mysticficti0n · 1 year
can't help but miss you
Tom Kaulitz x Y/n Y/l/n
anonymous- I have a request, obvi you don’t have to do! Maybe like a 2023 smut with Tom Kaulitz( him and Heidi are dating not engaged) Reader and Tom had a thing/dating when he was younger/ aka when he had the dreads and they reunite at a party and the reader is like so pretty like model type and she’s like maybe a little younger than Tom and when they meet each others eyes Tom can’t seem to stop looking at her and like Heidi asks him what’s wrong but he just shrugs it off and later on when Heidi went to go get a drink or something the reader walks up to him and they end up going to the restroom and the smut happens… and then Heidi runs into him after but reader alr left and shit. ALSO I LOVE YOUR STORIES OFC YOU DONT HAVE TO ANSWER THIS REQUEST
No I absolutely love this- the worst thing fucking happened I deleted the wrong concept (baso I had two of these like a story set out and a write up and I deleted the write up x_x) but I re-wrote it and hopefully its better than the OG one ❤️
people under 16+ please don't interact, if you do it's not my problem you've been warned!
  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
warnings- cheating, toxic relationship, fingering, sex, ownership, hair pulling, swearing, rough/smut into fluff, drugs are mentioned
words- 4k
(oh this is your outfit btw just without the gloves- black n white dress)
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The music was blaring as I walked into my old friend Gustav's 35th birthday party, I wasn't expecting a blow out like this but I mean when I herd Bill was in charge it didn't fully surprise me, I looked around and everyone was dressed in black and white as we were told on the invitations. I turned to Beth my sister who'd been invited too and she was already laughing and smiling with some women, I carried on through the venue telling her I'd catch up with her later on
I saw some people I recognised but I'm nearly 15 years older now, freshly 31 years old, I turned around a corner and saw the smiling faces of three of my old best friends "Holy shit! Y/n oh my god!" Bill ran over pulling me into a hug- his hugs I've missed for years "you look amazing!" he let go and I gave him a spin
"you two! look at this outfit- Bill you never dress badly I swear to god" he giggled grabbing my hand and pulling me to the group
"look who it is" Georg smiled pulling me into a hug and I held him back "its been so long!"
"I know, ten years... shit thirteen I think since we last saw each other" I shook my head in disbelief at how the time has flown by, when we all last knew each other Tokio Hotel was going on their biggest tour and I was just getting big in the modelling world- now I'm one of the top models and they still do crazy big tours around the world "Gustav! happy birthday!" I called seeing him come to me and hugging me like the other two
"hey- I didn't even know you were coming! thank you by the way" he smiled- he looked different- they all did but none bad "how's life?"
"pretty good, Beth moved in with me not long ago, mom and dad are doing well and jobs just keeping me busy, how about you I herd you had a baby! what the fuck" a smile creeped onto his face as he pulled out his phone showing me all the pictures of the small girl and how she's already so grown up "god she's beautiful"
"just like her mom" he chirped pulling a women forward "Linda this is Y/n, childhood friend" a brown haired women stepped forward giving me a smile- she was beautiful. Our conversation continued till I felt a tap at my shoulder and I I saw him for the first time since we'd split back in 2010, his hair wasn't in long black braids, clothes not baggy and lip piercing still there no- his hair was brown and blonde waved and around his head, in black slacks and matching button, lip pricing gone "holy shit! hey!" Tom's arms closed around me giving me a huge hug, tighter than the rest
"Hi, fuck it's been so long!" he hummed into my hair pulling away but his hands still holding my arms "you look amazing!" I smiled hearing his voice again
"you too! the hair is new" he nodded playing with the ends like a kid "my god I can't believe I haven't seen you guys since I was like 19, its crazy" everyone said a string of 'yeah' and 'fuck its been long' but were interrupted by a voice that called Tom away, I looked to see a tall blonde women who I immediately recognised, Heidi Klum
"oh Y/n this is my girlfriend- Heidi this is-" the women stepped forward and grinned
"Y/n Y/l/n right? I saw you in vogue, you looked gorge in that red lace" I nodded feeling flattered a model like her had seen me but then it clicked GIRLFRIEND?- I would never have expected it
"lovely to meet you- I've seen some of your shoots and you're beautiful, especially " she blushed grabbing my hand. we kept talking till my sister came over and pulled me to go get drinks and I waved to the group
My jaw could've fallen off when I saw her, she was even more pretty then before and I didn't even know that was possible, her hair looked perfect around her face, longer than before, make up made her look sexier than I could even imagine, her eyes were lighter than the smokey eyes she'd do daily, and the dress- god how it went around her thighs and fit her curves perfectly
I couldn't help but feel my heart skip when I looked over at her, I had to stop, I have Heidi but... but I couldn't.
the night went on but I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n- every memory of her, remembering those feelings that were flooding back from 13 years ago- the time I made the worst mistake
"are you fucking serious? what are you talking about?" Y/n spoke staring at her boyfriend who was leaning on the kitchen counter staring at the girl, eyes had dark circles around them, lips looked dry
"we should break up-" Toms voice was strong but he was falling apart inside, hearing those words come from his mouth felt like stabs to his heart
"Tom what the fuck!" the girls voice got louder and she slammed her bags into the floor, Y/n had just got off work and was more then excited to get home- it was Friday meaning date night but came home to see loads beer bottles thrown in the bin on the drive and cigaret boxes hiding between them "what happened within the 6 hours I was gone. you.. you were saying how much you loved me this morning and kissing me and now- now you want to break up?" her voice cracked even mentioning breaking up, she loved him more than life its self and had for the last 3 years they'd been dating, he helped her buy her first house, spent Christmas and birthdays together- why did he want to end it? is all she could think of
"well I was wrong and- I didn't mean any of that shit, I don't fucking love you... I haven't for years" his voice slurred. Y/n thought she'd faint, years?
"you're drunk- ah don't even deny it I saw the bottles Tom" he rolled his eyes walking to the door where she was stood and went to open it "what are you doing?" her voice quivered "Tom what are you doing... Tom please what are you doing!" she started to yell as he just stood over her looking to the door "TOM PLEASE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" she broke down grabbing his shirt and trying to pull him to look down "TOM! TOM LOOK AT ME! FUCK SAKE JUST LOOK AT ME TOM!" she screamed and the boy looked down seeing her, mascara running down her face, eyes full of tears and screams leaving her mouth but his mind was a blur with the mix of alcohol, tobacco, weed and the pure sadness he felt, he felt he was slipping from reality
"Y/n let go-" he spoke calmly "you need to let go of me" his voice began to shake as he tried to pry the girl off him
"NO! NO WHAT HAPPENED! WHAT DID I DO TOM PLEASE FUCKING TELL ME, DON'T JUST LEAVE!" Y/n poked her finger into his chest and again he just walked back into the kitchen and to the fridge pulling another beer out "stop drinking- just tell me!" she stormed to the kitchen and snatched the bottle from his hand
"you did nothing Y/n-" the girl argued back but he soon cut her off "Y/N I FUCKING CHEATED OKAY- I CHEATED ON YOU" he caught himself of guard screaming at her pointing his finger in her face and slamming his first onto the table, she cowered down but soon her eyes narrowed
"YOU FUCKING CHEATED!" with the bottle in hand the girl threw it toward the boy missing his face by inches she watched it smash onto the wall and explode "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CHEAT ON ME? WAS I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? DID I NOT GIVE YOU ENOUGH?"
"YOU WERE ENOUGH GOD DAMN IT YOU'RE EVERYTHING TO ME Y/N- I FUCKING LOVE YOU, I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT OKAY!" the boy shouted back but Y/n wasn't having it she started finding anything she could and throwing it at him, oranges, keys, glasses, soap bottles you name it, she threw it
"YOU PEICE OF SHIT DON'T TELL ME YOU LOVE ME! YOU WOULDN'T CHEAT IF YOU LOVED ME AND YOU JUST FUCKING SAID YOU HAVEN'T LOVED ME IN YEARS" her heart began to shatter at the sight of him to the point she had to hold on to the counter- the same counter they'd make dinner together on and celebrate birthdays drink together, he'd sometimes lift her onto it and they kiss for hours on end, Tom walked over to the girl grabbing her hand she wanted to let go but she couldn't not with the way her head was, the world was spinning and she felt she'd fall any second
"I'm sorry- Y/n I'm sorry I don't know why I did it please I- I can't even look at myself without feeling like I've destroyed the one thing I love so much- I still love you Y/n, I never for a second of any year stopped, I don't know why I said what I said, I never stopped loving you but I can't be with you- not after what I've done" tears fell from the couples eyes as they stood there
"you have fucked me over Tom- I fucking loved you, I'd do anything for you and I get this? you said you'd marry me, we'd have a family, grow old, watch life become better together ; why did you ruin this?" her hands pounded on his chest with every word "you have ruined me- everything was going so well and I want you to know what ever happens next- is your fault" her words stung like hell, he could only stare and regret everything he ever did with that women.. why did he let his old ways get in the way "fuck you Tom- get the fuck out of my house- I never wanna see you ever fucking again, come get your shit tomorrow when I'm not here and I don't want to hear from you again" and with that the two never spoke again, never saw each other again and the feelings just faded with the years
-end of flashback-
now I'm standing here watching her dance around to her old favourite songs and sing like she always did around the house- god I missed her so much. I still felt a pain when I saw her, when we broke up I saw her in magazines, tv, posters, everywhere and would need to smoke straight after and drink something strong to try pull my mind from her- Y/n Y/ln
"hun whats wrong are you okay?" Heidi tapped me, pulling me from my thoughts
"huh- oh yeah I'm good just looking for Georg" I lied seeing her nod and she quickly said she was going to the bar with some friends and walked away, my eyes drifted back to Y/n, laughing with people we knew back in the days but soon I realised she wasn't looking at them- she was looking at-at me. she waved of the group and came to me with the same grin I remember being in love with
"hey! are you alright you seem a bit- gone" I rolled my eyes seeing the girl laugh "or was my dancing just that amazing?"
"oh of course" I chuckled seeing her start dancing again "wow you could be a professional" she stopped taking a sip of her drink and placing the empty cup on the side "I can't believe its been thirteen years" I sighed seeing her nod
"yeah- last time I saw you was erm.. when we broke up" a awkward laugh escaped her lips "fun times"
"yeah- I wanna apologise for it- I... the way I did it was stupid I was drinking and smoking because I thought it would make it easier but fuck it only made things so much worse and- and I'm sorry Y/n" the girl looked to me, her doe eyes softening and a smile spreading back along her red lips
"thank you...you know for the next two years after we broke up I sometimes wondered if you'd come home or just come see me you know- In a way I'm glad you didn't but god I missed you" I felt my heart swell- I did Dave past her house arguing with myself just to go knock the door, or call her and say I needed her... but I could never bring myself to do it
"I wanted to but I didn't want a orange pelted at me" I played she giggled again hitting my arm "see you can't stop hitting me!"
"shut up Thomas" hearing my nickname nearly knocked me out "god I haven't said that in a while"
"...I fucking missed you" I caught myself of guard, her y/c/e shot into my gaze and I felt my breath hitch, but I wasn't some dumb teen anymore I wanted to tell her everything"I- I miss everything about us- the dates, your voice, the long nights we'd be up talking, making dinner, singing songs, dance at parties, hold each other, spend holidays together- fuck I miss our..." I halted deciding if it was right to say, Y/n gave me a small nod and with a single breath it came out "I miss our sex- nobody is as good or understands me the way you did and it sounds crazy but fuck its true- I miss you Y/n- I regret everything" her eyes seemed glassy but everything I said was true
"I- I miss it all too, no one is like you- nobody treats me like you did, I- I miss you fucking every day I try to ignore it but 15 years I still think about you, I'm happy we moved on but I want you back... as stupid as that sounds" it was like the world only had us in it- my mind could only focus on her I wanted to kiss her- god kissing Y/N was like a dream come true for me. Every time we locked lips, my heart would flutter and my stomach would get butterflies. I loved the way her soft lips felt against mine and the way she'd close her eyes and melt into me, like nothing else mattered in the world. I could spend hours just kissing her and never get tired of it. It felt like a beautiful escape from the real world, where all that mattered was us and the moment we shared. Even when we had to part ways, the memory of our kisses would linger in my mind and make me smile.
in a fast move I caught her lips in mine, hands wrapping around her waist it was like I was 16 all over again, Y/n wrapped up in my arms and kissing her any chance I got, for a moment she was hesitant but I felt her mold to me, her hand tangled in my hair- I'd never felt her grip there but it felt so right. Thankfully we were in the corner of the room and as the night got later the only lights that were on were the ones on the dance floor so we weren't in view of anyone unless they really looked, my lips moved from her lips to her neck- I nipped just below her jaw, I remembered everything about her body, every dip, curve, spot. A sweet moan filled my ear making me only hungrier for her "fuck- Tom people might see us, be careful" hearing my name fall from her lips took me back. I felt the girl pull back and look down, my eyes followed her
"shit- I..I'm sorry" I saw the tent formed in my slacks brushing against her thigh, my eyes met with hers again a smirk forming on her lips. Without any more words we slid away into one of the many bathrooms in the building through the corridor and down the stairs "god I've fucking missed you baby-" she smiled pulling my face to her, foreheads hitting, she pressed one last kiss to my lips and sat on the bathroom counter, shoving all the soaps and towels to the floor.
It had been 15 years since I last touched her let alone had sex with Y/n. I was nervous, excited, and scared all at the same time. I was worried whether I would be able to please her, whether I would be able to pleasure her, whether I would be able to make her feel the same way I had made her feel all those years ago when I could make her the most beautiful mess in the matter of minuets. I was scared of disappointing Y/n, of not being able to give her the same pleasure I had given her before. But despite all these fears, I was eager to be with Y/n once again, to experience the same feeling that we had experienced so long ago. I was ready to explore a new kind of connection with her, to explore the depths of our newly rediscovered lust. I was ready to fuck Y/n and have the pleasure that I had been missing for so long.
my hands wondered up her thighs onto the hem of the dress "can I?" she nodded lifting herself slightly so I could get the dress over her ass, I pulled it up revealing a small lacy black thong "fuck-" I groaned feeling my self wanting to rip it off her, she lifted her arms allowing me to get the dress fully off and I watched as her tits fell free , they were still my favourite eye candy all these years on "god I've missed those" I lunged forward taking her one boob into my mouth, swirling her nipple with my tongue hearing her soft noises escape her lips, her hands tangled themselves into my hair as she pulled me closer
"Tom- please i.. I need more" I pulled away looking to her face flushed red, I let my hands fall to her hips and play with the thong strap "please" she whined grabbing my hands and putting it to her heat, there was a small patch in the fabric- she was already soaking
"god still so needy hm?" she nodded "so wet for me-" my words came out in a almost moan and I watched her trying to roll her hips on my hand, I pulled away and shoved her hands back, I leaned down grabbing her legs and pulling her closer to me, my chin resting on her bare stomach "want me to take these off?" she hummed getting closer to me, I pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh and grabbed both sides of the cotton ripping them apart
"TOM!" she yelled eyes widening at her panties in two "I-"
"its fine baby, I'll clean you up well so you wont need these, can be our little secret" her face went red again telling me I did a good job as I stuffed the fabric into my pocket "now- let me see that pretty little pussy" her legs parted and she was leaking already- she was beautiful, I let my ring finger slide through her folds hearing small whimpers string from her mouth "good girl, you like me touching you?"
"yes Tom- fuck I've missed this please- please I need more, don't tease pl-please" I laughed at her words pressing a small kiss to her head before letting my finger dip into her heat "SHIT-"
"shush- don't want people hearing you up stairs" she covered her mouth with her free hand and closed her eyes- I could've came at the sight but I knew I had to wait, I brought another finger into her feeling her tighten around me "good girl- you want more don't you?" she nodded opening her eyes that were already tearing up
"I need- I need you.." hearing her voice so quiet was music to my ears, she was so god damn hot "ple-" I sped up my pace adding a third didget and a cry spilled from her "I..I'm gonna- TOM!" I ripped my fingers out and let my mouth do the finishing part- tasting her for the first time in so long I hummed at the flavour "shit shit shit" she came, hands tightening around my shoulders
"you taste even sweeter doll" I grinned coming back up with my chin slick with her "think you can take more?" her mouth opened sucking for air "mh?" my hand cupped her jaw, thumb soothing her lips, I pulled away and brought the fingers that had once been in her, with no hesitation she took them into her mouth, cleaning her of me with a purr
"yes- I can please" with that I hand my hand back and unbuckled my belt, letting my slacks fall to the floor followed by my boxer, Y/n came closer unbuttoning my shirt reviling my chest, I pressed one last hungry kiss to her lips before lining myself up with her heat
"tell me when to stop-" she nodded her head and gently I pushed into her- the feeling taking me back, so warm and she fit so perfectly around me "ugh- fuck you never changed" a dopey smile appeared on her lips
"okay- you can move" she propped her self up on her hands, my hands holding her hips, I pulled out agonisingly slow "Tom please- don't tease me, not after this long" she breathed, eyes staring into mine. I snapped my hips out and back into the warmth quickly "SHIT" she screamed
"good girl- take it Y/n, I know you can doll come on" I spoke between thrusts, I grabbed her legs throwing them over my shoulders going deeper into her, a high moan flooded the bathroom as I pressed against her g-spot
"fuck right there babe- right there" hearing my old pet name sent me into overdrive, I pulled her off the counter and pressed her against the granite, ass slapping again my hips and I slammed myself into her, I watched her face in the mirror- tears of pleasure forming in her y/c/e's, mouth wide open "Oh my god- I forgot how big you- you are" a proud grin plastered my face
"look at yourself baby- watch how good I fuck you" her eyes opened wider as she looked at her self "look at you angel taking me so well ,cock feels so good in you Y/n" I whined pushing myself as deep as I could
I let go of her hip where my hand perfectly fit and twisted her hair into a makeshift pony-tail, pulling her head back, my lips in the shell of her ear "look so pretty like this baby- god I missed you" I pressed kisses to her hair line still watching her in the mirror, tits bouncing at ever push "so perfect for me... this pussy is all mine- nobody will ever fuck you better than me huh?"
