this episode. I love how much Marinette has grown. I enjoyed Felix being a lil gremlin man. Idk, I liked it.
3. Elation: 8.5/10
"Cat, but you always shit talk MC-"
Incorrect. I shit talk toxic stans. I'd be lying if I said seeing those two losers kiss didn't make me feel things. I also appreciated the realness of this ep on why they couldn't be together, and that Chat Noir/Adrien had enough respect for Marinette to realize that there was a power imbalance between them. It was very sexy of him.
4. Revolution: 8.5/10
This one honestly surprised me being this high, but so much shit happened in this episode. Like I needed to sit for a sec after watching it because it was a lot to process. While I was rewatching it, I had moments where I was like wait, is this a new episode? But then I'd remember, nope. It's still the same one where all this other shit happened. And weirdly, it didn't feel too rushed? A lot of episodes this season felt like they were moving a million miles a minute and rushing to get to the point, but I felt like for as much shit as went down in this episode, it flowed pretty well.
Also, I'm Adrinette trash so of course I'm gonna rank their first kiss high fucking sue me
Also, hardly anyone talked about the LadyNoir power up! Like hello???
5. Deflagration: 8/10
I know I just dunked on the Kwami's Choice arc, and I will probably do it again because these two episodes were HARD carried by Adrinette. I didn't care about Kitty Noire or Scarabella at all. Their fight was lame, why the fuck did they start talking like that, just, ugh-anyway. I felt like part 2 was the stronger of the two episodes, and not just because of the Ladrien crumb! (though the ladrien crumb was v nice) I enjoyed the Resistance swooping in to help. I enjoyed Marinette outsmarting Gabriel. I enjoyed Adrien ripping the earrings off his dad like how dare you touch her things, you crusty eggplant. I liked the Adrinette scene in the cafeteria. I dunno. I don't think giving up their Miraculous was really necessary, but I appreciated several of the moments in this episode.
6. Passion: 8/10
So, in prior seasons I came to really not care for Nathalie when she was simping for Gabriel, but I gained a lot more respect for her this season. I just kind of wish she'd been like that from the beginning. There to make sure Gabriel doesn't go too far, someone to love Adrien and carry out his and Emilie's wishes. I wouldn't have minded even if GabeNath happened as a result if they were able to talk Gabriel down from his madness and truly let Emilie go in the end. But alas, we didn't. I loved the Adrinette moment in this episode where Adrien just immediately tells her what's wrong. It was such a huge step for him as someone who usually just buries his feelings. And the kwami swap was much better this go round.
7. Jubilation: 7.5/10
My cat is sleeping on my notes, but I remember enjoying this episode. A thought that I had in regards to the fantasy that they saw is that the gift sees beyond the masks, even if they don't. Like, yes, of course they want a life together because they're soulmates. They just can't quite see the whole picture yet. Idk how to explain it, but anyway, it was a cute episode. The nightmare children need to be burned at the stake, but overall, it was nice.
8. Transmission: 7.5/10
Listen. I did not give a single fuck about the new heroes, and their battle was very anticlimactic and lame, but god dammit, the Adrinette in this episode! Adrien audibly recognizing he shouldn't have played with her feelings as Chat Noir. Him seeing his photos in her trash can and telling her he loves her! The motherfucking hand game! Nothing else happened in that ep. It was just them.
9. Determination: 7.5/10
I absolutely loved seeing Adrinette go all pink sparkles when he looked at Marinette, and how Kagami was like stop being a fucking wuss and ask her on a date. As much as I cannot with the statue scene, I loved that Adrien was just like lol yeahhh you kissed me, it was kind of awesome. Like baby boy XD I liked him being lowkey jealous and wanting to be more with Marinette and trying his damnedest to get closer to her when she was freaking out. His patience with her this season has been so sweet.
LN stans can roast me all they want, idc, but I have a lot of thoughts about her switching her affection to CN. Not to say that she doesn't genuinely have feelings for him because I think she definitely does deep down, but I have always seen her pursuit of him this season as a means to run away from her problems. (i.e. her feelings for Adrien) Because she never got over Adrien, and that much was obvious. And Alya even called her on her bullshit. Marinette was trying to force herself to stop loving Adrien by throwing herself at Chat Noir, and while her feelings for him might stem from a genuine place of love for him, she was trying to love him for the wrong reasons. Rather than it being a natural thing, it felt very much like she was only doing it because she thought it would be easier, and she was refusing to face and process what had happened as a result of her loving Adrien. I just wish that the reversal were handled differently. She can and absolutely does love Chat Noir, but in this context, it just felt a little cheap to me. Not as genuine because she was still clearly hung up on Adrien and avoiding that.
