hinamie · 17 days
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second years designs :D only have a few more characters left to do this has gone so quick ,,
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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revenantghost · 2 months
*clenches fist* Vash and Wolfwood are so fucking stupid and I love them SO MUCH
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royaltea000 · 4 months
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Myanmar Hetalia OC
design explanations under the cut :p
I am Burmese myself so all of this is influenced mostly by my own experience and by family and friends around me :)
The Irrawaddy River scar is more of a birthmark I just forgot the word for it. My mom would constantly tell me that when she was little the Irrawaddy River was clear and full of little green and blue stones and the elders tell me that you could scoop a bunch of them in a jar and most of them would be turn out to be precious stones. That’s where the inspo for the eyes came from cuz in my mind, because of these stories (and the numerous amounts of jade and amber jewelry I get sent every year), Myanmar will always seem like a very rich land with a foundation of gold to me. If you were on hetalia deviantart in the early 2010s you probably know what the long hair with headband version is inspired by -w- the overall design tho is just the most common looking Burmese guy I know lol
btw THIS is the daguerreotype of a Burmese lady with a cigar I was inspired by!! Isn’t she so cool??!
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I kinda wanna do personifications of the different states as well in the future. I am specifically from the Kachin state so I drew a quick draft of him at like 2am @w@
I’ve always had kind of a takin the piss out of it relationship with my culture and with the coup and civil war goin on over there right now it is a little difficult to feel any pride about it, worrying over if my family is alright over there. I’ll be honest this started out as a little thing I thought would be kinda silly to do but I found in the process that it was kinda. Therapeutic? Soothing?? I dunno. Gathering all my experiences and knowledge into making one personification made me remember all the good experiences I had being Burmese and made me appreciate it more funnily enough :)
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shadowqueendiangelo · 6 months
Annabeth arguing with Percy because she sees his potential, but Percy seeing it as judgement. Her blowing through to his fear and trying to understand why, but unable to let the guard down enough to show care.
Percy being suspicious of Annabeth and being hostile because of it. Percy, cutting straight through those walls and targeting Annabeth’s mother, not understanding her pride yet or what is driving her, but still somehow understanding it deeply at the same time.
Their arguments were done SO well this episode and the tension was done SO well this episode, because I understood both sides. I could see why they were fighting, and the lines of miscommunication, and Grover is just trying to hang on and hold tight.
The things they’re portraying in this show continues to absolutely blow me away.
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evercelle · 2 years
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gentle repose
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lickingthywounds · 1 year
You know I love familiar/lover caretakers as much as the next guy, but I'm such a sucker for caretakers who are complete strangers.
A caretaker who only meets whumpee when they've finally escaped and, in the haste to get away, run right into them — bruised and bloody, begging for help with incoherent babbles, maybe even with whumper in hot pursuit — caretaker decides right then and there that they'll do anything to protect whumpee
A caretaker who's acquaintances with whumper and upon seeing whumpee, decides that they're getting them out tonight.
bonus points if whumpee wasn't supposed to be noticed in the first place and/or risked making themselves known if only to catch the attention of someone, anyone, who might help them
bonus bonus points if that rescue/escape attempt fails and they become a whumpee too — but still resolve to care after the other
A caretaker who sees whumpee and whumper out in public and just knows something isn't right, and makes it their personal goal to get to the bottom of it and ensure whumpee's safety despite not even knowing their name
A caretaker who gets picked up as the last victim of a whumper, but the second they meet the other whumpees they decide, no, this ends here, and are the igniting voice that convinces the whumpees to rise up against whumper, and then afterward taking them all in as one big family (the Caretaker to Team Leader pipeline, if you will)
Just!! Caretakers who have no reason to help, but still take one look at whumpee(s) and choose to risk everything for them
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arealtrashact · 10 months
I havent seen homelander but I have watched all of glow twice and your tags on that gif set are so correct
I knew I wasn't crazy
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icannotgetoverbirds · 16 days
buckle up, this one's a doozy
Idk if it's actually a doozy, but this is the story of how I deconverted from a cult and got my egg cracked at approximately the same time, all thanks to... weed.
Let's set the scene, shall we?
It is December 22nd, 2021. The pandemic has been raging for nearly two years at this point. I am, at this point, still a believing mormon. That said, my attendance to church meetings has been incredibly spotty, with the most reliable method to get me to worship being choir practice.
I am laying in my bed in the evening, and of all possible things, I am thinking about weed. Namely, the church's policy about weed, and the absolute failure that is the war on drugs, and my personal belief system (and also about whether or not I should try weed for my anxiety disorder).
What's mormonism's policy on weed, you ask? Well, it's surprisingly liberal for a whole-ass cult, but still has enough nonsense for the events of this story to play out. To put it simply, you can absolutely use weed for medicinal purposes, but recreational purposes is a big no-no.
This, of course, presents a dilemma: where do you draw the line between recreational and medicinal use, especially in the case of, say, using it to medicate an anxiety disorder? I'm sure that the Church-Approved™ conclusion is "That's between you and The Lord, figure it out yourself, good luck!" I don't remember if I came to that conclusion or not, but I know for a fact that my "prove beyond a shadow of a doubt before you make an important decision based off of Feelings Supposedly From God Or The Holy Spirit" ass would not have been satisfied with that answer.
So I think about it in terms of politics, and logic, and science. After all, science is just our frail and minuscule way of comprehending all that Our Father Who Art In Heaven has created, right? So if Our Father Who Art In Heaven can't give me a straight answer, science surely can.
I come to a few conclusions. First of all, there are very few people, if any, who are qualified to draw that line. I am not included in that group of people. Secondly, nobody in their right goddamned mind would so much as try to draw that line unless they have some serious qualifications in the variety of fields that it applies to. Third of all, and this is where shit starts to unravel very fucking quickly: who in the goddamned fuck are a bunch of old white men who've probably never seen a gram of weed in their entire lives to think themselves qualified to draw that line?
