#Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor
braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 15
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Warnings: 18+ readers only
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
"𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚 and Dumbledore argue about?" I demanded as I got ready for the day. Severus yawned, running a hand through his unkempt hair and waved his wand so that the shades opened, light streaming into the windows.
I slipped out of bed, stretching. Severus' shirt was very warm and I didn't feel like getting out of it.
"It was nothing." Severus said, throwing his nightgown into his wardrobe and pulling on his uniform black robes. My eyes flicked from his body to my bag where my secret drawing was being kept.
"Uh huh." I said, unconvinced.
"Don't you already know anyways?" Severus asked, disgruntled.
"No." I replied honestly. "Well, I know that you argued about Dumbledore taking too much for granted and also not wanting to do something anymore."
"I don't want to kill him." Severus said.
"You want Draco to kill him?" I asked in slight disbelief. "You know Dumbledore is trying to save Draco's soul."
"And what about my soul?" Severus asked fiercely. "Apparently it means nothing to Dumbledore!"
I sucked in my cheeks. I shouldn't have asked. I should've let it stay between Dumbledore and Severus. Why had I intervened?
I turned away, grabbing my bag, switching out Friday's books with Monday's books. I hated that it was going to be so cold during Care of Magical Creatures class. But I couldn't skip, not with me being the only student in the class.
I heard Severus grumbling behind me and I said, "I think all this business about souls is stupid."
He didn't answer,
"Your killing him out of mercy." I replied. "And to show your last act of loyalty. That you were always Dumbledore's and never Vol-"
"Don't say his name Elizabeth." Severus said sharply.
Now I said nothing.
Severus sighed, sounding frustrated and knelt behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Sorry." he muttered.
"You should be used to it." I muttered, "Dumbledore uses his name."
"Dumbledore is a great wizard." Severus argued, "The only one the Dark Lord fears."
"Well what would you want me to call him?" I said, very close to snapping at him as I stood up, hoisting the bag onto my shoulder.
"Anything else." Severus said.
I tried not to grin as I turned around, picking up my quill and said, "Then the last act of loyalty is killing Dumbledore, showing that you were always Dumbledore's and never anything else's."
There was a bit of awkward silence and I figured I was going to leave now when Severus grabbed me by the shoulders, spinning me around, and kissing me fiercely, "Smartass." He whispered through our lips, moving one hand down to my ass to smack it lightly.
I laughed lightly, kissing him back hungrily. I'd always thought that being in love, you eventually got tired of each others' presence. Perhaps we just hadn't been together long enough. Either way, I was going to savor every moment I was with him. He pulled away and said, "Also, that's my shirt you're wearing."
"And you're not getting it back." I teased as I pulled it off so I could get dressed in my Hogwarts robes.
"Looks better on you anyways." He said, pulling me back towards the bed.
Needless to say, we were both running late.
We made our way down the stairs together, sneaking kisses until he set his book down on the desk, and I made my way out the door, grinning broadly.
The news that Ron had been poisoned had spread throughout the school quickly by noon, but there was no fear about the occurrence. Rather, most were regarding the incident as an accident because he had been in the potions office. He must've picked up the poison on accident. Plus, he'd been healed almost immediately, therefore, it wasn't that big of a deal.
What was a bigger deal with the Gryffindors animosity towards the Hufflepuffs. This was because of Zacharias' commentary during the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match, something I wished had never happened.
I was actually quite excited with the idea of the Quidditch match since I had never played against Harry captain v captain. This would certainly be interesting, especially since we were both seekers as well.
However, we still had a week before that happened.
Over the next few days after attending classes I would spend time in the common room, helping with the first-years questions and such. I also upped Rose and Grace's private lessons with me from just Friday to Wednesday and Friday.
I also spent time in the common room in the corner, working on the mid-draft for the drawing, adding more details. I wanted there to be something that connected each Professor to their job. Now, instead of Trelawney having her hands clasped in front of her, she was now holding out a crystal ball. Professor McGonagall had a tabby cat by her feet. Firenze was holding a bow, a sling of arrows across his back.
But before the Quidditch match could approach in full, Severus cornered me one night into the discussion.
"Hufflepuff is playing Gryffindor this week?" Severus asked casually, dipping his quill into his ink and writing a 3 out of 10 on one of the papers.
"Yes." I replied casually, adding detail to Dumbledore's glasses. Severus did not know what I was working on but I would not let him see it and he was respecting my privacy.
"Zacharias is the captain, right?"
I thought maybe he was joking and I laughed casually, "Of course not. I am."
"You are?" Severus asked strangely and I looked up from the drawing.
Severus seemed mad, but he didn't look mad.
"Yes. . ." I said slowly, frowning, "You did know that, didn't you?"
Severus' face flushed and he said, "I thought you would have given it up!"
"Why would I do that?" I frowned, trying to figure out what I was missing here.
"Because you're pregnant!" Severus exploded and I felt the blood drain from my face when I realized what his problem was.
"Oh." I whispered, setting my drawing utensil down and quickly put the drawing away. "But Sev, I'll be fine. I'm a good flier, I'm not going to get hurt."
"You don't know that!" Severus said fiercely, shoving the homework aside, throwing the quill down. Ink splattered on the pages.
He shoved the chair back, standing up quickly and I looked at him in amazement and somewhat fearful. He was angry, extremely angry. I had to say something.
"Sev!" I stood up now, holding a hand out to touch his chest. "Breathe, alright?" I said this as lightly as possible. He closed his eyes, his hand reaching out and taking mine, keeping my hand against his chest.
"Look." I said softly, reaching up, touching his cheek softly with my other hand. "The match is going to be smooth. I foresee Hufflepuff winning."
Severus breathed in deeply and then said, "I don't want you to get hurt and even more, I don't want the child to be harmed either."
"You've watched me fly for five years Sev." I said gently. "I usually come out unscathed."
"Right." Severus said, "But there have been close calls."
"I'm playing against Gryffindor, remember, not Slytherin." I said this as gently as possible. "They're not going to be trying to seriously harm me."
Severus gritted his teeth, most likely because he had no way of defending the Slytherins and also me at the same time and he said, "If you get hurt-"
"I won't." I said firmly.
We stared at each other for a moment, almost like a staring contest and he relented, sitting back down in his chair.
I sat back down on the bed, pulling out the drawing and started to work on Hagrid's character.
"What are you working on?" Severus asked curiously and I lifted the paper slightly so that he couldn't see.
"You'll see when it's time for you to see." I said, methodically adding tiny bristles to Madam Hooch's broom.
Severus sighed in an exaggerated way before turning back to his work. I was worried that things were going to be bad between the two of us. I wasn't sure he'd completely let go of the idea of me not playing at the game this Saturday.
When we finally went to bed, there did seem to be space between the two of us that wasn't usually there at night. I didn't say anything though. It was my choice about whether or not I was going to play at the game this week. Nothing was going to happen and there was no reason for him to be upset with me.
I tried putting myself in his shoes. The baby was his child too and as such, he really should have a say in the child's safety. He had to try and get me to keep the baby safe.
I wondered what Trang would say if she knew that I was playing in the game this week. Would she agree with me? I had promised not to participate in any fights. But that had been with Death Eaters and students. Did Quidditch count?
If I did stop, what was my excuse? I certainly couldn't say an overload of homework, because the others were more overwhelmed than I was. There was nothing I could say that was an adequate excuse for giving the captain ship over to Zacharias.
I shifted uncomfortably onto my side, my back facing Severus, looking out at the dark room. I certainly couldn't tell the Quidditch team I was pregnant for goodness sake! Even Hermione didn't know.
Severus breathing turned into soft snoring and I slipped out of bed, unable to sleep. I went over, sitting by the window, looking out at the dark grounds. Then I shifted my eyes, turning my head so that I could look up at the sky.
The moon wasn't full yet, though it was getting to that point. I wished I could talk to dad, but that wasn't possible. The little girl in my stomach kicked me, though it felt like a feather kick. I put a hand on my stomach, wishing for the millionth time that I knew the countercharm to Dumbledore's spell. I would've liked to see the bump.
I fell asleep at the windowsill, looking up at the sky, but woke up in bed, Severus arm wrapped tightly around my shoulder, my cheek resting on his nightgown. His breathing was uneven, I wondered what he was dreaming about.
I rolled over, his arm flopping to the side so that I could check the time. It was a few hours till sunrise, but I no longer felt tired.
I pulled out a new piece of paper and a pencil and though there was almost no light, I started on a drawing that I had wanted to draw for a very long time.
Severus always looked quite peaceful when he slept and it was a good muse for the drawing. Of course, I didn't know how the drawing was going to turn out, considering there was no light. I halfway let my subconscious take control, and halfway not.
I couldn't see the finishing piece, but I finally felt that I could sleep properly and without putting the artwork away, I fell asleep, my head resting on Severus' legs.
"You were restless last night." Severus murmured after he had shaken me awake so that I wasn't late for class.
"Couldn't sleep." I murmured, rolling out of bed and grabbing my robes.
"What's that?" Severus asked, leaning down and picking up a piece of paper. It was the drawing I had drawn last night.
I blushed, wondering how it had come out. Severus' eyes scanned the paper and his mouth curled into a smirk.
"Give me that." I muttered, reaching to snatch the piece of paper out of his hand. He held it out of my reach and I glared at him.
"Great detail." Severus said, openly grinning now. "I hope you weren't planning on selling this one?"
I jumped, grabbing the paper, and turned the drawing to face me. It'd come out better than I had thought. He was right, there was great detail to this drawing, though no where close to the detail I'd give the mystery drawings or the Professor drawings.
I blushed deeper, folding the sexual drawing up, and handed it to him. "No, I wasn't going to sell it. You can keep it if you want."
I grabbed my bag, pulling it over my shoulder. I kissed him on the cheek and hurried out of the office so that I could grab breakfast before class.
Trang met me halfway to the Great Hall and I felt the impending doom of the Quidditch questions coming.
Indeed, the minute we sat down, refreshingly at the Ravenclaw table, she started with, "You're not playing the Quidditch game are you?"
"I've already discussed this with Severus and we feel that there is no danger if I play." I said as firmly as possible while pulling over chocolate muffins.
Trang dropped her mouth, her fork dangling carelessly from her fingers. I wondered if I was starting to see everything as art, each moment a pause in time, a drawing that could be captured. I wasn't so sure Trang would like if I drew her at this exact moment though.
"You're kidding, right?"
I sighed, peeling away the wrapper. I wasn't supposed to have chocolate or muffins or chocolate muffins but I was feeling rebellious this week, and I figured my little girl needed to taste sugar so she grew a sweet tooth anyways.
"No. Trang. I'm not kidding. Especially since we're playing Gryffindor, I'm in no danger and neither is the child." I bit into the sugary mess and was immediately satisfied. I should eat like this more often. Oh wait. . . no I couldn't.
"You promised-"
"I promised not to get into fights with Death Eaters and I extended that to duels in school." I replied, a bit sharper than intended. "I did not promise to stop flying or hand over my captainship. I kept my captain ship all last year despite Umbitches attempts to 'dethrone' me. I don't plan on just handing it over for no reason!"
"But the baby!" Trang complained.
"Trang!" I said sharply, putting my muffin down. "I've already told you that I've talked it over with Sev. If he's okay with it, then it's okay."
Trang hands were clenched into fists on the table, quivering. I got up abruptly from the table, storming off to potions where Harry was star boy and Hermione and I were second-hand for the first time in our lives. Bloody frustrating.
Saturday approached. Trang and I hadn't spoken since our spat at the Ravenclaw table. Severus seemed almost nervous this morning and eventually, his nerves became my nerves because I couldn't help it.
I went down to the Quidditch pitch early so that I could sit by myself in the Hufflepuff locker room. I closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the wall.
An hour later, the other teammates started to come in, chattering quickly and excitedly and I quickly started to get into my own robes.
The match time drew closer and I looked out the door. "Alright Anthony, James, you'll want to fly out of the sun." I commanded and I was glad my voice was sound and sure, "That way the other team won't see the bludgers coming. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if Harry told his own beaters to do that so be on the lookout. Susan, up to your post."
Susan flew up to the Keeper's post on our end. I noticed McLaggen was already in his spot. I walked out with the rest of my team.
Harry and I stood opposite each other and shook hands cordially, grins on both of our faces. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and we all streaked upwards. My nerves turned into adrenaline and I shot up higher than any of the other players, looking down for the snitch.
Harry was looking for the snitch so that he could get back to the castle and find out what Draco was doing. That was the wrong mindset for the game.
"And that's Smith of Hufflepuff with the Quaffle. He did the commentary last time, of course, and Ginny Weasley flew into him, I think probably on purpose, it looked like it." A dreamy voice echoed through the stadium and I pulled up short in amazement, right next to Harry, and looked towards the commentator post. "Smith was being quite rude about Gryffindor, I expect he regrets it now he's playing them-oh look, he's lot the Quaffle, Ginny took it from him, I do like her, she's very nice. . ."
While I had foreseen Luna commentating Quidditch, I hadn't quite expected this. I noticed all the Quidditch players had frozen for a moment, looking at Luna before moving into motion again. Harry and I exchanged a glance, and we both shook our heads in amazement before we darted off in opposite directions.
Luke took the Quaffle from Ginny. It was a good play too. I ducked a bludger but it didn't come to close. I really needed to keep any eye on the bludgers as well as the snitch.
". . . now that big Hufflepuff player's got the Quaffle from her, I can't remember his name, it's something like Chaddle- no Clartin-"
"It's Cholderton!" Professor McGonagall shouted from behind Luna, loudly enough to be heard through the magical megaphone. The crowd laughed. It was an entertaining commentary.
A moment later, Luke scored. I looked over just long enough to see that McLaggen had been shouting at Ginny, rather than watching where the Quaffle was.
"And Harry Potter's now having an argument with his Keeper. I don't think that'll help him find the Snitch, but maybe it's a clever ruse."
