thecuriousbeauty · 2 days
You're on your period- Harry Styles Blurb
Word count: 1178
Synopsis: Periods really suck. But not so much when you have a sweet boyfriend to take care of you. (FLUFF!)
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You felt like you were going to cry as you opened the freezer and saw that you were out of ice cream. You were looking forward to binge eating that ice cream and watching your favorite show when you get back from work. You had a particularly long day, or maybe you just felt like that because of the piercing pain from your period cramps and your hormones being all over the place. 
You shut the door of the freezer with a sigh, dragging yourself to bed. You curled up, clutching your stomach as another bad wave of pain hits you. You forgot to take some pain meds when you were downstairs, and you were just too tired so you just layed there.Your boyfriend, who you now remember, had helped you finish the last of the ice cream when you had a movie night last week wasn’t home yet, so you phoned him.
“Hey baby! You back home?”, Harry answers and you pout, just wanting to crawl into his arms. “Harry..”
“What’s wrong, darling? Are you okay?” He doesn’t like it when your voice isn’t sounding peppy.
“Nooo..”, you draw out, making Harry frown  as he gets in his car, being done with the studio for the day. “Why is that, baby? Anything I can help with?”
“We ran out of ice cream..can you get some for me please?”, you ask softly, making Harry’s heart melt. He loved when you asked him to get things for you, even if it was something small. 
“Of course, love. You aren’t feeling too good, are you?”, he coos, joining the dots as he remembers the date. He keeps track of your periods too. 
“Nuh uh. I’m having a war with my uterus right now.”, you tell him, making him chuckle softly. “I can’t imagine what that’s like. Anything else you need, baby? Stocked up for the week?”
You really have the sweetest boyfriend. “Yeah, I’m good. Just need you.”
“Aw, I’ll be home soon, my love. You get some rest, yeah?”
You hummed, closing your eyes already. “Love you.”
“I love you too. Oh, what flavor did you want?”
“Flavor?”, you smirk, and Harry laughs. “The ice cream flavor, silly.”
Harry didn’t just buy you ice cream. He got you your favorite packet of chips, some chocolate and some other snacks you liked. He kept it all in the kitchen and went upstairs to find you. You had dozed off while waiting for him, and he smiled as he took you in, walking to you quietly. He leaned down, gently brushing his fingers across your forehead, brushing away strands of your hair that fell onto your face. 
He thought not to wake you up and just slide into bed so he could give you a cuddle, but he spotted a stain on your shorts that would leak into the sheets soon. He didn’t mind, but he knew you would, so he gently kisses you awake with some kisses. 
You wake up to his feather soft kisses on your skin, a contrast to your aching stomach. You open your eyes and Harry gives you a smile. “How’re you doing, love?”
“Not good, it hurts.”, you mumble, sighing as he presses a kiss to your temple. “Oh, baby. You wanna take a warm shower, maybe? You’ve uh, got a bit of blood on your shorts.”
Your eyes widened and you quickly looked down to your shorts and around the bed. “Shit..I’m sorry babe, I fell asleep and didn’t realize-”
“-Hey, hey, it’s okay, sweetheart.”, he says, giving you his hand to help you out of bed. Thankfully, the blood hadn’t seeped into your sheets yet. “See, the sheets are fine. If it wasn’t, I’d change them, nothing to be sorry about.”, Harry tells you, and you smile softly, leaning to his side carefully, giving him a side hug. 
“I’ve got you some snacks too. After you’re feeling all fresh, we can cuddle up on the couch with a movie, hm?”
You nod, pressing your lips to his, giving him a kiss. “That sounds good.”
Harry lets you take care of your business and shower. He also got changed and set up all the food with a movie, bringing your fuzzy blanket to the couch. He got your heating pad and your pain meds ready as well.
You slouched over downstairs in one of Harry’s shirts and another pair of your shorts, making him smile at how cute you looked. Your hair was up in a messy bun, and you had no makeup on your face, but to him, you were gorgeous.
He opens his arms, and you fall into them, crawling onto his lap. “How was your day?”
“Good, good. Got some recording done, but I’ll probably do the same part again tomorrow. I missed you.”, he says, pressing a kiss to your cheek, holding you close to him with arm as he leans over to grab the pain meds. “Here, take these, love.”
You swallowed them down with the water he gave you and rested your head on his chest, snuggling up to his warmth. 
While you tell him about your day, he slides the heating pad under your shirt to keep it over your tummy, before adjusting you on his lap and bringing the fuzzy blanket around you. One of his hands slips inside to rub your lower back in firm circles, with just the right amount of pressure, making you feel relaxed. When you told him about your ice cream craving, he immediately grabbed the tub and gave you the spoon so you can start digging in. 
“Thanks for all this, you’re the best.” You kiss him. 
“Only the best for you.”, he says, smiling as he watches you scoop some of the ice cream into your mouth and hum as the cold desert with the luscious chocolate hits just the right spots. “That good, huh?” Harry laughs.
“Yes! Here, I’m willing to share.”, You fed him some too. “Mm, that’s good.”, he agrees. You watch the movie for some time.
“Is the pain going away?”, he asks, pressing kisses to your hair and you smile, kissing his jaw. One of his hands still stayed on your back, and the other was playing with your hair. “Mhmm. You make it better.”
“I’m glad.” He smiles, stroking his thumb over your cheek. “Hate to see my baby in pain.” You blush, looking up at your handsome boyfriend. “I really like you, you know?”
He scoffs out a laugh, pinching your cheek. “You really like me? Give that ice cream back.” He moves his hand to your side, his fingertips dancing over your skin as he looks at with a glint in his eyes. He adores you. 
You giggle, going to grab his hand as it threatens to tickle you. “Correction! I really love you.”
“Hm, you better.” Harry nudges his nose against your cheek, pulling you impossibly closer to him. You laugh, and he takes your chin, giving you a kiss. “Cause I really love you too.”
Taglist:-- @livypops12352568 @harrydeary, @harryswifee, @harrysbxtchh, @gracelovesethan, @kiwitsayedsugar, @angeldavis777 (Lemme know if you wanna be added to the taglist!)
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Hello! I found this small but really interesting ask about some comments Alya made in Origins about Adrien that Imthepunchlord answered a long while ago, and I’d love to also hear your thoughts on the points that they and the asker brought up! Please feel free to put your thoughts directly in a reblog if you like the post enough to add to it instead of answering this ask since that would probably be convoluted.
(link to the post in question)
I don't have much to add. @imthepunchlord summed the issue up really well at the end of their post, "what is 'in character' is up for debate most of the time."
These kinds of character analysis questions just aren't possible in Miraculous. The characters are wildly inconsistent, so you're not taking a well crafted story and pointing out how it all flows together. You're taking a slapdash story and twisting yourself into a pretzel to try to make it all make sense. Hard pass. That's why I just focus on the character's core and ignore a lot of the nonsense that canon pulls. It's not that I want to deny canon. It's that you cannot embrace all of canon and write a good story.
However, you all know that I love to play fix it, so let's give Alya some sugar and talk about how you can write her character to make her reactions to Adrien make a little more sense. I don't think that canon has thought her through this much, but this approach really fits her character and I love it! For those who don't want to follow the link to the original ask, we're looking at this bit of dialogue:
Marinette: Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny. Adrien: No, no, I was just trying to take this off! Marinette: Oh, really? You're friends with Chloé, right? Adrien: Why do people keep saying that? (Marinette huffs; he goes to his seat) Chloé: Now do you see what I mean about respect? Marinette: I know I've seen him somewhere before. (sees images of Gabriel and Adrien Agreste on Alya's cellphone) Of course! He's the son of my fave fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste! Alya: Daddy's boy, teen supermodel, AND Chloé's buddy? Ha! Forget it.
And trying to make sense of how Alya goes from this to being the head of team Adrienette. The obvious answer is that something happens off screen between Origins and the main part of canon, but let's go a little deeper than that.
A lot of people approach Alya as a reporter. A truth seeker. A fact finder. That approach isn't wrong, it may even be how canon wants you to read her, but it's not the approach that I like to take. Whenever I have time to really flesh Alya out, I go a slightly different route.
To me, Alya is a story teller. She wants the stories she tells to be accurate, but she can easily get caught up in a narrative and forget to take a moment to check her facts. A good reporter watching the above exchange would go, "If Adrien is a bully, then why did he protest his innocence? What's the real story? Who can I talk to in order to get the facts?"
A story teller may still do that, but they may also take Chloé's earlier bullying along with Adrien being Chloé's friend and come up with a very believable story about Adrien being "Daddy's boy, teen supermodel, AND Chloé's buddy." It fits the facts that the story teller knows and they don't have a reporter's instinct question everything. They'll only start to question their version of the story once a hard fact pops up that goes against the story.
The reason I like this approach is that Alya is the chosen of Illusions. That's not a great fit for a truth seeker. Illusions is a much better fit for someone who is drawn to stories. A person who values the truth, but who isn't driven by it. A good reporter is driven by truth. A good story teller is driven by the call of a good story.
If we take that approach and look at Alya's actions in Origins, then we see that she had a story in her head and was happy to fit the pieces into that story until Adrien did something that no longer fit the story. That's when the "ask questions, get the real story" instinct kicked in, leading her to discover that she'd misjudged Adrien. It would have been nice to see that happening on screen, but Origins didn't have time for that so we're just left wondering what changed Alya's mind and making up various stories to explain it.
You can also take Origins and use it as the start of an arc where Alya learns to be a better reporter by not jumping to conclusions since she does a lot of jumping to conclusions in season one (and even does it on occasion in later seasons). But you don't need to give every character a strong character arc like that and I enjoy letting Alya be solid as-is. I tend to tone down her jumping to conclusions issues and make her more open to giving things a second look.
This is extra true because Marinette has a pretty clear problem with snap judgments, so I don't want her and Alya to have the same flaw. I want Alya to be more unique in her flaws. It's not that she jumps to conclusions, it's that she's a little too quick to stop asking questions once she has a believable narrative. It's in the same vein as Marinette, but still it's own thing. It's also still a flaw that Alya needs to work on, but in a more nuanced way where it also acts as a strength under the right circumstances such as when she's in the field and needs to come up with illusions on the fly.
I cannot say if this is what canon is trying to do with Alya. The bones of this read are there, but the bones of the reporter read are also there. I just like this read more. It doesn't drastically change Alya, it's just a minor nuance that makes her fit into her place in the story with a little more grace.
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ghouldtime · 12 hours
*slides into the DMS*
S O. What does social anxiety for König look like through your fantastic characterization then? 👀
(Love your Alone operator series btw. Got me on the edge of my seat with each chapter!!)
(Thank you!! 💚💚💚 I'm so glad you're enjoying :D you all have been so so sweet with it and Im over the MOON so many people have liked it)
To answer this question I'm going to have to be a biiig yapper and explain why I think of him the way I do
Going to say this to start, but I'm going with the true fact that König is indeed diagnosed with social anxiety - anything else I'm saying is based off of my personal interpretation of how he acts in game as a disclaimer
I'm also going to state that personally, the König I write is in his lower to mid 40's. Sorry not sorry, I don't see him as a young dude. Especially not when it's pretty much agreed upon that he's a colonel. So he's had a SIGNIFICANT amount of life experience, and a significant amount of time to work on himself and have introspection.
To me, it makes the most sense that he was diagnosed with social anxiety earlier on in his childhood since it was significantly more obvious when he was younger. Something that severe wasn't unnoticed by those around him because some of them did care about him. It's also stated he's suffered from severe social anxiety throughout his life so that's how I took it.
I personally go with he grew up in a more rural town in his homeland of Austria, which meant there weren't exactly others around during the first few years. "Go play with the neighbors kids" didn't really work when there weren't neighbors around. It was mainly him and his parents and an occasional relative over.
What could be brushed off as initial shyness clearly couldn't be anymore when he finally was enrolled in school.
Even on the first day when it's "introduce yourself to everyone", he fucked that up so monumentally it'll be engraved forever in his hall of shameful memories that he thinks about late at night. School was an utter nightmare, quite frankly, from moment one. The whole situation was too much, too stressful, and too different from the life he had at home. He flat out refused to get up and present in front of the class and wouldn't talk in group projects just for the fear of embarrassing himself. At that time, he was hitting all the indicators for social anxiety like they're the targets he shoots at today.
He missed out on a lot of interaction with other kids initially because of how awkward he was - and having any form of anxiety never helps in social situations. Talking to others wasn't something that came naturally and his own panic amplified it tenfold. Most times, he'd either pretend he didn't hear them, avoid them, or stray as far to the edge of the group as possible to avoid it. Unfortunately this made him an easy target because kids are RUTHLESS and turned him into even more outcast as well which only worsened it.
School always sucked for him due to that, despite the fact that he was a smart kid. No amount of smarts could save you from social persecution when you had nearly no social skills to boot. [ side note but I'm dying on the hill that he's incredibly intelligent and has a bachelors degree (at the very least)].
His parents kept him in therapy to help him manage because without it, he'd be back at square one refusing to go to school and faking a cold just to get out of it. And of course, therapy is a very important tool when it comes to healing, coping, and managing severe mental disorders. The whole reason why he doesn't show such bad anxiety anymore is because he kept the skills he learned and applies them so much that it becomes his second nature.