10. Multiplication: 7/10
We have reached 6-7/10 territory. A loooot of eps are in this range, so it was actually pretty difficult to rank. I went solely on vibes for this section. Any single scene that sticks out in my memory for each episode were the breaking points on these.
Idk why, but I liked this episode. I loved the scenes of Adrien trying to greet Marinette. I loved everyone getting progressively more bored with waiting for Monarch to show up again. It was cute.
11. Derision: 7/10
Do I think this backstory should have come way, way, way, WAY sooner? Yes. Like s1-s2 sooner. Did I still slurp up all of the Adrinette anyway? ...Well, I'm only human.
12. Evolution: 7/10
I actually skipped this episode in my rewatch to save time because I know it's solid. Bunny Cat was cute. Seeing Gabriel fucking wreck himself because he's an idiot was funny. Alix being the GOAT was fun. Yeah. It was a nice start to the season.
13. Pretension: 7/10
I'm not a Feligami hater like some people. I think it was a bit rushed, but I think that's more of an issue with ML's general struggle with pacing rather than a reflection on the viability of their relationship. I liked seeing how Felix has a softer side because he was always meant to be morally grey. Emotion talked about that a little bit. He had no dog in the fight between Gabriel and LB/CN. He has his own motives for doing what he does, and he's not a bad person, just has done some questionable things to get what he wants. And I think Kagami would be good for him. I loved her roasting him and kicking his ass (and he loved it too).
14. Confrontation: 6.5/10
As the pilot of the Lila downfall plane, you'd think this episode would rank higher, but like, listen. Was Marinette's plan very sneaky and big brained? Yes. Did I enjoy seeing them get caught? Yes. Did this shit need to happen way sooner? Yes! The fact that Alya said with her whole chest in the episode before, "You know we're always ready to believe you." When she fucking wasn't? Like, bitch, your bestie is LADYBUG. Perhaps if she doesn't like someone, recognize that it's for a good ass reason? And I hated how dismissive they were of Adrien when he tried to speak up in that scene too. My honest reaction to Lila being outed was just fucking finally. I rank this one lower as well because they cut a small moment that I wish they fucking hadn't where everyone apologizes to and hugs Marinette after they're exposed. Because they fucking gaslit her for months about this bitch, and she absolutely deserved that apology!
15. Collusion: 6/10
Ya know, I'm not much one to care about Andre. They really tried to paint him as a victim this season, and I just was not there for it. It's okay for him to just suck too. They're all rich, sucky people. It's okay to just say that.
A note I did make that I might talk about later is on the topic of Chloe and her alleged redemption that everyone is mad about and how Astruc just hates Chloe, and I'm not going to say he doesn't. I just think that overall what happened there is when they started planning out future seasons, it was more plot convenient for her to be mean than it was for them to put in the effort to redeem her fully. And looking at some of the other redemptions they've done in this show, we know they would have botched it anyway. They kept her mean because it served their purposes for making things happen. That's it.
16. Revelation: 6/10
For reasons mentioned above in Confrontation, I ranked this episode lower because I wanted to fucking strangle everyone. Everyone in that god damn class knows Chloe is a bitch and always will be. The fact that they all turned on Marinette, including fucking Alya who knows she's FUCKING LADYBUG just ugh. Honestly, when their future plans got fucked in the next episode, I was lowkey like GOOD. Suffer, dumbass bitches! It's what you get! But I'm also just really petty, and I wanted to see Lila finally get shut the fuck up.
17. Adoration: 6/10
This one was fine? Let's go lesbians, I guess. Idk, in comparison to the myriad of other shit going on in s5, this one just felt like filler. Gabriel is an asshole, what else is new? I kind of wish Marinette got a better confession, since, ya know, we've been waiting for it since s1. I wish it were a bigger moment and more heartfelt, but like, eh, I guess.
18. Intuition: 6/10
Seeing Gabriel fuck himself over was nice. Other than that, it was just okay. Get dunked on, you moldy cheeto dust of a human being.
19. Perfection: 6/10
"Cat, did you rank this episode this low because of Adrien's cringy-ass song?"
AND I'D DO IT AGAIN! And the fight was kinda boring. I love Kagami, and she deserved the love in the end, but like c'mon.
20. Illusion: 6/10
A big thing I noted from this episode that became kind of a recurring thing throughout s5 is the illusion of choice. I'll talk more about it in my s5 analysis, but I think that illusion of choice extends to Gabriel's wish too in the end. I did love Nathalie fucking bodying him the second Adrien walked away. It's what he deserves.
21. Destruction: 6/10
This one was fine, I guess. I wasn't super into the format of it being a flashback that Marinette was explaining to Alya at their sleepover after the fact? And that it kind of just glossed over them Cataclysming Monarch, since that was kind of an important thing for this season. ML made some weird choices for big moments throughout this season that kind of cheapened the impact, imo. Idk. Baby girl is smart and all that, we been knew.
