#I already made ghost Connor
megalony · 2 months
Heated Discussion
This is a new Evan Buckley imagine I had been wanting to write for a while now, and finally got the inspiration for it.
I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
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Evan Buckley Masterlist
Summary: A strange conversation with an old friend leads to an argument which stresses out Evan's pregnant wife.
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Apprehension and surprise flooded Evan's stomach when he opened the front door. He already knew who would be on the doorstep before he opened it, but it was still a shock to see him stood there.
He almost didn't believe the text he got the other day, asking if they could meet up after what had been months of simply texts and the odd phone call.
"Come in," He took a step back and motioned his arm to let Connor walk past him into the hallway.
In all the time they had been friends and for however long it had been that he and (Y/n) lived here, Evan couldn't think of a time when Connor had ever been inside the house or had even clapped eyes on it. They always met up at bars or restaurants with other friends tagging along or at parties.
He led the way through the hall, noticing that Connor was looking at all the photos decorating the walls and the ornaments scattered around. There were the odd canvas pictures on the walls which (Y/n) had beautifully decorated. Photos on the walls that Evan had taken himself when he found a new obsession with photography. And a lot of little clay crafts and pompom creations and random things the boys had made over the years.
Evan headed into the kitchen, bypassed the island in the middle and moved towards the fridge.
"Want a drink?"
"Sure." Connor walked into the pastel blue kitchen and folded his arms on the kitchen island, arching his lower back out.
He nodded when Evan placed a bottle of beer in front of him and watched Evan lean on the opposite end of the counter. Evan pressed his left hand down on the edge and propped one hip against the cupboard while his other hand drew patterns along the edge of his glass that was already starting to drip with condensation.
"Nice place, don't think I've been inside before."
"Thanks. So uh, I haven't seen you in a while. Last time we hung out was at Dan's birthday, right?" Evan took a sip of his drink while his eyes studied Connor closely.
He had been shocked, to say the least, when Connor messed out of the blue three days ago and after a bit of catching up, he asked if they could meet up. There had to be a reason, there always was these days. None of the gang- which consisted mainly of six of them who had been friends in college- ever just messaged or hung out for the sake of being with friends.
There was always a reason, whether that was to celebrate a birthday, to get drunk after someone had lost a job or had a fight or made some kind of achievement. And Evan knew this was no different, there would be a reason Connor had asked for a catch up.
And with Evan working a lot of odd shifts recently and wanting to spend time with (Y/n) and the boys, he said it would be easier for Connor to come over for a chat. Rather than meeting up for a drink somewhere. It meant Evan could relax at home too while they talked.
"Yeah, I think so. God, I still feel hungover from that."
A calmer, more playful smile came over Evan's lips and he nodded. He felt much the same.
Dan had insisted they all go to a club for his birthday and it had been the first time in a long while that Evan had gone out with people other than the team and got drunk with them. Dan kept buying the shots and Evan was the last man standing, the last one able to keep up with Dan for taking shots. Evan was a fun drunk, so (Y/n) was always telling him.
He became sweeter and dopey when he was drunk, and (Y/n) had been delighted when- after he called and politely asked her to pick him up- she got there and he happily slurred 'there's my lady' and attached himself to her like a monkey.
Evan had been very glad the next morning that the boys had spent the night with (Y/n)'s parents because Evan had suffered a bad hangover from that night.
"Great night," Connor mused with a smile and took a swig of his drink before he took a glance around. "Where's (Y/n)?"
"Gone for a lie down with Luke, he's got a cold and (Y/n) didn't feel well."
Evan nodded his head in the direction of the hallway. Carter was at school, but Luke wasn't at nursery because he was coughing and croaking and hadn't had a good nights sleep. About an hour ago he had finally started to become sleepy, and (Y/n) felt under the weather so she took him upstairs to have a power nap together.
The only times Evan knew his wife to take a nap was when she was really ill, or when she was pregnant. And she was eight months along now.
"I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Okay…" Evan tried to smile, but that sounded omnibus and rather worrying. Those words didn't always bode well.
"You know I got married two years ago," Connor lifted his head but he leaned down further against the counter with his arms stretched out in front of him like he was going to reach out for Evan at any moment. He was trying to steady his hands that were messing with his beer bottle much the same as Evan was.
"Yeah, things still good between you two?" He remembered the wedding, it had been a good day. Evan and (Y/n) had been invited to the ceremony and the evening party but they didn't manage to stay into the evening because Carter hadn't been well.
He would admit he and (Y/n) didn't know Connor's wife Laura very well, the four of them never hung out very often and Laura didn't go on nights out when the group did. They had met her twice before the wedding.
It was different with (Y/n), she and Evan had been together since college so she had naturally gotten to know all of Evan's friends very well. She had been on lots of their nights out and all the boys thought she was loving and caring and funny. She was well and truly one of their own.
"Things are great- well, they were great. We wanted to start a family after we got married, so we tried, but nothing happened. We went to a doctor… and it turns out to be my fault."
"Your fault?"
"I can't have kids, Buck."
Evan rolled his lips together and leaned back off the counter. He scratched the back of his neck while his other hand started to drum against the counter out of nervous, ADHD habit.
He didn't know any of his friends to have that problem. Most of his close friends already had kids, Hen, Eddie, Bobby, even Chimney and Maddie now had Jee together. And a few of the guys from college had started settling down. Admittedly Evan had been the first one of them all to have kids, he barely scraped nineteen when he and (Y/n) had Carter.
"Oh, hey I'm sorry, that must be rough." Evan wasn't sure what the appropriate response to that was.
He couldn't say he understood because he didn't know what that was like. He didn't know what it felt like to be desperate to start a family only to find out there was something wrong with him that meant it wasn't going to be a reality. Kids had always been something Evan wanted in his life and he had been lucky enough to find (Y/n) and have Carter early on. They never had a problem starting a family. Carter was ten, they had Luke who was four and now they were about to have another baby.
Evan couldn't relate to Connor's problem and he didn't know how he could help or what he could say to try and take the sting out of it.
He realised a moment too late that maybe asking Connor round wasn't the best idea, now he knew what kind of problem he was going through.
Coming here meant Connor was witnessing the house scattered with trucks and toys and crayons and arts and crafts.
Evan could see Connor was already staring ahead at the fridge and Evan didn't have to turn round to know why. There were at least two new scan photos on the fridge because it made Evan giddy every time he opened the fridge to think about his impending arrival. His little girl.
And there was Carter's latest painting stuck up on the fridge which happened to be of a fire truck with Evan painted beside it in his bright yellow helmet. It was a picture Evan was immensely proud of and he would frame it soon once they took it off the fridge. There also happened to be a picture of all four of them on a day out at the beach pinned up there, and a picture of Luke sat in the fire truck with such a cheesy smile.
All of that wasn't going to make Connor feel much better with his current situation, being here was going to make him feel worse. And it made Evan feel bad for inviting him round without knowing the circumstances first.
"Connor, what does this have to do with me? Why did you want to talk to me?"
What use would talking to Evan do? Granted, he could be a listener when he put his mind to it and he liked to help people. He was always chatting and trying to talk people through situations and do what he could to help them. But he couldn't do very much.
Evan couldn't talk this situation into a better state. He couldn't come up with solutions, he couldn't do anything, it was nothing to do with him and it wasn't his speciality.
"We're thinking about other options, but adoption takes time and Laura wants to have a baby, she wants that experience, you know? So another option is getting a sperm donor."
A shiver crawled down Evan's spine and his expression went slack when realisation hit him like a train.
They wanted him to be a donor? Why him? Why would they think of getting a sperm donor and have Evan be the first person they thought of? Was he even the first person they came to about this? Had they been to anyone else in their friend group, had they considered going to a donor bank?
The thought of being a donor had never crossed Evan's mind before. He was a blood donor, sure. He donated every month along with the rest of the team, like clockwork on the last Monday of every month. But blood was different to sperm. Blood saved lives, it didn't create them.
Evan thought the only lives he would ever create were the kids he had with his wife. He didn't consider donating and having other kids out there in the world that he would never get to see or know or bring up and raise as his own. The thought of someone else raising his kids made the hairs on his arms spike up and had his throat tightening in apprehension.
"I… Connor, that's-"
"I know, I know it's a lot to ask and a lot to take in. All I'm asking is for you to think about it, take some time, talk to (Y/n)." His expression was sincere and sorrowful.
He didn't mean to spring this on Evan and he didn't want an answer right away because of course an immediate response would be a no. He was just asking for Evan to think it over and consider what he was asking. That's all.
"Why me?"
"Because you're you. You're the guy who livens up a party, the one who does anything to help a stranger for no reward or praise. And you're a great dad, you're boys are sweet and they take after you."
"Well I- I'm flattered, truly." His lips quirked into a lopsided smile and he continued to rake his nails along the back of his neck causing deep red gashes to appear on his skin. "I'll think about it."
Dragging her feet, (Y/n) trudged through the hall and slowly made her way into the kitchen. Her head was spinning, her back was aching and her lower stomach felt heavy each time the baby twisted around.
She wanted to go back to bed, desperately, but she knew sleeping the afternoon away meant she wasn't going to sleep well tonight. Her fingers dragged through her hair and a smile pulled at her lips when she looked over at the kitchen table and saw Evan sat there.
He had his back to her, his head resting on his hand and he looked to be scrolling through his phone.
"Hi baby… did Connor come round?" Her fingertips trailed across his shoulder and she leaned over to kiss his curls which were running wild over his head.
She felt him lean back into her touch and he grinned when she kissed his temple. Her and Luke's power nap had extended a bit longer than (Y/n) first intended and she felt awful that Connor seemed to have come and gone and she hadn't even popped down to say hello to him. The last time she saw him was when she had picked Evan up from Dan's birthday party and she was sure Connor wouldn't remember that as he had been one drink away from collapsing on the floor.
"Yeah, left about half hour ago. How's Luke?"
"Fast asleep in our bed, thought I'd leave him a bit longer since he's settled. Was Connor okay?"
She kissed his cheek before she slowly moved towards the kettle and flicked it on. She could do with a drink to see if it would perk her up and ward off her headache.
Once she'd made a drink, (Y/n) twisted round and backed up into the corner of the counter. She leaned her back against the smooth edge, hoping that leaning against it would click her spine into place and rid her of the ache in her back. She slouched back and cradled her scolding cup between her palms while she looked across at her husband.
He spun round in his chair and folded one arm over the back while his other hand tapped against the table. That was a sign that he was thinking about something, that he might be worked up over something and it made (Y/n) curious.
She had been wondering what Connor wanted to come over and talk about and now it seemed he hadn't just come for a catch up or to ask about having another night out.
"He asked me to be a sperm donor for him."
"I beg your pardon?" (Y/n) set her cup down and moved both hands to grip the counter behind her. She could feel herself turning rigid as shockwaves coursed through her blood.
What had she missed?
What had they been talking about while she had been for a nap? Had she gone to sleep and woke up in a different time? Had she slept for a week instead of a few hours?
This was something strange and out of the blue. Connor had never asked something like this before, he had never really asked them for anything. But this was strange. What kind of friend came round and asked someone to be a sperm donor for them? It didn't matter how close they were, this wasn't the kind of thing friends asked of friends, it wasn't something friends willingly did for others.
Evan kept his hand gripping the table while his foot started to tap against the tiled floor. His other hand moved to the back of his neck again and his nails scratched into the skin until he was pinching himself and on the brink of drawing blood beneath his thin but relatively sharp nails.
Maybe he should have started the conversation off better than that rather than jumping straight to the point like that.
But he had been stunned. He was still stunned at what he had been asked and he wasn't sure how to process this or how to think and contemplate it. What was he supposed to think? Was he supposed to be flattered, angry, uneasy, happy? What was he meant to do?
"Him and Laura wanted to start a family, but he found out he can't have kids… so he asked me to be a donor for them."
Evan pushed up from the table and walked across the kitchen until he was in front of (Y/n). He leaned his right hand out against the kitchen island and his other hand found his hip. He could feel this conversation wasn't going to go down very well.
"And you're actually considering this?" Her nails began to tap out a frantic rhythm against the counter as she tried to stay calm, but this conversation was making it very hard. Just the thought of this was unnerving. If she disagreed with this, then (Y/n) was going to be made out to be the bad guy. She might be seen as being in the wrong for not wanting Evan to do this.
But was she in the wrong? Surely it was fair for (Y/n) to be concerned and uneasy about her husband potentially donating and having a child out there in the world that their friends were going to raise. They would know anytime that they saw Connor's child that it was Evan's biological kid.
Biology didn't mean everything, (Y/n) knew that. But she knew Evan like the back of her hand. He wouldn't be able to stay away. He would want to see his child, to know if they were okay and what they were up to and how they were doing. He wouldn't want to have a baby and then just hand it away, never to be involved again.
She lifted her chin to look up at her husband who took a step closer like he was trying to close the distance between them and close the argument that was now inevitable.
"I don't know, I at least need to think about it."
"Baby, that's not a normal thing to ask a friend. And why now? Evan, we're having a baby, we're gonna have three kids. I don't think now is the time to think about you having a fourth kid out there that you're never going to be able to see or talk to or tell them that they're truly yours."
(Y/n) ran her hand over her face and slouched back into the counter that was starting to hold more and more of her weight up.
Was she being unreasonable? Was (Y/n) being horrible for not wanting to consider this? But surely, she had some sort of say in this. She knew it was Evan's body and at the end of the day it would always be his choice, but this didn't concern just him. This concerned their family too.
This meant that there would be a piece of Evan out there that they couldn't talk to or connect with. A child they would never get to know.
They were married, they had three kids together and they were happy. Was Evan really going to be okay having a fourth child that he would never get to hold or cuddle or talk to? Would he be okay seeing them at parties or passing in the street, knowing they were his but never being able to stake that claim to them?
If it were (Y/n), she wouldn't be able to give up a child like that. And she had seen the way Evan was when the boys were born, he had that instant connection and love and adoration. He never wanted to put them down. This wasn't going to be the same.
"Connor can't have kids, (Y/n)."
The way Evan spoke made (Y/n) narrow her eyes and scoff. He spoke as if they had some part in this or some responsibility to Connor, but they didn't. That wasn't their fault and there was nothing they needed to do in this dilemma because Connor wasn't family or their partner. He was a friend.
"That's not your fault or your obligation to help, Evan."
"He wants a family."
His voice was so passive and calm that it made (Y/n) boil over with rage. How could Evan be so calm and easy going about this? How could he be contemplating this? If he went through with this there would be no turning back. There would be no way for Evan to stake his claim on that child because they wouldn't truly be his and he wouldn't have any rights to them.
Her temper was flaring and rising inside of her like a volcano starting to bubble over and it made her body shake with an overflow of adrenaline.
"Why you? There are donation banks out there Evan, so people don't get picky or try to find their donor and so there's no involvement and complications." If it were (Y/n) going through this, she wouldn't want a friend to donate, it would complicate things. She wouldn't want to know anything about the donor, as long as they were healthy that would be enough.
They shouldn't of asked Evan. It wasn't right, it was far too much to ask.
Did Connor and Laura not think this through? They shouldn't of asked Evan because they were friends. In the future if they went out together and people asked Connor how his child was, that was going to sting for Evan. That was going to bring up emotions he wouldn't be able to voice because of Connor.
When he talked about his child, Connor would be talking about Evan's child, that would change things in their friendship group. Evan wouldn't be able to ask about the child, he wouldn't be able to pay too much interest and what would happen if he were around the child?
Evan wouldn't be able to tell them the truth, he would have to stay at arm's length. He would be another one of their father's friends, nothing more.
"They want someone they trust and know."
"That doesn't make a difference, you won't be raising the child!"
A twinge tore through (Y/n)'s abdomen and she cringed, gripping the counter tighter until it was cutting into her palms and leaving lagged indents in her skin. Her back clicked in place when she pushed up straighter and shifted her weight onto her heels that were scraping against the floor.
This whole mess was stressing her and the baby out but (Y/n) couldn't just walk away and leave everything unanswered and sit in a panic. They had to talk about this and she had to know whether Evan was actually going to go through with this or not.
"Think about it, if you did this, they wouldn't let you be involved. You wouldn't be able to be around them much, you'd see everything from afar. They wouldn't tell the kid you're their dad. Could you honestly let a child go like that, Evan? Because seeing you with Carter and Luke, I don't think you could hand a baby over and cut all ties like that."
"I don't know."
"And when you go out with him and people ask about his kid, you can't pipe up and say anything. You'd have to sit there listening to all the achievements, the milestones, the illnesses and videos and pictures, and you couldn't share any of those moments."
Her tone was firm and her lips pressed into a thin line which made Evan sigh and tilt his head forward. He clamped one hand down on the counter and dragged the other down his face as he bowed his head and closed his eyes.
"(Y/n), it's not that simple and you know that." He lifted his head, trying to take a deep breath to calm down the argument that was evolving. "This is Connor we're talking about-"
"Oh yes, I know Evan. This is the guy that laughed and asked you why you were tying yourself down to me when I got pregnant. Or have you forgotten the way he joked with you and taunted me for having Carter? He told you it would be a mistake, and now he thinks that because he is doing things in 'the right order' he has every right to come here and ask something that big of you, of us."
Evan may have been able to forgive and forget on that front, but (Y/n) couldn't. She could let things be, but she wouldn't forget the way Connor had acted when they hard Carter.
She wouldn't forget how he had clapped Evan on the back while everyone else congratulated him and asked why he wanted to make this kind of mistake? He told Evan that having a kid at nineteen, before he finished college or had a steady job was a mistake and he didn't need to 'settle down' with (Y/n) so early. He could still wait a while and see if she was truly the one for him.
"He thinks he has the right to judge us for having Carter and then suddenly ask something so big, something no one has the right to ask. And all because, what? He's done the social order of things only to realise he's lacking in one area. That doesn't give him the right to pretend he's righteous and ask you to donate for him."
(Y/n) had always been weary of Connor after hearing what he'd said when he thought she wasn't around.
She had seen the way it upset Evan and how angry he had been because there were only a few of his friends who understood that a family, a proper, loving family, was all he'd ever wanted.
(Y/n) dragged her hand up and down her lower stomach while she looked the other way so she didn't have to focus on Evan's conflicted expression.
She felt sick. Her stomach was weighing her down to the floor, her back felt like it was snapping in two and her head was spinning so hard and fast she worried she might faint. This conversation was getting them nowhere, it was only creating an argument that was going to wake Luke and send them all into a state of distress.
"But the fact is that he's asked me, and the least I can do is consider it properly. I can't imagine a world without our boys or the pain it would cause to know I was the reason we couldn't have kids. And whether or not I donate or someone else does, I can see the reasoning of asking someone you know. It's comforting. If there are any problems, you can ask for medical history, you know they're a good person."
"Do what you want. It's your choice, but you have to think it through."
She wasn't going to be able to dissuade Evan no matter what he chose to do. He wasn't listening to her, he wasn't seeing this from the other angle. All he could see was his chance to help someone because that was what he was like, he wanted to help people and if he had the chance, he took it. Damn the consequences for himself.
Well if Evan wanted to do this, it was his choice. (Y/n) had no say because it wasn't her body, she could tell Evan she didn't agree and make sure he knew her thoughts and views, but she couldn't say yes or no because this was nothing to do with her body.
If Evan wanted to watch a fourth child from a distance, knowing he could most likely never talk to them or see their achievements or be in their life, then he could do that. He could do that and possibly make the biggest mistake of his life when that baby was here and he realised he wanted them, badly, but could never take them back.
And (Y/n) had a feeling that if he did this, it would be the last they saw of Connor and Laura. They wouldn't want to be around her or Evan too much in case their children got too friendly and their child realised Connor wasn't their actual dad. They wouldn't want Evan getting close to his true kin or getting attached or wanting to be involved in any way.
They would be selfish and push Evan out, once the baby was born, (Y/n) could see them not telling him anything. No pictures, no calls, no updates, nothing. He would be cut off just like every other donor out there.
Evan might be under the impression that because they were all friends, he would get more out of this. He would get to see this child grow up, but he wouldn't. He would be demoted from friend to donor.
"Baby don't do that-"
"I'm done with this argument." (Y/n) pressed her lips together to stop herself from crying, but she could feel the tears welling up behind her eyes creating a sting in her nose.
She turned on her heels, pushing her weight off the counter and back onto her legs that were close to buckling beneath her. She wasn't going to stand here and argue. He was going to make up his mind either way, this argument wasn't going to persuade or dissuade him in any direction. He didn't need her for these decisions and (Y/n) wasn't arguing when it was making her feel ill.
Her left hand trailed along the counter while her right hand pushed into the lower side of her abdomen like she was trying to give the baby a nudge to make them shift. They were pressing down on her hips and it was painful.
She kept her head tilted down, staring at the floor as she tried to pass Evan but she had to pause when his hand curled around her upper arm. But a deep growl left his lips when (Y/n) yanked her arm out of his grip and carried on walking.
"Get off."
She wasn't sure where she was trying to go. She was too wound up to try and go back to sleep with Luke and he didn't want to go upstairs in case she disturbed him. He didn't sleep at all last night and he had no nap yesterday, he needed his rest.
She passed the dining room and aimed for the living room, praying Evan wouldn't follow and drag this argument with him because (Y/n) knew if she sat down, she wasn't likely to be able to get up without a struggle.
"Baby, please don't walk away, this isn't just my decision."
He wanted to talk and he wanted to be close, he didn't want (Y/n) pulling away from him and not accepting his touch like this.
"Yes it is. If I told you not to and you regretted it, that would always be my fault. If I told you to go ahead and then you got shut out of that child's life for good, I would be to blame. My opinion is I don't think this is a good idea, but it's up to you. Help them, tell them to find someone else, whatever."
(Y/n) flung her hand out behind her to reflect that she was tossing this argument out the window and she couldn't hide the venom that seeped into her tone.
