#I am in your house
inkandarsenic · 2 months
I didn’t know I needed incredibly high stakes Candy Land in my life until I watched A Crown of Candy but now that I’ve finished it? I need more of it. I need more political intrigue high stakes d20 seasons in general, Brennan, @quiddie
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soulmvtes · 10 months
it's about the small acts of intimacy... forehead kisses, putting jewelry on you, rubbing your hand with their thumb, putting a jacket on you, touching your necklace, running your hands through their hair, wiping away their tears, peeling them an orange, un/zipping their dress, tying their shoelaces, holding hands, removing an eyelash from their cheek, washing their hair, putting an anklet on them, tucking their hair behind their ear, sorting out their collar, untangling their necklaces, drinking out of a cup in their hands
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fishsfailureson · 5 months
TBH I think that Paleontologists should be allowed to fight private collectors who purchase any specimen that is incredibly valuable to science actually.
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jingle-jangle-spurs · 9 months
Robert House watching The Courier rip all the copper wiring out the walls of the Lucky 38
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
I think it's incredibly important to remind folks on testosterone or folks who want to reverse patterned baldness about their options, but man, does it sometimes suck wondering how much of our insecurities about our hair stem from backwards beliefs that to strive towards beauty is not only preferable but "makes you good."
As someone with a rather masculinized body pre-medical transition, patterned baldness has always seemed neutral. Hair is incredibly important (hell, much of my own energy is spent on my hair because I like it), but the pressure to have hair, to have hair the "right way" is something that I absolutely loathe.
I'm not here to judge people who don't want patterned hair loss or baldness, I'm here to say that those traits will never make you lesser. Not only is it neutral, but it is also just as worthy and beautiful.
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p4nishers · 11 months
crowley, drunk off his ass: and i was yk just some fucked up soul born in cold and rain but he was my fucking sunlight or whatever
hozier, frantically writing on a napkin: HHHMMMM TELL ME MORE
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7amaspayrollmanager · 7 months
Alright let's imagine a scene that is all too normal in palestine. A palestinian business owner finds his building covered in graffiti stars of Davids and Hebrew that says "gas the arabs" and "death to arabs"
Now imagine there's a reporter there and asks the palestinian business owner what happens and they say "the jews attacked my business"
Pause. Now your response might be "uncle no. Say israelis not jews" and then this is when he would look at you like youre stupid because the israelis doing this are jewish. They are not the Christians or the druze or the palestinian ones with Israeli citizenship. They are Jewish israelis who believe in their religious supremacy. When you graffiti stars of david all over a palestinian business, car, or the street you seek that conflation. it sends a message, this is jewish land and you're next.
The problem is that these videos circulate in zionist circles. "Watch this video of children in gaza calling for the death of jews" "watch how they say they want to fight and kill jews" those children are referring to Israeli soldiers that come in night and do their raids with the star of David attached to their uniform or the ones that bomb them. It's easy to watch those videos and assume that palestinians are indoctrinating their children on anti semitism or you can realize that those children's only interaction with jewish ppl is through violence and parents cannot protect their children from this. Doesn't matter context is lost
Abby Martin went to Jerusalem and interviewed israelis for 2 hours and she says every israeli was extremely confident to say that this land is for them and that they should push the Arabs out and when she interviewed palestinians they spoke of freedom from occupation and their dreams. That's reality. Not the soundbites.
And yet we have invasive youtubers and interviewers constantly in the street of ramallah or wherever in palestine asking palestinians "do you hate jews?" And in those videos you hear those palestinians say "no we have no problem with jews we have a problem with occupation and we have a problem with zionism." Bc this is how we are trained to respond to this trope. Palestinians are very aware what the world thinks of us and the reality is that many palestinians have internalized it and we grow up reading books on the Holocaust and train ourselves to recognize anti semitic dog whistles so zionists don't get the soundbites they want.
So we say "anti zionism is not anti semitism" and we say "israeli zionists" and we do not say "jewish supremacy" even thought it exists in palestine but "zionist supremacy" and in these carefully worded speech we water down what is happening to us in an effort to not deter people away from solidarity. But it means nothing. The world categorically blames palestinians for rising anti semitism they blame us for jewish insecurity globally.
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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and it’s all thanks to them
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beardeddetectivepaper · 8 months
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 8 months
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What's inside?
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greenmantle · 10 months
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TEEN WOLF (2011-2017)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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The most evil celebratory kiss
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alicent-archive · 3 months
"I am as fierce as any of them" Aegon you RAN away from the Red Keep, hid under a stone table in a church, grappled with your brother in a very public space, cried inside the carriage on the way to YOUR coronation, and then cried again DURING your coronation be fr.
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wizardpotions · 1 year
the most annoying people on planet earth are people who try to rules lawyer and police other peoples dnd games with any form of homebrew. like girl, its not about you. ESPECIALLY if its to critique someones character design
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gunstellations · 4 months
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a little family
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ghl-osty · 3 months
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luz isn’t above using undertale references to make her brother and herself feel better
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