"no- shit no, this pussy is yours Tom- all yours" I felt my cock twitch and my legs go weak "fuck... Tommy I'm so close" I let her hair go, pulling out and twisting her around so I could see her face, she grabbed my cock lining it back up and I sunk back in
"cum for me babe- fuck, just like tha-" before I could finish my sentence I felt her tighten around me, squeezing me In all the right places, her eyes squeezed shut and a sob good enough to be a porn star erupted from her throat and soon I felt myself cum into her, pumping her full, our liquids running down my cock and on her thighs
"fuck yes- feels so.. good" her voice was a whisper as she clung onto my shoulders "good-so good" I could tell her mind was blank, as we both came down from our high I stared to her face, eyes closed as she caught her breath- I missed her, not just because of the sex but being able to walk up and wrap my arms around her, talk to her on the phone the whole night on tour, give her gifts and spoil her, be there when she cried
"I love you" I spoke pressing a kiss to her cheek "I love you so much- I miss you Y/n" her eyes opened, head nodding at all my words
"i... I know Tom but- we can't, you- you know that, you have Heidi now- I'm just a memory; but I love you- and I want you to know that" she panted catching her breath, her hand cupped my jaw as she pressed a small kiss to my lips, where her favourite piercing was
"i... I don't want you to be a memory Y/n-" she wrapped her arms around me and I couldn't help but hold her again tears pricking my eyes "I don't want to lose you again"
"it's over Tom- but I'll always be here, I'll always love you but we can't be together" I nodded my head, peppering her face with kisses and finally to her lips; it wasn't hungry this time- passionate, longing and meaningful, painfully as I knew this was the last time
after we cleaned up and hugged one last time we made our ways out, going our separate ways once again- I knew she'd be going home- back to the house where I ruined everything.
I went over to the bar ordering a shot of vodka and taking it quickly, I felt arms tangle around me and rush of hope filled me "y/-"
"darling where have you been?" Heidi kissed my cheek raking her hands through my hair
"just in the bathroom" i spoke seeing her nod her head- only if she knew
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sillyromance · 11 months
Hello! Uhm, I'm kinda awkward when it comes to asking, but I was curious if you had any thoughts on earthspark arcee? You dont have to answer if you dont to, and I do wish you a good day/or night ^^
Good day/night, dear anonymous!
I've finally been able to finish your ask - I'm sorry that it has taken so much time to complete it. Also I apologize if it's not as long as you wanted - so, I can come up with ideas on a specific plot if you wish!
Hope you enjoy!
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At first this young fem appears "on the stage" as a reckless teenager, but, objectively, she is an experienced warrior and a brilliant psychologist. Despite her energetic, hyperactive character she knows when it's time to slow down and act seriously. So, I think she can be a good comforting pred; of course, in the beginning she will try to cheer you up with some ordinary methods, but, if it's clear that the situation has already gone too far, she won't ask much - Arcee will just let you climb on her hand, lift you up and gently swallow down her fueltank (the robotic girl is always very caring and thoughtful with her prey). Then, when you're ready, she will speak to you with no one else around and work on the trauma, stroking her middle - or just holding a servo on it - to soothe and reassure you. Her voice can be too loud and harsh sometimes and Arcee undoubtedly knows that - so, she will turn it down a little while you are inside of her body. Although, as far as your spirit gets up, she won't resist some innocent joking and teasing, but they won't ever be even slightly insulting.
Also, the fem loves to be given rubs and compliments about her "inner space" - Arcee gets all flustered then, and she isn't shy to express it, returning the favour and thanking you for such a nice attitude. But I think her fueltank is quite sensitive and ticklish, so it's better for a prey to be careful if they don't wanna make her feel sick.
She is not as protective as other bots - I think, it's because the fem is able to recognise when someone is in shape to handle a trouble by themselves; so, I suppose, devouring someone for defence would be a rare thing in her case. Moreover, being inside Arcee during a battle wouldn't be a pleasant experience - the way she moves doesn't give a prey any chance to stay safe and sound while she's jumping, running and fighting like she usually does...
However, she has a great potential for being a playful pred. The fem will definitely guble you up as a prize for winning the game you both played! Also, she don't mind some specific games like a chase or hide-and-seek - these ones are good for training... and for appetite. At such moments she will definitely enjoy herself, shamelessly tasting and tossing a prey around in her mouth, sinking them into slime, giggling and humming as they wriggle on her slippery glossa; after they are securely tucked in her "stomach", she will praise them with some cute, humorous phrases, like: "Mmm! Humans are much better than energon - perhaps, we should eat you instead, ha? Just kidding!.."
Arcee wouldn't be be too open about where her partner is if they are inside her fueltank - she wouldn't reveal anything until it appeared to be necessary; or until you made her so annoyed that she wouldn't be able to ignore you messing any longer without some comments. She simply doesn't see any point in bringing up the situation with no reason, moreover, that it could make you feel embarrassed or unsafe among others later. But everyone will notice that Arcee refuses to show her full speed and force and behaves too cautiously on days her human friend doesn't seem to stick around...
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shoezuki · 6 months
Drunk Gep anon back at it again. How bout I call myself Whiskey🥃?
Fully agree. Dude didn't make it to Captain of the guard with little noodle arms and a weak stomach. I'dimagine Sampo'sbeen slung over his shoulder more than once lmfao. He's defo been shoving bite-sized anything in his gob since he could crawl.
Also love earnest Gep!!! Gepard being all soft and inquiring. Bet Sampo isn't used to havin someone so genuinely interested/knowing of him but so gentle about it, with no ulterior motive. He's got Natasha but she's more the loving yet serious sister who damn near KOs him with the first aid kit when he tries to sneak out whilst injured. Now you've got my head spinnin with ideas!!
May we also consider:
Sampo fucks up. Geppie started gettin soft, not quite drunk but enough to loosen him into sayin things that make Sampo's heart warm and hands fidget, and he just stopped keeping track of his drinks.
He's on cloud 9. Maybe? He's not exactly ecstatic but he's havin a pretty grand time. Maybe cloud 7? He doesn't remember when they left the bar but they've been wandering about for so long it's gotten dark and his mind's too foggy to recognise where they are.
He's also too loose lipped, knows he's being too honest, that his attempts to play off his words as jokes is too long winded and fake but he also can't quite remember what he's said???
Gepard is havin a grand time. He's pretty out of it but can at least walk this time. Happy to trail after Sampo, ask questions about obscure places they pass in the Underworld and about the people, before working up to talk about Sampo himself. How he's a pain in the ass but he admires his work ethic yada yada. He's unfamiliar with the area so he's hoping Sampo knows where they're going. He doesn't.
Neither of em make it home. Not even into a building. Sampo wakes up in the geomarrow equivalent of a tree, doesn't fall purely because he's damn near tied to the thing. There's more half empty bottles on the floor and Gepard has absolutely no clue where his jacket is and Sampo does not own a cane that embezzled, where did he get that?
There's an attempted 'arrest' of course. Gep may be off duty but he's nothing if not devoted to his role. They don't make it far and Bronya/Seele find them half curled up on the floor, holding their heads up against the cold brick XD.
The previous night's open-hearted discussion is blurred but not forgotten.
~ 🥃
Sampo stumbling into gepard at a bar nursing a drink, not tipsy but still loose enough to tell sampo to leave rather than tryna arrest him right away. Sampo obviously staying cuz this is a Great Opportunity no way hes letting this chance to break down geps walls slip thru his fingers.
And just. Sampo wanting to get gepard to open up to him and break down his barriers. Totally to get info out of him of course its not like hes infatuated with the man and wants to know him underneath his position as captain.
Sampo doesnt realize hes getting drunk too, opening up himself. Doesnt realize hes actually having fun w gepard and enjoying talking with him. Doesnt realize hes actually answering gepards questions, telling both personal things about himself and small inconsequential things that arent important but gepard acts like they are.
Gepards genuine So SO genuine and earnest. All kinds of 'youre a hard worker you do help the underworld a lot even if you pretend you dont' and 'i know some of those tips about illegal operations were from you sampo thank you' and 'i admire how focused and strong you are. If only youd put the criminal stuff behind you' and sampo isnt sure if its the liquor or gepard hes drunk off of.
And it ending with gepard having the fucking worst hangover of his life, sampo tied to a large stalagmite passed out and snoring. Gepard like 'god my head hurts. That was the best night of my life. Time to arrest him i guess' and seele being the one to find em bickering halfheartedly while gepard keeps trying to get handcuffs on sampo
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popcornforone · 1 year
A Frankie “Catfish” Morales Fan Fic
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Happy Freaky Feral Frankie Friday Besties. All my Frankie fics have been kinda soft so far, minimal smut more about the relationship. That changes today. Frankie & you are really going to enjoy this, I hope.
Synopsis: Your not expecting your boyfriend Frankie home from his mission until Sunday, but when you get home on Friday night, he’s waiting for you & you can’t wait to feel his Whiskers trail across your skin.
Word Count: 3100
Warnings: DONT NOT READ IF YOH ARE UNDER 18! Oral Sex female Receiving, fingering, PIV sex, teasing, lusting, sucking, kissing, swearing, pining, needs. This is a long term established relationship.
Thanks as always for the read peoples. It’s always appreciated. Please let me know any feed back at all. Enjoy.
Beep… beep… it’s usually on silent your phone, always at work, & especially as you’re about to have a 3 day weekend & have lots to get done. Your boyfriend should be home late on Sunday after a dangerous flying mission. He’s been uncontactable for the last 2 weeks. Highly classified, you’re not even sure he can tell you what’s gone down when he does eventually get back. But you’re looking forward to his return & the way you always celebrate his returns to your arms & bed.
“Sorry” you say to your boss who raises an eyebrow. You’re such a diligent worker that you get away with the occasional look at your phone. The message is from your sister asking you how you are coping without your boyfriend. You’ve not called her as much as you usually do when he’s away, your now getting used to him not being there a little bit, but deep down inside your missing the way your Catfish treats you like his princess. You quickly reply & go back to your work, diligent as ever making sure everything is as up to date as it can before you click the out of office button.
You head to the salon after work to get a pedicure, Frankie likes your toes pristine. You always take good care of them but a quick foot massage & a repaint always makes you have a little spring in your step. It’s also a nice way to start the weekend off with some me time. Those hand soothing the work stress away. When you are all done & your toes are now baby blue, you go to pay, but the woman shakes her head. “We have a card for you on our system. It says to directly take payment from there” you recognise the last 4 digits on the card as Frankie’s & smile. “Clearly my boyfriend wants to treat me then” you say as your put your purse back in your hand bag & head home. Rejuvenated & ready for a quiet Friday night.
The second you unlock the front door you know. You can sense it & smell it. Frankie is home. You can smell his scent which isn’t potent but it’s a aftershave you only connect with your catfish. It’s straight up your nostrils & you instantly feel aroused. He’s here or he has been here if he’s then popped out again. “Frankie?!” You say & it echos around your house. You put your keys on the side & take your hand bag & shoes off. “Baby are you home?” You’re trying to control how excited your voice is, but you’re not falling anyone with those tones. They are eager to find him & you are wondering if this is a game. But then you hear the floorboard creaking 3 steps behind you. You know it’s him & you can’t wait to be smothered by him & for those hands to connect with you.
“Baby” he eventually whispers in your ear as a sigh & burys his head into the crook of your neck. “I missed you” “not as much as I missed you Frankie” your hurry the words out of your mouth before you instantly turn your head & pepper his left cheek with kisses. It doesn’t take too much encouragement for him to turn his face to you before he holds yours. Eyes trapped the second they lay eyes on each other. Back under each others spell as the making out begins.
His mouth is a stranger to start, a two week mission always makes you tentative to first kiss him. What if he’s been changed, what if he doesn’t want you, what if he’s found someone else? These thoughts always cross your mind as your lips lock. But then he always runs his fat flat thumb across your lips when you break & he says “it’s still me baby, I’m still your Catfish” his eyes dazzling at you under his baseball cap. You then toss the hat across the room, to see how messy his hair is. He doesn’t need the hat anymore, he’s home & your his comfort & what he’s about to do to you once these precious welcome home kisses are completed, will make up for lost time indeed.
“When did you get home Frankie?” You pur desperate for friction, it’s heavy your words as you pant. You always forget how much you kiss this man’s touch. “Last night, but I came to see you as quickly as I could, didn’t think you’d appreciate the 4am wake up.” He’s moved his hands to your hips as he can see them already moving against him. It’s hard for him to control himself at the best of times, let alone when he’s not been with you for a fortnight. “I’d have called in sick today, we now have even more lost time to make up for Morales” your eyes dance into his as you feel his chest heave with yours. All these sentences are just filling the small gaps from each embraces. Squeezing them in because kisses are more important than words.”I wouldn’t have minded at all Frankie” your arms go around his shoulders & as he leans into you, you both tumble to the floor on top of the rug in your lounge.
Frankie assaults your neck with kisses, short & sweet each one but it makes you moan the more he does it. His T-shirt is off in a few seconds. A grey blur flys the same way his hat did as your hands go for his chest. His perfect body. He might not have the body of Gosling or a model but Frankie’s body is perfect for you & you can read it like a book. The little hairs prickle you as you run your hands through it, before you get to his wild curls. He needs a haircut but you like it thick, more time to play with it, really get your hands into it & you love the moans he makes as you do that to his head. “Baby I’ve missed your touch so much” he groans as his hands fumble with the zipper on your jeans. The sensation of your boyfriend peeling your skinny jeans from your body, makes your hips move. Sensual pleasure is on its way.
“Frankie, my frankie” “shhh baby, shhhh”he starts by sucking your toes “baby blue for my baby girl?” He asks, you nod while biting your bottom lip “only for you frankie, it’s always all for you” your body remembers how to move. It might have only been 2 weeks but it’s rhythm lets him know you are more than ready for pleasure. His large hands caress your tiny ankles, feeling how smooth & rounded they are as his lips move up your legs. You lie there enjoying every second wanting to grip the rug, but you know it’s too soon for that. The knees receive the next kisses but then he reaches your thighs. His kisses now firmer & longer, occasionally feeling his teeth graze across your flesh. He holds your waist to stop you from moving but neither of you can control your body. You boyfriend is back & nothing can stop the two of you.
“White lace…” he says as he trails his hand over the thin material. “You wore these thinking I wasn’t going to be here, well I’m glad I got back early, it would have been such a waste.” His thumb pushes some of the lace from your knickers inside you. He can feel how wet you already are, desperate for your man to indulge in your delight. “Fuck baby, you’re soaked already,” you moan at Frankies deep words that make you move even more. “Best take these off then” The sensation of the material he just pushed into your entrance leaving your body makes you gasp. Being exposed for him as his hands roll your kickers over your thighs, the way he lowers your knee before they are released from your feet. A quick sniff of them before he puts them in his back pocket of his arse hugging jeans “for later my love” Frankie groans as he pulls your knees apart.
The smile on his face looking at you slick is devilish. “My my someone is ready for desire, did you miss me that much baby” Frankie says, these word make you flutter, your covered tummy rising & falling with each breath. “Yes frankie, I missed my catfish, I missed my whiskers” “I have whiskers you say?” He smirks, eyes dilating by the second watching you almost come apart at just his words & you being ready for what he delivers. He likes when you call his moustache whiskers. He knows that is code for you wanting oral, for him to lap away at your pussy, to make you moan so much that his penis will effortlessly slide it once you are done to bring you even more desire. He will get his cock sucked just not until you’re both satisfied & unlike most guys you’ve been with, Frankie is more than happy to wait to attend your needs first. He secretly, not that he would tell anyone other than you, enjoys making you cum on his tongue, milking you of your juices for every drop. He loves the feel of it.
“I could be a rascal & make you beg for this, but I am as impatient as you” Frankie leans across to the arm chair to get you a cushion to prop up against. He wants you to watch how masterful his mouth is. Once you’re a little more upright, Frankie kneels in between your thighs & sticks his index & middle finger inside his mouth & starts to suck. The noises he makes are explicit, as he slowly lowers himself down as he lubes up his own digits. Never breaking eye contact from you as you just stare at him, & watch his suck. “Am I not already wet enough baby?” You roll your hips a little & lick your lips, expecting pleasure soon. Frankie raises an eyebrow at you as his fingers slowly leave his mouth, saliva dripping down them,”yes you are, but more can never hurt.” Frankies reply is muffled by your moan as he slowly rocks his two fingers into your entrance, edging their way it. So long & thick, & it is a slow motion. It just feels exquisite & you want nothing more than for this man’s fingers to pleasure you in any way they can for the rest of your life.