If she pushed Evan to do this and he couldn't be part of that child's life, he might regret it for the rest of his life. He might wallow about the child he could never see, never hug, never talk to. He might think about them for years to come and never come to terms with giving them up. But if he didn't do it, he might regret it later in life, he might think he missed out on a chance to do good, to give life and purpose to someone. Evan was always searching for ways to make a difference in the world.
(Y/n) couldn't make this choice for him, it had to be his own decision. But she feared if he went through with this, she herself might resent him for it.
She swallowed down a groan and aimed for the sofa that was calling out to her shaking legs. Her hand slid down to cradle the side of her stomach and both legs twinged and shook when a searing spasm pulsed through her abdomen.
Tears welled up in her eyes and she couldn't stop them from spilling down her face when she heard Evan groan and storm back into the kitchen.
Her hand reached out and clenched down around the back of the armchair while her other hand cradled her stomach that suddenly felt like it had dropped down towards her feet. She couldn't help but close her eyes as tears streamed down her face and her body doubled forward like she was a spring coiling back down.
Suddenly sitting down didn't feel like the right option even though her legs were close to buckling beneath her.
She twisted to the right, trying to gather enough strength to stand up properly again and aim for the stairs. She couldn't just stand here like a statue all afternoon. She needed to go calm down and the bedroom seemed the best place to do that, or maybe she could take a bath and see if that would relax her. (Y/n) didn't feel well, she needed to go calm down.
It took all the strength she had left to push off the armchair and try to shuffle towards the stairs and (Y/n) found she couldn't stand upright without leaning against something. Standing up straight hurt her stomach and her lower back too much. Her body slumped to the left, reaching out for the bannister to hold her up as her fingers dug deep into her stomach and her knees trembled.
She reached the stairs, but more tears were pouring down her face and curse words flew past her lips when her knees crashed down on the stairs.
"Fuck… oow, Evan."
Confusion tore through Evan and unease rattled through his blood as he spun on his heels and moved into a brazen walk down the hall. He didn't like the pain he could hear laced into (Y/n)'s voice or the guttural cry that followed.
His brows furrowed and he looked around, expecting to find her in the living room but he didn't like the sight he was faced with when he looked over at the stairs.
(Y/n) was knelt down on the stairs, one arm slumped on the step with her forehead pressed into her arm. And her other arm was cradling her lower stomach, a very bad sign indeed. Each breath was shallow and barely there at all and she was trembling enough to make thumps and taps rattle against the stairs.
"Baby, hey, baby what's the matter?"
He skidded across the floor to be beside her. His arms were stretched out before he was even within reaching distance of her and once he was close enough, Evan crouched down behind her with his hands on her waist. He waited a few seconds to see if (Y/n) would move or even turn his way, but she seemed too caught up in her pain to move or talk to him.
He looped his left arm around her waist across her bump with his hand flush against her stomach. And his right hand slid up beneath her arm to cup her shoulder so he could gently ease her back off the stairs. He pulled her as carefully as he could until her back was flush against his chest and her head flopped back against his shoulder.
"Talk to me. What happened, did you fall?"
(Y/n) managed to open her eyes to stare up at Evan and take in his panic-stricken expression. Her hand reached down to clench around his wrist that was resting over her stomach and she shakily grabbed his other hand while her eyes cast downwards.
"Fuck- oh, my water broke."
Panic took over Evan's system and had him on red alert. He glanced down over her shoulder, leaning his chest forward into her back to get a better view and he realised she was right. Her waters had broken. She was in enough pain that it had to be contractions she was feeling.
They were at thirty-six weeks now, labour could technically happen anytime now, although they would have hoped for another two weeks or more before having the baby.
"Oh oh… sweetheart I- I'm sorry. Come on, sitting on the stairs isn't gonna help either of you."
Evan kept her leaning back against his chest and he slowly shuffled off the lower step so he could get back on his feet. He eased (Y/n) back with him, moving both arms so they were around her waist, cupping her stomach to take her weight for her. He held her up with ease when her knees trembled and buckled and he carefully turned them to the side and started walking towards the armchair.
Once they were at the chair, Evan turned to the side so he could ease (Y/n) down into the chair. She sat on the edge, moving her hand to grip the armrest as she balanced her weight on her heels and sat forward, pushing her stomach down into her thighs.
As much as she felt angry towards Evan for this argument, she couldn't help but reach out for his hand and pull him closer as if she thought he would actually walk away from her right now.
"I'm b-blaming you for this." She whispered, following Evan through watering eyes as he crouched down next to her thigh and moved his free hand to grip her knee tightly. His puppy dog eyes stayed locked with hers while he leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss against her stomach.
There was nothing but love and sorrow hiding within his eyes that were close to tears. He hadn't meant to upset her this much or stress her out and push her into labour. He shouldn't have argued. He should have walked away or tried to simmer down the conversation when he noticed (Y/n) becoming uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I am. Are you okay?" It seemed like a silly question but it tumbled past his lips before he could think better of it.
This wasn't how they were supposed to have their third baby. This wasn't part of the plan. They were supposed to have another week or two so they could get everything ready. Maddie was going to have the boys and they would be prepared and not in the middle of a heated argument when this happened.
(Y/n) didn't think she had the will power to use her voice yet, so she settled for nodding while she gingerly moved his hand towards her stomach. His touch always soothed and calmed her down and it would do the same for the baby too.
"I'll ring Maddie and check if she's off work, see if she can have the boys and get Carter from school."
With her teeth sinking into her lower lip, (Y/n) leaned forward a little more so she could nuzzle her face into the top of Evan's hair. She felt his fingers softly gliding over her stomach and when she kissed the top of his head, Evan tilted his head back to look up at her. His free hand moved to cup her chin between his thumb and finger and he searched her eyes for a few seconds, making sure she was calm and no longer panicking.
His eyes softened and he dived up to steal a kiss, feeling like he had been starved of her lips for weeks rather than just a few hours while she had been upstairs with Luke.
He kissed her like he was trying to pour all of his thoughts into her mind and kiss an apology into her lips. His tongue swiped across her lips and delved against hers, taking any air she had and breathing it back to her. And his lips curved into a burning hot grin when he felt (Y/n)'s hand move from his wrist to secure at the nape of his neck to pull him closer.
"I think you're right."
His breathless words, spoken against her lips, had (Y/n) frowning. What was she right about? Being in labour?
She nudged her nose against his, the confusion in her eyes begging him to explain what he was referring to. If she weren't so flustered and ravaged with pain, (Y/n) might have given him a sarcastic response before knowing what he meant. She would of said 'of course I'm right' or 'what else did you expect?' but she wasn't in the frame of mind to strike up sarcasm right now.
"If I was a donor, they wouldn't want me involved… I couldn't be there for any of it, not like this. I don't think I could do that." His hands moved forward so both palms were grazing across her stomach and he leaned over to press his lips against her bump over the top of her shirt.
If he went through with it, then it would be Connor in Evan's place. He would know his child was being loved and raised by someone else, and maybe that would be okay for a while. Maybe he could get in the mindset that it wouldn't really be his kid, he was offering up a bit of himself to help others. He would be giving an offering and that was it, Connor would be the one putting the time and effort in to raise the baby.
And Evan believed being a donor was such a good thing, it helped so many people. But one had to be detached to be a sperm donor. They had to be uncaring and ready to cut ties and not know anything about any kids they may have out there.
Evan wasn't that kind of person. The marines had tried to drill the love and compassion out of him, mould him into a machine and he left specifically because that wasn't who he was or who he wanted to be.
If he was the donor, he couldn't be there like this. He couldn't be at the scans or revel in the scan photos or the heartbeat, and he couldn't be at the birth like he was with his three children.
Being here right now, with (Y/n) in his arms and their baby between them, this was the kind of way Evan wanted to bring life into the world. He wanted to be involved.
"That's not a bad thing." (Y/n) wove her fingers into Evan's wild curls and nuzzled her cheek against the top of his head, leaning further into his embrace.
If Evan was going to bring life into the world, he wanted to be involved, in every aspect of it.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 10 months
Hi! Imma resend my req then cause yep.
Could I pls get Nico with a super rich pretty boy (mortal) that’s like very affectionate and looks like a airhead but just like completely changes when it comes down to business like becomes super serious? And he’s like super big in making Nico blush with lavish and thoughtful gifts or trips to compensate cause he can’t like fight monsters? Feeel free to decline!
Ps: I loved ur Connor stoll x mortal fic!
Hey <333 so this was kinda changed around a bit and also mixed with a request for Nico x Son of Eros from ages ago, so whoever asked for that, here it is!
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red roses and ghost flowers---Nico x flirty son of Eros
»»————- ★ ————-««
-Nico doesn’t know how to react.
-First of all, touch is a big no no for him, it makes him feel claustrophobic and stuck and there’s a lot of reasons he really doesn’t like that feeling. But then you came along, and suddenly maybe if he’s outside in the open spaces and you run up and wrap your arm around his shoulder, it might just be okay. 
-You just wear the prettiest rings and give him the prettiest rings, that holding hands isn’t the worst thing. Just because of the rings. Definitely. Not because of how your knuckles sit against his the way your thumb rubs against the scars covering his palms. 
-His hands. Holy Hades, you seemed to have this obsession with doing that silly bow and pressing your lips to the back of his hand every time he saw you. 
-Which was a lot. 
-Maybe it was meant to be, or maybe it was because Nico sort of detoured a little to wander past the Eros cabin or pop into the arts and crafts center. Just to see how Annabeth was doing teaching the weaving classes, of course. Not because you were usually in the back making another little thing.
-Nico ended up with a lot of those little things. They filled an entire coffin shaped shelf in his by now, but he couldn’t exactly get rid of them. The skull shaped candle was just too on point, you must’ve found a real skull for comparison, and that was dedication Nico couldn’t just throw away. And then there was a vinyl record of an old band Maria had taken him to with Bianca. However you had found that, it must've taken a lot of time and money. It would be rude to get rid of something like that.
-Of course the bouquets were always chucked out every few days, but only when Nico had touched the soft petals with a smile too much and they’d started to shrivel.
-Nico was still convinced Hazel was the mole, running to find you every time the sunflowers or the red roses or the ghost flowers [He hated to admit that they were really cool] wilted, because then another bunch of flowers would turn up on the doorstep of the Hades cabin with a pink silk holding them together. 
-Even the Mythomagic cards you’d found stayed on the shelf, although Nico already had them. They were from you. It would be rude. And they sort of made him grin a little bit. You paid so much attention, why wouldn’t that make him grin? 
-Especially because, well, you could be paying attention to anyone else. Literally anyone. There were people clawing their way into the sparring classes you went to. Not that they had much of a reason to watch, you spent most of the time holding a sword and then blinking in confusion at the instructor, who’d given up by now. 
-Archery was a whole different story though, and Nico had to admit, he had sort of gone to watch you do that a few times. 
-On one hand, you weren't exactly bad looking, but on the other hand all he could see was Eros laughing cruelly and launching volley after volley of heart shaped arrows into Nico’s limbs in that shadowy place filled with broken statues and pillars. It was safe to say he had a bit to work through, but the fact you still ran up with a grin considering the first time Nico met you, he had a full blown panic attack and then Jason nearly bit you, he figured you couldn’t do much harm. 
-The son of Jupiter still watched your interactions carefully, but Nico had convinced him to tone down the growling part. 
-Then you’d both bonded over the fact that your dads sucked majorly, and now Nico was sort of concerned that Jason might steal his- his… his whatever you were [apart from way too pretty]
-Nico had to admit, you were really good looking. Something about the shininess of your eyes and the way your smile was so sharp had to be some sort of love god trickery, but it made his stomach fill with the souls of the departed and shadows to thicken in the corner. 
-You didn’t even mind when the grass wilted around him and the air got a bit too cold to be normal. 
-One time you even picked him up and just carried Nico princess style to the pavement that couldn’t shrivel and turn brown. That certainly helped the bad feelings inside his head take a break and admire your arms. 
-He figured when you showed up one night in your normal camp clothes and a pink bow tie to take him to the first showing of Scream 6 [Nico liked explaining how many stabs it would actually take to kill the characters], that there really was no back peddling.
-So he took the bouquet of ghost flowers from you and then held both the flowers… and your hand. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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hawkinshorror94 · 10 months
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The detective lived in a house on the corner of 3rd and 2nd. It had 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, nice for Detroit's standards. Her bedroom faced the abandoned house next door, thus she always left her curtains open.
The android could see her through the window, his processors, zoomed and focused in, watching and waiting. She lay on her bed in a prone position, a hand ghosting over her clothed cunt, the other pinching a perked nipple. Despite the distance Connor could hear the little gasp you made as your hand slipped over the lacy material. He found his own hand finding its way to his crotch, palming himself over the dark slacks.
The real show had begun now, his enhanced vision allowed him to see the fingers slowly twirling around your clit. Slow and deliberate, edging yourself oh so deliciously. Your pussy was so pretty, a small patch of hair on the mound and from his view it was already oh so creamy. Last week he'd watched in envy as a random hookup buried his face between your legs, a privilege. Connor longed to be able to twist his tongue inside of you to feel you gush all over his face. The thought made him blush and pull his cock out.
He spit into his hand and began stroking himself as he watched you slide the pink vibrating toy past your wet folds. Connor gave himself a squeeze and matched the pace at which you fucked yourself. Slowly, stretching the pretty muscles of your tight cunt out, Connor couldn't imagine a prettier sight and he saved it to his hard drive. When you quickened your pace, he did his too stroking himself hard feeling a building deep in his plastic body.
As much as he wanted to cum, he wouldn't, not till he could really be inside you. Feel you grasping at his shoulders and pulling him in closer. Maybe riding him with your head tossed back, breast bouncing in his face, God how he wanted to fill you full. He imagined his cum would look so pretty leaking out of you. Connor stopped himself right before his demise, but he focused on yours. He watched as your hips rose from the bed and your thighs quivered. The noises that filled Connor's auditory processors sounded heavenly. A mix of moans and gasps and with a strangled fuck, his view was cut off. Your legs closing around the toy as the throes of ecstasy overtook you. After a few minutes you threw the toy aside and sat up, face still blown with pleasure and hair askew.
For a brief second, Connor could have sworn you saw him. Could have swore that your eyes flicked in his direction, hiding away in the bathroom of the abandoned house next to yours. But you hadn't. You stood up and moved to the bathroom out of his sight. Connor smiled one day, you'd be his, but until then, this would have to suffice.
This is not the best, but I wanted to put it out there. This was inspired by some audios that @connors-cumsock released.
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envy-of-the-apple · 5 months
Hey!! The ask you answered about some satosaugu fic recommendations kinda made me curious if you got any other fics to recommend. Pretty please? <33 (Also, I love your fics so much, been so fascinated with them ever since I found them. Please keep up the good work <3)
considering op didn't specify which fandom they wanted...I'm gonna go ahead and link every single one of my favorite fics mwahahaha
His Savior (geto suguru x reader)
Takes place right after Suguru kills the village and adopts his daughters. Reader is a non-sorcerer but is still able to weasel into his heart! For now its slice of life, super super cute
The Things that Lie beneath the Sea (Mermaid!OchaIzuKatsu x reader)
Reader is hinted to be recently divorced and decides to spend a year isolated on an island and meets three merpeople that are a bit too interesting. Even though im no longer in the mha fandom, i still go back to see if the author has added any chapters. Really really good! And it has a (sort of) language barrier!
Fight Night (MMA fighter!Sukuna x reader)
Reader gets tangled up with MMA fighter sukuna???? Yum???? it's like 80% smut buuuut the plot and they way they both bond is super cute too!
Zero day (Ghost x reader x Konig)
To avoid jail time, reader joins Task Force 141 as their tech support. Super interesting plot! I don't think it's being updated anymore:( but this is one of my favorite COD fics of all time!!!
Simple Math (Poly! Ghostsoap x Nurse!reader)
Soap and Ghost try to flirt with their oblivious nurse...despite soap being currently hospitalized
Bird Song (Jake sully x human!reader x neytiri)
Reader gets taken hostage by the Na'vi and becomes Neytiri's and Jake's babysitter. Yall its such a cute poly fic iloveitiloveitiloveitsosomuchhhh. Technically not completed but i think it ended perfectly!
Something (just like this) (Izuku x reader)
Reader gets hired to make pro-hero izuku a comic book based on his life and they bond! So so so cuteeeee ahhhhhh!!!!
Undone (Squid Game salesman! Kuroo x reader) (noncon)
Reader catches Kuroo with his latest victim player.
It's a vanasha fic. You already know it's gonna be amazing
Love, Death and Circuits (Android! YoRHa!Gojo x reader)
Reader wakes up ten thousand years in the future where humanity now lives on the moon. It's Android's gojo's first time meeting a human and they learn what happened while the reader was asleep.
THIS is the fic that got me into the nier automata hyperfixation for like three months. You do not need to play the game to understand this. It's a super sweet fic:) Yan gojo is there too as a treat!!!!
The Ostensive Fumblings of Being Human (Connor DBH x reader)
Post revolution. Androids and humans are trying to coexist. Reader is part of an organization to help ease this process along. Connor learns what it's like to fall in love
How many times have i reread this???? I'm not gonna answer that. It's so gorgeous. The author perfectly encapsulates a deviant connor. He's so lost and unsure but the way he keeps moving forward is so inspiring! And the mc and connor's blooming relationship is super cute to see. The world building the author is able to make from Cage's chicken scratch is amazing too! And philosophy!
I have like two thousand more but this is already long enough teehee. if yall read any pls pls pls give the authors a kudos/bookmark/comment!!!!
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elizabethwritesmen · 8 months
The Devil Wears Lace
chapter 5 : July 4, 2023
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pairing: simon “ghost” riley x reader
summary: it’s 4th of july and your favorite soldier shows up at the firework show. you spend a little time with him and get a little drunk, resulting in some bad decision. everything is ok though, as long as he’s there with you.
warnings: 18+ for eventual smut, pining, no use of y/n, reader is almost forced into a pool, angry simon, possessive simon, fireworks, someone flirts with reader, i think that’s all but let me know if i missed anything!
series masterlist
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July 4, 2023
A year had passed since my kidnapping.
It was surreal, really. I liked to brush off the experience like it had been nothing but it took a week in the hospital to detox me from all the drugs those guys had pumped in me and two months for my leg to completely heal. It wasn’t the kind of thing you just… forget about. The trauma was gone, though, mostly, but what was left creeped in once I realized it was the anniversary of it.
And then the worst thought crept in. What if they came back? One failed attempt so they try again?
I shrugged off those thoughts, returning to my outfit search. I’d tried on a million options, and upon seeing them on me, decided they were awful and should burn. Because of this what can only be described as character flaw, most of my clothes were strewn across my bed and floor haphazardly after being ripped violently and angrily from my body. I sighed, accepting defeat, and found my safe choice. A cream colored American flag sweater, just thin enough to wear on the beach, and a pair of light wash daisy dukes with rips and exposed pockets. I yanked on my birk style sandals and called it a day.
I rushed out the door with my hair pulled messily into a white claw clip and my makeup done in a rush, mascara just barely smeared and a thin layer of lip balm. I jumped into my car, speeding to the beach where the firework show was to be held.
Normally, I would’ve had to work, but Sabrina’s husband’s family just happened to be the owners of the bar and he decided to close for the night so everybody could enjoy the holiday. This was mostly due to pestering from Sab and I, but that was fine, considering we got what we wanted in the end.
Once I got there, I parked right beside her husband, Dylan’s truck. Once they saw me, they climbed out and we all walked to find a spot together.
“There are a lot of people here already,” I commented as we found a free space at the end of the pier, right in front of the water.
“Probably trying to get good spots like the one we just got,” Sabrina wiggled her eyebrows.
“You know who might be coming?” Dylan asked me with a smirk that made me nervous. I stood, waiting for him to tell me, and he bit, “Connor.”
Connor worked with me when I first started at the bar, but he’d quit after a few months to take a job offer in another city. He was nice, adorable and likable. He was never immune to my charms but he was much more respectful than any of the other men I used them on. We’d hung out and, well, made out a few times before he moved away. I never really cared about him or anything, so his leaving was fine with me, but I did miss having a man around that wasn’t creepy or strange or icky in the slightest. Of course, now I had Ghost, but was he really around? Not much. So what harm could flirting with Connor for the evening do?
“You invited him?” I asked, brows furrowed, “I knew you guys were friends but I didn’t realize you kept in touch.”
“Yeah, he has plans with his family today and came here for them, but he said he’ll probably be done early and head here.”
“Interesting,” Sabrina grinned, “Sounds like a good chance for you to get laid.”
I threw my water bottle at her, “Not everything is about sex, Sab!”
“Well it sure hasn’t been for you lately.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I raised an eyebrow at her.
“You’ve been stuck on Ghost for a year, flirting around with him and waiting for him like an army wife or something. And in that time, have you had sex or even done anything with anyone at all?” I cast my eyes downward, the truth in her words hitting me like ice water. “Exactly. I’m just saying, you need to get out of this rut or you’re gonna be hung up on a man you’ll never have for the rest of your life.”
Sabrina was always one for tough love. She never lied, and she only ever said exactly what she thought a person needed to hear.
“You know, I never really slept around even before I met Ghost,” My contradiction was weak against her words.
“I know. But I also know that’s the only thing that might get him off your mind and turn you back into a man’s worst nightmare.”
“Fine. You’re right. Hopefully Connor will stop by.”
“Atta girl!” She grinned, high fiving me with both hands as we settled into the chairs Dylan had carried out for us.
“Not to, uh, ruin this moment for you ladies or anything, but who is Ghost?” Dylan asked, seeming thoroughly confused.
“The guy I told you about, that always wears the mask. The one who saved her last year.”
“Oh!” recognition flashed on his face, “Somehow I’ve missed him every time he’s been here.”