Below, Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were jeering at the Gryffindors. Imagine Slytherins being on your side.
Both Ginny and the other girl chaser on the team whose name started with a D scored a goal and then Luke scored a second one. The game continued on though Luna was trying to draw attention to shapes in the clouds. Zacharias hadn't taken possession of the Quaffle once since his fumble in the beginning and Luna was starting to mention that he might have Loser's Lurgy.
While entertaining, I certainly couldn't have Zacharias with any condition and I zoomed over on my broom.
"What's going on?" I asked while McGonagall shouted that we were up thirty points after Rose scored a goal.
"I just can't seem to play." Zacharias said through gritted teeth. "That Luna-"
"It's all in your head." I snapped, "You're one of my best chasers. Now get out there and show me that you are."
"And now Elizabeth's yelling at Zacharias. Or maybe they're just talking, I'm not sure. I like Elizabeth, she's very popular. It's also rumored that she's working on a surprise for the Professors, but it might not be true."
I blushed. "Bloody hell Luna."
Zacharias grinned, "I think I can score some goals now."
We both sped off into different directions.
"Oh look! The Gryffindor Keeper's got hold of one of the Beat's bats." Luna announced dreamily.
I pulled up short and watched as Harry pelted towards McLaggen. Cormac took a swing, mishit, and the bludger collided with Harry who started to fall.
At that moment, I caught the sign of gold and I dropped, diving after the snitch. I no longer had to compete against anyone to catch this snitch (though I wasn't particularly glad about it). I just hoped that Harry's teammates had enough sense to catch him.
The Gryffindors were moaning and the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were cheering. I reached out, grabbing the snitch. While originally, I'd seen us winning three hundred and twenty to sixty, the real score under my captainship was two hundred and forty to fifty.
I landed, the rest of the Hufflepuff team catching up to me and we headed off to the lockers amongst the cheers of the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins.
"Brilliant game everyone." I said cheerfully, wanting to find Trang and shake an apology from her but also wanting her to come herself and apologize herself.
"Loser's Lurgy." Rose chortled. "Zacharias has Loser's Lurgy."
"What a little brat." Zacharias muttered under his breath and Rose stuck her tongue out at him, skipping to the locker room.
"McLaggen is unbelievable." Susan said, shaking her head as the rest of us entered the locker room.
"He's in some of my classes." Luke said unexpectedly. He reminded me of Malcolm. He was usually very quiet- I'd only ever heard him say a few words. "Because he knows people in high places he automatically thinks he knows everything."
"Including how to play every Quidditch position apparently." James piped up, putting his beaters bat into the locker.
"You're coming to the party right?" Susan asked as we walked up the slop. Anthony and James were ahead. Rose and Zacharias walked on either side of her. Luke was somewhere behind us.
"Yes." I said. "But I'll be a few minutes late. I want to go and check on Harry on the hospital wing."
"Alright." Susan said as we entered the castle, "See you then."
We split off into opposite directions and I found my way to the hospital wing and stepped inside. Ginny was already there, sitting in a wooden chair between Harry and Ron's beds and was telling Ron what had happened.
"How is he?" I asked, pulling up a chair and sitting next to Harry.
"Cracked skull." Ginny said, looking worried. "I think the rest of the team is going to kill McLaggen. Well-" She sucked air up her nose and spat out, "except Dean."
I looked away, not wanting to get into the middle of everyone else's love business. "Dean laughed?"
"Yes!" Ginny said hotly. "Actually, I think I'm going to go kill McLaggen now!"
She got up, storming out of the hospital wing. I sighed, shaking my head.
"Did McLaggen really do that bad?" Ron asked, sounding hopeful.
"Yes." I said honestly. I would much rather play Gryffindor with McLaggen as Keeper than Ron at this moment. "He kept trying to act as captain and tell the others what they were doing wrong rather than paying attention to what he was supposed to be doing himself."
Ron looked happy about that and then said, "I hope Luna commentates from now on."
I chuckled. "So do I."
I got up, kissed Harry's cheek, and then left the room to go and join the party.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖞, I joined Hermione, Harry, and Ron as they were walking down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I was quite glad that Hermione and Ron were friends again and this felt more normal- the four of us.
"Ginny and Dean rowed last night." Hermione mentioned as we walked down the marble staircase.
"What did they row about?" Harry asked casually. A small girl dropped heavy brass scales as we approached. I glared at her, keeping my mouth shut.
"It's all right! Here. . ." Hermione said, hurrying forward the repairing the brass scales.
"I swear they're getting smaller." Ron said after we'd passed the small girl.
"Never mind her, what did Ginny and Dean row about, Hermione?" Harry asked, sounding impatient.
"Oh, Dean was laughing about McLaggen hitting that Bludger at you." Hermione said.
"It must've looked funny." Ron consented.
"It didn't look funny at all! It looked terrible and if Coote and Peakes hadn't caught Harry he could have been very badly hurt!" Hermione replied hotly.
"Yeah, well, there was no need for Ginny and Dean to split up over it, or are they still together?" Harry asked, the casualness not so casual.
"Yes, they are- but why are you so interested?" Hermione asked sharply.
"I just don't want my Quidditch team messed up again!"
"Harry!" A dreamy voice called.
"Oh, hi, Luna." Harry said, turning to face her.
"I went to the hospital wing to find you but they said you'd left. . ." Luna said, thrusting a green onion, a spotted toadstool, and possibly cat litter into Ron's arms. "I've been told to give you this." She handed Harry a roll of parchment that was most likely from Dumbledore.
"Tonight." Harry said to Ron, Hermione, and I after he unrolled and skimmed through it.
"Nice commentary last match!" Ron said to Luna as he handed her stuff back over to her.
Luna smiled at him vaguely, "You're making fun of me, aren't you? Everyone says I was dreadful."
"I loved it." I said sincerely.
"No, I'm serious!" Ron agreed. "I can't remember enjoying commentary more! What is this, by the way?" he added, holding up the onion which wasn't an onion.
"Oh, it's a Gurdyroot. You can keep it if you like, I've got a few of them. They're really excellent for warding off Gulping Plimpies."
She walked off, leaving Ron behind to laugh contentedly.
"You know, she's grown on me, Luna. I know she's insane, but it's in a good-" Ron started happily before he was cut off by Lavender Brown. "Hi?"
"C'mon." Harry muttered to Hermione and I and we sped up.
I distinctly heard Lavender murderously question Ron, "Why didn't you tell me you were getting out today? And why was she with you?"
"Oh yeah," Hermione said as we sat down at the Gryffindor table. "What was Luna talking about during the match yesterday Elizabeth?"
"Which part?" I asked, grinning.
"The thing for the teachers." she clarified.
I moved uncomfortably in my seat, "Oh well, it was supposed to be a surprise. I suppose Luna didn't know about that part."
"What is it?" Harry asked curiously.
"I'll show you guys later." I said, slicing an apple into small pieces so I didn't have to bite into the apple.
"When?" Hermione asked.
"How about later today in the library. I'll be with a group of Hufflepuffs." I said.
"Sure." Harry said. "But it better be good considering all the suspense."
"It's not suspense." I said scornfully. "It's a secret. Students talk, you know? If we keep it amongst a few people, it'll stay quiet from the teachers. Not that Luna helped with that."
"Had you told Luna?" Hermione asked.
"No. It was only discussed amongst a few Hufflepuffs. Perhaps Ernie or Zacharias said something." I suggested, shrugging. "Or perhaps Rose told Grace and Grace spread it around."
"Rose plays well." Harry complimented.
"She does, doesn't she?" I smiled, sliding a piece of apple into the back of my mouth. "I was pleasantly surprised. She has a knack for dodging bludgers."
The rest of the conversation carried out onto the Quidditch matches and Hermione disappeared behind her newspaper. Gryffindor was most likely to win the cup this year, something I was both pleased and disappointed about. I wondered if the difference in the two scores would change things.
Around noon, I went to the library to partly work on my Herbology essay and partly to add some new details to the drawing before I showed it off the Hufflepuffs and Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
I was nowhere near finished, not even close. There were so many more details that needed to be done, especially with the Professors I either hadn't met like Kettleburn, Professors I didn't see any more like Quirrell, Lockhart, and Umbridge, or Professors I simply didn't have like Burbage from Muggle studies.
To top it all off, besides Hagrid, Severus, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Uncle Moody, Firenze, and Dad, I didn't really have the details memorized from all the other Professors which made things quite difficult when trying to call up specific details. Moles, wrinkles, stress lines, the lights of their eyes, the skin deformities, the shapes of their eyes, noses, mouths, ears, hair, their height, crooked shoulders, bent knees, etc.
I knew that the sketch would never be perfect. What I needed to do was to get it to a point of satisfaction for everyone except for me. Only the artist sees the flaws in their own work where others don't. (Except perhaps art critics).
I decided to work on the Herbology essay first because that didn't need to be as perfect as the drawing and would take less time.
Halfway through however, there was an interruption in the form of a person: Trang.
She sat down across from me, red eyed, and with a stuffy nose. I knew she'd been crying and though we'd fought, I immediately set aside my essay to talk to her. I reached out, taking her hand in mine. "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry." Trang whispered, "You were right. There was no danger after all."
I sighed. "Look, Trang, I'm sorry. In a way, you were right. Something could've gone wrong, something could've happened. At the same time, I don't want to live my life in a safety box, you know?"
Trang smiled hesitantly, "Yes, I know. You never could do that."
I smiled, pulling back the essay and finishing off the last paragraphs. Then I pulled out the art drawing.
"What more do you need to do on this?" Trang asked, frowning at the drawing.
"Lots and lots of details." I said, not taking my eyes off the drawing and pulling out my pencil. "I'm going to have to find and excuse to see some of these Professors. I've got a picture of Lockhart and Umbridge, but Quirrell is going to be harder. Plus I've never met Kettleburn and Grubby-Plank is hard to pull up as well. Not to mention the Professors I've only had for a year like Burbage. I have to do these people justice, and the details are quite difficult." I paused for a second and then said, "Plus, I'd like to add myself into the drawing."
"Like an artists mark." Trang stated in a matter-of-fact way.
"Exactly." I said, my voice rising in excitement. "I think I'm going to do it in cat form. No one will find that weird because McGonagall has a cat on her shoulder, Filch is holding Mrs. Norris, and Fang is by Hagrid's feet. I just don't know where I want myself to be, you know? I was thinking by Firenze's feet but I'm also Severus' wife, but I Severus doesn't exactly show his um. . . what do you call it. . . emotional side to anyone else and him holding a cat isn't as realistic as the drawing could be. So I'm not entirely sure where-"
"In your dad's arms." Trang said and it was such a simple suggestion and the obvious one that I kind've just stared at her for a moment. "What? It'll bind the love that you two have between the two of you in a symbolic and permanent way even after we're all dead."
"Your completely, totally right." I whispered. "Though of course, I'll have to take out the tank under his arm."
"Not necessarily." Trang suggested, tilting the paper slightly to the left instead of getting up and coming around the other side of the table to look at it. "The cat could be drawn by his feet. Or he could be holding you to his shoulder with one hand."
"Of course. . ." I whispered, picking up the paper and holding it up to the light. "Genius Trang! Genius!"
"What's genius?" A new voice said and I quickly rolled the paper automatically, feeling stupid when I saw that it was Ernie, Justin, and Zacharias.
"Is that the drawing?" Justin asked.
"Yes." I said. "I'm just waiting for the others to show so I can show all of you at once."
"Let's go over here." Zacharias said, jerking his head. I carried the drawing while Trang picked up my things and we headed to a corner of the library.
It was circular shaped, bookcases all around. I stayed with my back to the wall so that no one could appear from behind us. There were chairs that were angled around a small coffee table. Ernie, Justin, Zacharias, and Trang all took seats nearest to me. Very soon, Susan and Hannah entered and hurried over.
Rose followed by herself some moments later.
Hermione, Ron, and Harry came in last, settling around with us.
"So what is it?" Ron asked bluntly.
I gave the credit where it was due. "Susan came up with the idea, at least to the best of my knowledge, I wasn't paying attention to the conversation. Anyways, they said we should come up with a graduating present. A token of appreciation to our teachers. I took this a bit literally. . ." I carefully unrolled the drawing, facing it towards them on the coffee table.
"When you meant all of them. . ." Harry said slowly, observing Professor Moody's details.
"All of them." I said solidly. "None of us had Kettleburn, granted, but he was still an incredibly important teacher and he was technically here when we were here."
"This is amazing!" Rose declared. She'd left her seat, kneeling by the coffee table.
"Thanks Rose." I said gently.
"I can't believe you're done already." Zacharias said, his neck cinching a little as he turned his head to look at the drawing rather than stand up to look at it.
Trang snorted, "Done? You should've heard her earlier. Going on about details. She's apparently nowhere close to done."
Hannah's face was quite impressed. She came back after Christmas break with the rest of us. She'd been unusually quiet, but I didn't blame her in the least.
Ernie was also being unusually quiet, observing the drawing as though he had to take a test on it later. I was slightly amused.
"So?" I asked, "How's the rough draft?"
Ernie chuckled. "Rough draft."
"It's wonderful Elizabeth." Hermione said, practically glowing with happiness. "You've captured all of them so well."
"You should make Professor Snape grumpier." Ron pointed out. "He looks to kind in this drawing."
My eyes met Harry's for the briefest second and I said, "Well, I was trying to make them all look a bit nicer."
"Yes, I can tell with Mrs. Norris." Susan said, "Even Filch looks a bit happy in this one."
"That was inspirational." I said honestly. "After Mrs. Norris was unpetrified, I saw him holding her and he looked quite happy."
"I would definitely pay to see a drawing of Professor Snape smiling." Justin said with a laugh.
"Oh, one second." I said, giddy with pleasure. I was human after all and I did like compliments to my drawings. "I was doing some portraits. Pay me for this."
I handed him the artpad, page already up of Severus smiling, standing by the window, holding out his hand.