The shelf cracks. The prophets are fallible, even in this day and age. Not only are they fallible, but whoever made this decision is a FUCKING DUMBASS. God must be looking down at them and shaking his head disapprovingly, huh?
So I think to myself, yknow what, this is a stupid fucking rule. And my autistic-disregard-for-stupid-fucking-rules-having-ass was not about to tolerate it. So what do I do? Metaphorically speaking, I chuck it out the window. Who cares? I'm gonna do weed for my anxiety, and if anybody tells me that I'm disobeying god, I can tell them that god doesn't fucking give a shit about weed if he's as kind and loving as the prophets say he is.
A moment passes.
Now wait just a goddamned second! If I'm chucking this rule out the window, isn't there something else I should re-examine? If I'm disregarding what the prophets have said for my own pleasure and recreation, isn't there something regarding the lives, livelihoods, and joie de vivre of countless other people, myself included, that I should be looking at?
Suddenly, the years of (pent-up and suppressed) sheer fucking indignation of the way queer people have been othered by the church hits me all at once, full fucking force. I am angry, angrier than I have ever been. Abso-fucking-lutely not. No. If the prophets are wrong about weed, then they're DEFINITELY wrong about queer people.
And in this moment, I make a decision. "Until the mormon leaders get their shit together, I'm out! I'm fucking done! I'm gonna go live it up and get blazed out of my gourd for shits and giggles, and maybe I'll try a tiny sip of beer, and by god I am going to transition-"
[Plain text ID: Text in a large, bold, italicized red font that reads "HEY WAIT JUST A GODDAMNED SECOND"]
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Shelf shattered, omelette made of my egg, life ruined for the better.
The next morning, I come out to my mom and sister. I still believe in god and mormonism and yadda yadda, I just think the leadership needs to get their heads out of their asses.
Not long after, I decide to finally check out exmormon spaces. Yknow, get the full experience.
I check the sources provided. Well, I'll be damned. They weren't kidding, that mormonism sure can cult started by a con man. At this point, I am now beyond the point of no return. There's no going back. I have seen the light. I want out forever, I want my records removed, mom pick me up I'm scared.
My family never looks at me the same way again :>
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citricacidprince · 9 months
Thinking about Psychonauts and how much I love the Aquato family once again
They mean the world to me your honor
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#They are a strange little family with so many issues and generational trauma and YET they still LOVE EACHOTHER#DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THAT IS TO ME???#Nona; Augustus; Donatella; Dion; Frazie; Rasputin; Mirtala; Queepie-#I love you all and I owe you my life#DION AND DONATELLA ESPECIALLY; Y’ALL GET SO MUCH HATE FOR HAVING UNDERSTANDABLE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND IT DRIVES ME UP THE WALL :(#Aquatos get behind me; I’ll protect you from the people who think you abuse Raz and should just get adopted by Sasha and Milla#that’s a bad take and they should feel bad. like; he can still see Sasha and Milla and alternate parental figures; that’s fine-#But Raz; CANONICALLY; would NEVER give up his family; EVER#That boy would force everyone to have a heart on heart with him until everything is better because he DOES that in the GAME#When you talk to you family in Psychonauts 2 you can tell how much he loves them and how much they love him; even if it’s strained at the-#moment from how stressful the past THREE DAYS have been#YES EVEN DION AND DONATELLA#They love Raz so much!!! They’re both just going through it™️ atm and need time to clear their head: remember; everything that has happened-#has been in the span of 3 DAYS and their whole lives have been completely flipped upside down#I think they’re allowed to be upset; in fact; it would be weird if they weren’t#sorry this is word garbage I just love that family so much it makes me wanna drink paint#prince rambles in this chilies tonight#aquato family#psychonauts aquatos#psychonauts 2#psychonauts
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redgoldblue · 2 months
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i'm. sobbing [x]
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cosmic-lullaby · 10 months
woke up this morning and thought how
Wednesday dropped piranhas in a pool full of people and enjoys torture and violence
Tyler turns into a blood thirsty monster and has killed at least 6 people
and their first kiss was one of the most goddamn soft and tender things i've ever seen on television
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basu-shokikita · 7 months
funny how both skwisgaar and toki ultimately want stable partners that will love them and understand them beyond the superficial adoration they get from fans. partners they can actually connect with on a deeper level besides sex and parties. partners with whom they can talk about their worries and joys and spend quality time with. funny how skwisgaar and toki actually are actually that for each other. two lonely souls that found each other through their love for the same instrument. but it's not just music connecting them, they share the same sense of humor and culture, enjoy each other's company and genuinely love each other even more than their own damaged egos can understand. they're the two halves of everything. life and death. creation and destrution. beginning and end. funny how skwistok look for something that they already have in each other.
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transboysokka · 4 months
OKAY but CANON ERA Fibro Sokka who deals with it the whole time they’re fighting the Fire Nation
And Katara catches on once she gets good at healing, like she can see the pain he’s in then and is like “HOW have you been doing as much as you have when you HURT SO MUCH??”
And this guy just shrugs like what other choice did I have, I’ve had to push through this for years to keep my village safe and then you and then we had to save the world. My pain doesn’t matter.
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roseverdict · 4 months
parents are gone on a cruise. time to tear through my room looking for the tatting shuttles i know i bought years ago and am 95% sure are not lost to The Old House
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adamanteine · 9 days
pulling my hair as i add things to my queue when i am someone who has zero self control and wants to post everything at the very minute it is ready
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alaraxia · 6 months
if you repost my art uncredited to pinterest I’m exploding you with my mind
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