“Well then you’ve also missed the googly eyes she makes at him.”
“I’m sitting right here!” I huffed, crossing my arms.
We hung out there for a couple hours, chatting and drinking a little more than we really needed to. I was nice and buzzed by the time night fell, and I looked around, surveying all the people there.
What I wasn’t expecting to see was Ghost and his three buddies a little ways away from us. They hadn’t noticed me yet, and I didn’t know whether that was a blessing or a curse. Did I have it in me to ignore him and just have a good night with my friends?
Of course I didn’t.
“Sabrina!” I hissed, smacking her on the arm until she paid attention to me. When she finally looked up from whatever she was doing on her phone, I gestured aggressively with my head to the guys in question.
“Fuck, who’d have thought? You gonna go say hi?”
“I don’t know, they haven’t seen me yet. It would be weird for me to just-“
“They see you now,” she raised a brow and gave them a slight finger wave, and I turned to see that they were, in fact, looking at me. Even him.
“Do you think they even want me to walk over there?” I asked.
“Of course they do, stupid, those boys are wrapped around your finger. Go!”
“No,” I sighed, “If he wants to talk to me badly enough he’ll come over here.”
“You and your dumbass hoe rules,” she rolled her eyes at me.
“They’re not dumb and I’m not a hoe!”
“Wait,” Dylan furrowed his brows, “That’s the man? The myth? The legend?” I nodded, giggling. “He’s fucking huge!”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Hell no, I’m guy crushing. Now I don’t resent Sabrina for telling me he’s hot.”
“You told your husband you think Ghost is hot?” I snorted at her, and she shrugged.
“He told me he thinks Angelina Jolie is hot. It was only fair.”
“So you guys just… share your gay crushes with each other? Any more you want to tell me about?”
“Well we’ve both agreed we’d have a threesome but only with you-“ Sabrina didn’t finish her statement, but I heard enough and reached my hand up to shut her up.
“I want to forget you told me that.”
“Fuck,” she gasped, “He’s coming over.”
“Really?” my tone was pathetic, too excited for my own good.
“You were right, I was wrong. Your hoe rules are not dumb!”
Before I could respond, he cleared his throat from behind me. I turned slowly, feeling his presence before I even saw him.
“Hey,” I grinned, and almost looked like he did too, under the mask.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he said, his voice the same rough melody as always.
“Well… I live here, and basically the entire town showed up, so..”
“That’s true.”
“What’s more weird is you being here. Considering this is a day to celebrate the US ditching England and you’re English.”
He shrugged, “I like American Independence Day. It’s interesting.”
“Interesting how?”
“Right now, the interesting part is you.”
I fought off the butterflies. Really and truly, I did, with everything I had in me.
“If you just came over here to flatter me, you can go ahead and go back to your friends,” I smirked, eyes narrow.
“Actually I came over to see if you’d wanna come say hi to them.”
“Awwww, so they sent you over here? And I thought you came over because you like me.”
Sabrina and Dylan had amused expressions on their faces, but neither said a word as they watched the exchange.
“They were just gonna wave you over but I told them I wanted to come ask you. Does that answer satisfy you?”
“I’m never satisfied,” I clicked my tongue, but I stood from my seat anyway, lightly grabbing his arm and letting him lead me away. “Be right back!” I called as I left, and my two friends waved goodbye to me, laughing.
“There she is!” Soap cheered as I approached, and a grin broke out over my face. “We started to think you didn’t wanna talk to us!”
“Was just waiting for Lieutenant Dan over here to notice me is all,” I hummed jokingly, getting on my tiptoes to pat Ghost on the head.
“Lieutenant… Dan?” he furrowed his brows, staring down at me, confused as ever.
“You’ve never seen Forrest Gump?” I practically shouted, mouth hanging open stupidly, and he shook his head. “That’s it, you guys are coming over to my place one of these days and we’re gonna watch it.”
“Fine with us,” Gaz shrugged, taking a sip of the drink in his hand.
Ghost still looked apprehensive and confused, so I told him in the sweetest voice I could manage, “Lieutenant Dan is super cool. I had a little crush on him the first time I watched the movie.” At that, his features relaxed, but they tensed again when the boys around us whistled.
“I think she’s got a little crush on you, Ghost,” Price laughed, and Ghost glared but I just giggled.
“I never said I didn’t,” I shrugged with a wink and the whistles got worse. “But I never said I did, either.”
We caught up, they told me as much as they could about what they had been up to but it wasn’t a lot at all. I noticed the more I saw them, the comfier they got speaking to me.
Then, I noticed Connor walking up the pier out of the corner of my eye, his own eyes already on me. A bright smile lit up his face and he picked up his pace to get to my side.
“Connor!” I squeaked as he pulled me into a huge hug, spinning me around in a circle and then waiting an extra second to let me go.
“Hey, sweet cheeks,” he winked, “You look good.”
“I look the same,” I scoffed.
“I know,” his voice was coy and I rolled my eyes, stepping back to put a tiny bit of distance between us, hyper aware of Ghost’s eyes burning into me.
“I can’t believe you made it,” I spoke, more tense than I normally would’ve been but I don’t think anyone picked up on it. I felt so awkward. I’d started the day with the intention of flirting with him, and doing anything I could to make him want me, and now I was a puddle for another man I didn’t even expect to see.
“Of course I made it,” he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “You’re here. I’d never miss a chance to see you while I’m in town.”
“I seem to have that affect on men,” I snorted, sparing a glance to Ghost and instantly regretting it. His eyes were hot, and they just about set me on fire, making my whole body feel tense and preyed upon.
“You always have,” Connor looked me up and down then, clearly liking what he saw, “Where are the lovebirds?”
“Over there,” I pointed to the end of the pier and he nodded.
“You gonna come join us anytime soon?” he asked.
“If you stay on your best behavior, I’ll consider it,” I smirked and he laughed all the way down to Dylan and Sabrina.
“You two seemed familiar,” Soap hummed, tone playful but eyes wary.
“He used to work with me but he moved away. This is the first time I’ve seen him in a couple years or so.”
“Guess time didn’t make him like you any less.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “Why don’t you guys come down to the end, with us? The view is better, and I don’t wanna leave you but I can’t ditch them.”
“Fine by me,” Price shrugged, and the others agreed. Ghost didn’t want to, but they talked him into it, saying it was either hang out with me or stand there alone.
“Finally decided we were worth your time?” Sabrina jabbed as we approached, and I rolled my eyes.
“You’re always worth my time, baby girl,” I leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead, “I was just having a chat.”
“Get a room, you two,” Dylan joked at our girly display of affection.
“Can’t, you married her before I had the chance,” I pouted, and they both laughed. I was straight as they come, but I still liked to joke about being gay for her. She was my best friend. What girl doesn’t do that?
“If anyone is getting a room with this one, it’s gonna be me,” Connor leaned around me to kiss me on the cheek and I all but cringed, shying away from him.
“‘This one’ isn’t getting a room at all, so don’t go getting your hopes up,” I was stern, but tried to be nice and protect the peace. I’d expected him to flirt with me. It’s not his fault I have a very angry looking Ghost watching over me and making me feel dizzy with need, my tummy a little sick from all the butterflies in there flying against my rib cage.
“See your mouth hasn’t changed much,” he just laughed, turning back to the side of the pier and leaning on the railing.
I approached Ghost, opting to root myself by him instead of by Connor. I wanted him to know that he was the one I’d rather have. It was silly, really, I shouldn’t have cared, but I did. I wouldn’t risk doing anything that would make him not want to see me again. I needed him to want to see me again.
This action didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else, their eyebrows raised but they stayed silent. Ghost just grabbed my arm and pulled me half an inch closer, satisfied with my choice, and I half smiled.
“Hey hot stuff,” Sabrina began speaking to me, “After the fireworks we’re going back to mine and hanging out by the pool. You down?”
“Are we all invited?” I gestured to the four men beside me and she nodded.
“Of course! I wouldn’t leave anyone out,” her tone of voice was the same as all the times she joked about Ghost and I.
“Then yeah, that sounds good. You guys wanna come?”
“I’d rather hang out there than some crowded bar,” Gaz shrugged, and the others nodded. Once again, all except Ghost.
“Come on, Ghosty, you’re not gonna let me go all alone are you?” I spoke, only loud enough for him to hear.
“You’ll have Connor with you.” He spat the name out like it disgusted him.
“I don’t want him with me. I want you. Besides, all your boys are coming. Please?” That one word did him in, his eyes meeting mine in a heated gaze.
“I’ll come.”
I smiled victoriously as we all settled in to watch the fireworks that were about to start. He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me to the edge so I’d have a better view, which was shockingly sweet for the gruff man.
An hour or so later, we were all doing our thing by Dylan and Sabrina’s pool. I was laying in a lawn chair, drink in hand, on the border between tipsy and drunk, a giggling mess. At some point, everyone became comfortable with each other. Or at least, everyone but Ghost. He sat right beside me in the other lawn chair, watching over me carefully.
“You’re weird,” I hummed out, reaching out to tap him.
“You’re drunk,” he countered.
“That’s why you’re watching me so close? Cause I’m drunk?”
He cast his eyes downward, “Guess so.”
I let out a laugh, the embarrassing kind that I would inevitably regret the next day, attempting to stand up but wobbling on my legs. I just about fell but he steadied me.
“I’m gonna go get another, you want anything, silly little Ghost?” the sentence came out a slurred string of words, but he understood.
“No thank you, love,” he sounded kind, like he thought it was nice I asked, “Are you sure you need another?”
“One more won’t hurt me,” I shrugged, turning away to stumble over to the cooler and pull out yet another bottle. I found my way back beside him and plopped back down.
I couldn’t manage to get the cap off, and it was making me increasingly angry. Finally, Ghost grabbed it from me with a chuckle and took it off for me.
“So sexy when you do stuff for me,” I hummed, taking it from him and taking a long sip.
“That needs to be your last one,” he ordered and I giggled again.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“If you’d make the right choice on your own, I wouldn’t have to.”
I rolled my eyes, throwing the bottle back again. When I put it back down, Connor was in my line of sight, chuckling about something with Sabrina.
“Hey sweet cheeks, I got a real question for you,” he smirked at me, and I groaned.
“Oh God help me, what is it?”
“Will you jump in the pool with me like old times?” he implored, voice hopeful and I snorted.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Come on, you love bad ideas. You always have. Every time we’ve been here, we’ve jumped in the pool, don’t let this be the first time we don’t!” I still looked hesitant, and I was hesitant. I didn’t want to do it. Especially not with Simon right there, watching my every move, looking for any reason not to want anything to do with me. “Unless you’re scared?” Connor kept going. “You weren’t scared of anything when I knew you. Guess you’ve changed.”
His voice was a challenge and I knew it was a trap, but I fell right into it, indignantly arguing, “I am not scared.”
“Prove it, then. Strip.”
We got locked in a stare down before I huffed, standing from my seat, still wobbly but my determination giving me a boost. Simon helped steady me once again, still looking at me, assessing the situation.
“Fine,” I shrugged as I yanked my sweater over my head then unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down, leaving a trail of clothes on my way to the pool. Once I got there, all I had on was my lace bra and underwear, cute and purple. I didn’t even think before going for it, jumping haphazardly into the deep end, the rush of water hitting me like a train. I felt it shift around me and knew he’d jumped in right after me as I fought to get to the surface.
I finally broke through, and took a deep breath in, laughing the loudest I had all night. Sabrina and Dylan cheered for us, mumbling on about how familiar it was to see us in their pool. I risked a glance at Ghost. He was expressionless. Well, from what I could tell.
I made my way to the side of the pool, crossing my arms there and laying my head on them.
“You’re staring,” I hummed.
“You look fucked out. You need to go fix your makeup.”
I blushed, and I knew he saw it because his eyes perked up.
“Help me out, then,” I pleaded, reaching one hand out towards him and he stared at it for a moment before making his way towards me and grabbing it. He used it to tug me up while simultaneously wrapping his other arm around my middle and pulling me out.
“You’re not gonna swim with me?” Connor pouted from the pool, and I shrugged.
“I proved my point. Swim alone.”
Ghost’s glare shut him up after that, and we headed inside to the bathroom. He left the door open behind us but we still had a sense of privacy that had never been there before.
“Here,” he sighed, opening the bag of makeup wipes that Sab had on the counter and retrieving one then using it to wipe my face. “You feel good about what you just did?”
“Well I don’t feel bad about it, if that’s what you’re asking.” He grunted. “Everyone enjoyed it but you, Ghost.”
“Yeah because everyone out there wanted to see you half naked.”
“What, you didn’t? You don’t like what you see or something?”
“I didn’t say that,” his voice was deadly, as if he was chastising me. “That wasn’t smart. You’re drunk.”
“And you’re jealous.”
“I’m telling you that you made a dangerous decision and you’re accusing me of being jealous?”
“It wasn’t dangerous, first of all. I’ve done worse than that while I was drinking. And second of all, yeah. You’re jealous. You can admit it.” He stayed quiet, finishing up my face and going to walk out but I grabbed his wrist, tugging him back. “I’ve been rejecting him in the nicest way possible all night long.”
“Because I was scared if I didn’t, you’d decide I wasn’t worth coming back for again.”
“You can do what you want, it’s none of my business.”
“I know.”
“You can flirt back. You can damn near fuck him right in front of me and I’ll still seek you out the next time I’m here. You don’t have to worry one bit about that.”
“Is that a promise?” I asked, and he nodded, hand cupping my cheek. “I don’t wanna flirt with him. It’s pathetic is what it is. He came here tonight for me, thinking he was gonna get in these little lace panties, and the second I saw you he was an afterthought.”
His gaze was hotter than it ever had been, pupils a little wider when I risked those words. His voice was husky, going straight through me, “How rude of you.”
“You like me pathetic, huh? You like that I’m a little desperate?”
“You’re not desperate,” he chuckled.
“I am for you.”
He groaned, his masked face falling into the crook of my neck as his hands ghosted over my hips.
“Come on, let’s get back out there,” he pulled himself away and walked out, and I made no attempt to stop him that time, still trying to catch my breath.
A moment later I managed to compose myself, and I followed outside, laying back in my lawn chair. I was still a bit wet so I didn’t bother putting my clothes back on yet, but I was shivering slightly from the cold.
“Took you long enough,” Ghost mumbled from beside me and I rolled my eyes at him, leaning even further back, my eyes shutting. All the alcohol was getting to me, making me a little sleepy.
“You’re going to sleep?” The voice was Connor’s, and it was close. Before I could even respond, I was being picked up and held tightly in arms that didn’t feel like Ghost’s. My eyes shot open to see Connor carrying me towards the water.
“What’re you doing?” I asked loudly, squirming to get away. He just chuckled, clutching me tighter.
“Waking you up,” his voice was breathless as he laughed and I started struggling harder against him.
“Let me go! Please, let me go, fuck, God-!” I was full on wrestling him now to get away, not wanting to go back in the water. Thinking how wrong it was for him to throw me in there. He always used to do stuff like that when he’d lived close, and I hadn’t minded then, but I was drunk and it was late and-
My thoughts cut off there as he was yanked back from the edge by his shoulder.
“She said she wanted to be let go.” Ghost was standing there, looking as angry as ever.
“Chill, dude, this is our thing. We’ve always done stuff like this together, she’s fine,” Connor huffed incredulously.
“Does she look fine to you?”
They looked down at me, my lip trembling, fully uncomfortable in Connor’s arms.
“Connor, please put me down,” I tried one last time, “I don’t wanna be thrown in the water. I’m cold and drunk and-“
“Give her to me.” Ghost’s tone was not a playing one, sending shivers even down my spine and I could not imagine how Connor wasn’t cracking under that pressure. “Now.”
Connor sighed, nodding, setting me down next to Ghost who pulled me close into his chest, hand stroking my wet hair and wiping my cheeks where I hadn’t realized tears were falling.
“I’m sorry,” Connor looked at me and it sounded like he really meant it. “I just - we used to do shit like this all the time. I didn’t think you would care.”
“It’s ok,” I sniffled, snuggling closer into the broad expanse of man I was leaning against, soaking up the warmth for all it was worth.
“I’m gonna take her home, I think she’s had enough for one night.” I nodded as Ghost spoke, his arms even tighter than they’d been to begin with. “Get your clothes, come on,” he whispered into my hair and I did as asked, grabbing my shirt and shorts and slipping my shoes on. I gave Connor a quick goodbye hug and waved goodbye to the rest of my friends and his, who opted to stay for a while longer. They said they’d come pick Ghost up from wherever he needed, and he nodded as we left for the night.
He opened the passenger side door of my car for me and helped me in, frowning as I shivered against the biting night air. “Put your clothes on, sweetheart,” he suggested and I shook my head.
“Don’t feel - hiccup - like it,” my voice was practically a whine and he nodded, walking over to the driver’s side. On his way, be noticed a blanket in the back seat, and when he was situated in the car, he grabbed it and placed it over me. I cuddled into it, appreciating the gesture.
“Are you okay?” he asked me, as serious as I’d ever seen him.
“‘m fine,” my voice was weak, and I didn’t really understand why I was so upset. I’d been thrown into the water before. I never enjoyed it, but it never made me cry.
“Yeah? Doesn’t seem like it.”
“I don’t know why I’m so bothered,” I shrugged, “Guess with everything that’s happened to me I just felt scared. I don’t like… I don’t like feeling like I can’t get away from someone. Not if I don’t trust them.”
“You said you’ve known him for a long time, you don’t trust him?”
“Not like -“ I paused, wondering if I should say the next part, “Not like I trust you.”
He chuckled darkly, hand falling down to my stretched out knee and rubbing.
“You don’t know me at all,” he pointed out.
“I know you a little better than you think,” I huffed, “You’ve saved me three times now. You wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”
He clicked his tongue, turning the car on and pulling away, following my directions to my house. He was gentle with me the entire time until my tears stopped and I was half asleep in the seat, head slumped and eyes hazy.
He pulled in the driveway, slipping out of the car and picking me up, leaving the blanket and my clothes behind.
Once we got to the door, he took one arm off of me just long enough to unlock it with my key and walked me inside, barely caring to get a look at the place at all as he walked to the hallway in search of my bedroom.
“It’s the one at the end,” I offered and he nodded, finding it and letting himself in, laying me down on my bed.
“I’m sure you wanna get out of your wet…. clothes,” he vaguely gestured to me, “I’ll leave you to it.”
“Don’t leave me here,” I gasped out, reaching desperately for his hand, “Don’t leave me here alone. I’m not ready for you to go yet.”
His eyes widened and he leaned back into me, crowding me and promising, “I’m not goin’ anywhere, just leavin’ the room to give you privacy to clean up.”
“Oh,” I hummed, relief settling in.
“You could say please, though,” his voice had that husk in it again, and I grinned.
“I don’t think I have to, you’re gonna stay either way.”
He tutted, “Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna hear it.”
I thought for a moment. “Fine,” I smirked, then, in the most seductive voice I could manage, I leaned up and drawled, “Please.”
His pupils blew wide and he nodded, his hand exploring my face, cupping my cheek, squeezing my chin and making my lips pucker, and then it drifted into more dangerous territory, resting around my throat. My breath hitched and he chuckled, giving one small squeeze before his touch disappeared. He walked out of the room, laughing all the way.
I rolled my eyes, going to my dresser to get clothes. I was still too sleepy to shower or anything but I at least wanted to wear something that covered me and didn’t smell like chlorine. I pulled on a T shirt and a fresh pair of panties, not bothering with more. Ghost had already seen me in just my undies, why did it matter? Then I went to the bathroom and thoroughly cleaned my face and brushed my damp and stringy hair.
Once I was done, I left my room and searched for him, finding him in the living room, lounged back on the couch like he belonged there. Wordlessly, I sat beside him, and he hummed, pulling me into his side and tucking me there comfortably.
He was so warm, I couldn’t help but sigh, sinking into him. My mind drifted to places it shouldn’t be, imagining sinking into his arms all the time. Imagining having his warmth forever. I pushed that away. Those were not feelings I needed to unpack.
Finally, I glanced up at the TV to see he’d found Forrest Gump and it was ready to play.
“Really?” I asked, the ghost of a smile on my lips.
“Wanted to see what this Lieutenant Dan was all about,” he shrugged, clicking the button and starting it.
I couldn’t pay much attention, I was much too content to just relax into his hold. I checked my phone, seeing a few missed texts from Sabrina asking if I was okay, apologizing for Connor, and of course, some innuendos about Ghost and me.
“You two have an interesting friendship.” I looked up at him as he said it and laughed.
“How so?”
“Doesn’t seem like you like each other very much.”
“That’s just how we are,” I shrugged, “She’s my best friend, we just like being mean to each other.” He grunted in response, prompting me to turn back to the movie. It didn’t take long for me to drift off, snuggled deep into him and feeling more safe and taken care of than I ever had.
I woke up to the feeling of being carried and opened my eyes slowly just as Ghost laid me in bed.
“The team is here to pick me up. I’ve got to go.”
I pouted, not ready to let him go just yet.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave.”
“You shouldn’t drink so much, sweetheart, it makes you sappy,” he chuckled, but the look he gave me was pitiful and it only made me want him to stay more.
“I’m not being sappy, I’m being honest. I don’t do that a lot, be grateful for it.”
He sighed, sitting down beside me and stroking my hair. “I’ll be back. I don’t know when but I promise I will.”
I nodded, trying hard not to drift back to sleep, wanting those last few moments with him.
My eyes widened as he lifted his mask to his nose, exposing the stubble on his chin and cheeks. He leaned down, taking my cheeks in his hands and kissing my forehead.
Oh, I was fucked.
His lips felt so good, I was addicted and he hadn’t even kissed me properly. I felt myself getting a little closer to the edge of the cliff I was bound to fall off of.