He's had at least 35 years of this, he's good enough to mask and to keep up his facade.
Another part of why he doesn't show it nearly as much is because he joined the military and was thrown through the wringer with it. Being bullied for so long was a major motivator for joining in the first place, as he needed something to get away from the peers who tormented him so and he needed a new life where he wasn't known as target #1. But he ALSO wanted to gain actual confidence and more certainty in himself.
Joining the military really means you're not left with such things as many choices when it comes to anxiety in social situations. You're forced into quarters with others, have to work side-by-side, do nearly everything together, so on and so forth. He knew that going in but at that point for him it was like extreme exposure therapy, the last step he needed to really put everything he learned in therapy to work.
That doesn't mean he didn't suffer or loved it. No, it was terrible, intense, and nerve-wracking. But he wouldn't have done it otherwise if he didn't want that. Being in the military didn't give him the leeway to avoid what made him anxious, it taught him to face it head on and fight.
Now that he's up there in age and has considerable more experience (and leeway with having a higher rank), the ways he expresses it [look at me finally answering the question] are more subtle.
On the field, you're likely not going to notice it. Because that's him turning the little auto pilot switch in his mind to on when he has a job. The job is his focus and everything has been so engrained in his mind that it's muscle memory. He's, quite frankly, focused on not dying and getting any job done over himself. The joking you often hear him do and taunting alike is part of how he's expressing the confidence he feels when he's in his element, when he KNOWS what he is doing.
If you look closely or approach him off the field, however, it's another story. He usually tenses or straightens himself out when people approach and will hold that until they leave (unless they're someone who he truly knows). Many assume that's a taught habit of the military, but that's only half-true. He did that before then.
Unlike when he's working, he doesn't have a guide or things he knows he has to do in a specific order to best ensure survival - no matter how much talking to other people feels like the heat of the battle, you can't (legally) solve it with a gun or throw a frag and book it out of there. There's no true guide to social interactions and that stresses him out. There's no manual, no field guide, no ten step card on how to successfully navigate them.
He knows things that are normal to say, he knows sometimes what he should say - it's just a matter of finding the phrasing and how to say them. Yet it seems like whenever someone doesn't follow his pre-programmed line of thought when it comes to their talking, his mind can shut down and go blank as he stares, trying to figure out where to go or what to say (spoiler: it usually doesn't end well).
He's usually awkward to talk to because he's running over everything in his head as he tries to think of what best to say to avoid further interactions or ones that could be more targeting to him. And, as mentioned, he lacks the average set of social skills that plenty learn in childhood because he didn't have that proper socialization. He's also still not the best at talking itself and can be blunt and to-the-point, which also doesn't usually go down well.
Not to mention, he's bad at small talk and has a terrible, sarcastic sense of humor that many can't read and it quickly turns things uncomfortable very fast because everyone takes him seriously. It never helps he usually doesn't explain himself all too well, usually leaving it as is as he secretly wishes he didn't talk at all when mortification sets in. Hurrying away with an excuse of some paperwork or something else to busy himself is his go-to after those.
When possible, he'll avoid small-talk and greatly prefers gestures instead. Someone who can appreciate his greater need for silence and a lack of talking is someone who he will greatly appreciate in turn. He's a firm believer that not all silences are uncomfortable and sometimes, it IS best not to say anything at all.
Due to his childhood too, he's not really fond of being around many people and will do his best to avoid it. Unless he has to grin and bare it, he won't. He finds his mind calmest when he can just be himself without having to worry about saying the right things to appease others or to be friendly. That way he can focus on what he wants, think how he wants, and feels how he wants without second guessing himself or having to worry about existing.
He's going to avoid most public settings when possible. Though he can now suitably manage his anxiety, they're something he passes up on. Grocery store trips are something he does maybe once a week or two, if that - stock piling so he has to go to the store less is his usual strategy. Anything he can do himself, he WILL do himself, if he doesn't have a trusted person who can do it better or can help.
Notably, he also doesn't have many friends. He's like talking to a brick wall and unless you're considerably persistent and understanding of his need for space, you won't get far. A lot of people don't have the time nor patience for it, but if you do get close to him, he does come out of his shell. He appreciates anyone who cares enough to actually get close to him and get to know him despite how awkward he can be, and will be loyal to the end because of that.
Another side effect is that he doesn't sleep well. Between the massive amounts of trauma from his job and the trauma from his childhood, he doesn't sleep well as is. But the social anxiety aspect comes into play because many nights, his mind is rerunning all the interactions he's had as he chronically overthinks them. He always wonders what he could've done, how he could've improved, and what they're thinking of him (even if they're someone he may never run into again). Its very hard for him to shut his mind off and doing such usually requires him drowning everything else and making himself not think about that, or anything, any more.
[Another side note: He's an avid reader. Reading gives him new things to think about and can help put him to sleep, especially before bed. It's a good way for him to stop thinking about whatever was nagging him and shifts his mind into thinking about other things he enjoys instead)
Basically, IN SHORT this isn't my full in-depth detailed characterization of exactly who I think he is - the reason he's not presenting it as an anxious ball of pure energy who is so uwu shy and soft is because he is incredibly well-managed with his severe social anxiety at his age and that's uh, just not him. Social anxiety doesn't mean he's a blubbering mess or will cry at the slightest inconvenience and reducing him to that or treating anyone with social anxiety like they're a child because of it does not help at alllll.
He's had extensive therapy for this, he's got his methods, he can mask very well. He's a WHOLE GROWN MAN who is responsible for not only his actions but how he manages his emotions and he knows it. But if you know him and know what to look for, you'll be able to pick it up.
(Also the sheer amount of scenarios I've seen where people think he just would... cry if you took his mask off??? Him???? HIM???? König, "I can make you talk, where are they?" the skilled PMC operator? That one? That guy? Yeah no, anyone dumb enough to do that better have signed their will prior or hopefully has an intensive love for scrubbing all the floors with a single old toothbrush. He won't tolerate people harassing or hustling him or pressing on his nerves. Sure, it reminds him of his childhood bullies, but quite frankly that behavior as grown adults trying that is RIDICULOUS, it pisses him off and immediately lowers his opinion on them.)
To whoever made it this far, I hope this made sense, I took melatonin before I got the ask so I'm in another realm right now LMAO. König is one of my favorites and was the first character I realllly really loved and I just hate seeing him done so dirty. Especially as someone with severe social anxiety myself, it irritates me when it's portrayed just so... wrong and quite frankly, in a lazy, offensive manner lacking any nuance especially in relation to the character who has it. Like just making him stutter and cry isn't all social anxiety is and there's SO much depth and things to work with despite the... actual substance as far as his bio goes
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rivendell-poet · 1 day
I loved the little sibling headcanons so much! But reading Legolas’s part gave me a small idea for Thranduil because he is such father-coded sometimes.
So what if the same reader always had bandages wound around the entirety of their right eye and some of their right cheek for some secret reason that nobody knows. Thranduil is slightly intrigued by how this human teenager manages to fight so well despite being disadvantaged in sight, and after he grows much closer to them, he asks them about the bandages. And because reader trusts him a lot more than before, they (sort of) hesitantly take off the bandages and reveals how the entire bandaged area was heavily damaged/scarred from dragon fire mostly due to their recklessness a few years back. I think it’d be interesting to see Thranduil’s reaction towards a young human that also suffered from the feared dragon fire. I don’t mind if you write headcanons or a scenario for this :)
Btw sorry if this request was weird 😅 I just think that Thranduil’s character has so much to be explored, especially as we don’t see him interact as much with humans and younglings
Glad you liked the little sibling hcs! I'm always weak for platonic!lotr <3 And please don't worry about your request - I loved it, and I'm only sorry it took me so long to write. Hopefully you enjoy <3
*・༓˚✧ ❝𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧-𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫❞ ‧͙⁺˚༓˚✧ « scenarios »
Gender-neutral reader | Wordcount : 1k | TWs : Brief discussion of scaring
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✧ When he first meets you, a lone human who has somehow managed to brave Mirkwood, his mind doesn’t pay too much attention to the bandages.
✧ Another human eccentricity.
✧ It’s only after, when the scouts are quick to dole out praise for you - praise that does not come lightly from elves - that he thinks back to them. How you are able to fight remarkably well with something covering your right eye.
✧ Not that it matters to him when he calls for you to be escorted to a room and watched.
✧ Thranduil is a kinder king when not dealing with dwarves and dishonest folk, so has no reason to throw you into the dungeons. He doesn’t fully trust you at first, but that can be left until tomorrow.
✧  Late next morning you are invited to his chambers after eating, and he asks questions of you - why you are in Mirkwood, your age and general motivations. But not your bandages.
✧ Until the very end, when he asks if you would like to see a healer for your injuries.
✧ Your freezing is almost imperceptible to humans, but obvious to an elf. You decline, hands still frozen by your sides, but he lets you go without further issues.
✧ Mirkwood’s palace is a great haven for you - full of scrolls of lore, warriors of the highest skill, and places of respite if it is needed.
✧ When you initially only planned on staying for a day in there, you soon find yourself becoming familiar with your room. And then days turn into weeks, and the rest of Mirkwood becomes more familiar as well.
✧ Once you’ve become more comfortable with the elves you go down to spar, and to your surprise there are some happy to train with you.
✧ Although you are not as skilled as an elf they acknowledge your talent for what it is, impressed.
✧ Whispers spread all the way through Mirkwood, and even the king is reached by them eventually.
✧ Thranduil asks to be kept up to date about you, of course, as you are in his kingdom. Word reaches him that you managed to disarm a guard, and for some reason he feels genuine pride in the news.
✧ As the guard turns to leave, Thranduil asks when you had the bandages removed and by who.
✧ The guard answers that you haven’t.
✧ You’re not blind to the stares at your bandage, but something new has been occurring. There’s even more subtle glances, but less questioning about it. As though your bandage is now something to be observed, and not questioned.
✧ The excitement around it eventually dies down, especially as weeks in Mirkwood become months.
✧ It’s around the first month mark that Thranduil requests to see you again.
✧ Being summoned by the king is nerve-wracking, but once you’ve been around him for a while you become more relaxed.
✧ He doesn’t behave like the rigid, cold but regal king you were expecting. He is still regal, effortlessly so, but there is warmth in his gaze - when he asks you about your day, or compliments your progress.
✧ Some days you don’t even have to tell him about the feat you accomplished, as he already seems to know. But he still listens intently when you explain it, asking questions in just the right places - and always with sincerity.
✧ Over time, you begin to think of him a small bit like a father.
✧ Then one day, he asks you about your bandages. Why you still wear them after so long.
✧ He regrets it when he sees you freeze up, but when he begins to talk you raise a hand to stop.
✧ Hesitantly, you begin to remove the bandages from around you, not looking at him until they’re all of.
✧ As soon as Thranduil can see your face he recognises dragonfire on it. Scars so similar to his own, but on the face of a young human instead of an elven king.
✧ You can see the shock on his face as his eyes seem to sweep every area of the scars and not want to settle back on you. You take a deep breath, beginning to apologise for them.
✧ “There is no need.”
✧ Thranduil interrupts, softly but it stops you instantly. “The wounds you bear show you have survived, that you have faced dragonfire and lived. You… you should not need to be ashamed of them.”
✧ The revelation is surprising, but it makes you smile. You thank him, for being understanding about them - and he responds that he always will be, will always support you.
✧ There’s some deeper meaning to his words, but you cannot quite decipher it.
✧ The rest of your meeting is fairly normal, until the end when he asks questions you did not expect. How it affects you, if you can still see out of that eye - if you are in any pain.
✧ Each question you answer honestly, and any complaint that is raised he instantly tackles - doing his utmost to make sure you are comfortable.
✧ As you leave you turn to bow goodnight, and it looks as if he is about to say something before bidding you goodnight as well.
✧ In the morning you receive a summons to his chambers for later that day.
✧ For the first time you walk to Thranduil’s room without bandages covering your face, but you don’t find yourself afraid of him. Of him judging you.
✧ When you walk in there’s a nervous air. But not from you. From Thranduil.
✧ And he apologises, for not being honest sooner.
✧ You watch as the smooth perfections of his face give way to scars that being to mimic your own.
✧ “I would have told you sooner, if I had known you would understand this pain. I am sorry for not telling you.”
✧ The silence is loud, and then you move closer.
✧ “There is nothing to apologise for.”
A/N : Hopefully you liked it! Sorry if it wasn't as father-coded as you liked, I think I got a bit too deep into lore and setting up the story. But this is the second scenario in a row I've been very interested in expanding, so let me know if there's more interest in this universe!
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juliaia · 2 days
Rainy Nights in Hell's Kitchen
Summary: You’ve been dating Matt for about a year—you always sleep better when you’re with him.
Pairing: Matt Murdock x gn!reader
Warnings: Swearing, nightmares, fluff, overuse of em-dashes.
A/N: This is super short and sweet, but I wanted to try writing for Matty. Totally feel free to request stuff if you enjoy, but I post fics at random whenever the urge strikes, so I’m not like an “official tumblr fanfic person” or whatever—but I sure am here!