“Frankie” it’s a shallow whimper as he starts to move his fingers inside you as his thumb slides over your clit. “Does my girl like this? Did she miss this? Does she want everything?” he says deeply, eyes dilated, watching your body convulse & relax & start to go through the pleasurable motions. The look of desire coming back from both of you. “Make me yours Morales” the moan crawls from a deep place in your throat as you just keep rolling for him. You pelvis finds its rhythm against his fingers, so thick & rampant. He keeps darting hie eyes between the blissed out look on your face & his hand. Each lip bite, each eye roll, each shade of red you turn from the heat coursing it’s way through your body, flushing you cheeks, makes him never want to leave again. But the squelching as he takes you with his fingers, watching your arousal grow & your hips move, it makes him want more. He’s hardening inside his jeans, he knows his tip is leaking but he’s selfless when it comes to moments like this & he wants your orgasm to hit you full on.
“Even on my fingers, you’re so tight baby” he says, a boyish look in his eyes before they becomes transfixed on your pleasure. Watching it move & seeing how well you take him. That’s all he needs. His lip are pouting & he slowly lowers his head, fully between your thighs, smelling your essence. & then the moan you make. Oh & what a moan it is. His tongue has made contact with your clit. Leisurely he starts knowing how much more there is to come. Clockwise actions making your body convulse, not knowing how to let the pleasure out, as your hand finally gives in grabbing the rug below you, turning your knuckles white from the grip. His fingers still making you feel good but now as his licks turn into sucks, your legs open further. Allowing him all the room he needs to make sure you cum inside his mouth.
“Frankie” you gasp. Your fire ignited. Feeling those whiskers graze across your sensitive bud. He slowly removes his pulsing throbbing fingers from inside you. You thought they were sodden before they went inside your core, but now the trail is no longer your catfishes saliva, it’s your juice. It’s thick & sticky & you notice as your eyes start to glaze over & you miss the feel of his fingers, to see Frankie suck on them. Trickles he has to stop from escaping, wanting to taste as much of you as possible. “Now that was a good taster…” he says with a grin on his face like it’s his birthday. “… but I want my snack”. You don’t protest, your body just responds to Frankies oral assault on your entrance. His head dispersing back inside your thighs, trying to to calm your legs around his head, trying to spread them for as much space as he needs. He’s a good lover & knows exactly what to do to get your libido on high alert.
Each brush of his whiskers makes you gasp, his tongue cleaning you for all it’s worth, lapping up every last drop of your arousal. Your clit wanting more attention than it’s getting as your body rocks into Frankies face as he pleasures you. “Don’t stop baby, so good” you say amongst your oh fucks & long drawn out yeses, as your hands move to his head. Massaging & playing with his luscious locks while he sends you over the edge of desire. Each lick & suck is making you over stimulate, expecting your desire to crash overboard at any second. “Frankie please please” it’s barely audible, surrounded by your sighs & whimpering. He places his flat thumb on your clit, to make sure he gets completely covered in your slick in a few moments time. He wants you to see the sticky mess you are about to make on his face. He’s smiling moaning & lapping & licking away at your pussy, his jeans becoming an issue, he needs to release soon, they are starting to constrict. Something telling him you’re not making it out of this room at all tonight.
“Baby oh baby fuck yes, like that, I’m so close please” you can feel each swipe. Such a large tongue, the prickle of his moustache, those whiskers will be the first thing drenched when you let go. The hand that’s not stimulating you, gripping into your thigh. He’s pushing into you hard. His nose rubbing against your flesh. His thumb speeding up. His moans getting deeper. It’s all too much “FRANKIE!” If your neighbours didn’t know you were home they do now. With a large fist full of the rug bellow you in your hand, your head jolts back as you cum, feeling every desire explode & then collapse inside you. “Oooh fuck yesss” it’s like your body is electrified, every nerve & sense is screaming in excitement as you spill & Frankies gets to enjoy more of your precious desire, which he continues to lap at as your body slows down.
You’re still panting & seeing heaven when Frankie stops. You don’t recall when he did exactly but you can feel his lips on yours. They are drenched & tangy & taste if you. He holds your head as he makes out with you. You’re brought back to your sense when you hear his belt clink. “Baby, do you know how good you are?” the first words to come out of your mouth are hoarse, from your moaning once he stops kissing you. His face is gleaming, like a glazed doughnut. “From your moaning baby, yes I think I’m pretty decent.” His lips return to yours, tongues dancing together in passion, as he finds the hem of your tshirt to free you from it.
“It’s all in your whiskers baby,” you giggles as you stroke his face & look at the desire in his eyes. He takes your thumbs & glides them across his moustache, the residue coating the tips. He places one of your thumbs in his mouth & you suck the other. “I don’t want to waste one drop my love” his hands heading for your bra strap to free your breasts. He’s ready for him to experience his own pleasure.
“Frankie, what if I’d had plans tonight?” You moan as you stop sucking your thumb, your own taste still lingering on your lips. “I have a feeling they’d have been cancelled” he says as he looks at the breasts he’s just exposed, his mouth instantly latching on to a nipple to suck on your body again. He slowly lies you down on the rug as he shuffles off his jeans, for you to realise he was commando underneath. His body pressed hard against yours as his hand glides down your side, getting you in position, making all the goosebumps appear. Feeling his own erection get harder as his flesh connects with you.
“Oooh Catfish I need more” you moan, your hips ready for desire already trying to thrust against him. “More than just my whiskers?” he says as he stops sucking your nipple & glides his head up your chest, his whiskers feeling so erotic as they scrape your neck. “Well I guess it’s time was got to the main event” he just smiles at you & watches your face beam & then turn dark with desire. Your earlier slick making his entrance smooth & as he bottoms out & moans at the feeling of being fully inside you, he looks down into your eyes. Filled with love. His fingers were good, they always are, but the feeling of his penis hitting the spot, delights you to the point where you’re speechless, but desperately begging for more. He holds your chin & says “I never want to leave this moment” before Frankie starts to roll his hips & the love making commences.
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quodekash · 11 months
its been an hour and a half and I am precisely 17 minutes through the episode. this is gonna be a long night
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maybe you could've talked to him about it when he was asking you about fifa
you recognised the game, and he said "do you know this game?" and instead of telling him what you know about the game, or how you used to play it, or engaging in some kind of conversation, you say "Ive seen a lot of young people playing it during my campaign" because all you seem to care about is politics and the campaign, and teenagers as a whole generic concept rather than as individuals, and you dont seem to think of your SON as an individual
and I get that parenting is mistakes over and over again and its a learning experience for everyone involved, but I feel like after 18 years maybe you should have a hang on like. holding a positive conversation with your son for over 90 seconds?
and I get that he had good intentions, he saw that kang wanted to be on the team so he wanted to ensure that kang got what he wanted. but it would've been better to actually show an interest in his sons interests rather than keeping it on the sidelines, to let his son work for a reward rather than just giving it to him without having achieved anything.
sorry I need to shut up about this man but I have so many thoughts and he could be doing so much better but he just isn't
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thank you sailom, thank you
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yeah, that about sums it up
good job
you got there
but even though its been so long of you neglecting him, it's not too late to try to slowly fix those broken bonds
if you both work together, you can work this out
(ah crap now ive got the song from high school musical 2 stuck in my head)
(what is it with this series and making me think of high school musical)
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are you okay my guy?
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so the root of the issue: terrible communication
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how very heartliming of them
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noooooo the angst is already here
they had the scene PERFECTLY set up for a tender guynawa moment, and yet they dove right into the angst
guy was injured and in the nurse's office thing
when guy got injured, nawa looked so worried about him
there was a perfect opportunity for nawa to go visit him and tease him lovingly and for them to have a thuakan moment in the sickbay
but no, of course its episode 10 and of course they're following the msp formula where they develop the side couple an insane amount in episode 9 and then come episode 10 and its focused on one of the main character's and their parent
which like is fair, both this plotline and the msp episode 10 plotline are very important but like come on man I just want my side couple content
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oh crap that is bad
but he'll be fine
he'll be okay
he's still alive right?
he's just unconscious
the ambos are there, they'll patch him up and he'll be okay
kang and kong need to repair their relationship, and it's not too late for that
crap im scared
they didnt kill gim in msp, I have to trust that they wont kill kong
istg if they make both the main characters orphans--
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ha fun.
this is so fun.
I am highly amused in this present moment.
how wonderful it would be to see your boyfriend's father potentially dying, and then moments later to see your brother being restrained and taken out of the house, clearly being arrested for that exact crime.
just such a... joyous experience.
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it was an accident right?
or was he trying to keep name out of trouble
FRICK NOW THIS IS MAKING ME THINK OF FREAKING JUSTINE FROM SHAKE AND STIR PRODUCTION OF FRANKENSTEIN THAT I SAW AT QPAC THE OTHER DAY (which, by the way: so freaking good. if anyone happens to be in Brisbane for whatever reason (im not sure why any of you would, I have precisely two aussie bl mutuals, and one of them lives in Melbourne and the other is my irl friend who I watched it with) and you have a spare 50 bucks lying around (anyone under 30 can get a youth ticket for 49 bucks I believe, which is like insanely cheap for such a high quality production), GO SEE IT, THIS IS AN ORDER)
oh I got distracted
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...great. wonderful. so good.
I get it, kang's feeling a lot right now, which is fair because his father got shot for goodness sake, and his father might die, and he's already lost his mother, so he needs someone to blame, and saifah confessed to it, so why wouldn't he be angry at saifah?
but the problem comes in with associating saifah with sailom because they're brothers. he has every right to be angry with saifah (although I still believe saifah didn't actually shoot him), but sailom didn't touch that gun.
and now sailom's gonna have to go back to escorting, because if kang has kicked him out then he needs some way to find money, and that's when that scene from the trailers is going to happen
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well now I feel like crap
is it time for a playful guynawa scene to lighten the mood? please tell me its time for a playful guynawa scene to lighten the mood
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hang on
wait a second
you told him to do it, didn't you??
you asked for his help for a few things
is he just acting surprised? why does he have to say that? he doesnt have to say anything at all he could just be like "well this sucks" and not like condemn him or whatever, I still dont think saifah actually did anything wrong
maybe he was manipulated as well?
maybe the guy, his boss, snuck in and he was the one who shot him, and name didnt know that guy was there so in his mind it must've been saifah?
or maybe hes testing ging to see what she actually thinks on the situation
I have literally no clue right now im so confused
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and he doesnt have the gift basket anymore
has he already gone to visit guy and he's just come back
and we fully just missed an entire scene
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guy only seems surprised that he's here outside of visiting hours
so they've already seen each other??? there was a whole scene of nawa giving guy the basket, and of them being queer as hell, and we didnt get to see it??????
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also: the rooftop???? thats an inherently patpran thing. and patpran = soundwin. soooo... this is more evidence that guynawa are a different brand of soundwin
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oh, honey...
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idk, maybe itll be easier to spot if you kiss first
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2 hours of them just sitting there in silence?? when they couldve been kissing or holding hands or something?
(ps I forgot to actually post this one, I accidentally saved it as a draft so its coming after the final post I made lmao)
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dramallamas · 8 months
The (unserious) notes of Beyond Evil. Episode Three Edition
Previous Episode || Next Episode
Cant wait to psychoanalyse this episode later with the scriptbook!
Jinmuk je te deteste dont even dare feel sad you monster
that shot of Juwon lazing on his sofa im down bad
He has nice handwriting tho
Honestly when is this man not thinking about Dongsik
The fly jumpscared me bc of my headphones
Dongsik you bastard (affectionately)
He is not ok rn
Juwon eavesdropping was me and my flatmate last night trying to find out the drama
The camerawork in this show is beautiful omg
Dongsik has no right to look this fine rn tho
Oop spotted!
Jihwa knew both of them were at the station lol
And bada bing bada boom we are in the recording room
And theyre off and Jihwa is so done
Juwon is so like WTF with this whole thing.
If looks could kill Dongsik would be dead 💀
why at 5am?! WHY WERE YOU UP AT 5AM?!
Bro Juwon doesnt hold back
Dongsik <3
Juwon could murder im sure of it. He has it ij him.
I like watching the gay men fight… because its fun :)
THE ONLY TIME I WILL AGREE WITH HAN KIHWAN IS RN “What a nut job. I like him [Dongsik].”
Juwon pissing off Kihwan is just so great at all times.
Theyre gonna find the wrong body and blow this case even bigger
Dongsik again <3 the onlt dilf of my life tbh
My heart breaks for him though. He masks a lot if pain
“What if I ran into older Yuyeon on the street, but failed to recognise her. That worries me a lot…” 💔
Fellas is it gay to stare at another mans smiling photo for a long time whilst in your room?
Juwon you have always been a crafty bitch and I respect that
YJG is a brilliant actor he is a master at subtle emotions which makes him one of the most expressive characters in the show
YAY you found a phone
Bad news for Juwon its Geumhwas phone that has his number.
Mate ur laughing like a maniac like dongsik does. You two arent as different as you think.
But my god you like to jump to the wrong conclusions
Watching the scene with nam sangbae and dongsik makes me cry but i cant because im in the living room with my flatmates. And the score in the background just 😭
Me 🤝 Dongsik : Laughing to hide pain
Man will stay in work just for Juwon
They back and forth in every scene like its all they do.
Mf going on about the culprit always returning to the scene and here comes JINMUK AHDKFMSP FORESHADOWING WE MISSED
Part of me think that Dongsik is suspicious of Jinmuk atp.
If you told them that they would be so close by the end of the series they would be fucking disgusted.
Oop juwon getting interrogated.
Juwon pausing before adding 요 at the end of his sentence like bro you are forgetting your respect conjugation
oh shit juwon not looking good for you is it.
"Given his nature, there is no way he [Juwon] would get involved in a crime" HYEOK YOU DONT EVEN KNOW-
Hyeok became his tutor in 2010... when JW was 17. does that mean that he helped JW in Korea rather than britain? or the tail end of britain onwards.
Hyeok you are such a kiss-ass
Do Haewon 🤢 she is so fake i hate it (which is the poing ig lmao)
LEE CHANGJIN. hes so funny for a bad guy
Jeongje is so frustrated with his mum (same)
Juwon is this close to slapping Hyeok at times.
aliens? rude much kihwan (what did we expect)
and there goes juwon loosing his cool.
annoyingly kihwan makes some points even if its for self centered gain. still hate kihwan dw
bro standing outside as ppl talk about him like 🧍
And then the eye contact between him and dongsik god having a whole silent conversation
Nice recovery juwon.
Them being nice to each other? NOT THIS EARLY BOIS
And boom personal space who? They dont know it.
Dongsik telling Juwon to go to therapy lmaooo
Juwon grabbing Dongsik probably became a… different thing later on yk? Hehe
This episode is basically Juwon and his terrible no good very bad couple days.
Bro you need to hike/walk more Juwon how are you already sweating.
You make think you have him, but nope he has you.
The tiny bloodstain ofc. He def left it deliberately somewhat
And i am so hyped for episode four because of the incoming moments.
Juwon this isnt the victory you think it is trust me
see you all next episode! bye ^^
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lilyrizzy · 2 years
First off, I want to say that in that iron ground is an amazing fic I can't believe you're out here writing this for free for all of us to read! Second, I just wanted to talk about the one scene that I keep thinking about which was when Max and Daniel were in the cab after Daniel was a jerk and Max smiles back and holds his hand - Did Daniel truly realize how much of a jerk he was being? What was he thinking? I know Daniel was wondering if "one afternoon is enough to unravel years of hard work" but I just want to know more!! How did Max deal with a mean Daniel? I understand his circumstances are terrible rn but I honestly don't think I would be as emotionally strong and capable as Max while Daniel was being like this! Was Michael like ???? I also loved the scene where Daniel and Max talk about marriage and forever ... everything about this fic was 1000000/10
thank you so much, i am so glad you enjoyed it. it is probably the thing i am most proud of ever writing so asks like this honestly make me giddy! Answers under the cut<3
cw: mentions of max's relationship with his father and the way i percieve that. please don't read if you won't like that.
i think, max's ability to deal with daniel's meaness is due to the way i see max as a character, which is to say he's somebody who is very resilient and capable of incredible compartmentalisation. like not to get too deep into like controversial subjects, but he's well practiced in forgiving or overlooking questionable behaviour from people he loves (j*s).
so i think in this particular situation, where daniel is having the worst day of his life, he would be able to recognise that as the reason for his beahviour and forgive him quickly. Daniel is his man, you know, why wouldn't he be forgiving of him? in a sadder way, i think max is quick to take responsibility (and even blame) for other peoples emotions (see: 'it cost a marriage' about his first championship) so i also don't think its that much of a reach to think that he would like, offer himself up to be a place where daniel can put this irrational anger. but remember, max does call daniel out in the previous scene by telling daniel bluntly 'you are being an asshole,' so hes also not totally self sacrificing. and in the cab, when daniel reaches for him, this is enough in max's eyes, like he takes it as a 'sorry,' because he knows daniel doesn't totally have the capacity for an apology right now, when he feels like hes been so wronged (not by max, but by the the loss of his father) and everything is so unfair. he's just shocked because he was thinking maybe he'd have to deal with daniels anger a little longer, but he's happy he doesn't.
basically, i think in a way his trauma has made him kinda emotionally mature in some ways.