He pulled away slightly, still close enough for me to feel his warmth, and I sighed, eyes on his lips.
“You gonna give me a real kiss, soldier?”
“Not when you’re all tired and drunk like this,” he shook his head, brushing his thumb across my lips then pulling away.
“Ghost,” I called as he made his way to the door, “Goodbye.”
“Bye, sweetheart. Get some sleep.”
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juvenillia · 10 months
~ tangled series ~ part 3
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader x John 'Soap' MacTavish
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a/n: Welcome back to part 3 of the tangled series. By now I decided that this series will become also a bit longer. Let's see where it'll lead us. Also I am sorry for the lack of updates atm, but I'm trying my best.
worcount: 3.6k
》Masterlist《 》 Read on AO3 《 》Master Post《
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It seemed like you were the only one relaxed in the whole situation. Simon was tense as a rock, he didn’t dare to move, his eyes still subtle pinned on every movement you made trying to put the pieces together. He didn’t even dare to remove his mask, it stayed stern in place, only tugged up to sip on his drink occasionally. Johnny on the other hand was avoiding eye contact with everyone. His eyes stared down at his still empty plate. Kyle was the one trying to ease the whole vibe while chatting with his captain and getting some comments out of you as well. Humming along the conversation while sipping on your water in peace. John on the other hand was stressed as well. To be honest he was already on edge because of his medical leave, but seeing how his team, his boys behaved around you made him kind of nervous.
A ringing of the timer on your phone broke the vibe a bit. “Kyle? Mind me helpin’?” You stood up from John’s right side and requested man followed you to the kitchen, a genuine smile on his lips. It gave John a second to get a grip on the whole situation.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell. What’s wrong with you boys?” His voice had this authorial tone he used often as their captain. Still there was a worried undertone in. And a glimpse of regret not being able to be the captain they deserved right now.
“Bein’ a bit on edge lately. Sorry cap.” It was Johnny who answered, his voice full of regret. His partner looked at him with a concerned glance. Eyeing him up from toe to head before his hand found his nape. Squeezing it just so slightly. Simon didn’t know why this whole situation affected the Scot so much. Maybe it was seeing a happy couple so at ease. It wasn’t something self-evident for people with their career to have a partner waiting at home for them. Something the Scot wished often for but was now somehow stuck with his comrade and kind-of lover. It made Simon himself feel somehow guilty. But at least it helped him to ease his own mind, knowing that Johnny needed him now. Little did both know.
“Alright. Pull yourself together just for the few hours.” Price scolded them quiet, still an understanding tune in it as the door from the kitchen swung once more open. Revealing Kyle with two plates of baked pasta, holding the door with his body open for you to walk up to table with three plates yourself.
“Thank you.” Johnny mumbled as you handed him a plate, Simon only nodded.
“Anytime.” The sing-song voice that once made him excited and flustered gave him now a nauseous feeling down his guts. He couldn’t look at you, his mind flooding with thoughts of what-ifs and questions he had no answer for. All of you started to eat in silence.
“Lovely as al…” Just as John wanted to praise your cooking, an alarm set off. Not an alarm per se, but it sounded like on. It was the ringtone of your on-call phone. “You said no work, sunny.” Now it was Price’s voice that was filled with a certain sadness.
You pulled the napkin from your lap and placed it on the table. You gave him an apologetic look before walking over the shelf next to the dining table, pulling your phone from it and flicking the green button. “Price,” you answered quick and left the open living room area. John eyes followed your figure.
The room felt with anticipation, mostly because of the behavior of John. It was contagious for the others. It took you about 10 minutes to return to the room. A bag slipped over your shoulder, and a hoodie already thrown over your statue. A soft smile playing on your lips as you walked up to John. “Connor could draft in someone else…” His eyes met yours and you nodded.
“It’s better off in my hands, we both know that.” You assured him, shoving your phone into the pocket.
“How bad is it?” John reached his right hand that wasn’t caught in a cast out to you. It was the first time this evening Johnny dared to look at you again.
You stood closer, his hand placed onto your back, as you leaned over to him. “It’s not Piccadilly.” You laughed and John rolled his eyes at your statement. Kyle’s brows furrowed with confusion.
“He really needs to learn how to sort out priorities…” That made you roll your eyes. It was an inside joke you shared with him since the terror attack at Piccadilly Circus. Your coworker Connor and boss always referred to any incident as ‘not as was worse as piccadilly’, because nothing could be nearly worse than this day. You worked for more than two days straight. Five minutes naps were the only rest you got in between two patients and coffee became your best friend and somehow worst nightmare. “Call me. Alright?”
“Sure, Johnny.” You reassured him with your soft and still teasing voice before turning to your guests. The Scots stomach took some twists about the nickname. The name you cried out while he went down on you months ago. “Was a pleasure.” Did you intend the double meaning? Johnny couldn’t tell. You forced a half-hearted smile onto your lips, while the men around just nodded their goodbyes. And soon you were gone through the front door.
As soon as your car pulled off, Kyle looked at his captain. “Due to all respect. What was she dealing with at Piccadilly?” Kyle did remember that day like the back of his hand. It was the day he and Price met, and his life took a sudden turn.
Price exhaled; his brows furrowed in regret. “She is a trauma surgeon and had to deal with the aftermaths of our mistakes.” His voice was an octave deeper than usual and full of guilt.  
Kyle’s eyes widen in shock, and a certain guilty vibe clung over the table. All for different reasons. A vibe nobody of them could really ease. So, they ate in silence, shared some more thoughts about the latest operations and how Price would make sure to get some assistance for the time he couldn’t be at base. Just like that the evening ended and the three men found themselves back in Simon’s car. The trip back to the base was filled with nothing than silence. Everyone caught up in their thoughts. Not daring to speak those out aloud.
Just as they pulled into the garage Johnny couldn’t bare it anymore. He knew that Simon could read him like an open book. Something that came with their work, what made their relationship a bit easier. But therefor he also assumed that his partner already knew that the Scot felt more than uncomfortable this evening. He didn’t even wait for Kyle to leave the car, because he fairly well knew himself as he was Johnny’s wingman back then. “So… I think we need to talk��” Johnny’s voice was full of pity. He didn’t even dare to look at Simon, who only hummed in approval, own eyes pinned onto his fist clenching around the steering wheel. The Brit assumed that Johnny caught something of his weird behavior tonight.
It stayed calm for another minute. One that felt unbearable. “I fucked the Captains wife.” Both said at the same time and immediately looked at each other in completely shock.
“Ye dae what?” It was Johnny whose sorrow turned into completely shock. He knew they agreed on having an open situationship. Especially for times when separated to blow off some steam. But he didn’t know that Simon actually had someone since their agreement.
“Wait, you both had the same bloody bird?” Kyle’s voice was somehow filled with amusement but also with disbelief. He shook his head. “You really need to sort things out mates. Cheers.” He left the car and made up his own mind. As much as he loved to get into the gossip deeper, he respected the boundaries his three teammates now had to take care of.
The when’s and how’s were cleared fast. Stating the facts and sharing it with each other as they found themselves in Simon’s room, sitting on his bed. “I mean… something must be wrong if lass actually cheats on him, eh?” Johnny tried to find a reason to blame your behavior and not theirs. Trying to somehow ease his mind. “And ye said ye met her while she was working in a bar? But Cap said she’s a surgeon? Dinnea make any sense…” His hands found some loose strands at the end of his mohawk as he slightly pulled at them.
Simon’s huge, calloused hands found his. As he pulled them away and interlaced his fingers with his. “Do we know for sure…that they’re married?” The question was only above a whisper. Johnny looked in disbelief at him. “They don’t wear a ring.” Simon went through his mind, all the way back to when he met you. To the dinner, to all the times he saw Price’s hands bare in front of him. Never did he saw a ring on the left hand. Not even something like a tan line was imprinted in his brain.
“Maybe they dinnea wear it because of their jobs… I dinnea ken.” He exhaled deeply. Leaning into the side of his partner for comfort.
“Maybe we should ‘st forget about it all… it happened, it’s in the past and now we should draw our distance from her. Strictly.” Simon’s voice was firm, but somehow gentle as his hand ran up and down of Johnny’s spine. Johnny nodded and both were sure, that it wouldn’t be that hard. They haven’t seen you all the years before, so why should that change now?
Well for the next day’s nothing indeed changed. They were going after their choirs on base and prepared everything for the next deployment. Trying to suppress any feelings turning in their stomachs and minds. In the meantime, it was Alex Keller who took a temporally place in their office, trying to get a grip on everything that was happening around. A familiar and friendly face around the base to help when their Captain was still on medical leave. They were just gathered around a table in a briefing room, discussing over some intel they gathered on the last operation when they could hear a knock on the door. Simon’s head snapped into the direction. “C’mon in.”
The door opened and revealed nothing different than your soft features. Johnny’s stomach instantly twisting as he saw your face. It hurt him to see you, how he still had the urge to be close to you. Dreams of the last nights all circling around you, and the things his partner and you did together. Imaging how pretty you’d have to look beneath Simon’s frame. He had dreams about you before, but now it was worse. He couldn’t shake the hot thoughts away when imagine himself and his partner sharing the same woman. And still he knew how all that was way too inappropriate.
“Hello there. John sends his regards. Said you could need that.” You walked over and handed a file to Simon, which eyes stared down at you. Right now, he wasn’t Simon, he was the Ghost. Not letting his emotions and thoughts getting in the way of his job.
“Sunny.” It was Alex’ voice that was heard before Ghost even could say something. He rounded the table to give you a quick and friendly hug. One that lasted a bit longer than Johnny thought was appropriate.
“Don’t let him hear that.” You laughed. While crossing your arms in front of your chest. You knew Alex from before. He was one of the rare mates of John you ever actual met. Even if it was a coincidence, you rather wanted to forget.
Alex let out a quiet chuckle. “Still the same, hm? And I wanted to ask you out for dinner. What a shame.” He gave you a coquettish smirk. The action confused the other members of the 141 even more. “How’s he doing?”
“You’d wish.” Winking at him with a sweet smile. “Better. Nearly ready to go again. Need to keep his arse taped down though.” You laughed, and that was the first time the vibe relaxed a bit. All of them could easily imagine how Price would try to do anything but rest. The thought of you chasing after him to get him to actual rest.
Your glance switched to the clock on your wrist. “Busy as ever?” Alex’s smile dropped a bit. He was always so tender and flirtatious without any further intentions though.
 “You know me too well Keller.” A smile on your lips before you waved them goodbye and went after your business. Even after all those hours after your leaving, Johnny’s thoughts were always pinned to his partners words. And he couldn’t help himself but imagining how you’d feel pressed between both of their sweaty bodies. You were like a drug, and he couldn’t get away, while Simon tried to ditch everything that even had to deal with you. You were a forbidden fruit. Something he didn’t only not deserved but was completely not allowed to even think about. And he managed pretty well. Still, he found himself late at nights, with a naked Scot curled up at his side imagine how you were there with him, with them. How you were pinned on his chest while his mind so hard to chase those thoughts away.
It was four weeks later, when everything changed, and things started to make a bit more sense. The 141 including Alex and John just came back from a mission. It was the first one after Price went back to duty. Everything went well so far, and they found themselves in a nearby pub to celebrate their success and return of their captain. Kyle was the assigned driver for the night while everyone else toasted to their accomplishments. John was already quiet drunk, his medication still wearing on him, mixed with the whiskey rushing through his blood. Alex decided it would be for the best to send him home early. But nobody wanted to leave already. Everyone was into a way to good mood to let the night end already. Especially Johnny, as Simon was found to be a bit more touchy-feely with him. Something that happened very rarely in public, and he was too down for it. Maybe it was because this bar gave him a few memories. Some of them he tried to keep locked in the very last corner of his brain.
That way, Alex tried to be the most reasonable and called you, just as John and Johnny sung along the melody in the pub. Johnny already needed to steady his captain with his own arm while Simon had his hand on the Scots thigh.
“What’s wrong?” Your voice sounded worried as you picked up Alex’ call.
“Why should something be wrong?” Alex tried to calm his voice, trying to sober up just a little bit.
“Alex Keller. You do not just call me in the night when you are on deployment.” You had a scolding tone in your voice. Something he was familiar with. It was the same tone John himself hold all so often.
“We’re already back. It’s just… John…”
“Spit it out.” Your shoulders tensed as you feared the worst.
“He overdid it. I think he needs rest. Maybe you can come get him?” Alex rubbed his neck while his eyes fell onto the statue of Price. He almost clung to Johnny to keep him up. For a soldier that has been through a lot, the mixture of alcohol, pain meds and the last days of operation had grown its toll on him.
“Bloody ‘ell… y’all are drunk, aren’t ya? Stevie’s?” Your accent grew a bit thicker, as you already throw a jacket over your shoulders and took the keys of your car.
“Yeah and thank you.”
It took you about half an hour to arrive at the bar. A bar that belonged to a close friend of John’s. A friend that was a former soldier but retired because of a chronical hearing disability, caused through his job as a demolition expert back then. A bar where Steve now often offered soldiers as a safe space to calm their thoughts. A place you sometimes lend a helping hand when the pain and PTSD got the best of him. This man had risked his own life to save John’s. How could you not help him when he needed a day off? This was only possible when you had your days off of course. Otherwise, you were too occupied to save lives in your own way.
You made your way up to the bar fast, greeting some of the regulars, like Marcus. Bit your greetings to Stevie and get a glass of water. Kyle nearly choked on his drink as he found your figure approaching your table. “Sunshine?” John’s voice was drained as he noticed you, but he tried to stand up. Alex was faster on his feet, pushing him down into his seat again.
“Drink.” Your voice was stern as you pushed the glass into his hand. He followed your order without hesitation. “Things should never have been allowed to come to this pass.” You looked at Alex with a scolding hint in your eyes. The others of the 141 watched the whole scenery with mixed feelings. The grip on the Scots thigh tightened as Simons eyes were pinned onto your figure. The same excitement washing over him as he watched you handling those assholes when he first met you.
Alex stood up and placed his hands on your shoulders. His eyes an unspoken apology, before his mouth accomplished the words. “I am sorry, sunny.”
These words flipped a switch in John’s brain. He was quicker on his feet than anybody could even blink. His statue standing between the both of you and literally ripping Alex’ hands of you. “Don’t you fuckin’ dare, soldier.” Alex stepped back a bit, his hands up in defense. He had seen the captain’s fury before.
That when you forcefully turned him around. “John.” He just wanted to turn back to Alex. That’s when your voice became that same demanding tone as John’s. “Jonathan Price.” It somehow snapped him back, his clouded thoughts sobering up a bit. “Get in the car.” Your tone sent shivers down his spine. Bot not only to John’s. The Scot found himself a bit too aroused by the tone in your voice as he shifted a bit further into the male next to him.
“Sunny…” John’s voice was pleading as he tried to reach out to you. His eyes full of regret.
“Weren’t my words clear enough?” You literal hissed at him. And he shook his head no before walking sloppy out of the pub. Kyle was quick to steady him and help him out. Simon saw Price often with regret clinging to his body, but never with this kind of defeat. You punched the bridge of your nose with a deep exhale. “Next time call earlier.” You looked at Alex and nodded. “Sorry for the interruptions. Enjoy the rest of the night.” You apologized and smiled genuine at the remaining members on the table, who looked at you with a certain understanding, while everything in their eyes screamed to take you somewhere else. Somewhere behind closed doors to go after those inappropriate fantasies that were haunting their dreams. But they could do nothing to stare after you while you left. Still eyes pinned on the door you walked through minutes later as Kyle just returned, a wide grin on his lips, that somehow didn’t make any sense to Simon nor Johnny.
“What’s ‘e face about?” Simon’s voice was a low grumble. Trying to process everything that just happened.
“You’ll see soon enough.” Kyle laughed while Alex took the place next to him again.
This revelation came sooner than everyone expected. It was at the next day. The men already gathered for some breakfast as their captain returned to base. His head a bit lower than usual. “I wanted to apologize.” He looked at all his team members, but mostly at Alex who only nodded. But before Alex could answer John continued. “I stepped a line.” Simon looked at him in disbelief. Never did he noticed such an undertone lingering in between his words. It was nearly hurt.
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“Sir, due to all respect, but if my sister would’ve been through the same… I wouldn’t have act any different.” Alex’ hand found the shoulder of the older man. A reassuring smile on his lips as Price only nodded. The rumbling inside John’s heart settling more and more. While this whole situation only established a deep longing in Johnny’s stomach. Sister…you weren’t his wife. You were his little sister. Neither him nor Simon had broken into your relationship. Johnny shoved all the thoughts of the eventual reaction of their captain aside. Maybe there was still hope for the dreams he had. Maybe he could reach them somehow. His eyes found those of his partner, who already stared at back at him and Johnny could’ve sworn to see some of the same kind of desire in those brown orbs.
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@cooliofango @ghostslillady @anothersimpsblog
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iwonderwh0 · 5 months
I still have unposted pocket ghost snippets and exactly one person asked for it, so. This snippet actually has a second part to it, about as long as this, but I haven't managed to figure out how to finish it adequately, so I decided to post that first part of it as it is. I'm a bit annoyed at myself for how many of them happen at about the same time and place but uhhh, it is what it is
Menu for pocket ghost snippets
Hank finished his late dinner and put the takeout box to the coffee table. It was getting difficult to find a free spot on it from how piled up it had become in a few days. In an ideal world, Hank should have gathered all the trash from its surface and taken it to the garbage bin, but for that, he'd have to empty it first, and that'd require stepping outside. He didn't want to leave the house even for a few seconds — it was raining, and he found it to be a good excuse. Good enough as any.
"Oh, could you put my body on charge?" Connor asked from the speaker as Hank stood up.
Hank hummed and glanced at his phone, ensuring it was already charging – he learned from before and now knew better than to leave it unplugged.
"Is it not working?" he asked, concerned.
"My body," Connor repeated, "The real one."
Hand stared at the shadow in the corner of the room. He couldn't see the light of the LED light from where he was, and the fear of not discovering it started to grow on him. He swallowed.
"Can't it wait till tomorrow? Morning, I mean."
"Sure. It's not like the battery is about to run out any time soon anyway. Just thought it would be a good idea to put it on charge ahead of time."
It was reassuring, but not enough to remove the uneasy feeling that was getting stronger the longer Hank looked at the shadow.
"What will happen if it runs out?"
"My body will shut down."
"Temporarily, you mean."
"Only if it's put on charge the same day. Otherwise, my biocomponents will start decomposing."
"You're fucking kidding me."
Hank sighed and walked to the body. It was still awkwardly covered with a blanket he had put on it, and in the dim lighting of the living room, it somehow appeared even more dead than the day before. All pale and unmoving. The android's head was leaning against the back of the armchair, and Hank would have to move it to see the LED.
He didn't want to touch it, he thought, not like this, but reluctantly, he reached Connor's head with his hand and stilled. Synthetic skin felt cold, and the sensation of it sent chills down Hank's spine. It wasn't that Hank hadn't seen dead bodies or was especially disturbed by their appearance – over the years, he had grown pretty accustomed to it. To an extent, at least. This body, however, was different. It wasn't only because it belonged to someone Hank knew, and definitely not because it was android and not human – this, in theory, should have made it better. Easier. But instead, that was part of what creeped Hank the most about it, the ambiguity of its being: it wasn't alive, but it wasn't dead either. Something in it still signalised life, but not in the ways Hank was used to, not in the ways it would in a human. Android wasn't breathing, and his skin, as Hank just discovered, was cold. Dry, too. He wasn't sure if androids had something like a pulse so he wasn't sure he'd find any if he searched. There was only the light of the LED he could rely on, the one Hank couldn't see.
He sighed, and fighting his apprehension, slightly turned android's head to the side, finally revealing the yellow light, blinking on and off slowly. The same way as before.
Hank let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.
Alive. Or in any case, not dead.
"Light is on, but nobody is home," he chuckled humorlessly.
"I'm not sure you understand the meaning of this phrase."
Hank knelt and picked the green cable from before off the floor, "Do I just plug...that thing back inside?" He felt slightly nauseous at the sight of how long and needle-like the connector part was. The idea of plugging it into the neck didn't inspire any enthusiasm within him. He could as well be asked to give an intravenous injection.
"No, it's for data transfer only – you need a thick black one. It should be on the table"
Hank looked around the table and picked the only cable in sight, neatly placed beside the computer. To his relief connector part was shorter and looked like it might have belonged to some computer itself, although unlike the one Hank currently had. He turned it around in his hands, studying.
"How come I've never seen you using it?" he asked, "I didn't even know you needed to be recharged. Haven't really thought about it, to be honest."
"I've been doing it when you weren't home."
Hank turned around and, desperate for eye contact, looked at the speaker, as if Connor could see him from it.
"Why?" he asked.
"I thought it might unsettle you."
"Uh-uh, a sight of an android charging is so unsettling a few can handle it. Christ, it's not like you ever cared about unsettling me anyway."
"Well, not in a sense of frightening. I just thought you might joke about it or find it inhuman, so I found it best to avoid this attention. It wasn't hard."
The confession felt like a punch in the gut.
"Hey, when did I ever say anything about-" Hank trailed off as the memories flooded back to him.
Shit. In a moment it felt like a reasonable observation, at times just a harmless joke. He had assumed android ignored it just as anything else he found to be unhelpful. Never had he even considered that saying anything about Connor's android peculiarities could actually influence the way he acted in his presence or result in him attempting to hide some of it from his eyes in the future. How come he never thought of it this way?
"I had no idea you're taking it this way."
"Oh no, I'm not taking an offence at it. It doesn't bother me," Connor assured him, "It bothers you."
Now this was starting to piss Hank off.
"You repeatedly asked me to stop sampling things because you hated to see it, so I started doing it when you weren't watching. I thought charging may fall into the same category. Just one of those things you dislike for whatever reason. I don't mind it, it's okay."