"Wow." Justin said, laughing and passing the artpad around. "That's. . . wow."
The drawing brought on laughs. After all, no one had ever seen Severus smile before. Harry met my eyes again and gave me a slight nod. I gave him a small smile before sticking the art pad into my bag. Trang gave me a smile as well.
"Well." I said. "I must admit that's all I had. I just wanted opinions, criticisms. I'll take into account of S- Professor Snape looking grumpier. I was also hoping you guys could give advice on what each Professor could be holding or wearing that might contribute to their subject. For instance, Professor Lupin was holding the Grindylow tank or Professor Burbage holding the rotary telephone- that's a Muggle thing. Anyways, I don't need suggestions now but if you guys write down a list or something I can utilize it in the final drawings, deal?"
"Deal." Came multiple responses.
"Great." I said with a broad grin and we all left the library at different times.
"𝕯𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 tell stories?" Severus asked sleepily late that night.
"Through my art, you mean?" I asked, rolling over so I could see part of his face in the moonlight.
"No, I mean physical stories. I know you wrote a couple before giving up the hobby." Severus said, putting an arm around me to pull my closer though he was looking up at the ceiling rather than at me.
"No." I said softly, looking at the wall. "I've never told an adequate story without artwork."
"So if you had a piece of artwork, you could tell a story." Severus said.
I got up on my elbows to get a better look at him, "Why?"
"Something I was simply curious about." Severus said smoothly, pulling me down to the bed again. I gave in, pressing my lips to his warm bare skin.
I looked at him for a moment and then rolled over out of bed.
"Where are you going?" Severus asked. I heard the bedsprings creak and knew he was probably sitting up.
"I'll be right back, I promise." I said gently, turning into a cat and padding out of the room.
I made my way to the Hufflepuff common room. I probably should've put clothes on, I realized too late. I morphed, quickly entered the password and turned back into a cat before anyone could see me. I slinked upstairs to the dorm.
The other girls were asleep and I padded over to where I'd locked the drawings. I morphed again, pulling the blanket off my bed and draping it over me while I unlocked the drawer, pulling out a specific drawing.
It was the drawing of a shop filled with keys. Keys in jars, keys hanging from the ceiling, keys hanging in the garden, keys under class cases and such. There was an old man, rearranging jars on a shelf, his face turned away so that only the back of him could be seen.
I locked the dresser again, turning back into a cat and, carrying the drawing in my small mouth, made my way back to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.
After my long black tail slipped through the thin opening of the office door, I turned back into a human and closed the door behind me. Severus was grinning from where he was sitting on the bed and I rolled my eyes.
I lit a candle as I passed by, carrying it over near the bed. I handed Severus the drawing.
I touched the drawing too, wondering if this would work. But if I could believe Severus' hypothesis to be true, then if I reached into my subconscious, this could work.
I closed my eyes, the image of the drawing appearing into the back of my mind and I almost back out of the experiment. This was too weird, to much magic for a magical world. But was it? I took a deep breath and then started to speak in a voice that was my own and yet, also not my voice.
"Once there was a man who collected keys. Old keys and new keys and broken keys. Lost keys and stolen keys and skeleton keys. He carried them in his pockets and wore them on chains that clattered as he walked around the town. Everyone in the town knew the key collector. Some people though his habit strange but the key collector was a friendly sort and had a thoughtful air and a quick smile. If someone lost a key or broke a key they could ask the key collector and he would usually have a replacement that would suit their needs. It was often faster than having a new key made. The key collector kept the most common shapes and sizes of keys always at hand, in case someone was in need of a key for a door or a cupboard or a chest."
The man almost seemed to move, walking from the jars to the counter where the large tubs of keys were kept. His face was in view now.
"The key collector was not possessive about his keys. He gave them away when they were needed. (Though often people would have a new key made anyway and return the one they had borrowed). People gave him found keys or spare keys as gifts to add to his collection. When they traveled they would find keys to bring back with them, keys with unfamiliar shapes and strange teeth. (They called the man himself the key collector but a great many people aided with the collecting.)"
Severus fingers trailed up and down my spine, distracting me momentarily.
"Eventually the key collector had too many keys to carry and began displaying them around his house. He hung them in the windows on ribbons like curtains and arranged them on bookshelves and framed them on walls. The most delicate ones he kept under glass or in boxes meant for jewels. Others were piled together with similar keys, kept in buckets or baskets."
As I spoke, I saw each thing that was talked about. Keys hanging in windows though I'd never drawn that. Clearer details of the keys under the glass boxes then from the angle originally drawn. I finally knew what some people talked about drawings coming to life though I thought mine had more sustenance.
"After many years the entire house was filled near to bursting with keys. They hung on the outside as well, over the doors and the windows and draped from the eaves of the roof. The key collector's house was easily spotted from the road.
"One day there was a knock upon his door.
"The key collector opened the door to find a pretty woman in a long cloak on his doorstep. He had never seen her before, nor had he seem embroidery of the sort that trimmed her cloak: star-shaped flowers in gold thread on dark cloth, too fine for travel though she must have traveled far. He did not see a horse or a carriage and supposed she might have left them at the inn for no one passed through this town without staying at the inn and it was not far.
"'I have been told you collect keys,' the woman said to the key collector.
'"I do,' said the key collector, though this was obvious. There were keys hanging above the doorway where they stood, keys on the walls behind him, keys in jars and bowls and vases on the tables.
"'I am looking for something that has been locked away. I wonder if one of your keys might unlock it.'
'"You are welcome to look,' the key collector said and invited the woman inside.
"He considered asking the woman what manner of key she sought so he might help her look but he knew how difficult it was to describe a key. To find a key you had to understand the lock.
"So the key collector let the woman search the house. He showed her every room, every cabinet and bookshelf line with keys. The kitchen with its teacups and wineglasses filled with keys, save for the few that were used more frequently, empty and waiting for wine or for tea.
"The key collector offered the woman a cup of tea but she politely refused. He left her to her searching and sat in the front parlor where she could find him if she needed and he read a book.
"After many hours the woman returned to the key collector.
"'It is not here,' she said. 'Thank you for letting me look.'
"'There are more keys in the back garden,' the key collector said, and led the woman outside.
"The garden was festooned with keys, strung from ribbons in a rainbow of colors. Keys tied with bows hung from trees and bouquets of keys displayed in glazed pots and vases. Birdcages with keys hung on the tiny swings inside with no birds to be seen. Keys set into the paving stones along the garden paths. A bubbling fountain contained piles of keys beneath the water, sunken like wishes.
"The light was fading so the key collector lit the lanterns.
"'It is lovely here,' the woman said. She began to look through the garden keys, keys held by statues and keys wound around topiaries. She stopped in front of a tree that was just starting to blossom, reaching out to a key, one of many hanging from red ribbons.
"'Will that key suit your lock?' the key collector asked.
"'More than that,' the woman answered. 'This is my key. I lost it a very long time ago. I'm glad it found its way to you.'
"'I am glad to return it,' the key collector said. He reached up to untie the ribbon for her, leaving it hanging from the key in her hand.
"'I must find a way to repay you,' the woman said to the key collector.
"'No need for that' the key collector told her. 'It is my pleasure to help reunited you with your locked-away thing.'
"'Oh,' the woman said, 'It is not a thing. It is a place,'
"She held the key out in front of her at a height above her waist where keyhole might have been if there was a door and part of the key vanished. The woman turned the key and an invisible door unlocked in the middle of the key collector's garden. The woman pushed the door open.
"The key and its ribbon remained hanging in midair.
"The key collector looked through the door into a golden room with high arched windows..."
I drifted off and Severus looked at me sharply, bringing me back to reality. For a moment, seeing the images play inside my house, it felt real.
"What?" Severus asked.
"I drew the place that the man is describing." I said softly, mad at myself for breaking the spell. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to finish the story. But Severus prodded me and I closed my eyes again.
"Dozens of candles stood on tables laid for a great feast. He heard music playing and laughter coming from out of sight. Through the windows he could see waterfalls and mountains, a sky brightly lit by two moons and countless stars reflected in a shimmering sea. The woman walked through the door, her long cloak trailing over the golden tiles. The key collector stood in his garden, staring. The woman took the key
"on its ribbon from its lock.
"She turned back to the key collector. She raised a hand in invitation, beckoning him forward.
"The key collector followed.
"The door closed behind him.
"No one ever saw him again."
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My salty experience recently.
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i love you , its ruining my life!! // lorenzo berkshire x fem hufflepuff reader
playlist : fortnight - taylor swift
summary : lorenzo berkshire is so completely infatuated with a girl in hufflepuff , its ruining his life!!
y/n used , hufflepuff reader , ttpd was amazing, fluff
a/n : im the queen of slytherin boys x hufflepuff reader lets be honest ,also fortnight is a sad song but i did a different take on it bc fluff is just better !! LMAO
masterlist tppd series masterlist
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its been three months since the very first time lorenzo berkshire saw you in class. he had never seen you before despite your presence being a constant since 1st year, and to say you hadnt gone unseen since was an understatement.
lorenzo berkshire has found himself in nothing but trouble since his little crush on you first blossomed , the very first time he saw you , that fateful day in potions - he had lost 20 points for slytherin in one lesson. and the reasons for his points deduction was simple , he just couldnt focus.
you pushed your hair behind your ear , he dropped his ink pot onto the floor , the loud smash interrupting snapes monotone first lesson back speech.
five points.
you laughed at something your male seat partner said , lorenzo clenched his fist so hard that he snapped his quill as the ink and snapped up feather made a mess of his desk.
five points.
you spoke to lorenzos best friend , theodore , making him misplace an ingredient into his cauldron that caused it to explode back into draco -his seat partner and friends- face.
ten points.
to say his friends and whole house were infruriated with him after that ,was an understatment - enzo had gotten them into points debt on the very first day. thats never even been done before!
but they were even angrier with him a few weeks ago.
it was the day of the highly anticipated , very first, gryffindor vs slytherin match of the year - and enzo bottled it because he was looking at you in the stands.
who could blame him! you were stood in the stands wearing a slytherin scarf with the number 13 on your cheek in green face paint , his number!!
the amount of quaffles he failed to catch and goals he missed completely because of his focus being elsewhere , became too much to count by the end of the match. that slytherin lost by the way.
but even when draco screamed in his face and theodore pushed him into the changing rooms , his mind couldnt leave your happy face as you watched him - and only him.
the most recent incident was when he sat in an exam , not writing a single word because he couldnt stop thinking about how you smiled at him and said hello to him earlier that day. he tried to play it off as hufflepuff friendliness but the red tint in your cheeks and beaming smile blocked out any thought of doubt - and charms knowledge.
that charms test was the first fail he has ever gotten at hogwarts.
all because of you and your pretty stupid smile!
as he stared down at his paper a week later with a horified expression and a sympathetic pansy rubbing his back , he decided enough was enough , he needed to get this off his chest.
so later that day he now found himself sat in the great hall , staring at where you usually sit , except the spot was empty.
his leg bounced under the table as he played with his hands and tie , loosening and re-loosening it every two seconds.
"lorenzo please stop." pansy begged with her head in her hands , trying to will the sound of lorenzos tapping foot to become white noise.
snapping out of it he stopped all movement and looked down with a somber sigh , maybe something happened to you? maybe youre avoiding him? maybe you hate him? maybe youre not hungry?
"enzo chill mate shes just walked in." theodore said looking at something - or someone - by the enterance to the great hall.
without sparing a seond enzo stormed over to you , grabbing your hand softly and stopping your walk to the hufflepuff table.
"please come with me," enzo said as more of a command as you nodded with concern and followed him out the hall and to an empty corridor.
he stopped you so you were stood against the wall and began to pace.
after many seconds of silence you began to question why you were there ,"lorenz-"
"i love you, and its ruining my life!!" he said loudly , stopping in his tracks staring at you , not with anger but instead despiration.
he now stepped forward as you stepped back and hit the wall , "ive lost points , matches , i failed my test for the first time ever!.....please. please say no and let me move on."
you stared up at him in complete shock , "lorenzo you dont know me-"
"i do. oh trust me i do , i know you prefer cats and like muggle classics as well as poetry. your favourite colour is yellow but you dont really tell anyone as to not be called a stereotypical hufflepuff. and...i know theres things i dont know but there is nothing else on this planet i want to learn more about, than you."
you began to beam your signature smile up at him , bringing your arms to wrap around his neck as he melted under your touch, "i failed charms too."
it was his turned to now be confused , "but charms is your favourite?-"
"there was this really handsome guy sat in front of me who i just couldnt stop looking at. he was distracting me."
lorenzo expression fell as his heart broke slowly , "w-who?..."
you looked at him teasingly , "seriously? you enzo!"
he let out a gasp of realisation as you pulled him down towards you for a kiss.
lets just say since that day you both got straight As! but thats not to say enzo doesnt still like to admire in lesson.