& because i'm a romantic at heart lol, also this fic, they love each other a lot and have been together for a long time too, so max is also thinking 'if daniel is feeling these emotions, id rather him share it with me than go through it alone,' so if he's gotta be the person daniel gets mad at to do it, so be it. if that makes sense (not claiming any of this dynamic is healthy, but then emotional responses after grief rarely are and the whole point of the fic is to explore that lol so pls dont come for me in my ask box lol).
then onto daniel, and "one afternoon is enough to unravel years of hard work". For starters, this phrasing is pretty uncharitable to max, but on purpose bc as discussed, daniel is going through itTM rn. but i think this is fundemental to the thought process daniel has throughout the fic where he is has seen himself as the protector, the person who reshaped a lot of the things his father had taught max about what it was to be a man, to be gay, to be a race car driver, he's tried to get max to a healthy place, where is doesn't feel the blame and guilt and shame that his childhood left him with, but more than anything, he's trying to be a safe place for max. somewhere where he never questions that he's loved, and never experiences the pain he did as a child, that results from anger. but now *he* is the person causing this pain and he's worried that max is going to lose faith/trust in him for that.
while like i said, max rn is just like, "daniel just found out his dad died, of course he is going to be angry, but it is okay because he touched me nicely so i know things are fine now."
michael is just like, eyes forward, nothing is happening, lah lah lah lol, like he is not interested in getting involved in the ins and outs of their relationship.
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
Even more Tears of the Kingdom thoughts (SPOILERS)
I cant figure out how long after Calamity this game is set. It's got to be at least some years, everyone else has changed but Link and Zelda
Link and Zelda have lived this time together in Link's house in Hateno <<33
Their Well holds Zelda's secret room
Also yes every well in this game has something so my favorite thing rn is just jumping into wells
Zelda had a school built to Hateno because she loves kids
I hate how so many people in this game who should know who Link is dont know him
You mean to tell Ive been living in Hateno for years and no one recognises me
Zelda is still referred to as princess which implies she hasnt allowed herself to be crowned queen
Ive spent like three hours just strolling in Hateno
I did get the camera and my enjoyment of the game has increased tenfold
Im so excited I missed seeing these everywhere
Purah's room has drawings of them and the divine beasts
You can just pick up the koroks who need to be reunited w their friends with ultrahand and carry them wherever they want to go. They also roll down hills
Me @ the forbidden ruins in Kakariko: "Let me in, let me innnn"
THEY SAW US SHIP LINK AND SIDON AND WENT "none of that here is his gf"
This game has cheese. I can die happy now
I am taking the elevator up every time I see a falling rock
Went to Akkala Citadel Ruins. Was looking at the views. SUDDENLY EVERYTHING GOES RED AND HANDS ARE CHASING ME WHAT THE FUCK
The way they dont let my boy have his long hair out on any fits is criminal. Could have tweaked the armor sets that much
Why is Zelda appearing everywhere and being an evil menace??? Zelda tf is going on w you?? Arent you supposed to be in the past
They looked at me, specifically, loving side quests more than my life and going "we have to give them more" and this is a good day
There's a golden horse???
Also I heard Yunobo is a dick in this??? Not my boy :(
I go to the Zora tower and there is a man nearly dead
Man was dying (Lets hope this doesnt age poorly because I dont think I could handle it)
So its been like five years at least since BOTW ended and like. Why does no one remember me and also where did all these new people come from that didnt exist here couple years ago?? Where were yall?? Having tea??
Kilton has a little brother <3
I should get back to the "first" main questline as in the Rito are dying in a blizzard but there's pretty flowers and mayoral elections
Did I already mention they did not nerf bows? They didnt and I love that, archers for life
Also I lost Hestu again and I need more inventory
I am afraid to venture into the Korok Forest
Stables are so fun. You get points from first visit, staying the night, registering horses etc AND THEY GIVE YOU REWARDS
I got the Traveler's Gear for General (my baby boy horse)
I found Big Horse and named him Babylon
Also saved this one guy stuck in a cave
Starting to get to a point where enemies drop 15-30 fuse power parts and life is getting easier
Ive activated like 20 shrines since I last did a bunch. I havent done them because what if I have to build vehicles (bad)
I miss cryonis
Havent done much in the sky tbh
I want my champions tunic. I however dont feel like going to the castle
Where the fuck is Ganondorf
I could always see him in BOTW I dont like this
I am kind of disappointed they didnt change the looks of old armor sets. HOWEVER. Cece's hat is all Im going to say. I wonder if I can wear that to Gerudo town
Im still a one shot to so many things
The Zora are dying (their water is turning into mud)
Gorons have malice pink eyes so dont trust theyre doing too well either
Barbarian armor fits so well with Link's messy long hair
Im still kind of shocked that the sheikah tech is just gone
How do I get into Hateno tech lab
Some of yall are actually building vehicles? Im avoiding that like the plague
Still salty about Sidon
I get taken for a little while and he gets engaged
His fiance did refer to Sidon as "my best friend"
The quote went "Im Prince Sidon's... oh forgive me. I am your best friend's fiancee"
She us cute but still
Why cant I marry him
Sidon carries Mipha's trident now (sobs)
When you meet him he goes "Its good to see you my friend" so happily
"By the way... I hope you know that I am truly happy to see you again after such a long time apart, my dearest friend"
I sobbed
He loves us so much
Just go visit him
Sidon wont marry me and Sonia and Rauru are married, cant a man find some love in Hyrule
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 years
For the song request, how about number #22 on your list? Your choice for characters and stuff!
This is from my 2021 spotify wrap up! Since the number had been chosen before. hope that's cool with u (spider nephew au caus i have no self control)
Tinkerer walks into the apartment, tired from a day at the lab. He is a little surprised to see Quentin still up. The man is in their shared kitchen working on muffins. Inkblot skitters out from rubbing against the illusionists legs to stare up at Tinkerer with a demanding look. The small tink tink of the cats metal hind leg against the floor draws Quentin’s attention. Tinkerer leans down and lets the cat jump into his arms before straightening back up.
“Late night baking?”
“I figured you might want something to eat after getting back from the lab. Oh! I also got you something. Feel free to grab a muffin while I grab it!”
Quentin darts out of the room. While Tinkerer appreciates the food, he had noticed a note of desperation in Quentin’s tone. The man is worried about something. Inkblot purrs and climbs from his arms to his should to better bump heads. Tinkerer rubs under his cats’s chin while picking up a muffin with his free hand. Quentin returns with a dramatic twirl to hold out a bag.
“I got this cause it reminded me of you!!”
Tinkerer puts down the muffin and pulls out the mug that has a tuxedo kitten leaping onto a ball of yarn adorning it. A cute gift that he can use immediately. A part of him wonders if this is the same feeling that parents get when their kid gets them something. He dismisses the thought immediately and focuses on the issue that he finally has been able to recognise.
“You know I’m not going to leave, right Quentin?”
The man sputters and shifts on his feet.
“What? I never said…”
“But you’re worried about it. How can I prove that Im staying?”
Tinkerer means the question. He liked Quentin more than he tolerated most people. He would be a fool to leave him. Quentin looks a little scared, hands twitching. Tinkerer gently takes Inkblot off of his shoulder and gently places the cat in his … friend’s arms. Quentin automatically supports the cat with his arms, not even a moment of hesitation to think occurring. Inkblot purrs, bumping against Quentin’s chin.
“You’re always going to be welcome. I complain about your music. I complain about you dancing through the apartment. I complain about the glitter. But I dont complain about you being here. I thought the distinction was clear enough. You do not need to give me gifts or bribe me with food.”
Quentin flushes.
“But I like…”
“I know you like too Quentin. But that does not mean my words are unwarranted. You are the best lab partner I can find.”
Not a lie.
“So believe me when I tell you I want you to stay. Now,” Tinkerer suddenly wishes to be away from the emotionally charged conversattion, “I cannot eat all of these alone. Do you still have that copy of Tremors. I have forgotten how they did all of the practical effects. I must get a refresher.”
A lie, but a lie that has Quentin snorting and nodding.
“Okay. I’ll give you a running commantary.”
“I expect nothing less. Perhaps we even have time for the sequels.”
“Oh yes~! The sequals. The effects only get better!!”
Quentin says with a cheery laugh. The potential future torture is worth the smile in Tinkerer’s book. He would stay. For as long as Quentin would work with him.
Thanks for asking!!
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I finally watched 6x11, 'In another life' and boy did some writer put their whole pussy into this one.
And I have Thoughts about this which I am gonna share with the class, because I have been crying/yelling at my tv/hysterically laughing for 45 minutes now, and if my neighbours are going to hate me, the least I can do is hop on here and be annoying.
It got really long and ramble-y so I'll put it under a cut.
1. Coma Buckley family: I think it's really interesting that, in the beginning, it's implied that the buckley parents dote on evan to daniel's detriment (''oh i didnt know you remembered he had a brother") but not neglecting him like they neglected Buck irl. Daniel seems well-adjusted, implied to be a caring doctor ("maybe you should listen to your patients") but also a bit aloof, oblivious (not noticing anything weird about doug - a bit more on that later). It does seem like a picture perfect family, on its surface, with bickering siblings and family dinners, but it sets up a very important theme that runs throughout the episode: this dream life, buck being a teacher and on good terms with his parents and having his brother be alive, comes at the expense of his ability to help. First and foremost, his ability to help his sister escape, offer safe haven, because in this reality he never left PA. And later on in the episode, people insist that he has the ability to fix anything in the coma, but that was disproved at the very beginning when he tried to help maddie and failed, and failed to get daniel to help. From the get go, we see that even in here, not everything is fixable, and we're told this later on as well, when bobby says 'you cant bring me back to life in this dream'. The point here is that at the beginning we're dealing with buck who wants the happy family he never knew as a child, the neglected kid who wishes his parents would be the kind of people that they were in the dream, happy and involved in his life. But at the end, having been through the rest of the dream, it's his parents in their new shiny caring version that try to hold him back, it's his parents dragging him down. But, this is his subconscious, so in reality, it's that wish of having a happy family and the resentment towars his parents that is dragging him down, and he recognises that, and he forgives them, because thats the only way he can move on, return to life. Many people complain about the parents' redemption, and maybe ill change my mind when i watch the rest of the season, but I dont think it was a redemption for them. It was all on buck, he forgave them, he chose to move past it, and let them into his life. In the end, back in the real world, his parents still don't really listen to him, when he says his apartment is fine, he does not need a couch. Buck tells maddie he doesn't mind them. That doesnt mean they're meant to have changed, Buck is the one who changed. And, the choice to go hard on the father/son dynamic with bobby, and buck telling daniel his family is different out there, adds a layer: he doesn't really view them as his parents anymore. He doesn't get hung up on it now, but he lets go of the idea that they would ever be the doting family he needed as a child, and recognises that he found that family elsewhere. He accepts them as people in his life, and rejects them as parents. It ties into Chimney's storyline with his own father, how Chim and Buck both move toward forgiveness, and it also ties back to the sperm donor storyline and the argument between chim and buck's fathers. The point of the buckleys' 'redemption' is that buck forgives, even if he does not forget.
2. Buck's other fixes: it has been established that this all happens in buck's subconscious. The way he slowly realises the impact his life has had on others is just... The starting point is maddie and yeah I said that already, but then he finds chim and hen pretty much the same, and he assumes the only person he's ever helped is maddie. But then he finds out about bobby and eddie, and it occurs to him for the first time ever that he helped them too, got them out of a tough spot. It's not a sure thing that things would have turned out that way in buck's absence, but the point here is for him to realise that he helped, he was needed. It's particularly strong with Bobby, who appears like a little psychopathic gremlin in the dream, drinking here and there and guzzling down pills, and essentially tells buck that, in the dream, he can fix almost anything. And it all snowballs into buck realising he helped bobby, essentially by annoying him. And it's so important that at the end of the 'i made you mad and i made you laugh sometimes' speech, bobby calls that 'being buck', because it's essentially saying that buck helped bobby just by being himself. Again, this is the way buck's mind conjures it up, but it's no less important that he comes to the conclusion that being himself was enough. That he doesn't need to be someone else to help the people he loves (and to me that sentiment calls back to s4, him climbing that crane to protect everyone, and bobby saying that's who he is - not a compliment).
3. Eddie. This part may be the buddie shipper in me getting high on copium, but I think eddie's absolute absence from the dream was connected to him never stepping foot in buck's room irl, except to bring in chris. I mean, in the coma buck was with chim, irl chim is by his bedside. Coma, he's talking with bobby, irl bobby has busted out the rosary beads. It wasnt a hard rule as far as I can tell, though we know buck had some awareness of the room and the goings on, he could hear them (thats why i think the copium might play a part in this paragraph). But also, it feels so important that the people who tell buck explicitly to come back and get better are essentially proxys. Athena on behalf of bobby and Chris on behalf of eddie. And, in the coma, Eddie does not physically appear, but he is the first flash of irl buck remembers (not chim, but eddie's 'go get em') and also, of course, the last 'fix' of buck's, bringing the total of people he helped in a big way to three: maddie, bobby, and eddie. Doesnt really tell us anything about buddie, but it does reinforce the strong relationship between the characters, platonic or not. (Also, eddie 'pain is weakness' diaz crying even a single tear in public feels like a Big Thing).
4. Daniel. Honestly? The chase in the end of the episode and the subsequent argument between buck and daniel (who, yes, is also buck, but ill keep calling daniel to avoid confusion) might be one of my favourite scenes in the entire show. Maybe one of my favourite scenes in any tv show ive watched. First off, that part of buck represents essentially every self worth issue he has. It's the part of him that is the most broken, tells him he isn't needed, isn't wanted, he's spare parts that turned out defective (a sentiment buck has expressed out loud in s4 and it was the 118 reassuring him he is much more than spare parts). And all of this stems from buck's childhood, so it makes sense that it took on the appearance of daniel, since daniel was the source of it all, through no fault of his own, even long before buck knew of his existence. It's daniel's death that brings on the grief that swallows the buckleys and leads to buck's childhood being the way it was. Things would have been different had daniel survived, or so buck believes. Beyond that, daniel's ignorance of maddie's situation reflects on buck blaming himself for not seeing that his sister was suffering (which buck even says out loud in the kitchen scene in this episode). And, when the switch flips, daniel becomes buck, the part of buck that is broken and hateful not to others but to himself, buck borrows a lesson from bobby and manages to break free of his own low self worth. I dont think thats the end of that, but buck's jourmey this episode was all about realising that he is needed, so he could look in the mirror in this scene and say no, you're wrong, they don't want me gone, they care about me. And, as someone who deeply relates to having that voice in your head, and to buck in general, it's so powerful to see a character manage to overcome that. It's so powerful to see buck, textbook people pleaser that he is, realise that he's talking to himself and say 'oh you're me. I dont have to feel bad about not listening to you', and use the first real artifact of firefighting we've seen in the coma dream to break free and return to his life, his real family. And, oliver stark's acting in this scene, whew - buck being confused and emotional but still relentless in pursuing his goal, and the other buck being cold and cruel and also relentless in his insistence that he is just not worth it, not needed. Just - chef's kiss. I cant really explain how much that scene spoke to me, because it is tangled up in how much I relate to buck as a character, and thats a whole other can of worms.
5. Random things. I appreciated that the traumatic events that happened to buck over the course of the show were at least acknowledged. Given that most of the other characters (barring chim, I think) have had storylines about dealing with trauma, it's a bit glaring that buck never really did. Sadly, I think it's too late for that now, aside from if they do something with the lightning going forward. But I am glad they were mentioned, because the man went through a bombing and a tsunami within six months of each other, and it was never really talked about. The bombing led into the lawsuit plot and then was resolved, and the tsunami trauma storyline was about chris (not complaining, it's just how it was). I do wish those traumas had been explored, but I really do think we're past that point and am happy we're at least acknowledging them. (Also, the implication that the tsunami left him so deeply traumatised that it's present in his parents' coma house, supposedly a safe haven from everything real, as a ferris wheel that 'doesnt fit with anything' because trauma stands out in your mind, im-).
Another thing is the lighting, the cold, grey hues of the real hospital, versus warm colour in the coma dream which gradually gets colder the closer buck gets to waking up, and the return of warm lighting in the end, when buck wakes up in the hospital and his family is there to see him. Also, people irl dressed in drab, muted colours, vs. the characters in the dream being more vibrant, esp buck in that green sweater which btw was a gold star choice from the costume department.
Basically everyone put their whole pussy into this, from the writers to the crew to the actors, and while it's not the only time this has happened, I'm really glad it did.
The end. Pretty much. Ive probably managed to forget some things, and maybe I was Captain Obvious abour others, and wrong about some, but this episode made it right to the top of my list of favourites right away, and it'll probably keep me up tonight lmao. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, hope it made sense.