"-No, Connor it's not," Hank interrupted, "It's been a couple of months and you never told me?"
Dynamic rustled slightly.
"I didn't think of it as something worth sharing," Connor said, voice raising in defence.
The room fell quiet. Hank stared at the speaker, expecting it to say something else, but it was silent now, only slight rustling penetrating through the sound of a TV working on the lowest volume. He couldn't help it but feel like Connor wasn't entirely honest or fair in attributing all the discomfort to Hank only. In assuming it. Insisting on it, even.
Well, maybe he did deserve it, Hank thought. After all, he couldn't deny commenting on some of android's quirks in the past. He just never thought it mattered. Never thought Connor thought anything of it at all. Although Hank was sure about one thing – he wouldn't give two fucks if he ever saw him charging.
Connor spoke first.
"I didn't know it'd upset you," he said, quiet this time.
"To find out that you've been walking on eggshells around me all this time? Of course it fucking upsets me," Hank sighed, "I just want you to feel at home."
"I do."
"It's hard to believe when you barely even have anything."
Hank looked around, searching for Connor's belongings around the room, but found that the only objects he could attribute to him were two cables: one thick and green beneath his legs with uncomfortably long needle-like connector, the other he held in his hand, "You know, usually people have something when they move in, and it makes it look accordingly. With you it's just... nothing. Like you're not even here or ready to leave any moment."
Maybe he is, Hank thought.
"I'm not people," Connor said.
Hank scoffed, his eyes not leaving the cable in his hands that he now held tight.
"I know. I know that you're not."
"-But you're more comfortable when I act as if I am," Connor finished for him, "You see, that's why I was charging in private."
"Fuck me," Hank released the cable and watched it drop to the floor.
"I'm just telling the truth."
With an increasing urge to have a drink he strolled towards the fridge. He took a bottle of beer out, stared at it for a moment, then returned it back to the fridge before opening a kitchen cabinet and taking a bottle of whiskey instead. He searched for a glass, but it appeared as if all the glasses and cups were already in use. Scattered around the house or piled up inside the sink, awaiting to be washed.
"Fucking great."
He unscrewed the bottle and took a few generous swigs. Embarrassment, hot and tight, gradually overshadowed by the burning of another kind. He took one more sip to drown it completely, but with no avail — it'd require more than that.
He couldn't care less about charging, probably wouldn't even notice it. It was unfair accusation, and bitterly Hank wanted to rub it back. He swallowed this urge with another gulp and set the bottle aside. Then changed his mind and took it back with him.
The speaker stayed quiet as Hank returned to the couch and stared at the screen. Channels flickering on and off as Connor was flipping through them. Over the course of three days Hank got used to the sound of abrupt phrases or songs cut short with a flip of a channel. It sounded like presence.
"I'll do it tomorrow," Hank promised.
Channel switched to an advertisement clip, a man in uniform holding his thumbs up.
Hank stared at it hypnotised until channels switched again.
"You did it on purpose," he said.
"It repeats every half an hour."
The channels switched again, now to display a fragment of music video, something from the recent hits. 'Over and over again' was its name, shouted during the chorus part accompanied with big inflated letters.
"Jesus, are you actually watching it like this?"
"In a way."
"You want to play something instead?" Hank suggested, "I have a few games in my library or you can pick something else if you don't like what I have."
The screen blinked into the digital library and scrolled through the entries.
"Yes, that could work," Connor said.
He scrolled through the list a few times, up and down. Pointless repetitive nature of it reminded Hank of the coin Connor used to toss around. A gesture weirdly anxious on his part. And annoying. He did comment on that as well, didn't he?
He groaned and took another sip off the bottle. Then finally set it aside.
"Wanna join me?" Connor asked. Something about the tone if his voice made it sound more like an apology than a question.
Hank could feel the room around him starting to spin as the alcohol was now getting absorbed into his bloodstream.
"No," he shook his head,"you should be online, though. I'm sure you can find a company."
He lay down on the couch and stared at the ceiling. The lights from the screen were reflected from its white surface.
"You should go to bed," Connor suggested.
"I'm staying," Hank grumbled. He had been sleeping on the couch ever since the first night Connor spent in his phone. He dreaded the silent emptiness of his bedroom. Plus, the bed was still undone and the sheets...Shit, he left them in the washing machine, didn't he?
"Fuck," he muttered and started to get up, but changed his mind and returned back. 'What does it matter now, anyway?' he thought.
Connor hummed in a question.
"No, nothing," Hank waved his hand in dismissal, "Nothing important."
He sighed, his head heavy against the pillow.
"Nothing at all."
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freddie-77-ao3 · 7 months
Percy Jackson-esque Chapter Titles for a fic i'm writing:
We have friends in holy places (and unholy- Hello Lady Hera!)
What’s Up, Random Person, We’re Kidnapping and Adopting You
Yeah, The Beach Is Nice- Thank You For Not Drowning Us
Hazel Was Dead and Still Knows More Than You
Thank Fuck For The Egyptian- How the Hell Did We End Up In Great Britain
Annabeth Is Obsessed and Bianca Is Possessed- There Goes Christmas
Question Of Our Lives and Today Especially: What The Hell Is Going On?!
Now Would Be A Good Time To Be Anyone Else
Call The Police Because We May Have Just Murdered A Mortal
Ask And You Shall Receive… Sometime In The Next Twenty Years Probably
A Guinea Pig, A Dandelion, A Pine Tree, An Olive Tree and Two Embarrassed Girls Walk Into A Bar  
Satan Or Santa? Neither Should Exist And Yet Somehow They’re Both Knocking On Our Tent Door
A Slight Reprieve From The Last Chapter: Connor Comes For You With The Question ‘Do Tents Have Doors?’
And We’re Back, Why Did You Guys Think Our R&R Would Last Long?
Sugar, Spice, Almost Dying Twice (Today)
Would You Put ‘Cheating Death Almost Daily’ Under Experience Or Special Skills?
An Inspirational Trip Through Hell- Persephone Makes Good Brownies
Those Commercials Where People Screw Up The Most Basic Of Tasks In The Most Idiotic Fashion Ever Describes The Current Situation
As The Prophecy Foretold (We Made It Up, But It Came True)
Living Normally? In This Economy?
And Then The Wolves Came… Sike (Thank Fuck)
The Snails Paced Chocolate Bunny Gives Mixed Messages But Good Cereal
What The Hades Is Going On, Someone Explain
Apparently Exploding A Volcano Makes Us 'Irresponsible’
Why Are Cats So Vengeful 
Oh Look! An Unhelpful Old Person!
The Adults Are More Annoying Than Leo Valdez and Nico Di Angelo Put Together
They Scream For Ice Cream, I Scream For Sanity
McDonald’s And Raising The Dead- Tuesday Never Looked So Good
Unfortunately, I’m Still Not Dead Or A Dolphin (Not For Lack Of Effort)
Eggs Apparently Don’t Like Being Lost At Sea
I’m Packing Up My Crayons And Leaving
Viva La Pluto, Fuck You Guys
A Guide To Giving Up
Hopefully We Can Do This Without Dying This Time
Lady Dirt Face Fucks Us Over- Apparently Today CAN Get Worse
Apparently The Horse Is A God, And Honestly, Fuck The World- But Not You Potty Sludge
If Love Is In The Air Then We’re Wearing Gas Masks- How We Almost Started A War On Accident
If Love Is An Open Door We Should Close It- Aphrodite And Cupid Both Suck
Vegan Ice Cream Sandwiches For One
I Call Shotgun (Said The Invisible Girl  and The Literal Ghost)
I Fucked My Way Into This Mess, I’ll Fuck My Way Out Of It
Things Go Horribly Wrong (Or Horribly Right? It’s Hard To Tell At This Point)
The Fine Art Of Bullshit
We Are Being Hunted And Killed (Why Is This Normal And How Can We Stop It?)
Previously On ‘The Chaos Chronicles”
Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool. Actually It’s Not- Who Lit Katie’s Hair On Fire?!
I’d Like To Say This Is Shocking, But That Would Just Be A Lie
One Hundred And One Monsters, And Twenty Times A Therapist Was Needed
I Am Honestly Surprised That We Are Still Alive, And Apparently So Are The Gods
You Will Never Be A God
Blackmail Only Works If I Care
An Offer I Can Definitely Refuse
Hush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry, You’ll Give Away Our Location, And Then We’ll Die
Only Come Back With Back Up Or A Burger- Maybe Donuts
Doomsday Or Not, Let Me Go Back To Bed, I Haven’t Slept In A Week And I Don’t Care
Practise Doesn’t Make Perfect, Practise Makes A Forest Fire And A Flood
Sea Foam Speaks and A New Person Shatters My Dreams
The Labyrinth Apparently Doesn’t Murder The Already Dead, So Can We Just Die Already?
For A Moment I Forgot Gravity, And As It Seems So Did The Sky, Which Is Good Because I’d Hate To Die Before Breakfast
And God Told Us To Run A Marathon- What Happened To Normal Executions?
At Some Point The Universe Just Needs To Kill Us
There Is Not Enough Faith For This, 
No Words Can Explain Dan, The God Of Moths and Accidental Demon Summoning 
 The Endless and Mysterious Ocean Becomes A Bit Less So, And I Should Have Paid For Diving Lessons
If Best Plus Bitter Equal Better, Then I Am Way Better Than Everyone
Firecrackers And Actual Crackers- Where Is The Cheese
He Likes Art. Terrible Art, But Still Art So I Suppose I’ll Forgive The Sword Through My Head
Hazel Drives Worse Than Thalia Which Says A Lot Because Thalia Crashed Into A Lake- Oh Wait
What Do You Do When The World Almost Ends- And No Nico, The Answer Isn’t Go To McDonalds
This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen (Just Like Me)
Can I Rewrite My Life Story, Because If So I’m Starting With This
I Wasn’t Prepared For Parenthood When I Stopped A Kidnapping, I’m Seven
Patting My Own Back, No One Appreciates Me, Fuck This And Really The Rest Of My Life
Apparently Dying Is Not An Excuse For Being Late, So Fuck You Too 
Buying Happy Meals For The Dead Isn’t An Excuse For Being Late
Caped God? I Was Hoping You Had Said Cape Cod
Incoherent Screaming Is Our Theme Song, And I Feel A New Episode On
Who Told Apollo He Could Give Us Presents, Because MCR Is Not A Proper Wake Up Call
It’s Jesus Who Ruined Our Lives This Time, Folks
Don’t Awaken The Ancient One, She Has Anxiety
I Did Not Know That Could Kill Someone, But You Learn Something New Every Day
The Gods Themselves Want Me Dead, You’re Not Special, Todd
Doritos And Death, A How To On Properly Waking And Raising The Dead Featuring A Trip To Alaska
What Was I Thinking? I’m Pretty Certain I Wasn’t
News To No One: The Previously Dead Can’t Drive
I Really Hate Saving The World Actually
How Many Times Is That Threat Going To Work Considering It’s Not Serious? A Surprising Number
Everyone Asks Who We Are, Not How We Are, And Honestly I’m Pretty Hungry
The Gods Hate Me And I Don’t Know Why (I Do Know Why, But I Don’t Care, And Honestly They Shouldn’t Either)
 Which Circle Of Hell Are We In Now, Because I Was Not Planning On A Field Trip To Tartarus
We Master The Elements (Some Of Them- We Also Torch And Flood New England)
In Which We Almost Die Again And No One Bats An Eye
 Our Lives Would Be Incredibly Saddening If We Could Sit Down And Look At Them, But Leo Burned Our Chairs 
The Houseplants Try To Eat Us, And Katie Gets Mad
We Babysit For A God, And Then Adopt His Kids- Surprisingly He’s Fine With This
Dreams Do Come True And That Is Absolutely Not A Good Thing
There Goes My Best Bargaining Chip (Oh And Also His Head)
A Series Of Horrible Decisions- Who Decided I Was The Leader
Hylla, Please Don’t Leave Us- Oh, You Can Give Us A Box Of Cereal? Nevermind 
Sunshine And Rainbows Are Meant To Mean Happiness Not War- Iris and Apollo Destroy Things
Please Don’t Hit Me With Another Brick
We Were Happy And Then There Was A Giant Pigeon
Oh My Holy Fucking Shit That Was Not The Right Lever
In Which Swimming With Sharks Almost Leads To Death And Yet Saves Our Lives
There Is No Highway To Hell As It Turns Out, Only Backroads, And Now Nico And Thalia Are Disappointed
And Then The Sky Almost Crushed Us Because It Fell And Honestly I’m Never Trusting You Again
There Goes Normal Society, Say Bye-Bye, Miranda 
Are We Supposed To Live Through This?
The Dick Who Hands Out Toothbrushes Also Assigns Us A Death Quest And This Is Why We Don’t Celebrate Holidays
Sorry For Cursing You Out, Please Fix My Life
The Plan Checks Out- We Can Do This! (Spoiler Alert- We Can’t)
Three Hundred And Sixty Five Times We Can Say Fuck In A Hour
Please Let Me Pass Out On Your Lawn
Apparently Yelling Fuck At The Sky Is Considered ‘Disrespectful’ And I Haven’t A Fucking Clue Why
Yes Sir, That Is A Lot Of Blood, And No Sir, She Doesn’t Need That Leg
That One Time We Accidentally End Up In The Slaughter Sea, And How That Manages To End Up With A New Leader Of The Amazon Empire And Thalia Gets A Girlfriend
Yes, I’m Aware I Look Gay, Thank You Very Much, I’m Here To Be Queer
This Person Is Nico di Angelo With Less Shits To Give, And Honestly That Scares Me
A Good Idea With Bad Results And A Bad Idea With Surprising Results- The Ending Will Astound You
Never Thought I’d Literally Be Shut In The Closet Again, But Life’s Full Of Surprises
One Million Pounds Of Oranges And Sadness, Sixty Thousand Pounds Of Mangos, And A Truck Full Of Happiness- Monsters Not Welcome
Who Packed The Blueberry Muffins?
Nevertheless She Persisted, And Yet Just Like That, She Gave Up
What The Hell Is This, What The Hell Is That, Why The Hell Am I Here, What The Hell, *Moonwalks Into Hell*: A Brief Summary Of Life
All Is Fair In Being The First One In The Shower
We Accidentally Summon An Army Of Lost Souls
All Our Nightmares Come True And We Prove We’re Idiots
Life Gave ‘Lia Lemons. She Squeezed Them In My Eyes. Please No More Lemons.
Trying To Play Nice To The Gods Never Ends Well. In Other Words, Percy Is An Olive Tree
What’s Happening? I’m Digging My Own Grave, That’s What
Finger Guns, Peace Signs, and Middle Fingers To Nowhere- Home At Last
In Jason’s Defense, He Tried, But The Dragon Was More Interesting
Keeping A Family Alive Can Be Difficult, Especially With No Education and More Monsters A Day Than Cash (Twenty Dollars)
Thalia Tries To Sing Over Annabeth And Percy Arguing And All That Happens Is A Noise Complaint
At This Point, Murder Is Less Of A Passing Thought And More Of An ‘It’s Only A Matter Of Time’
Cousin Bonding Time Doesn’t Usually Include The Gods, But There Are Burgers So…
According To The Crazy Titan Lord Kronos, Asking If A Newborn Looks Like A Rock Is A Question That Will Result In The Death Of The Asker
Oh Joy, I’m Facing Scrutiny Over My Love Life From Immortal Preteens
Oh Things Couldn’t Be Worse When Your Parents Run The Universe Oh Things Couldn’t Be Worse When There’s A Vote To Kill Us (Leo stop using Jazz hands!)
We Have The Worst Family Reunion Ever 3.0
Barbed Wire Instead Of String, The Fates Hate Me More Than You Might Think
Zombies, Zombies Everywhere, Wave Your Hands Up In The Air
The World Is A Different Place When You Know What The World Is (Spoiler Alert: It’s Your Murderous Great Grandma)
The Refrigerator Seems Empty, Much Like My Soul
Ah, The Smell Of Success, It Smells Like Bullshit
My Heart Is Broken (Like Those Crackers That Bianca’s Eating)
Utter Chaos: Now Featuring Camp Half Blood And Literal Blood
Family Drama Destroys My Life
Family Drama 2.0: Family Drama Destroys California
So Then A God Says We ‘Will Save Humanity’, And Thalia Says ‘What The Fuck’
Two Middle Aged Women Start Screaming In Walmart
The Main Braincell Holder Is Asleep, God Doesn’t Exist, And Starting Forest Fires Is A Normal Way To Deal With Stress
Hell Is Just Life On Steroids
Queerly Beloved, We Are Gathered Here Togay… A.K.A. A Bet Ruins Rachel Elizabeth Dare’s Life
Normal People Would Avoid This, But The Two Most Normal People Here Used To Be Dead Or Will Die When A Stick Lights On Fire, So We Can’t Have High Hopes
We Try (And Fail, But Hey, It’s The Thought That Counts, Right?)
So THAT’S Where The Greek Fire Went. Sorry, Bus Driver.
Percy Has His Gay Awakening In The Form Of His Grandfather (Technically. He’s Also Technically His First Cousin Once Removed Or Something- Annabeth’s cousin maybe?)
You're Annoying Me To Death With Your Monologue So I Have To Kill You Now
What Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong Doesn’t Mean You Should Set My Bed On Fire
Thalia Does Shock Therapy Meaning She Electrocutes People When They Say Things 
We Should Know By Now That Yelling Doesn't Solve Things But We Don’t, And The Gods Don’t Either
Most Of My Life Is Incredibly Traumatizing, But This Is New 
Who The Fuck Invited The Norse?!
Okay, I Thought The Norse Were Enough, Why Are The Magicians Here?
Wow. Popcorn. The Roman’s Worst Nightmare. 
So First The World Almost Ends, And Then The World Ends But It Gets Better, And Now It’s Ending Again?
Prophecies Can Fuck Off, And So Can Apollo
“Treacherous Nephew In The Tuxedo” Should Sound Funny, But It Doesn’t, And That Makes Leo Sad
 Why Is A Titan Making Dad Jokes? 
Falling Into A Dumpster Was The Highlight Of My Day, What Is Life
Grieving For The Living Is Just As Hard As Grieving For The Dead
Please Forget That I Tried To Kill You
In My Defence, An Invisible Higher Power Who Has The Ability To Strike Me Down Made Me Do It
Let Out A Boo For The Boom Man
Twenty McDonald’s Happy Meals And A Gun- Godly Gifts Are Awesome
We Enter The Maze Of Doom (This Time With Fabulous Prizes)
Two Brothers Are Not Happy As A Sister Cheers On Two More Brothers As They Duel To The Death- (Triton & Tyson & Kymopoleia & Percy & Anteus Have Sibling Bonding Time) 
The Eight Year Old With A Gun Manages To Save And Then Destroy A Life
Hello, I’m Queer, And Full Of Fear. Please Kill Me Now
Children Try To Make Plans (It Doesn’t Go So Well)
Thalia Grace Once Again Proves That Being A Demigod Really Fucking Sucks
It Don’t “Do Be Like That Sometimes” Leo, We Are In HELL
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gatitties · 11 months
Old habits
─Connor & Hank x reader (platonic)
─Summary: some nostalgia hit you and you decide to remember old times, the bad part is that Hank remembered too much.
─Warnings: none
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The red and blue lights were the signal that made you accelerate your steps, you hung your backpack more comfortably on both shoulders while you threw a spray can at the nearest trash can as if it were a basketball. You smiled stupidly as you heard the siren of the police car coming and going as you hid and ran like a rat through the alleys of Detroit, you felt like your fifteen year old self.
Using the darkness to your advantage, you took cover for a few minutes in an alley, long enough for the sound of the police sirens to fade away, searching for false clues about your whereabouts. Changing your posture and hanging your backpack on just one shoulder, you grabbed your headphones to walk calmly towards your apartment as if you hadn't graffitied an entire wall without permission from the owner or without checking whether it was legal to do so or not in that place.
You walked watching as children and adults flooded the streets dressed in horror themes, not all of them were certainly something terrifying, but people always like to have an excuse to dress up as anything. Not in your case, at least, not on this occasion, it wouldn't be a nice Halloween when you weren't the one who had to ask for candy but rather give it, and it wouldn't be a nice Halloween when you're the one who's stuck at work all night, you hate and love your work schedule in equal measure, but you've already agreed to it and there's nothing you can do.
You quickly went home to change into your uniform and leave the paint, with no time to waste since to no one's surprise you were going to be late, you didn't even stop for dinner like you usually did before your work shift, although you could always have dinner in the cafeteria there.
You almost tripped when you saw one of your companions with his face painted like a ghost, they offered you some sweets at the entrance and a small welcome as usual, what you did not expect that night was to find Lieutenant Anderson so late there, that old man swore to you that he hated working late, that he'd rather be drunk in a bar than doing reports. But he also swore to hate androids and seems to have adopted Connor like he was a puppy, so you can believe anything.
"Happy Halloween Hank, don't you want candy?"
Despite having just gotten these sweets, offering them never hurts, but Hank just waved his hand denying the proposal, without taking his eyes off of his computer while he typed.
"Yeah, yeah, happy… whatever, I don't like sweets, you can have mine."
Your face seemed to light up at his words, and even before he could give you permission to take them, you already had them in your hands, he shook his head at your childish attitude while a voice in his head murmured “young adults these days.”
You logged into your account, did some paperwork, checked some emails… after at least two hours you decided to take a short break, noticing that Hank was still in his place, although now Connor was also at his side, both of them seemed focused on whatever they were doing, not wanting to interrupt, you walked past them only giving the android a nod in greeting, he smiled slightly at you in response.
Luck seemed to be on your side when upon entering the cafeteria you saw no sign of Gavin, he had been being an idiot lately, that is, more than usual, and it wouldn't be too unusual to find him late going over some paperwork. You looked at the different sandwich options, opting to try a new one instead of the one you usually choose, you also took the opportunity to grab some coffee, your faithful companion would help keep you awake enough even though by now you were used to living like an owl.