22. Representation: 5.5/10
Adrien fighting his dad was the highlight of this episode. You go off, king. The play was incredibly info-dumpy, and I feel like this information should have been spread out more organically. Rather than hinting at all of this shit in s3-4, they should have just sprinkled in these details as actual confirmation back then rather than dumping it all in our laps now.
23. Reunion: 5/10
Listen, this episode wasn't bad, and Adrien being a horse girl is funny, but in the context of this season and compared to the other episodes, this one is honestly just filler. Like, it's cool lore, but feels a bit out of place in this season, especially because she didn't call on her past holders for advice on how to like, idk fight her villain, she called on her for love advice. Just felt very unserious in the context of this season.
24. Conformation: 5/10
This one was fine-ish? The whole finale is definitely the weakest finale we've had. And I've ranked Miracle Queen in my bottom 10, yall. This is saying something. I'll go ahead and continue in my next point because
25. Re-Creation: 4.5/10
Both of the finale eps were just... They happened? I feel like they were pulling at too many threads bringing in everyone the way they did. I feel like the perfect alliance thing was an okay choice? I kind of dislike that Adrien was just no where to be fucking seen for most of these episodes. I know a lot of people are upset that he doesn't know about his dad, and there was no reveal between him and Marinette. Which, no identity reveal, I can live with, but I feel like letting Gabriel make his wish was such a weird choice. I'll talk more about it later, but we've been following this show since s1 and rooting for Ladybug and Chat Noir, and they just let the villain get what he wanted? And you can argue that he didn't really get what he wanted because he died or whatever, but like he got the Miraculouses and made a wish. Stop being obtuse about it. Like what is the ultimate lesson here? What's the message? I'm willing to give s6 a chance, but my future with this show is going to depend on how they unpack some of the fallout of this finale.
And for those arguing over Emilie v Amelie in the ending scene, it was Emilie in the original script and storyboard, and her memorial statue is gone, meaning they no longer have to memorialize her because she's not dead, so unless they randomly decided to not bring her back last minute, that bitch is his mom. Also, they removed a scene where she and Adrien smile at each other, but I digress
26. Migration: 4/10
I'm not going to explain this one, but anyone that knows me, knows why this one is here, and why I didn't care about this episode.
Anywho, my biggest takeaways from this season were that it was a bit too ambitious at times, and I think in general it lacked a lot of the heart of ML. Big moments we've been waiting for fell flat because they got lost in the mess of them trying to cram storylines we should have been getting this whole time into one season. It's not a bad season, and I think it is definitely a step in the right direction. ML just needs to get better about pacing its story arcs so that it maximizes its time and doesn't have to rush through shit to get their point across.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
you know something that interests me so much, is how Jordan’s perspective is unreliable. Just by the nature of him having an edited pov makes him an unreliable narrator to the audience.
The best example I have of this is why capsize thought they were together. In his pov it comes out of left field, like it makes no sense that she would consider that. But if you go to Tom’s episode, you can see that she literally thinks that because Tom says in chat that him and Jordan are fucking. Like, honestly the comparison of Jordan’s “Girl Problems” ep and Tom’s 81st episode is the best example of that because it frames Capsizes character in a certain light depending on who you watch and because people will usually only watch Jordan’s (because it’s shorter) then it’s a bit of a one sided view.
And I bet you there are season 2 examples but I’d have to rewatch it from someone else’s perspective first before I give an example.