It was a dark and stormy night—and usually you wouldn’t mind that. The rain is pretty peaceful, and with the windows open you can catch the cool night air and the smell of petrichor on the breeze.
But today has been long and tiring, and lately you’ve been having really vivid, unpleasant nightmares.
You’ve kept them mostly to yourself, tying them to the general stress of day-to-day life and maybe a dash of unresolved trauma—but they’re just nightmares. They’re silly, and you are definitely not afraid to go to bed tonight in your own room in the dark, with the occasional, startling boom of loud thunder in the background.
The fact that you immediately answer a much too eager, “yes”, when Matt asks if you want to stay over at his apartment is totally unrelated.
So now, you’re sitting in the bathroom with Matt, getting ready for bed.
He looks so damn pretty in the slightly dim lighting. His face is cast in a soft glow, his bare chest is looking like a very warm, very comfortable pillow, his sweats are fitting him very nicely and making his butt look exceptionally cute—but to be fair, he always looks sinfully good. You’re pretty sure you could watch him just exist for hours on end.
You see a grin creep onto his face as he feels your eyes on him.
“You’re staring, sweetheart.” He says, pushing his hand through his hair as he turns towards you and holds out a hand. You take it, and he leans in to kiss your forehead.
“Just watching you. You’re pretty.” You say. His grin softens to something less mischievous and more fond and sweet, and he leans in again, this time planting a soft kiss on your lips.
“You’re prettier.” He murmurs—he’s got this shamelessly lovesick look on his face. You chuckle and roll your eyes.
“Says the blind man.” He gives your hand a playful squeeze.
“I can still tell you’re pretty—ready for bed?” He asks. You hesitantly nod.
“Uh, yeah, alright.” He raises an eyebrow.
“…You’re usually more enthusiastic about sleeping.” You sigh, the two of you walking over to settle into bed on top of the cool silk sheets.
“I’ve just been having weird, bad dreams.” You explain. Matt’s face goes all soft and sympathetic.
If there is one thing Matt is, it’s protective. Which is usually sweet, but occasionally overdramatic to the point of hilarity. For example—two weeks ago, you got a papercut while opening a package (one of those awful cardboard-paper-cuts), and the moment Matt heard you let out that little hiss of frustration and pain, he came rushing over to fuss over you, face painted with concern as he took your hand and frantically examined the wound. It’s especially funny considering how he insists you don’t need to worry about him when he shows up at 3 in the morning after patrol, bleeding from a stab wound in his side, or on the verge of passing out from a concussion.
So, you mention the nightmares, and Matt goes all soft, pulling you against his chest, holding you close, kissing the top of your head.
“Oh, angel, I’m sorry. Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks. You shrug.
“Eh, you’ve got other stuff on your plate—they’re just nightmares.” Matt shakes his head, nuzzling his face into your hair and inhaling deeply.
“They’re upsetting you, and ruining your sleep.” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head.
“Matty, babydoll—“ He cuts you off by pulling back and pressing his forehead against yours, his warm eyes unfocused and unseeing but somehow still so damn emotional.
“Sweetheart,” He says. “You always take care of me. Let me take care of you, please?”
Dammit—Matt and his stupid puppy dog eyes. That sweet soft sad look he gives you, the pleading, pouty face, his pretty pink lips and big dumb wet eyes. You relent, sighing in defeat, and he grins, pulling you into his arms, kissing your cheek, and dragging you to bed, laying down with you.
“I’m here, okay?” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head. You grumble, folding yourself into his arms, smushing up against his chest. He rubs your back, holding you close. “Nothing gets to ruin your sleep except for me.” He says. You snort, giving his bicep a squeeze–oh those wonderful thick arms of his.
“Dork.” He pulls you over, tucking you against his chest for a cuddle. He nuzzles his face against the top of your head.
“I’m here. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. No nightmares.” He says. You smile, hand finding his, fingers lacing through his own.
“I don’t know if you have any control over what I dream about, but I appreciate it anyway.” You say. Matt yawns softly, kissing your temple.
“I’m just gonna hold you so tight the nightmares won’t be able to get you.” He loves having you so close, loves being able to protect you and cuddle up with you to sleep. He presses his nose and mouth into the crook of your neck, letting out a happy growl. You reach back to ruffle his hair.
“Thanks, Matty.” You murmur. He nods, kissing your cheek.
Curled up in his arms, you fall asleep easier. The rain falls outside, soft pitter patters on the window panes as Matt’s steady breathing lulls you to sleep.
When you wake up at two in the morning, hands gripping the sheets, Matt wakes up with you, pulling you closer and kissing your temple, hands coming up to rub your shoulders.
“Hey angel, you’re okay. I’m here.” You push yourself further into his arms, body shaking slightly as you wrap your arms around his arm, holding it against your chest. “I’m here.” He rubs your chest, hand drawing soothing circles against you. “What can I do to help, hm?”
You just push yourself closer to him, and he settles you into his lap, shushing you gently and kissing the top of your head. He holds you tightly, hand gently rubbing over your racing heart in a gesture he hopes is grounding and comforting.
You tuck your face against his warm neck, inhaling the scent of him, pressing a soft kiss to his skin. He chuckles, hand coming to cup your cheek, his face tilting down and his nose nudging against yours. You wrap your arms around him, too tired and shaken up to be embarrassed about seeking him out for comfort. He cuddles you against him, laying back with you against his chest.
You’re quickly lulled back to sleep by the soothing sounds of his breathing and heartbeat, and after that, you sleep solidly through the night without any issues. Matt’s warm arms wrapped around you, blankets cozy and soft, the rain and thunder outside becoming gentle background noise.
In the morning, Matt wakes you up with a few soft kisses on the temple, stirring you to consciousness, drawing a little grumble from you. He chuckles, rubbing your back gently.
“Sorry sweetheart, I couldn’t resist.” He pecks you on the lips. You hide your face against his chest, trying to block out the light from the window. He kisses the top of your head, throwing his leg over your hip to pull you closer. He’s so warm, and he smells so good, and he’s cuddling you close like you’re the most precious thing in the world. “Did you sleep okay? Aside from the bad dreams?” He asks, hand resting on your back. You nuzzle your face against the crook of his arm. You did sleep okay, you felt safe and warm in his arms, held close in his arms.
“Mhm. Slept better with you.” You say. Matt grins, face flushing as he snuggles you closer, squishing you against him.
“You should stay over more often. Move in with me, so I can keep you safe from all the nightmares.” He says, fingers brushing through your hair. You smile softly.
“…Shit, are you asking me to move in with you?” You ask. Matt kisses your forehead.
“Depends…would you say yes if I was?” You chuckle.
“Yes, yes I would.” Matt smiles, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
“Then yes, yes I am asking you to move in with me.”
“And I’m saying yes.”
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secretwhumplair · 2 days
659 words | No Warrior (sequel to Rearrangement)
Content | Referenced noncon but tbh nothing much of anything
Notes | More talkinggg. I felt we needed another quiet little moment before the next plot point so here we are. Yves is experiencing! A complicated!
Taglist | @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​​ @whump-me-all-night-long​​​​ @whumpadump1939​​ @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight​​
@whumpzone​​ @angel-stars​​ @kixngiggles​​ @whumpsy-daisies @yet-another-heathen​​
@rosesareviolentlyread @cupcakes-and-pain​​ @hollowtreesinhollowwoods @pleasancies @much-ado-about-whumping​​
@nine-tailed-whump​​ @whump-em​​​ @itsleighlove​​ @newbornwhumperfly​​​ @tears-and-lilies
@deluxewhump @whump-cravings @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning @neverthelass
@whumpsday @silent-orchid-lady @everynameistakencarrots
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The following days were… quiet. Almost subdued. The increase of daylight was not yet noticeable, but at least what light there was left was clearly not fading further.
Yves felt like he was at sea again, the floor underneath him rolling and uncertain.
He found himself watching Runar more closely, and he felt — or was he imagining it? — that Runar avoided looking at him in a way he never had before. Maybe he had just never really noticed. Maybe he had imagined how much attention he was being given, and only now that he was the one looking at Runar he realized how bloated he had thought his presence in Runar’s mind to be.
But of course, that didn’t add up with anything Runar had said.
They hadn't talked about it again. It seemed Runar was willing to let it sink into oblivion, and Yves would have gone along with it, should have wanted to go along with it. It was like Runar said: nothing changed. Runar never touched him or even looked at him wrong. They had their meals together, they still slept in the same bed. He should have let it go.
Instead Runar’s confession wormed its way through his mind at every hour of the day. Never in his life would he have imagined Runar could feel that way about him. Even when Runar told him, he couldn’t, wouldn’t believe him.
And yet…
»Does it hurt you?«
The words burst out of him over dinner; he interrupted Runar, who was telling him about his day, in the casual way he had always done, a habit formed when Yves himself was too intimidated to speak. He liked listening to Runar tell his little stories. Perhaps that, too, was a habit from the days when any words that weren’t hostile were a comfort.
Runar paused and glanced at him, then looked away.
»Sorry.« Yves lowered his eyes. He hadn’t meant to interrupt Runar. He hadn’t meant to say anything. The familiar fear crept up on him, but it felt dull, almost distant.
»No… what do you mean?«
Yves kept his eyes firmly on the bowl of soup before him; oats and egg and dried mushrooms. »Being — around me. When — you know.«
»I’m perfectly fine not touching you, if that’s…« He glimpsed up at Runar, and found his gaze trailing out the window. »You don’t have to worry.«
»I’m not worried. Not for me, anyway.«
Now Runar turned to him, his eyes briefly widening. Then a soft smile flickered across his lips. »I’m okay. I do like having you around.« Very quietly, as if too himself, he added, »You’re wonderful.«
He should have let that go, too, but instead he felt a blush creep into his face. It was ridiculous.
»Okay,« he muttered.
»Is it?« Yves didn’t know what to answer, so when he remained quiet, Runar pressed on, »Because if you’re uncomfortable-«
»No.« Yves took another spoonful of his soup, hoping that the time he bought himself would let the words come.
He didn’t even know what he wanted to say. He didn’t know what he wanted.
He didn’t know why he couldn’t just let it go. It didn’t matter. He was alright, and whether Runar had lied about his feelings or not was his own business.
As the weeks passed, normalcy returned; the weaving, the swords, the stories. So Yves focused on everything, anything else. He went with Runar to trade for food and visit his family, he even started to speak among the weavers, sometimes. When Runar once went to visit Signy, he plucked up his courage and apologized to her and her spouses for having behaved so weirdly at the sweet little moment they shared, an apology they waved off graciously. Her husband was involved in making the sails from all the fabric they were weaving, and they talked about that.
It was almost as if nothing happened.
He quietly hoped Runar felt the same.
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sydmarch · 1 year
Who is Angus to Evrart?
full dialogue of the scene that line is from:
You - "Tell me about Titus Hardie and his crew."
Evrart Claire - "Oh, they are simply fine young men -- all seven of them! Exemplary Union members. Always working to advance their position in the local socialist-democratic movement. Core members."
Evrart Claire - "Old Theo used to run them, but things really *kicked into gear* when Titus took the reins and named the group after himself." He starts laughing. "Gotta love his initiative." You - "What more can you tell me? Who's second in command? Who's the most violent?"
Evrart Claire - "Harry, they're almost all of them *great* guys, born leaders. Whatever happened, I'm sure they only had the best interests of Revachol in mind."
Evrart Claire - "Work with them -- hell, interview them! But don't fight them. They really are just like you -- men who like beer, women, and some *order* on the streets."
Half Light - Separate one from the herd. You - "So let me ask you this... Which one of Hardie's boys is your least favourite?"
Evrart Claire - "Oh, that would definitely be Fat Angus. His feet smell from a city-block away and he's always having noisy stomach troubles. Horrible, revolting guy."
You - "So let's say something happens to Fat Angus... let's say a citizen's arrest..."
Evrart Claire - "You would die, Harry," he says, grinning. "You would die and in the process start a bloody and completely unnecessary war between the Débardeurs' Union and the Citizens Militia."
Evrart Claire - "Angus, his ever-growling stomach, and his smelly feet are all part of the Union. You have as much right to *arrest* him as he has to arrest you... "
Evrart Claire - "...actually less, because it's his home and his backyard. You are a guest here, Harry. Please remember that."
Evrart Claire - "Oh Harry..." He starts laughing. "This is getting real grim and there's no need for that. We are friends." He sits back and looks you in the eye with a wide smile.
i love thinking about this dialogue in comparison to when you get his real opinion on the hardies:
Evrart Claire - "Harry, I bugged her cabin. I bugged her whole boat. I had cameras surveying her boat. Hell I even wanted to bug that thermal cup, but my boys advised against it."
Savoir Faire - They must have done it while Joyce was busy questioning the locals. You - "So you've been listening to our conversations all the time?"
Evrart Claire - "Not me personally..." he stretches his arms like a discus thrower. "I had guys recording and processing this information for me." You - "The Hardie boys?"
Evrart Claire - "Hell no!" he exclaims. "They'd fuck it up. They can't do anything right. I mean my *real* boys. My special task force boys."
Kim Kitsuragi - "Where are these boys?"