You returned to your place and looked for a video on the computer because you are not having dinner without watching something, you finish your dinner quickly, tasting the coffee more slowly, before returning to work you decide to take another look at Hank's site, you smile when you see that he was frowning, annoyed by something, you whistle, catching Connor's attention, who seems to be waiting for you to speak when you exchange glances.
"Why does the old man seem in a bad mood?"
You whisper, hoping the aforementioned doesn't hear you call him old, the android moves a little closer, sliding his wheeled chair closer to your table.
"An old graffiti artist has returned, apparently Lieutenant Anderson started working with small petty crime cases and-"
"And you don't need to whisper so much, I'm still not old enough to have hearing problems." Hank approached both of you, in his own chair, crossing his arms while you tried to hide in some way, his look told you everything you wanted to know "Do you have anything to say in your defense?"
"Yes, you're making accusations too quickly, you don't know if I'm really- I mean, if that graffiti artist is really back, maybe someone is imitating their art, there's a lot of plagiarism in street art world."
"Oh my God, you're not fooling anyone, least of all me, I know you as if I had raised you myself."
Connor was left analyzing the situation confused by the lack of data, he tried to piece together the clues while your conversation with Hank went back and forth in a tightrope fight to prove your innocence. The android studied you carefully, blinking as he looked at your index finger and part of your palm.
"Dry paint?"
Was the only thing he said after seeing your hand, Hank raised one of his eyebrows as you slowly hid your hand, you shot a look at Connor who didn't seem to realize that he had unconsciously give you away.
"Then what the hell are we doing with you, should i arrest you now?"
"Oh, come on Hank! It's no big deal, it's something stupid."
"Something stupid that teenagers do, yeah, are you fifteen again or what?"
"I just thought I would relax a little by painting… it's not like I was committing homicide."
"No, but it can be considered a lesser crime, they can file a proceeding against you for that."
Connor joined once he had all the related data, doing a quick search for your artist pseudonym and the areas you had previously been painting in when you were young.
"You're not helping me."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize."
Both you and Hank said in sync, you looked at each other one last time before he sighed tiredly, he didn't have the desire or time to deal with old habits, he was the only one to discover that his internship student was the one that was doing so much street art at that time, anyway, you promised him that you weren't going to do this every day, you just felt nostalgic when passing by a paint store and decided to treat yourself now that the police were more attentive to Halloween pranks than small graffiti vandals.
The topic remained there when Fowler left his office, about half an hour later them got up, You moved your head away from the monitor, watching suspiciously as Hank put on his jacket to finish his shift.
"Are you leaving so soon? You could give me some company, I will die of loneliness."
"Oh you're not alone, I think you'll survive."
Hank pointed to a couple of officers who were in their booth or in the cafeteria.
"Whatever, then get out now."
You pretended to be angry, crossing your arms, frowning and looking away, though it only lasted a few seconds when he spoke again, Connor just watching the interaction.
"You know, if you're going to go back to your old ways, I'd rather you dress up and do those teenage things, you know, those… um, imstagarm? before you go back to your petty criminal stage."
"Oh- please don't remind me of that time, the way I dressed and acted has to be erased from all the memories of the people who saw me, as well as all my posts on social networks."
"Wow, I would never have thought you had that style, it's… very different from the current one."
Connor rejoined the conversation after searching your old social media, you thought you had gotten rid of all embarrassing content, but you more than anyone knew that the internet does not forget or forgive, you grabbed Connor's shoulders to shake him.
"Can you stop looking for information about those things? It's too embarrassing!"
Hank laughed, pulling you away from the poor android, you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose, they said goodbye to you as if they hadn't made you remember a time in your life that you preferred to keep in a drawer deep in your mind, although before Connor walked out the door, he turned to you, seeing that you were still thinking about those years.
"By the way, your art is really original, you should think about asking for permission to paint murals, there are also stores that request services of that type, at least they won't be able to fine you that way."
Momentarily forgetting the chaos in your memories, you smiled at Connor, thanking him for his opinion and advice, although he had to leave because Hank was getting impatient outside, you quickly said goodbye as you went back to having a conversation with an expert, namely yourself about you from the past and your old ─and some strange─ habits, coming to the conclusion that you would pretend that years didn't happen in your life and you went from thirteen to twenty-one in a year, yes it would stay that way.
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bluepotion85 · 1 year
Expanding Bootcamp - Chapter 5 (Male Wg Story)
Summary: Will and Connor are the last men standing unchanged on base and as they try to stay separated from the rest of the team, they start to feel the repercussions of sticking to their guns. The loneliness that comes with their predicaments makes them bite more than they can chew. will they crumble to their desires in the wish of fitting in? and will they see more than they are ready for in their desire for answers?  
(The following is a male weight gain fic. This is for the most part a slow burn deal)
A few days passed and I saw Carlos walking around base. I approached to try and invite him to train with us and was a bit spooked when I realized he was having a massive burger out on the way to one of his assignments.
“Hey Will, how is the day treating you? you saw the chow hall extended its serving hours and menu to cover for the demand?” - he asks before taking a massive bite of his burger.
I just watch pretending I don't see his uniform painted to him like a second skin. Some of the meat grease and ketchup lands on his shirt but he doesn't seem to notice or care.
After swallowing he continues “It was time, people are hungry at other hours, and living off of snacks is not optimal you know.”
“Oh of course” - I say trying to keep the conversation going and not to bring up the fact that one of the skinniest men I have met now is looking like Salazar a few days after landing here.
“So you wanted to tell me something?”
“Ah yeah, I wanted to check if you wanted to tag along with me and Connor for some training later today or tomorrow?”
“Thanks Will but I’m in a bulking cycle. I want to try and build some muscle and Bradley is guiding me on this new regimen. I think it's giving results already” -he says with a big smile and an air of smugness I haven't seen in a while.
“But thanks anyways, hey maybe you and Connor could tag along with us on the routine. You could do good with some mass.”
he grabs another bite of his burger and adds
“Or we could go to the recreation room, Hill has been getting better at the fighting games”
“Thanks, I will tell Connor and see what he thinks of the idea. See you soon”
During Dinner that night I told Connor about the conversation with Carlos. While I explain the situation, Carlos and Hill show up to the chow hall with some cadets and go straight to their table with the rest of the members of the Large and up team. They have completely stopped hanging out in meals with us and twins have integrated to their table as well.
Connor looks at me like he has just seen a ghost, after finishing my story he asks.
“Do you want to finish food somewhere else?”
We go out with our plates and have food in the benches by the field.
“I don't know Will, I feel like we are drifting away from the rest of the team”
A part of me feels partially responsible for this, Daniel just started hanging out with their group because I intervened, Carlos and Hill bailed out because we enabled Daniel’s conversations about the situation. I have to make sure we don't dwell into it though, at the end of the day we made our beds and we had to lay on them.
“They are happy Connor, I miss the company but I don't think either of us is looking forward to join their games”
“I know but that's also the thing, I'm not particularly comfortable with how they have changed”
“Do you mean for the eating competitions or because you are scared of ending up like them if you let go for a while?”
“You know it's not like that, I would never. . . We wouldn't get like that. It's just after all the effort we have put through to get along and to be top of our class”
he looks at me with a sad expression “Besides you, no one else seems to care enough to try and stick to the program. They all look so happy but they are also burning their work away. And it's all been so fast, I don't understand it. Is it bad of me to think this way”
“Connor, your world revolves around this. Not everyone is going to feel the same way. Carlos' parents are loaded, Bradley has a farm waiting for him at home. You know I need this for me and my family. They can enjoy their choices freely without much of a worry compared to us” - I take a pause and look directly into his blue eyes.
For Connor, who has placed his trust in the military and its people for his whole life, the idea of them plotting against us in this experiment represents destroying his world view. I know verbalizing his concerns right now is taking a lot from him. And even though I believe there is something going on now, I can't allow myself to push him deeper than he already is in his worries or fears. There will be time for that later, for now we have to stay together.
So, I add -“Regardless of what happens, we are getting to the end of this together ok?.”
“Ok Will, thanks” -he says with a smile.
We get both plates back to the chow hall where the group is now seeing who can make the loudest belch or something like that. We squirm out and go to the barracks, in the way there Connors middle grumbles. He signs and tells me his appetite has been on overdrive lately but every time he sees everyone else going to town during meals he tries to contain himself even more.
I try to console him and let him know that maybe it's because of everyone eating around us all the time, that a hearty meal tomorrow will fix him up.
A couple of days pass and Connor mentions how the food in the chow hall seems to be improving in taste, like the machine is adding more seasoning. I don't feel that much of a difference but agree with him just to keep the conversation lighthearted.
At this point Connor and I are the only ones not taking part in the team activities that have extended out of the meals for the day. Now you can see cadets eating full meals around the base while pulling their shirts down to cover their bellies. Others have food stains as the new badges of honor.
And for the biggest guys like Salazar and Bradely putting their size on display is more a power move than anything. They will belly clash as a greeting, compete on who can belch the loudest and even after getting bigger uniforms they start to go around base with open shirts to show their torsos. They go in groups shoulder to shoulder or resting their weight on others. They used to be teasy and playful but everyone seems to be more touchy nowadays.
One day while I get out of the waste disposal unit I catch Bradley and Salazar rough housing surrounded by some of their friends, after some laughs and pushes they start resting against one another. They bask in each other's size and stay like that for a while. I think I saw Salazar getting excited at the moment so I decided to move on, whatever happens I don't have to be a witness. They seem to be growing closer by the day and while Im happy to see them get along Im a bit worried they enable one another in their less stellar tendencies.
The field and gym feel like ghost towns while Connor and I train, and dust has started to gather in some places people have stopped showing up. We kept some hopes that Carlos, Hill or the twins would come back to train but as time passed the idea abandoned our heads.
To add insult to injury, a few days later I got assigned another shift in the watchtower. When I got to the top I found Carlos sleeping on the floor, his uniform was upgraded not too long ago to match his ever growing body. And yet it looked like it needed another upgrade now, his belly was resting all the way out, his shirt rolling all the way to his moobs. There were bar wrappers and other pieces of food all over the place.
Some cadets have started to ignore their tasks or do them half ass. Carlos sleeping on the floor covered in wrappers is a new mark. I helped him wake up. As soon as he is up he yawns and finishes blasting a belch on my face and asks me what time it is.
I immediately recoil, he starts to laugh like he just told the best joke in the last year. I told him the hour and that I came to continue with the patrol.
Before he can reply, Hill comes from the elevator with his arms filled to the brim with food, and half a hot dog hanging from his mouth with a chilled face.
“Hey Will, want some grub?” -Hill barely asks between munches
They explained the shift was for Hill and Carlos just tagged along, once they ran out of food Hill went for more and Carlos fell asleep waiting.
He started to stand up and his new pants ripped in the effort, he started to laugh and slapped his gut “I guess this big boy is ready for a new upgrade haha, If you excuse me Will I need some pants and to fill the tank”
Before I can argue they are getting in the elevator down.
Not too long after that Connor showed up to accompany me. Apparently he tried to play a movie in the recreation room to ignore his stomach begging for sustenance. But he got surprised by Salazar and Bradley while setting the player.
“They told me they wanted to watch the movie along with me and sit on the couch, I didn't want to look mean so I agreed. Before I could get a stool they grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in with them on the couch.”
I wince just thinking about it .
“I couldn't tell where my body started and where their bodies ended, Will those couches are supposed to be for 4 people and I was struggling for air between the two of them. I needed a shower after that movie. They were both sweating bullets just sitting there besides me, and of course I smelled like hell afterwards”
“That sucks dude, sorry to hear that”
“Even during the movie they started to eat the food from a snack box while I was fighting not to break the diet. Their bellies gurgle and vibrate with every piece of food and then belch like I wasn't even there. By the end of it all I had bits of food everywhere”
I was shocked by the description of the situation but I was trying to be nice so I tried to focus on something good from the situation -“Well at least you all hang out! Did you end up having anything to eat?”
“Apparently someone is filling the snack boxes with more than protein bars, they had pizza, fries and such. I tried Wil really but I was so hungry, so I caved in and had some.”
“Its ok Connor you also need to eat, this is no zombie movie you wont turn by having a pizza”
“Well I hope so, the gym at least looks like a zombie town haha”
He told me they watched some Scifi movie, when the movie was over he excused himself to have some food but instead went for a shower and then here.
We spent the rest of the night talking, around midnight one of the monitors in the watchtower started to blink. Apparently someone was walking around base.
When I looked through the visors I saw a figure entering the chow hall. I told Connor and we both went there as quietly as we could in the dead of night.
Once inside the hall we saw the light of the kitchen on, what we saw was a massive figure bent down on one of the fridges eating everything on sight.
“Who do you think it is? For that size it has to be one of the biggest cadets around even Salazar himself” -whisper Connor in my ear while we watched.
the man would grunt and moan while licking his finger and taking huge bites of everything. a can of cheese falled from the fridge and rolled and when the man moved to pick it up we saw it was Commander Parish.
Connor gasped and the commander looked in our direction like a praying beast. I covered Connors mouth and duck behind the wall that divides the kitchen and the hall.
We could hear the thuds of his steps as he moved toward us, he was just in the door frame, in the dark of the hall he didn't notice us a few meters to his right. I could see the same amber colored eyes that screamed at us on the first days of the experiment now wild looking for the source of the sound. But before he could notice us his belly roared and he mumbled “Ugh It must be my imagination”
We raised out of the chow hall and back to the tower.
“Well that explains why he doesn't go out of his office”-I say trying to make sense of what just happened.
“Oh sure it will be hard to teach by example when you are the size of fort knox!” -Connor shouts and tries to compose himself.
“Jokes aside, at least we know why he hasn't intervened lately, he would be a laughing stock if he tries to put us to training in his current state” -I add while I pace around the room.
“Yes but that doesn't explain how he left himself go so badly”
“He is human Connor, stuff like that happens.” -I reply not knowing if I'm saying that to convince him or myself.
“It's still weird that everyone has gone the same way in such a short time” -he looks to the ground and he holds his stomach.
I notice his middle is starting to look fuller but I don't think it is the kind of information he needs right now.
“Still hungry?” -I ask
“Is it too obvious?”- he said, looking at me with sadness in his eyes.
“Noo” -I get cut by his stomach that roars so loud there is no way to ignore. “ok maybe just a little”
He sits down on the floor and covers his face, I know he must be stressed by this so the empty stomach won't help. I'm not sure if what I'm doing is adding fire to the flames but I open the snack box and try to give him a protein bar.
He looks at it with anger but eventually subsides and he starts to eat it with a defeated look on his face, it doesn't last long though, once food has passed his lips he looks more calm. I sit beside him and we stay quietly for a while just making each other company.
At some point we both fall asleep.
I have a nightmare where everyone in the team is a zombie and I go up to the watchtower to take refuge. when I hear Connor screaming running toward the tower followed by a horde of zombies and asking for help.
Then I woke up. Connor is sleeping beside me with his head resting on my shoulder, and I feel something wet. This idiot is drooling all over me, before I could knock him out of his sleep I notice he is talking in his sleep.
“Yes mom I can have more stuffed potatoes, It's only been a few of them.”
This man was hungry for real, he was dreaming of food for gods sake.
For a second I'm taken back by him. His black hair has grown a bit since we got here,it's a little messy brushing on my side. His muscular body now covered with a thin layer of fat, the relaxed face on top of me. Resting like this together, makes me feel like the world has stopped moving and there is nothing to worry about.
I let him sleep for a few minutes, and then I got tired of his drooling ass and shake him into the land of the living. He wakes up a bit shocked that the stuffed potatoes are gone and I can only laugh.
We decided to cut the training for the day after the long night we had, once we got down the tower we went to have breakfast. I'm feeling rather hungry as well so we both get plentiful plates and sit down.
The food today tastes divine and Connor looks so pleased to have a full plate of food after days of abstinence. Once we are out of the chow hall we get started on our assignments. Since most of the base has gone laze mode we run over all the facilities and divide cleaning for the week.
Even while we try to ignore the situation for the time being, we agree to continue our runs and weight training. I can't deny that during the runs Connor takes a few more pauses than before. He shrugs it off like nothing happens and I choose not to make too much of it. But I can't deny the shine of sweat saturating his shirt makes it stick to his body, showing how it has grown.
During our weight training he opened the snack boxes and takes protein bars here and there. I was happy to see him less stressed but I also felt like telling him about his increased intake in those wasn't a good move. But I decided to stay quiet.
During Lunch we saw the casual shenanigans of the now rest of the cadets, a full display of gluttony. People ripping through their clothes, belching like there is no tomorrow and eating everything on sight.  
We got our food and sat. Connor had a rather big plate but an even bigger smile while taking forkfuls of pasta and chicken. I was a bit spooked by the idea of him also gaining weight and getting punished like everyone else when this experiment was over.
But I couldn't bear to see him scared and stressed like the last few days. So I sipped it.
Besides, the food had a great quality improvement. I don't know what they have been doing with the ingredients but it tastes way better.
The days pass and for the first time in a while I wake up first than anyone in our barracks. At this point waking up earlier than most is expected. Most of them are a happy snoring mess during the mornings. But I woke up earlier than Connor who is soundly sleeping in his bed besides mine.
It's weird to see him not being the first to run out of the barracks for training, but besides a more relaxed outlook I tried to convince myself he is still himself and nothing is going on. Then I get interrupted by my own gut gurgling for sustenance.
After waking up Connor and I go to have breakfast, we start to eat and slowly but surely the cadets start to fill the chow hall and the rowdiness of the day starts. The size difference of some of our team members is more than obvious. Open shirts, oversized pants and missing buttons are the standard of the group. Some of the cadets are having a waddle while they find their seats and others are starting to get used to their thighs rubbing together while they walk.
“Well its official we are the only two cadets not eating with Salazar and the rest of the team” -Connor point out while he drinks some orange juice.
I look towards the table again and I see everyone laughing and shouting while they eat and a part of me craves the company, my stomach grumbles and I continue to eat ignoring the inherent loneliness of the situation. Then Connor punches me in the arm and smiles
“Hey mate, cheer up. we don't need them. We have each other” -he said.
I can feel my face warm up a bit in part because he read right through, and I must have those sad puppy eyes I get at times. And secondly because he is right, I'm ok as long as I'm with him but I didn't realize how much I needed to hear it from him.  
“Yes, we do. I'm still thinking about what's going on though. I've been thinking about something but I don't know if its a good idea”
“Sure tell me what's on your mind?”
“You remember when I went to see the doctor a while back? I saw he has our records, If anything weird is going on he would be writing it down there don't you think?"
“Yes it's possible, Most people here have gone to the infirmary at least once or twice. But we can't ask Dr. Donovan for everyone's records, that's kind of illegal”
“I know, but if what I'm thinking is right then I have a way to distract the doctor. One of us could get into his office with the files and see if there is anything wrong going on”
“I dont think thats the best idea Will, if we get caught it could be career ending” -he says while licking his fingers from the garlic bread he was eating.
I see the rest of the cadets rowdy eating at Salazar’s table and Connor in front of me licking his fingers like nobody's business. All I can think of is I need to find out what's going on and If there is a way to stop it before it's too long. Of course I have to downplay it as much as I can to convince Connor to help me, I can trust anybody else to join me on this.
“It's ok, the doctor is pretty chill. Even if he find us I don't think he would report us”
Connor thinks for a second about it and signs “Ok What's the plan, but if this gets out of hand you won't hear the end of it from me Will” -he says looking worried
“Come on Connor we are the best team in this base, we will do just great!”
His expression softens and the memory of our drills makes him smile again.
“You know what, you are right. Let's show whoever is behind this what we can do”
The next day we get our plan in action.
I wait outside the infirmary, the cubicles that surround the main space of the building have windows looking toward the main field. I crouch under an open window in the cubicle closest to his office.
Connor enters the building and knocks on the doctors office, he is supposed to pretend to be feeling bad and start to faint. Connor has grown a bit and the doctor would move him to the nearest cubicle. Once I'm sure the coast is clear I will move to his office and pick at the archive lock. Read the reports of Salazar or one of his group and get out.
They take longer than I expect but since Connor is bigger I Imagine the doctor is struggling to carry him to the cubicle. I can hear through the window when they manage to get there.
“Come on connor just a few steps there, Jesus you are heavier than I remember”
I know Connor won't be happy about the remark but it's not a lie.
Connor hits the bed and the doctor starts looking for equipment to evaluate what's going on. I get started and enter the building as quietly as I can. Once I'm in the corner of their cubicle I take out a mirror to see what's going on inside the room without entering.
What I see is a massive doctor, No wonder he was having issues carrying Connor. His hips have grown to great tree trunks rubbing against one another. His robe is open and his scrub underneath is busting on the sides as he checks Connors airways.
I realize he has his back facing me and I run for it. I enter the office and get to the archive.
The storage at the base has a lot of things useful for training sessions and individual skill development but the one thing I wanted was a key picking kit. I swiftly open the lock in the archive and open it slowly not to make noise.
The files of all bases are here and I start looking for Salazar. With his file at my hands I start to get ideas running in my head, what if we have a weird disease, or if they are trying to test chemicals in the protein bars or a super additive in the food. Any discovery could be recorded here.
Once I open it, It's mostly blank after our check up. Salazar came for an antacid at the first days of bootcamp and gained some weight but aside from that nothing.
I put his file back in place and looked for Bradley, he came looking for a pain killer after overexerting at the gym early on but nothing afterwards.
Connor, Carlos, Hill, Neil, the twins, and nothing. I look through my file and there's nothing I didn't know about by this point.
I'm getting angry and the weight of my stupid idea weighs on me. I'm putting my best friends and my livelihood in danger for the sake of a random sense of fear, in god knows what conspiracy theory.