The unreliable narrator of Jordan's POV is really super interesting because actually like!! you could lore wise outside the meta of edited content ooc interpret it as an intentionally crafted story, where ye!! The whole bit about capsize thinkin thems boyos were together without the context of Tom's comment (which I gen only caught bc I paused Jordan's ep to read the chat when he opened it) makes her out to be a completely different person versus if ya saw it in Tom's POV- in the sense of her to Jordan trying to deflect away from a supposed truth versus her just obvs playin off what Tom was together and them zombiecaptains bein silly
In a way, if ya follow the headcanon from DSMP that chat is personified as an in-universe entity of sorts around the character (like Ranboo's ender particles, the voices of the Blood god to Techno, or Phil's crows); like Jordan got little sparkles floating around him only he can see/hear, the fact that we only see bits of his POV could be like him trying to appeal to them (aka them rampant shippers- show his dynamic with Capsize as they expect which is what leads to the inconsistency in her character) As he goes on he starts to learn to ignore them and just roll how he rolls
(in all honesty i like to abide by the headcanon that the whole "im in love w/ capsize" shenanigans was actually cJordan's dumbass way of deflecting off not wantin to admit he was in love with cTom and was egged on by chat but thats a ramble for another day LMAO)
Also!! thats so true too like I havent watched any other S2 POVs but we kinda actually see it in Isles a lil 👀 Ive been hoppin back n forth between Tom and Jordan's povs for fun during my watchthrough where while the edited v. uncut has been flipped, while you can see all of Tom and Karl's shenanigans uncut in Jord's POV, it still doesnt make any sense the motivations for stuff like him joining Team Ianite unless u can see those interactions he has privately with Dianite (who is also so two totally different people between the two povs). But whats interesting is how like Isle!Tom's kind of unreliable narrator is different in nature from S1!Jordan, where its like the intent between the kind of story either is trying to tell has different motivation behind it ig? ye :D ty for this brainrot btw note I Will put lore to everything and. yeah anyhoozers
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sylusjinwoon · 2 years
@bunny-kio said:
[My friend made me notice that since p is probably made by the most part of metal it means his hands are cold for most of the time right?🤔 what if when he wants to hold his darling he always has to think about it early so he has time to warm his hands up?😭
with the flamberge arm it would be much easier and fast, but in that case he would get worried its too much heat for your skin 😭
poor mechanical boi learns how to give affection like human but eventually messes up cutely]
this is honestly so cute, like to be honest, i don’t think p would ever use his flamberge arm to warm up his hands, since it would get extremely hot and it could potentially burn his beloved. 
i can see his darling becoming a bit saddened by his distance, and when they finally asks him why he hasn’t been so affectionate lately, he would finally relent and admit to them that he’s afraid of making them flinch with his cold body. catch his darling giving him a wide smile before bringing p into their arms while telling him, “don’t worry, pinocchio. let’s keep each other warm, your coldness doesn’t bother me at all.” 
[Sorry if im just leaving ideas here but ive rewatched the gameplay and brain went brainrot modeBUT BUT i couldn't help but notice how p is kinda... always like this 😐 AND ITS A LIL FUNNY-  (idk if they still have to give him expressions) So, What he is concious about this limit of his and tries to express his love to his darling in other ways?🥺 he doesnt want to come off cold with them, we can say that from here he grew an habit to be clingy and much affectionate with people he cares about 💗 ]
this is a very valid and canon observation. he doesn’t seem capable of showing or displaying emotions just yet. whether its because he simply doesn’t know how to, or his automaton body just isn’t suited to help him display emotions. 
of course, he’s aware of how...different his darling makes him feel and has a hunch that what he’s feeling is close to love, or at least a whisper of it. he knows that his darling is special to him. 
i can see him showing them his affections by acts of service, and simply by protecting them from the dangers seen around krat. he is both a sword and shield for them, and i know for sure that he’d lay down his life for his darling. 
as for acts of service, i can see him gifting them with any tiny trinkets he may find during his journey throughout krat 😌
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notallwonder · 2 years
Okeydoke. CM 16x09 "Memento Mori". What delights and disappointments do you have in store for me...
Spoilers etc etc etc under the cut.
I've been rewatching season 3. It feels like such a different show. I think the impact of the shake up of producers and cast that happened in season 5/6 cannot be overestimated. And of course with this new season they've actively tried to make it a different iteration. But yeah...the creative vision or whatever shifted a lot over its original run.
Anyway.....back to the matter at hand...
oh no...Rossi flashback. :/ oh buddy. ngl hearing Rossi break up like that makes me very sad.
(Emily you look fabulous in your funeral dress)
I do appreciate the time they've given to Rossi & Emily's relationship
also it just makes me uncomfy that Rossi's doing his canvassing all alone. Even the Mormons don't do that.
OH SHIT is going down!
Emily is your blazer sparkly? no no it's like some kinda tufted wool pattern. (Cute)
JJ your hair looks great
Tara you must be right, "it's hard to be a new dad and a psychopath at the same time" (also you look great bb)
OH SNAP he walked right in??!! with a lil smirk??!!
Okay okay okay TARA / REBECCA FLASHBACK. Aw, Tara that look on your gorgeous face. 🥰 I am not intimately familiar with Al-Anon but I can see how Rebecca's history might influence her tendency to go scorched earth/go to extremes in her reactions.
I wish the flashbacks were in color though. The black & white photography is pretty I suppose, but I wanna see their beautiful faces in full color.
Urgency!! Rebecca coming thru!! (in her fire burgundy suit btw)
this Sacramento offer is all she's got?? I know she's under review, whatever that entails, and presumably thus no longer in line for an associate atty general job (is that actually a thing??) but she's... still actively working in the DOJ in Washington DC hence why she's even plausibly (lol) in this room. Why would this Sacramento job be the only option left to her? This does not make sense.
Tara looks so beautiful, GOD. but also too sad.