Evrart Claire - "They sure as hell aren't hanging out in the open with beers in their hands for the cops to question." He bursts out laughing. "They're pros, Mr. Kitsuragi."
he doesn't like angus & doesn't even like or trust the hardies as it turns out! and yet i do 100% believe that he meant it when he said harry would die & it would start a war between the rcm and the union. not because he really cares about the hardies personally but because it would reaffirm the union's power/obviously they would have to respond to something like that. but finding knowing his true thoughts about the hardies casts an interesting light on this convo:
You - "The remaining mercenaries are organizing a tribunal to take on the Hardies."
Evrart Claire - "Tribunal?" He appears aghast. "That sounds *serious* Harry. We Union men should be *shitting* ourselves..." He rubs his chin and smiles suddenly: "I wish you hadn't told me that. I'm gonna lose *sleep* over this. Let's change the subject."
Empathy - He's clearly happy about the tribunal.
You - "You don't *seem* too worried about it." Evrart Claire - "Oh, Harry, what do I *really* think about the tribunal? You're trying to climb to second base with old Evrart before you've even courted him properly."
obviously he's happy about the tribunal because his end goal is to start a war with wild pines but there's a total lack of concern for the hardies both here where they come up specifically or for the union in general when discussing the prospect of a war with harry:
You - "Have you ever heard what two Giant Seraise Hornets can do to an entire colony of bees? They destroy it."
Evrart Claire - "I have. It's a great story, Harry." He nods. "Did you also know how the bee colony kills the giant hornet? They swarm and blanket it entirely, until it suffers a *massive heat stroke* and dies." Empathy - He crosses his hands, contently, thinking of the interior temperature of the wasp rising. Endurance - They cook it alive in its exoskeleton.
Evrart Claire - "Harry, we outnumber them fifteen hundred to one. And that's just Martinaise. With all the unions in Revachol -- and with public opinion on our side -- we can hold off two men. Or fifteen men. Or even fifty men."
Evrart Claire - "The more they send, the worse it's going to look for them. They made a *huge* mistake hiring those guys. *No one* likes foreign mercenaries. The leftists hate them, the fascists hate them, even the moralists think they're *in bad taste*."
is he really just that confident in the union? does he view the hardies specifically as expendable because he doesn't have much faith in them? or are his real thoughts more along the lines of "yeah people are probably gonna die but if that's what it takes then so be it"? we already know he's willing to kill if need be but i'd imagine he'd view tiphaine holly (an ineffective leader who's his direct opponent) differently from the members of the union he's supposed to be looking out for... we can never get his opinion on the tribunal after it happens (screams cries throws up) but i could see him being overall satisfied with the outcome.
Evrart Claire - "What was always going to happen. We take the harbour and she fucks off to Ozonne, uncorks a bottle of wine, calls her partners and says they need to distance themselves from this nasty business before the big shit spinner splashes everyone."
Evrart Claire - "Only difference is the Union doesn't have to lose 2,000 men to machine gun fire."
like, 3-7 deaths compared to 2,000? anyways this is so much more than the question you actually asked i just love to think about my fucked up little guy.
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driftingvoid-155 · 9 months
How would you rank all of your versions of Jeremy for hug ability
Below the Surface/ Mermaid AU Jeremy: 10/10. Will hug just about anything. Stray cats, stray dog, stray mermaids that followed him home.
It Runs in the Family/ Serial Killer AU Jeremy: 5/10. Hit or miss whether he's in the mood or not and least to say Mike did give him a knife in case the latter option is the case. But he is a lot more open to people than his bf is.
Midnight Creature/ Vampire AU Jeremy: 3/10. He really doesn't trust a lot of people and tends to avoid them. Would stand ramrod straight if anyone other than Mike at this point tried to hug him.
Perfect Size for Hugging/ Plush AU Jeremy: 10/10. Gives the best hugs. His favorite thing to do is hug Mike and anyone else who needs one.
Living to Die Again AU Jeremy: 6/10. He's not much of a hugger except to his friends but he's pretty easy going and when he is in the mood, he gives great hugs.
That Time my Zombie Boyfriend... AU Jeremy: 9/10. Is always prepared to give hugs when needed to make someone's (mainly Mike's) day better. Though if he doesn't like you, there's a small chance he's coming for your kneecaps with a baseball bat.
End of the World as We Know It/ Zombie Apocalypse AU Jeremy: 4/10. Man barely remembers the last time he hugged someone. And he's also very wary of new people he meets. He might try to run away.
(isn't all my Jeremy's (that would take a while lol) but the ones I have fics for)
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fobnsfwdoodles · 1 year
Painting the guys doing normal guy things
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unwelllydrawnroxy · 11 months
i saw the wee woo wee woo in your banned and immediately heard dougdoug (a youtuber and uhh he said wee woo wee woo once so uhhh)
anyway whats your relationship with calliope?
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[Callie’s the best. Great at drawing too.]
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
SHELTER : seeing a threat barreling toward them (such as a storm, the shockwave from an explosion, or a building they’re in collapsing), sender holds the injured / incapacitated receiver close, turning their back to the threat to bear the brunt of the impact instead of the receiver. - @dontcxckitup Read more because apparently I can't write any short drabbles *cries*
Maria had always known that there was something dangerous in her growing relationship with Gareth, he was the head of MI6 and she was a former 00. Given their histories both of them probably had enough enemies, and enemies simply because they were MI6, that they could start a small army.
Still so far things had been relatively smooth in that department. That was until Paris.
Paris, the most romantic of cities. Not Maria's first choice for a break, she'd much rather have gotten Gareth to go a villa in the middle of nowhere, either somewhere with blazing sun and a pool or gorgeous rolling countryside. Somewhere wifi was limited, somewhere they'd have to go shopping in incredibly local bakeries and butchers, everything fresh and only small non-corporate mini-marts. She had visions of him, book in hand, something cold and refreshing in the other, shirtless. Or, she'd have loved to get him in front of a roaring fire.
He'd been called to Paris last minute for a meeting though and so Maria had decided to seize on the opportunity and had booked them a hotel, and filled the weekend with activities involving museums, galleries, libraries and bookstores.
The idea had been to surprise him as he left the meeting, Moneypenny had gifted her the details, just the time it was supposed to finish and the place. That had been entirely derailed when Maria had noticed the people acting suspiciously. From there everything had snowballed. Maria's agent brain, though she'd been out of the game for so long, had kicked in. Even with no weapons she was still a force to be reckoned with and she had followed.
A singular text had been fired to Gareth before she'd pulled the fire alarm.
[Text] Came to Paris to surprise you. Get everyone out now. Compromised, I've managed to stop one of them but there's another with explosives. Basement.
There was hardly enough information, there was no proper sign off, no kiss, no I love you but Maria felt like she had no time. Given the sacks the two were carrying they could level half of this block. There was no time.
Maria managed to knock one man out with a brick in her hand as he knelt to set more explosives. The building site that was the basement car park was perfect for setting something like this up.
The first explosion rocked the rundown industrial building, probably chosen for it's inconspicuousness, and Maria was almost at the basement stairs. When Maria came too the dust was settling but she could smell the stench of petrol, paint thinner and various combustants of the building site. There was a fire raging at the opposite end of the car park. She had to get out but her foot was locked beneath concrete, twisted scaffolding and debris.
"Maria-" There was coughing and her name from somewhere.
"I'm here!" Maria called back and out of the smoke came Gareth, dust on his face and a cut on his head but he seemed no worse for wear. When he saw her lay down he came running a look of worry on his face that she'd never seen. "I'm okay, I'm fine, my- my foot, I can't move the concrete." Maria said as Gareth cupped her face.
"Okay, Maria you're trapped in a building that's just exploded." Gareth said seeming to search her eyes for something.
"Gareth, I'm okay. We need to get out of here though." Maria said cupping his face in her hand and pressing her forehead against his.
"We need to leverage it." Gareth said looking around for a moment before getting up and grabbing a piece of rebar. "This might hurt." He said, he pushed the rebar into a small gap and pressed down on it, trying to move the concrete. Maria gritted her teeth and hissed as the pressure shifted and she tried to pull out her foot, with some wiggling it came loose, minus shoe and the bottom half of her tights. The skin on her foot was deeply scraped and cut and it was held at an odd angle.
There was a whooshing noise and at the other end of the basement a fire billowed outward before settling back, it was creeping towards another car. A popping noise followed.
"We need to get out of here." Gareth said.
There was another popping noise, the sound of crumbling cement from somewhere and the crackling of fire. The space was filling slowly again with smoke. Maria nodded and went to press up off the floor but her arm buckled underneath her and she realised that the pain that was radiating below her elbow was because she had clearly broken something.
"Gareth," Maria said as he seemed to be frantically looking around for something to help them. "Gareth." Maria said more firmly, tears welling in her eyes. "I don't think I can walk and that's getting too close. Go," Maria swallowed and nodded. "Go, please, I'll be okay."
"I'm not leaving you." Gareth let out a humourless laugh. "Come on."
"Maria, I'm not leaving you." Gareth said more seriously coming to kneel before and cupping her face in his hands again. "Now come on. You were an agent. Get up."
Maria nodded at his sterner words. She sucked in a breath, Gareth wrapped an arm around her middle and she put her good arm around his shoulders and her weight on her good foot. She hissed as Gareth tried to move them forward.
"You've been through worse." Gareth said and Maria wasn't sure if he was talking to her or himself. It gave her a sort of strength though, to see the look of worry cross his face. She had to be better for him, she had been the one to come running in here after all hadn't she? She's the one who'd agent brain had kicked in and it needed to re-kick back in now. She'd needed to ignore the thoughts of potential capture again from entering her head.
"What's that?" Maria asked squinting into the smoke as a figure emerged. "Who is that? Is that hel-"
"MARIA-" A familiar popping noise sounded as Gareth threw his body in front of Maria, force knocking them both over as he shielded her. A second shot sounded before there was a sound of screaming. Maria had no idea what had happened to the man but he had clearly been dispatched.
"Gareth, Gareth?" Maria said shaking him and lifting his head awkwardly. "Gareth?" Maria's panicked voice asked, forgetting her own pain and focusing for a moment entirely him. "Gareth please speak to me."
Gareth groaned and coughed, lifting himself off her and rolling to the side wincing in pain.
"Gareth are you shot, where did they get you?" Maria asked, using her working arm and her elbow to help her sit up and turn to look at him., She pulled at his coat looking for blood or a wound but there was nothing.
Gareth reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a small thick book, it was old, it's cover almost as thick as the book itself. It was tacky, gaudy but sort of adorable. In the centre of it was a bullet.
"Well now I know one thing your trashy romance novels are good for." He let out a relieved laugh and dropped the book on the ground.
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danceinmybestdress · 1 year
rooting for you courtney!!!
FOR ME??!!!!??! @softenmygrip FOR ME????????
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ahhh you have a lot of really cool sounding wips, but Flying Shadows, Falling Stars 🌠 caught my eye!!!
Ahhh okay okay so FS2 is another from my archive of fics I was writing before I started writing bts fics. It's kind of a mash-up of all the different Peter Pan stories we've gotten, but mainly season 3a of "Once Upon A Time", the Neverland Arc.
(The original fic was going to be a direct fanfiction of OUAT, but for FS2 I will be cutting all the OUAT characters)
Jimin 😍 will be our Peter 🫠 he'll be more of the dark and maniacal Peter Pan than the fun-loving "I'll never grow up" boy we're used to seeing
There's a lot of Coldplay in the story playlist too 😂 here's the moodbard! And a snippet for the original draft I wrote back in, oh my god, 2014 😶 so please be kind to it 😭
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(Don't let the first person writing scare you, it won't be written that way once I finally get around to really working on it)
ask me about my wips! 💌
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couldbebetterforsure · 10 months
Soooooo are you into any other idol games/anime? (trying to find out if you can become a potential enstarrie 👉👈)
Finally gonna work through some stuff I've had in my inbox for a while! Starting with this one I got a couple months back....
Welp, Anon, as you maybe can see if you've checked out my blog recently I HAVE got into Enstars!
Anyways regarding idol games/anime, Idolish7 is main one that I'm truly invested in. The characters, the stories, the art, the music! It's all so wonderful and got my attention early on and kept a firm grip on me for years. I joined the fandom shortly before the Memories Melodies MV dropped, so sometime in 2015, so I've been in this fandom since almost the beginning!
With Ensemble Stars, I knew of it in the background for years and there were a couple songs I had heard but I otherwise didn't keep up with it or anything. But a couple weeks ago I decided to finally take a chance on it and I'm having fun! I'm still only a beginner, so I'm slowly working through the game, the stories that are out from this game and the old one, and the songs and all that! It's a VEEEEEERY slow going process but I'm having fun, especially since I'm focusing on my beloved Ryuseitai. I love you, idol power rangers 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Other than those two, the only other ones I ever expressed any interest in were Love Live, Bandori, and Starmyu. With Starmyu I watched the anime (and had a surprising amount of fun despite the immense cheese) and enjoyed some songs, but otherwise don't have much in terms of strong feelings for it. For Love Live, I played the game for the longest time but I fell out of interest with it and uninstalled (but this was like a few years later so I was into it for a WHILE). But I still enjoy some songs from it! For Bandori I currently play the game and I really enjoy the songs from it too! I haven't played much recently (since for some reason the rhythm game keeps glitching out on me😑) but yeah it's a fun time! But these three are more casual interests, not like the love and attention I have for Idolish7 or Enstars.