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ellecdc · 6 months
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⚡️ - angst, ☀️ - fluff, ⛅️ - hurt/comfort, 🌶️ - smut/spicy, 🌈 - crack [comedy] 🫧 = elle’s favourites
The Winner Takes it All (you don't need to compete for the boys) ☀️ ->The Loser Has To Fall (companion piece) ☀️ Swim Lessons (meet cute with swim instructor marauders) 🌈 When One Door Closes (the boys support you as you end your toxic relationship)⛅️ Sweet Tooth (you love baking for the boys, and they love you) ☀️ Overthinking (you're convinced they're mad at you) ⛅️ Our little gremlin (fem!readers sense of humour) 🌈 Sirius' Arch Nemesis (fem!reader finds a kitten) 🌈🫧 The Sound of Music (muggle born gn!reader x poly!marauders) ☀️ Two Steps Forward (fem!reader struggling with mental health, hurt/comfort) ⛅️🫧 Marauders + your younger sibling headcanons It's been you? (when they find out their gf is a secret animagus) ⛅️ who are you talking to? (they find out their date talks to her cat) 🌈 we've got you (the boys help gn!reader through an epileptic seizure) ⛅️ we don't need to celebrate (marauders x roommate!reader who cleaned her room)☀️ quit (reader gets upset when James is injured during a match) ⚡️⛅️ "she's fine" "she's crying" (the boys are called to pick up sad drunk!reader) ⛅️ popping wheelies (marauders x wheelchair user!reader blurb) ☀️🫧 Scout's Honour (the boys find fem!reader sleeping with her stuffie)☀️ not alone (zombie AU) ⛅️ -> worried about vs worried about (zombie au p2) ⚡️⛅️ post-war panic (x fem!reader hurt/comfort) ⛅️ what it feels like to win (sirius takes autistic!reader to get her nails done)☀️ why sirius is banned from shopping for reader 🌈
+ Lily Evans James & Sirius & Remus & Lily &...you? (poly!marauders + lily x fem!reader)☀️ -> shy!reader's first date with the marauders + lily ☀️ -> shy!reader doesn't know about Remus' furry little problem [marauders + lily]☀️ -> shy!reader learns about Remus' furry little problem [miscom trope] ⚡️⛅️ -> shy!reader finds her own way to help Sirius [hurt/comfort, Sirius-centric] ⛅️ Too Much (marauders + lily x their shy!reader who gets overwhelmed) ⛅️ four cheers for Hufflepuff (the Gryffindor's celebrate their quidditch player)
Seer!readers What did you See? (Seer fem!reader Sees a happy domestic life) ⛅️🫧 -> Saw Bad (their oldest child inherits seer!reader's abilities) ⛅️ Sight's Set (Seer slytherin fem!reader Sees a new relationship with the boys) 🌈 -> the case of the missing pickles (it's not a date) 🌈🫧 -> the boys help her through one of her Sights ⛅️
whimsical!readers Where'd you go? (whimsical!reader wanders off) ☀️🫧 Slimy (the boys meet whimsical!readers pet snake for the first time)🌈 battered by baggage (whimsical!reader is missing, fluff) 🌈🫧 raising harry with poly!marauders? ( feat. whimsical fem!reader)☀️
feisty!readers Hard Softie (you're feisty to everyone except your boys) 🌈🫧 I wasn't running from you (slytherin reader feels insecure) ⛅️ Beginnings (feisty reader stealing the 💖 of the only one not already in love)☀️ 🫧 -> The beginning (how feisty!readers relationship with the boys started) ⛅️ -> the viper and her admirer (the boys learn of feisty!readers admirer) 🌈
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http-mianhae · 2 years
𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐀 ― seventeen x hogwarts [SLOW]
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AMORTENTIA ; the most powerful love potion to exist
SEUNGCHEOL: GRYFFINDOR CAPTAIN ― being head-over-heels for the Gryffindor captain is harder than it seems, especially when everyone knows about your little crush on Seungcheol and he takes it lightly. Until when you’re partnered up and forced to be in each other’s lives on a daily basis, that’s when things take a bit of a turn
JEONGHAN: DESKMATES TO LOVERS? ― he was the worst of worse, how could anyone love him? Such a cold-hearted kid yet you were forced to sit next to him and as a Ravenclaw, it didn’t do you justice that all Jeonghan did was throw insults
JOSHUA: HONEYDUKES LOVER ― The first time they met was when she reached for a chocolate frog which he helped her reach and after that, they’ve been seeing each other everywhere. A story of how a Slytherin became undyingly soft for a Hufflepuff
JUN ― She was overlooked by him for the longest, seen nothing more than a best friend
WONWOO ― Reading books in the library near the dawn was the hardest when with Wonwoo. You were forced to act as if your heart could never resonate with such beauty. How do you hide your feelings from your best friend?
WOOZI ― a strict choir leader who would only treat you with respect because of that angelic voice that came from you. To say Woozi was utterly in love with a Hufflepuff was an understatement.
SOONYOUNG ― beating Soonyoung at everything had become a habit.
DOKYEOM ―how you and Dokyeom would continuously sneak out of Hogwarts through the passageways through the Marauders Map and invisible cloak ― this had to mean teamwork
MINGYU ― the sweetest, most charming boy, Hufflepuff prefect, and ace for the Quidditch team. Y/N was totally in love with him but what happens when her backstabbing best friend decides to date him.
SEUNGKWAN ― it was really Hufflepuff vs Slytherin here. No one in their right mind from the golden house would dare mess with a Slytherin but things have been taken a little too far. From nasty pranks to idiotic call outs, Seungkwan and you never really got along.
VERNON ― He would never dream of it when he took the Astronomy class in his sixth year, it was far too much for his own good but when a mysterious Ravenclaw had taken the same class and their paired together, Vernon finds himself more and more fascinated by her
DINO ― the chosen one, everyone knew him. He knew everyone, but you. A love story forming between the girl with her head in the clouds and a clumsy, nice boy.
TAGLIST (comment or msg me to be in the taglist!): @just-here-to-read-01 @lixiel0ver @tyongf-sunflower99 @09yyeol @17milktea @meltinghershey @xxxxrvexxxx @violets-are-you @amethyistheart @yourfavoritefreakyhan @ddaengpotate @mythicalamphitrite @kkooongie @wooziwooziwoozioioioi @blissedjoon @raevyng @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @marvelouslimelight @xuimhao @ti--red @sevenpersona @renjunphile @ak6ko @sbnchaos @seungcheolswife @enhazen @02psh
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bri-cheeses · 5 months
Jersey vs. Hoodies - Part 1
| Rosekiller microfic | Word count: 799 | I wrote this a while ago and am finally deciding to post it so be thankful lol |
“Is that Potter’s jersey?”
Regulus looks up, startled, as Evan drops his books onto the table between them. The sunlight filtering in through the library window swirls dust motes around, lighting Regulus’s curls as he replies.
“Excuse me?”
“I said,” Evan reiterates, sliding easily into the booth, “is that Potter’s jersey?”
Regulus’s stills.
Evan looks at him pointedly. “You sure about that?”
“It’s a Gryffindor jersey, Reg.”
“What an astute observation. Now if you don’t mind, I’m trying to get work done, so I would appreciate it if you could leave me alone.”
With that, Regulus dips his quill into his ink pot and starts writing again. Evan just stares at him as the scratching of the quill on paper fills the air.
But based on the way Regulus glances up sharply a few moments later, he acutely feels Evan’s gaze on him. And he is not pleased.
“What is it?” His voice is tight and impatient.
“Is that Potter’s jersey?” Evan asks again, somewhat stupidly.
“Is that Barty’s hoodie?” Regulus snaps nastily.
Evan’s face flushes with the humiliation and anger that comes from that simple, incredibly cruel remark. It wouldn’t be as bad if Regulus hadn’t known exactly what he was doing by saying something like that—after all, Evan had filled him in on everything just last week.
Evan stands up with a clenched jaw, beginning to stuff his books into his bag with more force than strictly necessary.
A series of vivid images flashes through his mind as he does so: Barty stumbling into the dorm late one night, slightly drunk after attending a notorious Hufflepuff-style party. Evan looking up and laughing at the state Barty was in. Barty coming closer and telling Evan that he had the prettiest laugh he had ever heard, and Evan swallowing thickly.
Barty’s lips on his, mouths tangling together in a single glorious, catastrophic mistake.
One thing had led to another, and Evan had landed himself in what he privately thought was the worst yet best choice of his life. Being friends with benefits with Barty was terrible, but it was also more than Evan could’ve ever asked for from Barty. So he had taken it.
And now here he was, having stolen Barty’s hoodie, which had been haphazardly thrown onto the floor by his bed—probably by Evan himself, if he’s being honest—and wearing it around just so he can pretend to actually have something of Barty’s.
But the point is, Evan hadn’t told Regulus about all of that just for him to be able to hurt Evan whenever he feels like it.
And so Evan starts to walk away, teeth clenched in anger and face still flushed red. He’s breathing entirely too hard, too—he can feel it, but he had had a terrible day before even coming in here, and he just doesn’t have the effort to calm himself down.
Then, from behind him, he hears Regulus call out, “Evan, wait—”
Evan whirls around to find Regulus looking at him with concern in his eyes. The pity he finds there does nothing to smooth out Evan’s boiling temper.
“That was a shitty thing to say and you know it, and I can leave if I want. And I do,” Evan adds with an air of finality, about to turn back around when Regulus’s voice fills the space between them.
“No, no, you’re right.”
Evan stops.
“I shouldn’t have gone there,” Regulus continues, starting to anxiously twist a strand of hair around his fingers. “It’s just that I get defensive and… well, I say stupid things. But yeah, it—it is James’s jersey.”
Evan just looks at him silently. He’s still mad at Regulus, but… Regulus has wanted this for a long time. And Regulus is one of Evan’s best friends, even if he does say some out of line things sometimes.
“I’m happy for you,” Evan tells him.
Regulus smiles softly, a faint blush making its way to his cheeks.
Evan smiles a little in response and shifts the strap of his bag from where it’s digging into his shoulder. Regulus eyes the action, an unimpressed look appearing on his face.
“You can come sit back down now, you know. If you’re not still mad at me.”
His familiar, slightly sarcastic tone is comforting, and Evan’s anger eases a bit more as he walks towards where Regulus is sitting.
“For the record,” Regulus murmurs as Evan sits down again, “I hope Barty gets his act together soon.”
Evan feels his stomach flip at the mention of Barty, but he can’t deny that it makes him happy that Reg is rooting for them as well.
“Off the record… me too, ” Evan admits.
Then he slowly gets out his books again, and he and Regulus begin to study in companionable silence.
(Part 2 is here)
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mattyriddlesbitch · 2 months
Blaise Zabini x F!Reader
Warnings: Kissing, nothing else.
Third week of Jinxed July that @thatdammchickennugget and @finalgirllx are doing.
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It was the last few days of your time at Hogwarts. Classes were done. Tests were done. Graduation was tomorrow. A lot of the 7th years decided to play in the lake. You'd never seen everyone get along so well. It wasn't house vs house. No Gryffindor vs Slytherin. No Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff. Just a bunch of 18 year olds who are excited to graduate and become actual adults.
You played in the lake with everyone for a bit before you took a break, laying on a towel just on the lakeside, basking in the sun, eyes closed.
“Caught you daydreaming about me again, didn't I?” You heard that all too familiar voice say next to you. The voice that flirted with you every chance during classes. The owner of that voice checking you out every time you passed by. The same owner, who touches you every excuse they can get.
“You caught me. I can't help myself.” You said sarcastically, opening your eyes to see Blaise standing over you.
“Sorry, ma. I know I'm just so sexy. You can't take your eyes off of me.” He was smiling at you, sunglasses perched on his nose, drops of water in his hair and, the best part in your opinion, he was shirtless.
“Well, at least you know it.” You said, shamelessly checking him out. Not like you'd probably see him again after graduation. You'd very much like to, though.
“Let me help you put on some sunscreen before you burn up.” He said, kneeling down and pulling out the bottle from your bag by your towel.
“I think that's just an excuse to touch me.” You smiled at him as he squirts the sunscreen in his hand.
“Can you blame me? You look hot, especially in this little bikini. Hard to resist.” He started rubbing the sunscreen on you, starting on your arms.
“You're as shameless as ever.” You chuckled.
“You like it. Makes you feel all good and sexy, huh?” He teased, moving down to your legs.
“Mhm. Shame that I won't get to hear your flirting in a few days.” You said, sighing softly.
“I can still do it everyday if you'd like.” He said, coming back up to rub sunscreen on your chest and stomach.
“How so? Not probable we'll even run into each other.” You looked over at his face.
“It's a simple solution. We can start going out. I can text you everyday how hot you are. Then take you out on dates where I can say it to your face.” He said it like it was such a casual thing to say, like talking about the weather.
“What?” You leaned up on your elbows, looking at him in confusion.
“Come on. I like you. And you definitely like my flirting at least. I've been playing the long game here. Give me a chance.” His hands paused as he looked back at you.
“This was some long scheme to get with me then?” You let out an amused scoff.
“I'm literally on my knees here, baby.” He said with a playful smile.
“Yeah.” You smiled, looking down to where he kneeled on the ground before looking back up at his face. “You're begging then?”
“If that's what it'll take.”
You smiled at him for a moment biting your lip in thought. “Beg then. Say ‘please’.” You said playfully.
He huffed out a chuckle. “You're killing me. Please go out with me, ma. Give me a chance.”
“You didn't even question me. I like that. Alright, I'll give you a chance.” You said, laying back down, closing your eyes again.
“For real?” He asked, sounding like he was in disbelief.
“Yeah, for real.” You chuckled. 
“Fuck, all those years and all it took was a little ‘please’.”
“You never even asked.”
“Let me ask this then-can I kiss you?”
Your eyes shot back open as you looked at him. “Yeah.”
He smiled as he leaned down and kissed you gently, his hands moving to support himself on either side of you. He gave your bottom lip a little nip before pulling back to smile at you.
“Now finish putting on my sunscreen.” You said jokingly.
“Right. Yes, ma'am. Anything for my baby.” You could practically hear the smile in his voice as his hands resumed putting the sunscreen on your stomach.
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme @mixvchelle @helendeath @evaslytherpuff
@soaked4abby @hpnsfwaddict @mayamonroem @brittney-121 @leovaldezsbitch
@dracoslovergirl @littlemadamred @mattheoriddlesbitch @acornacreacure @opheliamalfoy236
@demieyesore @akira1246 @queenshu @prettypinkprincess15 @starryslytherin0
@jolly4holly @st0n3dbarbi3
Let me know if you wanna be added!
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sparkling-ariaria · 4 months
Hogwarts Legacy fics I read and want to keep...