Ugh back to this bitch (Elias)
This little tete-a-tete w/ Rossi is...intruiging. Ooh twist that knife sir.
LOL the very subtle sound cue/background music they put on Rossi's grin after he says "Almost." God that was perfect. Like the cartoon sparkle on a smile. Like the Schitt's Creek chime.
Wow this guy has plans on plans on cojones. I like him. He's bad news.
Side note: it annoys me that they keep calling Sicarius the "most prolific" killer they've ever seen. Didn't they estimate Frank's body count in the 80s or 90s?
Oh....our favorite asshole Tyler Green. Oh and our other favorite ah Will - here in an official non-husband capacity. Neato.
The question remains....is Tyler Green a bad guy? He's clearly taking PG for a ride, but what that fully means I don't know.
OOooooh big drama betw Tyler & Luke. That stare down!
Does PG see it now? She might.
F U C K. Suspicions (Apparently!) confirmed ! !
Rossi you in danger girl.
this could still be a vigilante type situation...but they're leaning hard on making Green seem sus and at the very least he's an uncontrolled quantity. He's gonna get in the way.
ok another flashback. this one im categorizing as dumb bc it's about Tyler. Honestly I'd rather have an Emily flashback. Even if it's just her like...loading her dishwasher. God, what I wouldn't give.
cute baby tho. Tyler has baby-related ptsd
This angst filled grocery shopping RULES!!!!! Rolling Stones babey!!!
Rossi, stalking people while they are grocery shopping is not nice. I get it, you have a job to do blah blah. But coming up on ladies in the cereal aisle is just annoying as hell.
OH MY GAWD. Rossi talking serial killer with the wife in the CEREAL AISLE?!?!?!!!!! only god above and people I'll never speak to know if this was by design but I am LOSING it over this stupid visual pun.
Sydney! You left your toilet paper! Don't you remember how hard it was to get toilet paper just a few short years ago?!
LMAO Rossi you got played buddy.
It does feel odd given recent episodes that Bailey isn't in the middle of this fray, but I'm so not mad he's not there.
Emily's "yes ma'am" reminds me of her very flat "ma'am" to Strauss in "100". Very different (this one contains no venom), but I just have not been able to get Strauss out of my head while watching Prentiss this season.
ZOMG LUKE & PENELOPE. Pen, why are you oversharing with him???!!!! Oh honey. You really think he's just your friend. Can't talk to Prentiss bc you already fucked that up, can't talk to JJ bc JJ will call you out on your shit, can't talk to Tara bc she's in her own world of hurt... you friend zoned Luke and are about to find Out!
Oh GOd PG! Like... I know you sometimes lack a filter but c'mon. 😬
FUCK Rossi WHAT are you DOING. This man who has been marinating in grief for years is about to lose it all
The only one who we know knows where he is is Tyler Green (awful sentence so sorry)
I'm getting tense
The Two Devolvers
AAAGH I just LOVE when an intense moment goes straight to psoriasis drug commercials!!! Fuck!
Is the Dan & Sheila thing a reference to a real podcast of some sort? Who are Dan and Sheila.
I do like when the show seems to acknowledge the shortcomings of profiling as an endeavor
Rossi rounding out the Brown Jacket Brigade
Oh. Emily.
Oh. GARCIA. Chickens....roosting....etc
i am just dying, Dying for Emily to completely Lose Her Shit. i doubt she will get the opportunity. But I want it.
JJ getting the lay of the land watching Emily's reaction. Tara getting the lay of the land watching Penelope.
I want Rossi to pee in the car, and then say "it's just a rental".
A favor from DC Metro? For when they are in the field in SEATTLE? I know this is just to get Will into the mix but it's annoying.
Garcia! Um, the implication that you think avoidant-attachment style folks are like...better at or predisposed to lying? Fucked up. I think you have not been getting an A+ in therapy (thing that's normal to want, etc...). All this "Penelope has thrived during the pando / been getting so great at self care etc" seems to be revealing itself as a front of sorts. Kinda feels like a third, smaller, devolution.
The Will stans of the world will rejoice - he's on the jet
For the record, I think Emily made a calculated risk/decision to send PG into the field with the rest. Perhaps thinking she would be uniquely situated to convince/keep Tyler out of the way. Meta-wise, it was necessary to then place JJ/Will and Luke/Garcia in the same frame on the jet. I'm sure that was no accident.
Ugh. Do we think Rossi's out? Is he gonna be dead when this is all said and done? I hope not. He's still got lots of grandparenting to do. But he really should fucken retire.
OOOOHHHHH. THE GARVEZ DATE. Again...I wish they gave us these flashbacks in color.
Oh, handholding!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it's not the specific handholding I wished for, but it's the handholding I absolutely needed!!!!!!