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monstersflashlight · 5 months
Monster in the dark
Demon x chubby fem!human || chasing, dub-con (almost cnc), breeding, cum play, tail play
There wasn’t anyone in the street. You knew you should have taken the longer path, it took you all around the neighborhood but at least it was always crowded with people shopping, talking, walking around... anything. There were always people there, but instead you choose the fucking short path, going through the less light part of the neighborhood. You hated the dark with passion, but you were in a hurry, your favorite show was about to start and you didn’t want to run into anyone and risk them stopping you.
But apparently you were out of luck. "Hey dude!" Someone called out. You didn’t turn around. You walked faster, trying to get to the end of the long street where at least the lightbulbs weren’t flickering. Your anxiety was spiking, your heartbeat so loud in your ears you were scared someone could sneak up on you. A shiver ran down your spine when a cold breeze blew past you. A bad feeling creeping out on you.
"Hey you! I need a little help!" You turned around trying to decipher if your possible attacker was close enough that you should run faster. You knew you shouldn’t have done that. It was scary movies 101 to never turn around when something was chasing you. But maybe they were hurt or something. Your big heart betrayed you. You turned around completely, but there wasn’t anybody in sight. Just empty space. Confused you kept walking, almost running, but not entirely.
“Hey darling! The one with the cute butt, I need some help!” They called. What? Your anxiety was through the roof. The lightbulbs started to flicker like crazy, some of them even exploding, engulfing the street in darkness. You screamed and started to run as fast as you could. Which wasn’t so fast.
You ran and ran, the street seeming longer than ever. You prayed to whoever was listening to let you make it. To let you run fast enough to get to your house. Then you heard something similar to a growl, a primal sound that made your blood run cold and your body fuel with a fear so profound that it made your insides twist.
"Caught you!" Someone said as you felt a hand closing down on your shoulder. "Why are you running?" You were scared to turn around, but the stranger made you twist your body either way. The sheer force in that one point of contact made your fly or fight response activated. "Don't worry, darling, I just wanna talk."
You turned around and saw nothing. Not a peep. But the hand on your shoulder was there. The voice was there. You could feel it. You could feel a presence there. What the actual fuck. Your heart was going to get out if it kept beating like that.
"Oh, shit, sorry! I forgot humans couldn't see me in this form." And right before your eyes a tall figure appeared. Just like that. There was nothing, and then there was a big as fuck man. So big you have to look up. And up. And up. Your neck hurt from looking at his face. "Better like this, right?" He asked, the black tendrils around his body shimmering as he smirked. His mouth was too big, too wide, he had so many teeth you couldn't even process it. And they were sharp, so fucking sharp. You shivered. "Oh, darling, don't be scared, I'm not gonna eat you." You thought he added maybe under his breath, but your heartbeat was deafening in your ears.
“Wh- what are you?” You got out, your body frozen in place.
“A poor demon who needs your help.” He told you, his face trying to mimic a grin, but contorting in a creepy way, making you shiver.
“With- With what?” You asked, your body sending all kinds of alert signals to your brain.
“With this…” He whispered as he pulled your body against his, his erection rubbing against your stomach. “I need a sweet human pussy to help me with this, and your luscious body looks delicious. Perfect to breed.” He answered, making your blood turn into ice. And your body started to respond, trying to fight his hold, unable to do it.
“No. Stop. Let me go!” You struggled against him, but his hold was too strong.
He turned you around, pressing his front against your back, black tendrils coming around you, caging you. They started to touch every part of you. The tendrils and his hands moving freely over your body, groping your tummy, your tits, your hips, your ass, rubbing your pussy… There wasn’t a centimeter of you that was left untouched by him. You tried to scream, but his hand covered your mouth. “Don’t do that, baby.” That pet name made something inside your brain react. Could it be?
You talked with your demon boyfriend about wanting to try some CNC a couple nights back. He didn’t react to what you said, just kept listening as you listed your personal kinks. But this couldn’t be him, could he? He was a demon, but you never saw him like this. You couldn’t know. Maybe it wasn’t him. Maybe you had a magnet for weird monsters who wanted to fuck you. Fuck. You couldn’t know. What if he wasn’t? What if this stranger fucked you and you realized later it wasn’t your boyfriend. What if a weird monster took advantage of you in the middle of a dark street?
You knew you should have taken the long path.
The anticipation and the fear mixed inside of you, making your stomach drop and your fight response kick in. You bit the hand around your mouth as hard as you could. The monster moaned and rubbed his hard cock against your back. It was so big, too big. There was no way that would fit inside of you.
He used his tendrils to manhandle you into the air, lifting you so his cock rested between your ass cheeks. Your feet didn’t touch the ground, you were completely suspended, at his mercy. You regretted putting on a dress this morning, making his advances so easy now. You felt the cool air hit your rear as he lifted the back of the dress, exposing your almost naked ass.
“Aw! Look at that, you are wearing the prettiest thong. I bet your boyfriend loves it, too bad he’s not going to fuck your pussy tonight. I am.” His voice went so low in tone that it sounded distorted, making your insides tingle. To your shame, making your pussy tingle, too.
He moved the thong aside, pushing two fingers in right away, his claws pointy, dangerous. Your walls contracted against his fingers. “Someone is excited…” You blushed so hard you could feel the blood in your cheeks. “You like it, don’t you? Of course you do, you are a proud monsterfucker, aren’t you? I saw you with that demon boyfriend you have…” He whispered against your ear. You shivered, feeling humiliated as you moaned when his fingers hit your G-spot. “You are so wet and so hot… I’m going to enjoy your slutty pussy.” He teased, a tendril flickering your clit harshly, making you cry out in pain and pleasure.
He didn’t wait, he didn’t care about you or your comfort. He pushed his dick inside of you in a fluid motion. As far as it could go. You could feel he wasn’t fully inside, his dick too big for your human pussy. But he didn’t seem to care about it. He started to fuck you hard and deep, hitting all your sensible places at once as his hands groped your tits over your dress, not caring if you screamed. Shame filled you as your pussy got wetter and wetter around his assault. You tried to struggle, but your forces bleed out every time he hit your G-spot. Fuck.
“Are you going to be a good breeding bitch for me? Are you going to keep fighting as I fill your pretty little cunt with my cum until it overflows?” You moaned, embarrassment filling you as your pussy pulsated around him. “You like that, don’t you? You try to fight but you are enjoying this. You are enjoying to have a monster’s cock deep inside of you.”
“N-no.” You choked out, the moan you let out after made your words pointless. He laughed harder, the movement of his body making his dick go a bit deeper.
“Yes, you do. You love to be a little human cum-dump for me. I bet you’d love if I fucked you harder.” He speeded up, setting a punishing pace that made a chorus of ah ah ah leave your mouth. He didn’t try to cover your mouth anymore, clearly enjoying the sounds you were letting out. You felt like the bitch he called you, enjoying as someone took advantage of you in the middle of the street. Anybody could come and see you there, exposed, being fucked by a monster, acting like his personal fleshlight. His cumdumpster.
“Prepare yourself slutty human, I’m going to cum so deep you are going to taste my cum.” His words were nasty, so dirty you wanted to say something, anything. But instead it made you moan, turning you into a mess.
And then you felt his cum hitting deep inside, so much of it you felt your lower abdomen bloating. “Look at that, you are so full… Poor little human, let me help.” He laughed cruelly, pushing against the bulge there, as cum gushed out of you, trying to escape around the cock still buried inside of you. Some of it came out, making the filthiest sound you ever heard, accompanying his laughter. He pulled out at that moment, his hand still on your abdomen, making a splosh sound as what felt like a river of come dripped down and hit the pavement under you. “So messy…” He chastised.
He lowered his hand, collecting some of his cum gushing out. He played with it, spreading it around your pussy, pushing some inside again. You groaned and moaned, his tendrils holding you in place as he played with your pussy like it was his personal toy. He took some of the cum and rubbed your clit with it, the most delicious friction taking you to the edge. It was dirty, so dirty… And then he took his hand away. You whimpered loudly and he laughed at your pathetic slutty act, slapping your pussy hard and making your eyes roll inside your head. You came, right there, right then. You screamed at the top of your lungs, his laughter fading into the background as your brain blacked out for a couple seconds.
You came back slowly. He lowered you to the ground, his front to your back and tendrils still around you. “Told you it would be fun!” His voice was back to his normal tone, making you relax, finally recognized your stupid boyfriend’s voice. He never showed his full demon form, just giving you glimpses of it through the months you dated. It came in handy for him today, you guessed, anger rising inside of you.
“You didn’t say you were going to use your fully transformed form. You scared the crap out of me, you ass!” You yelled back at him, your eyes still teary and your voice raw after the screaming marathon you just had.
“Hey! Don’t lie to me, you like my ass. And I definitely love yours…” He smirked, his hand groping your ass. He kneaded your ass cheeks like he was making bread, chuckling when you tried to pull away. You knew you were going to have some pretty nasty bruises the next day. He would love that. To have you all marked.
“I hate you.” You whispered, trying hard not to moan as he pulled on your thong’s string, the fabric rubbing your asshole and abused pussy in the best possible way.
“Aww, baby, don’t be like that.” He said softly, placating. His lips trailing kisses along your neck. “But you looked so good running away from me, I couldn’t let the opportunity pass. Also, your booty moves so nicely when you run, and your tits were bouncing like you were an anime girl.” You didn’t need to look at his face to know he was smirking like a madman.
“You are nasty.” You told him, reaching back and grabbing his balls, hard. He just moaned. You knew he liked the pain.
“You love when I’m nasty.” He teased you. He was right, you couldn’t deny that. “Can I fuck your asshole next?” He mumbled, rubbing his still hard dick against your back. You looked over your shoulder at him, trying to decipher if he was kidding. He wasn’t.
“You give me the scare of my life!” You repeated, mad at him for being so heartless, but deep down loving how shameful he was.
He didn’t look guilty at all. “You came either way. You loved to be my prey, didn’t you baby?” He teased, tendrils coming around your body to hold you tight against his embrace. You mumbled about how mad you were, not really meaning it. “Does that mean I can’t bend you down and fuck your ass?” He asked again in a pouty voice. You hesitated, and he took that as an invitation to move your thong to the side again, teasing your asshole. He pushed his traveling tail up your hole, circling it. You tried to push him away, but he just laughed and moved it to collect some of the mixture of his seed and your juices. He used it as lube as he pushed the pointed tip inside you, making you moan. “There she is, my lovely slutty girlfriend.”
“Take me home first, at least.” You told him, already giving in to the pleasure you could feel building for him pushing his tail in an out, just the tip, but it was enough to make your pussy tingle all over again. His cum was still coming out of you. He always came in what felt like buckets.
“But I don’t wanna wait!” He complained, fucking you faster and holding your hips flush against his body. You pushed back, making his tail go deeper, his laughter almost cruel.
“Don’t be a brat. Take me home.” You choked out, already feeling the signs of an orgasm building. You didn’t want to be caught, and you already pushed your luck too far tonight.
“Can I fuck all your holes if I take you home?” He tried to negotiate.
“Ugh, fine.” You tried to fake the annoyance, but you knew he saw right past your facade. Who were you trying to lie? You loved when he was so shameless, you loved when he used all of your holes as you were nothing more than a human fleshlight for him. And specially, you loved when he used his prehensile tail to fuck your ass as he pushed his dick inside your pussy. Fuck. You were so close.
He lifted you up and carried you home, his tail still fucking your hole sloppily all they way there, bouncing you over him and staring at your tits.
You came two more times before you reached your bed.
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planetaryupscaled · 17 days
Sharing is Fun
Male Reader x Yeji x Yujin x Kazuha
Tags: 9k, smut, cheating, oral, anal, creampie
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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“Sorry but I don’t think I can go,” Yujin lied to her boyfriend on her phone. “No, I just don’t feel well, I drank too much last night.”
“What? No! they’re lying, I didn’t fuck him last night, he’s Yeji boyfriend!” Yujin wanted to get off her phone, but her boyfriend kept talking.
“I don’t know. I was at the party with friends, not just him! and then the next thing I knew, I woke up this morning, in my bed, alone.”
“Look, I got to go. I’ll make it up to you.” she ended the call and tossed it to the far end of the bed.
“You’re a liar,” I said when I was sure the call had ended.
“Shut up, mmhh” she moaned. Yujin was completely stripped of her clothing and was currently on top of me with my cock deep inside her. We’d been fucking when her phone rang, and she answered it, knowing that her boyfriend would not take her not answering her phone and not showing up for their plans as well.
So, as she talked, she slowly rocked her hips back and forth as she spoke with her boyfriend on her phone, but once the call was over, she picking things back up again. She sat straight up, arching her back, and swiveling her hip, enjoying the sensation. As good as her tight pussy felt on my cock, I could only sit back and let her ride me for so long before I could no longer hold back. I took a firm hold of her hips and thrust up into her.
“Oh, fuck,” Yujin moaned as I took control of the action.