I put everything back in order. I get out of the doctor's office and rest in the corner of the door to the cubicle where he is attending Connor. With the mirror in place to see inside, the first thing I see is the doctor reading his record walking directly towards the door and Connor looks at me with shock in his eyes.
I start to think where to run and Connor shouts “Wait!”
We both look at him and he starts to look for his bag “I brought some treats from the chow hall, take one as a thanks you gift”
While the doctor looks at Connor with delight I run for the chance and get out the building. As I get behind the window outside their cubicle I can hear the doctor ravenously eating the food Connor brough, not even waiting for him to leave.
“Thanks for the snack Connor, that really hit the spot” he said accentuated with a belch
“You seem to be in perfect condition, maybe you were just weak. Did you have a good lunch today? Not that you seem to be on a diet haha”
I could already imagine the barrating Connor will give me once he realizes this was for nothing. Putting him through this for empty papers is such a shame.
Once we reunite outside I Tell him what I found and instead of ripping my head off like I deserve he looks at me with a tender smile and says
“I'm happy in a sense that we found nothing Will. It means we are ok”
My chest heart sinks and goes all the way back to my neck in an instant, first I think how could I deserve so much understanding and then I realize I'm lucky to have him as a friend.
“Thanks for understanding Connor, I won't get us in a situation like that again”
We continue our day as usual and try to forget what happened.
Another week passes and most of the cadets have stopped doing their assignments, we first noticed when dust gathered in places we didn't clean ourselves during the day. After some consideration we both agreed to try and cover the most tasks per day, to make sure everything runned smoothly. But we start to get stretched thin so we decide to split up to cover the full camp each day.
At times I see Connor cleaning around in his side of camp and see him sneakily having protein bars and other snacks and throwing the evidence so nobody notices but the tightness in his pants is the biggest red flag so far. His belly has grown in the past few days and his uniform is not fitting as well. Everytime his shirt climbs up his belly he gets red as a tomato and he pulls it back down.
While I do my part of the work I have also noticed that people are being more than affective, I catch some cadets kissing or groping one another in the storage, people uniting beds during the day and cuddling, and during one of my cleaning sessions I saw a stain that made me realize I was cleaning a previous sex scene.
Bradley and Salazar are definitely doing something more romantic, while cleaning one of the hallways I see them entering the barracks while everyone is in the recreation room. I try to pick inside and see what they are doing and what I found is them eating each other's faces for dear life, discarding items of clothing as they continue. I get back into the hall and go as far away from them as I can.
When I tell Connor about it he is appalled by the notion of someone doing that in the barracks and wondering if they cleaned after they finished, but I was surprised that he didn't complain about sex in the middle of a military camp.
The days pass and Connor is eating more and more during meals with the excuse of training extra hard in our sessions. But we are slowly struggling with them; Connor keeps asking for a minute to catch his breath. He is obviously embarrassed, and I try to reassure him I'm also tired, at the start I was just trying to keep him comfortable but now I'm also struggling to keep my breath while running.
I start to notice that Connor is also becoming more physical, he puts his arm around me when we walk around base, puts his leg on top of mine when we sit around and over all gets closer to me wherever the opportunity arises. It's a bit uncharacteristic of him and whenever I ask he rubs it off as just being friendly. To be honest I won't complain of the extra attention, and if it helps him feel comfortable I won't make a big deal out of it.
Being so close to him has made obvious just how often he gets hungry. If I don't hear his belly rumbling, I will feel it when I'm under his arm walking around. He gets embarrassed by it but he continues to do it every other time.
I'm not faring much better myself in the food department. At the start I was trying to fight my increasing hunger like Connor, by cutting on meals but it's not showing much progress either. I'm noticing my belly also expanding and it's getting in my head. The one consolation I have is that Connor and I are still the same as always, the weight is only expected with so much food around. Or I tell myself as much to keep the anxiety to a minimum.
At the end of the week I'm finishing doing some maintenance in the energy generator, when I get out of the building I catch a glimpse of some cadets walking towards the gym. They are talking and originally I didn't pay too much attention till one of them said.
“I'm sure this week will be great. Everyone’s been working for this”
I think for a moment that they are planning something that could explain what's going on and for a moment special agent William Kent is back in the case. I follow them at a safe distance till they get in the gym. I look inside and everyone is in a massive group forming a semi circle around the gym’s scale. Leaving an opening in the center where I can see what's going on.
I wait for them to take action, and suddenly the lights turn off. Some of them light candles around the circle and Salazar and Bradley show up. They get to the center of the circle and say
“Welcome everyone, we thank you for coming for our little celebration today” -Says Salazar with so much bravado in his voice
“Today we see who is the greatest of us all. I know some of you have things to do, games to play and food to eat so, let's get this party started! ”- adds Bradley
People cheer and shout as they get ready to start what I can only assume is a ritual of some sorts. My ideas of satanic rituals go out the fucking window as soon as Salazar steps in the scale and everyone gets quiet.
After a few seconds the scale beeps and it says “Error”
Everyone goes crazy shouting error error like they found el dorado. The scales in the base have a weight limit of 400 pounds, so that means Salazar managed to gain over that mark. I'm speechless with the oddness of this situation, but before I can process what's going on Bradley gets in front of the scale.
Salazar looks at him with hungry eyes and kisses him in front of everyone, the crowd howlers while they go and with a little bite on the lips Salazar tells Bradley “Try to pass that fat boy”
He slaps his gut and moves away so Bradley can enjoy the stage. He stands on the scale and waits for a few seconds and the scale beeps. What it says is “Error”
The cadets go even louder screaming Error. They all laugh and applaud Salazar and Bradley as heroes.
“Ok everyone, let's celebrate we crashed that stupid scale, and get everyone to the same weight and beyond” -Says Bradley while I run out of there.
When I find Connor and tell him what happened his face loses all color but quickly, he looks puzzle and asks.
“Ok that means they are actively encouraging one another?” -he asks.
“I guess, it doesn't explain the speed in which everyone has tag along. I can imagine some of them been into the idea but all camp?”-I reply looking lost for words.
“It begins to explain how those who have . . .grown, or at least ignore the issue. Salazar and his team just encourage them to keep going but it doesn't explain how the twins or Carlos and Hill got into it”
“I guess we could say we have a part into that right?"
"Yeah, but even so. None of them were into this mindset before Camp Celsus, so what's making them act like this?”
We ponder ideas for hours, from hypnosis to subliminal messages to chemicals in the food but nothing sounded . . . reasonable. So, we cut our losses and went back to the original plan, trying to remain strong till this was over. Just hoping we can fit through the door before that happens.
The growth at base continues and our guys are still trying to figure out what's going on? Some of the scenes in this chapter are my favorites in the story so let me know what you think of them!
Thanks again for all the support and nice comments!
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Oh look who’s sorry, now their answering to me
Tim was so tried, of the suspicious glares form Dick and Bruce even Steph, of being forgotten with the only people who would remember him on a regular and check up on him having tried to kill him. He just wanted to be welcomed in his home, not treated like and outsider to his family.
Harley noticed and offered to let him stay with her and pam. He accepted, Dami was heartbroken that the only two people who didn’t view him as a killer had left him.
Tim’s pov.
Living with Harley and Ivey was easy, though i wasn’t expecting to meet Harleys son Danny, he is kind and always makes sure i’m ok and doing well, He makes sure i’ve slept and eaten, he made me feel like i’m not a burden. So when he proposed that we start dating, of course i said yes. After dating for about a year we got our own two bedroom apartment, Damian would often stay with us to get away from Bruce’s bullshit. After two more year Danny proposed with Damian’s help, (3 years of dating) I had never stopped being RR. After a year and a half we both revealed our secret identity’s. Once we were engaged I moved into the place in the infinite realms. Damian moved with us. we consider ellie and dami our kids they get along like siblings being closer in age. Our wedding was grand the ghost called it the marriage between hero’s or, to kind souls becoming one. Danny got my father to walk me down the aisle. I hadn’t seen him in years it was like a dream come true, Dami was my best man with Jason and Connor and some other old friends as my groomsmen. Danny had all three of his siblings along with his two oldest friends. We were both over joyed the celebration was amazing, everyone that had made a positive impact on our lives were there Cass showed up and it was like the icing on the cake.
3rd person pov. Time skip three years.
Bruce was going insane it had been three years since he’d seen his youngest two kids, he know he’d treated them both badly Tim more so then Dami. He was in a JL meeting when a green portal opened and swallowed all the hero’s. When the shock wore off they saw that they were in what appeared to be a court room. They were chained in the center de-masked. A man sat in he judges spot. “Who are you and where are we” someone yelled bruce didn’t care, he couldn’t believe that his second youngest whom he believed to be dead stood there look healthier then when he live with bruce. “Oh, well i’m the king/queen of the infinite realms and you are all here as witnesses” (i stand gender fluid Tim Drake) “Tim what’s the meaning of this” Bruce yelled as he was left in the center while the other members filled the stands. “Darling I think your going to be quite a bias judge” a new voice spoke up, and a man with electric white hair slinked out of the shadows he was about 6’8 towering of Tim who stands at 5’10 average height. Tim tsked “why don’t you and Dami have a seat in the stands while i cover this one” “ Fine he responded Dami is already sitting there” The man bruce still didn’t know his name sat in the judges spot, “I Daniel Nightingale, holder of the ring of rage, King of the infinite realms ect. Charge Bruce Wanye with child abuse, child neglect and child endangerment, his punishment the nightmare realm” The man, Daniel had stated with a smirk, the magic users were shocked what had Bruce done to get this attention from both Kings of the infinite realms. “My dear i’m pretty sure that’s worse then what i was going to give him” The other male, Tim as they had learned said. “ well i’m sticking him with Vlad so it’s a fair trade” A childish laugh was heard Robin, the one that had gone missing sat there laughing as his father was put in the nightmare realm until they got borde of him. “ Well Tim off to the garden for tea with me” the boy had said “Of course” and the two walked off through the grand doors. Daniel watched with a smile before turning back to the remaining members “If you even dare to try anything you’ll be experiencing the nightmare realm first hand, got it?” He said as he smiled with to many teeth. silence followed by many heads nodding. “Good well off you go” they fell through another portal back to there meeting place. Danny smiled he now had a good life with an amazing family and he was going to let nothing harm them.
The end
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tricerotopicpt2 · 7 months
Fable SMP Pokemon AU
Ok, so I've had alot of thoughts about a fable smp pokemon au. I definitely have full team ideas for some characters, but I have at least a partner pokemon and reasoning as for why for every character and thought that I'd share them! Some reasonings are definitely alot stronger than others 😅, but there is at least one!
Icarus: • Decidueye It's a bird-shaped (not flying type), ghost type, archer pokemon. It feel pretty fitting
Rae: • Espeon It evolves with high friendship, psychic type, incredibly loyal. These are all traits that feels fitting for rae (also a callback to heyhay's cosplay)
Athena: • Litten I mean it's a fire cat. I feel like that's reason enough.
Caspian: • Lycanrock (mid-day form) Guys its atlas For caspian, I have an idea for a full team, it's just hard to pick a partner pokemon for him, but i decided that since I have lycanrock on his team because of a pet, it felt the most fitting to be the partner pokemon
Fenrir: • Houndoom It felt like the most fitting wolf themed pokemon The rest of his pokemon are definitely more space themed (minior, aurorus, lunatone, ect.)
Ulysses: • Feebas Its known for being incredibly tenacious in tough situations, despite its appearance and being usually ignored. Its moon dex entry also says that its vitality makes it a subject or research. I also like the idea of Ulysses trying to get it to evolve, but just not figuring out how (Its totally because I think they look alike)
Aax: • Sharpedo An extremely powerful water type pokemon, also its dark typing makes it super effective against ghost types.
Jamie: • Dachsbun Its connor the dog. Also Jamie sure is baker and I think bread dog is a fun way to represent that
Momboo: • Meganium Can revive dead plants and grass. Also I just think it fits the vibe
Easton: • Bronzong It's a steel type bell pokemon, which feels fitting. it's also known for bringing rain
Haley: • Corsola I like the idea that something happens that causes it to somehow become a galarian corsola (which is a dead little ghost corsola) Idk how, but yeah.
Seven: • Klinklang It feels a bit obvious, but its fitting so-
Centross: • Ceruledge It's a very powerful pokemon that's exclusive to pokemon violet. "Ceruledge dons an old set of armor steeped in grudges and wields blades made of fire and ghost energy. In battle, these blades transform into great swords to increase Ceruledge’s power. Cuts from these great swords leave wounds from which life energy will flow." Also just look at it.
Ocie: • Basculegion Not only is it a hisui exclusive pokemon (which means its old as hell) and a water type, its dex entry says "Clads itself in the souls of comrades that perished before fulfilling their goals of journeying upstream." Which feels fitting for Ocie.
Ven: • Alolan Vulpix Guys it's a little white fox. It's just like him.
Chaos: • Yanmega It's a dragonfly. And also extremely violent and powerful according to its dex entries
Galahad • Armarouge It's a warrior that's extremely loyal. Also fire type.
Original Arisanna • Togekiss I like the idea of the allays being togepi
Vexed Arisanna • Tinkaton I think it's a reasonable pokemon for arisanna to have already had, but pivoted more towards once she was vexed. Its and extremely intelligent pokemon, but its known for being mercilessly violent and stealing what it pleases.
Addie: • Spinarak It felt like the most fitting spider pokemon
Will: • Meowscarada I mean its got a mask. (Guys please I was so stuck on will if you have better ideas PLEASE give them)
I was too much of a coward to give the world sisters mythical/legendary pokemon, but if I did I think they might have their respective island guardians (tapu bulu and tapu fini) alternatively, ocie having suicune and momboo having virizion. Or Ocie having manaphy/phione and Momboo having shaymin
Anyways! Those are my thoughts on the characters partner pokemon! If you have suggestions PLEASE give them! I definitely want to come up with some pokemon for the npcs and gods aswell!
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miralyk · 7 months
love the drawings you've been making for desmond and alex, what's ghosts in the machine? first i see them crawling out of your screen and now everyone's angels devils or monsters, i don't know if i'm missing something!
ah man, think it's time to try to summarize everything and apologize LMAO;; ty for asking though, i should've made things less confusing! this will be a Pretty lengthy post for irl context/backstory and "actual au" info so be ready if you want to read everything!
(for starters, the title's just a pun on the philosophical phrase "ghost in the machine" interpreted Literally and taking inspiration from clay in ac revelations, since he Was a ghost in a machine and jokingly called "my guardian angel" by des, haha)
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the short version: basically, "ghosts in the machine" is what i've called the au(?) where i just doodle silly "artist talking to her art muse(s)" stuff like these kinds of comics instead w me,, the ""art muse"" is whatever i'm hyperfixated on (currently desmond, the assassin brotherhood as a whole, and alex/prototype lmao):
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the Full LONG version: when replaying prototype and ac awhile back, i also posted fanart on LOFTER (china’s local version of tumblr) and made a mainlander mutual/friend who drew fanart too, like her oc w the assassins in an animal shapeshifter 刺客信条乙女向 (assassin’s creed otome) au! as i’m vietnamese-american and she’s chinese, we use translators and send pictures/doodles to talk about the games and our days, and when i was replaying prototype, she started ac2 too and sent me this as commentary:
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from there, whenever we’d text or send pics/art, it became a running joke of sorts to also include our ""game companions"" like that fanfiction thing of “author’s note where the author and fictional characters comment on the situation and/or talk to each other”, and my doodles also became us or our computers being accompanied by them LMAO;; that’s pretty much the origin and setting of the particular doodles; just the daily shenanigans and art struggles of an artist (me and her) talking to their art muses (characters from special interests) haunting them and their computers
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as for the "supernatural" aspects, at some point desmond and alex got drawn an as angel and devil because i’ve had ridiculous “protected by a guardian angel” luck lately like surviving a car crash unharmed, they’re my favorites and associated with me, the motifs match the duo, etc, it's not really that deep and/or for a "Lore Reason";;
likewise, the brotherhood got drawn as ghosts to emphasize the “we/our computers are haunted by them” joke more, along with how my friend and i are both asian and used to like ghosts and ancestral worship casually being a part of our lives already LMAO (ig in the context of the au then, they’re basically desmond’s ancestral spirits disney-mulan-style that freeload off of his vietnamese protectee (me) for both spiritual veneration or "worship" like staying relevant in this modern age via fanart)
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for example, i'm also considering drawing like altair, ezio, connor, and edward as the vietnamese four holy beasts just to play around, things like that! there's no special lore reason aside from just personal thoughts and "oh that'd be fun to draw", they just thematically fit well being four prominent “legends” and being desmond's ancestors, etc,, haha
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at the end of the day, "ghosts in the machine" are just silly shenanigans of me drawing what's on my mind, from who/what i'm hyperfixated on (aka impromptu art muses for me), any thoughts/frustrations i have w daily life or drawing stuff,, and "hm this sounds cool, i could draw this design or Cool Thing" stuff. it's not really an au persay (plus i still really cringe and feel self-consciously wary about the embarrassing self-insert aspect of all this, help lmao), it’s just,, just silly personal scribblings that are kind of sharing an inside joke to everyone now, but i'm happy to know people still humor these silly drawings and are curious if there's more to it, thank you!
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breezy141 · 8 months
༺♡༻ similar stories || simon ‘ghost’ riley ༺♡༻
༻✦༺ part one ~ the beginning ༻✦༺
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“i didn’t carry you for nine months just for you to turn around and tell me your leaving. you are not going anywhere y/n, once your eighteen, then you can do whatever the fuck you want, but while your here and living under my roof. you will not be going anywhere!” you wanted to leave, you were prepared for the worst but clearly you had no idea how far it would go.
“at this point, i wish you never carried me. should have gotten rid of me when you had the chance! since i was little you have never been a mother to me. no wonder dad left! at least he treated me like i was something” you clutched your cheek. the woman you called your mother just..slapped you.
slapped her daughter, her only daughter. tears pricked at your eyes, you didn’t dare to cry infront of her. didn’t want her to think you were weak. all you remember was rushing to your room and packing all your bags with whatever you could get your hands on. clothes, socks, blankets, pictures. everything.
it was an impulse decision but you knew it was for the best. “y/n! y/n i swear to god you get back here right now!” your mother shouted to you from the bottom of the stairs, ignoring her you continued packing your things. in due time she made her way up the stairs calling you every name under the sun.
as you threw your art supplies in a separate bag, mother barged her way into your room. grabbing a chunk of your hair and-
“y/n?” a familiar voice pulled you out of your thoughts, startling you a little “you’re zoning out again” you nodded, apologising for ignoring your friend.
you were stood in the kitchen of your home, near the sink, the tap had been running for how ever long you were stood there in a trance of your own thoughts. “no worries, thinking of her?” nodding as you turned off the tap, you turned around to look at your friend.
“i wish things didn’t go the way they did, i mean i don’t even talk to connor anymore. she tore the family apart, i hope he’s okay”
“i’m sure he is, you always said how much of a brave fella he was. he saw the things she used to do to you, he knows she isn’t a good person. hell, maybe he’s trying to get out of there too, maybe already has” your friend pushed himself away from the counter and made his way to you.
“he’s okay lass, trust me” you nodded and shot him a smile “thanks johnny” he nodded and began walking to the back garden. “come on, come celebrate” after contemplating a little if you wanted to go back outside, you decided you might as well. some of your closest people were out there waiting for you.
running a hand through your hair you decided on following johnny out and apologising for your absence. “ah hey kid! bout time you joined us again!” john price, practically the guy who saved you in a way, without him you’d probably be living on the streets.
a week after the incident you planned out a way to escape from home without mother noticing. it didn’t take a lot of planning, as you picked up her familiar routine. she came home from work, drank a few bottles of cheap beer, then slept the rest of the night.
so, you waited for her to pass out drunk of the sofa, once that was confirmed you slipped a note under your brothers door explaining what you were doing, why you’re doing it and how he can contact you in the future if he wanted to. after that, you slipped out the back door and ran as fast as you could without trying to alert the neighbours dog.
unfortunately, you didn’t have much of a plan after this. so the only thing you thought of was to go around knocking on people’s houses asking to stay the night, probably the most unsafe thing you could have done however it couldn’t have gotten any worse.
thankfully, after an hour or two of getting told no, you happened to knock on the door of a gentleman who was willing to help. the man who opened the door was in plaid dressing gown, with brown joggers on and slippers. when he opened the door, he looked at you from top to bottom assessing your appearance. slugged shoulders, pleading eyes, chapped lips and a scar that went from your temple to to your jaw.
for some unknown reason he intimidated you, it made you forget the same thing you had rehearsed to the many other people before him. “i-i just ran away from home, for a good reason” you quickly added on.
“i’m only 17, i have have no where to stay and i was just wondering if i could maybe stay the night. i know it’s a huge ask but i’ll only be here to the sun comes up and i’ll be gone. i don’t mind where i stay i just..i need somewhere to stay” you let out a deep sigh, feeling relieved. the way he looked at you made you have a little bit of hope.
“name?” he deeply said, your furrowed your eyebrows “what’s your name?” your face relaxed, again it built up the feeling of hope “y/n l/n” he nodded “come on then”
it had taken you back, you smiled slightly “really?” he nodded “come on, your letting the cold in” you nodded and quickly hurried up the steps. you squeezed past the man, saying thank you nearly a million times. he showed you to a spare room he had in the basement of his home.
his home was cosy and inviting. you scanned the environment as he showed you down the steps, he had pictures of him, friends, family as well as army pictures, medals and self portraits of himself.
“you’ll stay down here, tomorrow we can discuss what your plan is. i’ll wake you up at eight thirty, can you eat everything on an english breakfast?” is he offering me a full english? you nodded your head. “night” he said while walking back up the steps.