Luke, my man. I love ya. I feel for ya. God. I'm sorry things went this way. Honestly, PG, if you have trouble conversing in a non-dunking way with someone you consider a friend...like maybe I'm being judgmental here but that sounds like a you problem that you might want to figure out babe.
Thinking about Luke compared with Derek. Derek would have pushed back on a statement like that from PG. Luke, bless him, does not push back because he's got more at stake emotionally / is wounded by it. But a statement like that from PG needs pushback, especially if you're trying to redefine the relationship.
I feel so bad for Emily. She has to keep it together but you know she's furious and deeply worried about her kidnapped work wife
Now we've come back around to Rossi's flashback pain. He didn't want to watch his wife be closed up underground. I see.
Zomg. I wonder if they are gonna cliffhanger the season with Rossi still trapped underground.
I quite enjoyed this episode. I liked the directing, though I would have preferred the flashbacks in color. There were some really nice shots in there. A lot of backstory snippets. I wanna know more about Tara. What prompted her to go to Al-Anon, years after her marriage broke up? Does that have anything to do with the toning down/disappearance of her swagger? As for Garvez - I don't feel the same level of upset over how this has played out, but I think we're headed toward a reveal of Luke's deeper feelings and some kind of reckoning. And while it's not necessarily *fun* to watch Garcia make these choices, I am not convinced this was a completely bad decision storytelling-wise. I know, I'm in the minority there. Let her fuck up! Let her be unlikable, selfish, blind. I guess what would disappoint me the most is if there's no turn in this story, no real consequences or accountability. We'll see.
Favorite scene hands down was the angsty grocery shopping. What can I say, it gave me life.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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So apparently I have hit a milestone while going full bore on my bullshit. There’s fifty of y’all now who decided you were getting enough out of this blog to follow along, and that’s mildly neat. Didn’t really expect that. We’ve had a lot of fun talking One Piece and other anime so I dunno, wanted to do something to mark the occasion and letting y’all know a bit more about my tastes seemed like it could be a lark. Shouldn’t be a shock that One Piece is my favorite anime/manga franchise...so here’s the rest of a top 10! No particular order, whys under the cut. Beyond that, consider me open to lightly personal asks for a bit too, just if you were curious.
TOP LEFT - Ranma 1/2: Okay...confession time. Eiichiro Oda is not actually my favorite mangaka. He’s pretty much only given us One Piece and there are several questionable aspects of his style. As a person and professional, I adore Rumiko Takahashi. Inuyasha was a huge deal for me as a teen. Mermaid Saga has been a fun recent read. Maison Ikkoku is one of my next big purchases planned. But Ranma, Ranma guys...it’s a stone-cold classic. Boy cursed to take the form of a cute girl when doused with water gets involved in a web of romantic pursuits stapled to bizarre martial arts competitions. It’s so silly, it’s honestly pretty smart when it wants to be. Fun shonen with a backdoor to maybe, just maybe giving young men a little empathy about what the girls in their lives are dealing with. This kind of blend is why Takahashi is such a goddamn legend and manga pioneer. Team Shampoo for life.
TOP MIDDLE - YuYu Hakusho: Yeah, it means more to me than Hunter x Hunter. This was one of the most important anime series for me to stumble across. Adult Swim back in the early 00s. It’s what showed me there was a much cooler world of more mature anime out there. Kurama was also a first anime crush and that sparked a lifelong love for plant-based superpowers because that’s probably what I would have if we lived in a cooler world. This is as infinitely rewatchable to me as The Simpsons or King of the Hill, and it even got more meaningful given my boyfriend and I bonded over it early in our relationship.
TOP RIGHT - Paranoia Agent: Another 00s Adult Swim classic, but one it took me a while to properly sit down and watch. I’m...generally a little too squishy for the truly screwed up anime out there but this one I could handle. And I love it. Especially as an adult that has had moments I wish a “Lil Slugger” could give me an out from day-to-day problems. “Happy Family Planning” is such a friggin masterpiece. Same with the most kickass lady in the series talking the monster down. I can’t recommend it easily because it does get into things like suicide casually, but man is it so good at what it wants to do. So short but it leaves such an impact.
MIDDLE LEFT - Kaguya, Love is War: I needed one episode of this to know it’d be a favorite. It’s a silly little high school romcom that has no business being as good as it is but I love every minute of Kaguya and Shirogane’s wild ride. That ending? Facepalmed because it was obviously the only way those two could end up of course. But I also love this series for being willing to be real, calling out gendered double standards and talking frankly about sex in a way that never feels inappropriate. But more than anything it’s a riot! The English Dub just makes me like it more for the headcanon this is all a story Brook is making up to kill time.