“I’ll never get used to this. I can practically feel the thing in my stomach,”
“Yeah, Yujin, you like that?”
“Ahh Yes! Yes!” she moaned. “I’ve missed your cock,” she said, as she continued to bounced up and down.
Her soft breasts shook with every movement of her hips. I reached up to squeeze her breasts; she then bent down. We were about to kiss, but she turned at the last moment and instead she gave me a few kisses along my jawline.
“You such a tease,” I told her.
Yujin gave me her biggest smile and said, “Considering what we’re doing right now? Not really…”
I then kissed her neck before going down to her tit and sucking on her nipple. My hand then slipped down from her other breast and moved down between her legs. As she rocked up and down, my fingers moved to her clit. I knew just how to press her little love button as we fucked.
“Ohh Yes! Keep going… just like that,” she said as she moved her body. She began to move faster and I speed up my finger on clit. Within minutes, her eyes rolled back and her body severed as she succumbed to her orgasm. I kept brushing against her clit even as she was climaxing “Aahhhh,” she sighed as she came down from her high.
“It’s been a while since I’ve cum like that.” Yujin admitted.
“Really? Well, good news then, cause we’re not done yet,” I told her.
Yujin smiled broadly and even let out a small squeal of excitement in response to that comment. She then got off of me, and I asked her to lie on her stomach across the bed. Her head was facing one of the nightstands as I approached her near the edge of the bed.
While prone was never one of my favorite positions but it was always will be our position whenever I was with Yujin. Moving on my knees behind her, I slapped my dick against both of her ass cheek. Then I rubbed the length of my cock between her ass. Yujin even pushed her ass up towards me as I tease her rear.
“Please stop teasing and put it in me already,” Yujin pleaded.
“You might want to be more specific considering where my dick is right now.”
Yujin looked over her shoulder at me and said, “You wouldn’t dare.” Her tone suggested that she was challenging me rather than telling me not to. An idea came to my mind, but that thought was cut short.
“Just put it in her already! She’s desperate for it.” said the female voice. Looking up at the nightstand in front of Yujin, there was Yeji’s face on the laptop, watching what her friend and I were doing on the bed.
Yeji And I had been some kind of boyfriend-girlfriend for more than a year at this point since she broke up with her boyfriend because he found out from whoever that we’d been screwing around, and the next day she move in with me.
I could count on one hand how many times I’d been inside women who weren’t Yeji since I met a lot of her friends after that pool party in Busan, but the last time it happened was when Yeji, Yuna and I were in Incheon and we went all out that day and night, and the next morning I woke up with a naked Yeji on one side and a naked Yuna on the other.
That was roughly five months ago. Now, I'm in Incheon for work, while Yeji is in Seoul; she was also busy with her career as an idol. The two of us had only been in the same city for three nights out of the last few months, though we spoke daily. Earlier in the day I had been speaking with Yeji on the phone as I returned to the hotel where I was staying. We were discussing our day, and I told her that I met Yujin for lunch. Yujin was in Incheon to film her next project, and while she and I hadn’t hung out much, we were still pretty close. As we discussed my lunch, Yeji became oddly giggly, and as I entered my room, I found out why.
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There, waiting for me on my bed, was Yujin. Dressed in a matching set of black bra and panties, next to her was a freshly open box of condoms that she had brought with her. I went silent for a minute on the phone, and Yeji asked if I liked the surprise she had delivered to my room. I questioned her if she had really set it up, and she asked me how else did I think that Yujin got a key to my room.
Yeji’s conditions for this were that I could not creampie her friend. Well, this condom thing is a bit funny given that I’ve creampied her friends before, but she’s become a bit protective of me since she moved in, and second Yujin was not allowed to sleep over afterward, and the third one was that Yeji wanted to watch. So, I set up my laptop on the nightstand with a good view of the bed.
So now here I was on a hotel bed, fucking Yujin in a prone position while her face was pointed right at a screen with Yeji watching, and who I could tell based on her shoulder movement was playing with herself off camera. Yujin moaned as I held her ass and thrust down into her.
“Ugghhh, I’ve missed this,” Yujin grunted. Had I not been looking up at the laptop screen at Yeji’s face, I might have slipped and said “Me too.” While I would never ditch Yeji for Yujin, I could not deny the fact that I had always found hooking up with Yujin to be quite enjoyable.
As we did it prone, my hands firmly gripped her ass. As we kept going, and I looked down at what was in front of me, my thoughts began to go back to the last time Yujin and I were together. As my thoughts lingered, I angled my hands differently and found my thumb moving down into between her ass cheeks.
“What are you doing?” Yujin asked as she felt my thumb begin to wonder.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” I told her. “Let me ask you, since our last time together, have you ever tried anal again?”
“Mmm, yes I have, but he didn’t like it so we’ve only done it twice.”
“All that time and he have only done it once more time than you and I have, huh?”
“Yes, ahhh” Yujin moaned, my thumb was now rubbing up and down her backdoor as we continued to fuck hard.
“Maybe we should even up the score?”
“You won’t,” Yujin said while looking at me over her shoulder.
“Do it,” Yeji said with a devilish smirk through the screen.
With my cock still slick from Yujin’s overly wet pussy, I pulled out and placed my cock head up against her rear entrance. I stayed there for a bit. I looked at Yujin, and she looked at me but said nothing. I gave a little bit of pressure and I took the knowing silence as consent. I pushed forward and Yujin’s legs kicked up in the air as she let out a groan. I tried to go slow and let her get used to it. After it seemed like she was comfortable, I slowly began sliding back and forth.
“God, you’re just as tight as I remember,” I said as I fucked her ass.
“Well, you’re thicker than I remember.” She replied.
Yujin ass feels heavenly; the only thing that bothers me is the condom; and I don’t want Yeji mad at me, but the heat of the moment, I said ‘fuck it’ and slowly pulling out, taking off the condom when I was sure Yeji was not looking, throwing it on the floor, and then sliding back into Yujin ass.
Yujin look over her shoulder and give me a surprised look, she knows.
“Want me to stop?”
“I didn’t say that,” Yujin answered. I started going faster and harder. Yujin started to moan louder and grip the bed harder.
“Damn, Yujin, you really seem to be liking this. Your boyfriend won’t do it?”
“No, he won’t.”
“Too bad, he doesn’t know what he is missing,” I told her.
“Maybe I’ll ask Yeji if I can borrow you more. My boyfriend can have my pussy, but you can have my ass.” I rechecked what Yeji was up to and if she had any issues with where our dirty talk was heading. She didn’t seem to care too much since her eyes were closed, her head tilted back and her shoulder was moving. With her busy pleasuring herself while listening to us, I continued.
“Ummm, I like the sound of that. Who’s ass it this?” I asked while slapping her butt cheek.
“It’s yours!”
“Who does your ass belong to?” I asked with another spank on her cheek.
“My ass is yours!”
“And I can have it whenever I want?”
“Yes! Wherever, whenever, it’s yours!” Yujin cried out.
Her voice was strained and desperate, I knew she was close. I slowed the tempo and pulled Yujin up to her knees, reaching under her. I then started rubbing her clit with my hand while pumping my cock in and out of her asshole.
We kept that going for a bit, but it wasn’t until I pushed two fingers inside of her pussy that Yujin finally surrendered to her orgasm and her pussy gushed to the point that she soaked my hand that I was fingering her with and the bed bellow.
“Wow, I didn’t know you’re a squirter” I said in a mocking tone.
“Shut up”
As Yujin’s orgasmic cries subsided, I heard some more moans from my laptop, and when I looked up, Yeji’s eyes were closed and her body seemed to be shuttering. With Yujin cumming as I fucked her ass and then seeing Yeji have her own orgasm, I was pushed to my limits. I considered finishing inside Yujin’s asshole or pulling out and cumming all over Yujin’s back, but with us putting on a show for Yeji and Yujin’s face still in front of the camera, I had another idea.
Pulling my cock out of Yujin’s ass, I jumped up and moved to the other side of the bed. Taking Yujin by surprise, I flipped her onto her back, and when she opened her eyes, she was looking at me upside down as I stood in front of her, with my cock pointed directly at her face.
“Give it to me,” was her only reply to the new situation.
I stroked my cock and Yujin’s hand went to her breasts and played with them as she patiently waited for me to glaze her face. It did not take me long to deliver what we were both waiting for. With a grunt, my cock erupted. My initial two blasts went long and landed on her chest, but after that, I took better aim and began covering Yujin’s pretty face with my hot load.
It had been a few days since I had taken care of myself, and it showed in the amount of cum on Yujin’s pretty face. When I began to slow down, Yujin lurched forward and took me into her mouth. She began sucking it, slurping whatever was left of me. When I was finished, Yujin let my cock slip from her lips, and she gave me a big smile while her face was drenched in my cum. I thought getting my phone to take a picture, but I was beaten to the punch.
“Now, there’s a picture,” Yeji said. That comment was followed up by the sound of a camera shutter.
“Did you just take a picture?” Yujin questioned her friend.
“Maybe,” Yeji coyly replied, which was quickly followed by the sound of her taking another picture.
“I should go clean up a bit,” Yujin laughed and walked naked to the bathroom.
“Is she walking okay after all of that,” Yeji jokingly asked.
“Her legs looked a little shaky,” I told her, and we both laughed.
Yeji and I talked briefly after that. I thanked her for allowing me to do all of this, and she told me that when I got back to Seoul, I would have to show her how grateful I was. After a few minutes, she said that she had dinner plans for that evening and she had to get ready, before she logged off and I closed the computer.
When Yujin came back in the room, I was lying in the middle of the bed and she pounced on me saying that she was ready for next round. While I never wore a condom after that, it always ended up with me pulling it off and finishing on her back, breasts, and twice in her mouth. Yujin did leave after she had me take her ass one more time while we showered.
We texted the next day, making sure we were both still cool with what happened and making it clear this was more or less a one-off thing. Though an audible groan did escape my lips as I read a text response. Yujin said she understood but she was on set and she could practically still feel my cock in her ass and it was making her so wet she’d practically soaked through her underwear. She invited me to come and visit the set. I was tempted to take her up on the offer since I had two days left in Incheon, but I ultimately decided against it.
Three days later, I flew to Seoul. After several delays due to bad weather, I arrived late at night and had a car service drive me home. Yeji and I had agreed years ago that it was not necessary for one of us to pick the other up from the airport, both because it was inconvenient and because the last time one of us went to pick the other up, we were nearly caught having sex in the parking lot. Since then, we have kept our welcome home greetings private.
It was a little after midnight when I walked through the front door. The first thing I noticed when I walked in and set down my suitcase was the lack of noise. Neither Yeji nor her dog. I was tired and left my bags by the door to deal with later. Walking around a bit, no one seemed to be downstairs, so I went up to the bedroom. The lights in our bedroom were off, but the bedroom was illuminated with a small light around the room.
Yeji was lying on the bed, wearing a see-through nightgown. She looked incredible, and as I looked at her, my exhaustion faded. Unfortunately, she was sleeping. She must have had a long day; Idol life isn’t easy. I stood there for a moment, pondering.
I decided not to wake her up but thought I’d help her put her sheer dress away. Kicking off my sneakers I got on the bed and moved toward her. I slowly pulled down her shoulder straps, and then gave the dress a light tug as I moved it down her body. Yeji stirred a little as I finished pulling the dress down her body and off over her legs. Once it was off, I got off the bed and folded the dress carefully over the back of a chair in the room.
Heading back to the bed, and looking over Yeji’s body, I had a slight change of heart and I decided that maybe I should wake her up and let her know that I was home. Rather than shaking her awake or calling out her name, I started by rubbing my hand up and down and silky-smooth thighs.
Yeji’s body fidged in her sleep as I touched her. Moving up, a light moan escaped her lips as I brushed my hand over her mound. Even with the cloth between us, I could feel heat radiating from her. With a little more rubbing, I could feel her getting warmer, and when I hooked her bottoms and pulled them aside, I could see Yeji had shaved. It wasn’t long before I brought my lips down to kiss her pussy lips.
I started with a few kisses, then a few licks. While I got a reaction from my light teasing, she remained asleep. I quickly changed things and began eating her out as if she was begging me to go down on her.
Yeji began to respond. Her breathing quickened, and her body started twisting and stirring more. I could tell she was about to wake up, if she hadn’t already. So, I shifted my gaze to her face, continuing my oral assault on her pussy.
“Minho, you’re home,” Yeji moaned, though her eyes were still closed.
“Even with your eyes closed, you can still tell it’s me?” I asked
“I know that tongue anywhere,” she replied, opening her eyes and smiling at me. I moved up her body and kissed her. She moved her hand behind my head, holding me in place while we kissed. “I was supposed to be the one that surprised you tonight.”
“Is that why your dog isn’t here?” I asked.
“They’re with my parents, thought we could use some privacy tonight.”
“Good idea,” I said. Then I went back down to finish what I had started. I began fingering her as I licked and sucked on her clit. I licked her feverishly as she became increasingly wet. I knew Yeji was close to climaxing as she moved her hand down to the back of my head and practically strangled me with her thighs. After a few minutes, she exploded, drenching my face with her pussy juices as she held my mouth in place, while the rest of her body trembled in bliss.