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*Complete fem or non-specific reader insert fics* Upd: 16.09.2024
"You are everything. Everything. It’s true." by sebswebs - Sebastian x gf!Reader
Mon Amour by sebswebs - Sebastian x gf!Reader As their 7th year begins, Hogwarts has been chosen to host the Triwizard Tournament. Upon the arrival of the beautiful girls of Beauxbatons Academy, MC is feeling overly insecure before she has even had a chance to reunite with her boyfriend after the summer.
He's so in love by hufflepuffwitchhh - Ominis Gaunt x Reader Ominis is in love with you. Now, who's gonna tell him? Alternatively known as: ten times Sebastian knew Ominis was in love with you vs the first time Ominis knew he was in love with you.
Her touch by thenerdykneazle - Ominis Gaunt x fem!Reader Ominis had never been fond of being touched. Or, at least, he had few positive experiences with it. That changed with the arrival of the new fifth-year.
Catnap by pluvpluvpluv - Ominis Gaunt x gf!MC x Sebastian Sallow
Strained by ravenelyx - Ominis Gaunt x gf!Reader Exams have taken a toll on you and your health - especially your eyes. Thankfully, Ominis is there to take care of you.
I like you(r) by ravenelyx - Sebastian Sallow x Reader Sebastian likes a lot of things about you, like your sweet perfume... or your lips.
Cute little boyfriend moments headcanons by ashisgreedy - Garreth Weasley
Flowery Language by galaxiasgreen - Garreth Weasley x gf!Reader Garreth gets you flowers, and things go terribly wrong.
Scriptorium to Sepulcher (AO3 link) by RGKO Side story to "The Raven and the Snake" by choccymilky. Takes place after the scriptorium scene. Ominis is depressed about finding his aunt's remains and his two friends want to help him.
A Jeweled Promise by forbidden-armotentia - Ominis x gf!Reader Ominis gifts his girlfriend a necklace, which can only be unlocked with parseltongue.
Judge of character by sebastians-niffler - Sebastian x hufflepuff!Reader When professor Howin assigns a task on caring of a niffler, Sebastian has a bit of a hard time. That is, until you give him the confidence he had hidden all along.
Never have I ever by emptycauldron - Ominis x fem!Reader Ominis is dragged to a Gryffindor party, where MC teaches them all a Muggle drinking game.
HL Charas react to MC as a cat animagus by hogwartslegacyreactions2
Golden by btsbabe7 - Sebastian x Reader Watching the sunset within the grassland vivarium.
You Were The First by spaceyaceface - Ominis x f!Reader Ominis Gaunt has never known affection. He has never known how it felt to love---to be loved. She came and changed all of it.
Comfort drabble by bluerainshadows - Garreth x fem!Reader
You look better in green by fierymiasma - Sebastian x fem!Hufflepuff!Reader In which Sebastian sees the new transfer student wearing someone else’s scarf and proceeds to absolutely lose it.
Moonlight drabble by galaxiasgreen - Ominis x Reader In search of distraction from Ranrok's rebellion, you dance with Ominis in the Undercroft.
Now that I "see" you by huffleflufflefly - Ominis x Reader You came up with an idea to enchant a pair of glasses to help him see. You’ve tried quite a few times, but you felt this pair was the one!
185 notes · View notes
mimikittysblog · 1 year
The Beater’s a Keeper
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Pairing: Slytherin! Beater! Jay x Hufflepuff! Female! Reader // ft. A bit of Slytherin! Keeper! Heeseung x Hufflepuff! Jake
Genre: Fluff, smut
Synopsis: As much as you wanted your house to win the Quidditch Cup this season, watching your Slytherin boyfriend play for and win said cup is just as rewarding. What can you say? He looks mighty fine in his quidditch uniform. Plus Slytherins throw better celebration parties anyway. Parties where you get to congratulate your boyfriend appropriately… away from the public eye of course.
TikTok Inspo: 1. 2.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, house party, make out, oral (male receiving), unprotected sex (WEAR PROTECTION PEOPLE), that should be it, if I missed anything let me know!
Word Count: 4,3k words
A/N: As usual I really hope you’ll like this. This was inspired by the Hogwarts house party TikTok’s that was going around. I found them pretty funny and I wondered what Enhypen’s hyung line would do at these parties lol. Also I then remembered the Harry Potter photos they dropped for Halloween AND THEN I IMAGINED JAY IN A QUIDDITCH UNIFORM AND I TURNED FERAL SKSN so this was born! Not my finest work, at least the smut part, still getting the hang of writing it so yeah, hope you can still enjoy it though. Also as much as I love HP I am in now way supporting J. K. Rowling and her fuckass behavior. Now with that out of the way I hope you enjoy! Thank youuu!
Tagging: @hello-stranger24
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
It’s finally here.
The highly anticipated final quidditch match of the season.
Unsurprisingly it’s Slytherin vs Gryffindor once again. Pretty cliché, but what to do? They were great Quidditch players.
However the excitement and anticipation were still through the roof. Everyone is extremely curious on who will win this year. Some students are already making bets as usual. Though the majority are saying Gryffindor will definitely win this time, since Slytherin did win last year. They say those lions are extremely eager to get their Quidditch Cup back. They also say Jungwon, Gryffindor’s captain, had come up with a new strategy to guarantee their win.
You weren’t too sure about that.
Now while you also think the Gryffindor team are good, great even! And that Jungwon is also a wonderful captain, who you’re sure has tricks up his sleeve.
They didn’t have Park Jongseong aka Jay. The Slytherin team’s beater.
Who also happens to be your boyfriend. Not to brag.
Jay is quite literally known as one of the best beaters Hogwarts has ever seen in decades.
While Slytherin doesn’t win the Quidditch Cup every year, Jay always excels at every match. He somehow is always to hit the bludger just right to help his team secure points. He’s always so passionate in everything he does, which obviously includes Quidditch.
So knowing your boyfriend, you know he’s extra determined to win this year. You also have the confidence that he’ll achieve just that.
Skipping into the great hall for breakfast, eyes scanning for Slytherin’s star player to wish him a good luck and give him a good luck present, you suddenly feel arms around your waist and a firm chest against your back.
“Looking for someone?” You hear a very familiar voice say.
“Not anymore.” You giggle as you turn around to face your love and wrap your arms around his neck. “Hi there star player.” You greet him with a wide smile and a kiss.
He chuckles as he kisses you back. “Hi baby.” He greeted you back, pulling you even closer.
“Hi, nervous?” You ask him. He responds with a shake of his head.
“Naaah. Well I was but not anymore. I have my lucky charm right here.” He replied raising his eyebrows a bit.
“Oh reeeeaally? Where?” You tease him while looking around the great hall.
Jay then rolls his eyes as he picks you up and spins you around here. “She’s riiight here!” He says.
At this action you squealed and giggled a bit, causing some people to look your way. You two didn’t care though. As Jay puts you down, he was about to pull you into another kiss, you were interrupted by a cough.
“So sorry to bother disgusting display, but our team’s beater needs to eat before the big game Y/n.” Heeseung, the captain and seeker of the Slytherin’s Quidditch team said with a smirk.
“OH RIGHT! Sorry! That was actually why I was looking for you love! I made you breakfast!” You said as you reached into your bag to pull out a big lunchbox you made specially for him.
Jay smiled “Honey you didn’t have to.” He said as he pulled you close and kisses the top of your head. “But thank you, Thank you so much. I think this just guaranteed our win.” He added with his signature smirk.
“You’re my boyfriend! And it’s the big day! Of course I had to! And you’re welcome love!” You replied.
“Hah! A mere lunchbox won’t make you beat us Jongsaeng~~.” A teasing voice suddenly said.
Turning around, standing there was Park Sunghoon, the Gryffindor team’s seeker, and one of Jay’s best friend.
Even though they were from different houses, they were still the bestest of friends, along with a few others, all from different houses. Their pride for their houses having no effect on their friendship.
“Just you wait Park. You’ll witness the magic that is my girlfriends cooking once we’re in the air.” Jay replied pridefully and pulling you even closer. The compliment causing a blush to form on your cheeks.
“Unless Y/n’s cooking can make you figure out our game plan for today then you got no chance.” Another voice popped up who just so happened to be the aforementioned Gryffindor team captain, Jungwon.
“Enough! Hurry up all of you go eat at your tables then go get ready! You’re about to play the biggest games of your life!” Sunoo, a Ravenclaw boy who is also apart of their friend group interjected. “Best of luck to all of you! But more good luck to the Slytherin team cause I betted 10 galleons on your win!! Don’t let me down!!” He added with a chuckle as he pushed a whining Sunghoon towards the Gryffindor table.
While laughing at the silly boys antics, you then turned to your boyfriend one last time and gave him one last kiss. “Good luck my love.” You said.
“Who needs luck when I have you?” He replied slightly wiggling his eyebrows. “But thank you sweetie.”
Suddenly Jay pulled away slightly and took his scarf off. He then proceeded to wrap said scarf around your neck, making sure it will shield your neck efficiently against the cold. “Here. Can’t have my girl freezing while rooting for me can I? Plus this will make sure everyone knows who you belong to.” He said displaying his incredibly charming smile while also softly caressing your cheek.
This action causing another blush to appear on your cheeks and just as Jay leaned in for another kiss, he suddenly got pulled away.
“ENOOOUGHHHH!!” Yelled Riki, the Slytherin team’s second beater, as he drags his teammate all the way to the Slytherin table.
“YAH!! LET GO OF ME! UGH. BYE BABY!! CHEER LOUDLY FOR ME!” Jay yelled as he gets dragged.
Shaking your head while giggling at the interactions you just had, you head to your own table and sat down next to your good friend Jake.
“You’re boyfriend may be loud, but he is sweet.” He chuckled. “Thought you’re dating a beater, not a keeper.” He added as he bumped your shoulder.
“Who said he can’t be both?” You said with a smirk. “Why? Jealous Jakey?”
“Of you having to deal with that megaphone of a boyfriend? Yeah no.” He replied.
You smacked his shoulder lightly. “No dumbass. Jealous that you don’t have a certain Slytherin Quidditch player as a boyfriend? A seeker perhaps?” You asked with a very wide and teasing smirk. A smirk that was wiped off as Jake shoved some mashed potatoes in your mouth.
“Shut up.” A red faced Jake said. You could only giggle back as you chew said mashed potatoes.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
Game time.
All the students and professors have gathered at the Quidditch pitch to watch this iconic match about to go down.
Beomgyu who was the announcer for the game then calls out the teams to the pitch. The teams then all fly out and into their positions in the air. Here you finally get to see Jay in his quidditch uniform in all his glory.
Merlins beard.
You could faint with how FINE this man looks. Your legs literally went weak. It didn’t help that he winked at you when he was in his position near you.
“Oh for heavens sake..” Sunoo, who was standing beside you suddenly said.
“What?” Jake asked him who was standing on the other side of you asked.
“You two are so love sick your pupils are practically heart shaped.” Sunoo stated in an obvious tone.
“DO YOU NOT SEE JAY?!!!” You defended as Jake just tries to hide his blush by looking away.
“Yeah. I do. and sure, he looks good but-“
Before finishing his sassy comment, Sunoo was cut off by Beomgyu’s commentary as the game has begun. All eyes were on the players, not wanting to miss a single thing that happens.
The area was filled with cheers, yelling and screams. Also with students with their own commentaries about the game.
“Omg they’re all so fast!”
“Where did San even come from?”
“San?! Jay just suddenly popped out of nowhere!”
“Yeah Jay’s reflexes are so cool!”
"Jay is amazing!!"
“JongHo is fuming! Jungwon looks kinda pleased though! Is this apart of his plan?"
You couldn’t help but giggle and have pride swell in you’re heart hearing all of the comments that were about Jay. It just makes a smile glued onto your face. He really is amazing.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
As time goes on the game becomes even more intense. Both team scoring one after the other. Its truly neck and neck and right now everyone is anticipating for which seeker is going to catch the snitch and win the game. If the tension was high when the game started, the tension is practically in space now.
The score is now Gryffindor with 140 points vs Slytherin with 130 points.
Suddenly, while Jungwon was flying towards the goal with the quaffle, trying to secure more points for his house.
It happened.
Both Sunghoon and Heeseung abruptly dived towards a certain direction at the same time.
No one can really see the snitch actually. However with how fast the both of them are flying across the field right now and with so much determination on their faces.
Everyone knew they found it.
Everyone’s eyes are on them now. They’re practically flying side by side and soon enough they both outstretch their arm. Everyone’s yelling becomes even louder to the point it could be deafening and as much as you wanted to scream too, you’re so anxious all you can do is clutch the scarf around your neck.
The entire stadium then explodes with noise. Cheers, yells of happiness and loud groans of disappointment, clapping and so much more. One of them of course is you, who is yelling at that incredible play your boyfriend did at the last minute.
"WOOOOO!!! GOOO JAY!!!" You cheer for him and his team as they zoom around the field in formation as their celebration.
At the front of that formation was Heeseung, as he is the captain and the one who caught the snitch and Jay just slightly behind him, as the one who ensured said catch. Their happy and prideful smiles as bright as stars as Heeseung raises the snitch in the air, and as Jay sends you another wink as he flew past you.
"Love fools.. absolute love fools.." You hear Sunoo sigh as your eyes are still locked on Jay.
You don't really mind it as it is true in a way. You're so in love to where it is practically foolish. But how could you not??
Your boyfriend is actually a keeper.
Though you noticed Sunoo said "fools", so you look over to see Jake also having his eyes glued onto Heeseung. You could only chuckle.
Squeezing Jake's shoulder softly you moved closer and say "Go get him." with a smile as you head down to meet up with your boyfriend.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
While walking through the halls, you finally found the Slytherin team walking back towards their common room, still decked out in their quidditch uniforms. There were multiple people already following them, congratulating them on their win.
"JAY!!" You squealed loudly, with a huge grin on your face.
It caught his attention along with some others. His eyes brightened then he smiled so wide, his eyes actually turned into crescents.
He made a beeline towards you as you also started sprinting towards him. You couldn't help but just jump into his strong arms when you reached him, and thankfully said arms were already wide open for you. He then spun you around for the second time that day causing you to squeal and giggle.