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
Can you do a fic with Higuchi and the black lizards.About seeing Higuchi at an outing with her sister school on a day off and she looks so different(i headcanon her having black hair and being more kind and respectful as to keep her mafia identity and sister identity a secret)
And Higuchi has to frantically tell the other parents and teachers their her coworkers(but they dont believe her cause she says she works in an office but their all dressed in black and looking scary)
It seems wierd but i had this scenario in my head for a while🤣
Ignore it if you want💙
👀 hold my beer I have an idea… don’t mind me just gonna throw Natsu in here 😎
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“Come on Kuniko we’ll be late.” The dark haired woman called, the small apartment making it very easy for her voice to travel.
“Coming Natsuko!” The fourteen year old sang as she rounded the corner grasping at her school shoes. “I’m so excited you’re tagging along today.”
“I can tell.” She laughed, ruffling her sisters hair.
“Duh. You never come on excursions anymore and you know my friends parents like to talk to you too.” Kuniko says as they exit the apartment.
And with one last glance into the mirror, she locks the door.
Natsu didn’t mean to lie to anyone. She didn’t enjoy it but she didn’t want her sister to get hurt, not while she worked at the Port Mafia.
Kuniko only ever saw Natsu, her sweet and kind big sister who’d give her the world. Natsu who worked odd office hours but made it home for tea, who would hide her injuries and help her with her homework. Natsu who would chat with Kuni’s friends and their parents and laugh with them over whatever silly thing the kids did at sleepovers.
The Port Mafia saw Ichiyo. Ichiyo who wore a blonde wig so she wouldn’t be recognised in public. Ichiyo who craved affection from a man who would never give it to her. Ichiyo who didn’t belong.
They could never meet. She wouldn’t allow those two worlds of hers to collide.
But of course those hopes don’t last.
“Natsu!” Mrs Nakamoto greets, pulling the black haired woman in for a hug. “Oh it’s been too long. That office job of yours must be working you to the bone! You’ve lost so much weight.”
She was a kind woman, Kuni’s best friend’s mum. She helped them both the second she found out Natsu was raising Kuniko herself at seventeen.
“Hello Mrs Nakamoto, how have you been?” Natsu asks, smiling as she hugs the older woman back.
“I’m doing great! Just wonderful now that I know you are one of the other chaperones. Mr Sato is here too by the way.” Kuniko’s other friend’s dad. He was younger than Mrs Nakamoto but not any closer to Natsu’s age.
“Hey Natsu.” He greeted, grin cheery and welcoming as always. “How’ve you been?”
“Busy. Way to much paperwork recently.” She answers, and that isn’t a lie.
“Tch. You need to take some time off.” Mrs Nakamoto tutted. “You are young so you can’t go working yourself to death you understand.”
“I understand.” Natsu grins.
“She understands but probably won’t listen.” Kuniko buts in, making the parents and her friends laugh.
“Very funny Kuni.” Natsu rolls her eyes as the teacher makes her way to the collection of guardian chaperones.
“Ah Mrs Higuchi?” Natsu doesn’t ever think she’ll get used to the teachers doing that.
“Miss.” She corrects. “I’m Kuniko’s older sister.”
The teachers face flushes. “Oh my god I’m so sorry!”
“No worries. Happens all the time.”
And with that let the chaperoning begin.
Of all places Higuchi never expected to see people she knew; the Zoo was quite high on that list. Yet here she was half panicking behind her sister because she thought she saw a very familiar head of choppy copper hair.
She couldn’t have right? She must be seeing things… she highly doubts anyone from the Port Mafia would come to the Zoo today of all days…. Right? Yeah… maybe she just needs to go to bed early tonight or something.
And so the day continued, Natsu playfully shoving her sister and chatting with the parents. The teachers even joined their chats every once in a while.
It was her sister that pointed it out as they sorted themselves for lunch. She noticed that four people dressed in all black, with a shorter male stood in the middle had been looking their way, specifically towards Natsu. Her eyes widened… no, no it couldn’t be who she thought it was right?
Slowly she turned her head, eyes widening as she locked eyes with the copper haired male from earlier. Tachihara.
If that was Tachihara then… she scanned the group, the Akutagawa’s, Hirotsu and Chuuya too… what’s next Mori is going to appear out of nowhere?
“Why’s that group staring at you?” Mr Sato questions. “Should I go and check?”
“No.. no it’s fine I know them.” She said with a sigh. Mr Sato was by no means a small man, he was tall, had muscles and could probably put up a decent fight but… they were the Mafia, he wouldn’t win. And knowing them whatever he did would end in an altercation.
“How do you know them?” A teacher questions, looking quite nervous and she side eyes them.
“Work.” She says quickly. “I’m just gonna… go talk to them… okay?”
The parents nod while Kuniko gives her older sister a confused look.
“See I told you I saw Higuchi.” Tachihara tutted as he sat himself down to eat some ice cream he’d just bought.
“Are you sure it’s her?” Gin questioned. “Also I’m fairly certain you are scaring those school likes Ryu.”
“Then they should grow a spine.” Was her brother’s response.
“Yep okay.” Gin sighed.
“Why does she have black hair?” Chuuya questions as he takes a seat beside Tachihara and Hirotsu.
“Who knows. Maybe it’s a fresh dye.” Tachihara shrugs. “Oh hey she’s coming over.”
The Black Lizard and co turn to see an almost embarrassed looking, dark haired Higuchi speed walking towards them.
“What are you doing here?” She questions. No hello, no asking how Akutagawa is doing. Nope, none of that.
“Hello to you too.” Chuuya drawled before giving her an appreciative look. She looked good in jeans and a tight long sleeve.
“Hello Mr Nakahara.” She says through her teeth. “Why are you here?”
“Day off, got bored.” Tachihara answers.
“So you come to the zoo? Today!”
“What’s wrong with the zoo?” Hirotsu questions.
“… you aren’t meant to see me like this.” She almost panics and they can tell she’s trying to keep a cool head. They give each other worried glances.
“Like what?” Akutagawa asks, nose scrunching as he did. “You dyed your hair? Was it supposed to be a surprise?”
“No this is my natural hair colour I normally wear a wig.” She blurts out accidentally. She can see Tachihara almost choke on his ice cream at that (is that even possible?).
And before they can ask any more questions Mr Sato, Mrs Nakamoto and Kuniko wander over, to warn her that lunch was nearly over.
“Natsu dear we’ll have to get ready to continue walking around the zoo soon.” Mrs Nakamoto smiles. “Hello dears I’m a friend of Natsuko’s.”
“Natsu…” Chuuya says before smiling and moving to reach a gloved hand forward for a shake. “Lovely to meet you I’m Chuuya Nakahara.”
“Hinata Nakamoto and this is Katsuki Sato.”
“Hello.” Mr Sato greets, towering over the much smaller man.
“Sis says you work with her at the office.” Kuniko adds, giving them a look filled with suspicion. Then they realise, oh, this is why she didn’t want to be seen.
“We do.” And surprisingly it’s Akutagawa to speaks first. “She’s Mr Nakahara’s secretary along with my sister.”
The lie was almost fluid, falling from his tongue smoothly- but Natsu could see the worry in her friends eyes as he spoke, assessing him with sharp eyes.
“And you do?” Mr Sato questioned.
“Security!” Natsu grinned, patting the Emo man on the shoulder. “Akutagawa, Tachihara and Hirotsu here work as Mr Nakahara’s security…”
“Oh.” Mrs Nakamoto hummed. She seemed impressed. “We’ll we best get back too it. Can’t let the class leave without us… see you another time dears.”
The older woman practically drags Natsu away from her co-workers whilst Mr Sato and Kuniko continue to give them sharp looks.
They didn’t believe them… and that was fair- who would believe a group of people dressed in all black and clearly not all that important looking.
“We’ll that was fucking awkward.” Tachihara said once they were out of ear shot.
“Yep.” The group agreed.
“Perhaps we should agree to not speak of this again.” Hirotsu offers. “It seems she really doesn’t want us to know her as anything but Ichiyo Higuchi.”
“No one else still blown away that she wears a wig like all the time?” Gin said suddenly. “Like how have we not seen that? How has it never come off?”
“You know what?” Tachihara said. “You’re right… what the hell!”
“I agree with Hirotsu.” Chuuya cuts in as he laughs at Akutagawa rolling his eyes at his sisters antics. “Unless she speaks about it first- keep your mouths shut. Alright let’s go I don’t feel like sticking around.”
The group agrees, readying themselves to leave as they watch their co-worker laugh and smile with her sister and friends. They would leave it at that, she could come to them in time, when she felt her sister was safe, when she felt she was safe.
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mistymark · 4 years
not @ me for not knowing nct 2020 had two new members and watching the yearparty video going ‘who the fuck is THIS????’ every time one of them popped up on screen 
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
The Element of Surprise | Chapter Seventeen
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Part Seventeen: The Force
mando x fem!reader
word count: 7.9k
warnings: canon typical violence, description of injuries, mentions of blood
a/n: WOW i cant believe ive stuck with something this long - i think I only have like two chapters left?? i wanna do an epilogue too so plus that but I think just two omg! thx for reading u beautiful people
You needed to change clothes.
When you scrambled out of the room you hardly got to spend 24 hours in, you didn’t even think of grabbing clothes. Your bag was sinking low on your back, straining your shoulders with the weight of whatever weapon you stuffed in there, though.
At least that was something.
Din left a strew of weapons around the Razor Crest, and you noticed how he stopped keeping his few personal items locked up the longer you spent around him. Now, he just dumps whatever he was carrying and knows it will be just as safe where he leaves it, because he trusts you. Your heart pulls at the mere thought of him.
You didn’t think that an emotional feeling could cause such a physical response, but you feel it everywhere - like you were being dragged underwater by it. You missed him - so much it made your mouth dry and your body cold. The only thing worse than the longing, though, was that you were worried about him. You know he can take care of himself, you’ve seen him in action enough to be sure, and he’s been doing this kind of thing alone for years before he ever met you - but it didn’t make the terrifying thoughts in your brain any less real, and did nothing to soothe the pit in your gut when you imagined who was after him. It was physically exhausting - trying to keep yourself somewhat composed enough to take care of the kid while simultaneously look for any sign your bounty hunter was still alive.
Your first thought was to make your way back to the ship - but after checking with the same mechanic you left it with, it was clear Din hadn’t so much as passed by. The mechanic remembered you - and the speed in which he ran away as soon as you took your leave told you he would have remembered seeing the Mandalorian.
So - you gather your information.
The ship was still here, meaning there was a very large possibility he was still on the planet. It would take an army to tie him down, so your mind isn’t convinced he would have been taken off world. There was still a few days before all the repairs on the Razor Crest would be finished, and you gave the mechanic your best puppy dog eyes to convince him to work as fast as possible. But - there was still at the very least 48 hours.
Anything could happen in 48 hours.
Ships continue to zip past as if nothing has happened. The planet still beats down in heat with its risen sun, people open up there stalls next to you preparing for yet another day, but time had stopped for you. It was the first time in months that you remembered what it was like to be truely on your own. A little hand came out the top of your bag and whacked you on the head again.
“You do that again and i’ll cut off.” You grumble and hear him squeak.
Okay, that was mean.
“Hey. I’m sorry, okay. I’m just scared, and stressed. I know you are too.” You feel him - not his little hand but his energy reaching out to you like that first time under the tree. You can see flashes of things - lights, planets you don’t recognise, faces and voices that don’t match. Moments that you remember and some that you dont, and they all blend together. You have to take a few steps to the side and lean against a wall, your head starting to pound at the intensity of his Force slamming into your brain.
Grogu is showing you something. He’s trying to share something but it’s all fuzzy. You can’t tell if it’s him not being clear or you not being focused. It’s all coming so fast - so you zero in on one. It’s the one that seems the strongest, holds your attention the most as it flashes past.
It’s one of Din - of course it would be.
You see the image come into view, clearer now that you have something to focus on. You remember this, remember this moment that plays in front of you. The background comes first, busy city and hot air surrounding you. Nevarro. Home of the Guild, he called it. You know this is your memory because you remember how you felt here.
You were angry with Din. Angry because he’d left you alone in the ship for hours after he…
Shaking the thought away you keep searching the memory, trying to keep concentration through all of the power surging through you. That’s when see another body come into view. Your hand felt cold, because it was resting on the knee of beskar armour, and you were sitting in a cantina. It was strange to see yourself - know that you were there but watch as if you were a stranger. You were sitting next to Din, and there was someone opposite the two of you.
Greef Karga.
He slides you a drink, you know it’s him because you remember he mentioned your father that day. He knew him. You listen to the voice - you see Kargas mouth moving, the words slightly out of sync as he spoke.
“I thought you might recognise him.” The holo gram. You remember why you were there in the first place - Din was picking up new bounties. Karga slides the puck closer to you, and you see yourself lean in as he continues to speak.
“Part of the crew that are responsible for your father’s untimely demise. Take it if you want, don’t if you don’t, but I had a feeling you might be the type interested in a little revenge.” A small burn comes to your throat as you stare at the face in the holo gram. It’s a face you would never forget - the face that belonged to the body of the man that slaughtered your people like they were nothing more than farm animals. The face that killed your father, tore apart your life and your family - destroyed everything. Your mind starts to fracture and you lose the memory for a second - Grogu’s urgency splicing you.
“I can’t - slow down, kid.” You hear him squirming around, and the memory plays again, a little cleaner now. The words sync up with his movements, and you can’t help but look at Din as he sits next to you, obscuring your body from view. You didn’t notice at the time, but every so often he would stare at the hand that hung around the back of your chair and then look away, as if he was contemplating where he should put it. You blink a few times as the memory continues.
“Take it if you want” Karga says. Dins hand comes up and slides the puck into his pocket. He took it. You completely forgot that he took it. You were mad at him after, too. The emotion rushes back and you stumble a little, leaning harder on the wall as it hits you all at once. You thought he didn’t trust you enough to take it on yourself. You argued with him, and then he told you why he refused to let you follow it. Why he wouldn’t follow it. You hear his voice in your head and you physically sink down the wall at the sound of it.
“Why give this to me now?” Memory-Din snaps your focus back in as he speaks to you. He knew Karga better than you, better than probably most because he was so damn observant, so he knew it wasn’t out of the kindness of his heart that Karga gave this tracking fob over, and that he made it a point to do it in front of you. “Something else at play.” His voice begins to fade out and you try your hardest to focus, to reel it back in, but soon your vision returns and the memories are gone, so too is the comfort of his voice. You stare at the opposite wall - it was almost the colour of beskar.
“Holy shit. That’s where he’s going?” Finally your mind comes back to you and you suck in a breath. Grogu just whacks you on the head again, as if he was trying to push you forward. You shake your head in disbelief. You don’t really know what to think right now. Most of you is happy - ecstatic even. You have direction, you know the kind of person chasing him. At least it’s not the empire.
But you couldn’t help the low burning in your stomach. You were a little angry. Not really - he was missing and there was nothing more important than finding him. But he made you feel like an idiot for even thinking about going after that bounty. He called it a trap, and now he had put himself in harms way on purpose.
For what reason - you had no idea. You would deal with that later, because there would be a later. You would have all the time in the world to argue with him and be mad at him, so long as you had him with you. The anger soon chips away, worry gnawing in your chest and Grogu whacks you on the head again.
“Okay! Okay, I get it. You have any more smart ideas about where I should try first?” You open your mind and instantly - as if the Force was just waiting for you to reach out, you know where you should go. You turned left, the beating sun interrupted as you walked by the flashes of ships that zipped past. You tried to clear your mind as best you could, but as you focused on your goal, it was impossible to get Din out of your head.
You’ve seen these guys take down entire groups of trained Jedi. Hell - they probably killed your father. He was strong in the Force, and a skilled fighter - so was everyone on your home planet, and they were slaughtered all the same.
Your mouth went dry again as you started to sweat. You turned right, and prayed to anyone listening that they would lead you to him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Maker, you missed him.
Just walking down these streets again, you remember when you arrived just a day ago. How easily time passed - too fast - just talking about nothing. You were really trying to focus on what you were doing - but you were so in your head that it was almost impossible to do anything but drown in your own stupid thoughts.
It’s been a few hours since you last tried the comm link, and you haven’t said a word out loud since - too absorbed in your own mind. Grogu has fallen asleep in your bag, and your glad he doesn’t have to be awake for this walk - you knew you probably weren’t that great company right now. You can’t help but imagine what would have happened to him if you hadn’t told Din to bring him in the room, if he hadn’t been sleeping right next to your head. Even if you had woken up a second later. The blaster in your bag feels a little heavier now you know you’d have to use it if they caught up to you again.
Eventually, the people bustling around you start to thin out, not because it gets later but because you start to reach the outskirts of the city. The buildings are far shorter and fewer between, less ships have been whizzing past as you walk further out. You only notice because of how hot it starts to get and you miss the occasional breeze of a speeder as they fly past. Tatooine is hot, but you had never maintained a connection to the Force this long on that planet, and it was taking its toll. It took focus and a lot of your energy to consistently find the right path, so at the first sign of a semi-safe spot out of the sun, you collapse on the side of the road.
There was a cutoff just past the end of the street, and a few crates stacked up sheltered you from any peering eyes. You also take note of the fence, and how it was small enough for you to get over but tall enough to buy you some time if you have to make an exit. This was the shit you had to think about back on Tatooine when you first arrived, before you found a little place. You slept on the streets for about three months, so it’s not the familiarity of the cool concrete beneath you that sends a slow shiver down your spine.
You had thought you’d never be out here again.