I moved back up the bed and kissed her again. After that, we lay side by side on the bed, making out for quite some time. My hand moved all over her body. As we kissed, my hands removed her top to freed her perky breasts, in return she pushed my shirt and sweatshirt off. I was already hard as could be. It felt good to have her hand press up against me, even through my jeans.
“Why are your pants still on?” Yeji asked.
I removed my pants as quickly as I could, once my pants were off, Yeji quickly rolled over on top of me. With me on my back, Yeji was now on her knees sitting on my stomach. My hard cock was pointed straight up, and Yeji moved back so that my cock was now lined up in the middle of her butt, with her two soft yet fat cheeks straddled my shaft. She then moved her hips and began rubbing her ass against my cock.
“Remember when you and Yujin were together and she said that her ass is yours? That it belonged to you?” She asked me.
“Yeah,” I said, unsure of where this was going. Yeji then raised her hips and moved backward. When she lowered herself back down, my cock was now straining right in front of her. She wrapped both her hands around my shaft.
“Well, I want you to remember that while her ass might belong to you, your cock belongs to me.”
“I had no allusions otherwise,” I told her. “Yujin is fun, but she isn’t you.”
“Good. That’s what I like to hear,” she said as her hands continued to play with my shaft.
“You know what I’d like?” I asked.
“What’s that?”
“For you to prove that this dick is yours,”
Yeji gave a lip-biting smile in response before raising her hips. With my cock still in her hands, she lined it up and sunk her body down on it. Letting out a bit of a grunt as she took most of my dick with one thrust. Yeji then began riding me hard. At first slamming her pussy down my cock, before switching things up and going from bouncing up and down to swivelling her hips and grinding on top of me. As she bent over to kiss me, I took a firm grip on both cheeks of her ass, and just groped her firm butt.
“Ummm, I missed you,” Yeji said as she continued.
“I missed you too,” I told her before kissing her neck.
“I missed how good your cock makes me feel.”
“I missed how good your pussy feels.”
“Even after you got with Yujin?”
“Even after that,” I told her emphatically. I put my hand on her chin to make sure she was looking me right in the eyes as I told her, “If I had a choice between a single bathroom quickie with you or a week-long sex with Yujin, I’d choose you every time.”
“God, I love you,” she said before mashing her lips against mine. As we made out, I rolled us over so I was on top and she was on her back. Yeji quickly wrapped her legs tightly around my back as I fuck her hard. It wasn’t until she had an orgasm that she let up on the grip her legs had around me. Once I was free to move, I sat up and grabbed one of her legs, and lifted it in the air.
“God, your legs are still as perfect as they were the first time I ever saw you,” I told her as I kissed her from calf to thigh before resting it on my shoulder. I then did the same with her other leg. I placed my hands on her hips and started thrusting my hard cock in and out of her.
“Your cock is mine, right?” Yeji asked while trying to catch her breath.
“Always,” I answered her.
“Then make my pussy yours. Fill me and make me yours,” she pleaded. She repeated herself a few more times, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I pushed her legs off me and bent down. I kissed Yeji while delivering another hard thrust until I bottomed her out and my cock erupted, Yeji once again wrapped her legs around me, and tighten them as much as she could, keeping my cock fully inside of her. As I shot rope after rope of cum deep inside of her womb, the two of us remained lip locked. Even as we moaned in pleasure, we moaned into each other’s mouths as we kissed. Yeji came almost at the same time as me.
Exhaustion and comfort took over after we both came. We soon fell asleep in each other’s arms. We slept soundly until Yeji’s alarm to get up for her morning workout startled us both awake. fter turning off the alarm, I convinced her to skip her usual workout routine and stay in bed with me. While she skipped the usual morning workout, the two of us still did several hours of cardio in bed that morning.
A week later, Yeji and I were in our bedroom getting ready to go out for dinner. After getting out of the shower, I entered our large shared closet to get my clothes for the night.
“Oh wow, that’s what you’re wearing?” I said when I saw Yeji standing in front of the full-length trifold mirror at the back of the closet. Yeji was wearing a long light-weight black dress.
“Are you sure we need to go out tonight? I think I rather just stay here with you.”
“Na-uh, we can’t cancel on them again,” she replied.
We were planning on having dinner with Kazuha and her boyfriend. We had already cancelled dinner with them the last two times we had planned to get together with them. While we were each still friends with Kazuha, neither of us liked her boyfriend. I found him uninteresting, thought he believed he was a lot funnier than he was, and the only thing that he and I seemed to have in common was that we were both men who had had sex with Kazuha. Though I am not positive he is aware of the last part.
“They’ll start thinking that we don’t like them and are avoiding them.”
“But we don’t like him and would rather avoid him.”
“Yeah, but we don’t want them to know that. Besides I’m sure Kazuha will break up with him soon.”
“That’s what you said two months ago,” I reminded her, as I continued getting dressed. “I’ve never understood people who drag out the ending to the relationship. They know it’s not going anywhere, some don’t even like the guy anymore, and yet they’ll still drag the thing out for another few months. When I knew the relationship had an expiration date, I ended it.”
“Well, some people are not as comfortable being alone as you. Most people don’t enjoy going to the movies or dinner by themselves.”
“You’re there to be entertained by what you’re watching in front of you. I don’t get why that’s weird to go alone. Is it just so you’re not sitting next to strangers?” I said defending myself.
“She’ll eventually dump him just like she did the others. Just give her time,” Yeji said as she decided what heels she wearing with her dress.
“Yeah, maybe someone should tell her boyfriend that she’s been messing around, or maybe, like one of those exes, I had to fuck her in front of him for her to finally end the relationship,” I said, referring to why Yeji broke up with her ex. Yeji was not entertained by my comment and shot me a look where she almost seemed to have daggers in her eyes.
“I’m not suggesting that as an option this time around.” She added.
“I’m just saying that it can take something big to jolt her into action at times.”
“Uh-huh,” Yeji replied, in a way that let me know that she was unconvinced by my defence.
We finished getting ready and drove to the restaurant. We arrived about ten minutes late due to unexpected traffic, and the hostess informed us that Kazuha and her boyfriend were already there. She led us to the table, and as we approached, I felt uneasy.
“Sitting across from each other? This can’t be good. We can still make a run for it.”
“Be good,” Yeji said quietly and gave me a bit of an elbow to the chest.
As we approached, neither of them looked to be particularly pleased to be sitting with the other. Kazuha expression brightened only when she noticed us approaching. She was quick to get up and greet us, while the boyfriend remained seated and only said ‘hi’ as Yeji and I sat down. It did not take long for Yeji and me to feel the obvious tension at the table between the two. I texted Yeji under the table that I was looking forward to telling her ‘I told you so’ when we get home. She replied with a middle finger emoji, which put a smile on my face.
Yeji, Kazuha, and I had no issue talking and conversing about stuff, but when I tried to make small talk with the boyfriend, it was like pulling teeth. No matter what topic one of us tried to bring up, it seemed like the other person had nothing to say or didn’t enough anything about the topic to keep a conversation going. When he did engage with whatever topic Yeji, Kazuha, and I were talking about, it always seemed like either he was undermining something that Kazuha was saying or vice versa.
It is amazing that when you have a partner that you really know well and have spent enough time around, the two of you can have almost an entire conversation with just a look. Being someone who naturally has a sarcastic and witty sense of humour, there were times when I wanted to comment while Kazuha and her boyfriend bickered. Yeji would just give me a look that says ‘don’t say it’ even before a thought of what to say could form in my head. And she was right to give me that look. Saying something would have only thrown gas onto the fire. So, after everything I did to try to keep the peace, it was a surprise that Yeji was the one who finally snapped.
When the check arrived, I went to pick it up and pay for the dinner, but Kazuha said that she wanted to split the bill. After some playful back and forth, her boyfriend told her to let me pay. When Kazuha questioned him, he said I had lucked into my money and that if I wanted to spread the wealth, she should let me. His comment did bother me. However, Yeji could not let that slide.
“Excuse me? he has worked really hard. He works harder than most people I know, and he for sure works harder and is better at his job than you are at yours,” Yeji snapped at him.
“Oh please…” was his only response.
“Babe, there is way more to it. I’ve seen him on set, Minho works very hard,” Kazuha spoke up.
“You’re taking their side? Seriously?”
“I am, because what’s your side? Minho works hard. You spend most of the day lounging around my house. And why do you even care who pays for dinner? It’s not like you were going to pay for anything. If we had split the check it was going to be my money we would have spent. Like always.”
After that, Yeji and I bowed out of the fight as the two of them went back and forth until he got up and stormed out of the restaurant. He just left Kazuha sitting there with Yeji and me. Kazuha did not try to stop him nor did she get up to go after him. After he stormed out, Kazuha called the waitress over and ordered dessert for the table. While the first few minutes of us just sitting there were awkward, things were kind of pleasant by the time dessert arrived. Things were pretty normal as we ate and when the updated check arrived at the table, Kazuha had her credit card out before it even hit the table.
Things started to get tense as the three of us got in my car to drive Kazuha back home. The closer we got to her place, the more wound up Kazuha got about the things she was going to say to him. By the time we pulled into her driveway, Kazuha was the maddest I had ever seen her. His car was there and the lights inside were on. As she entered her house I turned to Yeji.
“Should we wait?”
“We probably should give it five minutes,” she replied
Within three minutes she got a text asking if we were still close by. When Yeji texted back that we were still outside, Kazuha said she’d be out in five. I then suggested to Yeji that we have some red wine and popcorn delivered to our place because it could be a long night. As Yeji was finishing the order, Kazuha came back out wearing the same dress she had worn for dinner. She also had a large back over one shoulder and in her other hand, she had her dog leash, with it leading the way as they walked to my car.
“Isn’t this your house?” I asked, pointing out the fact that instead of booting out the boyfriend, she was abandoning her place.
“I told him he had 24 hours to pack up all his shit,” she answered.
The entire way back home we could hear Kazuha’s phone going off with text notifications. She would reply occasionally with voice notes and other times with her fingers would type away a response.
“Oh, wow. Now he’s begging me to come back so we could talk it out. He’s so full of shit,” Kazuha said with a mix of disbelief and anger.
“Maybe you should tell him where you keep your vibrator so he can go fuck himself with it,” I sarcastically suggested.
“No don’t…” Yeji said, but her words were cut off by Kazuha.
“That’s perfect!” Kazuha said excitedly as she began typing away.
When we arrived home, a delivery bag sat at the front door. Walking inside, Yeji’s dog happily greeted us, and it were also pleased to see Kazuha’s. Kazuha had come over to the house before, so they all knew each other and got along. Kazuha went to bring her bag to the guest room as Yeji let the dogs outside.
I took the delivery bag to the kitchen. As I opened one of the bottles of red wine, Kazuha came walking in dressed in sweatpants and a tight crop top.
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“Do you want a glass?” I asked her.
“Yes, thanks,” she replied. However, she did not wait for me to pour a glass, nor did she take the bottle and pour her own glass. Instead, she took the bottle and drank straight from it. Taking two big chugs, she then grabbed a bag of popcorn with her other hand and walked towards the living room.
Yeji and I kept Kazuha company for a few hours as she vented everything she dislike about her boyfriend and all the fights they had. As she vented, she kept drinking directly from the bottle until it ran empty. Eventually, Yeji and I said good night to Kazuha and we retired to our bedroom.
“So, I think a ‘I told you so’ is in order,” I said as we walked into the bedroom. “I told you we should have just cancelled on tonight.” I expected some kind of blowback from Yeji, but instead, she surprised me by wrapping her arms around me and kissing me sensually.
“Thank you,” she said, as our lips finally parted.
“After a kiss like that? I am pretty sure I should be the one thanking you.”
“No, thank you for not being a total shithead like some other guys,” she explained.
“That’s all because of you,” I told her before kissing her again.
We slowly moved towards the bed, with me losing a piece of clothing with each step. Once I was down to my boxers, the back of my legs hit the edge of the bed and I took a seat. Yeji, meanwhile, took two steps back away from me. I looked her over. Still dressed in the same clothing as what she had worn to dinner.
Yeji reached behind her neck to undo the back of her dress. She then slowly and teasingly began to lower it down her body. When she had it down around her waist, she stopped to remove her backless bra. Even after all these years and countless times of seeing her naked, I still began salivating as Yeji exposed her tits. She ran her hands over her breasts before going down and finishing removing her dress, allowing it to fall and pool around her feet after pushing it past her hips.
Yeji was now left standing in nothing more than her black underwear. She stepped up close to me and then took my hand and placed them on her hips, right at the edge of her panties. I hooked my fingers into the waistband and removed them. Yeji Now standing naked before me, I bent forward and kissed her right above her pussy, then to her toned flat stomach, and moved down, my lips brushed up against the hairs of the patch that she was let grow in.
I attempted to remove my underwear, but Yeji stopped me. She took a step back and asked me to stand up while she dropped to her knees. She pulled down my boxers, revealing my hard cock sprang out.
Yeji pressed her lips against my cock, lightly kissing the tip. I could barely feel her lips pressing against my cock head. Then she repeated it, and again. She took the base in her hand and kissed up and down my shaft before returning to the tip. She took it into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the tip before messaging the sensitive spot just under the tip. It all felt unbelievable, but I knew that she was just giving me a little bit of pleasure. And appetizer before moving on to the main course.