CENTER - Stop!! Hibari-Kun: I’ve talked about this one before. Shonen romcom where the everyboy lead is pursued by the perfect girl...who happens to be trans. It’s funny, heartfelt, and so ahead of its time in so many ways. Not to mention the fashion! It’s a cool series made cooler by it’s unique place in manga history.
CENTER RIGHT - Nana: Hey! It’s another one Oda namedropped! I remember being so excited when Shoujo Beat magazine had it’s run here in the US. Had a subscription for issue 1 and let it run for two years. So fun getting that in the mail as a teen even if my Mom groaned about it every time. This was their flagship and it isn’t hard to see why. A very real, even kinda gritty story about early adulthood. The odd couple roommates but the conflict isn’t really as much about them fighting. It’s about women supporting each other and finding their way together. And like Kaguya, it doesn’t shy away from some real problems women that age might have to deal with, even if they’re unsavory to discuss.
BOTTOM LEFT - Revolutionary Girl Utena: Trippy, weird, gay as hell, and has a good point by the end. I just adore everything about Utena. It flew over my head when I was a young teen watching it, but I still enjoyed it. Going back later though, I think this might be one of the smartest anime I’ve ever seen. Only problem is you can’t really describe why it’s awesome without spoiling it. But even little tricks like burying massive twists in clip show episodes...awesome. If I made a manga, this would be the main influence.
BOTTOM MIDDLE - Cardcaptor Sakura: Catch you catch you catch me catch me daaaatte... I’m so glad I got to see this as a kid Sakura’s age. It was always just such a comfy show as a kid. Tomoeda is the type of small town I wish I could have grown up in instead of Biblethumping and letting everything go to shit because all the adults cared about was phony moral outrage. Aside from that though, an almost perfect example of a Magical Girl series. Solid gay rep for the time too which I enjoyed. I say “almost” though because goddamn do I hate the Rika/Mr. Terada side of it. Too far CLAMP, even with the anime reining it in.
BOTTOM RIGHT - Fruits Basket: I was a fanatic about this manga when I was about 14-15. Then it came back with the anime adaptation it always deserved! It’s so hard to pin down what makes Fruits Basket so good, ostensibly it’s just kind of a reverse harem romcom. But its so heartfelt and unfraid to be comfy and sweet. It also gave me Ayame to salivate over. Between him, Kurama, Izo, & Cavendish...I think I have a type.
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bongosblorbos · 9 months
my supernatural rewatch reviews: season 2
jk i did season 2 tonight also. personally i'd consider this one of my favorite seasons, but it's only #3 out of the kripke based on ratings. again this falls victim to having some amazing episodes sandwiched by duds. my least favorite episode was probably Everybody Loves a Clown with a score of 5 for pretty obvious reasons, although I do like establishing Sam's fear of clowns. that's good. my most favorite episode was In My Time of Dying, this has gotta be like a top 5 for the whole show for me. average rating was 7.23!
here's the detailed reviews:
01 In My Time of Dying Dude I full on Swayzed that mother. —10
02 Everybody Loves a Clown Points given: Dealing with Dad’s death. DEAN FIXING BABY (plus one million.) DEAN BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF BABY (minus 1 point, plus 2 for being hot). Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ash!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t remember him but I love him. My little mullet man math genius. Points taken: The clown plot was so bad. I do not give a shit. Or a piss. Not even a fart. —5
03 Bloodlust HUGE DEANEPISODE!!!!!!! Hating on Dad episode! Dean actually does not want to be a hunter for the rest of his life! Dean critiques dad and Sam defends him so that’s a fun lil turnaround. Gordon! FUN monster of the week. FRESH IDEAS. Character focus integrated into the plot very well so all very interesting. —10
04 Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things Pros: What’s dead should stay dead. Single man tear. Cons: Plot. I was bored. —6
05 Simon Said A woman kills herself by lighting herself on fire after covering herself with gasoline and Dean doesn’t make a Zoolander joke. This is a criminal offense. We know Dean watched Zoolander (Blue Steel). He would totally reference that. I LOVE the little mind control guy. Evil twin is cheesy but fun to watch. —7
06 No Exit I feel like I should’ve enjoyed this more but I was doing abstract algebra notes while I was watching so that didn’t help. Joepisode. I love her so much. I think they could’ve done so much more with Jo and Dean’s relationship. This was literally Jo and Dean fake dating and they did NOTHING about it. None!!!!!!!!! Tragedy. Idk plot was boring and it felt very much like it was on a little mini set, no interaction with the outside world. Boohoo. So much potential wasted. —5
07 The Usual Suspects Sam and Dean suffer the legal consequences of their actions :0 Fun movie references that I didn’t get but were enjoyable nonetheless. —7