Since you met Din, you had dared to dream that these days might be behind you. He made you feel safe. Protected - like, how even though you knew you could, you wouldn’t have to fend for yourself any more. You would protect each other. You even missed how people slid out of your way when you were with him, the hustling city sending people flying into your shoulders and nearly knocking you down every few feet. You forgot what it was like to feel invisible, and you don’t like the taste.
The bag slides to your side and Grogu’s sleepy head pops out. Seeing his giant bug eyes makes you smile a little, feeling you back in.
“Hey, buddy. You doin’ okay in there?” He gurgles a sound and you think it means he’s happy, but doesn’t smile. You know he must be missing Din too. They’d spent a long time together before you. He jumps out of the bag into your lap. You were pretty tired - all that flying around in the ship has done nothing for your stamina. Maybe if you just rested here for a second….
It’s almost as if he knew. As soon as you closed your eyes, the comm link crackled static. Like it was turning on.
You move so fast Grogu screeches in your lap. The comm link was still in your ear - you were scared you would miss something if you put it down for even a second.
“Hello?!” You shout and whack at the side of your head. You lower your voice to say his name a couple times, and sink into the silence that follows. Nothing comes back, and you say more words, any words you can think of to fill it. He has to be there.
Waiting. Still static.
“Din?” you whisper, voice shaking.
“Ge- outsi- ty. Co-“ That voice. His voice. How-
“Din! Shit - Din! Where are you?!” More static. A few blaster shots, you know what they sound like through the comms. Then -
“Get out of- city. I’ll find you.” A full clear sentence, only interspersed by what you can only describe as chaos crackling down the comms. You don’t have any time to question it.
“I am! Din, just tell me where you are! Please!” Grogu was wildly buzzing around on the floor, clearly hearing the same voice.
“I’ll find you.” The static comes back and then the line goes dead.
“Din! Hey!” You take the comm out of your ear for the first time in hours and try to turn the camera on. You don’t see the green light like last time, and no more static has buzzed.
He’s gone again.
“Din!” You said a little half hearted.
It was pointless. Maker, he could be anywhere on this planet being shot at and your sitting in some dumb alley feeling sorry for yourself. You put the comm back in your ear and bite your lip to try and not cry. You are so focused you nearly miss it.
“-always find you, cyar’ika.” His voice crackles through the static one final time before cutting off for good. Your heart swells. It’s been less than a day and you nearly forgot what that word sounded like coming from him. Even muffled, with a heaving breath in between it made you warm all over. You knew what it meant now - sweetheart. He knew exactly what you needed from miles and miles away and -
Oh god, you needed to move. Like, now.
“Come on, kid. Let’s get the fuck out of here.” You scoop him back up into your bag and swing it over your shoulder. You pull the blaster out before, though, and attach it to your hip.
Just in case.
You were tired as shit and your legs hurt, but he needed you, and hell if you weren’t going to get to him.
You let yourself focus. Stepping out onto the street, your eyes fluttered shut as the Force buzzed all around you. You needed calm, your emotions were through the roof right now. The only person who even seemed to allow you that peace, though, was Din
So you drilled into that. Him - his voice, the words he whispered in your ear he thought you were asleep. Helmet off and body warm behind you in a makeshift bed. The way he feels - his skin, every scar and where they were and how they feel under your hand. How he reacts when your lips drag over each part of him, the sounds he makes. You see him in your mind - and he’s helping. Guiding. Just like before you jumped out the window. Like he has all along. You turn right out of your little alley. You feel Dins hand, how surprisingly soft it was against your cheek that first time he touched you. How it lit a line of fire across your face, how he left your breathless from that one touch.
You turn left, catching yourself off guard. You were doing this. For him. For yourself.
You keep walking.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Eye spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘S’.” Grogu squeaks out a little sound in answer, and you sigh in defeat. “Yup. Sand again. You are just too good at this.” He slinks back into the bag, shuffling around to get comfortable.
Lucky guess, considering all you’ve been able to see for the past few hours is god damn sand. Ever since the city disappeared into the horizon behind you, it’s gotten significantly darker, and you could only just make out the lights of ships passing the taller buildings as they sped home. You had been following your senses as best you could, sometimes just closing your eyes and letting your mind lead you completely, but doing it for this long was exhausting.
He told you to get out of the city - but you had no idea how far that was, nor did you have any idea where to go from here. Exactly - here. As in right where you were standing in this moment. It’s like your mind just went blank.
No matter how hard you tried, there was not even another hint of where to move from this exact spot. You were in the middle of the plains outside of the city. The only evidence of life was the glowing city in the distance.
You were so far from everything - why would your mind lead you here?
Doubt began to wash over you - how could it not?
You were walking around half blind on a foreign planet, under a shit tonne of stress trying to follow the vaguest of instructions that has now led you to the middle of nowhere. You spun around in your spot, waking Grogu with your movement, who finally popped his head out. His head spun around in excitement.
“Be my guest.” You mumble in defeat as he begins to wriggle around. You swing the back pack off your shoulders and gently place it on the ground in front of you. Grogu jumps out and begins to wander around aimlessly in front of you, and you slump onto the ground in exhaustion.
Everything hurt. Your head was pounding from how hard you had to concentrate all day - trying to follow your own intuition was something that did not come naturally to you, years of suppressing your abilities have clearly made it hard to maintain. That paired with the overwhelming power of Grogu’s intensity earlier, you didn’t care how dirty the ground was, you could sleep right here if you weren’t so god damn terrified for Din.
As soon as you think of him, Grogu squeaks. You turn your head and struggle to see him at first in the dimming light. He’s gotten further away than you thought, your mind starting to faulter in your exhaustion, so you grab your bag and hurry over to him, adjusting the blaster on your hip. As you go to move, you nearly stumble over, feeling light headed.
No - just a little longer.
He’s waddling around in a circle, kicking at the sand as if he’s found something you don’t see.
“Sand, bud. Plenty of it.” You kick at the pile next to your foot, and the scrape of your boots against something hard makes you stop. Dropping to your knees you can feel the difference underneath you. Oh.
It’s metal. Like the floor of the Razor Crest. Hard and unnatural in the terrain.
Swiping at the dirt and sand, more and more metal is revealed under the dying light. You would have missed it completely if it wasn’t for the kid - you expose as much of it as you can from your spot. After a while, hinges and ridges are slowly revealed.
Silver reflects back at you, and you twist your body on the spot to fully examine the space. Not big enough for more than two people to fit side by side. -
Its a trap door.
Or maybe just a door. More like a hatch. There’s a handle, so you pull it.
It’s locked.
Of course it’s locked.
“You are so smart, kid. Think you can pull this open for us?” Grogu had ten times the strength you did, so if anyone was going to be able to open this door, it was him - and you would help. As much as your exhausted brain could.
It took all of your concentration as Grogu waddled over next you to even focus on the surface. You ran your hands over the hinges - reinforced metal. You shuffle back, knees aching as you slide off the centre of the hatch. You and Grogu used your combined strength, beginning to pull the trap door upwards.
You tried to focus - calm your breathing. You thought of Din, how he needed you now, needed you to focus and just push a little bit longer even though your head was throbbing and every muscle in your body was screaming at you to stop. You were starting to shake. You knew you were pushing yourself further than you should - but you needed this. Needed to find where he was and if you just looked a little harder for a little longer you could -
“I’ve been looking for you, girl.”
Your eyes shot open at the feeling of the end of a blaster being pressed into the flesh of your neck.
You were so concentrated on the hatch. On finding your way. You were followed - and you didn’t even realise.
The blaster pressed harder to the back of your neck. Your own pressed into your thigh. The kid waddled in front of you and one hand shot out to bring him closer to you. The other inched a little closer to the blaster. Just an inch -
“One more move and you lose your head.” You felt him step closer. Everything was on high alert. You suddenly felt strong.
No pain.
Adrenaline. Powerful shit.
You could hear your own heartbeat. Grogu’s heartbeat. Both were fast.
Unlike whoever was behind you.
He was deadly calm.
You heard the click of the gun. You closed your eyes.
He wouldn’t shoot. You don’t know why you knew - but he wouldn’t shoot. The gun will not go off, and he wouldn’t pull the trigger. That’s why he was so calm. He knew he was just here to intimidate, which meant he probably had back up somewhere. Your eyes flicked to the side and Grogu squeaked in your arm as you saw a quick flash of metal. Another man appeared to your right, then another to your left. The one on the left had his gun raised, and his heart rate was elevated slightly. If anyone was going to shoot, it would be this guy.
“Toss the gun.” You don’t move - just monitor. Trying to gauge how much you can get away with right now. If it was just you, you probably would have made a move already. It was dark so you had cover, and you knew with all this adrenaline you could run far enough into the outskirts - but the kid. You couldn’t trust yourself to keep him safe as well. You were outnumbered and weighed down. “Toss the gun, or my friend isn’t gonna be so nice to your little womp rat here.”
The guy on the left clicked his gun. He would shoot if you didn’t do what he said. The gun on your neck was still pressing painfully tight. You toss your gun just out of reach.
“There’s a good girl. Just like your daddy.” Your eyes goes wide and you don’t hold back as you whirl around - but it’s too late.
The butt of the gun whacks you straight in the face as you spin, and the world goes black.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You suck in a huge breath.
It felt like someone was standing on your chest. When you sucked in more oxygen a sharp pain shot up your right side. He kicked you - you think.
The butt of the gun knocked you out cold, but you had moments of clarity; throwing your body around in desperation. You hoped you at least got a few good hits in - they certainly did.
You could feel the dried blood across your brow, and your ribs had to at least be seriously bruised. Your knuckles were sore, and the ropes around your wrists were burning against your skin. You sucked in another breath, spluttering against the pain as you let it out, trying to collect yourself.
You were tied to some kind of metal ring on a concrete wall. The entire room was a dark grey, and there was a toilet in the corner that looked like it hadn’t been touched in this lifetime. Apart from the gated door, small slates only just allowing light into the room from the hallway, the room was bare.
The kid - Fuck!
You suddenly remembered where you were - what was happening. Instantly you were thrashing against the rope - desperation fuelling your movements. How long had you been out? Maker - if they had the kid -
You knew what they did to Jedi.
Oh god - you were going to be sick. Maybe if you could just focus. Calm your mind.
You can find him.
You were still pulling at the ropes, but you let your eyes close, squeezing them tightly together to block out the room. You tried to channel that energy that led you to the hatch in the desert.
Grogu - you called in your mind. You had no idea if this would work. You didn’t have any hope of reaching someone without the Force, but Grogu was strong. Maybe if you stuck your hand out he could do the rest. Hell, you trained him. You knew he could.
Grogu - you could hear footsteps approaching from the hallway. Boots on pavement. You knew the sound. They were - troopers? It sounded like heavy armour, similar to beskar but not quite. These guys weren’t empire though, where they?
Grogu! Your mind flashes white, and you pull against the rope in surprise when you here him. A squeak followed by him saying your name. He was safe. You don’t know how you knew it because he didn’t say anything except your name, but you knew he was safe. He was calm - hidden somewhere. Thank the Maker he got away. Was he down here somewhere? Had he found Din? There has to be a way to get out of these stupid ropes.
You tug against them again and hiss in pain as you feel the rope rip your skin, blood seeping down your wrist.
The door swings open, bright lights flashing over your eyes.
It takes you a second to see the figures clearly. But when your eyes adjust, you would know them anywhere.
Stark white armour, the two troopers already have guns drawn. One steps forward and presses the hilt into your stomach and you wince, face screwing up. You swear the second trooper flinches as he turns to shut the door, locking you in with the both of them.
“No tricks, Jedi. Your surrounded.” The troopers low drawl makes your eyes open again. Your hand slips a little in the rope, and you think now it’s cut into your skin the blood around your wrist has made it easier to slip out. You need to be subtle. The second trooper stays back a little - lurking in the darker corner like he’s waiting for something, and you think you would rather he just punch you in the face. It would be less intimidating.
You need to buy yourself some time.
“Surrounded? What, by you two?” You scoff and twitch your body, trying to move the gun off the bruised side of your ribs. With the movement your hand slips a little further out.
“There’s more where we come from, kid. If I don’t bring you up, someone else will. Or they will just shoot you where you stand. Maybe I will.” He presses harder. Why hasn’t he made a move to untie you?
“You couldn’t make the shot with your gun taped to my head.” You hear the second trooper cough a little, and the one in front of you punches you square in the face. Your eyebrow begins to bleed again and everything goes a little fuzzy.
“I’ll teach you to disrespect the em-“ The trooper is cut off by a single shot.
To his head.
The blaster from the second trooper is still aimed and smoking, and your vision focuses enough to watch him place another perfect shot in the exact same place through his skull after he fell to the floor, confirming his kill.
Your hands slip from the rope and you move.
You catch him off guard, slamming your shoulder into his stomach. The air is sucked out of him as he crumpled to the ground, and you drop on top of him in the same second.
The blaster from the first trooper lays discarded on the ground, and you use your last remain strength to Force-pull it into your hand, aiming it right between the eyes in his helmet.
You can feel his deep breathing as you sit on his chest, his hands coming palm up beside his head in surrender as your knees keep his biceps pinned to the ground.
Two hands hold the gun to his head, and your half tempted to rip the helmet off him and press it into his skull - just to make sure. Your hands shake slightly but you have enough strength to hold him down. He doesn’t say anything, though. Just sits there with his hands up - staring silently as you both catch your breath.
“The door. You’re gonna open it.” Your head tilts towards the locked exit, and the light streams perfectly over his helmet so you can see him tilt his head to the side - almost like he’s confused.
“The door.”
He lets out a strong breath and you rise up a little higher.
Was he-
laughing at you?
No. He only did it the once. Maybe he’s winded - you did hit him with everything you had.
You click the blaster into place. His head straightens. You don’t know what this guys deal is. He just killed his partner and now he’s sitting underneath you - saying nothing to justify his actions nor save himself. It’s almost as if -
“So demanding, cyar’ika.“
You nearly melt into the floor when you hear his voice. All the air leaves you and you can’t say anything. Dumbfounded. Confused. Was he-
“I told you I would find you.”
“Holy f-fuck. Din.” You flop onto him, discarding the blaster next to your bodies as he sits up and curls your body against him. Relief is the only thing you can feel as he holds you tight - so tight your ribs ache but you don’t fucking care because he was right here. You found him - he found you. It doesn’t matter because he’s here and you almost shot him for a third time - “You fucking asshole.”
It’s halfhearted at best, the insult coming out in a broken voice as he buries the stormtrooper helmet into your neck. The armour feels foreign against your skin but you grasp at any part of it to have him closer.
He was here.
You don’t know how long you sit there, your legs wrapped around his back pressing your entire front against him. His arms twist so far around you they almost meet twice, and he doesn’t move his face from your neck as you feel him breathing hard - harder than normal.
You pull back, staring into the white trooper mask and holding it with your hands.
“Are you hurt? Is everything - Grogu? We need to find him I-“
“He’s okay.” His voice cracks. The voice isn’t as modulated through the trooper mask - it sounds a little more mechanical, but you would know it anywhere. You just nod at him and press your forehead to the mask.
“Are you okay?” You whisper, not wanting to crack this moment.
“I am now.” You can’t help it - you grin at him and try to get him closer to you, pull the helmet closer. It doesn’t look like him but it’s him. There’s less protection around his neck so when your hands link behind him, you can feel every muscle relax under your touch.
“Din - I was so scared. I thought you - they came. To the house when you left. I had to run.” He nods and his own hands mimic yours, gloves cupping your cheeks and pulling your face impossibly closer. If he wasn’t wearing the helmet you would be kissing him.
“I know, baby. I - the guy who put us up. He sold you out. Apparently these guys have been paying some people in high volume places to keep an eye out for potential hits.” Fucking asshole. He swallows, and tries to continue. “I never should have left - this whole thing is my fault. I put you in danger, the kid as well I-“
“No. Din, please. This is not your fault. Let’s do this later. You’re here. I’m here. Kids here, somewhere. That’s all we need.” As much as you want to know what the hell is going on here - you need to go. The dead trooper wasn’t wrong when he said others were coming. You could hear another pair of footsteps descending stairs in the distance.
Din doesn’t let go of your face for a second.
“I will never put you in danger again. I - the - I love you. You are too - I’m sorry.”
“I love you. Do this later.” You mumble into his helmet and he scoops you up, legs finally unfolding to stand on your own.
“Your arms.” You are still so close that he doesn’t have to reach out to examine the damage. Your wrists were raw and there were some tracks of blood running down. They hurt, for sure, but nothing serious. It wasn’t until you took a step that you realised how bad your ribs were hurting. “Don’t move.”
His hands - so gentle in comparison to what they just did, lift up your shirt. You look down and see the dark purple bruise coming up most of your side. Both of you wince at the sight in unison, and you are the one that has to push your shirt down, because Din hasnt taken his eyes of the evidence, only moving when your hands link with his.
A feather light touch on your forehead causes you to flinch on instinct, but only for a second before you lean into Dins hand, not caring if it hurts. You want to feel him - to know he’s still there. It doesn’t feel real, for him to just be here.
But he always said he would find you.
“I have an idea, cyar’ika. You just have to stay very still.” He whispers into your ear, and it sends a shiver down your spine. Even here, he overtakes every rational thought. You just nod, exhaustion overwhelming you as he scoops you into his arms. “This doesn’t hurt?”