She got up and we both move onto the bed. This was not going to be a lot of foreplay action like we often like to do. Instead, Yeji laid down on her back and pulled me on top of her. I gave a hard thrust of my cock into her, causing her to gasp, but after that, the two of us just kissed and made out lovingly.
We stayed like that for a while, just making out while basically in the missionary position with my cock resting inside of her. After a while, I did begin to rock my hips as we continued to kiss. While the two of us knew how to fuck each other, this time it was much more lovemaking than anything.
Our tempo was much slower and gentler. When our lips weren’t pressed together, we were staring straight into each other’s. We repeatedly expressed our love for each other. I was surprised by the way we were going, and when I warned her I was about to cum, she asked me to pull out. She had to tell me twice before I finally did pull out and I got up and sat on my knees.
Yeji then sat up and leaned over, swallowing the first few inches of my cock as her hand pumped my shaft. With my dick slick with Yeji’s juices, her hand easily slid up and down my shaft, jerking me off while her tongue played with the tip of my cock. It was only a matter of time before I started firing cum shots into the back of Yeji’s mouth, which she quickly swallowed.
“Fuck, Yeji, you’re so incredible,”
“You’re pretty great yourself,” she complimented me.
“Wow, that was hot,” said a third voice away from the bed.
We both quickly snapped our heads around to where the voice came from. There in the doorway, we both saw a drunk Kazuha leaning against the door frame. Kazuha was still wearing sweatpants and a crop top, but her shirt had been rolled up to just under her breasts, her hard nipples could be seen poking through. And while her pants were on, one of her hands was shoved inside, and there were clear wet spots on her crotch.
“What the fuck?” Yeji yelled when she saw her standing there watching.
“Sorry,” Kazuha said in a breathy tone. “I heard you down the hall, and when I walked by, the door was open…” I couldn’t look away. “You two are so hot together.”
“But still, Kazuha…”
“Sorry, but I started watching, and then I started thinking about the times the three of us got together, and I just got so horny I couldn’t help myself.” As Kazuha spoke and drunkenly tried to explain herself, her hand never left her pants.
“Go to bed and sleep it off, you’ll feel better in the morning,” I calmly told her.
“Yeah, you’re right. Sorry,” she said as she finally pulled her hand out of her pants, her fingers glistening with wetness, and she turned to go back down the hall to the guest room.
“I kind of feel bad for her,” Yeji said after letting out a deep sigh and running her hand through her hair. “She looked sad and… horny. That��s like the worst combination.”
“Yeah, well, she’ll be fine. Especially after she gets some sleep. You’ll see, she’ll be way better in the morning,” I told her. I then kissed Yeji on her neck.
“You’re probably right,” she said.
“Now, should I close the door or should we keep it open and let her keep listening? Because I am ready to go again.” I told Yeji as I kissed my way down the middle of her chest. I was about to suck on her tit when Yeji pulled my face up to hers and she gave me a kiss on the lips.
“I love you,” she said and then she called out to the hallway, “Kazuha, are you still there?”
There was a minute of silence before we heard Kazuha timidly respond, “No,” from just next to the door frame.
“What are you doing?” I asked Yeji quietly.
“I love you; I trust you, and she really hurting.”
“So… I want you to absolutely wreck her,” Yeji quietly answered me. She then called back to the hallway, “Come in here!”
As Kazuha crept back into the bedroom, I looked at Yeji for confirmation that was sure about this. She gave me a nod, and then we both turned to Kazuha. No one said anything or did anything for a moment. Finally, I made a move. I got up off the bed and began walking to Kazuha. As I moved toward her, her eyes were not looking at me. Her eyes were fixed on my hard cock.
“In all your rantings about your ex, you never said anything about your sex life,” I said as I stood inches from her.
“He could get off most of the time, but it’s been a while since I came so hard with my leg was still twitching minutes after,” Kazuha told me, moving her eyes up to meet mine for the first time.
“How about we change that?” I asked her.
I did not wait for a response. I picked her up and tossed her on the bed. While she was on her back, I grabbed her sweatpants and ripped them down her legs and off her body. She was so wet.
I grabbed both of her legs, spread them out, and pushed them up above her head. With her wet pussy splayed in front of me, I dove down to eat her out.
“Nghh yess! eat my pussy, ahh, just like that…” Kazuha cried out.
If there was any question about how horny Kazuha was, that question was answered as she came within two minutes of me starting to go down on her. However, even as she came, I did not relent a all. Outside of Yeji, there was no one else I had ever enjoyed going down more on than Kazuha, and with the opportunity to go down on her again, I was not going to stop after only two minutes.
Kazuha had one of the prettiest, tightest pussies I’d ever seen, and she also had one of, if not the best-tasting pussies I’d ever tried. So, given the opportunity to taste her again, I ate her up like it was the last time I’d ever get to do so.
I devoured her pussy until I had her right on the edge again, and then I backed away. I started licking her juices, which had spilled onto her upper thighs. When she calmed down, I went back to her pussy and ate her out until she was on the verge, at which point I backed off again. I moved away from her pussy and began to play with her hard nipples instead. I would go on to edge her once more before Kazuha complained.
“What are you doing?” She yelled.
“You know exactly what I’m doing,”
“Please just keep going.”
“You going to do it,”
“Uh-huh,” she cried.
So, I moved back down her body and went back to sucking on her clit as I fingered her. Sure enough, Kazuha did exactly what I wanted. What I loved making her do.
When she climaxed again, she also squirted. And not just a small trickle, she shot some juices up in the air as her body erupted. Kazuha said that she had not had a real body-shaking orgasm in a while, well based on the way her eyes rolled back as she came it seemed safe to say that that streak had ended.
“Well, looks like you got her off pretty good,” Yeji commented as she looked at Kazuha lying there trying to catch her breath.
“Yeah, maybe we should give her a break for a minute,” I said as I moved over to Yeji, and the two of us started to make out and grind against one another while Kazuha lay next to us.
Yeji was still dripping wet as she rubbed her pussy against my cock. I was about to thrust into Yeji when Kazuha started stirring again. She was on her knees behind me, pressing her tits against my back and kissing my shoulder.
“I want your cock,” Kazuha whispered.
“I think you need to wait your turn,” I told her.
“I’ve been waiting, and you just fucked tonight,” Kazuha whined as I continued to pay more attention to Yeji than her, and Kazuha did her best to tempt me to turn around.
Yeji then moved in close to me, and whispered.
“Remember what I said before? Wreck her.”
Yeji then pulled away, kissing me on the lips before moving her body away. I spun around, and before I could react, Kazuha pounced on me, knocking me back onto the bed. She pressed her lips against mine, and then I felt her grab my cock. She began rotating her hips around the tip of my cock until she had a proper angle. She then sat down on it.
“Oh fuck! I’ve missed that feeling,” she said as sat on my cock. She stayed bent over my body as she began bouncing up and down.
“You feel so good Kazuha, So fucking tight!”
“That’s because I haven’t been properly fucked by a cock like yours in a long time,” Kazuha then looked up at Yeji.
“You’re so fucking lucky.”
“I know,” Yeji said confidently.
Kazuha rode me hard for a while. But eventually, we changed things up. I knew what Kazuha liked, so I had us get out of bed and head over to the dresser, which had a large mirror above it. Kazuha quickly bent over, bracing herself against the dresser’s edge. Sticking her cute fat ass at me.
I moved behind her, grabbed her hips, and slide my cock back inside her freshly fucked pussy. Once inside, I looked up at the mirror, and we made eye contact. Whatever drunken haze she had in her eyes when Yeji and I first saw her in our doorway was good. Now all that was lust and determination.
“Please fuck me hard,” she begged, so I did exactly that.
The room filled with the sound of my pelvis hitting her ass with each thrust as well as the banging sound of her dresser against the wall As I fucked her tight lips hard.
“Oh god just like that, fuck, your cock feels so good,” she moaned.
“And your pussy is just as tight as I remember,” I told her as I started playing with her asshole with my thumb.
Kazuha looked at my face through the mirror the entire time, and while I did try to focus mostly on her, my eyes would occasionally dart over my shoulder to the another gorgeous openly masturbating on the bed. I didn’t like the idea of just focusing on Kazuha while Yeji was also left in the room unattended by herself. So, I was happy when Kazuha’s leg buckled and she finally had another orgasm. I withdrew my cock and gave her some time to recover before making a suggestion.
“You know,” I said, “You should probably thank Yeji for letting this happen.”
“Oh?” Kazuha said playfully. “Do you think a thank you note and a bottle of wine will do?”
“It’s a good start, but I was thinking something more… immediate.”
Kazuha then went over to the bed and got on it right between Yeji’s legs. While she teased her for a bit, Kazuha did eventually expressed her gratitude and began eating her out with the same effort I had given her earlier in the night.
I sat back and waited, though I could not help but notice the way Kazuha kept her ass up high in the air as she ate out her friend.
Eventually, it was all too tempting for me. I couldn’t just sit back and watch any longer. In an instant, I was on the bed, slamming my cock back into Kazuha, while she continued to feast on Yeji’s.
“Ahh Fuck! Could you not warn me first?” Kazuha said as she looks over her shoulder.
“Shut up, or I’ll fuck your ass too” I told her as I began to play with her asshole, again.
“Ahh, you wouldn’t dare! and no…” she said, “not tonight,” she added in a whisper as she makes a suggestive look.
So now it was the three of us on the bed with Yeji on her back, Kazuha on her elbows and knees between her legs, and me on my knees fucking Kazuha from behind.
“I want to taste her,” Yeji announced. I knew right away what she meant. So I pulled out from Kazuha, much to her disappointment, she moved over to where my cock was now easily accessible for Yeji’s mouth.
“God, she really does taste good,” Yeji said as she sucked some of Kazuha’s juices off my cock. She continued to suck and lick my cock until it was no longer coated in any of Kazuha’s pussy juices, but only in her saliva.
It was time to finish her off. Kazuha flipped over onto her back, and Yeji straddled her face as I moved between her legs. I couldn’t resist getting another taste of Kazuha straight from the source, so I gave her a few licks before moving into position and inserting my cock into her. I lifted Kazuha’s legs again and spread them wide as I delivered, pounding her pussy hard and fast until my cockhead was rubbing her cervix. Yeji once again came on Kazuha’s face, and Kazuha wasn’t far behind with her own orgasm.
Yeji moved away from Kazuha’s face, and she also took her ankles from my hands and bent Kazuha’s legs back until they were on the side of Kazuha’s face. Kazuha had practically folded at this point, and I was about to warn her, but Yeji spoke up before I could. Based on the expression on my face, she must have known what I was about to say.
“Minho,” she said. “Remember our rules?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I replied. I began to pull back, assuming she meant no creampies in or from others, until Yeji said something different.
“Forget them tonight. Fill her.”
“Mmm-hmmm,” she nodded.
“What’s happening?” Kazuha said in confusion.
“This is what’s happening,” I told her and seconds later I blast my cum inside of her, painting her wall white with all I have.
“Oh my god yes! Give me all! Fucking fill me!” Kazuha screamed as she felt me shooting a seemingly never-ending load of cum inside her womb. Even I was taken aback by the amount I came.
“Damn, that was a good one,” I said as I pulled out and watched cum drip out of Kazuha’s now well-fucked pussy.
“I think you mean a huge one,” Kazuha corrected me. “I didn’t know if you were ever going to stop.” She added as a river of cum began flowing out of her.
“If only your boyfriend could see you now,” Yeji joked.
“Ex-boyfriend,” Kazuha retorted. And I wish he could. Would be no questions whether we were over or not now.”
“My phone is in my pocket,” I said half joking.
“Get it,” Kazuha said in a serious tone.
I got out of bed, found my pants, and pulled out my phone. Once on the bed, Kazuha instructed me to take several close-up photos of her wet pussy, which was leaking my cum. After about a dozen photos, including one in which she used her fingers to open her pussy lips wide, she took my phone and looked through the photos. She commented on which ones she liked best and sent them to her phone.
“I’ll send it to him in the morning,” she said.
Kazuha more or less passed out after that, leaving Yeji and I still wide awake on the bed. We ended up screwing each other’s brains out on the bed one more time with Kazuha sound asleep right next to us. Sleeping through all the shaking of the bed and all the loud sex noises we were making before I shot my third load of the night into Yeji’s womb.
“God that was amazing,” I said to Yeji as we now laid in bed together under the covers. The two of us had our heads on our pillows and were looking at one another as we spoke. Kazuha was on the other side of me still sound asleep.
“Yeah, that was fun,” Yeji replied.
“You’re still my number one, you know that right?”
“Of course I do. This was just a little bit of special fun.”
“So, I know my birthday is still a few days away but was this my present? I know you said you had something special planned,” I asked.
“Oh no. I didn’t plan any of this. Your birthday gift is still coming, and I think you’ll like that gift even more than this?”
“More than tonight?” I questioned her.
“Trust me, what I have planned is going to blow your mind,”
Yeji then gave me a quick peck on the lips before rolling over and falling asleep. I was left wondering what she could have planned that was even more incredible than a threesome with Kazuha.
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