"CONGRATULATIONS!!! You were amazing out there!! Oh my goodness you're absolutely incredible Park Jongseong! You flew so fast and aimed so perfectly! How did you even do-"
You were unable to finish your congratulatory ramblings as you were cut off but a sweet and passionate kiss from your boyfriend. It caught you off guard but he's so addicting you just started to melt.
"Thank you my love." He mumbled against your lips. He then pulled away and had the cheekiest smile. "I couldn't do it without you. I told you. You're my lucky charm, and that lunchbox really did help." He chuckled.
You smacked his chest lightly as your cheeks turned a dusty pink. "Oh stop it. That was all you!"
“Hmm what if I said it was a the both of us?” He suggested. You pretended to think for a moment and just nodded with a smile. “Fine.” You said.
He chuckled and just hugged you tightly again. He then gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
“We’re holding a celebration party as usual, hope you’ll join?” He asked.
“Of course I’ll join! Just let me go change and I’ll be right there!” You giggled.
“Alright love, I need to change too, but still wear this okay?” He said, fixing his scarf thats still around your neck.
As you were about to reply, you heard a voice suddenly call out your friends name.
Looking at where the voice was coming from you see Heeseung suddenly jogging to Jake who was standing a bit of a distance away with a shocked look.
You couldn’t really hear what they were saying, but you can see Jake suddenly having the biggest grin ever as he and Heeseung share an embrace, Heeseung also sporting a matching grin.
You gasp at the sight then squeal in happiness.
Jay also chuckled seeing this, especially as the presumably new couple got greeted by the cheers of everyone in their vicinity.
“Finally. He’s been wanting to ask him out for ages but he always chickens out.” Jay commented.
“Oh my god! Jake keeps doing the same!” You giggle with a shake of your head.
The two of them started walking away hand in hand, probably to get some alone time, with that you turned back to Jay. “See you soon?”
He replies with a nod and kisses your temple one last time. “See you love.”
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
You arrived at the Slytherin house party wearing something you knew Jay would love. Cute but still sexy enough. Which was just perfect.
When you arrived at the dungeons however, there was a Slytherin 5th year that was acting like a bouncer and he wouldn’t let you in at first.
“What do you mean I can’t get in?!” You huffed (heh) at him.
“No Hufflepuffs without a Slytherin invite allowed. Sorry. You got a Slytherin invite?”
“Of course she does dumbass.”
You looked behind the Slytherin to see your boyfriend wearing a casual black shirt and some green sweats. and wow.
He looked fucking delicious.
“She’s my girlfriend. Now go to bed. We don’t need a fucking bouncer kid. Anyone can come in as long as they don’t cause trouble.” He stated as he moved to you and pulled you close by the waist.
“She’s you- oh god I’m so sorry! But.. still.. its a Slytherin party.. I need to stop other houses-” The Slytherin tried to defend himself.
“Other houses are gonna come in wether you like it or not. This isn’t the 1980’s anymore. We’re all friends.” Jay cut him off.
“B-but-“ The kid tried to keep going but Heeseung showed up and cut him off again. He grabbed his shoulder taking him away.
“Just stop. Seriously get to bed.” Heeseung said then turned to you. “Get in here y/n! Enjoy yourselves you two.” He continues with a wink.
“Thank you Hee!” You said as you held onto Jays hand as he brought you inside where the music was blaring.
Here you get to see the great party the Slytherins put together. Everyone seems to be having a hell of a time. The dance floor filled with an abundance of people just dancing with each other having the time of their lives.
“Can I get my beautiful girl anything to drink?” You turned to your handsome boyfriend who had that godforsaken smirk on his face.
“Just a butterbeer would be nice.” You replied.
“Well right this way M’lady” He said as he lead you to the makeshift bar where you see Sunoo fixing up some drinks.
“Always hustling huh Sunoo?” You giggled.
“Oh of course! Now what can I get you?” Sunoo asked
“My gorgeous girlfriend here would like a butterbeer. And I shall have the same” Jay told Sunoo quite dramatically.
You could only giggle and nudge him slightly.
With a chuckle Sunoo then pulled out two bottles of butterbeer and handed them to the both of you. “On the house! Have fun!”
“Thanks Sunoo! You too!” You told him as you took one of the bottles and headed to the dance floor with Jay. Here you and Jay danced along to the blaring music while taking sips of your drinks. Your hips both swayed together to the beat as you held onto each other tightly.
“You look really sexy baby.” Jay whispered right into your ear, causing a shiver to go up your spine.
“Hmm You look really sexy yourself love.” You hummed as you nuzzled more into him. “The party is getting kinda crazy huh? Why don’t we find a private corner so we have a moment to ourselves hmm?” You suggested as you softly kissed his jaw that caused his grip on you to tighten.
“Who needs a corner when my room is just upstairs baby?” He growled.
“Oh that’s right! Well come on! I need to congratulate you properly anyway~.”
“Fuck. Okay. Let’s go.” He said as he took your bottles; set them down on a near by table and dragged you up to his room.
Before you made it to his room you heard a loud “AW DUDE COME OOONN!” Which you deciphered to be from Heeseung who was holding onto a laughing albeit blushing Jake.
“SORRY MAN! I CALL DIBS!” Jay yelled out to Hee as he pulled you into the room and locked the door.
You giggled loudly at the best friends antics, also feeling slightly bad for having to cockblock your friend, but you’re sure he’ll find another way to get his private time with his seeker. Your giggling though was then cut off by your boyfriends lips smashing onto yours.
You then clung onto him tightly as you deepened the kiss, pushing him towards his bed. The back of his knees soon hit his bed causing him to flop onto it. Without hesitation you took off your top and crawled on top of him.
“Fuck baby… you really are so sexy.” He groaned.
“Thank you superstar.” You replied as you leaned down and kissed him again, “Now let me congratulate you properly. You deserve it.” You mumbled against his lips before starting to grind down on his crotch.
He groaned loudly at this, hands shooting to grip your hips. He then licked your lips before darting his tongue into your mouth.
You let his tongue explore your mouth as you continually grind on him. After a while you felt his length haas completely harden through his sweats, so thats when you pull away from his lips and started trailing kisses down his jaw and neck.
Groans and soft pants leave his lips as yours kept marking his neck all over before you got off his bed, tugging his sweats and boxers off.
“Mmm~ You did absolutely amazing today baby. You so deserve this.” You tell him as you pump his cock then give his tip a kiss.
“Fuck. I do?” He groaned out, smirk wide on his face.
You hummed out an approval against his tip before taking it in your mouth; about to give him the best suck of his life.
You first swirled your tongue around his tip, then started bobbing your head up and down, taking him in your mouth mouth more and more each time.
“Agh!! Fuck baby!!! You’re doing so good!” He moaned out as he grabbed your head, raking his fingers into your hair.
You moaned loudly as you continued ministrations on your man. It started getting real messy with your spit and his precum mixing and flowing onto your chin but you didn’t care, you knew he loved it like this. This was also confirmed with how loud he was being, which just motivated you to go even faster and deeper. Soon enough you were able to take all of him, his tip even going down your throat.
“FUUCKK!! FUCK YES!! Oh god baby just like that!!” Jay yelled out.
Taking him down your throat like this was causing you to gag a bit, but when he’s vocal like that, it was all worth it. His cock then started to twitch and you knew he was about to cum.
“S-shit baby I’m so fucking close!! B-baby pull off please! Fuck!! W-wanna cum in your pretty cunt please?? Fuck! Please!” Jay moaned, practically begged.
You then softly pulled off of him but continued to pump his cock softly, “You sure baby??” You asked him.
“God yes.” He then sat up, “Yknow there’s nothing I love more than stuffing you with my cum.” He added as he pulled you up into his lap and once again smashed his lips onto yours.
Feeling his hard length on your clothed pussy causing you to moan before he flips you over and pins you to the bed.
“Wait baby! Let me ride you instead. Let me do all the work okay?”
“Hush. You’ve done more than enough.” He told you as he kissed your neck.
You whined softly before he kissed you again. “Shhh. Please?”
“Hmm alright love.” You mumbled against his lips before he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
The rest of your clothes were quickly discarded as well before Jay lined up his cock with your entrance. He took a moment to admire the sight of it though. He just loves the sight of your dripping wet pussy, knowing its all his to use, love, ruin and admire.
“Mmm all wet for me?” Jay teased as he tapped his head softly on your clit. “Soaking wet.” He mumbled to himself.
You responded with a nod before wrapping your legs around him and gripping his biceps tighter.
“Good girl.”
And with that Jay then quickly slammed into you full force knowing you could take it. He started thrusting at a fast pace easily slipping in and out of you all thanks to how wet you were.
He really wasn’t holding back tonight and you loved it. You made sure he knew how much.
Thank Merlin for the blaring music downstairs.
“JAY!! Fuck yes!! Jay please don’t stop!! I’m so close already” You cried out as you clawed at his broad back.
“Aw? Already?? Fuck you love my cock that much sweetheart?” He whispered into your ear. “You love how much my cock makes you feel good hmm? How deep it goes? How full it makes you feel?”
Fuck him and his dirty tongue.
“Yes!! Yes I love your cock! Jay please!” You yelled out even louder, some tears even started to slip out.
“Please what?”
“Cum in me! Please!”
“Oh fuck.”
Your words caused a spark to light within Jay and it just made him go so much more faster and harder. Jay became so focused on making sure you both finish he went silent. Leaving the room to only be filled with your moans and skin slapping. It was then Jay hit that one spot in you that made you go crazy followed by his hand slipping down and beginning to rub your clit. Safe to say you were gone.
“Cum. Cum for me now.”
Your vision quickly became white as the coil in your stomach snapped. You yelled out his name one last time as you came and clenched around him. This caused his eyes to roll back into his head as he filled you up like he promised he would.
“Fuckkk!!!” He groaned loudly, cumming what feels like bucket loads in you.
He started slowing down his pace, riding out both your highs before stopping completely. The only sounds in his room are currently the two of you catching your breath.
Jay, always being the most amazing boyfriend ever, after a while pulled out then began to clean you up and take care of you. Once the both of you were clean he then pulled you close as he tucked the both of you in.
“I love you so much Jay, Congrats again. You deserved that win.” You said as you pecked his lips softly.
“The only thing I deserve is you baby, but thank you. I love you too Y/n. Now sleep with me.”
“I just did?” You giggled softly
“Shhhhhhhhhh!! Go to sleep!”
“You go to sleep!”
“No you!”
This went on for a little bit, your giggles and bickering continuing for a little longer before you both just pass out from the long day and night. Though before you drifted off you had one more thought.
Your beater really is a keeper.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
© mimikittysblog 2023
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palajae · 2 years
charms and chasers. | miniseries
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PAIRING ▸ enhypen maknae line x reader
GENRE ▸ hogwarts! au, halloween special, romance, fluff, angst, humor
SUMMARY ▸ another year at hogwarts, another year of chaos. that also means another chance at love for the three boys. will they be able to share their hearts or will they end up spending the end-of-year feast alone?
AKA another (not so) typical enhypen hogwarts themed au…
NOTES ▸ oh wow what a surprise i have another miniseries 😭this is a thanks for 400 followers 🥳🥳but unfortunately i only had time to write for enhypen’s maknae line so that’s why this is a halloween special miniseries!!
status ▸ completed (31.10.22)
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PAIRING ▸ hufflepuff! sunoo x slytherin! reader
GENRE ▸ hogwarts! au, s2ls, romance, angst, fluff, humor
SUMMARY ▸ you swear your new seatmate in potions gets on your last nerve. everything about him just irks you. you swear kim sunoo will be the death of you, whether you like it or not (and maybe you do). 
AKA all’s fair in love and war. 
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PAIRING ▸ ravenclaw! jungwon x ravenclaw! reader
GENRE ▸ hogwarts! au, fake dating! au, f2ls, romance, angst, fluff, humor
SUMMARY ▸ your house’s prefect, yang jungwon, is the textbook definition of a ravenclaw. as a fellow housemate and friend, you’re certainly willing to help him out when he needs it. but when jungwon asks you to be his date for the yule ball, you don’t expect the trouble that follows.
AKA you and jungwon are the definition of dumb and dumber. 
hype boy.
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PAIRING ▸ slytherin! niki x gryffindor! reader
GENRE ▸ hogwarts! au, rivalry! au, e2ls, romance, angst, fluff, humor
SUMMARY ▸ you and niki supposedly hate each other’s guts, everyone knows. slytherin vs. gryffindor, green vs. red, no one can break you two apart- except when a night on the quidditch field may prove otherwise.
AKA (un)fortunately for you, niki is indeed your hype boy. 
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MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine @lov3niki @heesterical @coffeewon @rerequire @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount
send an ask/dm to be added to the main/series taglist!
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 17
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 a cat in the morning. A hand kept running over my head in soothing motions and I twitched an ear. "Morning." Severus whispered in my ear. I rolled over onto my back and stretched, my paws reaching up towards the ceiling and then I flopped onto my side, all four paws on the right side of my body and mewed, closing my eyes again.
He chuckled. "Tired?"
"Figures." He said, sounding amused. "You were up late last night."
I meowed again, standing up on his chest, and stretching. Then I walked across his chest and licked his cheek with my tiny tongue. Then I hopped off the bed and became human again.
"Oh good." He said, standing up too. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me roughly. I closed my eyes, welcoming everything.
He moved his lips to the side of my neck. "Careful." I whispered. "You already left one mark on me and Umbridge is still poking around." But I was shivering with excitement.
"You don't seem to want me to be careful." He whispered gently, his lips touching my neck. I could just barely fell the tip of his tongue.
"It's your head. . ." I muttered weakly.
He bit me gently and I let out a little moan of ecstasy, trembling with anticipation. I moved my hand so that I could lift his face to mine and I was so rough in my kiss that I accidentally bit his bottom lip- it really wasn't intentional. He wrapped his arms around me so tight I thought he was going to break something and I could feel my back pressed up against the wall.