08 Crossroad Blues John is in hell confirmed :) —8
09 Croatoan Honestly they missed a lot with the plot. It felt very much like a scapegoat plot so they could just make Sam and Dean talk about their problems. It could’ve been way more interesting and interactive with the real world, but instead felt isolated and superficial. Boohoo. That said, many amazing moments still give it a lot of points. I’m gonna say this one time, you make a move on him and you’ll be dead before you hit the ground, do you understand me, do I make myself CLEAR?! You got a neighbor named Mr. Rogers? Not anymore. —9
10 Hunted Boring! Boring! Sam episode. Where’s Dean —5
11 Playthings Plot was integrated AMAZING into this episode, it felt very rooted in the plot and real consequences in the real world, but still managed to address a lot of Sam and Dean issues! Haunted house! Scooby Doo reference. Drunk Sam king of appropriate and logical transitions. Dean says MILF on screen. —7
12 Nightshifter Boys suffer legal consequences for their actions again. I was very stressed, thought the shifter was gonna be Sam or Dean the whole episode. Fun but no standouts in my head, but I was doing homework while watching so there’s that. —7
13 Houses of the Holy Dean listening to “led zeplin- kashmir” while we listen to Nazareth “Hair of the Dog” implications. Dean keeps talking about how he doesn’t believe in angels bbgorl just you wait. Just You Wait. Unfortunately I was overall a bit bored by the actual episode but I was also very distracted by the Zeppelin thing it is still bothering me. —6
14 Born Under a Bad Sign Dude you had a girl inside you for like a whole week. That’s kinda naughty. —7
15 Tall Tales VERY fun storytelling to Bobby with differing POV. Plus Dean getting beat up by beautiful women in heels and lingerie. —9
16 Roadkill Very easy to predict the twist but it was fun. Beautiful woman who is the actress for our main ghost girl looks so familiar I’m gonna lose my mind. —6
17 Heart I see the Sam appeal. I See It. feelings Felt. Wow. Sam looking back :( Dean’s flinch :(( —7
18 Hollywood Babylon Gilmore girls joke!!! Filming in Canada meta reference. Dean is a pop culture nerd and a slut. Enjoyable but not good necessarily. —5
19 Folsom Prison Blues “What are you, from Texas?” Ghost is boring. Ooohoohooo evil nurse. But Dean looks DELECTABLE. Chomp. —6
20 What Is and What Should Never Be The implications. —9
21 All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 1) Cried at the end. —8
22 All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 2) :(((((((((( —10
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flyingspicerack · 2 years
NO YEAH I TOTALLY AGREE W U... I'm a transmasc who's kinda squicked by pregnancy (I've gotten incrementally better abt it through writing a small set of drabbles abt trans pregnancy whips and nae naes. Fanfiction to the rescue!!!) And while I'm still kinda grossed out about the idea of ME being pregnant I think mycs dream of wanting a lil baby is so cute I would do it 4 him. Raise a kid w him i mean. I LOVE lil kids I used to work with toddlers assistant teaching them ballet they were the best lil hellions and I declared war on one of their parents for being an asshole to one of them. But like babies,,, ouwagh I do not think I could handle it LMAO. But like you said baby mushroom spores would prolly be different in development than human babies LOL.
SORRY FOR RAMBLING SUEBDB I like talkin about my old kiddos I've missed them since I've been at college lol.
ANYWAYS I think it's really interesting how he wants to be a mom. Like considering how much of an asshole he was to the kids in the brettfast club /affectionate. Granted he had some amnesia but it was so goofy LOL. He gives me the vibes that he would hate everyone else's kids but his own as a mom. He would've been a great momma everyone can fight me on this 😤 JDDJBS
I should note that I have never seen sex in the city so I didn't know who the character was HEISJ ALSO I FORGOR ABOUT HIM SAYING HES A TOTAL SAMANTHA EHEHEK with how many times I've rewatched this show you'd expect me to be better about remembering dialogue. I'm such a fake fan /j
Also me and one of my friends were chatting about random ass headcanons the other day and he said "Honestly just breed him he wants a kid" AND IT MADE ME LOSE MY SHIT RIFBD
There may be a second ask coming ur way I have to remember if there was anything else I wanted to say
Yeah i agree with what you mean about the supporting him with the kids but not wanting any urself, like, physically being preggo, but mushroom babies.... UwU
I think after the hive reunion ep we learned so much about him but subconsciously, like how sensitive and vulnerable he is... How he put up walls so he wouldn't get hurt again... Jesus christ i could go on about him for years
And I've only seen the movie but the show was a bit before my time so im not too familiar either
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deadblogsucharide · 2 years
I know ya'll have already seen this but i am a BABY ghost fan of like maybe a bit over a week?? How's he this slutty???
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