Shaking your head, you can feel the vibration of his words through his chest, the trooper armour significantly thinner as he lifts you into his arms, legs dangling in the air. It feels so good to be off your feet - finally - the aches in your legs almost disappear for a second. The door unlocks and you feel yourself change directions, and suddenly it gets light behind your closed eyes. Only one of Dins arms supports your weight under your upper thighs, the other free to execute his plan, whatever that is.
You hear the footsteps coming closer and your instinct tells you to run - or fight, but you just stay very still, trusting Din to lead the way. Your head rested against his chest and you could hear his heart beat. Proof he was alive and there.
“You should of seen him. Bane went ballistic when they said he couldn’t have it. Shot up the whole cantina.” A trooper speaks from the end of the corridor, and you feel Din turn to the left. “Hey! What are you doing?”
He freezes for a second, and then turns.
“Captains orders. She’s to be brought to the front.” Din repeats, his voice perfectly calm and monotone - just like a stormtrooper. It made you shiver a little.
“This is her?” You feel the figure step closer to you and you resist the urge to hold your breath. You were faking being passed out, not dead. Din must nod his head, because the trooper just scoffs. “Put up more of a fight on the way in. Doesn’t look like much now.”
Don’t react. Don’t react. You feel the energy radiating around you, and the light above you goes out.
“Uh - we have to - keep moving, trooper.”
“Yep. Move along.” Both troopers begin to rush past you, chasing the lights that haven’t gone out above them. Lucky that your head is buried into Dins neck or they would probably see your smile. You know Din can tell it was you.
“Nice touch.” You exhale once, but even the small movement and expel of your energy has your heart rate slowing. “Rest, cyar’ika. I’ll get you out of here.”
You do. You close your eyes and forget everything except Dins arm wrapped around you. How he’s holding you so tightly - like he’s forgotten how to do it and he needs to learn the shape of you by moulding it to him. You take every second of it, and pretty soon you think you fall asleep.
That is, until, you start to move. Fast. Wind starts to whip past your ear and everything around you is blurry when your eyes tear open.
“D-“ You go to say his name, but you see troopers. 
Lots of them. 
“What’s happening?”
“Kids through here. I need you to grab him and move. There will be a door on the left, go through it. I’ll- i’ll come to you.” He puts you down in a small corridor, and suddenly there’s a small door in front of you. He takes a step back and you grab his arm.
“No. We stay together.” Boots come up the stairs. You don’t know what happened but there’s red flashes lighting up your current hiding place. Alarms blaring. That must be what woke you.
“We - No, you have to go.”
“I’m not leaving you alone. There’s too many of them.” There must be dozens of them. They are getting closer, monotone shouts of orders echo at the end of the hallway.
“You have to go.” You just shake your head.
You just got him back. There wasn’t a chance in hell you were leaving him here. He takes a step back and you match it forward.
“I’m not leaving.”
“You are hurt. The kid needs you. I - I need you to be safe. I’ve done enough.” His voice cracks again. Sure, you get the need to protect you, he’s been doing that ever since you met him, but he’s going to get himself killed.
“You aren’t alone. We can do this together, okay?” He doesn’t say anything. Instead, you see the helmet look up a little to the door behind you. “Let us help you. Don’t leave - don’t leave me again.”
Maybe that was harsh - when you got a chance you know he would explain all this. Whatever it was, but it still did the trick. He looks back down at you, and even though he’s a little harder to read in this new helmet, you know he’s listening.
“Where’s your armour?” His head flicks towards the door and you pull him inside, shutting it behind you. You hear the troopers turn towards the sound. It won’t hold them long. “Where’s the kid?”
Instantly a little squeak comes from the corner, and Grogu waddles out, dragging something behind him. Your bag.
“You little genius.” You kneel down and you know you don’t have time but god - you were more worried that you realised. Here he was, both of them. 
The door bangs with the force of troopers slamming into it. You unzip your bag. The blaster you had in your hip is gone, and they’ve taken your other weapon. Din had half his armour on in seconds, and when he turned to face you, beskar helmet back on his head. You look down at your empty hands - you have nothing to fight with except you. Grogu quickly waddles over to Din and squeals in excitement. You would have to be enough. 
This whole time it felt like he was protecting you - from what, you weren’t sure. Maybe that’s why he left you in that house, he thought he was protecting you from all this. But the truth is that you’ve been in danger the minute you chose to run all those years ago, leave you life behind, and it was only a matter of time before it caught up with you.
Whether Din was chasing this bounty for you or not, you were on this planet and they would never stop coming - you would never stop endangering the only two people you loved if you didn’t end this here. It couldn’t follow you any longer. Grogu’s little hand grabs onto your ankle, and he looks up at you. He would never be safe with you.
Not unless you did this. Now.
You were tired. Your rib cage was bruised to hell and your entire body was sore, but you felt it all around you. The energy - a life force in every part of this place. You recognised it - welcomed it as a friend instead of using it as a weapon, moulding it into something it was meant for, and it felt familiar. Safe. Warm. It was meant to protect and defend. To balance. You looked at Din, and he replaced his gloves and started attaching the copious amounts of weapons to his armour. 
He had enough enemies, you wouldn’t drag your own onto his door step.
You were tired - but right now you never felt more alive. 
The door flung open, and three stormtroopers burst into the room at the same time. Weapons drawn, they were firing the moment they stepped through the archway.
You braced for impact, Din’s weapons drawn faster than you could comprehend.
Except nothing came.
You didn’t realised you had your eyes closed. The click of blasters filled the room, but no shots were fired. Your eyes opened.
Red blaster shots. They were there, of course they were. Troopers were trained to kill on sight. Surely there shots were not this off target - you had heard stories…
No, the shots were on target. You knew because there was a small, red flame hanging just above your eye level. A shot that would have been a direct hit on Dins armour had you not stopped it.
Stopped it.
In mid air.
All of them, actually. Every single shot fired was floating in the air, even Din’s. You could feel them. Count them in the order they were let off. Grogu was still wrapped around your ankle, you could feel his Force low and strong on the floor under you. Waiting. It wasn’t him, this was all you.
Your father would be proud.
Din says your name, and you don’t turn, afraid you’ll drop your focus. Somehow though, knowing how close he is to you, that he’s right there with you makes you feel sure that you won’t drop. Won’t lose focus. It’s almost… easy.
You turn the shots and send them in reverse, dropping the three storm troopers before you can blink.
You don’t know what to say. Clearly Din doesn’t either, because he just moves in front of you and stares. 
“You aren’t leaving me again.”
“I’m not leaving you.” Din says lowly, and swallows before he nods and leans out the doorway. “Seventeen of them. You think - think you can do it, that, again?”
You nod once; confident.
“If I could kiss you right now, I would.” You have to smile at that - the thought of him under that helmet. “Just so you know.”
You scoop up the kid in one hand, and it’s with that movement you realise it doesn’t hurt to move. Your ribs… they were fine. You felt fantastic - better than normal, actually. Grogu clung to your side, head dropping like he did when he was about to fall asleep. Though he only looked this tired after a training session. Had he…
“He healed me.” Din moves closer and lifts up your shirt, though he could have just looked at your now healed wrists. It sent goosebumps up your skin when his gloved finger traced a line along the now healed area. Completely healed, no bruising, nothing. No wonder you felt incredible. You brought him up to your face and hugged him closer. “You are so good. So good, little bug. I’m gonna get you all the lizards you can eat I swear.”
Grogu giggles in your arms and climbs over your shoulder into the pack you put on your back. Dins hand comes up to touch your face, drag a line across your cheek bone.
Just like the first time.
You both step out, seeing the troopers reinforcements, and this time you stand in front of him.
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
Mother May I Sleep with Danger - Servant!Nagito Komaeda x Reader
ミ☆ not a request, I’m just really horny for servant asjdkfkflddj
Summary: future foundation reader is kidnapped by the WOH and figures if they’re going to die anyway……..
Contains: Explicit Sexual Content, Fem reader, no pronouns used
Word Count: 3589
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The foundation is not going to be happy with you.
Not only did you balls up your mission into Towa City, but now your uniform is ripped all to hell, basically slashed to ribbons by the Monokuma who managed to overpower you. It was your new set too, all fresh and clean. This mess is going to get you seriously mocked by the men in operations when you get back.
That is if the foundation even lets you back onto the helicopter after this disaster of a mission.
You huff and turn to face the man lurking in the far corner of your cell. He’s been standing there for the past 20 minutes, just shaking and staring at you with wide grey eyes. You had been planning to just ignore him until he left, but he isnt leaving, “What do you want?”
He doesn’t answer, just wraps his arms around himself and starts giggling.
“Are you just going to stand there all day?” You snap, crossing your arms and glaring up at him from your seat on the floor, “If you’re going to kill me just get it over with, the anticipation has all but worn off and I'm just starting to get angry.”
“Ah...kill you?” He giggles again. His voice is a lot gentler than you had been expecting. What with the manic eyes and tangled hair. You were prepared for him to be downright menacing. He sucks in a breath and levels his gaze with you, “I wouldn't kill you. That would be waste.” The chain around his throat jangles as he gestures at you with his mitted hand, knees wobbling like they are barely strong enough to keep him upright, “Honestly, a bug like myself killing you would help no one. It would be utterly disappointing for both sides, and what is the point in that? No despair...no hope...ahhhhaaaa…” he brings the cuff of his jacket up to his mouth and starts gnawing on it, “it would be completely pointless...mm?”
“Why haven't the children killed you?” Your brows draw together, watching his balance shifting from foot to foot, “You must be at least eighteen, right?”
He wheezes, throwing one shoulder up in a haphazard shrug, “Older. I think. I honestly can’t remember.”
For some reason. A terrible little voice in the back of your head whispers - Hey, at least it’s legal! You balk at your own lack of decorum. The man is still currently chewing so furiously on his sleeve that drool has started rolling down his chin, his hair is so matted that if you dug your fingers into it you would probably never get them out again. You are smart enough to take one look at this wheezing, sweating, drooling mess of a man and think: gross.
Unfortunately, your cunt is dumb enough to disagree.
Maybe it’s because you’re going to die anyway. Maybe it’s because his black jeans cling very tightly to his thighs. Maybe you just have terrible taste in men. It doesn’t matter why, but for some godforsaken reason, you are attracted to him.
“So. Are they just keeping you around as a--” you examine him again, eyes locking on the chain dangling down by his knees. (why does looking at that make you want to rub your thighs together?) “--a...pet?”
He laughs again, finally letting the sleeve he was chewing on drop back down to his side, “A fitting position for someone like me, but no. I am their servant.” The man takes a step towards you, the chain jangles in ways that your insides apparently find arousing. You swallow, “I came to this town to seek refuge, but...well...you can see how that turned out.” he laughs again, shoulders quaking with the noise. You can help but notice the stiff way the hand obscured by his mitt is moving. Like he doesn't have any real control over it.
“Ah.” You say, eyes still focussed on the hand you cannot see, but can imagine perfectly well. That hand, along with his age, seem to only lead to one conclusion, “You’re one of the remnants of despair, aren’t you?”
He grins at you, manic, all sharp teeth and wild eyes, taking another step closer to you “Oh! I didn’t expect you to recognise common garbage like me…” he makes a noise that is dangerously close to being a moan, before exclaiming, “you’re right, I am!” His grin turns syrupy in a way that you find yourself enjoying much more than you should. His eyes hooded as he breathes, “does that disgust you? Does my very presence make you want to spit in my face?”
The way he speaks, his soft lilting tone. It almost sounds like he is crooning, purring. You shift on the floor, trying to ignore the wetness pooling between your legs. You have gone from wanting to fuck a regular crazy man, to wanting to fuck a crazy man literally out for capture by the company you work for.
“Listen.” You start, suddenly nervous, “The foundation is looking for you, all of you. But Togami in the other cell and I are working with-”
Your words catch in your throat when he comes barreling towards you and claps his bare hand over your mouth. His eyes are wild when they meet yours, pupils little more than pinpricks in dark swirling circles that dig deep inside of you, his voice drops to a terrifying whisper, “No. Not yet...I have important work I must do and you will not keep me from it.”
“We want to help.” You hiss into the meat of his palm. Horrified at how you feel the jagged grin that tugs at his mouth deep in your stomach. His mouth pulls so wide that his lips tear and bleed, drool pooling at the corners of his mouth and dripping over his lips when he starts laughing again, loud and manic, wheezing and decrepit.
“You truly are an embodiment of hope. You think you can...ah...haha…” He wheezes again, tangled white hair falling over his face and he tries to hold in a laugh, “You truly think you can help me? What a feat that would be! Endlessly impressive I’m sure” He leans in closer to you, eyes calm once again, hooded and piercing, “Thank you for your kindness, but I assure you. It will not be so simple.”
His face is so close to yours now, you can feel his breath on your face, see the bags under his eyes and the way his papery skin has wrinkled around the corners of his mouth. He looks half dead, but under that. You see soft skin, pretty long eyelashes and what are undoubtedly the most stunning eyes you have ever seen. You are going to die soon anyway, so you dont stop yourself from whispering, “You were very pretty once. Weren’t you?”
His lips curl into a smile, but his eyes look almost sad, “Most would disagree.”
“Hm. That’s a shame.” you whisper, trying to ignore the seductive tone you have adopted, “I think you’re still quite pretty now.”
He lets out a wheezing giggle, dropping down into a crouch in front of you and resting his hands on his knees, “Are you trying to win me over with words of kindness? With sharp lies wrapped in goose down?”
They aren't lies, but you can tell he won't believe you even if you try to convince him, “Just tell me what you want with me.”
“What do I want with you?” He breathes, reaching out a shaky hand and running his knuckles down your cheek. One side of his mouth quirks up in a smile at the feeling of your skin, “I don’t want anything...eheh...I just...I just want to watch. I want to see what you will do, I want to see you fight.”
“I’d be able to fight better if you let me out of the cell.”
“Aha. Cute.” He drags his tongue over his lower lip, “But wouldn't it be so much more satisfying to watch you overcome impossible odds? For your hope to overcome the utmost despair?” His head tilts to the side and he smiles, “I have faith in you. I’ll be cheering you on, just dont expect my help.”
The more he talks, the less you understand him. At this point you're barely even listening to his words and are just letting the soft tones of his voice wash over you, his eyes are blinding, it feels like he is staring straight through you. The door of the cell is still locked, Togami is still far enough away that he couldn't hear you if you screamed. Help won't be coming for a long time if it is even coming at all.
And you want to fuck a remnant of despair.
“What’s your name, pretty boy?” you whisper, reaching out a hand to push some of his tangled hair away from his face.
He stills, for a moment. The panic in his eyes is so powerful that even his ceaseless shivering stops. He blinks slowly, unsurely, and his lips pull up in a smile, “My pathetic name isn't even worthy of being heard by someone like you.” he breathes, leaning into your hand as it comes to rest on his cheek, “Servant will suffice.”
You make an upset noise, sitting up on your knees and leaning in closer to his face. His eyes aren’t grey, you realise, they’re green, “Are you sure? I was hoping for something a little more...intimate.”
“Intimate…” he whispers, almost like he is testing how the word tastes on his tongue. His face is so close to yours now, your hand reaches around and curls into the mess of hair on the back of his head. He starts shivering again, a wheezy laugh escaping his mouth almost breathlessly as he (with a surprising amount of tenderness) lowers you down to lay on the hard concrete below, “Is...this what you mean?”
Your heart is racing. He looms above you, knees planted firmly on either side of your hips. His hair tumbles down over his face, obscuring his beautiful green eyes in shadow and you feel your hips twitch upward at even the anticipation of his touch.
“Exactly what I mean.” you purr, slowly sliding your hand down the length of his chain. He quivers above you, a broken moan leaves his mouth when you give it a gentle tug. Your lips curl into a predatory smirk, and then you tug it again, hard.
His mouth collides with yours and a shocked gasp escapes his throat, his arms shake at your sides, desperate and almost panicked. It only takes a moment for him to soften, returning the kiss with a newfound passion, moaning deep and loud into your mouth and leaning into you. His kisses feel a little messy and unpracticed, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm. Choking on a groan when you bury a hand in his hair and pull tight on the strands.
He moves away from your mouth, trailing down the side of your throat and sucking hard on your skin. You can feel his breath hot and heavy in your ear as his tongue lathes over your flesh, teeth sinking in hard into the join between your throat and shoulder.
A moan breaks free from your mouth, and your hips buck upward high enough to meet Servant’s and you can feel his gasp against your skin. He grinds his hips down on yours in response, sucking in a breath at the friction.
“This…this really is my lucky day…” he whines, leaning back on his heels and undoing the few surviving buttons on your shirt. Your bra is conservative, skin toned and unflattering. It’s designed for missions out into the wastes of the world, not for whatever is happening right now.
Servant doesn’t seem to mind, running his tongue across his chapped lower lip, eyes blown wide as he drinks in your form. A shudder runs through him, and he swallows, “may I?”
You nod, “please…touch me…”
He giggles, gripping your breasts in both of his hands (though the hand hidden by the mitt is only really able to press down, but he is trying his best.) before burying his face between them, sighing happily against your skin. You choke on a moan when you feel his tongue run up your cleavage, hands squeezing almost desperately.