I could feel his long hair against my face, I could feel one hand on the small of my back, the other wrapped underneath my ass. I could feel his lips and his tongue on mine. I felt everything. Goosebumps rose up on my arms and I tightened them around the back of his head.
"Fuck. . ." I muttered softly.
"How bad you are." he whispered, his lips a quarter of an inch above mine. I had another heart palpitation at those words. "You really should be good. . ." and he pressed his lips to mine again.
"𝕳𝖎 𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖞." 𝕴 said brightly, joining him and Ron in the Great Hall for lunch. He looked very downcast and kept shooting looks up at the teachers table. "What's wrong?"
"Umbridge went to the Minister again." Harry spat out. "Fred, George, and I still got the life time ban and she took our brooms."
"What!" I asked, my smile dropping off my face and I sat down. "She can't. . . I guess she can. . ."
"But the Minister said you did nothing wrong apparently." Hermione said soothingly to me. "So you're still Captain. She can't do anything about it."
"And Draco?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Still on the Slytherin team." Ron said bitterly. "His father probably bribed the Minister or something."
Hagrid reappeared at the teacher's table at that moment. Fred, George, and Lee ran up the aisle, roaring with delight to shake Hagrid's hands. I saw other students, however, exchange gloomy glances, especially at the Ravenclaw table.
"Tuesdays going to be a nightmare for you guys." I muttered. "At least I get him tomorrow morning."
Monday morning I trooped down to Hagrid's cabin along with the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Hagrid was waiting for us, a dead cow slung over his shoulders. Many of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws exchanged nervous glances with each other.
"We're workin' in here today! Bit more sheltered! Anyway, they prefer the dark. Right, well, I've bin savin' a trip inter the forest fer yer fifth year. Though we'd go an' see these creatures in their natural habitat. Now, what we're studyin' today is pretty rare, I reckon I'm probably the on'y person in Britain whos' managed ter train 'em. Now then, if yer all ready, let's go an' see 'em."
Hagrid turned and strode into the forest and I followed behind him quickly. The others came after me.
We walked for about ten minutes and we came to a place where the trees stood so closely together that it was almost as dark as though it was twilight. Hagrid dropped the cow on the ground and turned to face the class. His face was a mess but it was well hidden here.
"Gather roun', gather roun'. Now, they'll be attracted by the smell o' the meat but I'm goin' ter give 'em a call anyway, 'cause they'll like ter know it's me." He turned and cupped his hands around his mouth and made some sort of shrieking call. He did it twice more.
I saw them first. Their eyes were blank, white, and shiny. It was hard to see anymore of their body considering they were black in color. The class didn't see them though and from the looks of it, I was the only one who could see them.
"Oh, an' here comes another one!" Hagrid called out and with a shock, I realized that Hagrid could see them. It had never occurred to me before that he could. And I wondered briefly who he had seen die. His father perhaps? But I was sure he'd been at Hogwarts when that happened.
"An' another!" Hagrid said excitedly as a third showed up. "Now put yer hands up, who can see 'em?"
I was the only one in class who raised my hand. I saw some of the Ravenclaws murmuring.
"Yeah. . . I knew you'd be able ter, Elizabeth. Tha' it?" Hagrid asked, looking around. "So these creatures are called Thestrals. Hogwarts has got a whole herd of 'em here. Now, who knows why one of yeh can see it, and other's can't?"
I raised my hand again.
"Go on Elizabeth."
"Only people who have seen someone pass away can see Thestrals." I said, putting my hand down. "That's why people associate them with bad omens. But they aren't really a bad omen, it's only because of the death situation."
"Tha's exactly right." Hagrid said happily. "Ten points ter Hufflepuff. Now, Thestrals usually come as large herds. This particular herd started with five females and one male. This one, name o' Tenebrus, he's my special favorite, firs' one born here in the forest after the male mated with one of the females." He was putting his hand on one of the horses but to everyone else, it looked like it was floating in midair.
Hagrid continued to give us a rundown of the facts about Thestrals and when class was over, I eavesdropped on some of the Ravenclaws.
"That wasn't a horrible lesson." Terry was saying to Anthony, "In fact, as standards go, it was a very interesting lessons. I wonder who Kane watched die."
"It sounds horrible when you put it that way." Anthony said, frowning. "But her parents passed away when she was a baby, maybe it was them."
"Maybe it was Cedric." Terry said and looked over and saw me looking and blushed. I rolled my eyes as they sped up towards the castle.
The next day in Herbology, I saw that Hermione's face was absolutely livid and I assumed the worst.
"You were right." Hermione snapped before I could open my mouth to say anything. "She was absolutely horrible to him."
I kept my mouth shut because Hermione seemed very pissed at me though I wasn't sure why. Then she confronted me after class and I was quite aware about why now.
"You should've told him!" She said angrily as we headed back into the castle. "You should've told him what was going to happen."
"Bloody hell, I'm sorry." I muttered. "But I already tried warning him and you did too and he didn't listen."
There was so much to be done as we entered December too. Hufflepuff played Ravenclaw and though I had foreseen us losing, I caught the snitch in under 17 minutes. I checked the scores and saw that we had won. I wondered why that was but I wasn't going to complain.
There were things to be done as a prefect as well. We had to supervise Christmas decorating, watch first and second-years during their breaks inside classrooms, and also patrol the corridors more often.
I was going to be going home for Christmas. Well, not home home. I was going to Grimmauld place. I hadn't told Sirius but I assumed he'd be happy when I showed up on his doorstep regardless.
I was spending a lot of time in Severus' office when I wasn't doing anything else. I hadn't been back in the forest and I was getting angsty and liked to get rid of my pent up energy by wrestling with him.
"It's freezing in here." I said, my robes draped over the chair. I was sitting in the chair, my feet propped up on his desk while he graded homework and I graded tests. It was cold in the dungeons- I could see my breath misting in the air. "How do you stand it down here?"
"Practice." He said simply. "You get used to it after a while."
I shivered, marking an answer off on the test because it was wrong. My hands started grow numb with cold and I kept putting the quill down to rub my hands together to warm them up again.
Once I was done with the tests, I put them back on his desk and sat down on his bed, wrapping myself in his warm blankets and closed my eyes. I could hear the brief scratches of his quill on the parchment. I dozed briefly until I heard the quill scratches stop and the sound of shoes falling onto the floor.
The bed creaked and he pulled me down so that I was laying next to him. I pressed my feet up against his leg. Somehow, he was still very warm.
"You are cold." He said, sounding immensely surprised and I giggled.
"I did tell you." I said, amused.
"I think your lips are blue." He said seriously.
I pressed my face into his neck. He shivered now. I hesitated for a second and then, blushing, gently bit him. He jumped, not expecting it.
"Did I hurt you?" I asked, pulling away quickly, a worried expression on my face.
He looked at me like it was the first time he was seeing me. "Bloody hell Elizabeth." He said weakly. My hand was on his chest and I could feel his heart was pounding twice as fast as it normally did.
I grinned and lowered my lips back to the same spot, teasing him. He let out a shuddering breath, his hands on my waist. He wasn't pushing me away or pulling me to him, it was more like he was trying to steady himself.
I'd never done this before, but as his heart started to beat faster, I knew I must be doing something right as I ran my tongue down his neck slowly. Then my hands were on the front of his shirt, undoing the upper buttons. He had completely frozen as I finished unbuttoning the last button.
I'd often wondered what he looked like underneath. Sometimes I imagined abs. Sometimes I imagine a smooth stomach. I knew he wasn't fat. I was, however, incredibly impressed with what I saw. He had a full six pack of abs. They weren't the ridiculous kind either that body builders had. He was just. . . solid.
He started to laugh, a low laugh. "You look surprised."
I didn't answer, just trailed my fingers over his abs. I had a mental image of me running my tongue over his abs and blushed beet red. He put his hand on my face and asked, "What are you thinking about?"
I blushed even redder and shook my head, looking away. "Nothing." I said softly.
He cupped my chin in one hand so that I was looking at him. "Really?" He asked softly, amused.
I blushed darker. "Er-"
He pulled my face down lower so that our noses were touching. "Really?" He breathed, his breath tickling me.
He pulled me down so that our lips touched and I was filled with a sudden energy and gripped his waist with my legs, tightening them on either side of him. There was a sudden urgency within me that made me feel that if I didn't kiss him, I was going to die.
He received me eagerly and he rolled over so that he was on top of me, pressing himself down on me. My hands were in his hair, I didn't know where his hands were because all I could think about were his lips on mine.
"Stay for Christmas." He murmured suddenly against my cheek.
"I can't." I said. "I already said I was going home- well, not home- but you know. I don't want Sirius to be alone for Christmas."
He made a sound that might've been out of disgust in the back of his throat and I tried to resurface to glare at him. "Be nice." I stressed.
"I am nice." he murmured, his lips on the right side of my neck.
I giggled. "Besides, why would I stay? I'm at least able to escape Umbridge for a couple weeks."
He groaned. "Fair point, but you could spend Christmas with me."
I smiled at him. "I would but you're not going to be alone here. Sirius is."
He frowned down at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"What a child." He muttered, kissing me. I pouted. "Still being a child." he said, amused. I stuck my tongue out again, touching his lips, and he pressed his lips to mine again with renewed vigor.
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kywaslost · 2 years
I have another idea!
Snape x student!reader in which the reader gets a arm broken during a quidditch match and gets helps from the professor?
Broken Bones - Severus Snape
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A/N: Hey! Thanks for waiting so long for this request! Hope it turned out alright <3
It was such a tight match. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, 60-63, respectively. Harry, your best friend, was an amazing chaser, you have to admit. But you were, too. Hogwarts knew it would be a good game every time the two of you were against each other. The match had been going on for a few hours now, and everyone was growing tired. This was the longest match in a while and some of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws had made their way back inside the castle at this point.
You were several thousand feet in the air, scanning over the field for the small golden snitch. Harry was closer to the ground, scanning the area around him. And then he took off, fast as he could towards the south side of the court. You didn’t hesitate to go after him. The closer you got, the clearer you could see the small golden object. It was almost as if it was taunting you, flying just out of reach of you and Harry. It was leading you over to the tower where Hogwarts’ staff was seated.
What you couldn’t see, however, was the bludger that had been hit towards you. It was too fast for you to dodge at the last second, and it knocked you forward and off of your broom. You were sent flying forward, crashing into rows of empty seats where the teachers were supposed to be but had jumped out of your way. You landed with a gruesome crack as you landed shoulder first and rolled until your back collided with a row of seats.
You choked on a cry of pain as your hand loosened its grip, revealing the snitch clutched in your hand.
“Y/N has the snitch!” you heard over the intercom. “Slytherin wins!” Cheers erupted from your house at the news, causing your ears to ring. You’d be happy, except you were in extreme pain and it dominated all of your other senses and emotions.
You felt a hand on your back, and someone gently pulled the snitch from your hand. “Where does it hurt?” Their hand brushed against your injured arm and you screamed. “Alright, you’re alright.” You opened your eyes to see your Head of House sitting behind you. His black eyes weren’t soft, to say, but they weren’t hard, either. You could tell he was trying to be comforting.
Snape snaked an arm under your knees and picked you up gently. The movement caused you to cry out in pain, and then whimper a soft, “I can walk.”
Snape glared down at you for a moment, but it wasn’t harsh. It was almost teasing. “Not with the chance you may have injured your back. I will take you to the infirmary.”
Professor Snape made sure you made it back to your dorm room safely before leaving you be. He may not seem caring and comforting, but if you were being honest, he was the reason you weren’t caught in a panic attack when you were being treated, or even making your way to see Madam Pomfrey. Your professor’s calm demeanor kept you calm as well, and you made a note to thank him once you were feeling better.
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destourtereaux · 2 years
his #1 best friend - james f. potter x fem!reader (part 2)
read part one first!! summary: after a month of dating james, you come to discover some bizarre flutterings within your heart. the problem is, you’re sure he doesn’t feel the same way… wc: 2.1k taglist: follow @lovebirdupdates and turn on notifs!
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prompts (from @novelbear): “sad…i have a blanket with all this extra room and no one to share it with.” “don’t say that, i love every minute spent with you”
a/n: it’s been so long since i've written anything! praise the winter holidays for allowing my creative juices to flow again :) also… i tried some angst in this one! it’s not great, but it’s my first time, and it was pretty fun to write. i hope you enjoy!
It had been a week since you made the unnerving discovery of your developing feelings toward your best friend. You repressed them as best you could…but it’s as they say: the heart wants what the heart wants. It was just bad luck that yours wanted James Potter, while his wanted Lily Evans.
Now, everytime the Gryffindor paid for a date, it was no longer a moment of happiness; instead, it served as more of a reminder that this was simply a deal between the two of you – nothing of substance. Worse, you knew Lily was slowly taking more of an interest in James, a fact he eagerly reported on every mealtime, a reminder of the ticking countdown on your ‘relationship’. Although you knew that whatever you two had was foundationally fake, you couldn’t help but dread the day you would have to say goodbye for good.
The next month was a big month for Gryffindor. The first official Quidditch Cup matches were about to begin, following the months of recreational play. The game was Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff, and James had been spending every waking minute with his team on the pitch. You, on the other hand, were preparing for some grueling midterm exams. The Quidditch athletes might have gotten them postponed, but you weren’t as lucky… So, while James was coaching and running drills, you were practically breathing DADA, Charms, Transfiguration and whatnot. This led to a lot of all-nighters for both of you, and only a brief, exhausted conversation before you both drifted off into sleep.
On the day of the big game, James was hyped. No matter how nervous he may have been on the days preceding the match, he only ever felt excitement on the day of. After one of his famous pep talks to the team, they were off.