-end of part one-
this first part was just an introduction to the story. i really hope you guys will enjoy this, i’m hoping to actually keep on top of this. i’ve had writers block FOR SO LONG and finally decided to just go for it.
love you 🫶🏻
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dogwasthrown · 7 months
Back from the dead for a day!! Comin at you wit
Nsfw 🤭
Minors dni! Every1 enjoy <33
It was a muggy, rainy day on base. Hot, stuffy rooms meant irritated, restless soldiers looking for something to do. Some conversation to butt into. The day was long and uneventful and to top it all off there was a report waiting on your desk, due in several days.
“Alright you lot, I’m knackered jus’ lookin’ at you all trainin’ like dogs.” Captain Price called out, taking an unamused look at everyone in the room. “You're all dismissed.” He concluded, before walking out alongside Gaz and Soap. Unfortunately for me, I was in the middle of a sparring match with Ghost. It's not that I hated him. I myself was a lieutenant. He wasn’t any higher than I was. So in theory there was no reason to dislike him. Except for the fact that I did. I saw him as a threat and even somewhat of a rival. Someone to compare myself to. So though there was no reason to hate him in general, I did.
Pulled from my thoughts, I remembered where I was, standing stupid on the sparring mat with a 6’2 man now lunging at me. I narrowly dodged his attack, rolling away at the last second. Before I could get up Ghost had wrapped a strong paw like hand around my ankle, yanking me towards him.
“We don’t call you Fox for no reason Lieutenant. Act like it.” He spoke, smirking slightly. I growled, rolling away from him and jumping to my feet, avoiding a punch. Before he could gather his bearings I rushed him, slamming him into the ground. At first I thought it to be a miracle, then remembered he was already a little off balance and tired. As he stood up I ran at him again, taking the opportunity while he was disoriented, to slam him into the ground, albeit taking me with him. At first I let out a huff of a laugh then I groaned in pain as I felt warm liquid cover your abdomen.
“Fuckk…” I groaned as I abandoned the fight in favor of pressing my hands to my wound. Ghost understood and backed off, going over to his bag, grabbing his things and getting ready to leave. I stayed there on the ground, gritting my teeth to contain any sounds of pain. Suddenly I hear a voice behind me. Connors. A sergeant who seemed to think your rank didn’t matter as a woman. It was only nature that in a male dominated field I’d be treated like shit from time to time.
“Aww did the poor little runt hurt herself?” He laughed alongside his friends, all looking down at me. There was no point in reporting them as it would just come back to bite me in the ass anyways. Connors walked forward, crouching down to my level as I glared. “Hmm, maybe that's why Price put you on his team. He takes in runts of the litter all the time. He’s weak for that.” He replied, his breath smelling strong of some shitty vodka seltzer and even worse smelling cigarettes. It was evident he’d gotten drunk and tried to hide it with cologne and mouthwash which didn’t help at all.
“Get the fuck off me.” I spat, getting ready to stand up but Connor had beat me to it. He’d grabbed my arm roughly, yanking me to my feet and causing me to stumble. To anyone else not paying attention, it seemed friendly. Though in reality it was far from it. To stop me from stumbling he put his other hand on my hip, purposely digging his thumb into your wound through your shirt. Pain seared through me though I made no move or sound.
“Should’ve died with the kid you worthless bitch.” He growled, leaning his mouth close to my ear. “If I were anything like you I’d kill myself before an enemy wasted bullets on something as useless as you.” He gave me a cold smile before a gruff voice floated through the air behind me. I hadn’t realized how glossy my eyes were until I was facing Ghost.
“Something wrong?” He asked in his normal deep British accent. I pushed past him and bee lined for the infirmary, trying to calm myself. Around 10 minutes later and over twenty grimaces, I had new stitches and better bandages in place. Just as I was thanking the nurse and walking out, I heard Ghost. Though his voice was eerily cold. I let out a scoff when I realized he was talking to Connors. I turned and walked the other direction, straight to my office. Not but 3 minutes later someone turned up at my office, not even bothering to knock but rather just walking in.
“The hell? Could’t you have-” When I looked up I I was met with a tall brooding figure. Ghost. “I could’ve handled that.” I glared at him, leaning back in my swivel chair. “Listen, I get that you don’t like me. That's fair. But talking shit about me to Connor of all people? That's low.” I sighed as he stood still. “Whatever. I have an assignment I need to go over with Price.”
“An assignment? What makes you think you're fit for the job?” He asks in a gruff tone. I froze as I stood.
“Excuse me?” I glared at him, clearly offended. “I can handle myself thank you.” I said, venom dripping in my tone.
“Like hell you can. You were bleedin’ out all over the mat.” He replied in a cold tone. “You should stay here. You wouldn’t be able to finish the job.” At these words, he’d set fire to the wick of anger brewing inside me.
“If you didn’t hover so much I could have.” I shot back, knowing that if looks could kill he’d be dead. I turned my back to him, grabbing files from my cabinet.
“Like you could do half the things you do around me without my help.” He said, glaring at me though I couldn’t see his face fully through his balaclava.
“Oh I know I could.” I turned on my heels to glare at him.
“You can't.” He stated simply yet harshly and I scoffed again.
“Watch me.” I growled, glaring at him as I pushed passed him forcefully and right out the door. I made it my personal mission to go on that mission no matter what. I marched straight to Price's office, immediately wanting to talk to him about the mission before Ghost could send him an email or even a quick text. In hindsight I probably should’ve done that myself before just barging in. Nonetheless he let me go on the solo mission and I happily pranced out to the hangar giving Ghost, who was leaned up against the wall, the best ‘fuck you’ look I could.
Several hours later I was drenched in blood. Some of it belonged to me and some belonged to the enemy. My front was caked in dirt as I was originally supposed to snipe down a small enemy post and retrieve intel but the wrong briefing was sent out. There were several dozen men and women hunting me now. No one's fault on base at least. Not even Price. Now I was shivering in the sludge left over from melted snow. Remnants left over from the previous winter melted into the January mud, creating a sludge that jammed guns and made running awfully hard. Hiding in the small ditch near the woods of the base, I found myself wishing Ghost was there. He’d know what to do. I was alone and therefore more vulnerable. Normally Ghost would be there to make me stare at the ground, or he’d make me count to twenty to distract me from explosions too close for comfort. He’d guide me with his annoyingly big hand on the small of my back, knowing where the enemies were ahead of time. I refused to die here in a muddy ditch. I already had the intel and technically I could call it quits now and just run for the escape truck placed about a mile into the woods. Taking that I didn’t have many options left I stood, shucking off the extra layers I had on, including my bullet proof vest, and ran. The more I ran, the more my panic grew.
Soon I heard footsteps behind me. No, not footsteps. Dogs. Dogs running through the mud and sludge. They’d let dogs loose to chase me out. I pumped my legs faster than I cared to, ignoring how shots were being fired directly at me. I let out a pained sound when a bullet grazed my leg. When I saw the truck, relief flooded me and I ran faster with newfound hope. I climbed in quickly, finding the keys in the ignition. I floored the truck and didn’t stop speeding until I’d reached base. Even by then my adrenaline hadn’t gone down and I was nauseous.Stumbling from the truck with the intel in hand, I made it through the front door and to the rec room where I shoved the intel into Soaps hands and pushed past Ghost to the public bathrooms, immediately throwing up anything in my stomach. The adrenaline had gone to my stomach, leaving me shaking. I was too busy trying to control my breathing to hear someone walk in and enter the stall I was slumped down in. I jerked away when strong hands tried touching me, though there was nowhere to go in the small stall and I really just turned around aggressively. It was Ghost.
“You're alright ‘s just me.” He said calmly, directing me back to facing the toilet and all the stomach acid I’d thrown up. I nodded dizzily and let him move me however.
“Your… you hate me. Quit being nice.” I slurred out before hurling up more stomach bile. He didn’t respond except for a simple pat on the back and a hum. I hadn’t even realized he was actually rubbing my back with one hand and holding my hair back with the other. When I was finally done puking and the contents were flushed, I leaned back against the wall. Staring at Ghost I realized something. The obsession. The so-called rivalry and hate.The sexual frustration. I didn’t hate Ghost.
I had a thing for him.
“You're staring.” He said calmly. Almost too calmly for having watched me throw up.
“So are you.” I shot back, averting my gaze to the wall of the crappy bathroom stall. He didn’t reply, instead asking a question.
“What happened?” He asked and If I was paying attention I would’ve noticed his voice was softer now. As if he was trying to not spook a deer.
“I was given the wrong briefing. I don’t think it was Price's fault.” I mumbled, leaning my head back against the wall. “I was only supposed to be taking down a small enemy post. In reality it was a full base. They… sent dogs after me.” I sighed, closing my eyes. Doing this I’d missed how Ghost stiffened at the idea of wild dogs being let loose on me. He stood and I opened my eyes.
“You should go get cleaned up. I have something to do.” he said quietly and turned to leave. I watched him walk away and out of the bathroom. It had finally dawned on me that he was in the women's bathroom and probably wasn’t allowed in here. After another ten minutes I stood up and made my way to my room. The nice thing about being a Lieutenant is that I got my own room, away from other soldiers. I grabbed clothes and headed out for a shower, working up the courage to finally assess my wounds.
The bathroom was cold and empty, though I didn’t care as it meant I could take a shower for however long I pleased. Stepping into the water I hissed at the sudden contact of hot water on my wounds but soon relaxed as it eased my sore muscles. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, going over the events of the day. Specifically the ones of Ghost, before and after my mission. My cheeks turned soft pink as I thought of him, realizing maybe he didn’t hate me but had his own way of being nice. Maybe he wasn’t shit talking me to Connors. The more I thought the more I wanted to talk to him. To see him. Touch him. A hand slipped down my body to brush over my clit, gasping slightly before yanking my hand away. He was my lieutenant. I shouldn’t be doing this. Nor thinking like that of him. I leaned against the white tile wall, letting my other hand brush against my nipple,over the piercing, and suddenly the other was between my legs again, rubbing soft circles on my clit. Small whimpers left my mouth though I didn’t care as I was fairly sure the running water and showerhead drowned out any sounds. What I wasn’t aware of though, was that Simon Riley was leaning against the wall near the doorway. Though it was clear we were both out of sight of each other, it was clear to Ghost what was going on.
I let out a high pitched whimper when I knew both me and my arms were too tired to let me finish so instead I carried on with the rest of my shower, wrapping myself and stepping out into the empty bathroom. I dressed in comfortable clothes that wouldn’t irritate my wounds too much and padded barefoot to my room. Dropping my clothes into my hamper and laying down in my bed, digging through my nightstand for my little pink vibrator. I pushed down my shorts and underwear enough to press the silicon to my little nub, letting out a sharp gasp when I flicked it on. My hips immediately bucked up, though my hand followed. I let out the softest of moans and even embarrassed myself at one point. “Ghost-” I whined, coming closer and closer to the edge of relief. My thighs started shaking and my shoulders tensed up. “Simon-” I choked out, right on the edge of release when it had simmered down. “N-no!” I whined out when I realized the vibrator had died. Just then, I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Straightening up I pulled my underwear and shorts back up, cringing at the fabric rubbing against my center. As if right on que, a knock came from my door. “Coming just uh- give me a second.” I tried to adjust myself to look less debaucherous.
I stumbled to the door, opening it rather quicker than I preferred. To my surprise I was met with the stare of Ghost. “Oh… hello Si- Ghost. Hello Ghost.” I corrected myself, mentally facepalming. Smooth. “Did you umm- did you need something?” I asked, trying to sound calm and relaxed though I sounded far from it.
“Just wanted to check on you.” He said, shooting me a knowing look when I looked away nervously.
“Oh right well I'm fine.” I replied quickly, almost making it seem like I was trying to get him to leave me alone. He didn’t respond to me as he instead stared at something past me. “Ghost?” I asked again and still no answer. I turned around, eyes scanning my room nervously until I had found what I was certain he was staring at. I’d left that stupid pink vibrator charging on my nightstand. “Fuck-” I said turning around to face him. “I’m so sorry I-” All my words had caught in my throat. Though when I looked back up at his face I immediately noticed his change in posture and demeanor. His eyes seemed darker and he was staring at me like I was some piece of fresh cut meat. Without another word he leaned down to my level and whispered gruffly.
“Nod yes or no if you want me to walk into your room.” I was about to reply when he shushed me “reminder darlin’ I will not be held responsible for anything that happens alright?” He asked and without a word I nodded. “Words sweetheart.” he murmured, staring more at my lips now than anything else.
“Yes…please.” I said softly, lacing my fingers with his. Before I knew what was happening he was lifting me up and pinning me against the now closed door. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist, though my ankles barely touched behind him. His mask was rolled up to the bridge of his nose and his mouth was on mine within a second, breathing in each other's breath until we were panting.
“Tell me… tell me what you were doing in the shower.” he asked, trailing sloppy, wet kisses along my jaw. My breath hitched when it dawned on me that he’d been watching, or at least listening.
“You were there…” I slurred out, focusing on how he had let me push my fingers up under his mask to grip at his hair.
“Doesn’t answer my question, doll.” He murmured, kissing down the column of my throat.
“Was thinkin’ bout you-” I choked out, not thinking straight. “Thought about you touchin-”
“Shh I know sweetheart.” He mumbled laying me down on the bed with the most gentleness he could muster. His fingers traced across my neck and collar bone. Seeming to take in every last inch of me. “Beautiful.” He mumbled littering kisses the further down he went until he’d stripped me of my shirt and bra. His eyes were glued to my chest. Specifically the piercings adorning each peak. He let out a guttural groan as he gingerly took one in his mouth and the other in his hand. I let out a sharp gasp, similar to the one I’d let out earlier. “Not very dresscode authorized.” he mumbled.
“Are you complaining?” I asked wryly, like it was supposed to be sarcastic, though I was immediately shut up when he pressed one of his bulky thighs between mine. Giving me something to grind on while he worked.
Ghost let out a sound of acknowledgement but instead pressed a firm kiss to my lips. “First you're gonna cum on my tongue and fingers.” He whispered, hot breath fanning out against my neck. “Gonna get you all nice and prepped for my cock alright?”
“S’ not my first time.” I mumbled looking at him with lidded eyes.
“Could’ve fooled me.” He smirked, tugging my shorts down. For the first time in this entire interaction I looked down and finally took in the size of his bulge, though it was quickly hidden as he kneeled down between my legs. “C’mere love.” I mumbled, grabbing the crooks of my knees and pulling me down to the end of the bed. “Stay still now.”
My brows furrowed as I looked at him with confusion “But I still have my under-” I was cut off with my own soft moan as he dragged his tongue against the wet cotton before sucking gingerly on my clit. “Fuck-” I whimpered out, clearly not used to this.
“Never been eatin’ out before lovie?” He asked tauntingly. I shook my head no sheepishly.
“Just a couple of shitty one night stands.” I mumbled, propping myself up on my elbows. “You don’t have to if you don’t-”
Ghost had cut me off before I could finish my sentence. “I wan’ to.” He murmured, pulling down my underwear, trailing kisses across the inners of my thighs. “Gonna ruin anyone else for ya.” He smirked before dipping his head down to lap languidly at my clit, causing me to try and clamp my thighs around his head, though I couldn’t with his broad shoulders. He didn’t try to move my legs but rather wrapped his arms around the tops of my thighs, pulling me impossibly closer to his mouth.
“Ghost- fuck!” I yelped out, one handing balled up in the sheets and the other at the back of his head. Then he stopped moving all together causing me to whine and look down again.
I was met with his chocolate brown eyes which seemed impossibly darker now. “When you cum, I wanna hear my name” He growled before going back to his previous menstruations.
“F-fuck! S-si it's so good!” I whined bucking my hips, even if they only moved a couple centimeters. When I thought it couldn’t get any better it did, he’d slipped a finger inside and was met with no resistance and so, he slipped in another. I let out the loudest moan of the night so far as he fucked his fingers into me, forcing out a half moan, half sob when he found that spongey spot inside me. “There!” I nearly squealed “right- right there.” Simon didn’t need his marksmanship skills to find the target. He wrapped his lips around my clit, sucking hard as he pistoned his fingers in and out of me.
“Good girl-” He groaned, sending vibrations which, coupled with the praise, sent me over the edge. I was arching my back and wrapping my legs almost painfully around his head though he didn’t complain at all as he helped me through my orgasm. After I started twitching from overstimulation and had let him go, he backed off. While I was staring at the ceiling, panting, he was looking at my leg. Specifically at the bullet wound or rather the graze that I'd forgotten about. “You get this today?” He asked, brows furrowed.
“Yeah but-” I panted, propping myself back up on my elbows. “It's alright. Doesn’t really hurt that bad.” I sighed when he went stiff “C’mon, you said you’d fuck me, i’ll hold you to it.” I smiled, holding out my hand for him to take, though he did much more. He undid his belt with one hand and held my hand to his mouth, littering kisses along my hand and wrist. When his belt and pants were gone it had really begun a staring contest between me and his dick. There’s no way it would fit right? I looked at him with uncertainty though he responded with a chuckle and cupped my face in one hand.
“Don’t worry doll. It’ll fit alright? You just can’t be on top tonight okay?” He murmured against my skin, his other hand idly tracing nonsense shapes near the wound on my leg. “You can once that gets better alright sweetheart?” With a nod he moved back a bit, giving himself room to strip himself of his boxers, cock now standing proudly and leaking precum. It was no joke Ghost was big, though you hadn’t realized he was big everywhere. His dick wasn’t far from what others would call huge. He had to be at least a solid 7 inches with a slight curve to the left and a pretty vein running along the bottom of it. “Don’t worry love, I’ll take real good care of you.” He murmured, capturing my lips with his to swallow down all my moans as he pressed the tip to my entrance.
“Fuck Simon! S’ too big!” I whined, writhing in his gentle but firm grip.
“Lovie, it's only half of it.” He murmured, smirking as he trailed kisses along my jaw and slithered his hand down to rub at my clit. “Jus’ have to relax sweetheart.” I nodded as he thrusted the last couple inches then stilled, giving me time to adjust to him.
After a minute I whined softly “Move, please.” and with that he rocked his hips back and forth slowly, picking a gentle pace that drew out soft moans from me. It was becoming increasingly obvious that I wasn’t loud, which just spurred Simon to try harder. “F-faster-” I whined, hands gripping onto his arm and the bed sheets. He only nodded and let out a groan as he started moving faster.
“C’mon baby. Doin’ so good for me.” He mumbled, picking up the pace again. His hands traveled to wherever they could find. One finding purchase on my left nipple, playing with the little bar piercing there, the other hiking up my leg to get a better angle. “So pretty.” He groaned out softly “want you to cum lovie, cum on my cock” He growled, almost pistoning his hips into me now. The hand playing with my piercing was replaced by his mouth and that hand went down to rub my bundle of nerves, causing me to moan wantonly.
“Shitshit- Simon! G-gonna cum! Cumming!” I choked out as my body seized and my back arched up. He took this as the perfect opportunity to capture my mouth in a kiss again and chase his own climax now.
“Yeah,yeah,yeah” He growled out “Good girl, sucha’ good fuckin girl.” and before he could say another word, he finished in three sloppy thrust, pulling out to paint your thighs, trying his hardest to avoid your bandages. He slumped down, panting against my neck. “Howwas’ that?” He slurred out, tired and sweaty.
“Good.” I mumbled, staying still, knowing his dick would leave me aching. He eventually pulled out with a groan and a whine from me, leaving to grab a towel from my basket. He came back less than a minute later, wiping my thighs clean and trying to dry both me and himself off. “Stay with me?” I asked quietly, afraid he’d say no. He only gave a smile and a nod, lifting up the blankets for the both of us to crawl under. After around ten minutes of silence when I was sure he was asleep he spoke up.
“I should’ve been there.” He mumbled, hand brushing gently against the bandages across my stomach. “I'm sorry.” He mumbled even quieter. I turned around to face him as we lay side by side and cupped his mask covered face with one hand.
“I'm sorry too.” I mumbled, rolling his mask up to press a kiss to his lips. I closed my eyes, taking his mask completely off and rolling over, never crossing a line at all. The last thing I felt before I fell asleep was the feeling of Simon whispering against my shoulder and occasionally pressing kisses across my shoulder blades.
Maybe I should argue with him and get hurt more often. (This is not encouragement to feed into your delulu irl fantasies.) <33
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danlous · 2 years
My hot take of the day is that the idea that lgbt stories should be made only by lgbt creators or worse, lgbt characters should be played only by lgbt performers, is not only wrong but actively harmful, shitty, offensive and homophobic. Aside from obvious problems it causes like people being pressured to come out (we’ve already seen some of this with Kit Connor for example) it would create a bizarre division where there are niche “gay projects” where only “gays” work while “normal” straight people work in mainstream projects that are actually consumed by audiences, and it would get harder and harder lgbt actors to get any straight roles because they would start to be seen as “gay performers”. Which is the opposite of what we’re trying to achieve, lgbt actors being able to get all types of roles and do everything what cishet actors can. But most importantly i just don’t agree with the idea that lgbt experience is something that cishet people can’t authentically portray or relate to and we should somehow aim to keep them rigidly apart. I find it incredibly insulting to insinuate that actors are able to convincly play spys, presidents, medieval peasants, astronauts, terrorists, murderers, witches, aliens, angels, demons, ghosts, everything imaginable that they’ve never experienced themselves, but then the common human experience of being queer is somehow so strange and alien and difficult to understand they can’t play it if they aren’t queer themselves. Lgbt people aren’t some weird species separate from the rest of the humanity. Being queer will bring different life experiences compared to straight people, but there’s no reason to think it would be any more difficult for straight people to understand them than it’s for any person to understand other human being’s experiences that aren’t our own. I really think any competent writer or performer who just has emotional intelligence and curiosity and who does their research is able to tell good lgbt stories that feel authentic just fine
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