“Servant…” you whisper, “my bra, take it off…”
He leans up, a shy smile on his face, “Ah, I would like to! But uh, as I’m sure you know-“ he waves at you with his mitted hand, “-I can’t really use these fingers”
The thought of the dead hand attached at his forearm should deter you, but it doesn’t. You sit up just enough to unclasp your bra, chucking it off into the corner of the cell before grabbing Servant’s bare hand and pressing it to your breast. Servant chokes, brushing his thumb over your nipple.
Your breath hitches, and he is emboldened enough to take the other into his mouth. Your back instinctively arches upward, chasing the warmth of his mouth encasing your nipple, the finger and thumb on his bare hand pinching at twitching the other. His tongue is wet and sloppy, this is no precision to his licks and sucks. The servant is running on animalistic desperation alone.
Luckily, that doesn’t bother you much at all.
The cool metal of the chain presses down hard on your bare stomach, his mitt is scratchy where that hand is pressed firmly to your waist, not able to grab, but it still reads as possessive. You can feel him panting and moaning against your breast, his tangled white hair brushing against your skin in a way that makes you shiver. Your sex is aching, the way he furiously circles his tongue around your nipple feels almost feral and it makes you want more.
You hook your leg around the back of his knees, and use the leverage to flip the both of you over. Servant gasps when his back hits the ground. You grin, physical training at the Future Foundation is finally coming in handy.
Servant looks like a perfect ruin beneath you. His hair spread out on the hard concrete, eyes glassy with desire, cheeks bright red and mouth wet with saliva. You laugh, you can feel him quivering below you. The quivering grows worse when you tug his black jacket down off his shoulders and start working his shirt up and over his head. He is so thin, sickly, shaking, barely even there. All jutting bones and paper thin skin.
“Are they feeding you?” you find yourself asking quite seriously.
Servant giggles, “They’re children. I feed myself when I find the time.”
“You don't often find the time, do you?” he sucks in a breath when the tip of your finger runs up over his exposed ribs. You lean down and press a hot kiss to his collarbone, “Are you sure that you’ll have enough energy for this?”
“Ehehe...Don’t concern yourself with that-“ he leans up enough to lick all the way up the length of your throat, “I can be quite tenacious when required”
You don't doubt it. Leaning back down to kiss him firmly, licking into his open mouth as your hands trail down his torso and to the button on his jeans. He whines loudly when you undo the zipper and wrap your fist around the hardness in his boxers. His hips stutter up into your grip and you smile against his lips. He’s cute. It’s cute how desperate he is. You sit up, grinding your hips down against his, moaning aloud at the feeling of his cock pressing firmly against your clit through your panties.
Servant breaks out into a breathless giggle, panting and moaning as he pushes his hips up to meet yours, shivery and insatiable. The only light in the room is a bare bulb hanging from the ceiling, just bright enough to catch on his teeth when his chapped lips curl back in a grin.
“Yes~” He whines when you grind down again, pretty eyes fluttering closed and white hair spreading even further across the concrete, “use me use me use me!”
You like that. You like that a lot, “You want to be used?” you breathe, sitting up just enough that you can wriggle out of your panties, hiking your tight pencil skirt up over your hips.
“Please...please…” he whimpers, hips stuttering up even though there is nothing to meet them. Drool trailing down his chin, “I want you to use me for your pleasure…” he gasps out a moan, like even the thought of it is too much for him, “...cum all over me...please...ruin me…”
“Okay…” you whisper, pulling his boxers and jeans down his thighs to expose his cock, he hisses a breath in through his teeth that turns into a moan when you grab him, “Can you be a good boy and stay still for me?”
He nods furiously. Thighs and stomach tensing as he forces himself not to move. It becomes even harder when you slowly slip yourself down on him, letting your head loll back in a moan at the feeling of him filling you. He cries out, hands jumping up to grab at your waist, trying so hard to keep his hips still when all he wants is to chase your warmth.
A smile crawls its way across your face when you lean forward, placing your arms on either side of his head. He stares up at you, enamoured with you, face flushed red and mouth hung open, “You feel so good, Servant.” you croon, slowly licking up the shell of his ear.
He mewls, thrusting up inside of you just a little. He just can't resist.
“I’m...I’m sorry, I'm so pathetic ehehe” he pants, “Can’t even follow such a simple order.”
“Well, hopefully you will do better with this next one.” You start, adjusting yourself so your bare breasts are now right in front of his face, “suck.”
He doesn't waste one second, licking up under one of your nipples and then pulling it into his mouth. Peering up at you through his pretty eyelashes as he sucks languidly on your tit, swirling his tongue around and moaning so deeply that you can feel the vibrations.
“Ahh…ah! You’re such a pretty boy, aren’t you?”
He nods
“Such a good boy.”
He nods again, moving his hands from your waists to your breasts, pressing them close enough together that he is able to suck on both nipples at once.
“Oh! Ohhhhhhhhh fuck- I…hng…” you rock your hips forward, keening loudly when the head of his cock meets your g-spot. Servant is still trying to stay still. Panting loudly as he furiously licks and sucks on both of your nipples. Wet and sloppy with little to no precision, so desperate to taste you, to devour you. The pleasure in your stomach is curling and twisting, the feeling of him so deep inside you, quivering as he resists the urge to move. It’s so much and not enough all at once.
“Servant…” you groan, hips twitching forward enough to grind your clit down on his pelvis, “you…you can move…”
His hips snap up immediately. He doesn’t waste even a second to drill himself deep inside of you, almost sobbing against the flesh of your breasts when the desperation he has been holding in finally gets to escape. He is animalistic, he is hungry. His hands move from your breasts to grip tightly to your hips, encouraging you to bounce up and down on his cock.
Luckily you don’t need much encouragement. Sitting up enough that your breasts leave his mouth with a lurid pop, throwing your head back and riding him like your life depends on it. Underneath you, you can hear the sound of his chain jangling with the force of his upward thrusts, along with his staccato breathing as he loses himself deeper and deeper within you.
Sweat drips down your forehead, down between your shoulder blades, it feels so good, it feels so wrong. The ever present itch of his mitt presses against your skin, a grim reminder of everything he is, everything he has done. It only turns you on more.
“I…I…AHAHAH! I’m…close.” He stammers, eyes wide when they fixate on the spot where you are joined, sharing himself disappearing inside of you again and again. His bare hand slides down your side and around to your clit, rubbing fast, messy circles that make your hips jump forward.
It’s too much, you can feel your insides growing tighter and tighter as his fingers bring you closer to the release you need so badly. Tossing your head back with a strangled moan as you finally cum, clenching hard around his cock and almost sobbing with how good it feels, how good he feels.
As Servant chases your release with his own, breaking into a breathless laughed as he pounds you with reckless abandon, cumming deep inside of you-
You can’t help but think that the foundation is really not going to be happy with you now.
But as Servant comes down from his high, his grip softens, his eyes grow sleepy, and he gives you a gentle smile that makes you heart race just a little-
And you realise that you don’t really care anymore.
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singscribbles · 2 years
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splatoon 3 tmrw, so heres me recollecting my memories
i remember when i first saw the game splatoon. it was at my neighbours house. her dad had a switch and i immediately spotted splatoon 2’s cover, the bright and cheerful colors bringing my attention to it. he let me play, and it was love at first click.
it was stick controls, (and it would take years to figure out i wasnt a stick control person) and i was clunky. the movement felt so fluid, the sound atmosphere. i felt like i was in a new city, and it made me feel free. theres something about the movement in splatoon. the swimming through ink, that makes me feel alive. the sound that it makes, the speed at which you go to. it feels like flying.
it wasnt untill a year later when my dad bought my sister a switch. we could get two games. one of it , my sisters pick: breath of the wild. and mine? splatoon. i was rabid for it. the day it came, i played it for so long. my first main was a splat roller, like it was for many im sure. the feeling of flight when i was swimming in ink hasnt stopped since.
the music just flows through me , and while im sure part of it is the variety, i love the fact that it has vocals that are unrecognisable. its such a weird thing for me- that i cant focus if there are people singing with words, even words i dont recognise. every genre splatoon hit was a genre i had previously loved, and i loved even more. the first song i ever played on repeat was of course, the spicy calamari inkantation. there was something about it so captivating, ironically enough.
the creativity of the devs, bless the devs, is astounding to me. i love them. i love their passion, i love all the designs and weapons theyve cooked up. exploding fizzy bottles, a washing machine, a bathtub, all as weapons? a little childhood anecdote from me is that i loved collecting food shaped items. or miniatures themed as food, but werent. this fit me so well into splatoon. everything was themed, but not outrageously. okay maybe a little, but it was to their benefit. and i love it, i love it all.
salmon run , is almost 100% the best thing to have come out of splatoon 2. i love the repetitive shooting, the goal, the challenge, and the teamwork. i wish splatoon had a voice chat that was built in. i think it wouldve been funny. i dont know how else to say this, but im sure ive spent alone at least 150 hours just playing salmon run.
lastly, all the friends i have made , because of splatoon. some of my friends that ive gone even closer because of it, and some friendships that have gone. i hold these memories of us together so dearly. i think i will probably continuously pay for our nintendo family online, so we will forever be able to play together
splatoon has been such a huge part of me for a long time, never truly leaving my brain. thank you so much to this game, so truly and dearly. its not as if im gonna abandon my copy of splatoon 2, however its a new era, and with it, the old era has to take a step back. im so grateful for this game. i dont know how to explain it. its more than a fandom for me. its an escape, the feeling of flight.
ill see you in splatsville,
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
hellooooo lemon here!! turns out i still have a lot of thoughts on past d/s seb pitch i think ill even make it two separate asks
so first of all, YES to him leaning into you like he can't help it and getting exhausted really easily after you start scening, but i feel like there is another layer to it. i mean, sure, his body is totally like 'pikachu i choose you' and just drops when he's in your care but his mind isnt necessarily there yet? less in terms of trust, he does get very comfortable in his relationship with you very quickly, but more in terms of how much he actually needs and how much of your time he ends up occupying bc of it.
because, look, he is a very responsible and thoughtful guy. stellar work ethic. has been aggressively self-sufficient (even if not necessarily by choice) to the point of bones cracking for the past several years.
so first off, it would completely blindside him how much care and downtime and just full-on recovery he actually needs, because he wouldnt have a good awareness of it at any point before it is actually safe enough to just drop and stay down. and at first, this is all thats happening: the moment his body recognises you as safe and just goes 'yup great im your problem now' he really is just that--all yours. he is leaning into you, he is seeking you out, he makes a beeline to you every time he sees you in the motorhome even if all he has time for is to say hi and get a very brief hug, he is squeezing everything out of whatever time he can get with you like a man in a desert offered a cup of water.
the thing is, as soon as his needs get at least remotely met, his brains kick back on, and he suddenly has so many problems with his own behaviour, because:
a) his body seems to just give out on him, which is fair, bc it snapped out of survival mode and refuses to be shoved back into it, but is still scary as fuck
b) he is suddenly not self-reliant at all, if something happens and your support gets pulled out from under him he'd just crumble like a house of cards, which is even worse, and
c) yes, your job is to take care of him, but its a job. how much of your 'office hours' does he end up occupying? how much of what's supposed to be your actual downtime? can he be sure he doesn't pull the blanket towards himself so much it affects how much energy you have on lance, who is equally in your care? his relationship with the ferrari dom arent an example, so he has no frame of reference as to how much of your time and energy he can expect to get in a balanced dynamic, and because to him the amount of support he suddenly needs feels overwhelming (in reality, it is quite a bit, but nowhere near actual disaster scale, especially after what he's been through), he becomes convinced he is way to much and you just dont have the heart to tell him to back off. and the last thing he wants is to cause you problems, because you are so, so good to him.
so he starts limiting himself. withdrawing. he doesn't seek you out nearly as often--he is still leaning into you if you happen to be around, he would gladly grab a lunch with you if you offer, he is never late to your sessions despite being late pretty much for everything else, but outside of scening he sort of... disappears.
you do find it odd when it starts to happen, but decide to wait and see how it plays out instead of confronting him right away: you know its important to him to feel competent and independent, so maybe now that he's healed at least a bit he wants to put some distance between you, see how he can fair without your hand-holding him so much. it goes pretty well at first, but then he starts leaving together with lance whenever youd scene with both of them, and that--that is more than just odd.
the problem is, while lance needs his aftercare to be more active (you ruffling his hair, talking to him, that sort of thing), seb needs it long. it doesnt have to be very engaged, he is good simply cuddling up to you and just laying there, he doesnt need too much attention, just some touch and time to feel safe and undisturbed, and maybe a little nap in your lap--because while scening does have huge benefits for him, it is also always intense emotionally if not physically and takes the last crumbs of energy out of him, what with how exhausted he is already.
so when at lance's 'i think im gonna head out' seb starts to jump up and get ready to go too, it sets off all sorts of alarm bells.
you let it slide, once, but when he tries to pull the same shit the next time, even though he is clearly not ready to leave, you tell him to stay. and he is so--he just tenses up, immediately, and looks like he expects you to be mad at him, to punish him, and your heart clenches, because... you just wish he would let you take care of him, but instead he feels broken for needing it in the first place.
and i feel like this is going to be a problem thats gonna arise a few more times, because while he desperately wants to believe that youre ready to and genuinely want to take care of him, he is so unused to being in this position the thought just has trouble sticking
this is a mile long again and i dont really know how to resolve it (do you schedule extra time with him so he doesnt feel like he's crashing on you after hours? do you turn your lunches into hand feeding him? i cant seem to find a good solution :c ) so can i please leave it in your tender care?
- Lemon 💜🍋
Ok everyone strap this is gonna be a long one because every point made here is IMMACULATE and I have so much to say. Lemon has once again outdone themselves holy fuck.
I fully agree that his mind takes a long time to catch up with his body, physically he's napping on your chest and leaning against you and seeking constant support, but mentally? He has no fucking idea where he is.
You can see that of course, so I think there would be a very fein line between helping and hurting and you often struggle to tell. Because, he needs the help and support, that much is clear. But he's also not in the right headspace for a lot of what you're offering?
You want to offer him a safe space, but you need to have some type of engagement with you, some communication so you know what he needs and can help him heal. Because you know he'll never actually heal unless he can engage with what happened to him and what he needs now.
Except if you push him, he might break and stop trusting you. So you really can't be asking too much of him, because the risk of him not trusting you anymore is far too great.
And of course while you're struggling with all of this, Sebastian is going through his own difficulties. He slowly begins to understand what's happening to him, what has happened to him and where he is now.
And yeah, he doesn't take it well.
Firstly, it's absolutely terrifying how Sebastian can't even manage to do things on his own anymore. I think, more than just struggling with the pressures of being a racing driver, he'd struggle even more with being alone?
His worst hours are when he's alone, when he must make his own dinners, do his own workouts, put himself to bed.
And that's why he spends so much time with you? Because when he's with you, you do those things for him. You help him make all his decisions, give him a safe harbour where he doesn't have to think about a single thing.
But the fact that he needs that is fucking terrifying. The fact that he can't put himself to bed... can't choose what to eat... can't do anything besides wait and hope he sees you soon.
I think it would take him a while to have the realisation that this is your job, that you're here because you're being paid.
And I actually think it will be something very small that does it? Maybe he's talking to his assistant about his schedule and she says, "Do you want an extra scene scheduled?" and of course he says yes, so his assistant says, "No problem, I'll let the finance guys know to add an extra scene to your Dom's payments"
That's when he realises. You're being paid to be here. Which he's known the whole time, but hearing it so casually...
He actually nearly breakdowns over that? Because it's never been professional to him. He's never been just a client. But has he... has he been just a client to you?
Which makes him wonder, are you being paid overtime? He thinks of how you always come to his room with him after scenes, how he seeks you out at lunches and dinners, how you call him during off weekends, how he's seeking more, needing more.
Which is when he starts distancing himself, because he thinks he's essentially been asking for too much for too long.
Only... it doesn't go well. He struggles so much. And I also think it would hurt him even more to pull away from you than all the scenes with his old Dom at Ferrari.
Because now, now he's choosing this. He's choosing to move away from the one thing that has helped him.
You notice, of course, but you leave it at first because you know it's important to respect Sebastian's decisions. Sebastian has had his own decisions undermined for so long, and you don't want to do the same.
But you know something is very wrong once he tries to leave after a scene the same time lance does. Because he can't do that. You know he can't do that. He won't be able to function.
Maybe he drops? Goes fully into subdrop? You notice it the next day, from the way he refuses to meet your eyes, can't seem to sit still, can stay focused or calm.
And the moment you get close enough, he just throws himself into your arms and begs for forgiveness. Promising you that he'll never do that again, never be so ungrateful again.
I actually think you might need to punish him for this. Which I know is very counterintuitive because usually you know you can't punish Sebastian or else he'll panic.
But this time, this time you need him to know that he actually has done something wrong.
He didn't trust you. He tried to make decisions about what he needs himself. That isn't his job, that is your job, his job is to be your good boy and do whatever you tell him.
It's not harsh punishment.
You spank him ten times. Making him count each one and comforting him the entire him, promising him it all he forgiven when he reaches ten, that he can forgive himself too, that the two of you will move forward, that you know he'll never do something like this again.
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