A few moments later, James scored his first goal, welcomed by thunderous applause from the red and gold crowds in the stadium. But his mind was on one person and one person only. As he flew past the stands, his eyes searched for you instinctively, sifting through the hundreds of spectators. In fact, the action was so automatic that he never stopped to process how just a month ago, it would’ve been Lily he was looking for.
Much to James’ disappointment, you weren’t in your usual row, where he’d grown accustomed to you screaming with the crowd and smiling at him with unbridled joy. He glanced around in concern – just where were you? You usually never missed a match…
He stored a mental reminder to look for you immediately after the game, and rejoined his team.
You didn’t mean to miss the game. It’s just that you had been studying so hard lately, skipping meals and losing sleep in order to keep your grades up. One moment you were reading over the Potions textbook and the next, you were fast asleep, cheek pressed onto the page.
This was how James found you. Instead of joining in the festivities in the Common Room, he found himself pulling away and heading up the girls staircases. He pushed open your dorm door, hoping you were alright, and found you curled in your chair, hair strewn over the pages of your book, wearing his Quidditch jersey.
And just like that, his concern and disappointment melted away, leaving behind a warm feeling in his chest. ‘You look good in my jersey’, he thought, before covering you with a blanket and turning off the lights.
You woke up an hour later. You rubbed your eyes, drowsy for a second. Then, realization hit as you caught sight of the time… “Shit. I missed the game.”
Your first thought was of James, and you practically ran out of your room in a rush to find him and apologize. You hurried up the boys’ side, passing by the celebrations without a second thought. Shoving open James’ door, you find him asleep on his bed, a peaceful expression of happiness on his face.
‘I guess he must not have noticed that I was away,’ you thought, with a pang of sadness in your heart. You mumbled a quick ‘Nox’ and turned away, heading back out so as to not disturb the exhausted Gryffindor, but you’re stopped by the sound of his voice.
“Aw, leaving so soon, Y/N/N? That’s sad – I have this blanket with all this extra room and no one to share it with…” he pouts. 
Your heart leaps, and you roll your eyes at him, “you’re so cheesy, Potter.” But you climb in beside him regardless, revelling in the heat radiating off of him. “You’re like an oven – how are you this warm?”
“Maybe it’s so I can keep you close,” James jokes, still half asleep, “we all know you’re basically cold-blooded.”
You scoff, “wow, and I was going to apologize for missing the big game.”
“Y/N? Apologizing? Now that, I’ve got to see,” James laughs, and dodges the slap you try to land on his arm – curse those Quidditch reflexes. “Oh come on, Y/N/N, I’m kidding! I missed you at the game today. Seriously.”
You wince, “I know. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I fell asleep. I was prepared for it too!” pointing at your attire.
The boy smiles, looking at the jersey you’re donning, and kisses your forehead. “I know. You look stunning, honest. It definitely threw me off to see your spot empty though. You’re my good luck charm, you know.”
Your heart jumps at these words, betraying your brain’s messages to stop believing in this - whatever this was. Your cheeks bloom with red, and you’re glad the dark of the room hides their flush. “Yeah yeah, save the lines. We all know that’s your ‘Lily flower’” you poke with a forced laugh, ignoring the pang in your chest.
To your surprise, James doesn’t join in. Instead, he pauses, as though confused, before offering up a slow smile. “Ah, but she’s not here right now, is she? Y/N, you are the only girl for me. Swear on Godric.”
You laugh awkwardly. He’s joking, you know he is. The whole of Hogwarts knows of James’ undying love for Evans, it’s like a part of him. So why is he acting as though you even hold a candle to Lily’s flame? Screw it, you think. You might as well enjoy the moment while it lasts. And so, your smile is genuine as you drift off to sleep in the Gryffindor’s warm embrace.
Hours later, Sirius and Remus head up after the party to find the two of you, fast asleep in James’ room. They sigh simultaneously, wondering why the hell you’re both so blind.
You were able to make it to the next game! Midterms were basically over, save History of Magic, but you already knew that was a lost cause. And so, you headed to the pitch along with the rest of the school, clamouring and cheering for Gryffindor.
You were the first face James noticed when he looked over at the crowd before the whistle. You smiled at him, and your eyes crinkled at the corners. James beamed back, so lost in thought of you that he almost got in the way of a pass between his chasers.
Your mouth forms a perfect ‘O’ of fear, but thankfully, he recovers, and the bastard even has the audacity to wink at you before flying away. What an idiot, you think, as you let out the breath you’d been holding.
Gryffindor won again, beating Ravenclaw, albeit narrowly. James stumbled off his broom, tackled by his team members as they formed a huge heap of cheers and joy.
As soon as he could extricate himself, he pushed himself up to find you smiling at him, a bouquet clutched in your hands.
“For you! I read somewhere that guys never receive flowers, and I found that so sad. So, here you go. Congrats on another match well played, Potter.”
James is glad his cheeks are still red from the game because it helps conceal the blush spreading like rapidfire across his face. He takes the bouquet with one hand, then pulls you into his side with the other, landing a kiss on your forehead. “Thank you, Y/L/N. This means a lot,” he whispers into your hair, amidst the whistles from his teammates.
Back in the Gryffindor common room, music is blasting, and everyone is in high spirits. As you climb in through the portrait hole, James asks if you’d like some punch, and heads over to get some for the both of you. You’re left with Remy and Sirius on the couch, both of them looking at you with knowing smirks.
“What?” you prompt.
“What do you mean, what?” Sirius responds, “You like James. It’s rather obvious.”
Your cheeks immediately redden, and you deny it at all costs. “As if. In case you forgot, we’re fake dating. Emphasis on fake!”
Remus chimes in at this, “In the beginning, sure, but anyone with vision can tell that it’s not an act anymore. Do you know how many pranks James has blown off to spend time with you?”
You laugh at this, “maybe James is just growing up, you guys.”
“Prongs? It’ll be another 10 years before that happens,” Sirius quips, but stops as he follows your line of sight.
There, near the punch table, is your date, talking to a certain redhead. Scratch that. He was never yours. You knew this would eventually happen, so why does it still hurt like so?
Turning away so Sirius and Rem don’t see the tears welling up, you excuse yourself immediately, ignoring their protests. Running out of the common room, you curl up on a window sill looking out at the darkening sky as the tears come rolling down.
It feels like an eternity has passed when you finally hear a familiar voice. The very voice you could recognize anywhere and yet wish it were not here.
“Y/N! What is going on? I came back with the punch and you were gone. Sirius and Rem are giving me the cold shoulder too?”
You quickly wipe away the tear tracks off your face, hoping you don’t look too devastated. “Did Lily finally ask you out? Is the deal done?” you smile weakly, committed to the very end.
“What are you talking abou–” James starts, but you cut him off.
“I’m happy for you, Jamie, I really am. But it hurts right now. So I would appreciate it if you could leave me alone for a day or so. I’ll get over it,” you force out, knowing the last part is a lie.
James opens his mouth again, but you lift a hand. 
“I know it was stupid of me, I mean we made a contract, for Godric’s sake! How did I still manage to mess up? I went into this knowing that every date we went on, every moment we shared would be fake. Fillers for until you could repeat those same activities with Evans. So why do I still feel so bad?” you choke out, before the tears in your throat silence you.
James winces, and pulls you into his chest, stroking your back.
“If you would just let me finish, Y/L/N! You’re so stubborn, honestly. First of all, don’t say that. I love every minute spent with you. You’re kind and brave and so incredibly funny. Don’t ever think like that again. Seriously,” he starts, “and second, I was going to say that Evans never asked me out. In fact, she was congratulating me on how good you and I were together.”
You pull away and meet his eyes, stunned. “I- what? I’m so sorry James. I guess it just didn’t work ou–”
Now it's James’ turn to interrupt. “No, Y/N/N, you still don’t get it, do you? It’s not Lily for me anymore, it’s you. She was right, you make me better. I just never realized until now.”
Your eyes widen in disbelief. James Potter, the golden boy, liked you back. Your face breaks out into the first genuine grin in hours, and you finally let yourself believe it.
Seeing this, James laughs, and steals a kiss on your cheek. “Now that you’re happy and all, how about we talk about your little spiel just now?” he prompts, waggling his eyebrows. 
You elbow him, ignoring his protests, “how about no. I think we should pretend this never happened.”
“Not gonna be that easy, Y/L/N. Weren’t you just crying over me? James teases. “Hey! Wait up!” he cries out, hurrying to catch up as you hop off the ledge and walk away.
As you near the portrait hole, he finally reaches you again, and swings an arm around you.
“So… does this mean I can kiss you now?”
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stargazingtranquility · 9 months
In sixth year some dickbag made Marlene cry because he started calling her “Manlene” (she’s buff af okay? Between quidditch and overall being a badass she’s got muscles and there is nothing not feminine about being able to bench twinks) so the marauders retaliate by wearing skirts around Hogwarts.
Sirius starts it, unbothered as he struts into the great hall in a skirt. James joins soon after, winning the Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw quidditch game while wearing a skirt. Remus and Peter don’t even let it become a “thing” when they are randomly seen in Hogwarts buying skirts for any boy that wants it.
Pretty soon the other houses are getting in on it. Hufflepuff head boy even starts a fucking business for the younger years who can’t go to hogsmeade and buy some or they don’t know how to transfigure their own clothes into skirts. Ravenclaw posts dress code around the castle when one teacher starts trying to give the boys detention for being “out of uniform” (fuck you, it doesn’t say skirts are strictly for female presenting student).
When fifth years, Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, and Barty Crouch Jr are all seen trailing behind Pandora and Dorcas in the most daring skirts yet, because they’re mini, Sirius takes that as a fucking challenge.
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gloivy · 2 years
Dramione | 8th year | A Kiss for Good Luck
“Are you lost, Malfoy? Slytherins start on that side of the pitch.”
Hermione tensed, pausing in the middle of wishing the seventh and eighth year Gryffindors luck before their final match against Slytherin.
“I’m here to see Granger.”
She turned, meeting his stormy gaze.
He’d always looked good in his quidditch uniform, but he’d truly grown into it now. His broad shoulders and strong arms bulging through the material. Then there was his thighs—she could talk for hours about his thighs.
But she’d been staring for too long without a response.
She nodded and made to approach him, but was stopped by a hand on her arm. Ginny. Her friend gave her a look that was equal parts intrigue and ‘are you fucking insane?’.
“It’s fine, Ginny. It’s just Malfoy,” she whispered and Ginny’s grip loosened with a quizzical look.
Hermione felt the gaze of the entire Gryffindor quidditch team on her as she came to a halt before Malfoy.
“What?” she snapped.
He had the gall to look pleased with himself. “Aren’t you going to give me a good luck kiss?”
She hated him. She truly despised him.
Months earlier, on the morning of the Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff match, Hermione had wished Malfoy good luck. It was in the name of inter-house unity, and as Head Girl, she had to lead the way.
She’d raised to kiss him on the cheek, but of course, with Malfoy being the bastard that he is, he turned his face at the last moment.
Their lips met and time seemed to stop for a moment. That was, until she shoved him away with a slap across his cheek.
Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately (the jury was still out), everyone else had only witnessed Hermione slapping Malfoy across the face rather than the quick peck she’d given him.
Later, on the morning of the Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw match, she’d resigned to avoiding Malfoy.
He would not get another good luck wish from her, not after the last one. McGonagall had been quite displeased when she heard that her Head Girl had slapped their resident Death Eater in the halls.
Hermione could not risk a repeat event at the cost of her title as Head Girl.
She waited until the last minute to leave, sure that Malfoy would already be on the pitch warming up. As she rounded the stairs from her dorm into the empty eighth-year common room, however, she was jumped.
Malfoy’s lips were on hers before she could process what was happening.
He’d pressed her against the stone wall and she was surprised to find that rather than pushing him away, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. A small moan escaped his lips, and when his thigh pushed between her legs, a similar noise left hers.
A moment later, he pulled away and left her sagged against the wall. He smirked down at her. “Thanks for the good luck, Granger.”
Slytherin had won both matches, with Malfoy catching the snitch in record time.
And now, he stood before her, waiting for her to make the decision.
To give him a good luck kiss before the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor match, or not. Everything within her was screaming ‘no, are you mad?!’ but the challenge in Malfoy’s eyes was almost too tempting to ignore.
“I can’t give you luck against my own house, Malfoy.”
He grinned.
“That won’t look very good for inter-house unity, will it? The great Hermione Granger won’t even wish me luck?” His voice was loud and it carried across the pitch to where McGonagall stood looking very cross.
“I hate you.”
“It’s mutual.”
“The kiss means nothing.”
“I know.”
She grabbed his face roughly and pulled him to her. She heard his broom drop to the ground as his hands landed on her hips.
And then, their lips met. Sparks flew and she realised that she was lying—the kiss didn’t mean nothing.
If it was possible for a kiss to mean everything, then this kiss would be the case study.
It wasn’t just luck—it was redemption, too. And perhaps just a sprinkle of curiosity and apology.
There was something about Draco Malfoy, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
When she pulled away to the shocked gasps of their on-lookers, Malfoy gave her a wink before bending down to retrieve his broom.
“Good luck, Malfoy.”
He looked up, perhaps slightly shocked at her words before he composed himself.
He nodded over her shoulder, towards the outraged cries of her friends. “Good luck to you, too.”
Grinning to himself, he turned back towards his teammates.
Slytherin won the match, and Hermione began to believe that perhaps her lips did hold some luck in them, after all.
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
(what i've already got in the inbox/drafts)
✨ poly theodore and mattheo w/ oblivious reader
✨ poly theodore and mattheo w/ gay male reader
✨ poly theodore and mattheo w/ deatheater reader
✨ poly theodore and tom riddle headcanons
✨ poly mattheo and enzo w/ cinnamon roll reader
✨ poly bully mattheo and draco
✨ harry potter vs mattheo riddle
✨ yandere cedric
aside from my requests i have plans to write a hufflepuff edition of the dormmate series and maybe a gryffindor version (idk i don't care that much about the gryffindors and there's so many) and possibly some yandere triwizard champions.
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